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      1 How to Create a Release of Conscrypt (for Maintainers Only)
      2 ===========================================================
      4 Build Environments
      5 ------------------
      6 We deploy Conscrypt to Maven Central under the following systems:
      7 - Ubuntu 14.04 with Docker 1.6.1 that runs CentOS 6.6
      8 - Windows 7 64-bit
      9 - Mac OS X 10.7+
     11 Other systems may also work, but we haven't verified them.
     13 BoringSSL Version
     14 -----------------
     16 Each build environment for a particular release *MUST* use the same version
     17 of BoringSSL. This is necessary in order to maintain consistency across
     18 platforms as well as to allow the Uber JAR to specify a single version for
     19 BoringSSL in its MANIFEST.MF.
     21 When deploying, it may be useful to begin with Linux (via Docker),
     22 taking note of the BoringSSL version used, and then deploying
     23 Mac and Windows with that version via:
     25 ```bash
     26 boringssl$ git checkout <commit id>
     27 ```
     29 Prerequisites
     30 -------------
     32 ### Setup OSSRH and Signing
     34 If you haven't deployed artifacts to Maven Central before, you need to setup
     35 your OSSRH (OSS Repository Hosting) account and signing keys.
     36 - Follow the instructions on [this
     37   page](http://central.sonatype.org/pages/ossrh-guide.html) to set up an
     38   account with OSSRH.
     39   - You only need to create the account, not set up a new project
     40   - Contact a Conscrypt maintainer to add your account after you have created it.
     41 - (For release deployment only) Install GnuPG and [generate your key
     42   pair](https://www.gnupg.org/documentation/howtos.html). You'll also
     43   need to [publish your public key](https://www.gnupg.org/gph/en/manual.html#AEN464)
     44   to make it visible to the Sonatype servers
     45   (e.g. `gpg --keyserver pgp.mit.edu --send-key <key ID>`).
     46 - Put your GnuPG key password and OSSRH account information in
     47   `<your-home-directory>/.gradle/gradle.properties`.
     49 ```
     50 # You need the signing properties only if you are making release deployment
     51 signing.keyId=<8-character-public-key-id>
     52 signing.password=<key-password>
     53 signing.secretKeyRingFile=<your-home-directory>/.gnupg/secring.gpg
     55 ossrhUsername=<ossrh-username>
     56 ossrhPassword=<ossrh-password>
     57 checkstyle.ignoreFailures=false
     58 ```
     60 Tagging the Release
     61 ----------------------
     62 The first step in the release process is to create a release branch, bump
     63 versions, and create a tag for the release. Our release branches follow the naming
     64 convention of `v<major>.<minor>.x`, while the tags include the patch version
     65 `v<major>.<minor>.<patch>`. For example, the same branch `v1.0.x`
     66 would be used to create all `v1.0` tags (e.g. `v1.0.0`, `v1.0.1`).
     68 1. Create the release branch and push it to GitHub:
     70    ```bash
     71    $ git checkout -b 1.0.x master
     72    $ git push upstream 1.0.x
     73    ```
     74 2. Update `master` branch to the next minor snapshot (e.g. `1.1.0-SNAPSHOT`)
     75    and update references to the version in `README.md`.
     77    ```bash
     78    $ git checkout -b bump-version master
     79    # Change version to next minor (and keep -SNAPSHOT)
     80    $ ${EDITOR:-nano -w} build.gradle
     81    # Bump documented versions.
     82    $ ${EDITOR:-nano -w} README.md
     83    $ ./gradlew build
     84    $ git commit -a -m "Start 1.1.0 development cycle"
     85    ```
     86 3. Go through PR review and push the master branch to GitHub:
     88    ```bash
     89    $ git checkout master
     90    $ git merge --ff-only bump-version
     91    $ git push upstream master
     92    ```
     93 4. In the release branch, remove "-SNAPSHOT" for the next release version
     94    (e.g. '1.0.0') and update references to the version in `README.md`.
     95    Commit the result and make a tag:
     97    ```bash
     98    $ git checkout 1.0.x
     99    # Change version to remove -SNAPSHOT
    100    $ ${EDITOR:-nano -w} build.gradle
    101    # Bump documented versions.
    102    $ ${EDITOR:-nano -w} README.md
    103    $ git commit -a -m "Change version to 1.0.0"
    104    $ git tag -a 1.0.0 -m "Version 1.0.0"
    105    ```
    106 5. In the release branch, bump to the next patch snapshot version
    107    (e.g. `1.0.1-SNAPSHOT`). Commit the result:
    109    ```bash
    110    # Change version to next patch and add -SNAPSHOT
    111    $ ${EDITOR:-nano -w} build.gradle
    112    $ ./gradlew build
    113    $ git commit -a -m "Bump version to 1.0.1-SNAPSHOT"
    114    ```
    115 7. Go through PR review and push the release tag and updated release branch to
    116    GitHub:
    118    ```bash
    119    $ git push upstream 1.0.0
    120    $ git push upstream 1.0.x
    121    ```
    123 Setup Build Environment
    124 ---------------------------
    126 ### Linux
    127 The deployment for Linux uses [Docker](https://www.docker.com/) running
    128 CentOS 6.6 in order to ensure that we have a consistent deployment environment
    129 on Linux. You'll first need to install Docker if not already installed on your
    130 system.
    132 1. From the conscrypt source directory:
    134    ```bash
    135    conscrypt$ docker build -t conscrypt-deploy .
    136    ```
    137 2. Start a Docker container that has the deploy environment set up for you. The
    138    Conscrypt source is cloned into `/conscrypt`.
    140    ```bash
    141    $ docker run -it --rm=true conscrypt-deploy
    142    ```
    144    Note that the container will be deleted after you exit. Any changes you have
    145    made (e.g., copied configuration files) will be lost. If you want to keep the
    146    container, remove `--rm=true` from the command line.
    147 3. Next, you'll need to copy your OSSRH credentials and GnuPG keys to your docker container.
    148    In Docker:
    149    ```
    150    # mkdir /root/.gradle
    151    ```
    152    Find the container ID in your bash prompt, which is shown as `[root@<container-ID> ...]`.
    153    In host:
    154    ```
    155    $ docker cp ~/.gnupg <container-ID>:/root/
    156    $ docker cp ~/.gradle/gradle.properties <container-ID>:/root/.gradle/
    157    ```
    159    You'll also need to update `signing.secretKeyRingFile` in
    160    `/root/.gradle/gradle.properties` to point to `/root/.gnupg/secring.gpg`.
    162 ### Windows and Mac
    164 For Windows and Mac, see [BUILDING](BUILDING.md) for instructions for setting up the build environment.
    166 Build and Deploy
    167 ----------------
    168 We currently distribute the following OSes and architectures:
    170 | OS | x86_32 | x86_64 |
    171 | --- | --- | --- |
    172 | Linux |  | X |
    173 | Mac |  | X |
    174 | Windows | X | X |
    176 Deployment to Maven Central (or the snapshot repo) is a two-step process. The only
    177 artifact that is platform-specific is codegen, so we only need to deploy the other
    178 jars once. So the first deployment is for all of the artifacts from one of the selected
    179 OS/architectures. After that, we then deploy the codegen artifacts for the remaining
    180 OS/architectures.
    182 **NOTE: _Before building/deploying, be sure to switch to the appropriate branch or tag in
    183 the Conscrypt source directory._**
    185 ### First Deployment (or SNAPSHOT)
    187 As stated above, this only needs to be done once for one of the selected OS/architectures.
    188 The following command will build the whole project and upload it to Maven
    189 Central. Parallel building [is not safe during
    190 uploadArchives](https://issues.gradle.org/browse/GRADLE-3420).
    192 **Linux/Mac:**
    193 ```bash
    194 conscrypt$ ./gradlew build && ./gradlew -Dorg.gradle.parallel=false uploadArchives
    195 ```
    197 **Windows:**
    198 ```bat
    199 C:\conscrypt>gradlew build && gradlew -Dorg.gradle.parallel=false uploadArchives
    201 ```
    203 If the version has the `-SNAPSHOT` suffix, the artifacts will automatically
    204 go to the snapshot repository. Otherwise it's a release deployment and the
    205 artifacts will go to a freshly created staging repository.
    207 ### Deploy OpenJDK for Additional Platforms (Release Deployment Only)
    208 The previous step will only deploy the artifacts for the OS you run on
    209 it and the architecture of your JVM. For a fully fledged deployment, you will
    210 need to deploy for each supported OS/architecture.
    212 When deploying a Release, the first deployment will create
    213 [a new staging repository](https://oss.sonatype.org/#stagingRepositories). You'll need
    214 to look up the ID in the OSSRH UI (usually in the form of `orgconscrypt-*`). Codegen
    215 deployment commands should include `-PrepositoryId=<repository-id>` in order to
    216 ensure that the artifacts are pushed to the same staging repository.
    218 **Linux/Mac:**
    219 ```bash
    220 conscrypt$ ./gradlew build && ./gradlew -Dorg.gradle.parallel=false \
    221     conscrypt-openjdk:uploadArchives -PrepositoryId=<repository-id>
    222 ```
    224 **Windows:**
    225 ```bat
    226 C:\conscrypt>gradlew build && gradlew -Dorg.gradle.parallel=false ^
    227              conscrypt-openjdk:uploadArchives -PrepositoryId=<repository-id>
    229 ```
    231 Now finish [Releasing on Maven Central](#releasing-on-maven-central).
    233 ### Deploy the Uber JAR (Release Deployment Only)
    234 Once all of the native JARs appear on Maven Central, you can build and deploy
    235 the Uber JAR that contains all of them.
    237 **Linux/Mac:**
    238 ```bash
    239 conscrypt$ ./gradlew conscrypt-openjdk-uber:build \
    240            -Dorg.conscrypt.openjdk.buildUberJar=true
    242 conscrypt$ ./gradlew conscrypt-openjdk-uber:uploadArchives \
    243            -Dorg.gradle.parallel=false \
    244            -Dorg.conscrypt.openjdk.buildUberJar=true
    245 ```
    247 **Windows:**
    248 ```bat
    249 C:\conscrypt>gradlew conscrypt-openjdk-uber:build ^
    250              -Dorg.conscrypt.openjdk.buildUberJar=true
    252 C:\conscrypt>gradlew conscrypt-openjdk-uber:uploadArchives ^
    253              -Dorg.gradle.parallel=false ^
    254              -Dorg.conscrypt.openjdk.buildUberJar=true
    256 ```
    258 This will create
    259 [a new staging repository](https://oss.sonatype.org/#stagingRepositories),
    260 so you'll need to [close and release](#releasing-on-maven-central) the
    261 repository via the OSSRH UI, as you did in the previous step.
    263 Releasing on Maven Central
    264 --------------------------
    265 Once all of the artifacts have been pushed to the staging repository, the
    266 repository must first be `closed`, which will trigger several sanity checks
    267 on the repository. If this completes successfully, the repository can then
    268 be `released`, which will begin the process of pushing the new artifacts to
    269 Maven Central (the staging repository will be destroyed in the process). You can
    270 see the complete process for releasing to Maven Central on the [OSSRH site]
    271 (http://central.sonatype.org/pages/releasing-the-deployment.html).
    273 Notify the Community
    274 --------------------
    275 Finally, document and publicize the release.
    277 1. Add [Release Notes](https://github.com/google/conscrypt/releases) for the new tag.
    278    The description should include any major fixes or features since the last release.
    279    You may choose to add links to bugs, PRs, or commits if appropriate.
    280 2. Post a release announcement to [conscrypt](https://groups.google.com/forum/#!forum/conscrypt)
    281    (`conscrypt (a] googlegroups.com`). The title should be something that clearly identifies
    282    the release (e.g.`Conscrypt <tag> Released`).