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      1 -- A translation of com32/cmenu/simple.c into Lua
      3 local m = require "cmenu"
      4 local sl = require "syslinux"
      6 m.init()
      7 m.set_window_size(1, 1, 23, 78)
      8 local testing = m.add_named_menu("testing", " Testing ")
      9 -- demonstrate identifying (named) submenu by number:
     10 m.add_item("Self Loop", "Go to testing", m.action.SUBMENU, nil, testing)
     11 m.add_item("Memory Test", "Perform extensive memory testing", m.action.RUN, "memtest")
     12 m.add_item("Exit this menu", "Go one level up", m.action.EXITMENU, "exit")
     14 local rescue = m.add_menu(" Rescue Options ")
     15 m.add_item("Linux Rescue", "linresc", m.action.RUN, "linresc")
     16 m.add_item("Dos Rescue", "dosresc", m.action.RUN, "dosresc")
     17 m.add_item("Windows Rescue", "winresc", m.action.RUN, "winresc")
     18 m.add_item("Exit this menu", "Go one level up", m.action.EXITMENU, "exit")
     20 m.add_named_menu("main", " Main Menu ")
     21 m.add_item("Prepare", "prep", m.action.RUN, "prep")
     22 m.add_item("Rescue options...", "Troubleshoot a system", m.action.SUBMENU, nil, rescue)
     23 -- demonstrate identifying submenu by name:
     24 m.add_item("Testing...", "Options to test hardware", m.action.SUBMENU, "testing")
     25 m.add_item("Exit to prompt", "Exit the menu system", m.action.EXITMENU, "exit")
     27 -- demonstrate finding menu explicitly:
     28 local action, data = m.showmenus(m.find_menu_num("main"))
     30 if action == m.action.RUN then
     31   sl.run_command (data)
     32 else
     33   print (action, data)
     34 end