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      1 // Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
      2 // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
      3 // found in the LICENSE file.
      5 // The basis for all native run loops on the Mac is the CFRunLoop.  It can be
      6 // used directly, it can be used as the driving force behind the similar
      7 // Foundation NSRunLoop, and it can be used to implement higher-level event
      8 // loops such as the NSApplication event loop.
      9 //
     10 // This file introduces a basic CFRunLoop-based implementation of the
     11 // MessagePump interface called CFRunLoopBase.  CFRunLoopBase contains all
     12 // of the machinery necessary to dispatch events to a delegate, but does not
     13 // implement the specific run loop.  Concrete subclasses must provide their
     14 // own DoRun and Quit implementations.
     15 //
     16 // A concrete subclass that just runs a CFRunLoop loop is provided in
     17 // MessagePumpCFRunLoop.  For an NSRunLoop, the similar MessagePumpNSRunLoop
     18 // is provided.
     19 //
     20 // For the application's event loop, an implementation based on AppKit's
     21 // NSApplication event system is provided in MessagePumpNSApplication.
     22 //
     23 // Typically, MessagePumpNSApplication only makes sense on a Cocoa
     24 // application's main thread.  If a CFRunLoop-based message pump is needed on
     25 // any other thread, one of the other concrete subclasses is preferable.
     26 // MessagePumpMac::Create is defined, which returns a new NSApplication-based
     27 // or NSRunLoop-based MessagePump subclass depending on which thread it is
     28 // called on.
     33 #include "base/message_loop/message_pump.h"
     36 #include <CoreFoundation/CoreFoundation.h>
     38 #include "base/macros.h"
     39 #include "base/memory/weak_ptr.h"
     40 #include "base/message_loop/timer_slack.h"
     41 #include "build/build_config.h"
     43 #if defined(__OBJC__)
     44 #if defined(OS_IOS)
     45 #import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
     46 #else
     47 #import <AppKit/AppKit.h>
     49 // Clients must subclass NSApplication and implement this protocol if they use
     50 // MessagePumpMac.
     51 @protocol CrAppProtocol
     52 // Must return true if -[NSApplication sendEvent:] is currently on the stack.
     53 // See the comment for |CreateAutoreleasePool()| in the cc file for why this is
     54 // necessary.
     55 - (BOOL)isHandlingSendEvent;
     56 @end
     57 #endif  // !defined(OS_IOS)
     58 #endif  // defined(__OBJC__)
     60 namespace base {
     62 class RunLoop;
     63 class TimeTicks;
     65 // AutoreleasePoolType is a proxy type for autorelease pools. Its definition
     66 // depends on the translation unit (TU) in which this header appears. In pure
     67 // C++ TUs, it is defined as a forward C++ class declaration (that is never
     68 // defined), because autorelease pools are an Objective-C concept. In Automatic
     69 // Reference Counting (ARC) Objective-C TUs, it is similarly defined as a
     70 // forward C++ class declaration, because clang will not allow the type
     71 // "NSAutoreleasePool" in such TUs. Finally, in Manual Retain Release (MRR)
     72 // Objective-C TUs, it is a type alias for NSAutoreleasePool. In all cases, a
     73 // method that takes or returns an NSAutoreleasePool* can use
     74 // AutoreleasePoolType* instead.
     75 #if !defined(__OBJC__) || __has_feature(objc_arc)
     76 class AutoreleasePoolType;
     77 #else   // !defined(__OBJC__) || __has_feature(objc_arc)
     78 typedef NSAutoreleasePool AutoreleasePoolType;
     79 #endif  // !defined(__OBJC__) || __has_feature(objc_arc)
     81 class MessagePumpCFRunLoopBase : public MessagePump {
     82   // Needs access to CreateAutoreleasePool.
     83   friend class MessagePumpScopedAutoreleasePool;
     84  public:
     85   MessagePumpCFRunLoopBase();
     86   ~MessagePumpCFRunLoopBase() override;
     88   // Subclasses should implement the work they need to do in MessagePump::Run
     89   // in the DoRun method.  MessagePumpCFRunLoopBase::Run calls DoRun directly.
     90   // This arrangement is used because MessagePumpCFRunLoopBase needs to set
     91   // up and tear down things before and after the "meat" of DoRun.
     92   void Run(Delegate* delegate) override;
     93   virtual void DoRun(Delegate* delegate) = 0;
     95   void ScheduleWork() override;
     96   void ScheduleDelayedWork(const TimeTicks& delayed_work_time) override;
     97   void SetTimerSlack(TimerSlack timer_slack) override;
     99  protected:
    100   // Accessors for private data members to be used by subclasses.
    101   CFRunLoopRef run_loop() const { return run_loop_; }
    102   int nesting_level() const { return nesting_level_; }
    103   int run_nesting_level() const { return run_nesting_level_; }
    105   // Sets this pump's delegate.  Signals the appropriate sources if
    106   // |delegateless_work_| is true.  |delegate| can be NULL.
    107   void SetDelegate(Delegate* delegate);
    109   // Return an autorelease pool to wrap around any work being performed.
    110   // In some cases, CreateAutoreleasePool may return nil intentionally to
    111   // preventing an autorelease pool from being created, allowing any
    112   // objects autoreleased by work to fall into the current autorelease pool.
    113   virtual AutoreleasePoolType* CreateAutoreleasePool();
    115  private:
    116   // Timer callback scheduled by ScheduleDelayedWork.  This does not do any
    117   // work, but it signals work_source_ so that delayed work can be performed
    118   // within the appropriate priority constraints.
    119   static void RunDelayedWorkTimer(CFRunLoopTimerRef timer, void* info);
    121   // Perform highest-priority work.  This is associated with work_source_
    122   // signalled by ScheduleWork or RunDelayedWorkTimer.  The static method calls
    123   // the instance method; the instance method returns true if it resignalled
    124   // work_source_ to be called again from the loop.
    125   static void RunWorkSource(void* info);
    126   bool RunWork();
    128   // Perform idle-priority work.  This is normally called by PreWaitObserver,
    129   // but is also associated with idle_work_source_.  When this function
    130   // actually does perform idle work, it will resignal that source.  The
    131   // static method calls the instance method; the instance method returns
    132   // true if idle work was done.
    133   static void RunIdleWorkSource(void* info);
    134   bool RunIdleWork();
    136   // Perform work that may have been deferred because it was not runnable
    137   // within a nested run loop.  This is associated with
    138   // nesting_deferred_work_source_ and is signalled by
    139   // MaybeScheduleNestingDeferredWork when returning from a nested loop,
    140   // so that an outer loop will be able to perform the necessary tasks if it
    141   // permits nestable tasks.
    142   static void RunNestingDeferredWorkSource(void* info);
    143   bool RunNestingDeferredWork();
    145   // Schedules possible nesting-deferred work to be processed before the run
    146   // loop goes to sleep, exits, or begins processing sources at the top of its
    147   // loop.  If this function detects that a nested loop had run since the
    148   // previous attempt to schedule nesting-deferred work, it will schedule a
    149   // call to RunNestingDeferredWorkSource.
    150   void MaybeScheduleNestingDeferredWork();
    152   // Observer callback responsible for performing idle-priority work, before
    153   // the run loop goes to sleep.  Associated with idle_work_observer_.
    154   static void PreWaitObserver(CFRunLoopObserverRef observer,
    155                               CFRunLoopActivity activity, void* info);
    157   // Observer callback called before the run loop processes any sources.
    158   // Associated with pre_source_observer_.
    159   static void PreSourceObserver(CFRunLoopObserverRef observer,
    160                                 CFRunLoopActivity activity, void* info);
    162   // Observer callback called when the run loop starts and stops, at the
    163   // beginning and end of calls to CFRunLoopRun.  This is used to maintain
    164   // nesting_level_.  Associated with enter_exit_observer_.
    165   static void EnterExitObserver(CFRunLoopObserverRef observer,
    166                                 CFRunLoopActivity activity, void* info);
    168   // Called by EnterExitObserver after performing maintenance on nesting_level_.
    169   // This allows subclasses an opportunity to perform additional processing on
    170   // the basis of run loops starting and stopping.
    171   virtual void EnterExitRunLoop(CFRunLoopActivity activity);
    173   // The thread's run loop.
    174   CFRunLoopRef run_loop_;
    176   // The timer, sources, and observers are described above alongside their
    177   // callbacks.
    178   CFRunLoopTimerRef delayed_work_timer_;
    179   CFRunLoopSourceRef work_source_;
    180   CFRunLoopSourceRef idle_work_source_;
    181   CFRunLoopSourceRef nesting_deferred_work_source_;
    182   CFRunLoopObserverRef pre_wait_observer_;
    183   CFRunLoopObserverRef pre_source_observer_;
    184   CFRunLoopObserverRef enter_exit_observer_;
    186   // (weak) Delegate passed as an argument to the innermost Run call.
    187   Delegate* delegate_;
    189   // The time that delayed_work_timer_ is scheduled to fire.  This is tracked
    190   // independently of CFRunLoopTimerGetNextFireDate(delayed_work_timer_)
    191   // to be able to reset the timer properly after waking from system sleep.
    192   // See PowerStateNotification.
    193   CFAbsoluteTime delayed_work_fire_time_;
    195   base::TimerSlack timer_slack_;
    197   // The recursion depth of the currently-executing CFRunLoopRun loop on the
    198   // run loop's thread.  0 if no run loops are running inside of whatever scope
    199   // the object was created in.
    200   int nesting_level_;
    202   // The recursion depth (calculated in the same way as nesting_level_) of the
    203   // innermost executing CFRunLoopRun loop started by a call to Run.
    204   int run_nesting_level_;
    206   // The deepest (numerically highest) recursion depth encountered since the
    207   // most recent attempt to run nesting-deferred work.
    208   int deepest_nesting_level_;
    210   // "Delegateless" work flags are set when work is ready to be performed but
    211   // must wait until a delegate is available to process it.  This can happen
    212   // when a MessagePumpCFRunLoopBase is instantiated and work arrives without
    213   // any call to Run on the stack.  The Run method will check for delegateless
    214   // work on entry and redispatch it as needed once a delegate is available.
    215   bool delegateless_work_;
    216   bool delegateless_idle_work_;
    218   DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(MessagePumpCFRunLoopBase);
    219 };
    221 class BASE_EXPORT MessagePumpCFRunLoop : public MessagePumpCFRunLoopBase {
    222  public:
    223   MessagePumpCFRunLoop();
    224   ~MessagePumpCFRunLoop() override;
    226   void DoRun(Delegate* delegate) override;
    227   void Quit() override;
    229  private:
    230   void EnterExitRunLoop(CFRunLoopActivity activity) override;
    232   // True if Quit is called to stop the innermost MessagePump
    233   // (innermost_quittable_) but some other CFRunLoopRun loop (nesting_level_)
    234   // is running inside the MessagePump's innermost Run call.
    235   bool quit_pending_;
    237   DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(MessagePumpCFRunLoop);
    238 };
    240 class BASE_EXPORT MessagePumpNSRunLoop : public MessagePumpCFRunLoopBase {
    241  public:
    242   MessagePumpNSRunLoop();
    243   ~MessagePumpNSRunLoop() override;
    245   void DoRun(Delegate* delegate) override;
    246   void Quit() override;
    248  private:
    249   // A source that doesn't do anything but provide something signalable
    250   // attached to the run loop.  This source will be signalled when Quit
    251   // is called, to cause the loop to wake up so that it can stop.
    252   CFRunLoopSourceRef quit_source_;
    254   // False after Quit is called.
    255   bool keep_running_;
    257   DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(MessagePumpNSRunLoop);
    258 };
    260 #if defined(OS_IOS)
    261 // This is a fake message pump.  It attaches sources to the main thread's
    262 // CFRunLoop, so PostTask() will work, but it is unable to drive the loop
    263 // directly, so calling Run() or Quit() are errors.
    264 class MessagePumpUIApplication : public MessagePumpCFRunLoopBase {
    265  public:
    266   MessagePumpUIApplication();
    267   ~MessagePumpUIApplication() override;
    268   void DoRun(Delegate* delegate) override;
    269   void Quit() override;
    271   // This message pump can not spin the main message loop directly.  Instead,
    272   // call |Attach()| to set up a delegate.  It is an error to call |Run()|.
    273   virtual void Attach(Delegate* delegate);
    275  private:
    276   RunLoop* run_loop_;
    278   DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(MessagePumpUIApplication);
    279 };
    281 #else
    283 class MessagePumpNSApplication : public MessagePumpCFRunLoopBase {
    284  public:
    285   MessagePumpNSApplication();
    286   ~MessagePumpNSApplication() override;
    288   void DoRun(Delegate* delegate) override;
    289   void Quit() override;
    291  private:
    292   // False after Quit is called.
    293   bool keep_running_;
    295   // True if DoRun is managing its own run loop as opposed to letting
    296   // -[NSApplication run] handle it.  The outermost run loop in the application
    297   // is managed by -[NSApplication run], inner run loops are handled by a loop
    298   // in DoRun.
    299   bool running_own_loop_;
    301   DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(MessagePumpNSApplication);
    302 };
    304 class MessagePumpCrApplication : public MessagePumpNSApplication {
    305  public:
    306   MessagePumpCrApplication();
    307   ~MessagePumpCrApplication() override;
    309  protected:
    310   // Returns nil if NSApp is currently in the middle of calling
    311   // -sendEvent.  Requires NSApp implementing CrAppProtocol.
    312   AutoreleasePoolType* CreateAutoreleasePool() override;
    314  private:
    315   DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(MessagePumpCrApplication);
    316 };
    317 #endif  // !defined(OS_IOS)
    319 class BASE_EXPORT MessagePumpMac {
    320  public:
    321   // If not on the main thread, returns a new instance of
    322   // MessagePumpNSRunLoop.
    323   //
    324   // On the main thread, if NSApp exists and conforms to
    325   // CrAppProtocol, creates an instances of MessagePumpCrApplication.
    326   //
    327   // Otherwise creates an instance of MessagePumpNSApplication using a
    328   // default NSApplication.
    329   static MessagePump* Create();
    331 #if !defined(OS_IOS)
    332   // If a pump is created before the required CrAppProtocol is
    333   // created, the wrong MessagePump subclass could be used.
    334   // UsingCrApp() returns false if the message pump was created before
    335   // NSApp was initialized, or if NSApp does not implement
    336   // CrAppProtocol.  NSApp must be initialized before calling.
    337   static bool UsingCrApp();
    339   // Wrapper to query -[NSApp isHandlingSendEvent] from C++ code.
    340   // Requires NSApp to implement CrAppProtocol.
    341   static bool IsHandlingSendEvent();
    342 #endif  // !defined(OS_IOS)
    344  private:
    346 };
    348 // Tasks posted to the message loop are posted under this mode, as well
    349 // as kCFRunLoopCommonModes.
    350 extern const CFStringRef BASE_EXPORT kMessageLoopExclusiveRunLoopMode;
    352 }  // namespace base