1 // Copyright 2015 The Go Authors. All rights reserved. 2 // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style 3 // license that can be found in the LICENSE file. 4 5 #include "textflag.h" 6 7 TEXT _rt0_386_android(SB),NOSPLIT,$8 8 MOVL 8(SP), AX // argc 9 LEAL 12(SP), BX // argv 10 MOVL AX, 0(SP) 11 MOVL BX, 4(SP) 12 CALL main(SB) 13 INT $3 14 15 TEXT _rt0_386_android_lib(SB),NOSPLIT,$0 16 PUSHL $_rt0_386_android_argv(SB) // argv 17 PUSHL $1 // argc 18 CALL _rt0_386_linux_lib(SB) 19 POPL AX 20 POPL AX 21 RET 22 23 DATA _rt0_386_android_argv+0x00(SB)/4,$_rt0_386_android_argv0(SB) 24 DATA _rt0_386_android_argv+0x04(SB)/4,$0 // argv terminate 25 DATA _rt0_386_android_argv+0x08(SB)/4,$0 // envp terminate 26 DATA _rt0_386_android_argv+0x0c(SB)/4,$0 // auxv terminate 27 GLOBL _rt0_386_android_argv(SB),NOPTR,$0x10 28 29 // TODO: wire up necessary VDSO (see os_linux_386.go) 30 31 DATA _rt0_386_android_argv0(SB)/8, $"gojni" 32 GLOBL _rt0_386_android_argv0(SB),RODATA,$8 33