network_handler none stat dhcp ACTION_INVALID fputc printf msys_handler getscreensize csprint cprint username PREPMENU reset_colors clear_line infoline strcpy flags strcat network checkbox_handler strcmp linrep winrep login_handler getuserinput authenticate_user prepopt secret SECRETMENU keys_handler runhelpsystem isallowed main init_passwords init_help init_menusystem set_window_size reg_handler reg_ontimeout add_menu NETMENU add_item TESTING set_menu_pos RESCUE baseurl mountcd add_sep runprep LONGMENU MAIN set_item_options get_key showmenus issyslinux runsyslinuxcmd close_passwords close_help close_menusystem buffer ACTION_VALID libmenu.c32 libcom32.c32 __ctors_start __ctors_end __dtors_start __dtors_end
[%d;%dH User: baseurl= mountcd=yes network= repair=win repair=lin Kernel Arguments: baseurl winrepair linrepair mountcd Enter Username: Enter Password: guest editcmd root Command line: /isolinux/password /isolinux/help Init Network Dont start network one no Use DHCP hcp dhcp Use static IP I will specify later tatic static Testing Perform extensive memory testing emory Test memtest You dont see this nvisible junk Go one level up xit this menu exit Rescue Options linresc inux Rescue dosresc os Rescue winresc indows Rescue Prep options Specify gui baseurl by IP address aseurl by IP? Mount the cdrom drive? ountcd? How to initialise network device? Re-install the windows side of a dual boot setup Reinstall indows Re-install the linux side of a dual boot setup Reinstall inux Execute prep with the above options un prep now prep Go up one level exitmenu Secret Menu Secret secret 1 A secret 2 Long Menu Aa a Ab b