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      1 ; RUN: opt -S -basicaa -gvn < %s | FileCheck %s
      3 ; We can value forward across the fence since we can (semantically) 
      4 ; reorder the following load before the fence.
      5 define i32 @test(i32* %addr.i) {
      6 ; CHECK-LABEL: @test
      7 ; CHECK: store
      8 ; CHECK: fence
      9 ; CHECK-NOT: load
     10 ; CHECK: ret
     11   store i32 5, i32* %addr.i, align 4
     12   fence release
     13   %a = load i32, i32* %addr.i, align 4
     14   ret i32 %a
     15 }
     17 ; Same as above
     18 define i32 @test2(i32* %addr.i) {
     19 ; CHECK-LABEL: @test2
     20 ; CHECK-NEXT: fence
     21 ; CHECK-NOT: load
     22 ; CHECK: ret
     23   %a = load i32, i32* %addr.i, align 4
     24   fence release
     25   %a2 = load i32, i32* %addr.i, align 4
     26   %res = sub i32 %a, %a2
     27   ret i32 %res
     28 }
     30 ; We can not value forward across an acquire barrier since we might
     31 ; be syncronizing with another thread storing to the same variable
     32 ; followed by a release fence.  This is not so much enforcing an
     33 ; ordering property (though it is that too), but a liveness 
     34 ; property.  We expect to eventually see the value of store by
     35 ; another thread when spinning on that location.  
     36 define i32 @test3(i32* noalias %addr.i, i32* noalias %otheraddr) {
     37 ; CHECK-LABEL: @test3
     38 ; CHECK: load
     39 ; CHECK: fence
     40 ; CHECK: load
     41 ; CHECK: ret i32 %res
     42   ; the following code is intented to model the unrolling of
     43   ; two iterations in a spin loop of the form:
     44   ;   do { fence acquire: tmp = *%addr.i; ) while (!tmp);
     45   ; It's hopefully clear that allowing PRE to turn this into:
     46   ;   if (!*%addr.i) while(true) {} would be unfortunate
     47   fence acquire
     48   %a = load i32, i32* %addr.i, align 4
     49   fence acquire
     50   %a2 = load i32, i32* %addr.i, align 4
     51   %res = sub i32 %a, %a2
     52   ret i32 %res
     53 }
     55 ; Another example of why forwarding across an acquire fence is problematic
     56 ; can be seen in a normal locking operation.  Say we had:
     57 ; *p = 5; unlock(l); lock(l); use(p);
     58 ; forwarding the store to p would be invalid.  A reasonable implementation
     59 ; of unlock and lock might be:
     60 ; unlock() { atomicrmw sub %l, 1 unordered; fence release }
     61 ; lock() { 
     62 ;   do {
     63 ;     %res = cmpxchg %p, 0, 1, monotonic monotonic
     64 ;   } while(!%res.success)
     65 ;   fence acquire;
     66 ; }
     67 ; Given we chose to forward across the release fence, we clearly can't forward
     68 ; across the acquire fence as well.