Home | History | Annotate | Download | only in benchmarks
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      4    "cell_type": "markdown",
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      9    "source": [
     10     "# Geekbench benchmark on Android\n",
     11     "\n",
     12     "Geekbench4 is an app offering several benchmarks to run on android smartphones. The one used in this notebook is the '**CPU**' benchmark, which runs several workloads that follow the lines of what is commonly run by smartphones (AES, JPEG codec, FFT, and so on). The benchmark runs all the tests in '**Single-Core**' mode as well as in '**Multi-Core**' in order to compare the single-thread and multi-thread performances of the device.\n",
     13     "\n",
     14     "**Do note that the benchmark will attempt to upload its results, which includes some hardware information**"
     15    ]
     16   },
     17   {
     18    "cell_type": "code",
     19    "execution_count": 1,
     20    "metadata": {
     21     "collapsed": false,
     22     "deletable": true,
     23     "editable": true
     24    },
     25    "outputs": [
     26     {
     27      "name": "stderr",
     28      "output_type": "stream",
     29      "text": [
     30       "2017-05-03 10:54:02,800 INFO    : root         : Using LISA logging configuration:\n",
     31       "2017-05-03 10:54:02,801 INFO    : root         :   /home/vagrant/lisa/logging.conf\n"
     32      ]
     33     }
     34    ],
     35    "source": [
     36     "from conf import LisaLogging\n",
     37     "LisaLogging.setup()"
     38    ]
     39   },
     40   {
     41    "cell_type": "code",
     42    "execution_count": 2,
     43    "metadata": {
     44     "collapsed": false,
     45     "deletable": true,
     46     "editable": true
     47    },
     48    "outputs": [
     49     {
     50      "name": "stdout",
     51      "output_type": "stream",
     52      "text": [
     53       "Populating the interactive namespace from numpy and matplotlib\n"
     54      ]
     55     },
     56     {
     57      "name": "stderr",
     58      "output_type": "stream",
     59      "text": [
     60       "2017-05-03 10:54:03,346 WARNING : EnergyModel  : Unusual max capacity (1023), overriding capacity_scale\n"
     61      ]
     62     }
     63    ],
     64    "source": [
     65     "%pylab inline\n",
     66     "\n",
     67     "import json\n",
     68     "import os\n",
     69     "\n",
     70     "# Support to access the remote target\n",
     71     "import devlib\n",
     72     "from env import TestEnv\n",
     73     "\n",
     74     "# Import support for Android devices\n",
     75     "from android import Screen, Workload\n",
     76     "\n",
     77     "# Support for trace events analysis\n",
     78     "from trace import Trace\n",
     79     "\n",
     80     "# Suport for FTrace events parsing and visualization\n",
     81     "import trappy\n",
     82     "\n",
     83     "import pandas as pd"
     84    ]
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     93     "## Support Functions"
     94    ]
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    102    "source": [
    103     "This function helps us run our experiments:"
    104    ]
    105   },
    106   {
    107    "cell_type": "code",
    108    "execution_count": 3,
    109    "metadata": {
    110     "collapsed": true,
    111     "deletable": true,
    112     "editable": true
    113    },
    114    "outputs": [],
    115    "source": [
    116     "def experiment():\n",
    117     "    \n",
    118     "    # Configure governor\n",
    119     "    target.cpufreq.set_all_governors('sched')\n",
    120     "    \n",
    121     "    # Get workload\n",
    122     "    wload = Workload.getInstance(te, 'Geekbench')\n",
    123     "    \n",
    124     "    # Run Geekbench workload\n",
    125     "    wload.run(te.res_dir, test_name='CPU', collect='ftrace')\n",
    126     "        \n",
    127     "    # Dump platform descriptor\n",
    128     "    te.platform_dump(te.res_dir)"
    129    ]
    130   },
    131   {
    132    "cell_type": "markdown",
    133    "metadata": {
    134     "deletable": true,
    135     "editable": true
    136    },
    137    "source": [
    138     "## Test environment setup\n",
    139     "For more details on this please check out **examples/utils/testenv_example.ipynb**."
    140    ]
    141   },
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    143    "cell_type": "markdown",
    144    "metadata": {
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    147    },
    148    "source": [
    149     "**devlib** requires the ANDROID_HOME environment variable configured to point to your local installation of the Android SDK. If you have not this variable configured in the shell used to start the notebook server, you need to run a cell to define where your Android SDK is installed or specify the ANDROID_HOME in your target configuration."
    150    ]
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    153    "cell_type": "markdown",
    154    "metadata": {
    155     "deletable": true,
    156     "editable": true
    157    },
    158    "source": [
    159     "In case more than one Android device are conencted to the host, you must specify the ID of the device you want to target in **my_target_conf**. Run **adb devices** on your host to get the ID."
    160    ]
    161   },
    162   {
    163    "cell_type": "code",
    164    "execution_count": 4,
    165    "metadata": {
    166     "collapsed": false,
    167     "deletable": true,
    168     "editable": true
    169    },
    170    "outputs": [],
    171    "source": [
    172     "# Setup target configuration\n",
    173     "my_conf = {\n",
    174     "\n",
    175     "    # Target platform and board\n",
    176     "    \"platform\"     : 'android',\n",
    177     "    \"board\"        : 'pixel',\n",
    178     "    \n",
    179     "    # Device\n",
    180     "    \"device\"       : \"0123456789ABCDEF\",\n",
    181     "    \n",
    182     "    # Android home\n",
    183     "    \"ANDROID_HOME\" : \"/home/vagrant/lisa/tools/android-sdk-linux/\",\n",
    184     "\n",
    185     "    # Folder where all the results will be collected\n",
    186     "    \"results_dir\" : datetime.datetime.now()\\\n",
    187     "                    .strftime(\"Geekbench_example_\" + '%Y%m%d_%H%M%S'),\n",
    188     "\n",
    189     "    # Define devlib modules to load\n",
    190     "    \"modules\"     : [\n",
    191     "        'cpufreq'       # enable CPUFreq support\n",
    192     "    ],\n",
    193     "\n",
    194     "    # FTrace events to collect for all the tests configuration which have\n",
    195     "    # the \"ftrace\" flag enabled\n",
    196     "    \"ftrace\"  : {\n",
    197     "         \"events\" : [\n",
    198     "            \"sched_switch\",\n",
    199     "            \"sched_wakeup\",\n",
    200     "            \"sched_wakeup_new\",\n",
    201     "            \"sched_overutilized\",\n",
    202     "            \"sched_load_avg_cpu\",\n",
    203     "            \"sched_load_avg_task\",\n",
    204     "            \"cpu_capacity\",\n",
    205     "            \"cpu_frequency\",\n",
    206     "         ],\n",
    207     "         \"buffsize\" : 100 * 1024,\n",
    208     "    },\n",
    209     "\n",
    210     "    # Tools required by the experiments\n",
    211     "    \"tools\"   : [ 'trace-cmd', 'taskset'],\n",
    212     "}"
    213    ]
    214   },
    215   {
    216    "cell_type": "code",
    217    "execution_count": 5,
    218    "metadata": {
    219     "collapsed": false,
    220     "deletable": true,
    221     "editable": true,
    222     "scrolled": false
    223    },
    224    "outputs": [
    225     {
    226      "name": "stderr",
    227      "output_type": "stream",
    228      "text": [
    229       "2017-05-03 10:54:03,551 INFO    : TestEnv      : Using base path: /home/vagrant/lisa\n",
    230       "2017-05-03 10:54:03,551 INFO    : TestEnv      : Loading custom (inline) target configuration\n",
    231       "2017-05-03 10:54:03,552 INFO    : TestEnv      : External tools using:\n",
    232       "2017-05-03 10:54:03,553 INFO    : TestEnv      :    ANDROID_HOME: /home/vagrant/lisa/tools/\n",
    233       "2017-05-03 10:54:03,554 INFO    : TestEnv      :    CATAPULT_HOME: /home/vagrant/lisa/tools//platform-tools/systrace/catapult\n",
    234       "2017-05-03 10:54:03,555 INFO    : TestEnv      : Devlib modules to load: ['bl', 'cpufreq']\n",
    235       "2017-05-03 10:54:03,556 INFO    : TestEnv      : Connecting Android target [DEFAULT]\n",
    236       "2017-05-03 10:54:03,557 INFO    : TestEnv      : Connection settings:\n",
    237       "2017-05-03 10:54:03,558 INFO    : TestEnv      :    None\n",
    238       "2017-05-03 10:54:03,761 INFO    : android      : ls command is set to ls -1\n",
    239       "2017-05-03 10:54:04,637 INFO    : TestEnv      : Initializing target workdir:\n",
    240       "2017-05-03 10:54:04,638 INFO    : TestEnv      :    /data/local/tmp/devlib-target\n",
    241       "2017-05-03 10:54:06,555 INFO    : TestEnv      : Topology:\n",
    242       "2017-05-03 10:54:06,557 INFO    : TestEnv      :    [[0, 1], [2, 3]]\n",
    243       "2017-05-03 10:54:06,748 INFO    : TestEnv      : Loading default EM:\n",
    244       "2017-05-03 10:54:06,749 INFO    : TestEnv      :    /home/vagrant/lisa/libs/utils/platforms/pixel.json\n",
    245       "2017-05-03 10:54:07,301 INFO    : TestEnv      : Enabled tracepoints:\n",
    246       "2017-05-03 10:54:07,302 INFO    : TestEnv      :    sched_switch\n",
    247       "2017-05-03 10:54:07,303 INFO    : TestEnv      :    sched_wakeup\n",
    248       "2017-05-03 10:54:07,304 INFO    : TestEnv      :    sched_wakeup_new\n",
    249       "2017-05-03 10:54:07,305 INFO    : TestEnv      :    sched_overutilized\n",
    250       "2017-05-03 10:54:07,306 INFO    : TestEnv      :    sched_load_avg_cpu\n",
    251       "2017-05-03 10:54:07,307 INFO    : TestEnv      :    sched_load_avg_task\n",
    252       "2017-05-03 10:54:07,308 INFO    : TestEnv      :    cpu_capacity\n",
    253       "2017-05-03 10:54:07,309 INFO    : TestEnv      :    cpu_frequency\n",
    254       "2017-05-03 10:54:07,310 INFO    : TestEnv      : Set results folder to:\n",
    255       "2017-05-03 10:54:07,311 INFO    : TestEnv      :    /home/vagrant/lisa/results/Geekbench_example_20170503_105403\n",
    256       "2017-05-03 10:54:07,312 INFO    : TestEnv      : Experiment results available also in:\n",
    257       "2017-05-03 10:54:07,313 INFO    : TestEnv      :    /home/vagrant/lisa/results_latest\n"
    258      ]
    259     }
    260    ],
    261    "source": [
    262     "# Initialize a test environment using:\n",
    263     "te = TestEnv(my_conf, wipe=False)\n",
    264     "target = te.target"
    265    ]
    266   },
    267   {
    268    "cell_type": "markdown",
    269    "metadata": {
    270     "deletable": true,
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    273    "source": [
    274     "## Workloads execution\n",
    275     "\n",
    276     "This is done using the **experiment** helper function defined above which is configured to run a **Geekbench - CPU** experiment."
    277    ]
    278   },
    279   {
    280    "cell_type": "code",
    281    "execution_count": 6,
    282    "metadata": {
    283     "collapsed": false,
    284     "deletable": true,
    285     "editable": true
    286    },
    287    "outputs": [
    288     {
    289      "name": "stderr",
    290      "output_type": "stream",
    291      "text": [
    292       "2017-05-03 10:54:07,990 INFO    : Workload     : Supported workloads available on target:\n",
    293       "2017-05-03 10:54:07,992 INFO    : Workload     :   gmaps, youtube, jankbench, geekbench\n",
    294       "2017-05-03 10:54:10,644 INFO    : Screen       : Force manual orientation\n",
    295       "2017-05-03 10:54:10,645 INFO    : Screen       : Set orientation: PORTRAIT\n",
    296       "2017-05-03 10:54:12,496 INFO    : Screen       : Set brightness: 0%\n",
    297       "2017-05-03 10:54:14,950 INFO    : Geekbench    : adb -s HT67M0300128 logcat ActivityManager:* System.out:I *:S GEEKBENCH_RESULT:*\n",
    298       "2017-05-03 10:54:17,071 INFO    : Geekbench    : FTrace START\n",
    299       "2017-05-03 10:58:23,429 INFO    : Geekbench    : FTrace STOP\n",
    300       "2017-05-03 10:58:33,944 INFO    : Screen       : Set orientation: AUTO\n",
    301       "2017-05-03 10:58:35,526 INFO    : Screen       : Set brightness: AUTO\n"
    302      ]
    303     }
    304    ],
    305    "source": [
    306     "# Initialize Workloads for this test environment\n",
    307     "results = experiment()"
    308    ]
    309   },
    310   {
    311    "cell_type": "markdown",
    312    "metadata": {
    313     "deletable": true,
    314     "editable": true
    315    },
    316    "source": [
    317     "## Results analysis"
    318    ]
    319   },
    320   {
    321    "cell_type": "markdown",
    322    "metadata": {
    323     "collapsed": true,
    324     "deletable": true,
    325     "editable": true
    326    },
    327    "source": [
    328     "Geekbench4 uses a baseline score of 4000, which is the benchmark score of an Intel Core i7-6600U. Higher scores are better, with double the score indicating double the performance. You can have a look at the results for several android phones here https://browser.primatelabs.com/android-benchmarks"
    329    ]
    330   },
    331   {
    332    "cell_type": "code",
    333    "execution_count": 7,
    334    "metadata": {
    335     "collapsed": false,
    336     "deletable": true,
    337     "editable": true
    338    },
    339    "outputs": [],
    340    "source": [
    341     "class Geekbench(object):\n",
    342     "    \"\"\"\n",
    343     "    Geekbench json results parsing class\n",
    344     "    \"\"\"\n",
    345     "    def __init__(self, filepath):\n",
    346     "        with open(filepath) as fd:\n",
    347     "            self.__json = json.loads(fd.read())\n",
    348     "        \n",
    349     "        self.benchmarks = {}\n",
    350     "        for section in self.__json[\"sections\"]:\n",
    351     "            self.benchmarks[section[\"name\"]] = section\n",
    352     "            for workload in section[\"workloads\"]:\n",
    353     "                self.benchmarks[section[\"name\"]][workload[\"name\"]] = workload     \n",
    354     "            \n",
    355     "    def name(self):\n",
    356     "        \"\"\"Get a human-readable name for the geekbench run\n",
    357     "        \"\"\"\n",
    358     "        gov = \"\"\n",
    359     "        build = \"\"\n",
    360     "        for metric in self.__json[\"metrics\"]:\n",
    361     "            if metric[\"name\"] == \"Governor\":\n",
    362     "                gov = metric[\"value\"]\n",
    363     "            elif metric[\"name\"] == \"Build\":\n",
    364     "                build = metric[\"value\"]\n",
    365     "\n",
    366     "        return \"[build]=\\\"{}\\\" [governor]=\\\"{}\\\"\".format(build, gov)\n",
    367     "    \n",
    368     "    def benchmarks_names(self):\n",
    369     "        \"\"\"Get a list of benchmarks (e.g. Single-Core, Multi-Core) found in the run results        \n",
    370     "        \"\"\"\n",
    371     "        return [section[\"name\"] for section in self.__json[\"sections\"]]\n",
    372     "    \n",
    373     "    def workloads_names(self):\n",
    374     "        \"\"\"Get a list of unique workloads (e.g. EAS, Dijkstra) found in the run results\n",
    375     "        \"\"\"\n",
    376     "        return [workload[\"name\"] for workload in self.benchmarks.values()[0][\"workloads\"]]\n",
    377     "    \n",
    378     "    def global_scores(self):\n",
    379     "        \"\"\"Get the overall scores of each benchmark\n",
    380     "        \"\"\"\n",
    381     "        data = {}\n",
    382     "        for benchmark in self.benchmarks_names():\n",
    383     "            data[benchmark] = self.benchmarks[benchmark][\"score\"]\n",
    384     "        return data\n",
    385     "        \n",
    386     "    def detailed_scores(self):\n",
    387     "        \"\"\"Get the detailed workload scores of each benchmark\n",
    388     "        \"\"\"\n",
    389     "        benchmark_fields = [\"score\", \"runtime_mean\", \"rate_string\"]\n",
    390     "        benches = {}\n",
    391     "        benchmarks = self.benchmarks_names()\n",
    392     "        workloads = self.workloads_names() \n",
    393     "        \n",
    394     "        for benchmark in benchmarks:\n",
    395     "            data = {}\n",
    396     "            for workload in workloads:\n",
    397     "                data[workload] = {}\n",
    398     "                for field in benchmark_fields:\n",
    399     "                    data[workload][field] = self.benchmarks[benchmark][workload][field]        \n",
    400     "            benches[benchmark] = data\n",
    401     "            \n",
    402     "        return benches"
    403    ]
    404   },
    405   {
    406    "cell_type": "code",
    407    "execution_count": 8,
    408    "metadata": {
    409     "collapsed": false,
    410     "deletable": true,
    411     "editable": true
    412    },
    413    "outputs": [],
    414    "source": [
    415     "def display_bench_results(geekbench, detailed=False):\n",
    416     "    print \"===== Global results =====\"\n",
    417     "    \n",
    418     "    scores = geekbench.global_scores()\n",
    419     "    \n",
    420     "    # Build dataframe for display\n",
    421     "    row = []\n",
    422     "    for bench_type, score in scores.iteritems():\n",
    423     "        row.append(score)\n",
    424     "        \n",
    425     "    df = pd.DataFrame(data=row, index=scores.keys(), columns=[\"Global score\"])\n",
    426     "    display(df)\n",
    427     "    \n",
    428     "    if not detailed:\n",
    429     "        return\n",
    430     "    \n",
    431     "    print \"===== Detailed results =====\"\n",
    432     "    \n",
    433     "    scores = geekbench.detailed_scores()\n",
    434     "    \n",
    435     "    for benchmark, results in geekbench.detailed_scores().iteritems():\n",
    436     "        print \"----- {} benchmark -----\".format(benchmark)\n",
    437     "        # Build dataframe for display\n",
    438     "        data = []\n",
    439     "        idx = []\n",
    440     "        columns = results.values()[0].keys()\n",
    441     "        for workload, fields in results.iteritems():\n",
    442     "            data.append(tuple(fields.values()))\n",
    443     "            idx.append(workload)\n",
    444     "        display (pd.DataFrame(data=data, index=idx, columns=columns))"
    445    ]
    446   },
    447   {
    448    "cell_type": "code",
    449    "execution_count": 9,
    450    "metadata": {
    451     "collapsed": false,
    452     "deletable": true,
    453     "editable": true,
    454     "scrolled": false
    455    },
    456    "outputs": [
    457     {
    458      "name": "stdout",
    459      "output_type": "stream",
    460      "text": [
    461       "Analysing geekbench [build]=\"sailfishf-userdebug 7.1.1 NMF26P 3525730 dev-keys\" [governor]=\"sched\"\n",
    462       "===== Global results =====\n"
    463      ]
    464     },
    465     {
    466      "data": {
    467       "text/html": [
    468        "<div>\n",
    469        "<table border=\"1\" class=\"dataframe\">\n",
    470        "  <thead>\n",
    471        "    <tr style=\"text-align: right;\">\n",
    472        "      <th></th>\n",
    473        "      <th>Global score</th>\n",
    474        "    </tr>\n",
    475        "  </thead>\n",
    476        "  <tbody>\n",
    477        "    <tr>\n",
    478        "      <th>Single-Core</th>\n",
    479        "      <td>1594</td>\n",
    480        "    </tr>\n",
    481        "    <tr>\n",
    482        "      <th>Multi-Core</th>\n",
    483        "      <td>4170</td>\n",
    484        "    </tr>\n",
    485        "  </tbody>\n",
    486        "</table>\n",
    487        "</div>"
    488       ],
    489       "text/plain": [
    490        "             Global score\n",
    491        "Single-Core          1594\n",
    492        "Multi-Core           4170"
    493       ]
    494      },
    495      "metadata": {},
    496      "output_type": "display_data"
    497     },
    498     {
    499      "name": "stdout",
    500      "output_type": "stream",
    501      "text": [
    502       "===== Detailed results =====\n",
    503       "----- Single-Core benchmark -----\n"
    504      ]
    505     },
    506     {
    507      "data": {
    508       "text/html": [
    509        "<div>\n",
    510        "<table border=\"1\" class=\"dataframe\">\n",
    511        "  <thead>\n",
    512        "    <tr style=\"text-align: right;\">\n",
    513        "      <th></th>\n",
    514        "      <th>score</th>\n",
    515        "      <th>runtime_mean</th>\n",
    516        "      <th>rate_string</th>\n",
    517        "    </tr>\n",
    518        "  </thead>\n",
    519        "  <tbody>\n",
    520        "    <tr>\n",
    521        "      <th>AES</th>\n",
    522        "      <td>649</td>\n",
    523        "      <td>0.261358</td>\n",
    524        "      <td>501.0 MB/sec</td>\n",
    525        "    </tr>\n",
    526        "    <tr>\n",
    527        "      <th>HDR</th>\n",
    528        "      <td>3050</td>\n",
    529        "      <td>0.394782</td>\n",
    530        "      <td>11.1 Mpixels/sec</td>\n",
    531        "    </tr>\n",
    532        "    <tr>\n",
    533        "      <th>Rigid Body Physics</th>\n",
    534        "      <td>2147</td>\n",
    535        "      <td>0.239238</td>\n",
    536        "      <td>6285.5 FPS</td>\n",
    537        "    </tr>\n",
    538        "    <tr>\n",
    539        "      <th>HTML5 Parse</th>\n",
    540        "      <td>1565</td>\n",
    541        "      <td>0.173668</td>\n",
    542        "      <td>7.11 MB/sec</td>\n",
    543        "    </tr>\n",
    544        "    <tr>\n",
    545        "      <th>Lua</th>\n",
    546        "      <td>1220</td>\n",
    547        "      <td>0.254486</td>\n",
    548        "      <td>1.25 MB/sec</td>\n",
    549        "    </tr>\n",
    550        "    <tr>\n",
    551        "      <th>Camera</th>\n",
    552        "      <td>2605</td>\n",
    553        "      <td>0.148324</td>\n",
    554        "      <td>7.22 images/sec</td>\n",
    555        "    </tr>\n",
    556        "    <tr>\n",
    557        "      <th>Histogram Equalization</th>\n",
    558        "      <td>1425</td>\n",
    559        "      <td>0.245729</td>\n",
    560        "      <td>44.6 Mpixels/sec</td>\n",
    561        "    </tr>\n",
    562        "    <tr>\n",
    563        "      <th>SQLite</th>\n",
    564        "      <td>1189</td>\n",
    565        "      <td>0.612012</td>\n",
    566        "      <td>33.0 Krows/sec</td>\n",
    567        "    </tr>\n",
    568        "    <tr>\n",
    569        "      <th>Face Detection</th>\n",
    570        "      <td>2106</td>\n",
    571        "      <td>0.123343</td>\n",
    572        "      <td>615.2 Ksubwindows/sec</td>\n",
    573        "    </tr>\n",
    574        "    <tr>\n",
    575        "      <th>Memory Copy</th>\n",
    576        "      <td>2691</td>\n",
    577        "      <td>0.269374</td>\n",
    578        "      <td>7.46 GB/sec</td>\n",
    579        "    </tr>\n",
    580        "    <tr>\n",
    581        "      <th>Memory Latency</th>\n",
    582        "      <td>917</td>\n",
    583        "      <td>1.001564</td>\n",
    584        "      <td>471.8 ns</td>\n",
    585        "    </tr>\n",
    586        "    <tr>\n",
    587        "      <th>Canny</th>\n",
    588        "      <td>2191</td>\n",
    589        "      <td>0.167685</td>\n",
    590        "      <td>30.4 Mpixels/sec</td>\n",
    591        "    </tr>\n",
    592        "    <tr>\n",
    593        "      <th>PDF Rendering</th>\n",
    594        "      <td>2137</td>\n",
    595        "      <td>0.452174</td>\n",
    596        "      <td>56.8 Mpixels/sec</td>\n",
    597        "    </tr>\n",
    598        "    <tr>\n",
    599        "      <th>Gaussian Blur</th>\n",
    600        "      <td>2313</td>\n",
    601        "      <td>0.126649</td>\n",
    602        "      <td>40.5 Mpixels/sec</td>\n",
    603        "    </tr>\n",
    604        "    <tr>\n",
    605        "      <th>Speech Recognition</th>\n",
    606        "      <td>1263</td>\n",
    607        "      <td>1.126760</td>\n",
    608        "      <td>10.8 Words/sec</td>\n",
    609        "    </tr>\n",
    610        "    <tr>\n",
    611        "      <th>LLVM</th>\n",
    612        "      <td>1817</td>\n",
    613        "      <td>1.057730</td>\n",
    614        "      <td>124.9 functions/sec</td>\n",
    615        "    </tr>\n",
    616        "    <tr>\n",
    617        "      <th>Ray Tracing</th>\n",
    618        "      <td>1818</td>\n",
    619        "      <td>0.339196</td>\n",
    620        "      <td>265.5 Kpixels/sec</td>\n",
    621        "    </tr>\n",
    622        "    <tr>\n",
    623        "      <th>JPEG</th>\n",
    624        "      <td>2605</td>\n",
    625        "      <td>0.248902</td>\n",
    626        "      <td>21.0 Mpixels/sec</td>\n",
    627        "    </tr>\n",
    628        "    <tr>\n",
    629        "      <th>SGEMM</th>\n",
    630        "      <td>551</td>\n",
    631        "      <td>0.790329</td>\n",
    632        "      <td>11.7 Gflops</td>\n",
    633        "    </tr>\n",
    634        "    <tr>\n",
    635        "      <th>LZMA</th>\n",
    636        "      <td>1211</td>\n",
    637        "      <td>0.495195</td>\n",
    638        "      <td>1.89 MB/sec</td>\n",
    639        "    </tr>\n",
    640        "    <tr>\n",
    641        "      <th>SFFT</th>\n",
    642        "      <td>1130</td>\n",
    643        "      <td>0.169216</td>\n",
    644        "      <td>2.82 Gflops</td>\n",
    645        "    </tr>\n",
    646        "    <tr>\n",
    647        "      <th>Memory Bandwidth</th>\n",
    648        "      <td>2420</td>\n",
    649        "      <td>0.100460</td>\n",
    650        "      <td>12.9 GB/sec</td>\n",
    651        "    </tr>\n",
    652        "    <tr>\n",
    653        "      <th>N-Body Physics</th>\n",
    654        "      <td>1445</td>\n",
    655        "      <td>0.256496</td>\n",
    656        "      <td>1.08 Mpairs/sec</td>\n",
    657        "    </tr>\n",
    658        "    <tr>\n",
    659        "      <th>Dijkstra</th>\n",
    660        "      <td>2063</td>\n",
    661        "      <td>0.374775</td>\n",
    662        "      <td>1.40 MTE/sec</td>\n",
    663        "    </tr>\n",
    664        "    <tr>\n",
    665        "      <th>HTML5 DOM</th>\n",
    666        "      <td>613</td>\n",
    667        "      <td>0.913885</td>\n",
    668        "      <td>556.2 KElements/sec</td>\n",
    669        "    </tr>\n",
    670        "  </tbody>\n",
    671        "</table>\n",
    672        "</div>"
    673       ],
    674       "text/plain": [
    675        "                        score  runtime_mean            rate_string\n",
    676        "AES                       649      0.261358           501.0 MB/sec\n",
    677        "HDR                      3050      0.394782       11.1 Mpixels/sec\n",
    678        "Rigid Body Physics       2147      0.239238             6285.5 FPS\n",
    679        "HTML5 Parse              1565      0.173668            7.11 MB/sec\n",
    680        "Lua                      1220      0.254486            1.25 MB/sec\n",
    681        "Camera                   2605      0.148324        7.22 images/sec\n",
    682        "Histogram Equalization   1425      0.245729       44.6 Mpixels/sec\n",
    683        "SQLite                   1189      0.612012         33.0 Krows/sec\n",
    684        "Face Detection           2106      0.123343  615.2 Ksubwindows/sec\n",
    685        "Memory Copy              2691      0.269374            7.46 GB/sec\n",
    686        "Memory Latency            917      1.001564               471.8 ns\n",
    687        "Canny                    2191      0.167685       30.4 Mpixels/sec\n",
    688        "PDF Rendering            2137      0.452174       56.8 Mpixels/sec\n",
    689        "Gaussian Blur            2313      0.126649       40.5 Mpixels/sec\n",
    690        "Speech Recognition       1263      1.126760         10.8 Words/sec\n",
    691        "LLVM                     1817      1.057730    124.9 functions/sec\n",
    692        "Ray Tracing              1818      0.339196      265.5 Kpixels/sec\n",
    693        "JPEG                     2605      0.248902       21.0 Mpixels/sec\n",
    694        "SGEMM                     551      0.790329            11.7 Gflops\n",
    695        "LZMA                     1211      0.495195            1.89 MB/sec\n",
    696        "SFFT                     1130      0.169216            2.82 Gflops\n",
    697        "Memory Bandwidth         2420      0.100460            12.9 GB/sec\n",
    698        "N-Body Physics           1445      0.256496        1.08 Mpairs/sec\n",
    699        "Dijkstra                 2063      0.374775           1.40 MTE/sec\n",
    700        "HTML5 DOM                 613      0.913885    556.2 KElements/sec"
    701       ]
    702      },
    703      "metadata": {},
    704      "output_type": "display_data"
    705     },
    706     {
    707      "name": "stdout",
    708      "output_type": "stream",
    709      "text": [
    710       "----- Multi-Core benchmark -----\n"
    711      ]
    712     },
    713     {
    714      "data": {
    715       "text/html": [
    716        "<div>\n",
    717        "<table border=\"1\" class=\"dataframe\">\n",
    718        "  <thead>\n",
    719        "    <tr style=\"text-align: right;\">\n",
    720        "      <th></th>\n",
    721        "      <th>score</th>\n",
    722        "      <th>runtime_mean</th>\n",
    723        "      <th>rate_string</th>\n",
    724        "    </tr>\n",
    725        "  </thead>\n",
    726        "  <tbody>\n",
    727        "    <tr>\n",
    728        "      <th>AES</th>\n",
    729        "      <td>2086</td>\n",
    730        "      <td>0.336575</td>\n",
    731        "      <td>1.57 GB/sec</td>\n",
    732        "    </tr>\n",
    733        "    <tr>\n",
    734        "      <th>HDR</th>\n",
    735        "      <td>8435</td>\n",
    736        "      <td>0.588926</td>\n",
    737        "      <td>30.6 Mpixels/sec</td>\n",
    738        "    </tr>\n",
    739        "    <tr>\n",
    740        "      <th>Rigid Body Physics</th>\n",
    741        "      <td>5976</td>\n",
    742        "      <td>0.363937</td>\n",
    743        "      <td>17496.3 FPS</td>\n",
    744        "    </tr>\n",
    745        "    <tr>\n",
    746        "      <th>HTML5 Parse</th>\n",
    747        "      <td>4747</td>\n",
    748        "      <td>0.269989</td>\n",
    749        "      <td>21.6 MB/sec</td>\n",
    750        "    </tr>\n",
    751        "    <tr>\n",
    752        "      <th>Lua</th>\n",
    753        "      <td>3475</td>\n",
    754        "      <td>0.385767</td>\n",
    755        "      <td>3.57 MB/sec</td>\n",
    756        "    </tr>\n",
    757        "    <tr>\n",
    758        "      <th>Camera</th>\n",
    759        "      <td>7272</td>\n",
    760        "      <td>0.203743</td>\n",
    761        "      <td>20.2 images/sec</td>\n",
    762        "    </tr>\n",
    763        "    <tr>\n",
    764        "      <th>Histogram Equalization</th>\n",
    765        "      <td>3785</td>\n",
    766        "      <td>0.368308</td>\n",
    767        "      <td>118.3 Mpixels/sec</td>\n",
    768        "    </tr>\n",
    769        "    <tr>\n",
    770        "      <th>SQLite</th>\n",
    771        "      <td>3287</td>\n",
    772        "      <td>1.166350</td>\n",
    773        "      <td>91.1 Krows/sec</td>\n",
    774        "    </tr>\n",
    775        "    <tr>\n",
    776        "      <th>Face Detection</th>\n",
    777        "      <td>5702</td>\n",
    778        "      <td>0.188087</td>\n",
    779        "      <td>1.67 Msubwindows/sec</td>\n",
    780        "    </tr>\n",
    781        "    <tr>\n",
    782        "      <th>Memory Copy</th>\n",
    783        "      <td>3974</td>\n",
    784        "      <td>0.378651</td>\n",
    785        "      <td>11.0 GB/sec</td>\n",
    786        "    </tr>\n",
    787        "    <tr>\n",
    788        "      <th>Memory Latency</th>\n",
    789        "      <td>1865</td>\n",
    790        "      <td>0.705881</td>\n",
    791        "      <td>232.1 ns</td>\n",
    792        "    </tr>\n",
    793        "    <tr>\n",
    794        "      <th>Canny</th>\n",
    795        "      <td>6648</td>\n",
    796        "      <td>0.265390</td>\n",
    797        "      <td>92.2 Mpixels/sec</td>\n",
    798        "    </tr>\n",
    799        "    <tr>\n",
    800        "      <th>PDF Rendering</th>\n",
    801        "      <td>5910</td>\n",
    802        "      <td>0.663689</td>\n",
    803        "      <td>157.0 Mpixels/sec</td>\n",
    804        "    </tr>\n",
    805        "    <tr>\n",
    806        "      <th>Gaussian Blur</th>\n",
    807        "      <td>6175</td>\n",
    808        "      <td>0.200005</td>\n",
    809        "      <td>108.2 Mpixels/sec</td>\n",
    810        "    </tr>\n",
    811        "    <tr>\n",
    812        "      <th>Speech Recognition</th>\n",
    813        "      <td>3755</td>\n",
    814        "      <td>1.520384</td>\n",
    815        "      <td>32.1 Words/sec</td>\n",
    816        "    </tr>\n",
    817        "    <tr>\n",
    818        "      <th>LLVM</th>\n",
    819        "      <td>6785</td>\n",
    820        "      <td>1.141085</td>\n",
    821        "      <td>466.6 functions/sec</td>\n",
    822        "    </tr>\n",
    823        "    <tr>\n",
    824        "      <th>Ray Tracing</th>\n",
    825        "      <td>5002</td>\n",
    826        "      <td>0.498715</td>\n",
    827        "      <td>730.4 Kpixels/sec</td>\n",
    828        "    </tr>\n",
    829        "    <tr>\n",
    830        "      <th>JPEG</th>\n",
    831        "      <td>7192</td>\n",
    832        "      <td>0.363033</td>\n",
    833        "      <td>57.9 Mpixels/sec</td>\n",
    834        "    </tr>\n",
    835        "    <tr>\n",
    836        "      <th>SGEMM</th>\n",
    837        "      <td>1697</td>\n",
    838        "      <td>1.057814</td>\n",
    839        "      <td>35.9 Gflops</td>\n",
    840        "    </tr>\n",
    841        "    <tr>\n",
    842        "      <th>LZMA</th>\n",
    843        "      <td>3977</td>\n",
    844        "      <td>0.587279</td>\n",
    845        "      <td>6.21 MB/sec</td>\n",
    846        "    </tr>\n",
    847        "    <tr>\n",
    848        "      <th>SFFT</th>\n",
    849        "      <td>3443</td>\n",
    850        "      <td>0.250660</td>\n",
    851        "      <td>8.58 Gflops</td>\n",
    852        "    </tr>\n",
    853        "    <tr>\n",
    854        "      <th>Memory Bandwidth</th>\n",
    855        "      <td>3375</td>\n",
    856        "      <td>0.142451</td>\n",
    857        "      <td>18.0 GB/sec</td>\n",
    858        "    </tr>\n",
    859        "    <tr>\n",
    860        "      <th>N-Body Physics</th>\n",
    861        "      <td>3891</td>\n",
    862        "      <td>0.398617</td>\n",
    863        "      <td>2.91 Mpairs/sec</td>\n",
    864        "    </tr>\n",
    865        "    <tr>\n",
    866        "      <th>Dijkstra</th>\n",
    867        "      <td>5168</td>\n",
    868        "      <td>0.601840</td>\n",
    869        "      <td>3.50 MTE/sec</td>\n",
    870        "    </tr>\n",
    871        "    <tr>\n",
    872        "      <th>HTML5 DOM</th>\n",
    873        "      <td>2158</td>\n",
    874        "      <td>1.031061</td>\n",
    875        "      <td>1.96 MElements/sec</td>\n",
    876        "    </tr>\n",
    877        "  </tbody>\n",
    878        "</table>\n",
    879        "</div>"
    880       ],
    881       "text/plain": [
    882        "                        score  runtime_mean           rate_string\n",
    883        "AES                      2086      0.336575           1.57 GB/sec\n",
    884        "HDR                      8435      0.588926      30.6 Mpixels/sec\n",
    885        "Rigid Body Physics       5976      0.363937           17496.3 FPS\n",
    886        "HTML5 Parse              4747      0.269989           21.6 MB/sec\n",
    887        "Lua                      3475      0.385767           3.57 MB/sec\n",
    888        "Camera                   7272      0.203743       20.2 images/sec\n",
    889        "Histogram Equalization   3785      0.368308     118.3 Mpixels/sec\n",
    890        "SQLite                   3287      1.166350        91.1 Krows/sec\n",
    891        "Face Detection           5702      0.188087  1.67 Msubwindows/sec\n",
    892        "Memory Copy              3974      0.378651           11.0 GB/sec\n",
    893        "Memory Latency           1865      0.705881              232.1 ns\n",
    894        "Canny                    6648      0.265390      92.2 Mpixels/sec\n",
    895        "PDF Rendering            5910      0.663689     157.0 Mpixels/sec\n",
    896        "Gaussian Blur            6175      0.200005     108.2 Mpixels/sec\n",
    897        "Speech Recognition       3755      1.520384        32.1 Words/sec\n",
    898        "LLVM                     6785      1.141085   466.6 functions/sec\n",
    899        "Ray Tracing              5002      0.498715     730.4 Kpixels/sec\n",
    900        "JPEG                     7192      0.363033      57.9 Mpixels/sec\n",
    901        "SGEMM                    1697      1.057814           35.9 Gflops\n",
    902        "LZMA                     3977      0.587279           6.21 MB/sec\n",
    903        "SFFT                     3443      0.250660           8.58 Gflops\n",
    904        "Memory Bandwidth         3375      0.142451           18.0 GB/sec\n",
    905        "N-Body Physics           3891      0.398617       2.91 Mpairs/sec\n",
    906        "Dijkstra                 5168      0.601840          3.50 MTE/sec\n",
    907        "HTML5 DOM                2158      1.031061    1.96 MElements/sec"
    908       ]
    909      },
    910      "metadata": {},
    911      "output_type": "display_data"
    912     }
    913    ],
    914    "source": [
    915     "for f in os.listdir(te.res_dir):\n",
    916     "    if f.endswith(\".gb4\"):\n",
    917     "        geekbench = Geekbench(te.res_dir + \"/\" + f)\n",
    918     "        \n",
    919     "        print \"Analysing geekbench {}\".format(geekbench.name())\n",
    920     "        display_bench_results(geekbench, True)"
    921    ]
    922   },
    923   {
    924    "cell_type": "markdown",
    925    "metadata": {
    926     "deletable": true,
    927     "editable": true
    928    },
    929    "source": [
    930     "## Analysing several runs"
    931    ]
    932   },
    933   {
    934    "cell_type": "markdown",
    935    "metadata": {
    936     "deletable": true,
    937     "editable": true
    938    },
    939    "source": [
    940     "It can be interesting to compare Geekbench results with different parameters (kernel, drivers) and even different devices to gauge the impact of these parameters. As Geekbench results can vary a bit from one run to another, having a set of repeated runs is preferable.\n",
    941     "\n",
    942     "The following section will grab the results of all the **Geekbench\\_exemple\\_\\*** results found in the LISA results directory"
    943    ]
    944   },
    945   {
    946    "cell_type": "code",
    947    "execution_count": 10,
    948    "metadata": {
    949     "collapsed": false,
    950     "deletable": true,
    951     "editable": true
    952    },
    953    "outputs": [],
    954    "source": [
    955     "import glob\n",
    956     "\n",
    957     "def fetch_results():\n",
    958     "    results_path = os.path.join(te.LISA_HOME, \"results\")\n",
    959     "    \n",
    960     "    results_dirs = [results_path + \"/\" + d for d in os.listdir(results_path) if d.startswith(\"Geekbench_example_\")]\n",
    961     "    \n",
    962     "    res = []\n",
    963     "    \n",
    964     "    for d in results_dirs:\n",
    965     "        bench_file = glob.glob(\"{}/*.gb4\".format(d))[0]\n",
    966     "        res.append(Geekbench(bench_file))\n",
    967     "        \n",
    968     "    return res\n",
    969     "\n",
    970     "def compare_runs():\n",
    971     "    geekbenches = fetch_results()\n",
    972     "    \n",
    973     "    # Pick one run to build a baseline template\n",
    974     "    benchmarks = geekbenches[0].benchmarks_names()\n",
    975     "    workloads = geekbenches[0].workloads_names()\n",
    976     "    \n",
    977     "    stats  = [\"avg\", \"min\", \"max\"]\n",
    978     "    count = len(geekbenches)\n",
    979     "    \n",
    980     "    print \"Parsing {} runs\".format(count)\n",
    981     "\n",
    982     "    \n",
    983     "    # Initialize stats\n",
    984     "    results = {benchmark : \n",
    985     "                        {\"min\" : sys.maxint, \"max\" : 0, \"avg\" : 0} \n",
    986     "               for benchmark in benchmarks}\n",
    987     "    \n",
    988     "    # Get all the data\n",
    989     "    for benchmark in results.iterkeys():\n",
    990     "        for bench in geekbenches:\n",
    991     "            score = bench.global_scores()[benchmark]\n",
    992     "            \n",
    993     "            if score > results[benchmark][\"max\"]:\n",
    994     "                results[benchmark][\"max\"] = score\n",
    995     "                \n",
    996     "            if score < results[benchmark][\"min\"]:\n",
    997     "                results[benchmark][\"min\"] = score\n",
    998     "            \n",
    999     "            results[benchmark][\"avg\"] += score\n",
   1000     "        \n",
   1001     "        results[benchmark][\"avg\"] /= count\n",
   1002     "        \n",
   1003     "    # Convert data to Dataframe\n",
   1004     "    data = []\n",
   1005     "\n",
   1006     "    for benchmark in results.iterkeys():\n",
   1007     "        row = []\n",
   1008     "        for stat in stats:\n",
   1009     "            row.append(results[benchmark][stat])\n",
   1010     "        data.append(tuple(row))\n",
   1011     "       \n",
   1012     "    df = pd.DataFrame(data, index=results.iterkeys(), columns=stats)\n",
   1013     "    \n",
   1014     "    return df"
   1015    ]
   1016   },
   1017   {
   1018    "cell_type": "code",
   1019    "execution_count": 11,
   1020    "metadata": {
   1021     "collapsed": false,
   1022     "deletable": true,
   1023     "editable": true
   1024    },
   1025    "outputs": [
   1026     {
   1027      "name": "stdout",
   1028      "output_type": "stream",
   1029      "text": [
   1030       "Parsing 2 runs\n"
   1031      ]
   1032     },
   1033     {
   1034      "data": {
   1035       "text/html": [
   1036        "<div>\n",
   1037        "<table border=\"1\" class=\"dataframe\">\n",
   1038        "  <thead>\n",
   1039        "    <tr style=\"text-align: right;\">\n",
   1040        "      <th></th>\n",
   1041        "      <th>avg</th>\n",
   1042        "      <th>min</th>\n",
   1043        "      <th>max</th>\n",
   1044        "    </tr>\n",
   1045        "  </thead>\n",
   1046        "  <tbody>\n",
   1047        "    <tr>\n",
   1048        "      <th>Single-Core</th>\n",
   1049        "      <td>1602</td>\n",
   1050        "      <td>1594</td>\n",
   1051        "      <td>1610</td>\n",
   1052        "    </tr>\n",
   1053        "    <tr>\n",
   1054        "      <th>Multi-Core</th>\n",
   1055        "      <td>4176</td>\n",
   1056        "      <td>4170</td>\n",
   1057        "      <td>4182</td>\n",
   1058        "    </tr>\n",
   1059        "  </tbody>\n",
   1060        "</table>\n",
   1061        "</div>"
   1062       ],
   1063       "text/plain": [
   1064        "              avg   min   max\n",
   1065        "Single-Core  1602  1594  1610\n",
   1066        "Multi-Core   4176  4170  4182"
   1067       ]
   1068      },
   1069      "metadata": {},
   1070      "output_type": "display_data"
   1071     }
   1072    ],
   1073    "source": [
   1074     "display(compare_runs())"
   1075    ]
   1076   }
   1077  ],
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