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      1 /*
      2  * Copyright (C) 2016 The Android Open Source Project
      3  *
      4  * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
      5  * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
      6  * You may obtain a copy of the License at
      7  *
      8  *      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
      9  *
     10  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
     11  * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
     12  * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
     13  * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
     14  * limitations under the License.
     15  */
     17 package android.hardware.keymaster@3.0;
     19 enum TagType : uint32_t {
     20     INVALID = 0 << 28, /** Invalid type, used to designate a tag as uninitialized */
     21     ENUM = 1 << 28,
     22     ENUM_REP = 2 << 28, /** Repeatable enumeration value. */
     23     UINT = 3 << 28,
     24     UINT_REP = 4 << 28, /** Repeatable integer value */
     25     ULONG = 5 << 28,
     26     DATE = 6 << 28,
     27     BOOL = 7 << 28,
     28     BIGNUM = 8 << 28,
     29     BYTES = 9 << 28,
     30     ULONG_REP = 10 << 28, /** Repeatable long value */
     31 };
     33 enum Tag : uint32_t {
     34     INVALID = TagType:INVALID | 0,
     36     /**
     37      * Tags that must be semantically enforced by hardware and software implementations.
     38      */
     40     /** Crypto parameters */
     41     PURPOSE = TagType:ENUM_REP | 1,    /** KeyPurpose. */
     42     ALGORITHM = TagType:ENUM | 2,      /** Algorithm. */
     43     KEY_SIZE = TagType:UINT | 3,       /** Key size in bits. */
     44     BLOCK_MODE = TagType:ENUM_REP | 4, /** BlockMode. */
     45     DIGEST = TagType:ENUM_REP | 5,     /** Digest. */
     46     PADDING = TagType:ENUM_REP | 6,    /** PaddingMode. */
     47     CALLER_NONCE = TagType:BOOL | 7,   /** Allow caller to specify nonce or IV. */
     48     MIN_MAC_LENGTH = TagType:UINT | 8, /* Minimum length of MAC or AEAD authentication tag in
     49                                         * bits. */
     50     KDF = TagType:ENUM_REP | 9,        /** KeyDerivationFunction. */
     51     EC_CURVE = TagType:ENUM | 10,      /** EcCurve. */
     53     /** Algorithm-specific. */
     54     RSA_PUBLIC_EXPONENT = TagType:ULONG | 200,
     55     ECIES_SINGLE_HASH_MODE = TagType:BOOL | 201, /* Whether the ephemeral public key is fed into the
     56                                                   * KDF. */
     57     INCLUDE_UNIQUE_ID = TagType:BOOL | 202,      /* If true, attestation certificates for this key
     58                                                   * will contain an application-scoped and
     59                                                   * time-bounded device-unique ID.*/
     61     /** Other hardware-enforced. */
     62     BLOB_USAGE_REQUIREMENTS = TagType:ENUM | 301, /** KeyBlobUsageRequirements. */
     63     BOOTLOADER_ONLY = TagType:BOOL | 302,         /** Usable only by bootloader. */
     65     /**
     66      * Tags that should be semantically enforced by hardware if possible and will otherwise be
     67      * enforced by software (keystore).
     68      */
     70     /** Key validity period */
     71     ACTIVE_DATETIME = TagType:DATE | 400,             /** Start of validity. */
     72     ORIGINATION_EXPIRE_DATETIME = TagType:DATE | 401, /* Date when new "messages" should no longer
     73                                                        * be created. */
     74     USAGE_EXPIRE_DATETIME = TagType:DATE | 402,       /* Date when existing "messages" should no
     75                                                        * longer be trusted. */
     76     MIN_SECONDS_BETWEEN_OPS = TagType:UINT | 403,     /* Minimum elapsed time between
     77                                                        * cryptographic operations with the key. */
     78     MAX_USES_PER_BOOT = TagType:UINT | 404,           /* Number of times the key can be used per
     79                                                        * boot. */
     81     /** User authentication */
     82     ALL_USERS = TagType:BOOL | 500,           /** Reserved for future use -- ignore. */
     83     USER_ID = TagType:UINT | 501,             /** Reserved for future use -- ignore. */
     84     USER_SECURE_ID = TagType:ULONG_REP | 502, /* Secure ID of authorized user or authenticator(s).
     85                                                * Disallowed if ALL_USERS or NO_AUTH_REQUIRED is
     86                                                * present. */
     87     NO_AUTH_REQUIRED = TagType:BOOL | 503,    /** If key is usable without authentication. */
     88     USER_AUTH_TYPE = TagType:ENUM | 504,      /* Bitmask of authenticator types allowed when
     89                                                * USER_SECURE_ID contains a secure user ID, rather
     90                                                * than a secure authenticator ID.  Defined in
     91                                                * HardwareAuthenticatorType. */
     92     AUTH_TIMEOUT = TagType:UINT | 505,        /* Required freshness of user authentication for
     93                                                * private/secret key operations, in seconds.  Public
     94                                                * key operations require no authentication.  If
     95                                                * absent, authentication is required for every use.
     96                                                * Authentication state is lost when the device is
     97                                                * powered off. */
     98     ALLOW_WHILE_ON_BODY = TagType:BOOL | 506, /* Allow key to be used after authentication timeout
     99                                                * if device is still on-body (requires secure on-body
    100                                                * sensor. */
    102     /** Application access control */
    103     ALL_APPLICATIONS = TagType:BOOL | 600, /* Specified to indicate key is usable by all
    104                                             * applications. */
    105     APPLICATION_ID = TagType:BYTES | 601,  /** Byte string identifying the authorized application. */
    106     EXPORTABLE = TagType:BOOL | 602,       /* If true, private/secret key can be exported, but only
    107                                             * if all access control requirements for use are
    108                                             * met. (keymaster2) */
    110     /**
    111      * Semantically unenforceable tags, either because they have no specific meaning or because
    112      * they're informational only.
    113      */
    114     APPLICATION_DATA = TagType:BYTES | 700,      /** Data provided by authorized application. */
    115     CREATION_DATETIME = TagType:DATE | 701,      /** Key creation time */
    116     ORIGIN = TagType:ENUM | 702,                 /** keymaster_key_origin_t. */
    117     ROLLBACK_RESISTANT = TagType:BOOL | 703,     /** Whether key is rollback-resistant. */
    118     ROOT_OF_TRUST = TagType:BYTES | 704,         /** Root of trust ID. */
    119     OS_VERSION = TagType:UINT | 705,             /** Version of system (keymaster2) */
    120     OS_PATCHLEVEL = TagType:UINT | 706,          /** Patch level of system (keymaster2) */
    121     UNIQUE_ID = TagType:BYTES | 707,             /** Used to provide unique ID in attestation */
    122     ATTESTATION_CHALLENGE = TagType:BYTES | 708, /** Used to provide challenge in attestation */
    123     ATTESTATION_APPLICATION_ID = TagType:BYTES | 709, /* Used to identify the set of possible
    124                                                        * applications of which one has initiated a
    125                                                        * key attestation */
    126     ATTESTATION_ID_BRAND = TagType:BYTES | 710,  /* Used to provide the device's brand name to be
    127                                                     included in attestation */
    128     ATTESTATION_ID_DEVICE = TagType:BYTES | 711, /* Used to provide the device's device name to be
    129                                                     included in attestation */
    130     ATTESTATION_ID_PRODUCT = TagType:BYTES | 712, /* Used to provide the device's product name to be
    131                                                      included in attestation */
    132     ATTESTATION_ID_SERIAL = TagType:BYTES | 713, /* Used to provide the device's serial number to be
    133                                                     included in attestation */
    134     ATTESTATION_ID_IMEI = TagType:BYTES | 714,   /* Used to provide the device's IMEI to be included
    135                                                     in attestation */
    136     ATTESTATION_ID_MEID = TagType:BYTES | 715,   /* Used to provide the device's MEID to be included
    137                                                     in attestation */
    138     ATTESTATION_ID_MANUFACTURER = TagType:BYTES | 716, /* Used to provide the device's manufacturer
    139                                                           name to be included in attestation */
    140     ATTESTATION_ID_MODEL = TagType:BYTES | 717,  /* Used to provide the device's model name to be
    141                                                     included in attestation */
    143     /** Tags used only to provide data to or receive data from operations */
    144     ASSOCIATED_DATA = TagType:BYTES | 1000, /** Used to provide associated data for AEAD modes. */
    145     NONCE = TagType:BYTES | 1001,           /** Nonce or Initialization Vector */
    146     AUTH_TOKEN = TagType:BYTES | 1002,      /* Authentication token that proves secure user
    147                                              * authentication has been performed.  Structure defined
    148                                              * in hw_auth_token_t in hw_auth_token.h. */
    149     MAC_LENGTH = TagType:UINT | 1003,       /** MAC or AEAD authentication tag length in bits. */
    151     RESET_SINCE_ID_ROTATION = TagType:BOOL | 1004, /* Whether the device has beeen factory reset
    152                                                     * since the last unique ID rotation.  Used for
    153                                                     * key attestation. */
    154 };
    156 enum Algorithm : uint32_t {
    157     /** Asymmetric algorithms. */
    158     RSA = 1,
    159     // DSA = 2, -- Removed, do not re-use value 2.
    160     EC = 3,
    162     /** Block ciphers algorithms */
    163     AES = 32,
    165     /** MAC algorithms */
    166     HMAC = 128,
    167 };
    169 /**
    170  * Symmetric block cipher modes provided by keymaster implementations.
    171  */
    172 enum BlockMode : uint32_t {
    173     /**
    174      * Unauthenticated modes, usable only for encryption/decryption and not generally recommended
    175      * except for compatibility with existing other protocols. */
    176     ECB = 1,
    177     CBC = 2,
    178     CTR = 3,
    180     /**
    181      * Authenticated modes, usable for encryption/decryption and signing/verification.  Recommended
    182      * over unauthenticated modes for all purposes. */
    183     GCM = 32,
    184 };
    186 /**
    187  * Padding modes that may be applied to plaintext for encryption operations.  This list includes
    188  * padding modes for both symmetric and asymmetric algorithms.  Note that implementations should not
    189  * provide all possible combinations of algorithm and padding, only the
    190  * cryptographically-appropriate pairs.
    191  */
    192 enum PaddingMode : uint32_t {
    193     NONE = 1, /** deprecated */
    194     RSA_OAEP = 2,
    195     RSA_PSS = 3,
    196     RSA_PKCS1_1_5_ENCRYPT = 4,
    197     RSA_PKCS1_1_5_SIGN = 5,
    198     PKCS7 = 64,
    199 };
    201 /**
    202  * Digests provided by keymaster implementations.
    203  */
    204 enum Digest : uint32_t {
    205     NONE = 0,
    206     MD5 = 1, /* Optional, may not be implemented in hardware, will be handled in software if
    207               * needed. */
    208     SHA1 = 2,
    209     SHA_2_224 = 3,
    210     SHA_2_256 = 4,
    211     SHA_2_384 = 5,
    212     SHA_2_512 = 6,
    213 };
    215 /**
    216  * Supported EC curves, used in ECDSA
    217  */
    218 enum EcCurve : uint32_t {
    219     P_224 = 0,
    220     P_256 = 1,
    221     P_384 = 2,
    222     P_521 = 3,
    223 };
    225 /**
    226  * The origin of a key (or pair), i.e. where it was generated.  Note that ORIGIN can be found in
    227  * either the hardware-enforced or software-enforced list for a key, indicating whether the key is
    228  * hardware or software-based.  Specifically, a key with GENERATED in the hardware-enforced list is
    229  * guaranteed never to have existed outide the secure hardware.
    230  */
    231 enum KeyOrigin : uint32_t {
    232     GENERATED = 0, /** Generated in keymaster.  Should not exist outside the TEE. */
    233     DERIVED = 1,   /** Derived inside keymaster.  Likely exists off-device. */
    234     IMPORTED = 2,  /** Imported into keymaster.  Existed as cleartext in Android. */
    235     UNKNOWN = 3,   /* Keymaster did not record origin.  This value can only be seen on keys in a
    236                     * keymaster0 implementation.  The keymaster0 adapter uses this value to document
    237                     * the fact that it is unkown whether the key was generated inside or imported
    238                     * into keymaster. */
    239 };
    241 /**
    242  * Usability requirements of key blobs.  This defines what system functionality must be available
    243  * for the key to function.  For example, key "blobs" which are actually handles referencing
    244  * encrypted key material stored in the file system cannot be used until the file system is
    245  * available, and should have BLOB_REQUIRES_FILE_SYSTEM.  Other requirements entries will be added
    246  * as needed for implementations.
    247  */
    248 enum KeyBlobUsageRequirements : uint32_t {
    249     STANDALONE = 0,
    250     REQUIRES_FILE_SYSTEM = 1,
    251 };
    253 /**
    254  * Possible purposes of a key (or pair).
    255  */
    256 enum KeyPurpose : uint32_t {
    257     ENCRYPT = 0,    /** Usable with RSA, EC and AES keys. */
    258     DECRYPT = 1,    /** Usable with RSA, EC and AES keys. */
    259     SIGN = 2,       /** Usable with RSA, EC and HMAC keys. */
    260     VERIFY = 3,     /** Usable with RSA, EC and HMAC keys. */
    261     DERIVE_KEY = 4, /** Usable with EC keys. */
    262     WRAP_KEY = 5,   /** Usable with wrapping keys. */
    263 };
    265 /**
    266  * Keymaster error codes.
    267  */
    268 enum ErrorCode : uint32_t {
    269     OK = 0,
    270     ROOT_OF_TRUST_ALREADY_SET = -1,
    271     UNSUPPORTED_PURPOSE = -2,
    272     INCOMPATIBLE_PURPOSE = -3,
    275     UNSUPPORTED_KEY_SIZE = -6,
    276     UNSUPPORTED_BLOCK_MODE = -7,
    278     UNSUPPORTED_MAC_LENGTH = -9,
    281     UNSUPPORTED_DIGEST = -12,
    282     INCOMPATIBLE_DIGEST = -13,
    283     INVALID_EXPIRATION_TIME = -14,
    284     INVALID_USER_ID = -15,
    286     UNSUPPORTED_KEY_FORMAT = -17,
    287     INCOMPATIBLE_KEY_FORMAT = -18,
    290     INVALID_INPUT_LENGTH = -21,
    292     DELEGATION_NOT_ALLOWED = -23,
    293     KEY_NOT_YET_VALID = -24,
    294     KEY_EXPIRED = -25,
    296     OUTPUT_PARAMETER_NULL = -27,
    299     VERIFICATION_FAILED = -30,
    300     TOO_MANY_OPERATIONS = -31,
    301     UNEXPECTED_NULL_POINTER = -32,
    302     INVALID_KEY_BLOB = -33,
    305     IMPORTED_KEY_NOT_SIGNED = -36,
    307     INVALID_ARGUMENT = -38,
    308     UNSUPPORTED_TAG = -39,
    309     INVALID_TAG = -40,
    312     SECURE_HW_ACCESS_DENIED = -45,
    313     OPERATION_CANCELLED = -46,
    315     SECURE_HW_BUSY = -48,
    317     UNSUPPORTED_EC_FIELD = -50,
    318     MISSING_NONCE = -51,
    319     INVALID_NONCE = -52,
    320     MISSING_MAC_LENGTH = -53,
    321     KEY_RATE_LIMIT_EXCEEDED = -54,
    322     CALLER_NONCE_PROHIBITED = -55,
    323     KEY_MAX_OPS_EXCEEDED = -56,
    324     INVALID_MAC_LENGTH = -57,
    325     MISSING_MIN_MAC_LENGTH = -58,
    327     UNSUPPORTED_KDF = -60,
    328     UNSUPPORTED_EC_CURVE = -61,
    329     KEY_REQUIRES_UPGRADE = -62,
    333     CANNOT_ATTEST_IDS = -66,
    335     UNIMPLEMENTED = -100,
    336     VERSION_MISMATCH = -101,
    338     UNKNOWN_ERROR = -1000,
    339 };
    341 /**
    342  * Key derivation functions, mostly used in ECIES.
    343  */
    344 enum KeyDerivationFunction : uint32_t {
    345     /** Do not apply a key derivation function; use the raw agreed key */
    346     NONE = 0,
    347     /** HKDF defined in RFC 5869 with SHA256 */
    348     RFC5869_SHA256 = 1,
    349     /** KDF1 defined in ISO 18033-2 with SHA1 */
    350     ISO18033_2_KDF1_SHA1 = 2,
    351     /** KDF1 defined in ISO 18033-2 with SHA256 */
    352     ISO18033_2_KDF1_SHA256 = 3,
    353     /** KDF2 defined in ISO 18033-2 with SHA1 */
    354     ISO18033_2_KDF2_SHA1 = 4,
    355     /** KDF2 defined in ISO 18033-2 with SHA256 */
    356     ISO18033_2_KDF2_SHA256 = 5,
    357 };
    359 /**
    360  * Hardware authentication type, used by HardwareAuthTokens to specify the mechanism used to
    361  * authentiate the user, and in KeyCharacteristics to specify the allowable mechanisms for
    362  * authenticating to activate a key.
    363  */
    364 enum HardwareAuthenticatorType : uint32_t {
    365     NONE = 0,
    366     PASSWORD = 1 << 0,
    367     FINGERPRINT = 1 << 1,
    368     // Additional entries must be powers of 2.
    369     ANY = 0xFFFFFFFF,
    370 };
    372 struct KeyParameter {
    373     /**
    374      * Discriminates the uinon/blob field used.  The blob cannot be coincided with the union, but
    375      * only one of "f" and "blob" is ever used at a time. */
    376     Tag tag;
    377     union IntegerParams {
    378         /** Enum types */
    379         Algorithm algorithm;
    380         BlockMode blockMode;
    381         PaddingMode paddingMode;
    382         Digest digest;
    383         EcCurve ecCurve;
    384         KeyOrigin origin;
    385         KeyBlobUsageRequirements keyBlobUsageRequirements;
    386         KeyPurpose purpose;
    387         KeyDerivationFunction keyDerivationFunction;
    388         HardwareAuthenticatorType hardwareAuthenticatorType;
    390         /** Other types */
    391         bool boolValue;  // Always true, if a boolean tag is present.
    392         uint32_t integer;
    393         uint64_t longInteger;
    394         uint64_t dateTime;
    395     };
    396     IntegerParams f;  // Hidl does not support anonymous unions, so we have to name it.
    397     vec<uint8_t> blob;
    398 };
    400 struct KeyCharacteristics {
    401     vec<KeyParameter> softwareEnforced;
    402     vec<KeyParameter> teeEnforced;
    403 };
    405 /**
    406  * Data used to prove successful authentication.
    407  */
    408 struct HardwareAuthToken {
    409     uint64_t challenge;
    410     uint64_t userId;             // Secure User ID, not Android user ID.
    411     uint64_t authenticatorId;    // Secure authenticator ID.
    412     uint32_t authenticatorType;  // HardwareAuthenticatorType, in network order.
    413     uint64_t timestamp;          // In network order.
    414     uint8_t[32] hmac;            // HMAC is computed over 0 || challenge || user_id ||
    415                                  // authenticator_id || authenticator_type || timestamp, with a
    416                                  // prefixed 0 byte (which was a version field in Keymaster1 and
    417                                  // Keymaster2) and the fields packed (no padding; so you probably
    418                                  // can't just compute over the bytes of the struct).
    419 };
    421 enum SecurityLevel : uint32_t {
    422     SOFTWARE = 0,
    423     TRUSTED_ENVIRONMENT = 1,
    424 };
    426 /**
    427  * Formats for key import and export.
    428  */
    429 enum KeyFormat : uint32_t {
    430     X509 = 0,  /** for public key export */
    431     PKCS8 = 1, /** for asymmetric key pair import */
    432     RAW = 3,   /* for symmetric key import and export*/
    433 };
    435 typedef uint64_t OperationHandle;