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      1 ;;; Bug #3331:	Invalid group relaxation, bset uses an invalid address
      2 ;;; http://savannah.gnu.org/bugs/?func=detailbug&bug_id=3331&group_id=2424
      3 ;;;
      4 	.sect .text
      5 	.globl _start
      6 _start:
      7 	.relax	L1
      8 	ldx	#foo		;; This relax group must not be changed.
      9 	bset	0,x #4
     10 L1:
     11 	ldd	#2
     12 	std	table		;; This instruction uses a symbol in page0
     13 				;; and it triggered the relaxation of the
     14 				;; previous relax group
     15 	rts
     17 	.sect .page0
     18 	.globl table
     19 table:	.long 0
     21 	.sect .data
     22 	.globl foo
     23 foo:	.long 0