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      1 #!/usr/bin/env python

      3 """FAQ wizard bootstrap."""
      5 # This is a longer version of the bootstrap script given at the end of

      6 # faqwin.py; it prints timing statistics at the end of the regular CGI

      7 # script's output (so you can monitor how it is doing).

      9 # This script should be placed in your cgi-bin directory and made

     10 # executable.

     12 # You need to edit the first line and the lines that define FAQDIR and

     13 # SRCDIR, below: change /usr/local/bin/python to where your Python

     14 # interpreter lives, change the value for FAQDIR to where your FAQ

     15 # lives, and change the value for SRCDIR to where your faqwiz.py

     16 # module lives.  The faqconf.py and faqcust.py files live there, too.

     18 import os
     19 t1 = os.times() # If this doesn't work, just get rid of the timing code!

     20 try:
     21     FAQDIR = "/usr/people/guido/python/FAQ"
     22     SRCDIR = "/usr/people/guido/python/src/Tools/faqwiz"
     23     import os, sys
     24     os.chdir(FAQDIR)
     25     sys.path.insert(0, SRCDIR)
     26     import faqwiz
     27 except SystemExit, n:
     28     sys.exit(n)
     29 except:
     30     t, v, tb = sys.exc_info()
     31     print
     32     import cgi
     33     cgi.print_exception(t, v, tb)