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      1 // Generated file (from: averpoolfloat.mod.py). Do not edit
      2 void CreateModel(Model *model) {
      3   OperandType type1(Type::INT32, {});
      4   OperandType type0(Type::TENSOR_QUANT8_ASYMM, 0.0f, 127.5f, {1, 2, 2, 1});
      5   // Phase 1, operands
      6   auto op1 = model->addOperand(&type0);
      7   auto cons1 = model->addOperand(&type1);
      8   auto act = model->addOperand(&type1);
      9   auto op3 = model->addOperand(&type0);
     10   // Phase 2, operations
     11   static int32_t cons1_init[] = {1};
     12   model->setOperandValue(cons1, cons1_init, sizeof(int32_t) * 1);
     13   static int32_t act_init[] = {0};
     14   model->setOperandValue(act, act_init, sizeof(int32_t) * 1);
     15   model->addOperation(ANEURALNETWORKS_AVERAGE_POOL, {op1, cons1, cons1, cons1, cons1, cons1, act}, {op3});
     16   // Phase 3, inputs and outputs
     17   model->identifyInputsAndOutputs(
     18     {op1},
     19     {op3});
     20   assert(model->isValid());
     21 }
     23 bool is_ignored(int i) {
     24   static std::set<int> ignore = {};
     25   return ignore.find(i) != ignore.end();
     26 }
     27 // Generated file (from: averpoolfloat.mod.py). Do not edit
     28 // Begin of an example
     29 {
     30 //Input(s)
     31 { // See tools/test_generator/include/TestHarness.h:MixedTyped
     32   // int -> FLOAT32 map
     33   {},
     34   // int -> INT32 map
     35   {},
     36   // int -> QUANT8_ASYMM map
     37   {{0, {1, 2, 3, 4}}}
     38 },
     39 //Output(s)
     40 { // See tools/test_generator/include/TestHarness.h:MixedTyped
     41   // int -> FLOAT32 map
     42   {},
     43   // int -> INT32 map
     44   {},
     45   // int -> QUANT8_ASYMM map
     46   {{0, {1, 2, 3, 4}}}
     47 }
     48 }, // End of an example