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      3 /*-------------------------------------------------------------------------
      4  * OpenGL Conformance Test Suite
      5  * -----------------------------
      6  *
      7  * Copyright (c) 2015-2016 The Khronos Group Inc.
      8  *
      9  * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
     10  * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
     11  * You may obtain a copy of the License at
     12  *
     13  *      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
     14  *
     15  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
     16  * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
     17  * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
     18  * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
     19  * limitations under the License.
     20  *
     21  */ /*!
     22  * \file
     23  * \brief
     24  */ /*-------------------------------------------------------------------*/
     26 /**
     27  */ /*!
     28  * \file  gl3cCullDistanceTests.hpp
     29  * \brief  Cull Distance Test Suite Interface
     30  */ /*-------------------------------------------------------------------*/
     32 #include "glcTestCase.hpp"
     33 #include "glwDefs.hpp"
     34 #include "tcuDefs.hpp"
     36 namespace glcts
     37 {
     38 namespace CullDistance
     39 {
     40 /** @brief Cull Distance Test utility class
     41  *
     42  *  This class contains utility static function members
     43  *  helpful to OpenGL shader template based construction
     44  *  and building process.
     45  */
     46 class Utilities
     47 {
     48 public:
     49 	/* Public static methods */
     50 	static void buildProgram(const glw::Functions& gl, tcu::TestContext& testCtx, const glw::GLchar* cs_body,
     51 							 const glw::GLchar* fs_body, const glw::GLchar* gs_body, const glw::GLchar* tc_body,
     52 							 const glw::GLchar* te_body, const glw::GLchar* vs_body, const glw::GLuint& n_tf_varyings,
     53 							 const glw::GLchar** tf_varyings, glw::GLuint* out_program);
     55 	static void replaceAll(std::string& str, const std::string& from, const std::string& to);
     57 	static std::string intToString(glw::GLint integer);
     58 };
     60 /** @brief Cull Distance API Coverage Test class
     61  *
     62  *  This class contains basic API coverage test,
     63  *  which check if the implementation provides
     64  *  basic cull distance structures:
     65  *
     66  *   * Checks that calling GetIntegerv with MAX_CULL_DISTANCES doesn't generate
     67  *    any errors and returns a value at least 8.
     68  *
     69  *   * Checks that calling GetIntegerv with MAX_COMBINED_CLIP_AND_CULL_DISTANCES
     70  *     doesn't generate any errors and returns a value at least 8.
     71  *
     72  *   * Checks that using the GLSL built-in constant gl_MaxCullDistance in any
     73  *     shader stage (including compute shader) compiles and links successfully
     74  *     and that the value of the built-in constant is at least 8.
     75  *
     76  *   * Checks that using the GLSL built-in constant gl_MaxCombinedClipAndCull-
     77  *     Distances in any shader stage (including compute shader) compiles and
     78  *     links successfully and that the value of the built-in constant is at
     79  *     least 8.
     80  */
     81 class APICoverageTest : public deqp::TestCase
     82 {
     83 public:
     84 	/* Public methods */
     85 	APICoverageTest(deqp::Context& context);
     87 protected:
     88 	/* Protected methods */
     89 	void						 deinit();
     90 	tcu::TestNode::IterateResult iterate();
     92 private:
     93 	/* Private fields */
     94 	glw::GLuint m_bo_id;
     95 	glw::GLuint m_cs_id;
     96 	glw::GLuint m_cs_to_id;
     97 	glw::GLuint m_fbo_draw_id;
     98 	glw::GLuint m_fbo_draw_to_id;
     99 	glw::GLuint m_fbo_read_id;
    100 	glw::GLuint m_fs_id;
    101 	glw::GLuint m_gs_id;
    102 	glw::GLuint m_po_id;
    103 	glw::GLuint m_tc_id;
    104 	glw::GLuint m_te_id;
    105 	glw::GLuint m_vao_id;
    106 	glw::GLuint m_vs_id;
    107 };
    109 /** @brief Cull Distance Functional Test class
    110  *
    111  *  This class contains functional test cases,
    112  *  which check if the implementation works
    113  *  in specified way. For each functional test:
    114  *    * Use the basic outline to test the basic functionality of cull distances.
    115  *    * Use the basic outline but don't redeclare gl_ClipDistance with a size.
    116  *    * Use the basic outline but don't redeclare gl_CullDistance with a size.
    117  *    * Use the basic outline but don't redeclare either gl_ClipDistance or
    118  *      gl_CullDistance with a size.
    119  *    * Use the basic outline but use dynamic indexing when writing the elements
    120  *      of the gl_ClipDistance and gl_CullDistance arrays.
    121  *    * Use the basic outline but add a geometry shader to the program that
    122  *      simply passes through all written clip and cull distances.
    123  *    * Use the basic outline but add a tessellation control and tessellation
    124  *      evaluation shader to the program which simply pass through all written
    125  *      clip and cull distances.
    126  *    * Test that using #extension with GL_ARB_cull_distance allows using the
    127  *      feature even with an earlier version of GLSL. Also test that the
    128  *      extension name is available as preprocessor #define.
    129  *  a basic outline is used to check the implementation:
    130  *    * Enable disjunct cull distances using Enable with CLIP_DISTANCE<i>.
    131  *    * Use a program that has only a vertex shader and a fragment shader.
    132  *      The vertex shader should redeclare gl_ClipDistance with a size that
    133  *      fits all enabled cull distances. Also redeclare gl_CullDistance with a
    134  *      size. The sum of the two sizes should not be more than MAX_COMBINED_-
    135  *      CLIP_AND_CULL_DISTANCES. The fragment shader should output the cull
    136  *      distances written by the vertex shader by reading them from the built-in
    137  *      array gl_CullDistance.
    138  *    * Write different positive and negative values for all the enabled clip
    139  *      distances to gl_ClipDistance in the vertex shader. Also write different
    140  *      positive and negative values for all the elements of gl_CullDistance.
    141  *      Use constant indices when writing to gl_ClipDistance and gl_CullDistance.
    142  *    * Render point, line and triangle primitives. Expect primitives that for
    143  *      a given index <i> all of their vertices have a negative value set for
    144  *      gl_CullDistance[i] to be discarded. Otherwise, they should be clipped
    145  *      according to the enabled clip distances as without this extension.
    146  *      Check the output image to make sure that the color output for each
    147  *      fragment matches the expected interpolated values of the written cull
    148  *      distances.
    149  * */
    150 class FunctionalTest : public deqp::TestCase
    151 {
    152 public:
    153 	/* Public methods */
    154 	FunctionalTest(deqp::Context& context);
    156 protected:
    157 	/* Protected methods */
    158 	void						 deinit();
    159 	tcu::TestNode::IterateResult iterate();
    161 private:
    162 	/* Private type definitions */
    163 	enum _primitive_mode
    164 	{
    170 	};
    172 	/* Private methods */
    173 	void buildPO(glw::GLuint clipdistances_array_size, glw::GLuint culldistances_array_size, bool dynamic_index_writes,
    174 				 _primitive_mode primitive_mode, bool redeclare_clipdistances, bool redeclare_culldistances,
    175 				 bool use_core_functionality, bool use_gs, bool use_ts, bool fetch_culldistance_from_fs);
    177 	void configureVAO(glw::GLuint clipdistances_array_size, glw::GLuint culldistances_array_size,
    178 					  _primitive_mode primitive_mode);
    180 	void deinitPO();
    182 	void executeRenderTest(glw::GLuint clipdistances_array_size, glw::GLuint culldistances_array_size,
    183 						   _primitive_mode primitive_mode, bool use_tesselation, bool fetch_culldistance_from_fs);
    185 	glw::GLint readRedPixelValue(glw::GLint x, glw::GLint y);
    187 	void readTexturePixels();
    189 	/* Private fields */
    190 	std::vector<glw::GLfloat> m_bo_data;
    191 	glw::GLuint				  m_bo_id;
    192 	glw::GLuint				  m_fbo_id;
    193 	glw::GLuint				  m_po_id;
    194 	glw::GLsizei			  m_render_primitives;
    195 	glw::GLsizei			  m_render_vertices;
    196 	glw::GLint				  m_sub_grid_cell_size;
    197 	glw::GLuint				  m_to_id;
    198 	glw::GLuint				  m_vao_id;
    200 	const glw::GLuint		   m_to_height;
    201 	const glw::GLuint		   m_to_width;
    202 	static const glw::GLuint   m_to_pixel_data_cache_color_components = 4;
    203 	std::vector<glw::GLushort> m_to_pixel_data_cache;
    204 };
    206 /** @brief Cull Distance Negative Test class
    207  *
    208  *  This class contains negative test cases,
    209  *  which check if the implementation returns
    210  *  properly in case of unsupport state
    211  *  configuration. Following cases are checked:
    212  *    * Use the basic outline but redeclare gl_ClipDistance and gl_CullDistance
    213  *      with sizes whose sum is more than MAX_COMBINED_CLIP_AND_CULL_DISTANCES.
    214  *      Expect a compile-time or link-time error.
    215  *    * Use the basic outline but don't redeclare gl_ClipDistance and/or
    216  *      gl_CullDistance with a size and statically write values to such elements
    217  *      of gl_ClipDistance and gl_CullDistance that the sum of these element
    218  *      indices is greater than MAX_COMBINED_CLIP_AND_CULL_DISTANCES minus two
    219  *      (the "minus two" part is needed because the indices are zero-based).
    220  *      Expect a compile-time or link-time error.
    221  *    * Use the basic outline but don't redeclare gl_ClipDistance and/or
    222  *      gl_CullDistance with a size and use dynamic indexing when writing their
    223  *      elements. Expect a compile-time or link-time error.
    224  */
    225 class NegativeTest : public deqp::TestCase
    226 {
    227 public:
    228 	/* Public methods */
    229 	NegativeTest(deqp::Context& context);
    231 protected:
    232 	/* Protected methods */
    233 	void						 deinit();
    234 	tcu::TestNode::IterateResult iterate();
    236 private:
    237 	/* Private methods */
    238 	std::string getTestDescription(glw::GLint n_test_iteration, bool should_redeclare_output_variables,
    239 								   bool use_dynamic_index_based_writes);
    241 	/* Private fields */
    242 	glw::GLuint  m_fs_id;
    243 	glw::GLuint  m_po_id;
    244 	glw::GLchar* m_temp_buffer;
    245 	glw::GLuint  m_vs_id;
    246 };
    248 /** @brief Grouping class for Cull Distance Tests */
    249 class Tests : public deqp::TestCaseGroup
    250 {
    251 public:
    252 	/* Public methods */
    253 	Tests(deqp::Context& context);
    255 	void init(void);
    257 private:
    258 	Tests(const CullDistance::Tests& other);
    259 	Tests& operator=(const CullDistance::Tests& other);
    260 };
    261 };
    262 /* CullDistance namespace */
    263 } /* glcts namespace */