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      1 import common
      2 from autotest_lib.database import migrate
      4 UP_SQL = """\
      5 BEGIN;
      7 SET storage_engine = InnoDB;
      9 CREATE TABLE `planner_plans` (
     10     `id` integer AUTO_INCREMENT NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY,
     11     `name` varchar(255) NOT NULL UNIQUE,
     12     `label_override` varchar(255) NULL,
     13     `support` longtext NOT NULL,
     14     `complete` bool NOT NULL,
     15     `dirty` bool NOT NULL,
     16     `initialized` bool NOT NULL
     17 )
     18 ;
     21 CREATE TABLE `planner_hosts` (
     22     `id` integer AUTO_INCREMENT NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY,
     23     `plan_id` integer NOT NULL,
     24     `host_id` integer NOT NULL,
     25     `complete` bool NOT NULL,
     26     `blocked` bool NOT NULL
     27 )
     28 ;
     29 ALTER TABLE `planner_hosts` ADD CONSTRAINT hosts_plan_id_fk FOREIGN KEY (`plan_id`) REFERENCES `planner_plans` (`id`);
     30 ALTER TABLE `planner_hosts` ADD CONSTRAINT hosts_host_id_fk FOREIGN KEY (`host_id`) REFERENCES `afe_hosts` (`id`);
     33 CREATE TABLE `planner_test_control_files` (
     34     `id` integer AUTO_INCREMENT NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY,
     35     `the_hash` varchar(40) NOT NULL UNIQUE,
     36     `contents` longtext NOT NULL
     37 )
     38 ;
     41 CREATE TABLE `planner_tests` (
     42     `id` integer AUTO_INCREMENT NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY,
     43     `plan_id` integer NOT NULL,
     44     `control_file_id` integer NOT NULL,
     45     `execution_order` integer NOT NULL
     46 )
     47 ;
     48 ALTER TABLE `planner_tests` ADD CONSTRAINT tests_plan_id_fk FOREIGN KEY (`plan_id`) REFERENCES `planner_plans` (`id`);
     49 ALTER TABLE `planner_tests` ADD CONSTRAINT tests_control_file_id_fk FOREIGN KEY (`control_file_id`) REFERENCES `planner_test_control_files` (`id`);
     52 CREATE TABLE `planner_test_jobs` (
     53     `id` integer AUTO_INCREMENT NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY,
     54     `plan_id` integer NOT NULL,
     55     `test_id` integer NOT NULL,
     56     `afe_job_id` integer NOT NULL
     57 )
     58 ;
     59 ALTER TABLE `planner_test_jobs` ADD CONSTRAINT test_jobs_plan_id_fk FOREIGN KEY (`plan_id`) REFERENCES `planner_plans` (`id`);
     60 ALTER TABLE `planner_test_jobs` ADD CONSTRAINT test_jobs_test_id_fk FOREIGN KEY (`test_id`) REFERENCES `planner_tests` (`id`);
     61 ALTER TABLE `planner_test_jobs` ADD CONSTRAINT test_jobs_afe_job_id_fk FOREIGN KEY (`afe_job_id`) REFERENCES `afe_jobs` (`id`);
     62 CREATE TABLE `planner_bugs` (
     63     `id` integer AUTO_INCREMENT NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY,
     64     `external_uid` varchar(255) NOT NULL UNIQUE
     65 )
     66 ;
     69 CREATE TABLE `planner_test_runs` (
     70     `id` integer AUTO_INCREMENT NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY,
     71     `plan_id` integer NOT NULL,
     72     `test_job_id` integer NOT NULL,
     73     `tko_test_id` integer(10) UNSIGNED NOT NULL,
     74     `status` varchar(16) NOT NULL,
     75     `finalized` bool NOT NULL,
     76     `seen` bool NOT NULL,
     77     `triaged` bool NOT NULL
     78 )
     79 ;
     80 ALTER TABLE `planner_test_runs` ADD CONSTRAINT test_runs_plan_id_fk FOREIGN KEY (`plan_id`) REFERENCES `planner_plans` (`id`);
     81 ALTER TABLE `planner_test_runs` ADD CONSTRAINT test_runs_test_job_id_fk FOREIGN KEY (`test_job_id`) REFERENCES `planner_test_jobs` (`id`);
     82 ALTER TABLE `planner_test_runs` ADD CONSTRAINT test_runs_tko_test_id_fk FOREIGN KEY (`tko_test_id`) REFERENCES `%(tko_db_name)s`.`tko_tests` (`test_idx`);
     85 CREATE TABLE `planner_data_types` (
     86     `id` integer AUTO_INCREMENT NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY,
     87     `name` varchar(255) NOT NULL,
     88     `db_table` varchar(255) NOT NULL
     89 )
     90 ;
     93 CREATE TABLE `planner_history` (
     94     `id` integer AUTO_INCREMENT NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY,
     95     `plan_id` integer NOT NULL,
     96     `action_id` integer NOT NULL,
     97     `user_id` integer NOT NULL,
     98     `data_type_id` integer NOT NULL,
     99     `object_id` integer NOT NULL,
    100     `old_object_repr` longtext NOT NULL,
    101     `new_object_repr` longtext NOT NULL,
    102     `time` datetime NOT NULL
    103 )
    104 ;
    105 ALTER TABLE `planner_history` ADD CONSTRAINT history_plan_id_fk FOREIGN KEY (`plan_id`) REFERENCES `planner_plans` (`id`);
    106 ALTER TABLE `planner_history` ADD CONSTRAINT history_user_id_fk FOREIGN KEY (`user_id`) REFERENCES `afe_users` (`id`);
    107 ALTER TABLE `planner_history` ADD CONSTRAINT history_data_type_id_fk FOREIGN KEY (`data_type_id`) REFERENCES `planner_data_types` (`id`);
    110 CREATE TABLE `planner_saved_objects` (
    111     `id` integer AUTO_INCREMENT NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY,
    112     `user_id` integer NOT NULL,
    113     `type` varchar(16) NOT NULL,
    114     `name` varchar(255) NOT NULL,
    115     `encoded_object` longtext NOT NULL,
    116     UNIQUE (`user_id`, `type`, `name`)
    117 )
    118 ;
    119 ALTER TABLE `planner_saved_objects` ADD CONSTRAINT saved_objects_user_id_fk FOREIGN KEY (`user_id`) REFERENCES `afe_users` (`id`);
    122 CREATE TABLE `planner_custom_queries` (
    123     `id` integer AUTO_INCREMENT NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY,
    124     `plan_id` integer NOT NULL,
    125     `query` longtext NOT NULL
    126 )
    127 ;
    128 ALTER TABLE `planner_custom_queries` ADD CONSTRAINT custom_queries_plan_id_fk FOREIGN KEY (`plan_id`) REFERENCES `planner_plans` (`id`);
    131 CREATE TABLE `planner_keyvals` (
    132     `id` integer AUTO_INCREMENT NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY,
    133     `the_hash` varchar(40) NOT NULL UNIQUE,
    134     `key` varchar(1024) NOT NULL,
    135     `value` varchar(1024) NOT NULL
    136 )
    137 ;
    140 CREATE TABLE `planner_autoprocess` (
    141     `id` integer AUTO_INCREMENT NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY,
    142     `plan_id` integer NOT NULL,
    143     `condition` longtext NOT NULL,
    144     `enabled` bool NOT NULL,
    145     `reason_override` varchar(255) NULL
    146 )
    147 ;
    148 ALTER TABLE `planner_autoprocess` ADD CONSTRAINT autoprocess_plan_id_fk FOREIGN KEY (`plan_id`) REFERENCES `planner_plans` (`id`);
    151 CREATE TABLE `planner_plan_owners` (
    152     `id` integer AUTO_INCREMENT NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY,
    153     `plan_id` integer NOT NULL,
    154     `user_id` integer NOT NULL,
    155     UNIQUE (`plan_id`, `user_id`)
    156 )
    157 ;
    158 ALTER TABLE `planner_plan_owners` ADD CONSTRAINT plan_owners_plan_id_fk FOREIGN KEY (`plan_id`) REFERENCES `planner_plans` (`id`);
    159 ALTER TABLE `planner_plan_owners` ADD CONSTRAINT plan_owners_user_id_fk FOREIGN KEY (`user_id`) REFERENCES `afe_users` (`id`);
    162 CREATE TABLE `planner_test_run_bugs` (
    163     `id` integer AUTO_INCREMENT NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY,
    164     `testrun_id` integer NOT NULL,
    165     `bug_id` integer NOT NULL,
    166     UNIQUE (`testrun_id`, `bug_id`)
    167 )
    168 ;
    169 ALTER TABLE `planner_test_run_bugs` ADD CONSTRAINT test_run_bugs_testrun_id_fk FOREIGN KEY (`testrun_id`) REFERENCES `planner_test_runs` (`id`);
    170 ALTER TABLE `planner_test_run_bugs` ADD CONSTRAINT test_run_bugs_bug_id_fk FOREIGN KEY (`bug_id`) REFERENCES `planner_bugs` (`id`);
    173 CREATE TABLE `planner_autoprocess_labels` (
    174     `id` integer AUTO_INCREMENT NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY,
    175     `autoprocess_id` integer NOT NULL,
    176     `testlabel_id` integer NOT NULL,
    177     UNIQUE (`autoprocess_id`, `testlabel_id`)
    178 )
    179 ;
    180 ALTER TABLE `planner_autoprocess_labels` ADD CONSTRAINT autoprocess_labels_autoprocess_id_fk FOREIGN KEY (`autoprocess_id`) REFERENCES `planner_autoprocess` (`id`);
    181 ALTER TABLE `planner_autoprocess_labels` ADD CONSTRAINT autoprocess_labels_testlabel_id_fk FOREIGN KEY (`testlabel_id`) REFERENCES `%(tko_db_name)s`.`tko_test_labels` (`id`);
    184 CREATE TABLE `planner_autoprocess_keyvals` (
    185     `id` integer AUTO_INCREMENT NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY,
    186     `autoprocess_id` integer NOT NULL,
    187     `keyval_id` integer NOT NULL,
    188     UNIQUE (`autoprocess_id`, `keyval_id`)
    189 )
    190 ;
    191 ALTER TABLE `planner_autoprocess_keyvals` ADD CONSTRAINT autoprocess_keyvals_autoprocess_id_fk FOREIGN KEY (`autoprocess_id`) REFERENCES `planner_autoprocess` (`id`);
    192 ALTER TABLE `planner_autoprocess_keyvals` ADD CONSTRAINT autoprocess_keyvals_keyval_id_fk FOREIGN KEY (`keyval_id`) REFERENCES `planner_keyvals` (`id`);
    195 CREATE TABLE `planner_autoprocess_bugs` (
    196     `id` integer AUTO_INCREMENT NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY,
    197     `autoprocess_id` integer NOT NULL,
    198     `bug_id` integer NOT NULL,
    199     UNIQUE (`autoprocess_id`, `bug_id`)
    200 )
    201 ;
    202 ALTER TABLE `planner_autoprocess_bugs` ADD CONSTRAINT autoprocess_bugs_autoprocess_id_fk FOREIGN KEY (`autoprocess_id`) REFERENCES `planner_autoprocess` (`id`);
    203 ALTER TABLE `planner_autoprocess_bugs` ADD CONSTRAINT autoprocess_bugs_bug_id_fk FOREIGN KEY (`bug_id`) REFERENCES `planner_bugs` (`id`);
    206 CREATE INDEX `planner_hosts_plan_id` ON `planner_hosts` (`plan_id`);
    207 CREATE INDEX `planner_hosts_host_id` ON `planner_hosts` (`host_id`);
    208 CREATE INDEX `planner_tests_plan_id` ON `planner_tests` (`plan_id`);
    209 CREATE INDEX `planner_tests_control_file_id` ON `planner_tests` (`control_file_id`);
    210 CREATE INDEX `planner_test_jobs_plan_id` ON `planner_test_jobs` (`plan_id`);
    211 CREATE INDEX `planner_test_jobs_test_id` ON `planner_test_jobs` (`test_id`);
    212 CREATE INDEX `planner_test_jobs_afe_job_id` ON `planner_test_jobs` (`afe_job_id`);
    213 CREATE INDEX `planner_test_runs_plan_id` ON `planner_test_runs` (`plan_id`);
    214 CREATE INDEX `planner_test_runs_test_job_id` ON `planner_test_runs` (`test_job_id`);
    215 CREATE INDEX `planner_test_runs_tko_test_id` ON `planner_test_runs` (`tko_test_id`);
    216 CREATE INDEX `planner_history_plan_id` ON `planner_history` (`plan_id`);
    217 CREATE INDEX `planner_history_user_id` ON `planner_history` (`user_id`);
    218 CREATE INDEX `planner_history_data_type_id` ON `planner_history` (`data_type_id`);
    219 CREATE INDEX `planner_saved_objects_user_id` ON `planner_saved_objects` (`user_id`);
    220 CREATE INDEX `planner_custom_queries_plan_id` ON `planner_custom_queries` (`plan_id`);
    221 CREATE INDEX `planner_autoprocess_plan_id` ON `planner_autoprocess` (`plan_id`);
    223 COMMIT;
    224 """
    226 DOWN_SQL = """\
    227 DROP TABLE IF EXISTS planner_autoprocess_labels;
    228 DROP TABLE IF EXISTS planner_autoprocess_bugs;
    229 DROP TABLE IF EXISTS planner_autoprocess_keyvals;
    230 DROP TABLE IF EXISTS planner_autoprocess;
    231 DROP TABLE IF EXISTS planner_custom_queries;
    232 DROP TABLE IF EXISTS planner_saved_objects;
    233 DROP TABLE IF EXISTS planner_history;
    234 DROP TABLE IF EXISTS planner_data_types;
    235 DROP TABLE IF EXISTS planner_hosts;
    236 DROP TABLE IF EXISTS planner_keyvals;
    237 DROP TABLE IF EXISTS planner_plan_owners;
    238 DROP TABLE IF EXISTS planner_test_run_bugs;
    239 DROP TABLE IF EXISTS planner_test_runs;
    240 DROP TABLE IF EXISTS planner_test_jobs;
    241 DROP TABLE IF EXISTS planner_tests;
    242 DROP TABLE IF EXISTS planner_test_control_files;
    243 DROP TABLE IF EXISTS planner_bugs;
    244 DROP TABLE IF EXISTS planner_plans;
    245 """
    248 def migrate_up(manager):
    249     tko_manager = migrate.get_migration_manager(db_name='TKO', debug=False,
    250                                                 force=False)
    251     if tko_manager.get_db_version() < 31:
    252         raise Exception('You must update the TKO database to at least version '
    253                         '31 before applying AUTOTEST_WEB migration 45')
    255     manager.execute_script(UP_SQL % dict(tko_db_name=tko_manager.get_db_name()))