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      1 //
      2 // Copyright (C) 2010 The Android Open Source Project
      3 //
      4 // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
      5 // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
      6 // You may obtain a copy of the License at
      7 //
      8 //      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
      9 //
     10 // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
     11 // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
     12 // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
     13 // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
     14 // limitations under the License.
     15 //
     17 #include "update_engine/payload_generator/extent_ranges.h"
     19 #include <algorithm>
     20 #include <set>
     21 #include <utility>
     22 #include <vector>
     24 #include <base/logging.h>
     26 #include "update_engine/payload_consumer/payload_constants.h"
     27 #include "update_engine/payload_generator/extent_utils.h"
     29 using std::set;
     30 using std::vector;
     32 namespace chromeos_update_engine {
     34 bool ExtentRanges::ExtentsOverlapOrTouch(const Extent& a, const Extent& b) {
     35   if (a.start_block() == b.start_block())
     36     return true;
     37   if (a.start_block() == kSparseHole || b.start_block() == kSparseHole)
     38     return false;
     39   if (a.start_block() < b.start_block()) {
     40     return a.start_block() + a.num_blocks() >= b.start_block();
     41   } else {
     42     return b.start_block() + b.num_blocks() >= a.start_block();
     43   }
     44 }
     46 bool ExtentRanges::ExtentsOverlap(const Extent& a, const Extent& b) {
     47   if (a.start_block() == b.start_block())
     48     return true;
     49   if (a.start_block() == kSparseHole || b.start_block() == kSparseHole)
     50     return false;
     51   if (a.start_block() < b.start_block()) {
     52     return a.start_block() + a.num_blocks() > b.start_block();
     53   } else {
     54     return b.start_block() + b.num_blocks() > a.start_block();
     55   }
     56 }
     58 void ExtentRanges::AddBlock(uint64_t block) {
     59   AddExtent(ExtentForRange(block, 1));
     60 }
     62 void ExtentRanges::SubtractBlock(uint64_t block) {
     63   SubtractExtent(ExtentForRange(block, 1));
     64 }
     66 namespace {
     68 Extent UnionOverlappingExtents(const Extent& first, const Extent& second) {
     69   CHECK_NE(kSparseHole, first.start_block());
     70   CHECK_NE(kSparseHole, second.start_block());
     71   uint64_t start = std::min(first.start_block(), second.start_block());
     72   uint64_t end = std::max(first.start_block() + first.num_blocks(),
     73                           second.start_block() + second.num_blocks());
     74   return ExtentForRange(start, end - start);
     75 }
     77 }  // namespace
     79 void ExtentRanges::AddExtent(Extent extent) {
     80   if (extent.start_block() == kSparseHole || extent.num_blocks() == 0)
     81     return;
     83   ExtentSet::iterator begin_del = extent_set_.end();
     84   ExtentSet::iterator end_del = extent_set_.end();
     85   uint64_t del_blocks = 0;
     86   for (ExtentSet::iterator it = extent_set_.begin(), e = extent_set_.end();
     87        it != e; ++it) {
     88     if (ExtentsOverlapOrTouch(*it, extent)) {
     89       end_del = it;
     90       ++end_del;
     91       del_blocks += it->num_blocks();
     92       if (begin_del == extent_set_.end())
     93         begin_del = it;
     95       extent = UnionOverlappingExtents(extent, *it);
     96     }
     97   }
     98   extent_set_.erase(begin_del, end_del);
     99   extent_set_.insert(extent);
    100   blocks_ -= del_blocks;
    101   blocks_ += extent.num_blocks();
    102 }
    104 namespace {
    105 // Returns base - subtractee (set subtraction).
    106 ExtentRanges::ExtentSet SubtractOverlappingExtents(const Extent& base,
    107                                                    const Extent& subtractee) {
    108   ExtentRanges::ExtentSet ret;
    109   if (subtractee.start_block() > base.start_block()) {
    110     ret.insert(ExtentForRange(base.start_block(),
    111                               subtractee.start_block() - base.start_block()));
    112   }
    113   uint64_t base_end = base.start_block() + base.num_blocks();
    114   uint64_t subtractee_end = subtractee.start_block() + subtractee.num_blocks();
    115   if (base_end > subtractee_end) {
    116     ret.insert(ExtentForRange(subtractee_end, base_end - subtractee_end));
    117   }
    118   return ret;
    119 }
    120 }  // namespace
    122 void ExtentRanges::SubtractExtent(const Extent& extent) {
    123   if (extent.start_block() == kSparseHole || extent.num_blocks() == 0)
    124     return;
    126   ExtentSet::iterator begin_del = extent_set_.end();
    127   ExtentSet::iterator end_del = extent_set_.end();
    128   uint64_t del_blocks = 0;
    129   ExtentSet new_extents;
    130   for (ExtentSet::iterator it = extent_set_.begin(), e = extent_set_.end();
    131        it != e; ++it) {
    132     if (!ExtentsOverlap(*it, extent))
    133       continue;
    135     if (begin_del == extent_set_.end())
    136       begin_del = it;
    137     end_del = it;
    138     ++end_del;
    140     del_blocks += it->num_blocks();
    142     ExtentSet subtraction = SubtractOverlappingExtents(*it, extent);
    143     for (ExtentSet::iterator jt = subtraction.begin(), je = subtraction.end();
    144          jt != je; ++jt) {
    145       new_extents.insert(*jt);
    146       del_blocks -= jt->num_blocks();
    147     }
    148   }
    149   extent_set_.erase(begin_del, end_del);
    150   extent_set_.insert(new_extents.begin(), new_extents.end());
    151   blocks_ -= del_blocks;
    152 }
    154 void ExtentRanges::AddRanges(const ExtentRanges& ranges) {
    155   for (ExtentSet::const_iterator it = ranges.extent_set_.begin(),
    156            e = ranges.extent_set_.end(); it != e; ++it) {
    157     AddExtent(*it);
    158   }
    159 }
    161 void ExtentRanges::SubtractRanges(const ExtentRanges& ranges) {
    162   for (ExtentSet::const_iterator it = ranges.extent_set_.begin(),
    163            e = ranges.extent_set_.end(); it != e; ++it) {
    164     SubtractExtent(*it);
    165   }
    166 }
    168 void ExtentRanges::AddExtents(const vector<Extent>& extents) {
    169   for (vector<Extent>::const_iterator it = extents.begin(), e = extents.end();
    170        it != e; ++it) {
    171     AddExtent(*it);
    172   }
    173 }
    175 void ExtentRanges::SubtractExtents(const vector<Extent>& extents) {
    176   for (vector<Extent>::const_iterator it = extents.begin(), e = extents.end();
    177        it != e; ++it) {
    178     SubtractExtent(*it);
    179   }
    180 }
    182 void ExtentRanges::AddRepeatedExtents(
    183     const ::google::protobuf::RepeatedPtrField<Extent> &exts) {
    184   for (int i = 0, e = exts.size(); i != e; ++i) {
    185     AddExtent(exts.Get(i));
    186   }
    187 }
    189 void ExtentRanges::SubtractRepeatedExtents(
    190     const ::google::protobuf::RepeatedPtrField<Extent> &exts) {
    191   for (int i = 0, e = exts.size(); i != e; ++i) {
    192     SubtractExtent(exts.Get(i));
    193   }
    194 }
    196 bool ExtentRanges::ContainsBlock(uint64_t block) const {
    197   auto lower = extent_set_.lower_bound(ExtentForRange(block, 1));
    198   // The block could be on the extent before the one in |lower|.
    199   if (lower != extent_set_.begin())
    200     lower--;
    201   // Any extent starting at block+1 or later is not interesting, so this is the
    202   // upper limit.
    203   auto upper = extent_set_.lower_bound(ExtentForRange(block + 1, 0));
    204   for (auto iter = lower; iter != upper; ++iter) {
    205     if (iter->start_block() <= block &&
    206         block < iter->start_block() + iter->num_blocks()) {
    207       return true;
    208     }
    209   }
    210   return false;
    211 }
    213 void ExtentRanges::Dump() const {
    214   LOG(INFO) << "ExtentRanges Dump. blocks: " << blocks_;
    215   for (ExtentSet::const_iterator it = extent_set_.begin(),
    216            e = extent_set_.end();
    217        it != e; ++it) {
    218     LOG(INFO) << "{" << it->start_block() << ", " << it->num_blocks() << "}";
    219   }
    220 }
    222 Extent ExtentForRange(uint64_t start_block, uint64_t num_blocks) {
    223   Extent ret;
    224   ret.set_start_block(start_block);
    225   ret.set_num_blocks(num_blocks);
    226   return ret;
    227 }
    229 vector<Extent> ExtentRanges::GetExtentsForBlockCount(
    230     uint64_t count) const {
    231   vector<Extent> out;
    232   if (count == 0)
    233     return out;
    234   uint64_t out_blocks = 0;
    235   CHECK(count <= blocks_);
    236   for (ExtentSet::const_iterator it = extent_set_.begin(),
    237            e = extent_set_.end();
    238        it != e; ++it) {
    239     const uint64_t blocks_needed = count - out_blocks;
    240     const Extent& extent = *it;
    241     out.push_back(extent);
    242     out_blocks += extent.num_blocks();
    243     if (extent.num_blocks() < blocks_needed)
    244       continue;
    245     if (extent.num_blocks() == blocks_needed)
    246       break;
    247     // If we get here, we just added the last extent needed, but it's too big
    248     out_blocks -= extent.num_blocks();
    249     out_blocks += blocks_needed;
    250     out.back().set_num_blocks(blocks_needed);
    251     break;
    252   }
    253   CHECK(out_blocks == BlocksInExtents(out));
    254   return out;
    255 }
    257 vector<Extent> FilterExtentRanges(const vector<Extent>& extents,
    258                                   const ExtentRanges& ranges) {
    259   vector<Extent> result;
    260   const ExtentRanges::ExtentSet& extent_set = ranges.extent_set();
    261   for (Extent extent : extents) {
    262     // The extents are sorted by the start_block. We want to iterate all the
    263     // Extents in the ExtentSet possibly overlapping the current |extent|. This
    264     // is achieved by looking from the extent whose start_block is *lower* than
    265     // the extent.start_block() up to the greatest extent whose start_block is
    266     // lower than extent.start_block() + extent.num_blocks().
    267     auto lower = extent_set.lower_bound(extent);
    268     // We need to decrement the lower_bound to look at the extent that could
    269     // overlap the beginning of the current |extent|.
    270     if (lower != extent_set.begin())
    271       lower--;
    272     auto upper = extent_set.lower_bound(
    273         ExtentForRange(extent.start_block() + extent.num_blocks(), 0));
    274     for (auto iter = lower; iter != upper; ++iter) {
    275       if (!ExtentRanges::ExtentsOverlap(extent, *iter))
    276         continue;
    277       if (iter->start_block() <= extent.start_block()) {
    278         // We need to cut blocks from the beginning of the |extent|.
    279         uint64_t cut_blocks = iter->start_block() + iter->num_blocks() -
    280             extent.start_block();
    281         if (cut_blocks >= extent.num_blocks()) {
    282           extent.set_num_blocks(0);
    283           break;
    284         }
    285         extent = ExtentForRange(extent.start_block() + cut_blocks,
    286                                 extent.num_blocks() - cut_blocks);
    287       } else {
    288         // We need to cut blocks on the middle of the extent, possible up to the
    289         // end of it.
    290         result.push_back(
    291             ExtentForRange(extent.start_block(),
    292                            iter->start_block() - extent.start_block()));
    293         uint64_t new_start = iter->start_block() + iter->num_blocks();
    294         uint64_t old_end = extent.start_block() + extent.num_blocks();
    295         if (new_start >= old_end) {
    296           extent.set_num_blocks(0);
    297           break;
    298         }
    299         extent = ExtentForRange(new_start, old_end - new_start);
    300       }
    301     }
    302     if (extent.num_blocks() > 0)
    303       result.push_back(extent);
    304   }
    305   return result;
    306 }
    308 }  // namespace chromeos_update_engine