1 <html devsite><head> 2 <title>Android - 2017 5 </title> 3 <meta name="project_path" value="/_project.yaml"/> 4 <meta name="book_path" value="/_book.yaml"/> 5 </head> 6 <body> 7 <!-- 8 Copyright 2017 The Android Open Source Project 9 10 Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); 11 you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. 12 You may obtain a copy of the License at 13 14 http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 15 16 Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software 17 distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, 18 WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. 19 See the License for the specific language governing permissions and 20 limitations under the License. 21 --> 22 23 <p><em>2017 5 1 | 2017 5 2 </em></p> 24 25 <p>Android Android Google OTA Google Google <a href="https://developers.google.com/android/nexus/images">Google Developers </a>2017 5 5 <a href="https://support.google.com/pixelphone/answer/4457705#pixel_phones&nexus_devices">Pixel Nexus </a></p> 26 27 <p> 2017 4 3 Android (AOSP) AOSP </p> 28 29 <p><a href="/security/overview/updates-resources.html#severity"></a></p> 30 31 <p> <a href="/security/enhancements/index.html">Android </a> ( <a href="https://developer.android.com/training/safetynet/index.html">SafetyNet</a>) Android <a href="#mitigations">Android Google </a></p> 32 33 <p></p> 34 <h2 id="announcements"></h2> 35 <ul> 36 <li> Android Android <a href="#common-questions-and-answers"></a><ul> 37 <li><strong>2017-05-01</strong> 2017-05-01 () </li> 38 <li><strong>2017-05-05</strong> 2017-05-01 2017-05-05 () </li> 39 </ul> 40 </li> 41 <li> Google OTA 2017 5 5 </li> 42 </ul> 43 44 <h2 id="mitigations">Android Google </h2> 45 46 <p> <a href="/security/enhancements/index.html">Android </a> SafetyNet Android </p> 47 48 <ul> 49 <li>Android Android Android</li> 50 <li>Android <a href="/security/reports/Google_Android_Security_2016_Report_Final.pdf"> SafetyNet</a> <a href="/security/reports/Google_Android_Security_PHA_classifications.pdf"></a> <a href="http://www.android.com/gms">Google </a> Google Play Google Play Root Root () </li> 51 <li>Google Hangouts Messenger </li> 52 </ul> 53 54 <h2 id="acknowledgements"></h2> 55 56 <p></p> 57 <ul> 58 <li>ADlab of VenustechCVE-2017-0630</li> 59 <li> KeenLab (<a href="https://twitter.com/keen_lab">@keen_lab</a>) Di Shen (<a href="https://twitter.com/returnsme">@returnsme</a>)CVE-2016-10287</li> 60 <li> Ecular Xu ()CVE-2017-0599CVE-2017-0635</li> 61 <li><a href="http://www.ms509.com">MS509Team</a> En He (<a href="https://twitter.com/heeeeen4x">@heeeeen4x</a>) Bo LiuCVE-2017-0601</li> 62 <li><a href="https://twrp.me/">Team Win Recovery Project</a> Ethan YonkerCVE-2017-0493</li> 63 <li> 360 IceSword Gengjia Chen (<a href="https://twitter.com/chengjia4574">@chengjia4574</a>) <a href="http://weibo.com/jfpan">pjf</a>CVE-2016-10285CVE-2016-10288CVE-2016-10290CVE-2017-0624CVE-2017-0616CVE-2017-0617CVE-2016-10294CVE-2016-10295CVE-2016-10296</li> 64 <li>Tencent godzheng ( <a href="https://twitter.com/virtualseekers">@VirtualSeekers</a>)CVE-2017-0602</li> 65 <li><a href="http://tuncay2.web.engr.illinois.edu">-</a> <a href="https://www.linkedin.com/in/g%C3%BCliz-seray-tuncay-952a1b9/">Gliz Seray Tuncay</a>CVE-2017-0593</li> 66 <li> 360 Alpha Hao Chen Guang GongCVE-2016-10283</li> 67 <li> Juhu NieYang ChengNan Li Qiwu HuangCVE-2016-10276</li> 68 <li><a href="https://github.com/michalbednarski">Micha Bednarski</a>CVE-2017-0598</li> 69 <li> Nathan Crandall (<a href="https://twitter.com/natecray">@natecray</a>)CVE-2017-0331CVE-2017-0606</li> 70 <li><a href="mailto:jiych.guru (a] gmail.com">Niky1235</a> (<a href="https://twitter.com/jiych_guru">@jiych_guru</a>)CVE-2017-0603</li> 71 <li> Peng XiaoChengming YangNing YouChao Yang Yang songCVE-2016-10281CVE-2016-10280</li> 72 <li><a href="https://alephsecurity.com/">Aleph </a> Roee Hay (<a href="https://twitter.com/roeehay">@roeehay</a>)CVE-2016-10277</li> 73 <li><a href="mailto:sbauer (a] plzdonthack.me">Scott Bauer</a> (<a href="https://twitter.com/ScottyBauer1">@ScottyBauer1</a>)CVE-2016-10274</li> 74 <li><a href="http://c0reteam.org">C0RE </a> <a href="mailto:segfault5514 (a] gmail.com">Tong Lin</a><a href="mailto:computernik (a] gmail.com">Yuan-Tsung Lo</a> Xuxian JiangCVE-2016-10291</li> 75 <li>Vasily VasilievCVE-2017-0589</li> 76 <li><a href="http://www.trendmicro.com"></a><a href="http://blog.trendmicro.com/trendlabs-security-intelligence/category/mobile"></a> V.E.O (<a href="https://twitter.com/vysea">@VYSEa</a>)CVE-2017-0590CVE-2017-0587CVE-2017-0600</li> 77 <li> Xiling GongCVE-2017-0597</li> 78 <li>360 Marvel Team Xingyuan LinCVE-2017-0627</li> 79 <li> Yong Wang () (<a href="https://twitter.com/ThomasKing2014">@ThomasKing2014</a>)CVE-2017-0588</li> 80 <li> 360 IceSword Yonggang Guo (<a href="https://twitter.com/guoygang">@guoygang</a>)CVE-2016-10289CVE-2017-0465</li> 81 <li> 360 Vulpecker Yu PanCVE-2016-10282CVE-2017-0615</li> 82 <li> 360 Vulpecker Yu Pan Peide ZhangCVE-2017-0618CVE-2017-0625</li> 83 </ul> 84 85 <h2 id="2017-05-01-details">2017-05-01 - </h2> 86 87 <p> 2017-05-01 CVE Google AOSP () ID ( AOSP ) ID </p> 88 89 <h3 id="rce-in-mediaserver"></h3> 90 91 <p></p> 92 93 <table> 94 <colgroup><col width="18%" /> 95 <col width="17%" /> 96 <col width="10%" /> 97 <col width="19%" /> 98 <col width="18%" /> 99 <col width="17%" /> 100 </colgroup><tbody><tr> 101 <th>CVE</th> 102 <th></th> 103 <th></th> 104 <th> Google </th> 105 <th> AOSP </th> 106 <th></th> 107 </tr> 108 <tr> 109 <td>CVE-2017-0587</td> 110 <td><a href="https://android.googlesource.com/platform/external/libmpeg2/+/a86eb798d077b9b25c8f8c77e3c02c2f287c1ce7">A-35219737</a></td> 111 <td></td> 112 <td></td> 113 <td></td> 114 <td>2017 1 4 </td> 115 </tr> 116 <tr> 117 <td>CVE-2017-0588</td> 118 <td><a href="https://android.googlesource.com/platform/frameworks/av/+/6f1d990ce0f116a205f467d9eb2082795e33872b">A-34618607</a></td> 119 <td></td> 120 <td></td> 121 <td></td> 122 <td>2017 1 21 </td> 123 </tr> 124 <tr> 125 <td>CVE-2017-0589</td> 126 <td><a href="https://android.googlesource.com/platform/external/libhevc/+/bcfc7124f6ef9f1ec128fb2e90de774a5b33d199">A-34897036</a></td> 127 <td></td> 128 <td></td> 129 <td></td> 130 <td>2017 2 1 </td> 131 </tr> 132 <tr> 133 <td>CVE-2017-0590</td> 134 <td><a href="https://android.googlesource.com/platform/external/libhevc/+/45c97f878bee15cd97262fe7f57ecea71990fed7">A-35039946</a></td> 135 <td></td> 136 <td></td> 137 <td></td> 138 <td>2017 2 6 </td> 139 </tr> 140 <tr> 141 <td>CVE-2017-0591</td> 142 <td><a href="https://android.googlesource.com/platform/external/libavc/+/5c3fd5d93a268abb20ff22f26009535b40db3c7d">A-34097672</a></td> 143 <td></td> 144 <td></td> 145 <td></td> 146 <td>Google </td> 147 </tr> 148 <tr> 149 <td>CVE-2017-0592</td> 150 <td><a href="https://android.googlesource.com/platform/frameworks/av/+/acc192347665943ca674acf117e4f74a88436922">A-34970788</a></td> 151 <td></td> 152 <td></td> 153 <td></td> 154 <td>Google </td> 155 </tr> 156 </tbody></table> 157 158 <h3 id="eop-in-framework-apis">Framework API </h3> 159 160 <p>Framework API </p> 161 162 <table> 163 <colgroup><col width="18%" /> 164 <col width="17%" /> 165 <col width="10%" /> 166 <col width="19%" /> 167 <col width="18%" /> 168 <col width="17%" /> 169 </colgroup><tbody><tr> 170 <th>CVE</th> 171 <th></th> 172 <th></th> 173 <th> Google </th> 174 <th> AOSP </th> 175 <th></th> 176 </tr> 177 <tr> 178 <td>CVE-2017-0593</td> 179 <td><a href="https://android.googlesource.com/platform/frameworks/base/+/78efbc95412b8efa9a44d573f5767ae927927d48">A-34114230</a></td> 180 <td></td> 181 <td></td> 182 <td></td> 183 <td>2017 1 5 </td> 184 </tr> 185 </tbody></table> 186 187 <h3 id="eop-in-mediaserver"></h3> 188 189 <p></p> 190 191 <table> 192 <colgroup><col width="18%" /> 193 <col width="17%" /> 194 <col width="10%" /> 195 <col width="19%" /> 196 <col width="18%" /> 197 <col width="17%" /> 198 </colgroup><tbody><tr> 199 <th>CVE</th> 200 <th></th> 201 <th></th> 202 <th> Google </th> 203 <th> AOSP </th> 204 <th></th> 205 </tr> 206 <tr> 207 <td>CVE-2017-0594</td> 208 <td><a href="https://android.googlesource.com/platform/frameworks/av/+/594bf934384920618d2b6ce0bcda1f60144cb3eb">A-34617444</a></td> 209 <td></td> 210 <td></td> 211 <td></td> 212 <td>2017 1 22 </td> 213 </tr> 214 <tr> 215 <td>CVE-2017-0595</td> 216 <td><a href="https://android.googlesource.com/platform/frameworks/av/+/5443b57cc54f2e46b35246637be26a69e9f493e1">A-34705519</a></td> 217 <td></td> 218 <td></td> 219 <td></td> 220 <td>2017 1 24 </td> 221 </tr> 222 <tr> 223 <td>CVE-2017-0596</td> 224 <td><a href="https://android.googlesource.com/platform/frameworks/av/+/5443b57cc54f2e46b35246637be26a69e9f493e1">A-34749392</a></td> 225 <td></td> 226 <td></td> 227 <td></td> 228 <td>2017 1 24 </td> 229 </tr> 230 </tbody></table> 231 232 <h3 id="eop-in-audioserver"></h3> 233 234 <p></p> 235 236 <table> 237 <colgroup><col width="18%" /> 238 <col width="17%" /> 239 <col width="10%" /> 240 <col width="19%" /> 241 <col width="18%" /> 242 <col width="17%" /> 243 </colgroup><tbody><tr> 244 <th>CVE</th> 245 <th></th> 246 <th></th> 247 <th> Google </th> 248 <th> AOSP </th> 249 <th></th> 250 </tr> 251 <tr> 252 <td>CVE-2017-0597</td> 253 <td><a href="https://android.googlesource.com/platform/frameworks/av/+/a9188f89179a7edd301abaf37d644adf5d647a04">A-34749571</a></td> 254 <td></td> 255 <td></td> 256 <td></td> 257 <td>2017 1 25 </td> 258 </tr> 259 </tbody></table> 260 261 <h3 id="id-in-framework-apis">Framework API </h3> 262 263 <p>Framework API </p> 264 265 <table> 266 <colgroup><col width="18%" /> 267 <col width="17%" /> 268 <col width="10%" /> 269 <col width="19%" /> 270 <col width="18%" /> 271 <col width="17%" /> 272 </colgroup><tbody><tr> 273 <th>CVE</th> 274 <th></th> 275 <th></th> 276 <th> Google </th> 277 <th> AOSP </th> 278 <th></th> 279 </tr> 280 <tr> 281 <td>CVE-2017-0598</td> 282 <td><a href="https://android.googlesource.com/platform/frameworks/base/+/4e110ab20bb91e945a17c6e166e14e2da9608f08">A-34128677</a> 283 [<a href="https://android.googlesource.com/platform/frameworks/base/+/d42e1204d5dddb78ec9d20d125951b59a8344f40">2</a>]</td> 284 <td></td> 285 <td></td> 286 <td></td> 287 <td>2017 1 6 </td> 288 </tr> 289 </tbody></table> 290 291 <h3 id="dos-in-mediaserver"></h3> 292 293 <p></p> 294 295 <table> 296 <colgroup><col width="18%" /> 297 <col width="17%" /> 298 <col width="10%" /> 299 <col width="19%" /> 300 <col width="18%" /> 301 <col width="17%" /> 302 </colgroup><tbody><tr> 303 <th>CVE</th> 304 <th></th> 305 <th></th> 306 <th> Google </th> 307 <th> AOSP </th> 308 <th></th> 309 </tr> 310 <tr> 311 <td>CVE-2017-0599</td> 312 <td><a href="https://android.googlesource.com/platform/external/libhevc/+/a1424724a00d62ac5efa0e27953eed66850d662f">A-34672748</a></td> 313 <td></td> 314 <td></td> 315 <td></td> 316 <td>2017 1 23 </td> 317 </tr> 318 <tr> 319 <td>CVE-2017-0600</td> 320 <td><a href="https://android.googlesource.com/platform/frameworks/av/+/961e5ac5788b52304e64b9a509781beaf5201fb0">A-35269635</a></td> 321 <td></td> 322 <td></td> 323 <td></td> 324 <td>2017 2 10 </td> 325 </tr> 326 </tbody></table> 327 328 <h3 id="eop-in-bluetooth"></h3> 329 330 <p></p> 331 332 <table> 333 <colgroup><col width="18%" /> 334 <col width="17%" /> 335 <col width="10%" /> 336 <col width="19%" /> 337 <col width="18%" /> 338 <col width="17%" /> 339 </colgroup><tbody><tr> 340 <th>CVE</th> 341 <th></th> 342 <th></th> 343 <th> Google </th> 344 <th> AOSP </th> 345 <th></th> 346 </tr> 347 <tr> 348 <td>CVE-2017-0601</td> 349 <td><a href="https://android.googlesource.com/platform/frameworks/base/+/667d2cbe3eb1450f273a4f6595ccef35e1f0fe4b">A-35258579</a></td> 350 <td></td> 351 <td></td> 352 <td></td> 353 <td>2017 2 9 </td> 354 </tr> 355 </tbody></table> 356 357 <h3 id="id-in-file-based-encryption"></h3> 358 359 <p></p> 360 361 <table> 362 <colgroup><col width="18%" /> 363 <col width="17%" /> 364 <col width="10%" /> 365 <col width="19%" /> 366 <col width="18%" /> 367 <col width="17%" /> 368 </colgroup><tbody><tr> 369 <th>CVE</th> 370 <th></th> 371 <th></th> 372 <th> Google </th> 373 <th> AOSP </th> 374 <th></th> 375 </tr> 376 <tr> 377 <td>CVE-2017-0493</td> 378 <td><a href="https://android.googlesource.com/platform/frameworks/base/+/e4cefbf4fce458489b5f1bebc79dfaf566bcc5d5">A-32793550</a> 379 [<a href="https://android.googlesource.com/platform/frameworks/base/+/f806d65e615b942c268a5f68d44bde9d55634972">2</a>]</td> 380 <td></td> 381 <td></td> 382 <td></td> 383 <td>2016 11 9 </td> 384 </tr> 385 </tbody></table> 386 387 <h3 id="id-in-bluetooth"></h3> 388 389 <p></p> 390 391 <table> 392 <colgroup><col width="18%" /> 393 <col width="17%" /> 394 <col width="10%" /> 395 <col width="19%" /> 396 <col width="18%" /> 397 <col width="17%" /> 398 </colgroup><tbody><tr> 399 <th>CVE</th> 400 <th></th> 401 <th></th> 402 <th> Google </th> 403 <th> AOSP </th> 404 <th></th> 405 </tr> 406 <tr> 407 <td>CVE-2017-0602</td> 408 <td><a href="https://android.googlesource.com/platform/system/bt/+/a4875a49404c544134df37022ae587a4a3321647">A-34946955</a></td> 409 <td></td> 410 <td></td> 411 <td></td> 412 <td>2016 12 5 </td> 413 </tr> 414 </tbody></table> 415 416 <h3 id="id-in-openssl-&-boringssl">OpenSSL BoringSSL </h3> 417 418 <p>OpenSSL BoringSSL </p> 419 420 <table> 421 <colgroup><col width="18%" /> 422 <col width="17%" /> 423 <col width="10%" /> 424 <col width="19%" /> 425 <col width="18%" /> 426 <col width="17%" /> 427 </colgroup><tbody><tr> 428 <th>CVE</th> 429 <th></th> 430 <th></th> 431 <th> Google </th> 432 <th> AOSP </th> 433 <th></th> 434 </tr> 435 <tr> 436 <td>CVE-2016-7056</td> 437 <td><a href="https://android.googlesource.com/platform/external/boringssl/+/13179a8e75fee98740b5ce728752aa7294b3e32d">A-33752052</a></td> 438 <td></td> 439 <td></td> 440 <td></td> 441 <td>2016 12 19 </td> 442 </tr> 443 </tbody></table> 444 445 <h3 id="dos-in-mediaserver-2"></h3> 446 447 <p></p> 448 449 <table> 450 <colgroup><col width="18%" /> 451 <col width="17%" /> 452 <col width="10%" /> 453 <col width="19%" /> 454 <col width="18%" /> 455 <col width="17%" /> 456 </colgroup><tbody><tr> 457 <th>CVE</th> 458 <th></th> 459 <th></th> 460 <th> Google </th> 461 <th> AOSP </th> 462 <th></th> 463 </tr> 464 <tr> 465 <td>CVE-2017-0603</td> 466 <td><a href="https://android.googlesource.com/platform/frameworks/av/+/36b04932bb93cc3269279282686b439a17a89920">A-35763994</a></td> 467 <td></td> 468 <td></td> 469 <td></td> 470 <td>2017 2 23 </td> 471 </tr> 472 </tbody></table> 473 474 <h3 id="dos-in-mediaserver-3"></h3> 475 476 <p></p> 477 478 <table> 479 <colgroup><col width="18%" /> 480 <col width="17%" /> 481 <col width="10%" /> 482 <col width="19%" /> 483 <col width="18%" /> 484 <col width="17%" /> 485 </colgroup><tbody><tr> 486 <th>CVE</th> 487 <th></th> 488 <th></th> 489 <th> Google </th> 490 <th> AOSP </th> 491 <th></th> 492 </tr> 493 <tr> 494 <td>CVE-2017-0635</td> 495 <td><a href="https://android.googlesource.com/platform/frameworks/av/+/523f6b49c1a2289161f40cf9fe80b92e592e9441">A-35467107</a></td> 496 <td></td> 497 <td></td> 498 <td></td> 499 <td>2017 2 16 </td> 500 </tr> 501 </tbody></table> 502 503 <h2 id="2017-05-05-details">2017-05-05 - </h2> 504 505 <p> 2017-05-05 CVE Google AOSP () ID ( AOSP ) ID </p> 506 507 <h3 id="rce-in-giflib">GIFLIB </h3> 508 509 <p>GIFLIB </p> 510 511 <table> 512 <colgroup><col width="18%" /> 513 <col width="17%" /> 514 <col width="10%" /> 515 <col width="19%" /> 516 <col width="18%" /> 517 <col width="17%" /> 518 </colgroup><tbody><tr> 519 <th>CVE</th> 520 <th></th> 521 <th></th> 522 <th> Google </th> 523 <th> AOSP </th> 524 <th></th> 525 </tr> 526 <tr> 527 <td>CVE-2015-7555</td> 528 <td><a href="https://android.googlesource.com/platform/external/giflib/+/dc07290edccc2c3fc4062da835306f809cea1fdc">A-34697653</a></td> 529 <td></td> 530 <td></td> 531 <td></td> 532 <td>2016 4 13 </td> 533 </tr> 534 </tbody></table> 535 536 <h3 id="eop-in-mediatek-touchscreen-driver">MediaTek </h3> 537 538 <p>MediaTek (Re-flash) </p> 539 540 <table> 541 <colgroup><col width="19%" /> 542 <col width="20%" /> 543 <col width="10%" /> 544 <col width="23%" /> 545 <col width="17%" /> 546 </colgroup><tbody><tr> 547 <th>CVE</th> 548 <th></th> 549 <th></th> 550 <th> Google </th> 551 <th></th> 552 </tr> 553 <tr> 554 <td>CVE-2016-10274</td> 555 <td>A-30202412*<br /> 556 M-ALPS02897901</td> 557 <td></td> 558 <td>**</td> 559 <td>2016 7 16 </td> 560 </tr> 561 </tbody></table> 562 563 <p>* Nexus <a href="https://developers.google.com/android/nexus/drivers">Google Developers </a></p> 564 565 <p>** Android 7.1.1 Google ()</p> 566 567 <h3 id="eop-in-qualcomm-bootloader">Qualcomm </h3> 568 569 <p>Qualcomm (Re-flash) </p> 570 571 <table> 572 <colgroup><col width="19%" /> 573 <col width="20%" /> 574 <col width="10%" /> 575 <col width="23%" /> 576 <col width="17%" /> 577 </colgroup><tbody><tr> 578 <th>CVE</th> 579 <th></th> 580 <th></th> 581 <th> Google </th> 582 <th></th> 583 </tr> 584 <tr> 585 <td>CVE-2016-10275</td> 586 <td>A-34514954<br /> 587 <a href="https://source.codeaurora.org/quic/la//kernel/lk/commit/?id=1a0a15c380e11fc46f8d8706ea5ae22b752bdd0b"> 588 QC-CR#1009111</a></td> 589 <td></td> 590 <td>Nexus 5XNexus 6PixelPixel XLAndroid One</td> 591 <td>2016 9 13 </td> 592 </tr> 593 <tr> 594 <td>CVE-2016-10276</td> 595 <td>A-32952839<br /> 596 <a href="https://source.codeaurora.org/quic/la//kernel/lk/commit/?id=5dac431748027e8b50a5c4079967def4ea53ad64"> 597 QC-CR#1094105</a></td> 598 <td></td> 599 <td>Nexus 5XNexus 6PPixelPixel XL</td> 600 <td>2016 11 16 </td> 601 </tr> 602 </tbody></table> 603 604 <h3 id="eop-in-kernel-sound-subsystem"></h3> 605 606 <p> (Re-flash) </p> 607 608 <table> 609 <colgroup><col width="19%" /> 610 <col width="20%" /> 611 <col width="10%" /> 612 <col width="23%" /> 613 <col width="17%" /> 614 </colgroup><tbody><tr> 615 <th>CVE</th> 616 <th></th> 617 <th></th> 618 <th> Google </th> 619 <th></th> 620 </tr> 621 <tr> 622 <td>CVE-2016-9794</td> 623 <td>A-34068036<br /> 624 <a href="https://git.kernel.org/pub/scm/linux/kernel/git/stable/linux-stable.git/commit/?id=a27178e05b7c332522df40904f27674e36ee3757"> 625 </a></td> 626 <td></td> 627 <td>Nexus 5XNexus 6Nexus 6PNexus 9PixelPixel XLPixel CAndroid OneNexus Player</td> 628 <td>2016 12 3 </td> 629 </tr> 630 </tbody></table> 631 632 <h3 id="eop-in-motorola-bootloader">Motorola </h3> 633 634 <p>Motorola (Re-flash) </p> 635 636 <table> 637 <colgroup><col width="19%" /> 638 <col width="20%" /> 639 <col width="10%" /> 640 <col width="23%" /> 641 <col width="17%" /> 642 </colgroup><tbody><tr> 643 <th>CVE</th> 644 <th></th> 645 <th></th> 646 <th> Google </th> 647 <th></th> 648 </tr> 649 <tr> 650 <td>CVE-2016-10277</td> 651 <td>A-33840490*<br /> 652 </td> 653 <td></td> 654 <td>Nexus 6</td> 655 <td>2016 12 21 </td> 656 </tr> 657 </tbody></table> 658 659 <p>* Nexus <a href="https://developers.google.com/android/nexus/drivers">Google Developers </a></p> 660 661 <h3 id="eop-in-nvidia-video-driver">NVIDIA </h3> 662 663 <p>NVIDIA (Re-flash) </p> 664 665 <table> 666 <colgroup><col width="19%" /> 667 <col width="20%" /> 668 <col width="10%" /> 669 <col width="23%" /> 670 <col width="17%" /> 671 </colgroup><tbody><tr> 672 <th>CVE</th> 673 <th></th> 674 <th></th> 675 <th> Google </th> 676 <th></th> 677 </tr> 678 <tr> 679 <td>CVE-2017-0331</td> 680 <td>A-34113000*<br /> 681 N-CVE-2017-0331</td> 682 <td></td> 683 <td>Nexus 9</td> 684 <td>2017 1 4 </td> 685 </tr> 686 </tbody></table> 687 688 <p>* Nexus <a href="https://developers.google.com/android/nexus/drivers">Google Developers </a></p> 689 690 <h3 id="eop-in-qualcomm-power-driver">Qualcomm </h3> 691 692 <p> Qualcomm (Re-flash) </p> 693 694 <table> 695 <colgroup><col width="19%" /> 696 <col width="20%" /> 697 <col width="10%" /> 698 <col width="23%" /> 699 <col width="17%" /> 700 </colgroup><tbody><tr> 701 <th>CVE</th> 702 <th></th> 703 <th></th> 704 <th> Google </th> 705 <th></th> 706 </tr> 707 <tr> 708 <td>CVE-2017-0604</td> 709 <td>A-35392981<br /> 710 <a href="https://source.codeaurora.org/quic/la//kernel/msm-3.18/commit/?id=6975e2dd5f37de965093ba3a8a08635a77a960f7"> 711 QC-CR#826589</a></td> 712 <td></td> 713 <td>*</td> 714 <td>2017 2 15 </td> 715 </tr> 716 </tbody></table> 717 718 <p>* Android 7.1.1 Google ()</p> 719 720 <h3 id="eop-in-kernel-trace-subsystem"></h3> 721 722 <p> (Re-flash) </p> 723 724 <table> 725 <colgroup><col width="19%" /> 726 <col width="20%" /> 727 <col width="10%" /> 728 <col width="23%" /> 729 <col width="17%" /> 730 </colgroup><tbody><tr> 731 <th>CVE</th> 732 <th></th> 733 <th></th> 734 <th> Google </th> 735 <th></th> 736 </tr> 737 <tr> 738 <td>CVE-2017-0605</td> 739 <td>A-35399704<br /> 740 <a href="https://source.codeaurora.org/quic/la//kernel/msm-3.10/commit/?id=2161ae9a70b12cf18ac8e5952a20161ffbccb477"> 741 QC-CR#1048480</a></td> 742 <td></td> 743 <td>Nexus 5XNexus 6Nexus 6PNexus 9PixelPixel XLPixel CAndroid OneNexus Player</td> 744 <td>2017 2 15 </td> 745 </tr> 746 </tbody></table> 747 748 <h3 id="vulnerabilities-in-qualcomm-components">Qualcomm </h3> 749 750 <p> Qualcomm 2016 8 9 10 12 Qualcomm AMSS </p> 751 752 <table> 753 <colgroup><col width="19%" /> 754 <col width="20%" /> 755 <col width="10%" /> 756 <col width="23%" /> 757 <col width="17%" /> 758 </colgroup><tbody><tr> 759 <th>CVE</th> 760 <th></th> 761 <th></th> 762 <th> Google </th> 763 <th></th> 764 </tr> 765 <tr> 766 <td>CVE-2016-10240</td> 767 <td>A-32578446**<br /> 768 QC-CR#955710</td> 769 <td></td> 770 <td>Nexus 6P</td> 771 <td>Qualcomm </td> 772 </tr> 773 <tr> 774 <td>CVE-2016-10241</td> 775 <td>A-35436149**<br /> 776 QC-CR#1068577</td> 777 <td></td> 778 <td>Nexus 5XNexus 6Nexus 6PPixelPixel XL</td> 779 <td>Qualcomm </td> 780 </tr> 781 <tr> 782 <td>CVE-2016-10278</td> 783 <td>A-31624008**<br /> 784 QC-CR#1043004</td> 785 <td></td> 786 <td>PixelPixel XL</td> 787 <td>Qualcomm </td> 788 </tr> 789 <tr> 790 <td>CVE-2016-10279</td> 791 <td>A-31624421**<br /> 792 QC-CR#1031821</td> 793 <td></td> 794 <td>PixelPixel XL</td> 795 <td>Qualcomm </td> 796 </tr> 797 </tbody></table> 798 799 <p>* </p> 800 801 <p>* Nexus <a href="https://developers.google.com/android/nexus/drivers">Google Developers </a></p> 802 803 <p>*** Android 7.1.1 Google ()</p> 804 805 <h3 id="rce-in-libxml2">libxml2 </h3> 806 807 <p>libxml2 </p> 808 809 <table> 810 <colgroup><col width="18%" /> 811 <col width="17%" /> 812 <col width="10%" /> 813 <col width="19%" /> 814 <col width="18%" /> 815 <col width="17%" /> 816 </colgroup><tbody><tr> 817 <th>CVE</th> 818 <th></th> 819 <th></th> 820 <th> Google </th> 821 <th> AOSP </th> 822 <th></th> 823 </tr> 824 <tr> 825 <td>CVE-2016-5131</td> 826 <td>A-32956747*</td> 827 <td></td> 828 <td>**</td> 829 <td></td> 830 <td>2016 7 23 </td> 831 </tr> 832 </tbody></table> 833 834 <p>* Nexus <a href="https://developers.google.com/android/drivers">Google Developers </a></p> 835 836 <p>** Android 7.1.1 Google ()</p> 837 838 <h3 id="eop-in-mediatek-thermal-driver">MediaTek </h3> 839 840 <p>MediaTek </p> 841 842 <table> 843 <colgroup><col width="19%" /> 844 <col width="20%" /> 845 <col width="10%" /> 846 <col width="23%" /> 847 <col width="17%" /> 848 </colgroup><tbody><tr> 849 <th>CVE</th> 850 <th></th> 851 <th></th> 852 <th> Google </th> 853 <th></th> 854 </tr> 855 <tr> 856 <td>CVE-2016-10280</td> 857 <td>A-28175767*<br /> 858 M-ALPS02696445</td> 859 <td></td> 860 <td>**</td> 861 <td>2016 4 11 </td> 862 </tr> 863 <tr> 864 <td>CVE-2016-10281</td> 865 <td>A-28175647*<br /> 866 M-ALPS02696475</td> 867 <td></td> 868 <td>**</td> 869 <td>2016 4 11 </td> 870 </tr> 871 <tr> 872 <td>CVE-2016-10282</td> 873 <td>A-33939045*<br /> 874 M-ALPS03149189</td> 875 <td></td> 876 <td>**</td> 877 <td>2016 12 27 </td> 878 </tr> 879 </tbody></table> 880 881 <p>* Nexus <a href="https://developers.google.com/android/nexus/drivers">Google Developers </a></p> 882 883 <p>** Android 7.1.1 Google ()</p> 884 885 <h3 id="eop-in-qualcomm-wi-fi-driver">Qualcomm Wi-Fi </h3> 886 887 <p>Qualcomm Wi-Fi </p> 888 889 <table> 890 <colgroup><col width="19%" /> 891 <col width="20%" /> 892 <col width="10%" /> 893 <col width="23%" /> 894 <col width="17%" /> 895 </colgroup><tbody><tr> 896 <th>CVE</th> 897 <th></th> 898 <th></th> 899 <th> Google </th> 900 <th></th> 901 </tr> 902 <tr> 903 <td>CVE-2016-10283</td> 904 <td>A-32094986<br /> 905 <a href="https://source.codeaurora.org/quic/la/platform/vendor/qcom-opensource/wlan/qcacld-2.0/commit/?id=93863644b4547324309613361d70ad9dc91f8dfd"> 906 QC-CR#2002052</a></td> 907 <td></td> 908 <td>Nexus 5XPixelPixel XLAndroid One</td> 909 <td>2016 10 11 </td> 910 </tr> 911 </tbody></table> 912 913 <h3 id="eop-in-qualcomm-video-driver">Qualcomm </h3> 914 915 <p>Qualcomm </p> 916 917 <table> 918 <colgroup><col width="19%" /> 919 <col width="20%" /> 920 <col width="10%" /> 921 <col width="23%" /> 922 <col width="17%" /> 923 </colgroup><tbody><tr> 924 <th>CVE</th> 925 <th></th> 926 <th></th> 927 <th> Google </th> 928 <th></th> 929 </tr> 930 <tr> 931 <td>CVE-2016-10284</td> 932 <td>A-32402303*<br /> 933 QC-CR#2000664</td> 934 <td></td> 935 <td>Nexus 5XNexus 6Nexus 6PPixelPixel XLAndroid One</td> 936 <td>2016 10 24 </td> 937 </tr> 938 <tr> 939 <td>CVE-2016-10285</td> 940 <td>A-33752702<br /> 941 <a href="https://source.codeaurora.org/quic/la/kernel/msm-3.18/commit/?id=67dfd3a65336e0b3f55ee83d6312321dc5f2a6f9"> 942 QC-CR#1104899</a></td> 943 <td></td> 944 <td>PixelPixel XL</td> 945 <td>2016 12 19 </td> 946 </tr> 947 <tr> 948 <td>CVE-2016-10286</td> 949 <td>A-35400904<br /> 950 <a href="https://source.codeaurora.org/quic/la//kernel/msm-4.4/commit/?id=5d30a3d0dc04916ddfb972bfc52f8e636642f999"> 951 QC-CR#1090237</a></td> 952 <td></td> 953 <td>PixelPixel XL</td> 954 <td>2016 2 15 </td> 955 </tr> 956 </tbody></table> 957 958 <p>* Nexus <a href="https://developers.google.com/android/nexus/drivers">Google Developers </a></p> 959 960 <h3 id="eop-in-kernel-performance-subsystem"></h3> 961 962 <p></p> 963 964 <table> 965 <colgroup><col width="19%" /> 966 <col width="20%" /> 967 <col width="10%" /> 968 <col width="23%" /> 969 <col width="17%" /> 970 </colgroup><tbody><tr> 971 <th>CVE</th> 972 <th></th> 973 <th></th> 974 <th> Google </th> 975 <th></th> 976 </tr> 977 <tr> 978 <td>CVE-2015-9004</td> 979 <td>A-34515362<br /> 980 <a href="https://git.kernel.org/pub/scm/linux/kernel/git/stable/linux-stable.git/commit/?id=c3c87e770458aa004bd7ed3f29945ff436fd6511"> 981 </a></td> 982 <td></td> 983 <td>Nexus 5XNexus 6Nexus 6PNexus 9PixelPixel XLPixel CAndroid OneNexus Player</td> 984 <td>2016 11 23 </td> 985 </tr> 986 </tbody></table> 987 988 <h3 id="eop-in-qualcomm-sound-driver">Qualcomm </h3> 989 990 <p>Qualcomm </p> 991 992 <table> 993 <colgroup><col width="19%" /> 994 <col width="20%" /> 995 <col width="10%" /> 996 <col width="23%" /> 997 <col width="17%" /> 998 </colgroup><tbody><tr> 999 <th>CVE</th> 1000 <th></th> 1001 <th></th> 1002 <th> Google </th> 1003 <th></th> 1004 </tr> 1005 <tr> 1006 <td>CVE-2016-10287</td> 1007 <td>A-33784446<br /> 1008 <a href="https://www.codeaurora.org/gitweb/quic/la/?p=kernel/msm-4.4.git;a=commit;h=937bc9e644180e258c68662095861803f7ba4ded"> 1009 QC-CR#1112751</a></td> 1010 <td></td> 1011 <td>Nexus 5XNexus 6PPixelPixel XLAndroid One</td> 1012 <td>2016 12 20 </td> 1013 </tr> 1014 <tr> 1015 <td>CVE-2017-0606</td> 1016 <td>A-34088848<br /> 1017 <a href="https://www.codeaurora.org/gitweb/quic/la/?p=kernel/msm-4.4.git;a=commit;h=d3237316314c3d6f75a58192971f66e3822cd250"> 1018 QC-CR#1116015</a></td> 1019 <td></td> 1020 <td>Nexus 5XNexus 6PPixelPixel XLAndroid One</td> 1021 <td>2017 1 3 </td> 1022 </tr> 1023 <tr> 1024 <td>CVE-2016-5860</td> 1025 <td>A-34623424<br /> 1026 <a href="https://source.codeaurora.org/quic/la//kernel/msm-4.4/commit/?id=9f91ae0d7203714fc39ae78e1f1c4fd71ed40498"> 1027 QC-CR#1100682</a></td> 1028 <td></td> 1029 <td>PixelPixel XL</td> 1030 <td>2017 1 22 </td> 1031 </tr> 1032 <tr> 1033 <td>CVE-2016-5867</td> 1034 <td>A-35400602<br /> 1035 <a href="https://source.codeaurora.org/quic/la//kernel/msm-3.18/commit/?id=065360da7147003aed8f59782b7652d565f56be5"> 1036 QC-CR#1095947</a></td> 1037 <td></td> 1038 <td>*</td> 1039 <td>2017 2 15 </td> 1040 </tr> 1041 <tr> 1042 <td>CVE-2017-0607</td> 1043 <td>A-35400551<br /> 1044 <a href="https://source.codeaurora.org/quic/la//kernel/msm-4.4/commit/?id=b003c8d5407773d3aa28a48c9841e4c124da453d"> 1045 QC-CR#1085928</a></td> 1046 <td></td> 1047 <td>PixelPixel XL</td> 1048 <td>2017 2 15 </td> 1049 </tr> 1050 <tr> 1051 <td>CVE-2017-0608</td> 1052 <td>A-35400458<br /> 1053 <a href="https://source.codeaurora.org/quic/la//kernel/msm-4.4/commit/?id=b66f442dd97c781e873e8f7b248e197f86fd2980"> 1054 QC-CR#1098363</a></td> 1055 <td></td> 1056 <td>Nexus 5XNexus 6Nexus 6PPixelPixel XLAndroid One</td> 1057 <td>2017 2 15 </td> 1058 </tr> 1059 <tr> 1060 <td>CVE-2017-0609</td> 1061 <td>A-35399801<br /> 1062 <a href="https://source.codeaurora.org/quic/la//kernel/msm-4.4/commit/?id=38a83df036084c00e8c5a4599c8ee7880b4ee567"> 1063 QC-CR#1090482</a></td> 1064 <td></td> 1065 <td>Nexus 5XNexus 6PPixelPixel XLAndroid One</td> 1066 <td>2017 2 15 </td> 1067 </tr> 1068 <tr> 1069 <td>CVE-2016-5859</td> 1070 <td>A-35399758<br /> 1071 <a href="https://source.codeaurora.org/quic/la//kernel/msm-3.18/commit/?id=97fdb441a9fb330a76245e473bc1a2155c809ebe"> 1072 QC-CR#1096672</a></td> 1073 <td></td> 1074 <td>*</td> 1075 <td>2017 2 15 </td> 1076 </tr> 1077 <tr> 1078 <td>CVE-2017-0610</td> 1079 <td>A-35399404<br /> 1080 <a href="https://source.codeaurora.org/quic/la//kernel/msm-4.4/commit/?id=65009746a6e649779f73d665934561ea983892fe"> 1081 QC-CR#1094852</a></td> 1082 <td></td> 1083 <td>Nexus 5XNexus 6Nexus 6PPixelPixel XLAndroid One</td> 1084 <td>2017 2 15 </td> 1085 </tr> 1086 <tr> 1087 <td>CVE-2017-0611</td> 1088 <td>A-35393841<br /> 1089 <a href="https://source.codeaurora.org/quic/la//kernel/msm-4.4/commit/?id=1aa5df9246557a98181f03e98530ffd509b954c8"> 1090 QC-CR#1084210</a></td> 1091 <td></td> 1092 <td>Nexus 5XNexus 6Nexus 6PPixelPixel XLAndroid One</td> 1093 <td>2017 2 15 </td> 1094 </tr> 1095 <tr> 1096 <td>CVE-2016-5853</td> 1097 <td>A-35392629<br /> 1098 <a href="https://source.codeaurora.org/quic/la//kernel/msm-4.4/commit/?id=a8f3b894de319718aecfc2ce9c691514696805be"> 1099 QC-CR#1102987</a></td> 1100 <td></td> 1101 <td>*</td> 1102 <td>2017 2 15 </td> 1103 </tr> 1104 </tbody></table> 1105 1106 <p>* Android 7.1.1 Google ()</p> 1107 1108 <h3 id="eop-in-qualcomm-led-driver">Qualcomm LED </h3> 1109 1110 <p>Qualcomm LED </p> 1111 1112 <table> 1113 <colgroup><col width="19%" /> 1114 <col width="20%" /> 1115 <col width="10%" /> 1116 <col width="23%" /> 1117 <col width="17%" /> 1118 </colgroup><tbody><tr> 1119 <th>CVE</th> 1120 <th></th> 1121 <th></th> 1122 <th> Google </th> 1123 <th></th> 1124 </tr> 1125 <tr> 1126 <td>CVE-2016-10288</td> 1127 <td>A-33863909<br /> 1128 <a href="https://source.codeaurora.org/quic/la//kernel/msm-3.18/commit/?id=db2cdc95204bc404f03613d5dd7002251fb33660"> 1129 QC-CR#1109763</a></td> 1130 <td></td> 1131 <td>PixelPixel XL</td> 1132 <td>2016 12 23 </td> 1133 </tr> 1134 </tbody></table> 1135 1136 <h3 id="eop-in-qualcomm-crypto-driver">Qualcomm </h3> 1137 1138 <p>Qualcomm </p> 1139 1140 <table> 1141 <colgroup><col width="19%" /> 1142 <col width="20%" /> 1143 <col width="10%" /> 1144 <col width="23%" /> 1145 <col width="17%" /> 1146 </colgroup><tbody><tr> 1147 <th>CVE</th> 1148 <th></th> 1149 <th></th> 1150 <th> Google </th> 1151 <th></th> 1152 </tr> 1153 <tr> 1154 <td>CVE-2016-10289</td> 1155 <td>A-33899710<br /> 1156 <a href="https://source.codeaurora.org/quic/la/kernel/msm-3.18/commit/?id=a604e6f3889ccc343857532b63dea27603381816"> 1157 QC-CR#1116295</a></td> 1158 <td></td> 1159 <td>Nexus 5XNexus 6Nexus 6PPixelPixel XLAndroid One</td> 1160 <td>2016 12 24 </td> 1161 </tr> 1162 </tbody></table> 1163 1164 <h3 id="eop-in-qualcomm-shared-memory-driver">Qualcomm </h3> 1165 1166 <p>Qualcomm </p> 1167 1168 <table> 1169 <colgroup><col width="19%" /> 1170 <col width="20%" /> 1171 <col width="10%" /> 1172 <col width="23%" /> 1173 <col width="17%" /> 1174 </colgroup><tbody><tr> 1175 <th>CVE</th> 1176 <th></th> 1177 <th></th> 1178 <th> Google </th> 1179 <th></th> 1180 </tr> 1181 <tr> 1182 <td>CVE-2016-10290</td> 1183 <td>A-33898330<br /> 1184 <a href="https://source.codeaurora.org/quic/la/kernel/msm-3.18/commit/?id=a5e46d8635a2e28463b365aacdeab6750abd0d49"> 1185 QC-CR#1109782</a></td> 1186 <td></td> 1187 <td>Nexus 5XNexus 6PPixelPixel XL</td> 1188 <td>2016 12 24 </td> 1189 </tr> 1190 </tbody></table> 1191 1192 <h3 id="eop-in-qualcomm-slimbus-driver">Qualcomm Slimbus </h3> 1193 1194 <p>Qualcomm Slimbus </p> 1195 1196 <table> 1197 <colgroup><col width="19%" /> 1198 <col width="20%" /> 1199 <col width="10%" /> 1200 <col width="23%" /> 1201 <col width="17%" /> 1202 </colgroup><tbody><tr> 1203 <th>CVE</th> 1204 <th></th> 1205 <th></th> 1206 <th> Google </th> 1207 <th></th> 1208 </tr> 1209 <tr> 1210 <td>CVE-2016-10291</td> 1211 <td>A-34030871<br /> 1212 <a href="https://source.codeaurora.org/quic/la/kernel/msm-3.18/commit/?id=a225074c0494ca8125ca0ac2f9ebc8a2bd3612de"> 1213 QC-CR#986837</a></td> 1214 <td></td> 1215 <td>Nexus 5XNexus 6Nexus 6PAndroid One</td> 1216 <td>2016 12 31 </td> 1217 </tr> 1218 </tbody></table> 1219 1220 <h3 id="eop-in-qualcomm-adsprpc-driver">Qualcomm ADSPRPC </h3> 1221 1222 <p>Qualcomm ADSPRPC </p> 1223 1224 <table> 1225 <colgroup><col width="19%" /> 1226 <col width="20%" /> 1227 <col width="10%" /> 1228 <col width="23%" /> 1229 <col width="17%" /> 1230 </colgroup><tbody><tr> 1231 <th>CVE</th> 1232 <th></th> 1233 <th></th> 1234 <th> Google </th> 1235 <th></th> 1236 </tr> 1237 <tr> 1238 <td>CVE-2017-0465</td> 1239 <td>A-34112914<br /> 1240 <a href="https://source.codeaurora.org/quic/la//kernel/msm-4.4/commit/?id=3823f0f8d0bbbbd675a42a54691f4051b3c7e544"> 1241 QC-CR#1110747</a></td> 1242 <td></td> 1243 <td>Nexus 5XNexus 6PPixelPixel XLAndroid One</td> 1244 <td>2017 1 5 </td> 1245 </tr> 1246 </tbody></table> 1247 1248 <h3 id="eop-in-qualcomm-secure-execution-environment-communicator-driver">Qualcomm </h3> 1249 1250 <p>Qualcomm </p> 1251 1252 <table> 1253 <colgroup><col width="19%" /> 1254 <col width="20%" /> 1255 <col width="10%" /> 1256 <col width="23%" /> 1257 <col width="17%" /> 1258 </colgroup><tbody><tr> 1259 <th>CVE</th> 1260 <th></th> 1261 <th></th> 1262 <th> Google </th> 1263 <th></th> 1264 </tr> 1265 <tr> 1266 <td>CVE-2017-0612</td> 1267 <td>A-34389303<br /> 1268 <a href="https://source.codeaurora.org/quic/la//kernel/msm-3.18/commit/?id=05efafc998dc86c3b75af9803ca71255ddd7a8eb"> 1269 QC-CR#1061845</a></td> 1270 <td></td> 1271 <td>PixelPixel XL</td> 1272 <td>2017 1 10 </td> 1273 </tr> 1274 <tr> 1275 <td>CVE-2017-0613</td> 1276 <td>A-35400457<br /> 1277 <a href="https://source.codeaurora.org/quic/la//kernel/msm-4.4/commit/?id=b108c651cae9913da1ab163cb4e5f7f2db87b747"> 1278 QC-CR#1086140</a></td> 1279 <td></td> 1280 <td>Nexus 5XNexus 6Nexus 6PPixelPixel XLAndroid One</td> 1281 <td>2017 2 15 </td> 1282 </tr> 1283 <tr> 1284 <td>CVE-2017-0614</td> 1285 <td>A-35399405<br /> 1286 <a href="https://source.codeaurora.org/quic/la//kernel/msm-3.18/commit/?id=fc2ae27eb9721a0ce050c2062734fec545cda604"> 1287 QC-CR#1080290</a></td> 1288 <td></td> 1289 <td>Nexus 5XNexus 6Nexus 6PPixelPixel XLAndroid One</td> 1290 <td>2017 2 15 </td> 1291 </tr> 1292 </tbody></table> 1293 1294 <h3 id="eop-in-mediatek-power-driver">MediaTek </h3> 1295 1296 <p>MediaTek </p> 1297 1298 <table> 1299 <colgroup><col width="19%" /> 1300 <col width="20%" /> 1301 <col width="10%" /> 1302 <col width="23%" /> 1303 <col width="17%" /> 1304 </colgroup><tbody><tr> 1305 <th>CVE</th> 1306 <th></th> 1307 <th></th> 1308 <th> Google </th> 1309 <th></th> 1310 </tr> 1311 <tr> 1312 <td>CVE-2017-0615</td> 1313 <td>A-34259126*<br /> 1314 M-ALPS03150278</td> 1315 <td></td> 1316 <td>**</td> 1317 <td>2017 1 12 </td> 1318 </tr> 1319 </tbody></table> 1320 1321 <p>* Nexus <a href="https://developers.google.com/android/nexus/drivers">Google Developers </a></p> 1322 1323 <p>** Android 7.1.1 Google ()</p> 1324 1325 <h3 id="eop-in-mediatek-system-management-interrupt-driver">MediaTek </h3> 1326 1327 <p>MediaTek </p> 1328 1329 <table> 1330 <colgroup><col width="19%" /> 1331 <col width="20%" /> 1332 <col width="10%" /> 1333 <col width="23%" /> 1334 <col width="17%" /> 1335 </colgroup><tbody><tr> 1336 <th>CVE</th> 1337 <th></th> 1338 <th></th> 1339 <th> Google </th> 1340 <th></th> 1341 </tr> 1342 <tr> 1343 <td>CVE-2017-0616</td> 1344 <td>A-34470286*<br /> 1345 M-ALPS03149160</td> 1346 <td></td> 1347 <td>**</td> 1348 <td>2017 1 19 </td> 1349 </tr> 1350 </tbody></table> 1351 1352 <p>* Nexus <a href="https://developers.google.com/android/nexus/drivers">Google Developers </a></p> 1353 1354 <p>** Android 7.1.1 Google ()</p> 1355 1356 <h3 id="eop-in-mediatek-video-driver">MediaTek </h3> 1357 1358 <p>MediaTek </p> 1359 1360 <table> 1361 <colgroup><col width="19%" /> 1362 <col width="20%" /> 1363 <col width="10%" /> 1364 <col width="23%" /> 1365 <col width="17%" /> 1366 </colgroup><tbody><tr> 1367 <th>CVE</th> 1368 <th></th> 1369 <th></th> 1370 <th> Google </th> 1371 <th></th> 1372 </tr> 1373 <tr> 1374 <td>CVE-2017-0617</td> 1375 <td>A-34471002*<br /> 1376 M-ALPS03149173</td> 1377 <td></td> 1378 <td>**</td> 1379 <td>2017 1 19 </td> 1380 </tr> 1381 </tbody></table> 1382 1383 <p>* Nexus <a href="https://developers.google.com/android/nexus/drivers">Google Developers </a></p> 1384 1385 <p>** Android 7.1.1 Google ()</p> 1386 1387 <h3 id="eop-in-mediatek-command-queue-driver">MediaTek </h3> 1388 1389 <p>MediaTek </p> 1390 1391 <table> 1392 <colgroup><col width="19%" /> 1393 <col width="20%" /> 1394 <col width="10%" /> 1395 <col width="23%" /> 1396 <col width="17%" /> 1397 </colgroup><tbody><tr> 1398 <th>CVE</th> 1399 <th></th> 1400 <th></th> 1401 <th> Google </th> 1402 <th></th> 1403 </tr> 1404 <tr> 1405 <td>CVE-2017-0618</td> 1406 <td>A-35100728*<br /> 1407 M-ALPS03161536</td> 1408 <td></td> 1409 <td>**</td> 1410 <td>2017 2 7 </td> 1411 </tr> 1412 </tbody></table> 1413 1414 <p>* Nexus <a href="https://developers.google.com/android/nexus/drivers">Google Developers </a></p> 1415 1416 <p>** Android 7.1.1 Google ()</p> 1417 1418 <h3 id="eop-in-qualcomm-pin-controller-driver">Qualcomm PIN </h3> 1419 1420 <p>Qualcomm PIN </p> 1421 1422 <table> 1423 <colgroup><col width="19%" /> 1424 <col width="20%" /> 1425 <col width="10%" /> 1426 <col width="23%" /> 1427 <col width="17%" /> 1428 </colgroup><tbody><tr> 1429 <th>CVE</th> 1430 <th></th> 1431 <th></th> 1432 <th> Google </th> 1433 <th></th> 1434 </tr> 1435 <tr> 1436 <td>CVE-2017-0619</td> 1437 <td>A-35401152<br /> 1438 <a href="https://source.codeaurora.org/quic/la//kernel/msm-3.14/commit/?id=72f67b29a9c5e6e8d3c34751600c749c5f5e13e1"> 1439 QC-CR#826566</a></td> 1440 <td></td> 1441 <td>Nexus 6Android One</td> 1442 <td>2017 2 15 </td> 1443 </tr> 1444 </tbody></table> 1445 1446 <h3 id="eop-in-qualcomm-secure-channel-manager-driver">Qualcomm </h3> 1447 1448 <p>Qualcomm </p> 1449 1450 <table> 1451 <colgroup><col width="19%" /> 1452 <col width="20%" /> 1453 <col width="10%" /> 1454 <col width="23%" /> 1455 <col width="17%" /> 1456 </colgroup><tbody><tr> 1457 <th>CVE</th> 1458 <th></th> 1459 <th></th> 1460 <th> Google </th> 1461 <th></th> 1462 </tr> 1463 <tr> 1464 <td>CVE-2017-0620</td> 1465 <td>A-35401052<br /> 1466 <a href="https://source.codeaurora.org/quic/la//kernel/msm-4.4/commit/?id=01b2c9a5d728ff6f2f1f28a5d4e927aaeabf56ed"> 1467 QC-CR#1081711</a></td> 1468 <td></td> 1469 <td>Nexus 5XNexus 6Nexus 6PPixelPixel XLAndroid One</td> 1470 <td>2017 2 15 </td> 1471 </tr> 1472 </tbody></table> 1473 1474 <h3 id="eop-in-qualcomm-sound-codec-driver">Qualcomm </h3> 1475 1476 <p>Qualcomm </p> 1477 1478 <table> 1479 <colgroup><col width="19%" /> 1480 <col width="20%" /> 1481 <col width="10%" /> 1482 <col width="23%" /> 1483 <col width="17%" /> 1484 </colgroup><tbody><tr> 1485 <th>CVE</th> 1486 <th></th> 1487 <th></th> 1488 <th> Google </th> 1489 <th></th> 1490 </tr> 1491 <tr> 1492 <td>CVE-2016-5862</td> 1493 <td>A-35399803<br /> 1494 <a href="https://source.codeaurora.org/quic/la//kernel/msm-4.4/commit/?id=4199451e83729a3add781eeafaee32994ff65b04"> 1495 QC-CR#1099607</a></td> 1496 <td></td> 1497 <td>PixelPixel XL</td> 1498 <td>2017 2 15 </td> 1499 </tr> 1500 </tbody></table> 1501 1502 <h3 id="eop-in-kernel-voltage-regulator-driver"></h3> 1503 1504 <p></p> 1505 1506 <table> 1507 <colgroup><col width="19%" /> 1508 <col width="20%" /> 1509 <col width="10%" /> 1510 <col width="23%" /> 1511 <col width="17%" /> 1512 </colgroup><tbody><tr> 1513 <th>CVE</th> 1514 <th></th> 1515 <th></th> 1516 <th> Google </th> 1517 <th></th> 1518 </tr> 1519 <tr> 1520 <td>CVE-2014-9940</td> 1521 <td>A-35399757<br /> 1522 <a href="https://git.kernel.org/pub/scm/linux/kernel/git/stable/linux-stable.git/commit/?id=60a2362f769cf549dc466134efe71c8bf9fbaaba"> 1523 </a></td> 1524 <td></td> 1525 <td>Nexus 6Nexus 9Pixel CAndroid OneNexus Player</td> 1526 <td>2017 2 15 </td> 1527 </tr> 1528 </tbody></table> 1529 1530 <h3 id="eop-in-qualcomm-camera-driver">Qualcomm </h3> 1531 1532 <p>Qualcomm </p> 1533 1534 <table> 1535 <colgroup><col width="19%" /> 1536 <col width="20%" /> 1537 <col width="10%" /> 1538 <col width="23%" /> 1539 <col width="17%" /> 1540 </colgroup><tbody><tr> 1541 <th>CVE</th> 1542 <th></th> 1543 <th></th> 1544 <th> Google </th> 1545 <th></th> 1546 </tr> 1547 <tr> 1548 <td>CVE-2017-0621</td> 1549 <td>A-35399703<br /> 1550 <a href="https://source.codeaurora.org/quic/la//kernel/msm-3.10/commit/?id=9656e2c2b3523af20502bf1e933e35a397f5e82f"> 1551 QC-CR#831322</a></td> 1552 <td></td> 1553 <td>Android One</td> 1554 <td>2017 2 15 </td> 1555 </tr> 1556 </tbody></table> 1557 1558 <h3 id="eop-in-qualcomm-networking-driver">Qualcomm </h3> 1559 1560 <p>Qualcomm </p> 1561 1562 <table> 1563 <colgroup><col width="19%" /> 1564 <col width="20%" /> 1565 <col width="10%" /> 1566 <col width="23%" /> 1567 <col width="17%" /> 1568 </colgroup><tbody><tr> 1569 <th>CVE</th> 1570 <th></th> 1571 <th></th> 1572 <th> Google </th> 1573 <th></th> 1574 </tr> 1575 <tr> 1576 <td>CVE-2016-5868</td> 1577 <td>A-35392791<br /> 1578 <a href="https://source.codeaurora.org/quic/la//kernel/msm-4.4/commit/?id=fbb765a3f813f5cc85ddab21487fd65f24bf6a8c"> 1579 QC-CR#1104431</a></td> 1580 <td></td> 1581 <td>Nexus 5XPixelPixel XL</td> 1582 <td>2017 2 15 </td> 1583 </tr> 1584 </tbody></table> 1585 1586 <h3 id="eop-in-kernel-networking-subsystem"></h3> 1587 1588 <p></p> 1589 1590 <table> 1591 <colgroup><col width="19%" /> 1592 <col width="20%" /> 1593 <col width="10%" /> 1594 <col width="23%" /> 1595 <col width="17%" /> 1596 </colgroup><tbody><tr> 1597 <th>CVE</th> 1598 <th></th> 1599 <th></th> 1600 <th> Google </th> 1601 <th></th> 1602 </tr> 1603 <tr> 1604 <td>CVE-2017-7184</td> 1605 <td>A-36565222<br /> 1606 <a href="https://git.kernel.org/pub/scm/linux/kernel/git/torvalds/linux.git/commit/?id=677e806da4d916052585301785d847c3b3e6186a"> 1607 </a> <a href="https://git.kernel.org/pub/scm/linux/kernel/git/torvalds/linux.git/commit/?id=f843ee6dd019bcece3e74e76ad9df0155655d0df"> 1608 [2]</a></td> 1609 <td></td> 1610 <td>Nexus 5XNexus 6Nexus 6PNexus 9PixelPixel XLAndroid One</td> 1611 <td>2017 3 23 </td> 1612 </tr> 1613 </tbody></table> 1614 1615 <h3 id="eop-in-goodix-touchscreen-driver">Goodix </h3> 1616 1617 <p>Goodix </p> 1618 1619 <table> 1620 <colgroup><col width="19%" /> 1621 <col width="20%" /> 1622 <col width="10%" /> 1623 <col width="23%" /> 1624 <col width="17%" /> 1625 </colgroup><tbody><tr> 1626 <th>CVE</th> 1627 <th></th> 1628 <th></th> 1629 <th> Google </th> 1630 <th></th> 1631 </tr> 1632 <tr> 1633 <td>CVE-2017-0622</td> 1634 <td>A-32749036<br /> 1635 <a href="https://source.codeaurora.org/quic/la/kernel/msm-3.18/commit/?id=40efa25345003a96db34effbd23ed39530b3ac10"> 1636 QC-CR#1098602</a></td> 1637 <td></td> 1638 <td>Android One</td> 1639 <td>Google </td> 1640 </tr> 1641 </tbody></table> 1642 1643 <h3 id="eop-in-htc-bootloader">HTC </h3> 1644 1645 <p>HTC </p> 1646 1647 <table> 1648 <colgroup><col width="19%" /> 1649 <col width="20%" /> 1650 <col width="10%" /> 1651 <col width="23%" /> 1652 <col width="17%" /> 1653 </colgroup><tbody><tr> 1654 <th>CVE</th> 1655 <th></th> 1656 <th></th> 1657 <th> Google </th> 1658 <th></th> 1659 </tr> 1660 <tr> 1661 <td>CVE-2017-0623</td> 1662 <td>A-32512358*<br /> 1663 </td> 1664 <td></td> 1665 <td>PixelPixel XL</td> 1666 <td>Google </td> 1667 </tr> 1668 </tbody></table> 1669 1670 <p>* Nexus <a href="https://developers.google.com/android/nexus/drivers">Google Developers </a></p> 1671 1672 <h3 id="id-in-qualcomm-wi-fi-driver">Qualcomm Wi-Fi </h3> 1673 1674 <p>Qualcomm Wi-Fi </p> 1675 1676 <table> 1677 <colgroup><col width="19%" /> 1678 <col width="20%" /> 1679 <col width="10%" /> 1680 <col width="23%" /> 1681 <col width="17%" /> 1682 </colgroup><tbody><tr> 1683 <th>CVE</th> 1684 <th></th> 1685 <th></th> 1686 <th> Google </th> 1687 <th></th> 1688 </tr> 1689 <tr> 1690 <td>CVE-2017-0624</td> 1691 <td>A-34327795*<br /> 1692 QC-CR#2005832</td> 1693 <td></td> 1694 <td>Nexus 5XPixelPixel XL</td> 1695 <td>2017 1 16 </td> 1696 </tr> 1697 </tbody></table> 1698 1699 <p>* Nexus <a href="https://developers.google.com/android/nexus/drivers">Google Developers </a></p> 1700 1701 <h3 id="id-in-mediatek-command-queue-driver">MediaTek </h3> 1702 1703 <p>MediaTek </p> 1704 1705 <table> 1706 <colgroup><col width="19%" /> 1707 <col width="20%" /> 1708 <col width="10%" /> 1709 <col width="23%" /> 1710 <col width="17%" /> 1711 </colgroup><tbody><tr> 1712 <th>CVE</th> 1713 <th></th> 1714 <th></th> 1715 <th> Google </th> 1716 <th></th> 1717 </tr> 1718 <tr> 1719 <td>CVE-2017-0625</td> 1720 <td>A-35142799*<br /> 1721 M-ALPS03161531</td> 1722 <td></td> 1723 <td>**</td> 1724 <td>2017 2 8 </td> 1725 </tr> 1726 </tbody></table> 1727 1728 <p>* Nexus <a href="https://developers.google.com/android/nexus/drivers">Google Developers </a></p> 1729 1730 <p>** Android 7.1.1 Google ()</p> 1731 1732 <h3 id="id-in-qualcomm-crypto-engine-driver">Qualcomm </h3> 1733 1734 <p>Qualcomm </p> 1735 1736 <table> 1737 <colgroup><col width="19%" /> 1738 <col width="20%" /> 1739 <col width="10%" /> 1740 <col width="23%" /> 1741 <col width="17%" /> 1742 </colgroup><tbody><tr> 1743 <th>CVE</th> 1744 <th></th> 1745 <th></th> 1746 <th> Google </th> 1747 <th></th> 1748 </tr> 1749 <tr> 1750 <td>CVE-2017-0626</td> 1751 <td>A-35393124<br /> 1752 <a href="https://source.codeaurora.org/quic/la//kernel/msm-4.4/commit/?id=64551bccab9b5b933757f6256b58f9ca0544f004"> 1753 QC-CR#1088050</a></td> 1754 <td></td> 1755 <td>Nexus 5XNexus 6Nexus 6PPixelPixel XLAndroid One</td> 1756 <td>2017 2 15 </td> 1757 </tr> 1758 </tbody></table> 1759 1760 <h3 id="dos-in-qualcomm-wi-fi-driver">Qualcomm Wi-Fi </h3> 1761 1762 <p>Qualcomm Wi-Fi Wi-Fi </p> 1763 1764 <table> 1765 <colgroup><col width="19%" /> 1766 <col width="20%" /> 1767 <col width="10%" /> 1768 <col width="23%" /> 1769 <col width="17%" /> 1770 </colgroup><tbody><tr> 1771 <th>CVE</th> 1772 <th></th> 1773 <th></th> 1774 <th> Google </th> 1775 <th></th> 1776 </tr> 1777 <tr> 1778 <td>CVE-2016-10292</td> 1779 <td>A-34514463*<br /> 1780 QC-CR#1065466</td> 1781 <td></td> 1782 <td>Nexus 5XPixelPixel XL</td> 1783 <td>2016 12 16 </td> 1784 </tr> 1785 </tbody></table> 1786 1787 <p>* Nexus <a href="https://developers.google.com/android/nexus/drivers">Google Developers </a></p> 1788 1789 <h3 id="id-in-kernel-uvc-driver"> UVC </h3> 1790 1791 <p> UVC </p> 1792 1793 <table> 1794 <colgroup><col width="19%" /> 1795 <col width="20%" /> 1796 <col width="10%" /> 1797 <col width="23%" /> 1798 <col width="17%" /> 1799 </colgroup><tbody><tr> 1800 <th>CVE</th> 1801 <th></th> 1802 <th></th> 1803 <th> Google </th> 1804 <th></th> 1805 </tr> 1806 <tr> 1807 <td>CVE-2017-0627</td> 1808 <td>A-33300353*<br /> 1809 </td> 1810 <td></td> 1811 <td>Nexus 5XNexus 6PNexus 9Pixel CNexus Player</td> 1812 <td>2016 12 2 </td> 1813 </tr> 1814 </tbody></table> 1815 1816 <p>* Nexus <a href="https://developers.google.com/android/nexus/drivers">Google Developers </a></p> 1817 1818 <h3 id="id-in-qualcomm-video-driver">Qualcomm </h3> 1819 1820 <p>Qualcomm </p> 1821 1822 <table> 1823 <colgroup><col width="19%" /> 1824 <col width="20%" /> 1825 <col width="10%" /> 1826 <col width="23%" /> 1827 <col width="17%" /> 1828 </colgroup><tbody><tr> 1829 <th>CVE</th> 1830 <th></th> 1831 <th></th> 1832 <th> Google </th> 1833 <th></th> 1834 </tr> 1835 <tr> 1836 <td>CVE-2016-10293</td> 1837 <td>A-33352393<br /> 1838 <a href="https://source.codeaurora.org/quic/la/kernel/msm-3.10/commit/?id=2469d5374745a2228f774adbca6fb95a79b9047f"> 1839 QC-CR#1101943</a></td> 1840 <td></td> 1841 <td>Nexus 5XNexus 6PAndroid One</td> 1842 <td>2016 12 4 </td> 1843 </tr> 1844 </tbody></table> 1845 1846 <h3 id="id-in-qualcomm-power-driver-(device-specific)">Qualcomm ()</h3> 1847 1848 <p>Qualcomm </p> 1849 1850 <table> 1851 <colgroup><col width="19%" /> 1852 <col width="20%" /> 1853 <col width="10%" /> 1854 <col width="23%" /> 1855 <col width="17%" /> 1856 </colgroup><tbody><tr> 1857 <th>CVE</th> 1858 <th></th> 1859 <th></th> 1860 <th> Google </th> 1861 <th></th> 1862 </tr> 1863 <tr> 1864 <td>CVE-2016-10294</td> 1865 <td>A-33621829<br /> 1866 <a href="https://source.codeaurora.org/quic/la/kernel/msm-3.18/commit/?id=9e9bc51ffb8a298f0be5befe346762cdb6e1d49c"> 1867 QC-CR#1105481</a></td> 1868 <td></td> 1869 <td>Nexus 5XNexus 6PPixelPixel XL</td> 1870 <td>2016 12 14 </td> 1871 </tr> 1872 </tbody></table> 1873 1874 <h3 id="id-in-qualcomm-led-driver">Qualcomm LED </h3> 1875 1876 <p>Qualcomm LED </p> 1877 1878 <table> 1879 <colgroup><col width="19%" /> 1880 <col width="20%" /> 1881 <col width="10%" /> 1882 <col width="23%" /> 1883 <col width="17%" /> 1884 </colgroup><tbody><tr> 1885 <th>CVE</th> 1886 <th></th> 1887 <th></th> 1888 <th> Google </th> 1889 <th></th> 1890 </tr> 1891 <tr> 1892 <td>CVE-2016-10295</td> 1893 <td>A-33781694<br /> 1894 <a href="https://source.codeaurora.org/quic/la/kernel/msm-3.18/commit/?id=f11ae3df500bc2a093ddffee6ea40da859de0fa9"> 1895 QC-CR#1109326</a></td> 1896 <td></td> 1897 <td>PixelPixel XL</td> 1898 <td>2016 12 20 </td> 1899 </tr> 1900 </tbody></table> 1901 1902 <h3 id="id-in-qualcomm-shared-memory-driver">Qualcomm </h3> 1903 1904 <p>Qualcomm </p> 1905 1906 <table> 1907 <colgroup><col width="19%" /> 1908 <col width="20%" /> 1909 <col width="10%" /> 1910 <col width="23%" /> 1911 <col width="17%" /> 1912 </colgroup><tbody><tr> 1913 <th>CVE</th> 1914 <th></th> 1915 <th></th> 1916 <th> Google </th> 1917 <th></th> 1918 </tr> 1919 <tr> 1920 <td>CVE-2016-10296</td> 1921 <td>A-33845464<br /> 1922 <a href="https://source.codeaurora.org/quic/la/kernel/msm-3.18/commit/?id=a5e46d8635a2e28463b365aacdeab6750abd0d49"> 1923 QC-CR#1109782</a></td> 1924 <td></td> 1925 <td>Nexus 5XNexus 6PPixelPixel XLAndroid One</td> 1926 <td>2016 12 22 </td> 1927 </tr> 1928 </tbody></table> 1929 1930 <h3 id="id-in-qualcomm-camera-driver">Qualcomm </h3> 1931 1932 <p>Qualcomm </p> 1933 1934 <table> 1935 <colgroup><col width="19%" /> 1936 <col width="20%" /> 1937 <col width="10%" /> 1938 <col width="23%" /> 1939 <col width="17%" /> 1940 </colgroup><tbody><tr> 1941 <th>CVE</th> 1942 <th></th> 1943 <th></th> 1944 <th> Google </th> 1945 <th></th> 1946 </tr> 1947 <tr> 1948 <td>CVE-2017-0628</td> 1949 <td>A-34230377<br /> 1950 <a href="https://source.codeaurora.org/quic/la//kernel/msm-4.4/commit/?id=012e37bf91490c5b59ba2ab68a4d214b632b613f"> 1951 QC-CR#1086833</a></td> 1952 <td></td> 1953 <td>Nexus 5XNexus 6PixelPixel XL</td> 1954 <td>2017 1 10 </td> 1955 </tr> 1956 <tr> 1957 <td>CVE-2017-0629</td> 1958 <td>A-35214296<br /> 1959 <a href="https://source.codeaurora.org/quic/la//kernel/msm-4.4/commit/?id=012e37bf91490c5b59ba2ab68a4d214b632b613f"> 1960 QC-CR#1086833</a></td> 1961 <td></td> 1962 <td>Nexus 5XNexus 6PixelPixel XL</td> 1963 <td>2017 2 8 </td> 1964 </tr> 1965 </tbody></table> 1966 1967 <h3 id="id-in-kernel-trace-subsystem"></h3> 1968 1969 <p></p> 1970 1971 <table> 1972 <colgroup><col width="19%" /> 1973 <col width="20%" /> 1974 <col width="10%" /> 1975 <col width="23%" /> 1976 <col width="17%" /> 1977 </colgroup><tbody><tr> 1978 <th>CVE</th> 1979 <th></th> 1980 <th></th> 1981 <th> Google </th> 1982 <th></th> 1983 </tr> 1984 <tr> 1985 <td>CVE-2017-0630</td> 1986 <td>A-34277115*<br /> 1987 </td> 1988 <td></td> 1989 <td>Nexus 5XNexus 6Nexus 6PNexus 9PixelPixel XLPixel CAndroid OneNexus Player</td> 1990 <td>2017 1 11 </td> 1991 </tr> 1992 </tbody></table> 1993 1994 <p>* Nexus <a href="https://developers.google.com/android/nexus/drivers">Google Developers </a></p> 1995 1996 <h3 id="id-in-qualcomm-sound-codec-driver">Qualcomm </h3> 1997 1998 <p>Qualcomm </p> 1999 2000 <table> 2001 <colgroup><col width="19%" /> 2002 <col width="20%" /> 2003 <col width="10%" /> 2004 <col width="23%" /> 2005 <col width="17%" /> 2006 </colgroup><tbody><tr> 2007 <th>CVE</th> 2008 <th></th> 2009 <th></th> 2010 <th> Google </th> 2011 <th></th> 2012 </tr> 2013 <tr> 2014 <td>CVE-2016-5858</td> 2015 <td>A-35400153<br /> 2016 <a href="https://source.codeaurora.org/quic/la//kernel/msm-3.18/commit/?id=3154eb1d263b9c3eab2c9fa8ebe498390bf5d711"> 2017 QC-CR#1096799</a> <a href="https://source.codeaurora.org/quic/la//kernel/msm-3.18/commit/?id=afc5bea71bc8f251dad1104568383019f4923af6"> 2018 [2]</a></td> 2019 <td></td> 2020 <td>Nexus 5XNexus 6Nexus 6PPixelPixel XLAndroid One</td> 2021 <td>2017 2 15 </td> 2022 </tr> 2023 </tbody></table> 2024 2025 <h3 id="id-in-qualcomm-camera-driver-2">Qualcomm </h3> 2026 2027 <p>Qualcomm </p> 2028 2029 <table> 2030 <colgroup><col width="19%" /> 2031 <col width="20%" /> 2032 <col width="10%" /> 2033 <col width="23%" /> 2034 <col width="17%" /> 2035 </colgroup><tbody><tr> 2036 <th>CVE</th> 2037 <th></th> 2038 <th></th> 2039 <th> Google </th> 2040 <th></th> 2041 </tr> 2042 <tr> 2043 <td>CVE-2017-0631</td> 2044 <td>A-35399756<br /> 2045 <a href="https://source.codeaurora.org/quic/la//kernel/msm-4.4/commit/?id=8236d6ebc7e26361ca7078cbeba01509f10941d8"> 2046 QC-CR#1093232</a></td> 2047 <td></td> 2048 <td>Nexus 5XNexus 6PPixelPixel XLAndroid One</td> 2049 <td>2017 2 15 </td> 2050 </tr> 2051 </tbody></table> 2052 2053 <h3 id="id-in-qualcomm-sound-driver">Qualcomm </h3> 2054 2055 <p>Qualcomm </p> 2056 2057 <table> 2058 <colgroup><col width="19%" /> 2059 <col width="20%" /> 2060 <col width="10%" /> 2061 <col width="23%" /> 2062 <col width="17%" /> 2063 </colgroup><tbody><tr> 2064 <th>CVE</th> 2065 <th></th> 2066 <th></th> 2067 <th> Google </th> 2068 <th></th> 2069 </tr> 2070 <tr> 2071 <td>CVE-2016-5347</td> 2072 <td>A-35394329<br /> 2073 <a href="https://source.codeaurora.org/quic/la//kernel/msm-4.4/commit/?id=f14390f13e62460fc6b05fc0acde0e825374fdb6"> 2074 QC-CR#1100878</a></td> 2075 <td></td> 2076 <td>Nexus 5XNexus 6Nexus 6PPixelPixel XLAndroid One</td> 2077 <td>2017 2 15 </td> 2078 </tr> 2079 </tbody></table> 2080 2081 <h3 id="id-in-qualcomm-spcom-driver">Qualcomm SPCom </h3> 2082 2083 <p>Qualcomm SPCopm </p> 2084 2085 <table> 2086 <colgroup><col width="19%" /> 2087 <col width="20%" /> 2088 <col width="10%" /> 2089 <col width="23%" /> 2090 <col width="17%" /> 2091 </colgroup><tbody><tr> 2092 <th>CVE</th> 2093 <th></th> 2094 <th></th> 2095 <th> Google </th> 2096 <th></th> 2097 </tr> 2098 <tr> 2099 <td>CVE-2016-5854</td> 2100 <td>A-35392792<br /> 2101 <a href="https://source.codeaurora.org/quic/la//kernel/msm-4.4/commit/?id=28d23d4d7999f683b27b6e0c489635265b67a4c9"> 2102 QC-CR#1092683</a></td> 2103 <td></td> 2104 <td>*</td> 2105 <td>2017 2 15 </td> 2106 </tr> 2107 <tr> 2108 <td>CVE-2016-5855</td> 2109 <td>A-35393081<br /> 2110 <a href="https://source.codeaurora.org/quic/la//kernel/msm-4.4/commit/?id=a5edb54e93ba85719091fe2bc426d75fa7059834"> 2111 QC-CR#1094143</a></td> 2112 <td></td> 2113 <td>*</td> 2114 <td>2017 2 15 </td> 2115 </tr> 2116 </tbody></table> 2117 2118 <p>* Android 7.1.1 Google ()</p> 2119 2120 <h3 id="id-in-qualcomm-sound-codec-driver-2">Qualcomm </h3> 2121 2122 <p>Qualcomm </p> 2123 2124 <table> 2125 <colgroup><col width="19%" /> 2126 <col width="20%" /> 2127 <col width="10%" /> 2128 <col width="23%" /> 2129 <col width="17%" /> 2130 </colgroup><tbody><tr> 2131 <th>CVE</th> 2132 <th></th> 2133 <th></th> 2134 <th> Google </th> 2135 <th></th> 2136 </tr> 2137 <tr> 2138 <td>CVE-2017-0632</td> 2139 <td>A-35392586<br /> 2140 <a href="https://source.codeaurora.org/quic/la//kernel/msm-3.10/commit/?id=970d6933e53c1f7ca8c8b67f49147b18505c3b8f"> 2141 QC-CR#832915</a></td> 2142 <td></td> 2143 <td>Android One</td> 2144 <td>2017 2 15 </td> 2145 </tr> 2146 </tbody></table> 2147 2148 <h3 id="id-in-broadcom-wi-fi-driver">Broadcom Wi-Fi </h3> 2149 2150 <p>Broadcom Wi-Fi </p> 2151 2152 <table> 2153 <colgroup><col width="19%" /> 2154 <col width="20%" /> 2155 <col width="10%" /> 2156 <col width="23%" /> 2157 <col width="17%" /> 2158 </colgroup><tbody><tr> 2159 <th>CVE</th> 2160 <th></th> 2161 <th></th> 2162 <th> Google </th> 2163 <th></th> 2164 </tr> 2165 <tr> 2166 <td>CVE-2017-0633</td> 2167 <td>A-36000515*<br /> 2168 B-RB#117131</td> 2169 <td></td> 2170 <td>Nexus 6Nexus 6PNexus 9Pixel CNexus Player</td> 2171 <td>2017 2 23 </td> 2172 </tr> 2173 </tbody></table> 2174 2175 <p>* Nexus <a href="https://developers.google.com/android/nexus/drivers">Google Developers </a></p> 2176 2177 <h3 id="id-in-synaptics-touchscreen-driver">Synaptics </h3> 2178 2179 <p>Synaptics </p> 2180 2181 <table> 2182 <colgroup><col width="19%" /> 2183 <col width="20%" /> 2184 <col width="10%" /> 2185 <col width="23%" /> 2186 <col width="17%" /> 2187 </colgroup><tbody><tr> 2188 <th>CVE</th> 2189 <th></th> 2190 <th></th> 2191 <th> Google </th> 2192 <th></th> 2193 </tr> 2194 <tr> 2195 <td>CVE-2017-0634</td> 2196 <td>A-32511682*<br /> 2197 </td> 2198 <td></td> 2199 <td>PixelPixel XL</td> 2200 <td>Google </td> 2201 </tr> 2202 </tbody></table> 2203 2204 <p>* Nexus <a href="https://developers.google.com/android/nexus/drivers">Google Developers </a></p> 2205 2206 <h3 id="vulnerabilities-in-qualcomm-components-2">Qualcomm </h3> 2207 2208 <p> Qualcomm 2014 2016 Qualcomm AMSS Android Android </p> 2209 2210 <table> 2211 <colgroup><col width="19%" /> 2212 <col width="20%" /> 2213 <col width="10%" /> 2214 <col width="23%" /> 2215 <col width="17%" /> 2216 </colgroup><tbody><tr> 2217 <th>CVE</th> 2218 <th></th> 2219 <th></th> 2220 <th> Google </th> 2221 <th></th> 2222 </tr> 2223 <tr> 2224 <td>CVE-2014-9923</td> 2225 <td>A-35434045**<br /> 2226 QC-CR#403910</td> 2227 <td></td> 2228 <td>***</td> 2229 <td>Qualcomm </td> 2230 </tr> 2231 <tr> 2232 <td>CVE-2014-9924</td> 2233 <td>A-35434631**<br /> 2234 QC-CR#596102</td> 2235 <td></td> 2236 <td>***</td> 2237 <td>Qualcomm </td> 2238 </tr> 2239 <tr> 2240 <td>CVE-2014-9925</td> 2241 <td>A-35444657**<br /> 2242 QC-CR#638130</td> 2243 <td></td> 2244 <td>***</td> 2245 <td>Qualcomm </td> 2246 </tr> 2247 <tr> 2248 <td>CVE-2014-9926</td> 2249 <td>A-35433784**<br /> 2250 QC-CR#631527</td> 2251 <td></td> 2252 <td>***</td> 2253 <td>Qualcomm </td> 2254 </tr> 2255 <tr> 2256 <td>CVE-2014-9927</td> 2257 <td>A-35433785**<br /> 2258 QC-CR#661111</td> 2259 <td></td> 2260 <td>***</td> 2261 <td>Qualcomm </td> 2262 </tr> 2263 <tr> 2264 <td>CVE-2014-9928</td> 2265 <td>A-35438623**<br /> 2266 QC-CR#696972</td> 2267 <td></td> 2268 <td>***</td> 2269 <td>Qualcomm </td> 2270 </tr> 2271 <tr> 2272 <td>CVE-2014-9929</td> 2273 <td>A-35443954**<br /> 2274 QC-CR#644783</td> 2275 <td></td> 2276 <td>***</td> 2277 <td>Qualcomm </td> 2278 </tr> 2279 <tr> 2280 <td>CVE-2014-9930</td> 2281 <td>A-35432946**<br /> 2282 QC-CR#634637</td> 2283 <td></td> 2284 <td>***</td> 2285 <td>Qualcomm </td> 2286 </tr> 2287 <tr> 2288 <td>CVE-2015-9005</td> 2289 <td>A-36393500**<br /> 2290 QC-CR#741548</td> 2291 <td></td> 2292 <td>***</td> 2293 <td>Qualcomm </td> 2294 </tr> 2295 <tr> 2296 <td>CVE-2015-9006</td> 2297 <td>A-36393450**<br /> 2298 QC-CR#750559</td> 2299 <td></td> 2300 <td>***</td> 2301 <td>Qualcomm </td> 2302 </tr> 2303 <tr> 2304 <td>CVE-2015-9007</td> 2305 <td>A-36393700**<br /> 2306 QC-CR#807173</td> 2307 <td></td> 2308 <td>***</td> 2309 <td>Qualcomm </td> 2310 </tr> 2311 <tr> 2312 <td>CVE-2016-10297</td> 2313 <td>A-36393451**<br /> 2314 QC-CR#1061123</td> 2315 <td></td> 2316 <td>***</td> 2317 <td>Qualcomm </td> 2318 </tr> 2319 <tr> 2320 <td>CVE-2014-9941</td> 2321 <td>A-36385125**<br /> 2322 QC-CR#509915</td> 2323 <td></td> 2324 <td>***</td> 2325 <td>Qualcomm </td> 2326 </tr> 2327 <tr> 2328 <td>CVE-2014-9942</td> 2329 <td>A-36385319**<br /> 2330 QC-CR#533283</td> 2331 <td></td> 2332 <td>***</td> 2333 <td>Qualcomm </td> 2334 </tr> 2335 <tr> 2336 <td>CVE-2014-9943</td> 2337 <td>A-36385219**<br /> 2338 QC-CR#546527</td> 2339 <td></td> 2340 <td>***</td> 2341 <td>Qualcomm </td> 2342 </tr> 2343 <tr> 2344 <td>CVE-2014-9944</td> 2345 <td>A-36384534**<br /> 2346 QC-CR#613175</td> 2347 <td></td> 2348 <td>***</td> 2349 <td>Qualcomm </td> 2350 </tr> 2351 <tr> 2352 <td>CVE-2014-9945</td> 2353 <td>A-36386912**<br /> 2354 QC-CR#623452</td> 2355 <td></td> 2356 <td>***</td> 2357 <td>Qualcomm </td> 2358 </tr> 2359 <tr> 2360 <td>CVE-2014-9946</td> 2361 <td>A-36385281**<br /> 2362 QC-CR#520149</td> 2363 <td></td> 2364 <td>***</td> 2365 <td>Qualcomm </td> 2366 </tr> 2367 <tr> 2368 <td>CVE-2014-9947</td> 2369 <td>A-36392400**<br /> 2370 QC-CR#650540</td> 2371 <td></td> 2372 <td>***</td> 2373 <td>Qualcomm </td> 2374 </tr> 2375 <tr> 2376 <td>CVE-2014-9948</td> 2377 <td>A-36385126**<br /> 2378 QC-CR#650500</td> 2379 <td></td> 2380 <td>***</td> 2381 <td>Qualcomm </td> 2382 </tr> 2383 <tr> 2384 <td>CVE-2014-9949</td> 2385 <td>A-36390608**<br /> 2386 QC-CR#652426</td> 2387 <td></td> 2388 <td>***</td> 2389 <td>Qualcomm </td> 2390 </tr> 2391 <tr> 2392 <td>CVE-2014-9950</td> 2393 <td>A-36385321**<br /> 2394 QC-CR#655530</td> 2395 <td></td> 2396 <td>***</td> 2397 <td>Qualcomm </td> 2398 </tr> 2399 <tr> 2400 <td>CVE-2014-9951</td> 2401 <td>A-36389161**<br /> 2402 QC-CR#525043</td> 2403 <td></td> 2404 <td>***</td> 2405 <td>Qualcomm </td> 2406 </tr> 2407 <tr> 2408 <td>CVE-2014-9952</td> 2409 <td>A-36387019**<br /> 2410 QC-CR#674836</td> 2411 <td></td> 2412 <td>***</td> 2413 <td>Qualcomm </td> 2414 </tr> 2415 </tbody></table> 2416 2417 <p>* </p> 2418 2419 <p>* Nexus <a href="https://developers.google.com/android/nexus/drivers">Google Developers </a></p> 2420 2421 <p>*** Android 7.1.1 Google ()</p> 2422 2423 <h2 id="common-questions-and-answers"></h2> 2424 <p></p> 2425 2426 <p><strong>1. 2427 </strong></p> 2428 2429 <p> <a href="https://support.google.com/pixelphone/answer/4457705#pixel_phones&nexus_devices">Pixel Nexus </a></p> 2430 2431 <ul> 2432 <li>2017 5 1 2017-05-01 </li> 2433 <li>2017 5 5 2017-05-05 2434 </li> 2435 </ul> 2436 2437 <p></p> 2438 <ul> 2439 <li>[ro.build.version.security_patch]:[2017-05-01]</li> 2440 <li>[ro.build.version.security_patch]:[2017-05-05]</li> 2441 </ul> 2442 2443 <p><strong>2. </strong></p> 2444 2445 <p> Android Android Android </p> 2446 <ul> 2447 <li> 2017 5 1 </li> 2448 <li> 2017 5 5 () </li> 2449 </ul> 2450 2451 <p></p> 2452 2453 <p><strong>3. Google </strong></p> 2454 2455 <p> <a href="#2017-05-01-details">2017-05-01</a> <a href="#2017-05-05-details">2017-05-05</a> Google <em></em> Google </p> 2456 <ul> 2457 <li><strong> Google </strong> Pixel Google <em></em><a href="https://support.google.com/pixelphone/answer/4457705#pixel_phones&nexus_devices"></a>Nexus 5XNexus 6Nexus 6PNexus 9Android OneNexus PlayerPixel CPixel Pixel XL</li> 2458 <li><strong> Google </strong> Google Google <em></em> Google </li> 2459 <li><strong> Google </strong> Android 7.0 Google Google <em></em></li> 2460 </ul> 2461 <p><strong>4. </strong></p> 2462 2463 <p><em></em></p> 2464 2465 <table> 2466 <tbody><tr> 2467 <th></th> 2468 <th></th> 2469 </tr> 2470 <tr> 2471 <td>A-</td> 2472 <td>Android ID</td> 2473 </tr> 2474 <tr> 2475 <td>QC-</td> 2476 <td>Qualcomm </td> 2477 </tr> 2478 <tr> 2479 <td>M-</td> 2480 <td>MediaTek </td> 2481 </tr> 2482 <tr> 2483 <td>N-</td> 2484 <td>NVIDIA </td> 2485 </tr> 2486 <tr> 2487 <td>B-</td> 2488 <td>Broadcom </td> 2489 </tr> 2490 </tbody></table> 2491 <h2 id="revisions"></h2> 2492 <ul> 2493 <li>2017 5 1 </li> 2494 <li>2017 5 2 AOSP </li> 2495 </ul> 2496 2497 </body></html>