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      3     <title>Debugging ART Garbage Collection</title>
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      8   <!--
      9       Copyright 2017 The Android Open Source Project
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     26 <p>This document describes how to debug Android Runtime (ART) Garbage Collection
     27 (GC) correctness and performance issues. It explains how to use GC verification
     28 options, identify solutions for GC verification failures, and measure and
     29 address GC performance problems.</p>
     31 <p>See <a href="index.html">ART and Dalvik</a>, the <a
     32 href="dex-format.html">Dalvik Executable format</a>, and the remaining pages
     33 within this <a href="index.html">ART and Dalvik</a> section to work with
     34 ART. See <a
     35 href="http://developer.android.com/guide/practices/verifying-apps-art.html">Verifying
     36 App Behavior on the Android Runtime (ART)</a> for additional help verifying app
     37 behavior.</p>
     39 <h2 id=art_gc_overview>ART GC overview</h2>
     41 <p>ART, introduced as a developer option in Android 4.4, is the default Android
     42 runtime for Android 5.0 and beyond. The Dalvik runtime is no longer maintained
     43 or available and its byte-code format is now used by ART.  Please note this
     44 section merely summarizes ARTs GC. For additional information, see the <a
     45 href="https://www.google.com/events/io/io14videos/b750c8da-aebe-e311-b297-00155d5066d7">Android
     46 runtime</a> presentation conducted at Google I/O 2014. </p>
     48 <p>ART has a few different GC plans that consist of running different garbage
     49 collectors. The default plan is the CMS (concurrent mark sweep) plan, which
     50 uses mostly sticky CMS and partial CMS. Sticky CMS is ARTs non-moving
     51 generational garbage collector. It scans only the portion of the heap that was
     52 modified since the last GC and can reclaim only the objects allocated since the
     53 last GC. In addition to the CMS plan, ART performs heap compaction when an app
     54 changes process state to a jank-imperceptible process state (e.g. background or
     55 cached).</p>
     57 <p>Aside from the new garbage collectors, ART also introduces a new bitmap-based
     58 memory allocator called RosAlloc (runs of slots allocator). This new allocator
     59 has sharded locking and outperforms DlMalloc by adding thread local buffers for
     60 small allocation sizes.</p>
     62 <p>Compared to Dalvik, the ART CMS garbage collection plan has a number of
     63 improvements:</p>
     65 <ul>
     66   <li>The number of pauses is reduced from two to one compared to Dalvik.
     67 Dalviks first pause, which did mostly root marking, is done concurrently in
     68 ART by getting the threads to mark their own roots, then resume running right away.
     69   <li>Similarly to Dalvik, the ART GC also has a pause before the sweeping process.
     70 The key difference in this area is that some of the Dalvik phases during this
     71 pause are done concurrently in ART. These phases include
     72 <code>java.lang.ref.Reference</code> processing, system weak sweeping (e.g. jni
     73 weak globals, etc.), re-marking non-thread roots, and card pre-cleaning. The
     74 phases that are still done paused in ART are scanning the dirty cards and
     75 re-marking the thread roots, which helps reduce the pause time.
     76   <li>The last area where the ART GC improves over Dalvik is with increased GC
     77 throughput enabled by the sticky CMS collector. Unlike normal generational GC,
     78 sticky CMS is non-moving. Instead of having a dedicated region for young
     79 objects, young objects are kept in an allocation stack, which is basically an
     80 array of <code>java.lang.Object</code>. This avoids moving objects required to
     81 maintain low pauses but has the disadvantage of having longer collections for
     82 heaps with complex object graphs.
     83 </ul>
     85 <p>The other main area where the ART GC is different than Dalvik is the
     86 introduction of moving garbage collectors. The goal of moving GCs is to
     87 reduce memory usage of backgrounded apps through heap compaction. Currently,
     88 the event that triggers heap compaction is ActivityManager process-state
     89 changes. When an app goes to background, it notifies ART the process state is
     90 no longer jank perceptible. This enables ART do things that cause long
     91 application thread pauses, such as compaction and monitor deflation. The two
     92 current moving GCs that are in use are homogeneous space compaction and
     93 semi-space compaction.</p>
     95 <ul>
     96   <li>Semi-space compaction moves objects between two tightly packed bump pointer
     97 spaces. This moving GC occurs on low-memory devices since it saves slightly
     98 more memory than homogeneous space compaction. The additional savings come
     99 mostly from having tightly packed objects, which avoid RosAlloc / DlMalloc
    100 allocator accounting overhead. Since CMS is still used in the foreground and it
    101 cant collect from a bump pointer space, semi space requires another transition
    102 when the app is foregrounded. This is not ideal since it can cause a noticeable pause.
    103   <li>Homogenous space compaction works by copying from one RosAlloc space to another
    104 RosAlloc space. This helps reduce memory usage by reducing heap fragmentation.
    105 This is currently the default compaction mode for non-low-memory devices. The
    106 main advantage that homogeneous space compaction has over semi-space compaction
    107 is not needing a heap transition when the app goes back to foreground.
    108 </ul>
    110 <h2 id=gc_verification_and_performance_options>GC verification and performance options</h2>
    112 <p>It is possible to change the GC type if you are an OEM. The process for doing
    113 this involves modifying system properties through adb. Keep in mind that these
    114 are only modifiable on non-user or rooted builds.</p>
    116 <h3 id=changing_the_gc_type>Changing the GC type</h3>
    118 <p>There are ways to change the GC plans that ART uses. The main way to change the
    119 foreground GC plan is by changing the <code>dalvik.vm.gctype</code> property or
    120 passing in an <code>-Xgc:</code> option. It is possible to pass in multiple GC
    121 options separated by commas.</p>
    123 <p>In order to derive the entire list of available <code>-Xgc</code> settings,
    124 it is possible to type <code>adb shell dalvikvm -help</code> to print the
    125 various runtime command-line options.</p>
    127 <p>Here is one example that changes the GC to semi space and turns on pre-GC heap
    128 verification:
    129 <code>adb shell setprop dalvik.vm.gctype SS,preverify</code></p>
    131 <ul>
    132   <li><code>CMS</code>, which is also the default value, specifies the
    133 concurrent mark sweep GC plan.  This plan consists of running sticky
    134 generational CMS, partial CMS, and full CMS. The allocator for this plan is
    135 RosAlloc for movable objects and DlMalloc for non-movable objects.
    136   <li><code>SS</code> specifies the semi space GC plan. This plan has two semi
    137 spaces for movable objects and a DlMalloc space for non-movable objects. The
    138 movable object allocator defaults to a shared bump pointer allocator which uses
    139 atomic operations. However, if the <code>-XX:UseTLAB</code> flag is also passed
    140 in, the allocator uses thread local bump pointer allocation.
    141   <li><code>GSS</code> specifies the generational semi space plan. This plan is
    142 very similar to the semi-space plan with the exception that older-lived objects
    143 are promoted into a large RosAlloc space. This has the advantage of needing to
    144 copy significantly fewer objects for typical use cases.
    145 </ul>
    147 <h3 id=verifying_the_heap>Verifying the heap</h3>
    149 <p>Heap verification is probably the most useful GC option for debugging
    150 GC-related errors or heap corruption. Enabling heap verification causes the GC
    151 to check the correctness of the heap at a few points during the garbage
    152 collection process. Heap verification shares the same options as the ones that
    153 change the GC type. If enabled, heap verification verifies the roots and
    154 ensures that reachable objects reference only other reachable objects. GC
    155 verification is enabled by passing in the following -<code>Xgc</code> values:</p>
    157 <ul>
    158   <li>If enabled, <code>[no]preverify</code> performs heap verification before starting the GC.
    159   <li>If enabled, <code>[no]presweepingverify</code> performs heap verification
    160 before starting the garbage collector sweeping
    161 process.
    162   <li>If enabled, <code>[no]postverify</code> performs heap verification after
    163 the GC has finished sweeping.
    164   <li><code>[no]preverify_rosalloc</code>,
    165 <code>[no]postsweepingverify_rosalloc</code>,
    166 <code>[no]postverify_rosalloc</code> are also additional GC options that verify
    167 only the state of RosAllocs internal accounting. The main things verified are
    168 that magic values match expected constants, and free blocks of memory are all
    169 registered in the <code>free_page_runs_</code> map.
    170 </ul>
    172 <h3 id=using_the_tlab_allocator_option>Using the TLAB allocator option</h3>
    174 <p>Currently, the only option that changes the allocator used without affecting
    175 the active GC type is the TLAB option. This option is not available through
    176 system properties but can be enabled by passing in -<code>XX:UseTLAB</code> to
    177 <code>dalvikvm</code>. This option enables faster allocation by having a
    178 shorter allocation code path. Since this option requires using either the SS or
    179 GSS GC types, which have rather long pauses, it is not enabled by default.</p>
    181 <h2 id=performance>Performance</h2>
    183 <p>There are two main tools that can be used to measure GC performance. GC timing
    184 dumps and systrace. The most visual way to measure GC performance problems
    185 would be to use systrace to determine which GCs are causing long pauses or
    186 preempting application threads. Although the ART GC is relatively efficient,
    187 there are still a few ways to get performance problems through excessive
    188 allocations or bad mutator behavior.</p>
    190 <h3 id=ergonomics>Ergonomics</h3>
    192 <p>Compared to Dalvik, ART has a few key differences regarding GC ergonomics. One
    193 of the major improvements compared to Dalvik is no longer having GC for alloc
    194 in cases where we start the concurrent GC later than needed. However, there is
    195 one downside to this, not blocking on the GC can cause the heap to grow more
    196 than Dalvik in some circumstances. Fortunately, ART has heap compaction, which
    197 mitigates this issue by defragmenting the heap when the process changes to a
    198 background process state.</p>
    200 <p>The CMS GC ergonomics have two types of GCs that are regularly run. Ideally,
    201 the GC ergonomics will run the generational sticky CMS more often than the
    202 partial CMS. The GC does sticky CMS until the throughput (calculated by bytes
    203 freed / second of GC duration) of the last GC is less than the mean throughput
    204 of partial CMS. When this occurs, the ergonomics plan the next concurrent GC to
    205 be a partial CMS instead of sticky CMS. After the partial CMS completes, the
    206 ergonomics changes the next GC back to sticky CMS. One key factor that makes
    207 the ergonomics work is that sticky CMS doesnt adjust the heap footprint limit
    208 after it completes. This causes sticky CMS to happen more and more often until
    209 the throughput is lower than partial CMS, which ends up growing the heap.</p>
    211 <h3 id=using_sigquit_to_obtain_gc_performance_info>Using SIGQUIT to obtain GC performance info</h3>
    213 <p>It is possible to get GC performance timings for apps by sending SIGQUIT to
    214 already running apps or passing in -<code>XX:DumpGCPerformanceOnShutdown</code>
    215 to <code>dalvikvm</code> when starting a command line program. When an app gets
    216 the ANR request signal (SIGQUIT) it dumps information related to its locks,
    217 thread stacks, and GC performance.</p>
    219 <p>The way to get GC timing dumps is to use:</p>
    221 <pre class="devsite-terminal devsite-click-to-copy">
    222 adb shell kill -S QUIT <var>PID</var>
    223 </pre>
    225 <p>This creates a <code>traces.txt</code> file in <code>/data/anr/</code>. This
    226 file contains some ANR dumps as well as GC timings. You can locate the
    227 GC timings by searching for: Dumping cumulative Gc timings These timings will
    228 show a few things that may be of interest. It will show the histogram info for
    229 each GC types phases and pauses. The pauses are usually more important to look
    230 at. For example:</p>
    232 <pre class="devsite-click-to-copy">
    233 sticky concurrent mark sweep paused:	Sum: 5.491ms 99% C.I. 1.464ms-2.133ms Avg: 1.830ms Max: 2.133ms
    234 </pre>
    236 <p><code>This</code> shows that the average pause was 1.83ms. This should be low enough to not
    237 cause missed frames in most applications and shouldnt be a concern.</p>
    239 <p>Another area of interest is time to suspend. What time to suspend measures is
    240 how long it takes a thread to reach a suspend point after the GC requests that
    241 it suspends. This time is included in the GC pauses, so it is useful to
    242 determine if long pauses are caused by the GC being slow or the thread
    243 suspending slowly. Here is an example of what a normal time to suspend
    244 resembles on a Nexus 5:</p>
    246 <pre class="devsite-click-to-copy">
    247 suspend all histogram:	Sum: 1.513ms 99% C.I. 3us-546.560us Avg: 47.281us Max: 601us
    248 </pre>
    250 <p>There are also a few other areas of interest, such as total time spent, GC
    251 throughput, etc. Examples:</p>
    253 <pre class="devsite-click-to-copy">
    254 Total time spent in GC: 502.251ms
    255 Mean GC size throughput: 92MB/s
    256 Mean GC object throughput: 1.54702e+06 objects/s
    257 </pre>
    259 <p>Here is an example of how to dump the GC timings of an already running app:
    261 <pre class="devsite-click-to-copy">
    262 <code class="devsite-terminal">adb shell kill -s QUIT <var>PID</var></code>
    263 <code class="devsite-terminal">adb pull /data/anr/traces.txt</code>
    264 </pre>
    266 <p>At this point the GC timings are inside of traces.txt. Here is example output
    267 from Google maps:</p>
    269 <pre class="devsite-click-to-copy">
    270 Start Dumping histograms for 34 iterations for sticky concurrent mark sweep
    271 ScanGrayAllocSpaceObjects:	Sum: 196.174ms 99% C.I. 0.011ms-11.615ms Avg: 1.442ms Max: 14.091ms
    272 FreeList:	Sum: 140.457ms 99% C.I. 6us-1676.749us Avg: 128.505us Max: 9886us
    273 MarkRootsCheckpoint:	Sum: 110.687ms 99% C.I. 0.056ms-9.515ms Avg: 1.627ms Max: 10.280ms
    274 SweepArray:	Sum: 78.727ms 99% C.I. 0.121ms-11.780ms Avg: 2.315ms Max: 12.744ms
    275 ProcessMarkStack:	Sum: 77.825ms 99% C.I. 1.323us-9120us Avg: 576.481us Max: 10185us
    276 (Paused)ScanGrayObjects:	Sum: 32.538ms 99% C.I. 286us-3235.500us Avg: 986us Max: 3434us
    277 AllocSpaceClearCards:	Sum: 30.592ms 99% C.I. 10us-2249.999us Avg: 224.941us Max: 4765us
    278 MarkConcurrentRoots:	Sum: 30.245ms 99% C.I. 3us-3017.999us Avg: 444.779us Max: 3774us
    279 ReMarkRoots:	Sum: 13.144ms 99% C.I. 66us-712us Avg: 386.588us Max: 712us
    280 ScanGrayImageSpaceObjects:	Sum: 13.075ms 99% C.I. 29us-2538.999us Avg: 192.279us Max: 3080us
    281 MarkingPhase:	Sum: 9.743ms 99% C.I. 170us-518us Avg: 286.558us Max: 518us
    282 SweepSystemWeaks:	Sum: 8.046ms 99% C.I. 28us-479us Avg: 236.647us Max: 479us
    283 MarkNonThreadRoots:	Sum: 5.215ms 99% C.I. 31us-698.999us Avg: 76.691us Max: 703us
    284 ImageModUnionClearCards:	Sum: 2.708ms 99% C.I. 26us-92us Avg: 39.823us Max: 92us
    285 ScanGrayZygoteSpaceObjects:	Sum: 2.488ms 99% C.I. 19us-250.499us Avg: 37.696us Max: 295us
    286 ResetStack:	Sum: 2.226ms 99% C.I. 24us-449us Avg: 65.470us Max: 452us
    287 ZygoteModUnionClearCards:	Sum: 2.124ms 99% C.I. 18us-233.999us Avg: 32.181us Max: 291us
    288 FinishPhase:	Sum: 1.881ms 99% C.I. 31us-431.999us Avg: 55.323us Max: 466us
    289 RevokeAllThreadLocalAllocationStacks:	Sum: 1.749ms 99% C.I. 8us-349us Avg: 51.441us Max: 377us
    290 EnqueueFinalizerReferences:	Sum: 1.513ms 99% C.I. 3us-201us Avg: 44.500us Max: 201us
    291 ProcessReferences:	Sum: 438us 99% C.I. 3us-212us Avg: 12.882us Max: 212us
    292 ProcessCards:	Sum: 381us 99% C.I. 4us-17us Avg: 5.602us Max: 17us
    293 PreCleanCards:	Sum: 363us 99% C.I. 8us-17us Avg: 10.676us Max: 17us
    294 ReclaimPhase:	Sum: 357us 99% C.I. 7us-91.500us Avg: 10.500us Max: 93us
    295 (Paused)PausePhase:	Sum: 312us 99% C.I. 7us-15us Avg: 9.176us Max: 15us
    296 SwapBitmaps:	Sum: 166us 99% C.I. 4us-8us Avg: 4.882us Max: 8us
    297 (Paused)ScanGrayAllocSpaceObjects:	Sum: 126us 99% C.I. 14us-112us Avg: 63us Max: 112us
    298 MarkRoots:	Sum: 121us 99% C.I. 2us-7us Avg: 3.558us Max: 7us
    299 (Paused)ScanGrayImageSpaceObjects:	Sum: 68us 99% C.I. 68us-68us Avg: 68us Max: 68us
    300 BindBitmaps:	Sum: 50us 99% C.I. 1us-3us Avg: 1.470us Max: 3us
    301 UnBindBitmaps:	Sum: 49us 99% C.I. 1us-3us Avg: 1.441us Max: 3us
    302 SwapStacks:	Sum: 47us 99% C.I. 1us-3us Avg: 1.382us Max: 3us
    303 RecordFree:	Sum: 42us 99% C.I. 1us-3us Avg: 1.235us Max: 3us
    304 ForwardSoftReferences:	Sum: 37us 99% C.I. 1us-2us Avg: 1.121us Max: 2us
    305 InitializePhase:	Sum: 36us 99% C.I. 1us-2us Avg: 1.058us Max: 2us
    306 FindDefaultSpaceBitmap:	Sum: 32us 99% C.I. 250ns-1000ns Avg: 941ns Max: 1000ns
    307 (Paused)ProcessMarkStack:	Sum: 5us 99% C.I. 250ns-3000ns Avg: 147ns Max: 3000ns
    308 PreSweepingGcVerification:	Sum: 0 99% C.I. 0ns-0ns Avg: 0ns Max: 0ns
    309 Done Dumping histograms
    310 sticky concurrent mark sweep paused:	Sum: 63.268ms 99% C.I. 0.308ms-8.405ms
    311 Avg: 1.860ms Max: 8.883ms
    312 sticky concurrent mark sweep total time: 763.787ms mean time: 22.464ms
    313 sticky concurrent mark sweep freed: 1072342 objects with total size 75MB
    314 sticky concurrent mark sweep throughput: 1.40543e+06/s / 98MB/s
    315 Total time spent in GC: 4.805s
    316 Mean GC size throughput: 18MB/s
    317 Mean GC object throughput: 330899 objects/s
    318 Total number of allocations 2015049
    319 Total bytes allocated 177MB
    320 Free memory 4MB
    321 Free memory until GC 4MB
    322 Free memory until OOME 425MB
    323 Total memory 90MB
    324 Max memory 512MB
    325 Zygote space size 4MB
    326 Total mutator paused time: 229.566ms
    327 Total time waiting for GC to complete: 187.655us
    328 </pre>
    330 <h2 id=tools_for_analyzing_gc_correctness_problems>Tools for analyzing GC correctness problems</h2>
    332 <p>There are various things that can cause crashes inside of ART. Crashes that
    333 occur reading or writing to object fields may indicate heap corruption. If the
    334 GC crashes when it is running, it could also point to heap corruption. There
    335 are various things that can cause heap corruption, the most common cause is
    336 probably incorrect app code. Fortunately, there are tools to debug GC and
    337 heap-related crashes. These include the heap verification options specified
    338 above, valgrind, and CheckJNI.</p>
    340 <h3 id=checkjni>CheckJNI</h3>
    342 <p>Another way to verify app behavior is to use CheckJNI. CheckJNI is a mode that
    343 adds additional JNI checks; these arent enabled by default due to performance
    344 reasons. The checks will catch a few errors that could cause heap corruption
    345 such as using invalid/stale local and global references. Here is how to enable
    346 CheckJNI:</p>
    348 <pre class="devsite-terminal devsite-click-to-copy">
    349 adb shell setprop dalvik.vm.checkjni true
    350 </pre>
    352 <p>Forcecopy mode is another part of CheckJNI that is very useful for detecting
    353 writes past the end of array regions. When enabled, forcecopy causes the array
    354 access JNI functions to always return copies with red zones. A <em>red
    355 zone</em> is a region at the end/start of the returned pointer that has a
    356 special value, which is verified when the array is released. If the values in
    357 the red zone dont match what is expected, this usually means a buffer overrun
    358 or underrun occurred. This would cause CheckJNI to abort. Here is how to enable
    359 forcecopy mode:</p>
    361 <pre class="devsite-terminal devsite-click-to-copy">
    362 adb shell setprop dalvik.vm.jniopts forcecopy
    363 </pre>
    365 <p>One example of an error that CheckJNI should catch is writing past the end of
    366 an array obtained from <code>GetPrimitiveArrayCritical</code>. This operation
    367 would very likely corrupt the Java heap. If the write is
    368 within the CheckJNI red zone area, then CheckJNI would catch the issue when the
    369 corresponding <code>ReleasePrimitiveArrayCritical</code> is called. Otherwise,
    370 the write will end up corrupting some random object in
    371 the Java heap and possibly causing a future GC crash. If the corrupted memory
    372 is a reference field, then the GC may catch the error and print a <em>Tried to
    373 mark <ptr> not contained by any spaces</em> error.</p>
    375 <p>This error occurs when the GC attempts to mark an object for which it cant
    376 find a space. After this check fails, the GC traverses the roots and tries to
    377 see if the invalid object is a root. From here, there are two options: The
    378 object is a root or a non-root object.</p>
    380 <h3 id=valgrind>Valgrind</h3>
    382 <p>The ART heap supports optional valgrind instrumentation, which provides a
    383 way to detect reads and writes to and from an invalid heap address. ART detects
    384 when the app is running under valgrind and inserts red zones before and after
    385 each object allocation. If there are any reads or writes to these red zones,
    386 valgrind prints an error. One example of when this could happen is if you read
    387 or write past the end of an arrays elements while using direct array access
    388 through JNI. Since the AOT compilers use implicit null checks, it is
    389 recommended to use eng builds for running valgrind. Another thing to note is
    390 that valgrind is orders of magnitude slower than normal execution.</p>
    392 <p>Here is an example use:</p>
    394 <pre class="devsite-click-to-copy">
    395 # build and install
    396 <code class="devsite-terminal">mmm external/valgrind</code>
    397 <code class="devsite-terminal">adb remount && adb sync</code>
    398 # disable selinux
    399 <code class="devsite-terminal">adb shell setenforce 0</code>
    400 <code class="devsite-terminal">adb shell setprop wrap.com.android.calculator2</code>
    401 "TMPDIR=/data/data/com.android.calculator2 logwrapper valgrind"
    402 # push symbols
    403 <code class="devsite-terminal">adb shell mkdir /data/local/symbols</code>
    404 <code class="devsite-terminal">adb push $OUT/symbols /data/local/symbols</code>
    405 <code class="devsite-terminal">adb logcat</code>
    406 </pre>
    409 <h3 id=invalid_root_example>Invalid root example</h3>
    411 <p>In the case where the object is actually an invalid root, it will print some
    412 useful information:
    413 <code>art E  5955  5955 art/runtime/gc/collector/mark_sweep.cc:383] Tried to mark 0x2
    414 not contained by any spaces</code></p>
    416 <pre class="devsite-click-to-copy">
    417 art E  5955  5955 art/runtime/gc/collector/mark_sweep.cc:384] Attempting see if
    418 it's a bad root
    419 art E  5955  5955 art/runtime/gc/collector/mark_sweep.cc:485] Found invalid
    420 root: 0x2
    421 art E  5955  5955 art/runtime/gc/collector/mark_sweep.cc:486]
    422 Type=RootJavaFrame thread_id=1 location=Visiting method 'java.lang.Object
    423 com.google.gwt.corp.collections.JavaReadableJsArray.get(int)' at dex PC 0x0002
    424 (native PC 0xf19609d9) vreg=1
    425 </pre>
    427 <p>In this case, <code>vreg 1</code> inside of
    428 <code>com.google.gwt.corp.collections.JavaReadableJsArray.get</code> is
    429 supposed to contain a heap reference but actually contains an invalid pointer
    430 of address <code>0x2</code>. This is clearly an invalid root. The next step to
    431 debug this issue would be to use <code>oatdump</code> on the oat file and look
    432 at the method that has the invalid root. In this case, the error turned out to
    433 be a compiler bug in the x86 backend. Here is the changelist that fixed it: <a
    434 href="https://android-review.googlesource.com/#/c/133932/">https://android-review.googlesource.com/#/c/133932/</a></p>
    436 <h3 id=corrupted_object_example>Corrupted object example</h3>
    438 <p>In the case where the object isnt a root, output similar to the following
    439 prints:</p>
    441 <pre class="devsite-click-to-copy">
    442 01-15 12:38:00.196  1217  1238 E art     : Attempting see if it's a bad root
    443 01-15 12:38:00.196  1217  1238 F art     :
    444 art/runtime/gc/collector/mark_sweep.cc:381] Can't mark invalid object
    445 </pre>
    447 <p>When heap corruption isnt an invalid root, it is unfortunately hard to debug.
    448 This error message indicates that there was at least one object in the heap
    449 that was pointing to the invalid object.</p>
    451   </body>
    452 </html>