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      1 """imgbrowse - Display pictures using img"""
      3 import FrameWork
      4 import EasyDialogs
      5 from Carbon import Res
      6 from Carbon import Qd
      7 from Carbon import QuickDraw
      8 from Carbon import Win
      9 #ifrom Carbon mport List
     10 import struct
     11 import img
     12 import imgformat
     13 import mac_image
     16 # Where is the picture window?
     17 LEFT=200
     18 TOP=64
     19 MINWIDTH=64
     20 MINHEIGHT=64
     21 MAXWIDTH=320
     22 MAXHEIGHT=320
     25 def main():
     26     print 'hello world'
     27     imgbrowse()
     29 class imgbrowse(FrameWork.Application):
     30     def __init__(self):
     31         # First init menus, etc.
     32         FrameWork.Application.__init__(self)
     33         self.lastwin = None
     34         # Finally, go into the event loop
     35         self.mainloop()
     37     def makeusermenus(self):
     38         self.filemenu = m = FrameWork.Menu(self.menubar, "File")
     39         self.openitem = FrameWork.MenuItem(m, "Open...", "O", self.opendoc)
     40         self.infoitem = FrameWork.MenuItem(m, "Info", "I", self.info)
     41         self.quititem = FrameWork.MenuItem(m, "Quit", "Q", self.quit)
     43     def quit(self, *args):
     44         self._quit()
     46     def opendoc(self, *args):
     47         pathname = EasyDialogs.AskFileForOpen() # Any file type
     48         if not pathname:
     49             return
     50         bar = EasyDialogs.ProgressBar('Reading and converting...')
     51         try:
     52             rdr = img.reader(imgformat.macrgb16, pathname)
     53         except img.error, arg:
     54             EasyDialogs.Message(repr(arg))
     55             return
     56         w, h = rdr.width, rdr.height
     57         bar.set(10)
     58         data = rdr.read()
     59         del bar
     60         pixmap = mac_image.mkpixmap(w, h, imgformat.macrgb16, data)
     61         self.showimg(w, h, pixmap, data)
     63     def showimg(self, w, h, pixmap, data):
     64         win = imgwindow(self)
     65         win.open(w, h, pixmap, data)
     66         self.lastwin = win
     68     def info(self, *args):
     69         if self.lastwin:
     70             self.lastwin.info()
     72 class imgwindow(FrameWork.Window):
     73     def open(self, width, height, pixmap, data):
     74         self.pixmap = pixmap
     75         self.data = data
     76         self.pictrect = (0, 0, width, height)
     77         bounds = (LEFT, TOP, LEFT+width, TOP+height)
     79         self.wid = Win.NewCWindow(bounds, "Picture", 1, 0, -1, 1, 0)
     80         self.do_postopen()
     82     def do_update(self, *args):
     83         pass
     84         currect = self.fitrect()
     85         print 'PICT:', self.pictrect
     86         print 'WIND:', currect
     87         print 'ARGS:', (self.pixmap, self.wid.GetWindowPort().GetPortBitMapForCopyBits(), self.pictrect,
     88                         currect, QuickDraw.srcCopy, None)
     89         self.info()
     90         Qd.CopyBits(self.pixmap, self.wid.GetWindowPort().GetPortBitMapForCopyBits(), self.pictrect,
     91                         currect, QuickDraw.srcCopy, None)
     93     def fitrect(self):
     94         """Return self.pictrect scaled to fit in window"""
     95         graf = self.wid.GetWindowPort()
     96         screenrect = graf.GetPortBounds()
     97         picwidth = self.pictrect[2] - self.pictrect[0]
     98         picheight = self.pictrect[3] - self.pictrect[1]
     99         if picwidth > screenrect[2] - screenrect[0]:
    100             factor = float(picwidth) / float(screenrect[2]-screenrect[0])
    101             picwidth = picwidth / factor
    102             picheight = picheight / factor
    103         if picheight > screenrect[3] - screenrect[1]:
    104             factor = float(picheight) / float(screenrect[3]-screenrect[1])
    105             picwidth = picwidth / factor
    106             picheight = picheight / factor
    107         return (screenrect[0], screenrect[1], screenrect[0]+int(picwidth),
    108                         screenrect[1]+int(picheight))
    110     def info(self):
    111         graf = self.wid.GetWindowPort()
    112         bits = graf.GetPortBitMapForCopyBits()
    113         mac_image.dumppixmap(bits.pixmap_data)
    115 main()