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      1 Change log for Android SDK Tools.
      3 Revision 22.2.1:
      4 - Emergency fix to new project templates.
      6 Revision 22.2.0:
      8 Revision 22:
     10 Revision 20:
     11 - Ant build system:
     12 - Ant build system:
     13    * the location of the SDK can now be set through the ANDROID_HOME
     14      environment variable (requires updating the project's build.xml file)
     15    * Fixed issues with compilation, deployment of test projects and running tests.
     16      Both separate test projects and self-contained app+test projects now work.
     17    * Aidl files from library projects are now in the import list.
     19 Revision 19:
     20 - Fix GPU rendering
     22 Revision 18:
     23 * Fix Ant issues where some jar libraries in libs/ are not picked in some
     24   cases
     25 * New version of SdkController
     27 Revision 17:
     28 * Bug fixes.
     29 * ProGuard updated to version 4.7. In addition to many new features,
     30   this will fix the "Conversion to Dalvik format failed with error 1"
     31   error some users have experienced.
     32 * The default proguard.cfg file has been updated with better
     33   flags.
     34 * Lint now checks Java code, and checks which previously performed
     35   pattern based searches in the Java code (such as the unused resource
     36   check) have been rewritten to use the more accurate Java parse
     37   trees.
     38 * Lint supports library projects, so for example the unused resource
     39   check will properly handle resources declared in a library project
     40   and referenced in a downstream project.
     41 * Lint warnings can be suppressed in Java code with the new
     42   @SuppressLint annotation, and in XML files with the new tools:
     43   namespace and ignore-attribute.
     44 * New lint checks:
     45   * Find Android API calls that require a version of Android higher
     46     than the minimum supported version. You can use the new @TargetApi
     47     annotation to specify local overrides for conditionally loaded
     48     code.
     49   * Find object allocations within onDraw, onMeasure and onLayout
     50     calls
     51   * Find usages of HashMap<Integer,X> which can be replaced by the
     52     more efficient SparseArray, SparseIntArray or SparseBooleanArray
     53   * Find typos in XML namespace declarations, as well as unused custom
     54     namespace declarations and usages of custom namespaces in library
     55     projects which do not yet work
     56   * Find manifest files which declare more than one <uses-sdk>
     57     elements, or which fail to declare minSdkVersion or
     58     targetSdkVersion
     59   * Check dialog button order such that OK/Cancel are in the right
     60     order (depending on the target version of Android), that they are
     61     using the standard case ("OK", not "Ok" or "ok" etc), and that
     62     there aren't any Back buttons.
     63   * Check menus to ensure that they are using "ifRoom" instead of
     64     "always" for the showAsAction attribute (unless it's used
     65     sparingly)
     66   * Find hardcoded android:debuggable attributes on <application>
     67     elements. This can lead to accidentally leaving debug information
     68     in published applications.
     69   * Find errors in format strings. This includes inconsistencies
     70     between translated versions, as well as incompatible types
     71     declared in XML and supplied in the String.format call in Java.
     72   * Find incorrect casts in Java code where the cast is incompatible
     73     with the view type declared in XML layouts.
     74   * Find hardcoded references to "/sdcard" in Java code; these should
     75     be using Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory().getPath()
     76     instead
     77   * Find "import android.R" statements in Java code, which can lead to
     78     confusing compilation error messages
     79   * Find Java code which creates world-writeable files (which can lead
     80     to security problems)
     81   * Find references to private resources (which can lead to runtime
     82     errors on devices that do not provide the resource, since private
     83     resources may disappear any time, and may not be present on all
     84     platforms.)
     85   * Find invalid @id references (where for example a RelativeLayout
     86     references an id that does not exist anywhere). If no match is
     87     found, it looks for spelling mistakes and suggests other similar
     88     ids in the error message.
     89   * Finds method calls to java.lang.Math where a float variable is
     90     cast to a double and/or the return value is cast to a float, and
     91     suggests replacing it with the equivalent android.util.FloatMath
     92     method.
     93   * Finds calls to a getter on the same class where a field could be
     94     accessed instead.
     95   * Find XML files using a different encoding format than UTF-8, since
     96     this can lead to subtle bugs (and lint was fixed to properly use
     97     the specified encoding)
     98   * Find XML resource files that contain text which should not be
     99     there (such as in layouts). This can identify accidentally
    100     malformed documents which happen to be valid XML, such as a
    101     missing "<" tag opening character.
    102   * Find style references which lead to cycles, such as extending
    103     self.
    105 Revision 16:
    106 * New "lint" tool which scans Android project trees for potential
    107   problems such as missing translations, duplicate ids between layouts
    108   that include each other, using px instead of dp units, hardcoded
    109   strings, missing contentDescriptions, obsolete Proguard
    110   configuration files, etc. For a full list of available issues run
    111   "lint --show" (and see eclipse/changes.txt for further details).
    112 * layoutopt was removed; its functionality is replaced by the new lint
    113   tool
    115 Revision 14:
    117 - Build performance improvements:
    118    * resource compilation and packaging now properly use dependency to only
    119      be executed if a resource changed.
    120    * Optimized resource compilation for projects with libraries. This should
    121      speed up this phase significantly for large projects with libraries.
    122    * PNG files that are optimized during resource packaging are now cached
    123      and only re-optimized if they changed instead of doing at every build.
    124 - New library project mechanism:
    125    *
    127 Revision 13:
    129 Revision 12: (07/2011):
    130 - The AVD manager and emulator can now use system images compiled for ARM v7 and
    131   x86 CPUs.
    133 Revision 11 (05/2011):
    134 - See eclipse/changes.txt for ADT related changes.
    136 Revision 10 (02/2011):
    137 - The tools now automatically generate Java Programming Language
    138   source files (in the gen directory) and bytecode (in the res/raw
    139   directory) from your native .rs files
    141 Revision 9 (01/2011):
    142 - Fix packaging issue that broke draw9patch
    143 - Ant build rules will now check the Ant version and fail if it's older than 1.8
    144 - Fix "folder locked" errors when installing packages in SDK Manager on Windows.
    145 - Support https proxy when installing from SDK Manager.
    146 - SDK Manager now suggests to install missing base platform for add-ons.
    147 - Default proguard config file changes:
    148    * ignore classes extending android.preference.Preference
    149    * ignore classes extending android.app.backup.BackupAgentHelper
    150 - Ant lib rules now allow for overriding java.encoding, java.source, and java.target
    151 - Default encoding for Ant javac is now UTF-8
    152 - Logcat view in DDMS now properly displays UTF-8 characters.
    155 Revision 8 (12/2010):
    156 - New SDK component: platform-tools. This makes all platforms use the same
    157   latest version of aapt/aidl/dx.
    158 - Support for true debug build. No need to change the value of debuggable in
    159   the Android Manifest.
    160   "ant debug" will automatically insert debuggable==true, while "ant release"
    161   will not.
    162   If debuggable=true is set, then "ant release" will actually do a debug build.
    163 - Automatic Proguard support in release builds. Only need to have a proguard.config
    164   property in default.properties that points to a proguard config file.
    165 - new overridable Ant javac properties: java.encoding, java.source, and java.target
    166   (default to "ascii", "1.5" and "1.5")
    169 Revision 7 (09/2010):
    170 - Support for Ant rules provided by the Tools components (override the one in
    171   the platform component)
    172 - Added support for libraries with library dependencies.
    173 - Support for aidl files in library projects.
    174 - Support for extension targets in Ant build to perform tasks between the
    175   normal tasks: -pre-build, -pre-compile, -post-compile.
    176 - Headless SDK update. See 'android -h update sdk' for more info.
    177 - Fixed location control in DDMS to work in any locale not using '.' as a
    178   decimal point.
    181 Revision 6 (05/2010)
    182 - Support for library project to share code/resources among projects
    183     - Updated Ant rules and custom tasks
    184     - New "android create lib-project", "android update lib-project" actions.
    185     - New parameter for "android update project"
    188 Revision 5 (03/2010):
    189 - AVD/SDK Manager:
    190 	- Fixed SSL download for the standalone version of the SDK Updater.
    191 	- Fixed issue with 64bit JVM on windows.
    192 	- Add support for samples components.
    193 	- improved support for dependency between components.
    194 	- AVDs now sorted by API level.
    195 	- Prevent deletion of running AVDs.
    196 	- Settings are now automatically saved, no need to click Apply.
    197 - Emulator now requires sd card to be 9MB and above.
    198 - Fixed layoutopt.bat to correctly execute on Windows.