1 m4_include(../googletest/m4/acx_pthread.m4) 2 3 AC_INIT([Google C++ Mocking Framework], 4 [1.7.0], 5 [googlemock (a] googlegroups.com], 6 [gmock]) 7 8 # Provide various options to initialize the Autoconf and configure processes. 9 AC_PREREQ([2.59]) 10 AC_CONFIG_SRCDIR([./LICENSE]) 11 AC_CONFIG_AUX_DIR([build-aux]) 12 AC_CONFIG_HEADERS([build-aux/config.h]) 13 AC_CONFIG_FILES([Makefile]) 14 AC_CONFIG_FILES([scripts/gmock-config], [chmod +x scripts/gmock-config]) 15 16 # Initialize Automake with various options. We require at least v1.9, prevent 17 # pedantic complaints about package files, and enable various distribution 18 # targets. 19 AM_INIT_AUTOMAKE([1.9 dist-bzip2 dist-zip foreign subdir-objects]) 20 21 # Check for programs used in building Google Test. 22 AC_PROG_CC 23 AC_PROG_CXX 24 AC_LANG([C++]) 25 AC_PROG_LIBTOOL 26 27 # TODO(chandlerc (a] google.com): Currently we aren't running the Python tests 28 # against the interpreter detected by AM_PATH_PYTHON, and so we condition 29 # HAVE_PYTHON by requiring "python" to be in the PATH, and that interpreter's 30 # version to be >= 2.3. This will allow the scripts to use a "/usr/bin/env" 31 # hashbang. 32 PYTHON= # We *do not* allow the user to specify a python interpreter 33 AC_PATH_PROG([PYTHON],[python],[:]) 34 AS_IF([test "$PYTHON" != ":"], 35 [AM_PYTHON_CHECK_VERSION([$PYTHON],[2.3],[:],[PYTHON=":"])]) 36 AM_CONDITIONAL([HAVE_PYTHON],[test "$PYTHON" != ":"]) 37 38 # TODO(chandlerc (a] google.com) Check for the necessary system headers. 39 40 # Configure pthreads. 41 AC_ARG_WITH([pthreads], 42 [AS_HELP_STRING([--with-pthreads], 43 [use pthreads (default is yes)])], 44 [with_pthreads=$withval], 45 [with_pthreads=check]) 46 47 have_pthreads=no 48 AS_IF([test "x$with_pthreads" != "xno"], 49 [ACX_PTHREAD( 50 [], 51 [AS_IF([test "x$with_pthreads" != "xcheck"], 52 [AC_MSG_FAILURE( 53 [--with-pthreads was specified, but unable to be used])])]) 54 have_pthreads="$acx_pthread_ok"]) 55 AM_CONDITIONAL([HAVE_PTHREADS],[test "x$have_pthreads" == "xyes"]) 56 AC_SUBST(PTHREAD_CFLAGS) 57 AC_SUBST(PTHREAD_LIBS) 58 59 # GoogleMock currently has hard dependencies upon GoogleTest above and beyond 60 # running its own test suite, so we both provide our own version in 61 # a subdirectory and provide some logic to use a custom version or a system 62 # installed version. 63 AC_ARG_WITH([gtest], 64 [AS_HELP_STRING([--with-gtest], 65 [Specifies how to find the gtest package. If no 66 arguments are given, the default behavior, a 67 system installed gtest will be used if present, 68 and an internal version built otherwise. If a 69 path is provided, the gtest built or installed at 70 that prefix will be used.])], 71 [], 72 [with_gtest=yes]) 73 AC_ARG_ENABLE([external-gtest], 74 [AS_HELP_STRING([--disable-external-gtest], 75 [Disables any detection or use of a system 76 installed or user provided gtest. Any option to 77 '--with-gtest' is ignored. (Default is enabled.)]) 78 ], [], [enable_external_gtest=yes]) 79 AS_IF([test "x$with_gtest" == "xno"], 80 [AC_MSG_ERROR([dnl 81 Support for GoogleTest was explicitly disabled. Currently GoogleMock has a hard 82 dependency upon GoogleTest to build, please provide a version, or allow 83 GoogleMock to use any installed version and fall back upon its internal 84 version.])]) 85 86 # Setup various GTEST variables. TODO(chandlerc (a] google.com): When these are 87 # used below, they should be used such that any pre-existing values always 88 # trump values we set them to, so that they can be used to selectively override 89 # details of the detection process. 90 AC_ARG_VAR([GTEST_CONFIG], 91 [The exact path of Google Test's 'gtest-config' script.]) 92 AC_ARG_VAR([GTEST_CPPFLAGS], 93 [C-like preprocessor flags for Google Test.]) 94 AC_ARG_VAR([GTEST_CXXFLAGS], 95 [C++ compile flags for Google Test.]) 96 AC_ARG_VAR([GTEST_LDFLAGS], 97 [Linker path and option flags for Google Test.]) 98 AC_ARG_VAR([GTEST_LIBS], 99 [Library linking flags for Google Test.]) 100 AC_ARG_VAR([GTEST_VERSION], 101 [The version of Google Test available.]) 102 HAVE_BUILT_GTEST="no" 103 104 GTEST_MIN_VERSION="1.7.0" 105 106 AS_IF([test "x${enable_external_gtest}" = "xyes"], 107 [# Begin filling in variables as we are able. 108 AS_IF([test "x${with_gtest}" != "xyes"], 109 [AS_IF([test -x "${with_gtest}/scripts/gtest-config"], 110 [GTEST_CONFIG="${with_gtest}/scripts/gtest-config"], 111 [GTEST_CONFIG="${with_gtest}/bin/gtest-config"]) 112 AS_IF([test -x "${GTEST_CONFIG}"], [], 113 [AC_MSG_ERROR([dnl 114 Unable to locate either a built or installed Google Test at '${with_gtest}'.]) 115 ])]) 116 117 AS_IF([test -x "${GTEST_CONFIG}"], [], 118 [AC_PATH_PROG([GTEST_CONFIG], [gtest-config])]) 119 AS_IF([test -x "${GTEST_CONFIG}"], 120 [AC_MSG_CHECKING([for Google Test version >= ${GTEST_MIN_VERSION}]) 121 AS_IF([${GTEST_CONFIG} --min-version=${GTEST_MIN_VERSION}], 122 [AC_MSG_RESULT([yes]) 123 HAVE_BUILT_GTEST="yes"], 124 [AC_MSG_RESULT([no])])])]) 125 126 AS_IF([test "x${HAVE_BUILT_GTEST}" = "xyes"], 127 [GTEST_CPPFLAGS=`${GTEST_CONFIG} --cppflags` 128 GTEST_CXXFLAGS=`${GTEST_CONFIG} --cxxflags` 129 GTEST_LDFLAGS=`${GTEST_CONFIG} --ldflags` 130 GTEST_LIBS=`${GTEST_CONFIG} --libs` 131 GTEST_VERSION=`${GTEST_CONFIG} --version`], 132 [AC_CONFIG_SUBDIRS([../googletest]) 133 # GTEST_CONFIG needs to be executable both in a Makefile environmont and 134 # in a shell script environment, so resolve an absolute path for it here. 135 GTEST_CONFIG="`pwd -P`/../googletest/scripts/gtest-config" 136 GTEST_CPPFLAGS='-I$(top_srcdir)/../googletest/include' 137 GTEST_CXXFLAGS='-g' 138 GTEST_LDFLAGS='' 139 GTEST_LIBS='$(top_builddir)/../googletest/lib/libgtest.la' 140 GTEST_VERSION="${GTEST_MIN_VERSION}"]) 141 142 # TODO(chandlerc (a] google.com) Check the types, structures, and other compiler 143 # and architecture characteristics. 144 145 # Output the generated files. No further autoconf macros may be used. 146 AC_OUTPUT 147