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      1 #! /bin/sh
      2 # This is a shell archive, meaning:
      3 # 1. Remove everything above the #! /bin/sh line.
      4 # 2. Save the resulting text in a file.
      5 # 3. Execute the file with /bin/sh (not csh) to create:
      6 #        Rationale
      7 #        dhry.h
      8 #        dhry_1.c
      9 #        dhry_2.c
     10 # This archive created: Wed Jul  6 16:50:06 1988
     11 export PATH; PATH=/bin:/usr/bin:$PATH
     12 if test -f 'Rationale'
     13 then
     14         echo shar: "will not over-write existing file 'Rationale'"
     15 else
     16 sed 's/^X//' << \SHAR_EOF > 'Rationale'
     17 XDhrystone Benchmark: Rationale for Version 2 and Measurement Rules
     18 X
     19 X                 Reinhold P. Weicker
     20 X                 Siemens AG, E STE 35
     21 X                 Postfach 3240
     22 X                 D-8520 Erlangen
     23 X                 Germany (West)
     24 X
     25 X
     26 X
     27 X
     28 XThe Dhrystone benchmark program [1] has become a popular benchmark  for
     29 XCPU/compiler  performance  measurement,  in  particular  in the area of
     30 Xminicomputers, workstations, PC's and  microprocesors.   It  apparently
     31 Xsatisfies a need for an easy-to-use integer benchmark; it gives a first
     32 Xperformance indication which  is  more  meaningful  than  MIPS  numbers
     33 Xwhich,  in  their  literal  meaning  (million instructions per second),
     34 Xcannot be used across different instruction sets (e.g. RISC vs.  CISC).
     35 XWith  the  increasing  use  of  the  benchmark,  it  seems necessary to
     36 Xreconsider the benchmark and to check whether it can still fulfill this
     37 Xfunction.   Version  2  of  Dhrystone  is  the  result  of  such  a re-
     38 Xevaluation, it has been made for two reasons:
     39 X
     40 Xo Dhrystone has been published in Ada [1], and Versions in Ada,  Pascal
     41 X  and  C  have  been  distributed  by Reinhold Weicker via floppy disk.
     42 X  However, the version that was used most often  for  benchmarking  has
     43 X  been  the version made by Rick Richardson by another translation from
     44 X  the Ada version into the C programming language, this  has  been  the
     45 X  version distributed via the UNIX network Usenet [2].
     46 X
     47 X  There is an obvious need for a common C version of Dhrystone, since C
     48 X  is  at  present  the most popular system programming language for the
     49 X  class of systems (microcomputers, minicomputers, workstations)  where
     50 X  Dhrystone  is  used  most.  There should be, as far as possible, only
     51 X  one C version of Dhrystone such that results can be compared  without
     52 X  restrictions.  In  the  past,  the  C  versions  distributed  by Rick
     53 X  Richardson (Version 1.1) and by Reinhold Weicker  had  small  (though
     54 X  not significant) differences.
     55 X
     56 X  Together with the new C version, the Ada  and  Pascal  versions  have
     57 X  been updated as well.
     58 X
     59 Xo As far as it is possible without changes to the Dhrystone statistics,
     60 X  optimizing  compilers  should  be prevented from removing significant
     61 X  statements.  It has turned out in the past that optimizing  compilers
     62 X  suppressed  code  generation  for  too many statements (by "dead code
     63 X  removal" or "dead variable  elimination").   This  has  lead  to  the
     64 X  danger  that  benchmarking results obtained by a naive application of
     65 X  Dhrystone - without inspection of the code that was generated - could
     66 X  become meaningless.
     67 X
     68 XThe overall policiy for version 2 has been  that  the  distribution  of
     69 Xstatements,  operand types and operand locality described in [1] should
     70 Xremain  unchanged  as  much  as  possible.   (Very  few  changes   were
     71 Xnecessary;  their  impact  should  be  negligible.)  Also, the order of
     72 Xstatements should  remain  unchanged.  Although  I  am  aware  of  some
     73 Xcritical  remarks on the benchmark - I agree with several of them - and
     74 Xknow some suggestions for improvement, I  didn't  want  to  change  the
     75 Xbenchmark  into  something  different  from  what  has  become known as
     76 X"Dhrystone"; the confusion generated by such a  change  would  probably
     77 Xoutweight  the  benefits. If I were to write a new benchmark program, I
     78 Xwouldn't give it the name "Dhrystone" since this  denotes  the  program
     79 Xpublished in [1].  However, I do recognize the need for a larger number
     80 Xof representative programs that can be used as benchmarks; users should
     81 Xalways be encouraged to use more than just one benchmark.
     82 X
     83 XThe  new  versions  (version  2.1  for  C,  Pascal  and  Ada)  will  be
     84 Xdistributed  as  widely as possible.  (Version 2.1 differs from version
     85 X2.0 distributed via the UNIX Network Usenet in March 1988 only in a few
     86 Xcorrections  for  minor  deficiencies  found  by users of version 2.0.)
     87 XReaders who want to use the benchmark for their  own  measurements  can
     88 Xobtain  a copy in machine-readable form on floppy disk (MS-DOS or XENIX
     89 Xformat) from the author.
     90 X
     91 X
     92 XIn general, version 2 follows - in the parts that are  significant  for
     93 Xperformance  measurement,  i.e.   within  the  measurement  loop  - the
     94 Xpublished (Ada) version and  the  C  versions  previously  distributed.
     95 XWhere  the  versions  distributed  by  Rick Richardson [2] and Reinhold
     96 XWeicker have been different, it  follows  the  version  distributed  by
     97 XReinhold  Weicker.  (However,  the  differences have been so small that
     98 Xtheir impact on execution time in all likelihood has been  negligible.)
     99 XThe  initialization  and  UNIX  instrumentation  part  - which had been
    100 Xomitted in [1] - follows mostly  the  ideas  of  Rick  Richardson  [2].
    101 XHowever,  any changes in the initialization part and in the printing of
    102 Xthe result have no impact on performance  measurement  since  they  are
    103 Xoutside  the  measaurement  loop.   As a concession to older compilers,
    104 Xnames have been made unique within the first 8  characters  for  the  C
    105 Xversion.
    106 X
    107 XThe original publication of Dhrystone did not  contain  any  statements
    108 Xfor  time  measurement  since  they  are  necessarily system-dependent.
    109 XHowever, it turned out that it is not enough just to inclose  the  main
    110 Xprocedure of Dhrystone in a loop and to measure the execution time.  If
    111 Xthe variables that are computed are not  used  somehow,  there  is  the
    112 Xdanger  that  the  compiler  considers  them  as  "dead  variables" and
    113 Xsuppresses code generation for a part of the statements.  Therefore  in
    114 Xversion  2  all  variables  of  "main"  are  printed  at the end of the
    115 Xprogram. This  also  permits  some  plausibility  control  for  correct
    116 Xexecution of the benchmark.
    117 X
    118 XAt several places in the benchmark, code has been added,  but  only  in
    119 Xbranches  that  are  not  executed.  The  intention  is that optimizing
    120 Xcompilers should be prevented from moving code out of  the  measurement
    121 Xloop,  or  from  removing code altogether. Statements that are executed
    122 Xhave been changed in very few places only.  In these  cases,  only  the
    123 Xrole  of  some operands has been changed, and it was made sure that the
    124 Xnumbers  defining  the  "Dhrystone   distribution"   (distribution   of
    125 Xstatements, operand types and locality) still hold as much as possible.
    126 XExcept for sophisticated  optimizing  compilers,  execution  times  for
    127 Xversion 2.1 should be the same as for previous versions.
    128 X
    129 XBecause of the self-imposed limitation that the order and  distribution
    130 Xof the executed statements should not be changed, there are still cases
    131 Xwhere optimizing compilers may not generate code for  some  statements.
    132 XTo   a   certain  degree,  this  is  unavoidable  for  small  synthetic
    133 Xbenchmarks.  Users of the benchmark are advised to check code  listings
    134 Xwhether code is generated for all statements of Dhrystone.
    135 X
    136 XContrary to the suggestion in the published paper and  its  realization
    137 Xin  the  versions  previously  distributed, no attempt has been made to
    138 Xsubtract the time for the measurement loop overhead. (This  calculation
    139 Xhas  proven  difficult  to implement in a correct way, and its omission
    140 Xmakes the program simpler.) However, since the loop check is  now  part
    141 Xof  the benchmark, this does have an impact - though a very minor one -
    142 Xon the  distribution  statistics  which  have  been  updated  for  this
    143 Xversion.
    144 X
    145 X
    146 XIn this section, all changes are described that affect the  measurement
    147 Xloop and that are not just renamings of variables. All remarks refer to
    148 Xthe C version; the other language versions have been updated similarly.
    149 X
    150 XIn addition to adding the measurement loop and the printout statements,
    151 Xchanges have been made at the following places:
    152 X
    153 Xo In procedure "main", three statements have been  added  in  the  non-
    154 X  executed "then" part of the statement
    155 X    if (Enum_Loc == Func_1 (Ch_Index, 'C'))
    156 X  they are
    157 X    strcpy (Str_2_Loc, "DHRYSTONE PROGRAM, 3'RD STRING");
    158 X    Int_2_Loc = Run_Index;
    159 X    Int_Glob = Run_Index;
    160 X  The string assignment prevents movement of the  preceding  assignment
    161 X  to  Str_2_Loc  (5'th statement of "main") out of the measurement loop
    162 X  (This probably will not happen for the C version, but it  did  happen
    163 X  with  another  language  and  compiler.)  The assignment to Int_2_Loc
    164 X  prevents value propagation  for  Int_2_Loc,  and  the  assignment  to
    165 X  Int_Glob  makes  the  value  of  Int_Glob possibly dependent from the
    166 X  value of Run_Index.
    167 X
    168 Xo In the three arithmetic computations at the end  of  the  measurement
    169 X  loop  in  "main  ", the role of some variables has been exchanged, to
    170 X  prevent the division from just cancelling out the  multiplication  as
    171 X  it  was in [1].  A very smart compiler might have recognized this and
    172 X  suppressed code generation for the division.
    173 X
    174 Xo For Proc_2, no code has been changed, but the values  of  the  actual
    175 X  parameter have changed due to changes in "main".
    176 X
    177 Xo In Proc_4, the second assignment has been changed from
    178 X    Bool_Loc = Bool_Loc | Bool_Glob;
    179 X  to
    180 X    Bool_Glob = Bool_Loc | Bool_Glob;
    181 X  It now assigns a value to  a  global  variable  instead  of  a  local
    182 X  variable (Bool_Loc); Bool_Loc would be a "dead variable" which is not
    183 X  used afterwards.
    184 X
    185 Xo In Func_1, the statement
    186 X    Ch_1_Glob = Ch_1_Loc;
    187 X  was added in the non-executed "else" part of the "if"  statement,  to
    188 X  prevent  the  suppression  of  code  generation for the assignment to
    189 X  Ch_1_Loc.
    190 X
    191 Xo In Func_2, the second character comparison statement has been changed
    192 X  to
    193 X    if (Ch_Loc == 'R')
    194 X  ('R' instead of 'X') because a comparison with 'X' is implied in  the
    195 X  preceding "if" statement.
    196 X
    197 X  Also in Func_2, the statement
    198 X    Int_Glob = Int_Loc;
    199 X  has been added in the non-executed part of the last  "if"  statement,
    200 X  in order to prevent Int_Loc from becoming a dead variable.
    201 X
    202 Xo In Func_3, a non-executed "else" part has  been  added  to  the  "if"
    203 X  statement.   While  the  program  would not be incorrect without this
    204 X  "else" part, it is considered bad programming practice if a  function
    205 X  can be left without a return value.
    206 X
    207 X  To compensate for this change, the (non-executed) "else" part in  the
    208 X  "if" statement of Proc_3 was removed.
    209 X
    210 XThe distribution statistics have been changed only by the  addition  of
    211 Xthe  measurement  loop  iteration (1 additional statement, 4 additional
    212 Xlocal integer operands) and  by  the  change  in  Proc_4  (one  operand
    213 Xchanged  from  local  to  global).  The  distribution statistics in the
    214 Xcomment headers have been updated accordingly.
    215 X
    216 X
    217 XThe string operations (string assignment and  string  comparison)  have
    218 Xnot  been  changed,  to  keep  the program consistent with the original
    219 Xversion.
    220 X
    221 XThere has been some  concern  that  the  string  operations  are  over-
    222 Xrepresented  in  the  program,  and that execution time is dominated by
    223 Xthese  operations.   This  was  true  in  particular  when   optimizing
    224 Xcompilers  removed  too much code in the main part of the program, this
    225 Xshould have been mitigated in version 2.
    226 X
    227 XIt should be noted that this is a language-dependent issue:   Dhrystone
    228 Xwas  first published in Ada, and with Ada or Pascal semantics, the time
    229 Xspent in the string operations is,  at  least  in  all  implementations
    230 Xknown  to  me, considerably smaller.  In Ada and Pascal, assignment and
    231 Xcomparison of strings are operators defined in the  language,  and  the
    232 Xupper  bounds of the strings occuring in Dhrystone are part of the type
    233 Xinformation known at compilation time.   The  compilers  can  therefore
    234 Xgenerate efficient inline code.  In C, string assignemt and comparisons
    235 Xare not part  of  the  language,  so  the  string  operations  must  be
    236 Xexpressed  in  terms  of the C library functions "strcpy" and "strcmp".
    237 X(ANSI  C  allows  an  implementation  to  use  inline  code  for  these
    238 Xfunctions.)   In addition to the overhead caused by additional function
    239 Xcalls, these functions are defined for  null-terminated  strings  where
    240 Xthe  length  of  the  strings  is  not  known  at compilation time; the
    241 Xfunction has to check every byte for  the  termination  condition  (the
    242 Xnull byte).
    243 X
    244 XObviously, a C library which includes efficiently  coded  "strcpy"  and
    245 X"strcmp"  functions  helps to obtain good Dhrystone results. However, I
    246 Xdon't think that this is unfair since string functions do  occur  quite
    247 Xfrequently  in real programs (editors, command interpreters, etc.).  If
    248 Xthe strings functions are  implemented  efficiently,  this  helps  real
    249 Xprograms as well as benchmark programs.
    250 X
    251 XI admit that the string comparison in Dhrystone terminates later (after
    252 Xscanning  20 characters) than most string comparisons in real programs.
    253 XFor consistency with  the  original  benchmark,  I  didn't  change  the
    254 Xprogram despite this weakness.
    255 X
    256 X
    257 XWhen Dhrystone is used, the following "ground rules" apply:
    258 X
    259 Xo Separate compilation (Ada and C versions)
    260 X
    261 X  As  mentioned  in  [1],  Dhrystone  was  written  to  reflect  actual
    262 X  programming  practice  in  systems  programming.   The  division into
    263 X  several compilation units (5 in the Ada version, 2 in the C  version)
    264 X  is  intended, as is the distribution of inter-module and intra-module
    265 X  subprogram  calls.   Although  on  many  systems  there  will  be  no
    266 X  difference  in  execution  time  to  a  Dhrystone  version  where all
    267 X  compilation units are merged into one file, the rule is that separate
    268 X  compilation  should  be used.  The intention is that real programming
    269 X  practice, where programs consist of  several  independently  compiled
    270 X  units, should be reflected.  This also has implies that the compiler,
    271 X  while compiling one  unit,  has  no  information  about  the  use  of
    272 X  variables,  register  allocation  etc.  occuring in other compilation
    273 X  units.  Although in real life  compilation  units  will  probably  be
    274 X  larger,  the  intention is that these effects of separate compilation
    275 X  are modeled in Dhrystone.
    276 X
    277 X  A few  language  systems  have  post-linkage  optimization  available
    278 X  (e.g.,  final  register allocation is performed after linkage).  This
    279 X  is a borderline case: Post-linkage optimization  involves  additional
    280 X  program  preparation time (although not as much as compilation in one
    281 X  unit) which may prevent its general use in practical programming.   I
    282 X  think that since it defeats the intentions given above, it should not
    283 X  be used for Dhrystone.
    284 X
    285 X  Unfortunately, ISO/ANSI Pascal does not contain language features for
    286 X  separate  compilation.   Although  most  commercial  Pascal compilers
    287 X  provide separate compilation in  some  way,  we  cannot  use  it  for
    288 X  Dhrystone  since such a version would not be portable.  Therefore, no
    289 X  attempt has been made  to  provide  a  Pascal  version  with  several
    290 X  compilation units.
    291 X
    292 Xo No procedure merging
    293 X
    294 X  Although  Dhrystone  contains  some  very  short   procedures   where
    295 X  execution  would  benefit  from  procedure  merging  (inlining, macro
    296 X  expansion of procedures), procedure merging is not to be  used.   The
    297 X  reason is that the percentage of procedure and function calls is part
    298 X  of the "Dhrystone distribution" of statements contained in [1].  This
    299 X  restriction  does  not hold for the string functions of the C version
    300 X  since ANSI C allows an implementation to use inline  code  for  these
    301 X  functions.
    302 X
    303 X
    304 X
    305 Xo Other optimizations are allowed, but they should be indicated
    306 X
    307 X  It is  often  hard  to  draw  an  exact  line  between  "normal  code
    308 X  generation"  and  "optimization" in compilers: Some compilers perform
    309 X  operations by default that are invoked in other compilers  only  when
    310 X  optimization  is explicitly requested.  Also, we cannot avoid that in
    311 X  benchmarking people try to achieve  results  that  look  as  good  as
    312 X  possible.   Therefore,  optimizations  performed by compilers - other
    313 X  than those listed above - are not forbidden when Dhrystone  execution
    314 X  times  are measured.  Dhrystone is not intended to be non-optimizable
    315 X  but is intended to be similarly optimizable as normal programs.   For
    316 X  example,  there  are  several  places  in Dhrystone where performance
    317 X  benefits from optimizations like  common  subexpression  elimination,
    318 X  value propagation etc., but normal programs usually also benefit from
    319 X  these optimizations.  Therefore, no effort was made  to  artificially
    320 X  prevent  such  optimizations.   However,  measurement  reports should
    321 X  indicate which compiler  optimization  levels  have  been  used,  and
    322 X  reporting  results with different levels of compiler optimization for
    323 X  the same hardware is encouraged.
    324 X
    325 Xo Default results are those without "register" declarations (C version)
    326 X
    327 X  When Dhrystone results are quoted without  additional  qualification,
    328 X  they  should  be  understood  as  results obtained without use of the
    329 X  "register" attribute. Good compilers should be able to make good  use
    330 X  of  registers  even  without  explicit register declarations ([3], p.
    331 X  193).
    332 X
    333 XOf  course,  for  experimental  purposes,  post-linkage   optimization,
    334 Xprocedure  merging  and/or  compilation  in  one  unit  can  be done to
    335 Xdetermine their effects.  However,  Dhrystone  numbers  obtained  under
    336 Xthese   conditions  should  be  explicitly  marked  as  such;  "normal"
    337 XDhrystone results should be understood as  results  obtained  following
    338 Xthe ground rules listed above.
    339 X
    340 XIn any case, for serious performance evaluation, users are  advised  to
    341 Xask  for  code listings and to check them carefully.  In this way, when
    342 Xresults for different systems  are  compared,  the  reader  can  get  a
    343 Xfeeling how much performance difference is due to compiler optimization
    344 Xand how much is due to hardware speed.
    345 X
    346 X
    347 XThe C version 2.1 of Dhrystone has been developed in  cooperation  with
    348 XRick Richardson (Tinton Falls, NJ), it incorporates many ideas from the
    349 X"Version 1.1" distributed previously  by  him  over  the  UNIX  network
    350 XUsenet.  Through  his  activity with Usenet, Rick Richardson has made a
    351 Xvery valuable contribution to the dissemination of  the  benchmark.   I
    352 Xalso  thank  Chaim  Benedelac  (National  Semiconductor),  David Ditzel
    353 X(SUN), Earl Killian and John  Mashey  (MIPS),  Alan  Smith  and  Rafael
    354 XSaavedra-Barrera  (UC  at  Berkeley)  for  their  help with comments on
    355 Xearlier versions of the benchmark.
    356 X
    357 X
    358 X[1]
    359 X   Reinhold P. Weicker:  Dhrystone:  A  Synthetic  Systems  Programming
    360 X   Benchmark.
    361 X   Communications of the ACM 27, 10 (Oct. 1984), 1013-1030
    362 X
    363 X[2]
    364 X   Rick Richardson: Dhrystone 1.1 Benchmark Summary (and Program Text)
    365 X   Informal Distribution via "Usenet", Last Version Known to me:  Sept.
    366 X   21, 1987
    367 X
    368 X[3]
    369 X   Brian W.  Kernighan  and  Dennis  M.  Ritchie:   The  C  Programming
    370 X   Language.
    371 X   Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs (NJ) 1978
    372 X
    373 X
    374 X
    375 X
    376 X
    377 SHAR_EOF
    378 fi
    379 if test -f 'dhry.h'
    380 then
    381         echo shar: "will not over-write existing file 'dhry.h'"
    382 else
    383 sed 's/^X//' << \SHAR_EOF > 'dhry.h'
    384 X/*
    385 X ****************************************************************************
    386 X *
    387 X *                   "DHRYSTONE" Benchmark Program
    388 X *                   -----------------------------
    389 X *                                                                            
    390 X *  Version:    C, Version 2.1
    391 X *                                                                            
    392 X *  File:       dhry.h (part 1 of 3)
    393 X *
    394 X *  Date:       May 17, 1988
    395 X *
    396 X *  Author:     Reinhold P. Weicker
    397 X *                      Siemens AG, E STE 35
    398 X *                      Postfach 3240
    399 X *                      8520 Erlangen
    400 X *                      Germany (West)
    401 X *                              Phone:  [xxx-49]-9131-7-20330
    402 X *                                      (8-17 Central European Time)
    403 X *                              Usenet: ..!mcvax!unido!estevax!weicker
    404 X *
    405 X *              Original Version (in Ada) published in
    406 X *              "Communications of the ACM" vol. 27., no. 10 (Oct. 1984),
    407 X *              pp. 1013 - 1030, together with the statistics
    408 X *              on which the distribution of statements etc. is based.
    409 X *
    410 X *              In this C version, the following C library functions are used:
    411 X *              - strcpy, strcmp (inside the measurement loop)
    412 X *              - printf, scanf (outside the measurement loop)
    413 X *              In addition, Berkeley UNIX system calls "times ()" or "time ()"
    414 X *              are used for execution time measurement. For measurements
    415 X *              on other systems, these calls have to be changed.
    416 X *
    417 X *  Collection of Results:
    418 X *              Reinhold Weicker (address see above) and
    419 X *              
    420 X *              Rick Richardson
    421 X *              PC Research. Inc.
    422 X *              94 Apple Orchard Drive
    423 X *              Tinton Falls, NJ 07724
    424 X *                      Phone:  (201) 389-8963 (9-17 EST)               
    425 X *                      Usenet: ...!uunet!pcrat!rick
    426 X *
    427 X *      Please send results to Rick Richardson and/or Reinhold Weicker.
    428 X *      Complete information should be given on hardware and software used.
    429 X *      Hardware information includes: Machine type, CPU, type and size
    430 X *      of caches; for microprocessors: clock frequency, memory speed
    431 X *      (number of wait states).
    432 X *      Software information includes: Compiler (and runtime library)
    433 X *      manufacturer and version, compilation switches, OS version.
    434 X *      The Operating System version may give an indication about the
    435 X *      compiler; Dhrystone itself performs no OS calls in the measurement loop.
    436 X *
    437 X *      The complete output generated by the program should be mailed
    438 X *      such that at least some checks for correctness can be made.
    439 X *
    440 X ***************************************************************************
    441 X *
    442 X *  History:    This version C/2.1 has been made for two reasons:
    443 X *
    444 X *              1) There is an obvious need for a common C version of
    445 X *              Dhrystone, since C is at present the most popular system
    446 X *              programming language for the class of processors
    447 X *              (microcomputers, minicomputers) where Dhrystone is used most.
    448 X *              There should be, as far as possible, only one C version of
    449 X *              Dhrystone such that results can be compared without
    450 X *              restrictions. In the past, the C versions distributed
    451 X *              by Rick Richardson (Version 1.1) and by Reinhold Weicker
    452 X *              had small (though not significant) differences.
    453 X *
    454 X *              2) As far as it is possible without changes to the Dhrystone
    455 X *              statistics, optimizing compilers should be prevented from
    456 X *              removing significant statements.
    457 X *
    458 X *              This C version has been developed in cooperation with
    459 X *              Rick Richardson (Tinton Falls, NJ), it incorporates many
    460 X *              ideas from the "Version 1.1" distributed previously by
    461 X *              him over the UNIX network Usenet.
    462 X *              I also thank Chaim Benedelac (National Semiconductor),
    463 X *              David Ditzel (SUN), Earl Killian and John Mashey (MIPS),
    464 X *              Alan Smith and Rafael Saavedra-Barrera (UC at Berkeley)
    465 X *              for their help with comments on earlier versions of the
    466 X *              benchmark.
    467 X *
    468 X *  Changes:    In the initialization part, this version follows mostly
    469 X *              Rick Richardson's version distributed via Usenet, not the
    470 X *              version distributed earlier via floppy disk by Reinhold Weicker.
    471 X *              As a concession to older compilers, names have been made
    472 X *              unique within the first 8 characters.
    473 X *              Inside the measurement loop, this version follows the
    474 X *              version previously distributed by Reinhold Weicker.
    475 X *
    476 X *              At several places in the benchmark, code has been added,
    477 X *              but within the measurement loop only in branches that 
    478 X *              are not executed. The intention is that optimizing compilers
    479 X *              should be prevented from moving code out of the measurement
    480 X *              loop, or from removing code altogether. Since the statements
    481 X *              that are executed within the measurement loop have NOT been
    482 X *              changed, the numbers defining the "Dhrystone distribution"
    483 X *              (distribution of statements, operand types and locality)
    484 X *              still hold. Except for sophisticated optimizing compilers,
    485 X *              execution times for this version should be the same as
    486 X *              for previous versions.
    487 X *              
    488 X *              Since it has proven difficult to subtract the time for the
    489 X *              measurement loop overhead in a correct way, the loop check
    490 X *              has been made a part of the benchmark. This does have
    491 X *              an impact - though a very minor one - on the distribution
    492 X *              statistics which have been updated for this version.
    493 X *
    494 X *              All changes within the measurement loop are described
    495 X *              and discussed in the companion paper "Rationale for
    496 X *              Dhrystone version 2".
    497 X *
    498 X *              Because of the self-imposed limitation that the order and
    499 X *              distribution of the executed statements should not be
    500 X *              changed, there are still cases where optimizing compilers
    501 X *              may not generate code for some statements. To a certain
    502 X *              degree, this is unavoidable for small synthetic benchmarks.
    503 X *              Users of the benchmark are advised to check code listings
    504 X *              whether code is generated for all statements of Dhrystone.
    505 X *
    506 X *              Version 2.1 is identical to version 2.0 distributed via
    507 X *              the UNIX network Usenet in March 1988 except that it corrects
    508 X *              some minor deficiencies that were found by users of version 2.0.
    509 X *              The following corrections have been made in the C version:
    510 X *              - The assignment to Number_Of_Runs was changed
    511 X *              - The constant Too_Small_Time was changed
    512 X *              - An "else" part was added to the "if" statement in Func_3;
    513 X *                for compensation, an "else" part was removed in Proc_3
    514 X *              - Shorter file names are used
    515 X *
    516 X ***************************************************************************
    517 X *
    518 X * Defines:     The following "Defines" are possible:
    519 X *              -DREG=register          (default: Not defined)
    520 X *                      As an approximation to what an average C programmer
    521 X *                      might do, the "register" storage class is applied
    522 X *                      (if enabled by -DREG=register)
    523 X *                      - for local variables, if they are used (dynamically)
    524 X *                        five or more times
    525 X *                      - for parameters if they are used (dynamically)
    526 X *                        six or more times
    527 X *                      Note that an optimal "register" strategy is
    528 X *                      compiler-dependent, and that "register" declarations
    529 X *                      do not necessarily lead to faster execution.
    530 X *              -DNOSTRUCTASSIGN        (default: Not defined)
    531 X *                      Define if the C compiler does not support
    532 X *                      assignment of structures.
    533 X *              -DNOENUMS               (default: Not defined)
    534 X *                      Define if the C compiler does not support
    535 X *                      enumeration types.
    536 X *              -DTIMES                 (default)
    537 X *              -DTIME
    538 X *                      The "times" function of UNIX (returning process times)
    539 X *                      or the "time" function (returning wallclock time)
    540 X *                      is used for measurement. 
    541 X *                      For single user machines, "time ()" is adequate. For
    542 X *                      multi-user machines where you cannot get single-user
    543 X *                      access, use the "times ()" function. If you have
    544 X *                      neither, use a stopwatch in the dead of night.
    545 X *                      "printf"s are provided marking the points "Start Timer"
    546 X *                      and "Stop Timer". DO NOT use the UNIX "time(1)"
    547 X *                      command, as this will measure the total time to
    548 X *                      run this program, which will (erroneously) include
    549 X *                      the time to allocate storage (malloc) and to perform
    550 X *                      the initialization.
    551 X *              -DHZ=nnn
    552 X *                      In Berkeley UNIX, the function "times" returns process
    553 X *                      time in 1/HZ seconds, with HZ = 60 for most systems.
    555 X *                      A VALUE.
    556 X *
    557 X ***************************************************************************
    558 X *
    559 X *  Compilation model and measurement (IMPORTANT):
    560 X *
    561 X *  This C version of Dhrystone consists of three files:
    562 X *  - dhry.h (this file, containing global definitions and comments)
    563 X *  - dhry_1.c (containing the code corresponding to Ada package Pack_1)
    564 X *  - dhry_2.c (containing the code corresponding to Ada package Pack_2)
    565 X *
    566 X *  The following "ground rules" apply for measurements:
    567 X *  - Separate compilation
    568 X *  - No procedure merging
    569 X *  - Otherwise, compiler optimizations are allowed but should be indicated
    570 X *  - Default results are those without register declarations
    571 X *  See the companion paper "Rationale for Dhrystone Version 2" for a more
    572 X *  detailed discussion of these ground rules.
    573 X *
    574 X *  For 16-Bit processors (e.g. 80186, 80286), times for all compilation
    575 X *  models ("small", "medium", "large" etc.) should be given if possible,
    576 X *  together with a definition of these models for the compiler system used.
    577 X *
    578 X **************************************************************************
    579 X *
    580 X *  Dhrystone (C version) statistics:
    581 X *
    582 X *  [Comment from the first distribution, updated for version 2.
    583 X *   Note that because of language differences, the numbers are slightly
    584 X *   different from the Ada version.]
    585 X *
    586 X *  The following program contains statements of a high level programming
    587 X *  language (here: C) in a distribution considered representative:           
    588 X *
    589 X *    assignments                  52 (51.0 %)
    590 X *    control statements           33 (32.4 %)
    591 X *    procedure, function calls    17 (16.7 %)
    592 X *
    593 X *  103 statements are dynamically executed. The program is balanced with
    594 X *  respect to the three aspects:                                             
    595 X *
    596 X *    - statement type
    597 X *    - operand type
    598 X *    - operand locality
    599 X *         operand global, local, parameter, or constant.                     
    600 X *
    601 X *  The combination of these three aspects is balanced only approximately.    
    602 X *
    603 X *  1. Statement Type:                                                        
    604 X *  -----------------             number
    605 X *
    606 X *     V1 = V2                     9
    607 X *       (incl. V1 = F(..)
    608 X *     V = Constant               12
    609 X *     Assignment,                 7
    610 X *       with array element
    611 X *     Assignment,                 6
    612 X *       with record component
    613 X *                                --
    614 X *                                34       34
    615 X *
    616 X *     X = Y +|-|"&&"|"|" Z        5
    617 X *     X = Y +|-|"==" Constant     6
    618 X *     X = X +|- 1                 3
    619 X *     X = Y *|/ Z                 2
    620 X *     X = Expression,             1
    621 X *           two operators
    622 X *     X = Expression,             1
    623 X *           three operators
    624 X *                                --
    625 X *                                18       18
    626 X *
    627 X *     if ....                    14
    628 X *       with "else"      7
    629 X *       without "else"   7
    630 X *           executed        3
    631 X *           not executed    4
    632 X *     for ...                     7  |  counted every time
    633 X *     while ...                   4  |  the loop condition
    634 X *     do ... while                1  |  is evaluated
    635 X *     switch ...                  1
    636 X *     break                       1
    637 X *     declaration with            1
    638 X *       initialization
    639 X *                                --
    640 X *                                34       34
    641 X *
    642 X *     P (...)  procedure call    11
    643 X *       user procedure      10
    644 X *       library procedure    1
    645 X *     X = F (...)
    646 X *             function  call      6
    647 X *       user function        5                                         
    648 X *       library function     1                                               
    649 X *                                --                                          
    650 X *                                17       17
    651 X *                                        ---
    652 X *                                        103
    653 X *
    654 X *    The average number of parameters in procedure or function calls
    655 X *    is 1.82 (not counting the function values as implicit parameters).
    656 X *
    657 X *
    658 X *  2. Operators
    659 X *  ------------
    660 X *                          number    approximate
    661 X *                                    percentage
    662 X *
    663 X *    Arithmetic             32          50.8                                 
    664 X *
    665 X *       +                     21          33.3                              
    666 X *       -                      7          11.1                              
    667 X *       *                      3           4.8
    668 X *       / (int div)            1           1.6
    669 X *
    670 X *    Comparison             27           42.8
    671 X *
    672 X *       ==                     9           14.3
    673 X *       /=                     4            6.3
    674 X *       >                      1            1.6
    675 X *       <                      3            4.8
    676 X *       >=                     1            1.6
    677 X *       <=                     9           14.3
    678 X *
    679 X *    Logic                   4            6.3
    680 X *
    681 X *       && (AND-THEN)          1            1.6
    682 X *       |  (OR)                1            1.6
    683 X *       !  (NOT)               2            3.2
    684 X * 
    685 X *                           --          -----
    686 X *                           63          100.1
    687 X *
    688 X *
    689 X *  3. Operand Type (counted once per operand reference):
    690 X *  ---------------
    691 X *                          number    approximate
    692 X *                                    percentage
    693 X *
    694 X *     Integer               175        72.3 %
    695 X *     Character              45        18.6 %
    696 X *     Pointer                12         5.0 %
    697 X *     String30                6         2.5 %
    698 X *     Array                   2         0.8 %
    699 X *     Record                  2         0.8 %
    700 X *                           ---       -------
    701 X *                           242       100.0 %
    702 X *
    703 X *  When there is an access path leading to the final operand (e.g. a record
    704 X *  component), only the final data type on the access path is counted.       
    705 X *
    706 X *
    707 X *  4. Operand Locality:                                                      
    708 X *  -------------------
    709 X *                                number    approximate
    710 X *                                          percentage
    711 X *
    712 X *     local variable              114        47.1 %
    713 X *     global variable              22         9.1 %
    714 X *     parameter                    45        18.6 %
    715 X *        value                        23         9.5 %
    716 X *        reference                    22         9.1 %
    717 X *     function result               6         2.5 %
    718 X *     constant                     55        22.7 %
    719 X *                                 ---       -------
    720 X *                                 242       100.0 %
    721 X *
    722 X *
    723 X *  The program does not compute anything meaningful, but it is syntactically
    724 X *  and semantically correct. All variables have a value assigned to them
    725 X *  before they are used as a source operand.
    726 X *
    727 X *  There has been no explicit effort to account for the effects of a
    728 X *  cache, or to balance the use of long or short displacements for code or
    729 X *  data.
    730 X *
    731 X ***************************************************************************
    732 X */
    733 X
    734 X/* Compiler and system dependent definitions: */
    735 X
    736 X#ifndef TIME
    737 X#ifndef TIMES
    738 X#define TIMES
    739 X#endif
    740 X#endif
    741 X                /* Use times(2) time function unless    */
    742 X                /* explicitly defined otherwise         */
    743 X
    744 X#ifdef MSC_CLOCK
    745 X#undef HZ
    746 X#undef TIMES
    747 X#include <time.h>
    748 X#define HZ        CLK_TCK
    749 X#endif
    750 X                /* Use Microsoft C hi-res clock */
    751 X
    752 X#ifdef TIMES
    753 X#include <sys/types.h>
    754 X#include <sys/times.h>
    755 X                /* for "times" */
    756 X#endif
    757 X
    758 X#define Mic_secs_Per_Second     1000000.0
    759 X                /* Berkeley UNIX C returns process times in seconds/HZ */
    760 X
    761 X#ifdef  NOSTRUCTASSIGN
    762 X#define structassign(d, s)      memcpy(&(d), &(s), sizeof(d))
    763 X#else
    764 X#define structassign(d, s)      d = s
    765 X#endif
    766 X
    767 X#ifdef  NOENUM
    768 X#define Ident_1 0
    769 X#define Ident_2 1
    770 X#define Ident_3 2
    771 X#define Ident_4 3
    772 X#define Ident_5 4
    773 X  typedef int   Enumeration;
    774 X#else
    775 X  typedef       enum    {Ident_1, Ident_2, Ident_3, Ident_4, Ident_5}
    776 X                Enumeration;
    777 X#endif
    778 X        /* for boolean and enumeration types in Ada, Pascal */
    779 X
    780 X/* General definitions: */
    781 X
    782 X#include <stdio.h>
    783 X                /* for strcpy, strcmp */
    784 X
    785 X#define Null 0 
    786 X                /* Value of a Null pointer */
    787 X#define true  1
    788 X#define false 0
    789 X
    790 Xtypedef int     One_Thirty;
    791 Xtypedef int     One_Fifty;
    792 Xtypedef char    Capital_Letter;
    793 Xtypedef int     Boolean;
    794 Xtypedef char    Str_30 [31];
    795 Xtypedef int     Arr_1_Dim [50];
    796 Xtypedef int     Arr_2_Dim [50] [50];
    797 X
    798 Xtypedef struct record 
    799 X    {
    800 X    struct record *Ptr_Comp;
    801 X    Enumeration    Discr;
    802 X    union {
    803 X          struct {
    804 X                  Enumeration Enum_Comp;
    805 X                  int         Int_Comp;
    806 X                  char        Str_Comp [31];
    807 X                  } var_1;
    808 X          struct {
    809 X                  Enumeration E_Comp_2;
    810 X                  char        Str_2_Comp [31];
    811 X                  } var_2;
    812 X          struct {
    813 X                  char        Ch_1_Comp;
    814 X                  char        Ch_2_Comp;
    815 X                  } var_3;
    816 X          } variant;
    817 X      } Rec_Type, *Rec_Pointer;
    818 X
    819 X
    820 SHAR_EOF
    821 fi
    822 if test -f 'dhry_1.c'
    823 then
    824         echo shar: "will not over-write existing file 'dhry_1.c'"
    825 else
    826 sed 's/^X//' << \SHAR_EOF > 'dhry_1.c'
    827 X/*
    828 X ****************************************************************************
    829 X *
    830 X *                   "DHRYSTONE" Benchmark Program
    831 X *                   -----------------------------
    832 X *                                                                            
    833 X *  Version:    C, Version 2.1
    834 X *                                                                            
    835 X *  File:       dhry_1.c (part 2 of 3)
    836 X *
    837 X *  Date:       May 17, 1988
    838 X *
    839 X *  Author:     Reinhold P. Weicker
    840 X *
    841 X ****************************************************************************
    842 X */
    843 X
    844 X#include "dhry.h"
    845 X
    846 X/* Global Variables: */
    847 X
    848 XRec_Pointer     Ptr_Glob,
    849 X                Next_Ptr_Glob;
    850 Xint             Int_Glob;
    851 XBoolean         Bool_Glob;
    852 Xchar            Ch_1_Glob,
    853 X                Ch_2_Glob;
    854 Xint             Arr_1_Glob [50];
    855 Xint             Arr_2_Glob [50] [50];
    856 X
    857 Xextern char     *malloc ();
    858 XEnumeration     Func_1 ();
    859 X  /* forward declaration necessary since Enumeration may not simply be int */
    860 X
    861 X#ifndef REG
    862 X        Boolean Reg = false;
    863 X#define REG
    864 X        /* REG becomes defined as empty */
    865 X        /* i.e. no register variables   */
    866 X#else
    867 X        Boolean Reg = true;
    868 X#endif
    869 X
    870 X/* variables for time measurement: */
    871 X
    872 X#ifdef TIMES
    873 Xstruct tms      time_info;
    874 Xextern  int     times ();
    875 X                /* see library function "times" */
    876 X#define Too_Small_Time (2*HZ)
    877 X                /* Measurements should last at least about 2 seconds */
    878 X#endif
    879 X#ifdef TIME
    880 Xextern long     time();
    881 X                /* see library function "time"  */
    882 X#define Too_Small_Time 2
    883 X                /* Measurements should last at least 2 seconds */
    884 X#endif
    885 X#ifdef MSC_CLOCK
    886 Xextern clock_t        clock();
    887 X#define Too_Small_Time (2*HZ)
    888 X#endif
    889 X
    890 Xlong            Begin_Time,
    891 X                End_Time,
    892 X                User_Time;
    893 Xfloat           Microseconds,
    894 X                Dhrystones_Per_Second;
    895 X
    896 X/* end of variables for time measurement */
    897 X
    898 X
    899 Xmain ()
    900 X/*****/
    901 X
    902 X  /* main program, corresponds to procedures        */
    903 X  /* Main and Proc_0 in the Ada version             */
    904 X{
    905 X        One_Fifty       Int_1_Loc;
    906 X  REG   One_Fifty       Int_2_Loc;
    907 X        One_Fifty       Int_3_Loc;
    908 X  REG   char            Ch_Index;
    909 X        Enumeration     Enum_Loc;
    910 X        Str_30          Str_1_Loc;
    911 X        Str_30          Str_2_Loc;
    912 X  REG   int             Run_Index;
    913 X  REG   int             Number_Of_Runs;
    914 X
    915 X  /* Initializations */
    916 X
    917 X  Next_Ptr_Glob = (Rec_Pointer) malloc (sizeof (Rec_Type));
    918 X  Ptr_Glob = (Rec_Pointer) malloc (sizeof (Rec_Type));
    919 X
    920 X  Ptr_Glob->Ptr_Comp                    = Next_Ptr_Glob;
    921 X  Ptr_Glob->Discr                       = Ident_1;
    922 X  Ptr_Glob->variant.var_1.Enum_Comp     = Ident_3;
    923 X  Ptr_Glob->variant.var_1.Int_Comp      = 40;
    924 X  strcpy (Ptr_Glob->variant.var_1.Str_Comp, 
    926 X  strcpy (Str_1_Loc, "DHRYSTONE PROGRAM, 1'ST STRING");
    927 X
    928 X  Arr_2_Glob [8][7] = 10;
    929 X        /* Was missing in published program. Without this statement,    */
    930 X        /* Arr_2_Glob [8][7] would have an undefined value.             */
    931 X        /* Warning: With 16-Bit processors and Number_Of_Runs > 32000,  */
    932 X        /* overflow may occur for this array element.                   */
    933 X
    934 X  printf ("\n");
    935 X  printf ("Dhrystone Benchmark, Version 2.1 (Language: C)\n");
    936 X  printf ("\n");
    937 X  if (Reg)
    938 X  {
    939 X    printf ("Program compiled with 'register' attribute\n");
    940 X    printf ("\n");
    941 X  }
    942 X  else
    943 X  {
    944 X    printf ("Program compiled without 'register' attribute\n");
    945 X    printf ("\n");
    946 X  }
    947 X  printf ("Please give the number of runs through the benchmark: ");
    948 X  {
    949 X    int n;
    950 X    scanf ("%d", &n);
    951 X    Number_Of_Runs = n;
    952 X  }
    953 X  printf ("\n");
    954 X
    955 X  printf ("Execution starts, %d runs through Dhrystone\n", Number_Of_Runs);
    956 X
    957 X  /***************/
    958 X  /* Start timer */
    959 X  /***************/
    960 X 
    961 X#ifdef TIMES
    962 X  times (&time_info);
    963 X  Begin_Time = (long) time_info.tms_utime;
    964 X#endif
    965 X#ifdef TIME
    966 X  Begin_Time = time ( (long *) 0);
    967 X#endif
    968 X#ifdef MSC_CLOCK
    969 X  Begin_Time = clock();
    970 X#endif
    971 X
    972 X  for (Run_Index = 1; Run_Index <= Number_Of_Runs; ++Run_Index)
    973 X  {
    974 X
    975 X    Proc_5();
    976 X    Proc_4();
    977 X      /* Ch_1_Glob == 'A', Ch_2_Glob == 'B', Bool_Glob == true */
    978 X    Int_1_Loc = 2;
    979 X    Int_2_Loc = 3;
    980 X    strcpy (Str_2_Loc, "DHRYSTONE PROGRAM, 2'ND STRING");
    981 X    Enum_Loc = Ident_2;
    982 X    Bool_Glob = ! Func_2 (Str_1_Loc, Str_2_Loc);
    983 X      /* Bool_Glob == 1 */
    984 X    while (Int_1_Loc < Int_2_Loc)  /* loop body executed once */
    985 X    {
    986 X      Int_3_Loc = 5 * Int_1_Loc - Int_2_Loc;
    987 X        /* Int_3_Loc == 7 */
    988 X      Proc_7 (Int_1_Loc, Int_2_Loc, &Int_3_Loc);
    989 X        /* Int_3_Loc == 7 */
    990 X      Int_1_Loc += 1;
    991 X    } /* while */
    992 X      /* Int_1_Loc == 3, Int_2_Loc == 3, Int_3_Loc == 7 */
    993 X    Proc_8 (Arr_1_Glob, Arr_2_Glob, Int_1_Loc, Int_3_Loc);
    994 X      /* Int_Glob == 5 */
    995 X    Proc_1 (Ptr_Glob);
    996 X    for (Ch_Index = 'A'; Ch_Index <= Ch_2_Glob; ++Ch_Index)
    997 X                             /* loop body executed twice */
    998 X    {
    999 X      if (Enum_Loc == Func_1 (Ch_Index, 'C'))
   1000 X          /* then, not executed */
   1001 X        {
   1002 X        Proc_6 (Ident_1, &Enum_Loc);
   1003 X        strcpy (Str_2_Loc, "DHRYSTONE PROGRAM, 3'RD STRING");
   1004 X        Int_2_Loc = Run_Index;
   1005 X        Int_Glob = Run_Index;
   1006 X        }
   1007 X    }
   1008 X      /* Int_1_Loc == 3, Int_2_Loc == 3, Int_3_Loc == 7 */
   1009 X    Int_2_Loc = Int_2_Loc * Int_1_Loc;
   1010 X    Int_1_Loc = Int_2_Loc / Int_3_Loc;
   1011 X    Int_2_Loc = 7 * (Int_2_Loc - Int_3_Loc) - Int_1_Loc;
   1012 X      /* Int_1_Loc == 1, Int_2_Loc == 13, Int_3_Loc == 7 */
   1013 X    Proc_2 (&Int_1_Loc);
   1014 X      /* Int_1_Loc == 5 */
   1015 X
   1016 X  } /* loop "for Run_Index" */
   1017 X
   1018 X  /**************/
   1019 X  /* Stop timer */
   1020 X  /**************/
   1021 X  
   1022 X#ifdef TIMES
   1023 X  times (&time_info);
   1024 X  End_Time = (long) time_info.tms_utime;
   1025 X#endif
   1026 X#ifdef TIME
   1027 X  End_Time = time ( (long *) 0);
   1028 X#endif
   1029 X#ifdef MSC_CLOCK
   1030 X  End_Time = clock();
   1031 X#endif
   1032 X
   1033 X  printf ("Execution ends\n");
   1034 X  printf ("\n");
   1035 X  printf ("Final values of the variables used in the benchmark:\n");
   1036 X  printf ("\n");
   1037 X  printf ("Int_Glob:            %d\n", Int_Glob);
   1038 X  printf ("        should be:   %d\n", 5);
   1039 X  printf ("Bool_Glob:           %d\n", Bool_Glob);
   1040 X  printf ("        should be:   %d\n", 1);
   1041 X  printf ("Ch_1_Glob:           %c\n", Ch_1_Glob);
   1042 X  printf ("        should be:   %c\n", 'A');
   1043 X  printf ("Ch_2_Glob:           %c\n", Ch_2_Glob);
   1044 X  printf ("        should be:   %c\n", 'B');
   1045 X  printf ("Arr_1_Glob[8]:       %d\n", Arr_1_Glob[8]);
   1046 X  printf ("        should be:   %d\n", 7);
   1047 X  printf ("Arr_2_Glob[8][7]:    %d\n", Arr_2_Glob[8][7]);
   1048 X  printf ("        should be:   Number_Of_Runs + 10\n");
   1049 X  printf ("Ptr_Glob->\n");
   1050 X  printf ("  Ptr_Comp:          %d\n", (int) Ptr_Glob->Ptr_Comp);
   1051 X  printf ("        should be:   (implementation-dependent)\n");
   1052 X  printf ("  Discr:             %d\n", Ptr_Glob->Discr);
   1053 X  printf ("        should be:   %d\n", 0);
   1054 X  printf ("  Enum_Comp:         %d\n", Ptr_Glob->variant.var_1.Enum_Comp);
   1055 X  printf ("        should be:   %d\n", 2);
   1056 X  printf ("  Int_Comp:          %d\n", Ptr_Glob->variant.var_1.Int_Comp);
   1057 X  printf ("        should be:   %d\n", 17);
   1058 X  printf ("  Str_Comp:          %s\n", Ptr_Glob->variant.var_1.Str_Comp);
   1059 X  printf ("        should be:   DHRYSTONE PROGRAM, SOME STRING\n");
   1060 X  printf ("Next_Ptr_Glob->\n");
   1061 X  printf ("  Ptr_Comp:          %d\n", (int) Next_Ptr_Glob->Ptr_Comp);
   1062 X  printf ("        should be:   (implementation-dependent), same as above\n");
   1063 X  printf ("  Discr:             %d\n", Next_Ptr_Glob->Discr);
   1064 X  printf ("        should be:   %d\n", 0);
   1065 X  printf ("  Enum_Comp:         %d\n", Next_Ptr_Glob->variant.var_1.Enum_Comp);
   1066 X  printf ("        should be:   %d\n", 1);
   1067 X  printf ("  Int_Comp:          %d\n", Next_Ptr_Glob->variant.var_1.Int_Comp);
   1068 X  printf ("        should be:   %d\n", 18);
   1069 X  printf ("  Str_Comp:          %s\n",
   1070 X                                Next_Ptr_Glob->variant.var_1.Str_Comp);
   1071 X  printf ("        should be:   DHRYSTONE PROGRAM, SOME STRING\n");
   1072 X  printf ("Int_1_Loc:           %d\n", Int_1_Loc);
   1073 X  printf ("        should be:   %d\n", 5);
   1074 X  printf ("Int_2_Loc:           %d\n", Int_2_Loc);
   1075 X  printf ("        should be:   %d\n", 13);
   1076 X  printf ("Int_3_Loc:           %d\n", Int_3_Loc);
   1077 X  printf ("        should be:   %d\n", 7);
   1078 X  printf ("Enum_Loc:            %d\n", Enum_Loc);
   1079 X  printf ("        should be:   %d\n", 1);
   1080 X  printf ("Str_1_Loc:           %s\n", Str_1_Loc);
   1081 X  printf ("        should be:   DHRYSTONE PROGRAM, 1'ST STRING\n");
   1082 X  printf ("Str_2_Loc:           %s\n", Str_2_Loc);
   1083 X  printf ("        should be:   DHRYSTONE PROGRAM, 2'ND STRING\n");
   1084 X  printf ("\n");
   1085 X
   1086 X  User_Time = End_Time - Begin_Time;
   1087 X
   1088 X  if (User_Time < Too_Small_Time)
   1089 X  {
   1090 X    printf ("Measured time too small to obtain meaningful results\n");
   1091 X    printf ("Please increase number of runs\n");
   1092 X    printf ("\n");
   1093 X  }
   1094 X  else
   1095 X  {
   1096 X#ifdef TIME
   1097 X    Microseconds = (float) User_Time * Mic_secs_Per_Second 
   1098 X                        / (float) Number_Of_Runs;
   1099 X    Dhrystones_Per_Second = (float) Number_Of_Runs / (float) User_Time;
   1100 X#else
   1101 X    Microseconds = (float) User_Time * Mic_secs_Per_Second 
   1102 X                        / ((float) HZ * ((float) Number_Of_Runs));
   1103 X    Dhrystones_Per_Second = ((float) HZ * (float) Number_Of_Runs)
   1104 X                        / (float) User_Time;
   1105 X#endif
   1106 X    printf ("Microseconds for one run through Dhrystone: ");
   1107 X    printf ("%6.1f \n", Microseconds);
   1108 X    printf ("Dhrystones per Second:                      ");
   1109 X    printf ("%6.1f \n", Dhrystones_Per_Second);
   1110 X    printf ("\n");
   1111 X  }
   1112 X  
   1113 X}
   1114 X
   1115 X
   1116 XProc_1 (Ptr_Val_Par)
   1117 X/******************/
   1118 X
   1119 XREG Rec_Pointer Ptr_Val_Par;
   1120 X    /* executed once */
   1121 X{
   1122 X  REG Rec_Pointer Next_Record = Ptr_Val_Par->Ptr_Comp;  
   1123 X                                        /* == Ptr_Glob_Next */
   1124 X  /* Local variable, initialized with Ptr_Val_Par->Ptr_Comp,    */
   1125 X  /* corresponds to "rename" in Ada, "with" in Pascal           */
   1126 X  
   1127 X  structassign (*Ptr_Val_Par->Ptr_Comp, *Ptr_Glob); 
   1128 X  Ptr_Val_Par->variant.var_1.Int_Comp = 5;
   1129 X  Next_Record->variant.var_1.Int_Comp 
   1130 X        = Ptr_Val_Par->variant.var_1.Int_Comp;
   1131 X  Next_Record->Ptr_Comp = Ptr_Val_Par->Ptr_Comp;
   1132 X  Proc_3 (&Next_Record->Ptr_Comp);
   1133 X    /* Ptr_Val_Par->Ptr_Comp->Ptr_Comp 
   1134 X                        == Ptr_Glob->Ptr_Comp */
   1135 X  if (Next_Record->Discr == Ident_1)
   1136 X    /* then, executed */
   1137 X  {
   1138 X    Next_Record->variant.var_1.Int_Comp = 6;
   1139 X    Proc_6 (Ptr_Val_Par->variant.var_1.Enum_Comp, 
   1140 X           &Next_Record->variant.var_1.Enum_Comp);
   1141 X    Next_Record->Ptr_Comp = Ptr_Glob->Ptr_Comp;
   1142 X    Proc_7 (Next_Record->variant.var_1.Int_Comp, 10, 
   1143 X           &Next_Record->variant.var_1.Int_Comp);
   1144 X  }
   1145 X  else /* not executed */
   1146 X    structassign (*Ptr_Val_Par, *Ptr_Val_Par->Ptr_Comp);
   1147 X} /* Proc_1 */
   1148 X
   1149 X
   1150 XProc_2 (Int_Par_Ref)
   1151 X/******************/
   1152 X    /* executed once */
   1153 X    /* *Int_Par_Ref == 1, becomes 4 */
   1154 X
   1155 XOne_Fifty   *Int_Par_Ref;
   1156 X{
   1157 X  One_Fifty  Int_Loc;  
   1158 X  Enumeration   Enum_Loc;
   1159 X
   1160 X  Int_Loc = *Int_Par_Ref + 10;
   1161 X  do /* executed once */
   1162 X    if (Ch_1_Glob == 'A')
   1163 X      /* then, executed */
   1164 X    {
   1165 X      Int_Loc -= 1;
   1166 X      *Int_Par_Ref = Int_Loc - Int_Glob;
   1167 X      Enum_Loc = Ident_1;
   1168 X    } /* if */
   1169 X  while (Enum_Loc != Ident_1); /* true */
   1170 X} /* Proc_2 */
   1171 X
   1172 X
   1173 XProc_3 (Ptr_Ref_Par)
   1174 X/******************/
   1175 X    /* executed once */
   1176 X    /* Ptr_Ref_Par becomes Ptr_Glob */
   1177 X
   1178 XRec_Pointer *Ptr_Ref_Par;
   1179 X
   1180 X{
   1181 X  if (Ptr_Glob != Null)
   1182 X    /* then, executed */
   1183 X    *Ptr_Ref_Par = Ptr_Glob->Ptr_Comp;
   1184 X  Proc_7 (10, Int_Glob, &Ptr_Glob->variant.var_1.Int_Comp);
   1185 X} /* Proc_3 */
   1186 X
   1187 X
   1188 XProc_4 () /* without parameters */
   1189 X/*******/
   1190 X    /* executed once */
   1191 X{
   1192 X  Boolean Bool_Loc;
   1193 X
   1194 X  Bool_Loc = Ch_1_Glob == 'A';
   1195 X  Bool_Glob = Bool_Loc | Bool_Glob;
   1196 X  Ch_2_Glob = 'B';
   1197 X} /* Proc_4 */
   1198 X
   1199 X
   1200 XProc_5 () /* without parameters */
   1201 X/*******/
   1202 X    /* executed once */
   1203 X{
   1204 X  Ch_1_Glob = 'A';
   1205 X  Bool_Glob = false;
   1206 X} /* Proc_5 */
   1207 X
   1208 X
   1209 X        /* Procedure for the assignment of structures,          */
   1210 X        /* if the C compiler doesn't support this feature       */
   1211 X#ifdef  NOSTRUCTASSIGN
   1212 Xmemcpy (d, s, l)
   1213 Xregister char   *d;
   1214 Xregister char   *s;
   1215 Xregister int    l;
   1216 X{
   1217 X        while (l--) *d++ = *s++;
   1218 X}
   1219 X#endif
   1220 X
   1221 X
   1222 SHAR_EOF
   1223 fi
   1224 if test -f 'dhry_2.c'
   1225 then
   1226         echo shar: "will not over-write existing file 'dhry_2.c'"
   1227 else
   1228 sed 's/^X//' << \SHAR_EOF > 'dhry_2.c'
   1229 X/*
   1230 X ****************************************************************************
   1231 X *
   1232 X *                   "DHRYSTONE" Benchmark Program
   1233 X *                   -----------------------------
   1234 X *                                                                            
   1235 X *  Version:    C, Version 2.1
   1236 X *                                                                            
   1237 X *  File:       dhry_2.c (part 3 of 3)
   1238 X *
   1239 X *  Date:       May 17, 1988
   1240 X *
   1241 X *  Author:     Reinhold P. Weicker
   1242 X *
   1243 X ****************************************************************************
   1244 X */
   1245 X
   1246 X#include "dhry.h"
   1247 X
   1248 X#ifndef REG
   1249 X#define REG
   1250 X        /* REG becomes defined as empty */
   1251 X        /* i.e. no register variables   */
   1252 X#endif
   1253 X
   1254 Xextern  int     Int_Glob;
   1255 Xextern  char    Ch_1_Glob;
   1256 X
   1257 X
   1258 XProc_6 (Enum_Val_Par, Enum_Ref_Par)
   1259 X/*********************************/
   1260 X    /* executed once */
   1261 X    /* Enum_Val_Par == Ident_3, Enum_Ref_Par becomes Ident_2 */
   1262 X
   1263 XEnumeration  Enum_Val_Par;
   1264 XEnumeration *Enum_Ref_Par;
   1265 X{
   1266 X  *Enum_Ref_Par = Enum_Val_Par;
   1267 X  if (! Func_3 (Enum_Val_Par))
   1268 X    /* then, not executed */
   1269 X    *Enum_Ref_Par = Ident_4;
   1270 X  switch (Enum_Val_Par)
   1271 X  {
   1272 X    case Ident_1: 
   1273 X      *Enum_Ref_Par = Ident_1;
   1274 X      break;
   1275 X    case Ident_2: 
   1276 X      if (Int_Glob > 100)
   1277 X        /* then */
   1278 X      *Enum_Ref_Par = Ident_1;
   1279 X      else *Enum_Ref_Par = Ident_4;
   1280 X      break;
   1281 X    case Ident_3: /* executed */
   1282 X      *Enum_Ref_Par = Ident_2;
   1283 X      break;
   1284 X    case Ident_4: break;
   1285 X    case Ident_5: 
   1286 X      *Enum_Ref_Par = Ident_3;
   1287 X      break;
   1288 X  } /* switch */
   1289 X} /* Proc_6 */
   1290 X
   1291 X
   1292 XProc_7 (Int_1_Par_Val, Int_2_Par_Val, Int_Par_Ref)
   1293 X/**********************************************/
   1294 X    /* executed three times                                      */ 
   1295 X    /* first call:      Int_1_Par_Val == 2, Int_2_Par_Val == 3,  */
   1296 X    /*                  Int_Par_Ref becomes 7                    */
   1297 X    /* second call:     Int_1_Par_Val == 10, Int_2_Par_Val == 5, */
   1298 X    /*                  Int_Par_Ref becomes 17                   */
   1299 X    /* third call:      Int_1_Par_Val == 6, Int_2_Par_Val == 10, */
   1300 X    /*                  Int_Par_Ref becomes 18                   */
   1301 XOne_Fifty       Int_1_Par_Val;
   1302 XOne_Fifty       Int_2_Par_Val;
   1303 XOne_Fifty      *Int_Par_Ref;
   1304 X{
   1305 X  One_Fifty Int_Loc;
   1306 X
   1307 X  Int_Loc = Int_1_Par_Val + 2;
   1308 X  *Int_Par_Ref = Int_2_Par_Val + Int_Loc;
   1309 X} /* Proc_7 */
   1310 X
   1311 X
   1312 XProc_8 (Arr_1_Par_Ref, Arr_2_Par_Ref, Int_1_Par_Val, Int_2_Par_Val)
   1313 X/*********************************************************************/
   1314 X    /* executed once      */
   1315 X    /* Int_Par_Val_1 == 3 */
   1316 X    /* Int_Par_Val_2 == 7 */
   1317 XArr_1_Dim       Arr_1_Par_Ref;
   1318 XArr_2_Dim       Arr_2_Par_Ref;
   1319 Xint             Int_1_Par_Val;
   1320 Xint             Int_2_Par_Val;
   1321 X{
   1322 X  REG One_Fifty Int_Index;
   1323 X  REG One_Fifty Int_Loc;
   1324 X
   1325 X  Int_Loc = Int_1_Par_Val + 5;
   1326 X  Arr_1_Par_Ref [Int_Loc] = Int_2_Par_Val;
   1327 X  Arr_1_Par_Ref [Int_Loc+1] = Arr_1_Par_Ref [Int_Loc];
   1328 X  Arr_1_Par_Ref [Int_Loc+30] = Int_Loc;
   1329 X  for (Int_Index = Int_Loc; Int_Index <= Int_Loc+1; ++Int_Index)
   1330 X    Arr_2_Par_Ref [Int_Loc] [Int_Index] = Int_Loc;
   1331 X  Arr_2_Par_Ref [Int_Loc] [Int_Loc-1] += 1;
   1332 X  Arr_2_Par_Ref [Int_Loc+20] [Int_Loc] = Arr_1_Par_Ref [Int_Loc];
   1333 X  Int_Glob = 5;
   1334 X} /* Proc_8 */
   1335 X
   1336 X
   1337 XEnumeration Func_1 (Ch_1_Par_Val, Ch_2_Par_Val)
   1338 X/*************************************************/
   1339 X    /* executed three times                                         */
   1340 X    /* first call:      Ch_1_Par_Val == 'H', Ch_2_Par_Val == 'R'    */
   1341 X    /* second call:     Ch_1_Par_Val == 'A', Ch_2_Par_Val == 'C'    */
   1342 X    /* third call:      Ch_1_Par_Val == 'B', Ch_2_Par_Val == 'C'    */
   1343 X
   1344 XCapital_Letter   Ch_1_Par_Val;
   1345 XCapital_Letter   Ch_2_Par_Val;
   1346 X{
   1347 X  Capital_Letter        Ch_1_Loc;
   1348 X  Capital_Letter        Ch_2_Loc;
   1349 X
   1350 X  Ch_1_Loc = Ch_1_Par_Val;
   1351 X  Ch_2_Loc = Ch_1_Loc;
   1352 X  if (Ch_2_Loc != Ch_2_Par_Val)
   1353 X    /* then, executed */
   1354 X    return (Ident_1);
   1355 X  else  /* not executed */
   1356 X  {
   1357 X    Ch_1_Glob = Ch_1_Loc;
   1358 X    return (Ident_2);
   1359 X   }
   1360 X} /* Func_1 */
   1361 X
   1362 X
   1363 XBoolean Func_2 (Str_1_Par_Ref, Str_2_Par_Ref)
   1364 X/*************************************************/
   1365 X    /* executed once */
   1366 X    /* Str_1_Par_Ref == "DHRYSTONE PROGRAM, 1'ST STRING" */
   1367 X    /* Str_2_Par_Ref == "DHRYSTONE PROGRAM, 2'ND STRING" */
   1368 X
   1369 XStr_30  Str_1_Par_Ref;
   1370 XStr_30  Str_2_Par_Ref;
   1371 X{
   1372 X  REG One_Thirty        Int_Loc;
   1373 X      Capital_Letter    Ch_Loc;
   1374 X
   1375 X  Int_Loc = 2;
   1376 X  while (Int_Loc <= 2) /* loop body executed once */
   1377 X    if (Func_1 (Str_1_Par_Ref[Int_Loc],
   1378 X                Str_2_Par_Ref[Int_Loc+1]) == Ident_1)
   1379 X      /* then, executed */
   1380 X    {
   1381 X      Ch_Loc = 'A';
   1382 X      Int_Loc += 1;
   1383 X    } /* if, while */
   1384 X  if (Ch_Loc >= 'W' && Ch_Loc < 'Z')
   1385 X    /* then, not executed */
   1386 X    Int_Loc = 7;
   1387 X  if (Ch_Loc == 'R')
   1388 X    /* then, not executed */
   1389 X    return (true);
   1390 X  else /* executed */
   1391 X  {
   1392 X    if (strcmp (Str_1_Par_Ref, Str_2_Par_Ref) > 0)
   1393 X      /* then, not executed */
   1394 X    {
   1395 X      Int_Loc += 7;
   1396 X      Int_Glob = Int_Loc;
   1397 X      return (true);
   1398 X    }
   1399 X    else /* executed */
   1400 X      return (false);
   1401 X  } /* if Ch_Loc */
   1402 X} /* Func_2 */
   1403 X
   1404 X
   1405 XBoolean Func_3 (Enum_Par_Val)
   1406 X/***************************/
   1407 X    /* executed once        */
   1408 X    /* Enum_Par_Val == Ident_3 */
   1409 XEnumeration Enum_Par_Val;
   1410 X{
   1411 X  Enumeration Enum_Loc;
   1412 X
   1413 X  Enum_Loc = Enum_Par_Val;
   1414 X  if (Enum_Loc == Ident_3)
   1415 X    /* then, executed */
   1416 X    return (true);
   1417 X  else /* not executed */
   1418 X    return (false);
   1419 X} /* Func_3 */
   1420 X
   1421 SHAR_EOF
   1422 fi
   1423 exit 0
   1424 #        End of shell archive