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      1 #!/usr/bin/env python3.4
      2 #
      3 # Copyright 2016 - The Android Open Source Project
      4 #
      5 # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
      6 # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
      7 # You may obtain a copy of the License at
      8 #
      9 #     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
     10 #
     11 # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
     12 # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
     13 # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
     14 # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
     15 # limitations under the License.
     17 import os
     18 import time
     19 import traceback
     21 from acts import asserts
     22 from acts import keys
     23 from acts import logger
     24 from acts import records
     25 from acts import signals
     26 from acts import tracelogger
     27 from acts import utils
     29 # Macro strings for test result reporting
     30 TEST_CASE_TOKEN = "[Test Case]"
     34 class Error(Exception):
     35     """Raised for exceptions that occured in BaseTestClass."""
     38 class BaseTestClass(object):
     39     """Base class for all test classes to inherit from.
     41     This class gets all the controller objects from test_runner and executes
     42     the test cases requested within itself.
     44     Most attributes of this class are set at runtime based on the configuration
     45     provided.
     47     Attributes:
     48         tests: A list of strings, each representing a test case name.
     49         TAG: A string used to refer to a test class. Default is the test class
     50              name.
     51         log: A logger object used for logging.
     52         results: A records.TestResult object for aggregating test results from
     53                  the execution of test cases.
     54         current_test_name: A string that's the name of the test case currently
     55                            being executed. If no test is executing, this should
     56                            be None.
     57     """
     59     TAG = None
     61     def __init__(self, configs):
     62         self.tests = []
     63         if not self.TAG:
     64             self.TAG = self.__class__.__name__
     65         # Set all the controller objects and params.
     66         for name, value in configs.items():
     67             setattr(self, name, value)
     68         self.results = records.TestResult()
     69         self.current_test_name = None
     70         self.log = tracelogger.TraceLogger(self.log)
     71         if 'android_devices' in self.__dict__:
     72             for ad in self.android_devices:
     73                 if ad.droid:
     74                     utils.set_location_service(ad, False)
     75                     utils.sync_device_time(ad)
     77     def __enter__(self):
     78         return self
     80     def __exit__(self, *args):
     81         self._exec_func(self.clean_up)
     83     def unpack_userparams(self,
     84                           req_param_names=[],
     85                           opt_param_names=[],
     86                           **kwargs):
     87         """An optional function that unpacks user defined parameters into
     88         individual variables.
     90         After unpacking, the params can be directly accessed with self.xxx.
     92         If a required param is not provided, an exception is raised. If an
     93         optional param is not provided, a warning line will be logged.
     95         To provide a param, add it in the config file or pass it in as a kwarg.
     96         If a param appears in both the config file and kwarg, the value in the
     97         config file is used.
     99         User params from the config file can also be directly accessed in
    100         self.user_params.
    102         Args:
    103             req_param_names: A list of names of the required user params.
    104             opt_param_names: A list of names of the optional user params.
    105             **kwargs: Arguments that provide default values.
    106                 e.g. unpack_userparams(required_list, opt_list, arg_a="hello")
    107                      self.arg_a will be "hello" unless it is specified again in
    108                      required_list or opt_list.
    110         Raises:
    111             Error is raised if a required user params is not provided.
    112         """
    113         for k, v in kwargs.items():
    114             if k in self.user_params:
    115                 v = self.user_params[k]
    116             setattr(self, k, v)
    117         for name in req_param_names:
    118             if hasattr(self, name):
    119                 continue
    120             if name not in self.user_params:
    121                 raise Error(("Missing required user param '%s' in test "
    122                              "configuration.") % name)
    123             setattr(self, name, self.user_params[name])
    124         for name in opt_param_names:
    125             if hasattr(self, name):
    126                 continue
    127             if name in self.user_params:
    128                 setattr(self, name, self.user_params[name])
    129             else:
    130                 self.log.warning(("Missing optional user param '%s' in "
    131                                   "configuration, continue."), name)
    133         capablity_of_devices = utils.CapablityPerDevice
    134         if "additional_energy_info_models" in self.user_params:
    135             self.energy_info_models = (capablity_of_devices.energy_info_models
    136                                        + self.additional_energy_info_models)
    137         else:
    138             self.energy_info_models = capablity_of_devices.energy_info_models
    139         self.user_params["energy_info_models"] = self.energy_info_models
    141         if "additional_tdls_models" in self.user_params:
    142             self.tdls_models = (capablity_of_devices.energy_info_models +
    143                                 self.additional_tdls_models)
    144         else:
    145             self.tdls_models = capablity_of_devices.energy_info_models
    146         self.user_params["tdls_models"] = self.tdls_models
    148     def _setup_class(self):
    149         """Proxy function to guarantee the base implementation of setup_class
    150         is called.
    151         """
    152         return self.setup_class()
    154     def setup_class(self):
    155         """Setup function that will be called before executing any test case in
    156         the test class.
    158         To signal setup failure, return False or raise an exception. If
    159         exceptions were raised, the stack trace would appear in log, but the
    160         exceptions would not propagate to upper levels.
    162         Implementation is optional.
    163         """
    165     def teardown_class(self):
    166         """Teardown function that will be called after all the selected test
    167         cases in the test class have been executed.
    169         Implementation is optional.
    170         """
    172     def _setup_test(self, test_name):
    173         """Proxy function to guarantee the base implementation of setup_test is
    174         called.
    175         """
    176         self.current_test_name = test_name
    177         try:
    178             # Write test start token to adb log if android device is attached.
    179             for ad in self.android_devices:
    180                 ad.droid.logV("%s BEGIN %s" % (TEST_CASE_TOKEN, test_name))
    181         except:
    182             pass
    183         return self.setup_test()
    185     def setup_test(self):
    186         """Setup function that will be called every time before executing each
    187         test case in the test class.
    189         To signal setup failure, return False or raise an exception. If
    190         exceptions were raised, the stack trace would appear in log, but the
    191         exceptions would not propagate to upper levels.
    193         Implementation is optional.
    194         """
    196     def _teardown_test(self, test_name):
    197         """Proxy function to guarantee the base implementation of teardown_test
    198         is called.
    199         """
    200         try:
    201             # Write test end token to adb log if android device is attached.
    202             for ad in self.android_devices:
    203                 ad.droid.logV("%s END %s" % (TEST_CASE_TOKEN, test_name))
    204         except:
    205             pass
    206         try:
    207             self.teardown_test()
    208         finally:
    209             self.current_test_name = None
    211     def teardown_test(self):
    212         """Teardown function that will be called every time a test case has
    213         been executed.
    215         Implementation is optional.
    216         """
    218     def _on_fail(self, record):
    219         """Proxy function to guarantee the base implementation of on_fail is
    220         called.
    222         Args:
    223             record: The records.TestResultRecord object for the failed test
    224                     case.
    225         """
    226         test_name = record.test_name
    227         if record.details:
    228             self.log.error(record.details)
    229         begin_time = logger.epoch_to_log_line_timestamp(record.begin_time)
    230         self.log.info(RESULT_LINE_TEMPLATE, test_name, record.result)
    231         self.on_fail(test_name, begin_time)
    233     def on_fail(self, test_name, begin_time):
    234         """A function that is executed upon a test case failure.
    236         User implementation is optional.
    238         Args:
    239             test_name: Name of the test that triggered this function.
    240             begin_time: Logline format timestamp taken when the test started.
    241         """
    243     def _on_pass(self, record):
    244         """Proxy function to guarantee the base implementation of on_pass is
    245         called.
    247         Args:
    248             record: The records.TestResultRecord object for the passed test
    249                     case.
    250         """
    251         test_name = record.test_name
    252         begin_time = logger.epoch_to_log_line_timestamp(record.begin_time)
    253         msg = record.details
    254         if msg:
    255             self.log.info(msg)
    256         self.log.info(RESULT_LINE_TEMPLATE, test_name, record.result)
    257         self.on_pass(test_name, begin_time)
    259     def on_pass(self, test_name, begin_time):
    260         """A function that is executed upon a test case passing.
    262         Implementation is optional.
    264         Args:
    265             test_name: Name of the test that triggered this function.
    266             begin_time: Logline format timestamp taken when the test started.
    267         """
    269     def _on_skip(self, record):
    270         """Proxy function to guarantee the base implementation of on_skip is
    271         called.
    273         Args:
    274             record: The records.TestResultRecord object for the skipped test
    275                     case.
    276         """
    277         test_name = record.test_name
    278         begin_time = logger.epoch_to_log_line_timestamp(record.begin_time)
    279         self.log.info(RESULT_LINE_TEMPLATE, test_name, record.result)
    280         self.log.info("Reason to skip: %s", record.details)
    281         self.on_skip(test_name, begin_time)
    283     def on_skip(self, test_name, begin_time):
    284         """A function that is executed upon a test case being skipped.
    286         Implementation is optional.
    288         Args:
    289             test_name: Name of the test that triggered this function.
    290             begin_time: Logline format timestamp taken when the test started.
    291         """
    293     def _on_blocked(self, record):
    294         """Proxy function to guarantee the base implementation of on_blocked
    295         is called.
    297         Args:
    298             record: The records.TestResultRecord object for the blocked test
    299                     case.
    300         """
    301         test_name = record.test_name
    302         begin_time = logger.epoch_to_log_line_timestamp(record.begin_time)
    303         self.log.info(RESULT_LINE_TEMPLATE, test_name, record.result)
    304         self.log.info("Reason to block: %s", record.details)
    305         self.on_blocked(test_name, begin_time)
    307     def on_blocked(self, test_name, begin_time):
    308         """A function that is executed upon a test begin skipped.
    310         Args:
    311             test_name: Name of the test that triggered this function.
    312             begin_time: Logline format timestamp taken when the test started.
    313         """
    315     def _on_exception(self, record):
    316         """Proxy function to guarantee the base implementation of on_exception
    317         is called.
    319         Args:
    320             record: The records.TestResultRecord object for the failed test
    321                     case.
    322         """
    323         test_name = record.test_name
    324         self.log.exception(record.details)
    325         begin_time = logger.epoch_to_log_line_timestamp(record.begin_time)
    326         self.on_exception(test_name, begin_time)
    328     def on_exception(self, test_name, begin_time):
    329         """A function that is executed upon an unhandled exception from a test
    330         case.
    332         Implementation is optional.
    334         Args:
    335             test_name: Name of the test that triggered this function.
    336             begin_time: Logline format timestamp taken when the test started.
    337         """
    339     def _exec_procedure_func(self, func, tr_record):
    340         """Executes a procedure function like on_pass, on_fail etc.
    342         This function will alternate the 'Result' of the test's record if
    343         exceptions happened when executing the procedure function.
    345         This will let signals.TestAbortAll through so abort_all works in all
    346         procedure functions.
    348         Args:
    349             func: The procedure function to be executed.
    350             tr_record: The TestResultRecord object associated with the test
    351                        case executed.
    352         """
    353         try:
    354             func(tr_record)
    355         except signals.TestAbortAll:
    356             raise
    357         except Exception as e:
    358             self.log.exception("Exception happened when executing %s for %s.",
    359                                func.__name__, self.current_test_name)
    360             tr_record.add_error(func.__name__, e)
    362     def exec_one_testcase(self, test_name, test_func, args, **kwargs):
    363         """Executes one test case and update test results.
    365         Executes one test case, create a records.TestResultRecord object with
    366         the execution information, and add the record to the test class's test
    367         results.
    369         Args:
    370             test_name: Name of the test.
    371             test_func: The test function.
    372             args: A tuple of params.
    373             kwargs: Extra kwargs.
    374         """
    375         is_generate_trigger = False
    376         tr_record = records.TestResultRecord(test_name, self.TAG)
    377         tr_record.test_begin()
    378         self.log.info("%s %s", TEST_CASE_TOKEN, test_name)
    379         verdict = None
    380         try:
    381             try:
    382                 if hasattr(self, 'android_devices'):
    383                     for ad in self.android_devices:
    384                         if not ad.is_adb_logcat_on:
    385                             ad.start_adb_logcat(cont_logcat_file=True)
    386                 ret = self._setup_test(test_name)
    387                 asserts.assert_true(ret is not False,
    388                                     "Setup for %s failed." % test_name)
    389                 if args or kwargs:
    390                     verdict = test_func(*args, **kwargs)
    391                 else:
    392                     verdict = test_func()
    393             finally:
    394                 try:
    395                     self._teardown_test(test_name)
    396                 except signals.TestAbortAll:
    397                     raise
    398                 except Exception as e:
    399                     self.log.error(traceback.format_exc())
    400                     tr_record.add_error("teardown_test", e)
    401                     self._exec_procedure_func(self._on_exception, tr_record)
    402         except (signals.TestFailure, AssertionError) as e:
    403             self.log.error(e)
    404             tr_record.test_fail(e)
    405             self._exec_procedure_func(self._on_fail, tr_record)
    406         except signals.TestSkip as e:
    407             # Test skipped.
    408             tr_record.test_skip(e)
    409             self._exec_procedure_func(self._on_skip, tr_record)
    410         except (signals.TestAbortClass, signals.TestAbortAll) as e:
    411             # Abort signals, pass along.
    412             tr_record.test_fail(e)
    413             raise e
    414         except signals.TestPass as e:
    415             # Explicit test pass.
    416             tr_record.test_pass(e)
    417             self._exec_procedure_func(self._on_pass, tr_record)
    418         except signals.TestSilent as e:
    419             # This is a trigger test for generated tests, suppress reporting.
    420             is_generate_trigger = True
    421             self.results.requested.remove(test_name)
    422         except signals.TestBlocked as e:
    423             tr_record.test_blocked(e)
    424             self._exec_procedure_func(self._on_blocked, tr_record)
    425         except Exception as e:
    426             self.log.error(traceback.format_exc())
    427             # Exception happened during test.
    428             tr_record.test_unknown(e)
    429             self._exec_procedure_func(self._on_exception, tr_record)
    430             self._exec_procedure_func(self._on_fail, tr_record)
    431         else:
    432             # Keep supporting return False for now.
    433             # TODO(angli): Deprecate return False support.
    434             if verdict or (verdict is None):
    435                 # Test passed.
    436                 tr_record.test_pass()
    437                 self._exec_procedure_func(self._on_pass, tr_record)
    438                 return
    439             # Test failed because it didn't return True.
    440             # This should be removed eventually.
    441             tr_record.test_fail()
    442             self._exec_procedure_func(self._on_fail, tr_record)
    443         finally:
    444             if not is_generate_trigger:
    445                 self.results.add_record(tr_record)
    447     def run_generated_testcases(self,
    448                                 test_func,
    449                                 settings,
    450                                 args=None,
    451                                 kwargs=None,
    452                                 tag="",
    453                                 name_func=None,
    454                                 format_args=False):
    455         """Runs generated test cases.
    457         Generated test cases are not written down as functions, but as a list
    458         of parameter sets. This way we reduce code repetition and improve
    459         test case scalability.
    461         Args:
    462             test_func: The common logic shared by all these generated test
    463                        cases. This function should take at least one argument,
    464                        which is a parameter set.
    465             settings: A list of strings representing parameter sets. These are
    466                       usually json strings that get loaded in the test_func.
    467             args: Iterable of additional position args to be passed to
    468                   test_func.
    469             kwargs: Dict of additional keyword args to be passed to test_func
    470             tag: Name of this group of generated test cases. Ignored if
    471                  name_func is provided and operates properly.
    472             name_func: A function that takes a test setting and generates a
    473                        proper test name. The test name should be shorter than
    474                        utils.MAX_FILENAME_LEN. Names over the limit will be
    475                        truncated.
    476             format_args: If True, args will be appended as the first argument
    477                          in the args list passed to test_func.
    479         Returns:
    480             A list of settings that did not pass.
    481         """
    482         args = args or ()
    483         kwargs = kwargs or {}
    484         failed_settings = []
    486         for setting in settings:
    487             test_name = "{} {}".format(tag, setting)
    489             if name_func:
    490                 try:
    491                     test_name = name_func(setting, *args, **kwargs)
    492                 except:
    493                     self.log.exception(("Failed to get test name from "
    494                                         "test_func. Fall back to default %s"),
    495                                        test_name)
    497             self.results.requested.append(test_name)
    499             if len(test_name) > utils.MAX_FILENAME_LEN:
    500                 test_name = test_name[:utils.MAX_FILENAME_LEN]
    502             previous_success_cnt = len(self.results.passed)
    504             if format_args:
    505                 self.exec_one_testcase(test_name, test_func,
    506                                        args + (setting, ), **kwargs)
    507             else:
    508                 self.exec_one_testcase(test_name, test_func,
    509                                        (setting, ) + args, **kwargs)
    511             if len(self.results.passed) - previous_success_cnt != 1:
    512                 failed_settings.append(setting)
    514         return failed_settings
    516     def _exec_func(self, func, *args):
    517         """Executes a function with exception safeguard.
    519         This will let signals.TestAbortAll through so abort_all works in all
    520         procedure functions.
    522         Args:
    523             func: Function to be executed.
    524             args: Arguments to be passed to the function.
    526         Returns:
    527             Whatever the function returns, or False if unhandled exception
    528             occured.
    529         """
    530         try:
    531             return func(*args)
    532         except signals.TestAbortAll:
    533             raise
    534         except:
    535             self.log.exception("Exception happened when executing %s in %s.",
    536                                func.__name__, self.TAG)
    537             return False
    539     def _get_all_test_names(self):
    540         """Finds all the function names that match the test case naming
    541         convention in this class.
    543         Returns:
    544             A list of strings, each is a test case name.
    545         """
    546         test_names = []
    547         for name in dir(self):
    548             if name.startswith("test_"):
    549                 test_names.append(name)
    550         return test_names
    552     def _get_test_funcs(self, test_names):
    553         """Obtain the actual functions of test cases based on test names.
    555         Args:
    556             test_names: A list of strings, each string is a test case name.
    558         Returns:
    559             A list of tuples of (string, function). String is the test case
    560             name, function is the actual test case function.
    562         Raises:
    563             Error is raised if the test name does not follow
    564             naming convention "test_*". This can only be caused by user input
    565             here.
    566         """
    567         test_funcs = []
    568         for test_name in test_names:
    569             test_funcs.append(self._get_test_func(test_name))
    571         return test_funcs
    573     def _get_test_func(self, test_name):
    574         """Obtain the actual function of test cases based on the test name.
    576         Args:
    577             test_name: String, The name of the test.
    579         Returns:
    580             A tuples of (string, function). String is the test case
    581             name, function is the actual test case function.
    583         Raises:
    584             Error is raised if the test name does not follow
    585             naming convention "test_*". This can only be caused by user input
    586             here.
    587         """
    588         if not test_name.startswith("test_"):
    589             raise Error(("Test case name %s does not follow naming "
    590                          "convention test_*, abort.") % test_name)
    591         try:
    592             return test_name, getattr(self, test_name)
    593         except:
    595             def test_skip_func(*args, **kwargs):
    596                 raise signals.TestSkip("Test %s does not exist" % test_name)
    598             self.log.info("Test case %s not found in %s.", test_name, self.TAG)
    599             return test_name, test_skip_func
    601     def _block_all_test_cases(self, tests):
    602         """
    603         Block all passed in test cases.
    604         Args:
    605             tests: The tests to block.
    606         """
    607         for test_name, test_func in tests:
    608             signal = signals.TestBlocked("Failed class setup")
    609             record = records.TestResultRecord(test_name, self.TAG)
    610             record.test_begin()
    611             if hasattr(test_func, 'gather'):
    612                 signal.extras = test_func.gather()
    613             record.test_blocked(signal)
    614             self.results.add_record(record)
    615             self._on_blocked(record)
    617     def run(self, test_names=None, test_case_iterations=1):
    618         """Runs test cases within a test class by the order they appear in the
    619         execution list.
    621         One of these test cases lists will be executed, shown here in priority
    622         order:
    623         1. The test_names list, which is passed from cmd line. Invalid names
    624            are guarded by cmd line arg parsing.
    625         2. The self.tests list defined in test class. Invalid names are
    626            ignored.
    627         3. All function that matches test case naming convention in the test
    628            class.
    630         Args:
    631             test_names: A list of string that are test case names requested in
    632                 cmd line.
    634         Returns:
    635             The test results object of this class.
    636         """
    637         self.log.info("==========> %s <==========", self.TAG)
    638         # Devise the actual test cases to run in the test class.
    639         if not test_names:
    640             if self.tests:
    641                 # Specified by run list in class.
    642                 test_names = list(self.tests)
    643             else:
    644                 # No test case specified by user, execute all in the test class
    645                 test_names = self._get_all_test_names()
    646         self.results.requested = test_names
    647         tests = self._get_test_funcs(test_names)
    648         # A TestResultRecord used for when setup_class fails.
    649         # Setup for the class.
    650         try:
    651             if self._setup_class() is False:
    652                 self.log.error("Failed to setup %s.", self.TAG)
    653                 self._block_all_test_cases(tests)
    654                 return self.results
    655         except Exception as e:
    656             self.log.exception("Failed to setup %s.", self.TAG)
    657             self._exec_func(self.teardown_class)
    658             self._block_all_test_cases(tests)
    659             return self.results
    660         # Run tests in order.
    661         try:
    662             for test_name, test_func in tests:
    663                 for _ in range(test_case_iterations):
    664                     self.exec_one_testcase(test_name, test_func, self.cli_args)
    665             return self.results
    666         except signals.TestAbortClass:
    667             return self.results
    668         except signals.TestAbortAll as e:
    669             # Piggy-back test results on this exception object so we don't lose
    670             # results from this test class.
    671             setattr(e, "results", self.results)
    672             raise e
    673         finally:
    674             self._exec_func(self.teardown_class)
    675             self.log.info("Summary for test class %s: %s", self.TAG,
    676                           self.results.summary_str())
    678     def clean_up(self):
    679         """A function that is executed upon completion of all tests cases
    680         selected in the test class.
    682         This function should clean up objects initialized in the constructor by
    683         user.
    684         """
    686     def _take_bug_report(self, test_name, begin_time):
    687         if "no_bug_report_on_fail" in self.user_params:
    688             return
    690         # magical sleep to ensure the runtime restart or reboot begins
    691         time.sleep(1)
    692         for ad in self.android_devices:
    693             try:
    694                 ad.adb.wait_for_device()
    695                 ad.take_bug_report(test_name, begin_time)
    696                 bugreport_path = os.path.join(ad.log_path, test_name)
    697                 utils.create_dir(bugreport_path)
    698                 ad.check_crash_report(True, test_name)
    699                 if getattr(ad, "qxdm_always_on", False):
    700                     ad.log.info("Pull QXDM Logs")
    701                     ad.pull_files(["/data/vendor/radio/diag_logs/logs/"],
    702                                   bugreport_path)
    703             except Exception as e:
    704                 ad.log.error(
    705                     "Failed to take a bug report for %s with error %s",
    706                     test_name, e)
    708     def _reboot_device(self, ad):
    709         ad.log.info("Rebooting device.")
    710         ad = ad.reboot()
    712     def _cleanup_logger_sessions(self):
    713         for (logger, session) in self.logger_sessions:
    714             self.log.info("Resetting a diagnostic session %s, %s", logger,
    715                           session)
    716             logger.reset()
    717         self.logger_sessions = []
    719     def _pull_diag_logs(self, test_name, begin_time):
    720         for (logger, session) in self.logger_sessions:
    721             self.log.info("Pulling diagnostic session %s", logger)
    722             logger.stop(session)
    723             diag_path = os.path.join(self.log_path, begin_time)
    724             utils.create_dir(diag_path)
    725             logger.pull(session, diag_path)