1 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> 2 <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-strict.dtd"> 3 <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" lang="en"> 4 <head> 5 <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8" /> 6 <link rel="stylesheet" href="resources/doc.css" charset="UTF-8" type="text/css" /> 7 <link rel="stylesheet" href="../coverage/jacoco-resources/prettify.css" charset="UTF-8" type="text/css" /> 8 <link rel="shortcut icon" href="resources/report.gif" type="image/gif" /> 9 <script type="text/javascript" src="../coverage/jacoco-resources/prettify.js"></script> 10 <title>JaCoCo - Ant Tasks</title> 11 </head> 12 <body onload="prettyPrint()"> 13 14 <div class="breadcrumb"> 15 <a href="../index.html" class="el_report">JaCoCo</a> > 16 <a href="index.html" class="el_group">Documentation</a> > 17 <span class="el_source">Ant Tasks</span> 18 </div> 19 <div id="content"> 20 21 <h1>Ant Tasks</h1> 22 23 <p> 24 JaCoCo comes with Ant tasks to launch Java programs with execution recording 25 and for creating coverage reports from the recorded data. Execution data can 26 be collected and managed with the tasks 27 <a href="#coverage"><code>coverage</code></a>, 28 <a href="#agent"><code>agent</code></a>, 29 <a href="#dump"><code>dump</code></a> and 30 <a href="#merge"><code>merge</code></a>. Reports in different formats are 31 created with the <a href="#report"><code>report</code></a> task. For 32 <a href="offline.html">offline instrumentation</a> the task 33 <a href="#instrument"><code>instrument</code></a> can be used to prepare class 34 files. 35 </p> 36 37 <p class="hint"> 38 If you want to have line number information included in the coverage reports 39 or you want source code highlighting the class files of the test target must 40 be compiled with debug information. 41 </p> 42 43 <h2>Example</h2> 44 45 <p> 46 The JaCoCo distribution contains a simple example how code coverage can be 47 added to a Ant based build. The 48 <a href="examples/build/build.xml">build script</a> compiles Java sources, 49 runs an simple Java program and creates a coverage report. The complete 50 example is located in the <code>./doc/examples/build</code> folder of the 51 distribution. 52 </p> 53 54 55 <h2>Prerequisites</h2> 56 57 <p> 58 The JaCoCo Ant tasks require 59 </p> 60 61 <ul> 62 <li>Ant 1.7.0 or higher and</li> 63 <li>Java 1.5 or higher (for both, the Ant runner and the test executor).</li> 64 </ul> 65 66 67 <p>All tasks are defined in <code>jacocoant.jar</code> (which is part of the 68 distribution) and can be included in your Ant scripts with the usual 69 <code>taskdef</code> declaration: 70 </p> 71 72 <pre class="source lang-xml linenums"> 73 <project name="Example" xmlns:jacoco="antlib:org.jacoco.ant"> 74 75 <taskdef uri="antlib:org.jacoco.ant" resource="org/jacoco/ant/antlib.xml"> 76 <classpath path="<i>path_to_jacoco</i>/lib/jacocoant.jar"/> 77 </taskdef> 78 79 ... 80 81 </project> 82 </pre> 83 84 <p> 85 Alternatively you might also place the <code>jacocoant.jar</code> in your 86 Ant <code><i>ANT_HOME</i>/lib</code> folder. If you use the name space URI 87 <code>antlib:org.jacoco.ant</code> for JaCoCo tasks Ant will find them 88 automatically without the <code>taskdef</code> declaration above. 89 </p> 90 91 <p class="hint"> 92 Declaring a XML namespace for JaCoCo tasks is optional but always recommended 93 if you mix tasks from different libraries. All subsequent examples use the 94 <code>jacoco</code> prefix declared above. If you don't declare a separate 95 namespace the <code>jacoco</code> prefix must be removed from the following 96 examples. 97 </p> 98 99 <h2><a name="coverage">Task <code>coverage</code></a></h2> 100 101 <p> 102 The standard Ant tasks to launch Java programs are <code>java</code>, <code>junit</code> and 103 <code>testng</code>. To add code coverage recording to these tasks they can 104 simply be wrapped with the <code>coverage</code> task as shown in the 105 following examples: 106 </p> 107 108 <pre class="source lang-xml linenums"> 109 <jacoco:coverage> 110 <java classname="org.jacoco.examples.HelloJaCoCo" fork="true"> 111 <classpath> 112 <pathelement location="./bin"/> 113 </classpath> 114 </java> 115 </jacoco:coverage> 116 117 118 <jacoco:coverage> 119 <junit fork="true" forkmode="once"> 120 <test name="org.jacoco.examples.HelloJaCoCoTest"/> 121 <classpath> 122 <pathelement location="./bin"/> 123 </classpath> 124 </junit> 125 </jacoco:coverage> 126 </pre> 127 128 <p> 129 Resulting coverage information is collected during execution and written 130 to a file when the process terminates. Note the <code>fork</code> attribute 131 above in the wrapped <code>java</code> task. 132 </p> 133 134 <p class="hint"> 135 The nested task always has to declare <code>fork="true"</code>, otherwise the 136 <code>coverage</code> task can't record coverage information and will fail. 137 In addition the <code>junit</code> task should declare 138 <code>forkmode="once"</code> to avoid starting a new JVM for every single test 139 case and decreasing execution performance dramatically (unless this is 140 required by the nature of the test cases). Note that 141 <code>forkmode="perTest"</code> or <code>forkmode="perBatch"</code> should not 142 be combined with <code>append="false"</code> as the execution data file is 143 overwritten with the execution of every test. 144 </p> 145 146 <p> 147 The coverage task must wrap exactly one task. While it typically works without 148 any configuration, the behavior can be adjusted with some optional attributes: 149 </p> 150 151 <table class="coverage"> 152 <thead> 153 <tr> 154 <td>Attribute</td> 155 <td>Description</td> 156 <td>Default</td> 157 </tr> 158 </thead> 159 <tbody> 160 <tr> 161 <td><code>enabled</code></td> 162 <td>If set to <code>true</code> coverage data will be collected for the contained task.</td> 163 <td><code>true</code></td> 164 </tr> 165 <tr> 166 <td><code>destfile</code></td> 167 <td>Path to the output file for execution data.</td> 168 <td><code>jacoco.exec</code></td> 169 </tr> 170 <tr> 171 <td><code>append</code></td> 172 <td>If set to <code>true</code> and the execution data file already 173 exists, coverage data is appended to the existing file. If set to 174 <code>false</code>, an existing execution data file will be replaced. 175 </td> 176 <td><code>true</code></td> 177 </tr> 178 <tr> 179 <td><code>includes</code></td> 180 <td>A list of class names that should be included in execution analysis. 181 The list entries are separated by a colon (<code>:</code>) and 182 may use wildcard characters (<code>*</code> and <code>?</code>). 183 Except for performance optimization or technical corner cases this 184 option is normally not required. 185 </td> 186 <td><code>*</code> (all classes)</td> 187 </tr> 188 <tr> 189 <td><code>excludes</code></td> 190 <td>A list of class names that should be excluded from execution analysis. 191 The list entries are separated by a colon (<code>:</code>) and 192 may use wildcard characters (<code>*</code> and <code>?</code>). 193 Except for performance optimization or technical corner cases this 194 option is normally not required. 195 </td> 196 <td><i>empty</i> (no excluded classes)</td> 197 </tr> 198 <tr> 199 <td><code>exclclassloader</code></td> 200 <td>A list of class loader names, that should be excluded from execution 201 analysis. The list entries are separated by a colon 202 (<code>:</code>) and may use wildcard characters (<code>*</code> and 203 <code>?</code>). This option might be required in case of special 204 frameworks that conflict with JaCoCo code instrumentation, in 205 particular class loaders that do not have access to the Java runtime 206 classes. 207 </td> 208 <td><code>sun.reflect.DelegatingClassLoader</code></td> 209 </tr> 210 <tr> 211 <td><code>inclbootstrapclasses</code></td> 212 <td>Specifies whether also classes from the bootstrap classloader should 213 be instrumented. Use this feature with caution, it needs heavy 214 includes/excludes tuning. 215 </td> 216 <td><code>false</code></td> 217 </tr> 218 <tr> 219 <td><code>inclnolocationclasses</code></td> 220 <td>Specifies whether also classes without a source location should be 221 instrumented. Normally such classes are generated at runtime e.g. by 222 mocking frameworks and are therefore excluded by default. 223 </td> 224 <td><code>false</code></td> 225 </tr> 226 <tr> 227 <td><code>sessionid</code></td> 228 <td>A session identifier that is written with the execution data. Without 229 this parameter a random identifier is created by the agent. 230 </td> 231 <td><i>auto-generated</i></td> 232 </tr> 233 <tr> 234 <td><code>dumponexit</code></td> 235 <td>If set to <code>true</code> coverage data will be written on VM 236 shutdown. 237 </td> 238 <td><code>true</code></td> 239 </tr> 240 <tr> 241 <td><code>output</code></td> 242 <td>Output method to use for writing coverage data. Valid options are: 243 <ul> 244 <li><code>file</code>: At VM termination execution data is written to 245 the file specified in the <code>destfile</code> attribute.</li> 246 <li><code>tcpserver</code>: The agent listens for incoming connections 247 on the TCP port specified by the <code>address</code> and 248 <code>port</code> attribute. Execution data is written to this 249 TCP connection.</li> 250 <li><code>tcpclient</code>: At startup the agent connects to the TCP 251 port specified by the <code>address</code> and <code>port</code> 252 attribute. Execution data is written to this TCP connection.</li> 253 <li><code>none</code>: Do not produce any output.</li> 254 </ul> 255 </td> 256 <td><code>file</code></td> 257 </tr> 258 <tr> 259 <td><code>address</code></td> 260 <td>IP address or hostname to bind to when the output method is 261 <code>tcpserver</code> or connect to when the output method is 262 <code>tcpclient</code>. In <code>tcpserver</code> mode the value 263 "<code>*</code>" causes the agent to accept connections on any local 264 address. 265 </td> 266 <td><i>loopback interface</i></td> 267 </tr> 268 <tr> 269 <td><code>port</code></td> 270 <td>Port to bind to when the output method is <code>tcpserver</code> or 271 connect to when the output method is <code>tcpclient</code>. In 272 <code>tcpserver</code> mode the port must be available, which means 273 that if multiple JaCoCo agents should run on the same machine, 274 different ports have to be specified. 275 </td> 276 <td><code>6300</code></td> 277 </tr> 278 <tr> 279 <td><code>classdumpdir</code></td> 280 <td>Location relative to the working directory where all class files seen 281 by the agent are dumped to. This can be useful for debugging purposes 282 or in case of dynamically created classes for example when scripting 283 engines are used. 284 </td> 285 <td><i>no dumps</i></td> 286 </tr> 287 <tr> 288 <td><code>jmx</code></td> 289 <td>If set to <code>true</code> the agent exposes 290 <a href="./api/org/jacoco/agent/rt/IAgent.html">functionality</a> via 291 JMX under the name <code>org.jacoco:type=Runtime</code>. 292 </td> 293 <td><code>false</code></td> 294 </tr> 295 </tbody> 296 </table> 297 298 299 <h2><a name="agent">Task <code>agent</code></a></h2> 300 301 <p> 302 If the <code>coverage</code> task is not suitable for your launch target, you 303 might alternatively use the <code>agent</code> task to create the 304 <a href="agent.html">Java agent</a> parameter. The following example defines a 305 Ant property with the name <code>agentvmparam</code> that can be directly used 306 as a Java VM parameter: 307 </p> 308 309 <pre class="source lang-xml linenums"> 310 <jacoco:agent property="agentvmparam"/> 311 </pre> 312 313 <p> 314 This task has the same attributes as the <code>coverage</code> task plus an 315 additional property to specify the target property name: 316 </p> 317 318 <table class="coverage"> 319 <thead> 320 <tr> 321 <td>Attribute</td> 322 <td>Description</td> 323 <td>Default</td> 324 </tr> 325 </thead> 326 <tbody> 327 <tr> 328 <td><code>enabled</code></td> 329 <td>When this variable is set to <code>false</code> the value of <code>property</code> will be set to an empty string, effectively 330 disabling coverage instrumentation for any tasks that used the value.</td> 331 <td><code>true</code></td> 332 </tr> 333 <tr> 334 <td><code>property</code></td> 335 <td>Name of the Ant property to set.</td> 336 <td><i>none (required)</i></td> 337 </tr> 338 <tr> 339 <td colspan="3"><i>All attributes of the <code>coverage</code> task.</i></td> 340 </tr> 341 </tbody> 342 </table> 343 344 345 <h2><a name="dump">Task <code>dump</code></a></h2> 346 347 <p> 348 This task allows to remotely collect execution data from another JVM without 349 stopping it. For example: 350 </p> 351 352 <pre class="source lang-xml linenums"> 353 <jacoco:dump address="server.example.com" reset="true" destfile="remote.exec"/> 354 </pre> 355 356 <p> 357 Remote dumps are usefull for long running Java processes like application 358 servers. 359 </p> 360 361 <p class="hint"> 362 The target JVM needs to have a <a href="agent.html">JaCoCo agent</a> 363 configured with <code>output</code> mode <code>tcpserver</code>. See 364 <a href="#coverage"><code>coverage</code></a> and 365 <a href="#agent"><code>agent</code></a> tasks above. 366 </p> 367 368 <p> 369 The <code>dump</code> task has the following attributes: 370 </p> 371 372 <table class="coverage"> 373 <thead> 374 <tr> 375 <td>Attribute</td> 376 <td>Description</td> 377 <td>Default</td> 378 </tr> 379 </thead> 380 <tbody> 381 <tr> 382 <td><code>address</code></td> 383 <td>Target IP address or DNS name.</td> 384 <td><code>localhost</code></td> 385 </tr> 386 <tr> 387 <td><code>port</code></td> 388 <td>Target TCP port.</td> 389 <td><code>6300</code></td> 390 </tr> 391 <tr> 392 <td><code>retryCount</code></td> 393 <td>Number of retries which the goal will attempt to establish a 394 connection. This can be used to wait until the target JVM is 395 successfully launched.</td> 396 <td><code>10</code></td> 397 </tr> 398 <tr> 399 <td><code>dump</code></td> 400 <td>Flag whether execution data should be dumped.</td> 401 <td><code>true</code></td> 402 </tr> 403 <tr> 404 <td><code>reset</code></td> 405 <td>Flag whether execution data should be reset in the target agent after 406 the dump.</td> 407 <td><code>false</code></td> 408 </tr> 409 <tr> 410 <td><code>destfile</code></td> 411 <td>File location to write the collected execution data to.</td> 412 <td><i>none (required if dump=true)</i></td> 413 </tr> 414 <tr> 415 <td><code>append</code></td> 416 <td>If set to <code>true</code> and the execution data file already 417 exists, coverage data is appended to the existing file. If set to 418 <code>false</code>, an existing execution data file will be replaced. 419 </td> 420 <td><code>true</code></td> 421 </tr> 422 </tbody> 423 </table> 424 425 426 <h2><a name="merge">Task <code>merge</code></a></h2> 427 428 <p> 429 This task can be used to merge the execution data from multiple test runs 430 into a single data store. 431 </p> 432 433 <pre class="source lang-xml linenums"> 434 <jacoco:merge destfile="merged.exec"> 435 <fileset dir="executionData" includes="*.exec"/> 436 </jacoco:merge> 437 </pre> 438 439 <p> 440 The task definition can contain any number of resource collection types and 441 has the following mandatory attribute: 442 </p> 443 444 <table class="coverage"> 445 <thead> 446 <tr> 447 <td>Attribute</td> 448 <td>Description</td> 449 <td>Default</td> 450 </tr> 451 </thead> 452 <tbody> 453 <tr> 454 <td><code>destfile</code></td> 455 <td>File location to write the merged execution data to.</td> 456 <td><i>none (required)</i></td> 457 </tr> 458 </tbody> 459 </table> 460 461 462 <h2><a name="report">Task <code>report</code></a></h2> 463 464 <p> 465 Finally different reports can be created with the <code>report</code> task. 466 A report task declaration consists of different sections, two specify the 467 input data, additional ones specify the output formats: 468 </p> 469 470 <pre class="source lang-xml linenums"> 471 <jacoco:report> 472 473 <executiondata> 474 <file file="jacoco.exec"/> 475 </executiondata> 476 477 <structure name="Example Project"> 478 <classfiles> 479 <fileset dir="classes"/> 480 </classfiles> 481 <sourcefiles encoding="UTF-8"> 482 <fileset dir="src"/> 483 </sourcefiles> 484 </structure> 485 486 <html destdir="report"/> 487 488 </jacoco:report> 489 </pre> 490 491 <p> 492 As you can see from the example above the <code>report</code> task is based 493 on several nested elements: 494 </p> 495 496 <h3>Element <code>executiondata</code></h3> 497 498 <p> 499 Within this element Ant resources and resource collections can be specified, 500 that represent JaCoCo execution data files. If more than one execution data 501 file is specified, execution data is combined. A particular piece of code is 502 considered executed when it is marked as such in any of the input files. 503 </p> 504 505 <h3>Element <code>structure</code></h3> 506 507 <p> 508 This element defines the report structure. It might contain the following 509 nested elements: 510 </p> 511 512 <ul> 513 <li><code>classfiles</code>: Container element for Ant resources and resource 514 collections that can specify Java class files, archive files (jar, war, ear 515 etc. or Pack200) or folders containing class files. Archives and folders are 516 searched recursively for class files.</li> 517 <li><code>sourcefiles</code>: Optional container element for Ant resources and 518 resource collections that specify corresponding source files. If source 519 files are specified, some report formats include highlighted source code. 520 Source files can be specified as individual files or as source directories.</li> 521 </ul> 522 523 <p> 524 The <code>sourcefiles</code> element has these optional attributes: 525 </p> 526 527 <table class="coverage"> 528 <thead> 529 <tr> 530 <td>Attribute</td> 531 <td>Description</td> 532 <td>Default</td> 533 </tr> 534 </thead> 535 <tbody> 536 <tr> 537 <td><code>encoding</code></td> 538 <td>Character encoding of the source files.</td> 539 <td>Platform default encoding</td> 540 </tr> 541 <tr> 542 <td><code>tabwidth</code></td> 543 <td>Number of whitespace characters that represent a tab character.</td> 544 <td>4 characters</td> 545 </tr> 546 </tbody> 547 </table> 548 549 <p class="hint"> 550 <b>Important:</b> Source file resources must always be specified relative to 551 the respective source folder. If directory resources are given, they must 552 directly point to source folders. Otherwise source lookup will not succeed. 553 </p> 554 555 <p> 556 Note that the <code>classfiles</code> and <code>sourcefiles</code> elements 557 accept any 558 <a href="http://ant.apache.org/manual/Types/resources.html#collection">Ant 559 resource collection</a>. Therefore also filtering the class file set is 560 possible and allows to narrow the scope of the report, for example: 561 </p> 562 563 <pre class="source lang-xml linenums"> 564 <classfiles> 565 <fileset dir="classes"> 566 <include name="org/jacoco/examples/important/**/*.class"/> 567 </fileset> 568 </classfiles> 569 </pre> 570 571 <p class="hint"> 572 <b>Performance Warning:</b> Although it is technically possible and sometimes 573 convenient to use Ant's <code>zipfileset</code> to specify class or source 574 files, this resource type has poor performance characteristics and comes with 575 an huge memory overhead especially for large scale projects. 576 </p> 577 578 <p> 579 The structure can be refined with a hierarchy of <code>group</code> elements. 580 This way the coverage report can reflect different modules of a software 581 project. For each group element the corresponding class and source files can 582 be specified separately. For example: 583 </p> 584 585 <pre class="source lang-xml linenums"> 586 <structure name="Example Project"> 587 <group name="Server"> 588 <classfiles> 589 <fileset dir="${workspace.dir}/org.jacoco.example.server/classes"/> 590 </classfiles> 591 <sourcefiles> 592 <fileset dir="${workspace.dir}/org.jacoco.example.server/src"/> 593 </sourcefiles> 594 </group> 595 <group name="Client"> 596 <classfiles> 597 <fileset dir="${workspace.dir}/org.jacoco.example.client/classes"/> 598 </classfiles> 599 <sourcefiles> 600 <fileset dir="${workspace.dir}/org.jacoco.example.client/src"/> 601 </sourcefiles> 602 </group> 603 604 ... 605 606 </structure> 607 </pre> 608 609 <p> 610 Both <code>structure</code> and <code>group</code> elements have the following 611 mandatory attribute: 612 </p> 613 614 <table class="coverage"> 615 <thead> 616 <tr> 617 <td>Attribute</td> 618 <td>Description</td> 619 <td>Default</td> 620 </tr> 621 </thead> 622 <tbody> 623 <tr> 624 <td><code>name</code></td> 625 <td>Name of the structure or group.</td> 626 <td><i>none (required)</i></td> 627 </tr> 628 </tbody> 629 </table> 630 631 <h3>Element <code>html</code></h3> 632 633 <p> 634 Create a multi-page report in HTML format. The report can either be written as 635 multiple files into a directory or compressed into a single ZIP file. 636 </p> 637 638 <table class="coverage"> 639 <thead> 640 <tr> 641 <td>Attribute</td> 642 <td>Description</td> 643 <td>Default</td> 644 </tr> 645 </thead> 646 <tbody> 647 <tr> 648 <td><code>destdir</code></td> 649 <td>Directory to create the report in. Either this property or 650 <code>destfile</code> has to be supplied.</td> 651 <td><i>none (required)</i></td> 652 </tr> 653 <tr> 654 <td><code>destfile</code></td> 655 <td>Zip file to create the report in. Either this property or 656 <code>destdir</code> has to be supplied.</td> 657 <td><i>none (required)</i></td> 658 </tr> 659 <tr> 660 <td><code>footer</code></td> 661 <td>Footer text for each report page.</td> 662 <td><i>no footer</i></td> 663 </tr> 664 <tr> 665 <td><code>encoding</code></td> 666 <td>Character encoding of generated HTML pages.</td> 667 <td><code>UTF-8</code></td> 668 </tr> 669 <tr> 670 <td><code>locale</code></td> 671 <td>Locale specified as ISO code (en, fr, jp, ...) used for number 672 formatting. Locale country and variant can be separated with an underscore 673 (de_CH).</td> 674 <td><i>platform locale</i></td> 675 </tr> 676 </tbody> 677 </table> 678 679 <h3>Element <code>xml</code></h3> 680 681 <p> 682 Create a single-file report in XML format. 683 </p> 684 685 <table class="coverage"> 686 <thead> 687 <tr> 688 <td>Attribute</td> 689 <td>Description</td> 690 <td>Default</td> 691 </tr> 692 </thead> 693 <tbody> 694 <tr> 695 <td><code>destfile</code></td> 696 <td>Location to write the report file to.</td> 697 <td><i>none (required)</i></td> 698 </tr> 699 <tr> 700 <td><code>encoding</code></td> 701 <td>Encoding of the generated XML document.</td> 702 <td><code>UTF-8</code></td> 703 </tr> 704 </tbody> 705 </table> 706 707 <h3>Element <code>csv</code></h3> 708 709 <p> 710 Create single-file report in CSV format. 711 </p> 712 713 <table class="coverage"> 714 <thead> 715 <tr> 716 <td>Attribute</td> 717 <td>Description</td> 718 <td>Default</td> 719 </tr> 720 </thead> 721 <tbody> 722 <tr> 723 <td><code>destfile</code></td> 724 <td>Location to write the report file to.</td> 725 <td><i>none (required)</i></td> 726 </tr> 727 <tr> 728 <td><code>encoding</code></td> 729 <td>Encoding of the generated CSV document.</td> 730 <td><code>UTF-8</code></td> 731 </tr> 732 </tbody> 733 </table> 734 735 <h3>Element <code>check</code></h3> 736 737 <p> 738 This report type does not actually create a report. It checks coverage 739 counters and reports violations of configured rules. Every rule is applied to 740 elements of a given type (class, package, bundle, etc.) and has a list of 741 limits which are checked for every element. The following example checks that 742 for every package the line coverage is at least 80% and no class is missed: 743 </p> 744 745 <pre class="source lang-xml linenums"> 746 <check> 747 <rule element="PACKAGE"> 748 <limit counter="LINE" value="COVEREDRATIO" minimum="0.80"/> 749 <limit counter="CLASS" value="MISSEDCOUNT" maximum="0"/> 750 </rule> 751 </check> 752 </pre> 753 754 <p> 755 The <code>check</code> element has the following attributes: 756 </p> 757 758 <table class="coverage"> 759 <thead> 760 <tr> 761 <td>Attribute</td> 762 <td>Description</td> 763 <td>Default</td> 764 </tr> 765 </thead> 766 <tbody> 767 <tr> 768 <td><code>rules</code></td> 769 <td>List of rules to check.</td> 770 <td><i>none</i></td> 771 </tr> 772 <tr> 773 <td><code>failonviolation</code></td> 774 <td>Specifies whether build should fail in case of rule violations.</td> 775 <td><code>true</code></td> 776 </tr> 777 <tr> 778 <td><code>violationsproperty</code></td> 779 <td>The name of an Ant property which is filled with the violation 780 messages.</td> 781 <td><i>none</i></td> 782 </tr> 783 </tbody> 784 </table> 785 786 <p> 787 Within the <code>check</code> element any number of <code>rule</code> elements 788 can be nested: 789 </p> 790 791 <table class="coverage"> 792 <thead> 793 <tr> 794 <td>Attribute</td> 795 <td>Description</td> 796 <td>Default</td> 797 </tr> 798 </thead> 799 <tbody> 800 <tr> 801 <td><code>element</code></td> 802 <td>The elements this rule applies to. Possible values are 803 <code>BUNDLE</code>, <code>PACKAGE</code>, <code>CLASS</code>, 804 <code>SOURCEFILE</code> and <code>METHOD</code>.</td> 805 <td><code>BUNDLE</code></td> 806 </tr> 807 <tr> 808 <td><code>includes</code></td> 809 <td>A list of element names that should be checked. The list entries are 810 separated by a colon (:) and may use wildcard characters (* and ?).</td> 811 <td><code>*</code></td> 812 </tr> 813 <tr> 814 <td><code>excludes</code></td> 815 <td>A list of element names that should not be checked. The list entries 816 are separated by a colon (:) and may use wildcard characters (* and ?).</td> 817 <td><i>empty (no excludes)</i></td> 818 </tr> 819 <tr> 820 <td><code>limits</code></td> 821 <td>List of limits to check.</td> 822 <td><i>none</i></td> 823 </tr> 824 </tbody> 825 </table> 826 827 <p> 828 Within the <code>rule</code> element any number of <code>limit</code> elements 829 can be nested: 830 </p> 831 832 <table class="coverage"> 833 <thead> 834 <tr> 835 <td>Attribute</td> 836 <td>Description</td> 837 <td>Default</td> 838 </tr> 839 </thead> 840 <tbody> 841 <tr> 842 <td><code>counter</code></td> 843 <td>The <a href="counters.html">counter</a> which should be checked. 844 Possible options are <code>INSTRUCTION</code>, <code>LINE</code>, 845 <code>BRANCH</code>, <code>COMPLEXITY</code>, <code>METHOD</code> and 846 <code>CLASS</code>.</td> 847 <td><code>INSTRUCTION</code></td> 848 </tr> 849 <tr> 850 <td><code>value</code></td> 851 <td>The counter value that should be checked. Possible options are 852 <code>TOTALCOUNT</code>, <code>MISSEDCOUNT</code>, 853 <code>COVEREDCOUNT</code>, <code>MISSEDRATIO</code> and 854 <code>COVEREDRATIO</code>.</td> 855 <td><code>COVEREDRATIO</code></td> 856 </tr> 857 <tr> 858 <td><code>minimum</code></td> 859 <td>Expected minimum value. If the minimum refers to a ratio the range is 860 from 0.0 to 1.0 where the number of decimal places will also determine 861 the precision in error messages.</td> 862 <td><i>none</i></td> 863 </tr> 864 <tr> 865 <td><code>maximum</code></td> 866 <td>Expected maximum value.</td> 867 <td><i>none</i></td> 868 </tr> 869 </tbody> 870 </table> 871 872 <h2><a name="instrument">Task <code>instrument</code></a></h2> 873 874 <p class="hint"> 875 <b>Warning:</b> The preferred way for code coverage analysis with JaCoCo is 876 on-the-fly instrumentation. Offline instrumentation has several drawbacks and 877 should only be used if a specific scenario explicitly requires this mode. 878 Please consult <a href="offline.html">documentation</a> about offline 879 instrumentation before using this mode. 880 </p> 881 882 <p> 883 This task is used for <a href="offline.html">offline instrumentation</a> of 884 class files. The task takes a set of files and writes instrumented 885 versions to a specified location. The task takes any file type as input. Java 886 class files are instrumented. Archives (jar, war, ear etc. or Pack200) are 887 searched recursively for class files which then get instrumented. All other 888 files are copied without modification. 889 </p> 890 891 <pre class="source lang-xml linenums"> 892 <jacoco:instrument destdir="target/classes-instr"> 893 <fileset dir="target/classes" includes="**/*.class"/> 894 </jacoco:instrument> 895 </pre> 896 897 <p> 898 The task definition can contain any number of resource collection types and 899 has the following mandatory attribute: 900 </p> 901 902 <table class="coverage"> 903 <thead> 904 <tr> 905 <td>Attribute</td> 906 <td>Description</td> 907 <td>Default</td> 908 </tr> 909 </thead> 910 <tbody> 911 <tr> 912 <td><code>destdir</code></td> 913 <td>Directory location to write the instrumented files to.</td> 914 <td><i>none (required)</i></td> 915 </tr> 916 <tr> 917 <td><code>removesignatures</code></td> 918 <td>If set to <code>true</code> all signature related information is 919 stripped from JARs. This is typically necessary as instrumentation 920 breaks the signatures of the original class files.</td> 921 <td><code>true</code></td> 922 </tr> 923 </tbody> 924 </table> 925 926 </div> 927 <div class="footer"> 928 <span class="right"><a href="@jacoco.home.url@">JaCoCo</a> @qualified.bundle.version@</span> 929 <a href="license.html">Copyright</a> © @copyright.years@ Mountainminds GmbH & Co. KG and Contributors 930 </div> 931 932 </body> 933 </html> 934