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      1 // Copyright (C) 2016 and later: Unicode, Inc. and others.
      2 // License & terms of use: http://www.unicode.org/copyright.html
      3 /*
      4 **********************************************************************
      5 * Copyright (c) 2004-2016, International Business Machines
      6 * Corporation and others.  All Rights Reserved.
      7 **********************************************************************
      8 * Author: Alan Liu
      9 * Created: April 26, 2004
     10 * Since: ICU 3.0
     11 **********************************************************************
     12 */
     13 #ifndef __MEASUREUNIT_H__
     14 #define __MEASUREUNIT_H__
     16 #include "unicode/utypes.h"
     20 #include "unicode/unistr.h"
     22 /**
     23  * \file
     24  * \brief C++ API: A unit for measuring a quantity.
     25  */
     29 class StringEnumeration;
     31 /**
     32  * A unit such as length, mass, volume, currency, etc.  A unit is
     33  * coupled with a numeric amount to produce a Measure.
     34  *
     35  * @author Alan Liu
     36  * @stable ICU 3.0
     37  */
     38 class U_I18N_API MeasureUnit: public UObject {
     39  public:
     41     /**
     42      * Default constructor.
     43      * @stable ICU 3.0
     44      */
     45     MeasureUnit() : fTypeId(0), fSubTypeId(0) {
     46         fCurrency[0] = 0;
     47     }
     49     /**
     50      * Copy constructor.
     51      * @stable ICU 3.0
     52      */
     53     MeasureUnit(const MeasureUnit &other);
     55     /**
     56      * Assignment operator.
     57      * @stable ICU 3.0
     58      */
     59     MeasureUnit &operator=(const MeasureUnit &other);
     61     /**
     62      * Returns a polymorphic clone of this object.  The result will
     63      * have the same class as returned by getDynamicClassID().
     64      * @stable ICU 3.0
     65      */
     66     virtual UObject* clone() const;
     68     /**
     69      * Destructor
     70      * @stable ICU 3.0
     71      */
     72     virtual ~MeasureUnit();
     74     /**
     75      * Equality operator.  Return true if this object is equal
     76      * to the given object.
     77      * @stable ICU 3.0
     78      */
     79     virtual UBool operator==(const UObject& other) const;
     81     /**
     82      * Inequality operator.  Return true if this object is not equal
     83      * to the given object.
     84      * @stable ICU 53
     85      */
     86     UBool operator!=(const UObject& other) const {
     87         return !(*this == other);
     88     }
     90     /**
     91      * Get the type.
     92      * @stable ICU 53
     93      */
     94     const char *getType() const;
     96     /**
     97      * Get the sub type.
     98      * @stable ICU 53
     99      */
    100     const char *getSubtype() const;
    102     /**
    103      * getAvailable gets all of the available units.
    104      * If there are too many units to fit into destCapacity then the
    105      * error code is set to U_BUFFER_OVERFLOW_ERROR.
    106      *
    107      * @param destArray destination buffer.
    108      * @param destCapacity number of MeasureUnit instances available at dest.
    109      * @param errorCode ICU error code.
    110      * @return number of available units.
    111      * @stable ICU 53
    112      */
    113     static int32_t getAvailable(
    114             MeasureUnit *destArray,
    115             int32_t destCapacity,
    116             UErrorCode &errorCode);
    118     /**
    119      * getAvailable gets all of the available units for a specific type.
    120      * If there are too many units to fit into destCapacity then the
    121      * error code is set to U_BUFFER_OVERFLOW_ERROR.
    122      *
    123      * @param type the type
    124      * @param destArray destination buffer.
    125      * @param destCapacity number of MeasureUnit instances available at dest.
    126      * @param errorCode ICU error code.
    127      * @return number of available units for type.
    128      * @stable ICU 53
    129      */
    130     static int32_t getAvailable(
    131             const char *type,
    132             MeasureUnit *destArray,
    133             int32_t destCapacity,
    134             UErrorCode &errorCode);
    136     /**
    137      * getAvailableTypes gets all of the available types. Caller owns the
    138      * returned StringEnumeration and must delete it when finished using it.
    139      *
    140      * @param errorCode ICU error code.
    141      * @return the types.
    142      * @stable ICU 53
    143      */
    144     static StringEnumeration* getAvailableTypes(UErrorCode &errorCode);
    146     /**
    147      * Return the class ID for this class. This is useful only for comparing to
    148      * a return value from getDynamicClassID(). For example:
    149      * <pre>
    150      * .   Base* polymorphic_pointer = createPolymorphicObject();
    151      * .   if (polymorphic_pointer->getDynamicClassID() ==
    152      * .       erived::getStaticClassID()) ...
    153      * </pre>
    154      * @return          The class ID for all objects of this class.
    155      * @stable ICU 53
    156      */
    157     static UClassID U_EXPORT2 getStaticClassID(void);
    159     /**
    160      * Returns a unique class ID POLYMORPHICALLY. Pure virtual override. This
    161      * method is to implement a simple version of RTTI, since not all C++
    162      * compilers support genuine RTTI. Polymorphic operator==() and clone()
    163      * methods call this method.
    164      *
    165      * @return          The class ID for this object. All objects of a
    166      *                  given class have the same class ID.  Objects of
    167      *                  other classes have different class IDs.
    168      * @stable ICU 53
    169      */
    170     virtual UClassID getDynamicClassID(void) const;
    172 #ifndef U_HIDE_INTERNAL_API
    173     /**
    174      * ICU use only.
    175      * Returns associated array index for this measure unit. Only valid for
    176      * non-currency measure units.
    177      * @internal
    178      */
    179     int32_t getIndex() const;
    181     /**
    182      * ICU use only.
    183      * Returns maximum value from getIndex plus 1.
    184      * @internal
    185      */
    186     static int32_t getIndexCount();
    188     /**
    189      * ICU use only.
    190      * @return the unit.getIndex() of the unit which has this unit.getType() and unit.getSubtype(),
    191      *         or a negative value if there is no such unit
    192      * @internal
    193      */
    194     static int32_t internalGetIndexForTypeAndSubtype(const char *type, const char *subtype);
    196     /**
    197      * ICU use only.
    198      * @internal
    199      */
    200     static MeasureUnit *resolveUnitPerUnit(
    201             const MeasureUnit &unit, const MeasureUnit &perUnit);
    202 #endif /* U_HIDE_INTERNAL_API */
    204 // All code between the "Start generated createXXX methods" comment and
    205 // the "End generated createXXX methods" comment is auto generated code
    206 // and must not be edited manually. For instructions on how to correctly
    207 // update this code, refer to:
    208 // http://site.icu-project.org/design/formatting/measureformat/updating-measure-unit
    209 //
    210 // Start generated createXXX methods
    212     /**
    213      * Returns unit of acceleration: g-force.
    214      * Caller owns returned value and must free it.
    215      * @param status ICU error code.
    216      * @stable ICU 53
    217      */
    218     static MeasureUnit *createGForce(UErrorCode &status);
    220     /**
    221      * Returns unit of acceleration: meter-per-second-squared.
    222      * Caller owns returned value and must free it.
    223      * @param status ICU error code.
    224      * @stable ICU 54
    225      */
    226     static MeasureUnit *createMeterPerSecondSquared(UErrorCode &status);
    228     /**
    229      * Returns unit of angle: arc-minute.
    230      * Caller owns returned value and must free it.
    231      * @param status ICU error code.
    232      * @stable ICU 53
    233      */
    234     static MeasureUnit *createArcMinute(UErrorCode &status);
    236     /**
    237      * Returns unit of angle: arc-second.
    238      * Caller owns returned value and must free it.
    239      * @param status ICU error code.
    240      * @stable ICU 53
    241      */
    242     static MeasureUnit *createArcSecond(UErrorCode &status);
    244     /**
    245      * Returns unit of angle: degree.
    246      * Caller owns returned value and must free it.
    247      * @param status ICU error code.
    248      * @stable ICU 53
    249      */
    250     static MeasureUnit *createDegree(UErrorCode &status);
    252     /**
    253      * Returns unit of angle: radian.
    254      * Caller owns returned value and must free it.
    255      * @param status ICU error code.
    256      * @stable ICU 54
    257      */
    258     static MeasureUnit *createRadian(UErrorCode &status);
    260     /**
    261      * Returns unit of angle: revolution.
    262      * Caller owns returned value and must free it.
    263      * @param status ICU error code.
    264      * @stable ICU 56
    265      */
    266     static MeasureUnit *createRevolutionAngle(UErrorCode &status);
    268     /**
    269      * Returns unit of area: acre.
    270      * Caller owns returned value and must free it.
    271      * @param status ICU error code.
    272      * @stable ICU 53
    273      */
    274     static MeasureUnit *createAcre(UErrorCode &status);
    276     /**
    277      * Returns unit of area: hectare.
    278      * Caller owns returned value and must free it.
    279      * @param status ICU error code.
    280      * @stable ICU 53
    281      */
    282     static MeasureUnit *createHectare(UErrorCode &status);
    284     /**
    285      * Returns unit of area: square-centimeter.
    286      * Caller owns returned value and must free it.
    287      * @param status ICU error code.
    288      * @stable ICU 54
    289      */
    290     static MeasureUnit *createSquareCentimeter(UErrorCode &status);
    292     /**
    293      * Returns unit of area: square-foot.
    294      * Caller owns returned value and must free it.
    295      * @param status ICU error code.
    296      * @stable ICU 53
    297      */
    298     static MeasureUnit *createSquareFoot(UErrorCode &status);
    300     /**
    301      * Returns unit of area: square-inch.
    302      * Caller owns returned value and must free it.
    303      * @param status ICU error code.
    304      * @stable ICU 54
    305      */
    306     static MeasureUnit *createSquareInch(UErrorCode &status);
    308     /**
    309      * Returns unit of area: square-kilometer.
    310      * Caller owns returned value and must free it.
    311      * @param status ICU error code.
    312      * @stable ICU 53
    313      */
    314     static MeasureUnit *createSquareKilometer(UErrorCode &status);
    316     /**
    317      * Returns unit of area: square-meter.
    318      * Caller owns returned value and must free it.
    319      * @param status ICU error code.
    320      * @stable ICU 53
    321      */
    322     static MeasureUnit *createSquareMeter(UErrorCode &status);
    324     /**
    325      * Returns unit of area: square-mile.
    326      * Caller owns returned value and must free it.
    327      * @param status ICU error code.
    328      * @stable ICU 53
    329      */
    330     static MeasureUnit *createSquareMile(UErrorCode &status);
    332     /**
    333      * Returns unit of area: square-yard.
    334      * Caller owns returned value and must free it.
    335      * @param status ICU error code.
    336      * @stable ICU 54
    337      */
    338     static MeasureUnit *createSquareYard(UErrorCode &status);
    340     /**
    341      * Returns unit of concentr: karat.
    342      * Caller owns returned value and must free it.
    343      * @param status ICU error code.
    344      * @stable ICU 54
    345      */
    346     static MeasureUnit *createKarat(UErrorCode &status);
    348 #ifndef U_HIDE_DRAFT_API
    349     /**
    350      * Returns unit of concentr: milligram-per-deciliter.
    351      * Caller owns returned value and must free it.
    352      * @param status ICU error code.
    353      * @draft ICU 57
    354      */
    355     static MeasureUnit *createMilligramPerDeciliter(UErrorCode &status);
    356 #endif  /* U_HIDE_DRAFT_API */
    358 #ifndef U_HIDE_DRAFT_API
    359     /**
    360      * Returns unit of concentr: millimole-per-liter.
    361      * Caller owns returned value and must free it.
    362      * @param status ICU error code.
    363      * @draft ICU 57
    364      */
    365     static MeasureUnit *createMillimolePerLiter(UErrorCode &status);
    366 #endif  /* U_HIDE_DRAFT_API */
    368 #ifndef U_HIDE_DRAFT_API
    369     /**
    370      * Returns unit of concentr: part-per-million.
    371      * Caller owns returned value and must free it.
    372      * @param status ICU error code.
    373      * @draft ICU 57
    374      */
    375     static MeasureUnit *createPartPerMillion(UErrorCode &status);
    376 #endif  /* U_HIDE_DRAFT_API */
    378     /**
    379      * Returns unit of consumption: liter-per-100kilometers.
    380      * Caller owns returned value and must free it.
    381      * @param status ICU error code.
    382      * @stable ICU 56
    383      */
    384     static MeasureUnit *createLiterPer100Kilometers(UErrorCode &status);
    386     /**
    387      * Returns unit of consumption: liter-per-kilometer.
    388      * Caller owns returned value and must free it.
    389      * @param status ICU error code.
    390      * @stable ICU 54
    391      */
    392     static MeasureUnit *createLiterPerKilometer(UErrorCode &status);
    394     /**
    395      * Returns unit of consumption: mile-per-gallon.
    396      * Caller owns returned value and must free it.
    397      * @param status ICU error code.
    398      * @stable ICU 54
    399      */
    400     static MeasureUnit *createMilePerGallon(UErrorCode &status);
    402 #ifndef U_HIDE_DRAFT_API
    403     /**
    404      * Returns unit of consumption: mile-per-gallon-imperial.
    405      * Caller owns returned value and must free it.
    406      * @param status ICU error code.
    407      * @draft ICU 57
    408      */
    409     static MeasureUnit *createMilePerGallonImperial(UErrorCode &status);
    410 #endif  /* U_HIDE_DRAFT_API */
    412 #ifndef U_HIDE_DRAFT_API
    413     /**
    414      * Returns unit of coordinate: east.
    415      * Caller owns returned value and must free it.
    416      * @param status ICU error code.
    417      * @draft ICU 58
    418      */
    419     static MeasureUnit *createEast(UErrorCode &status);
    420 #endif  /* U_HIDE_DRAFT_API */
    422 #ifndef U_HIDE_DRAFT_API
    423     /**
    424      * Returns unit of coordinate: north.
    425      * Caller owns returned value and must free it.
    426      * @param status ICU error code.
    427      * @draft ICU 58
    428      */
    429     static MeasureUnit *createNorth(UErrorCode &status);
    430 #endif  /* U_HIDE_DRAFT_API */
    432 #ifndef U_HIDE_DRAFT_API
    433     /**
    434      * Returns unit of coordinate: south.
    435      * Caller owns returned value and must free it.
    436      * @param status ICU error code.
    437      * @draft ICU 58
    438      */
    439     static MeasureUnit *createSouth(UErrorCode &status);
    440 #endif  /* U_HIDE_DRAFT_API */
    442 #ifndef U_HIDE_DRAFT_API
    443     /**
    444      * Returns unit of coordinate: west.
    445      * Caller owns returned value and must free it.
    446      * @param status ICU error code.
    447      * @draft ICU 58
    448      */
    449     static MeasureUnit *createWest(UErrorCode &status);
    450 #endif  /* U_HIDE_DRAFT_API */
    452     /**
    453      * Returns unit of digital: bit.
    454      * Caller owns returned value and must free it.
    455      * @param status ICU error code.
    456      * @stable ICU 54
    457      */
    458     static MeasureUnit *createBit(UErrorCode &status);
    460     /**
    461      * Returns unit of digital: byte.
    462      * Caller owns returned value and must free it.
    463      * @param status ICU error code.
    464      * @stable ICU 54
    465      */
    466     static MeasureUnit *createByte(UErrorCode &status);
    468     /**
    469      * Returns unit of digital: gigabit.
    470      * Caller owns returned value and must free it.
    471      * @param status ICU error code.
    472      * @stable ICU 54
    473      */
    474     static MeasureUnit *createGigabit(UErrorCode &status);
    476     /**
    477      * Returns unit of digital: gigabyte.
    478      * Caller owns returned value and must free it.
    479      * @param status ICU error code.
    480      * @stable ICU 54
    481      */
    482     static MeasureUnit *createGigabyte(UErrorCode &status);
    484     /**
    485      * Returns unit of digital: kilobit.
    486      * Caller owns returned value and must free it.
    487      * @param status ICU error code.
    488      * @stable ICU 54
    489      */
    490     static MeasureUnit *createKilobit(UErrorCode &status);
    492     /**
    493      * Returns unit of digital: kilobyte.
    494      * Caller owns returned value and must free it.
    495      * @param status ICU error code.
    496      * @stable ICU 54
    497      */
    498     static MeasureUnit *createKilobyte(UErrorCode &status);
    500     /**
    501      * Returns unit of digital: megabit.
    502      * Caller owns returned value and must free it.
    503      * @param status ICU error code.
    504      * @stable ICU 54
    505      */
    506     static MeasureUnit *createMegabit(UErrorCode &status);
    508     /**
    509      * Returns unit of digital: megabyte.
    510      * Caller owns returned value and must free it.
    511      * @param status ICU error code.
    512      * @stable ICU 54
    513      */
    514     static MeasureUnit *createMegabyte(UErrorCode &status);
    516     /**
    517      * Returns unit of digital: terabit.
    518      * Caller owns returned value and must free it.
    519      * @param status ICU error code.
    520      * @stable ICU 54
    521      */
    522     static MeasureUnit *createTerabit(UErrorCode &status);
    524     /**
    525      * Returns unit of digital: terabyte.
    526      * Caller owns returned value and must free it.
    527      * @param status ICU error code.
    528      * @stable ICU 54
    529      */
    530     static MeasureUnit *createTerabyte(UErrorCode &status);
    532     /**
    533      * Returns unit of duration: century.
    534      * Caller owns returned value and must free it.
    535      * @param status ICU error code.
    536      * @stable ICU 56
    537      */
    538     static MeasureUnit *createCentury(UErrorCode &status);
    540     /**
    541      * Returns unit of duration: day.
    542      * Caller owns returned value and must free it.
    543      * @param status ICU error code.
    544      * @stable ICU 53
    545      */
    546     static MeasureUnit *createDay(UErrorCode &status);
    548     /**
    549      * Returns unit of duration: hour.
    550      * Caller owns returned value and must free it.
    551      * @param status ICU error code.
    552      * @stable ICU 53
    553      */
    554     static MeasureUnit *createHour(UErrorCode &status);
    556     /**
    557      * Returns unit of duration: microsecond.
    558      * Caller owns returned value and must free it.
    559      * @param status ICU error code.
    560      * @stable ICU 54
    561      */
    562     static MeasureUnit *createMicrosecond(UErrorCode &status);
    564     /**
    565      * Returns unit of duration: millisecond.
    566      * Caller owns returned value and must free it.
    567      * @param status ICU error code.
    568      * @stable ICU 53
    569      */
    570     static MeasureUnit *createMillisecond(UErrorCode &status);
    572     /**
    573      * Returns unit of duration: minute.
    574      * Caller owns returned value and must free it.
    575      * @param status ICU error code.
    576      * @stable ICU 53
    577      */
    578     static MeasureUnit *createMinute(UErrorCode &status);
    580     /**
    581      * Returns unit of duration: month.
    582      * Caller owns returned value and must free it.
    583      * @param status ICU error code.
    584      * @stable ICU 53
    585      */
    586     static MeasureUnit *createMonth(UErrorCode &status);
    588     /**
    589      * Returns unit of duration: nanosecond.
    590      * Caller owns returned value and must free it.
    591      * @param status ICU error code.
    592      * @stable ICU 54
    593      */
    594     static MeasureUnit *createNanosecond(UErrorCode &status);
    596     /**
    597      * Returns unit of duration: second.
    598      * Caller owns returned value and must free it.
    599      * @param status ICU error code.
    600      * @stable ICU 53
    601      */
    602     static MeasureUnit *createSecond(UErrorCode &status);
    604     /**
    605      * Returns unit of duration: week.
    606      * Caller owns returned value and must free it.
    607      * @param status ICU error code.
    608      * @stable ICU 53
    609      */
    610     static MeasureUnit *createWeek(UErrorCode &status);
    612     /**
    613      * Returns unit of duration: year.
    614      * Caller owns returned value and must free it.
    615      * @param status ICU error code.
    616      * @stable ICU 53
    617      */
    618     static MeasureUnit *createYear(UErrorCode &status);
    620     /**
    621      * Returns unit of electric: ampere.
    622      * Caller owns returned value and must free it.
    623      * @param status ICU error code.
    624      * @stable ICU 54
    625      */
    626     static MeasureUnit *createAmpere(UErrorCode &status);
    628     /**
    629      * Returns unit of electric: milliampere.
    630      * Caller owns returned value and must free it.
    631      * @param status ICU error code.
    632      * @stable ICU 54
    633      */
    634     static MeasureUnit *createMilliampere(UErrorCode &status);
    636     /**
    637      * Returns unit of electric: ohm.
    638      * Caller owns returned value and must free it.
    639      * @param status ICU error code.
    640      * @stable ICU 54
    641      */
    642     static MeasureUnit *createOhm(UErrorCode &status);
    644     /**
    645      * Returns unit of electric: volt.
    646      * Caller owns returned value and must free it.
    647      * @param status ICU error code.
    648      * @stable ICU 54
    649      */
    650     static MeasureUnit *createVolt(UErrorCode &status);
    652     /**
    653      * Returns unit of energy: calorie.
    654      * Caller owns returned value and must free it.
    655      * @param status ICU error code.
    656      * @stable ICU 54
    657      */
    658     static MeasureUnit *createCalorie(UErrorCode &status);
    660     /**
    661      * Returns unit of energy: foodcalorie.
    662      * Caller owns returned value and must free it.
    663      * @param status ICU error code.
    664      * @stable ICU 54
    665      */
    666     static MeasureUnit *createFoodcalorie(UErrorCode &status);
    668     /**
    669      * Returns unit of energy: joule.
    670      * Caller owns returned value and must free it.
    671      * @param status ICU error code.
    672      * @stable ICU 54
    673      */
    674     static MeasureUnit *createJoule(UErrorCode &status);
    676     /**
    677      * Returns unit of energy: kilocalorie.
    678      * Caller owns returned value and must free it.
    679      * @param status ICU error code.
    680      * @stable ICU 54
    681      */
    682     static MeasureUnit *createKilocalorie(UErrorCode &status);
    684     /**
    685      * Returns unit of energy: kilojoule.
    686      * Caller owns returned value and must free it.
    687      * @param status ICU error code.
    688      * @stable ICU 54
    689      */
    690     static MeasureUnit *createKilojoule(UErrorCode &status);
    692     /**
    693      * Returns unit of energy: kilowatt-hour.
    694      * Caller owns returned value and must free it.
    695      * @param status ICU error code.
    696      * @stable ICU 54
    697      */
    698     static MeasureUnit *createKilowattHour(UErrorCode &status);
    700     /**
    701      * Returns unit of frequency: gigahertz.
    702      * Caller owns returned value and must free it.
    703      * @param status ICU error code.
    704      * @stable ICU 54
    705      */
    706     static MeasureUnit *createGigahertz(UErrorCode &status);
    708     /**
    709      * Returns unit of frequency: hertz.
    710      * Caller owns returned value and must free it.
    711      * @param status ICU error code.
    712      * @stable ICU 54
    713      */
    714     static MeasureUnit *createHertz(UErrorCode &status);
    716     /**
    717      * Returns unit of frequency: kilohertz.
    718      * Caller owns returned value and must free it.
    719      * @param status ICU error code.
    720      * @stable ICU 54
    721      */
    722     static MeasureUnit *createKilohertz(UErrorCode &status);
    724     /**
    725      * Returns unit of frequency: megahertz.
    726      * Caller owns returned value and must free it.
    727      * @param status ICU error code.
    728      * @stable ICU 54
    729      */
    730     static MeasureUnit *createMegahertz(UErrorCode &status);
    732     /**
    733      * Returns unit of length: astronomical-unit.
    734      * Caller owns returned value and must free it.
    735      * @param status ICU error code.
    736      * @stable ICU 54
    737      */
    738     static MeasureUnit *createAstronomicalUnit(UErrorCode &status);
    740     /**
    741      * Returns unit of length: centimeter.
    742      * Caller owns returned value and must free it.
    743      * @param status ICU error code.
    744      * @stable ICU 53
    745      */
    746     static MeasureUnit *createCentimeter(UErrorCode &status);
    748     /**
    749      * Returns unit of length: decimeter.
    750      * Caller owns returned value and must free it.
    751      * @param status ICU error code.
    752      * @stable ICU 54
    753      */
    754     static MeasureUnit *createDecimeter(UErrorCode &status);
    756     /**
    757      * Returns unit of length: fathom.
    758      * Caller owns returned value and must free it.
    759      * @param status ICU error code.
    760      * @stable ICU 54
    761      */
    762     static MeasureUnit *createFathom(UErrorCode &status);
    764     /**
    765      * Returns unit of length: foot.
    766      * Caller owns returned value and must free it.
    767      * @param status ICU error code.
    768      * @stable ICU 53
    769      */
    770     static MeasureUnit *createFoot(UErrorCode &status);
    772     /**
    773      * Returns unit of length: furlong.
    774      * Caller owns returned value and must free it.
    775      * @param status ICU error code.
    776      * @stable ICU 54
    777      */
    778     static MeasureUnit *createFurlong(UErrorCode &status);
    780     /**
    781      * Returns unit of length: inch.
    782      * Caller owns returned value and must free it.
    783      * @param status ICU error code.
    784      * @stable ICU 53
    785      */
    786     static MeasureUnit *createInch(UErrorCode &status);
    788     /**
    789      * Returns unit of length: kilometer.
    790      * Caller owns returned value and must free it.
    791      * @param status ICU error code.
    792      * @stable ICU 53
    793      */
    794     static MeasureUnit *createKilometer(UErrorCode &status);
    796     /**
    797      * Returns unit of length: light-year.
    798      * Caller owns returned value and must free it.
    799      * @param status ICU error code.
    800      * @stable ICU 53
    801      */
    802     static MeasureUnit *createLightYear(UErrorCode &status);
    804     /**
    805      * Returns unit of length: meter.
    806      * Caller owns returned value and must free it.
    807      * @param status ICU error code.
    808      * @stable ICU 53
    809      */
    810     static MeasureUnit *createMeter(UErrorCode &status);
    812     /**
    813      * Returns unit of length: micrometer.
    814      * Caller owns returned value and must free it.
    815      * @param status ICU error code.
    816      * @stable ICU 54
    817      */
    818     static MeasureUnit *createMicrometer(UErrorCode &status);
    820     /**
    821      * Returns unit of length: mile.
    822      * Caller owns returned value and must free it.
    823      * @param status ICU error code.
    824      * @stable ICU 53
    825      */
    826     static MeasureUnit *createMile(UErrorCode &status);
    828     /**
    829      * Returns unit of length: mile-scandinavian.
    830      * Caller owns returned value and must free it.
    831      * @param status ICU error code.
    832      * @stable ICU 56
    833      */
    834     static MeasureUnit *createMileScandinavian(UErrorCode &status);
    836     /**
    837      * Returns unit of length: millimeter.
    838      * Caller owns returned value and must free it.
    839      * @param status ICU error code.
    840      * @stable ICU 53
    841      */
    842     static MeasureUnit *createMillimeter(UErrorCode &status);
    844     /**
    845      * Returns unit of length: nanometer.
    846      * Caller owns returned value and must free it.
    847      * @param status ICU error code.
    848      * @stable ICU 54
    849      */
    850     static MeasureUnit *createNanometer(UErrorCode &status);
    852     /**
    853      * Returns unit of length: nautical-mile.
    854      * Caller owns returned value and must free it.
    855      * @param status ICU error code.
    856      * @stable ICU 54
    857      */
    858     static MeasureUnit *createNauticalMile(UErrorCode &status);
    860     /**
    861      * Returns unit of length: parsec.
    862      * Caller owns returned value and must free it.
    863      * @param status ICU error code.
    864      * @stable ICU 54
    865      */
    866     static MeasureUnit *createParsec(UErrorCode &status);
    868     /**
    869      * Returns unit of length: picometer.
    870      * Caller owns returned value and must free it.
    871      * @param status ICU error code.
    872      * @stable ICU 53
    873      */
    874     static MeasureUnit *createPicometer(UErrorCode &status);
    876     /**
    877      * Returns unit of length: yard.
    878      * Caller owns returned value and must free it.
    879      * @param status ICU error code.
    880      * @stable ICU 53
    881      */
    882     static MeasureUnit *createYard(UErrorCode &status);
    884     /**
    885      * Returns unit of light: lux.
    886      * Caller owns returned value and must free it.
    887      * @param status ICU error code.
    888      * @stable ICU 54
    889      */
    890     static MeasureUnit *createLux(UErrorCode &status);
    892     /**
    893      * Returns unit of mass: carat.
    894      * Caller owns returned value and must free it.
    895      * @param status ICU error code.
    896      * @stable ICU 54
    897      */
    898     static MeasureUnit *createCarat(UErrorCode &status);
    900     /**
    901      * Returns unit of mass: gram.
    902      * Caller owns returned value and must free it.
    903      * @param status ICU error code.
    904      * @stable ICU 53
    905      */
    906     static MeasureUnit *createGram(UErrorCode &status);
    908     /**
    909      * Returns unit of mass: kilogram.
    910      * Caller owns returned value and must free it.
    911      * @param status ICU error code.
    912      * @stable ICU 53
    913      */
    914     static MeasureUnit *createKilogram(UErrorCode &status);
    916     /**
    917      * Returns unit of mass: metric-ton.
    918      * Caller owns returned value and must free it.
    919      * @param status ICU error code.
    920      * @stable ICU 54
    921      */
    922     static MeasureUnit *createMetricTon(UErrorCode &status);
    924     /**
    925      * Returns unit of mass: microgram.
    926      * Caller owns returned value and must free it.
    927      * @param status ICU error code.
    928      * @stable ICU 54
    929      */
    930     static MeasureUnit *createMicrogram(UErrorCode &status);
    932     /**
    933      * Returns unit of mass: milligram.
    934      * Caller owns returned value and must free it.
    935      * @param status ICU error code.
    936      * @stable ICU 54
    937      */
    938     static MeasureUnit *createMilligram(UErrorCode &status);
    940     /**
    941      * Returns unit of mass: ounce.
    942      * Caller owns returned value and must free it.
    943      * @param status ICU error code.
    944      * @stable ICU 53
    945      */
    946     static MeasureUnit *createOunce(UErrorCode &status);
    948     /**
    949      * Returns unit of mass: ounce-troy.
    950      * Caller owns returned value and must free it.
    951      * @param status ICU error code.
    952      * @stable ICU 54
    953      */
    954     static MeasureUnit *createOunceTroy(UErrorCode &status);
    956     /**
    957      * Returns unit of mass: pound.
    958      * Caller owns returned value and must free it.
    959      * @param status ICU error code.
    960      * @stable ICU 53
    961      */
    962     static MeasureUnit *createPound(UErrorCode &status);
    964     /**
    965      * Returns unit of mass: stone.
    966      * Caller owns returned value and must free it.
    967      * @param status ICU error code.
    968      * @stable ICU 54
    969      */
    970     static MeasureUnit *createStone(UErrorCode &status);
    972     /**
    973      * Returns unit of mass: ton.
    974      * Caller owns returned value and must free it.
    975      * @param status ICU error code.
    976      * @stable ICU 54
    977      */
    978     static MeasureUnit *createTon(UErrorCode &status);
    980     /**
    981      * Returns unit of power: gigawatt.
    982      * Caller owns returned value and must free it.
    983      * @param status ICU error code.
    984      * @stable ICU 54
    985      */
    986     static MeasureUnit *createGigawatt(UErrorCode &status);
    988     /**
    989      * Returns unit of power: horsepower.
    990      * Caller owns returned value and must free it.
    991      * @param status ICU error code.
    992      * @stable ICU 53
    993      */
    994     static MeasureUnit *createHorsepower(UErrorCode &status);
    996     /**
    997      * Returns unit of power: kilowatt.
    998      * Caller owns returned value and must free it.
    999      * @param status ICU error code.
   1000      * @stable ICU 53
   1001      */
   1002     static MeasureUnit *createKilowatt(UErrorCode &status);
   1004     /**
   1005      * Returns unit of power: megawatt.
   1006      * Caller owns returned value and must free it.
   1007      * @param status ICU error code.
   1008      * @stable ICU 54
   1009      */
   1010     static MeasureUnit *createMegawatt(UErrorCode &status);
   1012     /**
   1013      * Returns unit of power: milliwatt.
   1014      * Caller owns returned value and must free it.
   1015      * @param status ICU error code.
   1016      * @stable ICU 54
   1017      */
   1018     static MeasureUnit *createMilliwatt(UErrorCode &status);
   1020     /**
   1021      * Returns unit of power: watt.
   1022      * Caller owns returned value and must free it.
   1023      * @param status ICU error code.
   1024      * @stable ICU 53
   1025      */
   1026     static MeasureUnit *createWatt(UErrorCode &status);
   1028     /**
   1029      * Returns unit of pressure: hectopascal.
   1030      * Caller owns returned value and must free it.
   1031      * @param status ICU error code.
   1032      * @stable ICU 53
   1033      */
   1034     static MeasureUnit *createHectopascal(UErrorCode &status);
   1036     /**
   1037      * Returns unit of pressure: inch-hg.
   1038      * Caller owns returned value and must free it.
   1039      * @param status ICU error code.
   1040      * @stable ICU 53
   1041      */
   1042     static MeasureUnit *createInchHg(UErrorCode &status);
   1044     /**
   1045      * Returns unit of pressure: millibar.
   1046      * Caller owns returned value and must free it.
   1047      * @param status ICU error code.
   1048      * @stable ICU 53
   1049      */
   1050     static MeasureUnit *createMillibar(UErrorCode &status);
   1052     /**
   1053      * Returns unit of pressure: millimeter-of-mercury.
   1054      * Caller owns returned value and must free it.
   1055      * @param status ICU error code.
   1056      * @stable ICU 54
   1057      */
   1058     static MeasureUnit *createMillimeterOfMercury(UErrorCode &status);
   1060     /**
   1061      * Returns unit of pressure: pound-per-square-inch.
   1062      * Caller owns returned value and must free it.
   1063      * @param status ICU error code.
   1064      * @stable ICU 54
   1065      */
   1066     static MeasureUnit *createPoundPerSquareInch(UErrorCode &status);
   1068     /**
   1069      * Returns unit of speed: kilometer-per-hour.
   1070      * Caller owns returned value and must free it.
   1071      * @param status ICU error code.
   1072      * @stable ICU 53
   1073      */
   1074     static MeasureUnit *createKilometerPerHour(UErrorCode &status);
   1076     /**
   1077      * Returns unit of speed: knot.
   1078      * Caller owns returned value and must free it.
   1079      * @param status ICU error code.
   1080      * @stable ICU 56
   1081      */
   1082     static MeasureUnit *createKnot(UErrorCode &status);
   1084     /**
   1085      * Returns unit of speed: meter-per-second.
   1086      * Caller owns returned value and must free it.
   1087      * @param status ICU error code.
   1088      * @stable ICU 53
   1089      */
   1090     static MeasureUnit *createMeterPerSecond(UErrorCode &status);
   1092     /**
   1093      * Returns unit of speed: mile-per-hour.
   1094      * Caller owns returned value and must free it.
   1095      * @param status ICU error code.
   1096      * @stable ICU 53
   1097      */
   1098     static MeasureUnit *createMilePerHour(UErrorCode &status);
   1100     /**
   1101      * Returns unit of temperature: celsius.
   1102      * Caller owns returned value and must free it.
   1103      * @param status ICU error code.
   1104      * @stable ICU 53
   1105      */
   1106     static MeasureUnit *createCelsius(UErrorCode &status);
   1108     /**
   1109      * Returns unit of temperature: fahrenheit.
   1110      * Caller owns returned value and must free it.
   1111      * @param status ICU error code.
   1112      * @stable ICU 53
   1113      */
   1114     static MeasureUnit *createFahrenheit(UErrorCode &status);
   1116     /**
   1117      * Returns unit of temperature: generic.
   1118      * Caller owns returned value and must free it.
   1119      * @param status ICU error code.
   1120      * @stable ICU 56
   1121      */
   1122     static MeasureUnit *createGenericTemperature(UErrorCode &status);
   1124     /**
   1125      * Returns unit of temperature: kelvin.
   1126      * Caller owns returned value and must free it.
   1127      * @param status ICU error code.
   1128      * @stable ICU 54
   1129      */
   1130     static MeasureUnit *createKelvin(UErrorCode &status);
   1132     /**
   1133      * Returns unit of volume: acre-foot.
   1134      * Caller owns returned value and must free it.
   1135      * @param status ICU error code.
   1136      * @stable ICU 54
   1137      */
   1138     static MeasureUnit *createAcreFoot(UErrorCode &status);
   1140     /**
   1141      * Returns unit of volume: bushel.
   1142      * Caller owns returned value and must free it.
   1143      * @param status ICU error code.
   1144      * @stable ICU 54
   1145      */
   1146     static MeasureUnit *createBushel(UErrorCode &status);
   1148     /**
   1149      * Returns unit of volume: centiliter.
   1150      * Caller owns returned value and must free it.
   1151      * @param status ICU error code.
   1152      * @stable ICU 54
   1153      */
   1154     static MeasureUnit *createCentiliter(UErrorCode &status);
   1156     /**
   1157      * Returns unit of volume: cubic-centimeter.
   1158      * Caller owns returned value and must free it.
   1159      * @param status ICU error code.
   1160      * @stable ICU 54
   1161      */
   1162     static MeasureUnit *createCubicCentimeter(UErrorCode &status);
   1164     /**
   1165      * Returns unit of volume: cubic-foot.
   1166      * Caller owns returned value and must free it.
   1167      * @param status ICU error code.
   1168      * @stable ICU 54
   1169      */
   1170     static MeasureUnit *createCubicFoot(UErrorCode &status);
   1172     /**
   1173      * Returns unit of volume: cubic-inch.
   1174      * Caller owns returned value and must free it.
   1175      * @param status ICU error code.
   1176      * @stable ICU 54
   1177      */
   1178     static MeasureUnit *createCubicInch(UErrorCode &status);
   1180     /**
   1181      * Returns unit of volume: cubic-kilometer.
   1182      * Caller owns returned value and must free it.
   1183      * @param status ICU error code.
   1184      * @stable ICU 53
   1185      */
   1186     static MeasureUnit *createCubicKilometer(UErrorCode &status);
   1188     /**
   1189      * Returns unit of volume: cubic-meter.
   1190      * Caller owns returned value and must free it.
   1191      * @param status ICU error code.
   1192      * @stable ICU 54
   1193      */
   1194     static MeasureUnit *createCubicMeter(UErrorCode &status);
   1196     /**
   1197      * Returns unit of volume: cubic-mile.
   1198      * Caller owns returned value and must free it.
   1199      * @param status ICU error code.
   1200      * @stable ICU 53
   1201      */
   1202     static MeasureUnit *createCubicMile(UErrorCode &status);
   1204     /**
   1205      * Returns unit of volume: cubic-yard.
   1206      * Caller owns returned value and must free it.
   1207      * @param status ICU error code.
   1208      * @stable ICU 54
   1209      */
   1210     static MeasureUnit *createCubicYard(UErrorCode &status);
   1212     /**
   1213      * Returns unit of volume: cup.
   1214      * Caller owns returned value and must free it.
   1215      * @param status ICU error code.
   1216      * @stable ICU 54
   1217      */
   1218     static MeasureUnit *createCup(UErrorCode &status);
   1220     /**
   1221      * Returns unit of volume: cup-metric.
   1222      * Caller owns returned value and must free it.
   1223      * @param status ICU error code.
   1224      * @stable ICU 56
   1225      */
   1226     static MeasureUnit *createCupMetric(UErrorCode &status);
   1228     /**
   1229      * Returns unit of volume: deciliter.
   1230      * Caller owns returned value and must free it.
   1231      * @param status ICU error code.
   1232      * @stable ICU 54
   1233      */
   1234     static MeasureUnit *createDeciliter(UErrorCode &status);
   1236     /**
   1237      * Returns unit of volume: fluid-ounce.
   1238      * Caller owns returned value and must free it.
   1239      * @param status ICU error code.
   1240      * @stable ICU 54
   1241      */
   1242     static MeasureUnit *createFluidOunce(UErrorCode &status);
   1244     /**
   1245      * Returns unit of volume: gallon.
   1246      * Caller owns returned value and must free it.
   1247      * @param status ICU error code.
   1248      * @stable ICU 54
   1249      */
   1250     static MeasureUnit *createGallon(UErrorCode &status);
   1252 #ifndef U_HIDE_DRAFT_API
   1253     /**
   1254      * Returns unit of volume: gallon-imperial.
   1255      * Caller owns returned value and must free it.
   1256      * @param status ICU error code.
   1257      * @draft ICU 57
   1258      */
   1259     static MeasureUnit *createGallonImperial(UErrorCode &status);
   1260 #endif  /* U_HIDE_DRAFT_API */
   1262     /**
   1263      * Returns unit of volume: hectoliter.
   1264      * Caller owns returned value and must free it.
   1265      * @param status ICU error code.
   1266      * @stable ICU 54
   1267      */
   1268     static MeasureUnit *createHectoliter(UErrorCode &status);
   1270     /**
   1271      * Returns unit of volume: liter.
   1272      * Caller owns returned value and must free it.
   1273      * @param status ICU error code.
   1274      * @stable ICU 53
   1275      */
   1276     static MeasureUnit *createLiter(UErrorCode &status);
   1278     /**
   1279      * Returns unit of volume: megaliter.
   1280      * Caller owns returned value and must free it.
   1281      * @param status ICU error code.
   1282      * @stable ICU 54
   1283      */
   1284     static MeasureUnit *createMegaliter(UErrorCode &status);
   1286     /**
   1287      * Returns unit of volume: milliliter.
   1288      * Caller owns returned value and must free it.
   1289      * @param status ICU error code.
   1290      * @stable ICU 54
   1291      */
   1292     static MeasureUnit *createMilliliter(UErrorCode &status);
   1294     /**
   1295      * Returns unit of volume: pint.
   1296      * Caller owns returned value and must free it.
   1297      * @param status ICU error code.
   1298      * @stable ICU 54
   1299      */
   1300     static MeasureUnit *createPint(UErrorCode &status);
   1302     /**
   1303      * Returns unit of volume: pint-metric.
   1304      * Caller owns returned value and must free it.
   1305      * @param status ICU error code.
   1306      * @stable ICU 56
   1307      */
   1308     static MeasureUnit *createPintMetric(UErrorCode &status);
   1310     /**
   1311      * Returns unit of volume: quart.
   1312      * Caller owns returned value and must free it.
   1313      * @param status ICU error code.
   1314      * @stable ICU 54
   1315      */
   1316     static MeasureUnit *createQuart(UErrorCode &status);
   1318     /**
   1319      * Returns unit of volume: tablespoon.
   1320      * Caller owns returned value and must free it.
   1321      * @param status ICU error code.
   1322      * @stable ICU 54
   1323      */
   1324     static MeasureUnit *createTablespoon(UErrorCode &status);
   1326     /**
   1327      * Returns unit of volume: teaspoon.
   1328      * Caller owns returned value and must free it.
   1329      * @param status ICU error code.
   1330      * @stable ICU 54
   1331      */
   1332     static MeasureUnit *createTeaspoon(UErrorCode &status);
   1335 // End generated createXXX methods
   1337  protected:
   1339 #ifndef U_HIDE_INTERNAL_API
   1340     /**
   1341      * For ICU use only.
   1342      * @internal
   1343      */
   1344     void initTime(const char *timeId);
   1346     /**
   1347      * For ICU use only.
   1348      * @internal
   1349      */
   1350     void initCurrency(const char *isoCurrency);
   1352 #endif  /* U_HIDE_INTERNAL_API */
   1354 private:
   1355     int32_t fTypeId;
   1356     int32_t fSubTypeId;
   1357     char fCurrency[4];
   1359     MeasureUnit(int32_t typeId, int32_t subTypeId) : fTypeId(typeId), fSubTypeId(subTypeId) {
   1360         fCurrency[0] = 0;
   1361     }
   1362     void setTo(int32_t typeId, int32_t subTypeId);
   1363     int32_t getOffset() const;
   1364     static MeasureUnit *create(int typeId, int subTypeId, UErrorCode &status);
   1365 };
   1369 #endif // !UNCONFIG_NO_FORMATTING
   1370 #endif // __MEASUREUNIT_H__