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      2 ## 3.2\. Soft API Compatibility
      4 In addition to the managed APIs from [section 3.1](#3_1_managed_api_compatibility),
      5 Android also includes a significant runtime-only soft API, in the form of such
      6 things as intents, permissions, and similar aspects of Android applications that
      7 cannot be enforced at application compile time.
      9 ### 3.2.1\. Permissions
     11 *   [C-0-1] Device implementers MUST support and enforce all permission
     12 constants as documented by the [Permission reference page](http://developer.android.com/reference/android/Manifest.permission.html).
     13 Note that [section 9](#9_security_model_compatibility) lists additional
     14 requirements related to the Android security model.
     16 ### 3.2.2\. Build Parameters
     18 The Android APIs include a number of constants on the
     19 [android.os.Build class](http://developer.android.com/reference/android/os/Build.html)
     20 that are intended to describe the current device.
     22 *   [C-0-1] To provide consistent, meaningful values across device
     23 implementations, the table below includes additional restrictions on the formats
     24 of these values to which device implementations MUST conform.
     26 <table>
     27  <tr>
     28     <th>Parameter</th>
     29     <th>Details</th>
     30  </tr>
     31  <tr>
     32     <td>VERSION.RELEASE</td>
     33     <td>The version of the currently-executing Android system, in human-readable
     34     format. This field MUST have one of the string values defined in
     35     <a href="http://source.android.com/compatibility/ANDROID_VERSION/versions.html">ANDROID_VERSION</a>.</td>
     36  </tr>
     37  <tr>
     38     <td>VERSION.SDK</td>
     39     <td>The version of the currently-executing Android system, in a format
     40     accessible to third-party application code. For Android ANDROID_VERSION,
     41     this field MUST have the integer value ANDROID_VERSION_INT.</td>
     42  </tr>
     43  <tr>
     44     <td>VERSION.SDK_INT</td>
     45     <td>The version of the currently-executing Android system, in a format
     46     accessible to third-party application code. For Android ANDROID_VERSION,
     47     this field MUST have the integer value ANDROID_VERSION_INT.</td>
     48  </tr>
     49  <tr>
     50     <td>VERSION.INCREMENTAL</td>
     51     <td>A value chosen by the device implementer designating the specific build
     52     of the currently-executing Android system, in human-readable format. This
     53     value MUST NOT be reused for different builds made available to end users. A
     54     typical use of this field is to indicate which build number or
     55     source-control change identifier was used to generate the build. There are
     56     no requirements on the specific format of this field, except that it MUST
     57     NOT be null or the empty string ("").</td>
     58  </tr>
     59  <tr>
     60     <td>BOARD</td>
     61     <td>A value chosen by the device implementer identifying the specific
     62     internal hardware used by the device, in human-readable format. A possible
     63     use of this field is to indicate the specific revision of the board powering
     64     the device. The value of this field MUST be encodable as 7-bit ASCII and
     65     match the regular expression &ldquo;^[a-zA-Z0-9_-]+$&rdquo;.</td>
     66  </tr>
     67  <tr>
     68     <td>BRAND</td>
     69     <td>A value reflecting the brand name associated with the device as known to
     70     the end users. MUST be in human-readable format and SHOULD represent the
     71     manufacturer of the device or the company brand under which the device is
     72     marketed. The value of this field MUST be encodable as 7-bit ASCII and match
     73     the regular expression &ldquo;^[a-zA-Z0-9_-]+$&rdquo;.</td>
     74  </tr>
     75  <tr>
     76     <td>SUPPORTED_ABIS</td>
     77     <td>The name of the instruction set (CPU type + ABI convention) of native
     78     code. See <a href="#3_3_native_api_compatibility">section 3.3. Native API
     79     Compatibility</a>.</td>
     80  </tr>
     81  <tr>
     82     <td>SUPPORTED_32_BIT_ABIS</td>
     83     <td>The name of the instruction set (CPU type + ABI convention) of native
     84     code. See <a href="#3_3_native_api_compatibility">section 3.3. Native API
     85     Compatibility</a>.</td>
     86  </tr>
     87  <tr>
     88     <td>SUPPORTED_64_BIT_ABIS</td>
     89     <td>The name of the second instruction set (CPU type + ABI convention) of
     90     native code. See <a href="#3_3_native_api_compatibility">section 3.3. Native
     91     API Compatibility</a>.</td>
     92  </tr>
     93  <tr>
     94     <td>CPU_ABI</td>
     95     <td>The name of the instruction set (CPU type + ABI convention) of native
     96     code. See <a href="#3_3_native_api_compatibility">section 3.3. Native API
     97     Compatibility</a>.</td>
     98  </tr>
     99  <tr>
    100     <td>CPU_ABI2</td>
    101     <td>The name of the second instruction set (CPU type + ABI convention) of
    102     native code. See <a href="#3_3_native_api_compatibility">section 3.3. Native
    103     API Compatibility</a>.</td>
    104  </tr>
    105  <tr>
    106     <td>DEVICE</td>
    107     <td>A value chosen by the device implementer containing the development name
    108     or code name identifying the configuration of the hardware features and
    109     industrial design of the device. The value of this field MUST be encodable
    110     as 7-bit ASCII and match the regular expression
    111     &ldquo;^[a-zA-Z0-9_-]+$&rdquo;. This device name MUST NOT change during the
    112     lifetime of the product.</td>
    113  </tr>
    114  <tr>
    115     <td>FINGERPRINT</td>
    116     <td>A string that uniquely identifies this build. It SHOULD be reasonably
    117     human-readable. It MUST follow this template:
    118     <p class="small">$(BRAND)/$(PRODUCT)/<br>
    119         &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;$(DEVICE):$(VERSION.RELEASE)/$(ID)/$(VERSION.INCREMENTAL):$(TYPE)/$(TAGS)</p>
    120     <p>For example:</p>
    121 <p class="small">acme/myproduct/<br>
    122       &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;mydevice:ANDROID_VERSION/LMYXX/3359:userdebug/test-keys</p>
    123       <p>The fingerprint MUST NOT include whitespace characters. If other fields
    124       included in the template above have whitespace characters, they MUST be
    125       replaced in the build fingerprint with another character, such as the
    126       underscore ("_") character. The value of this field MUST be encodable as
    127       7-bit ASCII.</p></td>
    128  </tr>
    129  <tr>
    130     <td>HARDWARE</td>
    131     <td>The name of the hardware (from the kernel command line or /proc). It
    132     SHOULD be reasonably human-readable. The value of this field MUST be
    133     encodable as 7-bit ASCII and match the regular expression
    134     &ldquo;^[a-zA-Z0-9_-]+$&rdquo;.</td>
    135  </tr>
    136  <tr>
    137     <td>HOST</td>
    138     <td>A string that uniquely identifies the host the build was built on, in
    139     human-readable format. There are no requirements on the specific format of
    140     this field, except that it MUST NOT be null or the empty string ("").</td>
    141  </tr>
    142  <tr>
    143     <td>ID</td>
    144     <td>An identifier chosen by the device implementer to refer to a specific
    145     release, in human-readable format. This field can be the same as
    146     android.os.Build.VERSION.INCREMENTAL, but SHOULD be a value sufficiently
    147     meaningful for end users to distinguish between software builds. The value
    148     of this field MUST be encodable as 7-bit ASCII and match the regular
    149     expression &ldquo;^[a-zA-Z0-9._-]+$&rdquo;.</td>
    150  </tr>
    151  <tr>
    152     <td>MANUFACTURER</td>
    153     <td>The trade name of the Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM) of the
    154     product. There are no requirements on the specific format of this field,
    155     except that it MUST NOT be null or the empty string (""). This field
    156     MUST NOT change during the lifetime of the product.</td>
    157  </tr>
    158  <tr>
    159     <td>MODEL</td>
    160     <td>A value chosen by the device implementer containing the name of the
    161     device as known to the end user. This SHOULD be the same name under which
    162     the device is marketed and sold to end users. There are no requirements on
    163     the specific format of this field, except that it MUST NOT be null or the
    164     empty string (""). This field MUST NOT change during the
    165     lifetime of the product.</td>
    166  </tr>
    167  <tr>
    168     <td>PRODUCT</td>
    169     <td>A value chosen by the device implementer containing the development name
    170     or code name of the specific product (SKU) that MUST be unique within the
    171     same brand. MUST be human-readable, but is not necessarily intended for view
    172     by end users. The value of this field MUST be encodable as 7-bit ASCII and
    173     match the regular expression &ldquo;^[a-zA-Z0-9_-]+$&rdquo;. This product
    174     name MUST NOT change during the lifetime of the product.</td>
    175  </tr>
    176  <tr>
    177     <td>SERIAL</td>
    178     <td>A hardware serial number, which MUST be available and unique across
    179     devices with the same MODEL and MANUFACTURER. The value of this field MUST
    180     be encodable as 7-bit ASCII and match the regular expression
    181     &ldquo;^([a-zA-Z0-9]{6,20})$&rdquo;.</td>
    182  </tr>
    183  <tr>
    184     <td>TAGS</td>
    185     <td>A comma-separated list of tags chosen by the device implementer that
    186     further distinguishes the build. This field MUST have one of the values
    187     corresponding to the three typical Android platform signing configurations:
    188     release-keys, dev-keys, test-keys.</td>
    189  </tr>
    190  <tr>
    191     <td>TIME</td>
    192     <td>A value representing the timestamp of when the build occurred.</td>
    193  </tr>
    194  <tr>
    195     <td>TYPE</td>
    196     <td>A value chosen by the device implementer specifying the runtime
    197     configuration of the build. This field MUST have one of the values
    198     corresponding to the three typical Android runtime configurations: user,
    199     userdebug, or eng.</td>
    200  </tr>
    201  <tr>
    202     <td>USER</td>
    203     <td>A name or user ID of the user (or automated user) that generated the
    204     build. There are no requirements on the specific format of this field,
    205     except that it MUST NOT be null or the empty string ("").</td>
    206  </tr>
    207  <tr>
    208     <td>SECURITY_PATCH</td>
    209     <td>A value indicating the security patch level of a build. It MUST signify
    210     that the build is not in any way vulnerable to any of the issues described
    211     up through the designated Android Public Security Bulletin. It MUST be in
    212     the format [YYYY-MM-DD], matching a defined string documented in the
    213     <a href="source.android.com/security/bulletin"> Android Public Security
    214     Bulletin</a> or in the <a href="http://source.android.com/security/advisory">
    215     Android Security Advisory</a>, for example "2015-11-01".</td>
    216  </tr>
    217  <tr>
    218     <td>BASE_OS</td>
    219     <td>A value representing the FINGERPRINT parameter of the build that is
    220     otherwise identical to this build except for the patches provided in the
    221     Android Public Security Bulletin. It MUST report the correct value and if
    222     such a build does not exist, report an empty string ("").</td>
    223  </tr>
    224  <tr>
    225     <td><a href="https://developer.android.com/reference/android/os/Build.html#BOOTLOADER">BOOTLOADER</a></td>
    226     <td> A value chosen by the device implementer identifying the specific
    227     internal bootloader version used in the device, in human-readable format.
    228     The value of this field MUST be encodable as 7-bit ASCII and match the
    229     regular expression &ldquo;^[a-zA-Z0-9._-]+$&rdquo;.</td>
    230  </tr>
    231  <tr>
    232     <td><a href="https://developer.android.com/reference/android/os/Build.html#getRadioVersion()">getRadioVersion()</a></td>
    233     <td> MUST (be or return) a value chosen by the device implementer
    234     identifying the specific internal radio/modem version used in the device,
    235     in human-readable format. If a device does not have any internal
    236     radio/modem it MUST return NULL. The value of this field MUST be
    237     encodable as 7-bit ASCII and match the regular expression
    238     &ldquo;^[a-zA-Z0-9._-,]+$&rdquo;.</td>
    239  </tr>
    240 </table>
    242 ### 3.2.3\. Intent Compatibility
    244 ####\. Core Application Intents
    246 Android intents allow application components to request functionality from
    247 other Android components. The Android upstream project includes a list of
    248 applications considered core Android applications, which implements several
    249 intent patterns to perform common actions.
    251 *   [C-0-1] Device implementations MUST include these application, service
    252 components, or at least a handler, for all the public intent filter patterns
    253 defined by the the following core Android applications in AOSP:
    255    *   Desk Clock
    256    *   Browser
    257    *   Calendar
    258    *   Contacts
    259    *   Gallery
    260    *   GlobalSearch
    261    *   Launcher
    262    *   Music
    263    *   Settings
    265 ####\. Intent Resolution
    267 *   [C-0-1] As Android is an extensible platform, device implementations MUST
    268 allow each intent pattern referenced in [section](#3_2_3_1_core_application_intents)
    269 to be overridden by third-party applications. The upstream Android open source
    270 implementation allows this by default.
    271 *   [C-0-2] Dvice implementers MUST NOT attach special privileges to system
    272 applications' use of these intent patterns, or prevent third-party applications
    273 from binding to and assuming control of these patterns. This prohibition
    274 specifically includes but is not limited to disabling the Chooser user
    275 interface that allows the user to select between multiple applications that all
    276 handle the same intent pattern.
    278 *   [C-0-3] Device implementations MUST provide a user interface for users to
    279 modify the default activity for intents.
    281 *   However, device implementations MAY provide default activities for specific
    282 URI patterns (e.g. http://play.google.com) when the default activity provides a
    283 more specific attribute for the data URI. For example, an intent filter pattern
    284 specifying the data URI http://www.android.com is more specific than the
    285 browser's core intent pattern for http://.
    287 Android also includes a mechanism for third-party apps to declare an
    288 authoritative default [app linking behavior](https://developer.android.com/training/app-links)
    289 for certain types of web URI intents. When such authoritative declarations are
    290 defined in an app's intent filter patterns, device implementations:
    292 *   [C-0-4] MUST attempt to validate any intent filters by performing the
    293 validation steps defined in the [Digital Asset Links specification](https://developers.google.com/digital-asset-links)
    294 as implemented by the Package Manager in the upstream Android Open Source
    295 Project.
    296 *   [C-0-5] MUST attempt validation of the intent filters during the installation of
    297 the application and set all successfully validated UIR intent filters as
    298 default app handlers for their UIRs.
    299 *   MAY set specific URI intent filters as default app handlers for their URIs,
    300 if they are successfully verified but other candidate URI filters fail
    301 verification. If a device implementation does this, it MUST provide the
    302 user appropriate per-URI pattern overrides in the settings menu.
    303 *   MUST provide the user with per-app App Links controls in Settings as
    304 follows:
    305     *   [C-0-6] The user MUST be able to override holistically the default app
    306     links behavior for an app to be: always open, always ask, or never open,
    307     which must apply to all candidate URI intent filters equally.
    308     *   [C-0-7] The user MUST be able to see a list of the candidate URI intent
    309     filters.
    310     *   The device implementation MAY provide the user with the ability to
    311     override specific candidate URI intent filters that were successfully
    312     verified, on a per-intent filter basis.
    313     *   [C-0-8] The device implementation MUST provide users with the ability to
    314     view and override specific candidate URI intent filters if the device
    315     implementation lets some candidate URI intent filters succeed
    316     verification while some others can fail.
    318 ####\. Intent Namespaces
    320 *   [C-0-1] Device implementations MUST NOT include any Android component that
    321 honors any new intent or broadcast intent patterns using an ACTION, CATEGORY, or
    322 other key string in the android.* or com.android.* namespace.
    323 *   [C-0-2] Device implementers MUST NOT include any Android components that
    324 honor any new intent or broadcast intent patterns using an ACTION, CATEGORY, or
    325 other key string in a package space belonging to another organization.
    326 *   [C-0-3] Device implementers MUST NOT alter or extend any of the intent
    327 patterns used by the core apps listed in [section](#3_2_3_1_core_application_intents).
    328 *   Device implementations MAY include intent patterns using namespaces clearly
    329 and obviously associated with their own organization. This prohibition is
    330 analogous to that specified for Java language classes in [section 3.6](#3_6_api_namespaces).
    332 ####\. Broadcast Intents
    334 Third-party applications rely on the platform to broadcast certain intents to
    335 notify them of changes in the hardware or software environment.
    337 Device implementations:
    339 *   [C-0-1] MUST broadcast the public broadcast intents in response to
    340     appropriate system events as described in the SDK documentation. Note that
    341     this requirement is not conflicting with section 3.5 as the limitation for
    342     background applications are also described in the SDK documentation.
    344 ####\. Default App Settings
    346 Android includes settings that provide users an easy way to select their
    347 default applications, for example for Home screen or SMS.
    349 Where it makes sense, device implementations MUST provide a similar settings
    350 menu and be compatible with the intent filter pattern and API methods described
    351 in the SDK documentation as below.
    353 If device implementations report `android.software.home_screen`, they:
    355 *   [C-1-1] MUST honor the [android.settings.HOME_SETTINGS](
    356 http://developer.android.com/reference/android/provider/Settings.html#ACTION_HOME_SETTINGS)
    357 intent to show a default app settings menu for Home Screen.
    359 If device implementations report `android.hardware.telephony`, they:
    361 *   [C-2-1] MUST provide a settings menu that will call the
    362 [android.provider.Telephony.ACTION_CHANGE_DEFAULT](
    363 http://developer.android.com/reference/android/provider/Telephony.Sms.Intents.html)
    364 intent to show a dialog to change the default SMS application.
    367 If device implementations report `android.hardware.nfc.hce`, they:
    369 *   [C-3-1] MUST honor the [android.settings.NFC_PAYMENT_SETTINGS](
    370 http://developer.android.com/reference/android/provider/Settings.html#ACTION_NFC_PAYMENT_SETTINGS)
    371 intent to show a default app settings menu for Tap and Pay.
    373 If device implementations report `android.hardware.telephony`, they:
    375 *   [C-4-1] MUST honor the [android.telecom.action.CHANGE_DEFAULT_DIALER](
    376 https://developer.android.com/reference/android/telecom/TelecomManager.html#ACTION_CHANGE_DEFAULT_DIALER)
    377 intent to show a dialog to allow the user to change the default Phone
    378 application.
    380 If device implementations support the VoiceInteractionService, they:
    382 *   [C-5-1] MUST honor the [android.settings.ACTION_VOICE_INPUT_SETTINGS](
    383     https://developer.android.com/reference/android/provider/Settings.html#ACTION_VOICE_INPUT_SETTINGS)
    384     intent to show a default app settings menu for voice input and assist.
    386 ### 3.2.4\. Activities on secondary displays
    388 If device implementations allow launching normal [Android Activities](
    389 https://developer.android.com/reference/android/app/Activity.html) on secondary
    390 displays, they:
    392 *   [C-1-1] MUST set the `android.software.activities_on_secondary_displays`
    393     feature flag.
    394 *   [C-1-2] MUST guarantee API compatibility similar to an activity running on
    395     the primary display.
    396 *   [C-1-3] MUST land the new activity on the same display as the activity that
    397     launched it, when the new activity is launched without specifying a target
    398     display via the [`ActivityOptions.setLaunchDisplayId()`](
    399     https://developer.android.com/reference/android/app/ActivityOptions.html#setLaunchDisplayId%28int%29)
    400     API.
    401 *   [C-1-4] MUST destory all activities, when a display with the
    402     [`Display.FLAG_PRIVATE`](http://developer.android.com/reference/android/view/Display.html#FLAG_PRIVATE)
    403     flag is removed.
    404 *   [C-1-5] MUST resize accordingly all activities on a [`VirtualDisplay`](
    405     https://developer.android.com/reference/android/hardware/display/VirtualDisplay.html)
    406     if the display itself is resized.
    407 *   MAY show an IME (input method editor, a user control that enables users to
    408     enter text) on the primary display, when a text input field becomes focused
    409     on a secondary display.
    410 *   SHOULD implement the input focus on the secondary display independently of
    411     the primary display, when touch or key inputs are supported.
    412 *   SHOULD have [`android.content.res.Configuration`](
    413     https://developer.android.com/reference/android/content/res/Configuration.html)
    414     which corresponds to that display in order to be displayed, operate
    415     correctly, and maintain compatibility if an activity is launched on
    416     secondary display.
    418 If device implementations allow launching normal [Android Activities](
    419 https://developer.android.com/reference/android/app/Activity.html) on secondary
    420 displays and primary and secondary displays have different
    421 [android.util.DisplayMetrics](https://developer.android.com/reference/android/util/DisplayMetrics.html):
    423 *   [C-2-1] Non-resizeable activities (that have `resizeableActivity=false` in
    424     `AndroidManifest.xml`) and apps targeting API level 23 or lower MUST NOT be
    425     allowed on secondary displays.
    427 If device implementations allow launching normal [Android Activities](
    428 https://developer.android.com/reference/android/app/Activity.html) on secondary
    429 displays and a secondary display has the [android.view.Display.FLAG_PRIVATE](
    430 https://developer.android.com/reference/android/view/Display.html#FLAG_PRIVATE)
    431 flag:
    433 *   [C-3-1] Only the owner of that display, system, and activities that are
    434     already on that display MUST be able to launch to it. Everyone can launch to
    435     a display that has [android.view.Display.FLAG_PUBLIC](https://developer.android.com/reference/android/view/Display.html#FLAG_PUBLIC)
    436     flag.