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      1 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
      2 <!--
      3 /*
      4 ** Copyright 2015, The Android Open Source Project
      5 **
      6 ** Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
      7 ** you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
      8 ** You may obtain a copy of the License at
      9 **
     10 **     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
     11 **
     12 ** Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
     13 ** distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
     14 ** WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
     15 ** See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
     16 ** limitations under the License.
     17 */
     18 -->
     20 <!-- Resources to configure car service based on each OEM's preference. -->
     22 <resources xmlns:xliff="urn:oasis:names:tc:xliff:document:1.2">
     23     <!-- Audio routing policy for all H/W variants. Each item represents policy for one variant.
     25          Each item is defined in this format:
     26          physicalStreamNumber:(streamType,)*StreamType#physicalStreamNumber:...
     28            Stream type is logical stream type to route to the physical stream. Currently defined
     29            types are: call, media, nav_guidance, voice_command, alarm, notification, system, safety,
     30              and unknown
     31                unknown is for stream not tagged with specific contents.
     32            physicalStreamNumber should be [0, maxNumberOfPhysicalStream - 1].
     33          There is no "radio" as radio routing is outside android (for external module) or same as
     34          music (for android internal module)
     35 		 OEM can put multiple policies as item and VEHICLE_PROPERTY_AUDIO_HW_VARIANT in vehicle HAL
     36 		 can decide which policy to use for the given H/W. This allows OEMs to support multiple
     37 		 audio policy from single android S/W by detecting system's audio capability in
     38 		 vehicle HAL.-->
     39     <string-array translatable="false" name="audioRoutingPolicy">
     40         <!--  alll logical streams into single physical stream 0. -->
     41         <item>"0:call,media,radio,nav_guidance,voice_command,alarm,notification,system,safety,unknown"</item>
     42         <!--  call and media to physical stream 0 while all others go to physical stream 1 -->
     43         <item>"0:call,media,radio,unknown#1:nav_guidance,voice_command,alarm,notification,system,safety"</item>
     44     </string-array>
     45     <!-- Timeout value in Ms for audio focus wait. Audio focus request not responsed within
     46          this value will be treated as timeout and audio focus will be reset to LOSS state. -->
     47     <integer name="audioFocusWaitTimeoutMs">1000</integer>
     48     <!--  Configuration to enable usage of dynamic audio routing. If this is set to false,
     49           dynamic audio routing is disabled and audio works in legacy mode. It may be useful
     50           during initial development where audio hal does not support bus based addressing yet. -->
     51     <bool name="audioUseDynamicRouting">true</bool>
     52     <!-- Number of audio focus timeouts that indicate vehicle CAN bus failure. -->
     53     <integer name="consecutiveHalFailures">3</integer>
     54     <!-- Whether to block other audio while media audio is muted with display off. When set to true,
     55          other sounds cannot be played either while display is off. If false, only media is muted
     56          and other sounds can be still played. -->
     57     <bool name="displayOffMuteLockAllAudio">true</bool>
     59     <string name="inputService">android.car.input.service/.DefaultInputService</string>
     61     <string name="instrumentClusterRendererService">android.car.cluster.sample/.SampleClusterServiceImpl</string>
     63     <!--  Whether to enable Avtivity blocking for safety. When Activity blocking is enabled,
     64           only whitelisted safe Activities will be allowed while car is not parked. -->
     65     <bool name="enableActivityBlockingForSafety">true</bool>
     66     <!--  Activity to be presented when un-safe activity is launched. Take a look at the javadoc of the
     67           default implementation. -->
     68     <string name="activityBlockingActivity">com.android.car/com.android.car.pm.ActivityBlockingActivity</string>
     69     <!--  Comma separated list of activities that will be allowed by default. This only applies to
     70           system apps which is included into system image and non-system app in the list will be
     71           ignored. Format of each entry is either to specify package name to whitelist the whole
     72           package or use format of "packagename/activity_classname" for tagging each activities.
     73           Besides this, system apps with car app meta data will be auto whitelisted. -->
     74     <string name="defauiltActivityWhitelist">android,com.android.systemui</string>
     75     <!-- Default home activity -->
     76     <string name="defaultHomeActivity">com.android.car.overview/com.android.car.overview.StreamOverviewActivity</string>
     77 </resources>