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      1 apply plugin: android.support.SupportAndroidLibraryPlugin
      3 dependencies {
      4     api project(':support-compat')
      5     api project(':support-media-compat')
      6     api project(':support-core-utils')
      7     api project(':support-core-ui')
      8     api project(':support-fragment')
      9 }
     11 android {
     12     defaultConfig {
     13         minSdkVersion 14
     14         // This disables the builds tools automatic vector -> PNG generation
     15         generatedDensities = []
     16     }
     17 }
     19 supportLibrary {
     20     name 'Android Support Library v4'
     21     publish true
     22     inceptionYear '2011'
     23     description "The Support Library is a static library that you can add to your Android application in order to use APIs that are either not available for older platform versions or utility APIs that aren't a part of the framework APIs. Compatible on devices running API 14 or later."
     24 }