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      1 /*
      2  * Copyright (C) 2015 The Android Open Source Project
      3  *
      4  * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
      5  * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
      6  * You may obtain a copy of the License at
      7  *
      8  *      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
      9  *
     10  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
     11  * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
     12  * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
     13  * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
     14  * limitations under the License.
     15  */
     20 #include "dedupe_set.h"
     22 #include <algorithm>
     23 #include <inttypes.h>
     24 #include <unordered_map>
     26 #include "android-base/stringprintf.h"
     28 #include "base/mutex.h"
     29 #include "base/hash_set.h"
     30 #include "base/stl_util.h"
     31 #include "base/time_utils.h"
     33 namespace art {
     35 template <typename InKey,
     36           typename StoreKey,
     37           typename Alloc,
     38           typename HashType,
     39           typename HashFunc,
     40           HashType kShard>
     41 struct DedupeSet<InKey, StoreKey, Alloc, HashType, HashFunc, kShard>::Stats {
     42   size_t collision_sum = 0u;
     43   size_t collision_max = 0u;
     44   size_t total_probe_distance = 0u;
     45   size_t total_size = 0u;
     46 };
     48 template <typename InKey,
     49           typename StoreKey,
     50           typename Alloc,
     51           typename HashType,
     52           typename HashFunc,
     53           HashType kShard>
     54 class DedupeSet<InKey, StoreKey, Alloc, HashType, HashFunc, kShard>::Shard {
     55  public:
     56   Shard(const Alloc& alloc, const std::string& lock_name)
     57       : alloc_(alloc),
     58         lock_name_(lock_name),
     59         lock_(lock_name_.c_str()),
     60         keys_() {
     61   }
     63   ~Shard() {
     64     for (const HashedKey<StoreKey>& key : keys_) {
     65       DCHECK(key.Key() != nullptr);
     66       alloc_.Destroy(key.Key());
     67     }
     68   }
     70   const StoreKey* Add(Thread* self, size_t hash, const InKey& in_key) REQUIRES(!lock_) {
     71     MutexLock lock(self, lock_);
     72     HashedKey<InKey> hashed_in_key(hash, &in_key);
     73     auto it = keys_.Find(hashed_in_key);
     74     if (it != keys_.end()) {
     75       DCHECK(it->Key() != nullptr);
     76       return it->Key();
     77     }
     78     const StoreKey* store_key = alloc_.Copy(in_key);
     79     keys_.Insert(HashedKey<StoreKey> { hash, store_key });
     80     return store_key;
     81   }
     83   void UpdateStats(Thread* self, Stats* global_stats) REQUIRES(!lock_) {
     84     // HashSet<> doesn't keep entries ordered by hash, so we actually allocate memory
     85     // for bookkeeping while collecting the stats.
     86     std::unordered_map<HashType, size_t> stats;
     87     {
     88       MutexLock lock(self, lock_);
     89       // Note: The total_probe_distance will be updated with the current state.
     90       // It may have been higher before a re-hash.
     91       global_stats->total_probe_distance += keys_.TotalProbeDistance();
     92       global_stats->total_size += keys_.Size();
     93       for (const HashedKey<StoreKey>& key : keys_) {
     94         auto it = stats.find(key.Hash());
     95         if (it == stats.end()) {
     96           stats.insert({key.Hash(), 1u});
     97         } else {
     98           ++it->second;
     99         }
    100       }
    101     }
    102     for (const auto& entry : stats) {
    103       size_t number_of_entries = entry.second;
    104       if (number_of_entries > 1u) {
    105         global_stats->collision_sum += number_of_entries - 1u;
    106         global_stats->collision_max = std::max(global_stats->collision_max, number_of_entries);
    107       }
    108     }
    109   }
    111  private:
    112   template <typename T>
    113   class HashedKey {
    114    public:
    115     HashedKey() : hash_(0u), key_(nullptr) { }
    116     HashedKey(size_t hash, const T* key) : hash_(hash), key_(key) { }
    118     size_t Hash() const {
    119       return hash_;
    120     }
    122     const T* Key() const {
    123       return key_;
    124     }
    126     bool IsEmpty() const {
    127       return Key() == nullptr;
    128     }
    130     void MakeEmpty() {
    131       key_ = nullptr;
    132     }
    134    private:
    135     size_t hash_;
    136     const T* key_;
    137   };
    139   class ShardEmptyFn {
    140    public:
    141     bool IsEmpty(const HashedKey<StoreKey>& key) const {
    142       return key.IsEmpty();
    143     }
    145     void MakeEmpty(HashedKey<StoreKey>& key) {
    146       key.MakeEmpty();
    147     }
    148   };
    150   struct ShardHashFn {
    151     template <typename T>
    152     size_t operator()(const HashedKey<T>& key) const {
    153       return key.Hash();
    154     }
    155   };
    157   struct ShardPred {
    158     typename std::enable_if<!std::is_same<StoreKey, InKey>::value, bool>::type
    159     operator()(const HashedKey<StoreKey>& lhs, const HashedKey<StoreKey>& rhs) const {
    160       DCHECK(lhs.Key() != nullptr);
    161       DCHECK(rhs.Key() != nullptr);
    162       // Rehashing: stored keys are already deduplicated, so we can simply compare key pointers.
    163       return lhs.Key() == rhs.Key();
    164     }
    166     template <typename LeftT, typename RightT>
    167     bool operator()(const HashedKey<LeftT>& lhs, const HashedKey<RightT>& rhs) const {
    168       DCHECK(lhs.Key() != nullptr);
    169       DCHECK(rhs.Key() != nullptr);
    170       return lhs.Hash() == rhs.Hash() &&
    171           lhs.Key()->size() == rhs.Key()->size() &&
    172           std::equal(lhs.Key()->begin(), lhs.Key()->end(), rhs.Key()->begin());
    173     }
    174   };
    176   Alloc alloc_;
    177   const std::string lock_name_;
    178   Mutex lock_;
    179   HashSet<HashedKey<StoreKey>, ShardEmptyFn, ShardHashFn, ShardPred> keys_ GUARDED_BY(lock_);
    180 };
    182 template <typename InKey,
    183           typename StoreKey,
    184           typename Alloc,
    185           typename HashType,
    186           typename HashFunc,
    187           HashType kShard>
    188 const StoreKey* DedupeSet<InKey, StoreKey, Alloc, HashType, HashFunc, kShard>::Add(
    189     Thread* self, const InKey& key) {
    190   uint64_t hash_start;
    191   if (kIsDebugBuild) {
    192     hash_start = NanoTime();
    193   }
    194   HashType raw_hash = HashFunc()(key);
    195   if (kIsDebugBuild) {
    196     uint64_t hash_end = NanoTime();
    197     hash_time_ += hash_end - hash_start;
    198   }
    199   HashType shard_hash = raw_hash / kShard;
    200   HashType shard_bin = raw_hash % kShard;
    201   return shards_[shard_bin]->Add(self, shard_hash, key);
    202 }
    204 template <typename InKey,
    205           typename StoreKey,
    206           typename Alloc,
    207           typename HashType,
    208           typename HashFunc,
    209           HashType kShard>
    210 DedupeSet<InKey, StoreKey, Alloc, HashType, HashFunc, kShard>::DedupeSet(const char* set_name,
    211                                                                          const Alloc& alloc)
    212     : hash_time_(0) {
    213   for (HashType i = 0; i < kShard; ++i) {
    214     std::ostringstream oss;
    215     oss << set_name << " lock " << i;
    216     shards_[i].reset(new Shard(alloc, oss.str()));
    217   }
    218 }
    220 template <typename InKey,
    221           typename StoreKey,
    222           typename Alloc,
    223           typename HashType,
    224           typename HashFunc,
    225           HashType kShard>
    226 DedupeSet<InKey, StoreKey, Alloc, HashType, HashFunc, kShard>::~DedupeSet() {
    227   // Everything done by member destructors.
    228 }
    230 template <typename InKey,
    231           typename StoreKey,
    232           typename Alloc,
    233           typename HashType,
    234           typename HashFunc,
    235           HashType kShard>
    236 std::string DedupeSet<InKey, StoreKey, Alloc, HashType, HashFunc, kShard>::DumpStats(
    237     Thread* self) const {
    238   Stats stats;
    239   for (HashType shard = 0; shard < kShard; ++shard) {
    240     shards_[shard]->UpdateStats(self, &stats);
    241   }
    242   return android::base::StringPrintf("%zu collisions, %zu max hash collisions, "
    243                                      "%zu/%zu probe distance, %" PRIu64 " ns hash time",
    244                                      stats.collision_sum,
    245                                      stats.collision_max,
    246                                      stats.total_probe_distance,
    247                                      stats.total_size,
    248                                      hash_time_);
    249 }
    252 }  // namespace art