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ioctl __aeabi_unwind_cpp_pr1 strdup strtok free asprintf opendir __errno strcmp fopen printf fscanf puts fclose readdir closedir strlen malloc strndup sprintf fprintf fputs __aeabi_i2f __aeabi_f2iz strcat strncmp __stack_chk_fail __stack_chk_guard setbuf __sF __aeabi_uidivmod __aeabi_ui2f __aeabi_fadd __aeabi_fmul __aeabi_f2d __aeabi_fcmpeq __aeabi_l2f putchar fread fwrite fputc inv_load_dmp inv_get_tick_count open close read poll __aeabi_idiv setvbuf inv_get_sysfs_path inv_get_chip_name exit tolower strtoul getopt find_type_by_name usleep optarg __libc_init __cxa_atexit _edata __bss_start _end libc.so libm.so libutils.so libcutils.so libdl.so libstdc++.so liblog.so libz.so libmplmpu.so libmllite.so /sd/ussjc-ujbuild-kitkat01/android-4.4_r1/out/target/product/hammerhead/obj/lib:/sd/ussjc-ujbuild-kitkat01/android-4.4_r1/out/target/product/hammerhead/system/lib 
/sys/bus/iio/devices/ _ %s/scan_elements %s_type %s/%s r failed to open %s %ce:%c%u/%u>>%u failed to pass scan type description %s_%s %f _en %u %s/%s_index scale offset VERB: echo %d > %s w %d VERB: cat %s = %d Possible failure in int write %d to %s Memory allocation failed Could not open %s could not open file to verify %s Possible failure in string write of %s Should be %s written to %s%s %d %f accel anglvel quaternion %d, %05f %d %lld flick:%s flick_int_on flick_upper flick_lower flick_counter flick_message_on flick_axis rb Result=%d /dev/read_img.h wt char rec[]={ 0x%02x, }; INFO: sysfs path=%s power_state in_accel_scale in_anglvel_scale sampling_frequency firmware_loaded %s/dmp_firmware wb INFO: firmware_loaded=%d dmp_on dmp_int_on orientation_on dmp_event_int_on flick=%x display_orientation=%x motion=%x orientation= +X, -X, +Y, -Y, +Z, -Z, flip tap= #%d pedometer_steps pedometer_time p> pedometer=%d, %ld (resumed) p> pedometer=%d, %ld dmp_feat structure content: %d - %s : %d dmp_feat[i].enabled %s : %s dmp_feat[i].sysfs_name %s : %p dmp_feat[i].phandler dmp_feat[i].pollfd dmp_feat[i].pollfd->events dmp_feat[i].pollfd->revents dmp_feat[i].pollfd->fd pollfds[i].fd pollfds[i].events pollfds[i].revents end. Err: cannot open requested event file '%s' INFO: opened event node '%s' e> rt Err:cannot open requested event file '%s' get chip name fail INFO: chip_name=%s INFO: device name=%s l:w:c:premavt: INFO INFO: Configured features: INFO: %d -> %s iio:device Failed to find the %s INFO: iio device number=%d %siio:device%d %s-dev%d master_enable buffer/enable motion_lpa_on motion_lpa_threshold motion_lpa_freq trigger Failed to find the trigger %s INFO: iio trigger number=%d %siio:device%d/buffer trigger/current_trigger Failed to write current_trigger file length gyro_enable accel_enable three_axes_q_on Problem reading scan element information enable /dev/iio:device%d Failed to open %s nothing available event_orientation event_accel_motion event_flick 
, l 
GCC: (GNU) 4.6.x-google 20120106 (prerelease) GCC: (GNU) 4.7 
mpu_iio.c $a tcgetattr $d tcsetattr iioutils_break_up_name accel_only test_motion test_flick test_pedometer test_orientation dmp_feat pollfds pollfds_used initialized.4902 STDIN.4901 last_pedometer_poll.4987 pedometer_poll_timeout.4988 last_pedometer_steps.4985 last_pedometer_time.4986 got_event.5024 crtbegin.c crtbrand.c abitag _start __dso_handle atexit _DYNAMIC _GLOBAL_OFFSET_TABLE_ ioctl __aeabi_unwind_cpp_pr1 iio_dir strdup strtok free iioutils_get_type asprintf opendir __errno strcmp fopen printf fscanf puts fclose readdir closedir iioutils_get_param_float bsort_channel_array_by_index build_channel_array strlen malloc strndup _write_sysfs_int sprintf fprintf verbose write_sysfs_int write_sysfs_int_and_verify _write_sysfs_string fputs write_sysfs_string_and_verify read_sysfs_posint __aeabi_i2f __aeabi_f2iz enable_se strcat strncmp __stack_chk_fail __stack_chk_guard enable_accel_se enable_anglvel_se enable_quaternion_se dev_dir_name buf_dir_name features _kbhit setbuf __sF __aeabi_uidivmod size_from_channelarray __aeabi_ui2f __aeabi_fadd __aeabi_fmul __aeabi_f2d print2byte __aeabi_fcmpeq __aeabi_l2f process_scan putchar enable_flick fread fwrite fputc setup_dmp inv_load_dmp handle_flick handle_motion handle_orientation handle_pedometer inv_get_tick_count init_dmp_event_fds open close_dmp_event_fds close poll_dmp_event_fds read poll __aeabi_idiv main setvbuf inv_get_sysfs_path inv_get_chip_name exit tolower strtoul getopt find_type_by_name usleep optarg __PREINIT_ARRAY__ __INIT_ARRAY__ __FINI_ARRAY__ __libc_init __cxa_atexit _edata __bss_start _end 
.preinit_array .init_array .fini_array .ARM.exidx .text .got .comment .note.android.ident .rel.plt .bss .ARM.attributes .dynstr .interp .rel.dyn .note.gnu.gold-version .dynsym .hash .dynamic .ARM.extab .shstrtab .strtab .symtab .rodata .data