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      1 // Should be kept in sync with internal version.
      2 syntax = "proto2";
      4 package posting_service_rpc;
      6 option java_package = "com.android.test.metrics.proto";
      7 option java_outer_classname = "FileMetadataProto";
      9 // Represents a type of log
     10 enum LogType {
     11   UNKNOWN=0;
     12   BUGREPORT=1;
     13   BUGREPORTZ=2;
     14   COMPACT_MEMINFO=3;
     15   CPUINFO=4;
     16   DUMPSYS=5;
     17   GFXINFO=6;
     18   KERNEL=7;
     19   LOGCAT=8;
     20   MEMINFO=9;
     21   PROCRANK=10;
     22   SERVICES=11;
     23   TOP=12;
     24   // skip item 13 ERRORSTATS
     25   MUGSHOT=14;
     26 }
     28 // Represents a single log file
     29 message LogFile {
     30   // The name of the log file
     31   required string name = 2;
     32   // The type of the log file
     33   required LogType log_type = 3;
     34 }
     36 // Represents a collection of log metadata
     37 message FileMetadata {
     38   // The directory containing all of the LogFiles
     39   optional string directory = 2;
     41   // The included, parseable log files
     42   repeated LogFile log_files = 1;
     43 }