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      1 description = 'Conscrypt: OpenJdk UberJAR'
      3 ext {
      4     buildUberJar = Boolean.parseBoolean(System.getProperty('org.conscrypt.openjdk.buildUberJar', 'false'))
      5     uberJarClassifiers = (System.getProperty('org.conscrypt.openjdk.uberJarClassifiers',
      6             'osx-x86_64,linux-x86_64,windows-x86_64')).split(',')
      7     classesDir = "${buildDir}/classes"
      8     resourcesDir = "${buildDir}/resources"
      9 }
     11 if (buildUberJar) {
     12     configurations {
     13         uberJar
     14     }
     16     // Point the jar task to the copied classes and resources directories.
     17     jar {
     18         from classesDir
     19         from resourcesDir
     20     }
     22     // Add the dependencies for the uber jar.
     23     uberJarClassifiers.each { uberJarClassifier ->
     24         dependencies.uberJar "${group}:conscrypt-openjdk:${version}:${uberJarClassifier}"
     25     }
     27     /**
     28      * Copy the native libraries to the resources directory.
     29      */
     30     task copySharedLibs(type: Copy, dependsOn: configurations.uberJar) {
     31         from {
     32             configurations.uberJar.collect {
     33                 zipTree(it)
     34             }
     35         }
     36         include '/META-INF/native/**'
     37         into file(resourcesDir)
     38     }
     39     jar.dependsOn copySharedLibs
     41     /**
     42      * Copy the object files to the classes directory.
     43      */
     44     task copyClasses(type: Copy, dependsOn: configurations.uberJar) {
     45         from {
     46             configurations.uberJar.collect {
     47                 zipTree(it)
     48             }
     49         }
     50         exclude '/META-INF/**'
     51         into file(classesDir)
     52     }
     53     jar.dependsOn copyClasses
     55     // Append the BoringSSL-Version to the manifest. Note that this assumes that the
     56     // version of BoringSSL for each artifact exactly matches the one on the
     57     // current system.
     58     jar.manifest {
     59         attributes 'BoringSSL-Version': boringSslVersion
     60     }
     61 } else {
     62     // Not building an uber jar - disable all tasks.
     63     tasks.collect {
     64         it.enabled = false
     65     }
     66 }