1 #include "ExtractRes.h" 2 3 LANGUAGE LANG_ENGLISH, SUBLANG_ENGLISH_US 4 5 STRINGTABLE DISCARDABLE 6 BEGIN 7 IDS_MEM_ERROR "The system cannot allocate the required amount of memory" 8 IDS_CANNOT_CREATE_FOLDER "Cannot create folder '{0}'" 9 IDS_UPDATE_NOT_SUPPORTED "Update operations are not supported for this archive." 10 IDS_CANT_OPEN_ARCHIVE "Can not open file '{0}' as archive" 11 IDS_CANT_OPEN_ENCRYPTED_ARCHIVE "Can not open encrypted archive '{0}'. Wrong password?" 12 IDS_UNSUPPORTED_ARCHIVE_TYPE "Unsupported archive type" 13 14 IDS_CANT_OPEN_AS_TYPE "Can not open the file as {0} archive" 15 IDS_IS_OPEN_AS_TYPE "The file is open as {0} archive" 16 IDS_IS_OPEN_WITH_OFFSET "The archive is open with offset" 17 18 IDS_PROGRESS_EXTRACTING "Extracting" 19 20 IDS_PROGRESS_SKIPPING "Skipping" 21 22 IDS_EXTRACT_SET_FOLDER "Specify a location for extracted files." 23 24 IDS_EXTRACT_PATHS_FULL "Full pathnames" 25 IDS_EXTRACT_PATHS_NO "No pathnames" 26 IDS_EXTRACT_PATHS_ABS "Absolute pathnames" 27 IDS_PATH_MODE_RELAT "Relative pathnames" 28 29 IDS_EXTRACT_OVERWRITE_ASK "Ask before overwrite" 30 IDS_EXTRACT_OVERWRITE_WITHOUT_PROMPT "Overwrite without prompt" 31 IDS_EXTRACT_OVERWRITE_SKIP_EXISTING "Skip existing files" 32 IDS_EXTRACT_OVERWRITE_RENAME "Auto rename" 33 IDS_EXTRACT_OVERWRITE_RENAME_EXISTING "Auto rename existing files" 34 35 IDS_EXTRACT_MESSAGE_UNSUPPORTED_METHOD "Unsupported compression method for '{0}'." 36 IDS_EXTRACT_MESSAGE_DATA_ERROR "Data error in '{0}'. File is broken" 37 IDS_EXTRACT_MESSAGE_CRC_ERROR "CRC failed in '{0}'. File is broken." 38 IDS_EXTRACT_MESSAGE_DATA_ERROR_ENCRYPTED "Data error in encrypted file '{0}'. Wrong password?" 39 IDS_EXTRACT_MESSAGE_CRC_ERROR_ENCRYPTED "CRC failed in encrypted file '{0}'. Wrong password?" 40 41 IDS_EXTRACT_MSG_WRONG_PSW_GUESS "Wrong password?" 42 // IDS_EXTRACT_MSG_ENCRYPTED "Encrypted file" 43 44 IDS_EXTRACT_MSG_UNSUPPORTED_METHOD "Unsupported compression method" 45 IDS_EXTRACT_MSG_DATA_ERROR "Data error" 46 IDS_EXTRACT_MSG_CRC_ERROR "CRC failed" 47 IDS_EXTRACT_MSG_UNAVAILABLE_DATA "Unavailable data" 48 IDS_EXTRACT_MSG_UEXPECTED_END "Unexpected end of data"; 49 IDS_EXTRACT_MSG_DATA_AFTER_END "There are some data after the end of the payload data" 50 IDS_EXTRACT_MSG_IS_NOT_ARC "Is not archive" 51 IDS_EXTRACT_MSG_HEADERS_ERROR "Headers Error" 52 IDS_EXTRACT_MSG_WRONG_PSW_CLAIM "Wrong password" 53 54 IDS_OPEN_MSG_UNAVAILABLE_START "Unavailable start of archive" 55 IDS_OPEN_MSG_UNCONFIRMED_START "Unconfirmed start of archive" 56 // IDS_OPEN_MSG_ERROR_FLAGS + 5 "Unexpected end of archive" 57 // IDS_OPEN_MSG_ERROR_FLAGS + 6 "There are data after the end of archive" 58 IDS_OPEN_MSG_UNSUPPORTED_FEATURE "Unsupported feature" 59 END 60