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      2 /* =========================== Module _Qt =========================== */
      4 #include "Python.h"
      5 #include "pymactoolbox.h"
     11 /* Macro to test whether a weak-loaded CFM function exists */
     12 #define PyMac_PRECHECK(rtn) do { if ( &rtn == NULL )  {\
     13         PyErr_SetString(PyExc_NotImplementedError, \
     14             "Not available in this shared library/OS version"); \
     15         return NULL; \
     16     }} while(0)
     19 #include <QuickTime/QuickTime.h>
     23 extern PyObject *_TrackObj_New(Track);
     24 extern int _TrackObj_Convert(PyObject *, Track *);
     25 extern PyObject *_MovieObj_New(Movie);
     26 extern int _MovieObj_Convert(PyObject *, Movie *);
     27 extern PyObject *_MovieCtlObj_New(MovieController);
     28 extern int _MovieCtlObj_Convert(PyObject *, MovieController *);
     29 extern PyObject *_TimeBaseObj_New(TimeBase);
     30 extern int _TimeBaseObj_Convert(PyObject *, TimeBase *);
     31 extern PyObject *_UserDataObj_New(UserData);
     32 extern int _UserDataObj_Convert(PyObject *, UserData *);
     33 extern PyObject *_MediaObj_New(Media);
     34 extern int _MediaObj_Convert(PyObject *, Media *);
     36 #define TrackObj_New _TrackObj_New
     37 #define TrackObj_Convert _TrackObj_Convert
     38 #define MovieObj_New _MovieObj_New
     39 #define MovieObj_Convert _MovieObj_Convert
     40 #define MovieCtlObj_New _MovieCtlObj_New
     41 #define MovieCtlObj_Convert _MovieCtlObj_Convert
     42 #define TimeBaseObj_New _TimeBaseObj_New
     43 #define TimeBaseObj_Convert _TimeBaseObj_Convert
     44 #define UserDataObj_New _UserDataObj_New
     45 #define UserDataObj_Convert _UserDataObj_Convert
     46 #define MediaObj_New _MediaObj_New
     47 #define MediaObj_Convert _MediaObj_Convert
     48 #endif
     50 /* Macro to allow us to GetNextInterestingTime without duration */
     51 #define GetMediaNextInterestingTimeOnly(media, flags, time, rate, rv)                         GetMediaNextInterestingTime(media, flags, time, rate, rv, NULL)
     53 /*
     54 ** Parse/generate time records
     55 */
     56 static PyObject *
     57 QtTimeRecord_New(TimeRecord *itself)
     58 {
     59     if (itself->base)
     60         return Py_BuildValue("O&lO&", PyMac_Buildwide, &itself->value, itself->scale,
     61             TimeBaseObj_New, itself->base);
     62     else
     63         return  Py_BuildValue("O&lO", PyMac_Buildwide, &itself->value, itself->scale,
     64             Py_None);
     65 }
     67 static int
     68 QtTimeRecord_Convert(PyObject *v, TimeRecord *p_itself)
     69 {
     70     PyObject *base = NULL;
     71     if( !PyArg_ParseTuple(v, "O&l|O", PyMac_Getwide, &p_itself->value, &p_itself->scale,
     72                     &base) )
     73         return 0;
     74     if ( base == NULL || base == Py_None )
     75         p_itself->base = NULL;
     76     else
     77         if ( !TimeBaseObj_Convert(base, &p_itself->base) )
     78             return 0;
     79     return 1;
     80 }
     82 static int
     83 QtMusicMIDIPacket_Convert(PyObject *v, MusicMIDIPacket *p_itself)
     84 {
     85     int dummy;
     87     if( !PyArg_ParseTuple(v, "hls#", &p_itself->length, &p_itself->reserved, p_itself->data, dummy) )
     88         return 0;
     89     return 1;
     90 }
     95 static PyObject *Qt_Error;
     97 /* -------------------- Object type IdleManager --------------------- */
     99 PyTypeObject IdleManager_Type;
    101 #define IdleManagerObj_Check(x) ((x)->ob_type == &IdleManager_Type || PyObject_TypeCheck((x), &IdleManager_Type))
    103 typedef struct IdleManagerObject {
    104     PyObject_HEAD
    105     IdleManager ob_itself;
    106 } IdleManagerObject;
    108 PyObject *IdleManagerObj_New(IdleManager itself)
    109 {
    110     IdleManagerObject *it;
    111     if (itself == NULL) {
    112                                     PyErr_SetString(Qt_Error,"Cannot create IdleManager from NULL pointer");
    113                                     return NULL;
    114                             }
    115     it = PyObject_NEW(IdleManagerObject, &IdleManager_Type);
    116     if (it == NULL) return NULL;
    117     it->ob_itself = itself;
    118     return (PyObject *)it;
    119 }
    121 int IdleManagerObj_Convert(PyObject *v, IdleManager *p_itself)
    122 {
    123     if (v == Py_None)
    124     {
    125         *p_itself = NULL;
    126         return 1;
    127     }
    128     if (!IdleManagerObj_Check(v))
    129     {
    130         PyErr_SetString(PyExc_TypeError, "IdleManager required");
    131         return 0;
    132     }
    133     *p_itself = ((IdleManagerObject *)v)->ob_itself;
    134     return 1;
    135 }
    137 static void IdleManagerObj_dealloc(IdleManagerObject *self)
    138 {
    139     /* Cleanup of self->ob_itself goes here */
    140     self->ob_type->tp_free((PyObject *)self);
    141 }
    143 static PyMethodDef IdleManagerObj_methods[] = {
    144     {NULL, NULL, 0}
    145 };
    147 #define IdleManagerObj_getsetlist NULL
    150 #define IdleManagerObj_compare NULL
    152 #define IdleManagerObj_repr NULL
    154 #define IdleManagerObj_hash NULL
    155 #define IdleManagerObj_tp_init 0
    157 #define IdleManagerObj_tp_alloc PyType_GenericAlloc
    159 static PyObject *IdleManagerObj_tp_new(PyTypeObject *type, PyObject *_args, PyObject *_kwds)
    160 {
    161     PyObject *_self;
    162     IdleManager itself;
    163     char *kw[] = {"itself", 0};
    165     if (!PyArg_ParseTupleAndKeywords(_args, _kwds, "O&", kw, IdleManagerObj_Convert, &itself)) return NULL;
    166     if ((_self = type->tp_alloc(type, 0)) == NULL) return NULL;
    167     ((IdleManagerObject *)_self)->ob_itself = itself;
    168     return _self;
    169 }
    171 #define IdleManagerObj_tp_free PyObject_Del
    174 PyTypeObject IdleManager_Type = {
    175     PyObject_HEAD_INIT(NULL)
    176     0, /*ob_size*/
    177     "_Qt.IdleManager", /*tp_name*/
    178     sizeof(IdleManagerObject), /*tp_basicsize*/
    179     0, /*tp_itemsize*/
    180     /* methods */
    181     (destructor) IdleManagerObj_dealloc, /*tp_dealloc*/
    182     0, /*tp_print*/
    183     (getattrfunc)0, /*tp_getattr*/
    184     (setattrfunc)0, /*tp_setattr*/
    185     (cmpfunc) IdleManagerObj_compare, /*tp_compare*/
    186     (reprfunc) IdleManagerObj_repr, /*tp_repr*/
    187     (PyNumberMethods *)0, /* tp_as_number */
    188     (PySequenceMethods *)0, /* tp_as_sequence */
    189     (PyMappingMethods *)0, /* tp_as_mapping */
    190     (hashfunc) IdleManagerObj_hash, /*tp_hash*/
    191     0, /*tp_call*/
    192     0, /*tp_str*/
    193     PyObject_GenericGetAttr, /*tp_getattro*/
    194     PyObject_GenericSetAttr, /*tp_setattro */
    195     0, /*tp_as_buffer*/
    196     Py_TPFLAGS_DEFAULT|Py_TPFLAGS_BASETYPE, /* tp_flags */
    197     0, /*tp_doc*/
    198     0, /*tp_traverse*/
    199     0, /*tp_clear*/
    200     0, /*tp_richcompare*/
    201     0, /*tp_weaklistoffset*/
    202     0, /*tp_iter*/
    203     0, /*tp_iternext*/
    204     IdleManagerObj_methods, /* tp_methods */
    205     0, /*tp_members*/
    206     IdleManagerObj_getsetlist, /*tp_getset*/
    207     0, /*tp_base*/
    208     0, /*tp_dict*/
    209     0, /*tp_descr_get*/
    210     0, /*tp_descr_set*/
    211     0, /*tp_dictoffset*/
    212     IdleManagerObj_tp_init, /* tp_init */
    213     IdleManagerObj_tp_alloc, /* tp_alloc */
    214     IdleManagerObj_tp_new, /* tp_new */
    215     IdleManagerObj_tp_free, /* tp_free */
    216 };
    218 /* ------------------ End object type IdleManager ------------------- */
    221 /* ------------------ Object type MovieController ------------------- */
    223 PyTypeObject MovieController_Type;
    225 #define MovieCtlObj_Check(x) ((x)->ob_type == &MovieController_Type || PyObject_TypeCheck((x), &MovieController_Type))
    227 typedef struct MovieControllerObject {
    228     PyObject_HEAD
    229     MovieController ob_itself;
    230 } MovieControllerObject;
    232 PyObject *MovieCtlObj_New(MovieController itself)
    233 {
    234     MovieControllerObject *it;
    235     if (itself == NULL) {
    236                                     PyErr_SetString(Qt_Error,"Cannot create MovieController from NULL pointer");
    237                                     return NULL;
    238                             }
    239     it = PyObject_NEW(MovieControllerObject, &MovieController_Type);
    240     if (it == NULL) return NULL;
    241     it->ob_itself = itself;
    242     return (PyObject *)it;
    243 }
    245 int MovieCtlObj_Convert(PyObject *v, MovieController *p_itself)
    246 {
    247     if (v == Py_None)
    248     {
    249         *p_itself = NULL;
    250         return 1;
    251     }
    252     if (!MovieCtlObj_Check(v))
    253     {
    254         PyErr_SetString(PyExc_TypeError, "MovieController required");
    255         return 0;
    256     }
    257     *p_itself = ((MovieControllerObject *)v)->ob_itself;
    258     return 1;
    259 }
    261 static void MovieCtlObj_dealloc(MovieControllerObject *self)
    262 {
    263     if (self->ob_itself) DisposeMovieController(self->ob_itself);
    264     self->ob_type->tp_free((PyObject *)self);
    265 }
    267 static PyObject *MovieCtlObj_MCSetMovie(MovieControllerObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
    268 {
    269     PyObject *_res = NULL;
    270     ComponentResult _rv;
    271     Movie theMovie;
    272     WindowPtr movieWindow;
    273     Point where;
    274 #ifndef MCSetMovie
    275     PyMac_PRECHECK(MCSetMovie);
    276 #endif
    277     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&O&O&",
    278                           MovieObj_Convert, &theMovie,
    279                           WinObj_Convert, &movieWindow,
    280                           PyMac_GetPoint, &where))
    281         return NULL;
    282     _rv = MCSetMovie(_self->ob_itself,
    283                      theMovie,
    284                      movieWindow,
    285                      where);
    286     _res = Py_BuildValue("l",
    287                          _rv);
    288     return _res;
    289 }
    291 static PyObject *MovieCtlObj_MCGetIndMovie(MovieControllerObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
    292 {
    293     PyObject *_res = NULL;
    294     Movie _rv;
    295     short index;
    296 #ifndef MCGetIndMovie
    297     PyMac_PRECHECK(MCGetIndMovie);
    298 #endif
    299     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "h",
    300                           &index))
    301         return NULL;
    302     _rv = MCGetIndMovie(_self->ob_itself,
    303                         index);
    304     _res = Py_BuildValue("O&",
    305                          MovieObj_New, _rv);
    306     return _res;
    307 }
    309 static PyObject *MovieCtlObj_MCRemoveAllMovies(MovieControllerObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
    310 {
    311     PyObject *_res = NULL;
    312     ComponentResult _rv;
    313 #ifndef MCRemoveAllMovies
    314     PyMac_PRECHECK(MCRemoveAllMovies);
    315 #endif
    316     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, ""))
    317         return NULL;
    318     _rv = MCRemoveAllMovies(_self->ob_itself);
    319     _res = Py_BuildValue("l",
    320                          _rv);
    321     return _res;
    322 }
    324 static PyObject *MovieCtlObj_MCRemoveAMovie(MovieControllerObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
    325 {
    326     PyObject *_res = NULL;
    327     ComponentResult _rv;
    328     Movie m;
    329 #ifndef MCRemoveAMovie
    330     PyMac_PRECHECK(MCRemoveAMovie);
    331 #endif
    332     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&",
    333                           MovieObj_Convert, &m))
    334         return NULL;
    335     _rv = MCRemoveAMovie(_self->ob_itself,
    336                          m);
    337     _res = Py_BuildValue("l",
    338                          _rv);
    339     return _res;
    340 }
    342 static PyObject *MovieCtlObj_MCRemoveMovie(MovieControllerObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
    343 {
    344     PyObject *_res = NULL;
    345     ComponentResult _rv;
    346 #ifndef MCRemoveMovie
    347     PyMac_PRECHECK(MCRemoveMovie);
    348 #endif
    349     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, ""))
    350         return NULL;
    351     _rv = MCRemoveMovie(_self->ob_itself);
    352     _res = Py_BuildValue("l",
    353                          _rv);
    354     return _res;
    355 }
    357 static PyObject *MovieCtlObj_MCIsPlayerEvent(MovieControllerObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
    358 {
    359     PyObject *_res = NULL;
    360     ComponentResult _rv;
    361     EventRecord e;
    362 #ifndef MCIsPlayerEvent
    363     PyMac_PRECHECK(MCIsPlayerEvent);
    364 #endif
    365     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&",
    366                           PyMac_GetEventRecord, &e))
    367         return NULL;
    368     _rv = MCIsPlayerEvent(_self->ob_itself,
    369                           &e);
    370     _res = Py_BuildValue("l",
    371                          _rv);
    372     return _res;
    373 }
    375 static PyObject *MovieCtlObj_MCDoAction(MovieControllerObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
    376 {
    377     PyObject *_res = NULL;
    378     ComponentResult _rv;
    379     short action;
    380     void * params;
    381 #ifndef MCDoAction
    382     PyMac_PRECHECK(MCDoAction);
    383 #endif
    384     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "hs",
    385                           &action,
    386                           &params))
    387         return NULL;
    388     _rv = MCDoAction(_self->ob_itself,
    389                      action,
    390                      params);
    391     _res = Py_BuildValue("l",
    392                          _rv);
    393     return _res;
    394 }
    396 static PyObject *MovieCtlObj_MCSetControllerAttached(MovieControllerObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
    397 {
    398     PyObject *_res = NULL;
    399     ComponentResult _rv;
    400     Boolean attach;
    401 #ifndef MCSetControllerAttached
    402     PyMac_PRECHECK(MCSetControllerAttached);
    403 #endif
    404     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "b",
    405                           &attach))
    406         return NULL;
    407     _rv = MCSetControllerAttached(_self->ob_itself,
    408                                   attach);
    409     _res = Py_BuildValue("l",
    410                          _rv);
    411     return _res;
    412 }
    414 static PyObject *MovieCtlObj_MCIsControllerAttached(MovieControllerObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
    415 {
    416     PyObject *_res = NULL;
    417     ComponentResult _rv;
    418 #ifndef MCIsControllerAttached
    419     PyMac_PRECHECK(MCIsControllerAttached);
    420 #endif
    421     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, ""))
    422         return NULL;
    423     _rv = MCIsControllerAttached(_self->ob_itself);
    424     _res = Py_BuildValue("l",
    425                          _rv);
    426     return _res;
    427 }
    429 static PyObject *MovieCtlObj_MCSetControllerPort(MovieControllerObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
    430 {
    431     PyObject *_res = NULL;
    432     ComponentResult _rv;
    433     CGrafPtr gp;
    434 #ifndef MCSetControllerPort
    435     PyMac_PRECHECK(MCSetControllerPort);
    436 #endif
    437     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&",
    438                           GrafObj_Convert, &gp))
    439         return NULL;
    440     _rv = MCSetControllerPort(_self->ob_itself,
    441                               gp);
    442     _res = Py_BuildValue("l",
    443                          _rv);
    444     return _res;
    445 }
    447 static PyObject *MovieCtlObj_MCGetControllerPort(MovieControllerObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
    448 {
    449     PyObject *_res = NULL;
    450     CGrafPtr _rv;
    451 #ifndef MCGetControllerPort
    452     PyMac_PRECHECK(MCGetControllerPort);
    453 #endif
    454     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, ""))
    455         return NULL;
    456     _rv = MCGetControllerPort(_self->ob_itself);
    457     _res = Py_BuildValue("O&",
    458                          GrafObj_New, _rv);
    459     return _res;
    460 }
    462 static PyObject *MovieCtlObj_MCSetVisible(MovieControllerObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
    463 {
    464     PyObject *_res = NULL;
    465     ComponentResult _rv;
    466     Boolean visible;
    467 #ifndef MCSetVisible
    468     PyMac_PRECHECK(MCSetVisible);
    469 #endif
    470     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "b",
    471                           &visible))
    472         return NULL;
    473     _rv = MCSetVisible(_self->ob_itself,
    474                        visible);
    475     _res = Py_BuildValue("l",
    476                          _rv);
    477     return _res;
    478 }
    480 static PyObject *MovieCtlObj_MCGetVisible(MovieControllerObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
    481 {
    482     PyObject *_res = NULL;
    483     ComponentResult _rv;
    484 #ifndef MCGetVisible
    485     PyMac_PRECHECK(MCGetVisible);
    486 #endif
    487     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, ""))
    488         return NULL;
    489     _rv = MCGetVisible(_self->ob_itself);
    490     _res = Py_BuildValue("l",
    491                          _rv);
    492     return _res;
    493 }
    495 static PyObject *MovieCtlObj_MCGetControllerBoundsRect(MovieControllerObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
    496 {
    497     PyObject *_res = NULL;
    498     ComponentResult _rv;
    499     Rect bounds;
    500 #ifndef MCGetControllerBoundsRect
    501     PyMac_PRECHECK(MCGetControllerBoundsRect);
    502 #endif
    503     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, ""))
    504         return NULL;
    505     _rv = MCGetControllerBoundsRect(_self->ob_itself,
    506                                     &bounds);
    507     _res = Py_BuildValue("lO&",
    508                          _rv,
    509                          PyMac_BuildRect, &bounds);
    510     return _res;
    511 }
    513 static PyObject *MovieCtlObj_MCSetControllerBoundsRect(MovieControllerObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
    514 {
    515     PyObject *_res = NULL;
    516     ComponentResult _rv;
    517     Rect bounds;
    518 #ifndef MCSetControllerBoundsRect
    519     PyMac_PRECHECK(MCSetControllerBoundsRect);
    520 #endif
    521     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&",
    522                           PyMac_GetRect, &bounds))
    523         return NULL;
    524     _rv = MCSetControllerBoundsRect(_self->ob_itself,
    525                                     &bounds);
    526     _res = Py_BuildValue("l",
    527                          _rv);
    528     return _res;
    529 }
    531 static PyObject *MovieCtlObj_MCGetControllerBoundsRgn(MovieControllerObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
    532 {
    533     PyObject *_res = NULL;
    534     RgnHandle _rv;
    535 #ifndef MCGetControllerBoundsRgn
    536     PyMac_PRECHECK(MCGetControllerBoundsRgn);
    537 #endif
    538     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, ""))
    539         return NULL;
    540     _rv = MCGetControllerBoundsRgn(_self->ob_itself);
    541     _res = Py_BuildValue("O&",
    542                          ResObj_New, _rv);
    543     return _res;
    544 }
    546 static PyObject *MovieCtlObj_MCGetWindowRgn(MovieControllerObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
    547 {
    548     PyObject *_res = NULL;
    549     RgnHandle _rv;
    550     WindowPtr w;
    551 #ifndef MCGetWindowRgn
    552     PyMac_PRECHECK(MCGetWindowRgn);
    553 #endif
    554     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&",
    555                           WinObj_Convert, &w))
    556         return NULL;
    557     _rv = MCGetWindowRgn(_self->ob_itself,
    558                          w);
    559     _res = Py_BuildValue("O&",
    560                          ResObj_New, _rv);
    561     return _res;
    562 }
    564 static PyObject *MovieCtlObj_MCMovieChanged(MovieControllerObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
    565 {
    566     PyObject *_res = NULL;
    567     ComponentResult _rv;
    568     Movie m;
    569 #ifndef MCMovieChanged
    570     PyMac_PRECHECK(MCMovieChanged);
    571 #endif
    572     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&",
    573                           MovieObj_Convert, &m))
    574         return NULL;
    575     _rv = MCMovieChanged(_self->ob_itself,
    576                          m);
    577     _res = Py_BuildValue("l",
    578                          _rv);
    579     return _res;
    580 }
    582 static PyObject *MovieCtlObj_MCSetDuration(MovieControllerObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
    583 {
    584     PyObject *_res = NULL;
    585     ComponentResult _rv;
    586     TimeValue duration;
    587 #ifndef MCSetDuration
    588     PyMac_PRECHECK(MCSetDuration);
    589 #endif
    590     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "l",
    591                           &duration))
    592         return NULL;
    593     _rv = MCSetDuration(_self->ob_itself,
    594                         duration);
    595     _res = Py_BuildValue("l",
    596                          _rv);
    597     return _res;
    598 }
    600 static PyObject *MovieCtlObj_MCGetCurrentTime(MovieControllerObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
    601 {
    602     PyObject *_res = NULL;
    603     TimeValue _rv;
    604     TimeScale scale;
    605 #ifndef MCGetCurrentTime
    606     PyMac_PRECHECK(MCGetCurrentTime);
    607 #endif
    608     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, ""))
    609         return NULL;
    610     _rv = MCGetCurrentTime(_self->ob_itself,
    611                            &scale);
    612     _res = Py_BuildValue("ll",
    613                          _rv,
    614                          scale);
    615     return _res;
    616 }
    618 static PyObject *MovieCtlObj_MCNewAttachedController(MovieControllerObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
    619 {
    620     PyObject *_res = NULL;
    621     ComponentResult _rv;
    622     Movie theMovie;
    623     WindowPtr w;
    624     Point where;
    625 #ifndef MCNewAttachedController
    626     PyMac_PRECHECK(MCNewAttachedController);
    627 #endif
    628     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&O&O&",
    629                           MovieObj_Convert, &theMovie,
    630                           WinObj_Convert, &w,
    631                           PyMac_GetPoint, &where))
    632         return NULL;
    633     _rv = MCNewAttachedController(_self->ob_itself,
    634                                   theMovie,
    635                                   w,
    636                                   where);
    637     _res = Py_BuildValue("l",
    638                          _rv);
    639     return _res;
    640 }
    642 static PyObject *MovieCtlObj_MCDraw(MovieControllerObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
    643 {
    644     PyObject *_res = NULL;
    645     ComponentResult _rv;
    646     WindowPtr w;
    647 #ifndef MCDraw
    648     PyMac_PRECHECK(MCDraw);
    649 #endif
    650     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&",
    651                           WinObj_Convert, &w))
    652         return NULL;
    653     _rv = MCDraw(_self->ob_itself,
    654                  w);
    655     _res = Py_BuildValue("l",
    656                          _rv);
    657     return _res;
    658 }
    660 static PyObject *MovieCtlObj_MCActivate(MovieControllerObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
    661 {
    662     PyObject *_res = NULL;
    663     ComponentResult _rv;
    664     WindowPtr w;
    665     Boolean activate;
    666 #ifndef MCActivate
    667     PyMac_PRECHECK(MCActivate);
    668 #endif
    669     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&b",
    670                           WinObj_Convert, &w,
    671                           &activate))
    672         return NULL;
    673     _rv = MCActivate(_self->ob_itself,
    674                      w,
    675                      activate);
    676     _res = Py_BuildValue("l",
    677                          _rv);
    678     return _res;
    679 }
    681 static PyObject *MovieCtlObj_MCIdle(MovieControllerObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
    682 {
    683     PyObject *_res = NULL;
    684     ComponentResult _rv;
    685 #ifndef MCIdle
    686     PyMac_PRECHECK(MCIdle);
    687 #endif
    688     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, ""))
    689         return NULL;
    690     _rv = MCIdle(_self->ob_itself);
    691     _res = Py_BuildValue("l",
    692                          _rv);
    693     return _res;
    694 }
    696 static PyObject *MovieCtlObj_MCKey(MovieControllerObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
    697 {
    698     PyObject *_res = NULL;
    699     ComponentResult _rv;
    700     SInt8 key;
    701     long modifiers;
    702 #ifndef MCKey
    703     PyMac_PRECHECK(MCKey);
    704 #endif
    705     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "bl",
    706                           &key,
    707                           &modifiers))
    708         return NULL;
    709     _rv = MCKey(_self->ob_itself,
    710                 key,
    711                 modifiers);
    712     _res = Py_BuildValue("l",
    713                          _rv);
    714     return _res;
    715 }
    717 static PyObject *MovieCtlObj_MCClick(MovieControllerObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
    718 {
    719     PyObject *_res = NULL;
    720     ComponentResult _rv;
    721     WindowPtr w;
    722     Point where;
    723     long when;
    724     long modifiers;
    725 #ifndef MCClick
    726     PyMac_PRECHECK(MCClick);
    727 #endif
    728     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&O&ll",
    729                           WinObj_Convert, &w,
    730                           PyMac_GetPoint, &where,
    731                           &when,
    732                           &modifiers))
    733         return NULL;
    734     _rv = MCClick(_self->ob_itself,
    735                   w,
    736                   where,
    737                   when,
    738                   modifiers);
    739     _res = Py_BuildValue("l",
    740                          _rv);
    741     return _res;
    742 }
    744 static PyObject *MovieCtlObj_MCEnableEditing(MovieControllerObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
    745 {
    746     PyObject *_res = NULL;
    747     ComponentResult _rv;
    748     Boolean enabled;
    749 #ifndef MCEnableEditing
    750     PyMac_PRECHECK(MCEnableEditing);
    751 #endif
    752     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "b",
    753                           &enabled))
    754         return NULL;
    755     _rv = MCEnableEditing(_self->ob_itself,
    756                           enabled);
    757     _res = Py_BuildValue("l",
    758                          _rv);
    759     return _res;
    760 }
    762 static PyObject *MovieCtlObj_MCIsEditingEnabled(MovieControllerObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
    763 {
    764     PyObject *_res = NULL;
    765     long _rv;
    766 #ifndef MCIsEditingEnabled
    767     PyMac_PRECHECK(MCIsEditingEnabled);
    768 #endif
    769     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, ""))
    770         return NULL;
    771     _rv = MCIsEditingEnabled(_self->ob_itself);
    772     _res = Py_BuildValue("l",
    773                          _rv);
    774     return _res;
    775 }
    777 static PyObject *MovieCtlObj_MCCopy(MovieControllerObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
    778 {
    779     PyObject *_res = NULL;
    780     Movie _rv;
    781 #ifndef MCCopy
    782     PyMac_PRECHECK(MCCopy);
    783 #endif
    784     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, ""))
    785         return NULL;
    786     _rv = MCCopy(_self->ob_itself);
    787     _res = Py_BuildValue("O&",
    788                          MovieObj_New, _rv);
    789     return _res;
    790 }
    792 static PyObject *MovieCtlObj_MCCut(MovieControllerObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
    793 {
    794     PyObject *_res = NULL;
    795     Movie _rv;
    796 #ifndef MCCut
    797     PyMac_PRECHECK(MCCut);
    798 #endif
    799     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, ""))
    800         return NULL;
    801     _rv = MCCut(_self->ob_itself);
    802     _res = Py_BuildValue("O&",
    803                          MovieObj_New, _rv);
    804     return _res;
    805 }
    807 static PyObject *MovieCtlObj_MCPaste(MovieControllerObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
    808 {
    809     PyObject *_res = NULL;
    810     ComponentResult _rv;
    811     Movie srcMovie;
    812 #ifndef MCPaste
    813     PyMac_PRECHECK(MCPaste);
    814 #endif
    815     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&",
    816                           MovieObj_Convert, &srcMovie))
    817         return NULL;
    818     _rv = MCPaste(_self->ob_itself,
    819                   srcMovie);
    820     _res = Py_BuildValue("l",
    821                          _rv);
    822     return _res;
    823 }
    825 static PyObject *MovieCtlObj_MCClear(MovieControllerObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
    826 {
    827     PyObject *_res = NULL;
    828     ComponentResult _rv;
    829 #ifndef MCClear
    830     PyMac_PRECHECK(MCClear);
    831 #endif
    832     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, ""))
    833         return NULL;
    834     _rv = MCClear(_self->ob_itself);
    835     _res = Py_BuildValue("l",
    836                          _rv);
    837     return _res;
    838 }
    840 static PyObject *MovieCtlObj_MCUndo(MovieControllerObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
    841 {
    842     PyObject *_res = NULL;
    843     ComponentResult _rv;
    844 #ifndef MCUndo
    845     PyMac_PRECHECK(MCUndo);
    846 #endif
    847     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, ""))
    848         return NULL;
    849     _rv = MCUndo(_self->ob_itself);
    850     _res = Py_BuildValue("l",
    851                          _rv);
    852     return _res;
    853 }
    855 static PyObject *MovieCtlObj_MCPositionController(MovieControllerObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
    856 {
    857     PyObject *_res = NULL;
    858     ComponentResult _rv;
    859     Rect movieRect;
    860     Rect controllerRect;
    861     long someFlags;
    862 #ifndef MCPositionController
    863     PyMac_PRECHECK(MCPositionController);
    864 #endif
    865     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&O&l",
    866                           PyMac_GetRect, &movieRect,
    867                           PyMac_GetRect, &controllerRect,
    868                           &someFlags))
    869         return NULL;
    870     _rv = MCPositionController(_self->ob_itself,
    871                                &movieRect,
    872                                &controllerRect,
    873                                someFlags);
    874     _res = Py_BuildValue("l",
    875                          _rv);
    876     return _res;
    877 }
    879 static PyObject *MovieCtlObj_MCGetControllerInfo(MovieControllerObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
    880 {
    881     PyObject *_res = NULL;
    882     ComponentResult _rv;
    883     long someFlags;
    884 #ifndef MCGetControllerInfo
    885     PyMac_PRECHECK(MCGetControllerInfo);
    886 #endif
    887     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, ""))
    888         return NULL;
    889     _rv = MCGetControllerInfo(_self->ob_itself,
    890                               &someFlags);
    891     _res = Py_BuildValue("ll",
    892                          _rv,
    893                          someFlags);
    894     return _res;
    895 }
    897 static PyObject *MovieCtlObj_MCSetClip(MovieControllerObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
    898 {
    899     PyObject *_res = NULL;
    900     ComponentResult _rv;
    901     RgnHandle theClip;
    902     RgnHandle movieClip;
    903 #ifndef MCSetClip
    904     PyMac_PRECHECK(MCSetClip);
    905 #endif
    906     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&O&",
    907                           ResObj_Convert, &theClip,
    908                           ResObj_Convert, &movieClip))
    909         return NULL;
    910     _rv = MCSetClip(_self->ob_itself,
    911                     theClip,
    912                     movieClip);
    913     _res = Py_BuildValue("l",
    914                          _rv);
    915     return _res;
    916 }
    918 static PyObject *MovieCtlObj_MCGetClip(MovieControllerObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
    919 {
    920     PyObject *_res = NULL;
    921     ComponentResult _rv;
    922     RgnHandle theClip;
    923     RgnHandle movieClip;
    924 #ifndef MCGetClip
    925     PyMac_PRECHECK(MCGetClip);
    926 #endif
    927     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, ""))
    928         return NULL;
    929     _rv = MCGetClip(_self->ob_itself,
    930                     &theClip,
    931                     &movieClip);
    932     _res = Py_BuildValue("lO&O&",
    933                          _rv,
    934                          ResObj_New, theClip,
    935                          ResObj_New, movieClip);
    936     return _res;
    937 }
    939 static PyObject *MovieCtlObj_MCDrawBadge(MovieControllerObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
    940 {
    941     PyObject *_res = NULL;
    942     ComponentResult _rv;
    943     RgnHandle movieRgn;
    944     RgnHandle badgeRgn;
    945 #ifndef MCDrawBadge
    946     PyMac_PRECHECK(MCDrawBadge);
    947 #endif
    948     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&",
    949                           ResObj_Convert, &movieRgn))
    950         return NULL;
    951     _rv = MCDrawBadge(_self->ob_itself,
    952                       movieRgn,
    953                       &badgeRgn);
    954     _res = Py_BuildValue("lO&",
    955                          _rv,
    956                          ResObj_New, badgeRgn);
    957     return _res;
    958 }
    960 static PyObject *MovieCtlObj_MCSetUpEditMenu(MovieControllerObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
    961 {
    962     PyObject *_res = NULL;
    963     ComponentResult _rv;
    964     long modifiers;
    965     MenuHandle mh;
    966 #ifndef MCSetUpEditMenu
    967     PyMac_PRECHECK(MCSetUpEditMenu);
    968 #endif
    969     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "lO&",
    970                           &modifiers,
    971                           MenuObj_Convert, &mh))
    972         return NULL;
    973     _rv = MCSetUpEditMenu(_self->ob_itself,
    974                           modifiers,
    975                           mh);
    976     _res = Py_BuildValue("l",
    977                          _rv);
    978     return _res;
    979 }
    981 static PyObject *MovieCtlObj_MCGetMenuString(MovieControllerObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
    982 {
    983     PyObject *_res = NULL;
    984     ComponentResult _rv;
    985     long modifiers;
    986     short item;
    987     Str255 aString;
    988 #ifndef MCGetMenuString
    989     PyMac_PRECHECK(MCGetMenuString);
    990 #endif
    991     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "lhO&",
    992                           &modifiers,
    993                           &item,
    994                           PyMac_GetStr255, aString))
    995         return NULL;
    996     _rv = MCGetMenuString(_self->ob_itself,
    997                           modifiers,
    998                           item,
    999                           aString);
   1000     _res = Py_BuildValue("l",
   1001                          _rv);
   1002     return _res;
   1003 }
   1005 static PyObject *MovieCtlObj_MCPtInController(MovieControllerObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   1006 {
   1007     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   1008     ComponentResult _rv;
   1009     Point thePt;
   1010     Boolean inController;
   1011 #ifndef MCPtInController
   1012     PyMac_PRECHECK(MCPtInController);
   1013 #endif
   1014     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&",
   1015                           PyMac_GetPoint, &thePt))
   1016         return NULL;
   1017     _rv = MCPtInController(_self->ob_itself,
   1018                            thePt,
   1019                            &inController);
   1020     _res = Py_BuildValue("lb",
   1021                          _rv,
   1022                          inController);
   1023     return _res;
   1024 }
   1026 static PyObject *MovieCtlObj_MCInvalidate(MovieControllerObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   1027 {
   1028     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   1029     ComponentResult _rv;
   1030     WindowPtr w;
   1031     RgnHandle invalidRgn;
   1032 #ifndef MCInvalidate
   1033     PyMac_PRECHECK(MCInvalidate);
   1034 #endif
   1035     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&O&",
   1036                           WinObj_Convert, &w,
   1037                           ResObj_Convert, &invalidRgn))
   1038         return NULL;
   1039     _rv = MCInvalidate(_self->ob_itself,
   1040                        w,
   1041                        invalidRgn);
   1042     _res = Py_BuildValue("l",
   1043                          _rv);
   1044     return _res;
   1045 }
   1047 static PyObject *MovieCtlObj_MCAdjustCursor(MovieControllerObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   1048 {
   1049     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   1050     ComponentResult _rv;
   1051     WindowPtr w;
   1052     Point where;
   1053     long modifiers;
   1054 #ifndef MCAdjustCursor
   1055     PyMac_PRECHECK(MCAdjustCursor);
   1056 #endif
   1057     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&O&l",
   1058                           WinObj_Convert, &w,
   1059                           PyMac_GetPoint, &where,
   1060                           &modifiers))
   1061         return NULL;
   1062     _rv = MCAdjustCursor(_self->ob_itself,
   1063                          w,
   1064                          where,
   1065                          modifiers);
   1066     _res = Py_BuildValue("l",
   1067                          _rv);
   1068     return _res;
   1069 }
   1071 static PyObject *MovieCtlObj_MCGetInterfaceElement(MovieControllerObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   1072 {
   1073     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   1074     ComponentResult _rv;
   1075     MCInterfaceElement whichElement;
   1076     void * element;
   1077 #ifndef MCGetInterfaceElement
   1078     PyMac_PRECHECK(MCGetInterfaceElement);
   1079 #endif
   1080     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "ls",
   1081                           &whichElement,
   1082                           &element))
   1083         return NULL;
   1084     _rv = MCGetInterfaceElement(_self->ob_itself,
   1085                                 whichElement,
   1086                                 element);
   1087     _res = Py_BuildValue("l",
   1088                          _rv);
   1089     return _res;
   1090 }
   1092 static PyObject *MovieCtlObj_MCAddMovieSegment(MovieControllerObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   1093 {
   1094     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   1095     ComponentResult _rv;
   1096     Movie srcMovie;
   1097     Boolean scaled;
   1098 #ifndef MCAddMovieSegment
   1099     PyMac_PRECHECK(MCAddMovieSegment);
   1100 #endif
   1101     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&b",
   1102                           MovieObj_Convert, &srcMovie,
   1103                           &scaled))
   1104         return NULL;
   1105     _rv = MCAddMovieSegment(_self->ob_itself,
   1106                             srcMovie,
   1107                             scaled);
   1108     _res = Py_BuildValue("l",
   1109                          _rv);
   1110     return _res;
   1111 }
   1113 static PyObject *MovieCtlObj_MCTrimMovieSegment(MovieControllerObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   1114 {
   1115     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   1116     ComponentResult _rv;
   1117 #ifndef MCTrimMovieSegment
   1118     PyMac_PRECHECK(MCTrimMovieSegment);
   1119 #endif
   1120     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, ""))
   1121         return NULL;
   1122     _rv = MCTrimMovieSegment(_self->ob_itself);
   1123     _res = Py_BuildValue("l",
   1124                          _rv);
   1125     return _res;
   1126 }
   1128 static PyObject *MovieCtlObj_MCSetIdleManager(MovieControllerObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   1129 {
   1130     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   1131     ComponentResult _rv;
   1132     IdleManager im;
   1133 #ifndef MCSetIdleManager
   1134     PyMac_PRECHECK(MCSetIdleManager);
   1135 #endif
   1136     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&",
   1137                           IdleManagerObj_Convert, &im))
   1138         return NULL;
   1139     _rv = MCSetIdleManager(_self->ob_itself,
   1140                            im);
   1141     _res = Py_BuildValue("l",
   1142                          _rv);
   1143     return _res;
   1144 }
   1146 static PyObject *MovieCtlObj_MCSetControllerCapabilities(MovieControllerObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   1147 {
   1148     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   1149     ComponentResult _rv;
   1150     long flags;
   1151     long flagsMask;
   1152 #ifndef MCSetControllerCapabilities
   1153     PyMac_PRECHECK(MCSetControllerCapabilities);
   1154 #endif
   1155     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "ll",
   1156                           &flags,
   1157                           &flagsMask))
   1158         return NULL;
   1159     _rv = MCSetControllerCapabilities(_self->ob_itself,
   1160                                       flags,
   1161                                       flagsMask);
   1162     _res = Py_BuildValue("l",
   1163                          _rv);
   1164     return _res;
   1165 }
   1167 static PyMethodDef MovieCtlObj_methods[] = {
   1168     {"MCSetMovie", (PyCFunction)MovieCtlObj_MCSetMovie, 1,
   1169      PyDoc_STR("(Movie theMovie, WindowPtr movieWindow, Point where) -> (ComponentResult _rv)")},
   1170     {"MCGetIndMovie", (PyCFunction)MovieCtlObj_MCGetIndMovie, 1,
   1171      PyDoc_STR("(short index) -> (Movie _rv)")},
   1172     {"MCRemoveAllMovies", (PyCFunction)MovieCtlObj_MCRemoveAllMovies, 1,
   1173      PyDoc_STR("() -> (ComponentResult _rv)")},
   1174     {"MCRemoveAMovie", (PyCFunction)MovieCtlObj_MCRemoveAMovie, 1,
   1175      PyDoc_STR("(Movie m) -> (ComponentResult _rv)")},
   1176     {"MCRemoveMovie", (PyCFunction)MovieCtlObj_MCRemoveMovie, 1,
   1177      PyDoc_STR("() -> (ComponentResult _rv)")},
   1178     {"MCIsPlayerEvent", (PyCFunction)MovieCtlObj_MCIsPlayerEvent, 1,
   1179      PyDoc_STR("(EventRecord e) -> (ComponentResult _rv)")},
   1180     {"MCDoAction", (PyCFunction)MovieCtlObj_MCDoAction, 1,
   1181      PyDoc_STR("(short action, void * params) -> (ComponentResult _rv)")},
   1182     {"MCSetControllerAttached", (PyCFunction)MovieCtlObj_MCSetControllerAttached, 1,
   1183      PyDoc_STR("(Boolean attach) -> (ComponentResult _rv)")},
   1184     {"MCIsControllerAttached", (PyCFunction)MovieCtlObj_MCIsControllerAttached, 1,
   1185      PyDoc_STR("() -> (ComponentResult _rv)")},
   1186     {"MCSetControllerPort", (PyCFunction)MovieCtlObj_MCSetControllerPort, 1,
   1187      PyDoc_STR("(CGrafPtr gp) -> (ComponentResult _rv)")},
   1188     {"MCGetControllerPort", (PyCFunction)MovieCtlObj_MCGetControllerPort, 1,
   1189      PyDoc_STR("() -> (CGrafPtr _rv)")},
   1190     {"MCSetVisible", (PyCFunction)MovieCtlObj_MCSetVisible, 1,
   1191      PyDoc_STR("(Boolean visible) -> (ComponentResult _rv)")},
   1192     {"MCGetVisible", (PyCFunction)MovieCtlObj_MCGetVisible, 1,
   1193      PyDoc_STR("() -> (ComponentResult _rv)")},
   1194     {"MCGetControllerBoundsRect", (PyCFunction)MovieCtlObj_MCGetControllerBoundsRect, 1,
   1195      PyDoc_STR("() -> (ComponentResult _rv, Rect bounds)")},
   1196     {"MCSetControllerBoundsRect", (PyCFunction)MovieCtlObj_MCSetControllerBoundsRect, 1,
   1197      PyDoc_STR("(Rect bounds) -> (ComponentResult _rv)")},
   1198     {"MCGetControllerBoundsRgn", (PyCFunction)MovieCtlObj_MCGetControllerBoundsRgn, 1,
   1199      PyDoc_STR("() -> (RgnHandle _rv)")},
   1200     {"MCGetWindowRgn", (PyCFunction)MovieCtlObj_MCGetWindowRgn, 1,
   1201      PyDoc_STR("(WindowPtr w) -> (RgnHandle _rv)")},
   1202     {"MCMovieChanged", (PyCFunction)MovieCtlObj_MCMovieChanged, 1,
   1203      PyDoc_STR("(Movie m) -> (ComponentResult _rv)")},
   1204     {"MCSetDuration", (PyCFunction)MovieCtlObj_MCSetDuration, 1,
   1205      PyDoc_STR("(TimeValue duration) -> (ComponentResult _rv)")},
   1206     {"MCGetCurrentTime", (PyCFunction)MovieCtlObj_MCGetCurrentTime, 1,
   1207      PyDoc_STR("() -> (TimeValue _rv, TimeScale scale)")},
   1208     {"MCNewAttachedController", (PyCFunction)MovieCtlObj_MCNewAttachedController, 1,
   1209      PyDoc_STR("(Movie theMovie, WindowPtr w, Point where) -> (ComponentResult _rv)")},
   1210     {"MCDraw", (PyCFunction)MovieCtlObj_MCDraw, 1,
   1211      PyDoc_STR("(WindowPtr w) -> (ComponentResult _rv)")},
   1212     {"MCActivate", (PyCFunction)MovieCtlObj_MCActivate, 1,
   1213      PyDoc_STR("(WindowPtr w, Boolean activate) -> (ComponentResult _rv)")},
   1214     {"MCIdle", (PyCFunction)MovieCtlObj_MCIdle, 1,
   1215      PyDoc_STR("() -> (ComponentResult _rv)")},
   1216     {"MCKey", (PyCFunction)MovieCtlObj_MCKey, 1,
   1217      PyDoc_STR("(SInt8 key, long modifiers) -> (ComponentResult _rv)")},
   1218     {"MCClick", (PyCFunction)MovieCtlObj_MCClick, 1,
   1219      PyDoc_STR("(WindowPtr w, Point where, long when, long modifiers) -> (ComponentResult _rv)")},
   1220     {"MCEnableEditing", (PyCFunction)MovieCtlObj_MCEnableEditing, 1,
   1221      PyDoc_STR("(Boolean enabled) -> (ComponentResult _rv)")},
   1222     {"MCIsEditingEnabled", (PyCFunction)MovieCtlObj_MCIsEditingEnabled, 1,
   1223      PyDoc_STR("() -> (long _rv)")},
   1224     {"MCCopy", (PyCFunction)MovieCtlObj_MCCopy, 1,
   1225      PyDoc_STR("() -> (Movie _rv)")},
   1226     {"MCCut", (PyCFunction)MovieCtlObj_MCCut, 1,
   1227      PyDoc_STR("() -> (Movie _rv)")},
   1228     {"MCPaste", (PyCFunction)MovieCtlObj_MCPaste, 1,
   1229      PyDoc_STR("(Movie srcMovie) -> (ComponentResult _rv)")},
   1230     {"MCClear", (PyCFunction)MovieCtlObj_MCClear, 1,
   1231      PyDoc_STR("() -> (ComponentResult _rv)")},
   1232     {"MCUndo", (PyCFunction)MovieCtlObj_MCUndo, 1,
   1233      PyDoc_STR("() -> (ComponentResult _rv)")},
   1234     {"MCPositionController", (PyCFunction)MovieCtlObj_MCPositionController, 1,
   1235      PyDoc_STR("(Rect movieRect, Rect controllerRect, long someFlags) -> (ComponentResult _rv)")},
   1236     {"MCGetControllerInfo", (PyCFunction)MovieCtlObj_MCGetControllerInfo, 1,
   1237      PyDoc_STR("() -> (ComponentResult _rv, long someFlags)")},
   1238     {"MCSetClip", (PyCFunction)MovieCtlObj_MCSetClip, 1,
   1239      PyDoc_STR("(RgnHandle theClip, RgnHandle movieClip) -> (ComponentResult _rv)")},
   1240     {"MCGetClip", (PyCFunction)MovieCtlObj_MCGetClip, 1,
   1241      PyDoc_STR("() -> (ComponentResult _rv, RgnHandle theClip, RgnHandle movieClip)")},
   1242     {"MCDrawBadge", (PyCFunction)MovieCtlObj_MCDrawBadge, 1,
   1243      PyDoc_STR("(RgnHandle movieRgn) -> (ComponentResult _rv, RgnHandle badgeRgn)")},
   1244     {"MCSetUpEditMenu", (PyCFunction)MovieCtlObj_MCSetUpEditMenu, 1,
   1245      PyDoc_STR("(long modifiers, MenuHandle mh) -> (ComponentResult _rv)")},
   1246     {"MCGetMenuString", (PyCFunction)MovieCtlObj_MCGetMenuString, 1,
   1247      PyDoc_STR("(long modifiers, short item, Str255 aString) -> (ComponentResult _rv)")},
   1248     {"MCPtInController", (PyCFunction)MovieCtlObj_MCPtInController, 1,
   1249      PyDoc_STR("(Point thePt) -> (ComponentResult _rv, Boolean inController)")},
   1250     {"MCInvalidate", (PyCFunction)MovieCtlObj_MCInvalidate, 1,
   1251      PyDoc_STR("(WindowPtr w, RgnHandle invalidRgn) -> (ComponentResult _rv)")},
   1252     {"MCAdjustCursor", (PyCFunction)MovieCtlObj_MCAdjustCursor, 1,
   1253      PyDoc_STR("(WindowPtr w, Point where, long modifiers) -> (ComponentResult _rv)")},
   1254     {"MCGetInterfaceElement", (PyCFunction)MovieCtlObj_MCGetInterfaceElement, 1,
   1255      PyDoc_STR("(MCInterfaceElement whichElement, void * element) -> (ComponentResult _rv)")},
   1256     {"MCAddMovieSegment", (PyCFunction)MovieCtlObj_MCAddMovieSegment, 1,
   1257      PyDoc_STR("(Movie srcMovie, Boolean scaled) -> (ComponentResult _rv)")},
   1258     {"MCTrimMovieSegment", (PyCFunction)MovieCtlObj_MCTrimMovieSegment, 1,
   1259      PyDoc_STR("() -> (ComponentResult _rv)")},
   1260     {"MCSetIdleManager", (PyCFunction)MovieCtlObj_MCSetIdleManager, 1,
   1261      PyDoc_STR("(IdleManager im) -> (ComponentResult _rv)")},
   1262     {"MCSetControllerCapabilities", (PyCFunction)MovieCtlObj_MCSetControllerCapabilities, 1,
   1263      PyDoc_STR("(long flags, long flagsMask) -> (ComponentResult _rv)")},
   1264     {NULL, NULL, 0}
   1265 };
   1267 #define MovieCtlObj_getsetlist NULL
   1270 #define MovieCtlObj_compare NULL
   1272 #define MovieCtlObj_repr NULL
   1274 #define MovieCtlObj_hash NULL
   1275 #define MovieCtlObj_tp_init 0
   1277 #define MovieCtlObj_tp_alloc PyType_GenericAlloc
   1279 static PyObject *MovieCtlObj_tp_new(PyTypeObject *type, PyObject *_args, PyObject *_kwds)
   1280 {
   1281     PyObject *_self;
   1282     MovieController itself;
   1283     char *kw[] = {"itself", 0};
   1285     if (!PyArg_ParseTupleAndKeywords(_args, _kwds, "O&", kw, MovieCtlObj_Convert, &itself)) return NULL;
   1286     if ((_self = type->tp_alloc(type, 0)) == NULL) return NULL;
   1287     ((MovieControllerObject *)_self)->ob_itself = itself;
   1288     return _self;
   1289 }
   1291 #define MovieCtlObj_tp_free PyObject_Del
   1294 PyTypeObject MovieController_Type = {
   1295     PyObject_HEAD_INIT(NULL)
   1296     0, /*ob_size*/
   1297     "_Qt.MovieController", /*tp_name*/
   1298     sizeof(MovieControllerObject), /*tp_basicsize*/
   1299     0, /*tp_itemsize*/
   1300     /* methods */
   1301     (destructor) MovieCtlObj_dealloc, /*tp_dealloc*/
   1302     0, /*tp_print*/
   1303     (getattrfunc)0, /*tp_getattr*/
   1304     (setattrfunc)0, /*tp_setattr*/
   1305     (cmpfunc) MovieCtlObj_compare, /*tp_compare*/
   1306     (reprfunc) MovieCtlObj_repr, /*tp_repr*/
   1307     (PyNumberMethods *)0, /* tp_as_number */
   1308     (PySequenceMethods *)0, /* tp_as_sequence */
   1309     (PyMappingMethods *)0, /* tp_as_mapping */
   1310     (hashfunc) MovieCtlObj_hash, /*tp_hash*/
   1311     0, /*tp_call*/
   1312     0, /*tp_str*/
   1313     PyObject_GenericGetAttr, /*tp_getattro*/
   1314     PyObject_GenericSetAttr, /*tp_setattro */
   1315     0, /*tp_as_buffer*/
   1316     Py_TPFLAGS_DEFAULT|Py_TPFLAGS_BASETYPE, /* tp_flags */
   1317     0, /*tp_doc*/
   1318     0, /*tp_traverse*/
   1319     0, /*tp_clear*/
   1320     0, /*tp_richcompare*/
   1321     0, /*tp_weaklistoffset*/
   1322     0, /*tp_iter*/
   1323     0, /*tp_iternext*/
   1324     MovieCtlObj_methods, /* tp_methods */
   1325     0, /*tp_members*/
   1326     MovieCtlObj_getsetlist, /*tp_getset*/
   1327     0, /*tp_base*/
   1328     0, /*tp_dict*/
   1329     0, /*tp_descr_get*/
   1330     0, /*tp_descr_set*/
   1331     0, /*tp_dictoffset*/
   1332     MovieCtlObj_tp_init, /* tp_init */
   1333     MovieCtlObj_tp_alloc, /* tp_alloc */
   1334     MovieCtlObj_tp_new, /* tp_new */
   1335     MovieCtlObj_tp_free, /* tp_free */
   1336 };
   1338 /* ---------------- End object type MovieController ----------------- */
   1341 /* ---------------------- Object type TimeBase ---------------------- */
   1343 PyTypeObject TimeBase_Type;
   1345 #define TimeBaseObj_Check(x) ((x)->ob_type == &TimeBase_Type || PyObject_TypeCheck((x), &TimeBase_Type))
   1347 typedef struct TimeBaseObject {
   1348     PyObject_HEAD
   1349     TimeBase ob_itself;
   1350 } TimeBaseObject;
   1352 PyObject *TimeBaseObj_New(TimeBase itself)
   1353 {
   1354     TimeBaseObject *it;
   1355     if (itself == NULL) {
   1356                                     PyErr_SetString(Qt_Error,"Cannot create TimeBase from NULL pointer");
   1357                                     return NULL;
   1358                             }
   1359     it = PyObject_NEW(TimeBaseObject, &TimeBase_Type);
   1360     if (it == NULL) return NULL;
   1361     it->ob_itself = itself;
   1362     return (PyObject *)it;
   1363 }
   1365 int TimeBaseObj_Convert(PyObject *v, TimeBase *p_itself)
   1366 {
   1367     if (v == Py_None)
   1368     {
   1369         *p_itself = NULL;
   1370         return 1;
   1371     }
   1372     if (!TimeBaseObj_Check(v))
   1373     {
   1374         PyErr_SetString(PyExc_TypeError, "TimeBase required");
   1375         return 0;
   1376     }
   1377     *p_itself = ((TimeBaseObject *)v)->ob_itself;
   1378     return 1;
   1379 }
   1381 static void TimeBaseObj_dealloc(TimeBaseObject *self)
   1382 {
   1383     /* Cleanup of self->ob_itself goes here */
   1384     self->ob_type->tp_free((PyObject *)self);
   1385 }
   1387 static PyObject *TimeBaseObj_DisposeTimeBase(TimeBaseObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   1388 {
   1389     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   1390 #ifndef DisposeTimeBase
   1391     PyMac_PRECHECK(DisposeTimeBase);
   1392 #endif
   1393     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, ""))
   1394         return NULL;
   1395     DisposeTimeBase(_self->ob_itself);
   1396     Py_INCREF(Py_None);
   1397     _res = Py_None;
   1398     return _res;
   1399 }
   1401 static PyObject *TimeBaseObj_GetTimeBaseTime(TimeBaseObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   1402 {
   1403     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   1404     TimeValue _rv;
   1405     TimeScale s;
   1406     TimeRecord tr;
   1407 #ifndef GetTimeBaseTime
   1408     PyMac_PRECHECK(GetTimeBaseTime);
   1409 #endif
   1410     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "l",
   1411                           &s))
   1412         return NULL;
   1413     _rv = GetTimeBaseTime(_self->ob_itself,
   1414                           s,
   1415                           &tr);
   1416     _res = Py_BuildValue("lO&",
   1417                          _rv,
   1418                          QtTimeRecord_New, &tr);
   1419     return _res;
   1420 }
   1422 static PyObject *TimeBaseObj_SetTimeBaseTime(TimeBaseObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   1423 {
   1424     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   1425     TimeRecord tr;
   1426 #ifndef SetTimeBaseTime
   1427     PyMac_PRECHECK(SetTimeBaseTime);
   1428 #endif
   1429     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&",
   1430                           QtTimeRecord_Convert, &tr))
   1431         return NULL;
   1432     SetTimeBaseTime(_self->ob_itself,
   1433                     &tr);
   1434     Py_INCREF(Py_None);
   1435     _res = Py_None;
   1436     return _res;
   1437 }
   1439 static PyObject *TimeBaseObj_SetTimeBaseValue(TimeBaseObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   1440 {
   1441     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   1442     TimeValue t;
   1443     TimeScale s;
   1444 #ifndef SetTimeBaseValue
   1445     PyMac_PRECHECK(SetTimeBaseValue);
   1446 #endif
   1447     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "ll",
   1448                           &t,
   1449                           &s))
   1450         return NULL;
   1451     SetTimeBaseValue(_self->ob_itself,
   1452                      t,
   1453                      s);
   1454     Py_INCREF(Py_None);
   1455     _res = Py_None;
   1456     return _res;
   1457 }
   1459 static PyObject *TimeBaseObj_GetTimeBaseRate(TimeBaseObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   1460 {
   1461     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   1462     Fixed _rv;
   1463 #ifndef GetTimeBaseRate
   1464     PyMac_PRECHECK(GetTimeBaseRate);
   1465 #endif
   1466     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, ""))
   1467         return NULL;
   1468     _rv = GetTimeBaseRate(_self->ob_itself);
   1469     _res = Py_BuildValue("O&",
   1470                          PyMac_BuildFixed, _rv);
   1471     return _res;
   1472 }
   1474 static PyObject *TimeBaseObj_SetTimeBaseRate(TimeBaseObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   1475 {
   1476     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   1477     Fixed r;
   1478 #ifndef SetTimeBaseRate
   1479     PyMac_PRECHECK(SetTimeBaseRate);
   1480 #endif
   1481     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&",
   1482                           PyMac_GetFixed, &r))
   1483         return NULL;
   1484     SetTimeBaseRate(_self->ob_itself,
   1485                     r);
   1486     Py_INCREF(Py_None);
   1487     _res = Py_None;
   1488     return _res;
   1489 }
   1491 static PyObject *TimeBaseObj_GetTimeBaseStartTime(TimeBaseObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   1492 {
   1493     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   1494     TimeValue _rv;
   1495     TimeScale s;
   1496     TimeRecord tr;
   1497 #ifndef GetTimeBaseStartTime
   1498     PyMac_PRECHECK(GetTimeBaseStartTime);
   1499 #endif
   1500     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "l",
   1501                           &s))
   1502         return NULL;
   1503     _rv = GetTimeBaseStartTime(_self->ob_itself,
   1504                                s,
   1505                                &tr);
   1506     _res = Py_BuildValue("lO&",
   1507                          _rv,
   1508                          QtTimeRecord_New, &tr);
   1509     return _res;
   1510 }
   1512 static PyObject *TimeBaseObj_SetTimeBaseStartTime(TimeBaseObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   1513 {
   1514     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   1515     TimeRecord tr;
   1516 #ifndef SetTimeBaseStartTime
   1517     PyMac_PRECHECK(SetTimeBaseStartTime);
   1518 #endif
   1519     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&",
   1520                           QtTimeRecord_Convert, &tr))
   1521         return NULL;
   1522     SetTimeBaseStartTime(_self->ob_itself,
   1523                          &tr);
   1524     Py_INCREF(Py_None);
   1525     _res = Py_None;
   1526     return _res;
   1527 }
   1529 static PyObject *TimeBaseObj_GetTimeBaseStopTime(TimeBaseObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   1530 {
   1531     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   1532     TimeValue _rv;
   1533     TimeScale s;
   1534     TimeRecord tr;
   1535 #ifndef GetTimeBaseStopTime
   1536     PyMac_PRECHECK(GetTimeBaseStopTime);
   1537 #endif
   1538     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "l",
   1539                           &s))
   1540         return NULL;
   1541     _rv = GetTimeBaseStopTime(_self->ob_itself,
   1542                               s,
   1543                               &tr);
   1544     _res = Py_BuildValue("lO&",
   1545                          _rv,
   1546                          QtTimeRecord_New, &tr);
   1547     return _res;
   1548 }
   1550 static PyObject *TimeBaseObj_SetTimeBaseStopTime(TimeBaseObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   1551 {
   1552     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   1553     TimeRecord tr;
   1554 #ifndef SetTimeBaseStopTime
   1555     PyMac_PRECHECK(SetTimeBaseStopTime);
   1556 #endif
   1557     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&",
   1558                           QtTimeRecord_Convert, &tr))
   1559         return NULL;
   1560     SetTimeBaseStopTime(_self->ob_itself,
   1561                         &tr);
   1562     Py_INCREF(Py_None);
   1563     _res = Py_None;
   1564     return _res;
   1565 }
   1567 static PyObject *TimeBaseObj_GetTimeBaseFlags(TimeBaseObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   1568 {
   1569     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   1570     long _rv;
   1571 #ifndef GetTimeBaseFlags
   1572     PyMac_PRECHECK(GetTimeBaseFlags);
   1573 #endif
   1574     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, ""))
   1575         return NULL;
   1576     _rv = GetTimeBaseFlags(_self->ob_itself);
   1577     _res = Py_BuildValue("l",
   1578                          _rv);
   1579     return _res;
   1580 }
   1582 static PyObject *TimeBaseObj_SetTimeBaseFlags(TimeBaseObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   1583 {
   1584     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   1585     long timeBaseFlags;
   1586 #ifndef SetTimeBaseFlags
   1587     PyMac_PRECHECK(SetTimeBaseFlags);
   1588 #endif
   1589     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "l",
   1590                           &timeBaseFlags))
   1591         return NULL;
   1592     SetTimeBaseFlags(_self->ob_itself,
   1593                      timeBaseFlags);
   1594     Py_INCREF(Py_None);
   1595     _res = Py_None;
   1596     return _res;
   1597 }
   1599 static PyObject *TimeBaseObj_SetTimeBaseMasterTimeBase(TimeBaseObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   1600 {
   1601     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   1602     TimeBase master;
   1603     TimeRecord slaveZero;
   1604 #ifndef SetTimeBaseMasterTimeBase
   1605     PyMac_PRECHECK(SetTimeBaseMasterTimeBase);
   1606 #endif
   1607     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&O&",
   1608                           TimeBaseObj_Convert, &master,
   1609                           QtTimeRecord_Convert, &slaveZero))
   1610         return NULL;
   1611     SetTimeBaseMasterTimeBase(_self->ob_itself,
   1612                               master,
   1613                               &slaveZero);
   1614     Py_INCREF(Py_None);
   1615     _res = Py_None;
   1616     return _res;
   1617 }
   1619 static PyObject *TimeBaseObj_GetTimeBaseMasterTimeBase(TimeBaseObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   1620 {
   1621     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   1622     TimeBase _rv;
   1623 #ifndef GetTimeBaseMasterTimeBase
   1624     PyMac_PRECHECK(GetTimeBaseMasterTimeBase);
   1625 #endif
   1626     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, ""))
   1627         return NULL;
   1628     _rv = GetTimeBaseMasterTimeBase(_self->ob_itself);
   1629     _res = Py_BuildValue("O&",
   1630                          TimeBaseObj_New, _rv);
   1631     return _res;
   1632 }
   1634 static PyObject *TimeBaseObj_SetTimeBaseMasterClock(TimeBaseObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   1635 {
   1636     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   1637     Component clockMeister;
   1638     TimeRecord slaveZero;
   1639 #ifndef SetTimeBaseMasterClock
   1640     PyMac_PRECHECK(SetTimeBaseMasterClock);
   1641 #endif
   1642     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&O&",
   1643                           CmpObj_Convert, &clockMeister,
   1644                           QtTimeRecord_Convert, &slaveZero))
   1645         return NULL;
   1646     SetTimeBaseMasterClock(_self->ob_itself,
   1647                            clockMeister,
   1648                            &slaveZero);
   1649     Py_INCREF(Py_None);
   1650     _res = Py_None;
   1651     return _res;
   1652 }
   1654 static PyObject *TimeBaseObj_GetTimeBaseMasterClock(TimeBaseObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   1655 {
   1656     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   1657     ComponentInstance _rv;
   1658 #ifndef GetTimeBaseMasterClock
   1659     PyMac_PRECHECK(GetTimeBaseMasterClock);
   1660 #endif
   1661     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, ""))
   1662         return NULL;
   1663     _rv = GetTimeBaseMasterClock(_self->ob_itself);
   1664     _res = Py_BuildValue("O&",
   1665                          CmpInstObj_New, _rv);
   1666     return _res;
   1667 }
   1669 static PyObject *TimeBaseObj_GetTimeBaseStatus(TimeBaseObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   1670 {
   1671     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   1672     long _rv;
   1673     TimeRecord unpinnedTime;
   1674 #ifndef GetTimeBaseStatus
   1675     PyMac_PRECHECK(GetTimeBaseStatus);
   1676 #endif
   1677     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, ""))
   1678         return NULL;
   1679     _rv = GetTimeBaseStatus(_self->ob_itself,
   1680                             &unpinnedTime);
   1681     _res = Py_BuildValue("lO&",
   1682                          _rv,
   1683                          QtTimeRecord_New, &unpinnedTime);
   1684     return _res;
   1685 }
   1687 static PyObject *TimeBaseObj_SetTimeBaseZero(TimeBaseObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   1688 {
   1689     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   1690     TimeRecord zero;
   1691 #ifndef SetTimeBaseZero
   1692     PyMac_PRECHECK(SetTimeBaseZero);
   1693 #endif
   1694     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&",
   1695                           QtTimeRecord_Convert, &zero))
   1696         return NULL;
   1697     SetTimeBaseZero(_self->ob_itself,
   1698                     &zero);
   1699     Py_INCREF(Py_None);
   1700     _res = Py_None;
   1701     return _res;
   1702 }
   1704 static PyObject *TimeBaseObj_GetTimeBaseEffectiveRate(TimeBaseObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   1705 {
   1706     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   1707     Fixed _rv;
   1708 #ifndef GetTimeBaseEffectiveRate
   1709     PyMac_PRECHECK(GetTimeBaseEffectiveRate);
   1710 #endif
   1711     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, ""))
   1712         return NULL;
   1713     _rv = GetTimeBaseEffectiveRate(_self->ob_itself);
   1714     _res = Py_BuildValue("O&",
   1715                          PyMac_BuildFixed, _rv);
   1716     return _res;
   1717 }
   1719 static PyMethodDef TimeBaseObj_methods[] = {
   1720     {"DisposeTimeBase", (PyCFunction)TimeBaseObj_DisposeTimeBase, 1,
   1721      PyDoc_STR("() -> None")},
   1722     {"GetTimeBaseTime", (PyCFunction)TimeBaseObj_GetTimeBaseTime, 1,
   1723      PyDoc_STR("(TimeScale s) -> (TimeValue _rv, TimeRecord tr)")},
   1724     {"SetTimeBaseTime", (PyCFunction)TimeBaseObj_SetTimeBaseTime, 1,
   1725      PyDoc_STR("(TimeRecord tr) -> None")},
   1726     {"SetTimeBaseValue", (PyCFunction)TimeBaseObj_SetTimeBaseValue, 1,
   1727      PyDoc_STR("(TimeValue t, TimeScale s) -> None")},
   1728     {"GetTimeBaseRate", (PyCFunction)TimeBaseObj_GetTimeBaseRate, 1,
   1729      PyDoc_STR("() -> (Fixed _rv)")},
   1730     {"SetTimeBaseRate", (PyCFunction)TimeBaseObj_SetTimeBaseRate, 1,
   1731      PyDoc_STR("(Fixed r) -> None")},
   1732     {"GetTimeBaseStartTime", (PyCFunction)TimeBaseObj_GetTimeBaseStartTime, 1,
   1733      PyDoc_STR("(TimeScale s) -> (TimeValue _rv, TimeRecord tr)")},
   1734     {"SetTimeBaseStartTime", (PyCFunction)TimeBaseObj_SetTimeBaseStartTime, 1,
   1735      PyDoc_STR("(TimeRecord tr) -> None")},
   1736     {"GetTimeBaseStopTime", (PyCFunction)TimeBaseObj_GetTimeBaseStopTime, 1,
   1737      PyDoc_STR("(TimeScale s) -> (TimeValue _rv, TimeRecord tr)")},
   1738     {"SetTimeBaseStopTime", (PyCFunction)TimeBaseObj_SetTimeBaseStopTime, 1,
   1739      PyDoc_STR("(TimeRecord tr) -> None")},
   1740     {"GetTimeBaseFlags", (PyCFunction)TimeBaseObj_GetTimeBaseFlags, 1,
   1741      PyDoc_STR("() -> (long _rv)")},
   1742     {"SetTimeBaseFlags", (PyCFunction)TimeBaseObj_SetTimeBaseFlags, 1,
   1743      PyDoc_STR("(long timeBaseFlags) -> None")},
   1744     {"SetTimeBaseMasterTimeBase", (PyCFunction)TimeBaseObj_SetTimeBaseMasterTimeBase, 1,
   1745      PyDoc_STR("(TimeBase master, TimeRecord slaveZero) -> None")},
   1746     {"GetTimeBaseMasterTimeBase", (PyCFunction)TimeBaseObj_GetTimeBaseMasterTimeBase, 1,
   1747      PyDoc_STR("() -> (TimeBase _rv)")},
   1748     {"SetTimeBaseMasterClock", (PyCFunction)TimeBaseObj_SetTimeBaseMasterClock, 1,
   1749      PyDoc_STR("(Component clockMeister, TimeRecord slaveZero) -> None")},
   1750     {"GetTimeBaseMasterClock", (PyCFunction)TimeBaseObj_GetTimeBaseMasterClock, 1,
   1751      PyDoc_STR("() -> (ComponentInstance _rv)")},
   1752     {"GetTimeBaseStatus", (PyCFunction)TimeBaseObj_GetTimeBaseStatus, 1,
   1753      PyDoc_STR("() -> (long _rv, TimeRecord unpinnedTime)")},
   1754     {"SetTimeBaseZero", (PyCFunction)TimeBaseObj_SetTimeBaseZero, 1,
   1755      PyDoc_STR("(TimeRecord zero) -> None")},
   1756     {"GetTimeBaseEffectiveRate", (PyCFunction)TimeBaseObj_GetTimeBaseEffectiveRate, 1,
   1757      PyDoc_STR("() -> (Fixed _rv)")},
   1758     {NULL, NULL, 0}
   1759 };
   1761 #define TimeBaseObj_getsetlist NULL
   1764 #define TimeBaseObj_compare NULL
   1766 #define TimeBaseObj_repr NULL
   1768 #define TimeBaseObj_hash NULL
   1769 #define TimeBaseObj_tp_init 0
   1771 #define TimeBaseObj_tp_alloc PyType_GenericAlloc
   1773 static PyObject *TimeBaseObj_tp_new(PyTypeObject *type, PyObject *_args, PyObject *_kwds)
   1774 {
   1775     PyObject *_self;
   1776     TimeBase itself;
   1777     char *kw[] = {"itself", 0};
   1779     if (!PyArg_ParseTupleAndKeywords(_args, _kwds, "O&", kw, TimeBaseObj_Convert, &itself)) return NULL;
   1780     if ((_self = type->tp_alloc(type, 0)) == NULL) return NULL;
   1781     ((TimeBaseObject *)_self)->ob_itself = itself;
   1782     return _self;
   1783 }
   1785 #define TimeBaseObj_tp_free PyObject_Del
   1788 PyTypeObject TimeBase_Type = {
   1789     PyObject_HEAD_INIT(NULL)
   1790     0, /*ob_size*/
   1791     "_Qt.TimeBase", /*tp_name*/
   1792     sizeof(TimeBaseObject), /*tp_basicsize*/
   1793     0, /*tp_itemsize*/
   1794     /* methods */
   1795     (destructor) TimeBaseObj_dealloc, /*tp_dealloc*/
   1796     0, /*tp_print*/
   1797     (getattrfunc)0, /*tp_getattr*/
   1798     (setattrfunc)0, /*tp_setattr*/
   1799     (cmpfunc) TimeBaseObj_compare, /*tp_compare*/
   1800     (reprfunc) TimeBaseObj_repr, /*tp_repr*/
   1801     (PyNumberMethods *)0, /* tp_as_number */
   1802     (PySequenceMethods *)0, /* tp_as_sequence */
   1803     (PyMappingMethods *)0, /* tp_as_mapping */
   1804     (hashfunc) TimeBaseObj_hash, /*tp_hash*/
   1805     0, /*tp_call*/
   1806     0, /*tp_str*/
   1807     PyObject_GenericGetAttr, /*tp_getattro*/
   1808     PyObject_GenericSetAttr, /*tp_setattro */
   1809     0, /*tp_as_buffer*/
   1810     Py_TPFLAGS_DEFAULT|Py_TPFLAGS_BASETYPE, /* tp_flags */
   1811     0, /*tp_doc*/
   1812     0, /*tp_traverse*/
   1813     0, /*tp_clear*/
   1814     0, /*tp_richcompare*/
   1815     0, /*tp_weaklistoffset*/
   1816     0, /*tp_iter*/
   1817     0, /*tp_iternext*/
   1818     TimeBaseObj_methods, /* tp_methods */
   1819     0, /*tp_members*/
   1820     TimeBaseObj_getsetlist, /*tp_getset*/
   1821     0, /*tp_base*/
   1822     0, /*tp_dict*/
   1823     0, /*tp_descr_get*/
   1824     0, /*tp_descr_set*/
   1825     0, /*tp_dictoffset*/
   1826     TimeBaseObj_tp_init, /* tp_init */
   1827     TimeBaseObj_tp_alloc, /* tp_alloc */
   1828     TimeBaseObj_tp_new, /* tp_new */
   1829     TimeBaseObj_tp_free, /* tp_free */
   1830 };
   1832 /* -------------------- End object type TimeBase -------------------- */
   1835 /* ---------------------- Object type UserData ---------------------- */
   1837 PyTypeObject UserData_Type;
   1839 #define UserDataObj_Check(x) ((x)->ob_type == &UserData_Type || PyObject_TypeCheck((x), &UserData_Type))
   1841 typedef struct UserDataObject {
   1842     PyObject_HEAD
   1843     UserData ob_itself;
   1844 } UserDataObject;
   1846 PyObject *UserDataObj_New(UserData itself)
   1847 {
   1848     UserDataObject *it;
   1849     if (itself == NULL) {
   1850                                     PyErr_SetString(Qt_Error,"Cannot create UserData from NULL pointer");
   1851                                     return NULL;
   1852                             }
   1853     it = PyObject_NEW(UserDataObject, &UserData_Type);
   1854     if (it == NULL) return NULL;
   1855     it->ob_itself = itself;
   1856     return (PyObject *)it;
   1857 }
   1859 int UserDataObj_Convert(PyObject *v, UserData *p_itself)
   1860 {
   1861     if (v == Py_None)
   1862     {
   1863         *p_itself = NULL;
   1864         return 1;
   1865     }
   1866     if (!UserDataObj_Check(v))
   1867     {
   1868         PyErr_SetString(PyExc_TypeError, "UserData required");
   1869         return 0;
   1870     }
   1871     *p_itself = ((UserDataObject *)v)->ob_itself;
   1872     return 1;
   1873 }
   1875 static void UserDataObj_dealloc(UserDataObject *self)
   1876 {
   1877     if (self->ob_itself) DisposeUserData(self->ob_itself);
   1878     self->ob_type->tp_free((PyObject *)self);
   1879 }
   1881 static PyObject *UserDataObj_GetUserData(UserDataObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   1882 {
   1883     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   1884     OSErr _err;
   1885     Handle data;
   1886     OSType udType;
   1887     long index;
   1888 #ifndef GetUserData
   1889     PyMac_PRECHECK(GetUserData);
   1890 #endif
   1891     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&O&l",
   1892                           ResObj_Convert, &data,
   1893                           PyMac_GetOSType, &udType,
   1894                           &index))
   1895         return NULL;
   1896     _err = GetUserData(_self->ob_itself,
   1897                        data,
   1898                        udType,
   1899                        index);
   1900     if (_err != noErr) return PyMac_Error(_err);
   1901     Py_INCREF(Py_None);
   1902     _res = Py_None;
   1903     return _res;
   1904 }
   1906 static PyObject *UserDataObj_AddUserData(UserDataObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   1907 {
   1908     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   1909     OSErr _err;
   1910     Handle data;
   1911     OSType udType;
   1912 #ifndef AddUserData
   1913     PyMac_PRECHECK(AddUserData);
   1914 #endif
   1915     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&O&",
   1916                           ResObj_Convert, &data,
   1917                           PyMac_GetOSType, &udType))
   1918         return NULL;
   1919     _err = AddUserData(_self->ob_itself,
   1920                        data,
   1921                        udType);
   1922     if (_err != noErr) return PyMac_Error(_err);
   1923     Py_INCREF(Py_None);
   1924     _res = Py_None;
   1925     return _res;
   1926 }
   1928 static PyObject *UserDataObj_RemoveUserData(UserDataObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   1929 {
   1930     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   1931     OSErr _err;
   1932     OSType udType;
   1933     long index;
   1934 #ifndef RemoveUserData
   1935     PyMac_PRECHECK(RemoveUserData);
   1936 #endif
   1937     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&l",
   1938                           PyMac_GetOSType, &udType,
   1939                           &index))
   1940         return NULL;
   1941     _err = RemoveUserData(_self->ob_itself,
   1942                           udType,
   1943                           index);
   1944     if (_err != noErr) return PyMac_Error(_err);
   1945     Py_INCREF(Py_None);
   1946     _res = Py_None;
   1947     return _res;
   1948 }
   1950 static PyObject *UserDataObj_CountUserDataType(UserDataObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   1951 {
   1952     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   1953     short _rv;
   1954     OSType udType;
   1955 #ifndef CountUserDataType
   1956     PyMac_PRECHECK(CountUserDataType);
   1957 #endif
   1958     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&",
   1959                           PyMac_GetOSType, &udType))
   1960         return NULL;
   1961     _rv = CountUserDataType(_self->ob_itself,
   1962                             udType);
   1963     _res = Py_BuildValue("h",
   1964                          _rv);
   1965     return _res;
   1966 }
   1968 static PyObject *UserDataObj_GetNextUserDataType(UserDataObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   1969 {
   1970     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   1971     long _rv;
   1972     OSType udType;
   1973 #ifndef GetNextUserDataType
   1974     PyMac_PRECHECK(GetNextUserDataType);
   1975 #endif
   1976     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&",
   1977                           PyMac_GetOSType, &udType))
   1978         return NULL;
   1979     _rv = GetNextUserDataType(_self->ob_itself,
   1980                               udType);
   1981     _res = Py_BuildValue("l",
   1982                          _rv);
   1983     return _res;
   1984 }
   1986 static PyObject *UserDataObj_AddUserDataText(UserDataObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   1987 {
   1988     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   1989     OSErr _err;
   1990     Handle data;
   1991     OSType udType;
   1992     long index;
   1993     short itlRegionTag;
   1994 #ifndef AddUserDataText
   1995     PyMac_PRECHECK(AddUserDataText);
   1996 #endif
   1997     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&O&lh",
   1998                           ResObj_Convert, &data,
   1999                           PyMac_GetOSType, &udType,
   2000                           &index,
   2001                           &itlRegionTag))
   2002         return NULL;
   2003     _err = AddUserDataText(_self->ob_itself,
   2004                            data,
   2005                            udType,
   2006                            index,
   2007                            itlRegionTag);
   2008     if (_err != noErr) return PyMac_Error(_err);
   2009     Py_INCREF(Py_None);
   2010     _res = Py_None;
   2011     return _res;
   2012 }
   2014 static PyObject *UserDataObj_GetUserDataText(UserDataObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   2015 {
   2016     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   2017     OSErr _err;
   2018     Handle data;
   2019     OSType udType;
   2020     long index;
   2021     short itlRegionTag;
   2022 #ifndef GetUserDataText
   2023     PyMac_PRECHECK(GetUserDataText);
   2024 #endif
   2025     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&O&lh",
   2026                           ResObj_Convert, &data,
   2027                           PyMac_GetOSType, &udType,
   2028                           &index,
   2029                           &itlRegionTag))
   2030         return NULL;
   2031     _err = GetUserDataText(_self->ob_itself,
   2032                            data,
   2033                            udType,
   2034                            index,
   2035                            itlRegionTag);
   2036     if (_err != noErr) return PyMac_Error(_err);
   2037     Py_INCREF(Py_None);
   2038     _res = Py_None;
   2039     return _res;
   2040 }
   2042 static PyObject *UserDataObj_RemoveUserDataText(UserDataObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   2043 {
   2044     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   2045     OSErr _err;
   2046     OSType udType;
   2047     long index;
   2048     short itlRegionTag;
   2049 #ifndef RemoveUserDataText
   2050     PyMac_PRECHECK(RemoveUserDataText);
   2051 #endif
   2052     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&lh",
   2053                           PyMac_GetOSType, &udType,
   2054                           &index,
   2055                           &itlRegionTag))
   2056         return NULL;
   2057     _err = RemoveUserDataText(_self->ob_itself,
   2058                               udType,
   2059                               index,
   2060                               itlRegionTag);
   2061     if (_err != noErr) return PyMac_Error(_err);
   2062     Py_INCREF(Py_None);
   2063     _res = Py_None;
   2064     return _res;
   2065 }
   2067 static PyObject *UserDataObj_PutUserDataIntoHandle(UserDataObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   2068 {
   2069     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   2070     OSErr _err;
   2071     Handle h;
   2072 #ifndef PutUserDataIntoHandle
   2073     PyMac_PRECHECK(PutUserDataIntoHandle);
   2074 #endif
   2075     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&",
   2076                           ResObj_Convert, &h))
   2077         return NULL;
   2078     _err = PutUserDataIntoHandle(_self->ob_itself,
   2079                                  h);
   2080     if (_err != noErr) return PyMac_Error(_err);
   2081     Py_INCREF(Py_None);
   2082     _res = Py_None;
   2083     return _res;
   2084 }
   2086 static PyObject *UserDataObj_CopyUserData(UserDataObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   2087 {
   2088     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   2089     OSErr _err;
   2090     UserData dstUserData;
   2091     OSType copyRule;
   2092 #ifndef CopyUserData
   2093     PyMac_PRECHECK(CopyUserData);
   2094 #endif
   2095     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&O&",
   2096                           UserDataObj_Convert, &dstUserData,
   2097                           PyMac_GetOSType, &copyRule))
   2098         return NULL;
   2099     _err = CopyUserData(_self->ob_itself,
   2100                         dstUserData,
   2101                         copyRule);
   2102     if (_err != noErr) return PyMac_Error(_err);
   2103     Py_INCREF(Py_None);
   2104     _res = Py_None;
   2105     return _res;
   2106 }
   2108 static PyMethodDef UserDataObj_methods[] = {
   2109     {"GetUserData", (PyCFunction)UserDataObj_GetUserData, 1,
   2110      PyDoc_STR("(Handle data, OSType udType, long index) -> None")},
   2111     {"AddUserData", (PyCFunction)UserDataObj_AddUserData, 1,
   2112      PyDoc_STR("(Handle data, OSType udType) -> None")},
   2113     {"RemoveUserData", (PyCFunction)UserDataObj_RemoveUserData, 1,
   2114      PyDoc_STR("(OSType udType, long index) -> None")},
   2115     {"CountUserDataType", (PyCFunction)UserDataObj_CountUserDataType, 1,
   2116      PyDoc_STR("(OSType udType) -> (short _rv)")},
   2117     {"GetNextUserDataType", (PyCFunction)UserDataObj_GetNextUserDataType, 1,
   2118      PyDoc_STR("(OSType udType) -> (long _rv)")},
   2119     {"AddUserDataText", (PyCFunction)UserDataObj_AddUserDataText, 1,
   2120      PyDoc_STR("(Handle data, OSType udType, long index, short itlRegionTag) -> None")},
   2121     {"GetUserDataText", (PyCFunction)UserDataObj_GetUserDataText, 1,
   2122      PyDoc_STR("(Handle data, OSType udType, long index, short itlRegionTag) -> None")},
   2123     {"RemoveUserDataText", (PyCFunction)UserDataObj_RemoveUserDataText, 1,
   2124      PyDoc_STR("(OSType udType, long index, short itlRegionTag) -> None")},
   2125     {"PutUserDataIntoHandle", (PyCFunction)UserDataObj_PutUserDataIntoHandle, 1,
   2126      PyDoc_STR("(Handle h) -> None")},
   2127     {"CopyUserData", (PyCFunction)UserDataObj_CopyUserData, 1,
   2128      PyDoc_STR("(UserData dstUserData, OSType copyRule) -> None")},
   2129     {NULL, NULL, 0}
   2130 };
   2132 #define UserDataObj_getsetlist NULL
   2135 #define UserDataObj_compare NULL
   2137 #define UserDataObj_repr NULL
   2139 #define UserDataObj_hash NULL
   2140 #define UserDataObj_tp_init 0
   2142 #define UserDataObj_tp_alloc PyType_GenericAlloc
   2144 static PyObject *UserDataObj_tp_new(PyTypeObject *type, PyObject *_args, PyObject *_kwds)
   2145 {
   2146     PyObject *_self;
   2147     UserData itself;
   2148     char *kw[] = {"itself", 0};
   2150     if (!PyArg_ParseTupleAndKeywords(_args, _kwds, "O&", kw, UserDataObj_Convert, &itself)) return NULL;
   2151     if ((_self = type->tp_alloc(type, 0)) == NULL) return NULL;
   2152     ((UserDataObject *)_self)->ob_itself = itself;
   2153     return _self;
   2154 }
   2156 #define UserDataObj_tp_free PyObject_Del
   2159 PyTypeObject UserData_Type = {
   2160     PyObject_HEAD_INIT(NULL)
   2161     0, /*ob_size*/
   2162     "_Qt.UserData", /*tp_name*/
   2163     sizeof(UserDataObject), /*tp_basicsize*/
   2164     0, /*tp_itemsize*/
   2165     /* methods */
   2166     (destructor) UserDataObj_dealloc, /*tp_dealloc*/
   2167     0, /*tp_print*/
   2168     (getattrfunc)0, /*tp_getattr*/
   2169     (setattrfunc)0, /*tp_setattr*/
   2170     (cmpfunc) UserDataObj_compare, /*tp_compare*/
   2171     (reprfunc) UserDataObj_repr, /*tp_repr*/
   2172     (PyNumberMethods *)0, /* tp_as_number */
   2173     (PySequenceMethods *)0, /* tp_as_sequence */
   2174     (PyMappingMethods *)0, /* tp_as_mapping */
   2175     (hashfunc) UserDataObj_hash, /*tp_hash*/
   2176     0, /*tp_call*/
   2177     0, /*tp_str*/
   2178     PyObject_GenericGetAttr, /*tp_getattro*/
   2179     PyObject_GenericSetAttr, /*tp_setattro */
   2180     0, /*tp_as_buffer*/
   2181     Py_TPFLAGS_DEFAULT|Py_TPFLAGS_BASETYPE, /* tp_flags */
   2182     0, /*tp_doc*/
   2183     0, /*tp_traverse*/
   2184     0, /*tp_clear*/
   2185     0, /*tp_richcompare*/
   2186     0, /*tp_weaklistoffset*/
   2187     0, /*tp_iter*/
   2188     0, /*tp_iternext*/
   2189     UserDataObj_methods, /* tp_methods */
   2190     0, /*tp_members*/
   2191     UserDataObj_getsetlist, /*tp_getset*/
   2192     0, /*tp_base*/
   2193     0, /*tp_dict*/
   2194     0, /*tp_descr_get*/
   2195     0, /*tp_descr_set*/
   2196     0, /*tp_dictoffset*/
   2197     UserDataObj_tp_init, /* tp_init */
   2198     UserDataObj_tp_alloc, /* tp_alloc */
   2199     UserDataObj_tp_new, /* tp_new */
   2200     UserDataObj_tp_free, /* tp_free */
   2201 };
   2203 /* -------------------- End object type UserData -------------------- */
   2206 /* ----------------------- Object type Media ------------------------ */
   2208 PyTypeObject Media_Type;
   2210 #define MediaObj_Check(x) ((x)->ob_type == &Media_Type || PyObject_TypeCheck((x), &Media_Type))
   2212 typedef struct MediaObject {
   2213     PyObject_HEAD
   2214     Media ob_itself;
   2215 } MediaObject;
   2217 PyObject *MediaObj_New(Media itself)
   2218 {
   2219     MediaObject *it;
   2220     if (itself == NULL) {
   2221                                     PyErr_SetString(Qt_Error,"Cannot create Media from NULL pointer");
   2222                                     return NULL;
   2223                             }
   2224     it = PyObject_NEW(MediaObject, &Media_Type);
   2225     if (it == NULL) return NULL;
   2226     it->ob_itself = itself;
   2227     return (PyObject *)it;
   2228 }
   2230 int MediaObj_Convert(PyObject *v, Media *p_itself)
   2231 {
   2232     if (v == Py_None)
   2233     {
   2234         *p_itself = NULL;
   2235         return 1;
   2236     }
   2237     if (!MediaObj_Check(v))
   2238     {
   2239         PyErr_SetString(PyExc_TypeError, "Media required");
   2240         return 0;
   2241     }
   2242     *p_itself = ((MediaObject *)v)->ob_itself;
   2243     return 1;
   2244 }
   2246 static void MediaObj_dealloc(MediaObject *self)
   2247 {
   2248     if (self->ob_itself) DisposeTrackMedia(self->ob_itself);
   2249     self->ob_type->tp_free((PyObject *)self);
   2250 }
   2252 static PyObject *MediaObj_LoadMediaIntoRam(MediaObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   2253 {
   2254     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   2255     OSErr _err;
   2256     TimeValue time;
   2257     TimeValue duration;
   2258     long flags;
   2259 #ifndef LoadMediaIntoRam
   2260     PyMac_PRECHECK(LoadMediaIntoRam);
   2261 #endif
   2262     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "lll",
   2263                           &time,
   2264                           &duration,
   2265                           &flags))
   2266         return NULL;
   2267     _err = LoadMediaIntoRam(_self->ob_itself,
   2268                             time,
   2269                             duration,
   2270                             flags);
   2271     if (_err != noErr) return PyMac_Error(_err);
   2272     Py_INCREF(Py_None);
   2273     _res = Py_None;
   2274     return _res;
   2275 }
   2277 static PyObject *MediaObj_GetMediaTrack(MediaObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   2278 {
   2279     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   2280     Track _rv;
   2281 #ifndef GetMediaTrack
   2282     PyMac_PRECHECK(GetMediaTrack);
   2283 #endif
   2284     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, ""))
   2285         return NULL;
   2286     _rv = GetMediaTrack(_self->ob_itself);
   2287     _res = Py_BuildValue("O&",
   2288                          TrackObj_New, _rv);
   2289     return _res;
   2290 }
   2292 static PyObject *MediaObj_GetMediaCreationTime(MediaObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   2293 {
   2294     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   2295     unsigned long _rv;
   2296 #ifndef GetMediaCreationTime
   2297     PyMac_PRECHECK(GetMediaCreationTime);
   2298 #endif
   2299     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, ""))
   2300         return NULL;
   2301     _rv = GetMediaCreationTime(_self->ob_itself);
   2302     _res = Py_BuildValue("l",
   2303                          _rv);
   2304     return _res;
   2305 }
   2307 static PyObject *MediaObj_GetMediaModificationTime(MediaObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   2308 {
   2309     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   2310     unsigned long _rv;
   2311 #ifndef GetMediaModificationTime
   2312     PyMac_PRECHECK(GetMediaModificationTime);
   2313 #endif
   2314     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, ""))
   2315         return NULL;
   2316     _rv = GetMediaModificationTime(_self->ob_itself);
   2317     _res = Py_BuildValue("l",
   2318                          _rv);
   2319     return _res;
   2320 }
   2322 static PyObject *MediaObj_GetMediaTimeScale(MediaObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   2323 {
   2324     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   2325     TimeScale _rv;
   2326 #ifndef GetMediaTimeScale
   2327     PyMac_PRECHECK(GetMediaTimeScale);
   2328 #endif
   2329     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, ""))
   2330         return NULL;
   2331     _rv = GetMediaTimeScale(_self->ob_itself);
   2332     _res = Py_BuildValue("l",
   2333                          _rv);
   2334     return _res;
   2335 }
   2337 static PyObject *MediaObj_SetMediaTimeScale(MediaObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   2338 {
   2339     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   2340     TimeScale timeScale;
   2341 #ifndef SetMediaTimeScale
   2342     PyMac_PRECHECK(SetMediaTimeScale);
   2343 #endif
   2344     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "l",
   2345                           &timeScale))
   2346         return NULL;
   2347     SetMediaTimeScale(_self->ob_itself,
   2348                       timeScale);
   2349     Py_INCREF(Py_None);
   2350     _res = Py_None;
   2351     return _res;
   2352 }
   2354 static PyObject *MediaObj_GetMediaDuration(MediaObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   2355 {
   2356     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   2357     TimeValue _rv;
   2358 #ifndef GetMediaDuration
   2359     PyMac_PRECHECK(GetMediaDuration);
   2360 #endif
   2361     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, ""))
   2362         return NULL;
   2363     _rv = GetMediaDuration(_self->ob_itself);
   2364     _res = Py_BuildValue("l",
   2365                          _rv);
   2366     return _res;
   2367 }
   2369 static PyObject *MediaObj_GetMediaLanguage(MediaObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   2370 {
   2371     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   2372     short _rv;
   2373 #ifndef GetMediaLanguage
   2374     PyMac_PRECHECK(GetMediaLanguage);
   2375 #endif
   2376     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, ""))
   2377         return NULL;
   2378     _rv = GetMediaLanguage(_self->ob_itself);
   2379     _res = Py_BuildValue("h",
   2380                          _rv);
   2381     return _res;
   2382 }
   2384 static PyObject *MediaObj_SetMediaLanguage(MediaObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   2385 {
   2386     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   2387     short language;
   2388 #ifndef SetMediaLanguage
   2389     PyMac_PRECHECK(SetMediaLanguage);
   2390 #endif
   2391     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "h",
   2392                           &language))
   2393         return NULL;
   2394     SetMediaLanguage(_self->ob_itself,
   2395                      language);
   2396     Py_INCREF(Py_None);
   2397     _res = Py_None;
   2398     return _res;
   2399 }
   2401 static PyObject *MediaObj_GetMediaQuality(MediaObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   2402 {
   2403     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   2404     short _rv;
   2405 #ifndef GetMediaQuality
   2406     PyMac_PRECHECK(GetMediaQuality);
   2407 #endif
   2408     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, ""))
   2409         return NULL;
   2410     _rv = GetMediaQuality(_self->ob_itself);
   2411     _res = Py_BuildValue("h",
   2412                          _rv);
   2413     return _res;
   2414 }
   2416 static PyObject *MediaObj_SetMediaQuality(MediaObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   2417 {
   2418     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   2419     short quality;
   2420 #ifndef SetMediaQuality
   2421     PyMac_PRECHECK(SetMediaQuality);
   2422 #endif
   2423     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "h",
   2424                           &quality))
   2425         return NULL;
   2426     SetMediaQuality(_self->ob_itself,
   2427                     quality);
   2428     Py_INCREF(Py_None);
   2429     _res = Py_None;
   2430     return _res;
   2431 }
   2433 static PyObject *MediaObj_GetMediaHandlerDescription(MediaObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   2434 {
   2435     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   2436     OSType mediaType;
   2437     Str255 creatorName;
   2438     OSType creatorManufacturer;
   2439 #ifndef GetMediaHandlerDescription
   2440     PyMac_PRECHECK(GetMediaHandlerDescription);
   2441 #endif
   2442     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&",
   2443                           PyMac_GetStr255, creatorName))
   2444         return NULL;
   2445     GetMediaHandlerDescription(_self->ob_itself,
   2446                                &mediaType,
   2447                                creatorName,
   2448                                &creatorManufacturer);
   2449     _res = Py_BuildValue("O&O&",
   2450                          PyMac_BuildOSType, mediaType,
   2451                          PyMac_BuildOSType, creatorManufacturer);
   2452     return _res;
   2453 }
   2455 static PyObject *MediaObj_GetMediaUserData(MediaObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   2456 {
   2457     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   2458     UserData _rv;
   2459 #ifndef GetMediaUserData
   2460     PyMac_PRECHECK(GetMediaUserData);
   2461 #endif
   2462     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, ""))
   2463         return NULL;
   2464     _rv = GetMediaUserData(_self->ob_itself);
   2465     _res = Py_BuildValue("O&",
   2466                          UserDataObj_New, _rv);
   2467     return _res;
   2468 }
   2470 static PyObject *MediaObj_GetMediaHandler(MediaObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   2471 {
   2472     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   2473     MediaHandler _rv;
   2474 #ifndef GetMediaHandler
   2475     PyMac_PRECHECK(GetMediaHandler);
   2476 #endif
   2477     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, ""))
   2478         return NULL;
   2479     _rv = GetMediaHandler(_self->ob_itself);
   2480     _res = Py_BuildValue("O&",
   2481                          CmpInstObj_New, _rv);
   2482     return _res;
   2483 }
   2485 static PyObject *MediaObj_SetMediaHandler(MediaObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   2486 {
   2487     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   2488     OSErr _err;
   2489     MediaHandlerComponent mH;
   2490 #ifndef SetMediaHandler
   2491     PyMac_PRECHECK(SetMediaHandler);
   2492 #endif
   2493     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&",
   2494                           CmpObj_Convert, &mH))
   2495         return NULL;
   2496     _err = SetMediaHandler(_self->ob_itself,
   2497                            mH);
   2498     if (_err != noErr) return PyMac_Error(_err);
   2499     Py_INCREF(Py_None);
   2500     _res = Py_None;
   2501     return _res;
   2502 }
   2504 static PyObject *MediaObj_BeginMediaEdits(MediaObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   2505 {
   2506     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   2507     OSErr _err;
   2508 #ifndef BeginMediaEdits
   2509     PyMac_PRECHECK(BeginMediaEdits);
   2510 #endif
   2511     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, ""))
   2512         return NULL;
   2513     _err = BeginMediaEdits(_self->ob_itself);
   2514     if (_err != noErr) return PyMac_Error(_err);
   2515     Py_INCREF(Py_None);
   2516     _res = Py_None;
   2517     return _res;
   2518 }
   2520 static PyObject *MediaObj_EndMediaEdits(MediaObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   2521 {
   2522     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   2523     OSErr _err;
   2524 #ifndef EndMediaEdits
   2525     PyMac_PRECHECK(EndMediaEdits);
   2526 #endif
   2527     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, ""))
   2528         return NULL;
   2529     _err = EndMediaEdits(_self->ob_itself);
   2530     if (_err != noErr) return PyMac_Error(_err);
   2531     Py_INCREF(Py_None);
   2532     _res = Py_None;
   2533     return _res;
   2534 }
   2536 static PyObject *MediaObj_SetMediaDefaultDataRefIndex(MediaObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   2537 {
   2538     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   2539     OSErr _err;
   2540     short index;
   2541 #ifndef SetMediaDefaultDataRefIndex
   2542     PyMac_PRECHECK(SetMediaDefaultDataRefIndex);
   2543 #endif
   2544     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "h",
   2545                           &index))
   2546         return NULL;
   2547     _err = SetMediaDefaultDataRefIndex(_self->ob_itself,
   2548                                        index);
   2549     if (_err != noErr) return PyMac_Error(_err);
   2550     Py_INCREF(Py_None);
   2551     _res = Py_None;
   2552     return _res;
   2553 }
   2555 static PyObject *MediaObj_GetMediaDataHandlerDescription(MediaObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   2556 {
   2557     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   2558     short index;
   2559     OSType dhType;
   2560     Str255 creatorName;
   2561     OSType creatorManufacturer;
   2562 #ifndef GetMediaDataHandlerDescription
   2563     PyMac_PRECHECK(GetMediaDataHandlerDescription);
   2564 #endif
   2565     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "hO&",
   2566                           &index,
   2567                           PyMac_GetStr255, creatorName))
   2568         return NULL;
   2569     GetMediaDataHandlerDescription(_self->ob_itself,
   2570                                    index,
   2571                                    &dhType,
   2572                                    creatorName,
   2573                                    &creatorManufacturer);
   2574     _res = Py_BuildValue("O&O&",
   2575                          PyMac_BuildOSType, dhType,
   2576                          PyMac_BuildOSType, creatorManufacturer);
   2577     return _res;
   2578 }
   2580 static PyObject *MediaObj_GetMediaDataHandler(MediaObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   2581 {
   2582     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   2583     DataHandler _rv;
   2584     short index;
   2585 #ifndef GetMediaDataHandler
   2586     PyMac_PRECHECK(GetMediaDataHandler);
   2587 #endif
   2588     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "h",
   2589                           &index))
   2590         return NULL;
   2591     _rv = GetMediaDataHandler(_self->ob_itself,
   2592                               index);
   2593     _res = Py_BuildValue("O&",
   2594                          CmpInstObj_New, _rv);
   2595     return _res;
   2596 }
   2598 static PyObject *MediaObj_SetMediaDataHandler(MediaObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   2599 {
   2600     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   2601     OSErr _err;
   2602     short index;
   2603     DataHandlerComponent dataHandler;
   2604 #ifndef SetMediaDataHandler
   2605     PyMac_PRECHECK(SetMediaDataHandler);
   2606 #endif
   2607     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "hO&",
   2608                           &index,
   2609                           CmpObj_Convert, &dataHandler))
   2610         return NULL;
   2611     _err = SetMediaDataHandler(_self->ob_itself,
   2612                                index,
   2613                                dataHandler);
   2614     if (_err != noErr) return PyMac_Error(_err);
   2615     Py_INCREF(Py_None);
   2616     _res = Py_None;
   2617     return _res;
   2618 }
   2620 static PyObject *MediaObj_GetMediaSampleDescriptionCount(MediaObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   2621 {
   2622     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   2623     long _rv;
   2624 #ifndef GetMediaSampleDescriptionCount
   2625     PyMac_PRECHECK(GetMediaSampleDescriptionCount);
   2626 #endif
   2627     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, ""))
   2628         return NULL;
   2629     _rv = GetMediaSampleDescriptionCount(_self->ob_itself);
   2630     _res = Py_BuildValue("l",
   2631                          _rv);
   2632     return _res;
   2633 }
   2635 static PyObject *MediaObj_GetMediaSampleDescription(MediaObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   2636 {
   2637     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   2638     long index;
   2639     SampleDescriptionHandle descH;
   2640 #ifndef GetMediaSampleDescription
   2641     PyMac_PRECHECK(GetMediaSampleDescription);
   2642 #endif
   2643     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "lO&",
   2644                           &index,
   2645                           ResObj_Convert, &descH))
   2646         return NULL;
   2647     GetMediaSampleDescription(_self->ob_itself,
   2648                               index,
   2649                               descH);
   2650     Py_INCREF(Py_None);
   2651     _res = Py_None;
   2652     return _res;
   2653 }
   2655 static PyObject *MediaObj_SetMediaSampleDescription(MediaObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   2656 {
   2657     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   2658     OSErr _err;
   2659     long index;
   2660     SampleDescriptionHandle descH;
   2661 #ifndef SetMediaSampleDescription
   2662     PyMac_PRECHECK(SetMediaSampleDescription);
   2663 #endif
   2664     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "lO&",
   2665                           &index,
   2666                           ResObj_Convert, &descH))
   2667         return NULL;
   2668     _err = SetMediaSampleDescription(_self->ob_itself,
   2669                                      index,
   2670                                      descH);
   2671     if (_err != noErr) return PyMac_Error(_err);
   2672     Py_INCREF(Py_None);
   2673     _res = Py_None;
   2674     return _res;
   2675 }
   2677 static PyObject *MediaObj_GetMediaSampleCount(MediaObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   2678 {
   2679     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   2680     long _rv;
   2681 #ifndef GetMediaSampleCount
   2682     PyMac_PRECHECK(GetMediaSampleCount);
   2683 #endif
   2684     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, ""))
   2685         return NULL;
   2686     _rv = GetMediaSampleCount(_self->ob_itself);
   2687     _res = Py_BuildValue("l",
   2688                          _rv);
   2689     return _res;
   2690 }
   2692 static PyObject *MediaObj_GetMediaSyncSampleCount(MediaObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   2693 {
   2694     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   2695     long _rv;
   2696 #ifndef GetMediaSyncSampleCount
   2697     PyMac_PRECHECK(GetMediaSyncSampleCount);
   2698 #endif
   2699     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, ""))
   2700         return NULL;
   2701     _rv = GetMediaSyncSampleCount(_self->ob_itself);
   2702     _res = Py_BuildValue("l",
   2703                          _rv);
   2704     return _res;
   2705 }
   2707 static PyObject *MediaObj_SampleNumToMediaTime(MediaObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   2708 {
   2709     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   2710     long logicalSampleNum;
   2711     TimeValue sampleTime;
   2712     TimeValue sampleDuration;
   2713 #ifndef SampleNumToMediaTime
   2714     PyMac_PRECHECK(SampleNumToMediaTime);
   2715 #endif
   2716     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "l",
   2717                           &logicalSampleNum))
   2718         return NULL;
   2719     SampleNumToMediaTime(_self->ob_itself,
   2720                          logicalSampleNum,
   2721                          &sampleTime,
   2722                          &sampleDuration);
   2723     _res = Py_BuildValue("ll",
   2724                          sampleTime,
   2725                          sampleDuration);
   2726     return _res;
   2727 }
   2729 static PyObject *MediaObj_MediaTimeToSampleNum(MediaObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   2730 {
   2731     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   2732     TimeValue time;
   2733     long sampleNum;
   2734     TimeValue sampleTime;
   2735     TimeValue sampleDuration;
   2736 #ifndef MediaTimeToSampleNum
   2737     PyMac_PRECHECK(MediaTimeToSampleNum);
   2738 #endif
   2739     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "l",
   2740                           &time))
   2741         return NULL;
   2742     MediaTimeToSampleNum(_self->ob_itself,
   2743                          time,
   2744                          &sampleNum,
   2745                          &sampleTime,
   2746                          &sampleDuration);
   2747     _res = Py_BuildValue("lll",
   2748                          sampleNum,
   2749                          sampleTime,
   2750                          sampleDuration);
   2751     return _res;
   2752 }
   2754 static PyObject *MediaObj_AddMediaSample(MediaObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   2755 {
   2756     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   2757     OSErr _err;
   2758     Handle dataIn;
   2759     long inOffset;
   2760     unsigned long size;
   2761     TimeValue durationPerSample;
   2762     SampleDescriptionHandle sampleDescriptionH;
   2763     long numberOfSamples;
   2764     short sampleFlags;
   2765     TimeValue sampleTime;
   2766 #ifndef AddMediaSample
   2767     PyMac_PRECHECK(AddMediaSample);
   2768 #endif
   2769     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&lllO&lh",
   2770                           ResObj_Convert, &dataIn,
   2771                           &inOffset,
   2772                           &size,
   2773                           &durationPerSample,
   2774                           ResObj_Convert, &sampleDescriptionH,
   2775                           &numberOfSamples,
   2776                           &sampleFlags))
   2777         return NULL;
   2778     _err = AddMediaSample(_self->ob_itself,
   2779                           dataIn,
   2780                           inOffset,
   2781                           size,
   2782                           durationPerSample,
   2783                           sampleDescriptionH,
   2784                           numberOfSamples,
   2785                           sampleFlags,
   2786                           &sampleTime);
   2787     if (_err != noErr) return PyMac_Error(_err);
   2788     _res = Py_BuildValue("l",
   2789                          sampleTime);
   2790     return _res;
   2791 }
   2793 static PyObject *MediaObj_AddMediaSampleReference(MediaObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   2794 {
   2795     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   2796     OSErr _err;
   2797     long dataOffset;
   2798     unsigned long size;
   2799     TimeValue durationPerSample;
   2800     SampleDescriptionHandle sampleDescriptionH;
   2801     long numberOfSamples;
   2802     short sampleFlags;
   2803     TimeValue sampleTime;
   2804 #ifndef AddMediaSampleReference
   2805     PyMac_PRECHECK(AddMediaSampleReference);
   2806 #endif
   2807     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "lllO&lh",
   2808                           &dataOffset,
   2809                           &size,
   2810                           &durationPerSample,
   2811                           ResObj_Convert, &sampleDescriptionH,
   2812                           &numberOfSamples,
   2813                           &sampleFlags))
   2814         return NULL;
   2815     _err = AddMediaSampleReference(_self->ob_itself,
   2816                                    dataOffset,
   2817                                    size,
   2818                                    durationPerSample,
   2819                                    sampleDescriptionH,
   2820                                    numberOfSamples,
   2821                                    sampleFlags,
   2822                                    &sampleTime);
   2823     if (_err != noErr) return PyMac_Error(_err);
   2824     _res = Py_BuildValue("l",
   2825                          sampleTime);
   2826     return _res;
   2827 }
   2829 static PyObject *MediaObj_GetMediaSample(MediaObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   2830 {
   2831     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   2832     OSErr _err;
   2833     Handle dataOut;
   2834     long maxSizeToGrow;
   2835     long size;
   2836     TimeValue time;
   2837     TimeValue sampleTime;
   2838     TimeValue durationPerSample;
   2839     SampleDescriptionHandle sampleDescriptionH;
   2840     long sampleDescriptionIndex;
   2841     long maxNumberOfSamples;
   2842     long numberOfSamples;
   2843     short sampleFlags;
   2844 #ifndef GetMediaSample
   2845     PyMac_PRECHECK(GetMediaSample);
   2846 #endif
   2847     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&llO&l",
   2848                           ResObj_Convert, &dataOut,
   2849                           &maxSizeToGrow,
   2850                           &time,
   2851                           ResObj_Convert, &sampleDescriptionH,
   2852                           &maxNumberOfSamples))
   2853         return NULL;
   2854     _err = GetMediaSample(_self->ob_itself,
   2855                           dataOut,
   2856                           maxSizeToGrow,
   2857                           &size,
   2858                           time,
   2859                           &sampleTime,
   2860                           &durationPerSample,
   2861                           sampleDescriptionH,
   2862                           &sampleDescriptionIndex,
   2863                           maxNumberOfSamples,
   2864                           &numberOfSamples,
   2865                           &sampleFlags);
   2866     if (_err != noErr) return PyMac_Error(_err);
   2867     _res = Py_BuildValue("lllllh",
   2868                          size,
   2869                          sampleTime,
   2870                          durationPerSample,
   2871                          sampleDescriptionIndex,
   2872                          numberOfSamples,
   2873                          sampleFlags);
   2874     return _res;
   2875 }
   2877 static PyObject *MediaObj_GetMediaSampleReference(MediaObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   2878 {
   2879     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   2880     OSErr _err;
   2881     long dataOffset;
   2882     long size;
   2883     TimeValue time;
   2884     TimeValue sampleTime;
   2885     TimeValue durationPerSample;
   2886     SampleDescriptionHandle sampleDescriptionH;
   2887     long sampleDescriptionIndex;
   2888     long maxNumberOfSamples;
   2889     long numberOfSamples;
   2890     short sampleFlags;
   2891 #ifndef GetMediaSampleReference
   2892     PyMac_PRECHECK(GetMediaSampleReference);
   2893 #endif
   2894     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "lO&l",
   2895                           &time,
   2896                           ResObj_Convert, &sampleDescriptionH,
   2897                           &maxNumberOfSamples))
   2898         return NULL;
   2899     _err = GetMediaSampleReference(_self->ob_itself,
   2900                                    &dataOffset,
   2901                                    &size,
   2902                                    time,
   2903                                    &sampleTime,
   2904                                    &durationPerSample,
   2905                                    sampleDescriptionH,
   2906                                    &sampleDescriptionIndex,
   2907                                    maxNumberOfSamples,
   2908                                    &numberOfSamples,
   2909                                    &sampleFlags);
   2910     if (_err != noErr) return PyMac_Error(_err);
   2911     _res = Py_BuildValue("llllllh",
   2912                          dataOffset,
   2913                          size,
   2914                          sampleTime,
   2915                          durationPerSample,
   2916                          sampleDescriptionIndex,
   2917                          numberOfSamples,
   2918                          sampleFlags);
   2919     return _res;
   2920 }
   2922 static PyObject *MediaObj_SetMediaPreferredChunkSize(MediaObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   2923 {
   2924     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   2925     OSErr _err;
   2926     long maxChunkSize;
   2927 #ifndef SetMediaPreferredChunkSize
   2928     PyMac_PRECHECK(SetMediaPreferredChunkSize);
   2929 #endif
   2930     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "l",
   2931                           &maxChunkSize))
   2932         return NULL;
   2933     _err = SetMediaPreferredChunkSize(_self->ob_itself,
   2934                                       maxChunkSize);
   2935     if (_err != noErr) return PyMac_Error(_err);
   2936     Py_INCREF(Py_None);
   2937     _res = Py_None;
   2938     return _res;
   2939 }
   2941 static PyObject *MediaObj_GetMediaPreferredChunkSize(MediaObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   2942 {
   2943     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   2944     OSErr _err;
   2945     long maxChunkSize;
   2946 #ifndef GetMediaPreferredChunkSize
   2947     PyMac_PRECHECK(GetMediaPreferredChunkSize);
   2948 #endif
   2949     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, ""))
   2950         return NULL;
   2951     _err = GetMediaPreferredChunkSize(_self->ob_itself,
   2952                                       &maxChunkSize);
   2953     if (_err != noErr) return PyMac_Error(_err);
   2954     _res = Py_BuildValue("l",
   2955                          maxChunkSize);
   2956     return _res;
   2957 }
   2959 static PyObject *MediaObj_SetMediaShadowSync(MediaObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   2960 {
   2961     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   2962     OSErr _err;
   2963     long frameDiffSampleNum;
   2964     long syncSampleNum;
   2965 #ifndef SetMediaShadowSync
   2966     PyMac_PRECHECK(SetMediaShadowSync);
   2967 #endif
   2968     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "ll",
   2969                           &frameDiffSampleNum,
   2970                           &syncSampleNum))
   2971         return NULL;
   2972     _err = SetMediaShadowSync(_self->ob_itself,
   2973                               frameDiffSampleNum,
   2974                               syncSampleNum);
   2975     if (_err != noErr) return PyMac_Error(_err);
   2976     Py_INCREF(Py_None);
   2977     _res = Py_None;
   2978     return _res;
   2979 }
   2981 static PyObject *MediaObj_GetMediaShadowSync(MediaObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   2982 {
   2983     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   2984     OSErr _err;
   2985     long frameDiffSampleNum;
   2986     long syncSampleNum;
   2987 #ifndef GetMediaShadowSync
   2988     PyMac_PRECHECK(GetMediaShadowSync);
   2989 #endif
   2990     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "l",
   2991                           &frameDiffSampleNum))
   2992         return NULL;
   2993     _err = GetMediaShadowSync(_self->ob_itself,
   2994                               frameDiffSampleNum,
   2995                               &syncSampleNum);
   2996     if (_err != noErr) return PyMac_Error(_err);
   2997     _res = Py_BuildValue("l",
   2998                          syncSampleNum);
   2999     return _res;
   3000 }
   3002 static PyObject *MediaObj_GetMediaDataSize(MediaObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   3003 {
   3004     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   3005     long _rv;
   3006     TimeValue startTime;
   3007     TimeValue duration;
   3008 #ifndef GetMediaDataSize
   3009     PyMac_PRECHECK(GetMediaDataSize);
   3010 #endif
   3011     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "ll",
   3012                           &startTime,
   3013                           &duration))
   3014         return NULL;
   3015     _rv = GetMediaDataSize(_self->ob_itself,
   3016                            startTime,
   3017                            duration);
   3018     _res = Py_BuildValue("l",
   3019                          _rv);
   3020     return _res;
   3021 }
   3023 static PyObject *MediaObj_GetMediaDataSize64(MediaObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   3024 {
   3025     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   3026     OSErr _err;
   3027     TimeValue startTime;
   3028     TimeValue duration;
   3029     wide dataSize;
   3030 #ifndef GetMediaDataSize64
   3031     PyMac_PRECHECK(GetMediaDataSize64);
   3032 #endif
   3033     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "ll",
   3034                           &startTime,
   3035                           &duration))
   3036         return NULL;
   3037     _err = GetMediaDataSize64(_self->ob_itself,
   3038                               startTime,
   3039                               duration,
   3040                               &dataSize);
   3041     if (_err != noErr) return PyMac_Error(_err);
   3042     _res = Py_BuildValue("O&",
   3043                          PyMac_Buildwide, dataSize);
   3044     return _res;
   3045 }
   3047 static PyObject *MediaObj_CopyMediaUserData(MediaObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   3048 {
   3049     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   3050     OSErr _err;
   3051     Media dstMedia;
   3052     OSType copyRule;
   3053 #ifndef CopyMediaUserData
   3054     PyMac_PRECHECK(CopyMediaUserData);
   3055 #endif
   3056     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&O&",
   3057                           MediaObj_Convert, &dstMedia,
   3058                           PyMac_GetOSType, &copyRule))
   3059         return NULL;
   3060     _err = CopyMediaUserData(_self->ob_itself,
   3061                              dstMedia,
   3062                              copyRule);
   3063     if (_err != noErr) return PyMac_Error(_err);
   3064     Py_INCREF(Py_None);
   3065     _res = Py_None;
   3066     return _res;
   3067 }
   3069 static PyObject *MediaObj_GetMediaNextInterestingTime(MediaObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   3070 {
   3071     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   3072     short interestingTimeFlags;
   3073     TimeValue time;
   3074     Fixed rate;
   3075     TimeValue interestingTime;
   3076     TimeValue interestingDuration;
   3077 #ifndef GetMediaNextInterestingTime
   3078     PyMac_PRECHECK(GetMediaNextInterestingTime);
   3079 #endif
   3080     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "hlO&",
   3081                           &interestingTimeFlags,
   3082                           &time,
   3083                           PyMac_GetFixed, &rate))
   3084         return NULL;
   3085     GetMediaNextInterestingTime(_self->ob_itself,
   3086                                 interestingTimeFlags,
   3087                                 time,
   3088                                 rate,
   3089                                 &interestingTime,
   3090                                 &interestingDuration);
   3091     _res = Py_BuildValue("ll",
   3092                          interestingTime,
   3093                          interestingDuration);
   3094     return _res;
   3095 }
   3097 static PyObject *MediaObj_GetMediaDataRef(MediaObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   3098 {
   3099     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   3100     OSErr _err;
   3101     short index;
   3102     Handle dataRef;
   3103     OSType dataRefType;
   3104     long dataRefAttributes;
   3105 #ifndef GetMediaDataRef
   3106     PyMac_PRECHECK(GetMediaDataRef);
   3107 #endif
   3108     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "h",
   3109                           &index))
   3110         return NULL;
   3111     _err = GetMediaDataRef(_self->ob_itself,
   3112                            index,
   3113                            &dataRef,
   3114                            &dataRefType,
   3115                            &dataRefAttributes);
   3116     if (_err != noErr) return PyMac_Error(_err);
   3117     _res = Py_BuildValue("O&O&l",
   3118                          ResObj_New, dataRef,
   3119                          PyMac_BuildOSType, dataRefType,
   3120                          dataRefAttributes);
   3121     return _res;
   3122 }
   3124 static PyObject *MediaObj_SetMediaDataRef(MediaObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   3125 {
   3126     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   3127     OSErr _err;
   3128     short index;
   3129     Handle dataRef;
   3130     OSType dataRefType;
   3131 #ifndef SetMediaDataRef
   3132     PyMac_PRECHECK(SetMediaDataRef);
   3133 #endif
   3134     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "hO&O&",
   3135                           &index,
   3136                           ResObj_Convert, &dataRef,
   3137                           PyMac_GetOSType, &dataRefType))
   3138         return NULL;
   3139     _err = SetMediaDataRef(_self->ob_itself,
   3140                            index,
   3141                            dataRef,
   3142                            dataRefType);
   3143     if (_err != noErr) return PyMac_Error(_err);
   3144     Py_INCREF(Py_None);
   3145     _res = Py_None;
   3146     return _res;
   3147 }
   3149 static PyObject *MediaObj_SetMediaDataRefAttributes(MediaObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   3150 {
   3151     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   3152     OSErr _err;
   3153     short index;
   3154     long dataRefAttributes;
   3155 #ifndef SetMediaDataRefAttributes
   3156     PyMac_PRECHECK(SetMediaDataRefAttributes);
   3157 #endif
   3158     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "hl",
   3159                           &index,
   3160                           &dataRefAttributes))
   3161         return NULL;
   3162     _err = SetMediaDataRefAttributes(_self->ob_itself,
   3163                                      index,
   3164                                      dataRefAttributes);
   3165     if (_err != noErr) return PyMac_Error(_err);
   3166     Py_INCREF(Py_None);
   3167     _res = Py_None;
   3168     return _res;
   3169 }
   3171 static PyObject *MediaObj_AddMediaDataRef(MediaObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   3172 {
   3173     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   3174     OSErr _err;
   3175     short index;
   3176     Handle dataRef;
   3177     OSType dataRefType;
   3178 #ifndef AddMediaDataRef
   3179     PyMac_PRECHECK(AddMediaDataRef);
   3180 #endif
   3181     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&O&",
   3182                           ResObj_Convert, &dataRef,
   3183                           PyMac_GetOSType, &dataRefType))
   3184         return NULL;
   3185     _err = AddMediaDataRef(_self->ob_itself,
   3186                            &index,
   3187                            dataRef,
   3188                            dataRefType);
   3189     if (_err != noErr) return PyMac_Error(_err);
   3190     _res = Py_BuildValue("h",
   3191                          index);
   3192     return _res;
   3193 }
   3195 static PyObject *MediaObj_GetMediaDataRefCount(MediaObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   3196 {
   3197     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   3198     OSErr _err;
   3199     short count;
   3200 #ifndef GetMediaDataRefCount
   3201     PyMac_PRECHECK(GetMediaDataRefCount);
   3202 #endif
   3203     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, ""))
   3204         return NULL;
   3205     _err = GetMediaDataRefCount(_self->ob_itself,
   3206                                 &count);
   3207     if (_err != noErr) return PyMac_Error(_err);
   3208     _res = Py_BuildValue("h",
   3209                          count);
   3210     return _res;
   3211 }
   3213 static PyObject *MediaObj_SetMediaPlayHints(MediaObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   3214 {
   3215     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   3216     long flags;
   3217     long flagsMask;
   3218 #ifndef SetMediaPlayHints
   3219     PyMac_PRECHECK(SetMediaPlayHints);
   3220 #endif
   3221     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "ll",
   3222                           &flags,
   3223                           &flagsMask))
   3224         return NULL;
   3225     SetMediaPlayHints(_self->ob_itself,
   3226                       flags,
   3227                       flagsMask);
   3228     Py_INCREF(Py_None);
   3229     _res = Py_None;
   3230     return _res;
   3231 }
   3233 static PyObject *MediaObj_GetMediaPlayHints(MediaObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   3234 {
   3235     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   3236     long flags;
   3237 #ifndef GetMediaPlayHints
   3238     PyMac_PRECHECK(GetMediaPlayHints);
   3239 #endif
   3240     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, ""))
   3241         return NULL;
   3242     GetMediaPlayHints(_self->ob_itself,
   3243                       &flags);
   3244     _res = Py_BuildValue("l",
   3245                          flags);
   3246     return _res;
   3247 }
   3249 static PyObject *MediaObj_GetMediaNextInterestingTimeOnly(MediaObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   3250 {
   3251     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   3252     short interestingTimeFlags;
   3253     TimeValue time;
   3254     Fixed rate;
   3255     TimeValue interestingTime;
   3256 #ifndef GetMediaNextInterestingTimeOnly
   3257     PyMac_PRECHECK(GetMediaNextInterestingTimeOnly);
   3258 #endif
   3259     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "hlO&",
   3260                           &interestingTimeFlags,
   3261                           &time,
   3262                           PyMac_GetFixed, &rate))
   3263         return NULL;
   3264     GetMediaNextInterestingTimeOnly(_self->ob_itself,
   3265                                     interestingTimeFlags,
   3266                                     time,
   3267                                     rate,
   3268                                     &interestingTime);
   3269     _res = Py_BuildValue("l",
   3270                          interestingTime);
   3271     return _res;
   3272 }
   3274 static PyMethodDef MediaObj_methods[] = {
   3275     {"LoadMediaIntoRam", (PyCFunction)MediaObj_LoadMediaIntoRam, 1,
   3276      PyDoc_STR("(TimeValue time, TimeValue duration, long flags) -> None")},
   3277     {"GetMediaTrack", (PyCFunction)MediaObj_GetMediaTrack, 1,
   3278      PyDoc_STR("() -> (Track _rv)")},
   3279     {"GetMediaCreationTime", (PyCFunction)MediaObj_GetMediaCreationTime, 1,
   3280      PyDoc_STR("() -> (unsigned long _rv)")},
   3281     {"GetMediaModificationTime", (PyCFunction)MediaObj_GetMediaModificationTime, 1,
   3282      PyDoc_STR("() -> (unsigned long _rv)")},
   3283     {"GetMediaTimeScale", (PyCFunction)MediaObj_GetMediaTimeScale, 1,
   3284      PyDoc_STR("() -> (TimeScale _rv)")},
   3285     {"SetMediaTimeScale", (PyCFunction)MediaObj_SetMediaTimeScale, 1,
   3286      PyDoc_STR("(TimeScale timeScale) -> None")},
   3287     {"GetMediaDuration", (PyCFunction)MediaObj_GetMediaDuration, 1,
   3288      PyDoc_STR("() -> (TimeValue _rv)")},
   3289     {"GetMediaLanguage", (PyCFunction)MediaObj_GetMediaLanguage, 1,
   3290      PyDoc_STR("() -> (short _rv)")},
   3291     {"SetMediaLanguage", (PyCFunction)MediaObj_SetMediaLanguage, 1,
   3292      PyDoc_STR("(short language) -> None")},
   3293     {"GetMediaQuality", (PyCFunction)MediaObj_GetMediaQuality, 1,
   3294      PyDoc_STR("() -> (short _rv)")},
   3295     {"SetMediaQuality", (PyCFunction)MediaObj_SetMediaQuality, 1,
   3296      PyDoc_STR("(short quality) -> None")},
   3297     {"GetMediaHandlerDescription", (PyCFunction)MediaObj_GetMediaHandlerDescription, 1,
   3298      PyDoc_STR("(Str255 creatorName) -> (OSType mediaType, OSType creatorManufacturer)")},
   3299     {"GetMediaUserData", (PyCFunction)MediaObj_GetMediaUserData, 1,
   3300      PyDoc_STR("() -> (UserData _rv)")},
   3301     {"GetMediaHandler", (PyCFunction)MediaObj_GetMediaHandler, 1,
   3302      PyDoc_STR("() -> (MediaHandler _rv)")},
   3303     {"SetMediaHandler", (PyCFunction)MediaObj_SetMediaHandler, 1,
   3304      PyDoc_STR("(MediaHandlerComponent mH) -> None")},
   3305     {"BeginMediaEdits", (PyCFunction)MediaObj_BeginMediaEdits, 1,
   3306      PyDoc_STR("() -> None")},
   3307     {"EndMediaEdits", (PyCFunction)MediaObj_EndMediaEdits, 1,
   3308      PyDoc_STR("() -> None")},
   3309     {"SetMediaDefaultDataRefIndex", (PyCFunction)MediaObj_SetMediaDefaultDataRefIndex, 1,
   3310      PyDoc_STR("(short index) -> None")},
   3311     {"GetMediaDataHandlerDescription", (PyCFunction)MediaObj_GetMediaDataHandlerDescription, 1,
   3312      PyDoc_STR("(short index, Str255 creatorName) -> (OSType dhType, OSType creatorManufacturer)")},
   3313     {"GetMediaDataHandler", (PyCFunction)MediaObj_GetMediaDataHandler, 1,
   3314      PyDoc_STR("(short index) -> (DataHandler _rv)")},
   3315     {"SetMediaDataHandler", (PyCFunction)MediaObj_SetMediaDataHandler, 1,
   3316      PyDoc_STR("(short index, DataHandlerComponent dataHandler) -> None")},
   3317     {"GetMediaSampleDescriptionCount", (PyCFunction)MediaObj_GetMediaSampleDescriptionCount, 1,
   3318      PyDoc_STR("() -> (long _rv)")},
   3319     {"GetMediaSampleDescription", (PyCFunction)MediaObj_GetMediaSampleDescription, 1,
   3320      PyDoc_STR("(long index, SampleDescriptionHandle descH) -> None")},
   3321     {"SetMediaSampleDescription", (PyCFunction)MediaObj_SetMediaSampleDescription, 1,
   3322      PyDoc_STR("(long index, SampleDescriptionHandle descH) -> None")},
   3323     {"GetMediaSampleCount", (PyCFunction)MediaObj_GetMediaSampleCount, 1,
   3324      PyDoc_STR("() -> (long _rv)")},
   3325     {"GetMediaSyncSampleCount", (PyCFunction)MediaObj_GetMediaSyncSampleCount, 1,
   3326      PyDoc_STR("() -> (long _rv)")},
   3327     {"SampleNumToMediaTime", (PyCFunction)MediaObj_SampleNumToMediaTime, 1,
   3328      PyDoc_STR("(long logicalSampleNum) -> (TimeValue sampleTime, TimeValue sampleDuration)")},
   3329     {"MediaTimeToSampleNum", (PyCFunction)MediaObj_MediaTimeToSampleNum, 1,
   3330      PyDoc_STR("(TimeValue time) -> (long sampleNum, TimeValue sampleTime, TimeValue sampleDuration)")},
   3331     {"AddMediaSample", (PyCFunction)MediaObj_AddMediaSample, 1,
   3332      PyDoc_STR("(Handle dataIn, long inOffset, unsigned long size, TimeValue durationPerSample, SampleDescriptionHandle sampleDescriptionH, long numberOfSamples, short sampleFlags) -> (TimeValue sampleTime)")},
   3333     {"AddMediaSampleReference", (PyCFunction)MediaObj_AddMediaSampleReference, 1,
   3334      PyDoc_STR("(long dataOffset, unsigned long size, TimeValue durationPerSample, SampleDescriptionHandle sampleDescriptionH, long numberOfSamples, short sampleFlags) -> (TimeValue sampleTime)")},
   3335     {"GetMediaSample", (PyCFunction)MediaObj_GetMediaSample, 1,
   3336      PyDoc_STR("(Handle dataOut, long maxSizeToGrow, TimeValue time, SampleDescriptionHandle sampleDescriptionH, long maxNumberOfSamples) -> (long size, TimeValue sampleTime, TimeValue durationPerSample, long sampleDescriptionIndex, long numberOfSamples, short sampleFlags)")},
   3337     {"GetMediaSampleReference", (PyCFunction)MediaObj_GetMediaSampleReference, 1,
   3338      PyDoc_STR("(TimeValue time, SampleDescriptionHandle sampleDescriptionH, long maxNumberOfSamples) -> (long dataOffset, long size, TimeValue sampleTime, TimeValue durationPerSample, long sampleDescriptionIndex, long numberOfSamples, short sampleFlags)")},
   3339     {"SetMediaPreferredChunkSize", (PyCFunction)MediaObj_SetMediaPreferredChunkSize, 1,
   3340      PyDoc_STR("(long maxChunkSize) -> None")},
   3341     {"GetMediaPreferredChunkSize", (PyCFunction)MediaObj_GetMediaPreferredChunkSize, 1,
   3342      PyDoc_STR("() -> (long maxChunkSize)")},
   3343     {"SetMediaShadowSync", (PyCFunction)MediaObj_SetMediaShadowSync, 1,
   3344      PyDoc_STR("(long frameDiffSampleNum, long syncSampleNum) -> None")},
   3345     {"GetMediaShadowSync", (PyCFunction)MediaObj_GetMediaShadowSync, 1,
   3346      PyDoc_STR("(long frameDiffSampleNum) -> (long syncSampleNum)")},
   3347     {"GetMediaDataSize", (PyCFunction)MediaObj_GetMediaDataSize, 1,
   3348      PyDoc_STR("(TimeValue startTime, TimeValue duration) -> (long _rv)")},
   3349     {"GetMediaDataSize64", (PyCFunction)MediaObj_GetMediaDataSize64, 1,
   3350      PyDoc_STR("(TimeValue startTime, TimeValue duration) -> (wide dataSize)")},
   3351     {"CopyMediaUserData", (PyCFunction)MediaObj_CopyMediaUserData, 1,
   3352      PyDoc_STR("(Media dstMedia, OSType copyRule) -> None")},
   3353     {"GetMediaNextInterestingTime", (PyCFunction)MediaObj_GetMediaNextInterestingTime, 1,
   3354      PyDoc_STR("(short interestingTimeFlags, TimeValue time, Fixed rate) -> (TimeValue interestingTime, TimeValue interestingDuration)")},
   3355     {"GetMediaDataRef", (PyCFunction)MediaObj_GetMediaDataRef, 1,
   3356      PyDoc_STR("(short index) -> (Handle dataRef, OSType dataRefType, long dataRefAttributes)")},
   3357     {"SetMediaDataRef", (PyCFunction)MediaObj_SetMediaDataRef, 1,
   3358      PyDoc_STR("(short index, Handle dataRef, OSType dataRefType) -> None")},
   3359     {"SetMediaDataRefAttributes", (PyCFunction)MediaObj_SetMediaDataRefAttributes, 1,
   3360      PyDoc_STR("(short index, long dataRefAttributes) -> None")},
   3361     {"AddMediaDataRef", (PyCFunction)MediaObj_AddMediaDataRef, 1,
   3362      PyDoc_STR("(Handle dataRef, OSType dataRefType) -> (short index)")},
   3363     {"GetMediaDataRefCount", (PyCFunction)MediaObj_GetMediaDataRefCount, 1,
   3364      PyDoc_STR("() -> (short count)")},
   3365     {"SetMediaPlayHints", (PyCFunction)MediaObj_SetMediaPlayHints, 1,
   3366      PyDoc_STR("(long flags, long flagsMask) -> None")},
   3367     {"GetMediaPlayHints", (PyCFunction)MediaObj_GetMediaPlayHints, 1,
   3368      PyDoc_STR("() -> (long flags)")},
   3369     {"GetMediaNextInterestingTimeOnly", (PyCFunction)MediaObj_GetMediaNextInterestingTimeOnly, 1,
   3370      PyDoc_STR("(short interestingTimeFlags, TimeValue time, Fixed rate) -> (TimeValue interestingTime)")},
   3371     {NULL, NULL, 0}
   3372 };
   3374 #define MediaObj_getsetlist NULL
   3377 #define MediaObj_compare NULL
   3379 #define MediaObj_repr NULL
   3381 #define MediaObj_hash NULL
   3382 #define MediaObj_tp_init 0
   3384 #define MediaObj_tp_alloc PyType_GenericAlloc
   3386 static PyObject *MediaObj_tp_new(PyTypeObject *type, PyObject *_args, PyObject *_kwds)
   3387 {
   3388     PyObject *_self;
   3389     Media itself;
   3390     char *kw[] = {"itself", 0};
   3392     if (!PyArg_ParseTupleAndKeywords(_args, _kwds, "O&", kw, MediaObj_Convert, &itself)) return NULL;
   3393     if ((_self = type->tp_alloc(type, 0)) == NULL) return NULL;
   3394     ((MediaObject *)_self)->ob_itself = itself;
   3395     return _self;
   3396 }
   3398 #define MediaObj_tp_free PyObject_Del
   3401 PyTypeObject Media_Type = {
   3402     PyObject_HEAD_INIT(NULL)
   3403     0, /*ob_size*/
   3404     "_Qt.Media", /*tp_name*/
   3405     sizeof(MediaObject), /*tp_basicsize*/
   3406     0, /*tp_itemsize*/
   3407     /* methods */
   3408     (destructor) MediaObj_dealloc, /*tp_dealloc*/
   3409     0, /*tp_print*/
   3410     (getattrfunc)0, /*tp_getattr*/
   3411     (setattrfunc)0, /*tp_setattr*/
   3412     (cmpfunc) MediaObj_compare, /*tp_compare*/
   3413     (reprfunc) MediaObj_repr, /*tp_repr*/
   3414     (PyNumberMethods *)0, /* tp_as_number */
   3415     (PySequenceMethods *)0, /* tp_as_sequence */
   3416     (PyMappingMethods *)0, /* tp_as_mapping */
   3417     (hashfunc) MediaObj_hash, /*tp_hash*/
   3418     0, /*tp_call*/
   3419     0, /*tp_str*/
   3420     PyObject_GenericGetAttr, /*tp_getattro*/
   3421     PyObject_GenericSetAttr, /*tp_setattro */
   3422     0, /*tp_as_buffer*/
   3423     Py_TPFLAGS_DEFAULT|Py_TPFLAGS_BASETYPE, /* tp_flags */
   3424     0, /*tp_doc*/
   3425     0, /*tp_traverse*/
   3426     0, /*tp_clear*/
   3427     0, /*tp_richcompare*/
   3428     0, /*tp_weaklistoffset*/
   3429     0, /*tp_iter*/
   3430     0, /*tp_iternext*/
   3431     MediaObj_methods, /* tp_methods */
   3432     0, /*tp_members*/
   3433     MediaObj_getsetlist, /*tp_getset*/
   3434     0, /*tp_base*/
   3435     0, /*tp_dict*/
   3436     0, /*tp_descr_get*/
   3437     0, /*tp_descr_set*/
   3438     0, /*tp_dictoffset*/
   3439     MediaObj_tp_init, /* tp_init */
   3440     MediaObj_tp_alloc, /* tp_alloc */
   3441     MediaObj_tp_new, /* tp_new */
   3442     MediaObj_tp_free, /* tp_free */
   3443 };
   3445 /* --------------------- End object type Media ---------------------- */
   3448 /* ----------------------- Object type Track ------------------------ */
   3450 PyTypeObject Track_Type;
   3452 #define TrackObj_Check(x) ((x)->ob_type == &Track_Type || PyObject_TypeCheck((x), &Track_Type))
   3454 typedef struct TrackObject {
   3455     PyObject_HEAD
   3456     Track ob_itself;
   3457 } TrackObject;
   3459 PyObject *TrackObj_New(Track itself)
   3460 {
   3461     TrackObject *it;
   3462     if (itself == NULL) {
   3463                                     PyErr_SetString(Qt_Error,"Cannot create Track from NULL pointer");
   3464                                     return NULL;
   3465                             }
   3466     it = PyObject_NEW(TrackObject, &Track_Type);
   3467     if (it == NULL) return NULL;
   3468     it->ob_itself = itself;
   3469     return (PyObject *)it;
   3470 }
   3472 int TrackObj_Convert(PyObject *v, Track *p_itself)
   3473 {
   3474     if (v == Py_None)
   3475     {
   3476         *p_itself = NULL;
   3477         return 1;
   3478     }
   3479     if (!TrackObj_Check(v))
   3480     {
   3481         PyErr_SetString(PyExc_TypeError, "Track required");
   3482         return 0;
   3483     }
   3484     *p_itself = ((TrackObject *)v)->ob_itself;
   3485     return 1;
   3486 }
   3488 static void TrackObj_dealloc(TrackObject *self)
   3489 {
   3490     if (self->ob_itself) DisposeMovieTrack(self->ob_itself);
   3491     self->ob_type->tp_free((PyObject *)self);
   3492 }
   3494 static PyObject *TrackObj_LoadTrackIntoRam(TrackObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   3495 {
   3496     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   3497     OSErr _err;
   3498     TimeValue time;
   3499     TimeValue duration;
   3500     long flags;
   3501 #ifndef LoadTrackIntoRam
   3502     PyMac_PRECHECK(LoadTrackIntoRam);
   3503 #endif
   3504     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "lll",
   3505                           &time,
   3506                           &duration,
   3507                           &flags))
   3508         return NULL;
   3509     _err = LoadTrackIntoRam(_self->ob_itself,
   3510                             time,
   3511                             duration,
   3512                             flags);
   3513     if (_err != noErr) return PyMac_Error(_err);
   3514     Py_INCREF(Py_None);
   3515     _res = Py_None;
   3516     return _res;
   3517 }
   3519 static PyObject *TrackObj_GetTrackPict(TrackObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   3520 {
   3521     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   3522     PicHandle _rv;
   3523     TimeValue time;
   3524 #ifndef GetTrackPict
   3525     PyMac_PRECHECK(GetTrackPict);
   3526 #endif
   3527     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "l",
   3528                           &time))
   3529         return NULL;
   3530     _rv = GetTrackPict(_self->ob_itself,
   3531                        time);
   3532     _res = Py_BuildValue("O&",
   3533                          ResObj_New, _rv);
   3534     return _res;
   3535 }
   3537 static PyObject *TrackObj_GetTrackClipRgn(TrackObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   3538 {
   3539     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   3540     RgnHandle _rv;
   3541 #ifndef GetTrackClipRgn
   3542     PyMac_PRECHECK(GetTrackClipRgn);
   3543 #endif
   3544     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, ""))
   3545         return NULL;
   3546     _rv = GetTrackClipRgn(_self->ob_itself);
   3547     _res = Py_BuildValue("O&",
   3548                          ResObj_New, _rv);
   3549     return _res;
   3550 }
   3552 static PyObject *TrackObj_SetTrackClipRgn(TrackObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   3553 {
   3554     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   3555     RgnHandle theClip;
   3556 #ifndef SetTrackClipRgn
   3557     PyMac_PRECHECK(SetTrackClipRgn);
   3558 #endif
   3559     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&",
   3560                           ResObj_Convert, &theClip))
   3561         return NULL;
   3562     SetTrackClipRgn(_self->ob_itself,
   3563                     theClip);
   3564     Py_INCREF(Py_None);
   3565     _res = Py_None;
   3566     return _res;
   3567 }
   3569 static PyObject *TrackObj_GetTrackDisplayBoundsRgn(TrackObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   3570 {
   3571     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   3572     RgnHandle _rv;
   3573 #ifndef GetTrackDisplayBoundsRgn
   3574     PyMac_PRECHECK(GetTrackDisplayBoundsRgn);
   3575 #endif
   3576     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, ""))
   3577         return NULL;
   3578     _rv = GetTrackDisplayBoundsRgn(_self->ob_itself);
   3579     _res = Py_BuildValue("O&",
   3580                          ResObj_New, _rv);
   3581     return _res;
   3582 }
   3584 static PyObject *TrackObj_GetTrackMovieBoundsRgn(TrackObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   3585 {
   3586     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   3587     RgnHandle _rv;
   3588 #ifndef GetTrackMovieBoundsRgn
   3589     PyMac_PRECHECK(GetTrackMovieBoundsRgn);
   3590 #endif
   3591     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, ""))
   3592         return NULL;
   3593     _rv = GetTrackMovieBoundsRgn(_self->ob_itself);
   3594     _res = Py_BuildValue("O&",
   3595                          ResObj_New, _rv);
   3596     return _res;
   3597 }
   3599 static PyObject *TrackObj_GetTrackBoundsRgn(TrackObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   3600 {
   3601     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   3602     RgnHandle _rv;
   3603 #ifndef GetTrackBoundsRgn
   3604     PyMac_PRECHECK(GetTrackBoundsRgn);
   3605 #endif
   3606     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, ""))
   3607         return NULL;
   3608     _rv = GetTrackBoundsRgn(_self->ob_itself);
   3609     _res = Py_BuildValue("O&",
   3610                          ResObj_New, _rv);
   3611     return _res;
   3612 }
   3614 static PyObject *TrackObj_GetTrackMatte(TrackObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   3615 {
   3616     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   3617     PixMapHandle _rv;
   3618 #ifndef GetTrackMatte
   3619     PyMac_PRECHECK(GetTrackMatte);
   3620 #endif
   3621     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, ""))
   3622         return NULL;
   3623     _rv = GetTrackMatte(_self->ob_itself);
   3624     _res = Py_BuildValue("O&",
   3625                          ResObj_New, _rv);
   3626     return _res;
   3627 }
   3629 static PyObject *TrackObj_SetTrackMatte(TrackObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   3630 {
   3631     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   3632     PixMapHandle theMatte;
   3633 #ifndef SetTrackMatte
   3634     PyMac_PRECHECK(SetTrackMatte);
   3635 #endif
   3636     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&",
   3637                           ResObj_Convert, &theMatte))
   3638         return NULL;
   3639     SetTrackMatte(_self->ob_itself,
   3640                   theMatte);
   3641     Py_INCREF(Py_None);
   3642     _res = Py_None;
   3643     return _res;
   3644 }
   3646 static PyObject *TrackObj_GetTrackID(TrackObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   3647 {
   3648     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   3649     long _rv;
   3650 #ifndef GetTrackID
   3651     PyMac_PRECHECK(GetTrackID);
   3652 #endif
   3653     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, ""))
   3654         return NULL;
   3655     _rv = GetTrackID(_self->ob_itself);
   3656     _res = Py_BuildValue("l",
   3657                          _rv);
   3658     return _res;
   3659 }
   3661 static PyObject *TrackObj_GetTrackMovie(TrackObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   3662 {
   3663     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   3664     Movie _rv;
   3665 #ifndef GetTrackMovie
   3666     PyMac_PRECHECK(GetTrackMovie);
   3667 #endif
   3668     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, ""))
   3669         return NULL;
   3670     _rv = GetTrackMovie(_self->ob_itself);
   3671     _res = Py_BuildValue("O&",
   3672                          MovieObj_New, _rv);
   3673     return _res;
   3674 }
   3676 static PyObject *TrackObj_GetTrackCreationTime(TrackObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   3677 {
   3678     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   3679     unsigned long _rv;
   3680 #ifndef GetTrackCreationTime
   3681     PyMac_PRECHECK(GetTrackCreationTime);
   3682 #endif
   3683     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, ""))
   3684         return NULL;
   3685     _rv = GetTrackCreationTime(_self->ob_itself);
   3686     _res = Py_BuildValue("l",
   3687                          _rv);
   3688     return _res;
   3689 }
   3691 static PyObject *TrackObj_GetTrackModificationTime(TrackObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   3692 {
   3693     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   3694     unsigned long _rv;
   3695 #ifndef GetTrackModificationTime
   3696     PyMac_PRECHECK(GetTrackModificationTime);
   3697 #endif
   3698     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, ""))
   3699         return NULL;
   3700     _rv = GetTrackModificationTime(_self->ob_itself);
   3701     _res = Py_BuildValue("l",
   3702                          _rv);
   3703     return _res;
   3704 }
   3706 static PyObject *TrackObj_GetTrackEnabled(TrackObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   3707 {
   3708     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   3709     Boolean _rv;
   3710 #ifndef GetTrackEnabled
   3711     PyMac_PRECHECK(GetTrackEnabled);
   3712 #endif
   3713     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, ""))
   3714         return NULL;
   3715     _rv = GetTrackEnabled(_self->ob_itself);
   3716     _res = Py_BuildValue("b",
   3717                          _rv);
   3718     return _res;
   3719 }
   3721 static PyObject *TrackObj_SetTrackEnabled(TrackObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   3722 {
   3723     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   3724     Boolean isEnabled;
   3725 #ifndef SetTrackEnabled
   3726     PyMac_PRECHECK(SetTrackEnabled);
   3727 #endif
   3728     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "b",
   3729                           &isEnabled))
   3730         return NULL;
   3731     SetTrackEnabled(_self->ob_itself,
   3732                     isEnabled);
   3733     Py_INCREF(Py_None);
   3734     _res = Py_None;
   3735     return _res;
   3736 }
   3738 static PyObject *TrackObj_GetTrackUsage(TrackObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   3739 {
   3740     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   3741     long _rv;
   3742 #ifndef GetTrackUsage
   3743     PyMac_PRECHECK(GetTrackUsage);
   3744 #endif
   3745     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, ""))
   3746         return NULL;
   3747     _rv = GetTrackUsage(_self->ob_itself);
   3748     _res = Py_BuildValue("l",
   3749                          _rv);
   3750     return _res;
   3751 }
   3753 static PyObject *TrackObj_SetTrackUsage(TrackObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   3754 {
   3755     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   3756     long usage;
   3757 #ifndef SetTrackUsage
   3758     PyMac_PRECHECK(SetTrackUsage);
   3759 #endif
   3760     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "l",
   3761                           &usage))
   3762         return NULL;
   3763     SetTrackUsage(_self->ob_itself,
   3764                   usage);
   3765     Py_INCREF(Py_None);
   3766     _res = Py_None;
   3767     return _res;
   3768 }
   3770 static PyObject *TrackObj_GetTrackDuration(TrackObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   3771 {
   3772     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   3773     TimeValue _rv;
   3774 #ifndef GetTrackDuration
   3775     PyMac_PRECHECK(GetTrackDuration);
   3776 #endif
   3777     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, ""))
   3778         return NULL;
   3779     _rv = GetTrackDuration(_self->ob_itself);
   3780     _res = Py_BuildValue("l",
   3781                          _rv);
   3782     return _res;
   3783 }
   3785 static PyObject *TrackObj_GetTrackOffset(TrackObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   3786 {
   3787     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   3788     TimeValue _rv;
   3789 #ifndef GetTrackOffset
   3790     PyMac_PRECHECK(GetTrackOffset);
   3791 #endif
   3792     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, ""))
   3793         return NULL;
   3794     _rv = GetTrackOffset(_self->ob_itself);
   3795     _res = Py_BuildValue("l",
   3796                          _rv);
   3797     return _res;
   3798 }
   3800 static PyObject *TrackObj_SetTrackOffset(TrackObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   3801 {
   3802     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   3803     TimeValue movieOffsetTime;
   3804 #ifndef SetTrackOffset
   3805     PyMac_PRECHECK(SetTrackOffset);
   3806 #endif
   3807     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "l",
   3808                           &movieOffsetTime))
   3809         return NULL;
   3810     SetTrackOffset(_self->ob_itself,
   3811                    movieOffsetTime);
   3812     Py_INCREF(Py_None);
   3813     _res = Py_None;
   3814     return _res;
   3815 }
   3817 static PyObject *TrackObj_GetTrackLayer(TrackObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   3818 {
   3819     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   3820     short _rv;
   3821 #ifndef GetTrackLayer
   3822     PyMac_PRECHECK(GetTrackLayer);
   3823 #endif
   3824     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, ""))
   3825         return NULL;
   3826     _rv = GetTrackLayer(_self->ob_itself);
   3827     _res = Py_BuildValue("h",
   3828                          _rv);
   3829     return _res;
   3830 }
   3832 static PyObject *TrackObj_SetTrackLayer(TrackObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   3833 {
   3834     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   3835     short layer;
   3836 #ifndef SetTrackLayer
   3837     PyMac_PRECHECK(SetTrackLayer);
   3838 #endif
   3839     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "h",
   3840                           &layer))
   3841         return NULL;
   3842     SetTrackLayer(_self->ob_itself,
   3843                   layer);
   3844     Py_INCREF(Py_None);
   3845     _res = Py_None;
   3846     return _res;
   3847 }
   3849 static PyObject *TrackObj_GetTrackAlternate(TrackObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   3850 {
   3851     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   3852     Track _rv;
   3853 #ifndef GetTrackAlternate
   3854     PyMac_PRECHECK(GetTrackAlternate);
   3855 #endif
   3856     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, ""))
   3857         return NULL;
   3858     _rv = GetTrackAlternate(_self->ob_itself);
   3859     _res = Py_BuildValue("O&",
   3860                          TrackObj_New, _rv);
   3861     return _res;
   3862 }
   3864 static PyObject *TrackObj_SetTrackAlternate(TrackObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   3865 {
   3866     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   3867     Track alternateT;
   3868 #ifndef SetTrackAlternate
   3869     PyMac_PRECHECK(SetTrackAlternate);
   3870 #endif
   3871     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&",
   3872                           TrackObj_Convert, &alternateT))
   3873         return NULL;
   3874     SetTrackAlternate(_self->ob_itself,
   3875                       alternateT);
   3876     Py_INCREF(Py_None);
   3877     _res = Py_None;
   3878     return _res;
   3879 }
   3881 static PyObject *TrackObj_GetTrackVolume(TrackObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   3882 {
   3883     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   3884     short _rv;
   3885 #ifndef GetTrackVolume
   3886     PyMac_PRECHECK(GetTrackVolume);
   3887 #endif
   3888     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, ""))
   3889         return NULL;
   3890     _rv = GetTrackVolume(_self->ob_itself);
   3891     _res = Py_BuildValue("h",
   3892                          _rv);
   3893     return _res;
   3894 }
   3896 static PyObject *TrackObj_SetTrackVolume(TrackObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   3897 {
   3898     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   3899     short volume;
   3900 #ifndef SetTrackVolume
   3901     PyMac_PRECHECK(SetTrackVolume);
   3902 #endif
   3903     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "h",
   3904                           &volume))
   3905         return NULL;
   3906     SetTrackVolume(_self->ob_itself,
   3907                    volume);
   3908     Py_INCREF(Py_None);
   3909     _res = Py_None;
   3910     return _res;
   3911 }
   3913 static PyObject *TrackObj_GetTrackDimensions(TrackObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   3914 {
   3915     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   3916     Fixed width;
   3917     Fixed height;
   3918 #ifndef GetTrackDimensions
   3919     PyMac_PRECHECK(GetTrackDimensions);
   3920 #endif
   3921     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, ""))
   3922         return NULL;
   3923     GetTrackDimensions(_self->ob_itself,
   3924                        &width,
   3925                        &height);
   3926     _res = Py_BuildValue("O&O&",
   3927                          PyMac_BuildFixed, width,
   3928                          PyMac_BuildFixed, height);
   3929     return _res;
   3930 }
   3932 static PyObject *TrackObj_SetTrackDimensions(TrackObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   3933 {
   3934     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   3935     Fixed width;
   3936     Fixed height;
   3937 #ifndef SetTrackDimensions
   3938     PyMac_PRECHECK(SetTrackDimensions);
   3939 #endif
   3940     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&O&",
   3941                           PyMac_GetFixed, &width,
   3942                           PyMac_GetFixed, &height))
   3943         return NULL;
   3944     SetTrackDimensions(_self->ob_itself,
   3945                        width,
   3946                        height);
   3947     Py_INCREF(Py_None);
   3948     _res = Py_None;
   3949     return _res;
   3950 }
   3952 static PyObject *TrackObj_GetTrackUserData(TrackObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   3953 {
   3954     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   3955     UserData _rv;
   3956 #ifndef GetTrackUserData
   3957     PyMac_PRECHECK(GetTrackUserData);
   3958 #endif
   3959     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, ""))
   3960         return NULL;
   3961     _rv = GetTrackUserData(_self->ob_itself);
   3962     _res = Py_BuildValue("O&",
   3963                          UserDataObj_New, _rv);
   3964     return _res;
   3965 }
   3967 static PyObject *TrackObj_GetTrackSoundLocalizationSettings(TrackObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   3968 {
   3969     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   3970     OSErr _err;
   3971     Handle settings;
   3972 #ifndef GetTrackSoundLocalizationSettings
   3973     PyMac_PRECHECK(GetTrackSoundLocalizationSettings);
   3974 #endif
   3975     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, ""))
   3976         return NULL;
   3977     _err = GetTrackSoundLocalizationSettings(_self->ob_itself,
   3978                                              &settings);
   3979     if (_err != noErr) return PyMac_Error(_err);
   3980     _res = Py_BuildValue("O&",
   3981                          ResObj_New, settings);
   3982     return _res;
   3983 }
   3985 static PyObject *TrackObj_SetTrackSoundLocalizationSettings(TrackObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   3986 {
   3987     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   3988     OSErr _err;
   3989     Handle settings;
   3990 #ifndef SetTrackSoundLocalizationSettings
   3991     PyMac_PRECHECK(SetTrackSoundLocalizationSettings);
   3992 #endif
   3993     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&",
   3994                           ResObj_Convert, &settings))
   3995         return NULL;
   3996     _err = SetTrackSoundLocalizationSettings(_self->ob_itself,
   3997                                              settings);
   3998     if (_err != noErr) return PyMac_Error(_err);
   3999     Py_INCREF(Py_None);
   4000     _res = Py_None;
   4001     return _res;
   4002 }
   4004 static PyObject *TrackObj_NewTrackMedia(TrackObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   4005 {
   4006     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   4007     Media _rv;
   4008     OSType mediaType;
   4009     TimeScale timeScale;
   4010     Handle dataRef;
   4011     OSType dataRefType;
   4012 #ifndef NewTrackMedia
   4013     PyMac_PRECHECK(NewTrackMedia);
   4014 #endif
   4015     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&lO&O&",
   4016                           PyMac_GetOSType, &mediaType,
   4017                           &timeScale,
   4018                           ResObj_Convert, &dataRef,
   4019                           PyMac_GetOSType, &dataRefType))
   4020         return NULL;
   4021     _rv = NewTrackMedia(_self->ob_itself,
   4022                         mediaType,
   4023                         timeScale,
   4024                         dataRef,
   4025                         dataRefType);
   4026     _res = Py_BuildValue("O&",
   4027                          MediaObj_New, _rv);
   4028     return _res;
   4029 }
   4031 static PyObject *TrackObj_GetTrackMedia(TrackObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   4032 {
   4033     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   4034     Media _rv;
   4035 #ifndef GetTrackMedia
   4036     PyMac_PRECHECK(GetTrackMedia);
   4037 #endif
   4038     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, ""))
   4039         return NULL;
   4040     _rv = GetTrackMedia(_self->ob_itself);
   4041     _res = Py_BuildValue("O&",
   4042                          MediaObj_New, _rv);
   4043     return _res;
   4044 }
   4046 static PyObject *TrackObj_InsertMediaIntoTrack(TrackObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   4047 {
   4048     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   4049     OSErr _err;
   4050     TimeValue trackStart;
   4051     TimeValue mediaTime;
   4052     TimeValue mediaDuration;
   4053     Fixed mediaRate;
   4054 #ifndef InsertMediaIntoTrack
   4055     PyMac_PRECHECK(InsertMediaIntoTrack);
   4056 #endif
   4057     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "lllO&",
   4058                           &trackStart,
   4059                           &mediaTime,
   4060                           &mediaDuration,
   4061                           PyMac_GetFixed, &mediaRate))
   4062         return NULL;
   4063     _err = InsertMediaIntoTrack(_self->ob_itself,
   4064                                 trackStart,
   4065                                 mediaTime,
   4066                                 mediaDuration,
   4067                                 mediaRate);
   4068     if (_err != noErr) return PyMac_Error(_err);
   4069     Py_INCREF(Py_None);
   4070     _res = Py_None;
   4071     return _res;
   4072 }
   4074 static PyObject *TrackObj_InsertTrackSegment(TrackObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   4075 {
   4076     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   4077     OSErr _err;
   4078     Track dstTrack;
   4079     TimeValue srcIn;
   4080     TimeValue srcDuration;
   4081     TimeValue dstIn;
   4082 #ifndef InsertTrackSegment
   4083     PyMac_PRECHECK(InsertTrackSegment);
   4084 #endif
   4085     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&lll",
   4086                           TrackObj_Convert, &dstTrack,
   4087                           &srcIn,
   4088                           &srcDuration,
   4089                           &dstIn))
   4090         return NULL;
   4091     _err = InsertTrackSegment(_self->ob_itself,
   4092                               dstTrack,
   4093                               srcIn,
   4094                               srcDuration,
   4095                               dstIn);
   4096     if (_err != noErr) return PyMac_Error(_err);
   4097     Py_INCREF(Py_None);
   4098     _res = Py_None;
   4099     return _res;
   4100 }
   4102 static PyObject *TrackObj_InsertEmptyTrackSegment(TrackObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   4103 {
   4104     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   4105     OSErr _err;
   4106     TimeValue dstIn;
   4107     TimeValue dstDuration;
   4108 #ifndef InsertEmptyTrackSegment
   4109     PyMac_PRECHECK(InsertEmptyTrackSegment);
   4110 #endif
   4111     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "ll",
   4112                           &dstIn,
   4113                           &dstDuration))
   4114         return NULL;
   4115     _err = InsertEmptyTrackSegment(_self->ob_itself,
   4116                                    dstIn,
   4117                                    dstDuration);
   4118     if (_err != noErr) return PyMac_Error(_err);
   4119     Py_INCREF(Py_None);
   4120     _res = Py_None;
   4121     return _res;
   4122 }
   4124 static PyObject *TrackObj_DeleteTrackSegment(TrackObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   4125 {
   4126     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   4127     OSErr _err;
   4128     TimeValue startTime;
   4129     TimeValue duration;
   4130 #ifndef DeleteTrackSegment
   4131     PyMac_PRECHECK(DeleteTrackSegment);
   4132 #endif
   4133     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "ll",
   4134                           &startTime,
   4135                           &duration))
   4136         return NULL;
   4137     _err = DeleteTrackSegment(_self->ob_itself,
   4138                               startTime,
   4139                               duration);
   4140     if (_err != noErr) return PyMac_Error(_err);
   4141     Py_INCREF(Py_None);
   4142     _res = Py_None;
   4143     return _res;
   4144 }
   4146 static PyObject *TrackObj_ScaleTrackSegment(TrackObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   4147 {
   4148     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   4149     OSErr _err;
   4150     TimeValue startTime;
   4151     TimeValue oldDuration;
   4152     TimeValue newDuration;
   4153 #ifndef ScaleTrackSegment
   4154     PyMac_PRECHECK(ScaleTrackSegment);
   4155 #endif
   4156     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "lll",
   4157                           &startTime,
   4158                           &oldDuration,
   4159                           &newDuration))
   4160         return NULL;
   4161     _err = ScaleTrackSegment(_self->ob_itself,
   4162                              startTime,
   4163                              oldDuration,
   4164                              newDuration);
   4165     if (_err != noErr) return PyMac_Error(_err);
   4166     Py_INCREF(Py_None);
   4167     _res = Py_None;
   4168     return _res;
   4169 }
   4171 static PyObject *TrackObj_IsScrapMovie(TrackObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   4172 {
   4173     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   4174     Component _rv;
   4175 #ifndef IsScrapMovie
   4176     PyMac_PRECHECK(IsScrapMovie);
   4177 #endif
   4178     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, ""))
   4179         return NULL;
   4180     _rv = IsScrapMovie(_self->ob_itself);
   4181     _res = Py_BuildValue("O&",
   4182                          CmpObj_New, _rv);
   4183     return _res;
   4184 }
   4186 static PyObject *TrackObj_CopyTrackSettings(TrackObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   4187 {
   4188     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   4189     OSErr _err;
   4190     Track dstTrack;
   4191 #ifndef CopyTrackSettings
   4192     PyMac_PRECHECK(CopyTrackSettings);
   4193 #endif
   4194     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&",
   4195                           TrackObj_Convert, &dstTrack))
   4196         return NULL;
   4197     _err = CopyTrackSettings(_self->ob_itself,
   4198                              dstTrack);
   4199     if (_err != noErr) return PyMac_Error(_err);
   4200     Py_INCREF(Py_None);
   4201     _res = Py_None;
   4202     return _res;
   4203 }
   4205 static PyObject *TrackObj_AddEmptyTrackToMovie(TrackObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   4206 {
   4207     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   4208     OSErr _err;
   4209     Movie dstMovie;
   4210     Handle dataRef;
   4211     OSType dataRefType;
   4212     Track dstTrack;
   4213 #ifndef AddEmptyTrackToMovie
   4214     PyMac_PRECHECK(AddEmptyTrackToMovie);
   4215 #endif
   4216     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&O&O&",
   4217                           MovieObj_Convert, &dstMovie,
   4218                           ResObj_Convert, &dataRef,
   4219                           PyMac_GetOSType, &dataRefType))
   4220         return NULL;
   4221     _err = AddEmptyTrackToMovie(_self->ob_itself,
   4222                                 dstMovie,
   4223                                 dataRef,
   4224                                 dataRefType,
   4225                                 &dstTrack);
   4226     if (_err != noErr) return PyMac_Error(_err);
   4227     _res = Py_BuildValue("O&",
   4228                          TrackObj_New, dstTrack);
   4229     return _res;
   4230 }
   4232 static PyObject *TrackObj_AddClonedTrackToMovie(TrackObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   4233 {
   4234     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   4235     OSErr _err;
   4236     Movie dstMovie;
   4237     long flags;
   4238     Track dstTrack;
   4239 #ifndef AddClonedTrackToMovie
   4240     PyMac_PRECHECK(AddClonedTrackToMovie);
   4241 #endif
   4242     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&l",
   4243                           MovieObj_Convert, &dstMovie,
   4244                           &flags))
   4245         return NULL;
   4246     _err = AddClonedTrackToMovie(_self->ob_itself,
   4247                                  dstMovie,
   4248                                  flags,
   4249                                  &dstTrack);
   4250     if (_err != noErr) return PyMac_Error(_err);
   4251     _res = Py_BuildValue("O&",
   4252                          TrackObj_New, dstTrack);
   4253     return _res;
   4254 }
   4256 static PyObject *TrackObj_AddTrackReference(TrackObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   4257 {
   4258     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   4259     OSErr _err;
   4260     Track refTrack;
   4261     OSType refType;
   4262     long addedIndex;
   4263 #ifndef AddTrackReference
   4264     PyMac_PRECHECK(AddTrackReference);
   4265 #endif
   4266     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&O&",
   4267                           TrackObj_Convert, &refTrack,
   4268                           PyMac_GetOSType, &refType))
   4269         return NULL;
   4270     _err = AddTrackReference(_self->ob_itself,
   4271                              refTrack,
   4272                              refType,
   4273                              &addedIndex);
   4274     if (_err != noErr) return PyMac_Error(_err);
   4275     _res = Py_BuildValue("l",
   4276                          addedIndex);
   4277     return _res;
   4278 }
   4280 static PyObject *TrackObj_DeleteTrackReference(TrackObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   4281 {
   4282     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   4283     OSErr _err;
   4284     OSType refType;
   4285     long index;
   4286 #ifndef DeleteTrackReference
   4287     PyMac_PRECHECK(DeleteTrackReference);
   4288 #endif
   4289     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&l",
   4290                           PyMac_GetOSType, &refType,
   4291                           &index))
   4292         return NULL;
   4293     _err = DeleteTrackReference(_self->ob_itself,
   4294                                 refType,
   4295                                 index);
   4296     if (_err != noErr) return PyMac_Error(_err);
   4297     Py_INCREF(Py_None);
   4298     _res = Py_None;
   4299     return _res;
   4300 }
   4302 static PyObject *TrackObj_SetTrackReference(TrackObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   4303 {
   4304     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   4305     OSErr _err;
   4306     Track refTrack;
   4307     OSType refType;
   4308     long index;
   4309 #ifndef SetTrackReference
   4310     PyMac_PRECHECK(SetTrackReference);
   4311 #endif
   4312     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&O&l",
   4313                           TrackObj_Convert, &refTrack,
   4314                           PyMac_GetOSType, &refType,
   4315                           &index))
   4316         return NULL;
   4317     _err = SetTrackReference(_self->ob_itself,
   4318                              refTrack,
   4319                              refType,
   4320                              index);
   4321     if (_err != noErr) return PyMac_Error(_err);
   4322     Py_INCREF(Py_None);
   4323     _res = Py_None;
   4324     return _res;
   4325 }
   4327 static PyObject *TrackObj_GetTrackReference(TrackObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   4328 {
   4329     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   4330     Track _rv;
   4331     OSType refType;
   4332     long index;
   4333 #ifndef GetTrackReference
   4334     PyMac_PRECHECK(GetTrackReference);
   4335 #endif
   4336     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&l",
   4337                           PyMac_GetOSType, &refType,
   4338                           &index))
   4339         return NULL;
   4340     _rv = GetTrackReference(_self->ob_itself,
   4341                             refType,
   4342                             index);
   4343     _res = Py_BuildValue("O&",
   4344                          TrackObj_New, _rv);
   4345     return _res;
   4346 }
   4348 static PyObject *TrackObj_GetNextTrackReferenceType(TrackObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   4349 {
   4350     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   4351     OSType _rv;
   4352     OSType refType;
   4353 #ifndef GetNextTrackReferenceType
   4354     PyMac_PRECHECK(GetNextTrackReferenceType);
   4355 #endif
   4356     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&",
   4357                           PyMac_GetOSType, &refType))
   4358         return NULL;
   4359     _rv = GetNextTrackReferenceType(_self->ob_itself,
   4360                                     refType);
   4361     _res = Py_BuildValue("O&",
   4362                          PyMac_BuildOSType, _rv);
   4363     return _res;
   4364 }
   4366 static PyObject *TrackObj_GetTrackReferenceCount(TrackObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   4367 {
   4368     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   4369     long _rv;
   4370     OSType refType;
   4371 #ifndef GetTrackReferenceCount
   4372     PyMac_PRECHECK(GetTrackReferenceCount);
   4373 #endif
   4374     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&",
   4375                           PyMac_GetOSType, &refType))
   4376         return NULL;
   4377     _rv = GetTrackReferenceCount(_self->ob_itself,
   4378                                  refType);
   4379     _res = Py_BuildValue("l",
   4380                          _rv);
   4381     return _res;
   4382 }
   4384 static PyObject *TrackObj_GetTrackEditRate(TrackObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   4385 {
   4386     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   4387     Fixed _rv;
   4388     TimeValue atTime;
   4389 #ifndef GetTrackEditRate
   4390     PyMac_PRECHECK(GetTrackEditRate);
   4391 #endif
   4392     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "l",
   4393                           &atTime))
   4394         return NULL;
   4395     _rv = GetTrackEditRate(_self->ob_itself,
   4396                            atTime);
   4397     _res = Py_BuildValue("O&",
   4398                          PyMac_BuildFixed, _rv);
   4399     return _res;
   4400 }
   4402 static PyObject *TrackObj_GetTrackDataSize(TrackObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   4403 {
   4404     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   4405     long _rv;
   4406     TimeValue startTime;
   4407     TimeValue duration;
   4408 #ifndef GetTrackDataSize
   4409     PyMac_PRECHECK(GetTrackDataSize);
   4410 #endif
   4411     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "ll",
   4412                           &startTime,
   4413                           &duration))
   4414         return NULL;
   4415     _rv = GetTrackDataSize(_self->ob_itself,
   4416                            startTime,
   4417                            duration);
   4418     _res = Py_BuildValue("l",
   4419                          _rv);
   4420     return _res;
   4421 }
   4423 static PyObject *TrackObj_GetTrackDataSize64(TrackObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   4424 {
   4425     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   4426     OSErr _err;
   4427     TimeValue startTime;
   4428     TimeValue duration;
   4429     wide dataSize;
   4430 #ifndef GetTrackDataSize64
   4431     PyMac_PRECHECK(GetTrackDataSize64);
   4432 #endif
   4433     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "ll",
   4434                           &startTime,
   4435                           &duration))
   4436         return NULL;
   4437     _err = GetTrackDataSize64(_self->ob_itself,
   4438                               startTime,
   4439                               duration,
   4440                               &dataSize);
   4441     if (_err != noErr) return PyMac_Error(_err);
   4442     _res = Py_BuildValue("O&",
   4443                          PyMac_Buildwide, dataSize);
   4444     return _res;
   4445 }
   4447 static PyObject *TrackObj_PtInTrack(TrackObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   4448 {
   4449     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   4450     Boolean _rv;
   4451     Point pt;
   4452 #ifndef PtInTrack
   4453     PyMac_PRECHECK(PtInTrack);
   4454 #endif
   4455     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&",
   4456                           PyMac_GetPoint, &pt))
   4457         return NULL;
   4458     _rv = PtInTrack(_self->ob_itself,
   4459                     pt);
   4460     _res = Py_BuildValue("b",
   4461                          _rv);
   4462     return _res;
   4463 }
   4465 static PyObject *TrackObj_CopyTrackUserData(TrackObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   4466 {
   4467     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   4468     OSErr _err;
   4469     Track dstTrack;
   4470     OSType copyRule;
   4471 #ifndef CopyTrackUserData
   4472     PyMac_PRECHECK(CopyTrackUserData);
   4473 #endif
   4474     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&O&",
   4475                           TrackObj_Convert, &dstTrack,
   4476                           PyMac_GetOSType, &copyRule))
   4477         return NULL;
   4478     _err = CopyTrackUserData(_self->ob_itself,
   4479                              dstTrack,
   4480                              copyRule);
   4481     if (_err != noErr) return PyMac_Error(_err);
   4482     Py_INCREF(Py_None);
   4483     _res = Py_None;
   4484     return _res;
   4485 }
   4487 static PyObject *TrackObj_GetTrackNextInterestingTime(TrackObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   4488 {
   4489     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   4490     short interestingTimeFlags;
   4491     TimeValue time;
   4492     Fixed rate;
   4493     TimeValue interestingTime;
   4494     TimeValue interestingDuration;
   4495 #ifndef GetTrackNextInterestingTime
   4496     PyMac_PRECHECK(GetTrackNextInterestingTime);
   4497 #endif
   4498     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "hlO&",
   4499                           &interestingTimeFlags,
   4500                           &time,
   4501                           PyMac_GetFixed, &rate))
   4502         return NULL;
   4503     GetTrackNextInterestingTime(_self->ob_itself,
   4504                                 interestingTimeFlags,
   4505                                 time,
   4506                                 rate,
   4507                                 &interestingTime,
   4508                                 &interestingDuration);
   4509     _res = Py_BuildValue("ll",
   4510                          interestingTime,
   4511                          interestingDuration);
   4512     return _res;
   4513 }
   4515 static PyObject *TrackObj_GetTrackSegmentDisplayBoundsRgn(TrackObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   4516 {
   4517     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   4518     RgnHandle _rv;
   4519     TimeValue time;
   4520     TimeValue duration;
   4521 #ifndef GetTrackSegmentDisplayBoundsRgn
   4522     PyMac_PRECHECK(GetTrackSegmentDisplayBoundsRgn);
   4523 #endif
   4524     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "ll",
   4525                           &time,
   4526                           &duration))
   4527         return NULL;
   4528     _rv = GetTrackSegmentDisplayBoundsRgn(_self->ob_itself,
   4529                                           time,
   4530                                           duration);
   4531     _res = Py_BuildValue("O&",
   4532                          ResObj_New, _rv);
   4533     return _res;
   4534 }
   4536 static PyObject *TrackObj_GetTrackStatus(TrackObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   4537 {
   4538     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   4539     ComponentResult _rv;
   4540 #ifndef GetTrackStatus
   4541     PyMac_PRECHECK(GetTrackStatus);
   4542 #endif
   4543     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, ""))
   4544         return NULL;
   4545     _rv = GetTrackStatus(_self->ob_itself);
   4546     _res = Py_BuildValue("l",
   4547                          _rv);
   4548     return _res;
   4549 }
   4551 static PyObject *TrackObj_SetTrackLoadSettings(TrackObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   4552 {
   4553     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   4554     TimeValue preloadTime;
   4555     TimeValue preloadDuration;
   4556     long preloadFlags;
   4557     long defaultHints;
   4558 #ifndef SetTrackLoadSettings
   4559     PyMac_PRECHECK(SetTrackLoadSettings);
   4560 #endif
   4561     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "llll",
   4562                           &preloadTime,
   4563                           &preloadDuration,
   4564                           &preloadFlags,
   4565                           &defaultHints))
   4566         return NULL;
   4567     SetTrackLoadSettings(_self->ob_itself,
   4568                          preloadTime,
   4569                          preloadDuration,
   4570                          preloadFlags,
   4571                          defaultHints);
   4572     Py_INCREF(Py_None);
   4573     _res = Py_None;
   4574     return _res;
   4575 }
   4577 static PyObject *TrackObj_GetTrackLoadSettings(TrackObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   4578 {
   4579     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   4580     TimeValue preloadTime;
   4581     TimeValue preloadDuration;
   4582     long preloadFlags;
   4583     long defaultHints;
   4584 #ifndef GetTrackLoadSettings
   4585     PyMac_PRECHECK(GetTrackLoadSettings);
   4586 #endif
   4587     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, ""))
   4588         return NULL;
   4589     GetTrackLoadSettings(_self->ob_itself,
   4590                          &preloadTime,
   4591                          &preloadDuration,
   4592                          &preloadFlags,
   4593                          &defaultHints);
   4594     _res = Py_BuildValue("llll",
   4595                          preloadTime,
   4596                          preloadDuration,
   4597                          preloadFlags,
   4598                          defaultHints);
   4599     return _res;
   4600 }
   4602 static PyMethodDef TrackObj_methods[] = {
   4603     {"LoadTrackIntoRam", (PyCFunction)TrackObj_LoadTrackIntoRam, 1,
   4604      PyDoc_STR("(TimeValue time, TimeValue duration, long flags) -> None")},
   4605     {"GetTrackPict", (PyCFunction)TrackObj_GetTrackPict, 1,
   4606      PyDoc_STR("(TimeValue time) -> (PicHandle _rv)")},
   4607     {"GetTrackClipRgn", (PyCFunction)TrackObj_GetTrackClipRgn, 1,
   4608      PyDoc_STR("() -> (RgnHandle _rv)")},
   4609     {"SetTrackClipRgn", (PyCFunction)TrackObj_SetTrackClipRgn, 1,
   4610      PyDoc_STR("(RgnHandle theClip) -> None")},
   4611     {"GetTrackDisplayBoundsRgn", (PyCFunction)TrackObj_GetTrackDisplayBoundsRgn, 1,
   4612      PyDoc_STR("() -> (RgnHandle _rv)")},
   4613     {"GetTrackMovieBoundsRgn", (PyCFunction)TrackObj_GetTrackMovieBoundsRgn, 1,
   4614      PyDoc_STR("() -> (RgnHandle _rv)")},
   4615     {"GetTrackBoundsRgn", (PyCFunction)TrackObj_GetTrackBoundsRgn, 1,
   4616      PyDoc_STR("() -> (RgnHandle _rv)")},
   4617     {"GetTrackMatte", (PyCFunction)TrackObj_GetTrackMatte, 1,
   4618      PyDoc_STR("() -> (PixMapHandle _rv)")},
   4619     {"SetTrackMatte", (PyCFunction)TrackObj_SetTrackMatte, 1,
   4620      PyDoc_STR("(PixMapHandle theMatte) -> None")},
   4621     {"GetTrackID", (PyCFunction)TrackObj_GetTrackID, 1,
   4622      PyDoc_STR("() -> (long _rv)")},
   4623     {"GetTrackMovie", (PyCFunction)TrackObj_GetTrackMovie, 1,
   4624      PyDoc_STR("() -> (Movie _rv)")},
   4625     {"GetTrackCreationTime", (PyCFunction)TrackObj_GetTrackCreationTime, 1,
   4626      PyDoc_STR("() -> (unsigned long _rv)")},
   4627     {"GetTrackModificationTime", (PyCFunction)TrackObj_GetTrackModificationTime, 1,
   4628      PyDoc_STR("() -> (unsigned long _rv)")},
   4629     {"GetTrackEnabled", (PyCFunction)TrackObj_GetTrackEnabled, 1,
   4630      PyDoc_STR("() -> (Boolean _rv)")},
   4631     {"SetTrackEnabled", (PyCFunction)TrackObj_SetTrackEnabled, 1,
   4632      PyDoc_STR("(Boolean isEnabled) -> None")},
   4633     {"GetTrackUsage", (PyCFunction)TrackObj_GetTrackUsage, 1,
   4634      PyDoc_STR("() -> (long _rv)")},
   4635     {"SetTrackUsage", (PyCFunction)TrackObj_SetTrackUsage, 1,
   4636      PyDoc_STR("(long usage) -> None")},
   4637     {"GetTrackDuration", (PyCFunction)TrackObj_GetTrackDuration, 1,
   4638      PyDoc_STR("() -> (TimeValue _rv)")},
   4639     {"GetTrackOffset", (PyCFunction)TrackObj_GetTrackOffset, 1,
   4640      PyDoc_STR("() -> (TimeValue _rv)")},
   4641     {"SetTrackOffset", (PyCFunction)TrackObj_SetTrackOffset, 1,
   4642      PyDoc_STR("(TimeValue movieOffsetTime) -> None")},
   4643     {"GetTrackLayer", (PyCFunction)TrackObj_GetTrackLayer, 1,
   4644      PyDoc_STR("() -> (short _rv)")},
   4645     {"SetTrackLayer", (PyCFunction)TrackObj_SetTrackLayer, 1,
   4646      PyDoc_STR("(short layer) -> None")},
   4647     {"GetTrackAlternate", (PyCFunction)TrackObj_GetTrackAlternate, 1,
   4648      PyDoc_STR("() -> (Track _rv)")},
   4649     {"SetTrackAlternate", (PyCFunction)TrackObj_SetTrackAlternate, 1,
   4650      PyDoc_STR("(Track alternateT) -> None")},
   4651     {"GetTrackVolume", (PyCFunction)TrackObj_GetTrackVolume, 1,
   4652      PyDoc_STR("() -> (short _rv)")},
   4653     {"SetTrackVolume", (PyCFunction)TrackObj_SetTrackVolume, 1,
   4654      PyDoc_STR("(short volume) -> None")},
   4655     {"GetTrackDimensions", (PyCFunction)TrackObj_GetTrackDimensions, 1,
   4656      PyDoc_STR("() -> (Fixed width, Fixed height)")},
   4657     {"SetTrackDimensions", (PyCFunction)TrackObj_SetTrackDimensions, 1,
   4658      PyDoc_STR("(Fixed width, Fixed height) -> None")},
   4659     {"GetTrackUserData", (PyCFunction)TrackObj_GetTrackUserData, 1,
   4660      PyDoc_STR("() -> (UserData _rv)")},
   4661     {"GetTrackSoundLocalizationSettings", (PyCFunction)TrackObj_GetTrackSoundLocalizationSettings, 1,
   4662      PyDoc_STR("() -> (Handle settings)")},
   4663     {"SetTrackSoundLocalizationSettings", (PyCFunction)TrackObj_SetTrackSoundLocalizationSettings, 1,
   4664      PyDoc_STR("(Handle settings) -> None")},
   4665     {"NewTrackMedia", (PyCFunction)TrackObj_NewTrackMedia, 1,
   4666      PyDoc_STR("(OSType mediaType, TimeScale timeScale, Handle dataRef, OSType dataRefType) -> (Media _rv)")},
   4667     {"GetTrackMedia", (PyCFunction)TrackObj_GetTrackMedia, 1,
   4668      PyDoc_STR("() -> (Media _rv)")},
   4669     {"InsertMediaIntoTrack", (PyCFunction)TrackObj_InsertMediaIntoTrack, 1,
   4670      PyDoc_STR("(TimeValue trackStart, TimeValue mediaTime, TimeValue mediaDuration, Fixed mediaRate) -> None")},
   4671     {"InsertTrackSegment", (PyCFunction)TrackObj_InsertTrackSegment, 1,
   4672      PyDoc_STR("(Track dstTrack, TimeValue srcIn, TimeValue srcDuration, TimeValue dstIn) -> None")},
   4673     {"InsertEmptyTrackSegment", (PyCFunction)TrackObj_InsertEmptyTrackSegment, 1,
   4674      PyDoc_STR("(TimeValue dstIn, TimeValue dstDuration) -> None")},
   4675     {"DeleteTrackSegment", (PyCFunction)TrackObj_DeleteTrackSegment, 1,
   4676      PyDoc_STR("(TimeValue startTime, TimeValue duration) -> None")},
   4677     {"ScaleTrackSegment", (PyCFunction)TrackObj_ScaleTrackSegment, 1,
   4678      PyDoc_STR("(TimeValue startTime, TimeValue oldDuration, TimeValue newDuration) -> None")},
   4679     {"IsScrapMovie", (PyCFunction)TrackObj_IsScrapMovie, 1,
   4680      PyDoc_STR("() -> (Component _rv)")},
   4681     {"CopyTrackSettings", (PyCFunction)TrackObj_CopyTrackSettings, 1,
   4682      PyDoc_STR("(Track dstTrack) -> None")},
   4683     {"AddEmptyTrackToMovie", (PyCFunction)TrackObj_AddEmptyTrackToMovie, 1,
   4684      PyDoc_STR("(Movie dstMovie, Handle dataRef, OSType dataRefType) -> (Track dstTrack)")},
   4685     {"AddClonedTrackToMovie", (PyCFunction)TrackObj_AddClonedTrackToMovie, 1,
   4686      PyDoc_STR("(Movie dstMovie, long flags) -> (Track dstTrack)")},
   4687     {"AddTrackReference", (PyCFunction)TrackObj_AddTrackReference, 1,
   4688      PyDoc_STR("(Track refTrack, OSType refType) -> (long addedIndex)")},
   4689     {"DeleteTrackReference", (PyCFunction)TrackObj_DeleteTrackReference, 1,
   4690      PyDoc_STR("(OSType refType, long index) -> None")},
   4691     {"SetTrackReference", (PyCFunction)TrackObj_SetTrackReference, 1,
   4692      PyDoc_STR("(Track refTrack, OSType refType, long index) -> None")},
   4693     {"GetTrackReference", (PyCFunction)TrackObj_GetTrackReference, 1,
   4694      PyDoc_STR("(OSType refType, long index) -> (Track _rv)")},
   4695     {"GetNextTrackReferenceType", (PyCFunction)TrackObj_GetNextTrackReferenceType, 1,
   4696      PyDoc_STR("(OSType refType) -> (OSType _rv)")},
   4697     {"GetTrackReferenceCount", (PyCFunction)TrackObj_GetTrackReferenceCount, 1,
   4698      PyDoc_STR("(OSType refType) -> (long _rv)")},
   4699     {"GetTrackEditRate", (PyCFunction)TrackObj_GetTrackEditRate, 1,
   4700      PyDoc_STR("(TimeValue atTime) -> (Fixed _rv)")},
   4701     {"GetTrackDataSize", (PyCFunction)TrackObj_GetTrackDataSize, 1,
   4702      PyDoc_STR("(TimeValue startTime, TimeValue duration) -> (long _rv)")},
   4703     {"GetTrackDataSize64", (PyCFunction)TrackObj_GetTrackDataSize64, 1,
   4704      PyDoc_STR("(TimeValue startTime, TimeValue duration) -> (wide dataSize)")},
   4705     {"PtInTrack", (PyCFunction)TrackObj_PtInTrack, 1,
   4706      PyDoc_STR("(Point pt) -> (Boolean _rv)")},
   4707     {"CopyTrackUserData", (PyCFunction)TrackObj_CopyTrackUserData, 1,
   4708      PyDoc_STR("(Track dstTrack, OSType copyRule) -> None")},
   4709     {"GetTrackNextInterestingTime", (PyCFunction)TrackObj_GetTrackNextInterestingTime, 1,
   4710      PyDoc_STR("(short interestingTimeFlags, TimeValue time, Fixed rate) -> (TimeValue interestingTime, TimeValue interestingDuration)")},
   4711     {"GetTrackSegmentDisplayBoundsRgn", (PyCFunction)TrackObj_GetTrackSegmentDisplayBoundsRgn, 1,
   4712      PyDoc_STR("(TimeValue time, TimeValue duration) -> (RgnHandle _rv)")},
   4713     {"GetTrackStatus", (PyCFunction)TrackObj_GetTrackStatus, 1,
   4714      PyDoc_STR("() -> (ComponentResult _rv)")},
   4715     {"SetTrackLoadSettings", (PyCFunction)TrackObj_SetTrackLoadSettings, 1,
   4716      PyDoc_STR("(TimeValue preloadTime, TimeValue preloadDuration, long preloadFlags, long defaultHints) -> None")},
   4717     {"GetTrackLoadSettings", (PyCFunction)TrackObj_GetTrackLoadSettings, 1,
   4718      PyDoc_STR("() -> (TimeValue preloadTime, TimeValue preloadDuration, long preloadFlags, long defaultHints)")},
   4719     {NULL, NULL, 0}
   4720 };
   4722 #define TrackObj_getsetlist NULL
   4725 #define TrackObj_compare NULL
   4727 #define TrackObj_repr NULL
   4729 #define TrackObj_hash NULL
   4730 #define TrackObj_tp_init 0
   4732 #define TrackObj_tp_alloc PyType_GenericAlloc
   4734 static PyObject *TrackObj_tp_new(PyTypeObject *type, PyObject *_args, PyObject *_kwds)
   4735 {
   4736     PyObject *_self;
   4737     Track itself;
   4738     char *kw[] = {"itself", 0};
   4740     if (!PyArg_ParseTupleAndKeywords(_args, _kwds, "O&", kw, TrackObj_Convert, &itself)) return NULL;
   4741     if ((_self = type->tp_alloc(type, 0)) == NULL) return NULL;
   4742     ((TrackObject *)_self)->ob_itself = itself;
   4743     return _self;
   4744 }
   4746 #define TrackObj_tp_free PyObject_Del
   4749 PyTypeObject Track_Type = {
   4750     PyObject_HEAD_INIT(NULL)
   4751     0, /*ob_size*/
   4752     "_Qt.Track", /*tp_name*/
   4753     sizeof(TrackObject), /*tp_basicsize*/
   4754     0, /*tp_itemsize*/
   4755     /* methods */
   4756     (destructor) TrackObj_dealloc, /*tp_dealloc*/
   4757     0, /*tp_print*/
   4758     (getattrfunc)0, /*tp_getattr*/
   4759     (setattrfunc)0, /*tp_setattr*/
   4760     (cmpfunc) TrackObj_compare, /*tp_compare*/
   4761     (reprfunc) TrackObj_repr, /*tp_repr*/
   4762     (PyNumberMethods *)0, /* tp_as_number */
   4763     (PySequenceMethods *)0, /* tp_as_sequence */
   4764     (PyMappingMethods *)0, /* tp_as_mapping */
   4765     (hashfunc) TrackObj_hash, /*tp_hash*/
   4766     0, /*tp_call*/
   4767     0, /*tp_str*/
   4768     PyObject_GenericGetAttr, /*tp_getattro*/
   4769     PyObject_GenericSetAttr, /*tp_setattro */
   4770     0, /*tp_as_buffer*/
   4771     Py_TPFLAGS_DEFAULT|Py_TPFLAGS_BASETYPE, /* tp_flags */
   4772     0, /*tp_doc*/
   4773     0, /*tp_traverse*/
   4774     0, /*tp_clear*/
   4775     0, /*tp_richcompare*/
   4776     0, /*tp_weaklistoffset*/
   4777     0, /*tp_iter*/
   4778     0, /*tp_iternext*/
   4779     TrackObj_methods, /* tp_methods */
   4780     0, /*tp_members*/
   4781     TrackObj_getsetlist, /*tp_getset*/
   4782     0, /*tp_base*/
   4783     0, /*tp_dict*/
   4784     0, /*tp_descr_get*/
   4785     0, /*tp_descr_set*/
   4786     0, /*tp_dictoffset*/
   4787     TrackObj_tp_init, /* tp_init */
   4788     TrackObj_tp_alloc, /* tp_alloc */
   4789     TrackObj_tp_new, /* tp_new */
   4790     TrackObj_tp_free, /* tp_free */
   4791 };
   4793 /* --------------------- End object type Track ---------------------- */
   4796 /* ----------------------- Object type Movie ------------------------ */
   4798 PyTypeObject Movie_Type;
   4800 #define MovieObj_Check(x) ((x)->ob_type == &Movie_Type || PyObject_TypeCheck((x), &Movie_Type))
   4802 typedef struct MovieObject {
   4803     PyObject_HEAD
   4804     Movie ob_itself;
   4805 } MovieObject;
   4807 PyObject *MovieObj_New(Movie itself)
   4808 {
   4809     MovieObject *it;
   4810     if (itself == NULL) {
   4811                                     PyErr_SetString(Qt_Error,"Cannot create Movie from NULL pointer");
   4812                                     return NULL;
   4813                             }
   4814     it = PyObject_NEW(MovieObject, &Movie_Type);
   4815     if (it == NULL) return NULL;
   4816     it->ob_itself = itself;
   4817     return (PyObject *)it;
   4818 }
   4820 int MovieObj_Convert(PyObject *v, Movie *p_itself)
   4821 {
   4822     if (v == Py_None)
   4823     {
   4824         *p_itself = NULL;
   4825         return 1;
   4826     }
   4827     if (!MovieObj_Check(v))
   4828     {
   4829         PyErr_SetString(PyExc_TypeError, "Movie required");
   4830         return 0;
   4831     }
   4832     *p_itself = ((MovieObject *)v)->ob_itself;
   4833     return 1;
   4834 }
   4836 static void MovieObj_dealloc(MovieObject *self)
   4837 {
   4838     if (self->ob_itself) DisposeMovie(self->ob_itself);
   4839     self->ob_type->tp_free((PyObject *)self);
   4840 }
   4842 static PyObject *MovieObj_MoviesTask(MovieObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   4843 {
   4844     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   4845     long maxMilliSecToUse;
   4846 #ifndef MoviesTask
   4847     PyMac_PRECHECK(MoviesTask);
   4848 #endif
   4849     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "l",
   4850                           &maxMilliSecToUse))
   4851         return NULL;
   4852     MoviesTask(_self->ob_itself,
   4853                maxMilliSecToUse);
   4854     Py_INCREF(Py_None);
   4855     _res = Py_None;
   4856     return _res;
   4857 }
   4859 static PyObject *MovieObj_PrerollMovie(MovieObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   4860 {
   4861     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   4862     OSErr _err;
   4863     TimeValue time;
   4864     Fixed Rate;
   4865 #ifndef PrerollMovie
   4866     PyMac_PRECHECK(PrerollMovie);
   4867 #endif
   4868     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "lO&",
   4869                           &time,
   4870                           PyMac_GetFixed, &Rate))
   4871         return NULL;
   4872     _err = PrerollMovie(_self->ob_itself,
   4873                         time,
   4874                         Rate);
   4875     if (_err != noErr) return PyMac_Error(_err);
   4876     Py_INCREF(Py_None);
   4877     _res = Py_None;
   4878     return _res;
   4879 }
   4881 static PyObject *MovieObj_AbortPrePrerollMovie(MovieObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   4882 {
   4883     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   4884     OSErr err;
   4885 #ifndef AbortPrePrerollMovie
   4886     PyMac_PRECHECK(AbortPrePrerollMovie);
   4887 #endif
   4888     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "h",
   4889                           &err))
   4890         return NULL;
   4891     AbortPrePrerollMovie(_self->ob_itself,
   4892                          err);
   4893     Py_INCREF(Py_None);
   4894     _res = Py_None;
   4895     return _res;
   4896 }
   4898 static PyObject *MovieObj_LoadMovieIntoRam(MovieObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   4899 {
   4900     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   4901     OSErr _err;
   4902     TimeValue time;
   4903     TimeValue duration;
   4904     long flags;
   4905 #ifndef LoadMovieIntoRam
   4906     PyMac_PRECHECK(LoadMovieIntoRam);
   4907 #endif
   4908     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "lll",
   4909                           &time,
   4910                           &duration,
   4911                           &flags))
   4912         return NULL;
   4913     _err = LoadMovieIntoRam(_self->ob_itself,
   4914                             time,
   4915                             duration,
   4916                             flags);
   4917     if (_err != noErr) return PyMac_Error(_err);
   4918     Py_INCREF(Py_None);
   4919     _res = Py_None;
   4920     return _res;
   4921 }
   4923 static PyObject *MovieObj_SetMovieActive(MovieObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   4924 {
   4925     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   4926     Boolean active;
   4927 #ifndef SetMovieActive
   4928     PyMac_PRECHECK(SetMovieActive);
   4929 #endif
   4930     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "b",
   4931                           &active))
   4932         return NULL;
   4933     SetMovieActive(_self->ob_itself,
   4934                    active);
   4935     Py_INCREF(Py_None);
   4936     _res = Py_None;
   4937     return _res;
   4938 }
   4940 static PyObject *MovieObj_GetMovieActive(MovieObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   4941 {
   4942     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   4943     Boolean _rv;
   4944 #ifndef GetMovieActive
   4945     PyMac_PRECHECK(GetMovieActive);
   4946 #endif
   4947     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, ""))
   4948         return NULL;
   4949     _rv = GetMovieActive(_self->ob_itself);
   4950     _res = Py_BuildValue("b",
   4951                          _rv);
   4952     return _res;
   4953 }
   4955 static PyObject *MovieObj_StartMovie(MovieObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   4956 {
   4957     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   4958 #ifndef StartMovie
   4959     PyMac_PRECHECK(StartMovie);
   4960 #endif
   4961     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, ""))
   4962         return NULL;
   4963     StartMovie(_self->ob_itself);
   4964     Py_INCREF(Py_None);
   4965     _res = Py_None;
   4966     return _res;
   4967 }
   4969 static PyObject *MovieObj_StopMovie(MovieObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   4970 {
   4971     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   4972 #ifndef StopMovie
   4973     PyMac_PRECHECK(StopMovie);
   4974 #endif
   4975     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, ""))
   4976         return NULL;
   4977     StopMovie(_self->ob_itself);
   4978     Py_INCREF(Py_None);
   4979     _res = Py_None;
   4980     return _res;
   4981 }
   4983 static PyObject *MovieObj_GoToBeginningOfMovie(MovieObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   4984 {
   4985     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   4986 #ifndef GoToBeginningOfMovie
   4987     PyMac_PRECHECK(GoToBeginningOfMovie);
   4988 #endif
   4989     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, ""))
   4990         return NULL;
   4991     GoToBeginningOfMovie(_self->ob_itself);
   4992     Py_INCREF(Py_None);
   4993     _res = Py_None;
   4994     return _res;
   4995 }
   4997 static PyObject *MovieObj_GoToEndOfMovie(MovieObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   4998 {
   4999     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   5000 #ifndef GoToEndOfMovie
   5001     PyMac_PRECHECK(GoToEndOfMovie);
   5002 #endif
   5003     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, ""))
   5004         return NULL;
   5005     GoToEndOfMovie(_self->ob_itself);
   5006     Py_INCREF(Py_None);
   5007     _res = Py_None;
   5008     return _res;
   5009 }
   5011 static PyObject *MovieObj_IsMovieDone(MovieObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   5012 {
   5013     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   5014     Boolean _rv;
   5015 #ifndef IsMovieDone
   5016     PyMac_PRECHECK(IsMovieDone);
   5017 #endif
   5018     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, ""))
   5019         return NULL;
   5020     _rv = IsMovieDone(_self->ob_itself);
   5021     _res = Py_BuildValue("b",
   5022                          _rv);
   5023     return _res;
   5024 }
   5026 static PyObject *MovieObj_GetMoviePreviewMode(MovieObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   5027 {
   5028     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   5029     Boolean _rv;
   5030 #ifndef GetMoviePreviewMode
   5031     PyMac_PRECHECK(GetMoviePreviewMode);
   5032 #endif
   5033     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, ""))
   5034         return NULL;
   5035     _rv = GetMoviePreviewMode(_self->ob_itself);
   5036     _res = Py_BuildValue("b",
   5037                          _rv);
   5038     return _res;
   5039 }
   5041 static PyObject *MovieObj_SetMoviePreviewMode(MovieObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   5042 {
   5043     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   5044     Boolean usePreview;
   5045 #ifndef SetMoviePreviewMode
   5046     PyMac_PRECHECK(SetMoviePreviewMode);
   5047 #endif
   5048     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "b",
   5049                           &usePreview))
   5050         return NULL;
   5051     SetMoviePreviewMode(_self->ob_itself,
   5052                         usePreview);
   5053     Py_INCREF(Py_None);
   5054     _res = Py_None;
   5055     return _res;
   5056 }
   5058 static PyObject *MovieObj_ShowMoviePoster(MovieObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   5059 {
   5060     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   5061 #ifndef ShowMoviePoster
   5062     PyMac_PRECHECK(ShowMoviePoster);
   5063 #endif
   5064     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, ""))
   5065         return NULL;
   5066     ShowMoviePoster(_self->ob_itself);
   5067     Py_INCREF(Py_None);
   5068     _res = Py_None;
   5069     return _res;
   5070 }
   5072 static PyObject *MovieObj_GetMovieTimeBase(MovieObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   5073 {
   5074     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   5075     TimeBase _rv;
   5076 #ifndef GetMovieTimeBase
   5077     PyMac_PRECHECK(GetMovieTimeBase);
   5078 #endif
   5079     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, ""))
   5080         return NULL;
   5081     _rv = GetMovieTimeBase(_self->ob_itself);
   5082     _res = Py_BuildValue("O&",
   5083                          TimeBaseObj_New, _rv);
   5084     return _res;
   5085 }
   5087 static PyObject *MovieObj_SetMovieMasterTimeBase(MovieObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   5088 {
   5089     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   5090     TimeBase tb;
   5091     TimeRecord slaveZero;
   5092 #ifndef SetMovieMasterTimeBase
   5093     PyMac_PRECHECK(SetMovieMasterTimeBase);
   5094 #endif
   5095     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&O&",
   5096                           TimeBaseObj_Convert, &tb,
   5097                           QtTimeRecord_Convert, &slaveZero))
   5098         return NULL;
   5099     SetMovieMasterTimeBase(_self->ob_itself,
   5100                            tb,
   5101                            &slaveZero);
   5102     Py_INCREF(Py_None);
   5103     _res = Py_None;
   5104     return _res;
   5105 }
   5107 static PyObject *MovieObj_SetMovieMasterClock(MovieObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   5108 {
   5109     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   5110     Component clockMeister;
   5111     TimeRecord slaveZero;
   5112 #ifndef SetMovieMasterClock
   5113     PyMac_PRECHECK(SetMovieMasterClock);
   5114 #endif
   5115     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&O&",
   5116                           CmpObj_Convert, &clockMeister,
   5117                           QtTimeRecord_Convert, &slaveZero))
   5118         return NULL;
   5119     SetMovieMasterClock(_self->ob_itself,
   5120                         clockMeister,
   5121                         &slaveZero);
   5122     Py_INCREF(Py_None);
   5123     _res = Py_None;
   5124     return _res;
   5125 }
   5127 static PyObject *MovieObj_ChooseMovieClock(MovieObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   5128 {
   5129     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   5130     long flags;
   5131 #ifndef ChooseMovieClock
   5132     PyMac_PRECHECK(ChooseMovieClock);
   5133 #endif
   5134     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "l",
   5135                           &flags))
   5136         return NULL;
   5137     ChooseMovieClock(_self->ob_itself,
   5138                      flags);
   5139     Py_INCREF(Py_None);
   5140     _res = Py_None;
   5141     return _res;
   5142 }
   5144 static PyObject *MovieObj_GetMovieGWorld(MovieObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   5145 {
   5146     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   5147     CGrafPtr port;
   5148     GDHandle gdh;
   5149 #ifndef GetMovieGWorld
   5150     PyMac_PRECHECK(GetMovieGWorld);
   5151 #endif
   5152     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, ""))
   5153         return NULL;
   5154     GetMovieGWorld(_self->ob_itself,
   5155                    &port,
   5156                    &gdh);
   5157     _res = Py_BuildValue("O&O&",
   5158                          GrafObj_New, port,
   5159                          OptResObj_New, gdh);
   5160     return _res;
   5161 }
   5163 static PyObject *MovieObj_SetMovieGWorld(MovieObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   5164 {
   5165     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   5166     CGrafPtr port;
   5167     GDHandle gdh;
   5168 #ifndef SetMovieGWorld
   5169     PyMac_PRECHECK(SetMovieGWorld);
   5170 #endif
   5171     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&O&",
   5172                           GrafObj_Convert, &port,
   5173                           OptResObj_Convert, &gdh))
   5174         return NULL;
   5175     SetMovieGWorld(_self->ob_itself,
   5176                    port,
   5177                    gdh);
   5178     Py_INCREF(Py_None);
   5179     _res = Py_None;
   5180     return _res;
   5181 }
   5183 static PyObject *MovieObj_GetMovieNaturalBoundsRect(MovieObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   5184 {
   5185     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   5186     Rect naturalBounds;
   5187 #ifndef GetMovieNaturalBoundsRect
   5188     PyMac_PRECHECK(GetMovieNaturalBoundsRect);
   5189 #endif
   5190     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, ""))
   5191         return NULL;
   5192     GetMovieNaturalBoundsRect(_self->ob_itself,
   5193                               &naturalBounds);
   5194     _res = Py_BuildValue("O&",
   5195                          PyMac_BuildRect, &naturalBounds);
   5196     return _res;
   5197 }
   5199 static PyObject *MovieObj_GetNextTrackForCompositing(MovieObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   5200 {
   5201     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   5202     Track _rv;
   5203     Track theTrack;
   5204 #ifndef GetNextTrackForCompositing
   5205     PyMac_PRECHECK(GetNextTrackForCompositing);
   5206 #endif
   5207     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&",
   5208                           TrackObj_Convert, &theTrack))
   5209         return NULL;
   5210     _rv = GetNextTrackForCompositing(_self->ob_itself,
   5211                                      theTrack);
   5212     _res = Py_BuildValue("O&",
   5213                          TrackObj_New, _rv);
   5214     return _res;
   5215 }
   5217 static PyObject *MovieObj_GetPrevTrackForCompositing(MovieObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   5218 {
   5219     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   5220     Track _rv;
   5221     Track theTrack;
   5222 #ifndef GetPrevTrackForCompositing
   5223     PyMac_PRECHECK(GetPrevTrackForCompositing);
   5224 #endif
   5225     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&",
   5226                           TrackObj_Convert, &theTrack))
   5227         return NULL;
   5228     _rv = GetPrevTrackForCompositing(_self->ob_itself,
   5229                                      theTrack);
   5230     _res = Py_BuildValue("O&",
   5231                          TrackObj_New, _rv);
   5232     return _res;
   5233 }
   5235 static PyObject *MovieObj_GetMoviePict(MovieObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   5236 {
   5237     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   5238     PicHandle _rv;
   5239     TimeValue time;
   5240 #ifndef GetMoviePict
   5241     PyMac_PRECHECK(GetMoviePict);
   5242 #endif
   5243     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "l",
   5244                           &time))
   5245         return NULL;
   5246     _rv = GetMoviePict(_self->ob_itself,
   5247                        time);
   5248     _res = Py_BuildValue("O&",
   5249                          ResObj_New, _rv);
   5250     return _res;
   5251 }
   5253 static PyObject *MovieObj_GetMoviePosterPict(MovieObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   5254 {
   5255     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   5256     PicHandle _rv;
   5257 #ifndef GetMoviePosterPict
   5258     PyMac_PRECHECK(GetMoviePosterPict);
   5259 #endif
   5260     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, ""))
   5261         return NULL;
   5262     _rv = GetMoviePosterPict(_self->ob_itself);
   5263     _res = Py_BuildValue("O&",
   5264                          ResObj_New, _rv);
   5265     return _res;
   5266 }
   5268 static PyObject *MovieObj_UpdateMovie(MovieObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   5269 {
   5270     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   5271     OSErr _err;
   5272 #ifndef UpdateMovie
   5273     PyMac_PRECHECK(UpdateMovie);
   5274 #endif
   5275     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, ""))
   5276         return NULL;
   5277     _err = UpdateMovie(_self->ob_itself);
   5278     if (_err != noErr) return PyMac_Error(_err);
   5279     Py_INCREF(Py_None);
   5280     _res = Py_None;
   5281     return _res;
   5282 }
   5284 static PyObject *MovieObj_InvalidateMovieRegion(MovieObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   5285 {
   5286     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   5287     OSErr _err;
   5288     RgnHandle invalidRgn;
   5289 #ifndef InvalidateMovieRegion
   5290     PyMac_PRECHECK(InvalidateMovieRegion);
   5291 #endif
   5292     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&",
   5293                           ResObj_Convert, &invalidRgn))
   5294         return NULL;
   5295     _err = InvalidateMovieRegion(_self->ob_itself,
   5296                                  invalidRgn);
   5297     if (_err != noErr) return PyMac_Error(_err);
   5298     Py_INCREF(Py_None);
   5299     _res = Py_None;
   5300     return _res;
   5301 }
   5303 static PyObject *MovieObj_GetMovieBox(MovieObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   5304 {
   5305     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   5306     Rect boxRect;
   5307 #ifndef GetMovieBox
   5308     PyMac_PRECHECK(GetMovieBox);
   5309 #endif
   5310     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, ""))
   5311         return NULL;
   5312     GetMovieBox(_self->ob_itself,
   5313                 &boxRect);
   5314     _res = Py_BuildValue("O&",
   5315                          PyMac_BuildRect, &boxRect);
   5316     return _res;
   5317 }
   5319 static PyObject *MovieObj_SetMovieBox(MovieObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   5320 {
   5321     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   5322     Rect boxRect;
   5323 #ifndef SetMovieBox
   5324     PyMac_PRECHECK(SetMovieBox);
   5325 #endif
   5326     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&",
   5327                           PyMac_GetRect, &boxRect))
   5328         return NULL;
   5329     SetMovieBox(_self->ob_itself,
   5330                 &boxRect);
   5331     Py_INCREF(Py_None);
   5332     _res = Py_None;
   5333     return _res;
   5334 }
   5336 static PyObject *MovieObj_GetMovieDisplayClipRgn(MovieObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   5337 {
   5338     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   5339     RgnHandle _rv;
   5340 #ifndef GetMovieDisplayClipRgn
   5341     PyMac_PRECHECK(GetMovieDisplayClipRgn);
   5342 #endif
   5343     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, ""))
   5344         return NULL;
   5345     _rv = GetMovieDisplayClipRgn(_self->ob_itself);
   5346     _res = Py_BuildValue("O&",
   5347                          ResObj_New, _rv);
   5348     return _res;
   5349 }
   5351 static PyObject *MovieObj_SetMovieDisplayClipRgn(MovieObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   5352 {
   5353     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   5354     RgnHandle theClip;
   5355 #ifndef SetMovieDisplayClipRgn
   5356     PyMac_PRECHECK(SetMovieDisplayClipRgn);
   5357 #endif
   5358     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&",
   5359                           ResObj_Convert, &theClip))
   5360         return NULL;
   5361     SetMovieDisplayClipRgn(_self->ob_itself,
   5362                            theClip);
   5363     Py_INCREF(Py_None);
   5364     _res = Py_None;
   5365     return _res;
   5366 }
   5368 static PyObject *MovieObj_GetMovieClipRgn(MovieObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   5369 {
   5370     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   5371     RgnHandle _rv;
   5372 #ifndef GetMovieClipRgn
   5373     PyMac_PRECHECK(GetMovieClipRgn);
   5374 #endif
   5375     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, ""))
   5376         return NULL;
   5377     _rv = GetMovieClipRgn(_self->ob_itself);
   5378     _res = Py_BuildValue("O&",
   5379                          ResObj_New, _rv);
   5380     return _res;
   5381 }
   5383 static PyObject *MovieObj_SetMovieClipRgn(MovieObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   5384 {
   5385     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   5386     RgnHandle theClip;
   5387 #ifndef SetMovieClipRgn
   5388     PyMac_PRECHECK(SetMovieClipRgn);
   5389 #endif
   5390     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&",
   5391                           ResObj_Convert, &theClip))
   5392         return NULL;
   5393     SetMovieClipRgn(_self->ob_itself,
   5394                     theClip);
   5395     Py_INCREF(Py_None);
   5396     _res = Py_None;
   5397     return _res;
   5398 }
   5400 static PyObject *MovieObj_GetMovieDisplayBoundsRgn(MovieObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   5401 {
   5402     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   5403     RgnHandle _rv;
   5404 #ifndef GetMovieDisplayBoundsRgn
   5405     PyMac_PRECHECK(GetMovieDisplayBoundsRgn);
   5406 #endif
   5407     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, ""))
   5408         return NULL;
   5409     _rv = GetMovieDisplayBoundsRgn(_self->ob_itself);
   5410     _res = Py_BuildValue("O&",
   5411                          ResObj_New, _rv);
   5412     return _res;
   5413 }
   5415 static PyObject *MovieObj_GetMovieBoundsRgn(MovieObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   5416 {
   5417     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   5418     RgnHandle _rv;
   5419 #ifndef GetMovieBoundsRgn
   5420     PyMac_PRECHECK(GetMovieBoundsRgn);
   5421 #endif
   5422     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, ""))
   5423         return NULL;
   5424     _rv = GetMovieBoundsRgn(_self->ob_itself);
   5425     _res = Py_BuildValue("O&",
   5426                          ResObj_New, _rv);
   5427     return _res;
   5428 }
   5430 static PyObject *MovieObj_SetMovieVideoOutput(MovieObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   5431 {
   5432     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   5433     ComponentInstance vout;
   5434 #ifndef SetMovieVideoOutput
   5435     PyMac_PRECHECK(SetMovieVideoOutput);
   5436 #endif
   5437     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&",
   5438                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &vout))
   5439         return NULL;
   5440     SetMovieVideoOutput(_self->ob_itself,
   5441                         vout);
   5442     Py_INCREF(Py_None);
   5443     _res = Py_None;
   5444     return _res;
   5445 }
   5447 static PyObject *MovieObj_PutMovieIntoHandle(MovieObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   5448 {
   5449     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   5450     OSErr _err;
   5451     Handle publicMovie;
   5452 #ifndef PutMovieIntoHandle
   5453     PyMac_PRECHECK(PutMovieIntoHandle);
   5454 #endif
   5455     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&",
   5456                           ResObj_Convert, &publicMovie))
   5457         return NULL;
   5458     _err = PutMovieIntoHandle(_self->ob_itself,
   5459                               publicMovie);
   5460     if (_err != noErr) return PyMac_Error(_err);
   5461     Py_INCREF(Py_None);
   5462     _res = Py_None;
   5463     return _res;
   5464 }
   5466 static PyObject *MovieObj_PutMovieIntoDataFork(MovieObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   5467 {
   5468     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   5469     OSErr _err;
   5470     short fRefNum;
   5471     long offset;
   5472     long maxSize;
   5473 #ifndef PutMovieIntoDataFork
   5474     PyMac_PRECHECK(PutMovieIntoDataFork);
   5475 #endif
   5476     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "hll",
   5477                           &fRefNum,
   5478                           &offset,
   5479                           &maxSize))
   5480         return NULL;
   5481     _err = PutMovieIntoDataFork(_self->ob_itself,
   5482                                 fRefNum,
   5483                                 offset,
   5484                                 maxSize);
   5485     if (_err != noErr) return PyMac_Error(_err);
   5486     Py_INCREF(Py_None);
   5487     _res = Py_None;
   5488     return _res;
   5489 }
   5491 static PyObject *MovieObj_PutMovieIntoDataFork64(MovieObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   5492 {
   5493     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   5494     OSErr _err;
   5495     long fRefNum;
   5496     wide offset;
   5497     unsigned long maxSize;
   5498 #ifndef PutMovieIntoDataFork64
   5499     PyMac_PRECHECK(PutMovieIntoDataFork64);
   5500 #endif
   5501     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "lO&l",
   5502                           &fRefNum,
   5503                           PyMac_Getwide, &offset,
   5504                           &maxSize))
   5505         return NULL;
   5506     _err = PutMovieIntoDataFork64(_self->ob_itself,
   5507                                   fRefNum,
   5508                                   &offset,
   5509                                   maxSize);
   5510     if (_err != noErr) return PyMac_Error(_err);
   5511     Py_INCREF(Py_None);
   5512     _res = Py_None;
   5513     return _res;
   5514 }
   5516 static PyObject *MovieObj_PutMovieIntoStorage(MovieObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   5517 {
   5518     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   5519     OSErr _err;
   5520     DataHandler dh;
   5521     wide offset;
   5522     unsigned long maxSize;
   5523 #ifndef PutMovieIntoStorage
   5524     PyMac_PRECHECK(PutMovieIntoStorage);
   5525 #endif
   5526     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&O&l",
   5527                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &dh,
   5528                           PyMac_Getwide, &offset,
   5529                           &maxSize))
   5530         return NULL;
   5531     _err = PutMovieIntoStorage(_self->ob_itself,
   5532                                dh,
   5533                                &offset,
   5534                                maxSize);
   5535     if (_err != noErr) return PyMac_Error(_err);
   5536     Py_INCREF(Py_None);
   5537     _res = Py_None;
   5538     return _res;
   5539 }
   5541 static PyObject *MovieObj_PutMovieForDataRefIntoHandle(MovieObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   5542 {
   5543     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   5544     OSErr _err;
   5545     Handle dataRef;
   5546     OSType dataRefType;
   5547     Handle publicMovie;
   5548 #ifndef PutMovieForDataRefIntoHandle
   5549     PyMac_PRECHECK(PutMovieForDataRefIntoHandle);
   5550 #endif
   5551     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&O&O&",
   5552                           ResObj_Convert, &dataRef,
   5553                           PyMac_GetOSType, &dataRefType,
   5554                           ResObj_Convert, &publicMovie))
   5555         return NULL;
   5556     _err = PutMovieForDataRefIntoHandle(_self->ob_itself,
   5557                                         dataRef,
   5558                                         dataRefType,
   5559                                         publicMovie);
   5560     if (_err != noErr) return PyMac_Error(_err);
   5561     Py_INCREF(Py_None);
   5562     _res = Py_None;
   5563     return _res;
   5564 }
   5566 static PyObject *MovieObj_GetMovieCreationTime(MovieObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   5567 {
   5568     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   5569     unsigned long _rv;
   5570 #ifndef GetMovieCreationTime
   5571     PyMac_PRECHECK(GetMovieCreationTime);
   5572 #endif
   5573     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, ""))
   5574         return NULL;
   5575     _rv = GetMovieCreationTime(_self->ob_itself);
   5576     _res = Py_BuildValue("l",
   5577                          _rv);
   5578     return _res;
   5579 }
   5581 static PyObject *MovieObj_GetMovieModificationTime(MovieObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   5582 {
   5583     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   5584     unsigned long _rv;
   5585 #ifndef GetMovieModificationTime
   5586     PyMac_PRECHECK(GetMovieModificationTime);
   5587 #endif
   5588     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, ""))
   5589         return NULL;
   5590     _rv = GetMovieModificationTime(_self->ob_itself);
   5591     _res = Py_BuildValue("l",
   5592                          _rv);
   5593     return _res;
   5594 }
   5596 static PyObject *MovieObj_GetMovieTimeScale(MovieObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   5597 {
   5598     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   5599     TimeScale _rv;
   5600 #ifndef GetMovieTimeScale
   5601     PyMac_PRECHECK(GetMovieTimeScale);
   5602 #endif
   5603     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, ""))
   5604         return NULL;
   5605     _rv = GetMovieTimeScale(_self->ob_itself);
   5606     _res = Py_BuildValue("l",
   5607                          _rv);
   5608     return _res;
   5609 }
   5611 static PyObject *MovieObj_SetMovieTimeScale(MovieObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   5612 {
   5613     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   5614     TimeScale timeScale;
   5615 #ifndef SetMovieTimeScale
   5616     PyMac_PRECHECK(SetMovieTimeScale);
   5617 #endif
   5618     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "l",
   5619                           &timeScale))
   5620         return NULL;
   5621     SetMovieTimeScale(_self->ob_itself,
   5622                       timeScale);
   5623     Py_INCREF(Py_None);
   5624     _res = Py_None;
   5625     return _res;
   5626 }
   5628 static PyObject *MovieObj_GetMovieDuration(MovieObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   5629 {
   5630     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   5631     TimeValue _rv;
   5632 #ifndef GetMovieDuration
   5633     PyMac_PRECHECK(GetMovieDuration);
   5634 #endif
   5635     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, ""))
   5636         return NULL;
   5637     _rv = GetMovieDuration(_self->ob_itself);
   5638     _res = Py_BuildValue("l",
   5639                          _rv);
   5640     return _res;
   5641 }
   5643 static PyObject *MovieObj_GetMovieRate(MovieObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   5644 {
   5645     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   5646     Fixed _rv;
   5647 #ifndef GetMovieRate
   5648     PyMac_PRECHECK(GetMovieRate);
   5649 #endif
   5650     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, ""))
   5651         return NULL;
   5652     _rv = GetMovieRate(_self->ob_itself);
   5653     _res = Py_BuildValue("O&",
   5654                          PyMac_BuildFixed, _rv);
   5655     return _res;
   5656 }
   5658 static PyObject *MovieObj_SetMovieRate(MovieObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   5659 {
   5660     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   5661     Fixed rate;
   5662 #ifndef SetMovieRate
   5663     PyMac_PRECHECK(SetMovieRate);
   5664 #endif
   5665     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&",
   5666                           PyMac_GetFixed, &rate))
   5667         return NULL;
   5668     SetMovieRate(_self->ob_itself,
   5669                  rate);
   5670     Py_INCREF(Py_None);
   5671     _res = Py_None;
   5672     return _res;
   5673 }
   5675 static PyObject *MovieObj_GetMoviePreferredRate(MovieObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   5676 {
   5677     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   5678     Fixed _rv;
   5679 #ifndef GetMoviePreferredRate
   5680     PyMac_PRECHECK(GetMoviePreferredRate);
   5681 #endif
   5682     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, ""))
   5683         return NULL;
   5684     _rv = GetMoviePreferredRate(_self->ob_itself);
   5685     _res = Py_BuildValue("O&",
   5686                          PyMac_BuildFixed, _rv);
   5687     return _res;
   5688 }
   5690 static PyObject *MovieObj_SetMoviePreferredRate(MovieObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   5691 {
   5692     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   5693     Fixed rate;
   5694 #ifndef SetMoviePreferredRate
   5695     PyMac_PRECHECK(SetMoviePreferredRate);
   5696 #endif
   5697     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&",
   5698                           PyMac_GetFixed, &rate))
   5699         return NULL;
   5700     SetMoviePreferredRate(_self->ob_itself,
   5701                           rate);
   5702     Py_INCREF(Py_None);
   5703     _res = Py_None;
   5704     return _res;
   5705 }
   5707 static PyObject *MovieObj_GetMoviePreferredVolume(MovieObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   5708 {
   5709     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   5710     short _rv;
   5711 #ifndef GetMoviePreferredVolume
   5712     PyMac_PRECHECK(GetMoviePreferredVolume);
   5713 #endif
   5714     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, ""))
   5715         return NULL;
   5716     _rv = GetMoviePreferredVolume(_self->ob_itself);
   5717     _res = Py_BuildValue("h",
   5718                          _rv);
   5719     return _res;
   5720 }
   5722 static PyObject *MovieObj_SetMoviePreferredVolume(MovieObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   5723 {
   5724     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   5725     short volume;
   5726 #ifndef SetMoviePreferredVolume
   5727     PyMac_PRECHECK(SetMoviePreferredVolume);
   5728 #endif
   5729     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "h",
   5730                           &volume))
   5731         return NULL;
   5732     SetMoviePreferredVolume(_self->ob_itself,
   5733                             volume);
   5734     Py_INCREF(Py_None);
   5735     _res = Py_None;
   5736     return _res;
   5737 }
   5739 static PyObject *MovieObj_GetMovieVolume(MovieObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   5740 {
   5741     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   5742     short _rv;
   5743 #ifndef GetMovieVolume
   5744     PyMac_PRECHECK(GetMovieVolume);
   5745 #endif
   5746     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, ""))
   5747         return NULL;
   5748     _rv = GetMovieVolume(_self->ob_itself);
   5749     _res = Py_BuildValue("h",
   5750                          _rv);
   5751     return _res;
   5752 }
   5754 static PyObject *MovieObj_SetMovieVolume(MovieObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   5755 {
   5756     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   5757     short volume;
   5758 #ifndef SetMovieVolume
   5759     PyMac_PRECHECK(SetMovieVolume);
   5760 #endif
   5761     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "h",
   5762                           &volume))
   5763         return NULL;
   5764     SetMovieVolume(_self->ob_itself,
   5765                    volume);
   5766     Py_INCREF(Py_None);
   5767     _res = Py_None;
   5768     return _res;
   5769 }
   5771 static PyObject *MovieObj_GetMoviePreviewTime(MovieObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   5772 {
   5773     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   5774     TimeValue previewTime;
   5775     TimeValue previewDuration;
   5776 #ifndef GetMoviePreviewTime
   5777     PyMac_PRECHECK(GetMoviePreviewTime);
   5778 #endif
   5779     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, ""))
   5780         return NULL;
   5781     GetMoviePreviewTime(_self->ob_itself,
   5782                         &previewTime,
   5783                         &previewDuration);
   5784     _res = Py_BuildValue("ll",
   5785                          previewTime,
   5786                          previewDuration);
   5787     return _res;
   5788 }
   5790 static PyObject *MovieObj_SetMoviePreviewTime(MovieObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   5791 {
   5792     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   5793     TimeValue previewTime;
   5794     TimeValue previewDuration;
   5795 #ifndef SetMoviePreviewTime
   5796     PyMac_PRECHECK(SetMoviePreviewTime);
   5797 #endif
   5798     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "ll",
   5799                           &previewTime,
   5800                           &previewDuration))
   5801         return NULL;
   5802     SetMoviePreviewTime(_self->ob_itself,
   5803                         previewTime,
   5804                         previewDuration);
   5805     Py_INCREF(Py_None);
   5806     _res = Py_None;
   5807     return _res;
   5808 }
   5810 static PyObject *MovieObj_GetMoviePosterTime(MovieObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   5811 {
   5812     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   5813     TimeValue _rv;
   5814 #ifndef GetMoviePosterTime
   5815     PyMac_PRECHECK(GetMoviePosterTime);
   5816 #endif
   5817     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, ""))
   5818         return NULL;
   5819     _rv = GetMoviePosterTime(_self->ob_itself);
   5820     _res = Py_BuildValue("l",
   5821                          _rv);
   5822     return _res;
   5823 }
   5825 static PyObject *MovieObj_SetMoviePosterTime(MovieObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   5826 {
   5827     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   5828     TimeValue posterTime;
   5829 #ifndef SetMoviePosterTime
   5830     PyMac_PRECHECK(SetMoviePosterTime);
   5831 #endif
   5832     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "l",
   5833                           &posterTime))
   5834         return NULL;
   5835     SetMoviePosterTime(_self->ob_itself,
   5836                        posterTime);
   5837     Py_INCREF(Py_None);
   5838     _res = Py_None;
   5839     return _res;
   5840 }
   5842 static PyObject *MovieObj_GetMovieSelection(MovieObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   5843 {
   5844     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   5845     TimeValue selectionTime;
   5846     TimeValue selectionDuration;
   5847 #ifndef GetMovieSelection
   5848     PyMac_PRECHECK(GetMovieSelection);
   5849 #endif
   5850     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, ""))
   5851         return NULL;
   5852     GetMovieSelection(_self->ob_itself,
   5853                       &selectionTime,
   5854                       &selectionDuration);
   5855     _res = Py_BuildValue("ll",
   5856                          selectionTime,
   5857                          selectionDuration);
   5858     return _res;
   5859 }
   5861 static PyObject *MovieObj_SetMovieSelection(MovieObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   5862 {
   5863     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   5864     TimeValue selectionTime;
   5865     TimeValue selectionDuration;
   5866 #ifndef SetMovieSelection
   5867     PyMac_PRECHECK(SetMovieSelection);
   5868 #endif
   5869     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "ll",
   5870                           &selectionTime,
   5871                           &selectionDuration))
   5872         return NULL;
   5873     SetMovieSelection(_self->ob_itself,
   5874                       selectionTime,
   5875                       selectionDuration);
   5876     Py_INCREF(Py_None);
   5877     _res = Py_None;
   5878     return _res;
   5879 }
   5881 static PyObject *MovieObj_SetMovieActiveSegment(MovieObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   5882 {
   5883     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   5884     TimeValue startTime;
   5885     TimeValue duration;
   5886 #ifndef SetMovieActiveSegment
   5887     PyMac_PRECHECK(SetMovieActiveSegment);
   5888 #endif
   5889     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "ll",
   5890                           &startTime,
   5891                           &duration))
   5892         return NULL;
   5893     SetMovieActiveSegment(_self->ob_itself,
   5894                           startTime,
   5895                           duration);
   5896     Py_INCREF(Py_None);
   5897     _res = Py_None;
   5898     return _res;
   5899 }
   5901 static PyObject *MovieObj_GetMovieActiveSegment(MovieObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   5902 {
   5903     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   5904     TimeValue startTime;
   5905     TimeValue duration;
   5906 #ifndef GetMovieActiveSegment
   5907     PyMac_PRECHECK(GetMovieActiveSegment);
   5908 #endif
   5909     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, ""))
   5910         return NULL;
   5911     GetMovieActiveSegment(_self->ob_itself,
   5912                           &startTime,
   5913                           &duration);
   5914     _res = Py_BuildValue("ll",
   5915                          startTime,
   5916                          duration);
   5917     return _res;
   5918 }
   5920 static PyObject *MovieObj_GetMovieTime(MovieObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   5921 {
   5922     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   5923     TimeValue _rv;
   5924     TimeRecord currentTime;
   5925 #ifndef GetMovieTime
   5926     PyMac_PRECHECK(GetMovieTime);
   5927 #endif
   5928     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, ""))
   5929         return NULL;
   5930     _rv = GetMovieTime(_self->ob_itself,
   5931                        &currentTime);
   5932     _res = Py_BuildValue("lO&",
   5933                          _rv,
   5934                          QtTimeRecord_New, &currentTime);
   5935     return _res;
   5936 }
   5938 static PyObject *MovieObj_SetMovieTime(MovieObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   5939 {
   5940     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   5941     TimeRecord newtime;
   5942 #ifndef SetMovieTime
   5943     PyMac_PRECHECK(SetMovieTime);
   5944 #endif
   5945     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&",
   5946                           QtTimeRecord_Convert, &newtime))
   5947         return NULL;
   5948     SetMovieTime(_self->ob_itself,
   5949                  &newtime);
   5950     Py_INCREF(Py_None);
   5951     _res = Py_None;
   5952     return _res;
   5953 }
   5955 static PyObject *MovieObj_SetMovieTimeValue(MovieObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   5956 {
   5957     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   5958     TimeValue newtime;
   5959 #ifndef SetMovieTimeValue
   5960     PyMac_PRECHECK(SetMovieTimeValue);
   5961 #endif
   5962     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "l",
   5963                           &newtime))
   5964         return NULL;
   5965     SetMovieTimeValue(_self->ob_itself,
   5966                       newtime);
   5967     Py_INCREF(Py_None);
   5968     _res = Py_None;
   5969     return _res;
   5970 }
   5972 static PyObject *MovieObj_GetMovieUserData(MovieObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   5973 {
   5974     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   5975     UserData _rv;
   5976 #ifndef GetMovieUserData
   5977     PyMac_PRECHECK(GetMovieUserData);
   5978 #endif
   5979     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, ""))
   5980         return NULL;
   5981     _rv = GetMovieUserData(_self->ob_itself);
   5982     _res = Py_BuildValue("O&",
   5983                          UserDataObj_New, _rv);
   5984     return _res;
   5985 }
   5987 static PyObject *MovieObj_GetMovieTrackCount(MovieObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   5988 {
   5989     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   5990     long _rv;
   5991 #ifndef GetMovieTrackCount
   5992     PyMac_PRECHECK(GetMovieTrackCount);
   5993 #endif
   5994     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, ""))
   5995         return NULL;
   5996     _rv = GetMovieTrackCount(_self->ob_itself);
   5997     _res = Py_BuildValue("l",
   5998                          _rv);
   5999     return _res;
   6000 }
   6002 static PyObject *MovieObj_GetMovieTrack(MovieObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   6003 {
   6004     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   6005     Track _rv;
   6006     long trackID;
   6007 #ifndef GetMovieTrack
   6008     PyMac_PRECHECK(GetMovieTrack);
   6009 #endif
   6010     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "l",
   6011                           &trackID))
   6012         return NULL;
   6013     _rv = GetMovieTrack(_self->ob_itself,
   6014                         trackID);
   6015     _res = Py_BuildValue("O&",
   6016                          TrackObj_New, _rv);
   6017     return _res;
   6018 }
   6020 static PyObject *MovieObj_GetMovieIndTrack(MovieObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   6021 {
   6022     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   6023     Track _rv;
   6024     long index;
   6025 #ifndef GetMovieIndTrack
   6026     PyMac_PRECHECK(GetMovieIndTrack);
   6027 #endif
   6028     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "l",
   6029                           &index))
   6030         return NULL;
   6031     _rv = GetMovieIndTrack(_self->ob_itself,
   6032                            index);
   6033     _res = Py_BuildValue("O&",
   6034                          TrackObj_New, _rv);
   6035     return _res;
   6036 }
   6038 static PyObject *MovieObj_GetMovieIndTrackType(MovieObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   6039 {
   6040     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   6041     Track _rv;
   6042     long index;
   6043     OSType trackType;
   6044     long flags;
   6045 #ifndef GetMovieIndTrackType
   6046     PyMac_PRECHECK(GetMovieIndTrackType);
   6047 #endif
   6048     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "lO&l",
   6049                           &index,
   6050                           PyMac_GetOSType, &trackType,
   6051                           &flags))
   6052         return NULL;
   6053     _rv = GetMovieIndTrackType(_self->ob_itself,
   6054                                index,
   6055                                trackType,
   6056                                flags);
   6057     _res = Py_BuildValue("O&",
   6058                          TrackObj_New, _rv);
   6059     return _res;
   6060 }
   6062 static PyObject *MovieObj_NewMovieTrack(MovieObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   6063 {
   6064     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   6065     Track _rv;
   6066     Fixed width;
   6067     Fixed height;
   6068     short trackVolume;
   6069 #ifndef NewMovieTrack
   6070     PyMac_PRECHECK(NewMovieTrack);
   6071 #endif
   6072     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&O&h",
   6073                           PyMac_GetFixed, &width,
   6074                           PyMac_GetFixed, &height,
   6075                           &trackVolume))
   6076         return NULL;
   6077     _rv = NewMovieTrack(_self->ob_itself,
   6078                         width,
   6079                         height,
   6080                         trackVolume);
   6081     _res = Py_BuildValue("O&",
   6082                          TrackObj_New, _rv);
   6083     return _res;
   6084 }
   6086 static PyObject *MovieObj_SetAutoTrackAlternatesEnabled(MovieObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   6087 {
   6088     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   6089     Boolean enable;
   6090 #ifndef SetAutoTrackAlternatesEnabled
   6091     PyMac_PRECHECK(SetAutoTrackAlternatesEnabled);
   6092 #endif
   6093     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "b",
   6094                           &enable))
   6095         return NULL;
   6096     SetAutoTrackAlternatesEnabled(_self->ob_itself,
   6097                                   enable);
   6098     Py_INCREF(Py_None);
   6099     _res = Py_None;
   6100     return _res;
   6101 }
   6103 static PyObject *MovieObj_SelectMovieAlternates(MovieObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   6104 {
   6105     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   6106 #ifndef SelectMovieAlternates
   6107     PyMac_PRECHECK(SelectMovieAlternates);
   6108 #endif
   6109     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, ""))
   6110         return NULL;
   6111     SelectMovieAlternates(_self->ob_itself);
   6112     Py_INCREF(Py_None);
   6113     _res = Py_None;
   6114     return _res;
   6115 }
   6117 static PyObject *MovieObj_InsertMovieSegment(MovieObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   6118 {
   6119     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   6120     OSErr _err;
   6121     Movie dstMovie;
   6122     TimeValue srcIn;
   6123     TimeValue srcDuration;
   6124     TimeValue dstIn;
   6125 #ifndef InsertMovieSegment
   6126     PyMac_PRECHECK(InsertMovieSegment);
   6127 #endif
   6128     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&lll",
   6129                           MovieObj_Convert, &dstMovie,
   6130                           &srcIn,
   6131                           &srcDuration,
   6132                           &dstIn))
   6133         return NULL;
   6134     _err = InsertMovieSegment(_self->ob_itself,
   6135                               dstMovie,
   6136                               srcIn,
   6137                               srcDuration,
   6138                               dstIn);
   6139     if (_err != noErr) return PyMac_Error(_err);
   6140     Py_INCREF(Py_None);
   6141     _res = Py_None;
   6142     return _res;
   6143 }
   6145 static PyObject *MovieObj_InsertEmptyMovieSegment(MovieObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   6146 {
   6147     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   6148     OSErr _err;
   6149     TimeValue dstIn;
   6150     TimeValue dstDuration;
   6151 #ifndef InsertEmptyMovieSegment
   6152     PyMac_PRECHECK(InsertEmptyMovieSegment);
   6153 #endif
   6154     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "ll",
   6155                           &dstIn,
   6156                           &dstDuration))
   6157         return NULL;
   6158     _err = InsertEmptyMovieSegment(_self->ob_itself,
   6159                                    dstIn,
   6160                                    dstDuration);
   6161     if (_err != noErr) return PyMac_Error(_err);
   6162     Py_INCREF(Py_None);
   6163     _res = Py_None;
   6164     return _res;
   6165 }
   6167 static PyObject *MovieObj_DeleteMovieSegment(MovieObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   6168 {
   6169     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   6170     OSErr _err;
   6171     TimeValue startTime;
   6172     TimeValue duration;
   6173 #ifndef DeleteMovieSegment
   6174     PyMac_PRECHECK(DeleteMovieSegment);
   6175 #endif
   6176     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "ll",
   6177                           &startTime,
   6178                           &duration))
   6179         return NULL;
   6180     _err = DeleteMovieSegment(_self->ob_itself,
   6181                               startTime,
   6182                               duration);
   6183     if (_err != noErr) return PyMac_Error(_err);
   6184     Py_INCREF(Py_None);
   6185     _res = Py_None;
   6186     return _res;
   6187 }
   6189 static PyObject *MovieObj_ScaleMovieSegment(MovieObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   6190 {
   6191     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   6192     OSErr _err;
   6193     TimeValue startTime;
   6194     TimeValue oldDuration;
   6195     TimeValue newDuration;
   6196 #ifndef ScaleMovieSegment
   6197     PyMac_PRECHECK(ScaleMovieSegment);
   6198 #endif
   6199     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "lll",
   6200                           &startTime,
   6201                           &oldDuration,
   6202                           &newDuration))
   6203         return NULL;
   6204     _err = ScaleMovieSegment(_self->ob_itself,
   6205                              startTime,
   6206                              oldDuration,
   6207                              newDuration);
   6208     if (_err != noErr) return PyMac_Error(_err);
   6209     Py_INCREF(Py_None);
   6210     _res = Py_None;
   6211     return _res;
   6212 }
   6214 static PyObject *MovieObj_CutMovieSelection(MovieObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   6215 {
   6216     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   6217     Movie _rv;
   6218 #ifndef CutMovieSelection
   6219     PyMac_PRECHECK(CutMovieSelection);
   6220 #endif
   6221     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, ""))
   6222         return NULL;
   6223     _rv = CutMovieSelection(_self->ob_itself);
   6224     _res = Py_BuildValue("O&",
   6225                          MovieObj_New, _rv);
   6226     return _res;
   6227 }
   6229 static PyObject *MovieObj_CopyMovieSelection(MovieObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   6230 {
   6231     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   6232     Movie _rv;
   6233 #ifndef CopyMovieSelection
   6234     PyMac_PRECHECK(CopyMovieSelection);
   6235 #endif
   6236     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, ""))
   6237         return NULL;
   6238     _rv = CopyMovieSelection(_self->ob_itself);
   6239     _res = Py_BuildValue("O&",
   6240                          MovieObj_New, _rv);
   6241     return _res;
   6242 }
   6244 static PyObject *MovieObj_PasteMovieSelection(MovieObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   6245 {
   6246     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   6247     Movie src;
   6248 #ifndef PasteMovieSelection
   6249     PyMac_PRECHECK(PasteMovieSelection);
   6250 #endif
   6251     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&",
   6252                           MovieObj_Convert, &src))
   6253         return NULL;
   6254     PasteMovieSelection(_self->ob_itself,
   6255                         src);
   6256     Py_INCREF(Py_None);
   6257     _res = Py_None;
   6258     return _res;
   6259 }
   6261 static PyObject *MovieObj_AddMovieSelection(MovieObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   6262 {
   6263     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   6264     Movie src;
   6265 #ifndef AddMovieSelection
   6266     PyMac_PRECHECK(AddMovieSelection);
   6267 #endif
   6268     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&",
   6269                           MovieObj_Convert, &src))
   6270         return NULL;
   6271     AddMovieSelection(_self->ob_itself,
   6272                       src);
   6273     Py_INCREF(Py_None);
   6274     _res = Py_None;
   6275     return _res;
   6276 }
   6278 static PyObject *MovieObj_ClearMovieSelection(MovieObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   6279 {
   6280     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   6281 #ifndef ClearMovieSelection
   6282     PyMac_PRECHECK(ClearMovieSelection);
   6283 #endif
   6284     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, ""))
   6285         return NULL;
   6286     ClearMovieSelection(_self->ob_itself);
   6287     Py_INCREF(Py_None);
   6288     _res = Py_None;
   6289     return _res;
   6290 }
   6292 static PyObject *MovieObj_PutMovieIntoTypedHandle(MovieObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   6293 {
   6294     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   6295     OSErr _err;
   6296     Track targetTrack;
   6297     OSType handleType;
   6298     Handle publicMovie;
   6299     TimeValue start;
   6300     TimeValue dur;
   6301     long flags;
   6302     ComponentInstance userComp;
   6303 #ifndef PutMovieIntoTypedHandle
   6304     PyMac_PRECHECK(PutMovieIntoTypedHandle);
   6305 #endif
   6306     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&O&O&lllO&",
   6307                           TrackObj_Convert, &targetTrack,
   6308                           PyMac_GetOSType, &handleType,
   6309                           ResObj_Convert, &publicMovie,
   6310                           &start,
   6311                           &dur,
   6312                           &flags,
   6313                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &userComp))
   6314         return NULL;
   6315     _err = PutMovieIntoTypedHandle(_self->ob_itself,
   6316                                    targetTrack,
   6317                                    handleType,
   6318                                    publicMovie,
   6319                                    start,
   6320                                    dur,
   6321                                    flags,
   6322                                    userComp);
   6323     if (_err != noErr) return PyMac_Error(_err);
   6324     Py_INCREF(Py_None);
   6325     _res = Py_None;
   6326     return _res;
   6327 }
   6329 static PyObject *MovieObj_CopyMovieSettings(MovieObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   6330 {
   6331     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   6332     OSErr _err;
   6333     Movie dstMovie;
   6334 #ifndef CopyMovieSettings
   6335     PyMac_PRECHECK(CopyMovieSettings);
   6336 #endif
   6337     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&",
   6338                           MovieObj_Convert, &dstMovie))
   6339         return NULL;
   6340     _err = CopyMovieSettings(_self->ob_itself,
   6341                              dstMovie);
   6342     if (_err != noErr) return PyMac_Error(_err);
   6343     Py_INCREF(Py_None);
   6344     _res = Py_None;
   6345     return _res;
   6346 }
   6348 static PyObject *MovieObj_ConvertMovieToFile(MovieObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   6349 {
   6350     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   6351     OSErr _err;
   6352     Track onlyTrack;
   6353     FSSpec outputFile;
   6354     OSType fileType;
   6355     OSType creator;
   6356     ScriptCode scriptTag;
   6357     short resID;
   6358     long flags;
   6359     ComponentInstance userComp;
   6360 #ifndef ConvertMovieToFile
   6361     PyMac_PRECHECK(ConvertMovieToFile);
   6362 #endif
   6363     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&O&O&O&hlO&",
   6364                           TrackObj_Convert, &onlyTrack,
   6365                           PyMac_GetFSSpec, &outputFile,
   6366                           PyMac_GetOSType, &fileType,
   6367                           PyMac_GetOSType, &creator,
   6368                           &scriptTag,
   6369                           &flags,
   6370                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &userComp))
   6371         return NULL;
   6372     _err = ConvertMovieToFile(_self->ob_itself,
   6373                               onlyTrack,
   6374                               &outputFile,
   6375                               fileType,
   6376                               creator,
   6377                               scriptTag,
   6378                               &resID,
   6379                               flags,
   6380                               userComp);
   6381     if (_err != noErr) return PyMac_Error(_err);
   6382     _res = Py_BuildValue("h",
   6383                          resID);
   6384     return _res;
   6385 }
   6387 static PyObject *MovieObj_GetMovieDataSize(MovieObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   6388 {
   6389     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   6390     long _rv;
   6391     TimeValue startTime;
   6392     TimeValue duration;
   6393 #ifndef GetMovieDataSize
   6394     PyMac_PRECHECK(GetMovieDataSize);
   6395 #endif
   6396     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "ll",
   6397                           &startTime,
   6398                           &duration))
   6399         return NULL;
   6400     _rv = GetMovieDataSize(_self->ob_itself,
   6401                            startTime,
   6402                            duration);
   6403     _res = Py_BuildValue("l",
   6404                          _rv);
   6405     return _res;
   6406 }
   6408 static PyObject *MovieObj_GetMovieDataSize64(MovieObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   6409 {
   6410     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   6411     OSErr _err;
   6412     TimeValue startTime;
   6413     TimeValue duration;
   6414     wide dataSize;
   6415 #ifndef GetMovieDataSize64
   6416     PyMac_PRECHECK(GetMovieDataSize64);
   6417 #endif
   6418     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "ll",
   6419                           &startTime,
   6420                           &duration))
   6421         return NULL;
   6422     _err = GetMovieDataSize64(_self->ob_itself,
   6423                               startTime,
   6424                               duration,
   6425                               &dataSize);
   6426     if (_err != noErr) return PyMac_Error(_err);
   6427     _res = Py_BuildValue("O&",
   6428                          PyMac_Buildwide, dataSize);
   6429     return _res;
   6430 }
   6432 static PyObject *MovieObj_PtInMovie(MovieObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   6433 {
   6434     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   6435     Boolean _rv;
   6436     Point pt;
   6437 #ifndef PtInMovie
   6438     PyMac_PRECHECK(PtInMovie);
   6439 #endif
   6440     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&",
   6441                           PyMac_GetPoint, &pt))
   6442         return NULL;
   6443     _rv = PtInMovie(_self->ob_itself,
   6444                     pt);
   6445     _res = Py_BuildValue("b",
   6446                          _rv);
   6447     return _res;
   6448 }
   6450 static PyObject *MovieObj_SetMovieLanguage(MovieObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   6451 {
   6452     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   6453     long language;
   6454 #ifndef SetMovieLanguage
   6455     PyMac_PRECHECK(SetMovieLanguage);
   6456 #endif
   6457     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "l",
   6458                           &language))
   6459         return NULL;
   6460     SetMovieLanguage(_self->ob_itself,
   6461                      language);
   6462     Py_INCREF(Py_None);
   6463     _res = Py_None;
   6464     return _res;
   6465 }
   6467 static PyObject *MovieObj_CopyMovieUserData(MovieObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   6468 {
   6469     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   6470     OSErr _err;
   6471     Movie dstMovie;
   6472     OSType copyRule;
   6473 #ifndef CopyMovieUserData
   6474     PyMac_PRECHECK(CopyMovieUserData);
   6475 #endif
   6476     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&O&",
   6477                           MovieObj_Convert, &dstMovie,
   6478                           PyMac_GetOSType, &copyRule))
   6479         return NULL;
   6480     _err = CopyMovieUserData(_self->ob_itself,
   6481                              dstMovie,
   6482                              copyRule);
   6483     if (_err != noErr) return PyMac_Error(_err);
   6484     Py_INCREF(Py_None);
   6485     _res = Py_None;
   6486     return _res;
   6487 }
   6489 static PyObject *MovieObj_GetMovieNextInterestingTime(MovieObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   6490 {
   6491     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   6492     short interestingTimeFlags;
   6493     short numMediaTypes;
   6494     OSType whichMediaTypes;
   6495     TimeValue time;
   6496     Fixed rate;
   6497     TimeValue interestingTime;
   6498     TimeValue interestingDuration;
   6499 #ifndef GetMovieNextInterestingTime
   6500     PyMac_PRECHECK(GetMovieNextInterestingTime);
   6501 #endif
   6502     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "hhO&lO&",
   6503                           &interestingTimeFlags,
   6504                           &numMediaTypes,
   6505                           PyMac_GetOSType, &whichMediaTypes,
   6506                           &time,
   6507                           PyMac_GetFixed, &rate))
   6508         return NULL;
   6509     GetMovieNextInterestingTime(_self->ob_itself,
   6510                                 interestingTimeFlags,
   6511                                 numMediaTypes,
   6512                                 &whichMediaTypes,
   6513                                 time,
   6514                                 rate,
   6515                                 &interestingTime,
   6516                                 &interestingDuration);
   6517     _res = Py_BuildValue("ll",
   6518                          interestingTime,
   6519                          interestingDuration);
   6520     return _res;
   6521 }
   6523 static PyObject *MovieObj_AddMovieResource(MovieObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   6524 {
   6525     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   6526     OSErr _err;
   6527     short resRefNum;
   6528     short resId;
   6529     Str255 resName;
   6530 #ifndef AddMovieResource
   6531     PyMac_PRECHECK(AddMovieResource);
   6532 #endif
   6533     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "hO&",
   6534                           &resRefNum,
   6535                           PyMac_GetStr255, resName))
   6536         return NULL;
   6537     _err = AddMovieResource(_self->ob_itself,
   6538                             resRefNum,
   6539                             &resId,
   6540                             resName);
   6541     if (_err != noErr) return PyMac_Error(_err);
   6542     _res = Py_BuildValue("h",
   6543                          resId);
   6544     return _res;
   6545 }
   6547 static PyObject *MovieObj_UpdateMovieResource(MovieObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   6548 {
   6549     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   6550     OSErr _err;
   6551     short resRefNum;
   6552     short resId;
   6553     Str255 resName;
   6554 #ifndef UpdateMovieResource
   6555     PyMac_PRECHECK(UpdateMovieResource);
   6556 #endif
   6557     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "hhO&",
   6558                           &resRefNum,
   6559                           &resId,
   6560                           PyMac_GetStr255, resName))
   6561         return NULL;
   6562     _err = UpdateMovieResource(_self->ob_itself,
   6563                                resRefNum,
   6564                                resId,
   6565                                resName);
   6566     if (_err != noErr) return PyMac_Error(_err);
   6567     Py_INCREF(Py_None);
   6568     _res = Py_None;
   6569     return _res;
   6570 }
   6572 static PyObject *MovieObj_AddMovieToStorage(MovieObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   6573 {
   6574     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   6575     OSErr _err;
   6576     DataHandler dh;
   6577 #ifndef AddMovieToStorage
   6578     PyMac_PRECHECK(AddMovieToStorage);
   6579 #endif
   6580     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&",
   6581                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &dh))
   6582         return NULL;
   6583     _err = AddMovieToStorage(_self->ob_itself,
   6584                              dh);
   6585     if (_err != noErr) return PyMac_Error(_err);
   6586     Py_INCREF(Py_None);
   6587     _res = Py_None;
   6588     return _res;
   6589 }
   6591 static PyObject *MovieObj_UpdateMovieInStorage(MovieObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   6592 {
   6593     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   6594     OSErr _err;
   6595     DataHandler dh;
   6596 #ifndef UpdateMovieInStorage
   6597     PyMac_PRECHECK(UpdateMovieInStorage);
   6598 #endif
   6599     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&",
   6600                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &dh))
   6601         return NULL;
   6602     _err = UpdateMovieInStorage(_self->ob_itself,
   6603                                 dh);
   6604     if (_err != noErr) return PyMac_Error(_err);
   6605     Py_INCREF(Py_None);
   6606     _res = Py_None;
   6607     return _res;
   6608 }
   6610 static PyObject *MovieObj_HasMovieChanged(MovieObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   6611 {
   6612     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   6613     Boolean _rv;
   6614 #ifndef HasMovieChanged
   6615     PyMac_PRECHECK(HasMovieChanged);
   6616 #endif
   6617     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, ""))
   6618         return NULL;
   6619     _rv = HasMovieChanged(_self->ob_itself);
   6620     _res = Py_BuildValue("b",
   6621                          _rv);
   6622     return _res;
   6623 }
   6625 static PyObject *MovieObj_ClearMovieChanged(MovieObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   6626 {
   6627     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   6628 #ifndef ClearMovieChanged
   6629     PyMac_PRECHECK(ClearMovieChanged);
   6630 #endif
   6631     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, ""))
   6632         return NULL;
   6633     ClearMovieChanged(_self->ob_itself);
   6634     Py_INCREF(Py_None);
   6635     _res = Py_None;
   6636     return _res;
   6637 }
   6639 static PyObject *MovieObj_SetMovieDefaultDataRef(MovieObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   6640 {
   6641     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   6642     OSErr _err;
   6643     Handle dataRef;
   6644     OSType dataRefType;
   6645 #ifndef SetMovieDefaultDataRef
   6646     PyMac_PRECHECK(SetMovieDefaultDataRef);
   6647 #endif
   6648     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&O&",
   6649                           ResObj_Convert, &dataRef,
   6650                           PyMac_GetOSType, &dataRefType))
   6651         return NULL;
   6652     _err = SetMovieDefaultDataRef(_self->ob_itself,
   6653                                   dataRef,
   6654                                   dataRefType);
   6655     if (_err != noErr) return PyMac_Error(_err);
   6656     Py_INCREF(Py_None);
   6657     _res = Py_None;
   6658     return _res;
   6659 }
   6661 static PyObject *MovieObj_GetMovieDefaultDataRef(MovieObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   6662 {
   6663     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   6664     OSErr _err;
   6665     Handle dataRef;
   6666     OSType dataRefType;
   6667 #ifndef GetMovieDefaultDataRef
   6668     PyMac_PRECHECK(GetMovieDefaultDataRef);
   6669 #endif
   6670     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, ""))
   6671         return NULL;
   6672     _err = GetMovieDefaultDataRef(_self->ob_itself,
   6673                                   &dataRef,
   6674                                   &dataRefType);
   6675     if (_err != noErr) return PyMac_Error(_err);
   6676     _res = Py_BuildValue("O&O&",
   6677                          ResObj_New, dataRef,
   6678                          PyMac_BuildOSType, dataRefType);
   6679     return _res;
   6680 }
   6682 static PyObject *MovieObj_SetMovieColorTable(MovieObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   6683 {
   6684     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   6685     OSErr _err;
   6686     CTabHandle ctab;
   6687 #ifndef SetMovieColorTable
   6688     PyMac_PRECHECK(SetMovieColorTable);
   6689 #endif
   6690     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&",
   6691                           ResObj_Convert, &ctab))
   6692         return NULL;
   6693     _err = SetMovieColorTable(_self->ob_itself,
   6694                               ctab);
   6695     if (_err != noErr) return PyMac_Error(_err);
   6696     Py_INCREF(Py_None);
   6697     _res = Py_None;
   6698     return _res;
   6699 }
   6701 static PyObject *MovieObj_GetMovieColorTable(MovieObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   6702 {
   6703     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   6704     OSErr _err;
   6705     CTabHandle ctab;
   6706 #ifndef GetMovieColorTable
   6707     PyMac_PRECHECK(GetMovieColorTable);
   6708 #endif
   6709     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, ""))
   6710         return NULL;
   6711     _err = GetMovieColorTable(_self->ob_itself,
   6712                               &ctab);
   6713     if (_err != noErr) return PyMac_Error(_err);
   6714     _res = Py_BuildValue("O&",
   6715                          ResObj_New, ctab);
   6716     return _res;
   6717 }
   6719 static PyObject *MovieObj_FlattenMovie(MovieObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   6720 {
   6721     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   6722     long movieFlattenFlags;
   6723     FSSpec theFile;
   6724     OSType creator;
   6725     ScriptCode scriptTag;
   6726     long createMovieFileFlags;
   6727     short resId;
   6728     Str255 resName;
   6729 #ifndef FlattenMovie
   6730     PyMac_PRECHECK(FlattenMovie);
   6731 #endif
   6732     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "lO&O&hlO&",
   6733                           &movieFlattenFlags,
   6734                           PyMac_GetFSSpec, &theFile,
   6735                           PyMac_GetOSType, &creator,
   6736                           &scriptTag,
   6737                           &createMovieFileFlags,
   6738                           PyMac_GetStr255, resName))
   6739         return NULL;
   6740     FlattenMovie(_self->ob_itself,
   6741                  movieFlattenFlags,
   6742                  &theFile,
   6743                  creator,
   6744                  scriptTag,
   6745                  createMovieFileFlags,
   6746                  &resId,
   6747                  resName);
   6748     _res = Py_BuildValue("h",
   6749                          resId);
   6750     return _res;
   6751 }
   6753 static PyObject *MovieObj_FlattenMovieData(MovieObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   6754 {
   6755     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   6756     Movie _rv;
   6757     long movieFlattenFlags;
   6758     FSSpec theFile;
   6759     OSType creator;
   6760     ScriptCode scriptTag;
   6761     long createMovieFileFlags;
   6762 #ifndef FlattenMovieData
   6763     PyMac_PRECHECK(FlattenMovieData);
   6764 #endif
   6765     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "lO&O&hl",
   6766                           &movieFlattenFlags,
   6767                           PyMac_GetFSSpec, &theFile,
   6768                           PyMac_GetOSType, &creator,
   6769                           &scriptTag,
   6770                           &createMovieFileFlags))
   6771         return NULL;
   6772     _rv = FlattenMovieData(_self->ob_itself,
   6773                            movieFlattenFlags,
   6774                            &theFile,
   6775                            creator,
   6776                            scriptTag,
   6777                            createMovieFileFlags);
   6778     _res = Py_BuildValue("O&",
   6779                          MovieObj_New, _rv);
   6780     return _res;
   6781 }
   6783 static PyObject *MovieObj_FlattenMovieDataToDataRef(MovieObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   6784 {
   6785     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   6786     Movie _rv;
   6787     long movieFlattenFlags;
   6788     Handle dataRef;
   6789     OSType dataRefType;
   6790     OSType creator;
   6791     ScriptCode scriptTag;
   6792     long createMovieFileFlags;
   6793 #ifndef FlattenMovieDataToDataRef
   6794     PyMac_PRECHECK(FlattenMovieDataToDataRef);
   6795 #endif
   6796     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "lO&O&O&hl",
   6797                           &movieFlattenFlags,
   6798                           ResObj_Convert, &dataRef,
   6799                           PyMac_GetOSType, &dataRefType,
   6800                           PyMac_GetOSType, &creator,
   6801                           &scriptTag,
   6802                           &createMovieFileFlags))
   6803         return NULL;
   6804     _rv = FlattenMovieDataToDataRef(_self->ob_itself,
   6805                                     movieFlattenFlags,
   6806                                     dataRef,
   6807                                     dataRefType,
   6808                                     creator,
   6809                                     scriptTag,
   6810                                     createMovieFileFlags);
   6811     _res = Py_BuildValue("O&",
   6812                          MovieObj_New, _rv);
   6813     return _res;
   6814 }
   6816 static PyObject *MovieObj_MovieSearchText(MovieObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   6817 {
   6818     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   6819     OSErr _err;
   6820     Ptr text;
   6821     long size;
   6822     long searchFlags;
   6823     Track searchTrack;
   6824     TimeValue searchTime;
   6825     long searchOffset;
   6826 #ifndef MovieSearchText
   6827     PyMac_PRECHECK(MovieSearchText);
   6828 #endif
   6829     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "sll",
   6830                           &text,
   6831                           &size,
   6832                           &searchFlags))
   6833         return NULL;
   6834     _err = MovieSearchText(_self->ob_itself,
   6835                            text,
   6836                            size,
   6837                            searchFlags,
   6838                            &searchTrack,
   6839                            &searchTime,
   6840                            &searchOffset);
   6841     if (_err != noErr) return PyMac_Error(_err);
   6842     _res = Py_BuildValue("O&ll",
   6843                          TrackObj_New, searchTrack,
   6844                          searchTime,
   6845                          searchOffset);
   6846     return _res;
   6847 }
   6849 static PyObject *MovieObj_GetPosterBox(MovieObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   6850 {
   6851     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   6852     Rect boxRect;
   6853 #ifndef GetPosterBox
   6854     PyMac_PRECHECK(GetPosterBox);
   6855 #endif
   6856     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, ""))
   6857         return NULL;
   6858     GetPosterBox(_self->ob_itself,
   6859                  &boxRect);
   6860     _res = Py_BuildValue("O&",
   6861                          PyMac_BuildRect, &boxRect);
   6862     return _res;
   6863 }
   6865 static PyObject *MovieObj_SetPosterBox(MovieObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   6866 {
   6867     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   6868     Rect boxRect;
   6869 #ifndef SetPosterBox
   6870     PyMac_PRECHECK(SetPosterBox);
   6871 #endif
   6872     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&",
   6873                           PyMac_GetRect, &boxRect))
   6874         return NULL;
   6875     SetPosterBox(_self->ob_itself,
   6876                  &boxRect);
   6877     Py_INCREF(Py_None);
   6878     _res = Py_None;
   6879     return _res;
   6880 }
   6882 static PyObject *MovieObj_GetMovieSegmentDisplayBoundsRgn(MovieObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   6883 {
   6884     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   6885     RgnHandle _rv;
   6886     TimeValue time;
   6887     TimeValue duration;
   6888 #ifndef GetMovieSegmentDisplayBoundsRgn
   6889     PyMac_PRECHECK(GetMovieSegmentDisplayBoundsRgn);
   6890 #endif
   6891     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "ll",
   6892                           &time,
   6893                           &duration))
   6894         return NULL;
   6895     _rv = GetMovieSegmentDisplayBoundsRgn(_self->ob_itself,
   6896                                           time,
   6897                                           duration);
   6898     _res = Py_BuildValue("O&",
   6899                          ResObj_New, _rv);
   6900     return _res;
   6901 }
   6903 static PyObject *MovieObj_GetMovieStatus(MovieObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   6904 {
   6905     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   6906     ComponentResult _rv;
   6907     Track firstProblemTrack;
   6908 #ifndef GetMovieStatus
   6909     PyMac_PRECHECK(GetMovieStatus);
   6910 #endif
   6911     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, ""))
   6912         return NULL;
   6913     _rv = GetMovieStatus(_self->ob_itself,
   6914                          &firstProblemTrack);
   6915     _res = Py_BuildValue("lO&",
   6916                          _rv,
   6917                          TrackObj_New, firstProblemTrack);
   6918     return _res;
   6919 }
   6921 static PyObject *MovieObj_NewMovieController(MovieObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   6922 {
   6923     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   6924     MovieController _rv;
   6925     Rect movieRect;
   6926     long someFlags;
   6927 #ifndef NewMovieController
   6928     PyMac_PRECHECK(NewMovieController);
   6929 #endif
   6930     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&l",
   6931                           PyMac_GetRect, &movieRect,
   6932                           &someFlags))
   6933         return NULL;
   6934     _rv = NewMovieController(_self->ob_itself,
   6935                              &movieRect,
   6936                              someFlags);
   6937     _res = Py_BuildValue("O&",
   6938                          MovieCtlObj_New, _rv);
   6939     return _res;
   6940 }
   6942 static PyObject *MovieObj_PutMovieOnScrap(MovieObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   6943 {
   6944     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   6945     OSErr _err;
   6946     long movieScrapFlags;
   6947 #ifndef PutMovieOnScrap
   6948     PyMac_PRECHECK(PutMovieOnScrap);
   6949 #endif
   6950     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "l",
   6951                           &movieScrapFlags))
   6952         return NULL;
   6953     _err = PutMovieOnScrap(_self->ob_itself,
   6954                            movieScrapFlags);
   6955     if (_err != noErr) return PyMac_Error(_err);
   6956     Py_INCREF(Py_None);
   6957     _res = Py_None;
   6958     return _res;
   6959 }
   6961 static PyObject *MovieObj_SetMoviePlayHints(MovieObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   6962 {
   6963     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   6964     long flags;
   6965     long flagsMask;
   6966 #ifndef SetMoviePlayHints
   6967     PyMac_PRECHECK(SetMoviePlayHints);
   6968 #endif
   6969     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "ll",
   6970                           &flags,
   6971                           &flagsMask))
   6972         return NULL;
   6973     SetMoviePlayHints(_self->ob_itself,
   6974                       flags,
   6975                       flagsMask);
   6976     Py_INCREF(Py_None);
   6977     _res = Py_None;
   6978     return _res;
   6979 }
   6981 static PyObject *MovieObj_GetMaxLoadedTimeInMovie(MovieObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   6982 {
   6983     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   6984     OSErr _err;
   6985     TimeValue time;
   6986 #ifndef GetMaxLoadedTimeInMovie
   6987     PyMac_PRECHECK(GetMaxLoadedTimeInMovie);
   6988 #endif
   6989     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, ""))
   6990         return NULL;
   6991     _err = GetMaxLoadedTimeInMovie(_self->ob_itself,
   6992                                    &time);
   6993     if (_err != noErr) return PyMac_Error(_err);
   6994     _res = Py_BuildValue("l",
   6995                          time);
   6996     return _res;
   6997 }
   6999 static PyObject *MovieObj_QTMovieNeedsTimeTable(MovieObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   7000 {
   7001     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   7002     OSErr _err;
   7003     Boolean needsTimeTable;
   7004 #ifndef QTMovieNeedsTimeTable
   7005     PyMac_PRECHECK(QTMovieNeedsTimeTable);
   7006 #endif
   7007     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, ""))
   7008         return NULL;
   7009     _err = QTMovieNeedsTimeTable(_self->ob_itself,
   7010                                  &needsTimeTable);
   7011     if (_err != noErr) return PyMac_Error(_err);
   7012     _res = Py_BuildValue("b",
   7013                          needsTimeTable);
   7014     return _res;
   7015 }
   7017 static PyObject *MovieObj_QTGetDataRefMaxFileOffset(MovieObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   7018 {
   7019     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   7020     OSErr _err;
   7021     OSType dataRefType;
   7022     Handle dataRef;
   7023     long offset;
   7024 #ifndef QTGetDataRefMaxFileOffset
   7025     PyMac_PRECHECK(QTGetDataRefMaxFileOffset);
   7026 #endif
   7027     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&O&",
   7028                           PyMac_GetOSType, &dataRefType,
   7029                           ResObj_Convert, &dataRef))
   7030         return NULL;
   7031     _err = QTGetDataRefMaxFileOffset(_self->ob_itself,
   7032                                      dataRefType,
   7033                                      dataRef,
   7034                                      &offset);
   7035     if (_err != noErr) return PyMac_Error(_err);
   7036     _res = Py_BuildValue("l",
   7037                          offset);
   7038     return _res;
   7039 }
   7041 static PyMethodDef MovieObj_methods[] = {
   7042     {"MoviesTask", (PyCFunction)MovieObj_MoviesTask, 1,
   7043      PyDoc_STR("(long maxMilliSecToUse) -> None")},
   7044     {"PrerollMovie", (PyCFunction)MovieObj_PrerollMovie, 1,
   7045      PyDoc_STR("(TimeValue time, Fixed Rate) -> None")},
   7046     {"AbortPrePrerollMovie", (PyCFunction)MovieObj_AbortPrePrerollMovie, 1,
   7047      PyDoc_STR("(OSErr err) -> None")},
   7048     {"LoadMovieIntoRam", (PyCFunction)MovieObj_LoadMovieIntoRam, 1,
   7049      PyDoc_STR("(TimeValue time, TimeValue duration, long flags) -> None")},
   7050     {"SetMovieActive", (PyCFunction)MovieObj_SetMovieActive, 1,
   7051      PyDoc_STR("(Boolean active) -> None")},
   7052     {"GetMovieActive", (PyCFunction)MovieObj_GetMovieActive, 1,
   7053      PyDoc_STR("() -> (Boolean _rv)")},
   7054     {"StartMovie", (PyCFunction)MovieObj_StartMovie, 1,
   7055      PyDoc_STR("() -> None")},
   7056     {"StopMovie", (PyCFunction)MovieObj_StopMovie, 1,
   7057      PyDoc_STR("() -> None")},
   7058     {"GoToBeginningOfMovie", (PyCFunction)MovieObj_GoToBeginningOfMovie, 1,
   7059      PyDoc_STR("() -> None")},
   7060     {"GoToEndOfMovie", (PyCFunction)MovieObj_GoToEndOfMovie, 1,
   7061      PyDoc_STR("() -> None")},
   7062     {"IsMovieDone", (PyCFunction)MovieObj_IsMovieDone, 1,
   7063      PyDoc_STR("() -> (Boolean _rv)")},
   7064     {"GetMoviePreviewMode", (PyCFunction)MovieObj_GetMoviePreviewMode, 1,
   7065      PyDoc_STR("() -> (Boolean _rv)")},
   7066     {"SetMoviePreviewMode", (PyCFunction)MovieObj_SetMoviePreviewMode, 1,
   7067      PyDoc_STR("(Boolean usePreview) -> None")},
   7068     {"ShowMoviePoster", (PyCFunction)MovieObj_ShowMoviePoster, 1,
   7069      PyDoc_STR("() -> None")},
   7070     {"GetMovieTimeBase", (PyCFunction)MovieObj_GetMovieTimeBase, 1,
   7071      PyDoc_STR("() -> (TimeBase _rv)")},
   7072     {"SetMovieMasterTimeBase", (PyCFunction)MovieObj_SetMovieMasterTimeBase, 1,
   7073      PyDoc_STR("(TimeBase tb, TimeRecord slaveZero) -> None")},
   7074     {"SetMovieMasterClock", (PyCFunction)MovieObj_SetMovieMasterClock, 1,
   7075      PyDoc_STR("(Component clockMeister, TimeRecord slaveZero) -> None")},
   7076     {"ChooseMovieClock", (PyCFunction)MovieObj_ChooseMovieClock, 1,
   7077      PyDoc_STR("(long flags) -> None")},
   7078     {"GetMovieGWorld", (PyCFunction)MovieObj_GetMovieGWorld, 1,
   7079      PyDoc_STR("() -> (CGrafPtr port, GDHandle gdh)")},
   7080     {"SetMovieGWorld", (PyCFunction)MovieObj_SetMovieGWorld, 1,
   7081      PyDoc_STR("(CGrafPtr port, GDHandle gdh) -> None")},
   7082     {"GetMovieNaturalBoundsRect", (PyCFunction)MovieObj_GetMovieNaturalBoundsRect, 1,
   7083      PyDoc_STR("() -> (Rect naturalBounds)")},
   7084     {"GetNextTrackForCompositing", (PyCFunction)MovieObj_GetNextTrackForCompositing, 1,
   7085      PyDoc_STR("(Track theTrack) -> (Track _rv)")},
   7086     {"GetPrevTrackForCompositing", (PyCFunction)MovieObj_GetPrevTrackForCompositing, 1,
   7087      PyDoc_STR("(Track theTrack) -> (Track _rv)")},
   7088     {"GetMoviePict", (PyCFunction)MovieObj_GetMoviePict, 1,
   7089      PyDoc_STR("(TimeValue time) -> (PicHandle _rv)")},
   7090     {"GetMoviePosterPict", (PyCFunction)MovieObj_GetMoviePosterPict, 1,
   7091      PyDoc_STR("() -> (PicHandle _rv)")},
   7092     {"UpdateMovie", (PyCFunction)MovieObj_UpdateMovie, 1,
   7093      PyDoc_STR("() -> None")},
   7094     {"InvalidateMovieRegion", (PyCFunction)MovieObj_InvalidateMovieRegion, 1,
   7095      PyDoc_STR("(RgnHandle invalidRgn) -> None")},
   7096     {"GetMovieBox", (PyCFunction)MovieObj_GetMovieBox, 1,
   7097      PyDoc_STR("() -> (Rect boxRect)")},
   7098     {"SetMovieBox", (PyCFunction)MovieObj_SetMovieBox, 1,
   7099      PyDoc_STR("(Rect boxRect) -> None")},
   7100     {"GetMovieDisplayClipRgn", (PyCFunction)MovieObj_GetMovieDisplayClipRgn, 1,
   7101      PyDoc_STR("() -> (RgnHandle _rv)")},
   7102     {"SetMovieDisplayClipRgn", (PyCFunction)MovieObj_SetMovieDisplayClipRgn, 1,
   7103      PyDoc_STR("(RgnHandle theClip) -> None")},
   7104     {"GetMovieClipRgn", (PyCFunction)MovieObj_GetMovieClipRgn, 1,
   7105      PyDoc_STR("() -> (RgnHandle _rv)")},
   7106     {"SetMovieClipRgn", (PyCFunction)MovieObj_SetMovieClipRgn, 1,
   7107      PyDoc_STR("(RgnHandle theClip) -> None")},
   7108     {"GetMovieDisplayBoundsRgn", (PyCFunction)MovieObj_GetMovieDisplayBoundsRgn, 1,
   7109      PyDoc_STR("() -> (RgnHandle _rv)")},
   7110     {"GetMovieBoundsRgn", (PyCFunction)MovieObj_GetMovieBoundsRgn, 1,
   7111      PyDoc_STR("() -> (RgnHandle _rv)")},
   7112     {"SetMovieVideoOutput", (PyCFunction)MovieObj_SetMovieVideoOutput, 1,
   7113      PyDoc_STR("(ComponentInstance vout) -> None")},
   7114     {"PutMovieIntoHandle", (PyCFunction)MovieObj_PutMovieIntoHandle, 1,
   7115      PyDoc_STR("(Handle publicMovie) -> None")},
   7116     {"PutMovieIntoDataFork", (PyCFunction)MovieObj_PutMovieIntoDataFork, 1,
   7117      PyDoc_STR("(short fRefNum, long offset, long maxSize) -> None")},
   7118     {"PutMovieIntoDataFork64", (PyCFunction)MovieObj_PutMovieIntoDataFork64, 1,
   7119      PyDoc_STR("(long fRefNum, wide offset, unsigned long maxSize) -> None")},
   7120     {"PutMovieIntoStorage", (PyCFunction)MovieObj_PutMovieIntoStorage, 1,
   7121      PyDoc_STR("(DataHandler dh, wide offset, unsigned long maxSize) -> None")},
   7122     {"PutMovieForDataRefIntoHandle", (PyCFunction)MovieObj_PutMovieForDataRefIntoHandle, 1,
   7123      PyDoc_STR("(Handle dataRef, OSType dataRefType, Handle publicMovie) -> None")},
   7124     {"GetMovieCreationTime", (PyCFunction)MovieObj_GetMovieCreationTime, 1,
   7125      PyDoc_STR("() -> (unsigned long _rv)")},
   7126     {"GetMovieModificationTime", (PyCFunction)MovieObj_GetMovieModificationTime, 1,
   7127      PyDoc_STR("() -> (unsigned long _rv)")},
   7128     {"GetMovieTimeScale", (PyCFunction)MovieObj_GetMovieTimeScale, 1,
   7129      PyDoc_STR("() -> (TimeScale _rv)")},
   7130     {"SetMovieTimeScale", (PyCFunction)MovieObj_SetMovieTimeScale, 1,
   7131      PyDoc_STR("(TimeScale timeScale) -> None")},
   7132     {"GetMovieDuration", (PyCFunction)MovieObj_GetMovieDuration, 1,
   7133      PyDoc_STR("() -> (TimeValue _rv)")},
   7134     {"GetMovieRate", (PyCFunction)MovieObj_GetMovieRate, 1,
   7135      PyDoc_STR("() -> (Fixed _rv)")},
   7136     {"SetMovieRate", (PyCFunction)MovieObj_SetMovieRate, 1,
   7137      PyDoc_STR("(Fixed rate) -> None")},
   7138     {"GetMoviePreferredRate", (PyCFunction)MovieObj_GetMoviePreferredRate, 1,
   7139      PyDoc_STR("() -> (Fixed _rv)")},
   7140     {"SetMoviePreferredRate", (PyCFunction)MovieObj_SetMoviePreferredRate, 1,
   7141      PyDoc_STR("(Fixed rate) -> None")},
   7142     {"GetMoviePreferredVolume", (PyCFunction)MovieObj_GetMoviePreferredVolume, 1,
   7143      PyDoc_STR("() -> (short _rv)")},
   7144     {"SetMoviePreferredVolume", (PyCFunction)MovieObj_SetMoviePreferredVolume, 1,
   7145      PyDoc_STR("(short volume) -> None")},
   7146     {"GetMovieVolume", (PyCFunction)MovieObj_GetMovieVolume, 1,
   7147      PyDoc_STR("() -> (short _rv)")},
   7148     {"SetMovieVolume", (PyCFunction)MovieObj_SetMovieVolume, 1,
   7149      PyDoc_STR("(short volume) -> None")},
   7150     {"GetMoviePreviewTime", (PyCFunction)MovieObj_GetMoviePreviewTime, 1,
   7151      PyDoc_STR("() -> (TimeValue previewTime, TimeValue previewDuration)")},
   7152     {"SetMoviePreviewTime", (PyCFunction)MovieObj_SetMoviePreviewTime, 1,
   7153      PyDoc_STR("(TimeValue previewTime, TimeValue previewDuration) -> None")},
   7154     {"GetMoviePosterTime", (PyCFunction)MovieObj_GetMoviePosterTime, 1,
   7155      PyDoc_STR("() -> (TimeValue _rv)")},
   7156     {"SetMoviePosterTime", (PyCFunction)MovieObj_SetMoviePosterTime, 1,
   7157      PyDoc_STR("(TimeValue posterTime) -> None")},
   7158     {"GetMovieSelection", (PyCFunction)MovieObj_GetMovieSelection, 1,
   7159      PyDoc_STR("() -> (TimeValue selectionTime, TimeValue selectionDuration)")},
   7160     {"SetMovieSelection", (PyCFunction)MovieObj_SetMovieSelection, 1,
   7161      PyDoc_STR("(TimeValue selectionTime, TimeValue selectionDuration) -> None")},
   7162     {"SetMovieActiveSegment", (PyCFunction)MovieObj_SetMovieActiveSegment, 1,
   7163      PyDoc_STR("(TimeValue startTime, TimeValue duration) -> None")},
   7164     {"GetMovieActiveSegment", (PyCFunction)MovieObj_GetMovieActiveSegment, 1,
   7165      PyDoc_STR("() -> (TimeValue startTime, TimeValue duration)")},
   7166     {"GetMovieTime", (PyCFunction)MovieObj_GetMovieTime, 1,
   7167      PyDoc_STR("() -> (TimeValue _rv, TimeRecord currentTime)")},
   7168     {"SetMovieTime", (PyCFunction)MovieObj_SetMovieTime, 1,
   7169      PyDoc_STR("(TimeRecord newtime) -> None")},
   7170     {"SetMovieTimeValue", (PyCFunction)MovieObj_SetMovieTimeValue, 1,
   7171      PyDoc_STR("(TimeValue newtime) -> None")},
   7172     {"GetMovieUserData", (PyCFunction)MovieObj_GetMovieUserData, 1,
   7173      PyDoc_STR("() -> (UserData _rv)")},
   7174     {"GetMovieTrackCount", (PyCFunction)MovieObj_GetMovieTrackCount, 1,
   7175      PyDoc_STR("() -> (long _rv)")},
   7176     {"GetMovieTrack", (PyCFunction)MovieObj_GetMovieTrack, 1,
   7177      PyDoc_STR("(long trackID) -> (Track _rv)")},
   7178     {"GetMovieIndTrack", (PyCFunction)MovieObj_GetMovieIndTrack, 1,
   7179      PyDoc_STR("(long index) -> (Track _rv)")},
   7180     {"GetMovieIndTrackType", (PyCFunction)MovieObj_GetMovieIndTrackType, 1,
   7181      PyDoc_STR("(long index, OSType trackType, long flags) -> (Track _rv)")},
   7182     {"NewMovieTrack", (PyCFunction)MovieObj_NewMovieTrack, 1,
   7183      PyDoc_STR("(Fixed width, Fixed height, short trackVolume) -> (Track _rv)")},
   7184     {"SetAutoTrackAlternatesEnabled", (PyCFunction)MovieObj_SetAutoTrackAlternatesEnabled, 1,
   7185      PyDoc_STR("(Boolean enable) -> None")},
   7186     {"SelectMovieAlternates", (PyCFunction)MovieObj_SelectMovieAlternates, 1,
   7187      PyDoc_STR("() -> None")},
   7188     {"InsertMovieSegment", (PyCFunction)MovieObj_InsertMovieSegment, 1,
   7189      PyDoc_STR("(Movie dstMovie, TimeValue srcIn, TimeValue srcDuration, TimeValue dstIn) -> None")},
   7190     {"InsertEmptyMovieSegment", (PyCFunction)MovieObj_InsertEmptyMovieSegment, 1,
   7191      PyDoc_STR("(TimeValue dstIn, TimeValue dstDuration) -> None")},
   7192     {"DeleteMovieSegment", (PyCFunction)MovieObj_DeleteMovieSegment, 1,
   7193      PyDoc_STR("(TimeValue startTime, TimeValue duration) -> None")},
   7194     {"ScaleMovieSegment", (PyCFunction)MovieObj_ScaleMovieSegment, 1,
   7195      PyDoc_STR("(TimeValue startTime, TimeValue oldDuration, TimeValue newDuration) -> None")},
   7196     {"CutMovieSelection", (PyCFunction)MovieObj_CutMovieSelection, 1,
   7197      PyDoc_STR("() -> (Movie _rv)")},
   7198     {"CopyMovieSelection", (PyCFunction)MovieObj_CopyMovieSelection, 1,
   7199      PyDoc_STR("() -> (Movie _rv)")},
   7200     {"PasteMovieSelection", (PyCFunction)MovieObj_PasteMovieSelection, 1,
   7201      PyDoc_STR("(Movie src) -> None")},
   7202     {"AddMovieSelection", (PyCFunction)MovieObj_AddMovieSelection, 1,
   7203      PyDoc_STR("(Movie src) -> None")},
   7204     {"ClearMovieSelection", (PyCFunction)MovieObj_ClearMovieSelection, 1,
   7205      PyDoc_STR("() -> None")},
   7206     {"PutMovieIntoTypedHandle", (PyCFunction)MovieObj_PutMovieIntoTypedHandle, 1,
   7207      PyDoc_STR("(Track targetTrack, OSType handleType, Handle publicMovie, TimeValue start, TimeValue dur, long flags, ComponentInstance userComp) -> None")},
   7208     {"CopyMovieSettings", (PyCFunction)MovieObj_CopyMovieSettings, 1,
   7209      PyDoc_STR("(Movie dstMovie) -> None")},
   7210     {"ConvertMovieToFile", (PyCFunction)MovieObj_ConvertMovieToFile, 1,
   7211      PyDoc_STR("(Track onlyTrack, FSSpec outputFile, OSType fileType, OSType creator, ScriptCode scriptTag, long flags, ComponentInstance userComp) -> (short resID)")},
   7212     {"GetMovieDataSize", (PyCFunction)MovieObj_GetMovieDataSize, 1,
   7213      PyDoc_STR("(TimeValue startTime, TimeValue duration) -> (long _rv)")},
   7214     {"GetMovieDataSize64", (PyCFunction)MovieObj_GetMovieDataSize64, 1,
   7215      PyDoc_STR("(TimeValue startTime, TimeValue duration) -> (wide dataSize)")},
   7216     {"PtInMovie", (PyCFunction)MovieObj_PtInMovie, 1,
   7217      PyDoc_STR("(Point pt) -> (Boolean _rv)")},
   7218     {"SetMovieLanguage", (PyCFunction)MovieObj_SetMovieLanguage, 1,
   7219      PyDoc_STR("(long language) -> None")},
   7220     {"CopyMovieUserData", (PyCFunction)MovieObj_CopyMovieUserData, 1,
   7221      PyDoc_STR("(Movie dstMovie, OSType copyRule) -> None")},
   7222     {"GetMovieNextInterestingTime", (PyCFunction)MovieObj_GetMovieNextInterestingTime, 1,
   7223      PyDoc_STR("(short interestingTimeFlags, short numMediaTypes, OSType whichMediaTypes, TimeValue time, Fixed rate) -> (TimeValue interestingTime, TimeValue interestingDuration)")},
   7224     {"AddMovieResource", (PyCFunction)MovieObj_AddMovieResource, 1,
   7225      PyDoc_STR("(short resRefNum, Str255 resName) -> (short resId)")},
   7226     {"UpdateMovieResource", (PyCFunction)MovieObj_UpdateMovieResource, 1,
   7227      PyDoc_STR("(short resRefNum, short resId, Str255 resName) -> None")},
   7228     {"AddMovieToStorage", (PyCFunction)MovieObj_AddMovieToStorage, 1,
   7229      PyDoc_STR("(DataHandler dh) -> None")},
   7230     {"UpdateMovieInStorage", (PyCFunction)MovieObj_UpdateMovieInStorage, 1,
   7231      PyDoc_STR("(DataHandler dh) -> None")},
   7232     {"HasMovieChanged", (PyCFunction)MovieObj_HasMovieChanged, 1,
   7233      PyDoc_STR("() -> (Boolean _rv)")},
   7234     {"ClearMovieChanged", (PyCFunction)MovieObj_ClearMovieChanged, 1,
   7235      PyDoc_STR("() -> None")},
   7236     {"SetMovieDefaultDataRef", (PyCFunction)MovieObj_SetMovieDefaultDataRef, 1,
   7237      PyDoc_STR("(Handle dataRef, OSType dataRefType) -> None")},
   7238     {"GetMovieDefaultDataRef", (PyCFunction)MovieObj_GetMovieDefaultDataRef, 1,
   7239      PyDoc_STR("() -> (Handle dataRef, OSType dataRefType)")},
   7240     {"SetMovieColorTable", (PyCFunction)MovieObj_SetMovieColorTable, 1,
   7241      PyDoc_STR("(CTabHandle ctab) -> None")},
   7242     {"GetMovieColorTable", (PyCFunction)MovieObj_GetMovieColorTable, 1,
   7243      PyDoc_STR("() -> (CTabHandle ctab)")},
   7244     {"FlattenMovie", (PyCFunction)MovieObj_FlattenMovie, 1,
   7245      PyDoc_STR("(long movieFlattenFlags, FSSpec theFile, OSType creator, ScriptCode scriptTag, long createMovieFileFlags, Str255 resName) -> (short resId)")},
   7246     {"FlattenMovieData", (PyCFunction)MovieObj_FlattenMovieData, 1,
   7247      PyDoc_STR("(long movieFlattenFlags, FSSpec theFile, OSType creator, ScriptCode scriptTag, long createMovieFileFlags) -> (Movie _rv)")},
   7248     {"FlattenMovieDataToDataRef", (PyCFunction)MovieObj_FlattenMovieDataToDataRef, 1,
   7249      PyDoc_STR("(long movieFlattenFlags, Handle dataRef, OSType dataRefType, OSType creator, ScriptCode scriptTag, long createMovieFileFlags) -> (Movie _rv)")},
   7250     {"MovieSearchText", (PyCFunction)MovieObj_MovieSearchText, 1,
   7251      PyDoc_STR("(Ptr text, long size, long searchFlags) -> (Track searchTrack, TimeValue searchTime, long searchOffset)")},
   7252     {"GetPosterBox", (PyCFunction)MovieObj_GetPosterBox, 1,
   7253      PyDoc_STR("() -> (Rect boxRect)")},
   7254     {"SetPosterBox", (PyCFunction)MovieObj_SetPosterBox, 1,
   7255      PyDoc_STR("(Rect boxRect) -> None")},
   7256     {"GetMovieSegmentDisplayBoundsRgn", (PyCFunction)MovieObj_GetMovieSegmentDisplayBoundsRgn, 1,
   7257      PyDoc_STR("(TimeValue time, TimeValue duration) -> (RgnHandle _rv)")},
   7258     {"GetMovieStatus", (PyCFunction)MovieObj_GetMovieStatus, 1,
   7259      PyDoc_STR("() -> (ComponentResult _rv, Track firstProblemTrack)")},
   7260     {"NewMovieController", (PyCFunction)MovieObj_NewMovieController, 1,
   7261      PyDoc_STR("(Rect movieRect, long someFlags) -> (MovieController _rv)")},
   7262     {"PutMovieOnScrap", (PyCFunction)MovieObj_PutMovieOnScrap, 1,
   7263      PyDoc_STR("(long movieScrapFlags) -> None")},
   7264     {"SetMoviePlayHints", (PyCFunction)MovieObj_SetMoviePlayHints, 1,
   7265      PyDoc_STR("(long flags, long flagsMask) -> None")},
   7266     {"GetMaxLoadedTimeInMovie", (PyCFunction)MovieObj_GetMaxLoadedTimeInMovie, 1,
   7267      PyDoc_STR("() -> (TimeValue time)")},
   7268     {"QTMovieNeedsTimeTable", (PyCFunction)MovieObj_QTMovieNeedsTimeTable, 1,
   7269      PyDoc_STR("() -> (Boolean needsTimeTable)")},
   7270     {"QTGetDataRefMaxFileOffset", (PyCFunction)MovieObj_QTGetDataRefMaxFileOffset, 1,
   7271      PyDoc_STR("(OSType dataRefType, Handle dataRef) -> (long offset)")},
   7272     {NULL, NULL, 0}
   7273 };
   7275 #define MovieObj_getsetlist NULL
   7278 #define MovieObj_compare NULL
   7280 #define MovieObj_repr NULL
   7282 #define MovieObj_hash NULL
   7283 #define MovieObj_tp_init 0
   7285 #define MovieObj_tp_alloc PyType_GenericAlloc
   7287 static PyObject *MovieObj_tp_new(PyTypeObject *type, PyObject *_args, PyObject *_kwds)
   7288 {
   7289     PyObject *_self;
   7290     Movie itself;
   7291     char *kw[] = {"itself", 0};
   7293     if (!PyArg_ParseTupleAndKeywords(_args, _kwds, "O&", kw, MovieObj_Convert, &itself)) return NULL;
   7294     if ((_self = type->tp_alloc(type, 0)) == NULL) return NULL;
   7295     ((MovieObject *)_self)->ob_itself = itself;
   7296     return _self;
   7297 }
   7299 #define MovieObj_tp_free PyObject_Del
   7302 PyTypeObject Movie_Type = {
   7303     PyObject_HEAD_INIT(NULL)
   7304     0, /*ob_size*/
   7305     "_Qt.Movie", /*tp_name*/
   7306     sizeof(MovieObject), /*tp_basicsize*/
   7307     0, /*tp_itemsize*/
   7308     /* methods */
   7309     (destructor) MovieObj_dealloc, /*tp_dealloc*/
   7310     0, /*tp_print*/
   7311     (getattrfunc)0, /*tp_getattr*/
   7312     (setattrfunc)0, /*tp_setattr*/
   7313     (cmpfunc) MovieObj_compare, /*tp_compare*/
   7314     (reprfunc) MovieObj_repr, /*tp_repr*/
   7315     (PyNumberMethods *)0, /* tp_as_number */
   7316     (PySequenceMethods *)0, /* tp_as_sequence */
   7317     (PyMappingMethods *)0, /* tp_as_mapping */
   7318     (hashfunc) MovieObj_hash, /*tp_hash*/
   7319     0, /*tp_call*/
   7320     0, /*tp_str*/
   7321     PyObject_GenericGetAttr, /*tp_getattro*/
   7322     PyObject_GenericSetAttr, /*tp_setattro */
   7323     0, /*tp_as_buffer*/
   7324     Py_TPFLAGS_DEFAULT|Py_TPFLAGS_BASETYPE, /* tp_flags */
   7325     0, /*tp_doc*/
   7326     0, /*tp_traverse*/
   7327     0, /*tp_clear*/
   7328     0, /*tp_richcompare*/
   7329     0, /*tp_weaklistoffset*/
   7330     0, /*tp_iter*/
   7331     0, /*tp_iternext*/
   7332     MovieObj_methods, /* tp_methods */
   7333     0, /*tp_members*/
   7334     MovieObj_getsetlist, /*tp_getset*/
   7335     0, /*tp_base*/
   7336     0, /*tp_dict*/
   7337     0, /*tp_descr_get*/
   7338     0, /*tp_descr_set*/
   7339     0, /*tp_dictoffset*/
   7340     MovieObj_tp_init, /* tp_init */
   7341     MovieObj_tp_alloc, /* tp_alloc */
   7342     MovieObj_tp_new, /* tp_new */
   7343     MovieObj_tp_free, /* tp_free */
   7344 };
   7346 /* --------------------- End object type Movie ---------------------- */
   7349 /* ---------------------- Object type SGOutput ---------------------- */
   7351 PyTypeObject SGOutput_Type;
   7353 #define SGOutputObj_Check(x) ((x)->ob_type == &SGOutput_Type || PyObject_TypeCheck((x), &SGOutput_Type))
   7355 typedef struct SGOutputObject {
   7356     PyObject_HEAD
   7357     SGOutput ob_itself;
   7358 } SGOutputObject;
   7360 PyObject *SGOutputObj_New(SGOutput itself)
   7361 {
   7362     SGOutputObject *it;
   7363     if (itself == NULL) {
   7364                                     PyErr_SetString(Qt_Error,"Cannot create SGOutput from NULL pointer");
   7365                                     return NULL;
   7366                             }
   7367     it = PyObject_NEW(SGOutputObject, &SGOutput_Type);
   7368     if (it == NULL) return NULL;
   7369     it->ob_itself = itself;
   7370     return (PyObject *)it;
   7371 }
   7373 int SGOutputObj_Convert(PyObject *v, SGOutput *p_itself)
   7374 {
   7375     if (v == Py_None)
   7376     {
   7377         *p_itself = NULL;
   7378         return 1;
   7379     }
   7380     if (!SGOutputObj_Check(v))
   7381     {
   7382         PyErr_SetString(PyExc_TypeError, "SGOutput required");
   7383         return 0;
   7384     }
   7385     *p_itself = ((SGOutputObject *)v)->ob_itself;
   7386     return 1;
   7387 }
   7389 static void SGOutputObj_dealloc(SGOutputObject *self)
   7390 {
   7391     /* Cleanup of self->ob_itself goes here */
   7392     self->ob_type->tp_free((PyObject *)self);
   7393 }
   7395 static PyMethodDef SGOutputObj_methods[] = {
   7396     {NULL, NULL, 0}
   7397 };
   7399 #define SGOutputObj_getsetlist NULL
   7402 #define SGOutputObj_compare NULL
   7404 #define SGOutputObj_repr NULL
   7406 #define SGOutputObj_hash NULL
   7407 #define SGOutputObj_tp_init 0
   7409 #define SGOutputObj_tp_alloc PyType_GenericAlloc
   7411 static PyObject *SGOutputObj_tp_new(PyTypeObject *type, PyObject *_args, PyObject *_kwds)
   7412 {
   7413     PyObject *_self;
   7414     SGOutput itself;
   7415     char *kw[] = {"itself", 0};
   7417     if (!PyArg_ParseTupleAndKeywords(_args, _kwds, "O&", kw, SGOutputObj_Convert, &itself)) return NULL;
   7418     if ((_self = type->tp_alloc(type, 0)) == NULL) return NULL;
   7419     ((SGOutputObject *)_self)->ob_itself = itself;
   7420     return _self;
   7421 }
   7423 #define SGOutputObj_tp_free PyObject_Del
   7426 PyTypeObject SGOutput_Type = {
   7427     PyObject_HEAD_INIT(NULL)
   7428     0, /*ob_size*/
   7429     "_Qt.SGOutput", /*tp_name*/
   7430     sizeof(SGOutputObject), /*tp_basicsize*/
   7431     0, /*tp_itemsize*/
   7432     /* methods */
   7433     (destructor) SGOutputObj_dealloc, /*tp_dealloc*/
   7434     0, /*tp_print*/
   7435     (getattrfunc)0, /*tp_getattr*/
   7436     (setattrfunc)0, /*tp_setattr*/
   7437     (cmpfunc) SGOutputObj_compare, /*tp_compare*/
   7438     (reprfunc) SGOutputObj_repr, /*tp_repr*/
   7439     (PyNumberMethods *)0, /* tp_as_number */
   7440     (PySequenceMethods *)0, /* tp_as_sequence */
   7441     (PyMappingMethods *)0, /* tp_as_mapping */
   7442     (hashfunc) SGOutputObj_hash, /*tp_hash*/
   7443     0, /*tp_call*/
   7444     0, /*tp_str*/
   7445     PyObject_GenericGetAttr, /*tp_getattro*/
   7446     PyObject_GenericSetAttr, /*tp_setattro */
   7447     0, /*tp_as_buffer*/
   7448     Py_TPFLAGS_DEFAULT|Py_TPFLAGS_BASETYPE, /* tp_flags */
   7449     0, /*tp_doc*/
   7450     0, /*tp_traverse*/
   7451     0, /*tp_clear*/
   7452     0, /*tp_richcompare*/
   7453     0, /*tp_weaklistoffset*/
   7454     0, /*tp_iter*/
   7455     0, /*tp_iternext*/
   7456     SGOutputObj_methods, /* tp_methods */
   7457     0, /*tp_members*/
   7458     SGOutputObj_getsetlist, /*tp_getset*/
   7459     0, /*tp_base*/
   7460     0, /*tp_dict*/
   7461     0, /*tp_descr_get*/
   7462     0, /*tp_descr_set*/
   7463     0, /*tp_dictoffset*/
   7464     SGOutputObj_tp_init, /* tp_init */
   7465     SGOutputObj_tp_alloc, /* tp_alloc */
   7466     SGOutputObj_tp_new, /* tp_new */
   7467     SGOutputObj_tp_free, /* tp_free */
   7468 };
   7470 /* -------------------- End object type SGOutput -------------------- */
   7473 static PyObject *Qt_EnterMovies(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   7474 {
   7475     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   7476     OSErr _err;
   7477 #ifndef EnterMovies
   7478     PyMac_PRECHECK(EnterMovies);
   7479 #endif
   7480     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, ""))
   7481         return NULL;
   7482     _err = EnterMovies();
   7483     if (_err != noErr) return PyMac_Error(_err);
   7484     Py_INCREF(Py_None);
   7485     _res = Py_None;
   7486     return _res;
   7487 }
   7489 static PyObject *Qt_ExitMovies(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   7490 {
   7491     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   7492 #ifndef ExitMovies
   7493     PyMac_PRECHECK(ExitMovies);
   7494 #endif
   7495     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, ""))
   7496         return NULL;
   7497     ExitMovies();
   7498     Py_INCREF(Py_None);
   7499     _res = Py_None;
   7500     return _res;
   7501 }
   7503 static PyObject *Qt_GetMoviesError(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   7504 {
   7505     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   7506     OSErr _err;
   7507 #ifndef GetMoviesError
   7508     PyMac_PRECHECK(GetMoviesError);
   7509 #endif
   7510     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, ""))
   7511         return NULL;
   7512     _err = GetMoviesError();
   7513     if (_err != noErr) return PyMac_Error(_err);
   7514     Py_INCREF(Py_None);
   7515     _res = Py_None;
   7516     return _res;
   7517 }
   7519 static PyObject *Qt_ClearMoviesStickyError(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   7520 {
   7521     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   7522 #ifndef ClearMoviesStickyError
   7523     PyMac_PRECHECK(ClearMoviesStickyError);
   7524 #endif
   7525     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, ""))
   7526         return NULL;
   7527     ClearMoviesStickyError();
   7528     Py_INCREF(Py_None);
   7529     _res = Py_None;
   7530     return _res;
   7531 }
   7533 static PyObject *Qt_GetMoviesStickyError(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   7534 {
   7535     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   7536     OSErr _err;
   7537 #ifndef GetMoviesStickyError
   7538     PyMac_PRECHECK(GetMoviesStickyError);
   7539 #endif
   7540     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, ""))
   7541         return NULL;
   7542     _err = GetMoviesStickyError();
   7543     if (_err != noErr) return PyMac_Error(_err);
   7544     Py_INCREF(Py_None);
   7545     _res = Py_None;
   7546     return _res;
   7547 }
   7549 static PyObject *Qt_QTGetWallClockTimeBase(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   7550 {
   7551     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   7552     OSErr _err;
   7553     TimeBase wallClockTimeBase;
   7554 #ifndef QTGetWallClockTimeBase
   7555     PyMac_PRECHECK(QTGetWallClockTimeBase);
   7556 #endif
   7557     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, ""))
   7558         return NULL;
   7559     _err = QTGetWallClockTimeBase(&wallClockTimeBase);
   7560     if (_err != noErr) return PyMac_Error(_err);
   7561     _res = Py_BuildValue("O&",
   7562                          TimeBaseObj_New, wallClockTimeBase);
   7563     return _res;
   7564 }
   7566 static PyObject *Qt_QTIdleManagerOpen(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   7567 {
   7568     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   7569     IdleManager _rv;
   7570 #ifndef QTIdleManagerOpen
   7571     PyMac_PRECHECK(QTIdleManagerOpen);
   7572 #endif
   7573     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, ""))
   7574         return NULL;
   7575     _rv = QTIdleManagerOpen();
   7576     _res = Py_BuildValue("O&",
   7577                          IdleManagerObj_New, _rv);
   7578     return _res;
   7579 }
   7581 static PyObject *Qt_CreateMovieControl(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   7582 {
   7583     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   7584     OSErr _err;
   7585     WindowPtr theWindow;
   7586     Rect localRect;
   7587     Movie theMovie;
   7588     UInt32 options;
   7589     ControlHandle returnedControl;
   7590 #ifndef CreateMovieControl
   7591     PyMac_PRECHECK(CreateMovieControl);
   7592 #endif
   7593     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&O&l",
   7594                           WinObj_Convert, &theWindow,
   7595                           MovieObj_Convert, &theMovie,
   7596                           &options))
   7597         return NULL;
   7598     _err = CreateMovieControl(theWindow,
   7599                               &localRect,
   7600                               theMovie,
   7601                               options,
   7602                               &returnedControl);
   7603     if (_err != noErr) return PyMac_Error(_err);
   7604     _res = Py_BuildValue("O&O&",
   7605                          PyMac_BuildRect, &localRect,
   7606                          CtlObj_New, returnedControl);
   7607     return _res;
   7608 }
   7610 static PyObject *Qt_DisposeMatte(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   7611 {
   7612     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   7613     PixMapHandle theMatte;
   7614 #ifndef DisposeMatte
   7615     PyMac_PRECHECK(DisposeMatte);
   7616 #endif
   7617     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&",
   7618                           ResObj_Convert, &theMatte))
   7619         return NULL;
   7620     DisposeMatte(theMatte);
   7621     Py_INCREF(Py_None);
   7622     _res = Py_None;
   7623     return _res;
   7624 }
   7626 static PyObject *Qt_NewMovie(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   7627 {
   7628     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   7629     Movie _rv;
   7630     long flags;
   7631 #ifndef NewMovie
   7632     PyMac_PRECHECK(NewMovie);
   7633 #endif
   7634     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "l",
   7635                           &flags))
   7636         return NULL;
   7637     _rv = NewMovie(flags);
   7638     _res = Py_BuildValue("O&",
   7639                          MovieObj_New, _rv);
   7640     return _res;
   7641 }
   7643 static PyObject *Qt_QTGetTimeUntilNextTask(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   7644 {
   7645     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   7646     OSErr _err;
   7647     long duration;
   7648     long scale;
   7649 #ifndef QTGetTimeUntilNextTask
   7650     PyMac_PRECHECK(QTGetTimeUntilNextTask);
   7651 #endif
   7652     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "l",
   7653                           &scale))
   7654         return NULL;
   7655     _err = QTGetTimeUntilNextTask(&duration,
   7656                                   scale);
   7657     if (_err != noErr) return PyMac_Error(_err);
   7658     _res = Py_BuildValue("l",
   7659                          duration);
   7660     return _res;
   7661 }
   7663 static PyObject *Qt_GetDataHandler(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   7664 {
   7665     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   7666     Component _rv;
   7667     Handle dataRef;
   7668     OSType dataHandlerSubType;
   7669     long flags;
   7670 #ifndef GetDataHandler
   7671     PyMac_PRECHECK(GetDataHandler);
   7672 #endif
   7673     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&O&l",
   7674                           ResObj_Convert, &dataRef,
   7675                           PyMac_GetOSType, &dataHandlerSubType,
   7676                           &flags))
   7677         return NULL;
   7678     _rv = GetDataHandler(dataRef,
   7679                          dataHandlerSubType,
   7680                          flags);
   7681     _res = Py_BuildValue("O&",
   7682                          CmpObj_New, _rv);
   7683     return _res;
   7684 }
   7686 static PyObject *Qt_PasteHandleIntoMovie(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   7687 {
   7688     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   7689     OSErr _err;
   7690     Handle h;
   7691     OSType handleType;
   7692     Movie theMovie;
   7693     long flags;
   7694     ComponentInstance userComp;
   7695 #ifndef PasteHandleIntoMovie
   7696     PyMac_PRECHECK(PasteHandleIntoMovie);
   7697 #endif
   7698     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&O&O&lO&",
   7699                           ResObj_Convert, &h,
   7700                           PyMac_GetOSType, &handleType,
   7701                           MovieObj_Convert, &theMovie,
   7702                           &flags,
   7703                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &userComp))
   7704         return NULL;
   7705     _err = PasteHandleIntoMovie(h,
   7706                                 handleType,
   7707                                 theMovie,
   7708                                 flags,
   7709                                 userComp);
   7710     if (_err != noErr) return PyMac_Error(_err);
   7711     Py_INCREF(Py_None);
   7712     _res = Py_None;
   7713     return _res;
   7714 }
   7716 static PyObject *Qt_GetMovieImporterForDataRef(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   7717 {
   7718     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   7719     OSErr _err;
   7720     OSType dataRefType;
   7721     Handle dataRef;
   7722     long flags;
   7723     Component importer;
   7724 #ifndef GetMovieImporterForDataRef
   7725     PyMac_PRECHECK(GetMovieImporterForDataRef);
   7726 #endif
   7727     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&O&l",
   7728                           PyMac_GetOSType, &dataRefType,
   7729                           ResObj_Convert, &dataRef,
   7730                           &flags))
   7731         return NULL;
   7732     _err = GetMovieImporterForDataRef(dataRefType,
   7733                                       dataRef,
   7734                                       flags,
   7735                                       &importer);
   7736     if (_err != noErr) return PyMac_Error(_err);
   7737     _res = Py_BuildValue("O&",
   7738                          CmpObj_New, importer);
   7739     return _res;
   7740 }
   7742 static PyObject *Qt_QTGetMIMETypeInfo(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   7743 {
   7744     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   7745     OSErr _err;
   7746     char* mimeStringStart;
   7747     short mimeStringLength;
   7748     OSType infoSelector;
   7749     void * infoDataPtr;
   7750     long infoDataSize;
   7751 #ifndef QTGetMIMETypeInfo
   7752     PyMac_PRECHECK(QTGetMIMETypeInfo);
   7753 #endif
   7754     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "shO&s",
   7755                           &mimeStringStart,
   7756                           &mimeStringLength,
   7757                           PyMac_GetOSType, &infoSelector,
   7758                           &infoDataPtr))
   7759         return NULL;
   7760     _err = QTGetMIMETypeInfo(mimeStringStart,
   7761                              mimeStringLength,
   7762                              infoSelector,
   7763                              infoDataPtr,
   7764                              &infoDataSize);
   7765     if (_err != noErr) return PyMac_Error(_err);
   7766     _res = Py_BuildValue("l",
   7767                          infoDataSize);
   7768     return _res;
   7769 }
   7771 static PyObject *Qt_TrackTimeToMediaTime(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   7772 {
   7773     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   7774     TimeValue _rv;
   7775     TimeValue value;
   7776     Track theTrack;
   7777 #ifndef TrackTimeToMediaTime
   7778     PyMac_PRECHECK(TrackTimeToMediaTime);
   7779 #endif
   7780     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "lO&",
   7781                           &value,
   7782                           TrackObj_Convert, &theTrack))
   7783         return NULL;
   7784     _rv = TrackTimeToMediaTime(value,
   7785                                theTrack);
   7786     _res = Py_BuildValue("l",
   7787                          _rv);
   7788     return _res;
   7789 }
   7791 static PyObject *Qt_NewUserData(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   7792 {
   7793     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   7794     OSErr _err;
   7795     UserData theUserData;
   7796 #ifndef NewUserData
   7797     PyMac_PRECHECK(NewUserData);
   7798 #endif
   7799     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, ""))
   7800         return NULL;
   7801     _err = NewUserData(&theUserData);
   7802     if (_err != noErr) return PyMac_Error(_err);
   7803     _res = Py_BuildValue("O&",
   7804                          UserDataObj_New, theUserData);
   7805     return _res;
   7806 }
   7808 static PyObject *Qt_NewUserDataFromHandle(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   7809 {
   7810     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   7811     OSErr _err;
   7812     Handle h;
   7813     UserData theUserData;
   7814 #ifndef NewUserDataFromHandle
   7815     PyMac_PRECHECK(NewUserDataFromHandle);
   7816 #endif
   7817     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&",
   7818                           ResObj_Convert, &h))
   7819         return NULL;
   7820     _err = NewUserDataFromHandle(h,
   7821                                  &theUserData);
   7822     if (_err != noErr) return PyMac_Error(_err);
   7823     _res = Py_BuildValue("O&",
   7824                          UserDataObj_New, theUserData);
   7825     return _res;
   7826 }
   7828 static PyObject *Qt_CreateMovieFile(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   7829 {
   7830     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   7831     OSErr _err;
   7832     FSSpec fileSpec;
   7833     OSType creator;
   7834     ScriptCode scriptTag;
   7835     long createMovieFileFlags;
   7836     short resRefNum;
   7837     Movie newmovie;
   7838 #ifndef CreateMovieFile
   7839     PyMac_PRECHECK(CreateMovieFile);
   7840 #endif
   7841     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&O&hl",
   7842                           PyMac_GetFSSpec, &fileSpec,
   7843                           PyMac_GetOSType, &creator,
   7844                           &scriptTag,
   7845                           &createMovieFileFlags))
   7846         return NULL;
   7847     _err = CreateMovieFile(&fileSpec,
   7848                            creator,
   7849                            scriptTag,
   7850                            createMovieFileFlags,
   7851                            &resRefNum,
   7852                            &newmovie);
   7853     if (_err != noErr) return PyMac_Error(_err);
   7854     _res = Py_BuildValue("hO&",
   7855                          resRefNum,
   7856                          MovieObj_New, newmovie);
   7857     return _res;
   7858 }
   7860 static PyObject *Qt_OpenMovieFile(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   7861 {
   7862     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   7863     OSErr _err;
   7864     FSSpec fileSpec;
   7865     short resRefNum;
   7866     SInt8 permission;
   7867 #ifndef OpenMovieFile
   7868     PyMac_PRECHECK(OpenMovieFile);
   7869 #endif
   7870     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&b",
   7871                           PyMac_GetFSSpec, &fileSpec,
   7872                           &permission))
   7873         return NULL;
   7874     _err = OpenMovieFile(&fileSpec,
   7875                          &resRefNum,
   7876                          permission);
   7877     if (_err != noErr) return PyMac_Error(_err);
   7878     _res = Py_BuildValue("h",
   7879                          resRefNum);
   7880     return _res;
   7881 }
   7883 static PyObject *Qt_CloseMovieFile(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   7884 {
   7885     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   7886     OSErr _err;
   7887     short resRefNum;
   7888 #ifndef CloseMovieFile
   7889     PyMac_PRECHECK(CloseMovieFile);
   7890 #endif
   7891     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "h",
   7892                           &resRefNum))
   7893         return NULL;
   7894     _err = CloseMovieFile(resRefNum);
   7895     if (_err != noErr) return PyMac_Error(_err);
   7896     Py_INCREF(Py_None);
   7897     _res = Py_None;
   7898     return _res;
   7899 }
   7901 static PyObject *Qt_DeleteMovieFile(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   7902 {
   7903     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   7904     OSErr _err;
   7905     FSSpec fileSpec;
   7906 #ifndef DeleteMovieFile
   7907     PyMac_PRECHECK(DeleteMovieFile);
   7908 #endif
   7909     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&",
   7910                           PyMac_GetFSSpec, &fileSpec))
   7911         return NULL;
   7912     _err = DeleteMovieFile(&fileSpec);
   7913     if (_err != noErr) return PyMac_Error(_err);
   7914     Py_INCREF(Py_None);
   7915     _res = Py_None;
   7916     return _res;
   7917 }
   7919 static PyObject *Qt_NewMovieFromFile(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   7920 {
   7921     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   7922     OSErr _err;
   7923     Movie theMovie;
   7924     short resRefNum;
   7925     short resId;
   7926     short newMovieFlags;
   7927     Boolean dataRefWasChanged;
   7928 #ifndef NewMovieFromFile
   7929     PyMac_PRECHECK(NewMovieFromFile);
   7930 #endif
   7931     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "hhh",
   7932                           &resRefNum,
   7933                           &resId,
   7934                           &newMovieFlags))
   7935         return NULL;
   7936     _err = NewMovieFromFile(&theMovie,
   7937                             resRefNum,
   7938                             &resId,
   7939                             (StringPtr)0,
   7940                             newMovieFlags,
   7941                             &dataRefWasChanged);
   7942     if (_err != noErr) return PyMac_Error(_err);
   7943     _res = Py_BuildValue("O&hb",
   7944                          MovieObj_New, theMovie,
   7945                          resId,
   7946                          dataRefWasChanged);
   7947     return _res;
   7948 }
   7950 static PyObject *Qt_NewMovieFromHandle(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   7951 {
   7952     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   7953     OSErr _err;
   7954     Movie theMovie;
   7955     Handle h;
   7956     short newMovieFlags;
   7957     Boolean dataRefWasChanged;
   7958 #ifndef NewMovieFromHandle
   7959     PyMac_PRECHECK(NewMovieFromHandle);
   7960 #endif
   7961     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&h",
   7962                           ResObj_Convert, &h,
   7963                           &newMovieFlags))
   7964         return NULL;
   7965     _err = NewMovieFromHandle(&theMovie,
   7966                               h,
   7967                               newMovieFlags,
   7968                               &dataRefWasChanged);
   7969     if (_err != noErr) return PyMac_Error(_err);
   7970     _res = Py_BuildValue("O&b",
   7971                          MovieObj_New, theMovie,
   7972                          dataRefWasChanged);
   7973     return _res;
   7974 }
   7976 static PyObject *Qt_NewMovieFromDataFork(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   7977 {
   7978     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   7979     OSErr _err;
   7980     Movie theMovie;
   7981     short fRefNum;
   7982     long fileOffset;
   7983     short newMovieFlags;
   7984     Boolean dataRefWasChanged;
   7985 #ifndef NewMovieFromDataFork
   7986     PyMac_PRECHECK(NewMovieFromDataFork);
   7987 #endif
   7988     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "hlh",
   7989                           &fRefNum,
   7990                           &fileOffset,
   7991                           &newMovieFlags))
   7992         return NULL;
   7993     _err = NewMovieFromDataFork(&theMovie,
   7994                                 fRefNum,
   7995                                 fileOffset,
   7996                                 newMovieFlags,
   7997                                 &dataRefWasChanged);
   7998     if (_err != noErr) return PyMac_Error(_err);
   7999     _res = Py_BuildValue("O&b",
   8000                          MovieObj_New, theMovie,
   8001                          dataRefWasChanged);
   8002     return _res;
   8003 }
   8005 static PyObject *Qt_NewMovieFromDataFork64(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   8006 {
   8007     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   8008     OSErr _err;
   8009     Movie theMovie;
   8010     long fRefNum;
   8011     wide fileOffset;
   8012     short newMovieFlags;
   8013     Boolean dataRefWasChanged;
   8014 #ifndef NewMovieFromDataFork64
   8015     PyMac_PRECHECK(NewMovieFromDataFork64);
   8016 #endif
   8017     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "lO&h",
   8018                           &fRefNum,
   8019                           PyMac_Getwide, &fileOffset,
   8020                           &newMovieFlags))
   8021         return NULL;
   8022     _err = NewMovieFromDataFork64(&theMovie,
   8023                                   fRefNum,
   8024                                   &fileOffset,
   8025                                   newMovieFlags,
   8026                                   &dataRefWasChanged);
   8027     if (_err != noErr) return PyMac_Error(_err);
   8028     _res = Py_BuildValue("O&b",
   8029                          MovieObj_New, theMovie,
   8030                          dataRefWasChanged);
   8031     return _res;
   8032 }
   8034 static PyObject *Qt_NewMovieFromDataRef(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   8035 {
   8036     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   8037     OSErr _err;
   8038     Movie m;
   8039     short flags;
   8040     short id;
   8041     Handle dataRef;
   8042     OSType dtaRefType;
   8043 #ifndef NewMovieFromDataRef
   8044     PyMac_PRECHECK(NewMovieFromDataRef);
   8045 #endif
   8046     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "hO&O&",
   8047                           &flags,
   8048                           ResObj_Convert, &dataRef,
   8049                           PyMac_GetOSType, &dtaRefType))
   8050         return NULL;
   8051     _err = NewMovieFromDataRef(&m,
   8052                                flags,
   8053                                &id,
   8054                                dataRef,
   8055                                dtaRefType);
   8056     if (_err != noErr) return PyMac_Error(_err);
   8057     _res = Py_BuildValue("O&h",
   8058                          MovieObj_New, m,
   8059                          id);
   8060     return _res;
   8061 }
   8063 static PyObject *Qt_NewMovieFromStorageOffset(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   8064 {
   8065     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   8066     OSErr _err;
   8067     Movie theMovie;
   8068     DataHandler dh;
   8069     wide fileOffset;
   8070     short newMovieFlags;
   8071     Boolean dataRefWasCataRefType;
   8072 #ifndef NewMovieFromStorageOffset
   8073     PyMac_PRECHECK(NewMovieFromStorageOffset);
   8074 #endif
   8075     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&O&h",
   8076                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &dh,
   8077                           PyMac_Getwide, &fileOffset,
   8078                           &newMovieFlags))
   8079         return NULL;
   8080     _err = NewMovieFromStorageOffset(&theMovie,
   8081                                      dh,
   8082                                      &fileOffset,
   8083                                      newMovieFlags,
   8084                                      &dataRefWasCataRefType);
   8085     if (_err != noErr) return PyMac_Error(_err);
   8086     _res = Py_BuildValue("O&b",
   8087                          MovieObj_New, theMovie,
   8088                          dataRefWasCataRefType);
   8089     return _res;
   8090 }
   8092 static PyObject *Qt_NewMovieForDataRefFromHandle(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   8093 {
   8094     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   8095     OSErr _err;
   8096     Movie theMovie;
   8097     Handle h;
   8098     short newMovieFlags;
   8099     Boolean dataRefWasChanged;
   8100     Handle dataRef;
   8101     OSType dataRefType;
   8102 #ifndef NewMovieForDataRefFromHandle
   8103     PyMac_PRECHECK(NewMovieForDataRefFromHandle);
   8104 #endif
   8105     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&hO&O&",
   8106                           ResObj_Convert, &h,
   8107                           &newMovieFlags,
   8108                           ResObj_Convert, &dataRef,
   8109                           PyMac_GetOSType, &dataRefType))
   8110         return NULL;
   8111     _err = NewMovieForDataRefFromHandle(&theMovie,
   8112                                         h,
   8113                                         newMovieFlags,
   8114                                         &dataRefWasChanged,
   8115                                         dataRef,
   8116                                         dataRefType);
   8117     if (_err != noErr) return PyMac_Error(_err);
   8118     _res = Py_BuildValue("O&b",
   8119                          MovieObj_New, theMovie,
   8120                          dataRefWasChanged);
   8121     return _res;
   8122 }
   8124 static PyObject *Qt_RemoveMovieResource(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   8125 {
   8126     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   8127     OSErr _err;
   8128     short resRefNum;
   8129     short resId;
   8130 #ifndef RemoveMovieResource
   8131     PyMac_PRECHECK(RemoveMovieResource);
   8132 #endif
   8133     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "hh",
   8134                           &resRefNum,
   8135                           &resId))
   8136         return NULL;
   8137     _err = RemoveMovieResource(resRefNum,
   8138                                resId);
   8139     if (_err != noErr) return PyMac_Error(_err);
   8140     Py_INCREF(Py_None);
   8141     _res = Py_None;
   8142     return _res;
   8143 }
   8145 static PyObject *Qt_CreateMovieStorage(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   8146 {
   8147     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   8148     OSErr _err;
   8149     Handle dataRef;
   8150     OSType dataRefType;
   8151     OSType creator;
   8152     ScriptCode scriptTag;
   8153     long createMovieFileFlags;
   8154     DataHandler outDataHandler;
   8155     Movie newmovie;
   8156 #ifndef CreateMovieStorage
   8157     PyMac_PRECHECK(CreateMovieStorage);
   8158 #endif
   8159     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&O&O&hl",
   8160                           ResObj_Convert, &dataRef,
   8161                           PyMac_GetOSType, &dataRefType,
   8162                           PyMac_GetOSType, &creator,
   8163                           &scriptTag,
   8164                           &createMovieFileFlags))
   8165         return NULL;
   8166     _err = CreateMovieStorage(dataRef,
   8167                               dataRefType,
   8168                               creator,
   8169                               scriptTag,
   8170                               createMovieFileFlags,
   8171                               &outDataHandler,
   8172                               &newmovie);
   8173     if (_err != noErr) return PyMac_Error(_err);
   8174     _res = Py_BuildValue("O&O&",
   8175                          CmpInstObj_New, outDataHandler,
   8176                          MovieObj_New, newmovie);
   8177     return _res;
   8178 }
   8180 static PyObject *Qt_OpenMovieStorage(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   8181 {
   8182     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   8183     OSErr _err;
   8184     Handle dataRef;
   8185     OSType dataRefType;
   8186     long flags;
   8187     DataHandler outDataHandler;
   8188 #ifndef OpenMovieStorage
   8189     PyMac_PRECHECK(OpenMovieStorage);
   8190 #endif
   8191     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&O&l",
   8192                           ResObj_Convert, &dataRef,
   8193                           PyMac_GetOSType, &dataRefType,
   8194                           &flags))
   8195         return NULL;
   8196     _err = OpenMovieStorage(dataRef,
   8197                             dataRefType,
   8198                             flags,
   8199                             &outDataHandler);
   8200     if (_err != noErr) return PyMac_Error(_err);
   8201     _res = Py_BuildValue("O&",
   8202                          CmpInstObj_New, outDataHandler);
   8203     return _res;
   8204 }
   8206 static PyObject *Qt_CloseMovieStorage(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   8207 {
   8208     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   8209     OSErr _err;
   8210     DataHandler dh;
   8211 #ifndef CloseMovieStorage
   8212     PyMac_PRECHECK(CloseMovieStorage);
   8213 #endif
   8214     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&",
   8215                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &dh))
   8216         return NULL;
   8217     _err = CloseMovieStorage(dh);
   8218     if (_err != noErr) return PyMac_Error(_err);
   8219     Py_INCREF(Py_None);
   8220     _res = Py_None;
   8221     return _res;
   8222 }
   8224 static PyObject *Qt_DeleteMovieStorage(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   8225 {
   8226     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   8227     OSErr _err;
   8228     Handle dataRef;
   8229     OSType dataRefType;
   8230 #ifndef DeleteMovieStorage
   8231     PyMac_PRECHECK(DeleteMovieStorage);
   8232 #endif
   8233     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&O&",
   8234                           ResObj_Convert, &dataRef,
   8235                           PyMac_GetOSType, &dataRefType))
   8236         return NULL;
   8237     _err = DeleteMovieStorage(dataRef,
   8238                               dataRefType);
   8239     if (_err != noErr) return PyMac_Error(_err);
   8240     Py_INCREF(Py_None);
   8241     _res = Py_None;
   8242     return _res;
   8243 }
   8245 static PyObject *Qt_CreateShortcutMovieFile(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   8246 {
   8247     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   8248     OSErr _err;
   8249     FSSpec fileSpec;
   8250     OSType creator;
   8251     ScriptCode scriptTag;
   8252     long createMovieFileFlags;
   8253     Handle targetDataRef;
   8254     OSType targetDataRefType;
   8255 #ifndef CreateShortcutMovieFile
   8256     PyMac_PRECHECK(CreateShortcutMovieFile);
   8257 #endif
   8258     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&O&hlO&O&",
   8259                           PyMac_GetFSSpec, &fileSpec,
   8260                           PyMac_GetOSType, &creator,
   8261                           &scriptTag,
   8262                           &createMovieFileFlags,
   8263                           ResObj_Convert, &targetDataRef,
   8264                           PyMac_GetOSType, &targetDataRefType))
   8265         return NULL;
   8266     _err = CreateShortcutMovieFile(&fileSpec,
   8267                                    creator,
   8268                                    scriptTag,
   8269                                    createMovieFileFlags,
   8270                                    targetDataRef,
   8271                                    targetDataRefType);
   8272     if (_err != noErr) return PyMac_Error(_err);
   8273     Py_INCREF(Py_None);
   8274     _res = Py_None;
   8275     return _res;
   8276 }
   8278 static PyObject *Qt_CanQuickTimeOpenFile(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   8279 {
   8280     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   8281     OSErr _err;
   8282     FSSpec fileSpec;
   8283     OSType fileType;
   8284     OSType fileNameExtension;
   8285     Boolean outCanOpenWithGraphicsImporter;
   8286     Boolean outCanOpenAsMovie;
   8287     Boolean outPreferGraphicsImporter;
   8288     UInt32 inFlags;
   8289 #ifndef CanQuickTimeOpenFile
   8290     PyMac_PRECHECK(CanQuickTimeOpenFile);
   8291 #endif
   8292     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&O&O&l",
   8293                           PyMac_GetFSSpec, &fileSpec,
   8294                           PyMac_GetOSType, &fileType,
   8295                           PyMac_GetOSType, &fileNameExtension,
   8296                           &inFlags))
   8297         return NULL;
   8298     _err = CanQuickTimeOpenFile(&fileSpec,
   8299                                 fileType,
   8300                                 fileNameExtension,
   8301                                 &outCanOpenWithGraphicsImporter,
   8302                                 &outCanOpenAsMovie,
   8303                                 &outPreferGraphicsImporter,
   8304                                 inFlags);
   8305     if (_err != noErr) return PyMac_Error(_err);
   8306     _res = Py_BuildValue("bbb",
   8307                          outCanOpenWithGraphicsImporter,
   8308                          outCanOpenAsMovie,
   8309                          outPreferGraphicsImporter);
   8310     return _res;
   8311 }
   8313 static PyObject *Qt_CanQuickTimeOpenDataRef(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   8314 {
   8315     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   8316     OSErr _err;
   8317     Handle dataRef;
   8318     OSType dataRefType;
   8319     Boolean outCanOpenWithGraphicsImporter;
   8320     Boolean outCanOpenAsMovie;
   8321     Boolean outPreferGraphicsImporter;
   8322     UInt32 inFlags;
   8323 #ifndef CanQuickTimeOpenDataRef
   8324     PyMac_PRECHECK(CanQuickTimeOpenDataRef);
   8325 #endif
   8326     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&O&l",
   8327                           ResObj_Convert, &dataRef,
   8328                           PyMac_GetOSType, &dataRefType,
   8329                           &inFlags))
   8330         return NULL;
   8331     _err = CanQuickTimeOpenDataRef(dataRef,
   8332                                    dataRefType,
   8333                                    &outCanOpenWithGraphicsImporter,
   8334                                    &outCanOpenAsMovie,
   8335                                    &outPreferGraphicsImporter,
   8336                                    inFlags);
   8337     if (_err != noErr) return PyMac_Error(_err);
   8338     _res = Py_BuildValue("bbb",
   8339                          outCanOpenWithGraphicsImporter,
   8340                          outCanOpenAsMovie,
   8341                          outPreferGraphicsImporter);
   8342     return _res;
   8343 }
   8345 static PyObject *Qt_NewMovieFromScrap(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   8346 {
   8347     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   8348     Movie _rv;
   8349     long newMovieFlags;
   8350 #ifndef NewMovieFromScrap
   8351     PyMac_PRECHECK(NewMovieFromScrap);
   8352 #endif
   8353     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "l",
   8354                           &newMovieFlags))
   8355         return NULL;
   8356     _rv = NewMovieFromScrap(newMovieFlags);
   8357     _res = Py_BuildValue("O&",
   8358                          MovieObj_New, _rv);
   8359     return _res;
   8360 }
   8362 static PyObject *Qt_QTNewAlias(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   8363 {
   8364     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   8365     OSErr _err;
   8366     FSSpec fss;
   8367     AliasHandle alias;
   8368     Boolean minimal;
   8369 #ifndef QTNewAlias
   8370     PyMac_PRECHECK(QTNewAlias);
   8371 #endif
   8372     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&b",
   8373                           PyMac_GetFSSpec, &fss,
   8374                           &minimal))
   8375         return NULL;
   8376     _err = QTNewAlias(&fss,
   8377                       &alias,
   8378                       minimal);
   8379     if (_err != noErr) return PyMac_Error(_err);
   8380     _res = Py_BuildValue("O&",
   8381                          ResObj_New, alias);
   8382     return _res;
   8383 }
   8385 static PyObject *Qt_EndFullScreen(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   8386 {
   8387     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   8388     OSErr _err;
   8389     Ptr fullState;
   8390     long flags;
   8391 #ifndef EndFullScreen
   8392     PyMac_PRECHECK(EndFullScreen);
   8393 #endif
   8394     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "sl",
   8395                           &fullState,
   8396                           &flags))
   8397         return NULL;
   8398     _err = EndFullScreen(fullState,
   8399                          flags);
   8400     if (_err != noErr) return PyMac_Error(_err);
   8401     Py_INCREF(Py_None);
   8402     _res = Py_None;
   8403     return _res;
   8404 }
   8406 static PyObject *Qt_AddSoundDescriptionExtension(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   8407 {
   8408     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   8409     OSErr _err;
   8410     SoundDescriptionHandle desc;
   8411     Handle extension;
   8412     OSType idType;
   8413 #ifndef AddSoundDescriptionExtension
   8414     PyMac_PRECHECK(AddSoundDescriptionExtension);
   8415 #endif
   8416     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&O&O&",
   8417                           ResObj_Convert, &desc,
   8418                           ResObj_Convert, &extension,
   8419                           PyMac_GetOSType, &idType))
   8420         return NULL;
   8421     _err = AddSoundDescriptionExtension(desc,
   8422                                         extension,
   8423                                         idType);
   8424     if (_err != noErr) return PyMac_Error(_err);
   8425     Py_INCREF(Py_None);
   8426     _res = Py_None;
   8427     return _res;
   8428 }
   8430 static PyObject *Qt_GetSoundDescriptionExtension(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   8431 {
   8432     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   8433     OSErr _err;
   8434     SoundDescriptionHandle desc;
   8435     Handle extension;
   8436     OSType idType;
   8437 #ifndef GetSoundDescriptionExtension
   8438     PyMac_PRECHECK(GetSoundDescriptionExtension);
   8439 #endif
   8440     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&O&",
   8441                           ResObj_Convert, &desc,
   8442                           PyMac_GetOSType, &idType))
   8443         return NULL;
   8444     _err = GetSoundDescriptionExtension(desc,
   8445                                         &extension,
   8446                                         idType);
   8447     if (_err != noErr) return PyMac_Error(_err);
   8448     _res = Py_BuildValue("O&",
   8449                          ResObj_New, extension);
   8450     return _res;
   8451 }
   8453 static PyObject *Qt_RemoveSoundDescriptionExtension(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   8454 {
   8455     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   8456     OSErr _err;
   8457     SoundDescriptionHandle desc;
   8458     OSType idType;
   8459 #ifndef RemoveSoundDescriptionExtension
   8460     PyMac_PRECHECK(RemoveSoundDescriptionExtension);
   8461 #endif
   8462     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&O&",
   8463                           ResObj_Convert, &desc,
   8464                           PyMac_GetOSType, &idType))
   8465         return NULL;
   8466     _err = RemoveSoundDescriptionExtension(desc,
   8467                                            idType);
   8468     if (_err != noErr) return PyMac_Error(_err);
   8469     Py_INCREF(Py_None);
   8470     _res = Py_None;
   8471     return _res;
   8472 }
   8474 static PyObject *Qt_QTIsStandardParameterDialogEvent(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   8475 {
   8476     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   8477     OSErr _err;
   8478     EventRecord pEvent;
   8479     QTParameterDialog createdDialog;
   8480 #ifndef QTIsStandardParameterDialogEvent
   8481     PyMac_PRECHECK(QTIsStandardParameterDialogEvent);
   8482 #endif
   8483     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "l",
   8484                           &createdDialog))
   8485         return NULL;
   8486     _err = QTIsStandardParameterDialogEvent(&pEvent,
   8487                                             createdDialog);
   8488     if (_err != noErr) return PyMac_Error(_err);
   8489     _res = Py_BuildValue("O&",
   8490                          PyMac_BuildEventRecord, &pEvent);
   8491     return _res;
   8492 }
   8494 static PyObject *Qt_QTDismissStandardParameterDialog(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   8495 {
   8496     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   8497     OSErr _err;
   8498     QTParameterDialog createdDialog;
   8499 #ifndef QTDismissStandardParameterDialog
   8500     PyMac_PRECHECK(QTDismissStandardParameterDialog);
   8501 #endif
   8502     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "l",
   8503                           &createdDialog))
   8504         return NULL;
   8505     _err = QTDismissStandardParameterDialog(createdDialog);
   8506     if (_err != noErr) return PyMac_Error(_err);
   8507     Py_INCREF(Py_None);
   8508     _res = Py_None;
   8509     return _res;
   8510 }
   8512 static PyObject *Qt_QTStandardParameterDialogDoAction(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   8513 {
   8514     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   8515     OSErr _err;
   8516     QTParameterDialog createdDialog;
   8517     long action;
   8518     void * params;
   8519 #ifndef QTStandardParameterDialogDoAction
   8520     PyMac_PRECHECK(QTStandardParameterDialogDoAction);
   8521 #endif
   8522     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "lls",
   8523                           &createdDialog,
   8524                           &action,
   8525                           &params))
   8526         return NULL;
   8527     _err = QTStandardParameterDialogDoAction(createdDialog,
   8528                                              action,
   8529                                              params);
   8530     if (_err != noErr) return PyMac_Error(_err);
   8531     Py_INCREF(Py_None);
   8532     _res = Py_None;
   8533     return _res;
   8534 }
   8536 static PyObject *Qt_QTRegisterAccessKey(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   8537 {
   8538     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   8539     OSErr _err;
   8540     Str255 accessKeyType;
   8541     long flags;
   8542     Handle accessKey;
   8543 #ifndef QTRegisterAccessKey
   8544     PyMac_PRECHECK(QTRegisterAccessKey);
   8545 #endif
   8546     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&lO&",
   8547                           PyMac_GetStr255, accessKeyType,
   8548                           &flags,
   8549                           ResObj_Convert, &accessKey))
   8550         return NULL;
   8551     _err = QTRegisterAccessKey(accessKeyType,
   8552                                flags,
   8553                                accessKey);
   8554     if (_err != noErr) return PyMac_Error(_err);
   8555     Py_INCREF(Py_None);
   8556     _res = Py_None;
   8557     return _res;
   8558 }
   8560 static PyObject *Qt_QTUnregisterAccessKey(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   8561 {
   8562     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   8563     OSErr _err;
   8564     Str255 accessKeyType;
   8565     long flags;
   8566     Handle accessKey;
   8567 #ifndef QTUnregisterAccessKey
   8568     PyMac_PRECHECK(QTUnregisterAccessKey);
   8569 #endif
   8570     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&lO&",
   8571                           PyMac_GetStr255, accessKeyType,
   8572                           &flags,
   8573                           ResObj_Convert, &accessKey))
   8574         return NULL;
   8575     _err = QTUnregisterAccessKey(accessKeyType,
   8576                                  flags,
   8577                                  accessKey);
   8578     if (_err != noErr) return PyMac_Error(_err);
   8579     Py_INCREF(Py_None);
   8580     _res = Py_None;
   8581     return _res;
   8582 }
   8584 static PyObject *Qt_QTGetSupportedRestrictions(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   8585 {
   8586     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   8587     OSErr _err;
   8588     OSType inRestrictionClass;
   8589     UInt32 outRestrictionIDs;
   8590 #ifndef QTGetSupportedRestrictions
   8591     PyMac_PRECHECK(QTGetSupportedRestrictions);
   8592 #endif
   8593     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&",
   8594                           PyMac_GetOSType, &inRestrictionClass))
   8595         return NULL;
   8596     _err = QTGetSupportedRestrictions(inRestrictionClass,
   8597                                       &outRestrictionIDs);
   8598     if (_err != noErr) return PyMac_Error(_err);
   8599     _res = Py_BuildValue("l",
   8600                          outRestrictionIDs);
   8601     return _res;
   8602 }
   8604 static PyObject *Qt_QTTextToNativeText(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   8605 {
   8606     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   8607     OSErr _err;
   8608     Handle theText;
   8609     long encoding;
   8610     long flags;
   8611 #ifndef QTTextToNativeText
   8612     PyMac_PRECHECK(QTTextToNativeText);
   8613 #endif
   8614     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&ll",
   8615                           ResObj_Convert, &theText,
   8616                           &encoding,
   8617                           &flags))
   8618         return NULL;
   8619     _err = QTTextToNativeText(theText,
   8620                               encoding,
   8621                               flags);
   8622     if (_err != noErr) return PyMac_Error(_err);
   8623     Py_INCREF(Py_None);
   8624     _res = Py_None;
   8625     return _res;
   8626 }
   8628 static PyObject *Qt_VideoMediaResetStatistics(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   8629 {
   8630     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   8631     ComponentResult _rv;
   8632     MediaHandler mh;
   8633 #ifndef VideoMediaResetStatistics
   8634     PyMac_PRECHECK(VideoMediaResetStatistics);
   8635 #endif
   8636     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&",
   8637                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &mh))
   8638         return NULL;
   8639     _rv = VideoMediaResetStatistics(mh);
   8640     _res = Py_BuildValue("l",
   8641                          _rv);
   8642     return _res;
   8643 }
   8645 static PyObject *Qt_VideoMediaGetStatistics(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   8646 {
   8647     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   8648     ComponentResult _rv;
   8649     MediaHandler mh;
   8650 #ifndef VideoMediaGetStatistics
   8651     PyMac_PRECHECK(VideoMediaGetStatistics);
   8652 #endif
   8653     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&",
   8654                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &mh))
   8655         return NULL;
   8656     _rv = VideoMediaGetStatistics(mh);
   8657     _res = Py_BuildValue("l",
   8658                          _rv);
   8659     return _res;
   8660 }
   8662 static PyObject *Qt_VideoMediaGetStallCount(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   8663 {
   8664     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   8665     ComponentResult _rv;
   8666     MediaHandler mh;
   8667     unsigned long stalls;
   8668 #ifndef VideoMediaGetStallCount
   8669     PyMac_PRECHECK(VideoMediaGetStallCount);
   8670 #endif
   8671     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&",
   8672                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &mh))
   8673         return NULL;
   8674     _rv = VideoMediaGetStallCount(mh,
   8675                                   &stalls);
   8676     _res = Py_BuildValue("ll",
   8677                          _rv,
   8678                          stalls);
   8679     return _res;
   8680 }
   8682 static PyObject *Qt_VideoMediaSetCodecParameter(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   8683 {
   8684     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   8685     ComponentResult _rv;
   8686     MediaHandler mh;
   8687     CodecType cType;
   8688     OSType parameterID;
   8689     long parameterChangeSeed;
   8690     void * dataPtr;
   8691     long dataSize;
   8692 #ifndef VideoMediaSetCodecParameter
   8693     PyMac_PRECHECK(VideoMediaSetCodecParameter);
   8694 #endif
   8695     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&O&O&lsl",
   8696                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &mh,
   8697                           PyMac_GetOSType, &cType,
   8698                           PyMac_GetOSType, &parameterID,
   8699                           &parameterChangeSeed,
   8700                           &dataPtr,
   8701                           &dataSize))
   8702         return NULL;
   8703     _rv = VideoMediaSetCodecParameter(mh,
   8704                                       cType,
   8705                                       parameterID,
   8706                                       parameterChangeSeed,
   8707                                       dataPtr,
   8708                                       dataSize);
   8709     _res = Py_BuildValue("l",
   8710                          _rv);
   8711     return _res;
   8712 }
   8714 static PyObject *Qt_VideoMediaGetCodecParameter(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   8715 {
   8716     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   8717     ComponentResult _rv;
   8718     MediaHandler mh;
   8719     CodecType cType;
   8720     OSType parameterID;
   8721     Handle outParameterData;
   8722 #ifndef VideoMediaGetCodecParameter
   8723     PyMac_PRECHECK(VideoMediaGetCodecParameter);
   8724 #endif
   8725     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&O&O&O&",
   8726                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &mh,
   8727                           PyMac_GetOSType, &cType,
   8728                           PyMac_GetOSType, &parameterID,
   8729                           ResObj_Convert, &outParameterData))
   8730         return NULL;
   8731     _rv = VideoMediaGetCodecParameter(mh,
   8732                                       cType,
   8733                                       parameterID,
   8734                                       outParameterData);
   8735     _res = Py_BuildValue("l",
   8736                          _rv);
   8737     return _res;
   8738 }
   8740 static PyObject *Qt_TextMediaAddTextSample(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   8741 {
   8742     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   8743     ComponentResult _rv;
   8744     MediaHandler mh;
   8745     Ptr text;
   8746     unsigned long size;
   8747     short fontNumber;
   8748     short fontSize;
   8749     Style textFace;
   8750     RGBColor textColor;
   8751     RGBColor backColor;
   8752     short textJustification;
   8753     Rect textBox;
   8754     long displayFlags;
   8755     TimeValue scrollDelay;
   8756     short hiliteStart;
   8757     short hiliteEnd;
   8758     RGBColor rgbHiliteColor;
   8759     TimeValue duration;
   8760     TimeValue sampleTime;
   8761 #ifndef TextMediaAddTextSample
   8762     PyMac_PRECHECK(TextMediaAddTextSample);
   8763 #endif
   8764     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&slhhbhllhhl",
   8765                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &mh,
   8766                           &text,
   8767                           &size,
   8768                           &fontNumber,
   8769                           &fontSize,
   8770                           &textFace,
   8771                           &textJustification,
   8772                           &displayFlags,
   8773                           &scrollDelay,
   8774                           &hiliteStart,
   8775                           &hiliteEnd,
   8776                           &duration))
   8777         return NULL;
   8778     _rv = TextMediaAddTextSample(mh,
   8779                                  text,
   8780                                  size,
   8781                                  fontNumber,
   8782                                  fontSize,
   8783                                  textFace,
   8784                                  &textColor,
   8785                                  &backColor,
   8786                                  textJustification,
   8787                                  &textBox,
   8788                                  displayFlags,
   8789                                  scrollDelay,
   8790                                  hiliteStart,
   8791                                  hiliteEnd,
   8792                                  &rgbHiliteColor,
   8793                                  duration,
   8794                                  &sampleTime);
   8795     _res = Py_BuildValue("lO&O&O&O&l",
   8796                          _rv,
   8797                          QdRGB_New, &textColor,
   8798                          QdRGB_New, &backColor,
   8799                          PyMac_BuildRect, &textBox,
   8800                          QdRGB_New, &rgbHiliteColor,
   8801                          sampleTime);
   8802     return _res;
   8803 }
   8805 static PyObject *Qt_TextMediaAddTESample(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   8806 {
   8807     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   8808     ComponentResult _rv;
   8809     MediaHandler mh;
   8810     TEHandle hTE;
   8811     RGBColor backColor;
   8812     short textJustification;
   8813     Rect textBox;
   8814     long displayFlags;
   8815     TimeValue scrollDelay;
   8816     short hiliteStart;
   8817     short hiliteEnd;
   8818     RGBColor rgbHiliteColor;
   8819     TimeValue duration;
   8820     TimeValue sampleTime;
   8821 #ifndef TextMediaAddTESample
   8822     PyMac_PRECHECK(TextMediaAddTESample);
   8823 #endif
   8824     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&O&hllhhl",
   8825                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &mh,
   8826                           ResObj_Convert, &hTE,
   8827                           &textJustification,
   8828                           &displayFlags,
   8829                           &scrollDelay,
   8830                           &hiliteStart,
   8831                           &hiliteEnd,
   8832                           &duration))
   8833         return NULL;
   8834     _rv = TextMediaAddTESample(mh,
   8835                                hTE,
   8836                                &backColor,
   8837                                textJustification,
   8838                                &textBox,
   8839                                displayFlags,
   8840                                scrollDelay,
   8841                                hiliteStart,
   8842                                hiliteEnd,
   8843                                &rgbHiliteColor,
   8844                                duration,
   8845                                &sampleTime);
   8846     _res = Py_BuildValue("lO&O&O&l",
   8847                          _rv,
   8848                          QdRGB_New, &backColor,
   8849                          PyMac_BuildRect, &textBox,
   8850                          QdRGB_New, &rgbHiliteColor,
   8851                          sampleTime);
   8852     return _res;
   8853 }
   8855 static PyObject *Qt_TextMediaAddHiliteSample(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   8856 {
   8857     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   8858     ComponentResult _rv;
   8859     MediaHandler mh;
   8860     short hiliteStart;
   8861     short hiliteEnd;
   8862     RGBColor rgbHiliteColor;
   8863     TimeValue duration;
   8864     TimeValue sampleTime;
   8865 #ifndef TextMediaAddHiliteSample
   8866     PyMac_PRECHECK(TextMediaAddHiliteSample);
   8867 #endif
   8868     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&hhl",
   8869                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &mh,
   8870                           &hiliteStart,
   8871                           &hiliteEnd,
   8872                           &duration))
   8873         return NULL;
   8874     _rv = TextMediaAddHiliteSample(mh,
   8875                                    hiliteStart,
   8876                                    hiliteEnd,
   8877                                    &rgbHiliteColor,
   8878                                    duration,
   8879                                    &sampleTime);
   8880     _res = Py_BuildValue("lO&l",
   8881                          _rv,
   8882                          QdRGB_New, &rgbHiliteColor,
   8883                          sampleTime);
   8884     return _res;
   8885 }
   8887 static PyObject *Qt_TextMediaDrawRaw(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   8888 {
   8889     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   8890     ComponentResult _rv;
   8891     MediaHandler mh;
   8892     GWorldPtr gw;
   8893     GDHandle gd;
   8894     void * data;
   8895     long dataSize;
   8896     TextDescriptionHandle tdh;
   8897 #ifndef TextMediaDrawRaw
   8898     PyMac_PRECHECK(TextMediaDrawRaw);
   8899 #endif
   8900     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&O&O&slO&",
   8901                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &mh,
   8902                           GWorldObj_Convert, &gw,
   8903                           OptResObj_Convert, &gd,
   8904                           &data,
   8905                           &dataSize,
   8906                           ResObj_Convert, &tdh))
   8907         return NULL;
   8908     _rv = TextMediaDrawRaw(mh,
   8909                            gw,
   8910                            gd,
   8911                            data,
   8912                            dataSize,
   8913                            tdh);
   8914     _res = Py_BuildValue("l",
   8915                          _rv);
   8916     return _res;
   8917 }
   8919 static PyObject *Qt_TextMediaSetTextProperty(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   8920 {
   8921     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   8922     ComponentResult _rv;
   8923     MediaHandler mh;
   8924     TimeValue atMediaTime;
   8925     long propertyType;
   8926     void * data;
   8927     long dataSize;
   8928 #ifndef TextMediaSetTextProperty
   8929     PyMac_PRECHECK(TextMediaSetTextProperty);
   8930 #endif
   8931     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&llsl",
   8932                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &mh,
   8933                           &atMediaTime,
   8934                           &propertyType,
   8935                           &data,
   8936                           &dataSize))
   8937         return NULL;
   8938     _rv = TextMediaSetTextProperty(mh,
   8939                                    atMediaTime,
   8940                                    propertyType,
   8941                                    data,
   8942                                    dataSize);
   8943     _res = Py_BuildValue("l",
   8944                          _rv);
   8945     return _res;
   8946 }
   8948 static PyObject *Qt_TextMediaRawSetup(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   8949 {
   8950     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   8951     ComponentResult _rv;
   8952     MediaHandler mh;
   8953     GWorldPtr gw;
   8954     GDHandle gd;
   8955     void * data;
   8956     long dataSize;
   8957     TextDescriptionHandle tdh;
   8958     TimeValue sampleDuration;
   8959 #ifndef TextMediaRawSetup
   8960     PyMac_PRECHECK(TextMediaRawSetup);
   8961 #endif
   8962     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&O&O&slO&l",
   8963                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &mh,
   8964                           GWorldObj_Convert, &gw,
   8965                           OptResObj_Convert, &gd,
   8966                           &data,
   8967                           &dataSize,
   8968                           ResObj_Convert, &tdh,
   8969                           &sampleDuration))
   8970         return NULL;
   8971     _rv = TextMediaRawSetup(mh,
   8972                             gw,
   8973                             gd,
   8974                             data,
   8975                             dataSize,
   8976                             tdh,
   8977                             sampleDuration);
   8978     _res = Py_BuildValue("l",
   8979                          _rv);
   8980     return _res;
   8981 }
   8983 static PyObject *Qt_TextMediaRawIdle(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   8984 {
   8985     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   8986     ComponentResult _rv;
   8987     MediaHandler mh;
   8988     GWorldPtr gw;
   8989     GDHandle gd;
   8990     TimeValue sampleTime;
   8991     long flagsIn;
   8992     long flagsOut;
   8993 #ifndef TextMediaRawIdle
   8994     PyMac_PRECHECK(TextMediaRawIdle);
   8995 #endif
   8996     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&O&O&ll",
   8997                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &mh,
   8998                           GWorldObj_Convert, &gw,
   8999                           OptResObj_Convert, &gd,
   9000                           &sampleTime,
   9001                           &flagsIn))
   9002         return NULL;
   9003     _rv = TextMediaRawIdle(mh,
   9004                            gw,
   9005                            gd,
   9006                            sampleTime,
   9007                            flagsIn,
   9008                            &flagsOut);
   9009     _res = Py_BuildValue("ll",
   9010                          _rv,
   9011                          flagsOut);
   9012     return _res;
   9013 }
   9015 static PyObject *Qt_TextMediaGetTextProperty(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   9016 {
   9017     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   9018     ComponentResult _rv;
   9019     MediaHandler mh;
   9020     TimeValue atMediaTime;
   9021     long propertyType;
   9022     void * data;
   9023     long dataSize;
   9024 #ifndef TextMediaGetTextProperty
   9025     PyMac_PRECHECK(TextMediaGetTextProperty);
   9026 #endif
   9027     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&llsl",
   9028                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &mh,
   9029                           &atMediaTime,
   9030                           &propertyType,
   9031                           &data,
   9032                           &dataSize))
   9033         return NULL;
   9034     _rv = TextMediaGetTextProperty(mh,
   9035                                    atMediaTime,
   9036                                    propertyType,
   9037                                    data,
   9038                                    dataSize);
   9039     _res = Py_BuildValue("l",
   9040                          _rv);
   9041     return _res;
   9042 }
   9044 static PyObject *Qt_TextMediaFindNextText(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   9045 {
   9046     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   9047     ComponentResult _rv;
   9048     MediaHandler mh;
   9049     Ptr text;
   9050     long size;
   9051     short findFlags;
   9052     TimeValue startTime;
   9053     TimeValue foundTime;
   9054     TimeValue foundDuration;
   9055     long offset;
   9056 #ifndef TextMediaFindNextText
   9057     PyMac_PRECHECK(TextMediaFindNextText);
   9058 #endif
   9059     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&slhl",
   9060                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &mh,
   9061                           &text,
   9062                           &size,
   9063                           &findFlags,
   9064                           &startTime))
   9065         return NULL;
   9066     _rv = TextMediaFindNextText(mh,
   9067                                 text,
   9068                                 size,
   9069                                 findFlags,
   9070                                 startTime,
   9071                                 &foundTime,
   9072                                 &foundDuration,
   9073                                 &offset);
   9074     _res = Py_BuildValue("llll",
   9075                          _rv,
   9076                          foundTime,
   9077                          foundDuration,
   9078                          offset);
   9079     return _res;
   9080 }
   9082 static PyObject *Qt_TextMediaHiliteTextSample(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   9083 {
   9084     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   9085     ComponentResult _rv;
   9086     MediaHandler mh;
   9087     TimeValue sampleTime;
   9088     short hiliteStart;
   9089     short hiliteEnd;
   9090     RGBColor rgbHiliteColor;
   9091 #ifndef TextMediaHiliteTextSample
   9092     PyMac_PRECHECK(TextMediaHiliteTextSample);
   9093 #endif
   9094     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&lhh",
   9095                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &mh,
   9096                           &sampleTime,
   9097                           &hiliteStart,
   9098                           &hiliteEnd))
   9099         return NULL;
   9100     _rv = TextMediaHiliteTextSample(mh,
   9101                                     sampleTime,
   9102                                     hiliteStart,
   9103                                     hiliteEnd,
   9104                                     &rgbHiliteColor);
   9105     _res = Py_BuildValue("lO&",
   9106                          _rv,
   9107                          QdRGB_New, &rgbHiliteColor);
   9108     return _res;
   9109 }
   9111 static PyObject *Qt_TextMediaSetTextSampleData(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   9112 {
   9113     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   9114     ComponentResult _rv;
   9115     MediaHandler mh;
   9116     void * data;
   9117     OSType dataType;
   9118 #ifndef TextMediaSetTextSampleData
   9119     PyMac_PRECHECK(TextMediaSetTextSampleData);
   9120 #endif
   9121     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&sO&",
   9122                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &mh,
   9123                           &data,
   9124                           PyMac_GetOSType, &dataType))
   9125         return NULL;
   9126     _rv = TextMediaSetTextSampleData(mh,
   9127                                      data,
   9128                                      dataType);
   9129     _res = Py_BuildValue("l",
   9130                          _rv);
   9131     return _res;
   9132 }
   9134 static PyObject *Qt_SpriteMediaSetProperty(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   9135 {
   9136     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   9137     ComponentResult _rv;
   9138     MediaHandler mh;
   9139     short spriteIndex;
   9140     long propertyType;
   9141     void * propertyValue;
   9142 #ifndef SpriteMediaSetProperty
   9143     PyMac_PRECHECK(SpriteMediaSetProperty);
   9144 #endif
   9145     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&hls",
   9146                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &mh,
   9147                           &spriteIndex,
   9148                           &propertyType,
   9149                           &propertyValue))
   9150         return NULL;
   9151     _rv = SpriteMediaSetProperty(mh,
   9152                                  spriteIndex,
   9153                                  propertyType,
   9154                                  propertyValue);
   9155     _res = Py_BuildValue("l",
   9156                          _rv);
   9157     return _res;
   9158 }
   9160 static PyObject *Qt_SpriteMediaGetProperty(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   9161 {
   9162     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   9163     ComponentResult _rv;
   9164     MediaHandler mh;
   9165     short spriteIndex;
   9166     long propertyType;
   9167     void * propertyValue;
   9168 #ifndef SpriteMediaGetProperty
   9169     PyMac_PRECHECK(SpriteMediaGetProperty);
   9170 #endif
   9171     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&hls",
   9172                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &mh,
   9173                           &spriteIndex,
   9174                           &propertyType,
   9175                           &propertyValue))
   9176         return NULL;
   9177     _rv = SpriteMediaGetProperty(mh,
   9178                                  spriteIndex,
   9179                                  propertyType,
   9180                                  propertyValue);
   9181     _res = Py_BuildValue("l",
   9182                          _rv);
   9183     return _res;
   9184 }
   9186 static PyObject *Qt_SpriteMediaHitTestSprites(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   9187 {
   9188     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   9189     ComponentResult _rv;
   9190     MediaHandler mh;
   9191     long flags;
   9192     Point loc;
   9193     short spriteHitIndex;
   9194 #ifndef SpriteMediaHitTestSprites
   9195     PyMac_PRECHECK(SpriteMediaHitTestSprites);
   9196 #endif
   9197     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&lO&",
   9198                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &mh,
   9199                           &flags,
   9200                           PyMac_GetPoint, &loc))
   9201         return NULL;
   9202     _rv = SpriteMediaHitTestSprites(mh,
   9203                                     flags,
   9204                                     loc,
   9205                                     &spriteHitIndex);
   9206     _res = Py_BuildValue("lh",
   9207                          _rv,
   9208                          spriteHitIndex);
   9209     return _res;
   9210 }
   9212 static PyObject *Qt_SpriteMediaCountSprites(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   9213 {
   9214     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   9215     ComponentResult _rv;
   9216     MediaHandler mh;
   9217     short numSprites;
   9218 #ifndef SpriteMediaCountSprites
   9219     PyMac_PRECHECK(SpriteMediaCountSprites);
   9220 #endif
   9221     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&",
   9222                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &mh))
   9223         return NULL;
   9224     _rv = SpriteMediaCountSprites(mh,
   9225                                   &numSprites);
   9226     _res = Py_BuildValue("lh",
   9227                          _rv,
   9228                          numSprites);
   9229     return _res;
   9230 }
   9232 static PyObject *Qt_SpriteMediaCountImages(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   9233 {
   9234     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   9235     ComponentResult _rv;
   9236     MediaHandler mh;
   9237     short numImages;
   9238 #ifndef SpriteMediaCountImages
   9239     PyMac_PRECHECK(SpriteMediaCountImages);
   9240 #endif
   9241     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&",
   9242                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &mh))
   9243         return NULL;
   9244     _rv = SpriteMediaCountImages(mh,
   9245                                  &numImages);
   9246     _res = Py_BuildValue("lh",
   9247                          _rv,
   9248                          numImages);
   9249     return _res;
   9250 }
   9252 static PyObject *Qt_SpriteMediaGetIndImageDescription(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   9253 {
   9254     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   9255     ComponentResult _rv;
   9256     MediaHandler mh;
   9257     short imageIndex;
   9258     ImageDescriptionHandle imageDescription;
   9259 #ifndef SpriteMediaGetIndImageDescription
   9260     PyMac_PRECHECK(SpriteMediaGetIndImageDescription);
   9261 #endif
   9262     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&hO&",
   9263                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &mh,
   9264                           &imageIndex,
   9265                           ResObj_Convert, &imageDescription))
   9266         return NULL;
   9267     _rv = SpriteMediaGetIndImageDescription(mh,
   9268                                             imageIndex,
   9269                                             imageDescription);
   9270     _res = Py_BuildValue("l",
   9271                          _rv);
   9272     return _res;
   9273 }
   9275 static PyObject *Qt_SpriteMediaGetDisplayedSampleNumber(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   9276 {
   9277     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   9278     ComponentResult _rv;
   9279     MediaHandler mh;
   9280     long sampleNum;
   9281 #ifndef SpriteMediaGetDisplayedSampleNumber
   9282     PyMac_PRECHECK(SpriteMediaGetDisplayedSampleNumber);
   9283 #endif
   9284     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&",
   9285                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &mh))
   9286         return NULL;
   9287     _rv = SpriteMediaGetDisplayedSampleNumber(mh,
   9288                                               &sampleNum);
   9289     _res = Py_BuildValue("ll",
   9290                          _rv,
   9291                          sampleNum);
   9292     return _res;
   9293 }
   9295 static PyObject *Qt_SpriteMediaGetSpriteName(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   9296 {
   9297     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   9298     ComponentResult _rv;
   9299     MediaHandler mh;
   9300     QTAtomID spriteID;
   9301     Str255 spriteName;
   9302 #ifndef SpriteMediaGetSpriteName
   9303     PyMac_PRECHECK(SpriteMediaGetSpriteName);
   9304 #endif
   9305     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&lO&",
   9306                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &mh,
   9307                           &spriteID,
   9308                           PyMac_GetStr255, spriteName))
   9309         return NULL;
   9310     _rv = SpriteMediaGetSpriteName(mh,
   9311                                    spriteID,
   9312                                    spriteName);
   9313     _res = Py_BuildValue("l",
   9314                          _rv);
   9315     return _res;
   9316 }
   9318 static PyObject *Qt_SpriteMediaGetImageName(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   9319 {
   9320     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   9321     ComponentResult _rv;
   9322     MediaHandler mh;
   9323     short imageIndex;
   9324     Str255 imageName;
   9325 #ifndef SpriteMediaGetImageName
   9326     PyMac_PRECHECK(SpriteMediaGetImageName);
   9327 #endif
   9328     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&hO&",
   9329                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &mh,
   9330                           &imageIndex,
   9331                           PyMac_GetStr255, imageName))
   9332         return NULL;
   9333     _rv = SpriteMediaGetImageName(mh,
   9334                                   imageIndex,
   9335                                   imageName);
   9336     _res = Py_BuildValue("l",
   9337                          _rv);
   9338     return _res;
   9339 }
   9341 static PyObject *Qt_SpriteMediaSetSpriteProperty(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   9342 {
   9343     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   9344     ComponentResult _rv;
   9345     MediaHandler mh;
   9346     QTAtomID spriteID;
   9347     long propertyType;
   9348     void * propertyValue;
   9349 #ifndef SpriteMediaSetSpriteProperty
   9350     PyMac_PRECHECK(SpriteMediaSetSpriteProperty);
   9351 #endif
   9352     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&lls",
   9353                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &mh,
   9354                           &spriteID,
   9355                           &propertyType,
   9356                           &propertyValue))
   9357         return NULL;
   9358     _rv = SpriteMediaSetSpriteProperty(mh,
   9359                                        spriteID,
   9360                                        propertyType,
   9361                                        propertyValue);
   9362     _res = Py_BuildValue("l",
   9363                          _rv);
   9364     return _res;
   9365 }
   9367 static PyObject *Qt_SpriteMediaGetSpriteProperty(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   9368 {
   9369     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   9370     ComponentResult _rv;
   9371     MediaHandler mh;
   9372     QTAtomID spriteID;
   9373     long propertyType;
   9374     void * propertyValue;
   9375 #ifndef SpriteMediaGetSpriteProperty
   9376     PyMac_PRECHECK(SpriteMediaGetSpriteProperty);
   9377 #endif
   9378     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&lls",
   9379                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &mh,
   9380                           &spriteID,
   9381                           &propertyType,
   9382                           &propertyValue))
   9383         return NULL;
   9384     _rv = SpriteMediaGetSpriteProperty(mh,
   9385                                        spriteID,
   9386                                        propertyType,
   9387                                        propertyValue);
   9388     _res = Py_BuildValue("l",
   9389                          _rv);
   9390     return _res;
   9391 }
   9393 static PyObject *Qt_SpriteMediaHitTestAllSprites(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   9394 {
   9395     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   9396     ComponentResult _rv;
   9397     MediaHandler mh;
   9398     long flags;
   9399     Point loc;
   9400     QTAtomID spriteHitID;
   9401 #ifndef SpriteMediaHitTestAllSprites
   9402     PyMac_PRECHECK(SpriteMediaHitTestAllSprites);
   9403 #endif
   9404     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&lO&",
   9405                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &mh,
   9406                           &flags,
   9407                           PyMac_GetPoint, &loc))
   9408         return NULL;
   9409     _rv = SpriteMediaHitTestAllSprites(mh,
   9410                                        flags,
   9411                                        loc,
   9412                                        &spriteHitID);
   9413     _res = Py_BuildValue("ll",
   9414                          _rv,
   9415                          spriteHitID);
   9416     return _res;
   9417 }
   9419 static PyObject *Qt_SpriteMediaHitTestOneSprite(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   9420 {
   9421     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   9422     ComponentResult _rv;
   9423     MediaHandler mh;
   9424     QTAtomID spriteID;
   9425     long flags;
   9426     Point loc;
   9427     Boolean wasHit;
   9428 #ifndef SpriteMediaHitTestOneSprite
   9429     PyMac_PRECHECK(SpriteMediaHitTestOneSprite);
   9430 #endif
   9431     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&llO&",
   9432                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &mh,
   9433                           &spriteID,
   9434                           &flags,
   9435                           PyMac_GetPoint, &loc))
   9436         return NULL;
   9437     _rv = SpriteMediaHitTestOneSprite(mh,
   9438                                       spriteID,
   9439                                       flags,
   9440                                       loc,
   9441                                       &wasHit);
   9442     _res = Py_BuildValue("lb",
   9443                          _rv,
   9444                          wasHit);
   9445     return _res;
   9446 }
   9448 static PyObject *Qt_SpriteMediaSpriteIndexToID(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   9449 {
   9450     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   9451     ComponentResult _rv;
   9452     MediaHandler mh;
   9453     short spriteIndex;
   9454     QTAtomID spriteID;
   9455 #ifndef SpriteMediaSpriteIndexToID
   9456     PyMac_PRECHECK(SpriteMediaSpriteIndexToID);
   9457 #endif
   9458     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&h",
   9459                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &mh,
   9460                           &spriteIndex))
   9461         return NULL;
   9462     _rv = SpriteMediaSpriteIndexToID(mh,
   9463                                      spriteIndex,
   9464                                      &spriteID);
   9465     _res = Py_BuildValue("ll",
   9466                          _rv,
   9467                          spriteID);
   9468     return _res;
   9469 }
   9471 static PyObject *Qt_SpriteMediaSpriteIDToIndex(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   9472 {
   9473     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   9474     ComponentResult _rv;
   9475     MediaHandler mh;
   9476     QTAtomID spriteID;
   9477     short spriteIndex;
   9478 #ifndef SpriteMediaSpriteIDToIndex
   9479     PyMac_PRECHECK(SpriteMediaSpriteIDToIndex);
   9480 #endif
   9481     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&l",
   9482                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &mh,
   9483                           &spriteID))
   9484         return NULL;
   9485     _rv = SpriteMediaSpriteIDToIndex(mh,
   9486                                      spriteID,
   9487                                      &spriteIndex);
   9488     _res = Py_BuildValue("lh",
   9489                          _rv,
   9490                          spriteIndex);
   9491     return _res;
   9492 }
   9494 static PyObject *Qt_SpriteMediaSetActionVariable(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   9495 {
   9496     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   9497     ComponentResult _rv;
   9498     MediaHandler mh;
   9499     QTAtomID variableID;
   9500     float value;
   9501 #ifndef SpriteMediaSetActionVariable
   9502     PyMac_PRECHECK(SpriteMediaSetActionVariable);
   9503 #endif
   9504     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&lf",
   9505                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &mh,
   9506                           &variableID,
   9507                           &value))
   9508         return NULL;
   9509     _rv = SpriteMediaSetActionVariable(mh,
   9510                                        variableID,
   9511                                        &value);
   9512     _res = Py_BuildValue("l",
   9513                          _rv);
   9514     return _res;
   9515 }
   9517 static PyObject *Qt_SpriteMediaGetActionVariable(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   9518 {
   9519     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   9520     ComponentResult _rv;
   9521     MediaHandler mh;
   9522     QTAtomID variableID;
   9523     float value;
   9524 #ifndef SpriteMediaGetActionVariable
   9525     PyMac_PRECHECK(SpriteMediaGetActionVariable);
   9526 #endif
   9527     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&l",
   9528                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &mh,
   9529                           &variableID))
   9530         return NULL;
   9531     _rv = SpriteMediaGetActionVariable(mh,
   9532                                        variableID,
   9533                                        &value);
   9534     _res = Py_BuildValue("lf",
   9535                          _rv,
   9536                          value);
   9537     return _res;
   9538 }
   9540 static PyObject *Qt_SpriteMediaDisposeSprite(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   9541 {
   9542     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   9543     ComponentResult _rv;
   9544     MediaHandler mh;
   9545     QTAtomID spriteID;
   9546 #ifndef SpriteMediaDisposeSprite
   9547     PyMac_PRECHECK(SpriteMediaDisposeSprite);
   9548 #endif
   9549     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&l",
   9550                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &mh,
   9551                           &spriteID))
   9552         return NULL;
   9553     _rv = SpriteMediaDisposeSprite(mh,
   9554                                    spriteID);
   9555     _res = Py_BuildValue("l",
   9556                          _rv);
   9557     return _res;
   9558 }
   9560 static PyObject *Qt_SpriteMediaSetActionVariableToString(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   9561 {
   9562     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   9563     ComponentResult _rv;
   9564     MediaHandler mh;
   9565     QTAtomID variableID;
   9566     Ptr theCString;
   9567 #ifndef SpriteMediaSetActionVariableToString
   9568     PyMac_PRECHECK(SpriteMediaSetActionVariableToString);
   9569 #endif
   9570     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&ls",
   9571                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &mh,
   9572                           &variableID,
   9573                           &theCString))
   9574         return NULL;
   9575     _rv = SpriteMediaSetActionVariableToString(mh,
   9576                                                variableID,
   9577                                                theCString);
   9578     _res = Py_BuildValue("l",
   9579                          _rv);
   9580     return _res;
   9581 }
   9583 static PyObject *Qt_SpriteMediaGetActionVariableAsString(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   9584 {
   9585     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   9586     ComponentResult _rv;
   9587     MediaHandler mh;
   9588     QTAtomID variableID;
   9589     Handle theCString;
   9590 #ifndef SpriteMediaGetActionVariableAsString
   9591     PyMac_PRECHECK(SpriteMediaGetActionVariableAsString);
   9592 #endif
   9593     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&l",
   9594                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &mh,
   9595                           &variableID))
   9596         return NULL;
   9597     _rv = SpriteMediaGetActionVariableAsString(mh,
   9598                                                variableID,
   9599                                                &theCString);
   9600     _res = Py_BuildValue("lO&",
   9601                          _rv,
   9602                          ResObj_New, theCString);
   9603     return _res;
   9604 }
   9606 static PyObject *Qt_SpriteMediaNewImage(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   9607 {
   9608     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   9609     ComponentResult _rv;
   9610     MediaHandler mh;
   9611     Handle dataRef;
   9612     OSType dataRefType;
   9613     QTAtomID desiredID;
   9614 #ifndef SpriteMediaNewImage
   9615     PyMac_PRECHECK(SpriteMediaNewImage);
   9616 #endif
   9617     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&O&O&l",
   9618                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &mh,
   9619                           ResObj_Convert, &dataRef,
   9620                           PyMac_GetOSType, &dataRefType,
   9621                           &desiredID))
   9622         return NULL;
   9623     _rv = SpriteMediaNewImage(mh,
   9624                               dataRef,
   9625                               dataRefType,
   9626                               desiredID);
   9627     _res = Py_BuildValue("l",
   9628                          _rv);
   9629     return _res;
   9630 }
   9632 static PyObject *Qt_SpriteMediaDisposeImage(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   9633 {
   9634     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   9635     ComponentResult _rv;
   9636     MediaHandler mh;
   9637     short imageIndex;
   9638 #ifndef SpriteMediaDisposeImage
   9639     PyMac_PRECHECK(SpriteMediaDisposeImage);
   9640 #endif
   9641     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&h",
   9642                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &mh,
   9643                           &imageIndex))
   9644         return NULL;
   9645     _rv = SpriteMediaDisposeImage(mh,
   9646                                   imageIndex);
   9647     _res = Py_BuildValue("l",
   9648                          _rv);
   9649     return _res;
   9650 }
   9652 static PyObject *Qt_SpriteMediaImageIndexToID(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   9653 {
   9654     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   9655     ComponentResult _rv;
   9656     MediaHandler mh;
   9657     short imageIndex;
   9658     QTAtomID imageID;
   9659 #ifndef SpriteMediaImageIndexToID
   9660     PyMac_PRECHECK(SpriteMediaImageIndexToID);
   9661 #endif
   9662     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&h",
   9663                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &mh,
   9664                           &imageIndex))
   9665         return NULL;
   9666     _rv = SpriteMediaImageIndexToID(mh,
   9667                                     imageIndex,
   9668                                     &imageID);
   9669     _res = Py_BuildValue("ll",
   9670                          _rv,
   9671                          imageID);
   9672     return _res;
   9673 }
   9675 static PyObject *Qt_SpriteMediaImageIDToIndex(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   9676 {
   9677     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   9678     ComponentResult _rv;
   9679     MediaHandler mh;
   9680     QTAtomID imageID;
   9681     short imageIndex;
   9682 #ifndef SpriteMediaImageIDToIndex
   9683     PyMac_PRECHECK(SpriteMediaImageIDToIndex);
   9684 #endif
   9685     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&l",
   9686                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &mh,
   9687                           &imageID))
   9688         return NULL;
   9689     _rv = SpriteMediaImageIDToIndex(mh,
   9690                                     imageID,
   9691                                     &imageIndex);
   9692     _res = Py_BuildValue("lh",
   9693                          _rv,
   9694                          imageIndex);
   9695     return _res;
   9696 }
   9698 static PyObject *Qt_FlashMediaSetPan(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   9699 {
   9700     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   9701     ComponentResult _rv;
   9702     MediaHandler mh;
   9703     short xPercent;
   9704     short yPercent;
   9705 #ifndef FlashMediaSetPan
   9706     PyMac_PRECHECK(FlashMediaSetPan);
   9707 #endif
   9708     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&hh",
   9709                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &mh,
   9710                           &xPercent,
   9711                           &yPercent))
   9712         return NULL;
   9713     _rv = FlashMediaSetPan(mh,
   9714                            xPercent,
   9715                            yPercent);
   9716     _res = Py_BuildValue("l",
   9717                          _rv);
   9718     return _res;
   9719 }
   9721 static PyObject *Qt_FlashMediaSetZoom(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   9722 {
   9723     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   9724     ComponentResult _rv;
   9725     MediaHandler mh;
   9726     short factor;
   9727 #ifndef FlashMediaSetZoom
   9728     PyMac_PRECHECK(FlashMediaSetZoom);
   9729 #endif
   9730     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&h",
   9731                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &mh,
   9732                           &factor))
   9733         return NULL;
   9734     _rv = FlashMediaSetZoom(mh,
   9735                             factor);
   9736     _res = Py_BuildValue("l",
   9737                          _rv);
   9738     return _res;
   9739 }
   9741 static PyObject *Qt_FlashMediaSetZoomRect(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   9742 {
   9743     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   9744     ComponentResult _rv;
   9745     MediaHandler mh;
   9746     long left;
   9747     long top;
   9748     long right;
   9749     long bottom;
   9750 #ifndef FlashMediaSetZoomRect
   9751     PyMac_PRECHECK(FlashMediaSetZoomRect);
   9752 #endif
   9753     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&llll",
   9754                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &mh,
   9755                           &left,
   9756                           &top,
   9757                           &right,
   9758                           &bottom))
   9759         return NULL;
   9760     _rv = FlashMediaSetZoomRect(mh,
   9761                                 left,
   9762                                 top,
   9763                                 right,
   9764                                 bottom);
   9765     _res = Py_BuildValue("l",
   9766                          _rv);
   9767     return _res;
   9768 }
   9770 static PyObject *Qt_FlashMediaGetRefConBounds(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   9771 {
   9772     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   9773     ComponentResult _rv;
   9774     MediaHandler mh;
   9775     long refCon;
   9776     long left;
   9777     long top;
   9778     long right;
   9779     long bottom;
   9780 #ifndef FlashMediaGetRefConBounds
   9781     PyMac_PRECHECK(FlashMediaGetRefConBounds);
   9782 #endif
   9783     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&l",
   9784                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &mh,
   9785                           &refCon))
   9786         return NULL;
   9787     _rv = FlashMediaGetRefConBounds(mh,
   9788                                     refCon,
   9789                                     &left,
   9790                                     &top,
   9791                                     &right,
   9792                                     &bottom);
   9793     _res = Py_BuildValue("lllll",
   9794                          _rv,
   9795                          left,
   9796                          top,
   9797                          right,
   9798                          bottom);
   9799     return _res;
   9800 }
   9802 static PyObject *Qt_FlashMediaGetRefConID(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   9803 {
   9804     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   9805     ComponentResult _rv;
   9806     MediaHandler mh;
   9807     long refCon;
   9808     long refConID;
   9809 #ifndef FlashMediaGetRefConID
   9810     PyMac_PRECHECK(FlashMediaGetRefConID);
   9811 #endif
   9812     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&l",
   9813                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &mh,
   9814                           &refCon))
   9815         return NULL;
   9816     _rv = FlashMediaGetRefConID(mh,
   9817                                 refCon,
   9818                                 &refConID);
   9819     _res = Py_BuildValue("ll",
   9820                          _rv,
   9821                          refConID);
   9822     return _res;
   9823 }
   9825 static PyObject *Qt_FlashMediaIDToRefCon(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   9826 {
   9827     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   9828     ComponentResult _rv;
   9829     MediaHandler mh;
   9830     long refConID;
   9831     long refCon;
   9832 #ifndef FlashMediaIDToRefCon
   9833     PyMac_PRECHECK(FlashMediaIDToRefCon);
   9834 #endif
   9835     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&l",
   9836                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &mh,
   9837                           &refConID))
   9838         return NULL;
   9839     _rv = FlashMediaIDToRefCon(mh,
   9840                                refConID,
   9841                                &refCon);
   9842     _res = Py_BuildValue("ll",
   9843                          _rv,
   9844                          refCon);
   9845     return _res;
   9846 }
   9848 static PyObject *Qt_FlashMediaGetDisplayedFrameNumber(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   9849 {
   9850     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   9851     ComponentResult _rv;
   9852     MediaHandler mh;
   9853     long flashFrameNumber;
   9854 #ifndef FlashMediaGetDisplayedFrameNumber
   9855     PyMac_PRECHECK(FlashMediaGetDisplayedFrameNumber);
   9856 #endif
   9857     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&",
   9858                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &mh))
   9859         return NULL;
   9860     _rv = FlashMediaGetDisplayedFrameNumber(mh,
   9861                                             &flashFrameNumber);
   9862     _res = Py_BuildValue("ll",
   9863                          _rv,
   9864                          flashFrameNumber);
   9865     return _res;
   9866 }
   9868 static PyObject *Qt_FlashMediaFrameNumberToMovieTime(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   9869 {
   9870     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   9871     ComponentResult _rv;
   9872     MediaHandler mh;
   9873     long flashFrameNumber;
   9874     TimeValue movieTime;
   9875 #ifndef FlashMediaFrameNumberToMovieTime
   9876     PyMac_PRECHECK(FlashMediaFrameNumberToMovieTime);
   9877 #endif
   9878     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&l",
   9879                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &mh,
   9880                           &flashFrameNumber))
   9881         return NULL;
   9882     _rv = FlashMediaFrameNumberToMovieTime(mh,
   9883                                            flashFrameNumber,
   9884                                            &movieTime);
   9885     _res = Py_BuildValue("ll",
   9886                          _rv,
   9887                          movieTime);
   9888     return _res;
   9889 }
   9891 static PyObject *Qt_FlashMediaFrameLabelToMovieTime(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   9892 {
   9893     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   9894     ComponentResult _rv;
   9895     MediaHandler mh;
   9896     Ptr theLabel;
   9897     TimeValue movieTime;
   9898 #ifndef FlashMediaFrameLabelToMovieTime
   9899     PyMac_PRECHECK(FlashMediaFrameLabelToMovieTime);
   9900 #endif
   9901     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&s",
   9902                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &mh,
   9903                           &theLabel))
   9904         return NULL;
   9905     _rv = FlashMediaFrameLabelToMovieTime(mh,
   9906                                           theLabel,
   9907                                           &movieTime);
   9908     _res = Py_BuildValue("ll",
   9909                          _rv,
   9910                          movieTime);
   9911     return _res;
   9912 }
   9914 static PyObject *Qt_FlashMediaGetFlashVariable(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   9915 {
   9916     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   9917     ComponentResult _rv;
   9918     MediaHandler mh;
   9919     char path;
   9920     char name;
   9921     Handle theVariableCStringOut;
   9922 #ifndef FlashMediaGetFlashVariable
   9923     PyMac_PRECHECK(FlashMediaGetFlashVariable);
   9924 #endif
   9925     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&",
   9926                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &mh))
   9927         return NULL;
   9928     _rv = FlashMediaGetFlashVariable(mh,
   9929                                      &path,
   9930                                      &name,
   9931                                      &theVariableCStringOut);
   9932     _res = Py_BuildValue("lccO&",
   9933                          _rv,
   9934                          path,
   9935                          name,
   9936                          ResObj_New, theVariableCStringOut);
   9937     return _res;
   9938 }
   9940 static PyObject *Qt_FlashMediaSetFlashVariable(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   9941 {
   9942     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   9943     ComponentResult _rv;
   9944     MediaHandler mh;
   9945     char path;
   9946     char name;
   9947     char value;
   9948     Boolean updateFocus;
   9949 #ifndef FlashMediaSetFlashVariable
   9950     PyMac_PRECHECK(FlashMediaSetFlashVariable);
   9951 #endif
   9952     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&b",
   9953                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &mh,
   9954                           &updateFocus))
   9955         return NULL;
   9956     _rv = FlashMediaSetFlashVariable(mh,
   9957                                      &path,
   9958                                      &name,
   9959                                      &value,
   9960                                      updateFocus);
   9961     _res = Py_BuildValue("lccc",
   9962                          _rv,
   9963                          path,
   9964                          name,
   9965                          value);
   9966     return _res;
   9967 }
   9969 static PyObject *Qt_FlashMediaDoButtonActions(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   9970 {
   9971     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   9972     ComponentResult _rv;
   9973     MediaHandler mh;
   9974     char path;
   9975     long buttonID;
   9976     long transition;
   9977 #ifndef FlashMediaDoButtonActions
   9978     PyMac_PRECHECK(FlashMediaDoButtonActions);
   9979 #endif
   9980     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&ll",
   9981                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &mh,
   9982                           &buttonID,
   9983                           &transition))
   9984         return NULL;
   9985     _rv = FlashMediaDoButtonActions(mh,
   9986                                     &path,
   9987                                     buttonID,
   9988                                     transition);
   9989     _res = Py_BuildValue("lc",
   9990                          _rv,
   9991                          path);
   9992     return _res;
   9993 }
   9995 static PyObject *Qt_FlashMediaGetSupportedSwfVersion(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   9996 {
   9997     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   9998     ComponentResult _rv;
   9999     MediaHandler mh;
   10000     UInt8 swfVersion;
   10001 #ifndef FlashMediaGetSupportedSwfVersion
   10002     PyMac_PRECHECK(FlashMediaGetSupportedSwfVersion);
   10003 #endif
   10004     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&",
   10005                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &mh))
   10006         return NULL;
   10007     _rv = FlashMediaGetSupportedSwfVersion(mh,
   10008                                            &swfVersion);
   10009     _res = Py_BuildValue("lb",
   10010                          _rv,
   10011                          swfVersion);
   10012     return _res;
   10013 }
   10015 static PyObject *Qt_Media3DGetCurrentGroup(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   10016 {
   10017     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   10018     ComponentResult _rv;
   10019     MediaHandler mh;
   10020     void * group;
   10021 #ifndef Media3DGetCurrentGroup
   10022     PyMac_PRECHECK(Media3DGetCurrentGroup);
   10023 #endif
   10024     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&s",
   10025                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &mh,
   10026                           &group))
   10027         return NULL;
   10028     _rv = Media3DGetCurrentGroup(mh,
   10029                                  group);
   10030     _res = Py_BuildValue("l",
   10031                          _rv);
   10032     return _res;
   10033 }
   10035 static PyObject *Qt_Media3DTranslateNamedObjectTo(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   10036 {
   10037     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   10038     ComponentResult _rv;
   10039     MediaHandler mh;
   10040     char objectName;
   10041     Fixed x;
   10042     Fixed y;
   10043     Fixed z;
   10044 #ifndef Media3DTranslateNamedObjectTo
   10045     PyMac_PRECHECK(Media3DTranslateNamedObjectTo);
   10046 #endif
   10047     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&O&O&O&",
   10048                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &mh,
   10049                           PyMac_GetFixed, &x,
   10050                           PyMac_GetFixed, &y,
   10051                           PyMac_GetFixed, &z))
   10052         return NULL;
   10053     _rv = Media3DTranslateNamedObjectTo(mh,
   10054                                         &objectName,
   10055                                         x,
   10056                                         y,
   10057                                         z);
   10058     _res = Py_BuildValue("lc",
   10059                          _rv,
   10060                          objectName);
   10061     return _res;
   10062 }
   10064 static PyObject *Qt_Media3DScaleNamedObjectTo(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   10065 {
   10066     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   10067     ComponentResult _rv;
   10068     MediaHandler mh;
   10069     char objectName;
   10070     Fixed xScale;
   10071     Fixed yScale;
   10072     Fixed zScale;
   10073 #ifndef Media3DScaleNamedObjectTo
   10074     PyMac_PRECHECK(Media3DScaleNamedObjectTo);
   10075 #endif
   10076     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&O&O&O&",
   10077                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &mh,
   10078                           PyMac_GetFixed, &xScale,
   10079                           PyMac_GetFixed, &yScale,
   10080                           PyMac_GetFixed, &zScale))
   10081         return NULL;
   10082     _rv = Media3DScaleNamedObjectTo(mh,
   10083                                     &objectName,
   10084                                     xScale,
   10085                                     yScale,
   10086                                     zScale);
   10087     _res = Py_BuildValue("lc",
   10088                          _rv,
   10089                          objectName);
   10090     return _res;
   10091 }
   10093 static PyObject *Qt_Media3DRotateNamedObjectTo(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   10094 {
   10095     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   10096     ComponentResult _rv;
   10097     MediaHandler mh;
   10098     char objectName;
   10099     Fixed xDegrees;
   10100     Fixed yDegrees;
   10101     Fixed zDegrees;
   10102 #ifndef Media3DRotateNamedObjectTo
   10103     PyMac_PRECHECK(Media3DRotateNamedObjectTo);
   10104 #endif
   10105     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&O&O&O&",
   10106                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &mh,
   10107                           PyMac_GetFixed, &xDegrees,
   10108                           PyMac_GetFixed, &yDegrees,
   10109                           PyMac_GetFixed, &zDegrees))
   10110         return NULL;
   10111     _rv = Media3DRotateNamedObjectTo(mh,
   10112                                      &objectName,
   10113                                      xDegrees,
   10114                                      yDegrees,
   10115                                      zDegrees);
   10116     _res = Py_BuildValue("lc",
   10117                          _rv,
   10118                          objectName);
   10119     return _res;
   10120 }
   10122 static PyObject *Qt_Media3DSetCameraData(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   10123 {
   10124     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   10125     ComponentResult _rv;
   10126     MediaHandler mh;
   10127     void * cameraData;
   10128 #ifndef Media3DSetCameraData
   10129     PyMac_PRECHECK(Media3DSetCameraData);
   10130 #endif
   10131     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&s",
   10132                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &mh,
   10133                           &cameraData))
   10134         return NULL;
   10135     _rv = Media3DSetCameraData(mh,
   10136                                cameraData);
   10137     _res = Py_BuildValue("l",
   10138                          _rv);
   10139     return _res;
   10140 }
   10142 static PyObject *Qt_Media3DGetCameraData(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   10143 {
   10144     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   10145     ComponentResult _rv;
   10146     MediaHandler mh;
   10147     void * cameraData;
   10148 #ifndef Media3DGetCameraData
   10149     PyMac_PRECHECK(Media3DGetCameraData);
   10150 #endif
   10151     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&s",
   10152                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &mh,
   10153                           &cameraData))
   10154         return NULL;
   10155     _rv = Media3DGetCameraData(mh,
   10156                                cameraData);
   10157     _res = Py_BuildValue("l",
   10158                          _rv);
   10159     return _res;
   10160 }
   10162 static PyObject *Qt_Media3DSetCameraAngleAspect(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   10163 {
   10164     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   10165     ComponentResult _rv;
   10166     MediaHandler mh;
   10167     QTFloatSingle fov;
   10168     QTFloatSingle aspectRatioXToY;
   10169 #ifndef Media3DSetCameraAngleAspect
   10170     PyMac_PRECHECK(Media3DSetCameraAngleAspect);
   10171 #endif
   10172     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&ff",
   10173                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &mh,
   10174                           &fov,
   10175                           &aspectRatioXToY))
   10176         return NULL;
   10177     _rv = Media3DSetCameraAngleAspect(mh,
   10178                                       fov,
   10179                                       aspectRatioXToY);
   10180     _res = Py_BuildValue("l",
   10181                          _rv);
   10182     return _res;
   10183 }
   10185 static PyObject *Qt_Media3DGetCameraAngleAspect(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   10186 {
   10187     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   10188     ComponentResult _rv;
   10189     MediaHandler mh;
   10190     QTFloatSingle fov;
   10191     QTFloatSingle aspectRatioXToY;
   10192 #ifndef Media3DGetCameraAngleAspect
   10193     PyMac_PRECHECK(Media3DGetCameraAngleAspect);
   10194 #endif
   10195     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&",
   10196                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &mh))
   10197         return NULL;
   10198     _rv = Media3DGetCameraAngleAspect(mh,
   10199                                       &fov,
   10200                                       &aspectRatioXToY);
   10201     _res = Py_BuildValue("lff",
   10202                          _rv,
   10203                          fov,
   10204                          aspectRatioXToY);
   10205     return _res;
   10206 }
   10208 static PyObject *Qt_Media3DSetCameraRange(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   10209 {
   10210     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   10211     ComponentResult _rv;
   10212     MediaHandler mh;
   10213     void * tQ3CameraRange;
   10214 #ifndef Media3DSetCameraRange
   10215     PyMac_PRECHECK(Media3DSetCameraRange);
   10216 #endif
   10217     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&s",
   10218                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &mh,
   10219                           &tQ3CameraRange))
   10220         return NULL;
   10221     _rv = Media3DSetCameraRange(mh,
   10222                                 tQ3CameraRange);
   10223     _res = Py_BuildValue("l",
   10224                          _rv);
   10225     return _res;
   10226 }
   10228 static PyObject *Qt_Media3DGetCameraRange(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   10229 {
   10230     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   10231     ComponentResult _rv;
   10232     MediaHandler mh;
   10233     void * tQ3CameraRange;
   10234 #ifndef Media3DGetCameraRange
   10235     PyMac_PRECHECK(Media3DGetCameraRange);
   10236 #endif
   10237     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&s",
   10238                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &mh,
   10239                           &tQ3CameraRange))
   10240         return NULL;
   10241     _rv = Media3DGetCameraRange(mh,
   10242                                 tQ3CameraRange);
   10243     _res = Py_BuildValue("l",
   10244                          _rv);
   10245     return _res;
   10246 }
   10248 static PyObject *Qt_NewTimeBase(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   10249 {
   10250     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   10251     TimeBase _rv;
   10252 #ifndef NewTimeBase
   10253     PyMac_PRECHECK(NewTimeBase);
   10254 #endif
   10255     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, ""))
   10256         return NULL;
   10257     _rv = NewTimeBase();
   10258     _res = Py_BuildValue("O&",
   10259                          TimeBaseObj_New, _rv);
   10260     return _res;
   10261 }
   10263 static PyObject *Qt_ConvertTime(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   10264 {
   10265     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   10266     TimeRecord theTime;
   10267     TimeBase newBase;
   10268 #ifndef ConvertTime
   10269     PyMac_PRECHECK(ConvertTime);
   10270 #endif
   10271     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&O&",
   10272                           QtTimeRecord_Convert, &theTime,
   10273                           TimeBaseObj_Convert, &newBase))
   10274         return NULL;
   10275     ConvertTime(&theTime,
   10276                 newBase);
   10277     _res = Py_BuildValue("O&",
   10278                          QtTimeRecord_New, &theTime);
   10279     return _res;
   10280 }
   10282 static PyObject *Qt_ConvertTimeScale(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   10283 {
   10284     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   10285     TimeRecord theTime;
   10286     TimeScale newScale;
   10287 #ifndef ConvertTimeScale
   10288     PyMac_PRECHECK(ConvertTimeScale);
   10289 #endif
   10290     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&l",
   10291                           QtTimeRecord_Convert, &theTime,
   10292                           &newScale))
   10293         return NULL;
   10294     ConvertTimeScale(&theTime,
   10295                      newScale);
   10296     _res = Py_BuildValue("O&",
   10297                          QtTimeRecord_New, &theTime);
   10298     return _res;
   10299 }
   10301 static PyObject *Qt_AddTime(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   10302 {
   10303     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   10304     TimeRecord dst;
   10305     TimeRecord src;
   10306 #ifndef AddTime
   10307     PyMac_PRECHECK(AddTime);
   10308 #endif
   10309     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&O&",
   10310                           QtTimeRecord_Convert, &dst,
   10311                           QtTimeRecord_Convert, &src))
   10312         return NULL;
   10313     AddTime(&dst,
   10314         &src);
   10315     _res = Py_BuildValue("O&",
   10316                          QtTimeRecord_New, &dst);
   10317     return _res;
   10318 }
   10320 static PyObject *Qt_SubtractTime(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   10321 {
   10322     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   10323     TimeRecord dst;
   10324     TimeRecord src;
   10325 #ifndef SubtractTime
   10326     PyMac_PRECHECK(SubtractTime);
   10327 #endif
   10328     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&O&",
   10329                           QtTimeRecord_Convert, &dst,
   10330                           QtTimeRecord_Convert, &src))
   10331         return NULL;
   10332     SubtractTime(&dst,
   10333                  &src);
   10334     _res = Py_BuildValue("O&",
   10335                          QtTimeRecord_New, &dst);
   10336     return _res;
   10337 }
   10339 static PyObject *Qt_MusicMediaGetIndexedTunePlayer(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   10340 {
   10341     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   10342     ComponentResult _rv;
   10343     ComponentInstance ti;
   10344     long sampleDescIndex;
   10345     ComponentInstance tp;
   10346 #ifndef MusicMediaGetIndexedTunePlayer
   10347     PyMac_PRECHECK(MusicMediaGetIndexedTunePlayer);
   10348 #endif
   10349     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&l",
   10350                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &ti,
   10351                           &sampleDescIndex))
   10352         return NULL;
   10353     _rv = MusicMediaGetIndexedTunePlayer(ti,
   10354                                          sampleDescIndex,
   10355                                          &tp);
   10356     _res = Py_BuildValue("lO&",
   10357                          _rv,
   10358                          CmpInstObj_New, tp);
   10359     return _res;
   10360 }
   10362 static PyObject *Qt_CodecManagerVersion(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   10363 {
   10364     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   10365     OSErr _err;
   10366     long version;
   10367 #ifndef CodecManagerVersion
   10368     PyMac_PRECHECK(CodecManagerVersion);
   10369 #endif
   10370     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, ""))
   10371         return NULL;
   10372     _err = CodecManagerVersion(&version);
   10373     if (_err != noErr) return PyMac_Error(_err);
   10374     _res = Py_BuildValue("l",
   10375                          version);
   10376     return _res;
   10377 }
   10379 static PyObject *Qt_GetMaxCompressionSize(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   10380 {
   10381     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   10382     OSErr _err;
   10383     PixMapHandle src;
   10384     Rect srcRect;
   10385     short colorDepth;
   10386     CodecQ quality;
   10387     CodecType cType;
   10388     CompressorComponent codec;
   10389     long size;
   10390 #ifndef GetMaxCompressionSize
   10391     PyMac_PRECHECK(GetMaxCompressionSize);
   10392 #endif
   10393     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&O&hlO&O&",
   10394                           ResObj_Convert, &src,
   10395                           PyMac_GetRect, &srcRect,
   10396                           &colorDepth,
   10397                           &quality,
   10398                           PyMac_GetOSType, &cType,
   10399                           CmpObj_Convert, &codec))
   10400         return NULL;
   10401     _err = GetMaxCompressionSize(src,
   10402                                  &srcRect,
   10403                                  colorDepth,
   10404                                  quality,
   10405                                  cType,
   10406                                  codec,
   10407                                  &size);
   10408     if (_err != noErr) return PyMac_Error(_err);
   10409     _res = Py_BuildValue("l",
   10410                          size);
   10411     return _res;
   10412 }
   10414 static PyObject *Qt_GetCompressionTime(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   10415 {
   10416     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   10417     OSErr _err;
   10418     PixMapHandle src;
   10419     Rect srcRect;
   10420     short colorDepth;
   10421     CodecType cType;
   10422     CompressorComponent codec;
   10423     CodecQ spatialQuality;
   10424     CodecQ temporalQuality;
   10425     unsigned long compressTime;
   10426 #ifndef GetCompressionTime
   10427     PyMac_PRECHECK(GetCompressionTime);
   10428 #endif
   10429     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&O&hO&O&",
   10430                           ResObj_Convert, &src,
   10431                           PyMac_GetRect, &srcRect,
   10432                           &colorDepth,
   10433                           PyMac_GetOSType, &cType,
   10434                           CmpObj_Convert, &codec))
   10435         return NULL;
   10436     _err = GetCompressionTime(src,
   10437                               &srcRect,
   10438                               colorDepth,
   10439                               cType,
   10440                               codec,
   10441                               &spatialQuality,
   10442                               &temporalQuality,
   10443                               &compressTime);
   10444     if (_err != noErr) return PyMac_Error(_err);
   10445     _res = Py_BuildValue("lll",
   10446                          spatialQuality,
   10447                          temporalQuality,
   10448                          compressTime);
   10449     return _res;
   10450 }
   10452 static PyObject *Qt_CompressImage(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   10453 {
   10454     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   10455     OSErr _err;
   10456     PixMapHandle src;
   10457     Rect srcRect;
   10458     CodecQ quality;
   10459     CodecType cType;
   10460     ImageDescriptionHandle desc;
   10461     Ptr data;
   10462 #ifndef CompressImage
   10463     PyMac_PRECHECK(CompressImage);
   10464 #endif
   10465     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&O&lO&O&s",
   10466                           ResObj_Convert, &src,
   10467                           PyMac_GetRect, &srcRect,
   10468                           &quality,
   10469                           PyMac_GetOSType, &cType,
   10470                           ResObj_Convert, &desc,
   10471                           &data))
   10472         return NULL;
   10473     _err = CompressImage(src,
   10474                          &srcRect,
   10475                          quality,
   10476                          cType,
   10477                          desc,
   10478                          data);
   10479     if (_err != noErr) return PyMac_Error(_err);
   10480     Py_INCREF(Py_None);
   10481     _res = Py_None;
   10482     return _res;
   10483 }
   10485 static PyObject *Qt_DecompressImage(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   10486 {
   10487     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   10488     OSErr _err;
   10489     Ptr data;
   10490     ImageDescriptionHandle desc;
   10491     PixMapHandle dst;
   10492     Rect srcRect;
   10493     Rect dstRect;
   10494     short mode;
   10495     RgnHandle mask;
   10496 #ifndef DecompressImage
   10497     PyMac_PRECHECK(DecompressImage);
   10498 #endif
   10499     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "sO&O&O&O&hO&",
   10500                           &data,
   10501                           ResObj_Convert, &desc,
   10502                           ResObj_Convert, &dst,
   10503                           PyMac_GetRect, &srcRect,
   10504                           PyMac_GetRect, &dstRect,
   10505                           &mode,
   10506                           ResObj_Convert, &mask))
   10507         return NULL;
   10508     _err = DecompressImage(data,
   10509                            desc,
   10510                            dst,
   10511                            &srcRect,
   10512                            &dstRect,
   10513                            mode,
   10514                            mask);
   10515     if (_err != noErr) return PyMac_Error(_err);
   10516     Py_INCREF(Py_None);
   10517     _res = Py_None;
   10518     return _res;
   10519 }
   10521 static PyObject *Qt_GetSimilarity(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   10522 {
   10523     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   10524     OSErr _err;
   10525     PixMapHandle src;
   10526     Rect srcRect;
   10527     ImageDescriptionHandle desc;
   10528     Ptr data;
   10529     Fixed similarity;
   10530 #ifndef GetSimilarity
   10531     PyMac_PRECHECK(GetSimilarity);
   10532 #endif
   10533     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&O&O&s",
   10534                           ResObj_Convert, &src,
   10535                           PyMac_GetRect, &srcRect,
   10536                           ResObj_Convert, &desc,
   10537                           &data))
   10538         return NULL;
   10539     _err = GetSimilarity(src,
   10540                          &srcRect,
   10541                          desc,
   10542                          data,
   10543                          &similarity);
   10544     if (_err != noErr) return PyMac_Error(_err);
   10545     _res = Py_BuildValue("O&",
   10546                          PyMac_BuildFixed, similarity);
   10547     return _res;
   10548 }
   10550 static PyObject *Qt_GetImageDescriptionCTable(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   10551 {
   10552     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   10553     OSErr _err;
   10554     ImageDescriptionHandle desc;
   10555     CTabHandle ctable;
   10556 #ifndef GetImageDescriptionCTable
   10557     PyMac_PRECHECK(GetImageDescriptionCTable);
   10558 #endif
   10559     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&",
   10560                           ResObj_Convert, &desc))
   10561         return NULL;
   10562     _err = GetImageDescriptionCTable(desc,
   10563                                      &ctable);
   10564     if (_err != noErr) return PyMac_Error(_err);
   10565     _res = Py_BuildValue("O&",
   10566                          ResObj_New, ctable);
   10567     return _res;
   10568 }
   10570 static PyObject *Qt_SetImageDescriptionCTable(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   10571 {
   10572     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   10573     OSErr _err;
   10574     ImageDescriptionHandle desc;
   10575     CTabHandle ctable;
   10576 #ifndef SetImageDescriptionCTable
   10577     PyMac_PRECHECK(SetImageDescriptionCTable);
   10578 #endif
   10579     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&O&",
   10580                           ResObj_Convert, &desc,
   10581                           ResObj_Convert, &ctable))
   10582         return NULL;
   10583     _err = SetImageDescriptionCTable(desc,
   10584                                      ctable);
   10585     if (_err != noErr) return PyMac_Error(_err);
   10586     Py_INCREF(Py_None);
   10587     _res = Py_None;
   10588     return _res;
   10589 }
   10591 static PyObject *Qt_GetImageDescriptionExtension(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   10592 {
   10593     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   10594     OSErr _err;
   10595     ImageDescriptionHandle desc;
   10596     Handle extension;
   10597     long idType;
   10598     long index;
   10599 #ifndef GetImageDescriptionExtension
   10600     PyMac_PRECHECK(GetImageDescriptionExtension);
   10601 #endif
   10602     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&ll",
   10603                           ResObj_Convert, &desc,
   10604                           &idType,
   10605                           &index))
   10606         return NULL;
   10607     _err = GetImageDescriptionExtension(desc,
   10608                                         &extension,
   10609                                         idType,
   10610                                         index);
   10611     if (_err != noErr) return PyMac_Error(_err);
   10612     _res = Py_BuildValue("O&",
   10613                          ResObj_New, extension);
   10614     return _res;
   10615 }
   10617 static PyObject *Qt_AddImageDescriptionExtension(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   10618 {
   10619     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   10620     OSErr _err;
   10621     ImageDescriptionHandle desc;
   10622     Handle extension;
   10623     long idType;
   10624 #ifndef AddImageDescriptionExtension
   10625     PyMac_PRECHECK(AddImageDescriptionExtension);
   10626 #endif
   10627     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&O&l",
   10628                           ResObj_Convert, &desc,
   10629                           ResObj_Convert, &extension,
   10630                           &idType))
   10631         return NULL;
   10632     _err = AddImageDescriptionExtension(desc,
   10633                                         extension,
   10634                                         idType);
   10635     if (_err != noErr) return PyMac_Error(_err);
   10636     Py_INCREF(Py_None);
   10637     _res = Py_None;
   10638     return _res;
   10639 }
   10641 static PyObject *Qt_RemoveImageDescriptionExtension(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   10642 {
   10643     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   10644     OSErr _err;
   10645     ImageDescriptionHandle desc;
   10646     long idType;
   10647     long index;
   10648 #ifndef RemoveImageDescriptionExtension
   10649     PyMac_PRECHECK(RemoveImageDescriptionExtension);
   10650 #endif
   10651     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&ll",
   10652                           ResObj_Convert, &desc,
   10653                           &idType,
   10654                           &index))
   10655         return NULL;
   10656     _err = RemoveImageDescriptionExtension(desc,
   10657                                            idType,
   10658                                            index);
   10659     if (_err != noErr) return PyMac_Error(_err);
   10660     Py_INCREF(Py_None);
   10661     _res = Py_None;
   10662     return _res;
   10663 }
   10665 static PyObject *Qt_CountImageDescriptionExtensionType(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   10666 {
   10667     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   10668     OSErr _err;
   10669     ImageDescriptionHandle desc;
   10670     long idType;
   10671     long count;
   10672 #ifndef CountImageDescriptionExtensionType
   10673     PyMac_PRECHECK(CountImageDescriptionExtensionType);
   10674 #endif
   10675     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&l",
   10676                           ResObj_Convert, &desc,
   10677                           &idType))
   10678         return NULL;
   10679     _err = CountImageDescriptionExtensionType(desc,
   10680                                               idType,
   10681                                               &count);
   10682     if (_err != noErr) return PyMac_Error(_err);
   10683     _res = Py_BuildValue("l",
   10684                          count);
   10685     return _res;
   10686 }
   10688 static PyObject *Qt_GetNextImageDescriptionExtensionType(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   10689 {
   10690     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   10691     OSErr _err;
   10692     ImageDescriptionHandle desc;
   10693     long idType;
   10694 #ifndef GetNextImageDescriptionExtensionType
   10695     PyMac_PRECHECK(GetNextImageDescriptionExtensionType);
   10696 #endif
   10697     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&",
   10698                           ResObj_Convert, &desc))
   10699         return NULL;
   10700     _err = GetNextImageDescriptionExtensionType(desc,
   10701                                                 &idType);
   10702     if (_err != noErr) return PyMac_Error(_err);
   10703     _res = Py_BuildValue("l",
   10704                          idType);
   10705     return _res;
   10706 }
   10708 static PyObject *Qt_FindCodec(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   10709 {
   10710     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   10711     OSErr _err;
   10712     CodecType cType;
   10713     CodecComponent specCodec;
   10714     CompressorComponent compressor;
   10715     DecompressorComponent decompressor;
   10716 #ifndef FindCodec
   10717     PyMac_PRECHECK(FindCodec);
   10718 #endif
   10719     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&O&",
   10720                           PyMac_GetOSType, &cType,
   10721                           CmpObj_Convert, &specCodec))
   10722         return NULL;
   10723     _err = FindCodec(cType,
   10724                      specCodec,
   10725                      &compressor,
   10726                      &decompressor);
   10727     if (_err != noErr) return PyMac_Error(_err);
   10728     _res = Py_BuildValue("O&O&",
   10729                          CmpObj_New, compressor,
   10730                          CmpObj_New, decompressor);
   10731     return _res;
   10732 }
   10734 static PyObject *Qt_CompressPicture(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   10735 {
   10736     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   10737     OSErr _err;
   10738     PicHandle srcPicture;
   10739     PicHandle dstPicture;
   10740     CodecQ quality;
   10741     CodecType cType;
   10742 #ifndef CompressPicture
   10743     PyMac_PRECHECK(CompressPicture);
   10744 #endif
   10745     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&O&lO&",
   10746                           ResObj_Convert, &srcPicture,
   10747                           ResObj_Convert, &dstPicture,
   10748                           &quality,
   10749                           PyMac_GetOSType, &cType))
   10750         return NULL;
   10751     _err = CompressPicture(srcPicture,
   10752                            dstPicture,
   10753                            quality,
   10754                            cType);
   10755     if (_err != noErr) return PyMac_Error(_err);
   10756     Py_INCREF(Py_None);
   10757     _res = Py_None;
   10758     return _res;
   10759 }
   10761 static PyObject *Qt_CompressPictureFile(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   10762 {
   10763     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   10764     OSErr _err;
   10765     short srcRefNum;
   10766     short dstRefNum;
   10767     CodecQ quality;
   10768     CodecType cType;
   10769 #ifndef CompressPictureFile
   10770     PyMac_PRECHECK(CompressPictureFile);
   10771 #endif
   10772     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "hhlO&",
   10773                           &srcRefNum,
   10774                           &dstRefNum,
   10775                           &quality,
   10776                           PyMac_GetOSType, &cType))
   10777         return NULL;
   10778     _err = CompressPictureFile(srcRefNum,
   10779                                dstRefNum,
   10780                                quality,
   10781                                cType);
   10782     if (_err != noErr) return PyMac_Error(_err);
   10783     Py_INCREF(Py_None);
   10784     _res = Py_None;
   10785     return _res;
   10786 }
   10788 static PyObject *Qt_ConvertImage(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   10789 {
   10790     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   10791     OSErr _err;
   10792     ImageDescriptionHandle srcDD;
   10793     Ptr srcData;
   10794     short colorDepth;
   10795     CTabHandle ctable;
   10796     CodecQ accuracy;
   10797     CodecQ quality;
   10798     CodecType cType;
   10799     CodecComponent codec;
   10800     ImageDescriptionHandle dstDD;
   10801     Ptr dstData;
   10802 #ifndef ConvertImage
   10803     PyMac_PRECHECK(ConvertImage);
   10804 #endif
   10805     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&shO&llO&O&O&s",
   10806                           ResObj_Convert, &srcDD,
   10807                           &srcData,
   10808                           &colorDepth,
   10809                           ResObj_Convert, &ctable,
   10810                           &accuracy,
   10811                           &quality,
   10812                           PyMac_GetOSType, &cType,
   10813                           CmpObj_Convert, &codec,
   10814                           ResObj_Convert, &dstDD,
   10815                           &dstData))
   10816         return NULL;
   10817     _err = ConvertImage(srcDD,
   10818                         srcData,
   10819                         colorDepth,
   10820                         ctable,
   10821                         accuracy,
   10822                         quality,
   10823                         cType,
   10824                         codec,
   10825                         dstDD,
   10826                         dstData);
   10827     if (_err != noErr) return PyMac_Error(_err);
   10828     Py_INCREF(Py_None);
   10829     _res = Py_None;
   10830     return _res;
   10831 }
   10833 static PyObject *Qt_AddFilePreview(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   10834 {
   10835     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   10836     OSErr _err;
   10837     short resRefNum;
   10838     OSType previewType;
   10839     Handle previewData;
   10840 #ifndef AddFilePreview
   10841     PyMac_PRECHECK(AddFilePreview);
   10842 #endif
   10843     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "hO&O&",
   10844                           &resRefNum,
   10845                           PyMac_GetOSType, &previewType,
   10846                           ResObj_Convert, &previewData))
   10847         return NULL;
   10848     _err = AddFilePreview(resRefNum,
   10849                           previewType,
   10850                           previewData);
   10851     if (_err != noErr) return PyMac_Error(_err);
   10852     Py_INCREF(Py_None);
   10853     _res = Py_None;
   10854     return _res;
   10855 }
   10857 static PyObject *Qt_GetBestDeviceRect(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   10858 {
   10859     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   10860     OSErr _err;
   10861     GDHandle gdh;
   10862     Rect rp;
   10863 #ifndef GetBestDeviceRect
   10864     PyMac_PRECHECK(GetBestDeviceRect);
   10865 #endif
   10866     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, ""))
   10867         return NULL;
   10868     _err = GetBestDeviceRect(&gdh,
   10869                              &rp);
   10870     if (_err != noErr) return PyMac_Error(_err);
   10871     _res = Py_BuildValue("O&O&",
   10872                          OptResObj_New, gdh,
   10873                          PyMac_BuildRect, &rp);
   10874     return _res;
   10875 }
   10877 static PyObject *Qt_GDHasScale(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   10878 {
   10879     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   10880     OSErr _err;
   10881     GDHandle gdh;
   10882     short depth;
   10883     Fixed scale;
   10884 #ifndef GDHasScale
   10885     PyMac_PRECHECK(GDHasScale);
   10886 #endif
   10887     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&h",
   10888                           OptResObj_Convert, &gdh,
   10889                           &depth))
   10890         return NULL;
   10891     _err = GDHasScale(gdh,
   10892                       depth,
   10893                       &scale);
   10894     if (_err != noErr) return PyMac_Error(_err);
   10895     _res = Py_BuildValue("O&",
   10896                          PyMac_BuildFixed, scale);
   10897     return _res;
   10898 }
   10900 static PyObject *Qt_GDGetScale(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   10901 {
   10902     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   10903     OSErr _err;
   10904     GDHandle gdh;
   10905     Fixed scale;
   10906     short flags;
   10907 #ifndef GDGetScale
   10908     PyMac_PRECHECK(GDGetScale);
   10909 #endif
   10910     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&",
   10911                           OptResObj_Convert, &gdh))
   10912         return NULL;
   10913     _err = GDGetScale(gdh,
   10914                       &scale,
   10915                       &flags);
   10916     if (_err != noErr) return PyMac_Error(_err);
   10917     _res = Py_BuildValue("O&h",
   10918                          PyMac_BuildFixed, scale,
   10919                          flags);
   10920     return _res;
   10921 }
   10923 static PyObject *Qt_GDSetScale(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   10924 {
   10925     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   10926     OSErr _err;
   10927     GDHandle gdh;
   10928     Fixed scale;
   10929     short flags;
   10930 #ifndef GDSetScale
   10931     PyMac_PRECHECK(GDSetScale);
   10932 #endif
   10933     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&O&h",
   10934                           OptResObj_Convert, &gdh,
   10935                           PyMac_GetFixed, &scale,
   10936                           &flags))
   10937         return NULL;
   10938     _err = GDSetScale(gdh,
   10939                       scale,
   10940                       flags);
   10941     if (_err != noErr) return PyMac_Error(_err);
   10942     Py_INCREF(Py_None);
   10943     _res = Py_None;
   10944     return _res;
   10945 }
   10947 static PyObject *Qt_GetGraphicsImporterForFile(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   10948 {
   10949     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   10950     OSErr _err;
   10951     FSSpec theFile;
   10952     ComponentInstance gi;
   10953 #ifndef GetGraphicsImporterForFile
   10954     PyMac_PRECHECK(GetGraphicsImporterForFile);
   10955 #endif
   10956     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&",
   10957                           PyMac_GetFSSpec, &theFile))
   10958         return NULL;
   10959     _err = GetGraphicsImporterForFile(&theFile,
   10960                                       &gi);
   10961     if (_err != noErr) return PyMac_Error(_err);
   10962     _res = Py_BuildValue("O&",
   10963                          CmpInstObj_New, gi);
   10964     return _res;
   10965 }
   10967 static PyObject *Qt_GetGraphicsImporterForDataRef(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   10968 {
   10969     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   10970     OSErr _err;
   10971     Handle dataRef;
   10972     OSType dataRefType;
   10973     ComponentInstance gi;
   10974 #ifndef GetGraphicsImporterForDataRef
   10975     PyMac_PRECHECK(GetGraphicsImporterForDataRef);
   10976 #endif
   10977     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&O&",
   10978                           ResObj_Convert, &dataRef,
   10979                           PyMac_GetOSType, &dataRefType))
   10980         return NULL;
   10981     _err = GetGraphicsImporterForDataRef(dataRef,
   10982                                          dataRefType,
   10983                                          &gi);
   10984     if (_err != noErr) return PyMac_Error(_err);
   10985     _res = Py_BuildValue("O&",
   10986                          CmpInstObj_New, gi);
   10987     return _res;
   10988 }
   10990 static PyObject *Qt_GetGraphicsImporterForFileWithFlags(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   10991 {
   10992     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   10993     OSErr _err;
   10994     FSSpec theFile;
   10995     ComponentInstance gi;
   10996     long flags;
   10997 #ifndef GetGraphicsImporterForFileWithFlags
   10998     PyMac_PRECHECK(GetGraphicsImporterForFileWithFlags);
   10999 #endif
   11000     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&l",
   11001                           PyMac_GetFSSpec, &theFile,
   11002                           &flags))
   11003         return NULL;
   11004     _err = GetGraphicsImporterForFileWithFlags(&theFile,
   11005                                                &gi,
   11006                                                flags);
   11007     if (_err != noErr) return PyMac_Error(_err);
   11008     _res = Py_BuildValue("O&",
   11009                          CmpInstObj_New, gi);
   11010     return _res;
   11011 }
   11013 static PyObject *Qt_GetGraphicsImporterForDataRefWithFlags(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   11014 {
   11015     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   11016     OSErr _err;
   11017     Handle dataRef;
   11018     OSType dataRefType;
   11019     ComponentInstance gi;
   11020     long flags;
   11021 #ifndef GetGraphicsImporterForDataRefWithFlags
   11022     PyMac_PRECHECK(GetGraphicsImporterForDataRefWithFlags);
   11023 #endif
   11024     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&O&l",
   11025                           ResObj_Convert, &dataRef,
   11026                           PyMac_GetOSType, &dataRefType,
   11027                           &flags))
   11028         return NULL;
   11029     _err = GetGraphicsImporterForDataRefWithFlags(dataRef,
   11030                                                   dataRefType,
   11031                                                   &gi,
   11032                                                   flags);
   11033     if (_err != noErr) return PyMac_Error(_err);
   11034     _res = Py_BuildValue("O&",
   11035                          CmpInstObj_New, gi);
   11036     return _res;
   11037 }
   11039 static PyObject *Qt_MakeImageDescriptionForPixMap(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   11040 {
   11041     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   11042     OSErr _err;
   11043     PixMapHandle pixmap;
   11044     ImageDescriptionHandle idh;
   11045 #ifndef MakeImageDescriptionForPixMap
   11046     PyMac_PRECHECK(MakeImageDescriptionForPixMap);
   11047 #endif
   11048     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&",
   11049                           ResObj_Convert, &pixmap))
   11050         return NULL;
   11051     _err = MakeImageDescriptionForPixMap(pixmap,
   11052                                          &idh);
   11053     if (_err != noErr) return PyMac_Error(_err);
   11054     _res = Py_BuildValue("O&",
   11055                          ResObj_New, idh);
   11056     return _res;
   11057 }
   11059 static PyObject *Qt_MakeImageDescriptionForEffect(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   11060 {
   11061     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   11062     OSErr _err;
   11063     OSType effectType;
   11064     ImageDescriptionHandle idh;
   11065 #ifndef MakeImageDescriptionForEffect
   11066     PyMac_PRECHECK(MakeImageDescriptionForEffect);
   11067 #endif
   11068     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&",
   11069                           PyMac_GetOSType, &effectType))
   11070         return NULL;
   11071     _err = MakeImageDescriptionForEffect(effectType,
   11072                                          &idh);
   11073     if (_err != noErr) return PyMac_Error(_err);
   11074     _res = Py_BuildValue("O&",
   11075                          ResObj_New, idh);
   11076     return _res;
   11077 }
   11079 static PyObject *Qt_QTGetPixelSize(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   11080 {
   11081     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   11082     short _rv;
   11083     OSType PixelFormat;
   11084 #ifndef QTGetPixelSize
   11085     PyMac_PRECHECK(QTGetPixelSize);
   11086 #endif
   11087     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&",
   11088                           PyMac_GetOSType, &PixelFormat))
   11089         return NULL;
   11090     _rv = QTGetPixelSize(PixelFormat);
   11091     _res = Py_BuildValue("h",
   11092                          _rv);
   11093     return _res;
   11094 }
   11096 static PyObject *Qt_QTGetPixelFormatDepthForImageDescription(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   11097 {
   11098     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   11099     short _rv;
   11100     OSType PixelFormat;
   11101 #ifndef QTGetPixelFormatDepthForImageDescription
   11102     PyMac_PRECHECK(QTGetPixelFormatDepthForImageDescription);
   11103 #endif
   11104     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&",
   11105                           PyMac_GetOSType, &PixelFormat))
   11106         return NULL;
   11107     _rv = QTGetPixelFormatDepthForImageDescription(PixelFormat);
   11108     _res = Py_BuildValue("h",
   11109                          _rv);
   11110     return _res;
   11111 }
   11113 static PyObject *Qt_QTGetPixMapHandleRowBytes(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   11114 {
   11115     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   11116     long _rv;
   11117     PixMapHandle pm;
   11118 #ifndef QTGetPixMapHandleRowBytes
   11119     PyMac_PRECHECK(QTGetPixMapHandleRowBytes);
   11120 #endif
   11121     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&",
   11122                           ResObj_Convert, &pm))
   11123         return NULL;
   11124     _rv = QTGetPixMapHandleRowBytes(pm);
   11125     _res = Py_BuildValue("l",
   11126                          _rv);
   11127     return _res;
   11128 }
   11130 static PyObject *Qt_QTSetPixMapHandleRowBytes(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   11131 {
   11132     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   11133     OSErr _err;
   11134     PixMapHandle pm;
   11135     long rowBytes;
   11136 #ifndef QTSetPixMapHandleRowBytes
   11137     PyMac_PRECHECK(QTSetPixMapHandleRowBytes);
   11138 #endif
   11139     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&l",
   11140                           ResObj_Convert, &pm,
   11141                           &rowBytes))
   11142         return NULL;
   11143     _err = QTSetPixMapHandleRowBytes(pm,
   11144                                      rowBytes);
   11145     if (_err != noErr) return PyMac_Error(_err);
   11146     Py_INCREF(Py_None);
   11147     _res = Py_None;
   11148     return _res;
   11149 }
   11151 static PyObject *Qt_QTGetPixMapHandleGammaLevel(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   11152 {
   11153     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   11154     Fixed _rv;
   11155     PixMapHandle pm;
   11156 #ifndef QTGetPixMapHandleGammaLevel
   11157     PyMac_PRECHECK(QTGetPixMapHandleGammaLevel);
   11158 #endif
   11159     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&",
   11160                           ResObj_Convert, &pm))
   11161         return NULL;
   11162     _rv = QTGetPixMapHandleGammaLevel(pm);
   11163     _res = Py_BuildValue("O&",
   11164                          PyMac_BuildFixed, _rv);
   11165     return _res;
   11166 }
   11168 static PyObject *Qt_QTSetPixMapHandleGammaLevel(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   11169 {
   11170     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   11171     OSErr _err;
   11172     PixMapHandle pm;
   11173     Fixed gammaLevel;
   11174 #ifndef QTSetPixMapHandleGammaLevel
   11175     PyMac_PRECHECK(QTSetPixMapHandleGammaLevel);
   11176 #endif
   11177     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&O&",
   11178                           ResObj_Convert, &pm,
   11179                           PyMac_GetFixed, &gammaLevel))
   11180         return NULL;
   11181     _err = QTSetPixMapHandleGammaLevel(pm,
   11182                                        gammaLevel);
   11183     if (_err != noErr) return PyMac_Error(_err);
   11184     Py_INCREF(Py_None);
   11185     _res = Py_None;
   11186     return _res;
   11187 }
   11189 static PyObject *Qt_QTGetPixMapHandleRequestedGammaLevel(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   11190 {
   11191     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   11192     Fixed _rv;
   11193     PixMapHandle pm;
   11194 #ifndef QTGetPixMapHandleRequestedGammaLevel
   11195     PyMac_PRECHECK(QTGetPixMapHandleRequestedGammaLevel);
   11196 #endif
   11197     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&",
   11198                           ResObj_Convert, &pm))
   11199         return NULL;
   11200     _rv = QTGetPixMapHandleRequestedGammaLevel(pm);
   11201     _res = Py_BuildValue("O&",
   11202                          PyMac_BuildFixed, _rv);
   11203     return _res;
   11204 }
   11206 static PyObject *Qt_QTSetPixMapHandleRequestedGammaLevel(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   11207 {
   11208     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   11209     OSErr _err;
   11210     PixMapHandle pm;
   11211     Fixed requestedGammaLevel;
   11212 #ifndef QTSetPixMapHandleRequestedGammaLevel
   11213     PyMac_PRECHECK(QTSetPixMapHandleRequestedGammaLevel);
   11214 #endif
   11215     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&O&",
   11216                           ResObj_Convert, &pm,
   11217                           PyMac_GetFixed, &requestedGammaLevel))
   11218         return NULL;
   11219     _err = QTSetPixMapHandleRequestedGammaLevel(pm,
   11220                                                 requestedGammaLevel);
   11221     if (_err != noErr) return PyMac_Error(_err);
   11222     Py_INCREF(Py_None);
   11223     _res = Py_None;
   11224     return _res;
   11225 }
   11227 static PyObject *Qt_CompAdd(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   11228 {
   11229     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   11230     wide src;
   11231     wide dst;
   11232 #ifndef CompAdd
   11233     PyMac_PRECHECK(CompAdd);
   11234 #endif
   11235     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, ""))
   11236         return NULL;
   11237     CompAdd(&src,
   11238         &dst);
   11239     _res = Py_BuildValue("O&O&",
   11240                          PyMac_Buildwide, src,
   11241                          PyMac_Buildwide, dst);
   11242     return _res;
   11243 }
   11245 static PyObject *Qt_CompSub(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   11246 {
   11247     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   11248     wide src;
   11249     wide dst;
   11250 #ifndef CompSub
   11251     PyMac_PRECHECK(CompSub);
   11252 #endif
   11253     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, ""))
   11254         return NULL;
   11255     CompSub(&src,
   11256         &dst);
   11257     _res = Py_BuildValue("O&O&",
   11258                          PyMac_Buildwide, src,
   11259                          PyMac_Buildwide, dst);
   11260     return _res;
   11261 }
   11263 static PyObject *Qt_CompNeg(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   11264 {
   11265     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   11266     wide dst;
   11267 #ifndef CompNeg
   11268     PyMac_PRECHECK(CompNeg);
   11269 #endif
   11270     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, ""))
   11271         return NULL;
   11272     CompNeg(&dst);
   11273     _res = Py_BuildValue("O&",
   11274                          PyMac_Buildwide, dst);
   11275     return _res;
   11276 }
   11278 static PyObject *Qt_CompShift(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   11279 {
   11280     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   11281     wide src;
   11282     short shift;
   11283 #ifndef CompShift
   11284     PyMac_PRECHECK(CompShift);
   11285 #endif
   11286     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "h",
   11287                           &shift))
   11288         return NULL;
   11289     CompShift(&src,
   11290               shift);
   11291     _res = Py_BuildValue("O&",
   11292                          PyMac_Buildwide, src);
   11293     return _res;
   11294 }
   11296 static PyObject *Qt_CompMul(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   11297 {
   11298     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   11299     long src1;
   11300     long src2;
   11301     wide dst;
   11302 #ifndef CompMul
   11303     PyMac_PRECHECK(CompMul);
   11304 #endif
   11305     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "ll",
   11306                           &src1,
   11307                           &src2))
   11308         return NULL;
   11309     CompMul(src1,
   11310         src2,
   11311         &dst);
   11312     _res = Py_BuildValue("O&",
   11313                          PyMac_Buildwide, dst);
   11314     return _res;
   11315 }
   11317 static PyObject *Qt_CompDiv(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   11318 {
   11319     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   11320     long _rv;
   11321     wide numerator;
   11322     long denominator;
   11323     long remainder;
   11324 #ifndef CompDiv
   11325     PyMac_PRECHECK(CompDiv);
   11326 #endif
   11327     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "l",
   11328                           &denominator))
   11329         return NULL;
   11330     _rv = CompDiv(&numerator,
   11331                   denominator,
   11332                   &remainder);
   11333     _res = Py_BuildValue("lO&l",
   11334                          _rv,
   11335                          PyMac_Buildwide, numerator,
   11336                          remainder);
   11337     return _res;
   11338 }
   11340 static PyObject *Qt_CompFixMul(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   11341 {
   11342     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   11343     wide compSrc;
   11344     Fixed fixSrc;
   11345     wide compDst;
   11346 #ifndef CompFixMul
   11347     PyMac_PRECHECK(CompFixMul);
   11348 #endif
   11349     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&",
   11350                           PyMac_GetFixed, &fixSrc))
   11351         return NULL;
   11352     CompFixMul(&compSrc,
   11353                fixSrc,
   11354                &compDst);
   11355     _res = Py_BuildValue("O&O&",
   11356                          PyMac_Buildwide, compSrc,
   11357                          PyMac_Buildwide, compDst);
   11358     return _res;
   11359 }
   11361 static PyObject *Qt_CompMulDiv(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   11362 {
   11363     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   11364     wide co;
   11365     long mul;
   11366     long divisor;
   11367 #ifndef CompMulDiv
   11368     PyMac_PRECHECK(CompMulDiv);
   11369 #endif
   11370     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "ll",
   11371                           &mul,
   11372                           &divisor))
   11373         return NULL;
   11374     CompMulDiv(&co,
   11375                mul,
   11376                divisor);
   11377     _res = Py_BuildValue("O&",
   11378                          PyMac_Buildwide, co);
   11379     return _res;
   11380 }
   11382 static PyObject *Qt_CompMulDivTrunc(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   11383 {
   11384     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   11385     wide co;
   11386     long mul;
   11387     long divisor;
   11388     long remainder;
   11389 #ifndef CompMulDivTrunc
   11390     PyMac_PRECHECK(CompMulDivTrunc);
   11391 #endif
   11392     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "ll",
   11393                           &mul,
   11394                           &divisor))
   11395         return NULL;
   11396     CompMulDivTrunc(&co,
   11397                     mul,
   11398                     divisor,
   11399                     &remainder);
   11400     _res = Py_BuildValue("O&l",
   11401                          PyMac_Buildwide, co,
   11402                          remainder);
   11403     return _res;
   11404 }
   11406 static PyObject *Qt_CompCompare(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   11407 {
   11408     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   11409     long _rv;
   11410     wide a;
   11411     wide minusb;
   11412 #ifndef CompCompare
   11413     PyMac_PRECHECK(CompCompare);
   11414 #endif
   11415     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&O&",
   11416                           PyMac_Getwide, &a,
   11417                           PyMac_Getwide, &minusb))
   11418         return NULL;
   11419     _rv = CompCompare(&a,
   11420                       &minusb);
   11421     _res = Py_BuildValue("l",
   11422                          _rv);
   11423     return _res;
   11424 }
   11426 static PyObject *Qt_CompSquareRoot(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   11427 {
   11428     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   11429     unsigned long _rv;
   11430     wide src;
   11431 #ifndef CompSquareRoot
   11432     PyMac_PRECHECK(CompSquareRoot);
   11433 #endif
   11434     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&",
   11435                           PyMac_Getwide, &src))
   11436         return NULL;
   11437     _rv = CompSquareRoot(&src);
   11438     _res = Py_BuildValue("l",
   11439                          _rv);
   11440     return _res;
   11441 }
   11443 static PyObject *Qt_FixMulDiv(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   11444 {
   11445     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   11446     Fixed _rv;
   11447     Fixed src;
   11448     Fixed mul;
   11449     Fixed divisor;
   11450 #ifndef FixMulDiv
   11451     PyMac_PRECHECK(FixMulDiv);
   11452 #endif
   11453     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&O&O&",
   11454                           PyMac_GetFixed, &src,
   11455                           PyMac_GetFixed, &mul,
   11456                           PyMac_GetFixed, &divisor))
   11457         return NULL;
   11458     _rv = FixMulDiv(src,
   11459                     mul,
   11460                     divisor);
   11461     _res = Py_BuildValue("O&",
   11462                          PyMac_BuildFixed, _rv);
   11463     return _res;
   11464 }
   11466 static PyObject *Qt_UnsignedFixMulDiv(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   11467 {
   11468     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   11469     Fixed _rv;
   11470     Fixed src;
   11471     Fixed mul;
   11472     Fixed divisor;
   11473 #ifndef UnsignedFixMulDiv
   11474     PyMac_PRECHECK(UnsignedFixMulDiv);
   11475 #endif
   11476     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&O&O&",
   11477                           PyMac_GetFixed, &src,
   11478                           PyMac_GetFixed, &mul,
   11479                           PyMac_GetFixed, &divisor))
   11480         return NULL;
   11481     _rv = UnsignedFixMulDiv(src,
   11482                             mul,
   11483                             divisor);
   11484     _res = Py_BuildValue("O&",
   11485                          PyMac_BuildFixed, _rv);
   11486     return _res;
   11487 }
   11489 static PyObject *Qt_FixExp2(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   11490 {
   11491     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   11492     Fixed _rv;
   11493     Fixed src;
   11494 #ifndef FixExp2
   11495     PyMac_PRECHECK(FixExp2);
   11496 #endif
   11497     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&",
   11498                           PyMac_GetFixed, &src))
   11499         return NULL;
   11500     _rv = FixExp2(src);
   11501     _res = Py_BuildValue("O&",
   11502                          PyMac_BuildFixed, _rv);
   11503     return _res;
   11504 }
   11506 static PyObject *Qt_FixLog2(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   11507 {
   11508     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   11509     Fixed _rv;
   11510     Fixed src;
   11511 #ifndef FixLog2
   11512     PyMac_PRECHECK(FixLog2);
   11513 #endif
   11514     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&",
   11515                           PyMac_GetFixed, &src))
   11516         return NULL;
   11517     _rv = FixLog2(src);
   11518     _res = Py_BuildValue("O&",
   11519                          PyMac_BuildFixed, _rv);
   11520     return _res;
   11521 }
   11523 static PyObject *Qt_FixPow(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   11524 {
   11525     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   11526     Fixed _rv;
   11527     Fixed base;
   11528     Fixed exp;
   11529 #ifndef FixPow
   11530     PyMac_PRECHECK(FixPow);
   11531 #endif
   11532     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&O&",
   11533                           PyMac_GetFixed, &base,
   11534                           PyMac_GetFixed, &exp))
   11535         return NULL;
   11536     _rv = FixPow(base,
   11537                  exp);
   11538     _res = Py_BuildValue("O&",
   11539                          PyMac_BuildFixed, _rv);
   11540     return _res;
   11541 }
   11543 static PyObject *Qt_GraphicsImportSetDataReference(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   11544 {
   11545     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   11546     ComponentResult _rv;
   11547     GraphicsImportComponent ci;
   11548     Handle dataRef;
   11549     OSType dataReType;
   11550 #ifndef GraphicsImportSetDataReference
   11551     PyMac_PRECHECK(GraphicsImportSetDataReference);
   11552 #endif
   11553     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&O&O&",
   11554                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &ci,
   11555                           ResObj_Convert, &dataRef,
   11556                           PyMac_GetOSType, &dataReType))
   11557         return NULL;
   11558     _rv = GraphicsImportSetDataReference(ci,
   11559                                          dataRef,
   11560                                          dataReType);
   11561     _res = Py_BuildValue("l",
   11562                          _rv);
   11563     return _res;
   11564 }
   11566 static PyObject *Qt_GraphicsImportGetDataReference(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   11567 {
   11568     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   11569     ComponentResult _rv;
   11570     GraphicsImportComponent ci;
   11571     Handle dataRef;
   11572     OSType dataReType;
   11573 #ifndef GraphicsImportGetDataReference
   11574     PyMac_PRECHECK(GraphicsImportGetDataReference);
   11575 #endif
   11576     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&",
   11577                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &ci))
   11578         return NULL;
   11579     _rv = GraphicsImportGetDataReference(ci,
   11580                                          &dataRef,
   11581                                          &dataReType);
   11582     _res = Py_BuildValue("lO&O&",
   11583                          _rv,
   11584                          ResObj_New, dataRef,
   11585                          PyMac_BuildOSType, dataReType);
   11586     return _res;
   11587 }
   11589 static PyObject *Qt_GraphicsImportSetDataFile(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   11590 {
   11591     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   11592     ComponentResult _rv;
   11593     GraphicsImportComponent ci;
   11594     FSSpec theFile;
   11595 #ifndef GraphicsImportSetDataFile
   11596     PyMac_PRECHECK(GraphicsImportSetDataFile);
   11597 #endif
   11598     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&O&",
   11599                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &ci,
   11600                           PyMac_GetFSSpec, &theFile))
   11601         return NULL;
   11602     _rv = GraphicsImportSetDataFile(ci,
   11603                                     &theFile);
   11604     _res = Py_BuildValue("l",
   11605                          _rv);
   11606     return _res;
   11607 }
   11609 static PyObject *Qt_GraphicsImportGetDataFile(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   11610 {
   11611     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   11612     ComponentResult _rv;
   11613     GraphicsImportComponent ci;
   11614     FSSpec theFile;
   11615 #ifndef GraphicsImportGetDataFile
   11616     PyMac_PRECHECK(GraphicsImportGetDataFile);
   11617 #endif
   11618     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&O&",
   11619                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &ci,
   11620                           PyMac_GetFSSpec, &theFile))
   11621         return NULL;
   11622     _rv = GraphicsImportGetDataFile(ci,
   11623                                     &theFile);
   11624     _res = Py_BuildValue("l",
   11625                          _rv);
   11626     return _res;
   11627 }
   11629 static PyObject *Qt_GraphicsImportSetDataHandle(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   11630 {
   11631     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   11632     ComponentResult _rv;
   11633     GraphicsImportComponent ci;
   11634     Handle h;
   11635 #ifndef GraphicsImportSetDataHandle
   11636     PyMac_PRECHECK(GraphicsImportSetDataHandle);
   11637 #endif
   11638     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&O&",
   11639                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &ci,
   11640                           ResObj_Convert, &h))
   11641         return NULL;
   11642     _rv = GraphicsImportSetDataHandle(ci,
   11643                                       h);
   11644     _res = Py_BuildValue("l",
   11645                          _rv);
   11646     return _res;
   11647 }
   11649 static PyObject *Qt_GraphicsImportGetDataHandle(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   11650 {
   11651     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   11652     ComponentResult _rv;
   11653     GraphicsImportComponent ci;
   11654     Handle h;
   11655 #ifndef GraphicsImportGetDataHandle
   11656     PyMac_PRECHECK(GraphicsImportGetDataHandle);
   11657 #endif
   11658     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&",
   11659                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &ci))
   11660         return NULL;
   11661     _rv = GraphicsImportGetDataHandle(ci,
   11662                                       &h);
   11663     _res = Py_BuildValue("lO&",
   11664                          _rv,
   11665                          ResObj_New, h);
   11666     return _res;
   11667 }
   11669 static PyObject *Qt_GraphicsImportGetImageDescription(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   11670 {
   11671     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   11672     ComponentResult _rv;
   11673     GraphicsImportComponent ci;
   11674     ImageDescriptionHandle desc;
   11675 #ifndef GraphicsImportGetImageDescription
   11676     PyMac_PRECHECK(GraphicsImportGetImageDescription);
   11677 #endif
   11678     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&",
   11679                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &ci))
   11680         return NULL;
   11681     _rv = GraphicsImportGetImageDescription(ci,
   11682                                             &desc);
   11683     _res = Py_BuildValue("lO&",
   11684                          _rv,
   11685                          ResObj_New, desc);
   11686     return _res;
   11687 }
   11689 static PyObject *Qt_GraphicsImportGetDataOffsetAndSize(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   11690 {
   11691     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   11692     ComponentResult _rv;
   11693     GraphicsImportComponent ci;
   11694     unsigned long offset;
   11695     unsigned long size;
   11696 #ifndef GraphicsImportGetDataOffsetAndSize
   11697     PyMac_PRECHECK(GraphicsImportGetDataOffsetAndSize);
   11698 #endif
   11699     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&",
   11700                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &ci))
   11701         return NULL;
   11702     _rv = GraphicsImportGetDataOffsetAndSize(ci,
   11703                                              &offset,
   11704                                              &size);
   11705     _res = Py_BuildValue("lll",
   11706                          _rv,
   11707                          offset,
   11708                          size);
   11709     return _res;
   11710 }
   11712 static PyObject *Qt_GraphicsImportReadData(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   11713 {
   11714     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   11715     ComponentResult _rv;
   11716     GraphicsImportComponent ci;
   11717     void * dataPtr;
   11718     unsigned long dataOffset;
   11719     unsigned long dataSize;
   11720 #ifndef GraphicsImportReadData
   11721     PyMac_PRECHECK(GraphicsImportReadData);
   11722 #endif
   11723     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&sll",
   11724                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &ci,
   11725                           &dataPtr,
   11726                           &dataOffset,
   11727                           &dataSize))
   11728         return NULL;
   11729     _rv = GraphicsImportReadData(ci,
   11730                                  dataPtr,
   11731                                  dataOffset,
   11732                                  dataSize);
   11733     _res = Py_BuildValue("l",
   11734                          _rv);
   11735     return _res;
   11736 }
   11738 static PyObject *Qt_GraphicsImportSetClip(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   11739 {
   11740     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   11741     ComponentResult _rv;
   11742     GraphicsImportComponent ci;
   11743     RgnHandle clipRgn;
   11744 #ifndef GraphicsImportSetClip
   11745     PyMac_PRECHECK(GraphicsImportSetClip);
   11746 #endif
   11747     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&O&",
   11748                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &ci,
   11749                           ResObj_Convert, &clipRgn))
   11750         return NULL;
   11751     _rv = GraphicsImportSetClip(ci,
   11752                                 clipRgn);
   11753     _res = Py_BuildValue("l",
   11754                          _rv);
   11755     return _res;
   11756 }
   11758 static PyObject *Qt_GraphicsImportGetClip(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   11759 {
   11760     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   11761     ComponentResult _rv;
   11762     GraphicsImportComponent ci;
   11763     RgnHandle clipRgn;
   11764 #ifndef GraphicsImportGetClip
   11765     PyMac_PRECHECK(GraphicsImportGetClip);
   11766 #endif
   11767     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&",
   11768                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &ci))
   11769         return NULL;
   11770     _rv = GraphicsImportGetClip(ci,
   11771                                 &clipRgn);
   11772     _res = Py_BuildValue("lO&",
   11773                          _rv,
   11774                          ResObj_New, clipRgn);
   11775     return _res;
   11776 }
   11778 static PyObject *Qt_GraphicsImportSetSourceRect(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   11779 {
   11780     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   11781     ComponentResult _rv;
   11782     GraphicsImportComponent ci;
   11783     Rect sourceRect;
   11784 #ifndef GraphicsImportSetSourceRect
   11785     PyMac_PRECHECK(GraphicsImportSetSourceRect);
   11786 #endif
   11787     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&O&",
   11788                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &ci,
   11789                           PyMac_GetRect, &sourceRect))
   11790         return NULL;
   11791     _rv = GraphicsImportSetSourceRect(ci,
   11792                                       &sourceRect);
   11793     _res = Py_BuildValue("l",
   11794                          _rv);
   11795     return _res;
   11796 }
   11798 static PyObject *Qt_GraphicsImportGetSourceRect(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   11799 {
   11800     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   11801     ComponentResult _rv;
   11802     GraphicsImportComponent ci;
   11803     Rect sourceRect;
   11804 #ifndef GraphicsImportGetSourceRect
   11805     PyMac_PRECHECK(GraphicsImportGetSourceRect);
   11806 #endif
   11807     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&",
   11808                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &ci))
   11809         return NULL;
   11810     _rv = GraphicsImportGetSourceRect(ci,
   11811                                       &sourceRect);
   11812     _res = Py_BuildValue("lO&",
   11813                          _rv,
   11814                          PyMac_BuildRect, &sourceRect);
   11815     return _res;
   11816 }
   11818 static PyObject *Qt_GraphicsImportGetNaturalBounds(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   11819 {
   11820     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   11821     ComponentResult _rv;
   11822     GraphicsImportComponent ci;
   11823     Rect naturalBounds;
   11824 #ifndef GraphicsImportGetNaturalBounds
   11825     PyMac_PRECHECK(GraphicsImportGetNaturalBounds);
   11826 #endif
   11827     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&",
   11828                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &ci))
   11829         return NULL;
   11830     _rv = GraphicsImportGetNaturalBounds(ci,
   11831                                          &naturalBounds);
   11832     _res = Py_BuildValue("lO&",
   11833                          _rv,
   11834                          PyMac_BuildRect, &naturalBounds);
   11835     return _res;
   11836 }
   11838 static PyObject *Qt_GraphicsImportDraw(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   11839 {
   11840     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   11841     ComponentResult _rv;
   11842     GraphicsImportComponent ci;
   11843 #ifndef GraphicsImportDraw
   11844     PyMac_PRECHECK(GraphicsImportDraw);
   11845 #endif
   11846     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&",
   11847                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &ci))
   11848         return NULL;
   11849     _rv = GraphicsImportDraw(ci);
   11850     _res = Py_BuildValue("l",
   11851                          _rv);
   11852     return _res;
   11853 }
   11855 static PyObject *Qt_GraphicsImportSetGWorld(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   11856 {
   11857     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   11858     ComponentResult _rv;
   11859     GraphicsImportComponent ci;
   11860     CGrafPtr port;
   11861     GDHandle gd;
   11862 #ifndef GraphicsImportSetGWorld
   11863     PyMac_PRECHECK(GraphicsImportSetGWorld);
   11864 #endif
   11865     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&O&O&",
   11866                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &ci,
   11867                           GrafObj_Convert, &port,
   11868                           OptResObj_Convert, &gd))
   11869         return NULL;
   11870     _rv = GraphicsImportSetGWorld(ci,
   11871                                   port,
   11872                                   gd);
   11873     _res = Py_BuildValue("l",
   11874                          _rv);
   11875     return _res;
   11876 }
   11878 static PyObject *Qt_GraphicsImportGetGWorld(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   11879 {
   11880     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   11881     ComponentResult _rv;
   11882     GraphicsImportComponent ci;
   11883     CGrafPtr port;
   11884     GDHandle gd;
   11885 #ifndef GraphicsImportGetGWorld
   11886     PyMac_PRECHECK(GraphicsImportGetGWorld);
   11887 #endif
   11888     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&",
   11889                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &ci))
   11890         return NULL;
   11891     _rv = GraphicsImportGetGWorld(ci,
   11892                                   &port,
   11893                                   &gd);
   11894     _res = Py_BuildValue("lO&O&",
   11895                          _rv,
   11896                          GrafObj_New, port,
   11897                          OptResObj_New, gd);
   11898     return _res;
   11899 }
   11901 static PyObject *Qt_GraphicsImportSetBoundsRect(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   11902 {
   11903     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   11904     ComponentResult _rv;
   11905     GraphicsImportComponent ci;
   11906     Rect bounds;
   11907 #ifndef GraphicsImportSetBoundsRect
   11908     PyMac_PRECHECK(GraphicsImportSetBoundsRect);
   11909 #endif
   11910     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&O&",
   11911                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &ci,
   11912                           PyMac_GetRect, &bounds))
   11913         return NULL;
   11914     _rv = GraphicsImportSetBoundsRect(ci,
   11915                                       &bounds);
   11916     _res = Py_BuildValue("l",
   11917                          _rv);
   11918     return _res;
   11919 }
   11921 static PyObject *Qt_GraphicsImportGetBoundsRect(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   11922 {
   11923     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   11924     ComponentResult _rv;
   11925     GraphicsImportComponent ci;
   11926     Rect bounds;
   11927 #ifndef GraphicsImportGetBoundsRect
   11928     PyMac_PRECHECK(GraphicsImportGetBoundsRect);
   11929 #endif
   11930     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&",
   11931                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &ci))
   11932         return NULL;
   11933     _rv = GraphicsImportGetBoundsRect(ci,
   11934                                       &bounds);
   11935     _res = Py_BuildValue("lO&",
   11936                          _rv,
   11937                          PyMac_BuildRect, &bounds);
   11938     return _res;
   11939 }
   11941 static PyObject *Qt_GraphicsImportSaveAsPicture(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   11942 {
   11943     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   11944     ComponentResult _rv;
   11945     GraphicsImportComponent ci;
   11946     FSSpec fss;
   11947     ScriptCode scriptTag;
   11948 #ifndef GraphicsImportSaveAsPicture
   11949     PyMac_PRECHECK(GraphicsImportSaveAsPicture);
   11950 #endif
   11951     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&O&h",
   11952                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &ci,
   11953                           PyMac_GetFSSpec, &fss,
   11954                           &scriptTag))
   11955         return NULL;
   11956     _rv = GraphicsImportSaveAsPicture(ci,
   11957                                       &fss,
   11958                                       scriptTag);
   11959     _res = Py_BuildValue("l",
   11960                          _rv);
   11961     return _res;
   11962 }
   11964 static PyObject *Qt_GraphicsImportSetGraphicsMode(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   11965 {
   11966     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   11967     ComponentResult _rv;
   11968     GraphicsImportComponent ci;
   11969     long graphicsMode;
   11970     RGBColor opColor;
   11971 #ifndef GraphicsImportSetGraphicsMode
   11972     PyMac_PRECHECK(GraphicsImportSetGraphicsMode);
   11973 #endif
   11974     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&lO&",
   11975                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &ci,
   11976                           &graphicsMode,
   11977                           QdRGB_Convert, &opColor))
   11978         return NULL;
   11979     _rv = GraphicsImportSetGraphicsMode(ci,
   11980                                         graphicsMode,
   11981                                         &opColor);
   11982     _res = Py_BuildValue("l",
   11983                          _rv);
   11984     return _res;
   11985 }
   11987 static PyObject *Qt_GraphicsImportGetGraphicsMode(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   11988 {
   11989     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   11990     ComponentResult _rv;
   11991     GraphicsImportComponent ci;
   11992     long graphicsMode;
   11993     RGBColor opColor;
   11994 #ifndef GraphicsImportGetGraphicsMode
   11995     PyMac_PRECHECK(GraphicsImportGetGraphicsMode);
   11996 #endif
   11997     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&",
   11998                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &ci))
   11999         return NULL;
   12000     _rv = GraphicsImportGetGraphicsMode(ci,
   12001                                         &graphicsMode,
   12002                                         &opColor);
   12003     _res = Py_BuildValue("llO&",
   12004                          _rv,
   12005                          graphicsMode,
   12006                          QdRGB_New, &opColor);
   12007     return _res;
   12008 }
   12010 static PyObject *Qt_GraphicsImportSetQuality(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   12011 {
   12012     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   12013     ComponentResult _rv;
   12014     GraphicsImportComponent ci;
   12015     CodecQ quality;
   12016 #ifndef GraphicsImportSetQuality
   12017     PyMac_PRECHECK(GraphicsImportSetQuality);
   12018 #endif
   12019     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&l",
   12020                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &ci,
   12021                           &quality))
   12022         return NULL;
   12023     _rv = GraphicsImportSetQuality(ci,
   12024                                    quality);
   12025     _res = Py_BuildValue("l",
   12026                          _rv);
   12027     return _res;
   12028 }
   12030 static PyObject *Qt_GraphicsImportGetQuality(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   12031 {
   12032     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   12033     ComponentResult _rv;
   12034     GraphicsImportComponent ci;
   12035     CodecQ quality;
   12036 #ifndef GraphicsImportGetQuality
   12037     PyMac_PRECHECK(GraphicsImportGetQuality);
   12038 #endif
   12039     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&",
   12040                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &ci))
   12041         return NULL;
   12042     _rv = GraphicsImportGetQuality(ci,
   12043                                    &quality);
   12044     _res = Py_BuildValue("ll",
   12045                          _rv,
   12046                          quality);
   12047     return _res;
   12048 }
   12050 static PyObject *Qt_GraphicsImportSaveAsQuickTimeImageFile(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   12051 {
   12052     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   12053     ComponentResult _rv;
   12054     GraphicsImportComponent ci;
   12055     FSSpec fss;
   12056     ScriptCode scriptTag;
   12057 #ifndef GraphicsImportSaveAsQuickTimeImageFile
   12058     PyMac_PRECHECK(GraphicsImportSaveAsQuickTimeImageFile);
   12059 #endif
   12060     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&O&h",
   12061                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &ci,
   12062                           PyMac_GetFSSpec, &fss,
   12063                           &scriptTag))
   12064         return NULL;
   12065     _rv = GraphicsImportSaveAsQuickTimeImageFile(ci,
   12066                                                  &fss,
   12067                                                  scriptTag);
   12068     _res = Py_BuildValue("l",
   12069                          _rv);
   12070     return _res;
   12071 }
   12073 static PyObject *Qt_GraphicsImportSetDataReferenceOffsetAndLimit(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   12074 {
   12075     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   12076     ComponentResult _rv;
   12077     GraphicsImportComponent ci;
   12078     unsigned long offset;
   12079     unsigned long limit;
   12080 #ifndef GraphicsImportSetDataReferenceOffsetAndLimit
   12081     PyMac_PRECHECK(GraphicsImportSetDataReferenceOffsetAndLimit);
   12082 #endif
   12083     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&ll",
   12084                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &ci,
   12085                           &offset,
   12086                           &limit))
   12087         return NULL;
   12088     _rv = GraphicsImportSetDataReferenceOffsetAndLimit(ci,
   12089                                                        offset,
   12090                                                        limit);
   12091     _res = Py_BuildValue("l",
   12092                          _rv);
   12093     return _res;
   12094 }
   12096 static PyObject *Qt_GraphicsImportGetDataReferenceOffsetAndLimit(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   12097 {
   12098     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   12099     ComponentResult _rv;
   12100     GraphicsImportComponent ci;
   12101     unsigned long offset;
   12102     unsigned long limit;
   12103 #ifndef GraphicsImportGetDataReferenceOffsetAndLimit
   12104     PyMac_PRECHECK(GraphicsImportGetDataReferenceOffsetAndLimit);
   12105 #endif
   12106     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&",
   12107                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &ci))
   12108         return NULL;
   12109     _rv = GraphicsImportGetDataReferenceOffsetAndLimit(ci,
   12110                                                        &offset,
   12111                                                        &limit);
   12112     _res = Py_BuildValue("lll",
   12113                          _rv,
   12114                          offset,
   12115                          limit);
   12116     return _res;
   12117 }
   12119 static PyObject *Qt_GraphicsImportGetAliasedDataReference(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   12120 {
   12121     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   12122     ComponentResult _rv;
   12123     GraphicsImportComponent ci;
   12124     Handle dataRef;
   12125     OSType dataRefType;
   12126 #ifndef GraphicsImportGetAliasedDataReference
   12127     PyMac_PRECHECK(GraphicsImportGetAliasedDataReference);
   12128 #endif
   12129     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&",
   12130                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &ci))
   12131         return NULL;
   12132     _rv = GraphicsImportGetAliasedDataReference(ci,
   12133                                                 &dataRef,
   12134                                                 &dataRefType);
   12135     _res = Py_BuildValue("lO&O&",
   12136                          _rv,
   12137                          ResObj_New, dataRef,
   12138                          PyMac_BuildOSType, dataRefType);
   12139     return _res;
   12140 }
   12142 static PyObject *Qt_GraphicsImportValidate(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   12143 {
   12144     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   12145     ComponentResult _rv;
   12146     GraphicsImportComponent ci;
   12147     Boolean valid;
   12148 #ifndef GraphicsImportValidate
   12149     PyMac_PRECHECK(GraphicsImportValidate);
   12150 #endif
   12151     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&",
   12152                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &ci))
   12153         return NULL;
   12154     _rv = GraphicsImportValidate(ci,
   12155                                  &valid);
   12156     _res = Py_BuildValue("lb",
   12157                          _rv,
   12158                          valid);
   12159     return _res;
   12160 }
   12162 static PyObject *Qt_GraphicsImportGetMetaData(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   12163 {
   12164     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   12165     ComponentResult _rv;
   12166     GraphicsImportComponent ci;
   12167     void * userData;
   12168 #ifndef GraphicsImportGetMetaData
   12169     PyMac_PRECHECK(GraphicsImportGetMetaData);
   12170 #endif
   12171     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&s",
   12172                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &ci,
   12173                           &userData))
   12174         return NULL;
   12175     _rv = GraphicsImportGetMetaData(ci,
   12176                                     userData);
   12177     _res = Py_BuildValue("l",
   12178                          _rv);
   12179     return _res;
   12180 }
   12182 static PyObject *Qt_GraphicsImportGetMIMETypeList(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   12183 {
   12184     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   12185     ComponentResult _rv;
   12186     GraphicsImportComponent ci;
   12187     void * qtAtomContainerPtr;
   12188 #ifndef GraphicsImportGetMIMETypeList
   12189     PyMac_PRECHECK(GraphicsImportGetMIMETypeList);
   12190 #endif
   12191     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&s",
   12192                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &ci,
   12193                           &qtAtomContainerPtr))
   12194         return NULL;
   12195     _rv = GraphicsImportGetMIMETypeList(ci,
   12196                                         qtAtomContainerPtr);
   12197     _res = Py_BuildValue("l",
   12198                          _rv);
   12199     return _res;
   12200 }
   12202 static PyObject *Qt_GraphicsImportDoesDrawAllPixels(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   12203 {
   12204     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   12205     ComponentResult _rv;
   12206     GraphicsImportComponent ci;
   12207     short drawsAllPixels;
   12208 #ifndef GraphicsImportDoesDrawAllPixels
   12209     PyMac_PRECHECK(GraphicsImportDoesDrawAllPixels);
   12210 #endif
   12211     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&",
   12212                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &ci))
   12213         return NULL;
   12214     _rv = GraphicsImportDoesDrawAllPixels(ci,
   12215                                           &drawsAllPixels);
   12216     _res = Py_BuildValue("lh",
   12217                          _rv,
   12218                          drawsAllPixels);
   12219     return _res;
   12220 }
   12222 static PyObject *Qt_GraphicsImportGetAsPicture(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   12223 {
   12224     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   12225     ComponentResult _rv;
   12226     GraphicsImportComponent ci;
   12227     PicHandle picture;
   12228 #ifndef GraphicsImportGetAsPicture
   12229     PyMac_PRECHECK(GraphicsImportGetAsPicture);
   12230 #endif
   12231     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&",
   12232                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &ci))
   12233         return NULL;
   12234     _rv = GraphicsImportGetAsPicture(ci,
   12235                                      &picture);
   12236     _res = Py_BuildValue("lO&",
   12237                          _rv,
   12238                          ResObj_New, picture);
   12239     return _res;
   12240 }
   12242 static PyObject *Qt_GraphicsImportExportImageFile(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   12243 {
   12244     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   12245     ComponentResult _rv;
   12246     GraphicsImportComponent ci;
   12247     OSType fileType;
   12248     OSType fileCreator;
   12249     FSSpec fss;
   12250     ScriptCode scriptTag;
   12251 #ifndef GraphicsImportExportImageFile
   12252     PyMac_PRECHECK(GraphicsImportExportImageFile);
   12253 #endif
   12254     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&O&O&O&h",
   12255                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &ci,
   12256                           PyMac_GetOSType, &fileType,
   12257                           PyMac_GetOSType, &fileCreator,
   12258                           PyMac_GetFSSpec, &fss,
   12259                           &scriptTag))
   12260         return NULL;
   12261     _rv = GraphicsImportExportImageFile(ci,
   12262                                         fileType,
   12263                                         fileCreator,
   12264                                         &fss,
   12265                                         scriptTag);
   12266     _res = Py_BuildValue("l",
   12267                          _rv);
   12268     return _res;
   12269 }
   12271 static PyObject *Qt_GraphicsImportGetExportImageTypeList(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   12272 {
   12273     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   12274     ComponentResult _rv;
   12275     GraphicsImportComponent ci;
   12276     void * qtAtomContainerPtr;
   12277 #ifndef GraphicsImportGetExportImageTypeList
   12278     PyMac_PRECHECK(GraphicsImportGetExportImageTypeList);
   12279 #endif
   12280     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&s",
   12281                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &ci,
   12282                           &qtAtomContainerPtr))
   12283         return NULL;
   12284     _rv = GraphicsImportGetExportImageTypeList(ci,
   12285                                                qtAtomContainerPtr);
   12286     _res = Py_BuildValue("l",
   12287                          _rv);
   12288     return _res;
   12289 }
   12291 static PyObject *Qt_GraphicsImportGetExportSettingsAsAtomContainer(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   12292 {
   12293     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   12294     ComponentResult _rv;
   12295     GraphicsImportComponent ci;
   12296     void * qtAtomContainerPtr;
   12297 #ifndef GraphicsImportGetExportSettingsAsAtomContainer
   12298     PyMac_PRECHECK(GraphicsImportGetExportSettingsAsAtomContainer);
   12299 #endif
   12300     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&s",
   12301                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &ci,
   12302                           &qtAtomContainerPtr))
   12303         return NULL;
   12304     _rv = GraphicsImportGetExportSettingsAsAtomContainer(ci,
   12305                                                          qtAtomContainerPtr);
   12306     _res = Py_BuildValue("l",
   12307                          _rv);
   12308     return _res;
   12309 }
   12311 static PyObject *Qt_GraphicsImportSetExportSettingsFromAtomContainer(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   12312 {
   12313     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   12314     ComponentResult _rv;
   12315     GraphicsImportComponent ci;
   12316     void * qtAtomContainer;
   12317 #ifndef GraphicsImportSetExportSettingsFromAtomContainer
   12318     PyMac_PRECHECK(GraphicsImportSetExportSettingsFromAtomContainer);
   12319 #endif
   12320     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&s",
   12321                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &ci,
   12322                           &qtAtomContainer))
   12323         return NULL;
   12324     _rv = GraphicsImportSetExportSettingsFromAtomContainer(ci,
   12325                                                            qtAtomContainer);
   12326     _res = Py_BuildValue("l",
   12327                          _rv);
   12328     return _res;
   12329 }
   12331 static PyObject *Qt_GraphicsImportGetImageCount(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   12332 {
   12333     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   12334     ComponentResult _rv;
   12335     GraphicsImportComponent ci;
   12336     unsigned long imageCount;
   12337 #ifndef GraphicsImportGetImageCount
   12338     PyMac_PRECHECK(GraphicsImportGetImageCount);
   12339 #endif
   12340     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&",
   12341                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &ci))
   12342         return NULL;
   12343     _rv = GraphicsImportGetImageCount(ci,
   12344                                       &imageCount);
   12345     _res = Py_BuildValue("ll",
   12346                          _rv,
   12347                          imageCount);
   12348     return _res;
   12349 }
   12351 static PyObject *Qt_GraphicsImportSetImageIndex(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   12352 {
   12353     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   12354     ComponentResult _rv;
   12355     GraphicsImportComponent ci;
   12356     unsigned long imageIndex;
   12357 #ifndef GraphicsImportSetImageIndex
   12358     PyMac_PRECHECK(GraphicsImportSetImageIndex);
   12359 #endif
   12360     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&l",
   12361                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &ci,
   12362                           &imageIndex))
   12363         return NULL;
   12364     _rv = GraphicsImportSetImageIndex(ci,
   12365                                       imageIndex);
   12366     _res = Py_BuildValue("l",
   12367                          _rv);
   12368     return _res;
   12369 }
   12371 static PyObject *Qt_GraphicsImportGetImageIndex(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   12372 {
   12373     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   12374     ComponentResult _rv;
   12375     GraphicsImportComponent ci;
   12376     unsigned long imageIndex;
   12377 #ifndef GraphicsImportGetImageIndex
   12378     PyMac_PRECHECK(GraphicsImportGetImageIndex);
   12379 #endif
   12380     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&",
   12381                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &ci))
   12382         return NULL;
   12383     _rv = GraphicsImportGetImageIndex(ci,
   12384                                       &imageIndex);
   12385     _res = Py_BuildValue("ll",
   12386                          _rv,
   12387                          imageIndex);
   12388     return _res;
   12389 }
   12391 static PyObject *Qt_GraphicsImportGetDataOffsetAndSize64(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   12392 {
   12393     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   12394     ComponentResult _rv;
   12395     GraphicsImportComponent ci;
   12396     wide offset;
   12397     wide size;
   12398 #ifndef GraphicsImportGetDataOffsetAndSize64
   12399     PyMac_PRECHECK(GraphicsImportGetDataOffsetAndSize64);
   12400 #endif
   12401     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&",
   12402                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &ci))
   12403         return NULL;
   12404     _rv = GraphicsImportGetDataOffsetAndSize64(ci,
   12405                                                &offset,
   12406                                                &size);
   12407     _res = Py_BuildValue("lO&O&",
   12408                          _rv,
   12409                          PyMac_Buildwide, offset,
   12410                          PyMac_Buildwide, size);
   12411     return _res;
   12412 }
   12414 static PyObject *Qt_GraphicsImportReadData64(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   12415 {
   12416     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   12417     ComponentResult _rv;
   12418     GraphicsImportComponent ci;
   12419     void * dataPtr;
   12420     wide dataOffset;
   12421     unsigned long dataSize;
   12422 #ifndef GraphicsImportReadData64
   12423     PyMac_PRECHECK(GraphicsImportReadData64);
   12424 #endif
   12425     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&sO&l",
   12426                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &ci,
   12427                           &dataPtr,
   12428                           PyMac_Getwide, &dataOffset,
   12429                           &dataSize))
   12430         return NULL;
   12431     _rv = GraphicsImportReadData64(ci,
   12432                                    dataPtr,
   12433                                    &dataOffset,
   12434                                    dataSize);
   12435     _res = Py_BuildValue("l",
   12436                          _rv);
   12437     return _res;
   12438 }
   12440 static PyObject *Qt_GraphicsImportSetDataReferenceOffsetAndLimit64(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   12441 {
   12442     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   12443     ComponentResult _rv;
   12444     GraphicsImportComponent ci;
   12445     wide offset;
   12446     wide limit;
   12447 #ifndef GraphicsImportSetDataReferenceOffsetAndLimit64
   12448     PyMac_PRECHECK(GraphicsImportSetDataReferenceOffsetAndLimit64);
   12449 #endif
   12450     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&O&O&",
   12451                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &ci,
   12452                           PyMac_Getwide, &offset,
   12453                           PyMac_Getwide, &limit))
   12454         return NULL;
   12455     _rv = GraphicsImportSetDataReferenceOffsetAndLimit64(ci,
   12456                                                          &offset,
   12457                                                          &limit);
   12458     _res = Py_BuildValue("l",
   12459                          _rv);
   12460     return _res;
   12461 }
   12463 static PyObject *Qt_GraphicsImportGetDataReferenceOffsetAndLimit64(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   12464 {
   12465     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   12466     ComponentResult _rv;
   12467     GraphicsImportComponent ci;
   12468     wide offset;
   12469     wide limit;
   12470 #ifndef GraphicsImportGetDataReferenceOffsetAndLimit64
   12471     PyMac_PRECHECK(GraphicsImportGetDataReferenceOffsetAndLimit64);
   12472 #endif
   12473     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&",
   12474                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &ci))
   12475         return NULL;
   12476     _rv = GraphicsImportGetDataReferenceOffsetAndLimit64(ci,
   12477                                                          &offset,
   12478                                                          &limit);
   12479     _res = Py_BuildValue("lO&O&",
   12480                          _rv,
   12481                          PyMac_Buildwide, offset,
   12482                          PyMac_Buildwide, limit);
   12483     return _res;
   12484 }
   12486 static PyObject *Qt_GraphicsImportGetDefaultClip(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   12487 {
   12488     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   12489     ComponentResult _rv;
   12490     GraphicsImportComponent ci;
   12491     RgnHandle defaultRgn;
   12492 #ifndef GraphicsImportGetDefaultClip
   12493     PyMac_PRECHECK(GraphicsImportGetDefaultClip);
   12494 #endif
   12495     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&",
   12496                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &ci))
   12497         return NULL;
   12498     _rv = GraphicsImportGetDefaultClip(ci,
   12499                                        &defaultRgn);
   12500     _res = Py_BuildValue("lO&",
   12501                          _rv,
   12502                          ResObj_New, defaultRgn);
   12503     return _res;
   12504 }
   12506 static PyObject *Qt_GraphicsImportGetDefaultGraphicsMode(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   12507 {
   12508     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   12509     ComponentResult _rv;
   12510     GraphicsImportComponent ci;
   12511     long defaultGraphicsMode;
   12512     RGBColor defaultOpColor;
   12513 #ifndef GraphicsImportGetDefaultGraphicsMode
   12514     PyMac_PRECHECK(GraphicsImportGetDefaultGraphicsMode);
   12515 #endif
   12516     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&",
   12517                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &ci))
   12518         return NULL;
   12519     _rv = GraphicsImportGetDefaultGraphicsMode(ci,
   12520                                                &defaultGraphicsMode,
   12521                                                &defaultOpColor);
   12522     _res = Py_BuildValue("llO&",
   12523                          _rv,
   12524                          defaultGraphicsMode,
   12525                          QdRGB_New, &defaultOpColor);
   12526     return _res;
   12527 }
   12529 static PyObject *Qt_GraphicsImportGetDefaultSourceRect(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   12530 {
   12531     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   12532     ComponentResult _rv;
   12533     GraphicsImportComponent ci;
   12534     Rect defaultSourceRect;
   12535 #ifndef GraphicsImportGetDefaultSourceRect
   12536     PyMac_PRECHECK(GraphicsImportGetDefaultSourceRect);
   12537 #endif
   12538     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&",
   12539                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &ci))
   12540         return NULL;
   12541     _rv = GraphicsImportGetDefaultSourceRect(ci,
   12542                                              &defaultSourceRect);
   12543     _res = Py_BuildValue("lO&",
   12544                          _rv,
   12545                          PyMac_BuildRect, &defaultSourceRect);
   12546     return _res;
   12547 }
   12549 static PyObject *Qt_GraphicsImportGetColorSyncProfile(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   12550 {
   12551     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   12552     ComponentResult _rv;
   12553     GraphicsImportComponent ci;
   12554     Handle profile;
   12555 #ifndef GraphicsImportGetColorSyncProfile
   12556     PyMac_PRECHECK(GraphicsImportGetColorSyncProfile);
   12557 #endif
   12558     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&",
   12559                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &ci))
   12560         return NULL;
   12561     _rv = GraphicsImportGetColorSyncProfile(ci,
   12562                                             &profile);
   12563     _res = Py_BuildValue("lO&",
   12564                          _rv,
   12565                          ResObj_New, profile);
   12566     return _res;
   12567 }
   12569 static PyObject *Qt_GraphicsImportSetDestRect(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   12570 {
   12571     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   12572     ComponentResult _rv;
   12573     GraphicsImportComponent ci;
   12574     Rect destRect;
   12575 #ifndef GraphicsImportSetDestRect
   12576     PyMac_PRECHECK(GraphicsImportSetDestRect);
   12577 #endif
   12578     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&O&",
   12579                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &ci,
   12580                           PyMac_GetRect, &destRect))
   12581         return NULL;
   12582     _rv = GraphicsImportSetDestRect(ci,
   12583                                     &destRect);
   12584     _res = Py_BuildValue("l",
   12585                          _rv);
   12586     return _res;
   12587 }
   12589 static PyObject *Qt_GraphicsImportGetDestRect(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   12590 {
   12591     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   12592     ComponentResult _rv;
   12593     GraphicsImportComponent ci;
   12594     Rect destRect;
   12595 #ifndef GraphicsImportGetDestRect
   12596     PyMac_PRECHECK(GraphicsImportGetDestRect);
   12597 #endif
   12598     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&",
   12599                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &ci))
   12600         return NULL;
   12601     _rv = GraphicsImportGetDestRect(ci,
   12602                                     &destRect);
   12603     _res = Py_BuildValue("lO&",
   12604                          _rv,
   12605                          PyMac_BuildRect, &destRect);
   12606     return _res;
   12607 }
   12609 static PyObject *Qt_GraphicsImportSetFlags(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   12610 {
   12611     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   12612     ComponentResult _rv;
   12613     GraphicsImportComponent ci;
   12614     long flags;
   12615 #ifndef GraphicsImportSetFlags
   12616     PyMac_PRECHECK(GraphicsImportSetFlags);
   12617 #endif
   12618     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&l",
   12619                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &ci,
   12620                           &flags))
   12621         return NULL;
   12622     _rv = GraphicsImportSetFlags(ci,
   12623                                  flags);
   12624     _res = Py_BuildValue("l",
   12625                          _rv);
   12626     return _res;
   12627 }
   12629 static PyObject *Qt_GraphicsImportGetFlags(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   12630 {
   12631     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   12632     ComponentResult _rv;
   12633     GraphicsImportComponent ci;
   12634     long flags;
   12635 #ifndef GraphicsImportGetFlags
   12636     PyMac_PRECHECK(GraphicsImportGetFlags);
   12637 #endif
   12638     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&",
   12639                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &ci))
   12640         return NULL;
   12641     _rv = GraphicsImportGetFlags(ci,
   12642                                  &flags);
   12643     _res = Py_BuildValue("ll",
   12644                          _rv,
   12645                          flags);
   12646     return _res;
   12647 }
   12649 static PyObject *Qt_GraphicsImportGetBaseDataOffsetAndSize64(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   12650 {
   12651     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   12652     ComponentResult _rv;
   12653     GraphicsImportComponent ci;
   12654     wide offset;
   12655     wide size;
   12656 #ifndef GraphicsImportGetBaseDataOffsetAndSize64
   12657     PyMac_PRECHECK(GraphicsImportGetBaseDataOffsetAndSize64);
   12658 #endif
   12659     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&",
   12660                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &ci))
   12661         return NULL;
   12662     _rv = GraphicsImportGetBaseDataOffsetAndSize64(ci,
   12663                                                    &offset,
   12664                                                    &size);
   12665     _res = Py_BuildValue("lO&O&",
   12666                          _rv,
   12667                          PyMac_Buildwide, offset,
   12668                          PyMac_Buildwide, size);
   12669     return _res;
   12670 }
   12672 static PyObject *Qt_GraphicsImportSetImageIndexToThumbnail(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   12673 {
   12674     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   12675     ComponentResult _rv;
   12676     GraphicsImportComponent ci;
   12677 #ifndef GraphicsImportSetImageIndexToThumbnail
   12678     PyMac_PRECHECK(GraphicsImportSetImageIndexToThumbnail);
   12679 #endif
   12680     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&",
   12681                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &ci))
   12682         return NULL;
   12683     _rv = GraphicsImportSetImageIndexToThumbnail(ci);
   12684     _res = Py_BuildValue("l",
   12685                          _rv);
   12686     return _res;
   12687 }
   12689 static PyObject *Qt_GraphicsExportDoExport(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   12690 {
   12691     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   12692     ComponentResult _rv;
   12693     GraphicsExportComponent ci;
   12694     unsigned long actualSizeWritten;
   12695 #ifndef GraphicsExportDoExport
   12696     PyMac_PRECHECK(GraphicsExportDoExport);
   12697 #endif
   12698     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&",
   12699                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &ci))
   12700         return NULL;
   12701     _rv = GraphicsExportDoExport(ci,
   12702                                  &actualSizeWritten);
   12703     _res = Py_BuildValue("ll",
   12704                          _rv,
   12705                          actualSizeWritten);
   12706     return _res;
   12707 }
   12709 static PyObject *Qt_GraphicsExportCanTranscode(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   12710 {
   12711     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   12712     ComponentResult _rv;
   12713     GraphicsExportComponent ci;
   12714     Boolean canTranscode;
   12715 #ifndef GraphicsExportCanTranscode
   12716     PyMac_PRECHECK(GraphicsExportCanTranscode);
   12717 #endif
   12718     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&",
   12719                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &ci))
   12720         return NULL;
   12721     _rv = GraphicsExportCanTranscode(ci,
   12722                                      &canTranscode);
   12723     _res = Py_BuildValue("lb",
   12724                          _rv,
   12725                          canTranscode);
   12726     return _res;
   12727 }
   12729 static PyObject *Qt_GraphicsExportDoTranscode(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   12730 {
   12731     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   12732     ComponentResult _rv;
   12733     GraphicsExportComponent ci;
   12734 #ifndef GraphicsExportDoTranscode
   12735     PyMac_PRECHECK(GraphicsExportDoTranscode);
   12736 #endif
   12737     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&",
   12738                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &ci))
   12739         return NULL;
   12740     _rv = GraphicsExportDoTranscode(ci);
   12741     _res = Py_BuildValue("l",
   12742                          _rv);
   12743     return _res;
   12744 }
   12746 static PyObject *Qt_GraphicsExportCanUseCompressor(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   12747 {
   12748     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   12749     ComponentResult _rv;
   12750     GraphicsExportComponent ci;
   12751     Boolean canUseCompressor;
   12752     void * codecSettingsAtomContainerPtr;
   12753 #ifndef GraphicsExportCanUseCompressor
   12754     PyMac_PRECHECK(GraphicsExportCanUseCompressor);
   12755 #endif
   12756     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&s",
   12757                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &ci,
   12758                           &codecSettingsAtomContainerPtr))
   12759         return NULL;
   12760     _rv = GraphicsExportCanUseCompressor(ci,
   12761                                          &canUseCompressor,
   12762                                          codecSettingsAtomContainerPtr);
   12763     _res = Py_BuildValue("lb",
   12764                          _rv,
   12765                          canUseCompressor);
   12766     return _res;
   12767 }
   12769 static PyObject *Qt_GraphicsExportDoUseCompressor(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   12770 {
   12771     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   12772     ComponentResult _rv;
   12773     GraphicsExportComponent ci;
   12774     void * codecSettingsAtomContainer;
   12775     ImageDescriptionHandle outDesc;
   12776 #ifndef GraphicsExportDoUseCompressor
   12777     PyMac_PRECHECK(GraphicsExportDoUseCompressor);
   12778 #endif
   12779     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&s",
   12780                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &ci,
   12781                           &codecSettingsAtomContainer))
   12782         return NULL;
   12783     _rv = GraphicsExportDoUseCompressor(ci,
   12784                                         codecSettingsAtomContainer,
   12785                                         &outDesc);
   12786     _res = Py_BuildValue("lO&",
   12787                          _rv,
   12788                          ResObj_New, outDesc);
   12789     return _res;
   12790 }
   12792 static PyObject *Qt_GraphicsExportDoStandaloneExport(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   12793 {
   12794     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   12795     ComponentResult _rv;
   12796     GraphicsExportComponent ci;
   12797 #ifndef GraphicsExportDoStandaloneExport
   12798     PyMac_PRECHECK(GraphicsExportDoStandaloneExport);
   12799 #endif
   12800     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&",
   12801                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &ci))
   12802         return NULL;
   12803     _rv = GraphicsExportDoStandaloneExport(ci);
   12804     _res = Py_BuildValue("l",
   12805                          _rv);
   12806     return _res;
   12807 }
   12809 static PyObject *Qt_GraphicsExportGetDefaultFileTypeAndCreator(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   12810 {
   12811     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   12812     ComponentResult _rv;
   12813     GraphicsExportComponent ci;
   12814     OSType fileType;
   12815     OSType fileCreator;
   12816 #ifndef GraphicsExportGetDefaultFileTypeAndCreator
   12817     PyMac_PRECHECK(GraphicsExportGetDefaultFileTypeAndCreator);
   12818 #endif
   12819     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&",
   12820                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &ci))
   12821         return NULL;
   12822     _rv = GraphicsExportGetDefaultFileTypeAndCreator(ci,
   12823                                                      &fileType,
   12824                                                      &fileCreator);
   12825     _res = Py_BuildValue("lO&O&",
   12826                          _rv,
   12827                          PyMac_BuildOSType, fileType,
   12828                          PyMac_BuildOSType, fileCreator);
   12829     return _res;
   12830 }
   12832 static PyObject *Qt_GraphicsExportGetDefaultFileNameExtension(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   12833 {
   12834     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   12835     ComponentResult _rv;
   12836     GraphicsExportComponent ci;
   12837     OSType fileNameExtension;
   12838 #ifndef GraphicsExportGetDefaultFileNameExtension
   12839     PyMac_PRECHECK(GraphicsExportGetDefaultFileNameExtension);
   12840 #endif
   12841     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&",
   12842                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &ci))
   12843         return NULL;
   12844     _rv = GraphicsExportGetDefaultFileNameExtension(ci,
   12845                                                     &fileNameExtension);
   12846     _res = Py_BuildValue("lO&",
   12847                          _rv,
   12848                          PyMac_BuildOSType, fileNameExtension);
   12849     return _res;
   12850 }
   12852 static PyObject *Qt_GraphicsExportGetMIMETypeList(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   12853 {
   12854     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   12855     ComponentResult _rv;
   12856     GraphicsExportComponent ci;
   12857     void * qtAtomContainerPtr;
   12858 #ifndef GraphicsExportGetMIMETypeList
   12859     PyMac_PRECHECK(GraphicsExportGetMIMETypeList);
   12860 #endif
   12861     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&s",
   12862                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &ci,
   12863                           &qtAtomContainerPtr))
   12864         return NULL;
   12865     _rv = GraphicsExportGetMIMETypeList(ci,
   12866                                         qtAtomContainerPtr);
   12867     _res = Py_BuildValue("l",
   12868                          _rv);
   12869     return _res;
   12870 }
   12872 static PyObject *Qt_GraphicsExportSetSettingsFromAtomContainer(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   12873 {
   12874     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   12875     ComponentResult _rv;
   12876     GraphicsExportComponent ci;
   12877     void * qtAtomContainer;
   12878 #ifndef GraphicsExportSetSettingsFromAtomContainer
   12879     PyMac_PRECHECK(GraphicsExportSetSettingsFromAtomContainer);
   12880 #endif
   12881     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&s",
   12882                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &ci,
   12883                           &qtAtomContainer))
   12884         return NULL;
   12885     _rv = GraphicsExportSetSettingsFromAtomContainer(ci,
   12886                                                      qtAtomContainer);
   12887     _res = Py_BuildValue("l",
   12888                          _rv);
   12889     return _res;
   12890 }
   12892 static PyObject *Qt_GraphicsExportGetSettingsAsAtomContainer(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   12893 {
   12894     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   12895     ComponentResult _rv;
   12896     GraphicsExportComponent ci;
   12897     void * qtAtomContainerPtr;
   12898 #ifndef GraphicsExportGetSettingsAsAtomContainer
   12899     PyMac_PRECHECK(GraphicsExportGetSettingsAsAtomContainer);
   12900 #endif
   12901     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&s",
   12902                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &ci,
   12903                           &qtAtomContainerPtr))
   12904         return NULL;
   12905     _rv = GraphicsExportGetSettingsAsAtomContainer(ci,
   12906                                                    qtAtomContainerPtr);
   12907     _res = Py_BuildValue("l",
   12908                          _rv);
   12909     return _res;
   12910 }
   12912 static PyObject *Qt_GraphicsExportGetSettingsAsText(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   12913 {
   12914     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   12915     ComponentResult _rv;
   12916     GraphicsExportComponent ci;
   12917     Handle theText;
   12918 #ifndef GraphicsExportGetSettingsAsText
   12919     PyMac_PRECHECK(GraphicsExportGetSettingsAsText);
   12920 #endif
   12921     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&",
   12922                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &ci))
   12923         return NULL;
   12924     _rv = GraphicsExportGetSettingsAsText(ci,
   12925                                           &theText);
   12926     _res = Py_BuildValue("lO&",
   12927                          _rv,
   12928                          ResObj_New, theText);
   12929     return _res;
   12930 }
   12932 static PyObject *Qt_GraphicsExportSetDontRecompress(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   12933 {
   12934     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   12935     ComponentResult _rv;
   12936     GraphicsExportComponent ci;
   12937     Boolean dontRecompress;
   12938 #ifndef GraphicsExportSetDontRecompress
   12939     PyMac_PRECHECK(GraphicsExportSetDontRecompress);
   12940 #endif
   12941     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&b",
   12942                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &ci,
   12943                           &dontRecompress))
   12944         return NULL;
   12945     _rv = GraphicsExportSetDontRecompress(ci,
   12946                                           dontRecompress);
   12947     _res = Py_BuildValue("l",
   12948                          _rv);
   12949     return _res;
   12950 }
   12952 static PyObject *Qt_GraphicsExportGetDontRecompress(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   12953 {
   12954     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   12955     ComponentResult _rv;
   12956     GraphicsExportComponent ci;
   12957     Boolean dontRecompress;
   12958 #ifndef GraphicsExportGetDontRecompress
   12959     PyMac_PRECHECK(GraphicsExportGetDontRecompress);
   12960 #endif
   12961     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&",
   12962                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &ci))
   12963         return NULL;
   12964     _rv = GraphicsExportGetDontRecompress(ci,
   12965                                           &dontRecompress);
   12966     _res = Py_BuildValue("lb",
   12967                          _rv,
   12968                          dontRecompress);
   12969     return _res;
   12970 }
   12972 static PyObject *Qt_GraphicsExportSetInterlaceStyle(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   12973 {
   12974     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   12975     ComponentResult _rv;
   12976     GraphicsExportComponent ci;
   12977     unsigned long interlaceStyle;
   12978 #ifndef GraphicsExportSetInterlaceStyle
   12979     PyMac_PRECHECK(GraphicsExportSetInterlaceStyle);
   12980 #endif
   12981     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&l",
   12982                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &ci,
   12983                           &interlaceStyle))
   12984         return NULL;
   12985     _rv = GraphicsExportSetInterlaceStyle(ci,
   12986                                           interlaceStyle);
   12987     _res = Py_BuildValue("l",
   12988                          _rv);
   12989     return _res;
   12990 }
   12992 static PyObject *Qt_GraphicsExportGetInterlaceStyle(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   12993 {
   12994     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   12995     ComponentResult _rv;
   12996     GraphicsExportComponent ci;
   12997     unsigned long interlaceStyle;
   12998 #ifndef GraphicsExportGetInterlaceStyle
   12999     PyMac_PRECHECK(GraphicsExportGetInterlaceStyle);
   13000 #endif
   13001     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&",
   13002                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &ci))
   13003         return NULL;
   13004     _rv = GraphicsExportGetInterlaceStyle(ci,
   13005                                           &interlaceStyle);
   13006     _res = Py_BuildValue("ll",
   13007                          _rv,
   13008                          interlaceStyle);
   13009     return _res;
   13010 }
   13012 static PyObject *Qt_GraphicsExportSetMetaData(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   13013 {
   13014     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   13015     ComponentResult _rv;
   13016     GraphicsExportComponent ci;
   13017     void * userData;
   13018 #ifndef GraphicsExportSetMetaData
   13019     PyMac_PRECHECK(GraphicsExportSetMetaData);
   13020 #endif
   13021     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&s",
   13022                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &ci,
   13023                           &userData))
   13024         return NULL;
   13025     _rv = GraphicsExportSetMetaData(ci,
   13026                                     userData);
   13027     _res = Py_BuildValue("l",
   13028                          _rv);
   13029     return _res;
   13030 }
   13032 static PyObject *Qt_GraphicsExportGetMetaData(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   13033 {
   13034     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   13035     ComponentResult _rv;
   13036     GraphicsExportComponent ci;
   13037     void * userData;
   13038 #ifndef GraphicsExportGetMetaData
   13039     PyMac_PRECHECK(GraphicsExportGetMetaData);
   13040 #endif
   13041     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&s",
   13042                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &ci,
   13043                           &userData))
   13044         return NULL;
   13045     _rv = GraphicsExportGetMetaData(ci,
   13046                                     userData);
   13047     _res = Py_BuildValue("l",
   13048                          _rv);
   13049     return _res;
   13050 }
   13052 static PyObject *Qt_GraphicsExportSetTargetDataSize(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   13053 {
   13054     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   13055     ComponentResult _rv;
   13056     GraphicsExportComponent ci;
   13057     unsigned long targetDataSize;
   13058 #ifndef GraphicsExportSetTargetDataSize
   13059     PyMac_PRECHECK(GraphicsExportSetTargetDataSize);
   13060 #endif
   13061     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&l",
   13062                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &ci,
   13063                           &targetDataSize))
   13064         return NULL;
   13065     _rv = GraphicsExportSetTargetDataSize(ci,
   13066                                           targetDataSize);
   13067     _res = Py_BuildValue("l",
   13068                          _rv);
   13069     return _res;
   13070 }
   13072 static PyObject *Qt_GraphicsExportGetTargetDataSize(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   13073 {
   13074     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   13075     ComponentResult _rv;
   13076     GraphicsExportComponent ci;
   13077     unsigned long targetDataSize;
   13078 #ifndef GraphicsExportGetTargetDataSize
   13079     PyMac_PRECHECK(GraphicsExportGetTargetDataSize);
   13080 #endif
   13081     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&",
   13082                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &ci))
   13083         return NULL;
   13084     _rv = GraphicsExportGetTargetDataSize(ci,
   13085                                           &targetDataSize);
   13086     _res = Py_BuildValue("ll",
   13087                          _rv,
   13088                          targetDataSize);
   13089     return _res;
   13090 }
   13092 static PyObject *Qt_GraphicsExportSetCompressionMethod(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   13093 {
   13094     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   13095     ComponentResult _rv;
   13096     GraphicsExportComponent ci;
   13097     long compressionMethod;
   13098 #ifndef GraphicsExportSetCompressionMethod
   13099     PyMac_PRECHECK(GraphicsExportSetCompressionMethod);
   13100 #endif
   13101     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&l",
   13102                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &ci,
   13103                           &compressionMethod))
   13104         return NULL;
   13105     _rv = GraphicsExportSetCompressionMethod(ci,
   13106                                              compressionMethod);
   13107     _res = Py_BuildValue("l",
   13108                          _rv);
   13109     return _res;
   13110 }
   13112 static PyObject *Qt_GraphicsExportGetCompressionMethod(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   13113 {
   13114     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   13115     ComponentResult _rv;
   13116     GraphicsExportComponent ci;
   13117     long compressionMethod;
   13118 #ifndef GraphicsExportGetCompressionMethod
   13119     PyMac_PRECHECK(GraphicsExportGetCompressionMethod);
   13120 #endif
   13121     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&",
   13122                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &ci))
   13123         return NULL;
   13124     _rv = GraphicsExportGetCompressionMethod(ci,
   13125                                              &compressionMethod);
   13126     _res = Py_BuildValue("ll",
   13127                          _rv,
   13128                          compressionMethod);
   13129     return _res;
   13130 }
   13132 static PyObject *Qt_GraphicsExportSetCompressionQuality(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   13133 {
   13134     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   13135     ComponentResult _rv;
   13136     GraphicsExportComponent ci;
   13137     CodecQ spatialQuality;
   13138 #ifndef GraphicsExportSetCompressionQuality
   13139     PyMac_PRECHECK(GraphicsExportSetCompressionQuality);
   13140 #endif
   13141     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&l",
   13142                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &ci,
   13143                           &spatialQuality))
   13144         return NULL;
   13145     _rv = GraphicsExportSetCompressionQuality(ci,
   13146                                               spatialQuality);
   13147     _res = Py_BuildValue("l",
   13148                          _rv);
   13149     return _res;
   13150 }
   13152 static PyObject *Qt_GraphicsExportGetCompressionQuality(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   13153 {
   13154     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   13155     ComponentResult _rv;
   13156     GraphicsExportComponent ci;
   13157     CodecQ spatialQuality;
   13158 #ifndef GraphicsExportGetCompressionQuality
   13159     PyMac_PRECHECK(GraphicsExportGetCompressionQuality);
   13160 #endif
   13161     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&",
   13162                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &ci))
   13163         return NULL;
   13164     _rv = GraphicsExportGetCompressionQuality(ci,
   13165                                               &spatialQuality);
   13166     _res = Py_BuildValue("ll",
   13167                          _rv,
   13168                          spatialQuality);
   13169     return _res;
   13170 }
   13172 static PyObject *Qt_GraphicsExportSetResolution(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   13173 {
   13174     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   13175     ComponentResult _rv;
   13176     GraphicsExportComponent ci;
   13177     Fixed horizontalResolution;
   13178     Fixed verticalResolution;
   13179 #ifndef GraphicsExportSetResolution
   13180     PyMac_PRECHECK(GraphicsExportSetResolution);
   13181 #endif
   13182     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&O&O&",
   13183                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &ci,
   13184                           PyMac_GetFixed, &horizontalResolution,
   13185                           PyMac_GetFixed, &verticalResolution))
   13186         return NULL;
   13187     _rv = GraphicsExportSetResolution(ci,
   13188                                       horizontalResolution,
   13189                                       verticalResolution);
   13190     _res = Py_BuildValue("l",
   13191                          _rv);
   13192     return _res;
   13193 }
   13195 static PyObject *Qt_GraphicsExportGetResolution(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   13196 {
   13197     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   13198     ComponentResult _rv;
   13199     GraphicsExportComponent ci;
   13200     Fixed horizontalResolution;
   13201     Fixed verticalResolution;
   13202 #ifndef GraphicsExportGetResolution
   13203     PyMac_PRECHECK(GraphicsExportGetResolution);
   13204 #endif
   13205     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&",
   13206                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &ci))
   13207         return NULL;
   13208     _rv = GraphicsExportGetResolution(ci,
   13209                                       &horizontalResolution,
   13210                                       &verticalResolution);
   13211     _res = Py_BuildValue("lO&O&",
   13212                          _rv,
   13213                          PyMac_BuildFixed, horizontalResolution,
   13214                          PyMac_BuildFixed, verticalResolution);
   13215     return _res;
   13216 }
   13218 static PyObject *Qt_GraphicsExportSetDepth(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   13219 {
   13220     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   13221     ComponentResult _rv;
   13222     GraphicsExportComponent ci;
   13223     long depth;
   13224 #ifndef GraphicsExportSetDepth
   13225     PyMac_PRECHECK(GraphicsExportSetDepth);
   13226 #endif
   13227     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&l",
   13228                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &ci,
   13229                           &depth))
   13230         return NULL;
   13231     _rv = GraphicsExportSetDepth(ci,
   13232                                  depth);
   13233     _res = Py_BuildValue("l",
   13234                          _rv);
   13235     return _res;
   13236 }
   13238 static PyObject *Qt_GraphicsExportGetDepth(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   13239 {
   13240     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   13241     ComponentResult _rv;
   13242     GraphicsExportComponent ci;
   13243     long depth;
   13244 #ifndef GraphicsExportGetDepth
   13245     PyMac_PRECHECK(GraphicsExportGetDepth);
   13246 #endif
   13247     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&",
   13248                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &ci))
   13249         return NULL;
   13250     _rv = GraphicsExportGetDepth(ci,
   13251                                  &depth);
   13252     _res = Py_BuildValue("ll",
   13253                          _rv,
   13254                          depth);
   13255     return _res;
   13256 }
   13258 static PyObject *Qt_GraphicsExportSetColorSyncProfile(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   13259 {
   13260     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   13261     ComponentResult _rv;
   13262     GraphicsExportComponent ci;
   13263     Handle colorSyncProfile;
   13264 #ifndef GraphicsExportSetColorSyncProfile
   13265     PyMac_PRECHECK(GraphicsExportSetColorSyncProfile);
   13266 #endif
   13267     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&O&",
   13268                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &ci,
   13269                           ResObj_Convert, &colorSyncProfile))
   13270         return NULL;
   13271     _rv = GraphicsExportSetColorSyncProfile(ci,
   13272                                             colorSyncProfile);
   13273     _res = Py_BuildValue("l",
   13274                          _rv);
   13275     return _res;
   13276 }
   13278 static PyObject *Qt_GraphicsExportGetColorSyncProfile(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   13279 {
   13280     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   13281     ComponentResult _rv;
   13282     GraphicsExportComponent ci;
   13283     Handle colorSyncProfile;
   13284 #ifndef GraphicsExportGetColorSyncProfile
   13285     PyMac_PRECHECK(GraphicsExportGetColorSyncProfile);
   13286 #endif
   13287     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&",
   13288                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &ci))
   13289         return NULL;
   13290     _rv = GraphicsExportGetColorSyncProfile(ci,
   13291                                             &colorSyncProfile);
   13292     _res = Py_BuildValue("lO&",
   13293                          _rv,
   13294                          ResObj_New, colorSyncProfile);
   13295     return _res;
   13296 }
   13298 static PyObject *Qt_GraphicsExportSetInputDataReference(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   13299 {
   13300     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   13301     ComponentResult _rv;
   13302     GraphicsExportComponent ci;
   13303     Handle dataRef;
   13304     OSType dataRefType;
   13305     ImageDescriptionHandle desc;
   13306 #ifndef GraphicsExportSetInputDataReference
   13307     PyMac_PRECHECK(GraphicsExportSetInputDataReference);
   13308 #endif
   13309     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&O&O&O&",
   13310                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &ci,
   13311                           ResObj_Convert, &dataRef,
   13312                           PyMac_GetOSType, &dataRefType,
   13313                           ResObj_Convert, &desc))
   13314         return NULL;
   13315     _rv = GraphicsExportSetInputDataReference(ci,
   13316                                               dataRef,
   13317                                               dataRefType,
   13318                                               desc);
   13319     _res = Py_BuildValue("l",
   13320                          _rv);
   13321     return _res;
   13322 }
   13324 static PyObject *Qt_GraphicsExportGetInputDataReference(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   13325 {
   13326     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   13327     ComponentResult _rv;
   13328     GraphicsExportComponent ci;
   13329     Handle dataRef;
   13330     OSType dataRefType;
   13331 #ifndef GraphicsExportGetInputDataReference
   13332     PyMac_PRECHECK(GraphicsExportGetInputDataReference);
   13333 #endif
   13334     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&",
   13335                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &ci))
   13336         return NULL;
   13337     _rv = GraphicsExportGetInputDataReference(ci,
   13338                                               &dataRef,
   13339                                               &dataRefType);
   13340     _res = Py_BuildValue("lO&O&",
   13341                          _rv,
   13342                          ResObj_New, dataRef,
   13343                          PyMac_BuildOSType, dataRefType);
   13344     return _res;
   13345 }
   13347 static PyObject *Qt_GraphicsExportSetInputFile(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   13348 {
   13349     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   13350     ComponentResult _rv;
   13351     GraphicsExportComponent ci;
   13352     FSSpec theFile;
   13353     ImageDescriptionHandle desc;
   13354 #ifndef GraphicsExportSetInputFile
   13355     PyMac_PRECHECK(GraphicsExportSetInputFile);
   13356 #endif
   13357     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&O&O&",
   13358                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &ci,
   13359                           PyMac_GetFSSpec, &theFile,
   13360                           ResObj_Convert, &desc))
   13361         return NULL;
   13362     _rv = GraphicsExportSetInputFile(ci,
   13363                                      &theFile,
   13364                                      desc);
   13365     _res = Py_BuildValue("l",
   13366                          _rv);
   13367     return _res;
   13368 }
   13370 static PyObject *Qt_GraphicsExportGetInputFile(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   13371 {
   13372     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   13373     ComponentResult _rv;
   13374     GraphicsExportComponent ci;
   13375     FSSpec theFile;
   13376 #ifndef GraphicsExportGetInputFile
   13377     PyMac_PRECHECK(GraphicsExportGetInputFile);
   13378 #endif
   13379     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&O&",
   13380                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &ci,
   13381                           PyMac_GetFSSpec, &theFile))
   13382         return NULL;
   13383     _rv = GraphicsExportGetInputFile(ci,
   13384                                      &theFile);
   13385     _res = Py_BuildValue("l",
   13386                          _rv);
   13387     return _res;
   13388 }
   13390 static PyObject *Qt_GraphicsExportSetInputHandle(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   13391 {
   13392     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   13393     ComponentResult _rv;
   13394     GraphicsExportComponent ci;
   13395     Handle h;
   13396     ImageDescriptionHandle desc;
   13397 #ifndef GraphicsExportSetInputHandle
   13398     PyMac_PRECHECK(GraphicsExportSetInputHandle);
   13399 #endif
   13400     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&O&O&",
   13401                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &ci,
   13402                           ResObj_Convert, &h,
   13403                           ResObj_Convert, &desc))
   13404         return NULL;
   13405     _rv = GraphicsExportSetInputHandle(ci,
   13406                                        h,
   13407                                        desc);
   13408     _res = Py_BuildValue("l",
   13409                          _rv);
   13410     return _res;
   13411 }
   13413 static PyObject *Qt_GraphicsExportGetInputHandle(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   13414 {
   13415     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   13416     ComponentResult _rv;
   13417     GraphicsExportComponent ci;
   13418     Handle h;
   13419 #ifndef GraphicsExportGetInputHandle
   13420     PyMac_PRECHECK(GraphicsExportGetInputHandle);
   13421 #endif
   13422     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&",
   13423                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &ci))
   13424         return NULL;
   13425     _rv = GraphicsExportGetInputHandle(ci,
   13426                                        &h);
   13427     _res = Py_BuildValue("lO&",
   13428                          _rv,
   13429                          ResObj_New, h);
   13430     return _res;
   13431 }
   13433 static PyObject *Qt_GraphicsExportSetInputPtr(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   13434 {
   13435     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   13436     ComponentResult _rv;
   13437     GraphicsExportComponent ci;
   13438     Ptr p;
   13439     unsigned long size;
   13440     ImageDescriptionHandle desc;
   13441 #ifndef GraphicsExportSetInputPtr
   13442     PyMac_PRECHECK(GraphicsExportSetInputPtr);
   13443 #endif
   13444     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&slO&",
   13445                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &ci,
   13446                           &p,
   13447                           &size,
   13448                           ResObj_Convert, &desc))
   13449         return NULL;
   13450     _rv = GraphicsExportSetInputPtr(ci,
   13451                                     p,
   13452                                     size,
   13453                                     desc);
   13454     _res = Py_BuildValue("l",
   13455                          _rv);
   13456     return _res;
   13457 }
   13459 static PyObject *Qt_GraphicsExportSetInputGraphicsImporter(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   13460 {
   13461     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   13462     ComponentResult _rv;
   13463     GraphicsExportComponent ci;
   13464     GraphicsImportComponent grip;
   13465 #ifndef GraphicsExportSetInputGraphicsImporter
   13466     PyMac_PRECHECK(GraphicsExportSetInputGraphicsImporter);
   13467 #endif
   13468     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&O&",
   13469                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &ci,
   13470                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &grip))
   13471         return NULL;
   13472     _rv = GraphicsExportSetInputGraphicsImporter(ci,
   13473                                                  grip);
   13474     _res = Py_BuildValue("l",
   13475                          _rv);
   13476     return _res;
   13477 }
   13479 static PyObject *Qt_GraphicsExportGetInputGraphicsImporter(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   13480 {
   13481     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   13482     ComponentResult _rv;
   13483     GraphicsExportComponent ci;
   13484     GraphicsImportComponent grip;
   13485 #ifndef GraphicsExportGetInputGraphicsImporter
   13486     PyMac_PRECHECK(GraphicsExportGetInputGraphicsImporter);
   13487 #endif
   13488     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&",
   13489                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &ci))
   13490         return NULL;
   13491     _rv = GraphicsExportGetInputGraphicsImporter(ci,
   13492                                                  &grip);
   13493     _res = Py_BuildValue("lO&",
   13494                          _rv,
   13495                          CmpInstObj_New, grip);
   13496     return _res;
   13497 }
   13499 static PyObject *Qt_GraphicsExportSetInputPicture(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   13500 {
   13501     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   13502     ComponentResult _rv;
   13503     GraphicsExportComponent ci;
   13504     PicHandle picture;
   13505 #ifndef GraphicsExportSetInputPicture
   13506     PyMac_PRECHECK(GraphicsExportSetInputPicture);
   13507 #endif
   13508     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&O&",
   13509                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &ci,
   13510                           ResObj_Convert, &picture))
   13511         return NULL;
   13512     _rv = GraphicsExportSetInputPicture(ci,
   13513                                         picture);
   13514     _res = Py_BuildValue("l",
   13515                          _rv);
   13516     return _res;
   13517 }
   13519 static PyObject *Qt_GraphicsExportGetInputPicture(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   13520 {
   13521     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   13522     ComponentResult _rv;
   13523     GraphicsExportComponent ci;
   13524     PicHandle picture;
   13525 #ifndef GraphicsExportGetInputPicture
   13526     PyMac_PRECHECK(GraphicsExportGetInputPicture);
   13527 #endif
   13528     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&",
   13529                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &ci))
   13530         return NULL;
   13531     _rv = GraphicsExportGetInputPicture(ci,
   13532                                         &picture);
   13533     _res = Py_BuildValue("lO&",
   13534                          _rv,
   13535                          ResObj_New, picture);
   13536     return _res;
   13537 }
   13539 static PyObject *Qt_GraphicsExportSetInputGWorld(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   13540 {
   13541     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   13542     ComponentResult _rv;
   13543     GraphicsExportComponent ci;
   13544     GWorldPtr gworld;
   13545 #ifndef GraphicsExportSetInputGWorld
   13546     PyMac_PRECHECK(GraphicsExportSetInputGWorld);
   13547 #endif
   13548     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&O&",
   13549                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &ci,
   13550                           GWorldObj_Convert, &gworld))
   13551         return NULL;
   13552     _rv = GraphicsExportSetInputGWorld(ci,
   13553                                        gworld);
   13554     _res = Py_BuildValue("l",
   13555                          _rv);
   13556     return _res;
   13557 }
   13559 static PyObject *Qt_GraphicsExportGetInputGWorld(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   13560 {
   13561     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   13562     ComponentResult _rv;
   13563     GraphicsExportComponent ci;
   13564     GWorldPtr gworld;
   13565 #ifndef GraphicsExportGetInputGWorld
   13566     PyMac_PRECHECK(GraphicsExportGetInputGWorld);
   13567 #endif
   13568     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&",
   13569                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &ci))
   13570         return NULL;
   13571     _rv = GraphicsExportGetInputGWorld(ci,
   13572                                        &gworld);
   13573     _res = Py_BuildValue("lO&",
   13574                          _rv,
   13575                          GWorldObj_New, gworld);
   13576     return _res;
   13577 }
   13579 static PyObject *Qt_GraphicsExportSetInputPixmap(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   13580 {
   13581     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   13582     ComponentResult _rv;
   13583     GraphicsExportComponent ci;
   13584     PixMapHandle pixmap;
   13585 #ifndef GraphicsExportSetInputPixmap
   13586     PyMac_PRECHECK(GraphicsExportSetInputPixmap);
   13587 #endif
   13588     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&O&",
   13589                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &ci,
   13590                           ResObj_Convert, &pixmap))
   13591         return NULL;
   13592     _rv = GraphicsExportSetInputPixmap(ci,
   13593                                        pixmap);
   13594     _res = Py_BuildValue("l",
   13595                          _rv);
   13596     return _res;
   13597 }
   13599 static PyObject *Qt_GraphicsExportGetInputPixmap(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   13600 {
   13601     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   13602     ComponentResult _rv;
   13603     GraphicsExportComponent ci;
   13604     PixMapHandle pixmap;
   13605 #ifndef GraphicsExportGetInputPixmap
   13606     PyMac_PRECHECK(GraphicsExportGetInputPixmap);
   13607 #endif
   13608     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&",
   13609                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &ci))
   13610         return NULL;
   13611     _rv = GraphicsExportGetInputPixmap(ci,
   13612                                        &pixmap);
   13613     _res = Py_BuildValue("lO&",
   13614                          _rv,
   13615                          ResObj_New, pixmap);
   13616     return _res;
   13617 }
   13619 static PyObject *Qt_GraphicsExportSetInputOffsetAndLimit(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   13620 {
   13621     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   13622     ComponentResult _rv;
   13623     GraphicsExportComponent ci;
   13624     unsigned long offset;
   13625     unsigned long limit;
   13626 #ifndef GraphicsExportSetInputOffsetAndLimit
   13627     PyMac_PRECHECK(GraphicsExportSetInputOffsetAndLimit);
   13628 #endif
   13629     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&ll",
   13630                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &ci,
   13631                           &offset,
   13632                           &limit))
   13633         return NULL;
   13634     _rv = GraphicsExportSetInputOffsetAndLimit(ci,
   13635                                                offset,
   13636                                                limit);
   13637     _res = Py_BuildValue("l",
   13638                          _rv);
   13639     return _res;
   13640 }
   13642 static PyObject *Qt_GraphicsExportGetInputOffsetAndLimit(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   13643 {
   13644     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   13645     ComponentResult _rv;
   13646     GraphicsExportComponent ci;
   13647     unsigned long offset;
   13648     unsigned long limit;
   13649 #ifndef GraphicsExportGetInputOffsetAndLimit
   13650     PyMac_PRECHECK(GraphicsExportGetInputOffsetAndLimit);
   13651 #endif
   13652     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&",
   13653                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &ci))
   13654         return NULL;
   13655     _rv = GraphicsExportGetInputOffsetAndLimit(ci,
   13656                                                &offset,
   13657                                                &limit);
   13658     _res = Py_BuildValue("lll",
   13659                          _rv,
   13660                          offset,
   13661                          limit);
   13662     return _res;
   13663 }
   13665 static PyObject *Qt_GraphicsExportMayExporterReadInputData(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   13666 {
   13667     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   13668     ComponentResult _rv;
   13669     GraphicsExportComponent ci;
   13670     Boolean mayReadInputData;
   13671 #ifndef GraphicsExportMayExporterReadInputData
   13672     PyMac_PRECHECK(GraphicsExportMayExporterReadInputData);
   13673 #endif
   13674     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&",
   13675                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &ci))
   13676         return NULL;
   13677     _rv = GraphicsExportMayExporterReadInputData(ci,
   13678                                                  &mayReadInputData);
   13679     _res = Py_BuildValue("lb",
   13680                          _rv,
   13681                          mayReadInputData);
   13682     return _res;
   13683 }
   13685 static PyObject *Qt_GraphicsExportGetInputDataSize(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   13686 {
   13687     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   13688     ComponentResult _rv;
   13689     GraphicsExportComponent ci;
   13690     unsigned long size;
   13691 #ifndef GraphicsExportGetInputDataSize
   13692     PyMac_PRECHECK(GraphicsExportGetInputDataSize);
   13693 #endif
   13694     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&",
   13695                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &ci))
   13696         return NULL;
   13697     _rv = GraphicsExportGetInputDataSize(ci,
   13698                                          &size);
   13699     _res = Py_BuildValue("ll",
   13700                          _rv,
   13701                          size);
   13702     return _res;
   13703 }
   13705 static PyObject *Qt_GraphicsExportReadInputData(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   13706 {
   13707     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   13708     ComponentResult _rv;
   13709     GraphicsExportComponent ci;
   13710     void * dataPtr;
   13711     unsigned long dataOffset;
   13712     unsigned long dataSize;
   13713 #ifndef GraphicsExportReadInputData
   13714     PyMac_PRECHECK(GraphicsExportReadInputData);
   13715 #endif
   13716     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&sll",
   13717                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &ci,
   13718                           &dataPtr,
   13719                           &dataOffset,
   13720                           &dataSize))
   13721         return NULL;
   13722     _rv = GraphicsExportReadInputData(ci,
   13723                                       dataPtr,
   13724                                       dataOffset,
   13725                                       dataSize);
   13726     _res = Py_BuildValue("l",
   13727                          _rv);
   13728     return _res;
   13729 }
   13731 static PyObject *Qt_GraphicsExportGetInputImageDescription(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   13732 {
   13733     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   13734     ComponentResult _rv;
   13735     GraphicsExportComponent ci;
   13736     ImageDescriptionHandle desc;
   13737 #ifndef GraphicsExportGetInputImageDescription
   13738     PyMac_PRECHECK(GraphicsExportGetInputImageDescription);
   13739 #endif
   13740     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&",
   13741                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &ci))
   13742         return NULL;
   13743     _rv = GraphicsExportGetInputImageDescription(ci,
   13744                                                  &desc);
   13745     _res = Py_BuildValue("lO&",
   13746                          _rv,
   13747                          ResObj_New, desc);
   13748     return _res;
   13749 }
   13751 static PyObject *Qt_GraphicsExportGetInputImageDimensions(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   13752 {
   13753     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   13754     ComponentResult _rv;
   13755     GraphicsExportComponent ci;
   13756     Rect dimensions;
   13757 #ifndef GraphicsExportGetInputImageDimensions
   13758     PyMac_PRECHECK(GraphicsExportGetInputImageDimensions);
   13759 #endif
   13760     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&",
   13761                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &ci))
   13762         return NULL;
   13763     _rv = GraphicsExportGetInputImageDimensions(ci,
   13764                                                 &dimensions);
   13765     _res = Py_BuildValue("lO&",
   13766                          _rv,
   13767                          PyMac_BuildRect, &dimensions);
   13768     return _res;
   13769 }
   13771 static PyObject *Qt_GraphicsExportGetInputImageDepth(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   13772 {
   13773     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   13774     ComponentResult _rv;
   13775     GraphicsExportComponent ci;
   13776     long inputDepth;
   13777 #ifndef GraphicsExportGetInputImageDepth
   13778     PyMac_PRECHECK(GraphicsExportGetInputImageDepth);
   13779 #endif
   13780     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&",
   13781                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &ci))
   13782         return NULL;
   13783     _rv = GraphicsExportGetInputImageDepth(ci,
   13784                                            &inputDepth);
   13785     _res = Py_BuildValue("ll",
   13786                          _rv,
   13787                          inputDepth);
   13788     return _res;
   13789 }
   13791 static PyObject *Qt_GraphicsExportDrawInputImage(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   13792 {
   13793     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   13794     ComponentResult _rv;
   13795     GraphicsExportComponent ci;
   13796     CGrafPtr gw;
   13797     GDHandle gd;
   13798     Rect srcRect;
   13799     Rect dstRect;
   13800 #ifndef GraphicsExportDrawInputImage
   13801     PyMac_PRECHECK(GraphicsExportDrawInputImage);
   13802 #endif
   13803     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&O&O&O&O&",
   13804                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &ci,
   13805                           GrafObj_Convert, &gw,
   13806                           OptResObj_Convert, &gd,
   13807                           PyMac_GetRect, &srcRect,
   13808                           PyMac_GetRect, &dstRect))
   13809         return NULL;
   13810     _rv = GraphicsExportDrawInputImage(ci,
   13811                                        gw,
   13812                                        gd,
   13813                                        &srcRect,
   13814                                        &dstRect);
   13815     _res = Py_BuildValue("l",
   13816                          _rv);
   13817     return _res;
   13818 }
   13820 static PyObject *Qt_GraphicsExportSetOutputDataReference(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   13821 {
   13822     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   13823     ComponentResult _rv;
   13824     GraphicsExportComponent ci;
   13825     Handle dataRef;
   13826     OSType dataRefType;
   13827 #ifndef GraphicsExportSetOutputDataReference
   13828     PyMac_PRECHECK(GraphicsExportSetOutputDataReference);
   13829 #endif
   13830     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&O&O&",
   13831                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &ci,
   13832                           ResObj_Convert, &dataRef,
   13833                           PyMac_GetOSType, &dataRefType))
   13834         return NULL;
   13835     _rv = GraphicsExportSetOutputDataReference(ci,
   13836                                                dataRef,
   13837                                                dataRefType);
   13838     _res = Py_BuildValue("l",
   13839                          _rv);
   13840     return _res;
   13841 }
   13843 static PyObject *Qt_GraphicsExportGetOutputDataReference(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   13844 {
   13845     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   13846     ComponentResult _rv;
   13847     GraphicsExportComponent ci;
   13848     Handle dataRef;
   13849     OSType dataRefType;
   13850 #ifndef GraphicsExportGetOutputDataReference
   13851     PyMac_PRECHECK(GraphicsExportGetOutputDataReference);
   13852 #endif
   13853     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&",
   13854                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &ci))
   13855         return NULL;
   13856     _rv = GraphicsExportGetOutputDataReference(ci,
   13857                                                &dataRef,
   13858                                                &dataRefType);
   13859     _res = Py_BuildValue("lO&O&",
   13860                          _rv,
   13861                          ResObj_New, dataRef,
   13862                          PyMac_BuildOSType, dataRefType);
   13863     return _res;
   13864 }
   13866 static PyObject *Qt_GraphicsExportSetOutputFile(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   13867 {
   13868     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   13869     ComponentResult _rv;
   13870     GraphicsExportComponent ci;
   13871     FSSpec theFile;
   13872 #ifndef GraphicsExportSetOutputFile
   13873     PyMac_PRECHECK(GraphicsExportSetOutputFile);
   13874 #endif
   13875     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&O&",
   13876                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &ci,
   13877                           PyMac_GetFSSpec, &theFile))
   13878         return NULL;
   13879     _rv = GraphicsExportSetOutputFile(ci,
   13880                                       &theFile);
   13881     _res = Py_BuildValue("l",
   13882                          _rv);
   13883     return _res;
   13884 }
   13886 static PyObject *Qt_GraphicsExportGetOutputFile(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   13887 {
   13888     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   13889     ComponentResult _rv;
   13890     GraphicsExportComponent ci;
   13891     FSSpec theFile;
   13892 #ifndef GraphicsExportGetOutputFile
   13893     PyMac_PRECHECK(GraphicsExportGetOutputFile);
   13894 #endif
   13895     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&O&",
   13896                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &ci,
   13897                           PyMac_GetFSSpec, &theFile))
   13898         return NULL;
   13899     _rv = GraphicsExportGetOutputFile(ci,
   13900                                       &theFile);
   13901     _res = Py_BuildValue("l",
   13902                          _rv);
   13903     return _res;
   13904 }
   13906 static PyObject *Qt_GraphicsExportSetOutputHandle(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   13907 {
   13908     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   13909     ComponentResult _rv;
   13910     GraphicsExportComponent ci;
   13911     Handle h;
   13912 #ifndef GraphicsExportSetOutputHandle
   13913     PyMac_PRECHECK(GraphicsExportSetOutputHandle);
   13914 #endif
   13915     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&O&",
   13916                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &ci,
   13917                           ResObj_Convert, &h))
   13918         return NULL;
   13919     _rv = GraphicsExportSetOutputHandle(ci,
   13920                                         h);
   13921     _res = Py_BuildValue("l",
   13922                          _rv);
   13923     return _res;
   13924 }
   13926 static PyObject *Qt_GraphicsExportGetOutputHandle(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   13927 {
   13928     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   13929     ComponentResult _rv;
   13930     GraphicsExportComponent ci;
   13931     Handle h;
   13932 #ifndef GraphicsExportGetOutputHandle
   13933     PyMac_PRECHECK(GraphicsExportGetOutputHandle);
   13934 #endif
   13935     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&",
   13936                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &ci))
   13937         return NULL;
   13938     _rv = GraphicsExportGetOutputHandle(ci,
   13939                                         &h);
   13940     _res = Py_BuildValue("lO&",
   13941                          _rv,
   13942                          ResObj_New, h);
   13943     return _res;
   13944 }
   13946 static PyObject *Qt_GraphicsExportSetOutputOffsetAndMaxSize(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   13947 {
   13948     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   13949     ComponentResult _rv;
   13950     GraphicsExportComponent ci;
   13951     unsigned long offset;
   13952     unsigned long maxSize;
   13953     Boolean truncateFile;
   13954 #ifndef GraphicsExportSetOutputOffsetAndMaxSize
   13955     PyMac_PRECHECK(GraphicsExportSetOutputOffsetAndMaxSize);
   13956 #endif
   13957     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&llb",
   13958                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &ci,
   13959                           &offset,
   13960                           &maxSize,
   13961                           &truncateFile))
   13962         return NULL;
   13963     _rv = GraphicsExportSetOutputOffsetAndMaxSize(ci,
   13964                                                   offset,
   13965                                                   maxSize,
   13966                                                   truncateFile);
   13967     _res = Py_BuildValue("l",
   13968                          _rv);
   13969     return _res;
   13970 }
   13972 static PyObject *Qt_GraphicsExportGetOutputOffsetAndMaxSize(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   13973 {
   13974     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   13975     ComponentResult _rv;
   13976     GraphicsExportComponent ci;
   13977     unsigned long offset;
   13978     unsigned long maxSize;
   13979     Boolean truncateFile;
   13980 #ifndef GraphicsExportGetOutputOffsetAndMaxSize
   13981     PyMac_PRECHECK(GraphicsExportGetOutputOffsetAndMaxSize);
   13982 #endif
   13983     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&",
   13984                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &ci))
   13985         return NULL;
   13986     _rv = GraphicsExportGetOutputOffsetAndMaxSize(ci,
   13987                                                   &offset,
   13988                                                   &maxSize,
   13989                                                   &truncateFile);
   13990     _res = Py_BuildValue("lllb",
   13991                          _rv,
   13992                          offset,
   13993                          maxSize,
   13994                          truncateFile);
   13995     return _res;
   13996 }
   13998 static PyObject *Qt_GraphicsExportSetOutputFileTypeAndCreator(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   13999 {
   14000     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   14001     ComponentResult _rv;
   14002     GraphicsExportComponent ci;
   14003     OSType fileType;
   14004     OSType fileCreator;
   14005 #ifndef GraphicsExportSetOutputFileTypeAndCreator
   14006     PyMac_PRECHECK(GraphicsExportSetOutputFileTypeAndCreator);
   14007 #endif
   14008     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&O&O&",
   14009                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &ci,
   14010                           PyMac_GetOSType, &fileType,
   14011                           PyMac_GetOSType, &fileCreator))
   14012         return NULL;
   14013     _rv = GraphicsExportSetOutputFileTypeAndCreator(ci,
   14014                                                     fileType,
   14015                                                     fileCreator);
   14016     _res = Py_BuildValue("l",
   14017                          _rv);
   14018     return _res;
   14019 }
   14021 static PyObject *Qt_GraphicsExportGetOutputFileTypeAndCreator(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   14022 {
   14023     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   14024     ComponentResult _rv;
   14025     GraphicsExportComponent ci;
   14026     OSType fileType;
   14027     OSType fileCreator;
   14028 #ifndef GraphicsExportGetOutputFileTypeAndCreator
   14029     PyMac_PRECHECK(GraphicsExportGetOutputFileTypeAndCreator);
   14030 #endif
   14031     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&",
   14032                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &ci))
   14033         return NULL;
   14034     _rv = GraphicsExportGetOutputFileTypeAndCreator(ci,
   14035                                                     &fileType,
   14036                                                     &fileCreator);
   14037     _res = Py_BuildValue("lO&O&",
   14038                          _rv,
   14039                          PyMac_BuildOSType, fileType,
   14040                          PyMac_BuildOSType, fileCreator);
   14041     return _res;
   14042 }
   14044 static PyObject *Qt_GraphicsExportSetOutputMark(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   14045 {
   14046     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   14047     ComponentResult _rv;
   14048     GraphicsExportComponent ci;
   14049     unsigned long mark;
   14050 #ifndef GraphicsExportSetOutputMark
   14051     PyMac_PRECHECK(GraphicsExportSetOutputMark);
   14052 #endif
   14053     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&l",
   14054                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &ci,
   14055                           &mark))
   14056         return NULL;
   14057     _rv = GraphicsExportSetOutputMark(ci,
   14058                                       mark);
   14059     _res = Py_BuildValue("l",
   14060                          _rv);
   14061     return _res;
   14062 }
   14064 static PyObject *Qt_GraphicsExportGetOutputMark(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   14065 {
   14066     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   14067     ComponentResult _rv;
   14068     GraphicsExportComponent ci;
   14069     unsigned long mark;
   14070 #ifndef GraphicsExportGetOutputMark
   14071     PyMac_PRECHECK(GraphicsExportGetOutputMark);
   14072 #endif
   14073     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&",
   14074                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &ci))
   14075         return NULL;
   14076     _rv = GraphicsExportGetOutputMark(ci,
   14077                                       &mark);
   14078     _res = Py_BuildValue("ll",
   14079                          _rv,
   14080                          mark);
   14081     return _res;
   14082 }
   14084 static PyObject *Qt_GraphicsExportReadOutputData(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   14085 {
   14086     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   14087     ComponentResult _rv;
   14088     GraphicsExportComponent ci;
   14089     void * dataPtr;
   14090     unsigned long dataOffset;
   14091     unsigned long dataSize;
   14092 #ifndef GraphicsExportReadOutputData
   14093     PyMac_PRECHECK(GraphicsExportReadOutputData);
   14094 #endif
   14095     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&sll",
   14096                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &ci,
   14097                           &dataPtr,
   14098                           &dataOffset,
   14099                           &dataSize))
   14100         return NULL;
   14101     _rv = GraphicsExportReadOutputData(ci,
   14102                                        dataPtr,
   14103                                        dataOffset,
   14104                                        dataSize);
   14105     _res = Py_BuildValue("l",
   14106                          _rv);
   14107     return _res;
   14108 }
   14110 static PyObject *Qt_GraphicsExportSetThumbnailEnabled(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   14111 {
   14112     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   14113     ComponentResult _rv;
   14114     GraphicsExportComponent ci;
   14115     Boolean enableThumbnail;
   14116     long maxThumbnailWidth;
   14117     long maxThumbnailHeight;
   14118 #ifndef GraphicsExportSetThumbnailEnabled
   14119     PyMac_PRECHECK(GraphicsExportSetThumbnailEnabled);
   14120 #endif
   14121     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&bll",
   14122                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &ci,
   14123                           &enableThumbnail,
   14124                           &maxThumbnailWidth,
   14125                           &maxThumbnailHeight))
   14126         return NULL;
   14127     _rv = GraphicsExportSetThumbnailEnabled(ci,
   14128                                             enableThumbnail,
   14129                                             maxThumbnailWidth,
   14130                                             maxThumbnailHeight);
   14131     _res = Py_BuildValue("l",
   14132                          _rv);
   14133     return _res;
   14134 }
   14136 static PyObject *Qt_GraphicsExportGetThumbnailEnabled(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   14137 {
   14138     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   14139     ComponentResult _rv;
   14140     GraphicsExportComponent ci;
   14141     Boolean thumbnailEnabled;
   14142     long maxThumbnailWidth;
   14143     long maxThumbnailHeight;
   14144 #ifndef GraphicsExportGetThumbnailEnabled
   14145     PyMac_PRECHECK(GraphicsExportGetThumbnailEnabled);
   14146 #endif
   14147     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&",
   14148                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &ci))
   14149         return NULL;
   14150     _rv = GraphicsExportGetThumbnailEnabled(ci,
   14151                                             &thumbnailEnabled,
   14152                                             &maxThumbnailWidth,
   14153                                             &maxThumbnailHeight);
   14154     _res = Py_BuildValue("lbll",
   14155                          _rv,
   14156                          thumbnailEnabled,
   14157                          maxThumbnailWidth,
   14158                          maxThumbnailHeight);
   14159     return _res;
   14160 }
   14162 static PyObject *Qt_GraphicsExportSetExifEnabled(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   14163 {
   14164     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   14165     ComponentResult _rv;
   14166     GraphicsExportComponent ci;
   14167     Boolean enableExif;
   14168 #ifndef GraphicsExportSetExifEnabled
   14169     PyMac_PRECHECK(GraphicsExportSetExifEnabled);
   14170 #endif
   14171     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&b",
   14172                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &ci,
   14173                           &enableExif))
   14174         return NULL;
   14175     _rv = GraphicsExportSetExifEnabled(ci,
   14176                                        enableExif);
   14177     _res = Py_BuildValue("l",
   14178                          _rv);
   14179     return _res;
   14180 }
   14182 static PyObject *Qt_GraphicsExportGetExifEnabled(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   14183 {
   14184     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   14185     ComponentResult _rv;
   14186     GraphicsExportComponent ci;
   14187     Boolean exifEnabled;
   14188 #ifndef GraphicsExportGetExifEnabled
   14189     PyMac_PRECHECK(GraphicsExportGetExifEnabled);
   14190 #endif
   14191     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&",
   14192                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &ci))
   14193         return NULL;
   14194     _rv = GraphicsExportGetExifEnabled(ci,
   14195                                        &exifEnabled);
   14196     _res = Py_BuildValue("lb",
   14197                          _rv,
   14198                          exifEnabled);
   14199     return _res;
   14200 }
   14202 static PyObject *Qt_ImageTranscoderBeginSequence(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   14203 {
   14204     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   14205     ComponentResult _rv;
   14206     ImageTranscoderComponent itc;
   14207     ImageDescriptionHandle srcDesc;
   14208     ImageDescriptionHandle dstDesc;
   14209     void * data;
   14210     long dataSize;
   14211 #ifndef ImageTranscoderBeginSequence
   14212     PyMac_PRECHECK(ImageTranscoderBeginSequence);
   14213 #endif
   14214     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&O&sl",
   14215                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &itc,
   14216                           ResObj_Convert, &srcDesc,
   14217                           &data,
   14218                           &dataSize))
   14219         return NULL;
   14220     _rv = ImageTranscoderBeginSequence(itc,
   14221                                        srcDesc,
   14222                                        &dstDesc,
   14223                                        data,
   14224                                        dataSize);
   14225     _res = Py_BuildValue("lO&",
   14226                          _rv,
   14227                          ResObj_New, dstDesc);
   14228     return _res;
   14229 }
   14231 static PyObject *Qt_ImageTranscoderDisposeData(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   14232 {
   14233     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   14234     ComponentResult _rv;
   14235     ImageTranscoderComponent itc;
   14236     void * dstData;
   14237 #ifndef ImageTranscoderDisposeData
   14238     PyMac_PRECHECK(ImageTranscoderDisposeData);
   14239 #endif
   14240     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&s",
   14241                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &itc,
   14242                           &dstData))
   14243         return NULL;
   14244     _rv = ImageTranscoderDisposeData(itc,
   14245                                      dstData);
   14246     _res = Py_BuildValue("l",
   14247                          _rv);
   14248     return _res;
   14249 }
   14251 static PyObject *Qt_ImageTranscoderEndSequence(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   14252 {
   14253     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   14254     ComponentResult _rv;
   14255     ImageTranscoderComponent itc;
   14256 #ifndef ImageTranscoderEndSequence
   14257     PyMac_PRECHECK(ImageTranscoderEndSequence);
   14258 #endif
   14259     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&",
   14260                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &itc))
   14261         return NULL;
   14262     _rv = ImageTranscoderEndSequence(itc);
   14263     _res = Py_BuildValue("l",
   14264                          _rv);
   14265     return _res;
   14266 }
   14268 static PyObject *Qt_ClockGetTime(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   14269 {
   14270     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   14271     ComponentResult _rv;
   14272     ComponentInstance aClock;
   14273     TimeRecord out;
   14274 #ifndef ClockGetTime
   14275     PyMac_PRECHECK(ClockGetTime);
   14276 #endif
   14277     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&",
   14278                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &aClock))
   14279         return NULL;
   14280     _rv = ClockGetTime(aClock,
   14281                        &out);
   14282     _res = Py_BuildValue("lO&",
   14283                          _rv,
   14284                          QtTimeRecord_New, &out);
   14285     return _res;
   14286 }
   14288 static PyObject *Qt_ClockSetTimeBase(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   14289 {
   14290     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   14291     ComponentResult _rv;
   14292     ComponentInstance aClock;
   14293     TimeBase tb;
   14294 #ifndef ClockSetTimeBase
   14295     PyMac_PRECHECK(ClockSetTimeBase);
   14296 #endif
   14297     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&O&",
   14298                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &aClock,
   14299                           TimeBaseObj_Convert, &tb))
   14300         return NULL;
   14301     _rv = ClockSetTimeBase(aClock,
   14302                            tb);
   14303     _res = Py_BuildValue("l",
   14304                          _rv);
   14305     return _res;
   14306 }
   14308 static PyObject *Qt_ClockGetRate(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   14309 {
   14310     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   14311     ComponentResult _rv;
   14312     ComponentInstance aClock;
   14313     Fixed rate;
   14314 #ifndef ClockGetRate
   14315     PyMac_PRECHECK(ClockGetRate);
   14316 #endif
   14317     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&",
   14318                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &aClock))
   14319         return NULL;
   14320     _rv = ClockGetRate(aClock,
   14321                        &rate);
   14322     _res = Py_BuildValue("lO&",
   14323                          _rv,
   14324                          PyMac_BuildFixed, rate);
   14325     return _res;
   14326 }
   14328 static PyObject *Qt_SCPositionRect(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   14329 {
   14330     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   14331     ComponentResult _rv;
   14332     ComponentInstance ci;
   14333     Rect rp;
   14334     Point where;
   14335 #ifndef SCPositionRect
   14336     PyMac_PRECHECK(SCPositionRect);
   14337 #endif
   14338     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&",
   14339                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &ci))
   14340         return NULL;
   14341     _rv = SCPositionRect(ci,
   14342                          &rp,
   14343                          &where);
   14344     _res = Py_BuildValue("lO&O&",
   14345                          _rv,
   14346                          PyMac_BuildRect, &rp,
   14347                          PyMac_BuildPoint, where);
   14348     return _res;
   14349 }
   14351 static PyObject *Qt_SCPositionDialog(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   14352 {
   14353     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   14354     ComponentResult _rv;
   14355     ComponentInstance ci;
   14356     short id;
   14357     Point where;
   14358 #ifndef SCPositionDialog
   14359     PyMac_PRECHECK(SCPositionDialog);
   14360 #endif
   14361     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&h",
   14362                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &ci,
   14363                           &id))
   14364         return NULL;
   14365     _rv = SCPositionDialog(ci,
   14366                            id,
   14367                            &where);
   14368     _res = Py_BuildValue("lO&",
   14369                          _rv,
   14370                          PyMac_BuildPoint, where);
   14371     return _res;
   14372 }
   14374 static PyObject *Qt_SCSetTestImagePictHandle(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   14375 {
   14376     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   14377     ComponentResult _rv;
   14378     ComponentInstance ci;
   14379     PicHandle testPict;
   14380     Rect testRect;
   14381     short testFlags;
   14382 #ifndef SCSetTestImagePictHandle
   14383     PyMac_PRECHECK(SCSetTestImagePictHandle);
   14384 #endif
   14385     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&O&h",
   14386                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &ci,
   14387                           ResObj_Convert, &testPict,
   14388                           &testFlags))
   14389         return NULL;
   14390     _rv = SCSetTestImagePictHandle(ci,
   14391                                    testPict,
   14392                                    &testRect,
   14393                                    testFlags);
   14394     _res = Py_BuildValue("lO&",
   14395                          _rv,
   14396                          PyMac_BuildRect, &testRect);
   14397     return _res;
   14398 }
   14400 static PyObject *Qt_SCSetTestImagePictFile(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   14401 {
   14402     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   14403     ComponentResult _rv;
   14404     ComponentInstance ci;
   14405     short testFileRef;
   14406     Rect testRect;
   14407     short testFlags;
   14408 #ifndef SCSetTestImagePictFile
   14409     PyMac_PRECHECK(SCSetTestImagePictFile);
   14410 #endif
   14411     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&hh",
   14412                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &ci,
   14413                           &testFileRef,
   14414                           &testFlags))
   14415         return NULL;
   14416     _rv = SCSetTestImagePictFile(ci,
   14417                                  testFileRef,
   14418                                  &testRect,
   14419                                  testFlags);
   14420     _res = Py_BuildValue("lO&",
   14421                          _rv,
   14422                          PyMac_BuildRect, &testRect);
   14423     return _res;
   14424 }
   14426 static PyObject *Qt_SCSetTestImagePixMap(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   14427 {
   14428     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   14429     ComponentResult _rv;
   14430     ComponentInstance ci;
   14431     PixMapHandle testPixMap;
   14432     Rect testRect;
   14433     short testFlags;
   14434 #ifndef SCSetTestImagePixMap
   14435     PyMac_PRECHECK(SCSetTestImagePixMap);
   14436 #endif
   14437     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&O&h",
   14438                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &ci,
   14439                           ResObj_Convert, &testPixMap,
   14440                           &testFlags))
   14441         return NULL;
   14442     _rv = SCSetTestImagePixMap(ci,
   14443                                testPixMap,
   14444                                &testRect,
   14445                                testFlags);
   14446     _res = Py_BuildValue("lO&",
   14447                          _rv,
   14448                          PyMac_BuildRect, &testRect);
   14449     return _res;
   14450 }
   14452 static PyObject *Qt_SCGetBestDeviceRect(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   14453 {
   14454     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   14455     ComponentResult _rv;
   14456     ComponentInstance ci;
   14457     Rect r;
   14458 #ifndef SCGetBestDeviceRect
   14459     PyMac_PRECHECK(SCGetBestDeviceRect);
   14460 #endif
   14461     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&",
   14462                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &ci))
   14463         return NULL;
   14464     _rv = SCGetBestDeviceRect(ci,
   14465                               &r);
   14466     _res = Py_BuildValue("lO&",
   14467                          _rv,
   14468                          PyMac_BuildRect, &r);
   14469     return _res;
   14470 }
   14472 static PyObject *Qt_SCRequestImageSettings(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   14473 {
   14474     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   14475     ComponentResult _rv;
   14476     ComponentInstance ci;
   14477 #ifndef SCRequestImageSettings
   14478     PyMac_PRECHECK(SCRequestImageSettings);
   14479 #endif
   14480     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&",
   14481                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &ci))
   14482         return NULL;
   14483     _rv = SCRequestImageSettings(ci);
   14484     _res = Py_BuildValue("l",
   14485                          _rv);
   14486     return _res;
   14487 }
   14489 static PyObject *Qt_SCCompressImage(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   14490 {
   14491     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   14492     ComponentResult _rv;
   14493     ComponentInstance ci;
   14494     PixMapHandle src;
   14495     Rect srcRect;
   14496     ImageDescriptionHandle desc;
   14497     Handle data;
   14498 #ifndef SCCompressImage
   14499     PyMac_PRECHECK(SCCompressImage);
   14500 #endif
   14501     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&O&O&",
   14502                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &ci,
   14503                           ResObj_Convert, &src,
   14504                           PyMac_GetRect, &srcRect))
   14505         return NULL;
   14506     _rv = SCCompressImage(ci,
   14507                           src,
   14508                           &srcRect,
   14509                           &desc,
   14510                           &data);
   14511     _res = Py_BuildValue("lO&O&",
   14512                          _rv,
   14513                          ResObj_New, desc,
   14514                          ResObj_New, data);
   14515     return _res;
   14516 }
   14518 static PyObject *Qt_SCCompressPicture(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   14519 {
   14520     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   14521     ComponentResult _rv;
   14522     ComponentInstance ci;
   14523     PicHandle srcPicture;
   14524     PicHandle dstPicture;
   14525 #ifndef SCCompressPicture
   14526     PyMac_PRECHECK(SCCompressPicture);
   14527 #endif
   14528     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&O&O&",
   14529                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &ci,
   14530                           ResObj_Convert, &srcPicture,
   14531                           ResObj_Convert, &dstPicture))
   14532         return NULL;
   14533     _rv = SCCompressPicture(ci,
   14534                             srcPicture,
   14535                             dstPicture);
   14536     _res = Py_BuildValue("l",
   14537                          _rv);
   14538     return _res;
   14539 }
   14541 static PyObject *Qt_SCCompressPictureFile(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   14542 {
   14543     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   14544     ComponentResult _rv;
   14545     ComponentInstance ci;
   14546     short srcRefNum;
   14547     short dstRefNum;
   14548 #ifndef SCCompressPictureFile
   14549     PyMac_PRECHECK(SCCompressPictureFile);
   14550 #endif
   14551     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&hh",
   14552                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &ci,
   14553                           &srcRefNum,
   14554                           &dstRefNum))
   14555         return NULL;
   14556     _rv = SCCompressPictureFile(ci,
   14557                                 srcRefNum,
   14558                                 dstRefNum);
   14559     _res = Py_BuildValue("l",
   14560                          _rv);
   14561     return _res;
   14562 }
   14564 static PyObject *Qt_SCRequestSequenceSettings(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   14565 {
   14566     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   14567     ComponentResult _rv;
   14568     ComponentInstance ci;
   14569 #ifndef SCRequestSequenceSettings
   14570     PyMac_PRECHECK(SCRequestSequenceSettings);
   14571 #endif
   14572     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&",
   14573                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &ci))
   14574         return NULL;
   14575     _rv = SCRequestSequenceSettings(ci);
   14576     _res = Py_BuildValue("l",
   14577                          _rv);
   14578     return _res;
   14579 }
   14581 static PyObject *Qt_SCCompressSequenceBegin(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   14582 {
   14583     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   14584     ComponentResult _rv;
   14585     ComponentInstance ci;
   14586     PixMapHandle src;
   14587     Rect srcRect;
   14588     ImageDescriptionHandle desc;
   14589 #ifndef SCCompressSequenceBegin
   14590     PyMac_PRECHECK(SCCompressSequenceBegin);
   14591 #endif
   14592     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&O&O&",
   14593                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &ci,
   14594                           ResObj_Convert, &src,
   14595                           PyMac_GetRect, &srcRect))
   14596         return NULL;
   14597     _rv = SCCompressSequenceBegin(ci,
   14598                                   src,
   14599                                   &srcRect,
   14600                                   &desc);
   14601     _res = Py_BuildValue("lO&",
   14602                          _rv,
   14603                          ResObj_New, desc);
   14604     return _res;
   14605 }
   14607 static PyObject *Qt_SCCompressSequenceFrame(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   14608 {
   14609     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   14610     ComponentResult _rv;
   14611     ComponentInstance ci;
   14612     PixMapHandle src;
   14613     Rect srcRect;
   14614     Handle data;
   14615     long dataSize;
   14616     short notSyncFlag;
   14617 #ifndef SCCompressSequenceFrame
   14618     PyMac_PRECHECK(SCCompressSequenceFrame);
   14619 #endif
   14620     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&O&O&",
   14621                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &ci,
   14622                           ResObj_Convert, &src,
   14623                           PyMac_GetRect, &srcRect))
   14624         return NULL;
   14625     _rv = SCCompressSequenceFrame(ci,
   14626                                   src,
   14627                                   &srcRect,
   14628                                   &data,
   14629                                   &dataSize,
   14630                                   &notSyncFlag);
   14631     _res = Py_BuildValue("lO&lh",
   14632                          _rv,
   14633                          ResObj_New, data,
   14634                          dataSize,
   14635                          notSyncFlag);
   14636     return _res;
   14637 }
   14639 static PyObject *Qt_SCCompressSequenceEnd(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   14640 {
   14641     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   14642     ComponentResult _rv;
   14643     ComponentInstance ci;
   14644 #ifndef SCCompressSequenceEnd
   14645     PyMac_PRECHECK(SCCompressSequenceEnd);
   14646 #endif
   14647     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&",
   14648                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &ci))
   14649         return NULL;
   14650     _rv = SCCompressSequenceEnd(ci);
   14651     _res = Py_BuildValue("l",
   14652                          _rv);
   14653     return _res;
   14654 }
   14656 static PyObject *Qt_SCDefaultPictHandleSettings(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   14657 {
   14658     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   14659     ComponentResult _rv;
   14660     ComponentInstance ci;
   14661     PicHandle srcPicture;
   14662     short motion;
   14663 #ifndef SCDefaultPictHandleSettings
   14664     PyMac_PRECHECK(SCDefaultPictHandleSettings);
   14665 #endif
   14666     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&O&h",
   14667                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &ci,
   14668                           ResObj_Convert, &srcPicture,
   14669                           &motion))
   14670         return NULL;
   14671     _rv = SCDefaultPictHandleSettings(ci,
   14672                                       srcPicture,
   14673                                       motion);
   14674     _res = Py_BuildValue("l",
   14675                          _rv);
   14676     return _res;
   14677 }
   14679 static PyObject *Qt_SCDefaultPictFileSettings(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   14680 {
   14681     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   14682     ComponentResult _rv;
   14683     ComponentInstance ci;
   14684     short srcRef;
   14685     short motion;
   14686 #ifndef SCDefaultPictFileSettings
   14687     PyMac_PRECHECK(SCDefaultPictFileSettings);
   14688 #endif
   14689     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&hh",
   14690                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &ci,
   14691                           &srcRef,
   14692                           &motion))
   14693         return NULL;
   14694     _rv = SCDefaultPictFileSettings(ci,
   14695                                     srcRef,
   14696                                     motion);
   14697     _res = Py_BuildValue("l",
   14698                          _rv);
   14699     return _res;
   14700 }
   14702 static PyObject *Qt_SCDefaultPixMapSettings(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   14703 {
   14704     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   14705     ComponentResult _rv;
   14706     ComponentInstance ci;
   14707     PixMapHandle src;
   14708     short motion;
   14709 #ifndef SCDefaultPixMapSettings
   14710     PyMac_PRECHECK(SCDefaultPixMapSettings);
   14711 #endif
   14712     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&O&h",
   14713                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &ci,
   14714                           ResObj_Convert, &src,
   14715                           &motion))
   14716         return NULL;
   14717     _rv = SCDefaultPixMapSettings(ci,
   14718                                   src,
   14719                                   motion);
   14720     _res = Py_BuildValue("l",
   14721                          _rv);
   14722     return _res;
   14723 }
   14725 static PyObject *Qt_SCGetInfo(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   14726 {
   14727     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   14728     ComponentResult _rv;
   14729     ComponentInstance ci;
   14730     OSType infoType;
   14731     void * info;
   14732 #ifndef SCGetInfo
   14733     PyMac_PRECHECK(SCGetInfo);
   14734 #endif
   14735     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&O&s",
   14736                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &ci,
   14737                           PyMac_GetOSType, &infoType,
   14738                           &info))
   14739         return NULL;
   14740     _rv = SCGetInfo(ci,
   14741                     infoType,
   14742                     info);
   14743     _res = Py_BuildValue("l",
   14744                          _rv);
   14745     return _res;
   14746 }
   14748 static PyObject *Qt_SCSetInfo(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   14749 {
   14750     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   14751     ComponentResult _rv;
   14752     ComponentInstance ci;
   14753     OSType infoType;
   14754     void * info;
   14755 #ifndef SCSetInfo
   14756     PyMac_PRECHECK(SCSetInfo);
   14757 #endif
   14758     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&O&s",
   14759                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &ci,
   14760                           PyMac_GetOSType, &infoType,
   14761                           &info))
   14762         return NULL;
   14763     _rv = SCSetInfo(ci,
   14764                     infoType,
   14765                     info);
   14766     _res = Py_BuildValue("l",
   14767                          _rv);
   14768     return _res;
   14769 }
   14771 static PyObject *Qt_SCSetCompressFlags(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   14772 {
   14773     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   14774     ComponentResult _rv;
   14775     ComponentInstance ci;
   14776     long flags;
   14777 #ifndef SCSetCompressFlags
   14778     PyMac_PRECHECK(SCSetCompressFlags);
   14779 #endif
   14780     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&l",
   14781                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &ci,
   14782                           &flags))
   14783         return NULL;
   14784     _rv = SCSetCompressFlags(ci,
   14785                              flags);
   14786     _res = Py_BuildValue("l",
   14787                          _rv);
   14788     return _res;
   14789 }
   14791 static PyObject *Qt_SCGetCompressFlags(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   14792 {
   14793     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   14794     ComponentResult _rv;
   14795     ComponentInstance ci;
   14796     long flags;
   14797 #ifndef SCGetCompressFlags
   14798     PyMac_PRECHECK(SCGetCompressFlags);
   14799 #endif
   14800     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&",
   14801                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &ci))
   14802         return NULL;
   14803     _rv = SCGetCompressFlags(ci,
   14804                              &flags);
   14805     _res = Py_BuildValue("ll",
   14806                          _rv,
   14807                          flags);
   14808     return _res;
   14809 }
   14811 static PyObject *Qt_SCGetSettingsAsText(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   14812 {
   14813     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   14814     ComponentResult _rv;
   14815     ComponentInstance ci;
   14816     Handle text;
   14817 #ifndef SCGetSettingsAsText
   14818     PyMac_PRECHECK(SCGetSettingsAsText);
   14819 #endif
   14820     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&",
   14821                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &ci))
   14822         return NULL;
   14823     _rv = SCGetSettingsAsText(ci,
   14824                               &text);
   14825     _res = Py_BuildValue("lO&",
   14826                          _rv,
   14827                          ResObj_New, text);
   14828     return _res;
   14829 }
   14831 static PyObject *Qt_SCAsyncIdle(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   14832 {
   14833     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   14834     ComponentResult _rv;
   14835     ComponentInstance ci;
   14836 #ifndef SCAsyncIdle
   14837     PyMac_PRECHECK(SCAsyncIdle);
   14838 #endif
   14839     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&",
   14840                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &ci))
   14841         return NULL;
   14842     _rv = SCAsyncIdle(ci);
   14843     _res = Py_BuildValue("l",
   14844                          _rv);
   14845     return _res;
   14846 }
   14848 static PyObject *Qt_TweenerReset(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   14849 {
   14850     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   14851     ComponentResult _rv;
   14852     TweenerComponent tc;
   14853 #ifndef TweenerReset
   14854     PyMac_PRECHECK(TweenerReset);
   14855 #endif
   14856     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&",
   14857                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &tc))
   14858         return NULL;
   14859     _rv = TweenerReset(tc);
   14860     _res = Py_BuildValue("l",
   14861                          _rv);
   14862     return _res;
   14863 }
   14865 static PyObject *Qt_TCGetSourceRef(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   14866 {
   14867     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   14868     HandlerError _rv;
   14869     MediaHandler mh;
   14870     TimeCodeDescriptionHandle tcdH;
   14871     UserData srefH;
   14872 #ifndef TCGetSourceRef
   14873     PyMac_PRECHECK(TCGetSourceRef);
   14874 #endif
   14875     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&O&",
   14876                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &mh,
   14877                           ResObj_Convert, &tcdH))
   14878         return NULL;
   14879     _rv = TCGetSourceRef(mh,
   14880                          tcdH,
   14881                          &srefH);
   14882     _res = Py_BuildValue("lO&",
   14883                          _rv,
   14884                          UserDataObj_New, srefH);
   14885     return _res;
   14886 }
   14888 static PyObject *Qt_TCSetSourceRef(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   14889 {
   14890     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   14891     HandlerError _rv;
   14892     MediaHandler mh;
   14893     TimeCodeDescriptionHandle tcdH;
   14894     UserData srefH;
   14895 #ifndef TCSetSourceRef
   14896     PyMac_PRECHECK(TCSetSourceRef);
   14897 #endif
   14898     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&O&O&",
   14899                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &mh,
   14900                           ResObj_Convert, &tcdH,
   14901                           UserDataObj_Convert, &srefH))
   14902         return NULL;
   14903     _rv = TCSetSourceRef(mh,
   14904                          tcdH,
   14905                          srefH);
   14906     _res = Py_BuildValue("l",
   14907                          _rv);
   14908     return _res;
   14909 }
   14911 static PyObject *Qt_TCSetTimeCodeFlags(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   14912 {
   14913     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   14914     HandlerError _rv;
   14915     MediaHandler mh;
   14916     long flags;
   14917     long flagsMask;
   14918 #ifndef TCSetTimeCodeFlags
   14919     PyMac_PRECHECK(TCSetTimeCodeFlags);
   14920 #endif
   14921     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&ll",
   14922                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &mh,
   14923                           &flags,
   14924                           &flagsMask))
   14925         return NULL;
   14926     _rv = TCSetTimeCodeFlags(mh,
   14927                              flags,
   14928                              flagsMask);
   14929     _res = Py_BuildValue("l",
   14930                          _rv);
   14931     return _res;
   14932 }
   14934 static PyObject *Qt_TCGetTimeCodeFlags(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   14935 {
   14936     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   14937     HandlerError _rv;
   14938     MediaHandler mh;
   14939     long flags;
   14940 #ifndef TCGetTimeCodeFlags
   14941     PyMac_PRECHECK(TCGetTimeCodeFlags);
   14942 #endif
   14943     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&",
   14944                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &mh))
   14945         return NULL;
   14946     _rv = TCGetTimeCodeFlags(mh,
   14947                              &flags);
   14948     _res = Py_BuildValue("ll",
   14949                          _rv,
   14950                          flags);
   14951     return _res;
   14952 }
   14954 static PyObject *Qt_MovieImportHandle(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   14955 {
   14956     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   14957     ComponentResult _rv;
   14958     MovieImportComponent ci;
   14959     Handle dataH;
   14960     Movie theMovie;
   14961     Track targetTrack;
   14962     Track usedTrack;
   14963     TimeValue atTime;
   14964     TimeValue addedDuration;
   14965     long inFlags;
   14966     long outFlags;
   14967 #ifndef MovieImportHandle
   14968     PyMac_PRECHECK(MovieImportHandle);
   14969 #endif
   14970     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&O&O&O&ll",
   14971                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &ci,
   14972                           ResObj_Convert, &dataH,
   14973                           MovieObj_Convert, &theMovie,
   14974                           TrackObj_Convert, &targetTrack,
   14975                           &atTime,
   14976                           &inFlags))
   14977         return NULL;
   14978     _rv = MovieImportHandle(ci,
   14979                             dataH,
   14980                             theMovie,
   14981                             targetTrack,
   14982                             &usedTrack,
   14983                             atTime,
   14984                             &addedDuration,
   14985                             inFlags,
   14986                             &outFlags);
   14987     _res = Py_BuildValue("lO&ll",
   14988                          _rv,
   14989                          TrackObj_New, usedTrack,
   14990                          addedDuration,
   14991                          outFlags);
   14992     return _res;
   14993 }
   14995 static PyObject *Qt_MovieImportFile(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   14996 {
   14997     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   14998     ComponentResult _rv;
   14999     MovieImportComponent ci;
   15000     FSSpec theFile;
   15001     Movie theMovie;
   15002     Track targetTrack;
   15003     Track usedTrack;
   15004     TimeValue atTime;
   15005     TimeValue addedDuration;
   15006     long inFlags;
   15007     long outFlags;
   15008 #ifndef MovieImportFile
   15009     PyMac_PRECHECK(MovieImportFile);
   15010 #endif
   15011     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&O&O&O&ll",
   15012                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &ci,
   15013                           PyMac_GetFSSpec, &theFile,
   15014                           MovieObj_Convert, &theMovie,
   15015                           TrackObj_Convert, &targetTrack,
   15016                           &atTime,
   15017                           &inFlags))
   15018         return NULL;
   15019     _rv = MovieImportFile(ci,
   15020                           &theFile,
   15021                           theMovie,
   15022                           targetTrack,
   15023                           &usedTrack,
   15024                           atTime,
   15025                           &addedDuration,
   15026                           inFlags,
   15027                           &outFlags);
   15028     _res = Py_BuildValue("lO&ll",
   15029                          _rv,
   15030                          TrackObj_New, usedTrack,
   15031                          addedDuration,
   15032                          outFlags);
   15033     return _res;
   15034 }
   15036 static PyObject *Qt_MovieImportSetSampleDuration(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   15037 {
   15038     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   15039     ComponentResult _rv;
   15040     MovieImportComponent ci;
   15041     TimeValue duration;
   15042     TimeScale scale;
   15043 #ifndef MovieImportSetSampleDuration
   15044     PyMac_PRECHECK(MovieImportSetSampleDuration);
   15045 #endif
   15046     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&ll",
   15047                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &ci,
   15048                           &duration,
   15049                           &scale))
   15050         return NULL;
   15051     _rv = MovieImportSetSampleDuration(ci,
   15052                                        duration,
   15053                                        scale);
   15054     _res = Py_BuildValue("l",
   15055                          _rv);
   15056     return _res;
   15057 }
   15059 static PyObject *Qt_MovieImportSetSampleDescription(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   15060 {
   15061     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   15062     ComponentResult _rv;
   15063     MovieImportComponent ci;
   15064     SampleDescriptionHandle desc;
   15065     OSType mediaType;
   15066 #ifndef MovieImportSetSampleDescription
   15067     PyMac_PRECHECK(MovieImportSetSampleDescription);
   15068 #endif
   15069     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&O&O&",
   15070                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &ci,
   15071                           ResObj_Convert, &desc,
   15072                           PyMac_GetOSType, &mediaType))
   15073         return NULL;
   15074     _rv = MovieImportSetSampleDescription(ci,
   15075                                           desc,
   15076                                           mediaType);
   15077     _res = Py_BuildValue("l",
   15078                          _rv);
   15079     return _res;
   15080 }
   15082 static PyObject *Qt_MovieImportSetMediaFile(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   15083 {
   15084     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   15085     ComponentResult _rv;
   15086     MovieImportComponent ci;
   15087     AliasHandle alias;
   15088 #ifndef MovieImportSetMediaFile
   15089     PyMac_PRECHECK(MovieImportSetMediaFile);
   15090 #endif
   15091     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&O&",
   15092                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &ci,
   15093                           ResObj_Convert, &alias))
   15094         return NULL;
   15095     _rv = MovieImportSetMediaFile(ci,
   15096                                   alias);
   15097     _res = Py_BuildValue("l",
   15098                          _rv);
   15099     return _res;
   15100 }
   15102 static PyObject *Qt_MovieImportSetDimensions(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   15103 {
   15104     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   15105     ComponentResult _rv;
   15106     MovieImportComponent ci;
   15107     Fixed width;
   15108     Fixed height;
   15109 #ifndef MovieImportSetDimensions
   15110     PyMac_PRECHECK(MovieImportSetDimensions);
   15111 #endif
   15112     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&O&O&",
   15113                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &ci,
   15114                           PyMac_GetFixed, &width,
   15115                           PyMac_GetFixed, &height))
   15116         return NULL;
   15117     _rv = MovieImportSetDimensions(ci,
   15118                                    width,
   15119                                    height);
   15120     _res = Py_BuildValue("l",
   15121                          _rv);
   15122     return _res;
   15123 }
   15125 static PyObject *Qt_MovieImportSetChunkSize(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   15126 {
   15127     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   15128     ComponentResult _rv;
   15129     MovieImportComponent ci;
   15130     long chunkSize;
   15131 #ifndef MovieImportSetChunkSize
   15132     PyMac_PRECHECK(MovieImportSetChunkSize);
   15133 #endif
   15134     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&l",
   15135                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &ci,
   15136                           &chunkSize))
   15137         return NULL;
   15138     _rv = MovieImportSetChunkSize(ci,
   15139                                   chunkSize);
   15140     _res = Py_BuildValue("l",
   15141                          _rv);
   15142     return _res;
   15143 }
   15145 static PyObject *Qt_MovieImportSetAuxiliaryData(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   15146 {
   15147     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   15148     ComponentResult _rv;
   15149     MovieImportComponent ci;
   15150     Handle data;
   15151     OSType handleType;
   15152 #ifndef MovieImportSetAuxiliaryData
   15153     PyMac_PRECHECK(MovieImportSetAuxiliaryData);
   15154 #endif
   15155     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&O&O&",
   15156                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &ci,
   15157                           ResObj_Convert, &data,
   15158                           PyMac_GetOSType, &handleType))
   15159         return NULL;
   15160     _rv = MovieImportSetAuxiliaryData(ci,
   15161                                       data,
   15162                                       handleType);
   15163     _res = Py_BuildValue("l",
   15164                          _rv);
   15165     return _res;
   15166 }
   15168 static PyObject *Qt_MovieImportSetFromScrap(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   15169 {
   15170     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   15171     ComponentResult _rv;
   15172     MovieImportComponent ci;
   15173     Boolean fromScrap;
   15174 #ifndef MovieImportSetFromScrap
   15175     PyMac_PRECHECK(MovieImportSetFromScrap);
   15176 #endif
   15177     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&b",
   15178                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &ci,
   15179                           &fromScrap))
   15180         return NULL;
   15181     _rv = MovieImportSetFromScrap(ci,
   15182                                   fromScrap);
   15183     _res = Py_BuildValue("l",
   15184                          _rv);
   15185     return _res;
   15186 }
   15188 static PyObject *Qt_MovieImportDoUserDialog(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   15189 {
   15190     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   15191     ComponentResult _rv;
   15192     MovieImportComponent ci;
   15193     FSSpec theFile;
   15194     Handle theData;
   15195     Boolean canceled;
   15196 #ifndef MovieImportDoUserDialog
   15197     PyMac_PRECHECK(MovieImportDoUserDialog);
   15198 #endif
   15199     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&O&O&",
   15200                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &ci,
   15201                           PyMac_GetFSSpec, &theFile,
   15202                           ResObj_Convert, &theData))
   15203         return NULL;
   15204     _rv = MovieImportDoUserDialog(ci,
   15205                                   &theFile,
   15206                                   theData,
   15207                                   &canceled);
   15208     _res = Py_BuildValue("lb",
   15209                          _rv,
   15210                          canceled);
   15211     return _res;
   15212 }
   15214 static PyObject *Qt_MovieImportSetDuration(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   15215 {
   15216     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   15217     ComponentResult _rv;
   15218     MovieImportComponent ci;
   15219     TimeValue duration;
   15220 #ifndef MovieImportSetDuration
   15221     PyMac_PRECHECK(MovieImportSetDuration);
   15222 #endif
   15223     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&l",
   15224                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &ci,
   15225                           &duration))
   15226         return NULL;
   15227     _rv = MovieImportSetDuration(ci,
   15228                                  duration);
   15229     _res = Py_BuildValue("l",
   15230                          _rv);
   15231     return _res;
   15232 }
   15234 static PyObject *Qt_MovieImportGetAuxiliaryDataType(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   15235 {
   15236     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   15237     ComponentResult _rv;
   15238     MovieImportComponent ci;
   15239     OSType auxType;
   15240 #ifndef MovieImportGetAuxiliaryDataType
   15241     PyMac_PRECHECK(MovieImportGetAuxiliaryDataType);
   15242 #endif
   15243     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&",
   15244                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &ci))
   15245         return NULL;
   15246     _rv = MovieImportGetAuxiliaryDataType(ci,
   15247                                           &auxType);
   15248     _res = Py_BuildValue("lO&",
   15249                          _rv,
   15250                          PyMac_BuildOSType, auxType);
   15251     return _res;
   15252 }
   15254 static PyObject *Qt_MovieImportValidate(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   15255 {
   15256     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   15257     ComponentResult _rv;
   15258     MovieImportComponent ci;
   15259     FSSpec theFile;
   15260     Handle theData;
   15261     Boolean valid;
   15262 #ifndef MovieImportValidate
   15263     PyMac_PRECHECK(MovieImportValidate);
   15264 #endif
   15265     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&O&O&",
   15266                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &ci,
   15267                           PyMac_GetFSSpec, &theFile,
   15268                           ResObj_Convert, &theData))
   15269         return NULL;
   15270     _rv = MovieImportValidate(ci,
   15271                               &theFile,
   15272                               theData,
   15273                               &valid);
   15274     _res = Py_BuildValue("lb",
   15275                          _rv,
   15276                          valid);
   15277     return _res;
   15278 }
   15280 static PyObject *Qt_MovieImportGetFileType(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   15281 {
   15282     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   15283     ComponentResult _rv;
   15284     MovieImportComponent ci;
   15285     OSType fileType;
   15286 #ifndef MovieImportGetFileType
   15287     PyMac_PRECHECK(MovieImportGetFileType);
   15288 #endif
   15289     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&",
   15290                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &ci))
   15291         return NULL;
   15292     _rv = MovieImportGetFileType(ci,
   15293                                  &fileType);
   15294     _res = Py_BuildValue("lO&",
   15295                          _rv,
   15296                          PyMac_BuildOSType, fileType);
   15297     return _res;
   15298 }
   15300 static PyObject *Qt_MovieImportDataRef(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   15301 {
   15302     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   15303     ComponentResult _rv;
   15304     MovieImportComponent ci;
   15305     Handle dataRef;
   15306     OSType dataRefType;
   15307     Movie theMovie;
   15308     Track targetTrack;
   15309     Track usedTrack;
   15310     TimeValue atTime;
   15311     TimeValue addedDuration;
   15312     long inFlags;
   15313     long outFlags;
   15314 #ifndef MovieImportDataRef
   15315     PyMac_PRECHECK(MovieImportDataRef);
   15316 #endif
   15317     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&O&O&O&O&ll",
   15318                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &ci,
   15319                           ResObj_Convert, &dataRef,
   15320                           PyMac_GetOSType, &dataRefType,
   15321                           MovieObj_Convert, &theMovie,
   15322                           TrackObj_Convert, &targetTrack,
   15323                           &atTime,
   15324                           &inFlags))
   15325         return NULL;
   15326     _rv = MovieImportDataRef(ci,
   15327                              dataRef,
   15328                              dataRefType,
   15329                              theMovie,
   15330                              targetTrack,
   15331                              &usedTrack,
   15332                              atTime,
   15333                              &addedDuration,
   15334                              inFlags,
   15335                              &outFlags);
   15336     _res = Py_BuildValue("lO&ll",
   15337                          _rv,
   15338                          TrackObj_New, usedTrack,
   15339                          addedDuration,
   15340                          outFlags);
   15341     return _res;
   15342 }
   15344 static PyObject *Qt_MovieImportGetSampleDescription(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   15345 {
   15346     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   15347     ComponentResult _rv;
   15348     MovieImportComponent ci;
   15349     SampleDescriptionHandle desc;
   15350     OSType mediaType;
   15351 #ifndef MovieImportGetSampleDescription
   15352     PyMac_PRECHECK(MovieImportGetSampleDescription);
   15353 #endif
   15354     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&",
   15355                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &ci))
   15356         return NULL;
   15357     _rv = MovieImportGetSampleDescription(ci,
   15358                                           &desc,
   15359                                           &mediaType);
   15360     _res = Py_BuildValue("lO&O&",
   15361                          _rv,
   15362                          ResObj_New, desc,
   15363                          PyMac_BuildOSType, mediaType);
   15364     return _res;
   15365 }
   15367 static PyObject *Qt_MovieImportSetOffsetAndLimit(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   15368 {
   15369     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   15370     ComponentResult _rv;
   15371     MovieImportComponent ci;
   15372     unsigned long offset;
   15373     unsigned long limit;
   15374 #ifndef MovieImportSetOffsetAndLimit
   15375     PyMac_PRECHECK(MovieImportSetOffsetAndLimit);
   15376 #endif
   15377     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&ll",
   15378                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &ci,
   15379                           &offset,
   15380                           &limit))
   15381         return NULL;
   15382     _rv = MovieImportSetOffsetAndLimit(ci,
   15383                                        offset,
   15384                                        limit);
   15385     _res = Py_BuildValue("l",
   15386                          _rv);
   15387     return _res;
   15388 }
   15390 static PyObject *Qt_MovieImportSetOffsetAndLimit64(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   15391 {
   15392     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   15393     ComponentResult _rv;
   15394     MovieImportComponent ci;
   15395     wide offset;
   15396     wide limit;
   15397 #ifndef MovieImportSetOffsetAndLimit64
   15398     PyMac_PRECHECK(MovieImportSetOffsetAndLimit64);
   15399 #endif
   15400     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&O&O&",
   15401                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &ci,
   15402                           PyMac_Getwide, &offset,
   15403                           PyMac_Getwide, &limit))
   15404         return NULL;
   15405     _rv = MovieImportSetOffsetAndLimit64(ci,
   15406                                          &offset,
   15407                                          &limit);
   15408     _res = Py_BuildValue("l",
   15409                          _rv);
   15410     return _res;
   15411 }
   15413 static PyObject *Qt_MovieImportIdle(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   15414 {
   15415     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   15416     ComponentResult _rv;
   15417     MovieImportComponent ci;
   15418     long inFlags;
   15419     long outFlags;
   15420 #ifndef MovieImportIdle
   15421     PyMac_PRECHECK(MovieImportIdle);
   15422 #endif
   15423     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&l",
   15424                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &ci,
   15425                           &inFlags))
   15426         return NULL;
   15427     _rv = MovieImportIdle(ci,
   15428                           inFlags,
   15429                           &outFlags);
   15430     _res = Py_BuildValue("ll",
   15431                          _rv,
   15432                          outFlags);
   15433     return _res;
   15434 }
   15436 static PyObject *Qt_MovieImportValidateDataRef(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   15437 {
   15438     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   15439     ComponentResult _rv;
   15440     MovieImportComponent ci;
   15441     Handle dataRef;
   15442     OSType dataRefType;
   15443     UInt8 valid;
   15444 #ifndef MovieImportValidateDataRef
   15445     PyMac_PRECHECK(MovieImportValidateDataRef);
   15446 #endif
   15447     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&O&O&",
   15448                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &ci,
   15449                           ResObj_Convert, &dataRef,
   15450                           PyMac_GetOSType, &dataRefType))
   15451         return NULL;
   15452     _rv = MovieImportValidateDataRef(ci,
   15453                                      dataRef,
   15454                                      dataRefType,
   15455                                      &valid);
   15456     _res = Py_BuildValue("lb",
   15457                          _rv,
   15458                          valid);
   15459     return _res;
   15460 }
   15462 static PyObject *Qt_MovieImportGetLoadState(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   15463 {
   15464     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   15465     ComponentResult _rv;
   15466     MovieImportComponent ci;
   15467     long importerLoadState;
   15468 #ifndef MovieImportGetLoadState
   15469     PyMac_PRECHECK(MovieImportGetLoadState);
   15470 #endif
   15471     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&",
   15472                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &ci))
   15473         return NULL;
   15474     _rv = MovieImportGetLoadState(ci,
   15475                                   &importerLoadState);
   15476     _res = Py_BuildValue("ll",
   15477                          _rv,
   15478                          importerLoadState);
   15479     return _res;
   15480 }
   15482 static PyObject *Qt_MovieImportGetMaxLoadedTime(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   15483 {
   15484     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   15485     ComponentResult _rv;
   15486     MovieImportComponent ci;
   15487     TimeValue time;
   15488 #ifndef MovieImportGetMaxLoadedTime
   15489     PyMac_PRECHECK(MovieImportGetMaxLoadedTime);
   15490 #endif
   15491     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&",
   15492                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &ci))
   15493         return NULL;
   15494     _rv = MovieImportGetMaxLoadedTime(ci,
   15495                                       &time);
   15496     _res = Py_BuildValue("ll",
   15497                          _rv,
   15498                          time);
   15499     return _res;
   15500 }
   15502 static PyObject *Qt_MovieImportEstimateCompletionTime(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   15503 {
   15504     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   15505     ComponentResult _rv;
   15506     MovieImportComponent ci;
   15507     TimeRecord time;
   15508 #ifndef MovieImportEstimateCompletionTime
   15509     PyMac_PRECHECK(MovieImportEstimateCompletionTime);
   15510 #endif
   15511     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&",
   15512                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &ci))
   15513         return NULL;
   15514     _rv = MovieImportEstimateCompletionTime(ci,
   15515                                             &time);
   15516     _res = Py_BuildValue("lO&",
   15517                          _rv,
   15518                          QtTimeRecord_New, &time);
   15519     return _res;
   15520 }
   15522 static PyObject *Qt_MovieImportSetDontBlock(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   15523 {
   15524     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   15525     ComponentResult _rv;
   15526     MovieImportComponent ci;
   15527     Boolean dontBlock;
   15528 #ifndef MovieImportSetDontBlock
   15529     PyMac_PRECHECK(MovieImportSetDontBlock);
   15530 #endif
   15531     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&b",
   15532                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &ci,
   15533                           &dontBlock))
   15534         return NULL;
   15535     _rv = MovieImportSetDontBlock(ci,
   15536                                   dontBlock);
   15537     _res = Py_BuildValue("l",
   15538                          _rv);
   15539     return _res;
   15540 }
   15542 static PyObject *Qt_MovieImportGetDontBlock(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   15543 {
   15544     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   15545     ComponentResult _rv;
   15546     MovieImportComponent ci;
   15547     Boolean willBlock;
   15548 #ifndef MovieImportGetDontBlock
   15549     PyMac_PRECHECK(MovieImportGetDontBlock);
   15550 #endif
   15551     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&",
   15552                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &ci))
   15553         return NULL;
   15554     _rv = MovieImportGetDontBlock(ci,
   15555                                   &willBlock);
   15556     _res = Py_BuildValue("lb",
   15557                          _rv,
   15558                          willBlock);
   15559     return _res;
   15560 }
   15562 static PyObject *Qt_MovieImportSetIdleManager(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   15563 {
   15564     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   15565     ComponentResult _rv;
   15566     MovieImportComponent ci;
   15567     IdleManager im;
   15568 #ifndef MovieImportSetIdleManager
   15569     PyMac_PRECHECK(MovieImportSetIdleManager);
   15570 #endif
   15571     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&O&",
   15572                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &ci,
   15573                           IdleManagerObj_Convert, &im))
   15574         return NULL;
   15575     _rv = MovieImportSetIdleManager(ci,
   15576                                     im);
   15577     _res = Py_BuildValue("l",
   15578                          _rv);
   15579     return _res;
   15580 }
   15582 static PyObject *Qt_MovieImportSetNewMovieFlags(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   15583 {
   15584     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   15585     ComponentResult _rv;
   15586     MovieImportComponent ci;
   15587     long newMovieFlags;
   15588 #ifndef MovieImportSetNewMovieFlags
   15589     PyMac_PRECHECK(MovieImportSetNewMovieFlags);
   15590 #endif
   15591     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&l",
   15592                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &ci,
   15593                           &newMovieFlags))
   15594         return NULL;
   15595     _rv = MovieImportSetNewMovieFlags(ci,
   15596                                       newMovieFlags);
   15597     _res = Py_BuildValue("l",
   15598                          _rv);
   15599     return _res;
   15600 }
   15602 static PyObject *Qt_MovieImportGetDestinationMediaType(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   15603 {
   15604     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   15605     ComponentResult _rv;
   15606     MovieImportComponent ci;
   15607     OSType mediaType;
   15608 #ifndef MovieImportGetDestinationMediaType
   15609     PyMac_PRECHECK(MovieImportGetDestinationMediaType);
   15610 #endif
   15611     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&",
   15612                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &ci))
   15613         return NULL;
   15614     _rv = MovieImportGetDestinationMediaType(ci,
   15615                                              &mediaType);
   15616     _res = Py_BuildValue("lO&",
   15617                          _rv,
   15618                          PyMac_BuildOSType, mediaType);
   15619     return _res;
   15620 }
   15622 static PyObject *Qt_MovieExportToHandle(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   15623 {
   15624     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   15625     ComponentResult _rv;
   15626     MovieExportComponent ci;
   15627     Handle dataH;
   15628     Movie theMovie;
   15629     Track onlyThisTrack;
   15630     TimeValue startTime;
   15631     TimeValue duration;
   15632 #ifndef MovieExportToHandle
   15633     PyMac_PRECHECK(MovieExportToHandle);
   15634 #endif
   15635     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&O&O&O&ll",
   15636                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &ci,
   15637                           ResObj_Convert, &dataH,
   15638                           MovieObj_Convert, &theMovie,
   15639                           TrackObj_Convert, &onlyThisTrack,
   15640                           &startTime,
   15641                           &duration))
   15642         return NULL;
   15643     _rv = MovieExportToHandle(ci,
   15644                               dataH,
   15645                               theMovie,
   15646                               onlyThisTrack,
   15647                               startTime,
   15648                               duration);
   15649     _res = Py_BuildValue("l",
   15650                          _rv);
   15651     return _res;
   15652 }
   15654 static PyObject *Qt_MovieExportToFile(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   15655 {
   15656     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   15657     ComponentResult _rv;
   15658     MovieExportComponent ci;
   15659     FSSpec theFile;
   15660     Movie theMovie;
   15661     Track onlyThisTrack;
   15662     TimeValue startTime;
   15663     TimeValue duration;
   15664 #ifndef MovieExportToFile
   15665     PyMac_PRECHECK(MovieExportToFile);
   15666 #endif
   15667     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&O&O&O&ll",
   15668                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &ci,
   15669                           PyMac_GetFSSpec, &theFile,
   15670                           MovieObj_Convert, &theMovie,
   15671                           TrackObj_Convert, &onlyThisTrack,
   15672                           &startTime,
   15673                           &duration))
   15674         return NULL;
   15675     _rv = MovieExportToFile(ci,
   15676                             &theFile,
   15677                             theMovie,
   15678                             onlyThisTrack,
   15679                             startTime,
   15680                             duration);
   15681     _res = Py_BuildValue("l",
   15682                          _rv);
   15683     return _res;
   15684 }
   15686 static PyObject *Qt_MovieExportGetAuxiliaryData(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   15687 {
   15688     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   15689     ComponentResult _rv;
   15690     MovieExportComponent ci;
   15691     Handle dataH;
   15692     OSType handleType;
   15693 #ifndef MovieExportGetAuxiliaryData
   15694     PyMac_PRECHECK(MovieExportGetAuxiliaryData);
   15695 #endif
   15696     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&O&",
   15697                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &ci,
   15698                           ResObj_Convert, &dataH))
   15699         return NULL;
   15700     _rv = MovieExportGetAuxiliaryData(ci,
   15701                                       dataH,
   15702                                       &handleType);
   15703     _res = Py_BuildValue("lO&",
   15704                          _rv,
   15705                          PyMac_BuildOSType, handleType);
   15706     return _res;
   15707 }
   15709 static PyObject *Qt_MovieExportSetSampleDescription(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   15710 {
   15711     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   15712     ComponentResult _rv;
   15713     MovieExportComponent ci;
   15714     SampleDescriptionHandle desc;
   15715     OSType mediaType;
   15716 #ifndef MovieExportSetSampleDescription
   15717     PyMac_PRECHECK(MovieExportSetSampleDescription);
   15718 #endif
   15719     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&O&O&",
   15720                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &ci,
   15721                           ResObj_Convert, &desc,
   15722                           PyMac_GetOSType, &mediaType))
   15723         return NULL;
   15724     _rv = MovieExportSetSampleDescription(ci,
   15725                                           desc,
   15726                                           mediaType);
   15727     _res = Py_BuildValue("l",
   15728                          _rv);
   15729     return _res;
   15730 }
   15732 static PyObject *Qt_MovieExportDoUserDialog(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   15733 {
   15734     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   15735     ComponentResult _rv;
   15736     MovieExportComponent ci;
   15737     Movie theMovie;
   15738     Track onlyThisTrack;
   15739     TimeValue startTime;
   15740     TimeValue duration;
   15741     Boolean canceled;
   15742 #ifndef MovieExportDoUserDialog
   15743     PyMac_PRECHECK(MovieExportDoUserDialog);
   15744 #endif
   15745     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&O&O&ll",
   15746                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &ci,
   15747                           MovieObj_Convert, &theMovie,
   15748                           TrackObj_Convert, &onlyThisTrack,
   15749                           &startTime,
   15750                           &duration))
   15751         return NULL;
   15752     _rv = MovieExportDoUserDialog(ci,
   15753                                   theMovie,
   15754                                   onlyThisTrack,
   15755                                   startTime,
   15756                                   duration,
   15757                                   &canceled);
   15758     _res = Py_BuildValue("lb",
   15759                          _rv,
   15760                          canceled);
   15761     return _res;
   15762 }
   15764 static PyObject *Qt_MovieExportGetCreatorType(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   15765 {
   15766     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   15767     ComponentResult _rv;
   15768     MovieExportComponent ci;
   15769     OSType creator;
   15770 #ifndef MovieExportGetCreatorType
   15771     PyMac_PRECHECK(MovieExportGetCreatorType);
   15772 #endif
   15773     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&",
   15774                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &ci))
   15775         return NULL;
   15776     _rv = MovieExportGetCreatorType(ci,
   15777                                     &creator);
   15778     _res = Py_BuildValue("lO&",
   15779                          _rv,
   15780                          PyMac_BuildOSType, creator);
   15781     return _res;
   15782 }
   15784 static PyObject *Qt_MovieExportToDataRef(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   15785 {
   15786     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   15787     ComponentResult _rv;
   15788     MovieExportComponent ci;
   15789     Handle dataRef;
   15790     OSType dataRefType;
   15791     Movie theMovie;
   15792     Track onlyThisTrack;
   15793     TimeValue startTime;
   15794     TimeValue duration;
   15795 #ifndef MovieExportToDataRef
   15796     PyMac_PRECHECK(MovieExportToDataRef);
   15797 #endif
   15798     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&O&O&O&O&ll",
   15799                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &ci,
   15800                           ResObj_Convert, &dataRef,
   15801                           PyMac_GetOSType, &dataRefType,
   15802                           MovieObj_Convert, &theMovie,
   15803                           TrackObj_Convert, &onlyThisTrack,
   15804                           &startTime,
   15805                           &duration))
   15806         return NULL;
   15807     _rv = MovieExportToDataRef(ci,
   15808                                dataRef,
   15809                                dataRefType,
   15810                                theMovie,
   15811                                onlyThisTrack,
   15812                                startTime,
   15813                                duration);
   15814     _res = Py_BuildValue("l",
   15815                          _rv);
   15816     return _res;
   15817 }
   15819 static PyObject *Qt_MovieExportFromProceduresToDataRef(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   15820 {
   15821     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   15822     ComponentResult _rv;
   15823     MovieExportComponent ci;
   15824     Handle dataRef;
   15825     OSType dataRefType;
   15826 #ifndef MovieExportFromProceduresToDataRef
   15827     PyMac_PRECHECK(MovieExportFromProceduresToDataRef);
   15828 #endif
   15829     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&O&O&",
   15830                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &ci,
   15831                           ResObj_Convert, &dataRef,
   15832                           PyMac_GetOSType, &dataRefType))
   15833         return NULL;
   15834     _rv = MovieExportFromProceduresToDataRef(ci,
   15835                                              dataRef,
   15836                                              dataRefType);
   15837     _res = Py_BuildValue("l",
   15838                          _rv);
   15839     return _res;
   15840 }
   15842 static PyObject *Qt_MovieExportValidate(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   15843 {
   15844     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   15845     ComponentResult _rv;
   15846     MovieExportComponent ci;
   15847     Movie theMovie;
   15848     Track onlyThisTrack;
   15849     Boolean valid;
   15850 #ifndef MovieExportValidate
   15851     PyMac_PRECHECK(MovieExportValidate);
   15852 #endif
   15853     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&O&O&",
   15854                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &ci,
   15855                           MovieObj_Convert, &theMovie,
   15856                           TrackObj_Convert, &onlyThisTrack))
   15857         return NULL;
   15858     _rv = MovieExportValidate(ci,
   15859                               theMovie,
   15860                               onlyThisTrack,
   15861                               &valid);
   15862     _res = Py_BuildValue("lb",
   15863                          _rv,
   15864                          valid);
   15865     return _res;
   15866 }
   15868 static PyObject *Qt_MovieExportGetFileNameExtension(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   15869 {
   15870     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   15871     ComponentResult _rv;
   15872     MovieExportComponent ci;
   15873     OSType extension;
   15874 #ifndef MovieExportGetFileNameExtension
   15875     PyMac_PRECHECK(MovieExportGetFileNameExtension);
   15876 #endif
   15877     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&",
   15878                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &ci))
   15879         return NULL;
   15880     _rv = MovieExportGetFileNameExtension(ci,
   15881                                           &extension);
   15882     _res = Py_BuildValue("lO&",
   15883                          _rv,
   15884                          PyMac_BuildOSType, extension);
   15885     return _res;
   15886 }
   15888 static PyObject *Qt_MovieExportGetShortFileTypeString(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   15889 {
   15890     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   15891     ComponentResult _rv;
   15892     MovieExportComponent ci;
   15893     Str255 typeString;
   15894 #ifndef MovieExportGetShortFileTypeString
   15895     PyMac_PRECHECK(MovieExportGetShortFileTypeString);
   15896 #endif
   15897     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&O&",
   15898                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &ci,
   15899                           PyMac_GetStr255, typeString))
   15900         return NULL;
   15901     _rv = MovieExportGetShortFileTypeString(ci,
   15902                                             typeString);
   15903     _res = Py_BuildValue("l",
   15904                          _rv);
   15905     return _res;
   15906 }
   15908 static PyObject *Qt_MovieExportGetSourceMediaType(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   15909 {
   15910     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   15911     ComponentResult _rv;
   15912     MovieExportComponent ci;
   15913     OSType mediaType;
   15914 #ifndef MovieExportGetSourceMediaType
   15915     PyMac_PRECHECK(MovieExportGetSourceMediaType);
   15916 #endif
   15917     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&",
   15918                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &ci))
   15919         return NULL;
   15920     _rv = MovieExportGetSourceMediaType(ci,
   15921                                         &mediaType);
   15922     _res = Py_BuildValue("lO&",
   15923                          _rv,
   15924                          PyMac_BuildOSType, mediaType);
   15925     return _res;
   15926 }
   15928 static PyObject *Qt_TextExportGetTimeFraction(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   15929 {
   15930     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   15931     ComponentResult _rv;
   15932     TextExportComponent ci;
   15933     long movieTimeFraction;
   15934 #ifndef TextExportGetTimeFraction
   15935     PyMac_PRECHECK(TextExportGetTimeFraction);
   15936 #endif
   15937     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&",
   15938                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &ci))
   15939         return NULL;
   15940     _rv = TextExportGetTimeFraction(ci,
   15941                                     &movieTimeFraction);
   15942     _res = Py_BuildValue("ll",
   15943                          _rv,
   15944                          movieTimeFraction);
   15945     return _res;
   15946 }
   15948 static PyObject *Qt_TextExportSetTimeFraction(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   15949 {
   15950     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   15951     ComponentResult _rv;
   15952     TextExportComponent ci;
   15953     long movieTimeFraction;
   15954 #ifndef TextExportSetTimeFraction
   15955     PyMac_PRECHECK(TextExportSetTimeFraction);
   15956 #endif
   15957     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&l",
   15958                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &ci,
   15959                           &movieTimeFraction))
   15960         return NULL;
   15961     _rv = TextExportSetTimeFraction(ci,
   15962                                     movieTimeFraction);
   15963     _res = Py_BuildValue("l",
   15964                          _rv);
   15965     return _res;
   15966 }
   15968 static PyObject *Qt_TextExportGetSettings(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   15969 {
   15970     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   15971     ComponentResult _rv;
   15972     TextExportComponent ci;
   15973     long setting;
   15974 #ifndef TextExportGetSettings
   15975     PyMac_PRECHECK(TextExportGetSettings);
   15976 #endif
   15977     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&",
   15978                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &ci))
   15979         return NULL;
   15980     _rv = TextExportGetSettings(ci,
   15981                                 &setting);
   15982     _res = Py_BuildValue("ll",
   15983                          _rv,
   15984                          setting);
   15985     return _res;
   15986 }
   15988 static PyObject *Qt_TextExportSetSettings(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   15989 {
   15990     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   15991     ComponentResult _rv;
   15992     TextExportComponent ci;
   15993     long setting;
   15994 #ifndef TextExportSetSettings
   15995     PyMac_PRECHECK(TextExportSetSettings);
   15996 #endif
   15997     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&l",
   15998                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &ci,
   15999                           &setting))
   16000         return NULL;
   16001     _rv = TextExportSetSettings(ci,
   16002                                 setting);
   16003     _res = Py_BuildValue("l",
   16004                          _rv);
   16005     return _res;
   16006 }
   16008 static PyObject *Qt_MIDIImportGetSettings(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   16009 {
   16010     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   16011     ComponentResult _rv;
   16012     TextExportComponent ci;
   16013     long setting;
   16014 #ifndef MIDIImportGetSettings
   16015     PyMac_PRECHECK(MIDIImportGetSettings);
   16016 #endif
   16017     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&",
   16018                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &ci))
   16019         return NULL;
   16020     _rv = MIDIImportGetSettings(ci,
   16021                                 &setting);
   16022     _res = Py_BuildValue("ll",
   16023                          _rv,
   16024                          setting);
   16025     return _res;
   16026 }
   16028 static PyObject *Qt_MIDIImportSetSettings(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   16029 {
   16030     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   16031     ComponentResult _rv;
   16032     TextExportComponent ci;
   16033     long setting;
   16034 #ifndef MIDIImportSetSettings
   16035     PyMac_PRECHECK(MIDIImportSetSettings);
   16036 #endif
   16037     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&l",
   16038                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &ci,
   16039                           &setting))
   16040         return NULL;
   16041     _rv = MIDIImportSetSettings(ci,
   16042                                 setting);
   16043     _res = Py_BuildValue("l",
   16044                          _rv);
   16045     return _res;
   16046 }
   16048 static PyObject *Qt_GraphicsImageImportSetSequenceEnabled(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   16049 {
   16050     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   16051     ComponentResult _rv;
   16052     GraphicImageMovieImportComponent ci;
   16053     Boolean enable;
   16054 #ifndef GraphicsImageImportSetSequenceEnabled
   16055     PyMac_PRECHECK(GraphicsImageImportSetSequenceEnabled);
   16056 #endif
   16057     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&b",
   16058                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &ci,
   16059                           &enable))
   16060         return NULL;
   16061     _rv = GraphicsImageImportSetSequenceEnabled(ci,
   16062                                                 enable);
   16063     _res = Py_BuildValue("l",
   16064                          _rv);
   16065     return _res;
   16066 }
   16068 static PyObject *Qt_GraphicsImageImportGetSequenceEnabled(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   16069 {
   16070     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   16071     ComponentResult _rv;
   16072     GraphicImageMovieImportComponent ci;
   16073     Boolean enable;
   16074 #ifndef GraphicsImageImportGetSequenceEnabled
   16075     PyMac_PRECHECK(GraphicsImageImportGetSequenceEnabled);
   16076 #endif
   16077     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&",
   16078                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &ci))
   16079         return NULL;
   16080     _rv = GraphicsImageImportGetSequenceEnabled(ci,
   16081                                                 &enable);
   16082     _res = Py_BuildValue("lb",
   16083                          _rv,
   16084                          enable);
   16085     return _res;
   16086 }
   16088 static PyObject *Qt_PreviewShowData(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   16089 {
   16090     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   16091     ComponentResult _rv;
   16092     pnotComponent p;
   16093     OSType dataType;
   16094     Handle data;
   16095     Rect inHere;
   16096 #ifndef PreviewShowData
   16097     PyMac_PRECHECK(PreviewShowData);
   16098 #endif
   16099     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&O&O&O&",
   16100                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &p,
   16101                           PyMac_GetOSType, &dataType,
   16102                           ResObj_Convert, &data,
   16103                           PyMac_GetRect, &inHere))
   16104         return NULL;
   16105     _rv = PreviewShowData(p,
   16106                           dataType,
   16107                           data,
   16108                           &inHere);
   16109     _res = Py_BuildValue("l",
   16110                          _rv);
   16111     return _res;
   16112 }
   16114 static PyObject *Qt_PreviewMakePreviewReference(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   16115 {
   16116     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   16117     ComponentResult _rv;
   16118     pnotComponent p;
   16119     OSType previewType;
   16120     short resID;
   16121     FSSpec sourceFile;
   16122 #ifndef PreviewMakePreviewReference
   16123     PyMac_PRECHECK(PreviewMakePreviewReference);
   16124 #endif
   16125     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&O&",
   16126                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &p,
   16127                           PyMac_GetFSSpec, &sourceFile))
   16128         return NULL;
   16129     _rv = PreviewMakePreviewReference(p,
   16130                                       &previewType,
   16131                                       &resID,
   16132                                       &sourceFile);
   16133     _res = Py_BuildValue("lO&h",
   16134                          _rv,
   16135                          PyMac_BuildOSType, previewType,
   16136                          resID);
   16137     return _res;
   16138 }
   16140 static PyObject *Qt_PreviewEvent(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   16141 {
   16142     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   16143     ComponentResult _rv;
   16144     pnotComponent p;
   16145     EventRecord e;
   16146     Boolean handledEvent;
   16147 #ifndef PreviewEvent
   16148     PyMac_PRECHECK(PreviewEvent);
   16149 #endif
   16150     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&",
   16151                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &p))
   16152         return NULL;
   16153     _rv = PreviewEvent(p,
   16154                        &e,
   16155                        &handledEvent);
   16156     _res = Py_BuildValue("lO&b",
   16157                          _rv,
   16158                          PyMac_BuildEventRecord, &e,
   16159                          handledEvent);
   16160     return _res;
   16161 }
   16163 static PyObject *Qt_DataCodecDecompress(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   16164 {
   16165     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   16166     ComponentResult _rv;
   16167     DataCodecComponent dc;
   16168     void * srcData;
   16169     UInt32 srcSize;
   16170     void * dstData;
   16171     UInt32 dstBufferSize;
   16172 #ifndef DataCodecDecompress
   16173     PyMac_PRECHECK(DataCodecDecompress);
   16174 #endif
   16175     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&slsl",
   16176                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &dc,
   16177                           &srcData,
   16178                           &srcSize,
   16179                           &dstData,
   16180                           &dstBufferSize))
   16181         return NULL;
   16182     _rv = DataCodecDecompress(dc,
   16183                               srcData,
   16184                               srcSize,
   16185                               dstData,
   16186                               dstBufferSize);
   16187     _res = Py_BuildValue("l",
   16188                          _rv);
   16189     return _res;
   16190 }
   16192 static PyObject *Qt_DataCodecGetCompressBufferSize(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   16193 {
   16194     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   16195     ComponentResult _rv;
   16196     DataCodecComponent dc;
   16197     UInt32 srcSize;
   16198     UInt32 dstSize;
   16199 #ifndef DataCodecGetCompressBufferSize
   16200     PyMac_PRECHECK(DataCodecGetCompressBufferSize);
   16201 #endif
   16202     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&l",
   16203                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &dc,
   16204                           &srcSize))
   16205         return NULL;
   16206     _rv = DataCodecGetCompressBufferSize(dc,
   16207                                          srcSize,
   16208                                          &dstSize);
   16209     _res = Py_BuildValue("ll",
   16210                          _rv,
   16211                          dstSize);
   16212     return _res;
   16213 }
   16215 static PyObject *Qt_DataCodecCompress(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   16216 {
   16217     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   16218     ComponentResult _rv;
   16219     DataCodecComponent dc;
   16220     void * srcData;
   16221     UInt32 srcSize;
   16222     void * dstData;
   16223     UInt32 dstBufferSize;
   16224     UInt32 actualDstSize;
   16225     UInt32 decompressSlop;
   16226 #ifndef DataCodecCompress
   16227     PyMac_PRECHECK(DataCodecCompress);
   16228 #endif
   16229     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&slsl",
   16230                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &dc,
   16231                           &srcData,
   16232                           &srcSize,
   16233                           &dstData,
   16234                           &dstBufferSize))
   16235         return NULL;
   16236     _rv = DataCodecCompress(dc,
   16237                             srcData,
   16238                             srcSize,
   16239                             dstData,
   16240                             dstBufferSize,
   16241                             &actualDstSize,
   16242                             &decompressSlop);
   16243     _res = Py_BuildValue("lll",
   16244                          _rv,
   16245                          actualDstSize,
   16246                          decompressSlop);
   16247     return _res;
   16248 }
   16250 static PyObject *Qt_DataCodecBeginInterruptSafe(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   16251 {
   16252     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   16253     ComponentResult _rv;
   16254     DataCodecComponent dc;
   16255     unsigned long maxSrcSize;
   16256 #ifndef DataCodecBeginInterruptSafe
   16257     PyMac_PRECHECK(DataCodecBeginInterruptSafe);
   16258 #endif
   16259     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&l",
   16260                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &dc,
   16261                           &maxSrcSize))
   16262         return NULL;
   16263     _rv = DataCodecBeginInterruptSafe(dc,
   16264                                       maxSrcSize);
   16265     _res = Py_BuildValue("l",
   16266                          _rv);
   16267     return _res;
   16268 }
   16270 static PyObject *Qt_DataCodecEndInterruptSafe(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   16271 {
   16272     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   16273     ComponentResult _rv;
   16274     DataCodecComponent dc;
   16275 #ifndef DataCodecEndInterruptSafe
   16276     PyMac_PRECHECK(DataCodecEndInterruptSafe);
   16277 #endif
   16278     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&",
   16279                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &dc))
   16280         return NULL;
   16281     _rv = DataCodecEndInterruptSafe(dc);
   16282     _res = Py_BuildValue("l",
   16283                          _rv);
   16284     return _res;
   16285 }
   16287 static PyObject *Qt_DataHGetData(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   16288 {
   16289     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   16290     ComponentResult _rv;
   16291     DataHandler dh;
   16292     Handle h;
   16293     long hOffset;
   16294     long offset;
   16295     long size;
   16296 #ifndef DataHGetData
   16297     PyMac_PRECHECK(DataHGetData);
   16298 #endif
   16299     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&O&lll",
   16300                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &dh,
   16301                           ResObj_Convert, &h,
   16302                           &hOffset,
   16303                           &offset,
   16304                           &size))
   16305         return NULL;
   16306     _rv = DataHGetData(dh,
   16307                        h,
   16308                        hOffset,
   16309                        offset,
   16310                        size);
   16311     _res = Py_BuildValue("l",
   16312                          _rv);
   16313     return _res;
   16314 }
   16316 static PyObject *Qt_DataHPutData(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   16317 {
   16318     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   16319     ComponentResult _rv;
   16320     DataHandler dh;
   16321     Handle h;
   16322     long hOffset;
   16323     long offset;
   16324     long size;
   16325 #ifndef DataHPutData
   16326     PyMac_PRECHECK(DataHPutData);
   16327 #endif
   16328     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&O&ll",
   16329                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &dh,
   16330                           ResObj_Convert, &h,
   16331                           &hOffset,
   16332                           &size))
   16333         return NULL;
   16334     _rv = DataHPutData(dh,
   16335                        h,
   16336                        hOffset,
   16337                        &offset,
   16338                        size);
   16339     _res = Py_BuildValue("ll",
   16340                          _rv,
   16341                          offset);
   16342     return _res;
   16343 }
   16345 static PyObject *Qt_DataHFlushData(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   16346 {
   16347     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   16348     ComponentResult _rv;
   16349     DataHandler dh;
   16350 #ifndef DataHFlushData
   16351     PyMac_PRECHECK(DataHFlushData);
   16352 #endif
   16353     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&",
   16354                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &dh))
   16355         return NULL;
   16356     _rv = DataHFlushData(dh);
   16357     _res = Py_BuildValue("l",
   16358                          _rv);
   16359     return _res;
   16360 }
   16362 static PyObject *Qt_DataHOpenForWrite(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   16363 {
   16364     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   16365     ComponentResult _rv;
   16366     DataHandler dh;
   16367 #ifndef DataHOpenForWrite
   16368     PyMac_PRECHECK(DataHOpenForWrite);
   16369 #endif
   16370     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&",
   16371                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &dh))
   16372         return NULL;
   16373     _rv = DataHOpenForWrite(dh);
   16374     _res = Py_BuildValue("l",
   16375                          _rv);
   16376     return _res;
   16377 }
   16379 static PyObject *Qt_DataHCloseForWrite(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   16380 {
   16381     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   16382     ComponentResult _rv;
   16383     DataHandler dh;
   16384 #ifndef DataHCloseForWrite
   16385     PyMac_PRECHECK(DataHCloseForWrite);
   16386 #endif
   16387     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&",
   16388                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &dh))
   16389         return NULL;
   16390     _rv = DataHCloseForWrite(dh);
   16391     _res = Py_BuildValue("l",
   16392                          _rv);
   16393     return _res;
   16394 }
   16396 static PyObject *Qt_DataHOpenForRead(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   16397 {
   16398     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   16399     ComponentResult _rv;
   16400     DataHandler dh;
   16401 #ifndef DataHOpenForRead
   16402     PyMac_PRECHECK(DataHOpenForRead);
   16403 #endif
   16404     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&",
   16405                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &dh))
   16406         return NULL;
   16407     _rv = DataHOpenForRead(dh);
   16408     _res = Py_BuildValue("l",
   16409                          _rv);
   16410     return _res;
   16411 }
   16413 static PyObject *Qt_DataHCloseForRead(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   16414 {
   16415     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   16416     ComponentResult _rv;
   16417     DataHandler dh;
   16418 #ifndef DataHCloseForRead
   16419     PyMac_PRECHECK(DataHCloseForRead);
   16420 #endif
   16421     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&",
   16422                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &dh))
   16423         return NULL;
   16424     _rv = DataHCloseForRead(dh);
   16425     _res = Py_BuildValue("l",
   16426                          _rv);
   16427     return _res;
   16428 }
   16430 static PyObject *Qt_DataHSetDataRef(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   16431 {
   16432     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   16433     ComponentResult _rv;
   16434     DataHandler dh;
   16435     Handle dataRef;
   16436 #ifndef DataHSetDataRef
   16437     PyMac_PRECHECK(DataHSetDataRef);
   16438 #endif
   16439     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&O&",
   16440                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &dh,
   16441                           ResObj_Convert, &dataRef))
   16442         return NULL;
   16443     _rv = DataHSetDataRef(dh,
   16444                           dataRef);
   16445     _res = Py_BuildValue("l",
   16446                          _rv);
   16447     return _res;
   16448 }
   16450 static PyObject *Qt_DataHGetDataRef(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   16451 {
   16452     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   16453     ComponentResult _rv;
   16454     DataHandler dh;
   16455     Handle dataRef;
   16456 #ifndef DataHGetDataRef
   16457     PyMac_PRECHECK(DataHGetDataRef);
   16458 #endif
   16459     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&",
   16460                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &dh))
   16461         return NULL;
   16462     _rv = DataHGetDataRef(dh,
   16463                           &dataRef);
   16464     _res = Py_BuildValue("lO&",
   16465                          _rv,
   16466                          ResObj_New, dataRef);
   16467     return _res;
   16468 }
   16470 static PyObject *Qt_DataHCompareDataRef(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   16471 {
   16472     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   16473     ComponentResult _rv;
   16474     DataHandler dh;
   16475     Handle dataRef;
   16476     Boolean equal;
   16477 #ifndef DataHCompareDataRef
   16478     PyMac_PRECHECK(DataHCompareDataRef);
   16479 #endif
   16480     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&O&",
   16481                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &dh,
   16482                           ResObj_Convert, &dataRef))
   16483         return NULL;
   16484     _rv = DataHCompareDataRef(dh,
   16485                               dataRef,
   16486                               &equal);
   16487     _res = Py_BuildValue("lb",
   16488                          _rv,
   16489                          equal);
   16490     return _res;
   16491 }
   16493 static PyObject *Qt_DataHTask(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   16494 {
   16495     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   16496     ComponentResult _rv;
   16497     DataHandler dh;
   16498 #ifndef DataHTask
   16499     PyMac_PRECHECK(DataHTask);
   16500 #endif
   16501     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&",
   16502                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &dh))
   16503         return NULL;
   16504     _rv = DataHTask(dh);
   16505     _res = Py_BuildValue("l",
   16506                          _rv);
   16507     return _res;
   16508 }
   16510 static PyObject *Qt_DataHFinishData(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   16511 {
   16512     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   16513     ComponentResult _rv;
   16514     DataHandler dh;
   16515     Ptr PlaceToPutDataPtr;
   16516     Boolean Cancel;
   16517 #ifndef DataHFinishData
   16518     PyMac_PRECHECK(DataHFinishData);
   16519 #endif
   16520     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&sb",
   16521                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &dh,
   16522                           &PlaceToPutDataPtr,
   16523                           &Cancel))
   16524         return NULL;
   16525     _rv = DataHFinishData(dh,
   16526                           PlaceToPutDataPtr,
   16527                           Cancel);
   16528     _res = Py_BuildValue("l",
   16529                          _rv);
   16530     return _res;
   16531 }
   16533 static PyObject *Qt_DataHFlushCache(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   16534 {
   16535     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   16536     ComponentResult _rv;
   16537     DataHandler dh;
   16538 #ifndef DataHFlushCache
   16539     PyMac_PRECHECK(DataHFlushCache);
   16540 #endif
   16541     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&",
   16542                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &dh))
   16543         return NULL;
   16544     _rv = DataHFlushCache(dh);
   16545     _res = Py_BuildValue("l",
   16546                          _rv);
   16547     return _res;
   16548 }
   16550 static PyObject *Qt_DataHResolveDataRef(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   16551 {
   16552     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   16553     ComponentResult _rv;
   16554     DataHandler dh;
   16555     Handle theDataRef;
   16556     Boolean wasChanged;
   16557     Boolean userInterfaceAllowed;
   16558 #ifndef DataHResolveDataRef
   16559     PyMac_PRECHECK(DataHResolveDataRef);
   16560 #endif
   16561     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&O&b",
   16562                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &dh,
   16563                           ResObj_Convert, &theDataRef,
   16564                           &userInterfaceAllowed))
   16565         return NULL;
   16566     _rv = DataHResolveDataRef(dh,
   16567                               theDataRef,
   16568                               &wasChanged,
   16569                               userInterfaceAllowed);
   16570     _res = Py_BuildValue("lb",
   16571                          _rv,
   16572                          wasChanged);
   16573     return _res;
   16574 }
   16576 static PyObject *Qt_DataHGetFileSize(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   16577 {
   16578     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   16579     ComponentResult _rv;
   16580     DataHandler dh;
   16581     long fileSize;
   16582 #ifndef DataHGetFileSize
   16583     PyMac_PRECHECK(DataHGetFileSize);
   16584 #endif
   16585     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&",
   16586                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &dh))
   16587         return NULL;
   16588     _rv = DataHGetFileSize(dh,
   16589                            &fileSize);
   16590     _res = Py_BuildValue("ll",
   16591                          _rv,
   16592                          fileSize);
   16593     return _res;
   16594 }
   16596 static PyObject *Qt_DataHCanUseDataRef(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   16597 {
   16598     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   16599     ComponentResult _rv;
   16600     DataHandler dh;
   16601     Handle dataRef;
   16602     long useFlags;
   16603 #ifndef DataHCanUseDataRef
   16604     PyMac_PRECHECK(DataHCanUseDataRef);
   16605 #endif
   16606     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&O&",
   16607                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &dh,
   16608                           ResObj_Convert, &dataRef))
   16609         return NULL;
   16610     _rv = DataHCanUseDataRef(dh,
   16611                              dataRef,
   16612                              &useFlags);
   16613     _res = Py_BuildValue("ll",
   16614                          _rv,
   16615                          useFlags);
   16616     return _res;
   16617 }
   16619 static PyObject *Qt_DataHPreextend(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   16620 {
   16621     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   16622     ComponentResult _rv;
   16623     DataHandler dh;
   16624     unsigned long maxToAdd;
   16625     unsigned long spaceAdded;
   16626 #ifndef DataHPreextend
   16627     PyMac_PRECHECK(DataHPreextend);
   16628 #endif
   16629     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&l",
   16630                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &dh,
   16631                           &maxToAdd))
   16632         return NULL;
   16633     _rv = DataHPreextend(dh,
   16634                          maxToAdd,
   16635                          &spaceAdded);
   16636     _res = Py_BuildValue("ll",
   16637                          _rv,
   16638                          spaceAdded);
   16639     return _res;
   16640 }
   16642 static PyObject *Qt_DataHSetFileSize(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   16643 {
   16644     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   16645     ComponentResult _rv;
   16646     DataHandler dh;
   16647     long fileSize;
   16648 #ifndef DataHSetFileSize
   16649     PyMac_PRECHECK(DataHSetFileSize);
   16650 #endif
   16651     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&l",
   16652                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &dh,
   16653                           &fileSize))
   16654         return NULL;
   16655     _rv = DataHSetFileSize(dh,
   16656                            fileSize);
   16657     _res = Py_BuildValue("l",
   16658                          _rv);
   16659     return _res;
   16660 }
   16662 static PyObject *Qt_DataHGetFreeSpace(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   16663 {
   16664     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   16665     ComponentResult _rv;
   16666     DataHandler dh;
   16667     unsigned long freeSize;
   16668 #ifndef DataHGetFreeSpace
   16669     PyMac_PRECHECK(DataHGetFreeSpace);
   16670 #endif
   16671     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&",
   16672                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &dh))
   16673         return NULL;
   16674     _rv = DataHGetFreeSpace(dh,
   16675                             &freeSize);
   16676     _res = Py_BuildValue("ll",
   16677                          _rv,
   16678                          freeSize);
   16679     return _res;
   16680 }
   16682 static PyObject *Qt_DataHCreateFile(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   16683 {
   16684     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   16685     ComponentResult _rv;
   16686     DataHandler dh;
   16687     OSType creator;
   16688     Boolean deleteExisting;
   16689 #ifndef DataHCreateFile
   16690     PyMac_PRECHECK(DataHCreateFile);
   16691 #endif
   16692     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&O&b",
   16693                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &dh,
   16694                           PyMac_GetOSType, &creator,
   16695                           &deleteExisting))
   16696         return NULL;
   16697     _rv = DataHCreateFile(dh,
   16698                           creator,
   16699                           deleteExisting);
   16700     _res = Py_BuildValue("l",
   16701                          _rv);
   16702     return _res;
   16703 }
   16705 static PyObject *Qt_DataHGetPreferredBlockSize(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   16706 {
   16707     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   16708     ComponentResult _rv;
   16709     DataHandler dh;
   16710     long blockSize;
   16711 #ifndef DataHGetPreferredBlockSize
   16712     PyMac_PRECHECK(DataHGetPreferredBlockSize);
   16713 #endif
   16714     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&",
   16715                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &dh))
   16716         return NULL;
   16717     _rv = DataHGetPreferredBlockSize(dh,
   16718                                      &blockSize);
   16719     _res = Py_BuildValue("ll",
   16720                          _rv,
   16721                          blockSize);
   16722     return _res;
   16723 }
   16725 static PyObject *Qt_DataHGetDeviceIndex(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   16726 {
   16727     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   16728     ComponentResult _rv;
   16729     DataHandler dh;
   16730     long deviceIndex;
   16731 #ifndef DataHGetDeviceIndex
   16732     PyMac_PRECHECK(DataHGetDeviceIndex);
   16733 #endif
   16734     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&",
   16735                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &dh))
   16736         return NULL;
   16737     _rv = DataHGetDeviceIndex(dh,
   16738                               &deviceIndex);
   16739     _res = Py_BuildValue("ll",
   16740                          _rv,
   16741                          deviceIndex);
   16742     return _res;
   16743 }
   16745 static PyObject *Qt_DataHIsStreamingDataHandler(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   16746 {
   16747     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   16748     ComponentResult _rv;
   16749     DataHandler dh;
   16750     Boolean yes;
   16751 #ifndef DataHIsStreamingDataHandler
   16752     PyMac_PRECHECK(DataHIsStreamingDataHandler);
   16753 #endif
   16754     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&",
   16755                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &dh))
   16756         return NULL;
   16757     _rv = DataHIsStreamingDataHandler(dh,
   16758                                       &yes);
   16759     _res = Py_BuildValue("lb",
   16760                          _rv,
   16761                          yes);
   16762     return _res;
   16763 }
   16765 static PyObject *Qt_DataHGetDataInBuffer(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   16766 {
   16767     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   16768     ComponentResult _rv;
   16769     DataHandler dh;
   16770     long startOffset;
   16771     long size;
   16772 #ifndef DataHGetDataInBuffer
   16773     PyMac_PRECHECK(DataHGetDataInBuffer);
   16774 #endif
   16775     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&l",
   16776                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &dh,
   16777                           &startOffset))
   16778         return NULL;
   16779     _rv = DataHGetDataInBuffer(dh,
   16780                                startOffset,
   16781                                &size);
   16782     _res = Py_BuildValue("ll",
   16783                          _rv,
   16784                          size);
   16785     return _res;
   16786 }
   16788 static PyObject *Qt_DataHGetScheduleAheadTime(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   16789 {
   16790     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   16791     ComponentResult _rv;
   16792     DataHandler dh;
   16793     long millisecs;
   16794 #ifndef DataHGetScheduleAheadTime
   16795     PyMac_PRECHECK(DataHGetScheduleAheadTime);
   16796 #endif
   16797     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&",
   16798                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &dh))
   16799         return NULL;
   16800     _rv = DataHGetScheduleAheadTime(dh,
   16801                                     &millisecs);
   16802     _res = Py_BuildValue("ll",
   16803                          _rv,
   16804                          millisecs);
   16805     return _res;
   16806 }
   16808 static PyObject *Qt_DataHSetCacheSizeLimit(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   16809 {
   16810     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   16811     ComponentResult _rv;
   16812     DataHandler dh;
   16813     Size cacheSizeLimit;
   16814 #ifndef DataHSetCacheSizeLimit
   16815     PyMac_PRECHECK(DataHSetCacheSizeLimit);
   16816 #endif
   16817     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&l",
   16818                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &dh,
   16819                           &cacheSizeLimit))
   16820         return NULL;
   16821     _rv = DataHSetCacheSizeLimit(dh,
   16822                                  cacheSizeLimit);
   16823     _res = Py_BuildValue("l",
   16824                          _rv);
   16825     return _res;
   16826 }
   16828 static PyObject *Qt_DataHGetCacheSizeLimit(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   16829 {
   16830     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   16831     ComponentResult _rv;
   16832     DataHandler dh;
   16833     Size cacheSizeLimit;
   16834 #ifndef DataHGetCacheSizeLimit
   16835     PyMac_PRECHECK(DataHGetCacheSizeLimit);
   16836 #endif
   16837     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&",
   16838                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &dh))
   16839         return NULL;
   16840     _rv = DataHGetCacheSizeLimit(dh,
   16841                                  &cacheSizeLimit);
   16842     _res = Py_BuildValue("ll",
   16843                          _rv,
   16844                          cacheSizeLimit);
   16845     return _res;
   16846 }
   16848 static PyObject *Qt_DataHGetMovie(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   16849 {
   16850     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   16851     ComponentResult _rv;
   16852     DataHandler dh;
   16853     Movie theMovie;
   16854     short id;
   16855 #ifndef DataHGetMovie
   16856     PyMac_PRECHECK(DataHGetMovie);
   16857 #endif
   16858     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&",
   16859                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &dh))
   16860         return NULL;
   16861     _rv = DataHGetMovie(dh,
   16862                         &theMovie,
   16863                         &id);
   16864     _res = Py_BuildValue("lO&h",
   16865                          _rv,
   16866                          MovieObj_New, theMovie,
   16867                          id);
   16868     return _res;
   16869 }
   16871 static PyObject *Qt_DataHAddMovie(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   16872 {
   16873     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   16874     ComponentResult _rv;
   16875     DataHandler dh;
   16876     Movie theMovie;
   16877     short id;
   16878 #ifndef DataHAddMovie
   16879     PyMac_PRECHECK(DataHAddMovie);
   16880 #endif
   16881     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&O&",
   16882                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &dh,
   16883                           MovieObj_Convert, &theMovie))
   16884         return NULL;
   16885     _rv = DataHAddMovie(dh,
   16886                         theMovie,
   16887                         &id);
   16888     _res = Py_BuildValue("lh",
   16889                          _rv,
   16890                          id);
   16891     return _res;
   16892 }
   16894 static PyObject *Qt_DataHUpdateMovie(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   16895 {
   16896     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   16897     ComponentResult _rv;
   16898     DataHandler dh;
   16899     Movie theMovie;
   16900     short id;
   16901 #ifndef DataHUpdateMovie
   16902     PyMac_PRECHECK(DataHUpdateMovie);
   16903 #endif
   16904     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&O&h",
   16905                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &dh,
   16906                           MovieObj_Convert, &theMovie,
   16907                           &id))
   16908         return NULL;
   16909     _rv = DataHUpdateMovie(dh,
   16910                            theMovie,
   16911                            id);
   16912     _res = Py_BuildValue("l",
   16913                          _rv);
   16914     return _res;
   16915 }
   16917 static PyObject *Qt_DataHDoesBuffer(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   16918 {
   16919     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   16920     ComponentResult _rv;
   16921     DataHandler dh;
   16922     Boolean buffersReads;
   16923     Boolean buffersWrites;
   16924 #ifndef DataHDoesBuffer
   16925     PyMac_PRECHECK(DataHDoesBuffer);
   16926 #endif
   16927     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&",
   16928                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &dh))
   16929         return NULL;
   16930     _rv = DataHDoesBuffer(dh,
   16931                           &buffersReads,
   16932                           &buffersWrites);
   16933     _res = Py_BuildValue("lbb",
   16934                          _rv,
   16935                          buffersReads,
   16936                          buffersWrites);
   16937     return _res;
   16938 }
   16940 static PyObject *Qt_DataHGetFileName(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   16941 {
   16942     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   16943     ComponentResult _rv;
   16944     DataHandler dh;
   16945     Str255 str;
   16946 #ifndef DataHGetFileName
   16947     PyMac_PRECHECK(DataHGetFileName);
   16948 #endif
   16949     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&O&",
   16950                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &dh,
   16951                           PyMac_GetStr255, str))
   16952         return NULL;
   16953     _rv = DataHGetFileName(dh,
   16954                            str);
   16955     _res = Py_BuildValue("l",
   16956                          _rv);
   16957     return _res;
   16958 }
   16960 static PyObject *Qt_DataHGetAvailableFileSize(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   16961 {
   16962     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   16963     ComponentResult _rv;
   16964     DataHandler dh;
   16965     long fileSize;
   16966 #ifndef DataHGetAvailableFileSize
   16967     PyMac_PRECHECK(DataHGetAvailableFileSize);
   16968 #endif
   16969     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&",
   16970                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &dh))
   16971         return NULL;
   16972     _rv = DataHGetAvailableFileSize(dh,
   16973                                     &fileSize);
   16974     _res = Py_BuildValue("ll",
   16975                          _rv,
   16976                          fileSize);
   16977     return _res;
   16978 }
   16980 static PyObject *Qt_DataHGetMacOSFileType(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   16981 {
   16982     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   16983     ComponentResult _rv;
   16984     DataHandler dh;
   16985     OSType fileType;
   16986 #ifndef DataHGetMacOSFileType
   16987     PyMac_PRECHECK(DataHGetMacOSFileType);
   16988 #endif
   16989     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&",
   16990                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &dh))
   16991         return NULL;
   16992     _rv = DataHGetMacOSFileType(dh,
   16993                                 &fileType);
   16994     _res = Py_BuildValue("lO&",
   16995                          _rv,
   16996                          PyMac_BuildOSType, fileType);
   16997     return _res;
   16998 }
   17000 static PyObject *Qt_DataHGetMIMEType(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   17001 {
   17002     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   17003     ComponentResult _rv;
   17004     DataHandler dh;
   17005     Str255 mimeType;
   17006 #ifndef DataHGetMIMEType
   17007     PyMac_PRECHECK(DataHGetMIMEType);
   17008 #endif
   17009     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&O&",
   17010                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &dh,
   17011                           PyMac_GetStr255, mimeType))
   17012         return NULL;
   17013     _rv = DataHGetMIMEType(dh,
   17014                            mimeType);
   17015     _res = Py_BuildValue("l",
   17016                          _rv);
   17017     return _res;
   17018 }
   17020 static PyObject *Qt_DataHSetDataRefWithAnchor(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   17021 {
   17022     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   17023     ComponentResult _rv;
   17024     DataHandler dh;
   17025     Handle anchorDataRef;
   17026     OSType dataRefType;
   17027     Handle dataRef;
   17028 #ifndef DataHSetDataRefWithAnchor
   17029     PyMac_PRECHECK(DataHSetDataRefWithAnchor);
   17030 #endif
   17031     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&O&O&O&",
   17032                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &dh,
   17033                           ResObj_Convert, &anchorDataRef,
   17034                           PyMac_GetOSType, &dataRefType,
   17035                           ResObj_Convert, &dataRef))
   17036         return NULL;
   17037     _rv = DataHSetDataRefWithAnchor(dh,
   17038                                     anchorDataRef,
   17039                                     dataRefType,
   17040                                     dataRef);
   17041     _res = Py_BuildValue("l",
   17042                          _rv);
   17043     return _res;
   17044 }
   17046 static PyObject *Qt_DataHGetDataRefWithAnchor(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   17047 {
   17048     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   17049     ComponentResult _rv;
   17050     DataHandler dh;
   17051     Handle anchorDataRef;
   17052     OSType dataRefType;
   17053     Handle dataRef;
   17054 #ifndef DataHGetDataRefWithAnchor
   17055     PyMac_PRECHECK(DataHGetDataRefWithAnchor);
   17056 #endif
   17057     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&O&O&",
   17058                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &dh,
   17059                           ResObj_Convert, &anchorDataRef,
   17060                           PyMac_GetOSType, &dataRefType))
   17061         return NULL;
   17062     _rv = DataHGetDataRefWithAnchor(dh,
   17063                                     anchorDataRef,
   17064                                     dataRefType,
   17065                                     &dataRef);
   17066     _res = Py_BuildValue("lO&",
   17067                          _rv,
   17068                          ResObj_New, dataRef);
   17069     return _res;
   17070 }
   17072 static PyObject *Qt_DataHSetMacOSFileType(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   17073 {
   17074     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   17075     ComponentResult _rv;
   17076     DataHandler dh;
   17077     OSType fileType;
   17078 #ifndef DataHSetMacOSFileType
   17079     PyMac_PRECHECK(DataHSetMacOSFileType);
   17080 #endif
   17081     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&O&",
   17082                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &dh,
   17083                           PyMac_GetOSType, &fileType))
   17084         return NULL;
   17085     _rv = DataHSetMacOSFileType(dh,
   17086                                 fileType);
   17087     _res = Py_BuildValue("l",
   17088                          _rv);
   17089     return _res;
   17090 }
   17092 static PyObject *Qt_DataHSetTimeBase(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   17093 {
   17094     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   17095     ComponentResult _rv;
   17096     DataHandler dh;
   17097     TimeBase tb;
   17098 #ifndef DataHSetTimeBase
   17099     PyMac_PRECHECK(DataHSetTimeBase);
   17100 #endif
   17101     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&O&",
   17102                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &dh,
   17103                           TimeBaseObj_Convert, &tb))
   17104         return NULL;
   17105     _rv = DataHSetTimeBase(dh,
   17106                            tb);
   17107     _res = Py_BuildValue("l",
   17108                          _rv);
   17109     return _res;
   17110 }
   17112 static PyObject *Qt_DataHGetInfoFlags(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   17113 {
   17114     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   17115     ComponentResult _rv;
   17116     DataHandler dh;
   17117     UInt32 flags;
   17118 #ifndef DataHGetInfoFlags
   17119     PyMac_PRECHECK(DataHGetInfoFlags);
   17120 #endif
   17121     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&",
   17122                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &dh))
   17123         return NULL;
   17124     _rv = DataHGetInfoFlags(dh,
   17125                             &flags);
   17126     _res = Py_BuildValue("ll",
   17127                          _rv,
   17128                          flags);
   17129     return _res;
   17130 }
   17132 static PyObject *Qt_DataHGetFileSize64(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   17133 {
   17134     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   17135     ComponentResult _rv;
   17136     DataHandler dh;
   17137     wide fileSize;
   17138 #ifndef DataHGetFileSize64
   17139     PyMac_PRECHECK(DataHGetFileSize64);
   17140 #endif
   17141     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&",
   17142                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &dh))
   17143         return NULL;
   17144     _rv = DataHGetFileSize64(dh,
   17145                              &fileSize);
   17146     _res = Py_BuildValue("lO&",
   17147                          _rv,
   17148                          PyMac_Buildwide, fileSize);
   17149     return _res;
   17150 }
   17152 static PyObject *Qt_DataHPreextend64(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   17153 {
   17154     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   17155     ComponentResult _rv;
   17156     DataHandler dh;
   17157     wide maxToAdd;
   17158     wide spaceAdded;
   17159 #ifndef DataHPreextend64
   17160     PyMac_PRECHECK(DataHPreextend64);
   17161 #endif
   17162     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&O&",
   17163                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &dh,
   17164                           PyMac_Getwide, &maxToAdd))
   17165         return NULL;
   17166     _rv = DataHPreextend64(dh,
   17167                            &maxToAdd,
   17168                            &spaceAdded);
   17169     _res = Py_BuildValue("lO&",
   17170                          _rv,
   17171                          PyMac_Buildwide, spaceAdded);
   17172     return _res;
   17173 }
   17175 static PyObject *Qt_DataHSetFileSize64(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   17176 {
   17177     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   17178     ComponentResult _rv;
   17179     DataHandler dh;
   17180     wide fileSize;
   17181 #ifndef DataHSetFileSize64
   17182     PyMac_PRECHECK(DataHSetFileSize64);
   17183 #endif
   17184     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&O&",
   17185                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &dh,
   17186                           PyMac_Getwide, &fileSize))
   17187         return NULL;
   17188     _rv = DataHSetFileSize64(dh,
   17189                              &fileSize);
   17190     _res = Py_BuildValue("l",
   17191                          _rv);
   17192     return _res;
   17193 }
   17195 static PyObject *Qt_DataHGetFreeSpace64(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   17196 {
   17197     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   17198     ComponentResult _rv;
   17199     DataHandler dh;
   17200     wide freeSize;
   17201 #ifndef DataHGetFreeSpace64
   17202     PyMac_PRECHECK(DataHGetFreeSpace64);
   17203 #endif
   17204     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&",
   17205                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &dh))
   17206         return NULL;
   17207     _rv = DataHGetFreeSpace64(dh,
   17208                               &freeSize);
   17209     _res = Py_BuildValue("lO&",
   17210                          _rv,
   17211                          PyMac_Buildwide, freeSize);
   17212     return _res;
   17213 }
   17215 static PyObject *Qt_DataHAppend64(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   17216 {
   17217     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   17218     ComponentResult _rv;
   17219     DataHandler dh;
   17220     void * data;
   17221     wide fileOffset;
   17222     unsigned long size;
   17223 #ifndef DataHAppend64
   17224     PyMac_PRECHECK(DataHAppend64);
   17225 #endif
   17226     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&sl",
   17227                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &dh,
   17228                           &data,
   17229                           &size))
   17230         return NULL;
   17231     _rv = DataHAppend64(dh,
   17232                         data,
   17233                         &fileOffset,
   17234                         size);
   17235     _res = Py_BuildValue("lO&",
   17236                          _rv,
   17237                          PyMac_Buildwide, fileOffset);
   17238     return _res;
   17239 }
   17241 static PyObject *Qt_DataHPollRead(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   17242 {
   17243     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   17244     ComponentResult _rv;
   17245     DataHandler dh;
   17246     void * dataPtr;
   17247     UInt32 dataSizeSoFar;
   17248 #ifndef DataHPollRead
   17249     PyMac_PRECHECK(DataHPollRead);
   17250 #endif
   17251     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&s",
   17252                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &dh,
   17253                           &dataPtr))
   17254         return NULL;
   17255     _rv = DataHPollRead(dh,
   17256                         dataPtr,
   17257                         &dataSizeSoFar);
   17258     _res = Py_BuildValue("ll",
   17259                          _rv,
   17260                          dataSizeSoFar);
   17261     return _res;
   17262 }
   17264 static PyObject *Qt_DataHGetDataAvailability(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   17265 {
   17266     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   17267     ComponentResult _rv;
   17268     DataHandler dh;
   17269     long offset;
   17270     long len;
   17271     long missing_offset;
   17272     long missing_len;
   17273 #ifndef DataHGetDataAvailability
   17274     PyMac_PRECHECK(DataHGetDataAvailability);
   17275 #endif
   17276     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&ll",
   17277                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &dh,
   17278                           &offset,
   17279                           &len))
   17280         return NULL;
   17281     _rv = DataHGetDataAvailability(dh,
   17282                                    offset,
   17283                                    len,
   17284                                    &missing_offset,
   17285                                    &missing_len);
   17286     _res = Py_BuildValue("lll",
   17287                          _rv,
   17288                          missing_offset,
   17289                          missing_len);
   17290     return _res;
   17291 }
   17293 static PyObject *Qt_DataHGetDataRefAsType(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   17294 {
   17295     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   17296     ComponentResult _rv;
   17297     DataHandler dh;
   17298     OSType requestedType;
   17299     Handle dataRef;
   17300 #ifndef DataHGetDataRefAsType
   17301     PyMac_PRECHECK(DataHGetDataRefAsType);
   17302 #endif
   17303     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&O&",
   17304                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &dh,
   17305                           PyMac_GetOSType, &requestedType))
   17306         return NULL;
   17307     _rv = DataHGetDataRefAsType(dh,
   17308                                 requestedType,
   17309                                 &dataRef);
   17310     _res = Py_BuildValue("lO&",
   17311                          _rv,
   17312                          ResObj_New, dataRef);
   17313     return _res;
   17314 }
   17316 static PyObject *Qt_DataHSetDataRefExtension(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   17317 {
   17318     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   17319     ComponentResult _rv;
   17320     DataHandler dh;
   17321     Handle extension;
   17322     OSType idType;
   17323 #ifndef DataHSetDataRefExtension
   17324     PyMac_PRECHECK(DataHSetDataRefExtension);
   17325 #endif
   17326     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&O&O&",
   17327                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &dh,
   17328                           ResObj_Convert, &extension,
   17329                           PyMac_GetOSType, &idType))
   17330         return NULL;
   17331     _rv = DataHSetDataRefExtension(dh,
   17332                                    extension,
   17333                                    idType);
   17334     _res = Py_BuildValue("l",
   17335                          _rv);
   17336     return _res;
   17337 }
   17339 static PyObject *Qt_DataHGetDataRefExtension(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   17340 {
   17341     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   17342     ComponentResult _rv;
   17343     DataHandler dh;
   17344     Handle extension;
   17345     OSType idType;
   17346 #ifndef DataHGetDataRefExtension
   17347     PyMac_PRECHECK(DataHGetDataRefExtension);
   17348 #endif
   17349     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&O&",
   17350                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &dh,
   17351                           PyMac_GetOSType, &idType))
   17352         return NULL;
   17353     _rv = DataHGetDataRefExtension(dh,
   17354                                    &extension,
   17355                                    idType);
   17356     _res = Py_BuildValue("lO&",
   17357                          _rv,
   17358                          ResObj_New, extension);
   17359     return _res;
   17360 }
   17362 static PyObject *Qt_DataHGetMovieWithFlags(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   17363 {
   17364     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   17365     ComponentResult _rv;
   17366     DataHandler dh;
   17367     Movie theMovie;
   17368     short id;
   17369     short flags;
   17370 #ifndef DataHGetMovieWithFlags
   17371     PyMac_PRECHECK(DataHGetMovieWithFlags);
   17372 #endif
   17373     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&h",
   17374                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &dh,
   17375                           &flags))
   17376         return NULL;
   17377     _rv = DataHGetMovieWithFlags(dh,
   17378                                  &theMovie,
   17379                                  &id,
   17380                                  flags);
   17381     _res = Py_BuildValue("lO&h",
   17382                          _rv,
   17383                          MovieObj_New, theMovie,
   17384                          id);
   17385     return _res;
   17386 }
   17388 static PyObject *Qt_DataHGetFileTypeOrdering(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   17389 {
   17390     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   17391     ComponentResult _rv;
   17392     DataHandler dh;
   17393     DataHFileTypeOrderingHandle orderingListHandle;
   17394 #ifndef DataHGetFileTypeOrdering
   17395     PyMac_PRECHECK(DataHGetFileTypeOrdering);
   17396 #endif
   17397     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&",
   17398                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &dh))
   17399         return NULL;
   17400     _rv = DataHGetFileTypeOrdering(dh,
   17401                                    &orderingListHandle);
   17402     _res = Py_BuildValue("lO&",
   17403                          _rv,
   17404                          ResObj_New, orderingListHandle);
   17405     return _res;
   17406 }
   17408 static PyObject *Qt_DataHCreateFileWithFlags(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   17409 {
   17410     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   17411     ComponentResult _rv;
   17412     DataHandler dh;
   17413     OSType creator;
   17414     Boolean deleteExisting;
   17415     UInt32 flags;
   17416 #ifndef DataHCreateFileWithFlags
   17417     PyMac_PRECHECK(DataHCreateFileWithFlags);
   17418 #endif
   17419     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&O&bl",
   17420                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &dh,
   17421                           PyMac_GetOSType, &creator,
   17422                           &deleteExisting,
   17423                           &flags))
   17424         return NULL;
   17425     _rv = DataHCreateFileWithFlags(dh,
   17426                                    creator,
   17427                                    deleteExisting,
   17428                                    flags);
   17429     _res = Py_BuildValue("l",
   17430                          _rv);
   17431     return _res;
   17432 }
   17434 static PyObject *Qt_DataHGetInfo(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   17435 {
   17436     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   17437     ComponentResult _rv;
   17438     DataHandler dh;
   17439     OSType what;
   17440     void * info;
   17441 #ifndef DataHGetInfo
   17442     PyMac_PRECHECK(DataHGetInfo);
   17443 #endif
   17444     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&O&s",
   17445                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &dh,
   17446                           PyMac_GetOSType, &what,
   17447                           &info))
   17448         return NULL;
   17449     _rv = DataHGetInfo(dh,
   17450                        what,
   17451                        info);
   17452     _res = Py_BuildValue("l",
   17453                          _rv);
   17454     return _res;
   17455 }
   17457 static PyObject *Qt_DataHSetIdleManager(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   17458 {
   17459     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   17460     ComponentResult _rv;
   17461     DataHandler dh;
   17462     IdleManager im;
   17463 #ifndef DataHSetIdleManager
   17464     PyMac_PRECHECK(DataHSetIdleManager);
   17465 #endif
   17466     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&O&",
   17467                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &dh,
   17468                           IdleManagerObj_Convert, &im))
   17469         return NULL;
   17470     _rv = DataHSetIdleManager(dh,
   17471                               im);
   17472     _res = Py_BuildValue("l",
   17473                          _rv);
   17474     return _res;
   17475 }
   17477 static PyObject *Qt_DataHDeleteFile(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   17478 {
   17479     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   17480     ComponentResult _rv;
   17481     DataHandler dh;
   17482 #ifndef DataHDeleteFile
   17483     PyMac_PRECHECK(DataHDeleteFile);
   17484 #endif
   17485     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&",
   17486                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &dh))
   17487         return NULL;
   17488     _rv = DataHDeleteFile(dh);
   17489     _res = Py_BuildValue("l",
   17490                          _rv);
   17491     return _res;
   17492 }
   17494 static PyObject *Qt_DataHSetMovieUsageFlags(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   17495 {
   17496     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   17497     ComponentResult _rv;
   17498     DataHandler dh;
   17499     long flags;
   17500 #ifndef DataHSetMovieUsageFlags
   17501     PyMac_PRECHECK(DataHSetMovieUsageFlags);
   17502 #endif
   17503     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&l",
   17504                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &dh,
   17505                           &flags))
   17506         return NULL;
   17507     _rv = DataHSetMovieUsageFlags(dh,
   17508                                   flags);
   17509     _res = Py_BuildValue("l",
   17510                          _rv);
   17511     return _res;
   17512 }
   17514 static PyObject *Qt_DataHUseTemporaryDataRef(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   17515 {
   17516     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   17517     ComponentResult _rv;
   17518     DataHandler dh;
   17519     long inFlags;
   17520 #ifndef DataHUseTemporaryDataRef
   17521     PyMac_PRECHECK(DataHUseTemporaryDataRef);
   17522 #endif
   17523     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&l",
   17524                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &dh,
   17525                           &inFlags))
   17526         return NULL;
   17527     _rv = DataHUseTemporaryDataRef(dh,
   17528                                    inFlags);
   17529     _res = Py_BuildValue("l",
   17530                          _rv);
   17531     return _res;
   17532 }
   17534 static PyObject *Qt_DataHGetTemporaryDataRefCapabilities(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   17535 {
   17536     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   17537     ComponentResult _rv;
   17538     DataHandler dh;
   17539     long outUnderstoodFlags;
   17540 #ifndef DataHGetTemporaryDataRefCapabilities
   17541     PyMac_PRECHECK(DataHGetTemporaryDataRefCapabilities);
   17542 #endif
   17543     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&",
   17544                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &dh))
   17545         return NULL;
   17546     _rv = DataHGetTemporaryDataRefCapabilities(dh,
   17547                                                &outUnderstoodFlags);
   17548     _res = Py_BuildValue("ll",
   17549                          _rv,
   17550                          outUnderstoodFlags);
   17551     return _res;
   17552 }
   17554 static PyObject *Qt_DataHRenameFile(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   17555 {
   17556     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   17557     ComponentResult _rv;
   17558     DataHandler dh;
   17559     Handle newDataRef;
   17560 #ifndef DataHRenameFile
   17561     PyMac_PRECHECK(DataHRenameFile);
   17562 #endif
   17563     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&O&",
   17564                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &dh,
   17565                           ResObj_Convert, &newDataRef))
   17566         return NULL;
   17567     _rv = DataHRenameFile(dh,
   17568                           newDataRef);
   17569     _res = Py_BuildValue("l",
   17570                          _rv);
   17571     return _res;
   17572 }
   17574 static PyObject *Qt_DataHPlaybackHints(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   17575 {
   17576     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   17577     ComponentResult _rv;
   17578     DataHandler dh;
   17579     long flags;
   17580     unsigned long minFileOffset;
   17581     unsigned long maxFileOffset;
   17582     long bytesPerSecond;
   17583 #ifndef DataHPlaybackHints
   17584     PyMac_PRECHECK(DataHPlaybackHints);
   17585 #endif
   17586     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&llll",
   17587                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &dh,
   17588                           &flags,
   17589                           &minFileOffset,
   17590                           &maxFileOffset,
   17591                           &bytesPerSecond))
   17592         return NULL;
   17593     _rv = DataHPlaybackHints(dh,
   17594                              flags,
   17595                              minFileOffset,
   17596                              maxFileOffset,
   17597                              bytesPerSecond);
   17598     _res = Py_BuildValue("l",
   17599                          _rv);
   17600     return _res;
   17601 }
   17603 static PyObject *Qt_DataHPlaybackHints64(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   17604 {
   17605     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   17606     ComponentResult _rv;
   17607     DataHandler dh;
   17608     long flags;
   17609     wide minFileOffset;
   17610     wide maxFileOffset;
   17611     long bytesPerSecond;
   17612 #ifndef DataHPlaybackHints64
   17613     PyMac_PRECHECK(DataHPlaybackHints64);
   17614 #endif
   17615     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&lO&O&l",
   17616                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &dh,
   17617                           &flags,
   17618                           PyMac_Getwide, &minFileOffset,
   17619                           PyMac_Getwide, &maxFileOffset,
   17620                           &bytesPerSecond))
   17621         return NULL;
   17622     _rv = DataHPlaybackHints64(dh,
   17623                                flags,
   17624                                &minFileOffset,
   17625                                &maxFileOffset,
   17626                                bytesPerSecond);
   17627     _res = Py_BuildValue("l",
   17628                          _rv);
   17629     return _res;
   17630 }
   17632 static PyObject *Qt_DataHGetDataRate(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   17633 {
   17634     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   17635     ComponentResult _rv;
   17636     DataHandler dh;
   17637     long flags;
   17638     long bytesPerSecond;
   17639 #ifndef DataHGetDataRate
   17640     PyMac_PRECHECK(DataHGetDataRate);
   17641 #endif
   17642     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&l",
   17643                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &dh,
   17644                           &flags))
   17645         return NULL;
   17646     _rv = DataHGetDataRate(dh,
   17647                            flags,
   17648                            &bytesPerSecond);
   17649     _res = Py_BuildValue("ll",
   17650                          _rv,
   17651                          bytesPerSecond);
   17652     return _res;
   17653 }
   17655 static PyObject *Qt_DataHSetTimeHints(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   17656 {
   17657     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   17658     ComponentResult _rv;
   17659     DataHandler dh;
   17660     long flags;
   17661     long bandwidthPriority;
   17662     TimeScale scale;
   17663     TimeValue minTime;
   17664     TimeValue maxTime;
   17665 #ifndef DataHSetTimeHints
   17666     PyMac_PRECHECK(DataHSetTimeHints);
   17667 #endif
   17668     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&lllll",
   17669                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &dh,
   17670                           &flags,
   17671                           &bandwidthPriority,
   17672                           &scale,
   17673                           &minTime,
   17674                           &maxTime))
   17675         return NULL;
   17676     _rv = DataHSetTimeHints(dh,
   17677                             flags,
   17678                             bandwidthPriority,
   17679                             scale,
   17680                             minTime,
   17681                             maxTime);
   17682     _res = Py_BuildValue("l",
   17683                          _rv);
   17684     return _res;
   17685 }
   17687 static PyObject *Qt_VDGetMaxSrcRect(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   17688 {
   17689     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   17690     ComponentResult _rv;
   17691     VideoDigitizerComponent ci;
   17692     short inputStd;
   17693     Rect maxSrcRect;
   17694 #ifndef VDGetMaxSrcRect
   17695     PyMac_PRECHECK(VDGetMaxSrcRect);
   17696 #endif
   17697     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&h",
   17698                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &ci,
   17699                           &inputStd))
   17700         return NULL;
   17701     _rv = VDGetMaxSrcRect(ci,
   17702                           inputStd,
   17703                           &maxSrcRect);
   17704     _res = Py_BuildValue("lO&",
   17705                          _rv,
   17706                          PyMac_BuildRect, &maxSrcRect);
   17707     return _res;
   17708 }
   17710 static PyObject *Qt_VDGetActiveSrcRect(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   17711 {
   17712     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   17713     ComponentResult _rv;
   17714     VideoDigitizerComponent ci;
   17715     short inputStd;
   17716     Rect activeSrcRect;
   17717 #ifndef VDGetActiveSrcRect
   17718     PyMac_PRECHECK(VDGetActiveSrcRect);
   17719 #endif
   17720     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&h",
   17721                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &ci,
   17722                           &inputStd))
   17723         return NULL;
   17724     _rv = VDGetActiveSrcRect(ci,
   17725                              inputStd,
   17726                              &activeSrcRect);
   17727     _res = Py_BuildValue("lO&",
   17728                          _rv,
   17729                          PyMac_BuildRect, &activeSrcRect);
   17730     return _res;
   17731 }
   17733 static PyObject *Qt_VDSetDigitizerRect(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   17734 {
   17735     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   17736     ComponentResult _rv;
   17737     VideoDigitizerComponent ci;
   17738     Rect digitizerRect;
   17739 #ifndef VDSetDigitizerRect
   17740     PyMac_PRECHECK(VDSetDigitizerRect);
   17741 #endif
   17742     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&",
   17743                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &ci))
   17744         return NULL;
   17745     _rv = VDSetDigitizerRect(ci,
   17746                              &digitizerRect);
   17747     _res = Py_BuildValue("lO&",
   17748                          _rv,
   17749                          PyMac_BuildRect, &digitizerRect);
   17750     return _res;
   17751 }
   17753 static PyObject *Qt_VDGetDigitizerRect(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   17754 {
   17755     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   17756     ComponentResult _rv;
   17757     VideoDigitizerComponent ci;
   17758     Rect digitizerRect;
   17759 #ifndef VDGetDigitizerRect
   17760     PyMac_PRECHECK(VDGetDigitizerRect);
   17761 #endif
   17762     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&",
   17763                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &ci))
   17764         return NULL;
   17765     _rv = VDGetDigitizerRect(ci,
   17766                              &digitizerRect);
   17767     _res = Py_BuildValue("lO&",
   17768                          _rv,
   17769                          PyMac_BuildRect, &digitizerRect);
   17770     return _res;
   17771 }
   17773 static PyObject *Qt_VDGetVBlankRect(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   17774 {
   17775     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   17776     ComponentResult _rv;
   17777     VideoDigitizerComponent ci;
   17778     short inputStd;
   17779     Rect vBlankRect;
   17780 #ifndef VDGetVBlankRect
   17781     PyMac_PRECHECK(VDGetVBlankRect);
   17782 #endif
   17783     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&h",
   17784                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &ci,
   17785                           &inputStd))
   17786         return NULL;
   17787     _rv = VDGetVBlankRect(ci,
   17788                           inputStd,
   17789                           &vBlankRect);
   17790     _res = Py_BuildValue("lO&",
   17791                          _rv,
   17792                          PyMac_BuildRect, &vBlankRect);
   17793     return _res;
   17794 }
   17796 static PyObject *Qt_VDGetMaskPixMap(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   17797 {
   17798     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   17799     ComponentResult _rv;
   17800     VideoDigitizerComponent ci;
   17801     PixMapHandle maskPixMap;
   17802 #ifndef VDGetMaskPixMap
   17803     PyMac_PRECHECK(VDGetMaskPixMap);
   17804 #endif
   17805     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&O&",
   17806                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &ci,
   17807                           ResObj_Convert, &maskPixMap))
   17808         return NULL;
   17809     _rv = VDGetMaskPixMap(ci,
   17810                           maskPixMap);
   17811     _res = Py_BuildValue("l",
   17812                          _rv);
   17813     return _res;
   17814 }
   17816 static PyObject *Qt_VDUseThisCLUT(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   17817 {
   17818     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   17819     ComponentResult _rv;
   17820     VideoDigitizerComponent ci;
   17821     CTabHandle colorTableHandle;
   17822 #ifndef VDUseThisCLUT
   17823     PyMac_PRECHECK(VDUseThisCLUT);
   17824 #endif
   17825     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&O&",
   17826                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &ci,
   17827                           ResObj_Convert, &colorTableHandle))
   17828         return NULL;
   17829     _rv = VDUseThisCLUT(ci,
   17830                         colorTableHandle);
   17831     _res = Py_BuildValue("l",
   17832                          _rv);
   17833     return _res;
   17834 }
   17836 static PyObject *Qt_VDSetInputGammaValue(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   17837 {
   17838     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   17839     ComponentResult _rv;
   17840     VideoDigitizerComponent ci;
   17841     Fixed channel1;
   17842     Fixed channel2;
   17843     Fixed channel3;
   17844 #ifndef VDSetInputGammaValue
   17845     PyMac_PRECHECK(VDSetInputGammaValue);
   17846 #endif
   17847     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&O&O&O&",
   17848                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &ci,
   17849                           PyMac_GetFixed, &channel1,
   17850                           PyMac_GetFixed, &channel2,
   17851                           PyMac_GetFixed, &channel3))
   17852         return NULL;
   17853     _rv = VDSetInputGammaValue(ci,
   17854                                channel1,
   17855                                channel2,
   17856                                channel3);
   17857     _res = Py_BuildValue("l",
   17858                          _rv);
   17859     return _res;
   17860 }
   17862 static PyObject *Qt_VDGetInputGammaValue(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   17863 {
   17864     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   17865     ComponentResult _rv;
   17866     VideoDigitizerComponent ci;
   17867     Fixed channel1;
   17868     Fixed channel2;
   17869     Fixed channel3;
   17870 #ifndef VDGetInputGammaValue
   17871     PyMac_PRECHECK(VDGetInputGammaValue);
   17872 #endif
   17873     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&",
   17874                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &ci))
   17875         return NULL;
   17876     _rv = VDGetInputGammaValue(ci,
   17877                                &channel1,
   17878                                &channel2,
   17879                                &channel3);
   17880     _res = Py_BuildValue("lO&O&O&",
   17881                          _rv,
   17882                          PyMac_BuildFixed, channel1,
   17883                          PyMac_BuildFixed, channel2,
   17884                          PyMac_BuildFixed, channel3);
   17885     return _res;
   17886 }
   17888 static PyObject *Qt_VDSetBrightness(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   17889 {
   17890     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   17891     ComponentResult _rv;
   17892     VideoDigitizerComponent ci;
   17893     unsigned short brightness;
   17894 #ifndef VDSetBrightness
   17895     PyMac_PRECHECK(VDSetBrightness);
   17896 #endif
   17897     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&",
   17898                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &ci))
   17899         return NULL;
   17900     _rv = VDSetBrightness(ci,
   17901                           &brightness);
   17902     _res = Py_BuildValue("lH",
   17903                          _rv,
   17904                          brightness);
   17905     return _res;
   17906 }
   17908 static PyObject *Qt_VDGetBrightness(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   17909 {
   17910     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   17911     ComponentResult _rv;
   17912     VideoDigitizerComponent ci;
   17913     unsigned short brightness;
   17914 #ifndef VDGetBrightness
   17915     PyMac_PRECHECK(VDGetBrightness);
   17916 #endif
   17917     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&",
   17918                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &ci))
   17919         return NULL;
   17920     _rv = VDGetBrightness(ci,
   17921                           &brightness);
   17922     _res = Py_BuildValue("lH",
   17923                          _rv,
   17924                          brightness);
   17925     return _res;
   17926 }
   17928 static PyObject *Qt_VDSetContrast(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   17929 {
   17930     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   17931     ComponentResult _rv;
   17932     VideoDigitizerComponent ci;
   17933     unsigned short contrast;
   17934 #ifndef VDSetContrast
   17935     PyMac_PRECHECK(VDSetContrast);
   17936 #endif
   17937     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&",
   17938                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &ci))
   17939         return NULL;
   17940     _rv = VDSetContrast(ci,
   17941                         &contrast);
   17942     _res = Py_BuildValue("lH",
   17943                          _rv,
   17944                          contrast);
   17945     return _res;
   17946 }
   17948 static PyObject *Qt_VDSetHue(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   17949 {
   17950     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   17951     ComponentResult _rv;
   17952     VideoDigitizerComponent ci;
   17953     unsigned short hue;
   17954 #ifndef VDSetHue
   17955     PyMac_PRECHECK(VDSetHue);
   17956 #endif
   17957     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&",
   17958                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &ci))
   17959         return NULL;
   17960     _rv = VDSetHue(ci,
   17961                    &hue);
   17962     _res = Py_BuildValue("lH",
   17963                          _rv,
   17964                          hue);
   17965     return _res;
   17966 }
   17968 static PyObject *Qt_VDSetSharpness(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   17969 {
   17970     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   17971     ComponentResult _rv;
   17972     VideoDigitizerComponent ci;
   17973     unsigned short sharpness;
   17974 #ifndef VDSetSharpness
   17975     PyMac_PRECHECK(VDSetSharpness);
   17976 #endif
   17977     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&",
   17978                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &ci))
   17979         return NULL;
   17980     _rv = VDSetSharpness(ci,
   17981                          &sharpness);
   17982     _res = Py_BuildValue("lH",
   17983                          _rv,
   17984                          sharpness);
   17985     return _res;
   17986 }
   17988 static PyObject *Qt_VDSetSaturation(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   17989 {
   17990     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   17991     ComponentResult _rv;
   17992     VideoDigitizerComponent ci;
   17993     unsigned short saturation;
   17994 #ifndef VDSetSaturation
   17995     PyMac_PRECHECK(VDSetSaturation);
   17996 #endif
   17997     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&",
   17998                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &ci))
   17999         return NULL;
   18000     _rv = VDSetSaturation(ci,
   18001                           &saturation);
   18002     _res = Py_BuildValue("lH",
   18003                          _rv,
   18004                          saturation);
   18005     return _res;
   18006 }
   18008 static PyObject *Qt_VDGetContrast(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   18009 {
   18010     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   18011     ComponentResult _rv;
   18012     VideoDigitizerComponent ci;
   18013     unsigned short contrast;
   18014 #ifndef VDGetContrast
   18015     PyMac_PRECHECK(VDGetContrast);
   18016 #endif
   18017     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&",
   18018                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &ci))
   18019         return NULL;
   18020     _rv = VDGetContrast(ci,
   18021                         &contrast);
   18022     _res = Py_BuildValue("lH",
   18023                          _rv,
   18024                          contrast);
   18025     return _res;
   18026 }
   18028 static PyObject *Qt_VDGetHue(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   18029 {
   18030     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   18031     ComponentResult _rv;
   18032     VideoDigitizerComponent ci;
   18033     unsigned short hue;
   18034 #ifndef VDGetHue
   18035     PyMac_PRECHECK(VDGetHue);
   18036 #endif
   18037     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&",
   18038                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &ci))
   18039         return NULL;
   18040     _rv = VDGetHue(ci,
   18041                    &hue);
   18042     _res = Py_BuildValue("lH",
   18043                          _rv,
   18044                          hue);
   18045     return _res;
   18046 }
   18048 static PyObject *Qt_VDGetSharpness(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   18049 {
   18050     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   18051     ComponentResult _rv;
   18052     VideoDigitizerComponent ci;
   18053     unsigned short sharpness;
   18054 #ifndef VDGetSharpness
   18055     PyMac_PRECHECK(VDGetSharpness);
   18056 #endif
   18057     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&",
   18058                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &ci))
   18059         return NULL;
   18060     _rv = VDGetSharpness(ci,
   18061                          &sharpness);
   18062     _res = Py_BuildValue("lH",
   18063                          _rv,
   18064                          sharpness);
   18065     return _res;
   18066 }
   18068 static PyObject *Qt_VDGetSaturation(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   18069 {
   18070     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   18071     ComponentResult _rv;
   18072     VideoDigitizerComponent ci;
   18073     unsigned short saturation;
   18074 #ifndef VDGetSaturation
   18075     PyMac_PRECHECK(VDGetSaturation);
   18076 #endif
   18077     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&",
   18078                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &ci))
   18079         return NULL;
   18080     _rv = VDGetSaturation(ci,
   18081                           &saturation);
   18082     _res = Py_BuildValue("lH",
   18083                          _rv,
   18084                          saturation);
   18085     return _res;
   18086 }
   18088 static PyObject *Qt_VDGrabOneFrame(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   18089 {
   18090     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   18091     ComponentResult _rv;
   18092     VideoDigitizerComponent ci;
   18093 #ifndef VDGrabOneFrame
   18094     PyMac_PRECHECK(VDGrabOneFrame);
   18095 #endif
   18096     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&",
   18097                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &ci))
   18098         return NULL;
   18099     _rv = VDGrabOneFrame(ci);
   18100     _res = Py_BuildValue("l",
   18101                          _rv);
   18102     return _res;
   18103 }
   18105 static PyObject *Qt_VDGetMaxAuxBuffer(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   18106 {
   18107     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   18108     ComponentResult _rv;
   18109     VideoDigitizerComponent ci;
   18110     PixMapHandle pm;
   18111     Rect r;
   18112 #ifndef VDGetMaxAuxBuffer
   18113     PyMac_PRECHECK(VDGetMaxAuxBuffer);
   18114 #endif
   18115     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&",
   18116                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &ci))
   18117         return NULL;
   18118     _rv = VDGetMaxAuxBuffer(ci,
   18119                             &pm,
   18120                             &r);
   18121     _res = Py_BuildValue("lO&O&",
   18122                          _rv,
   18123                          ResObj_New, pm,
   18124                          PyMac_BuildRect, &r);
   18125     return _res;
   18126 }
   18128 static PyObject *Qt_VDGetCurrentFlags(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   18129 {
   18130     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   18131     ComponentResult _rv;
   18132     VideoDigitizerComponent ci;
   18133     long inputCurrentFlag;
   18134     long outputCurrentFlag;
   18135 #ifndef VDGetCurrentFlags
   18136     PyMac_PRECHECK(VDGetCurrentFlags);
   18137 #endif
   18138     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&",
   18139                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &ci))
   18140         return NULL;
   18141     _rv = VDGetCurrentFlags(ci,
   18142                             &inputCurrentFlag,
   18143                             &outputCurrentFlag);
   18144     _res = Py_BuildValue("lll",
   18145                          _rv,
   18146                          inputCurrentFlag,
   18147                          outputCurrentFlag);
   18148     return _res;
   18149 }
   18151 static PyObject *Qt_VDSetKeyColor(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   18152 {
   18153     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   18154     ComponentResult _rv;
   18155     VideoDigitizerComponent ci;
   18156     long index;
   18157 #ifndef VDSetKeyColor
   18158     PyMac_PRECHECK(VDSetKeyColor);
   18159 #endif
   18160     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&l",
   18161                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &ci,
   18162                           &index))
   18163         return NULL;
   18164     _rv = VDSetKeyColor(ci,
   18165                         index);
   18166     _res = Py_BuildValue("l",
   18167                          _rv);
   18168     return _res;
   18169 }
   18171 static PyObject *Qt_VDGetKeyColor(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   18172 {
   18173     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   18174     ComponentResult _rv;
   18175     VideoDigitizerComponent ci;
   18176     long index;
   18177 #ifndef VDGetKeyColor
   18178     PyMac_PRECHECK(VDGetKeyColor);
   18179 #endif
   18180     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&",
   18181                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &ci))
   18182         return NULL;
   18183     _rv = VDGetKeyColor(ci,
   18184                         &index);
   18185     _res = Py_BuildValue("ll",
   18186                          _rv,
   18187                          index);
   18188     return _res;
   18189 }
   18191 static PyObject *Qt_VDAddKeyColor(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   18192 {
   18193     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   18194     ComponentResult _rv;
   18195     VideoDigitizerComponent ci;
   18196     long index;
   18197 #ifndef VDAddKeyColor
   18198     PyMac_PRECHECK(VDAddKeyColor);
   18199 #endif
   18200     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&",
   18201                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &ci))
   18202         return NULL;
   18203     _rv = VDAddKeyColor(ci,
   18204                         &index);
   18205     _res = Py_BuildValue("ll",
   18206                          _rv,
   18207                          index);
   18208     return _res;
   18209 }
   18211 static PyObject *Qt_VDGetNextKeyColor(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   18212 {
   18213     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   18214     ComponentResult _rv;
   18215     VideoDigitizerComponent ci;
   18216     long index;
   18217 #ifndef VDGetNextKeyColor
   18218     PyMac_PRECHECK(VDGetNextKeyColor);
   18219 #endif
   18220     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&l",
   18221                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &ci,
   18222                           &index))
   18223         return NULL;
   18224     _rv = VDGetNextKeyColor(ci,
   18225                             index);
   18226     _res = Py_BuildValue("l",
   18227                          _rv);
   18228     return _res;
   18229 }
   18231 static PyObject *Qt_VDSetKeyColorRange(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   18232 {
   18233     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   18234     ComponentResult _rv;
   18235     VideoDigitizerComponent ci;
   18236     RGBColor minRGB;
   18237     RGBColor maxRGB;
   18238 #ifndef VDSetKeyColorRange
   18239     PyMac_PRECHECK(VDSetKeyColorRange);
   18240 #endif
   18241     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&",
   18242                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &ci))
   18243         return NULL;
   18244     _rv = VDSetKeyColorRange(ci,
   18245                              &minRGB,
   18246                              &maxRGB);
   18247     _res = Py_BuildValue("lO&O&",
   18248                          _rv,
   18249                          QdRGB_New, &minRGB,
   18250                          QdRGB_New, &maxRGB);
   18251     return _res;
   18252 }
   18254 static PyObject *Qt_VDGetKeyColorRange(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   18255 {
   18256     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   18257     ComponentResult _rv;
   18258     VideoDigitizerComponent ci;
   18259     RGBColor minRGB;
   18260     RGBColor maxRGB;
   18261 #ifndef VDGetKeyColorRange
   18262     PyMac_PRECHECK(VDGetKeyColorRange);
   18263 #endif
   18264     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&",
   18265                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &ci))
   18266         return NULL;
   18267     _rv = VDGetKeyColorRange(ci,
   18268                              &minRGB,
   18269                              &maxRGB);
   18270     _res = Py_BuildValue("lO&O&",
   18271                          _rv,
   18272                          QdRGB_New, &minRGB,
   18273                          QdRGB_New, &maxRGB);
   18274     return _res;
   18275 }
   18277 static PyObject *Qt_VDSetInputColorSpaceMode(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   18278 {
   18279     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   18280     ComponentResult _rv;
   18281     VideoDigitizerComponent ci;
   18282     short colorSpaceMode;
   18283 #ifndef VDSetInputColorSpaceMode
   18284     PyMac_PRECHECK(VDSetInputColorSpaceMode);
   18285 #endif
   18286     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&h",
   18287                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &ci,
   18288                           &colorSpaceMode))
   18289         return NULL;
   18290     _rv = VDSetInputColorSpaceMode(ci,
   18291                                    colorSpaceMode);
   18292     _res = Py_BuildValue("l",
   18293                          _rv);
   18294     return _res;
   18295 }
   18297 static PyObject *Qt_VDGetInputColorSpaceMode(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   18298 {
   18299     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   18300     ComponentResult _rv;
   18301     VideoDigitizerComponent ci;
   18302     short colorSpaceMode;
   18303 #ifndef VDGetInputColorSpaceMode
   18304     PyMac_PRECHECK(VDGetInputColorSpaceMode);
   18305 #endif
   18306     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&",
   18307                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &ci))
   18308         return NULL;
   18309     _rv = VDGetInputColorSpaceMode(ci,
   18310                                    &colorSpaceMode);
   18311     _res = Py_BuildValue("lh",
   18312                          _rv,
   18313                          colorSpaceMode);
   18314     return _res;
   18315 }
   18317 static PyObject *Qt_VDSetClipState(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   18318 {
   18319     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   18320     ComponentResult _rv;
   18321     VideoDigitizerComponent ci;
   18322     short clipEnable;
   18323 #ifndef VDSetClipState
   18324     PyMac_PRECHECK(VDSetClipState);
   18325 #endif
   18326     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&h",
   18327                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &ci,
   18328                           &clipEnable))
   18329         return NULL;
   18330     _rv = VDSetClipState(ci,
   18331                          clipEnable);
   18332     _res = Py_BuildValue("l",
   18333                          _rv);
   18334     return _res;
   18335 }
   18337 static PyObject *Qt_VDGetClipState(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   18338 {
   18339     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   18340     ComponentResult _rv;
   18341     VideoDigitizerComponent ci;
   18342     short clipEnable;
   18343 #ifndef VDGetClipState
   18344     PyMac_PRECHECK(VDGetClipState);
   18345 #endif
   18346     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&",
   18347                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &ci))
   18348         return NULL;
   18349     _rv = VDGetClipState(ci,
   18350                          &clipEnable);
   18351     _res = Py_BuildValue("lh",
   18352                          _rv,
   18353                          clipEnable);
   18354     return _res;
   18355 }
   18357 static PyObject *Qt_VDSetClipRgn(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   18358 {
   18359     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   18360     ComponentResult _rv;
   18361     VideoDigitizerComponent ci;
   18362     RgnHandle clipRegion;
   18363 #ifndef VDSetClipRgn
   18364     PyMac_PRECHECK(VDSetClipRgn);
   18365 #endif
   18366     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&O&",
   18367                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &ci,
   18368                           ResObj_Convert, &clipRegion))
   18369         return NULL;
   18370     _rv = VDSetClipRgn(ci,
   18371                        clipRegion);
   18372     _res = Py_BuildValue("l",
   18373                          _rv);
   18374     return _res;
   18375 }
   18377 static PyObject *Qt_VDClearClipRgn(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   18378 {
   18379     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   18380     ComponentResult _rv;
   18381     VideoDigitizerComponent ci;
   18382     RgnHandle clipRegion;
   18383 #ifndef VDClearClipRgn
   18384     PyMac_PRECHECK(VDClearClipRgn);
   18385 #endif
   18386     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&O&",
   18387                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &ci,
   18388                           ResObj_Convert, &clipRegion))
   18389         return NULL;
   18390     _rv = VDClearClipRgn(ci,
   18391                          clipRegion);
   18392     _res = Py_BuildValue("l",
   18393                          _rv);
   18394     return _res;
   18395 }
   18397 static PyObject *Qt_VDGetCLUTInUse(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   18398 {
   18399     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   18400     ComponentResult _rv;
   18401     VideoDigitizerComponent ci;
   18402     CTabHandle colorTableHandle;
   18403 #ifndef VDGetCLUTInUse
   18404     PyMac_PRECHECK(VDGetCLUTInUse);
   18405 #endif
   18406     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&",
   18407                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &ci))
   18408         return NULL;
   18409     _rv = VDGetCLUTInUse(ci,
   18410                          &colorTableHandle);
   18411     _res = Py_BuildValue("lO&",
   18412                          _rv,
   18413                          ResObj_New, colorTableHandle);
   18414     return _res;
   18415 }
   18417 static PyObject *Qt_VDSetPLLFilterType(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   18418 {
   18419     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   18420     ComponentResult _rv;
   18421     VideoDigitizerComponent ci;
   18422     short pllType;
   18423 #ifndef VDSetPLLFilterType
   18424     PyMac_PRECHECK(VDSetPLLFilterType);
   18425 #endif
   18426     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&h",
   18427                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &ci,
   18428                           &pllType))
   18429         return NULL;
   18430     _rv = VDSetPLLFilterType(ci,
   18431                              pllType);
   18432     _res = Py_BuildValue("l",
   18433                          _rv);
   18434     return _res;
   18435 }
   18437 static PyObject *Qt_VDGetPLLFilterType(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   18438 {
   18439     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   18440     ComponentResult _rv;
   18441     VideoDigitizerComponent ci;
   18442     short pllType;
   18443 #ifndef VDGetPLLFilterType
   18444     PyMac_PRECHECK(VDGetPLLFilterType);
   18445 #endif
   18446     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&",
   18447                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &ci))
   18448         return NULL;
   18449     _rv = VDGetPLLFilterType(ci,
   18450                              &pllType);
   18451     _res = Py_BuildValue("lh",
   18452                          _rv,
   18453                          pllType);
   18454     return _res;
   18455 }
   18457 static PyObject *Qt_VDGetMaskandValue(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   18458 {
   18459     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   18460     ComponentResult _rv;
   18461     VideoDigitizerComponent ci;
   18462     unsigned short blendLevel;
   18463     long mask;
   18464     long value;
   18465 #ifndef VDGetMaskandValue
   18466     PyMac_PRECHECK(VDGetMaskandValue);
   18467 #endif
   18468     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&H",
   18469                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &ci,
   18470                           &blendLevel))
   18471         return NULL;
   18472     _rv = VDGetMaskandValue(ci,
   18473                             blendLevel,
   18474                             &mask,
   18475                             &value);
   18476     _res = Py_BuildValue("lll",
   18477                          _rv,
   18478                          mask,
   18479                          value);
   18480     return _res;
   18481 }
   18483 static PyObject *Qt_VDSetMasterBlendLevel(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   18484 {
   18485     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   18486     ComponentResult _rv;
   18487     VideoDigitizerComponent ci;
   18488     unsigned short blendLevel;
   18489 #ifndef VDSetMasterBlendLevel
   18490     PyMac_PRECHECK(VDSetMasterBlendLevel);
   18491 #endif
   18492     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&",
   18493                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &ci))
   18494         return NULL;
   18495     _rv = VDSetMasterBlendLevel(ci,
   18496                                 &blendLevel);
   18497     _res = Py_BuildValue("lH",
   18498                          _rv,
   18499                          blendLevel);
   18500     return _res;
   18501 }
   18503 static PyObject *Qt_VDSetPlayThruOnOff(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   18504 {
   18505     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   18506     ComponentResult _rv;
   18507     VideoDigitizerComponent ci;
   18508     short state;
   18509 #ifndef VDSetPlayThruOnOff
   18510     PyMac_PRECHECK(VDSetPlayThruOnOff);
   18511 #endif
   18512     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&h",
   18513                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &ci,
   18514                           &state))
   18515         return NULL;
   18516     _rv = VDSetPlayThruOnOff(ci,
   18517                              state);
   18518     _res = Py_BuildValue("l",
   18519                          _rv);
   18520     return _res;
   18521 }
   18523 static PyObject *Qt_VDSetFieldPreference(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   18524 {
   18525     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   18526     ComponentResult _rv;
   18527     VideoDigitizerComponent ci;
   18528     short fieldFlag;
   18529 #ifndef VDSetFieldPreference
   18530     PyMac_PRECHECK(VDSetFieldPreference);
   18531 #endif
   18532     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&h",
   18533                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &ci,
   18534                           &fieldFlag))
   18535         return NULL;
   18536     _rv = VDSetFieldPreference(ci,
   18537                                fieldFlag);
   18538     _res = Py_BuildValue("l",
   18539                          _rv);
   18540     return _res;
   18541 }
   18543 static PyObject *Qt_VDGetFieldPreference(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   18544 {
   18545     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   18546     ComponentResult _rv;
   18547     VideoDigitizerComponent ci;
   18548     short fieldFlag;
   18549 #ifndef VDGetFieldPreference
   18550     PyMac_PRECHECK(VDGetFieldPreference);
   18551 #endif
   18552     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&",
   18553                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &ci))
   18554         return NULL;
   18555     _rv = VDGetFieldPreference(ci,
   18556                                &fieldFlag);
   18557     _res = Py_BuildValue("lh",
   18558                          _rv,
   18559                          fieldFlag);
   18560     return _res;
   18561 }
   18563 static PyObject *Qt_VDPreflightGlobalRect(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   18564 {
   18565     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   18566     ComponentResult _rv;
   18567     VideoDigitizerComponent ci;
   18568     GrafPtr theWindow;
   18569     Rect globalRect;
   18570 #ifndef VDPreflightGlobalRect
   18571     PyMac_PRECHECK(VDPreflightGlobalRect);
   18572 #endif
   18573     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&O&",
   18574                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &ci,
   18575                           GrafObj_Convert, &theWindow))
   18576         return NULL;
   18577     _rv = VDPreflightGlobalRect(ci,
   18578                                 theWindow,
   18579                                 &globalRect);
   18580     _res = Py_BuildValue("lO&",
   18581                          _rv,
   18582                          PyMac_BuildRect, &globalRect);
   18583     return _res;
   18584 }
   18586 static PyObject *Qt_VDSetPlayThruGlobalRect(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   18587 {
   18588     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   18589     ComponentResult _rv;
   18590     VideoDigitizerComponent ci;
   18591     GrafPtr theWindow;
   18592     Rect globalRect;
   18593 #ifndef VDSetPlayThruGlobalRect
   18594     PyMac_PRECHECK(VDSetPlayThruGlobalRect);
   18595 #endif
   18596     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&O&",
   18597                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &ci,
   18598                           GrafObj_Convert, &theWindow))
   18599         return NULL;
   18600     _rv = VDSetPlayThruGlobalRect(ci,
   18601                                   theWindow,
   18602                                   &globalRect);
   18603     _res = Py_BuildValue("lO&",
   18604                          _rv,
   18605                          PyMac_BuildRect, &globalRect);
   18606     return _res;
   18607 }
   18609 static PyObject *Qt_VDSetBlackLevelValue(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   18610 {
   18611     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   18612     ComponentResult _rv;
   18613     VideoDigitizerComponent ci;
   18614     unsigned short blackLevel;
   18615 #ifndef VDSetBlackLevelValue
   18616     PyMac_PRECHECK(VDSetBlackLevelValue);
   18617 #endif
   18618     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&",
   18619                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &ci))
   18620         return NULL;
   18621     _rv = VDSetBlackLevelValue(ci,
   18622                                &blackLevel);
   18623     _res = Py_BuildValue("lH",
   18624                          _rv,
   18625                          blackLevel);
   18626     return _res;
   18627 }
   18629 static PyObject *Qt_VDGetBlackLevelValue(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   18630 {
   18631     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   18632     ComponentResult _rv;
   18633     VideoDigitizerComponent ci;
   18634     unsigned short blackLevel;
   18635 #ifndef VDGetBlackLevelValue
   18636     PyMac_PRECHECK(VDGetBlackLevelValue);
   18637 #endif
   18638     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&",
   18639                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &ci))
   18640         return NULL;
   18641     _rv = VDGetBlackLevelValue(ci,
   18642                                &blackLevel);
   18643     _res = Py_BuildValue("lH",
   18644                          _rv,
   18645                          blackLevel);
   18646     return _res;
   18647 }
   18649 static PyObject *Qt_VDSetWhiteLevelValue(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   18650 {
   18651     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   18652     ComponentResult _rv;
   18653     VideoDigitizerComponent ci;
   18654     unsigned short whiteLevel;
   18655 #ifndef VDSetWhiteLevelValue
   18656     PyMac_PRECHECK(VDSetWhiteLevelValue);
   18657 #endif
   18658     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&",
   18659                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &ci))
   18660         return NULL;
   18661     _rv = VDSetWhiteLevelValue(ci,
   18662                                &whiteLevel);
   18663     _res = Py_BuildValue("lH",
   18664                          _rv,
   18665                          whiteLevel);
   18666     return _res;
   18667 }
   18669 static PyObject *Qt_VDGetWhiteLevelValue(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   18670 {
   18671     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   18672     ComponentResult _rv;
   18673     VideoDigitizerComponent ci;
   18674     unsigned short whiteLevel;
   18675 #ifndef VDGetWhiteLevelValue
   18676     PyMac_PRECHECK(VDGetWhiteLevelValue);
   18677 #endif
   18678     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&",
   18679                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &ci))
   18680         return NULL;
   18681     _rv = VDGetWhiteLevelValue(ci,
   18682                                &whiteLevel);
   18683     _res = Py_BuildValue("lH",
   18684                          _rv,
   18685                          whiteLevel);
   18686     return _res;
   18687 }
   18689 static PyObject *Qt_VDGetVideoDefaults(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   18690 {
   18691     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   18692     ComponentResult _rv;
   18693     VideoDigitizerComponent ci;
   18694     unsigned short blackLevel;
   18695     unsigned short whiteLevel;
   18696     unsigned short brightness;
   18697     unsigned short hue;
   18698     unsigned short saturation;
   18699     unsigned short contrast;
   18700     unsigned short sharpness;
   18701 #ifndef VDGetVideoDefaults
   18702     PyMac_PRECHECK(VDGetVideoDefaults);
   18703 #endif
   18704     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&",
   18705                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &ci))
   18706         return NULL;
   18707     _rv = VDGetVideoDefaults(ci,
   18708                              &blackLevel,
   18709                              &whiteLevel,
   18710                              &brightness,
   18711                              &hue,
   18712                              &saturation,
   18713                              &contrast,
   18714                              &sharpness);
   18715     _res = Py_BuildValue("lHHHHHHH",
   18716                          _rv,
   18717                          blackLevel,
   18718                          whiteLevel,
   18719                          brightness,
   18720                          hue,
   18721                          saturation,
   18722                          contrast,
   18723                          sharpness);
   18724     return _res;
   18725 }
   18727 static PyObject *Qt_VDGetNumberOfInputs(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   18728 {
   18729     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   18730     ComponentResult _rv;
   18731     VideoDigitizerComponent ci;
   18732     short inputs;
   18733 #ifndef VDGetNumberOfInputs
   18734     PyMac_PRECHECK(VDGetNumberOfInputs);
   18735 #endif
   18736     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&",
   18737                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &ci))
   18738         return NULL;
   18739     _rv = VDGetNumberOfInputs(ci,
   18740                               &inputs);
   18741     _res = Py_BuildValue("lh",
   18742                          _rv,
   18743                          inputs);
   18744     return _res;
   18745 }
   18747 static PyObject *Qt_VDGetInputFormat(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   18748 {
   18749     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   18750     ComponentResult _rv;
   18751     VideoDigitizerComponent ci;
   18752     short input;
   18753     short format;
   18754 #ifndef VDGetInputFormat
   18755     PyMac_PRECHECK(VDGetInputFormat);
   18756 #endif
   18757     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&h",
   18758                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &ci,
   18759                           &input))
   18760         return NULL;
   18761     _rv = VDGetInputFormat(ci,
   18762                            input,
   18763                            &format);
   18764     _res = Py_BuildValue("lh",
   18765                          _rv,
   18766                          format);
   18767     return _res;
   18768 }
   18770 static PyObject *Qt_VDSetInput(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   18771 {
   18772     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   18773     ComponentResult _rv;
   18774     VideoDigitizerComponent ci;
   18775     short input;
   18776 #ifndef VDSetInput
   18777     PyMac_PRECHECK(VDSetInput);
   18778 #endif
   18779     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&h",
   18780                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &ci,
   18781                           &input))
   18782         return NULL;
   18783     _rv = VDSetInput(ci,
   18784                      input);
   18785     _res = Py_BuildValue("l",
   18786                          _rv);
   18787     return _res;
   18788 }
   18790 static PyObject *Qt_VDGetInput(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   18791 {
   18792     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   18793     ComponentResult _rv;
   18794     VideoDigitizerComponent ci;
   18795     short input;
   18796 #ifndef VDGetInput
   18797     PyMac_PRECHECK(VDGetInput);
   18798 #endif
   18799     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&",
   18800                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &ci))
   18801         return NULL;
   18802     _rv = VDGetInput(ci,
   18803                      &input);
   18804     _res = Py_BuildValue("lh",
   18805                          _rv,
   18806                          input);
   18807     return _res;
   18808 }
   18810 static PyObject *Qt_VDSetInputStandard(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   18811 {
   18812     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   18813     ComponentResult _rv;
   18814     VideoDigitizerComponent ci;
   18815     short inputStandard;
   18816 #ifndef VDSetInputStandard
   18817     PyMac_PRECHECK(VDSetInputStandard);
   18818 #endif
   18819     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&h",
   18820                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &ci,
   18821                           &inputStandard))
   18822         return NULL;
   18823     _rv = VDSetInputStandard(ci,
   18824                              inputStandard);
   18825     _res = Py_BuildValue("l",
   18826                          _rv);
   18827     return _res;
   18828 }
   18830 static PyObject *Qt_VDSetupBuffers(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   18831 {
   18832     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   18833     ComponentResult _rv;
   18834     VideoDigitizerComponent ci;
   18835     VdigBufferRecListHandle bufferList;
   18836 #ifndef VDSetupBuffers
   18837     PyMac_PRECHECK(VDSetupBuffers);
   18838 #endif
   18839     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&O&",
   18840                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &ci,
   18841                           ResObj_Convert, &bufferList))
   18842         return NULL;
   18843     _rv = VDSetupBuffers(ci,
   18844                          bufferList);
   18845     _res = Py_BuildValue("l",
   18846                          _rv);
   18847     return _res;
   18848 }
   18850 static PyObject *Qt_VDGrabOneFrameAsync(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   18851 {
   18852     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   18853     ComponentResult _rv;
   18854     VideoDigitizerComponent ci;
   18855     short buffer;
   18856 #ifndef VDGrabOneFrameAsync
   18857     PyMac_PRECHECK(VDGrabOneFrameAsync);
   18858 #endif
   18859     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&h",
   18860                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &ci,
   18861                           &buffer))
   18862         return NULL;
   18863     _rv = VDGrabOneFrameAsync(ci,
   18864                               buffer);
   18865     _res = Py_BuildValue("l",
   18866                          _rv);
   18867     return _res;
   18868 }
   18870 static PyObject *Qt_VDDone(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   18871 {
   18872     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   18873     ComponentResult _rv;
   18874     VideoDigitizerComponent ci;
   18875     short buffer;
   18876 #ifndef VDDone
   18877     PyMac_PRECHECK(VDDone);
   18878 #endif
   18879     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&h",
   18880                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &ci,
   18881                           &buffer))
   18882         return NULL;
   18883     _rv = VDDone(ci,
   18884                  buffer);
   18885     _res = Py_BuildValue("l",
   18886                          _rv);
   18887     return _res;
   18888 }
   18890 static PyObject *Qt_VDSetCompression(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   18891 {
   18892     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   18893     ComponentResult _rv;
   18894     VideoDigitizerComponent ci;
   18895     OSType compressType;
   18896     short depth;
   18897     Rect bounds;
   18898     CodecQ spatialQuality;
   18899     CodecQ temporalQuality;
   18900     long keyFrameRate;
   18901 #ifndef VDSetCompression
   18902     PyMac_PRECHECK(VDSetCompression);
   18903 #endif
   18904     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&O&hlll",
   18905                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &ci,
   18906                           PyMac_GetOSType, &compressType,
   18907                           &depth,
   18908                           &spatialQuality,
   18909                           &temporalQuality,
   18910                           &keyFrameRate))
   18911         return NULL;
   18912     _rv = VDSetCompression(ci,
   18913                            compressType,
   18914                            depth,
   18915                            &bounds,
   18916                            spatialQuality,
   18917                            temporalQuality,
   18918                            keyFrameRate);
   18919     _res = Py_BuildValue("lO&",
   18920                          _rv,
   18921                          PyMac_BuildRect, &bounds);
   18922     return _res;
   18923 }
   18925 static PyObject *Qt_VDCompressOneFrameAsync(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   18926 {
   18927     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   18928     ComponentResult _rv;
   18929     VideoDigitizerComponent ci;
   18930 #ifndef VDCompressOneFrameAsync
   18931     PyMac_PRECHECK(VDCompressOneFrameAsync);
   18932 #endif
   18933     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&",
   18934                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &ci))
   18935         return NULL;
   18936     _rv = VDCompressOneFrameAsync(ci);
   18937     _res = Py_BuildValue("l",
   18938                          _rv);
   18939     return _res;
   18940 }
   18942 static PyObject *Qt_VDGetImageDescription(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   18943 {
   18944     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   18945     ComponentResult _rv;
   18946     VideoDigitizerComponent ci;
   18947     ImageDescriptionHandle desc;
   18948 #ifndef VDGetImageDescription
   18949     PyMac_PRECHECK(VDGetImageDescription);
   18950 #endif
   18951     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&O&",
   18952                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &ci,
   18953                           ResObj_Convert, &desc))
   18954         return NULL;
   18955     _rv = VDGetImageDescription(ci,
   18956                                 desc);
   18957     _res = Py_BuildValue("l",
   18958                          _rv);
   18959     return _res;
   18960 }
   18962 static PyObject *Qt_VDResetCompressSequence(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   18963 {
   18964     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   18965     ComponentResult _rv;
   18966     VideoDigitizerComponent ci;
   18967 #ifndef VDResetCompressSequence
   18968     PyMac_PRECHECK(VDResetCompressSequence);
   18969 #endif
   18970     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&",
   18971                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &ci))
   18972         return NULL;
   18973     _rv = VDResetCompressSequence(ci);
   18974     _res = Py_BuildValue("l",
   18975                          _rv);
   18976     return _res;
   18977 }
   18979 static PyObject *Qt_VDSetCompressionOnOff(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   18980 {
   18981     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   18982     ComponentResult _rv;
   18983     VideoDigitizerComponent ci;
   18984     Boolean state;
   18985 #ifndef VDSetCompressionOnOff
   18986     PyMac_PRECHECK(VDSetCompressionOnOff);
   18987 #endif
   18988     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&b",
   18989                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &ci,
   18990                           &state))
   18991         return NULL;
   18992     _rv = VDSetCompressionOnOff(ci,
   18993                                 state);
   18994     _res = Py_BuildValue("l",
   18995                          _rv);
   18996     return _res;
   18997 }
   18999 static PyObject *Qt_VDGetCompressionTypes(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   19000 {
   19001     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   19002     ComponentResult _rv;
   19003     VideoDigitizerComponent ci;
   19004     VDCompressionListHandle h;
   19005 #ifndef VDGetCompressionTypes
   19006     PyMac_PRECHECK(VDGetCompressionTypes);
   19007 #endif
   19008     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&O&",
   19009                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &ci,
   19010                           ResObj_Convert, &h))
   19011         return NULL;
   19012     _rv = VDGetCompressionTypes(ci,
   19013                                 h);
   19014     _res = Py_BuildValue("l",
   19015                          _rv);
   19016     return _res;
   19017 }
   19019 static PyObject *Qt_VDSetTimeBase(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   19020 {
   19021     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   19022     ComponentResult _rv;
   19023     VideoDigitizerComponent ci;
   19024     TimeBase t;
   19025 #ifndef VDSetTimeBase
   19026     PyMac_PRECHECK(VDSetTimeBase);
   19027 #endif
   19028     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&O&",
   19029                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &ci,
   19030                           TimeBaseObj_Convert, &t))
   19031         return NULL;
   19032     _rv = VDSetTimeBase(ci,
   19033                         t);
   19034     _res = Py_BuildValue("l",
   19035                          _rv);
   19036     return _res;
   19037 }
   19039 static PyObject *Qt_VDSetFrameRate(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   19040 {
   19041     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   19042     ComponentResult _rv;
   19043     VideoDigitizerComponent ci;
   19044     Fixed framesPerSecond;
   19045 #ifndef VDSetFrameRate
   19046     PyMac_PRECHECK(VDSetFrameRate);
   19047 #endif
   19048     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&O&",
   19049                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &ci,
   19050                           PyMac_GetFixed, &framesPerSecond))
   19051         return NULL;
   19052     _rv = VDSetFrameRate(ci,
   19053                          framesPerSecond);
   19054     _res = Py_BuildValue("l",
   19055                          _rv);
   19056     return _res;
   19057 }
   19059 static PyObject *Qt_VDGetDataRate(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   19060 {
   19061     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   19062     ComponentResult _rv;
   19063     VideoDigitizerComponent ci;
   19064     long milliSecPerFrame;
   19065     Fixed framesPerSecond;
   19066     long bytesPerSecond;
   19067 #ifndef VDGetDataRate
   19068     PyMac_PRECHECK(VDGetDataRate);
   19069 #endif
   19070     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&",
   19071                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &ci))
   19072         return NULL;
   19073     _rv = VDGetDataRate(ci,
   19074                         &milliSecPerFrame,
   19075                         &framesPerSecond,
   19076                         &bytesPerSecond);
   19077     _res = Py_BuildValue("llO&l",
   19078                          _rv,
   19079                          milliSecPerFrame,
   19080                          PyMac_BuildFixed, framesPerSecond,
   19081                          bytesPerSecond);
   19082     return _res;
   19083 }
   19085 static PyObject *Qt_VDGetSoundInputDriver(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   19086 {
   19087     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   19088     ComponentResult _rv;
   19089     VideoDigitizerComponent ci;
   19090     Str255 soundDriverName;
   19091 #ifndef VDGetSoundInputDriver
   19092     PyMac_PRECHECK(VDGetSoundInputDriver);
   19093 #endif
   19094     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&O&",
   19095                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &ci,
   19096                           PyMac_GetStr255, soundDriverName))
   19097         return NULL;
   19098     _rv = VDGetSoundInputDriver(ci,
   19099                                 soundDriverName);
   19100     _res = Py_BuildValue("l",
   19101                          _rv);
   19102     return _res;
   19103 }
   19105 static PyObject *Qt_VDGetDMADepths(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   19106 {
   19107     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   19108     ComponentResult _rv;
   19109     VideoDigitizerComponent ci;
   19110     long depthArray;
   19111     long preferredDepth;
   19112 #ifndef VDGetDMADepths
   19113     PyMac_PRECHECK(VDGetDMADepths);
   19114 #endif
   19115     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&",
   19116                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &ci))
   19117         return NULL;
   19118     _rv = VDGetDMADepths(ci,
   19119                          &depthArray,
   19120                          &preferredDepth);
   19121     _res = Py_BuildValue("lll",
   19122                          _rv,
   19123                          depthArray,
   19124                          preferredDepth);
   19125     return _res;
   19126 }
   19128 static PyObject *Qt_VDGetPreferredTimeScale(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   19129 {
   19130     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   19131     ComponentResult _rv;
   19132     VideoDigitizerComponent ci;
   19133     TimeScale preferred;
   19134 #ifndef VDGetPreferredTimeScale
   19135     PyMac_PRECHECK(VDGetPreferredTimeScale);
   19136 #endif
   19137     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&",
   19138                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &ci))
   19139         return NULL;
   19140     _rv = VDGetPreferredTimeScale(ci,
   19141                                   &preferred);
   19142     _res = Py_BuildValue("ll",
   19143                          _rv,
   19144                          preferred);
   19145     return _res;
   19146 }
   19148 static PyObject *Qt_VDReleaseAsyncBuffers(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   19149 {
   19150     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   19151     ComponentResult _rv;
   19152     VideoDigitizerComponent ci;
   19153 #ifndef VDReleaseAsyncBuffers
   19154     PyMac_PRECHECK(VDReleaseAsyncBuffers);
   19155 #endif
   19156     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&",
   19157                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &ci))
   19158         return NULL;
   19159     _rv = VDReleaseAsyncBuffers(ci);
   19160     _res = Py_BuildValue("l",
   19161                          _rv);
   19162     return _res;
   19163 }
   19165 static PyObject *Qt_VDSetDataRate(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   19166 {
   19167     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   19168     ComponentResult _rv;
   19169     VideoDigitizerComponent ci;
   19170     long bytesPerSecond;
   19171 #ifndef VDSetDataRate
   19172     PyMac_PRECHECK(VDSetDataRate);
   19173 #endif
   19174     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&l",
   19175                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &ci,
   19176                           &bytesPerSecond))
   19177         return NULL;
   19178     _rv = VDSetDataRate(ci,
   19179                         bytesPerSecond);
   19180     _res = Py_BuildValue("l",
   19181                          _rv);
   19182     return _res;
   19183 }
   19185 static PyObject *Qt_VDGetTimeCode(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   19186 {
   19187     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   19188     ComponentResult _rv;
   19189     VideoDigitizerComponent ci;
   19190     TimeRecord atTime;
   19191     void * timeCodeFormat;
   19192     void * timeCodeTime;
   19193 #ifndef VDGetTimeCode
   19194     PyMac_PRECHECK(VDGetTimeCode);
   19195 #endif
   19196     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&ss",
   19197                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &ci,
   19198                           &timeCodeFormat,
   19199                           &timeCodeTime))
   19200         return NULL;
   19201     _rv = VDGetTimeCode(ci,
   19202                         &atTime,
   19203                         timeCodeFormat,
   19204                         timeCodeTime);
   19205     _res = Py_BuildValue("lO&",
   19206                          _rv,
   19207                          QtTimeRecord_New, &atTime);
   19208     return _res;
   19209 }
   19211 static PyObject *Qt_VDUseSafeBuffers(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   19212 {
   19213     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   19214     ComponentResult _rv;
   19215     VideoDigitizerComponent ci;
   19216     Boolean useSafeBuffers;
   19217 #ifndef VDUseSafeBuffers
   19218     PyMac_PRECHECK(VDUseSafeBuffers);
   19219 #endif
   19220     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&b",
   19221                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &ci,
   19222                           &useSafeBuffers))
   19223         return NULL;
   19224     _rv = VDUseSafeBuffers(ci,
   19225                            useSafeBuffers);
   19226     _res = Py_BuildValue("l",
   19227                          _rv);
   19228     return _res;
   19229 }
   19231 static PyObject *Qt_VDGetSoundInputSource(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   19232 {
   19233     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   19234     ComponentResult _rv;
   19235     VideoDigitizerComponent ci;
   19236     long videoInput;
   19237     long soundInput;
   19238 #ifndef VDGetSoundInputSource
   19239     PyMac_PRECHECK(VDGetSoundInputSource);
   19240 #endif
   19241     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&l",
   19242                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &ci,
   19243                           &videoInput))
   19244         return NULL;
   19245     _rv = VDGetSoundInputSource(ci,
   19246                                 videoInput,
   19247                                 &soundInput);
   19248     _res = Py_BuildValue("ll",
   19249                          _rv,
   19250                          soundInput);
   19251     return _res;
   19252 }
   19254 static PyObject *Qt_VDGetCompressionTime(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   19255 {
   19256     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   19257     ComponentResult _rv;
   19258     VideoDigitizerComponent ci;
   19259     OSType compressionType;
   19260     short depth;
   19261     Rect srcRect;
   19262     CodecQ spatialQuality;
   19263     CodecQ temporalQuality;
   19264     unsigned long compressTime;
   19265 #ifndef VDGetCompressionTime
   19266     PyMac_PRECHECK(VDGetCompressionTime);
   19267 #endif
   19268     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&O&h",
   19269                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &ci,
   19270                           PyMac_GetOSType, &compressionType,
   19271                           &depth))
   19272         return NULL;
   19273     _rv = VDGetCompressionTime(ci,
   19274                                compressionType,
   19275                                depth,
   19276                                &srcRect,
   19277                                &spatialQuality,
   19278                                &temporalQuality,
   19279                                &compressTime);
   19280     _res = Py_BuildValue("lO&lll",
   19281                          _rv,
   19282                          PyMac_BuildRect, &srcRect,
   19283                          spatialQuality,
   19284                          temporalQuality,
   19285                          compressTime);
   19286     return _res;
   19287 }
   19289 static PyObject *Qt_VDSetPreferredPacketSize(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   19290 {
   19291     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   19292     ComponentResult _rv;
   19293     VideoDigitizerComponent ci;
   19294     long preferredPacketSizeInBytes;
   19295 #ifndef VDSetPreferredPacketSize
   19296     PyMac_PRECHECK(VDSetPreferredPacketSize);
   19297 #endif
   19298     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&l",
   19299                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &ci,
   19300                           &preferredPacketSizeInBytes))
   19301         return NULL;
   19302     _rv = VDSetPreferredPacketSize(ci,
   19303                                    preferredPacketSizeInBytes);
   19304     _res = Py_BuildValue("l",
   19305                          _rv);
   19306     return _res;
   19307 }
   19309 static PyObject *Qt_VDSetPreferredImageDimensions(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   19310 {
   19311     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   19312     ComponentResult _rv;
   19313     VideoDigitizerComponent ci;
   19314     long width;
   19315     long height;
   19316 #ifndef VDSetPreferredImageDimensions
   19317     PyMac_PRECHECK(VDSetPreferredImageDimensions);
   19318 #endif
   19319     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&ll",
   19320                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &ci,
   19321                           &width,
   19322                           &height))
   19323         return NULL;
   19324     _rv = VDSetPreferredImageDimensions(ci,
   19325                                         width,
   19326                                         height);
   19327     _res = Py_BuildValue("l",
   19328                          _rv);
   19329     return _res;
   19330 }
   19332 static PyObject *Qt_VDGetPreferredImageDimensions(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   19333 {
   19334     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   19335     ComponentResult _rv;
   19336     VideoDigitizerComponent ci;
   19337     long width;
   19338     long height;
   19339 #ifndef VDGetPreferredImageDimensions
   19340     PyMac_PRECHECK(VDGetPreferredImageDimensions);
   19341 #endif
   19342     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&",
   19343                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &ci))
   19344         return NULL;
   19345     _rv = VDGetPreferredImageDimensions(ci,
   19346                                         &width,
   19347                                         &height);
   19348     _res = Py_BuildValue("lll",
   19349                          _rv,
   19350                          width,
   19351                          height);
   19352     return _res;
   19353 }
   19355 static PyObject *Qt_VDGetInputName(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   19356 {
   19357     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   19358     ComponentResult _rv;
   19359     VideoDigitizerComponent ci;
   19360     long videoInput;
   19361     Str255 name;
   19362 #ifndef VDGetInputName
   19363     PyMac_PRECHECK(VDGetInputName);
   19364 #endif
   19365     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&lO&",
   19366                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &ci,
   19367                           &videoInput,
   19368                           PyMac_GetStr255, name))
   19369         return NULL;
   19370     _rv = VDGetInputName(ci,
   19371                          videoInput,
   19372                          name);
   19373     _res = Py_BuildValue("l",
   19374                          _rv);
   19375     return _res;
   19376 }
   19378 static PyObject *Qt_VDSetDestinationPort(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   19379 {
   19380     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   19381     ComponentResult _rv;
   19382     VideoDigitizerComponent ci;
   19383     CGrafPtr destPort;
   19384 #ifndef VDSetDestinationPort
   19385     PyMac_PRECHECK(VDSetDestinationPort);
   19386 #endif
   19387     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&O&",
   19388                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &ci,
   19389                           GrafObj_Convert, &destPort))
   19390         return NULL;
   19391     _rv = VDSetDestinationPort(ci,
   19392                                destPort);
   19393     _res = Py_BuildValue("l",
   19394                          _rv);
   19395     return _res;
   19396 }
   19398 static PyObject *Qt_VDGetDeviceNameAndFlags(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   19399 {
   19400     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   19401     ComponentResult _rv;
   19402     VideoDigitizerComponent ci;
   19403     Str255 outName;
   19404     UInt32 outNameFlags;
   19405 #ifndef VDGetDeviceNameAndFlags
   19406     PyMac_PRECHECK(VDGetDeviceNameAndFlags);
   19407 #endif
   19408     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&O&",
   19409                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &ci,
   19410                           PyMac_GetStr255, outName))
   19411         return NULL;
   19412     _rv = VDGetDeviceNameAndFlags(ci,
   19413                                   outName,
   19414                                   &outNameFlags);
   19415     _res = Py_BuildValue("ll",
   19416                          _rv,
   19417                          outNameFlags);
   19418     return _res;
   19419 }
   19421 static PyObject *Qt_VDCaptureStateChanging(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   19422 {
   19423     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   19424     ComponentResult _rv;
   19425     VideoDigitizerComponent ci;
   19426     UInt32 inStateFlags;
   19427 #ifndef VDCaptureStateChanging
   19428     PyMac_PRECHECK(VDCaptureStateChanging);
   19429 #endif
   19430     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&l",
   19431                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &ci,
   19432                           &inStateFlags))
   19433         return NULL;
   19434     _rv = VDCaptureStateChanging(ci,
   19435                                  inStateFlags);
   19436     _res = Py_BuildValue("l",
   19437                          _rv);
   19438     return _res;
   19439 }
   19441 static PyObject *Qt_XMLParseGetDetailedParseError(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   19442 {
   19443     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   19444     ComponentResult _rv;
   19445     ComponentInstance aParser;
   19446     long errorLine;
   19447     StringPtr errDesc;
   19448 #ifndef XMLParseGetDetailedParseError
   19449     PyMac_PRECHECK(XMLParseGetDetailedParseError);
   19450 #endif
   19451     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&s",
   19452                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &aParser,
   19453                           &errDesc))
   19454         return NULL;
   19455     _rv = XMLParseGetDetailedParseError(aParser,
   19456                                         &errorLine,
   19457                                         errDesc);
   19458     _res = Py_BuildValue("ll",
   19459                          _rv,
   19460                          errorLine);
   19461     return _res;
   19462 }
   19464 static PyObject *Qt_XMLParseAddElement(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   19465 {
   19466     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   19467     ComponentResult _rv;
   19468     ComponentInstance aParser;
   19469     char elementName;
   19470     UInt32 nameSpaceID;
   19471     UInt32 elementID;
   19472     long elementFlags;
   19473 #ifndef XMLParseAddElement
   19474     PyMac_PRECHECK(XMLParseAddElement);
   19475 #endif
   19476     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&ll",
   19477                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &aParser,
   19478                           &nameSpaceID,
   19479                           &elementFlags))
   19480         return NULL;
   19481     _rv = XMLParseAddElement(aParser,
   19482                              &elementName,
   19483                              nameSpaceID,
   19484                              &elementID,
   19485                              elementFlags);
   19486     _res = Py_BuildValue("lcl",
   19487                          _rv,
   19488                          elementName,
   19489                          elementID);
   19490     return _res;
   19491 }
   19493 static PyObject *Qt_XMLParseAddAttribute(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   19494 {
   19495     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   19496     ComponentResult _rv;
   19497     ComponentInstance aParser;
   19498     UInt32 elementID;
   19499     UInt32 nameSpaceID;
   19500     char attributeName;
   19501     UInt32 attributeID;
   19502 #ifndef XMLParseAddAttribute
   19503     PyMac_PRECHECK(XMLParseAddAttribute);
   19504 #endif
   19505     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&ll",
   19506                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &aParser,
   19507                           &elementID,
   19508                           &nameSpaceID))
   19509         return NULL;
   19510     _rv = XMLParseAddAttribute(aParser,
   19511                                elementID,
   19512                                nameSpaceID,
   19513                                &attributeName,
   19514                                &attributeID);
   19515     _res = Py_BuildValue("lcl",
   19516                          _rv,
   19517                          attributeName,
   19518                          attributeID);
   19519     return _res;
   19520 }
   19522 static PyObject *Qt_XMLParseAddMultipleAttributes(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   19523 {
   19524     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   19525     ComponentResult _rv;
   19526     ComponentInstance aParser;
   19527     UInt32 elementID;
   19528     UInt32 nameSpaceIDs;
   19529     char attributeNames;
   19530     UInt32 attributeIDs;
   19531 #ifndef XMLParseAddMultipleAttributes
   19532     PyMac_PRECHECK(XMLParseAddMultipleAttributes);
   19533 #endif
   19534     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&l",
   19535                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &aParser,
   19536                           &elementID))
   19537         return NULL;
   19538     _rv = XMLParseAddMultipleAttributes(aParser,
   19539                                         elementID,
   19540                                         &nameSpaceIDs,
   19541                                         &attributeNames,
   19542                                         &attributeIDs);
   19543     _res = Py_BuildValue("llcl",
   19544                          _rv,
   19545                          nameSpaceIDs,
   19546                          attributeNames,
   19547                          attributeIDs);
   19548     return _res;
   19549 }
   19551 static PyObject *Qt_XMLParseAddAttributeAndValue(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   19552 {
   19553     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   19554     ComponentResult _rv;
   19555     ComponentInstance aParser;
   19556     UInt32 elementID;
   19557     UInt32 nameSpaceID;
   19558     char attributeName;
   19559     UInt32 attributeID;
   19560     UInt32 attributeValueKind;
   19561     void * attributeValueKindInfo;
   19562 #ifndef XMLParseAddAttributeAndValue
   19563     PyMac_PRECHECK(XMLParseAddAttributeAndValue);
   19564 #endif
   19565     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&llls",
   19566                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &aParser,
   19567                           &elementID,
   19568                           &nameSpaceID,
   19569                           &attributeValueKind,
   19570                           &attributeValueKindInfo))
   19571         return NULL;
   19572     _rv = XMLParseAddAttributeAndValue(aParser,
   19573                                        elementID,
   19574                                        nameSpaceID,
   19575                                        &attributeName,
   19576                                        &attributeID,
   19577                                        attributeValueKind,
   19578                                        attributeValueKindInfo);
   19579     _res = Py_BuildValue("lcl",
   19580                          _rv,
   19581                          attributeName,
   19582                          attributeID);
   19583     return _res;
   19584 }
   19586 static PyObject *Qt_XMLParseAddAttributeValueKind(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   19587 {
   19588     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   19589     ComponentResult _rv;
   19590     ComponentInstance aParser;
   19591     UInt32 elementID;
   19592     UInt32 attributeID;
   19593     UInt32 attributeValueKind;
   19594     void * attributeValueKindInfo;
   19595 #ifndef XMLParseAddAttributeValueKind
   19596     PyMac_PRECHECK(XMLParseAddAttributeValueKind);
   19597 #endif
   19598     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&llls",
   19599                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &aParser,
   19600                           &elementID,
   19601                           &attributeID,
   19602                           &attributeValueKind,
   19603                           &attributeValueKindInfo))
   19604         return NULL;
   19605     _rv = XMLParseAddAttributeValueKind(aParser,
   19606                                         elementID,
   19607                                         attributeID,
   19608                                         attributeValueKind,
   19609                                         attributeValueKindInfo);
   19610     _res = Py_BuildValue("l",
   19611                          _rv);
   19612     return _res;
   19613 }
   19615 static PyObject *Qt_XMLParseAddNameSpace(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   19616 {
   19617     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   19618     ComponentResult _rv;
   19619     ComponentInstance aParser;
   19620     char nameSpaceURL;
   19621     UInt32 nameSpaceID;
   19622 #ifndef XMLParseAddNameSpace
   19623     PyMac_PRECHECK(XMLParseAddNameSpace);
   19624 #endif
   19625     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&",
   19626                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &aParser))
   19627         return NULL;
   19628     _rv = XMLParseAddNameSpace(aParser,
   19629                                &nameSpaceURL,
   19630                                &nameSpaceID);
   19631     _res = Py_BuildValue("lcl",
   19632                          _rv,
   19633                          nameSpaceURL,
   19634                          nameSpaceID);
   19635     return _res;
   19636 }
   19638 static PyObject *Qt_XMLParseSetOffsetAndLimit(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   19639 {
   19640     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   19641     ComponentResult _rv;
   19642     ComponentInstance aParser;
   19643     UInt32 offset;
   19644     UInt32 limit;
   19645 #ifndef XMLParseSetOffsetAndLimit
   19646     PyMac_PRECHECK(XMLParseSetOffsetAndLimit);
   19647 #endif
   19648     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&ll",
   19649                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &aParser,
   19650                           &offset,
   19651                           &limit))
   19652         return NULL;
   19653     _rv = XMLParseSetOffsetAndLimit(aParser,
   19654                                     offset,
   19655                                     limit);
   19656     _res = Py_BuildValue("l",
   19657                          _rv);
   19658     return _res;
   19659 }
   19661 static PyObject *Qt_XMLParseSetEventParseRefCon(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   19662 {
   19663     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   19664     ComponentResult _rv;
   19665     ComponentInstance aParser;
   19666     long refcon;
   19667 #ifndef XMLParseSetEventParseRefCon
   19668     PyMac_PRECHECK(XMLParseSetEventParseRefCon);
   19669 #endif
   19670     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&l",
   19671                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &aParser,
   19672                           &refcon))
   19673         return NULL;
   19674     _rv = XMLParseSetEventParseRefCon(aParser,
   19675                                       refcon);
   19676     _res = Py_BuildValue("l",
   19677                          _rv);
   19678     return _res;
   19679 }
   19681 static PyObject *Qt_SGInitialize(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   19682 {
   19683     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   19684     ComponentResult _rv;
   19685     SeqGrabComponent s;
   19686 #ifndef SGInitialize
   19687     PyMac_PRECHECK(SGInitialize);
   19688 #endif
   19689     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&",
   19690                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &s))
   19691         return NULL;
   19692     _rv = SGInitialize(s);
   19693     _res = Py_BuildValue("l",
   19694                          _rv);
   19695     return _res;
   19696 }
   19698 static PyObject *Qt_SGSetDataOutput(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   19699 {
   19700     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   19701     ComponentResult _rv;
   19702     SeqGrabComponent s;
   19703     FSSpec movieFile;
   19704     long whereFlags;
   19705 #ifndef SGSetDataOutput
   19706     PyMac_PRECHECK(SGSetDataOutput);
   19707 #endif
   19708     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&O&l",
   19709                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &s,
   19710                           PyMac_GetFSSpec, &movieFile,
   19711                           &whereFlags))
   19712         return NULL;
   19713     _rv = SGSetDataOutput(s,
   19714                           &movieFile,
   19715                           whereFlags);
   19716     _res = Py_BuildValue("l",
   19717                          _rv);
   19718     return _res;
   19719 }
   19721 static PyObject *Qt_SGGetDataOutput(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   19722 {
   19723     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   19724     ComponentResult _rv;
   19725     SeqGrabComponent s;
   19726     FSSpec movieFile;
   19727     long whereFlags;
   19728 #ifndef SGGetDataOutput
   19729     PyMac_PRECHECK(SGGetDataOutput);
   19730 #endif
   19731     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&O&",
   19732                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &s,
   19733                           PyMac_GetFSSpec, &movieFile))
   19734         return NULL;
   19735     _rv = SGGetDataOutput(s,
   19736                           &movieFile,
   19737                           &whereFlags);
   19738     _res = Py_BuildValue("ll",
   19739                          _rv,
   19740                          whereFlags);
   19741     return _res;
   19742 }
   19744 static PyObject *Qt_SGSetGWorld(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   19745 {
   19746     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   19747     ComponentResult _rv;
   19748     SeqGrabComponent s;
   19749     CGrafPtr gp;
   19750     GDHandle gd;
   19751 #ifndef SGSetGWorld
   19752     PyMac_PRECHECK(SGSetGWorld);
   19753 #endif
   19754     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&O&O&",
   19755                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &s,
   19756                           GrafObj_Convert, &gp,
   19757                           OptResObj_Convert, &gd))
   19758         return NULL;
   19759     _rv = SGSetGWorld(s,
   19760                       gp,
   19761                       gd);
   19762     _res = Py_BuildValue("l",
   19763                          _rv);
   19764     return _res;
   19765 }
   19767 static PyObject *Qt_SGGetGWorld(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   19768 {
   19769     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   19770     ComponentResult _rv;
   19771     SeqGrabComponent s;
   19772     CGrafPtr gp;
   19773     GDHandle gd;
   19774 #ifndef SGGetGWorld
   19775     PyMac_PRECHECK(SGGetGWorld);
   19776 #endif
   19777     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&",
   19778                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &s))
   19779         return NULL;
   19780     _rv = SGGetGWorld(s,
   19781                       &gp,
   19782                       &gd);
   19783     _res = Py_BuildValue("lO&O&",
   19784                          _rv,
   19785                          GrafObj_New, gp,
   19786                          OptResObj_New, gd);
   19787     return _res;
   19788 }
   19790 static PyObject *Qt_SGNewChannel(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   19791 {
   19792     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   19793     ComponentResult _rv;
   19794     SeqGrabComponent s;
   19795     OSType channelType;
   19796     SGChannel ref;
   19797 #ifndef SGNewChannel
   19798     PyMac_PRECHECK(SGNewChannel);
   19799 #endif
   19800     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&O&",
   19801                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &s,
   19802                           PyMac_GetOSType, &channelType))
   19803         return NULL;
   19804     _rv = SGNewChannel(s,
   19805                        channelType,
   19806                        &ref);
   19807     _res = Py_BuildValue("lO&",
   19808                          _rv,
   19809                          CmpInstObj_New, ref);
   19810     return _res;
   19811 }
   19813 static PyObject *Qt_SGDisposeChannel(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   19814 {
   19815     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   19816     ComponentResult _rv;
   19817     SeqGrabComponent s;
   19818     SGChannel c;
   19819 #ifndef SGDisposeChannel
   19820     PyMac_PRECHECK(SGDisposeChannel);
   19821 #endif
   19822     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&O&",
   19823                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &s,
   19824                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &c))
   19825         return NULL;
   19826     _rv = SGDisposeChannel(s,
   19827                            c);
   19828     _res = Py_BuildValue("l",
   19829                          _rv);
   19830     return _res;
   19831 }
   19833 static PyObject *Qt_SGStartPreview(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   19834 {
   19835     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   19836     ComponentResult _rv;
   19837     SeqGrabComponent s;
   19838 #ifndef SGStartPreview
   19839     PyMac_PRECHECK(SGStartPreview);
   19840 #endif
   19841     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&",
   19842                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &s))
   19843         return NULL;
   19844     _rv = SGStartPreview(s);
   19845     _res = Py_BuildValue("l",
   19846                          _rv);
   19847     return _res;
   19848 }
   19850 static PyObject *Qt_SGStartRecord(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   19851 {
   19852     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   19853     ComponentResult _rv;
   19854     SeqGrabComponent s;
   19855 #ifndef SGStartRecord
   19856     PyMac_PRECHECK(SGStartRecord);
   19857 #endif
   19858     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&",
   19859                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &s))
   19860         return NULL;
   19861     _rv = SGStartRecord(s);
   19862     _res = Py_BuildValue("l",
   19863                          _rv);
   19864     return _res;
   19865 }
   19867 static PyObject *Qt_SGIdle(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   19868 {
   19869     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   19870     ComponentResult _rv;
   19871     SeqGrabComponent s;
   19872 #ifndef SGIdle
   19873     PyMac_PRECHECK(SGIdle);
   19874 #endif
   19875     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&",
   19876                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &s))
   19877         return NULL;
   19878     _rv = SGIdle(s);
   19879     _res = Py_BuildValue("l",
   19880                          _rv);
   19881     return _res;
   19882 }
   19884 static PyObject *Qt_SGStop(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   19885 {
   19886     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   19887     ComponentResult _rv;
   19888     SeqGrabComponent s;
   19889 #ifndef SGStop
   19890     PyMac_PRECHECK(SGStop);
   19891 #endif
   19892     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&",
   19893                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &s))
   19894         return NULL;
   19895     _rv = SGStop(s);
   19896     _res = Py_BuildValue("l",
   19897                          _rv);
   19898     return _res;
   19899 }
   19901 static PyObject *Qt_SGPause(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   19902 {
   19903     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   19904     ComponentResult _rv;
   19905     SeqGrabComponent s;
   19906     Boolean pause;
   19907 #ifndef SGPause
   19908     PyMac_PRECHECK(SGPause);
   19909 #endif
   19910     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&b",
   19911                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &s,
   19912                           &pause))
   19913         return NULL;
   19914     _rv = SGPause(s,
   19915                   pause);
   19916     _res = Py_BuildValue("l",
   19917                          _rv);
   19918     return _res;
   19919 }
   19921 static PyObject *Qt_SGPrepare(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   19922 {
   19923     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   19924     ComponentResult _rv;
   19925     SeqGrabComponent s;
   19926     Boolean prepareForPreview;
   19927     Boolean prepareForRecord;
   19928 #ifndef SGPrepare
   19929     PyMac_PRECHECK(SGPrepare);
   19930 #endif
   19931     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&bb",
   19932                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &s,
   19933                           &prepareForPreview,
   19934                           &prepareForRecord))
   19935         return NULL;
   19936     _rv = SGPrepare(s,
   19937                     prepareForPreview,
   19938                     prepareForRecord);
   19939     _res = Py_BuildValue("l",
   19940                          _rv);
   19941     return _res;
   19942 }
   19944 static PyObject *Qt_SGRelease(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   19945 {
   19946     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   19947     ComponentResult _rv;
   19948     SeqGrabComponent s;
   19949 #ifndef SGRelease
   19950     PyMac_PRECHECK(SGRelease);
   19951 #endif
   19952     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&",
   19953                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &s))
   19954         return NULL;
   19955     _rv = SGRelease(s);
   19956     _res = Py_BuildValue("l",
   19957                          _rv);
   19958     return _res;
   19959 }
   19961 static PyObject *Qt_SGGetMovie(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   19962 {
   19963     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   19964     Movie _rv;
   19965     SeqGrabComponent s;
   19966 #ifndef SGGetMovie
   19967     PyMac_PRECHECK(SGGetMovie);
   19968 #endif
   19969     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&",
   19970                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &s))
   19971         return NULL;
   19972     _rv = SGGetMovie(s);
   19973     _res = Py_BuildValue("O&",
   19974                          MovieObj_New, _rv);
   19975     return _res;
   19976 }
   19978 static PyObject *Qt_SGSetMaximumRecordTime(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   19979 {
   19980     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   19981     ComponentResult _rv;
   19982     SeqGrabComponent s;
   19983     unsigned long ticks;
   19984 #ifndef SGSetMaximumRecordTime
   19985     PyMac_PRECHECK(SGSetMaximumRecordTime);
   19986 #endif
   19987     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&l",
   19988                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &s,
   19989                           &ticks))
   19990         return NULL;
   19991     _rv = SGSetMaximumRecordTime(s,
   19992                                  ticks);
   19993     _res = Py_BuildValue("l",
   19994                          _rv);
   19995     return _res;
   19996 }
   19998 static PyObject *Qt_SGGetMaximumRecordTime(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   19999 {
   20000     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   20001     ComponentResult _rv;
   20002     SeqGrabComponent s;
   20003     unsigned long ticks;
   20004 #ifndef SGGetMaximumRecordTime
   20005     PyMac_PRECHECK(SGGetMaximumRecordTime);
   20006 #endif
   20007     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&",
   20008                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &s))
   20009         return NULL;
   20010     _rv = SGGetMaximumRecordTime(s,
   20011                                  &ticks);
   20012     _res = Py_BuildValue("ll",
   20013                          _rv,
   20014                          ticks);
   20015     return _res;
   20016 }
   20018 static PyObject *Qt_SGGetStorageSpaceRemaining(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   20019 {
   20020     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   20021     ComponentResult _rv;
   20022     SeqGrabComponent s;
   20023     unsigned long bytes;
   20024 #ifndef SGGetStorageSpaceRemaining
   20025     PyMac_PRECHECK(SGGetStorageSpaceRemaining);
   20026 #endif
   20027     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&",
   20028                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &s))
   20029         return NULL;
   20030     _rv = SGGetStorageSpaceRemaining(s,
   20031                                      &bytes);
   20032     _res = Py_BuildValue("ll",
   20033                          _rv,
   20034                          bytes);
   20035     return _res;
   20036 }
   20038 static PyObject *Qt_SGGetTimeRemaining(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   20039 {
   20040     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   20041     ComponentResult _rv;
   20042     SeqGrabComponent s;
   20043     long ticksLeft;
   20044 #ifndef SGGetTimeRemaining
   20045     PyMac_PRECHECK(SGGetTimeRemaining);
   20046 #endif
   20047     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&",
   20048                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &s))
   20049         return NULL;
   20050     _rv = SGGetTimeRemaining(s,
   20051                              &ticksLeft);
   20052     _res = Py_BuildValue("ll",
   20053                          _rv,
   20054                          ticksLeft);
   20055     return _res;
   20056 }
   20058 static PyObject *Qt_SGGrabPict(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   20059 {
   20060     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   20061     ComponentResult _rv;
   20062     SeqGrabComponent s;
   20063     PicHandle p;
   20064     Rect bounds;
   20065     short offscreenDepth;
   20066     long grabPictFlags;
   20067 #ifndef SGGrabPict
   20068     PyMac_PRECHECK(SGGrabPict);
   20069 #endif
   20070     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&O&hl",
   20071                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &s,
   20072                           PyMac_GetRect, &bounds,
   20073                           &offscreenDepth,
   20074                           &grabPictFlags))
   20075         return NULL;
   20076     _rv = SGGrabPict(s,
   20077                      &p,
   20078                      &bounds,
   20079                      offscreenDepth,
   20080                      grabPictFlags);
   20081     _res = Py_BuildValue("lO&",
   20082                          _rv,
   20083                          ResObj_New, p);
   20084     return _res;
   20085 }
   20087 static PyObject *Qt_SGGetLastMovieResID(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   20088 {
   20089     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   20090     ComponentResult _rv;
   20091     SeqGrabComponent s;
   20092     short resID;
   20093 #ifndef SGGetLastMovieResID
   20094     PyMac_PRECHECK(SGGetLastMovieResID);
   20095 #endif
   20096     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&",
   20097                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &s))
   20098         return NULL;
   20099     _rv = SGGetLastMovieResID(s,
   20100                               &resID);
   20101     _res = Py_BuildValue("lh",
   20102                          _rv,
   20103                          resID);
   20104     return _res;
   20105 }
   20107 static PyObject *Qt_SGSetFlags(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   20108 {
   20109     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   20110     ComponentResult _rv;
   20111     SeqGrabComponent s;
   20112     long sgFlags;
   20113 #ifndef SGSetFlags
   20114     PyMac_PRECHECK(SGSetFlags);
   20115 #endif
   20116     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&l",
   20117                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &s,
   20118                           &sgFlags))
   20119         return NULL;
   20120     _rv = SGSetFlags(s,
   20121                      sgFlags);
   20122     _res = Py_BuildValue("l",
   20123                          _rv);
   20124     return _res;
   20125 }
   20127 static PyObject *Qt_SGGetFlags(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   20128 {
   20129     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   20130     ComponentResult _rv;
   20131     SeqGrabComponent s;
   20132     long sgFlags;
   20133 #ifndef SGGetFlags
   20134     PyMac_PRECHECK(SGGetFlags);
   20135 #endif
   20136     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&",
   20137                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &s))
   20138         return NULL;
   20139     _rv = SGGetFlags(s,
   20140                      &sgFlags);
   20141     _res = Py_BuildValue("ll",
   20142                          _rv,
   20143                          sgFlags);
   20144     return _res;
   20145 }
   20147 static PyObject *Qt_SGNewChannelFromComponent(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   20148 {
   20149     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   20150     ComponentResult _rv;
   20151     SeqGrabComponent s;
   20152     SGChannel newChannel;
   20153     Component sgChannelComponent;
   20154 #ifndef SGNewChannelFromComponent
   20155     PyMac_PRECHECK(SGNewChannelFromComponent);
   20156 #endif
   20157     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&O&",
   20158                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &s,
   20159                           CmpObj_Convert, &sgChannelComponent))
   20160         return NULL;
   20161     _rv = SGNewChannelFromComponent(s,
   20162                                     &newChannel,
   20163                                     sgChannelComponent);
   20164     _res = Py_BuildValue("lO&",
   20165                          _rv,
   20166                          CmpInstObj_New, newChannel);
   20167     return _res;
   20168 }
   20170 static PyObject *Qt_SGSetSettings(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   20171 {
   20172     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   20173     ComponentResult _rv;
   20174     SeqGrabComponent s;
   20175     UserData ud;
   20176     long flags;
   20177 #ifndef SGSetSettings
   20178     PyMac_PRECHECK(SGSetSettings);
   20179 #endif
   20180     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&O&l",
   20181                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &s,
   20182                           UserDataObj_Convert, &ud,
   20183                           &flags))
   20184         return NULL;
   20185     _rv = SGSetSettings(s,
   20186                         ud,
   20187                         flags);
   20188     _res = Py_BuildValue("l",
   20189                          _rv);
   20190     return _res;
   20191 }
   20193 static PyObject *Qt_SGGetSettings(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   20194 {
   20195     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   20196     ComponentResult _rv;
   20197     SeqGrabComponent s;
   20198     UserData ud;
   20199     long flags;
   20200 #ifndef SGGetSettings
   20201     PyMac_PRECHECK(SGGetSettings);
   20202 #endif
   20203     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&l",
   20204                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &s,
   20205                           &flags))
   20206         return NULL;
   20207     _rv = SGGetSettings(s,
   20208                         &ud,
   20209                         flags);
   20210     _res = Py_BuildValue("lO&",
   20211                          _rv,
   20212                          UserDataObj_New, ud);
   20213     return _res;
   20214 }
   20216 static PyObject *Qt_SGGetIndChannel(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   20217 {
   20218     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   20219     ComponentResult _rv;
   20220     SeqGrabComponent s;
   20221     short index;
   20222     SGChannel ref;
   20223     OSType chanType;
   20224 #ifndef SGGetIndChannel
   20225     PyMac_PRECHECK(SGGetIndChannel);
   20226 #endif
   20227     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&h",
   20228                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &s,
   20229                           &index))
   20230         return NULL;
   20231     _rv = SGGetIndChannel(s,
   20232                           index,
   20233                           &ref,
   20234                           &chanType);
   20235     _res = Py_BuildValue("lO&O&",
   20236                          _rv,
   20237                          CmpInstObj_New, ref,
   20238                          PyMac_BuildOSType, chanType);
   20239     return _res;
   20240 }
   20242 static PyObject *Qt_SGUpdate(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   20243 {
   20244     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   20245     ComponentResult _rv;
   20246     SeqGrabComponent s;
   20247     RgnHandle updateRgn;
   20248 #ifndef SGUpdate
   20249     PyMac_PRECHECK(SGUpdate);
   20250 #endif
   20251     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&O&",
   20252                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &s,
   20253                           ResObj_Convert, &updateRgn))
   20254         return NULL;
   20255     _rv = SGUpdate(s,
   20256                    updateRgn);
   20257     _res = Py_BuildValue("l",
   20258                          _rv);
   20259     return _res;
   20260 }
   20262 static PyObject *Qt_SGGetPause(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   20263 {
   20264     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   20265     ComponentResult _rv;
   20266     SeqGrabComponent s;
   20267     Boolean paused;
   20268 #ifndef SGGetPause
   20269     PyMac_PRECHECK(SGGetPause);
   20270 #endif
   20271     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&",
   20272                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &s))
   20273         return NULL;
   20274     _rv = SGGetPause(s,
   20275                      &paused);
   20276     _res = Py_BuildValue("lb",
   20277                          _rv,
   20278                          paused);
   20279     return _res;
   20280 }
   20282 static PyObject *Qt_SGSetChannelSettings(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   20283 {
   20284     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   20285     ComponentResult _rv;
   20286     SeqGrabComponent s;
   20287     SGChannel c;
   20288     UserData ud;
   20289     long flags;
   20290 #ifndef SGSetChannelSettings
   20291     PyMac_PRECHECK(SGSetChannelSettings);
   20292 #endif
   20293     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&O&O&l",
   20294                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &s,
   20295                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &c,
   20296                           UserDataObj_Convert, &ud,
   20297                           &flags))
   20298         return NULL;
   20299     _rv = SGSetChannelSettings(s,
   20300                                c,
   20301                                ud,
   20302                                flags);
   20303     _res = Py_BuildValue("l",
   20304                          _rv);
   20305     return _res;
   20306 }
   20308 static PyObject *Qt_SGGetChannelSettings(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   20309 {
   20310     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   20311     ComponentResult _rv;
   20312     SeqGrabComponent s;
   20313     SGChannel c;
   20314     UserData ud;
   20315     long flags;
   20316 #ifndef SGGetChannelSettings
   20317     PyMac_PRECHECK(SGGetChannelSettings);
   20318 #endif
   20319     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&O&l",
   20320                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &s,
   20321                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &c,
   20322                           &flags))
   20323         return NULL;
   20324     _rv = SGGetChannelSettings(s,
   20325                                c,
   20326                                &ud,
   20327                                flags);
   20328     _res = Py_BuildValue("lO&",
   20329                          _rv,
   20330                          UserDataObj_New, ud);
   20331     return _res;
   20332 }
   20334 static PyObject *Qt_SGGetMode(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   20335 {
   20336     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   20337     ComponentResult _rv;
   20338     SeqGrabComponent s;
   20339     Boolean previewMode;
   20340     Boolean recordMode;
   20341 #ifndef SGGetMode
   20342     PyMac_PRECHECK(SGGetMode);
   20343 #endif
   20344     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&",
   20345                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &s))
   20346         return NULL;
   20347     _rv = SGGetMode(s,
   20348                     &previewMode,
   20349                     &recordMode);
   20350     _res = Py_BuildValue("lbb",
   20351                          _rv,
   20352                          previewMode,
   20353                          recordMode);
   20354     return _res;
   20355 }
   20357 static PyObject *Qt_SGSetDataRef(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   20358 {
   20359     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   20360     ComponentResult _rv;
   20361     SeqGrabComponent s;
   20362     Handle dataRef;
   20363     OSType dataRefType;
   20364     long whereFlags;
   20365 #ifndef SGSetDataRef
   20366     PyMac_PRECHECK(SGSetDataRef);
   20367 #endif
   20368     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&O&O&l",
   20369                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &s,
   20370                           ResObj_Convert, &dataRef,
   20371                           PyMac_GetOSType, &dataRefType,
   20372                           &whereFlags))
   20373         return NULL;
   20374     _rv = SGSetDataRef(s,
   20375                        dataRef,
   20376                        dataRefType,
   20377                        whereFlags);
   20378     _res = Py_BuildValue("l",
   20379                          _rv);
   20380     return _res;
   20381 }
   20383 static PyObject *Qt_SGGetDataRef(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   20384 {
   20385     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   20386     ComponentResult _rv;
   20387     SeqGrabComponent s;
   20388     Handle dataRef;
   20389     OSType dataRefType;
   20390     long whereFlags;
   20391 #ifndef SGGetDataRef
   20392     PyMac_PRECHECK(SGGetDataRef);
   20393 #endif
   20394     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&",
   20395                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &s))
   20396         return NULL;
   20397     _rv = SGGetDataRef(s,
   20398                        &dataRef,
   20399                        &dataRefType,
   20400                        &whereFlags);
   20401     _res = Py_BuildValue("lO&O&l",
   20402                          _rv,
   20403                          ResObj_New, dataRef,
   20404                          PyMac_BuildOSType, dataRefType,
   20405                          whereFlags);
   20406     return _res;
   20407 }
   20409 static PyObject *Qt_SGNewOutput(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   20410 {
   20411     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   20412     ComponentResult _rv;
   20413     SeqGrabComponent s;
   20414     Handle dataRef;
   20415     OSType dataRefType;
   20416     long whereFlags;
   20417     SGOutput sgOut;
   20418 #ifndef SGNewOutput
   20419     PyMac_PRECHECK(SGNewOutput);
   20420 #endif
   20421     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&O&O&l",
   20422                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &s,
   20423                           ResObj_Convert, &dataRef,
   20424                           PyMac_GetOSType, &dataRefType,
   20425                           &whereFlags))
   20426         return NULL;
   20427     _rv = SGNewOutput(s,
   20428                       dataRef,
   20429                       dataRefType,
   20430                       whereFlags,
   20431                       &sgOut);
   20432     _res = Py_BuildValue("lO&",
   20433                          _rv,
   20434                          SGOutputObj_New, sgOut);
   20435     return _res;
   20436 }
   20438 static PyObject *Qt_SGDisposeOutput(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   20439 {
   20440     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   20441     ComponentResult _rv;
   20442     SeqGrabComponent s;
   20443     SGOutput sgOut;
   20444 #ifndef SGDisposeOutput
   20445     PyMac_PRECHECK(SGDisposeOutput);
   20446 #endif
   20447     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&O&",
   20448                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &s,
   20449                           SGOutputObj_Convert, &sgOut))
   20450         return NULL;
   20451     _rv = SGDisposeOutput(s,
   20452                           sgOut);
   20453     _res = Py_BuildValue("l",
   20454                          _rv);
   20455     return _res;
   20456 }
   20458 static PyObject *Qt_SGSetOutputFlags(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   20459 {
   20460     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   20461     ComponentResult _rv;
   20462     SeqGrabComponent s;
   20463     SGOutput sgOut;
   20464     long whereFlags;
   20465 #ifndef SGSetOutputFlags
   20466     PyMac_PRECHECK(SGSetOutputFlags);
   20467 #endif
   20468     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&O&l",
   20469                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &s,
   20470                           SGOutputObj_Convert, &sgOut,
   20471                           &whereFlags))
   20472         return NULL;
   20473     _rv = SGSetOutputFlags(s,
   20474                            sgOut,
   20475                            whereFlags);
   20476     _res = Py_BuildValue("l",
   20477                          _rv);
   20478     return _res;
   20479 }
   20481 static PyObject *Qt_SGSetChannelOutput(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   20482 {
   20483     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   20484     ComponentResult _rv;
   20485     SeqGrabComponent s;
   20486     SGChannel c;
   20487     SGOutput sgOut;
   20488 #ifndef SGSetChannelOutput
   20489     PyMac_PRECHECK(SGSetChannelOutput);
   20490 #endif
   20491     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&O&O&",
   20492                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &s,
   20493                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &c,
   20494                           SGOutputObj_Convert, &sgOut))
   20495         return NULL;
   20496     _rv = SGSetChannelOutput(s,
   20497                              c,
   20498                              sgOut);
   20499     _res = Py_BuildValue("l",
   20500                          _rv);
   20501     return _res;
   20502 }
   20504 static PyObject *Qt_SGGetDataOutputStorageSpaceRemaining(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   20505 {
   20506     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   20507     ComponentResult _rv;
   20508     SeqGrabComponent s;
   20509     SGOutput sgOut;
   20510     unsigned long space;
   20511 #ifndef SGGetDataOutputStorageSpaceRemaining
   20512     PyMac_PRECHECK(SGGetDataOutputStorageSpaceRemaining);
   20513 #endif
   20514     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&O&",
   20515                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &s,
   20516                           SGOutputObj_Convert, &sgOut))
   20517         return NULL;
   20518     _rv = SGGetDataOutputStorageSpaceRemaining(s,
   20519                                                sgOut,
   20520                                                &space);
   20521     _res = Py_BuildValue("ll",
   20522                          _rv,
   20523                          space);
   20524     return _res;
   20525 }
   20527 static PyObject *Qt_SGHandleUpdateEvent(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   20528 {
   20529     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   20530     ComponentResult _rv;
   20531     SeqGrabComponent s;
   20532     EventRecord event;
   20533     Boolean handled;
   20534 #ifndef SGHandleUpdateEvent
   20535     PyMac_PRECHECK(SGHandleUpdateEvent);
   20536 #endif
   20537     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&O&",
   20538                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &s,
   20539                           PyMac_GetEventRecord, &event))
   20540         return NULL;
   20541     _rv = SGHandleUpdateEvent(s,
   20542                               &event,
   20543                               &handled);
   20544     _res = Py_BuildValue("lb",
   20545                          _rv,
   20546                          handled);
   20547     return _res;
   20548 }
   20550 static PyObject *Qt_SGSetOutputNextOutput(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   20551 {
   20552     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   20553     ComponentResult _rv;
   20554     SeqGrabComponent s;
   20555     SGOutput sgOut;
   20556     SGOutput nextOut;
   20557 #ifndef SGSetOutputNextOutput
   20558     PyMac_PRECHECK(SGSetOutputNextOutput);
   20559 #endif
   20560     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&O&O&",
   20561                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &s,
   20562                           SGOutputObj_Convert, &sgOut,
   20563                           SGOutputObj_Convert, &nextOut))
   20564         return NULL;
   20565     _rv = SGSetOutputNextOutput(s,
   20566                                 sgOut,
   20567                                 nextOut);
   20568     _res = Py_BuildValue("l",
   20569                          _rv);
   20570     return _res;
   20571 }
   20573 static PyObject *Qt_SGGetOutputNextOutput(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   20574 {
   20575     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   20576     ComponentResult _rv;
   20577     SeqGrabComponent s;
   20578     SGOutput sgOut;
   20579     SGOutput nextOut;
   20580 #ifndef SGGetOutputNextOutput
   20581     PyMac_PRECHECK(SGGetOutputNextOutput);
   20582 #endif
   20583     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&O&",
   20584                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &s,
   20585                           SGOutputObj_Convert, &sgOut))
   20586         return NULL;
   20587     _rv = SGGetOutputNextOutput(s,
   20588                                 sgOut,
   20589                                 &nextOut);
   20590     _res = Py_BuildValue("lO&",
   20591                          _rv,
   20592                          SGOutputObj_New, nextOut);
   20593     return _res;
   20594 }
   20596 static PyObject *Qt_SGSetOutputMaximumOffset(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   20597 {
   20598     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   20599     ComponentResult _rv;
   20600     SeqGrabComponent s;
   20601     SGOutput sgOut;
   20602     wide maxOffset;
   20603 #ifndef SGSetOutputMaximumOffset
   20604     PyMac_PRECHECK(SGSetOutputMaximumOffset);
   20605 #endif
   20606     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&O&O&",
   20607                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &s,
   20608                           SGOutputObj_Convert, &sgOut,
   20609                           PyMac_Getwide, &maxOffset))
   20610         return NULL;
   20611     _rv = SGSetOutputMaximumOffset(s,
   20612                                    sgOut,
   20613                                    &maxOffset);
   20614     _res = Py_BuildValue("l",
   20615                          _rv);
   20616     return _res;
   20617 }
   20619 static PyObject *Qt_SGGetOutputMaximumOffset(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   20620 {
   20621     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   20622     ComponentResult _rv;
   20623     SeqGrabComponent s;
   20624     SGOutput sgOut;
   20625     wide maxOffset;
   20626 #ifndef SGGetOutputMaximumOffset
   20627     PyMac_PRECHECK(SGGetOutputMaximumOffset);
   20628 #endif
   20629     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&O&",
   20630                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &s,
   20631                           SGOutputObj_Convert, &sgOut))
   20632         return NULL;
   20633     _rv = SGGetOutputMaximumOffset(s,
   20634                                    sgOut,
   20635                                    &maxOffset);
   20636     _res = Py_BuildValue("lO&",
   20637                          _rv,
   20638                          PyMac_Buildwide, maxOffset);
   20639     return _res;
   20640 }
   20642 static PyObject *Qt_SGGetOutputDataReference(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   20643 {
   20644     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   20645     ComponentResult _rv;
   20646     SeqGrabComponent s;
   20647     SGOutput sgOut;
   20648     Handle dataRef;
   20649     OSType dataRefType;
   20650 #ifndef SGGetOutputDataReference
   20651     PyMac_PRECHECK(SGGetOutputDataReference);
   20652 #endif
   20653     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&O&",
   20654                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &s,
   20655                           SGOutputObj_Convert, &sgOut))
   20656         return NULL;
   20657     _rv = SGGetOutputDataReference(s,
   20658                                    sgOut,
   20659                                    &dataRef,
   20660                                    &dataRefType);
   20661     _res = Py_BuildValue("lO&O&",
   20662                          _rv,
   20663                          ResObj_New, dataRef,
   20664                          PyMac_BuildOSType, dataRefType);
   20665     return _res;
   20666 }
   20668 static PyObject *Qt_SGWriteExtendedMovieData(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   20669 {
   20670     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   20671     ComponentResult _rv;
   20672     SeqGrabComponent s;
   20673     SGChannel c;
   20674     Ptr p;
   20675     long len;
   20676     wide offset;
   20677     SGOutput sgOut;
   20678 #ifndef SGWriteExtendedMovieData
   20679     PyMac_PRECHECK(SGWriteExtendedMovieData);
   20680 #endif
   20681     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&O&sl",
   20682                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &s,
   20683                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &c,
   20684                           &p,
   20685                           &len))
   20686         return NULL;
   20687     _rv = SGWriteExtendedMovieData(s,
   20688                                    c,
   20689                                    p,
   20690                                    len,
   20691                                    &offset,
   20692                                    &sgOut);
   20693     _res = Py_BuildValue("lO&O&",
   20694                          _rv,
   20695                          PyMac_Buildwide, offset,
   20696                          SGOutputObj_New, sgOut);
   20697     return _res;
   20698 }
   20700 static PyObject *Qt_SGGetStorageSpaceRemaining64(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   20701 {
   20702     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   20703     ComponentResult _rv;
   20704     SeqGrabComponent s;
   20705     wide bytes;
   20706 #ifndef SGGetStorageSpaceRemaining64
   20707     PyMac_PRECHECK(SGGetStorageSpaceRemaining64);
   20708 #endif
   20709     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&",
   20710                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &s))
   20711         return NULL;
   20712     _rv = SGGetStorageSpaceRemaining64(s,
   20713                                        &bytes);
   20714     _res = Py_BuildValue("lO&",
   20715                          _rv,
   20716                          PyMac_Buildwide, bytes);
   20717     return _res;
   20718 }
   20720 static PyObject *Qt_SGGetDataOutputStorageSpaceRemaining64(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   20721 {
   20722     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   20723     ComponentResult _rv;
   20724     SeqGrabComponent s;
   20725     SGOutput sgOut;
   20726     wide space;
   20727 #ifndef SGGetDataOutputStorageSpaceRemaining64
   20728     PyMac_PRECHECK(SGGetDataOutputStorageSpaceRemaining64);
   20729 #endif
   20730     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&O&",
   20731                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &s,
   20732                           SGOutputObj_Convert, &sgOut))
   20733         return NULL;
   20734     _rv = SGGetDataOutputStorageSpaceRemaining64(s,
   20735                                                  sgOut,
   20736                                                  &space);
   20737     _res = Py_BuildValue("lO&",
   20738                          _rv,
   20739                          PyMac_Buildwide, space);
   20740     return _res;
   20741 }
   20743 static PyObject *Qt_SGWriteMovieData(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   20744 {
   20745     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   20746     ComponentResult _rv;
   20747     SeqGrabComponent s;
   20748     SGChannel c;
   20749     Ptr p;
   20750     long len;
   20751     long offset;
   20752 #ifndef SGWriteMovieData
   20753     PyMac_PRECHECK(SGWriteMovieData);
   20754 #endif
   20755     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&O&sl",
   20756                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &s,
   20757                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &c,
   20758                           &p,
   20759                           &len))
   20760         return NULL;
   20761     _rv = SGWriteMovieData(s,
   20762                            c,
   20763                            p,
   20764                            len,
   20765                            &offset);
   20766     _res = Py_BuildValue("ll",
   20767                          _rv,
   20768                          offset);
   20769     return _res;
   20770 }
   20772 static PyObject *Qt_SGGetTimeBase(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   20773 {
   20774     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   20775     ComponentResult _rv;
   20776     SeqGrabComponent s;
   20777     TimeBase tb;
   20778 #ifndef SGGetTimeBase
   20779     PyMac_PRECHECK(SGGetTimeBase);
   20780 #endif
   20781     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&",
   20782                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &s))
   20783         return NULL;
   20784     _rv = SGGetTimeBase(s,
   20785                         &tb);
   20786     _res = Py_BuildValue("lO&",
   20787                          _rv,
   20788                          TimeBaseObj_New, tb);
   20789     return _res;
   20790 }
   20792 static PyObject *Qt_SGAddMovieData(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   20793 {
   20794     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   20795     ComponentResult _rv;
   20796     SeqGrabComponent s;
   20797     SGChannel c;
   20798     Ptr p;
   20799     long len;
   20800     long offset;
   20801     long chRefCon;
   20802     TimeValue time;
   20803     short writeType;
   20804 #ifndef SGAddMovieData
   20805     PyMac_PRECHECK(SGAddMovieData);
   20806 #endif
   20807     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&O&slllh",
   20808                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &s,
   20809                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &c,
   20810                           &p,
   20811                           &len,
   20812                           &chRefCon,
   20813                           &time,
   20814                           &writeType))
   20815         return NULL;
   20816     _rv = SGAddMovieData(s,
   20817                          c,
   20818                          p,
   20819                          len,
   20820                          &offset,
   20821                          chRefCon,
   20822                          time,
   20823                          writeType);
   20824     _res = Py_BuildValue("ll",
   20825                          _rv,
   20826                          offset);
   20827     return _res;
   20828 }
   20830 static PyObject *Qt_SGChangedSource(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   20831 {
   20832     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   20833     ComponentResult _rv;
   20834     SeqGrabComponent s;
   20835     SGChannel c;
   20836 #ifndef SGChangedSource
   20837     PyMac_PRECHECK(SGChangedSource);
   20838 #endif
   20839     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&O&",
   20840                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &s,
   20841                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &c))
   20842         return NULL;
   20843     _rv = SGChangedSource(s,
   20844                           c);
   20845     _res = Py_BuildValue("l",
   20846                          _rv);
   20847     return _res;
   20848 }
   20850 static PyObject *Qt_SGAddExtendedMovieData(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   20851 {
   20852     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   20853     ComponentResult _rv;
   20854     SeqGrabComponent s;
   20855     SGChannel c;
   20856     Ptr p;
   20857     long len;
   20858     wide offset;
   20859     long chRefCon;
   20860     TimeValue time;
   20861     short writeType;
   20862     SGOutput whichOutput;
   20863 #ifndef SGAddExtendedMovieData
   20864     PyMac_PRECHECK(SGAddExtendedMovieData);
   20865 #endif
   20866     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&O&slllh",
   20867                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &s,
   20868                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &c,
   20869                           &p,
   20870                           &len,
   20871                           &chRefCon,
   20872                           &time,
   20873                           &writeType))
   20874         return NULL;
   20875     _rv = SGAddExtendedMovieData(s,
   20876                                  c,
   20877                                  p,
   20878                                  len,
   20879                                  &offset,
   20880                                  chRefCon,
   20881                                  time,
   20882                                  writeType,
   20883                                  &whichOutput);
   20884     _res = Py_BuildValue("lO&O&",
   20885                          _rv,
   20886                          PyMac_Buildwide, offset,
   20887                          SGOutputObj_New, whichOutput);
   20888     return _res;
   20889 }
   20891 static PyObject *Qt_SGAddOutputDataRefToMedia(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   20892 {
   20893     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   20894     ComponentResult _rv;
   20895     SeqGrabComponent s;
   20896     SGOutput sgOut;
   20897     Media theMedia;
   20898     SampleDescriptionHandle desc;
   20899 #ifndef SGAddOutputDataRefToMedia
   20900     PyMac_PRECHECK(SGAddOutputDataRefToMedia);
   20901 #endif
   20902     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&O&O&O&",
   20903                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &s,
   20904                           SGOutputObj_Convert, &sgOut,
   20905                           MediaObj_Convert, &theMedia,
   20906                           ResObj_Convert, &desc))
   20907         return NULL;
   20908     _rv = SGAddOutputDataRefToMedia(s,
   20909                                     sgOut,
   20910                                     theMedia,
   20911                                     desc);
   20912     _res = Py_BuildValue("l",
   20913                          _rv);
   20914     return _res;
   20915 }
   20917 static PyObject *Qt_SGSetSettingsSummary(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   20918 {
   20919     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   20920     ComponentResult _rv;
   20921     SeqGrabComponent s;
   20922     Handle summaryText;
   20923 #ifndef SGSetSettingsSummary
   20924     PyMac_PRECHECK(SGSetSettingsSummary);
   20925 #endif
   20926     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&O&",
   20927                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &s,
   20928                           ResObj_Convert, &summaryText))
   20929         return NULL;
   20930     _rv = SGSetSettingsSummary(s,
   20931                                summaryText);
   20932     _res = Py_BuildValue("l",
   20933                          _rv);
   20934     return _res;
   20935 }
   20937 static PyObject *Qt_SGSetChannelUsage(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   20938 {
   20939     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   20940     ComponentResult _rv;
   20941     SGChannel c;
   20942     long usage;
   20943 #ifndef SGSetChannelUsage
   20944     PyMac_PRECHECK(SGSetChannelUsage);
   20945 #endif
   20946     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&l",
   20947                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &c,
   20948                           &usage))
   20949         return NULL;
   20950     _rv = SGSetChannelUsage(c,
   20951                             usage);
   20952     _res = Py_BuildValue("l",
   20953                          _rv);
   20954     return _res;
   20955 }
   20957 static PyObject *Qt_SGGetChannelUsage(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   20958 {
   20959     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   20960     ComponentResult _rv;
   20961     SGChannel c;
   20962     long usage;
   20963 #ifndef SGGetChannelUsage
   20964     PyMac_PRECHECK(SGGetChannelUsage);
   20965 #endif
   20966     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&",
   20967                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &c))
   20968         return NULL;
   20969     _rv = SGGetChannelUsage(c,
   20970                             &usage);
   20971     _res = Py_BuildValue("ll",
   20972                          _rv,
   20973                          usage);
   20974     return _res;
   20975 }
   20977 static PyObject *Qt_SGSetChannelBounds(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   20978 {
   20979     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   20980     ComponentResult _rv;
   20981     SGChannel c;
   20982     Rect bounds;
   20983 #ifndef SGSetChannelBounds
   20984     PyMac_PRECHECK(SGSetChannelBounds);
   20985 #endif
   20986     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&O&",
   20987                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &c,
   20988                           PyMac_GetRect, &bounds))
   20989         return NULL;
   20990     _rv = SGSetChannelBounds(c,
   20991                              &bounds);
   20992     _res = Py_BuildValue("l",
   20993                          _rv);
   20994     return _res;
   20995 }
   20997 static PyObject *Qt_SGGetChannelBounds(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   20998 {
   20999     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   21000     ComponentResult _rv;
   21001     SGChannel c;
   21002     Rect bounds;
   21003 #ifndef SGGetChannelBounds
   21004     PyMac_PRECHECK(SGGetChannelBounds);
   21005 #endif
   21006     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&",
   21007                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &c))
   21008         return NULL;
   21009     _rv = SGGetChannelBounds(c,
   21010                              &bounds);
   21011     _res = Py_BuildValue("lO&",
   21012                          _rv,
   21013                          PyMac_BuildRect, &bounds);
   21014     return _res;
   21015 }
   21017 static PyObject *Qt_SGSetChannelVolume(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   21018 {
   21019     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   21020     ComponentResult _rv;
   21021     SGChannel c;
   21022     short volume;
   21023 #ifndef SGSetChannelVolume
   21024     PyMac_PRECHECK(SGSetChannelVolume);
   21025 #endif
   21026     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&h",
   21027                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &c,
   21028                           &volume))
   21029         return NULL;
   21030     _rv = SGSetChannelVolume(c,
   21031                              volume);
   21032     _res = Py_BuildValue("l",
   21033                          _rv);
   21034     return _res;
   21035 }
   21037 static PyObject *Qt_SGGetChannelVolume(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   21038 {
   21039     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   21040     ComponentResult _rv;
   21041     SGChannel c;
   21042     short volume;
   21043 #ifndef SGGetChannelVolume
   21044     PyMac_PRECHECK(SGGetChannelVolume);
   21045 #endif
   21046     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&",
   21047                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &c))
   21048         return NULL;
   21049     _rv = SGGetChannelVolume(c,
   21050                              &volume);
   21051     _res = Py_BuildValue("lh",
   21052                          _rv,
   21053                          volume);
   21054     return _res;
   21055 }
   21057 static PyObject *Qt_SGGetChannelInfo(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   21058 {
   21059     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   21060     ComponentResult _rv;
   21061     SGChannel c;
   21062     long channelInfo;
   21063 #ifndef SGGetChannelInfo
   21064     PyMac_PRECHECK(SGGetChannelInfo);
   21065 #endif
   21066     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&",
   21067                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &c))
   21068         return NULL;
   21069     _rv = SGGetChannelInfo(c,
   21070                            &channelInfo);
   21071     _res = Py_BuildValue("ll",
   21072                          _rv,
   21073                          channelInfo);
   21074     return _res;
   21075 }
   21077 static PyObject *Qt_SGSetChannelPlayFlags(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   21078 {
   21079     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   21080     ComponentResult _rv;
   21081     SGChannel c;
   21082     long playFlags;
   21083 #ifndef SGSetChannelPlayFlags
   21084     PyMac_PRECHECK(SGSetChannelPlayFlags);
   21085 #endif
   21086     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&l",
   21087                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &c,
   21088                           &playFlags))
   21089         return NULL;
   21090     _rv = SGSetChannelPlayFlags(c,
   21091                                 playFlags);
   21092     _res = Py_BuildValue("l",
   21093                          _rv);
   21094     return _res;
   21095 }
   21097 static PyObject *Qt_SGGetChannelPlayFlags(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   21098 {
   21099     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   21100     ComponentResult _rv;
   21101     SGChannel c;
   21102     long playFlags;
   21103 #ifndef SGGetChannelPlayFlags
   21104     PyMac_PRECHECK(SGGetChannelPlayFlags);
   21105 #endif
   21106     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&",
   21107                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &c))
   21108         return NULL;
   21109     _rv = SGGetChannelPlayFlags(c,
   21110                                 &playFlags);
   21111     _res = Py_BuildValue("ll",
   21112                          _rv,
   21113                          playFlags);
   21114     return _res;
   21115 }
   21117 static PyObject *Qt_SGSetChannelMaxFrames(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   21118 {
   21119     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   21120     ComponentResult _rv;
   21121     SGChannel c;
   21122     long frameCount;
   21123 #ifndef SGSetChannelMaxFrames
   21124     PyMac_PRECHECK(SGSetChannelMaxFrames);
   21125 #endif
   21126     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&l",
   21127                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &c,
   21128                           &frameCount))
   21129         return NULL;
   21130     _rv = SGSetChannelMaxFrames(c,
   21131                                 frameCount);
   21132     _res = Py_BuildValue("l",
   21133                          _rv);
   21134     return _res;
   21135 }
   21137 static PyObject *Qt_SGGetChannelMaxFrames(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   21138 {
   21139     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   21140     ComponentResult _rv;
   21141     SGChannel c;
   21142     long frameCount;
   21143 #ifndef SGGetChannelMaxFrames
   21144     PyMac_PRECHECK(SGGetChannelMaxFrames);
   21145 #endif
   21146     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&",
   21147                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &c))
   21148         return NULL;
   21149     _rv = SGGetChannelMaxFrames(c,
   21150                                 &frameCount);
   21151     _res = Py_BuildValue("ll",
   21152                          _rv,
   21153                          frameCount);
   21154     return _res;
   21155 }
   21157 static PyObject *Qt_SGSetChannelRefCon(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   21158 {
   21159     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   21160     ComponentResult _rv;
   21161     SGChannel c;
   21162     long refCon;
   21163 #ifndef SGSetChannelRefCon
   21164     PyMac_PRECHECK(SGSetChannelRefCon);
   21165 #endif
   21166     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&l",
   21167                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &c,
   21168                           &refCon))
   21169         return NULL;
   21170     _rv = SGSetChannelRefCon(c,
   21171                              refCon);
   21172     _res = Py_BuildValue("l",
   21173                          _rv);
   21174     return _res;
   21175 }
   21177 static PyObject *Qt_SGSetChannelClip(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   21178 {
   21179     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   21180     ComponentResult _rv;
   21181     SGChannel c;
   21182     RgnHandle theClip;
   21183 #ifndef SGSetChannelClip
   21184     PyMac_PRECHECK(SGSetChannelClip);
   21185 #endif
   21186     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&O&",
   21187                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &c,
   21188                           ResObj_Convert, &theClip))
   21189         return NULL;
   21190     _rv = SGSetChannelClip(c,
   21191                            theClip);
   21192     _res = Py_BuildValue("l",
   21193                          _rv);
   21194     return _res;
   21195 }
   21197 static PyObject *Qt_SGGetChannelClip(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   21198 {
   21199     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   21200     ComponentResult _rv;
   21201     SGChannel c;
   21202     RgnHandle theClip;
   21203 #ifndef SGGetChannelClip
   21204     PyMac_PRECHECK(SGGetChannelClip);
   21205 #endif
   21206     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&",
   21207                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &c))
   21208         return NULL;
   21209     _rv = SGGetChannelClip(c,
   21210                            &theClip);
   21211     _res = Py_BuildValue("lO&",
   21212                          _rv,
   21213                          ResObj_New, theClip);
   21214     return _res;
   21215 }
   21217 static PyObject *Qt_SGGetChannelSampleDescription(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   21218 {
   21219     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   21220     ComponentResult _rv;
   21221     SGChannel c;
   21222     Handle sampleDesc;
   21223 #ifndef SGGetChannelSampleDescription
   21224     PyMac_PRECHECK(SGGetChannelSampleDescription);
   21225 #endif
   21226     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&O&",
   21227                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &c,
   21228                           ResObj_Convert, &sampleDesc))
   21229         return NULL;
   21230     _rv = SGGetChannelSampleDescription(c,
   21231                                         sampleDesc);
   21232     _res = Py_BuildValue("l",
   21233                          _rv);
   21234     return _res;
   21235 }
   21237 static PyObject *Qt_SGSetChannelDevice(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   21238 {
   21239     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   21240     ComponentResult _rv;
   21241     SGChannel c;
   21242     StringPtr name;
   21243 #ifndef SGSetChannelDevice
   21244     PyMac_PRECHECK(SGSetChannelDevice);
   21245 #endif
   21246     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&s",
   21247                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &c,
   21248                           &name))
   21249         return NULL;
   21250     _rv = SGSetChannelDevice(c,
   21251                              name);
   21252     _res = Py_BuildValue("l",
   21253                          _rv);
   21254     return _res;
   21255 }
   21257 static PyObject *Qt_SGGetChannelTimeScale(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   21258 {
   21259     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   21260     ComponentResult _rv;
   21261     SGChannel c;
   21262     TimeScale scale;
   21263 #ifndef SGGetChannelTimeScale
   21264     PyMac_PRECHECK(SGGetChannelTimeScale);
   21265 #endif
   21266     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&",
   21267                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &c))
   21268         return NULL;
   21269     _rv = SGGetChannelTimeScale(c,
   21270                                 &scale);
   21271     _res = Py_BuildValue("ll",
   21272                          _rv,
   21273                          scale);
   21274     return _res;
   21275 }
   21277 static PyObject *Qt_SGChannelPutPicture(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   21278 {
   21279     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   21280     ComponentResult _rv;
   21281     SGChannel c;
   21282 #ifndef SGChannelPutPicture
   21283     PyMac_PRECHECK(SGChannelPutPicture);
   21284 #endif
   21285     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&",
   21286                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &c))
   21287         return NULL;
   21288     _rv = SGChannelPutPicture(c);
   21289     _res = Py_BuildValue("l",
   21290                          _rv);
   21291     return _res;
   21292 }
   21294 static PyObject *Qt_SGChannelSetRequestedDataRate(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   21295 {
   21296     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   21297     ComponentResult _rv;
   21298     SGChannel c;
   21299     long bytesPerSecond;
   21300 #ifndef SGChannelSetRequestedDataRate
   21301     PyMac_PRECHECK(SGChannelSetRequestedDataRate);
   21302 #endif
   21303     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&l",
   21304                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &c,
   21305                           &bytesPerSecond))
   21306         return NULL;
   21307     _rv = SGChannelSetRequestedDataRate(c,
   21308                                         bytesPerSecond);
   21309     _res = Py_BuildValue("l",
   21310                          _rv);
   21311     return _res;
   21312 }
   21314 static PyObject *Qt_SGChannelGetRequestedDataRate(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   21315 {
   21316     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   21317     ComponentResult _rv;
   21318     SGChannel c;
   21319     long bytesPerSecond;
   21320 #ifndef SGChannelGetRequestedDataRate
   21321     PyMac_PRECHECK(SGChannelGetRequestedDataRate);
   21322 #endif
   21323     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&",
   21324                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &c))
   21325         return NULL;
   21326     _rv = SGChannelGetRequestedDataRate(c,
   21327                                         &bytesPerSecond);
   21328     _res = Py_BuildValue("ll",
   21329                          _rv,
   21330                          bytesPerSecond);
   21331     return _res;
   21332 }
   21334 static PyObject *Qt_SGChannelSetDataSourceName(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   21335 {
   21336     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   21337     ComponentResult _rv;
   21338     SGChannel c;
   21339     Str255 name;
   21340     ScriptCode scriptTag;
   21341 #ifndef SGChannelSetDataSourceName
   21342     PyMac_PRECHECK(SGChannelSetDataSourceName);
   21343 #endif
   21344     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&O&h",
   21345                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &c,
   21346                           PyMac_GetStr255, name,
   21347                           &scriptTag))
   21348         return NULL;
   21349     _rv = SGChannelSetDataSourceName(c,
   21350                                      name,
   21351                                      scriptTag);
   21352     _res = Py_BuildValue("l",
   21353                          _rv);
   21354     return _res;
   21355 }
   21357 static PyObject *Qt_SGChannelGetDataSourceName(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   21358 {
   21359     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   21360     ComponentResult _rv;
   21361     SGChannel c;
   21362     Str255 name;
   21363     ScriptCode scriptTag;
   21364 #ifndef SGChannelGetDataSourceName
   21365     PyMac_PRECHECK(SGChannelGetDataSourceName);
   21366 #endif
   21367     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&O&",
   21368                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &c,
   21369                           PyMac_GetStr255, name))
   21370         return NULL;
   21371     _rv = SGChannelGetDataSourceName(c,
   21372                                      name,
   21373                                      &scriptTag);
   21374     _res = Py_BuildValue("lh",
   21375                          _rv,
   21376                          scriptTag);
   21377     return _res;
   21378 }
   21380 static PyObject *Qt_SGChannelSetCodecSettings(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   21381 {
   21382     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   21383     ComponentResult _rv;
   21384     SGChannel c;
   21385     Handle settings;
   21386 #ifndef SGChannelSetCodecSettings
   21387     PyMac_PRECHECK(SGChannelSetCodecSettings);
   21388 #endif
   21389     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&O&",
   21390                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &c,
   21391                           ResObj_Convert, &settings))
   21392         return NULL;
   21393     _rv = SGChannelSetCodecSettings(c,
   21394                                     settings);
   21395     _res = Py_BuildValue("l",
   21396                          _rv);
   21397     return _res;
   21398 }
   21400 static PyObject *Qt_SGChannelGetCodecSettings(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   21401 {
   21402     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   21403     ComponentResult _rv;
   21404     SGChannel c;
   21405     Handle settings;
   21406 #ifndef SGChannelGetCodecSettings
   21407     PyMac_PRECHECK(SGChannelGetCodecSettings);
   21408 #endif
   21409     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&",
   21410                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &c))
   21411         return NULL;
   21412     _rv = SGChannelGetCodecSettings(c,
   21413                                     &settings);
   21414     _res = Py_BuildValue("lO&",
   21415                          _rv,
   21416                          ResObj_New, settings);
   21417     return _res;
   21418 }
   21420 static PyObject *Qt_SGGetChannelTimeBase(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   21421 {
   21422     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   21423     ComponentResult _rv;
   21424     SGChannel c;
   21425     TimeBase tb;
   21426 #ifndef SGGetChannelTimeBase
   21427     PyMac_PRECHECK(SGGetChannelTimeBase);
   21428 #endif
   21429     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&",
   21430                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &c))
   21431         return NULL;
   21432     _rv = SGGetChannelTimeBase(c,
   21433                                &tb);
   21434     _res = Py_BuildValue("lO&",
   21435                          _rv,
   21436                          TimeBaseObj_New, tb);
   21437     return _res;
   21438 }
   21440 static PyObject *Qt_SGGetChannelRefCon(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   21441 {
   21442     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   21443     ComponentResult _rv;
   21444     SGChannel c;
   21445     long refCon;
   21446 #ifndef SGGetChannelRefCon
   21447     PyMac_PRECHECK(SGGetChannelRefCon);
   21448 #endif
   21449     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&",
   21450                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &c))
   21451         return NULL;
   21452     _rv = SGGetChannelRefCon(c,
   21453                              &refCon);
   21454     _res = Py_BuildValue("ll",
   21455                          _rv,
   21456                          refCon);
   21457     return _res;
   21458 }
   21460 static PyObject *Qt_SGGetChannelDeviceAndInputNames(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   21461 {
   21462     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   21463     ComponentResult _rv;
   21464     SGChannel c;
   21465     Str255 outDeviceName;
   21466     Str255 outInputName;
   21467     short outInputNumber;
   21468 #ifndef SGGetChannelDeviceAndInputNames
   21469     PyMac_PRECHECK(SGGetChannelDeviceAndInputNames);
   21470 #endif
   21471     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&O&O&",
   21472                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &c,
   21473                           PyMac_GetStr255, outDeviceName,
   21474                           PyMac_GetStr255, outInputName))
   21475         return NULL;
   21476     _rv = SGGetChannelDeviceAndInputNames(c,
   21477                                           outDeviceName,
   21478                                           outInputName,
   21479                                           &outInputNumber);
   21480     _res = Py_BuildValue("lh",
   21481                          _rv,
   21482                          outInputNumber);
   21483     return _res;
   21484 }
   21486 static PyObject *Qt_SGSetChannelDeviceInput(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   21487 {
   21488     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   21489     ComponentResult _rv;
   21490     SGChannel c;
   21491     short inInputNumber;
   21492 #ifndef SGSetChannelDeviceInput
   21493     PyMac_PRECHECK(SGSetChannelDeviceInput);
   21494 #endif
   21495     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&h",
   21496                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &c,
   21497                           &inInputNumber))
   21498         return NULL;
   21499     _rv = SGSetChannelDeviceInput(c,
   21500                                   inInputNumber);
   21501     _res = Py_BuildValue("l",
   21502                          _rv);
   21503     return _res;
   21504 }
   21506 static PyObject *Qt_SGSetChannelSettingsStateChanging(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   21507 {
   21508     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   21509     ComponentResult _rv;
   21510     SGChannel c;
   21511     UInt32 inFlags;
   21512 #ifndef SGSetChannelSettingsStateChanging
   21513     PyMac_PRECHECK(SGSetChannelSettingsStateChanging);
   21514 #endif
   21515     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&l",
   21516                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &c,
   21517                           &inFlags))
   21518         return NULL;
   21519     _rv = SGSetChannelSettingsStateChanging(c,
   21520                                             inFlags);
   21521     _res = Py_BuildValue("l",
   21522                          _rv);
   21523     return _res;
   21524 }
   21526 static PyObject *Qt_SGInitChannel(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   21527 {
   21528     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   21529     ComponentResult _rv;
   21530     SGChannel c;
   21531     SeqGrabComponent owner;
   21532 #ifndef SGInitChannel
   21533     PyMac_PRECHECK(SGInitChannel);
   21534 #endif
   21535     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&O&",
   21536                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &c,
   21537                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &owner))
   21538         return NULL;
   21539     _rv = SGInitChannel(c,
   21540                         owner);
   21541     _res = Py_BuildValue("l",
   21542                          _rv);
   21543     return _res;
   21544 }
   21546 static PyObject *Qt_SGWriteSamples(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   21547 {
   21548     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   21549     ComponentResult _rv;
   21550     SGChannel c;
   21551     Movie m;
   21552     AliasHandle theFile;
   21553 #ifndef SGWriteSamples
   21554     PyMac_PRECHECK(SGWriteSamples);
   21555 #endif
   21556     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&O&O&",
   21557                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &c,
   21558                           MovieObj_Convert, &m,
   21559                           ResObj_Convert, &theFile))
   21560         return NULL;
   21561     _rv = SGWriteSamples(c,
   21562                          m,
   21563                          theFile);
   21564     _res = Py_BuildValue("l",
   21565                          _rv);
   21566     return _res;
   21567 }
   21569 static PyObject *Qt_SGGetDataRate(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   21570 {
   21571     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   21572     ComponentResult _rv;
   21573     SGChannel c;
   21574     long bytesPerSecond;
   21575 #ifndef SGGetDataRate
   21576     PyMac_PRECHECK(SGGetDataRate);
   21577 #endif
   21578     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&",
   21579                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &c))
   21580         return NULL;
   21581     _rv = SGGetDataRate(c,
   21582                         &bytesPerSecond);
   21583     _res = Py_BuildValue("ll",
   21584                          _rv,
   21585                          bytesPerSecond);
   21586     return _res;
   21587 }
   21589 static PyObject *Qt_SGAlignChannelRect(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   21590 {
   21591     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   21592     ComponentResult _rv;
   21593     SGChannel c;
   21594     Rect r;
   21595 #ifndef SGAlignChannelRect
   21596     PyMac_PRECHECK(SGAlignChannelRect);
   21597 #endif
   21598     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&",
   21599                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &c))
   21600         return NULL;
   21601     _rv = SGAlignChannelRect(c,
   21602                              &r);
   21603     _res = Py_BuildValue("lO&",
   21604                          _rv,
   21605                          PyMac_BuildRect, &r);
   21606     return _res;
   21607 }
   21609 static PyObject *Qt_SGPanelGetDitl(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   21610 {
   21611     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   21612     ComponentResult _rv;
   21613     SeqGrabComponent s;
   21614     Handle ditl;
   21615 #ifndef SGPanelGetDitl
   21616     PyMac_PRECHECK(SGPanelGetDitl);
   21617 #endif
   21618     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&",
   21619                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &s))
   21620         return NULL;
   21621     _rv = SGPanelGetDitl(s,
   21622                          &ditl);
   21623     _res = Py_BuildValue("lO&",
   21624                          _rv,
   21625                          ResObj_New, ditl);
   21626     return _res;
   21627 }
   21629 static PyObject *Qt_SGPanelGetTitle(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   21630 {
   21631     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   21632     ComponentResult _rv;
   21633     SeqGrabComponent s;
   21634     Str255 title;
   21635 #ifndef SGPanelGetTitle
   21636     PyMac_PRECHECK(SGPanelGetTitle);
   21637 #endif
   21638     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&O&",
   21639                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &s,
   21640                           PyMac_GetStr255, title))
   21641         return NULL;
   21642     _rv = SGPanelGetTitle(s,
   21643                           title);
   21644     _res = Py_BuildValue("l",
   21645                          _rv);
   21646     return _res;
   21647 }
   21649 static PyObject *Qt_SGPanelCanRun(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   21650 {
   21651     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   21652     ComponentResult _rv;
   21653     SeqGrabComponent s;
   21654     SGChannel c;
   21655 #ifndef SGPanelCanRun
   21656     PyMac_PRECHECK(SGPanelCanRun);
   21657 #endif
   21658     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&O&",
   21659                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &s,
   21660                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &c))
   21661         return NULL;
   21662     _rv = SGPanelCanRun(s,
   21663                         c);
   21664     _res = Py_BuildValue("l",
   21665                          _rv);
   21666     return _res;
   21667 }
   21669 static PyObject *Qt_SGPanelInstall(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   21670 {
   21671     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   21672     ComponentResult _rv;
   21673     SeqGrabComponent s;
   21674     SGChannel c;
   21675     DialogPtr d;
   21676     short itemOffset;
   21677 #ifndef SGPanelInstall
   21678     PyMac_PRECHECK(SGPanelInstall);
   21679 #endif
   21680     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&O&O&h",
   21681                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &s,
   21682                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &c,
   21683                           DlgObj_Convert, &d,
   21684                           &itemOffset))
   21685         return NULL;
   21686     _rv = SGPanelInstall(s,
   21687                          c,
   21688                          d,
   21689                          itemOffset);
   21690     _res = Py_BuildValue("l",
   21691                          _rv);
   21692     return _res;
   21693 }
   21695 static PyObject *Qt_SGPanelEvent(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   21696 {
   21697     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   21698     ComponentResult _rv;
   21699     SeqGrabComponent s;
   21700     SGChannel c;
   21701     DialogPtr d;
   21702     short itemOffset;
   21703     EventRecord theEvent;
   21704     short itemHit;
   21705     Boolean handled;
   21706 #ifndef SGPanelEvent
   21707     PyMac_PRECHECK(SGPanelEvent);
   21708 #endif
   21709     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&O&O&hO&",
   21710                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &s,
   21711                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &c,
   21712                           DlgObj_Convert, &d,
   21713                           &itemOffset,
   21714                           PyMac_GetEventRecord, &theEvent))
   21715         return NULL;
   21716     _rv = SGPanelEvent(s,
   21717                        c,
   21718                        d,
   21719                        itemOffset,
   21720                        &theEvent,
   21721                        &itemHit,
   21722                        &handled);
   21723     _res = Py_BuildValue("lhb",
   21724                          _rv,
   21725                          itemHit,
   21726                          handled);
   21727     return _res;
   21728 }
   21730 static PyObject *Qt_SGPanelItem(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   21731 {
   21732     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   21733     ComponentResult _rv;
   21734     SeqGrabComponent s;
   21735     SGChannel c;
   21736     DialogPtr d;
   21737     short itemOffset;
   21738     short itemNum;
   21739 #ifndef SGPanelItem
   21740     PyMac_PRECHECK(SGPanelItem);
   21741 #endif
   21742     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&O&O&hh",
   21743                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &s,
   21744                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &c,
   21745                           DlgObj_Convert, &d,
   21746                           &itemOffset,
   21747                           &itemNum))
   21748         return NULL;
   21749     _rv = SGPanelItem(s,
   21750                       c,
   21751                       d,
   21752                       itemOffset,
   21753                       itemNum);
   21754     _res = Py_BuildValue("l",
   21755                          _rv);
   21756     return _res;
   21757 }
   21759 static PyObject *Qt_SGPanelRemove(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   21760 {
   21761     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   21762     ComponentResult _rv;
   21763     SeqGrabComponent s;
   21764     SGChannel c;
   21765     DialogPtr d;
   21766     short itemOffset;
   21767 #ifndef SGPanelRemove
   21768     PyMac_PRECHECK(SGPanelRemove);
   21769 #endif
   21770     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&O&O&h",
   21771                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &s,
   21772                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &c,
   21773                           DlgObj_Convert, &d,
   21774                           &itemOffset))
   21775         return NULL;
   21776     _rv = SGPanelRemove(s,
   21777                         c,
   21778                         d,
   21779                         itemOffset);
   21780     _res = Py_BuildValue("l",
   21781                          _rv);
   21782     return _res;
   21783 }
   21785 static PyObject *Qt_SGPanelSetGrabber(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   21786 {
   21787     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   21788     ComponentResult _rv;
   21789     SeqGrabComponent s;
   21790     SeqGrabComponent sg;
   21791 #ifndef SGPanelSetGrabber
   21792     PyMac_PRECHECK(SGPanelSetGrabber);
   21793 #endif
   21794     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&O&",
   21795                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &s,
   21796                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &sg))
   21797         return NULL;
   21798     _rv = SGPanelSetGrabber(s,
   21799                             sg);
   21800     _res = Py_BuildValue("l",
   21801                          _rv);
   21802     return _res;
   21803 }
   21805 static PyObject *Qt_SGPanelSetResFile(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   21806 {
   21807     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   21808     ComponentResult _rv;
   21809     SeqGrabComponent s;
   21810     short resRef;
   21811 #ifndef SGPanelSetResFile
   21812     PyMac_PRECHECK(SGPanelSetResFile);
   21813 #endif
   21814     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&h",
   21815                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &s,
   21816                           &resRef))
   21817         return NULL;
   21818     _rv = SGPanelSetResFile(s,
   21819                             resRef);
   21820     _res = Py_BuildValue("l",
   21821                          _rv);
   21822     return _res;
   21823 }
   21825 static PyObject *Qt_SGPanelGetSettings(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   21826 {
   21827     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   21828     ComponentResult _rv;
   21829     SeqGrabComponent s;
   21830     SGChannel c;
   21831     UserData ud;
   21832     long flags;
   21833 #ifndef SGPanelGetSettings
   21834     PyMac_PRECHECK(SGPanelGetSettings);
   21835 #endif
   21836     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&O&l",
   21837                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &s,
   21838                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &c,
   21839                           &flags))
   21840         return NULL;
   21841     _rv = SGPanelGetSettings(s,
   21842                              c,
   21843                              &ud,
   21844                              flags);
   21845     _res = Py_BuildValue("lO&",
   21846                          _rv,
   21847                          UserDataObj_New, ud);
   21848     return _res;
   21849 }
   21851 static PyObject *Qt_SGPanelSetSettings(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   21852 {
   21853     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   21854     ComponentResult _rv;
   21855     SeqGrabComponent s;
   21856     SGChannel c;
   21857     UserData ud;
   21858     long flags;
   21859 #ifndef SGPanelSetSettings
   21860     PyMac_PRECHECK(SGPanelSetSettings);
   21861 #endif
   21862     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&O&O&l",
   21863                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &s,
   21864                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &c,
   21865                           UserDataObj_Convert, &ud,
   21866                           &flags))
   21867         return NULL;
   21868     _rv = SGPanelSetSettings(s,
   21869                              c,
   21870                              ud,
   21871                              flags);
   21872     _res = Py_BuildValue("l",
   21873                          _rv);
   21874     return _res;
   21875 }
   21877 static PyObject *Qt_SGPanelValidateInput(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   21878 {
   21879     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   21880     ComponentResult _rv;
   21881     SeqGrabComponent s;
   21882     Boolean ok;
   21883 #ifndef SGPanelValidateInput
   21884     PyMac_PRECHECK(SGPanelValidateInput);
   21885 #endif
   21886     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&",
   21887                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &s))
   21888         return NULL;
   21889     _rv = SGPanelValidateInput(s,
   21890                                &ok);
   21891     _res = Py_BuildValue("lb",
   21892                          _rv,
   21893                          ok);
   21894     return _res;
   21895 }
   21897 static PyObject *Qt_SGPanelGetDITLForSize(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   21898 {
   21899     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   21900     ComponentResult _rv;
   21901     SeqGrabComponent s;
   21902     Handle ditl;
   21903     Point requestedSize;
   21904 #ifndef SGPanelGetDITLForSize
   21905     PyMac_PRECHECK(SGPanelGetDITLForSize);
   21906 #endif
   21907     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&",
   21908                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &s))
   21909         return NULL;
   21910     _rv = SGPanelGetDITLForSize(s,
   21911                                 &ditl,
   21912                                 &requestedSize);
   21913     _res = Py_BuildValue("lO&O&",
   21914                          _rv,
   21915                          ResObj_New, ditl,
   21916                          PyMac_BuildPoint, requestedSize);
   21917     return _res;
   21918 }
   21920 static PyObject *Qt_SGGetSrcVideoBounds(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   21921 {
   21922     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   21923     ComponentResult _rv;
   21924     SGChannel c;
   21925     Rect r;
   21926 #ifndef SGGetSrcVideoBounds
   21927     PyMac_PRECHECK(SGGetSrcVideoBounds);
   21928 #endif
   21929     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&",
   21930                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &c))
   21931         return NULL;
   21932     _rv = SGGetSrcVideoBounds(c,
   21933                               &r);
   21934     _res = Py_BuildValue("lO&",
   21935                          _rv,
   21936                          PyMac_BuildRect, &r);
   21937     return _res;
   21938 }
   21940 static PyObject *Qt_SGSetVideoRect(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   21941 {
   21942     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   21943     ComponentResult _rv;
   21944     SGChannel c;
   21945     Rect r;
   21946 #ifndef SGSetVideoRect
   21947     PyMac_PRECHECK(SGSetVideoRect);
   21948 #endif
   21949     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&O&",
   21950                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &c,
   21951                           PyMac_GetRect, &r))
   21952         return NULL;
   21953     _rv = SGSetVideoRect(c,
   21954                          &r);
   21955     _res = Py_BuildValue("l",
   21956                          _rv);
   21957     return _res;
   21958 }
   21960 static PyObject *Qt_SGGetVideoRect(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   21961 {
   21962     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   21963     ComponentResult _rv;
   21964     SGChannel c;
   21965     Rect r;
   21966 #ifndef SGGetVideoRect
   21967     PyMac_PRECHECK(SGGetVideoRect);
   21968 #endif
   21969     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&",
   21970                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &c))
   21971         return NULL;
   21972     _rv = SGGetVideoRect(c,
   21973                          &r);
   21974     _res = Py_BuildValue("lO&",
   21975                          _rv,
   21976                          PyMac_BuildRect, &r);
   21977     return _res;
   21978 }
   21980 static PyObject *Qt_SGGetVideoCompressorType(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   21981 {
   21982     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   21983     ComponentResult _rv;
   21984     SGChannel c;
   21985     OSType compressorType;
   21986 #ifndef SGGetVideoCompressorType
   21987     PyMac_PRECHECK(SGGetVideoCompressorType);
   21988 #endif
   21989     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&",
   21990                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &c))
   21991         return NULL;
   21992     _rv = SGGetVideoCompressorType(c,
   21993                                    &compressorType);
   21994     _res = Py_BuildValue("lO&",
   21995                          _rv,
   21996                          PyMac_BuildOSType, compressorType);
   21997     return _res;
   21998 }
   22000 static PyObject *Qt_SGSetVideoCompressorType(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   22001 {
   22002     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   22003     ComponentResult _rv;
   22004     SGChannel c;
   22005     OSType compressorType;
   22006 #ifndef SGSetVideoCompressorType
   22007     PyMac_PRECHECK(SGSetVideoCompressorType);
   22008 #endif
   22009     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&O&",
   22010                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &c,
   22011                           PyMac_GetOSType, &compressorType))
   22012         return NULL;
   22013     _rv = SGSetVideoCompressorType(c,
   22014                                    compressorType);
   22015     _res = Py_BuildValue("l",
   22016                          _rv);
   22017     return _res;
   22018 }
   22020 static PyObject *Qt_SGSetVideoCompressor(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   22021 {
   22022     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   22023     ComponentResult _rv;
   22024     SGChannel c;
   22025     short depth;
   22026     CompressorComponent compressor;
   22027     CodecQ spatialQuality;
   22028     CodecQ temporalQuality;
   22029     long keyFrameRate;
   22030 #ifndef SGSetVideoCompressor
   22031     PyMac_PRECHECK(SGSetVideoCompressor);
   22032 #endif
   22033     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&hO&lll",
   22034                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &c,
   22035                           &depth,
   22036                           CmpObj_Convert, &compressor,
   22037                           &spatialQuality,
   22038                           &temporalQuality,
   22039                           &keyFrameRate))
   22040         return NULL;
   22041     _rv = SGSetVideoCompressor(c,
   22042                                depth,
   22043                                compressor,
   22044                                spatialQuality,
   22045                                temporalQuality,
   22046                                keyFrameRate);
   22047     _res = Py_BuildValue("l",
   22048                          _rv);
   22049     return _res;
   22050 }
   22052 static PyObject *Qt_SGGetVideoCompressor(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   22053 {
   22054     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   22055     ComponentResult _rv;
   22056     SGChannel c;
   22057     short depth;
   22058     CompressorComponent compressor;
   22059     CodecQ spatialQuality;
   22060     CodecQ temporalQuality;
   22061     long keyFrameRate;
   22062 #ifndef SGGetVideoCompressor
   22063     PyMac_PRECHECK(SGGetVideoCompressor);
   22064 #endif
   22065     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&",
   22066                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &c))
   22067         return NULL;
   22068     _rv = SGGetVideoCompressor(c,
   22069                                &depth,
   22070                                &compressor,
   22071                                &spatialQuality,
   22072                                &temporalQuality,
   22073                                &keyFrameRate);
   22074     _res = Py_BuildValue("lhO&lll",
   22075                          _rv,
   22076                          depth,
   22077                          CmpObj_New, compressor,
   22078                          spatialQuality,
   22079                          temporalQuality,
   22080                          keyFrameRate);
   22081     return _res;
   22082 }
   22084 static PyObject *Qt_SGGetVideoDigitizerComponent(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   22085 {
   22086     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   22087     ComponentInstance _rv;
   22088     SGChannel c;
   22089 #ifndef SGGetVideoDigitizerComponent
   22090     PyMac_PRECHECK(SGGetVideoDigitizerComponent);
   22091 #endif
   22092     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&",
   22093                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &c))
   22094         return NULL;
   22095     _rv = SGGetVideoDigitizerComponent(c);
   22096     _res = Py_BuildValue("O&",
   22097                          CmpInstObj_New, _rv);
   22098     return _res;
   22099 }
   22101 static PyObject *Qt_SGSetVideoDigitizerComponent(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   22102 {
   22103     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   22104     ComponentResult _rv;
   22105     SGChannel c;
   22106     ComponentInstance vdig;
   22107 #ifndef SGSetVideoDigitizerComponent
   22108     PyMac_PRECHECK(SGSetVideoDigitizerComponent);
   22109 #endif
   22110     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&O&",
   22111                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &c,
   22112                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &vdig))
   22113         return NULL;
   22114     _rv = SGSetVideoDigitizerComponent(c,
   22115                                        vdig);
   22116     _res = Py_BuildValue("l",
   22117                          _rv);
   22118     return _res;
   22119 }
   22121 static PyObject *Qt_SGVideoDigitizerChanged(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   22122 {
   22123     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   22124     ComponentResult _rv;
   22125     SGChannel c;
   22126 #ifndef SGVideoDigitizerChanged
   22127     PyMac_PRECHECK(SGVideoDigitizerChanged);
   22128 #endif
   22129     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&",
   22130                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &c))
   22131         return NULL;
   22132     _rv = SGVideoDigitizerChanged(c);
   22133     _res = Py_BuildValue("l",
   22134                          _rv);
   22135     return _res;
   22136 }
   22138 static PyObject *Qt_SGGrabFrame(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   22139 {
   22140     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   22141     ComponentResult _rv;
   22142     SGChannel c;
   22143     short bufferNum;
   22144 #ifndef SGGrabFrame
   22145     PyMac_PRECHECK(SGGrabFrame);
   22146 #endif
   22147     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&h",
   22148                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &c,
   22149                           &bufferNum))
   22150         return NULL;
   22151     _rv = SGGrabFrame(c,
   22152                       bufferNum);
   22153     _res = Py_BuildValue("l",
   22154                          _rv);
   22155     return _res;
   22156 }
   22158 static PyObject *Qt_SGGrabFrameComplete(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   22159 {
   22160     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   22161     ComponentResult _rv;
   22162     SGChannel c;
   22163     short bufferNum;
   22164     Boolean done;
   22165 #ifndef SGGrabFrameComplete
   22166     PyMac_PRECHECK(SGGrabFrameComplete);
   22167 #endif
   22168     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&h",
   22169                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &c,
   22170                           &bufferNum))
   22171         return NULL;
   22172     _rv = SGGrabFrameComplete(c,
   22173                               bufferNum,
   22174                               &done);
   22175     _res = Py_BuildValue("lb",
   22176                          _rv,
   22177                          done);
   22178     return _res;
   22179 }
   22181 static PyObject *Qt_SGCompressFrame(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   22182 {
   22183     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   22184     ComponentResult _rv;
   22185     SGChannel c;
   22186     short bufferNum;
   22187 #ifndef SGCompressFrame
   22188     PyMac_PRECHECK(SGCompressFrame);
   22189 #endif
   22190     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&h",
   22191                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &c,
   22192                           &bufferNum))
   22193         return NULL;
   22194     _rv = SGCompressFrame(c,
   22195                           bufferNum);
   22196     _res = Py_BuildValue("l",
   22197                          _rv);
   22198     return _res;
   22199 }
   22201 static PyObject *Qt_SGSetCompressBuffer(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   22202 {
   22203     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   22204     ComponentResult _rv;
   22205     SGChannel c;
   22206     short depth;
   22207     Rect compressSize;
   22208 #ifndef SGSetCompressBuffer
   22209     PyMac_PRECHECK(SGSetCompressBuffer);
   22210 #endif
   22211     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&hO&",
   22212                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &c,
   22213                           &depth,
   22214                           PyMac_GetRect, &compressSize))
   22215         return NULL;
   22216     _rv = SGSetCompressBuffer(c,
   22217                               depth,
   22218                               &compressSize);
   22219     _res = Py_BuildValue("l",
   22220                          _rv);
   22221     return _res;
   22222 }
   22224 static PyObject *Qt_SGGetCompressBuffer(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   22225 {
   22226     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   22227     ComponentResult _rv;
   22228     SGChannel c;
   22229     short depth;
   22230     Rect compressSize;
   22231 #ifndef SGGetCompressBuffer
   22232     PyMac_PRECHECK(SGGetCompressBuffer);
   22233 #endif
   22234     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&",
   22235                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &c))
   22236         return NULL;
   22237     _rv = SGGetCompressBuffer(c,
   22238                               &depth,
   22239                               &compressSize);
   22240     _res = Py_BuildValue("lhO&",
   22241                          _rv,
   22242                          depth,
   22243                          PyMac_BuildRect, &compressSize);
   22244     return _res;
   22245 }
   22247 static PyObject *Qt_SGGetBufferInfo(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   22248 {
   22249     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   22250     ComponentResult _rv;
   22251     SGChannel c;
   22252     short bufferNum;
   22253     PixMapHandle bufferPM;
   22254     Rect bufferRect;
   22255     GWorldPtr compressBuffer;
   22256     Rect compressBufferRect;
   22257 #ifndef SGGetBufferInfo
   22258     PyMac_PRECHECK(SGGetBufferInfo);
   22259 #endif
   22260     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&h",
   22261                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &c,
   22262                           &bufferNum))
   22263         return NULL;
   22264     _rv = SGGetBufferInfo(c,
   22265                           bufferNum,
   22266                           &bufferPM,
   22267                           &bufferRect,
   22268                           &compressBuffer,
   22269                           &compressBufferRect);
   22270     _res = Py_BuildValue("lO&O&O&O&",
   22271                          _rv,
   22272                          ResObj_New, bufferPM,
   22273                          PyMac_BuildRect, &bufferRect,
   22274                          GWorldObj_New, compressBuffer,
   22275                          PyMac_BuildRect, &compressBufferRect);
   22276     return _res;
   22277 }
   22279 static PyObject *Qt_SGSetUseScreenBuffer(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   22280 {
   22281     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   22282     ComponentResult _rv;
   22283     SGChannel c;
   22284     Boolean useScreenBuffer;
   22285 #ifndef SGSetUseScreenBuffer
   22286     PyMac_PRECHECK(SGSetUseScreenBuffer);
   22287 #endif
   22288     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&b",
   22289                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &c,
   22290                           &useScreenBuffer))
   22291         return NULL;
   22292     _rv = SGSetUseScreenBuffer(c,
   22293                                useScreenBuffer);
   22294     _res = Py_BuildValue("l",
   22295                          _rv);
   22296     return _res;
   22297 }
   22299 static PyObject *Qt_SGGetUseScreenBuffer(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   22300 {
   22301     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   22302     ComponentResult _rv;
   22303     SGChannel c;
   22304     Boolean useScreenBuffer;
   22305 #ifndef SGGetUseScreenBuffer
   22306     PyMac_PRECHECK(SGGetUseScreenBuffer);
   22307 #endif
   22308     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&",
   22309                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &c))
   22310         return NULL;
   22311     _rv = SGGetUseScreenBuffer(c,
   22312                                &useScreenBuffer);
   22313     _res = Py_BuildValue("lb",
   22314                          _rv,
   22315                          useScreenBuffer);
   22316     return _res;
   22317 }
   22319 static PyObject *Qt_SGSetFrameRate(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   22320 {
   22321     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   22322     ComponentResult _rv;
   22323     SGChannel c;
   22324     Fixed frameRate;
   22325 #ifndef SGSetFrameRate
   22326     PyMac_PRECHECK(SGSetFrameRate);
   22327 #endif
   22328     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&O&",
   22329                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &c,
   22330                           PyMac_GetFixed, &frameRate))
   22331         return NULL;
   22332     _rv = SGSetFrameRate(c,
   22333                          frameRate);
   22334     _res = Py_BuildValue("l",
   22335                          _rv);
   22336     return _res;
   22337 }
   22339 static PyObject *Qt_SGGetFrameRate(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   22340 {
   22341     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   22342     ComponentResult _rv;
   22343     SGChannel c;
   22344     Fixed frameRate;
   22345 #ifndef SGGetFrameRate
   22346     PyMac_PRECHECK(SGGetFrameRate);
   22347 #endif
   22348     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&",
   22349                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &c))
   22350         return NULL;
   22351     _rv = SGGetFrameRate(c,
   22352                          &frameRate);
   22353     _res = Py_BuildValue("lO&",
   22354                          _rv,
   22355                          PyMac_BuildFixed, frameRate);
   22356     return _res;
   22357 }
   22359 static PyObject *Qt_SGSetPreferredPacketSize(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   22360 {
   22361     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   22362     ComponentResult _rv;
   22363     SGChannel c;
   22364     long preferredPacketSizeInBytes;
   22365 #ifndef SGSetPreferredPacketSize
   22366     PyMac_PRECHECK(SGSetPreferredPacketSize);
   22367 #endif
   22368     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&l",
   22369                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &c,
   22370                           &preferredPacketSizeInBytes))
   22371         return NULL;
   22372     _rv = SGSetPreferredPacketSize(c,
   22373                                    preferredPacketSizeInBytes);
   22374     _res = Py_BuildValue("l",
   22375                          _rv);
   22376     return _res;
   22377 }
   22379 static PyObject *Qt_SGGetPreferredPacketSize(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   22380 {
   22381     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   22382     ComponentResult _rv;
   22383     SGChannel c;
   22384     long preferredPacketSizeInBytes;
   22385 #ifndef SGGetPreferredPacketSize
   22386     PyMac_PRECHECK(SGGetPreferredPacketSize);
   22387 #endif
   22388     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&",
   22389                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &c))
   22390         return NULL;
   22391     _rv = SGGetPreferredPacketSize(c,
   22392                                    &preferredPacketSizeInBytes);
   22393     _res = Py_BuildValue("ll",
   22394                          _rv,
   22395                          preferredPacketSizeInBytes);
   22396     return _res;
   22397 }
   22399 static PyObject *Qt_SGSetUserVideoCompressorList(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   22400 {
   22401     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   22402     ComponentResult _rv;
   22403     SGChannel c;
   22404     Handle compressorTypes;
   22405 #ifndef SGSetUserVideoCompressorList
   22406     PyMac_PRECHECK(SGSetUserVideoCompressorList);
   22407 #endif
   22408     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&O&",
   22409                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &c,
   22410                           ResObj_Convert, &compressorTypes))
   22411         return NULL;
   22412     _rv = SGSetUserVideoCompressorList(c,
   22413                                        compressorTypes);
   22414     _res = Py_BuildValue("l",
   22415                          _rv);
   22416     return _res;
   22417 }
   22419 static PyObject *Qt_SGGetUserVideoCompressorList(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   22420 {
   22421     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   22422     ComponentResult _rv;
   22423     SGChannel c;
   22424     Handle compressorTypes;
   22425 #ifndef SGGetUserVideoCompressorList
   22426     PyMac_PRECHECK(SGGetUserVideoCompressorList);
   22427 #endif
   22428     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&",
   22429                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &c))
   22430         return NULL;
   22431     _rv = SGGetUserVideoCompressorList(c,
   22432                                        &compressorTypes);
   22433     _res = Py_BuildValue("lO&",
   22434                          _rv,
   22435                          ResObj_New, compressorTypes);
   22436     return _res;
   22437 }
   22439 static PyObject *Qt_SGSetSoundInputDriver(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   22440 {
   22441     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   22442     ComponentResult _rv;
   22443     SGChannel c;
   22444     Str255 driverName;
   22445 #ifndef SGSetSoundInputDriver
   22446     PyMac_PRECHECK(SGSetSoundInputDriver);
   22447 #endif
   22448     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&O&",
   22449                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &c,
   22450                           PyMac_GetStr255, driverName))
   22451         return NULL;
   22452     _rv = SGSetSoundInputDriver(c,
   22453                                 driverName);
   22454     _res = Py_BuildValue("l",
   22455                          _rv);
   22456     return _res;
   22457 }
   22459 static PyObject *Qt_SGGetSoundInputDriver(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   22460 {
   22461     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   22462     long _rv;
   22463     SGChannel c;
   22464 #ifndef SGGetSoundInputDriver
   22465     PyMac_PRECHECK(SGGetSoundInputDriver);
   22466 #endif
   22467     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&",
   22468                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &c))
   22469         return NULL;
   22470     _rv = SGGetSoundInputDriver(c);
   22471     _res = Py_BuildValue("l",
   22472                          _rv);
   22473     return _res;
   22474 }
   22476 static PyObject *Qt_SGSoundInputDriverChanged(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   22477 {
   22478     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   22479     ComponentResult _rv;
   22480     SGChannel c;
   22481 #ifndef SGSoundInputDriverChanged
   22482     PyMac_PRECHECK(SGSoundInputDriverChanged);
   22483 #endif
   22484     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&",
   22485                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &c))
   22486         return NULL;
   22487     _rv = SGSoundInputDriverChanged(c);
   22488     _res = Py_BuildValue("l",
   22489                          _rv);
   22490     return _res;
   22491 }
   22493 static PyObject *Qt_SGSetSoundRecordChunkSize(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   22494 {
   22495     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   22496     ComponentResult _rv;
   22497     SGChannel c;
   22498     long seconds;
   22499 #ifndef SGSetSoundRecordChunkSize
   22500     PyMac_PRECHECK(SGSetSoundRecordChunkSize);
   22501 #endif
   22502     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&l",
   22503                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &c,
   22504                           &seconds))
   22505         return NULL;
   22506     _rv = SGSetSoundRecordChunkSize(c,
   22507                                     seconds);
   22508     _res = Py_BuildValue("l",
   22509                          _rv);
   22510     return _res;
   22511 }
   22513 static PyObject *Qt_SGGetSoundRecordChunkSize(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   22514 {
   22515     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   22516     long _rv;
   22517     SGChannel c;
   22518 #ifndef SGGetSoundRecordChunkSize
   22519     PyMac_PRECHECK(SGGetSoundRecordChunkSize);
   22520 #endif
   22521     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&",
   22522                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &c))
   22523         return NULL;
   22524     _rv = SGGetSoundRecordChunkSize(c);
   22525     _res = Py_BuildValue("l",
   22526                          _rv);
   22527     return _res;
   22528 }
   22530 static PyObject *Qt_SGSetSoundInputRate(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   22531 {
   22532     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   22533     ComponentResult _rv;
   22534     SGChannel c;
   22535     Fixed rate;
   22536 #ifndef SGSetSoundInputRate
   22537     PyMac_PRECHECK(SGSetSoundInputRate);
   22538 #endif
   22539     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&O&",
   22540                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &c,
   22541                           PyMac_GetFixed, &rate))
   22542         return NULL;
   22543     _rv = SGSetSoundInputRate(c,
   22544                               rate);
   22545     _res = Py_BuildValue("l",
   22546                          _rv);
   22547     return _res;
   22548 }
   22550 static PyObject *Qt_SGGetSoundInputRate(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   22551 {
   22552     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   22553     Fixed _rv;
   22554     SGChannel c;
   22555 #ifndef SGGetSoundInputRate
   22556     PyMac_PRECHECK(SGGetSoundInputRate);
   22557 #endif
   22558     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&",
   22559                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &c))
   22560         return NULL;
   22561     _rv = SGGetSoundInputRate(c);
   22562     _res = Py_BuildValue("O&",
   22563                          PyMac_BuildFixed, _rv);
   22564     return _res;
   22565 }
   22567 static PyObject *Qt_SGSetSoundInputParameters(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   22568 {
   22569     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   22570     ComponentResult _rv;
   22571     SGChannel c;
   22572     short sampleSize;
   22573     short numChannels;
   22574     OSType compressionType;
   22575 #ifndef SGSetSoundInputParameters
   22576     PyMac_PRECHECK(SGSetSoundInputParameters);
   22577 #endif
   22578     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&hhO&",
   22579                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &c,
   22580                           &sampleSize,
   22581                           &numChannels,
   22582                           PyMac_GetOSType, &compressionType))
   22583         return NULL;
   22584     _rv = SGSetSoundInputParameters(c,
   22585                                     sampleSize,
   22586                                     numChannels,
   22587                                     compressionType);
   22588     _res = Py_BuildValue("l",
   22589                          _rv);
   22590     return _res;
   22591 }
   22593 static PyObject *Qt_SGGetSoundInputParameters(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   22594 {
   22595     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   22596     ComponentResult _rv;
   22597     SGChannel c;
   22598     short sampleSize;
   22599     short numChannels;
   22600     OSType compressionType;
   22601 #ifndef SGGetSoundInputParameters
   22602     PyMac_PRECHECK(SGGetSoundInputParameters);
   22603 #endif
   22604     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&",
   22605                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &c))
   22606         return NULL;
   22607     _rv = SGGetSoundInputParameters(c,
   22608                                     &sampleSize,
   22609                                     &numChannels,
   22610                                     &compressionType);
   22611     _res = Py_BuildValue("lhhO&",
   22612                          _rv,
   22613                          sampleSize,
   22614                          numChannels,
   22615                          PyMac_BuildOSType, compressionType);
   22616     return _res;
   22617 }
   22619 static PyObject *Qt_SGSetAdditionalSoundRates(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   22620 {
   22621     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   22622     ComponentResult _rv;
   22623     SGChannel c;
   22624     Handle rates;
   22625 #ifndef SGSetAdditionalSoundRates
   22626     PyMac_PRECHECK(SGSetAdditionalSoundRates);
   22627 #endif
   22628     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&O&",
   22629                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &c,
   22630                           ResObj_Convert, &rates))
   22631         return NULL;
   22632     _rv = SGSetAdditionalSoundRates(c,
   22633                                     rates);
   22634     _res = Py_BuildValue("l",
   22635                          _rv);
   22636     return _res;
   22637 }
   22639 static PyObject *Qt_SGGetAdditionalSoundRates(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   22640 {
   22641     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   22642     ComponentResult _rv;
   22643     SGChannel c;
   22644     Handle rates;
   22645 #ifndef SGGetAdditionalSoundRates
   22646     PyMac_PRECHECK(SGGetAdditionalSoundRates);
   22647 #endif
   22648     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&",
   22649                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &c))
   22650         return NULL;
   22651     _rv = SGGetAdditionalSoundRates(c,
   22652                                     &rates);
   22653     _res = Py_BuildValue("lO&",
   22654                          _rv,
   22655                          ResObj_New, rates);
   22656     return _res;
   22657 }
   22659 static PyObject *Qt_SGSetFontName(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   22660 {
   22661     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   22662     ComponentResult _rv;
   22663     SGChannel c;
   22664     StringPtr pstr;
   22665 #ifndef SGSetFontName
   22666     PyMac_PRECHECK(SGSetFontName);
   22667 #endif
   22668     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&s",
   22669                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &c,
   22670                           &pstr))
   22671         return NULL;
   22672     _rv = SGSetFontName(c,
   22673                         pstr);
   22674     _res = Py_BuildValue("l",
   22675                          _rv);
   22676     return _res;
   22677 }
   22679 static PyObject *Qt_SGSetFontSize(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   22680 {
   22681     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   22682     ComponentResult _rv;
   22683     SGChannel c;
   22684     short fontSize;
   22685 #ifndef SGSetFontSize
   22686     PyMac_PRECHECK(SGSetFontSize);
   22687 #endif
   22688     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&h",
   22689                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &c,
   22690                           &fontSize))
   22691         return NULL;
   22692     _rv = SGSetFontSize(c,
   22693                         fontSize);
   22694     _res = Py_BuildValue("l",
   22695                          _rv);
   22696     return _res;
   22697 }
   22699 static PyObject *Qt_SGSetTextForeColor(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   22700 {
   22701     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   22702     ComponentResult _rv;
   22703     SGChannel c;
   22704     RGBColor theColor;
   22705 #ifndef SGSetTextForeColor
   22706     PyMac_PRECHECK(SGSetTextForeColor);
   22707 #endif
   22708     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&",
   22709                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &c))
   22710         return NULL;
   22711     _rv = SGSetTextForeColor(c,
   22712                              &theColor);
   22713     _res = Py_BuildValue("lO&",
   22714                          _rv,
   22715                          QdRGB_New, &theColor);
   22716     return _res;
   22717 }
   22719 static PyObject *Qt_SGSetTextBackColor(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   22720 {
   22721     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   22722     ComponentResult _rv;
   22723     SGChannel c;
   22724     RGBColor theColor;
   22725 #ifndef SGSetTextBackColor
   22726     PyMac_PRECHECK(SGSetTextBackColor);
   22727 #endif
   22728     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&",
   22729                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &c))
   22730         return NULL;
   22731     _rv = SGSetTextBackColor(c,
   22732                              &theColor);
   22733     _res = Py_BuildValue("lO&",
   22734                          _rv,
   22735                          QdRGB_New, &theColor);
   22736     return _res;
   22737 }
   22739 static PyObject *Qt_SGSetJustification(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   22740 {
   22741     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   22742     ComponentResult _rv;
   22743     SGChannel c;
   22744     short just;
   22745 #ifndef SGSetJustification
   22746     PyMac_PRECHECK(SGSetJustification);
   22747 #endif
   22748     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&h",
   22749                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &c,
   22750                           &just))
   22751         return NULL;
   22752     _rv = SGSetJustification(c,
   22753                              just);
   22754     _res = Py_BuildValue("l",
   22755                          _rv);
   22756     return _res;
   22757 }
   22759 static PyObject *Qt_SGGetTextReturnToSpaceValue(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   22760 {
   22761     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   22762     ComponentResult _rv;
   22763     SGChannel c;
   22764     short rettospace;
   22765 #ifndef SGGetTextReturnToSpaceValue
   22766     PyMac_PRECHECK(SGGetTextReturnToSpaceValue);
   22767 #endif
   22768     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&",
   22769                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &c))
   22770         return NULL;
   22771     _rv = SGGetTextReturnToSpaceValue(c,
   22772                                       &rettospace);
   22773     _res = Py_BuildValue("lh",
   22774                          _rv,
   22775                          rettospace);
   22776     return _res;
   22777 }
   22779 static PyObject *Qt_SGSetTextReturnToSpaceValue(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   22780 {
   22781     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   22782     ComponentResult _rv;
   22783     SGChannel c;
   22784     short rettospace;
   22785 #ifndef SGSetTextReturnToSpaceValue
   22786     PyMac_PRECHECK(SGSetTextReturnToSpaceValue);
   22787 #endif
   22788     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&h",
   22789                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &c,
   22790                           &rettospace))
   22791         return NULL;
   22792     _rv = SGSetTextReturnToSpaceValue(c,
   22793                                       rettospace);
   22794     _res = Py_BuildValue("l",
   22795                          _rv);
   22796     return _res;
   22797 }
   22799 static PyObject *Qt_QTVideoOutputGetCurrentClientName(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   22800 {
   22801     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   22802     ComponentResult _rv;
   22803     QTVideoOutputComponent vo;
   22804     Str255 str;
   22805 #ifndef QTVideoOutputGetCurrentClientName
   22806     PyMac_PRECHECK(QTVideoOutputGetCurrentClientName);
   22807 #endif
   22808     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&O&",
   22809                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &vo,
   22810                           PyMac_GetStr255, str))
   22811         return NULL;
   22812     _rv = QTVideoOutputGetCurrentClientName(vo,
   22813                                             str);
   22814     _res = Py_BuildValue("l",
   22815                          _rv);
   22816     return _res;
   22817 }
   22819 static PyObject *Qt_QTVideoOutputSetClientName(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   22820 {
   22821     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   22822     ComponentResult _rv;
   22823     QTVideoOutputComponent vo;
   22824     Str255 str;
   22825 #ifndef QTVideoOutputSetClientName
   22826     PyMac_PRECHECK(QTVideoOutputSetClientName);
   22827 #endif
   22828     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&O&",
   22829                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &vo,
   22830                           PyMac_GetStr255, str))
   22831         return NULL;
   22832     _rv = QTVideoOutputSetClientName(vo,
   22833                                      str);
   22834     _res = Py_BuildValue("l",
   22835                          _rv);
   22836     return _res;
   22837 }
   22839 static PyObject *Qt_QTVideoOutputGetClientName(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   22840 {
   22841     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   22842     ComponentResult _rv;
   22843     QTVideoOutputComponent vo;
   22844     Str255 str;
   22845 #ifndef QTVideoOutputGetClientName
   22846     PyMac_PRECHECK(QTVideoOutputGetClientName);
   22847 #endif
   22848     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&O&",
   22849                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &vo,
   22850                           PyMac_GetStr255, str))
   22851         return NULL;
   22852     _rv = QTVideoOutputGetClientName(vo,
   22853                                      str);
   22854     _res = Py_BuildValue("l",
   22855                          _rv);
   22856     return _res;
   22857 }
   22859 static PyObject *Qt_QTVideoOutputBegin(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   22860 {
   22861     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   22862     ComponentResult _rv;
   22863     QTVideoOutputComponent vo;
   22864 #ifndef QTVideoOutputBegin
   22865     PyMac_PRECHECK(QTVideoOutputBegin);
   22866 #endif
   22867     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&",
   22868                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &vo))
   22869         return NULL;
   22870     _rv = QTVideoOutputBegin(vo);
   22871     _res = Py_BuildValue("l",
   22872                          _rv);
   22873     return _res;
   22874 }
   22876 static PyObject *Qt_QTVideoOutputEnd(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   22877 {
   22878     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   22879     ComponentResult _rv;
   22880     QTVideoOutputComponent vo;
   22881 #ifndef QTVideoOutputEnd
   22882     PyMac_PRECHECK(QTVideoOutputEnd);
   22883 #endif
   22884     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&",
   22885                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &vo))
   22886         return NULL;
   22887     _rv = QTVideoOutputEnd(vo);
   22888     _res = Py_BuildValue("l",
   22889                          _rv);
   22890     return _res;
   22891 }
   22893 static PyObject *Qt_QTVideoOutputSetDisplayMode(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   22894 {
   22895     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   22896     ComponentResult _rv;
   22897     QTVideoOutputComponent vo;
   22898     long displayModeID;
   22899 #ifndef QTVideoOutputSetDisplayMode
   22900     PyMac_PRECHECK(QTVideoOutputSetDisplayMode);
   22901 #endif
   22902     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&l",
   22903                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &vo,
   22904                           &displayModeID))
   22905         return NULL;
   22906     _rv = QTVideoOutputSetDisplayMode(vo,
   22907                                       displayModeID);
   22908     _res = Py_BuildValue("l",
   22909                          _rv);
   22910     return _res;
   22911 }
   22913 static PyObject *Qt_QTVideoOutputGetDisplayMode(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   22914 {
   22915     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   22916     ComponentResult _rv;
   22917     QTVideoOutputComponent vo;
   22918     long displayModeID;
   22919 #ifndef QTVideoOutputGetDisplayMode
   22920     PyMac_PRECHECK(QTVideoOutputGetDisplayMode);
   22921 #endif
   22922     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&",
   22923                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &vo))
   22924         return NULL;
   22925     _rv = QTVideoOutputGetDisplayMode(vo,
   22926                                       &displayModeID);
   22927     _res = Py_BuildValue("ll",
   22928                          _rv,
   22929                          displayModeID);
   22930     return _res;
   22931 }
   22933 static PyObject *Qt_QTVideoOutputGetGWorld(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   22934 {
   22935     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   22936     ComponentResult _rv;
   22937     QTVideoOutputComponent vo;
   22938     GWorldPtr gw;
   22939 #ifndef QTVideoOutputGetGWorld
   22940     PyMac_PRECHECK(QTVideoOutputGetGWorld);
   22941 #endif
   22942     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&",
   22943                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &vo))
   22944         return NULL;
   22945     _rv = QTVideoOutputGetGWorld(vo,
   22946                                  &gw);
   22947     _res = Py_BuildValue("lO&",
   22948                          _rv,
   22949                          GWorldObj_New, gw);
   22950     return _res;
   22951 }
   22953 static PyObject *Qt_QTVideoOutputGetIndSoundOutput(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   22954 {
   22955     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   22956     ComponentResult _rv;
   22957     QTVideoOutputComponent vo;
   22958     long index;
   22959     Component outputComponent;
   22960 #ifndef QTVideoOutputGetIndSoundOutput
   22961     PyMac_PRECHECK(QTVideoOutputGetIndSoundOutput);
   22962 #endif
   22963     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&l",
   22964                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &vo,
   22965                           &index))
   22966         return NULL;
   22967     _rv = QTVideoOutputGetIndSoundOutput(vo,
   22968                                          index,
   22969                                          &outputComponent);
   22970     _res = Py_BuildValue("lO&",
   22971                          _rv,
   22972                          CmpObj_New, outputComponent);
   22973     return _res;
   22974 }
   22976 static PyObject *Qt_QTVideoOutputGetClock(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   22977 {
   22978     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   22979     ComponentResult _rv;
   22980     QTVideoOutputComponent vo;
   22981     ComponentInstance clock;
   22982 #ifndef QTVideoOutputGetClock
   22983     PyMac_PRECHECK(QTVideoOutputGetClock);
   22984 #endif
   22985     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&",
   22986                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &vo))
   22987         return NULL;
   22988     _rv = QTVideoOutputGetClock(vo,
   22989                                 &clock);
   22990     _res = Py_BuildValue("lO&",
   22991                          _rv,
   22992                          CmpInstObj_New, clock);
   22993     return _res;
   22994 }
   22996 static PyObject *Qt_QTVideoOutputSetEchoPort(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   22997 {
   22998     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   22999     ComponentResult _rv;
   23000     QTVideoOutputComponent vo;
   23001     CGrafPtr echoPort;
   23002 #ifndef QTVideoOutputSetEchoPort
   23003     PyMac_PRECHECK(QTVideoOutputSetEchoPort);
   23004 #endif
   23005     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&O&",
   23006                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &vo,
   23007                           GrafObj_Convert, &echoPort))
   23008         return NULL;
   23009     _rv = QTVideoOutputSetEchoPort(vo,
   23010                                    echoPort);
   23011     _res = Py_BuildValue("l",
   23012                          _rv);
   23013     return _res;
   23014 }
   23016 static PyObject *Qt_QTVideoOutputGetIndImageDecompressor(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   23017 {
   23018     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   23019     ComponentResult _rv;
   23020     QTVideoOutputComponent vo;
   23021     long index;
   23022     Component codec;
   23023 #ifndef QTVideoOutputGetIndImageDecompressor
   23024     PyMac_PRECHECK(QTVideoOutputGetIndImageDecompressor);
   23025 #endif
   23026     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&l",
   23027                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &vo,
   23028                           &index))
   23029         return NULL;
   23030     _rv = QTVideoOutputGetIndImageDecompressor(vo,
   23031                                                index,
   23032                                                &codec);
   23033     _res = Py_BuildValue("lO&",
   23034                          _rv,
   23035                          CmpObj_New, codec);
   23036     return _res;
   23037 }
   23039 static PyObject *Qt_QTVideoOutputBaseSetEchoPort(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   23040 {
   23041     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   23042     ComponentResult _rv;
   23043     QTVideoOutputComponent vo;
   23044     CGrafPtr echoPort;
   23045 #ifndef QTVideoOutputBaseSetEchoPort
   23046     PyMac_PRECHECK(QTVideoOutputBaseSetEchoPort);
   23047 #endif
   23048     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&O&",
   23049                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &vo,
   23050                           GrafObj_Convert, &echoPort))
   23051         return NULL;
   23052     _rv = QTVideoOutputBaseSetEchoPort(vo,
   23053                                        echoPort);
   23054     _res = Py_BuildValue("l",
   23055                          _rv);
   23056     return _res;
   23057 }
   23059 static PyObject *Qt_MediaSetChunkManagementFlags(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   23060 {
   23061     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   23062     ComponentResult _rv;
   23063     MediaHandler mh;
   23064     UInt32 flags;
   23065     UInt32 flagsMask;
   23066 #ifndef MediaSetChunkManagementFlags
   23067     PyMac_PRECHECK(MediaSetChunkManagementFlags);
   23068 #endif
   23069     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&ll",
   23070                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &mh,
   23071                           &flags,
   23072                           &flagsMask))
   23073         return NULL;
   23074     _rv = MediaSetChunkManagementFlags(mh,
   23075                                        flags,
   23076                                        flagsMask);
   23077     _res = Py_BuildValue("l",
   23078                          _rv);
   23079     return _res;
   23080 }
   23082 static PyObject *Qt_MediaGetChunkManagementFlags(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   23083 {
   23084     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   23085     ComponentResult _rv;
   23086     MediaHandler mh;
   23087     UInt32 flags;
   23088 #ifndef MediaGetChunkManagementFlags
   23089     PyMac_PRECHECK(MediaGetChunkManagementFlags);
   23090 #endif
   23091     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&",
   23092                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &mh))
   23093         return NULL;
   23094     _rv = MediaGetChunkManagementFlags(mh,
   23095                                        &flags);
   23096     _res = Py_BuildValue("ll",
   23097                          _rv,
   23098                          flags);
   23099     return _res;
   23100 }
   23102 static PyObject *Qt_MediaSetPurgeableChunkMemoryAllowance(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   23103 {
   23104     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   23105     ComponentResult _rv;
   23106     MediaHandler mh;
   23107     Size allowance;
   23108 #ifndef MediaSetPurgeableChunkMemoryAllowance
   23109     PyMac_PRECHECK(MediaSetPurgeableChunkMemoryAllowance);
   23110 #endif
   23111     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&l",
   23112                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &mh,
   23113                           &allowance))
   23114         return NULL;
   23115     _rv = MediaSetPurgeableChunkMemoryAllowance(mh,
   23116                                                 allowance);
   23117     _res = Py_BuildValue("l",
   23118                          _rv);
   23119     return _res;
   23120 }
   23122 static PyObject *Qt_MediaGetPurgeableChunkMemoryAllowance(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   23123 {
   23124     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   23125     ComponentResult _rv;
   23126     MediaHandler mh;
   23127     Size allowance;
   23128 #ifndef MediaGetPurgeableChunkMemoryAllowance
   23129     PyMac_PRECHECK(MediaGetPurgeableChunkMemoryAllowance);
   23130 #endif
   23131     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&",
   23132                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &mh))
   23133         return NULL;
   23134     _rv = MediaGetPurgeableChunkMemoryAllowance(mh,
   23135                                                 &allowance);
   23136     _res = Py_BuildValue("ll",
   23137                          _rv,
   23138                          allowance);
   23139     return _res;
   23140 }
   23142 static PyObject *Qt_MediaEmptyAllPurgeableChunks(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   23143 {
   23144     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   23145     ComponentResult _rv;
   23146     MediaHandler mh;
   23147 #ifndef MediaEmptyAllPurgeableChunks
   23148     PyMac_PRECHECK(MediaEmptyAllPurgeableChunks);
   23149 #endif
   23150     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&",
   23151                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &mh))
   23152         return NULL;
   23153     _rv = MediaEmptyAllPurgeableChunks(mh);
   23154     _res = Py_BuildValue("l",
   23155                          _rv);
   23156     return _res;
   23157 }
   23159 static PyObject *Qt_MediaSetHandlerCapabilities(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   23160 {
   23161     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   23162     ComponentResult _rv;
   23163     MediaHandler mh;
   23164     long flags;
   23165     long flagsMask;
   23166 #ifndef MediaSetHandlerCapabilities
   23167     PyMac_PRECHECK(MediaSetHandlerCapabilities);
   23168 #endif
   23169     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&ll",
   23170                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &mh,
   23171                           &flags,
   23172                           &flagsMask))
   23173         return NULL;
   23174     _rv = MediaSetHandlerCapabilities(mh,
   23175                                       flags,
   23176                                       flagsMask);
   23177     _res = Py_BuildValue("l",
   23178                          _rv);
   23179     return _res;
   23180 }
   23182 static PyObject *Qt_MediaIdle(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   23183 {
   23184     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   23185     ComponentResult _rv;
   23186     MediaHandler mh;
   23187     TimeValue atMediaTime;
   23188     long flagsIn;
   23189     long flagsOut;
   23190     TimeRecord movieTime;
   23191 #ifndef MediaIdle
   23192     PyMac_PRECHECK(MediaIdle);
   23193 #endif
   23194     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&llO&",
   23195                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &mh,
   23196                           &atMediaTime,
   23197                           &flagsIn,
   23198                           QtTimeRecord_Convert, &movieTime))
   23199         return NULL;
   23200     _rv = MediaIdle(mh,
   23201                     atMediaTime,
   23202                     flagsIn,
   23203                     &flagsOut,
   23204                     &movieTime);
   23205     _res = Py_BuildValue("ll",
   23206                          _rv,
   23207                          flagsOut);
   23208     return _res;
   23209 }
   23211 static PyObject *Qt_MediaGetMediaInfo(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   23212 {
   23213     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   23214     ComponentResult _rv;
   23215     MediaHandler mh;
   23216     Handle h;
   23217 #ifndef MediaGetMediaInfo
   23218     PyMac_PRECHECK(MediaGetMediaInfo);
   23219 #endif
   23220     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&O&",
   23221                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &mh,
   23222                           ResObj_Convert, &h))
   23223         return NULL;
   23224     _rv = MediaGetMediaInfo(mh,
   23225                             h);
   23226     _res = Py_BuildValue("l",
   23227                          _rv);
   23228     return _res;
   23229 }
   23231 static PyObject *Qt_MediaPutMediaInfo(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   23232 {
   23233     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   23234     ComponentResult _rv;
   23235     MediaHandler mh;
   23236     Handle h;
   23237 #ifndef MediaPutMediaInfo
   23238     PyMac_PRECHECK(MediaPutMediaInfo);
   23239 #endif
   23240     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&O&",
   23241                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &mh,
   23242                           ResObj_Convert, &h))
   23243         return NULL;
   23244     _rv = MediaPutMediaInfo(mh,
   23245                             h);
   23246     _res = Py_BuildValue("l",
   23247                          _rv);
   23248     return _res;
   23249 }
   23251 static PyObject *Qt_MediaSetActive(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   23252 {
   23253     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   23254     ComponentResult _rv;
   23255     MediaHandler mh;
   23256     Boolean enableMedia;
   23257 #ifndef MediaSetActive
   23258     PyMac_PRECHECK(MediaSetActive);
   23259 #endif
   23260     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&b",
   23261                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &mh,
   23262                           &enableMedia))
   23263         return NULL;
   23264     _rv = MediaSetActive(mh,
   23265                          enableMedia);
   23266     _res = Py_BuildValue("l",
   23267                          _rv);
   23268     return _res;
   23269 }
   23271 static PyObject *Qt_MediaSetRate(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   23272 {
   23273     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   23274     ComponentResult _rv;
   23275     MediaHandler mh;
   23276     Fixed rate;
   23277 #ifndef MediaSetRate
   23278     PyMac_PRECHECK(MediaSetRate);
   23279 #endif
   23280     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&O&",
   23281                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &mh,
   23282                           PyMac_GetFixed, &rate))
   23283         return NULL;
   23284     _rv = MediaSetRate(mh,
   23285                        rate);
   23286     _res = Py_BuildValue("l",
   23287                          _rv);
   23288     return _res;
   23289 }
   23291 static PyObject *Qt_MediaGGetStatus(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   23292 {
   23293     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   23294     ComponentResult _rv;
   23295     MediaHandler mh;
   23296     ComponentResult statusErr;
   23297 #ifndef MediaGGetStatus
   23298     PyMac_PRECHECK(MediaGGetStatus);
   23299 #endif
   23300     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&",
   23301                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &mh))
   23302         return NULL;
   23303     _rv = MediaGGetStatus(mh,
   23304                           &statusErr);
   23305     _res = Py_BuildValue("ll",
   23306                          _rv,
   23307                          statusErr);
   23308     return _res;
   23309 }
   23311 static PyObject *Qt_MediaTrackEdited(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   23312 {
   23313     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   23314     ComponentResult _rv;
   23315     MediaHandler mh;
   23316 #ifndef MediaTrackEdited
   23317     PyMac_PRECHECK(MediaTrackEdited);
   23318 #endif
   23319     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&",
   23320                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &mh))
   23321         return NULL;
   23322     _rv = MediaTrackEdited(mh);
   23323     _res = Py_BuildValue("l",
   23324                          _rv);
   23325     return _res;
   23326 }
   23328 static PyObject *Qt_MediaSetMediaTimeScale(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   23329 {
   23330     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   23331     ComponentResult _rv;
   23332     MediaHandler mh;
   23333     TimeScale newTimeScale;
   23334 #ifndef MediaSetMediaTimeScale
   23335     PyMac_PRECHECK(MediaSetMediaTimeScale);
   23336 #endif
   23337     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&l",
   23338                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &mh,
   23339                           &newTimeScale))
   23340         return NULL;
   23341     _rv = MediaSetMediaTimeScale(mh,
   23342                                  newTimeScale);
   23343     _res = Py_BuildValue("l",
   23344                          _rv);
   23345     return _res;
   23346 }
   23348 static PyObject *Qt_MediaSetMovieTimeScale(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   23349 {
   23350     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   23351     ComponentResult _rv;
   23352     MediaHandler mh;
   23353     TimeScale newTimeScale;
   23354 #ifndef MediaSetMovieTimeScale
   23355     PyMac_PRECHECK(MediaSetMovieTimeScale);
   23356 #endif
   23357     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&l",
   23358                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &mh,
   23359                           &newTimeScale))
   23360         return NULL;
   23361     _rv = MediaSetMovieTimeScale(mh,
   23362                                  newTimeScale);
   23363     _res = Py_BuildValue("l",
   23364                          _rv);
   23365     return _res;
   23366 }
   23368 static PyObject *Qt_MediaSetGWorld(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   23369 {
   23370     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   23371     ComponentResult _rv;
   23372     MediaHandler mh;
   23373     CGrafPtr aPort;
   23374     GDHandle aGD;
   23375 #ifndef MediaSetGWorld
   23376     PyMac_PRECHECK(MediaSetGWorld);
   23377 #endif
   23378     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&O&O&",
   23379                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &mh,
   23380                           GrafObj_Convert, &aPort,
   23381                           OptResObj_Convert, &aGD))
   23382         return NULL;
   23383     _rv = MediaSetGWorld(mh,
   23384                          aPort,
   23385                          aGD);
   23386     _res = Py_BuildValue("l",
   23387                          _rv);
   23388     return _res;
   23389 }
   23391 static PyObject *Qt_MediaSetDimensions(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   23392 {
   23393     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   23394     ComponentResult _rv;
   23395     MediaHandler mh;
   23396     Fixed width;
   23397     Fixed height;
   23398 #ifndef MediaSetDimensions
   23399     PyMac_PRECHECK(MediaSetDimensions);
   23400 #endif
   23401     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&O&O&",
   23402                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &mh,
   23403                           PyMac_GetFixed, &width,
   23404                           PyMac_GetFixed, &height))
   23405         return NULL;
   23406     _rv = MediaSetDimensions(mh,
   23407                              width,
   23408                              height);
   23409     _res = Py_BuildValue("l",
   23410                          _rv);
   23411     return _res;
   23412 }
   23414 static PyObject *Qt_MediaSetClip(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   23415 {
   23416     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   23417     ComponentResult _rv;
   23418     MediaHandler mh;
   23419     RgnHandle theClip;
   23420 #ifndef MediaSetClip
   23421     PyMac_PRECHECK(MediaSetClip);
   23422 #endif
   23423     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&O&",
   23424                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &mh,
   23425                           ResObj_Convert, &theClip))
   23426         return NULL;
   23427     _rv = MediaSetClip(mh,
   23428                        theClip);
   23429     _res = Py_BuildValue("l",
   23430                          _rv);
   23431     return _res;
   23432 }
   23434 static PyObject *Qt_MediaGetTrackOpaque(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   23435 {
   23436     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   23437     ComponentResult _rv;
   23438     MediaHandler mh;
   23439     Boolean trackIsOpaque;
   23440 #ifndef MediaGetTrackOpaque
   23441     PyMac_PRECHECK(MediaGetTrackOpaque);
   23442 #endif
   23443     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&",
   23444                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &mh))
   23445         return NULL;
   23446     _rv = MediaGetTrackOpaque(mh,
   23447                               &trackIsOpaque);
   23448     _res = Py_BuildValue("lb",
   23449                          _rv,
   23450                          trackIsOpaque);
   23451     return _res;
   23452 }
   23454 static PyObject *Qt_MediaSetGraphicsMode(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   23455 {
   23456     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   23457     ComponentResult _rv;
   23458     MediaHandler mh;
   23459     long mode;
   23460     RGBColor opColor;
   23461 #ifndef MediaSetGraphicsMode
   23462     PyMac_PRECHECK(MediaSetGraphicsMode);
   23463 #endif
   23464     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&lO&",
   23465                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &mh,
   23466                           &mode,
   23467                           QdRGB_Convert, &opColor))
   23468         return NULL;
   23469     _rv = MediaSetGraphicsMode(mh,
   23470                                mode,
   23471                                &opColor);
   23472     _res = Py_BuildValue("l",
   23473                          _rv);
   23474     return _res;
   23475 }
   23477 static PyObject *Qt_MediaGetGraphicsMode(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   23478 {
   23479     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   23480     ComponentResult _rv;
   23481     MediaHandler mh;
   23482     long mode;
   23483     RGBColor opColor;
   23484 #ifndef MediaGetGraphicsMode
   23485     PyMac_PRECHECK(MediaGetGraphicsMode);
   23486 #endif
   23487     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&",
   23488                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &mh))
   23489         return NULL;
   23490     _rv = MediaGetGraphicsMode(mh,
   23491                                &mode,
   23492                                &opColor);
   23493     _res = Py_BuildValue("llO&",
   23494                          _rv,
   23495                          mode,
   23496                          QdRGB_New, &opColor);
   23497     return _res;
   23498 }
   23500 static PyObject *Qt_MediaGSetVolume(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   23501 {
   23502     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   23503     ComponentResult _rv;
   23504     MediaHandler mh;
   23505     short volume;
   23506 #ifndef MediaGSetVolume
   23507     PyMac_PRECHECK(MediaGSetVolume);
   23508 #endif
   23509     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&h",
   23510                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &mh,
   23511                           &volume))
   23512         return NULL;
   23513     _rv = MediaGSetVolume(mh,
   23514                           volume);
   23515     _res = Py_BuildValue("l",
   23516                          _rv);
   23517     return _res;
   23518 }
   23520 static PyObject *Qt_MediaSetSoundBalance(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   23521 {
   23522     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   23523     ComponentResult _rv;
   23524     MediaHandler mh;
   23525     short balance;
   23526 #ifndef MediaSetSoundBalance
   23527     PyMac_PRECHECK(MediaSetSoundBalance);
   23528 #endif
   23529     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&h",
   23530                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &mh,
   23531                           &balance))
   23532         return NULL;
   23533     _rv = MediaSetSoundBalance(mh,
   23534                                balance);
   23535     _res = Py_BuildValue("l",
   23536                          _rv);
   23537     return _res;
   23538 }
   23540 static PyObject *Qt_MediaGetSoundBalance(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   23541 {
   23542     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   23543     ComponentResult _rv;
   23544     MediaHandler mh;
   23545     short balance;
   23546 #ifndef MediaGetSoundBalance
   23547     PyMac_PRECHECK(MediaGetSoundBalance);
   23548 #endif
   23549     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&",
   23550                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &mh))
   23551         return NULL;
   23552     _rv = MediaGetSoundBalance(mh,
   23553                                &balance);
   23554     _res = Py_BuildValue("lh",
   23555                          _rv,
   23556                          balance);
   23557     return _res;
   23558 }
   23560 static PyObject *Qt_MediaGetNextBoundsChange(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   23561 {
   23562     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   23563     ComponentResult _rv;
   23564     MediaHandler mh;
   23565     TimeValue when;
   23566 #ifndef MediaGetNextBoundsChange
   23567     PyMac_PRECHECK(MediaGetNextBoundsChange);
   23568 #endif
   23569     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&",
   23570                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &mh))
   23571         return NULL;
   23572     _rv = MediaGetNextBoundsChange(mh,
   23573                                    &when);
   23574     _res = Py_BuildValue("ll",
   23575                          _rv,
   23576                          when);
   23577     return _res;
   23578 }
   23580 static PyObject *Qt_MediaGetSrcRgn(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   23581 {
   23582     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   23583     ComponentResult _rv;
   23584     MediaHandler mh;
   23585     RgnHandle rgn;
   23586     TimeValue atMediaTime;
   23587 #ifndef MediaGetSrcRgn
   23588     PyMac_PRECHECK(MediaGetSrcRgn);
   23589 #endif
   23590     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&O&l",
   23591                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &mh,
   23592                           ResObj_Convert, &rgn,
   23593                           &atMediaTime))
   23594         return NULL;
   23595     _rv = MediaGetSrcRgn(mh,
   23596                          rgn,
   23597                          atMediaTime);
   23598     _res = Py_BuildValue("l",
   23599                          _rv);
   23600     return _res;
   23601 }
   23603 static PyObject *Qt_MediaPreroll(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   23604 {
   23605     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   23606     ComponentResult _rv;
   23607     MediaHandler mh;
   23608     TimeValue time;
   23609     Fixed rate;
   23610 #ifndef MediaPreroll
   23611     PyMac_PRECHECK(MediaPreroll);
   23612 #endif
   23613     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&lO&",
   23614                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &mh,
   23615                           &time,
   23616                           PyMac_GetFixed, &rate))
   23617         return NULL;
   23618     _rv = MediaPreroll(mh,
   23619                        time,
   23620                        rate);
   23621     _res = Py_BuildValue("l",
   23622                          _rv);
   23623     return _res;
   23624 }
   23626 static PyObject *Qt_MediaSampleDescriptionChanged(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   23627 {
   23628     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   23629     ComponentResult _rv;
   23630     MediaHandler mh;
   23631     long index;
   23632 #ifndef MediaSampleDescriptionChanged
   23633     PyMac_PRECHECK(MediaSampleDescriptionChanged);
   23634 #endif
   23635     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&l",
   23636                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &mh,
   23637                           &index))
   23638         return NULL;
   23639     _rv = MediaSampleDescriptionChanged(mh,
   23640                                         index);
   23641     _res = Py_BuildValue("l",
   23642                          _rv);
   23643     return _res;
   23644 }
   23646 static PyObject *Qt_MediaHasCharacteristic(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   23647 {
   23648     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   23649     ComponentResult _rv;
   23650     MediaHandler mh;
   23651     OSType characteristic;
   23652     Boolean hasIt;
   23653 #ifndef MediaHasCharacteristic
   23654     PyMac_PRECHECK(MediaHasCharacteristic);
   23655 #endif
   23656     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&O&",
   23657                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &mh,
   23658                           PyMac_GetOSType, &characteristic))
   23659         return NULL;
   23660     _rv = MediaHasCharacteristic(mh,
   23661                                  characteristic,
   23662                                  &hasIt);
   23663     _res = Py_BuildValue("lb",
   23664                          _rv,
   23665                          hasIt);
   23666     return _res;
   23667 }
   23669 static PyObject *Qt_MediaGetOffscreenBufferSize(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   23670 {
   23671     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   23672     ComponentResult _rv;
   23673     MediaHandler mh;
   23674     Rect bounds;
   23675     short depth;
   23676     CTabHandle ctab;
   23677 #ifndef MediaGetOffscreenBufferSize
   23678     PyMac_PRECHECK(MediaGetOffscreenBufferSize);
   23679 #endif
   23680     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&hO&",
   23681                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &mh,
   23682                           &depth,
   23683                           ResObj_Convert, &ctab))
   23684         return NULL;
   23685     _rv = MediaGetOffscreenBufferSize(mh,
   23686                                       &bounds,
   23687                                       depth,
   23688                                       ctab);
   23689     _res = Py_BuildValue("lO&",
   23690                          _rv,
   23691                          PyMac_BuildRect, &bounds);
   23692     return _res;
   23693 }
   23695 static PyObject *Qt_MediaSetHints(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   23696 {
   23697     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   23698     ComponentResult _rv;
   23699     MediaHandler mh;
   23700     long hints;
   23701 #ifndef MediaSetHints
   23702     PyMac_PRECHECK(MediaSetHints);
   23703 #endif
   23704     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&l",
   23705                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &mh,
   23706                           &hints))
   23707         return NULL;
   23708     _rv = MediaSetHints(mh,
   23709                         hints);
   23710     _res = Py_BuildValue("l",
   23711                          _rv);
   23712     return _res;
   23713 }
   23715 static PyObject *Qt_MediaGetName(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   23716 {
   23717     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   23718     ComponentResult _rv;
   23719     MediaHandler mh;
   23720     Str255 name;
   23721     long requestedLanguage;
   23722     long actualLanguage;
   23723 #ifndef MediaGetName
   23724     PyMac_PRECHECK(MediaGetName);
   23725 #endif
   23726     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&O&l",
   23727                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &mh,
   23728                           PyMac_GetStr255, name,
   23729                           &requestedLanguage))
   23730         return NULL;
   23731     _rv = MediaGetName(mh,
   23732                        name,
   23733                        requestedLanguage,
   23734                        &actualLanguage);
   23735     _res = Py_BuildValue("ll",
   23736                          _rv,
   23737                          actualLanguage);
   23738     return _res;
   23739 }
   23741 static PyObject *Qt_MediaForceUpdate(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   23742 {
   23743     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   23744     ComponentResult _rv;
   23745     MediaHandler mh;
   23746     long forceUpdateFlags;
   23747 #ifndef MediaForceUpdate
   23748     PyMac_PRECHECK(MediaForceUpdate);
   23749 #endif
   23750     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&l",
   23751                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &mh,
   23752                           &forceUpdateFlags))
   23753         return NULL;
   23754     _rv = MediaForceUpdate(mh,
   23755                            forceUpdateFlags);
   23756     _res = Py_BuildValue("l",
   23757                          _rv);
   23758     return _res;
   23759 }
   23761 static PyObject *Qt_MediaGetDrawingRgn(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   23762 {
   23763     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   23764     ComponentResult _rv;
   23765     MediaHandler mh;
   23766     RgnHandle partialRgn;
   23767 #ifndef MediaGetDrawingRgn
   23768     PyMac_PRECHECK(MediaGetDrawingRgn);
   23769 #endif
   23770     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&",
   23771                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &mh))
   23772         return NULL;
   23773     _rv = MediaGetDrawingRgn(mh,
   23774                              &partialRgn);
   23775     _res = Py_BuildValue("lO&",
   23776                          _rv,
   23777                          ResObj_New, partialRgn);
   23778     return _res;
   23779 }
   23781 static PyObject *Qt_MediaGSetActiveSegment(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   23782 {
   23783     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   23784     ComponentResult _rv;
   23785     MediaHandler mh;
   23786     TimeValue activeStart;
   23787     TimeValue activeDuration;
   23788 #ifndef MediaGSetActiveSegment
   23789     PyMac_PRECHECK(MediaGSetActiveSegment);
   23790 #endif
   23791     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&ll",
   23792                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &mh,
   23793                           &activeStart,
   23794                           &activeDuration))
   23795         return NULL;
   23796     _rv = MediaGSetActiveSegment(mh,
   23797                                  activeStart,
   23798                                  activeDuration);
   23799     _res = Py_BuildValue("l",
   23800                          _rv);
   23801     return _res;
   23802 }
   23804 static PyObject *Qt_MediaInvalidateRegion(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   23805 {
   23806     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   23807     ComponentResult _rv;
   23808     MediaHandler mh;
   23809     RgnHandle invalRgn;
   23810 #ifndef MediaInvalidateRegion
   23811     PyMac_PRECHECK(MediaInvalidateRegion);
   23812 #endif
   23813     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&O&",
   23814                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &mh,
   23815                           ResObj_Convert, &invalRgn))
   23816         return NULL;
   23817     _rv = MediaInvalidateRegion(mh,
   23818                                 invalRgn);
   23819     _res = Py_BuildValue("l",
   23820                          _rv);
   23821     return _res;
   23822 }
   23824 static PyObject *Qt_MediaGetNextStepTime(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   23825 {
   23826     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   23827     ComponentResult _rv;
   23828     MediaHandler mh;
   23829     short flags;
   23830     TimeValue mediaTimeIn;
   23831     TimeValue mediaTimeOut;
   23832     Fixed rate;
   23833 #ifndef MediaGetNextStepTime
   23834     PyMac_PRECHECK(MediaGetNextStepTime);
   23835 #endif
   23836     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&hlO&",
   23837                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &mh,
   23838                           &flags,
   23839                           &mediaTimeIn,
   23840                           PyMac_GetFixed, &rate))
   23841         return NULL;
   23842     _rv = MediaGetNextStepTime(mh,
   23843                                flags,
   23844                                mediaTimeIn,
   23845                                &mediaTimeOut,
   23846                                rate);
   23847     _res = Py_BuildValue("ll",
   23848                          _rv,
   23849                          mediaTimeOut);
   23850     return _res;
   23851 }
   23853 static PyObject *Qt_MediaChangedNonPrimarySource(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   23854 {
   23855     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   23856     ComponentResult _rv;
   23857     MediaHandler mh;
   23858     long inputIndex;
   23859 #ifndef MediaChangedNonPrimarySource
   23860     PyMac_PRECHECK(MediaChangedNonPrimarySource);
   23861 #endif
   23862     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&l",
   23863                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &mh,
   23864                           &inputIndex))
   23865         return NULL;
   23866     _rv = MediaChangedNonPrimarySource(mh,
   23867                                        inputIndex);
   23868     _res = Py_BuildValue("l",
   23869                          _rv);
   23870     return _res;
   23871 }
   23873 static PyObject *Qt_MediaTrackReferencesChanged(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   23874 {
   23875     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   23876     ComponentResult _rv;
   23877     MediaHandler mh;
   23878 #ifndef MediaTrackReferencesChanged
   23879     PyMac_PRECHECK(MediaTrackReferencesChanged);
   23880 #endif
   23881     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&",
   23882                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &mh))
   23883         return NULL;
   23884     _rv = MediaTrackReferencesChanged(mh);
   23885     _res = Py_BuildValue("l",
   23886                          _rv);
   23887     return _res;
   23888 }
   23890 static PyObject *Qt_MediaReleaseSampleDataPointer(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   23891 {
   23892     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   23893     ComponentResult _rv;
   23894     MediaHandler mh;
   23895     long sampleNum;
   23896 #ifndef MediaReleaseSampleDataPointer
   23897     PyMac_PRECHECK(MediaReleaseSampleDataPointer);
   23898 #endif
   23899     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&l",
   23900                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &mh,
   23901                           &sampleNum))
   23902         return NULL;
   23903     _rv = MediaReleaseSampleDataPointer(mh,
   23904                                         sampleNum);
   23905     _res = Py_BuildValue("l",
   23906                          _rv);
   23907     return _res;
   23908 }
   23910 static PyObject *Qt_MediaTrackPropertyAtomChanged(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   23911 {
   23912     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   23913     ComponentResult _rv;
   23914     MediaHandler mh;
   23915 #ifndef MediaTrackPropertyAtomChanged
   23916     PyMac_PRECHECK(MediaTrackPropertyAtomChanged);
   23917 #endif
   23918     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&",
   23919                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &mh))
   23920         return NULL;
   23921     _rv = MediaTrackPropertyAtomChanged(mh);
   23922     _res = Py_BuildValue("l",
   23923                          _rv);
   23924     return _res;
   23925 }
   23927 static PyObject *Qt_MediaSetVideoParam(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   23928 {
   23929     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   23930     ComponentResult _rv;
   23931     MediaHandler mh;
   23932     long whichParam;
   23933     unsigned short value;
   23934 #ifndef MediaSetVideoParam
   23935     PyMac_PRECHECK(MediaSetVideoParam);
   23936 #endif
   23937     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&l",
   23938                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &mh,
   23939                           &whichParam))
   23940         return NULL;
   23941     _rv = MediaSetVideoParam(mh,
   23942                              whichParam,
   23943                              &value);
   23944     _res = Py_BuildValue("lH",
   23945                          _rv,
   23946                          value);
   23947     return _res;
   23948 }
   23950 static PyObject *Qt_MediaGetVideoParam(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   23951 {
   23952     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   23953     ComponentResult _rv;
   23954     MediaHandler mh;
   23955     long whichParam;
   23956     unsigned short value;
   23957 #ifndef MediaGetVideoParam
   23958     PyMac_PRECHECK(MediaGetVideoParam);
   23959 #endif
   23960     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&l",
   23961                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &mh,
   23962                           &whichParam))
   23963         return NULL;
   23964     _rv = MediaGetVideoParam(mh,
   23965                              whichParam,
   23966                              &value);
   23967     _res = Py_BuildValue("lH",
   23968                          _rv,
   23969                          value);
   23970     return _res;
   23971 }
   23973 static PyObject *Qt_MediaCompare(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   23974 {
   23975     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   23976     ComponentResult _rv;
   23977     MediaHandler mh;
   23978     Boolean isOK;
   23979     Media srcMedia;
   23980     ComponentInstance srcMediaComponent;
   23981 #ifndef MediaCompare
   23982     PyMac_PRECHECK(MediaCompare);
   23983 #endif
   23984     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&O&O&",
   23985                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &mh,
   23986                           MediaObj_Convert, &srcMedia,
   23987                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &srcMediaComponent))
   23988         return NULL;
   23989     _rv = MediaCompare(mh,
   23990                        &isOK,
   23991                        srcMedia,
   23992                        srcMediaComponent);
   23993     _res = Py_BuildValue("lb",
   23994                          _rv,
   23995                          isOK);
   23996     return _res;
   23997 }
   23999 static PyObject *Qt_MediaGetClock(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   24000 {
   24001     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   24002     ComponentResult _rv;
   24003     MediaHandler mh;
   24004     ComponentInstance clock;
   24005 #ifndef MediaGetClock
   24006     PyMac_PRECHECK(MediaGetClock);
   24007 #endif
   24008     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&",
   24009                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &mh))
   24010         return NULL;
   24011     _rv = MediaGetClock(mh,
   24012                         &clock);
   24013     _res = Py_BuildValue("lO&",
   24014                          _rv,
   24015                          CmpInstObj_New, clock);
   24016     return _res;
   24017 }
   24019 static PyObject *Qt_MediaSetSoundOutputComponent(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   24020 {
   24021     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   24022     ComponentResult _rv;
   24023     MediaHandler mh;
   24024     Component outputComponent;
   24025 #ifndef MediaSetSoundOutputComponent
   24026     PyMac_PRECHECK(MediaSetSoundOutputComponent);
   24027 #endif
   24028     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&O&",
   24029                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &mh,
   24030                           CmpObj_Convert, &outputComponent))
   24031         return NULL;
   24032     _rv = MediaSetSoundOutputComponent(mh,
   24033                                        outputComponent);
   24034     _res = Py_BuildValue("l",
   24035                          _rv);
   24036     return _res;
   24037 }
   24039 static PyObject *Qt_MediaGetSoundOutputComponent(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   24040 {
   24041     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   24042     ComponentResult _rv;
   24043     MediaHandler mh;
   24044     Component outputComponent;
   24045 #ifndef MediaGetSoundOutputComponent
   24046     PyMac_PRECHECK(MediaGetSoundOutputComponent);
   24047 #endif
   24048     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&",
   24049                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &mh))
   24050         return NULL;
   24051     _rv = MediaGetSoundOutputComponent(mh,
   24052                                        &outputComponent);
   24053     _res = Py_BuildValue("lO&",
   24054                          _rv,
   24055                          CmpObj_New, outputComponent);
   24056     return _res;
   24057 }
   24059 static PyObject *Qt_MediaSetSoundLocalizationData(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   24060 {
   24061     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   24062     ComponentResult _rv;
   24063     MediaHandler mh;
   24064     Handle data;
   24065 #ifndef MediaSetSoundLocalizationData
   24066     PyMac_PRECHECK(MediaSetSoundLocalizationData);
   24067 #endif
   24068     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&O&",
   24069                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &mh,
   24070                           ResObj_Convert, &data))
   24071         return NULL;
   24072     _rv = MediaSetSoundLocalizationData(mh,
   24073                                         data);
   24074     _res = Py_BuildValue("l",
   24075                          _rv);
   24076     return _res;
   24077 }
   24079 static PyObject *Qt_MediaGetInvalidRegion(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   24080 {
   24081     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   24082     ComponentResult _rv;
   24083     MediaHandler mh;
   24084     RgnHandle rgn;
   24085 #ifndef MediaGetInvalidRegion
   24086     PyMac_PRECHECK(MediaGetInvalidRegion);
   24087 #endif
   24088     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&O&",
   24089                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &mh,
   24090                           ResObj_Convert, &rgn))
   24091         return NULL;
   24092     _rv = MediaGetInvalidRegion(mh,
   24093                                 rgn);
   24094     _res = Py_BuildValue("l",
   24095                          _rv);
   24096     return _res;
   24097 }
   24099 static PyObject *Qt_MediaSampleDescriptionB2N(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   24100 {
   24101     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   24102     ComponentResult _rv;
   24103     MediaHandler mh;
   24104     SampleDescriptionHandle sampleDescriptionH;
   24105 #ifndef MediaSampleDescriptionB2N
   24106     PyMac_PRECHECK(MediaSampleDescriptionB2N);
   24107 #endif
   24108     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&O&",
   24109                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &mh,
   24110                           ResObj_Convert, &sampleDescriptionH))
   24111         return NULL;
   24112     _rv = MediaSampleDescriptionB2N(mh,
   24113                                     sampleDescriptionH);
   24114     _res = Py_BuildValue("l",
   24115                          _rv);
   24116     return _res;
   24117 }
   24119 static PyObject *Qt_MediaSampleDescriptionN2B(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   24120 {
   24121     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   24122     ComponentResult _rv;
   24123     MediaHandler mh;
   24124     SampleDescriptionHandle sampleDescriptionH;
   24125 #ifndef MediaSampleDescriptionN2B
   24126     PyMac_PRECHECK(MediaSampleDescriptionN2B);
   24127 #endif
   24128     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&O&",
   24129                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &mh,
   24130                           ResObj_Convert, &sampleDescriptionH))
   24131         return NULL;
   24132     _rv = MediaSampleDescriptionN2B(mh,
   24133                                     sampleDescriptionH);
   24134     _res = Py_BuildValue("l",
   24135                          _rv);
   24136     return _res;
   24137 }
   24139 static PyObject *Qt_MediaFlushNonPrimarySourceData(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   24140 {
   24141     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   24142     ComponentResult _rv;
   24143     MediaHandler mh;
   24144     long inputIndex;
   24145 #ifndef MediaFlushNonPrimarySourceData
   24146     PyMac_PRECHECK(MediaFlushNonPrimarySourceData);
   24147 #endif
   24148     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&l",
   24149                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &mh,
   24150                           &inputIndex))
   24151         return NULL;
   24152     _rv = MediaFlushNonPrimarySourceData(mh,
   24153                                          inputIndex);
   24154     _res = Py_BuildValue("l",
   24155                          _rv);
   24156     return _res;
   24157 }
   24159 static PyObject *Qt_MediaGetURLLink(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   24160 {
   24161     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   24162     ComponentResult _rv;
   24163     MediaHandler mh;
   24164     Point displayWhere;
   24165     Handle urlLink;
   24166 #ifndef MediaGetURLLink
   24167     PyMac_PRECHECK(MediaGetURLLink);
   24168 #endif
   24169     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&O&",
   24170                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &mh,
   24171                           PyMac_GetPoint, &displayWhere))
   24172         return NULL;
   24173     _rv = MediaGetURLLink(mh,
   24174                           displayWhere,
   24175                           &urlLink);
   24176     _res = Py_BuildValue("lO&",
   24177                          _rv,
   24178                          ResObj_New, urlLink);
   24179     return _res;
   24180 }
   24182 static PyObject *Qt_MediaHitTestForTargetRefCon(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   24183 {
   24184     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   24185     ComponentResult _rv;
   24186     MediaHandler mh;
   24187     long flags;
   24188     Point loc;
   24189     long targetRefCon;
   24190 #ifndef MediaHitTestForTargetRefCon
   24191     PyMac_PRECHECK(MediaHitTestForTargetRefCon);
   24192 #endif
   24193     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&lO&",
   24194                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &mh,
   24195                           &flags,
   24196                           PyMac_GetPoint, &loc))
   24197         return NULL;
   24198     _rv = MediaHitTestForTargetRefCon(mh,
   24199                                       flags,
   24200                                       loc,
   24201                                       &targetRefCon);
   24202     _res = Py_BuildValue("ll",
   24203                          _rv,
   24204                          targetRefCon);
   24205     return _res;
   24206 }
   24208 static PyObject *Qt_MediaHitTestTargetRefCon(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   24209 {
   24210     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   24211     ComponentResult _rv;
   24212     MediaHandler mh;
   24213     long targetRefCon;
   24214     long flags;
   24215     Point loc;
   24216     Boolean wasHit;
   24217 #ifndef MediaHitTestTargetRefCon
   24218     PyMac_PRECHECK(MediaHitTestTargetRefCon);
   24219 #endif
   24220     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&llO&",
   24221                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &mh,
   24222                           &targetRefCon,
   24223                           &flags,
   24224                           PyMac_GetPoint, &loc))
   24225         return NULL;
   24226     _rv = MediaHitTestTargetRefCon(mh,
   24227                                    targetRefCon,
   24228                                    flags,
   24229                                    loc,
   24230                                    &wasHit);
   24231     _res = Py_BuildValue("lb",
   24232                          _rv,
   24233                          wasHit);
   24234     return _res;
   24235 }
   24237 static PyObject *Qt_MediaDisposeTargetRefCon(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   24238 {
   24239     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   24240     ComponentResult _rv;
   24241     MediaHandler mh;
   24242     long targetRefCon;
   24243 #ifndef MediaDisposeTargetRefCon
   24244     PyMac_PRECHECK(MediaDisposeTargetRefCon);
   24245 #endif
   24246     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&l",
   24247                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &mh,
   24248                           &targetRefCon))
   24249         return NULL;
   24250     _rv = MediaDisposeTargetRefCon(mh,
   24251                                    targetRefCon);
   24252     _res = Py_BuildValue("l",
   24253                          _rv);
   24254     return _res;
   24255 }
   24257 static PyObject *Qt_MediaTargetRefConsEqual(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   24258 {
   24259     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   24260     ComponentResult _rv;
   24261     MediaHandler mh;
   24262     long firstRefCon;
   24263     long secondRefCon;
   24264     Boolean equal;
   24265 #ifndef MediaTargetRefConsEqual
   24266     PyMac_PRECHECK(MediaTargetRefConsEqual);
   24267 #endif
   24268     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&ll",
   24269                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &mh,
   24270                           &firstRefCon,
   24271                           &secondRefCon))
   24272         return NULL;
   24273     _rv = MediaTargetRefConsEqual(mh,
   24274                                   firstRefCon,
   24275                                   secondRefCon,
   24276                                   &equal);
   24277     _res = Py_BuildValue("lb",
   24278                          _rv,
   24279                          equal);
   24280     return _res;
   24281 }
   24283 static PyObject *Qt_MediaPrePrerollCancel(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   24284 {
   24285     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   24286     ComponentResult _rv;
   24287     MediaHandler mh;
   24288     void * refcon;
   24289 #ifndef MediaPrePrerollCancel
   24290     PyMac_PRECHECK(MediaPrePrerollCancel);
   24291 #endif
   24292     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&s",
   24293                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &mh,
   24294                           &refcon))
   24295         return NULL;
   24296     _rv = MediaPrePrerollCancel(mh,
   24297                                 refcon);
   24298     _res = Py_BuildValue("l",
   24299                          _rv);
   24300     return _res;
   24301 }
   24303 static PyObject *Qt_MediaEnterEmptyEdit(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   24304 {
   24305     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   24306     ComponentResult _rv;
   24307     MediaHandler mh;
   24308 #ifndef MediaEnterEmptyEdit
   24309     PyMac_PRECHECK(MediaEnterEmptyEdit);
   24310 #endif
   24311     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&",
   24312                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &mh))
   24313         return NULL;
   24314     _rv = MediaEnterEmptyEdit(mh);
   24315     _res = Py_BuildValue("l",
   24316                          _rv);
   24317     return _res;
   24318 }
   24320 static PyObject *Qt_MediaCurrentMediaQueuedData(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   24321 {
   24322     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   24323     ComponentResult _rv;
   24324     MediaHandler mh;
   24325     long milliSecs;
   24326 #ifndef MediaCurrentMediaQueuedData
   24327     PyMac_PRECHECK(MediaCurrentMediaQueuedData);
   24328 #endif
   24329     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&",
   24330                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &mh))
   24331         return NULL;
   24332     _rv = MediaCurrentMediaQueuedData(mh,
   24333                                       &milliSecs);
   24334     _res = Py_BuildValue("ll",
   24335                          _rv,
   24336                          milliSecs);
   24337     return _res;
   24338 }
   24340 static PyObject *Qt_MediaGetEffectiveVolume(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   24341 {
   24342     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   24343     ComponentResult _rv;
   24344     MediaHandler mh;
   24345     short volume;
   24346 #ifndef MediaGetEffectiveVolume
   24347     PyMac_PRECHECK(MediaGetEffectiveVolume);
   24348 #endif
   24349     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&",
   24350                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &mh))
   24351         return NULL;
   24352     _rv = MediaGetEffectiveVolume(mh,
   24353                                   &volume);
   24354     _res = Py_BuildValue("lh",
   24355                          _rv,
   24356                          volume);
   24357     return _res;
   24358 }
   24360 static PyObject *Qt_MediaGetSoundLevelMeteringEnabled(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   24361 {
   24362     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   24363     ComponentResult _rv;
   24364     MediaHandler mh;
   24365     Boolean enabled;
   24366 #ifndef MediaGetSoundLevelMeteringEnabled
   24367     PyMac_PRECHECK(MediaGetSoundLevelMeteringEnabled);
   24368 #endif
   24369     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&",
   24370                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &mh))
   24371         return NULL;
   24372     _rv = MediaGetSoundLevelMeteringEnabled(mh,
   24373                                             &enabled);
   24374     _res = Py_BuildValue("lb",
   24375                          _rv,
   24376                          enabled);
   24377     return _res;
   24378 }
   24380 static PyObject *Qt_MediaSetSoundLevelMeteringEnabled(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   24381 {
   24382     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   24383     ComponentResult _rv;
   24384     MediaHandler mh;
   24385     Boolean enable;
   24386 #ifndef MediaSetSoundLevelMeteringEnabled
   24387     PyMac_PRECHECK(MediaSetSoundLevelMeteringEnabled);
   24388 #endif
   24389     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&b",
   24390                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &mh,
   24391                           &enable))
   24392         return NULL;
   24393     _rv = MediaSetSoundLevelMeteringEnabled(mh,
   24394                                             enable);
   24395     _res = Py_BuildValue("l",
   24396                          _rv);
   24397     return _res;
   24398 }
   24400 static PyObject *Qt_MediaGetEffectiveSoundBalance(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   24401 {
   24402     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   24403     ComponentResult _rv;
   24404     MediaHandler mh;
   24405     short balance;
   24406 #ifndef MediaGetEffectiveSoundBalance
   24407     PyMac_PRECHECK(MediaGetEffectiveSoundBalance);
   24408 #endif
   24409     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&",
   24410                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &mh))
   24411         return NULL;
   24412     _rv = MediaGetEffectiveSoundBalance(mh,
   24413                                         &balance);
   24414     _res = Py_BuildValue("lh",
   24415                          _rv,
   24416                          balance);
   24417     return _res;
   24418 }
   24420 static PyObject *Qt_MediaSetScreenLock(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   24421 {
   24422     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   24423     ComponentResult _rv;
   24424     MediaHandler mh;
   24425     Boolean lockIt;
   24426 #ifndef MediaSetScreenLock
   24427     PyMac_PRECHECK(MediaSetScreenLock);
   24428 #endif
   24429     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&b",
   24430                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &mh,
   24431                           &lockIt))
   24432         return NULL;
   24433     _rv = MediaSetScreenLock(mh,
   24434                              lockIt);
   24435     _res = Py_BuildValue("l",
   24436                          _rv);
   24437     return _res;
   24438 }
   24440 static PyObject *Qt_MediaGetErrorString(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   24441 {
   24442     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   24443     ComponentResult _rv;
   24444     MediaHandler mh;
   24445     ComponentResult theError;
   24446     Str255 errorString;
   24447 #ifndef MediaGetErrorString
   24448     PyMac_PRECHECK(MediaGetErrorString);
   24449 #endif
   24450     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&lO&",
   24451                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &mh,
   24452                           &theError,
   24453                           PyMac_GetStr255, errorString))
   24454         return NULL;
   24455     _rv = MediaGetErrorString(mh,
   24456                               theError,
   24457                               errorString);
   24458     _res = Py_BuildValue("l",
   24459                          _rv);
   24460     return _res;
   24461 }
   24463 static PyObject *Qt_MediaGetSoundEqualizerBandLevels(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   24464 {
   24465     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   24466     ComponentResult _rv;
   24467     MediaHandler mh;
   24468     UInt8 bandLevels;
   24469 #ifndef MediaGetSoundEqualizerBandLevels
   24470     PyMac_PRECHECK(MediaGetSoundEqualizerBandLevels);
   24471 #endif
   24472     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&",
   24473                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &mh))
   24474         return NULL;
   24475     _rv = MediaGetSoundEqualizerBandLevels(mh,
   24476                                            &bandLevels);
   24477     _res = Py_BuildValue("lb",
   24478                          _rv,
   24479                          bandLevels);
   24480     return _res;
   24481 }
   24483 static PyObject *Qt_MediaDoIdleActions(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   24484 {
   24485     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   24486     ComponentResult _rv;
   24487     MediaHandler mh;
   24488 #ifndef MediaDoIdleActions
   24489     PyMac_PRECHECK(MediaDoIdleActions);
   24490 #endif
   24491     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&",
   24492                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &mh))
   24493         return NULL;
   24494     _rv = MediaDoIdleActions(mh);
   24495     _res = Py_BuildValue("l",
   24496                          _rv);
   24497     return _res;
   24498 }
   24500 static PyObject *Qt_MediaSetSoundBassAndTreble(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   24501 {
   24502     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   24503     ComponentResult _rv;
   24504     MediaHandler mh;
   24505     short bass;
   24506     short treble;
   24507 #ifndef MediaSetSoundBassAndTreble
   24508     PyMac_PRECHECK(MediaSetSoundBassAndTreble);
   24509 #endif
   24510     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&hh",
   24511                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &mh,
   24512                           &bass,
   24513                           &treble))
   24514         return NULL;
   24515     _rv = MediaSetSoundBassAndTreble(mh,
   24516                                      bass,
   24517                                      treble);
   24518     _res = Py_BuildValue("l",
   24519                          _rv);
   24520     return _res;
   24521 }
   24523 static PyObject *Qt_MediaGetSoundBassAndTreble(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   24524 {
   24525     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   24526     ComponentResult _rv;
   24527     MediaHandler mh;
   24528     short bass;
   24529     short treble;
   24530 #ifndef MediaGetSoundBassAndTreble
   24531     PyMac_PRECHECK(MediaGetSoundBassAndTreble);
   24532 #endif
   24533     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&",
   24534                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &mh))
   24535         return NULL;
   24536     _rv = MediaGetSoundBassAndTreble(mh,
   24537                                      &bass,
   24538                                      &treble);
   24539     _res = Py_BuildValue("lhh",
   24540                          _rv,
   24541                          bass,
   24542                          treble);
   24543     return _res;
   24544 }
   24546 static PyObject *Qt_MediaTimeBaseChanged(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   24547 {
   24548     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   24549     ComponentResult _rv;
   24550     MediaHandler mh;
   24551 #ifndef MediaTimeBaseChanged
   24552     PyMac_PRECHECK(MediaTimeBaseChanged);
   24553 #endif
   24554     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&",
   24555                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &mh))
   24556         return NULL;
   24557     _rv = MediaTimeBaseChanged(mh);
   24558     _res = Py_BuildValue("l",
   24559                          _rv);
   24560     return _res;
   24561 }
   24563 static PyObject *Qt_MediaMCIsPlayerEvent(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   24564 {
   24565     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   24566     ComponentResult _rv;
   24567     MediaHandler mh;
   24568     EventRecord e;
   24569     Boolean handledIt;
   24570 #ifndef MediaMCIsPlayerEvent
   24571     PyMac_PRECHECK(MediaMCIsPlayerEvent);
   24572 #endif
   24573     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&O&",
   24574                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &mh,
   24575                           PyMac_GetEventRecord, &e))
   24576         return NULL;
   24577     _rv = MediaMCIsPlayerEvent(mh,
   24578                                &e,
   24579                                &handledIt);
   24580     _res = Py_BuildValue("lb",
   24581                          _rv,
   24582                          handledIt);
   24583     return _res;
   24584 }
   24586 static PyObject *Qt_MediaGetMediaLoadState(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   24587 {
   24588     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   24589     ComponentResult _rv;
   24590     MediaHandler mh;
   24591     long mediaLoadState;
   24592 #ifndef MediaGetMediaLoadState
   24593     PyMac_PRECHECK(MediaGetMediaLoadState);
   24594 #endif
   24595     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&",
   24596                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &mh))
   24597         return NULL;
   24598     _rv = MediaGetMediaLoadState(mh,
   24599                                  &mediaLoadState);
   24600     _res = Py_BuildValue("ll",
   24601                          _rv,
   24602                          mediaLoadState);
   24603     return _res;
   24604 }
   24606 static PyObject *Qt_MediaVideoOutputChanged(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   24607 {
   24608     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   24609     ComponentResult _rv;
   24610     MediaHandler mh;
   24611     ComponentInstance vout;
   24612 #ifndef MediaVideoOutputChanged
   24613     PyMac_PRECHECK(MediaVideoOutputChanged);
   24614 #endif
   24615     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&O&",
   24616                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &mh,
   24617                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &vout))
   24618         return NULL;
   24619     _rv = MediaVideoOutputChanged(mh,
   24620                                   vout);
   24621     _res = Py_BuildValue("l",
   24622                          _rv);
   24623     return _res;
   24624 }
   24626 static PyObject *Qt_MediaEmptySampleCache(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   24627 {
   24628     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   24629     ComponentResult _rv;
   24630     MediaHandler mh;
   24631     long sampleNum;
   24632     long sampleCount;
   24633 #ifndef MediaEmptySampleCache
   24634     PyMac_PRECHECK(MediaEmptySampleCache);
   24635 #endif
   24636     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&ll",
   24637                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &mh,
   24638                           &sampleNum,
   24639                           &sampleCount))
   24640         return NULL;
   24641     _rv = MediaEmptySampleCache(mh,
   24642                                 sampleNum,
   24643                                 sampleCount);
   24644     _res = Py_BuildValue("l",
   24645                          _rv);
   24646     return _res;
   24647 }
   24649 static PyObject *Qt_MediaGetPublicInfo(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   24650 {
   24651     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   24652     ComponentResult _rv;
   24653     MediaHandler mh;
   24654     OSType infoSelector;
   24655     void * infoDataPtr;
   24656     Size ioDataSize;
   24657 #ifndef MediaGetPublicInfo
   24658     PyMac_PRECHECK(MediaGetPublicInfo);
   24659 #endif
   24660     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&O&s",
   24661                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &mh,
   24662                           PyMac_GetOSType, &infoSelector,
   24663                           &infoDataPtr))
   24664         return NULL;
   24665     _rv = MediaGetPublicInfo(mh,
   24666                              infoSelector,
   24667                              infoDataPtr,
   24668                              &ioDataSize);
   24669     _res = Py_BuildValue("ll",
   24670                          _rv,
   24671                          ioDataSize);
   24672     return _res;
   24673 }
   24675 static PyObject *Qt_MediaSetPublicInfo(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   24676 {
   24677     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   24678     ComponentResult _rv;
   24679     MediaHandler mh;
   24680     OSType infoSelector;
   24681     void * infoDataPtr;
   24682     Size dataSize;
   24683 #ifndef MediaSetPublicInfo
   24684     PyMac_PRECHECK(MediaSetPublicInfo);
   24685 #endif
   24686     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&O&sl",
   24687                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &mh,
   24688                           PyMac_GetOSType, &infoSelector,
   24689                           &infoDataPtr,
   24690                           &dataSize))
   24691         return NULL;
   24692     _rv = MediaSetPublicInfo(mh,
   24693                              infoSelector,
   24694                              infoDataPtr,
   24695                              dataSize);
   24696     _res = Py_BuildValue("l",
   24697                          _rv);
   24698     return _res;
   24699 }
   24701 static PyObject *Qt_MediaRefConSetProperty(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   24702 {
   24703     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   24704     ComponentResult _rv;
   24705     MediaHandler mh;
   24706     long refCon;
   24707     long propertyType;
   24708     void * propertyValue;
   24709 #ifndef MediaRefConSetProperty
   24710     PyMac_PRECHECK(MediaRefConSetProperty);
   24711 #endif
   24712     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&lls",
   24713                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &mh,
   24714                           &refCon,
   24715                           &propertyType,
   24716                           &propertyValue))
   24717         return NULL;
   24718     _rv = MediaRefConSetProperty(mh,
   24719                                  refCon,
   24720                                  propertyType,
   24721                                  propertyValue);
   24722     _res = Py_BuildValue("l",
   24723                          _rv);
   24724     return _res;
   24725 }
   24727 static PyObject *Qt_MediaRefConGetProperty(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   24728 {
   24729     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   24730     ComponentResult _rv;
   24731     MediaHandler mh;
   24732     long refCon;
   24733     long propertyType;
   24734     void * propertyValue;
   24735 #ifndef MediaRefConGetProperty
   24736     PyMac_PRECHECK(MediaRefConGetProperty);
   24737 #endif
   24738     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&lls",
   24739                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &mh,
   24740                           &refCon,
   24741                           &propertyType,
   24742                           &propertyValue))
   24743         return NULL;
   24744     _rv = MediaRefConGetProperty(mh,
   24745                                  refCon,
   24746                                  propertyType,
   24747                                  propertyValue);
   24748     _res = Py_BuildValue("l",
   24749                          _rv);
   24750     return _res;
   24751 }
   24753 static PyObject *Qt_MediaNavigateTargetRefCon(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   24754 {
   24755     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   24756     ComponentResult _rv;
   24757     MediaHandler mh;
   24758     long navigation;
   24759     long refCon;
   24760 #ifndef MediaNavigateTargetRefCon
   24761     PyMac_PRECHECK(MediaNavigateTargetRefCon);
   24762 #endif
   24763     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&l",
   24764                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &mh,
   24765                           &navigation))
   24766         return NULL;
   24767     _rv = MediaNavigateTargetRefCon(mh,
   24768                                     navigation,
   24769                                     &refCon);
   24770     _res = Py_BuildValue("ll",
   24771                          _rv,
   24772                          refCon);
   24773     return _res;
   24774 }
   24776 static PyObject *Qt_MediaGGetIdleManager(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   24777 {
   24778     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   24779     ComponentResult _rv;
   24780     MediaHandler mh;
   24781     IdleManager pim;
   24782 #ifndef MediaGGetIdleManager
   24783     PyMac_PRECHECK(MediaGGetIdleManager);
   24784 #endif
   24785     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&",
   24786                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &mh))
   24787         return NULL;
   24788     _rv = MediaGGetIdleManager(mh,
   24789                                &pim);
   24790     _res = Py_BuildValue("lO&",
   24791                          _rv,
   24792                          IdleManagerObj_New, pim);
   24793     return _res;
   24794 }
   24796 static PyObject *Qt_MediaGSetIdleManager(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   24797 {
   24798     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   24799     ComponentResult _rv;
   24800     MediaHandler mh;
   24801     IdleManager im;
   24802 #ifndef MediaGSetIdleManager
   24803     PyMac_PRECHECK(MediaGSetIdleManager);
   24804 #endif
   24805     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&O&",
   24806                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &mh,
   24807                           IdleManagerObj_Convert, &im))
   24808         return NULL;
   24809     _rv = MediaGSetIdleManager(mh,
   24810                                im);
   24811     _res = Py_BuildValue("l",
   24812                          _rv);
   24813     return _res;
   24814 }
   24816 static PyObject *Qt_QTMIDIGetMIDIPorts(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   24817 {
   24818     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   24819     ComponentResult _rv;
   24820     QTMIDIComponent ci;
   24821     QTMIDIPortListHandle inputPorts;
   24822     QTMIDIPortListHandle outputPorts;
   24823 #ifndef QTMIDIGetMIDIPorts
   24824     PyMac_PRECHECK(QTMIDIGetMIDIPorts);
   24825 #endif
   24826     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&",
   24827                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &ci))
   24828         return NULL;
   24829     _rv = QTMIDIGetMIDIPorts(ci,
   24830                              &inputPorts,
   24831                              &outputPorts);
   24832     _res = Py_BuildValue("lO&O&",
   24833                          _rv,
   24834                          ResObj_New, inputPorts,
   24835                          ResObj_New, outputPorts);
   24836     return _res;
   24837 }
   24839 static PyObject *Qt_QTMIDIUseSendPort(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   24840 {
   24841     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   24842     ComponentResult _rv;
   24843     QTMIDIComponent ci;
   24844     long portIndex;
   24845     long inUse;
   24846 #ifndef QTMIDIUseSendPort
   24847     PyMac_PRECHECK(QTMIDIUseSendPort);
   24848 #endif
   24849     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&ll",
   24850                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &ci,
   24851                           &portIndex,
   24852                           &inUse))
   24853         return NULL;
   24854     _rv = QTMIDIUseSendPort(ci,
   24855                             portIndex,
   24856                             inUse);
   24857     _res = Py_BuildValue("l",
   24858                          _rv);
   24859     return _res;
   24860 }
   24862 static PyObject *Qt_QTMIDISendMIDI(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   24863 {
   24864     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   24865     ComponentResult _rv;
   24866     QTMIDIComponent ci;
   24867     long portIndex;
   24868     MusicMIDIPacket mp;
   24869 #ifndef QTMIDISendMIDI
   24870     PyMac_PRECHECK(QTMIDISendMIDI);
   24871 #endif
   24872     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&lO&",
   24873                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &ci,
   24874                           &portIndex,
   24875                           QtMusicMIDIPacket_Convert, &mp))
   24876         return NULL;
   24877     _rv = QTMIDISendMIDI(ci,
   24878                          portIndex,
   24879                          &mp);
   24880     _res = Py_BuildValue("l",
   24881                          _rv);
   24882     return _res;
   24883 }
   24885 static PyObject *Qt_MusicGetPart(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   24886 {
   24887     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   24888     ComponentResult _rv;
   24889     MusicComponent mc;
   24890     long part;
   24891     long midiChannel;
   24892     long polyphony;
   24893 #ifndef MusicGetPart
   24894     PyMac_PRECHECK(MusicGetPart);
   24895 #endif
   24896     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&l",
   24897                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &mc,
   24898                           &part))
   24899         return NULL;
   24900     _rv = MusicGetPart(mc,
   24901                        part,
   24902                        &midiChannel,
   24903                        &polyphony);
   24904     _res = Py_BuildValue("lll",
   24905                          _rv,
   24906                          midiChannel,
   24907                          polyphony);
   24908     return _res;
   24909 }
   24911 static PyObject *Qt_MusicSetPart(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   24912 {
   24913     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   24914     ComponentResult _rv;
   24915     MusicComponent mc;
   24916     long part;
   24917     long midiChannel;
   24918     long polyphony;
   24919 #ifndef MusicSetPart
   24920     PyMac_PRECHECK(MusicSetPart);
   24921 #endif
   24922     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&lll",
   24923                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &mc,
   24924                           &part,
   24925                           &midiChannel,
   24926                           &polyphony))
   24927         return NULL;
   24928     _rv = MusicSetPart(mc,
   24929                        part,
   24930                        midiChannel,
   24931                        polyphony);
   24932     _res = Py_BuildValue("l",
   24933                          _rv);
   24934     return _res;
   24935 }
   24937 static PyObject *Qt_MusicSetPartInstrumentNumber(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   24938 {
   24939     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   24940     ComponentResult _rv;
   24941     MusicComponent mc;
   24942     long part;
   24943     long instrumentNumber;
   24944 #ifndef MusicSetPartInstrumentNumber
   24945     PyMac_PRECHECK(MusicSetPartInstrumentNumber);
   24946 #endif
   24947     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&ll",
   24948                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &mc,
   24949                           &part,
   24950                           &instrumentNumber))
   24951         return NULL;
   24952     _rv = MusicSetPartInstrumentNumber(mc,
   24953                                        part,
   24954                                        instrumentNumber);
   24955     _res = Py_BuildValue("l",
   24956                          _rv);
   24957     return _res;
   24958 }
   24960 static PyObject *Qt_MusicGetPartInstrumentNumber(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   24961 {
   24962     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   24963     ComponentResult _rv;
   24964     MusicComponent mc;
   24965     long part;
   24966 #ifndef MusicGetPartInstrumentNumber
   24967     PyMac_PRECHECK(MusicGetPartInstrumentNumber);
   24968 #endif
   24969     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&l",
   24970                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &mc,
   24971                           &part))
   24972         return NULL;
   24973     _rv = MusicGetPartInstrumentNumber(mc,
   24974                                        part);
   24975     _res = Py_BuildValue("l",
   24976                          _rv);
   24977     return _res;
   24978 }
   24980 static PyObject *Qt_MusicStorePartInstrument(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   24981 {
   24982     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   24983     ComponentResult _rv;
   24984     MusicComponent mc;
   24985     long part;
   24986     long instrumentNumber;
   24987 #ifndef MusicStorePartInstrument
   24988     PyMac_PRECHECK(MusicStorePartInstrument);
   24989 #endif
   24990     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&ll",
   24991                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &mc,
   24992                           &part,
   24993                           &instrumentNumber))
   24994         return NULL;
   24995     _rv = MusicStorePartInstrument(mc,
   24996                                    part,
   24997                                    instrumentNumber);
   24998     _res = Py_BuildValue("l",
   24999                          _rv);
   25000     return _res;
   25001 }
   25003 static PyObject *Qt_MusicGetPartAtomicInstrument(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   25004 {
   25005     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   25006     ComponentResult _rv;
   25007     MusicComponent mc;
   25008     long part;
   25009     AtomicInstrument ai;
   25010     long flags;
   25011 #ifndef MusicGetPartAtomicInstrument
   25012     PyMac_PRECHECK(MusicGetPartAtomicInstrument);
   25013 #endif
   25014     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&ll",
   25015                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &mc,
   25016                           &part,
   25017                           &flags))
   25018         return NULL;
   25019     _rv = MusicGetPartAtomicInstrument(mc,
   25020                                        part,
   25021                                        &ai,
   25022                                        flags);
   25023     _res = Py_BuildValue("lO&",
   25024                          _rv,
   25025                          ResObj_New, ai);
   25026     return _res;
   25027 }
   25029 static PyObject *Qt_MusicSetPartAtomicInstrument(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   25030 {
   25031     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   25032     ComponentResult _rv;
   25033     MusicComponent mc;
   25034     long part;
   25035     AtomicInstrumentPtr aiP;
   25036     long flags;
   25037 #ifndef MusicSetPartAtomicInstrument
   25038     PyMac_PRECHECK(MusicSetPartAtomicInstrument);
   25039 #endif
   25040     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&lsl",
   25041                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &mc,
   25042                           &part,
   25043                           &aiP,
   25044                           &flags))
   25045         return NULL;
   25046     _rv = MusicSetPartAtomicInstrument(mc,
   25047                                        part,
   25048                                        aiP,
   25049                                        flags);
   25050     _res = Py_BuildValue("l",
   25051                          _rv);
   25052     return _res;
   25053 }
   25055 static PyObject *Qt_MusicGetPartKnob(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   25056 {
   25057     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   25058     ComponentResult _rv;
   25059     MusicComponent mc;
   25060     long part;
   25061     long knobID;
   25062 #ifndef MusicGetPartKnob
   25063     PyMac_PRECHECK(MusicGetPartKnob);
   25064 #endif
   25065     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&ll",
   25066                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &mc,
   25067                           &part,
   25068                           &knobID))
   25069         return NULL;
   25070     _rv = MusicGetPartKnob(mc,
   25071                            part,
   25072                            knobID);
   25073     _res = Py_BuildValue("l",
   25074                          _rv);
   25075     return _res;
   25076 }
   25078 static PyObject *Qt_MusicSetPartKnob(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   25079 {
   25080     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   25081     ComponentResult _rv;
   25082     MusicComponent mc;
   25083     long part;
   25084     long knobID;
   25085     long knobValue;
   25086 #ifndef MusicSetPartKnob
   25087     PyMac_PRECHECK(MusicSetPartKnob);
   25088 #endif
   25089     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&lll",
   25090                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &mc,
   25091                           &part,
   25092                           &knobID,
   25093                           &knobValue))
   25094         return NULL;
   25095     _rv = MusicSetPartKnob(mc,
   25096                            part,
   25097                            knobID,
   25098                            knobValue);
   25099     _res = Py_BuildValue("l",
   25100                          _rv);
   25101     return _res;
   25102 }
   25104 static PyObject *Qt_MusicGetKnob(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   25105 {
   25106     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   25107     ComponentResult _rv;
   25108     MusicComponent mc;
   25109     long knobID;
   25110 #ifndef MusicGetKnob
   25111     PyMac_PRECHECK(MusicGetKnob);
   25112 #endif
   25113     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&l",
   25114                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &mc,
   25115                           &knobID))
   25116         return NULL;
   25117     _rv = MusicGetKnob(mc,
   25118                        knobID);
   25119     _res = Py_BuildValue("l",
   25120                          _rv);
   25121     return _res;
   25122 }
   25124 static PyObject *Qt_MusicSetKnob(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   25125 {
   25126     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   25127     ComponentResult _rv;
   25128     MusicComponent mc;
   25129     long knobID;
   25130     long knobValue;
   25131 #ifndef MusicSetKnob
   25132     PyMac_PRECHECK(MusicSetKnob);
   25133 #endif
   25134     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&ll",
   25135                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &mc,
   25136                           &knobID,
   25137                           &knobValue))
   25138         return NULL;
   25139     _rv = MusicSetKnob(mc,
   25140                        knobID,
   25141                        knobValue);
   25142     _res = Py_BuildValue("l",
   25143                          _rv);
   25144     return _res;
   25145 }
   25147 static PyObject *Qt_MusicGetPartName(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   25148 {
   25149     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   25150     ComponentResult _rv;
   25151     MusicComponent mc;
   25152     long part;
   25153     StringPtr name;
   25154 #ifndef MusicGetPartName
   25155     PyMac_PRECHECK(MusicGetPartName);
   25156 #endif
   25157     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&ls",
   25158                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &mc,
   25159                           &part,
   25160                           &name))
   25161         return NULL;
   25162     _rv = MusicGetPartName(mc,
   25163                            part,
   25164                            name);
   25165     _res = Py_BuildValue("l",
   25166                          _rv);
   25167     return _res;
   25168 }
   25170 static PyObject *Qt_MusicSetPartName(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   25171 {
   25172     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   25173     ComponentResult _rv;
   25174     MusicComponent mc;
   25175     long part;
   25176     StringPtr name;
   25177 #ifndef MusicSetPartName
   25178     PyMac_PRECHECK(MusicSetPartName);
   25179 #endif
   25180     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&ls",
   25181                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &mc,
   25182                           &part,
   25183                           &name))
   25184         return NULL;
   25185     _rv = MusicSetPartName(mc,
   25186                            part,
   25187                            name);
   25188     _res = Py_BuildValue("l",
   25189                          _rv);
   25190     return _res;
   25191 }
   25193 static PyObject *Qt_MusicPlayNote(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   25194 {
   25195     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   25196     ComponentResult _rv;
   25197     MusicComponent mc;
   25198     long part;
   25199     long pitch;
   25200     long velocity;
   25201 #ifndef MusicPlayNote
   25202     PyMac_PRECHECK(MusicPlayNote);
   25203 #endif
   25204     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&lll",
   25205                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &mc,
   25206                           &part,
   25207                           &pitch,
   25208                           &velocity))
   25209         return NULL;
   25210     _rv = MusicPlayNote(mc,
   25211                         part,
   25212                         pitch,
   25213                         velocity);
   25214     _res = Py_BuildValue("l",
   25215                          _rv);
   25216     return _res;
   25217 }
   25219 static PyObject *Qt_MusicResetPart(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   25220 {
   25221     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   25222     ComponentResult _rv;
   25223     MusicComponent mc;
   25224     long part;
   25225 #ifndef MusicResetPart
   25226     PyMac_PRECHECK(MusicResetPart);
   25227 #endif
   25228     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&l",
   25229                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &mc,
   25230                           &part))
   25231         return NULL;
   25232     _rv = MusicResetPart(mc,
   25233                          part);
   25234     _res = Py_BuildValue("l",
   25235                          _rv);
   25236     return _res;
   25237 }
   25239 static PyObject *Qt_MusicSetPartController(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   25240 {
   25241     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   25242     ComponentResult _rv;
   25243     MusicComponent mc;
   25244     long part;
   25245     MusicController controllerNumber;
   25246     long controllerValue;
   25247 #ifndef MusicSetPartController
   25248     PyMac_PRECHECK(MusicSetPartController);
   25249 #endif
   25250     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&lll",
   25251                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &mc,
   25252                           &part,
   25253                           &controllerNumber,
   25254                           &controllerValue))
   25255         return NULL;
   25256     _rv = MusicSetPartController(mc,
   25257                                  part,
   25258                                  controllerNumber,
   25259                                  controllerValue);
   25260     _res = Py_BuildValue("l",
   25261                          _rv);
   25262     return _res;
   25263 }
   25265 static PyObject *Qt_MusicGetPartController(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   25266 {
   25267     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   25268     ComponentResult _rv;
   25269     MusicComponent mc;
   25270     long part;
   25271     MusicController controllerNumber;
   25272 #ifndef MusicGetPartController
   25273     PyMac_PRECHECK(MusicGetPartController);
   25274 #endif
   25275     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&ll",
   25276                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &mc,
   25277                           &part,
   25278                           &controllerNumber))
   25279         return NULL;
   25280     _rv = MusicGetPartController(mc,
   25281                                  part,
   25282                                  controllerNumber);
   25283     _res = Py_BuildValue("l",
   25284                          _rv);
   25285     return _res;
   25286 }
   25288 static PyObject *Qt_MusicGetInstrumentNames(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   25289 {
   25290     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   25291     ComponentResult _rv;
   25292     MusicComponent mc;
   25293     long modifiableInstruments;
   25294     Handle instrumentNames;
   25295     Handle instrumentCategoryLasts;
   25296     Handle instrumentCategoryNames;
   25297 #ifndef MusicGetInstrumentNames
   25298     PyMac_PRECHECK(MusicGetInstrumentNames);
   25299 #endif
   25300     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&l",
   25301                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &mc,
   25302                           &modifiableInstruments))
   25303         return NULL;
   25304     _rv = MusicGetInstrumentNames(mc,
   25305                                   modifiableInstruments,
   25306                                   &instrumentNames,
   25307                                   &instrumentCategoryLasts,
   25308                                   &instrumentCategoryNames);
   25309     _res = Py_BuildValue("lO&O&O&",
   25310                          _rv,
   25311                          ResObj_New, instrumentNames,
   25312                          ResObj_New, instrumentCategoryLasts,
   25313                          ResObj_New, instrumentCategoryNames);
   25314     return _res;
   25315 }
   25317 static PyObject *Qt_MusicGetDrumNames(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   25318 {
   25319     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   25320     ComponentResult _rv;
   25321     MusicComponent mc;
   25322     long modifiableInstruments;
   25323     Handle instrumentNumbers;
   25324     Handle instrumentNames;
   25325 #ifndef MusicGetDrumNames
   25326     PyMac_PRECHECK(MusicGetDrumNames);
   25327 #endif
   25328     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&l",
   25329                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &mc,
   25330                           &modifiableInstruments))
   25331         return NULL;
   25332     _rv = MusicGetDrumNames(mc,
   25333                             modifiableInstruments,
   25334                             &instrumentNumbers,
   25335                             &instrumentNames);
   25336     _res = Py_BuildValue("lO&O&",
   25337                          _rv,
   25338                          ResObj_New, instrumentNumbers,
   25339                          ResObj_New, instrumentNames);
   25340     return _res;
   25341 }
   25343 static PyObject *Qt_MusicGetMasterTune(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   25344 {
   25345     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   25346     ComponentResult _rv;
   25347     MusicComponent mc;
   25348 #ifndef MusicGetMasterTune
   25349     PyMac_PRECHECK(MusicGetMasterTune);
   25350 #endif
   25351     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&",
   25352                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &mc))
   25353         return NULL;
   25354     _rv = MusicGetMasterTune(mc);
   25355     _res = Py_BuildValue("l",
   25356                          _rv);
   25357     return _res;
   25358 }
   25360 static PyObject *Qt_MusicSetMasterTune(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   25361 {
   25362     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   25363     ComponentResult _rv;
   25364     MusicComponent mc;
   25365     long masterTune;
   25366 #ifndef MusicSetMasterTune
   25367     PyMac_PRECHECK(MusicSetMasterTune);
   25368 #endif
   25369     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&l",
   25370                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &mc,
   25371                           &masterTune))
   25372         return NULL;
   25373     _rv = MusicSetMasterTune(mc,
   25374                              masterTune);
   25375     _res = Py_BuildValue("l",
   25376                          _rv);
   25377     return _res;
   25378 }
   25380 static PyObject *Qt_MusicGetDeviceConnection(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   25381 {
   25382     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   25383     ComponentResult _rv;
   25384     MusicComponent mc;
   25385     long index;
   25386     long id1;
   25387     long id2;
   25388 #ifndef MusicGetDeviceConnection
   25389     PyMac_PRECHECK(MusicGetDeviceConnection);
   25390 #endif
   25391     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&l",
   25392                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &mc,
   25393                           &index))
   25394         return NULL;
   25395     _rv = MusicGetDeviceConnection(mc,
   25396                                    index,
   25397                                    &id1,
   25398                                    &id2);
   25399     _res = Py_BuildValue("lll",
   25400                          _rv,
   25401                          id1,
   25402                          id2);
   25403     return _res;
   25404 }
   25406 static PyObject *Qt_MusicUseDeviceConnection(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   25407 {
   25408     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   25409     ComponentResult _rv;
   25410     MusicComponent mc;
   25411     long id1;
   25412     long id2;
   25413 #ifndef MusicUseDeviceConnection
   25414     PyMac_PRECHECK(MusicUseDeviceConnection);
   25415 #endif
   25416     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&ll",
   25417                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &mc,
   25418                           &id1,
   25419                           &id2))
   25420         return NULL;
   25421     _rv = MusicUseDeviceConnection(mc,
   25422                                    id1,
   25423                                    id2);
   25424     _res = Py_BuildValue("l",
   25425                          _rv);
   25426     return _res;
   25427 }
   25429 static PyObject *Qt_MusicGetKnobSettingStrings(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   25430 {
   25431     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   25432     ComponentResult _rv;
   25433     MusicComponent mc;
   25434     long knobIndex;
   25435     long isGlobal;
   25436     Handle settingsNames;
   25437     Handle settingsCategoryLasts;
   25438     Handle settingsCategoryNames;
   25439 #ifndef MusicGetKnobSettingStrings
   25440     PyMac_PRECHECK(MusicGetKnobSettingStrings);
   25441 #endif
   25442     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&ll",
   25443                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &mc,
   25444                           &knobIndex,
   25445                           &isGlobal))
   25446         return NULL;
   25447     _rv = MusicGetKnobSettingStrings(mc,
   25448                                      knobIndex,
   25449                                      isGlobal,
   25450                                      &settingsNames,
   25451                                      &settingsCategoryLasts,
   25452                                      &settingsCategoryNames);
   25453     _res = Py_BuildValue("lO&O&O&",
   25454                          _rv,
   25455                          ResObj_New, settingsNames,
   25456                          ResObj_New, settingsCategoryLasts,
   25457                          ResObj_New, settingsCategoryNames);
   25458     return _res;
   25459 }
   25461 static PyObject *Qt_MusicGetMIDIPorts(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   25462 {
   25463     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   25464     ComponentResult _rv;
   25465     MusicComponent mc;
   25466     long inputPortCount;
   25467     long outputPortCount;
   25468 #ifndef MusicGetMIDIPorts
   25469     PyMac_PRECHECK(MusicGetMIDIPorts);
   25470 #endif
   25471     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&",
   25472                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &mc))
   25473         return NULL;
   25474     _rv = MusicGetMIDIPorts(mc,
   25475                             &inputPortCount,
   25476                             &outputPortCount);
   25477     _res = Py_BuildValue("lll",
   25478                          _rv,
   25479                          inputPortCount,
   25480                          outputPortCount);
   25481     return _res;
   25482 }
   25484 static PyObject *Qt_MusicSendMIDI(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   25485 {
   25486     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   25487     ComponentResult _rv;
   25488     MusicComponent mc;
   25489     long portIndex;
   25490     MusicMIDIPacket mp;
   25491 #ifndef MusicSendMIDI
   25492     PyMac_PRECHECK(MusicSendMIDI);
   25493 #endif
   25494     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&lO&",
   25495                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &mc,
   25496                           &portIndex,
   25497                           QtMusicMIDIPacket_Convert, &mp))
   25498         return NULL;
   25499     _rv = MusicSendMIDI(mc,
   25500                         portIndex,
   25501                         &mp);
   25502     _res = Py_BuildValue("l",
   25503                          _rv);
   25504     return _res;
   25505 }
   25507 static PyObject *Qt_MusicSetOfflineTimeTo(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   25508 {
   25509     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   25510     ComponentResult _rv;
   25511     MusicComponent mc;
   25512     long newTimeStamp;
   25513 #ifndef MusicSetOfflineTimeTo
   25514     PyMac_PRECHECK(MusicSetOfflineTimeTo);
   25515 #endif
   25516     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&l",
   25517                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &mc,
   25518                           &newTimeStamp))
   25519         return NULL;
   25520     _rv = MusicSetOfflineTimeTo(mc,
   25521                                 newTimeStamp);
   25522     _res = Py_BuildValue("l",
   25523                          _rv);
   25524     return _res;
   25525 }
   25527 static PyObject *Qt_MusicGetInfoText(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   25528 {
   25529     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   25530     ComponentResult _rv;
   25531     MusicComponent mc;
   25532     long selector;
   25533     Handle textH;
   25534     Handle styleH;
   25535 #ifndef MusicGetInfoText
   25536     PyMac_PRECHECK(MusicGetInfoText);
   25537 #endif
   25538     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&l",
   25539                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &mc,
   25540                           &selector))
   25541         return NULL;
   25542     _rv = MusicGetInfoText(mc,
   25543                            selector,
   25544                            &textH,
   25545                            &styleH);
   25546     _res = Py_BuildValue("lO&O&",
   25547                          _rv,
   25548                          ResObj_New, textH,
   25549                          ResObj_New, styleH);
   25550     return _res;
   25551 }
   25553 static PyObject *Qt_MusicGetInstrumentInfo(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   25554 {
   25555     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   25556     ComponentResult _rv;
   25557     MusicComponent mc;
   25558     long getInstrumentInfoFlags;
   25559     InstrumentInfoListHandle infoListH;
   25560 #ifndef MusicGetInstrumentInfo
   25561     PyMac_PRECHECK(MusicGetInstrumentInfo);
   25562 #endif
   25563     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&l",
   25564                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &mc,
   25565                           &getInstrumentInfoFlags))
   25566         return NULL;
   25567     _rv = MusicGetInstrumentInfo(mc,
   25568                                  getInstrumentInfoFlags,
   25569                                  &infoListH);
   25570     _res = Py_BuildValue("lO&",
   25571                          _rv,
   25572                          ResObj_New, infoListH);
   25573     return _res;
   25574 }
   25576 static PyObject *Qt_MusicTask(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   25577 {
   25578     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   25579     ComponentResult _rv;
   25580     MusicComponent mc;
   25581 #ifndef MusicTask
   25582     PyMac_PRECHECK(MusicTask);
   25583 #endif
   25584     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&",
   25585                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &mc))
   25586         return NULL;
   25587     _rv = MusicTask(mc);
   25588     _res = Py_BuildValue("l",
   25589                          _rv);
   25590     return _res;
   25591 }
   25593 static PyObject *Qt_MusicSetPartInstrumentNumberInterruptSafe(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   25594 {
   25595     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   25596     ComponentResult _rv;
   25597     MusicComponent mc;
   25598     long part;
   25599     long instrumentNumber;
   25600 #ifndef MusicSetPartInstrumentNumberInterruptSafe
   25601     PyMac_PRECHECK(MusicSetPartInstrumentNumberInterruptSafe);
   25602 #endif
   25603     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&ll",
   25604                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &mc,
   25605                           &part,
   25606                           &instrumentNumber))
   25607         return NULL;
   25608     _rv = MusicSetPartInstrumentNumberInterruptSafe(mc,
   25609                                                     part,
   25610                                                     instrumentNumber);
   25611     _res = Py_BuildValue("l",
   25612                          _rv);
   25613     return _res;
   25614 }
   25616 static PyObject *Qt_MusicSetPartSoundLocalization(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   25617 {
   25618     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   25619     ComponentResult _rv;
   25620     MusicComponent mc;
   25621     long part;
   25622     Handle data;
   25623 #ifndef MusicSetPartSoundLocalization
   25624     PyMac_PRECHECK(MusicSetPartSoundLocalization);
   25625 #endif
   25626     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&lO&",
   25627                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &mc,
   25628                           &part,
   25629                           ResObj_Convert, &data))
   25630         return NULL;
   25631     _rv = MusicSetPartSoundLocalization(mc,
   25632                                         part,
   25633                                         data);
   25634     _res = Py_BuildValue("l",
   25635                          _rv);
   25636     return _res;
   25637 }
   25639 static PyObject *Qt_MusicGenericConfigure(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   25640 {
   25641     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   25642     ComponentResult _rv;
   25643     MusicComponent mc;
   25644     long mode;
   25645     long flags;
   25646     long baseResID;
   25647 #ifndef MusicGenericConfigure
   25648     PyMac_PRECHECK(MusicGenericConfigure);
   25649 #endif
   25650     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&lll",
   25651                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &mc,
   25652                           &mode,
   25653                           &flags,
   25654                           &baseResID))
   25655         return NULL;
   25656     _rv = MusicGenericConfigure(mc,
   25657                                 mode,
   25658                                 flags,
   25659                                 baseResID);
   25660     _res = Py_BuildValue("l",
   25661                          _rv);
   25662     return _res;
   25663 }
   25665 static PyObject *Qt_MusicGenericGetKnobList(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   25666 {
   25667     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   25668     ComponentResult _rv;
   25669     MusicComponent mc;
   25670     long knobType;
   25671     GenericKnobDescriptionListHandle gkdlH;
   25672 #ifndef MusicGenericGetKnobList
   25673     PyMac_PRECHECK(MusicGenericGetKnobList);
   25674 #endif
   25675     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&l",
   25676                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &mc,
   25677                           &knobType))
   25678         return NULL;
   25679     _rv = MusicGenericGetKnobList(mc,
   25680                                   knobType,
   25681                                   &gkdlH);
   25682     _res = Py_BuildValue("lO&",
   25683                          _rv,
   25684                          ResObj_New, gkdlH);
   25685     return _res;
   25686 }
   25688 static PyObject *Qt_MusicGenericSetResourceNumbers(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   25689 {
   25690     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   25691     ComponentResult _rv;
   25692     MusicComponent mc;
   25693     Handle resourceIDH;
   25694 #ifndef MusicGenericSetResourceNumbers
   25695     PyMac_PRECHECK(MusicGenericSetResourceNumbers);
   25696 #endif
   25697     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&O&",
   25698                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &mc,
   25699                           ResObj_Convert, &resourceIDH))
   25700         return NULL;
   25701     _rv = MusicGenericSetResourceNumbers(mc,
   25702                                          resourceIDH);
   25703     _res = Py_BuildValue("l",
   25704                          _rv);
   25705     return _res;
   25706 }
   25708 static PyObject *Qt_MusicDerivedMIDISend(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   25709 {
   25710     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   25711     ComponentResult _rv;
   25712     MusicComponent mc;
   25713     MusicMIDIPacket packet;
   25714 #ifndef MusicDerivedMIDISend
   25715     PyMac_PRECHECK(MusicDerivedMIDISend);
   25716 #endif
   25717     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&O&",
   25718                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &mc,
   25719                           QtMusicMIDIPacket_Convert, &packet))
   25720         return NULL;
   25721     _rv = MusicDerivedMIDISend(mc,
   25722                                &packet);
   25723     _res = Py_BuildValue("l",
   25724                          _rv);
   25725     return _res;
   25726 }
   25728 static PyObject *Qt_MusicDerivedOpenResFile(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   25729 {
   25730     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   25731     ComponentResult _rv;
   25732     MusicComponent mc;
   25733 #ifndef MusicDerivedOpenResFile
   25734     PyMac_PRECHECK(MusicDerivedOpenResFile);
   25735 #endif
   25736     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&",
   25737                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &mc))
   25738         return NULL;
   25739     _rv = MusicDerivedOpenResFile(mc);
   25740     _res = Py_BuildValue("l",
   25741                          _rv);
   25742     return _res;
   25743 }
   25745 static PyObject *Qt_MusicDerivedCloseResFile(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   25746 {
   25747     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   25748     ComponentResult _rv;
   25749     MusicComponent mc;
   25750     short resRefNum;
   25751 #ifndef MusicDerivedCloseResFile
   25752     PyMac_PRECHECK(MusicDerivedCloseResFile);
   25753 #endif
   25754     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&h",
   25755                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &mc,
   25756                           &resRefNum))
   25757         return NULL;
   25758     _rv = MusicDerivedCloseResFile(mc,
   25759                                    resRefNum);
   25760     _res = Py_BuildValue("l",
   25761                          _rv);
   25762     return _res;
   25763 }
   25765 static PyObject *Qt_NAUnregisterMusicDevice(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   25766 {
   25767     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   25768     ComponentResult _rv;
   25769     NoteAllocator na;
   25770     long index;
   25771 #ifndef NAUnregisterMusicDevice
   25772     PyMac_PRECHECK(NAUnregisterMusicDevice);
   25773 #endif
   25774     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&l",
   25775                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &na,
   25776                           &index))
   25777         return NULL;
   25778     _rv = NAUnregisterMusicDevice(na,
   25779                                   index);
   25780     _res = Py_BuildValue("l",
   25781                          _rv);
   25782     return _res;
   25783 }
   25785 static PyObject *Qt_NASaveMusicConfiguration(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   25786 {
   25787     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   25788     ComponentResult _rv;
   25789     NoteAllocator na;
   25790 #ifndef NASaveMusicConfiguration
   25791     PyMac_PRECHECK(NASaveMusicConfiguration);
   25792 #endif
   25793     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&",
   25794                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &na))
   25795         return NULL;
   25796     _rv = NASaveMusicConfiguration(na);
   25797     _res = Py_BuildValue("l",
   25798                          _rv);
   25799     return _res;
   25800 }
   25802 static PyObject *Qt_NAGetMIDIPorts(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   25803 {
   25804     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   25805     ComponentResult _rv;
   25806     NoteAllocator na;
   25807     QTMIDIPortListHandle inputPorts;
   25808     QTMIDIPortListHandle outputPorts;
   25809 #ifndef NAGetMIDIPorts
   25810     PyMac_PRECHECK(NAGetMIDIPorts);
   25811 #endif
   25812     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&",
   25813                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &na))
   25814         return NULL;
   25815     _rv = NAGetMIDIPorts(na,
   25816                          &inputPorts,
   25817                          &outputPorts);
   25818     _res = Py_BuildValue("lO&O&",
   25819                          _rv,
   25820                          ResObj_New, inputPorts,
   25821                          ResObj_New, outputPorts);
   25822     return _res;
   25823 }
   25825 static PyObject *Qt_NATask(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   25826 {
   25827     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   25828     ComponentResult _rv;
   25829     NoteAllocator na;
   25830 #ifndef NATask
   25831     PyMac_PRECHECK(NATask);
   25832 #endif
   25833     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&",
   25834                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &na))
   25835         return NULL;
   25836     _rv = NATask(na);
   25837     _res = Py_BuildValue("l",
   25838                          _rv);
   25839     return _res;
   25840 }
   25842 static PyObject *Qt_TuneSetHeader(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   25843 {
   25844     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   25845     ComponentResult _rv;
   25846     TunePlayer tp;
   25847     unsigned long * header;
   25848 #ifndef TuneSetHeader
   25849     PyMac_PRECHECK(TuneSetHeader);
   25850 #endif
   25851     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&s",
   25852                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &tp,
   25853                           &header))
   25854         return NULL;
   25855     _rv = TuneSetHeader(tp,
   25856                         header);
   25857     _res = Py_BuildValue("l",
   25858                          _rv);
   25859     return _res;
   25860 }
   25862 static PyObject *Qt_TuneGetTimeBase(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   25863 {
   25864     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   25865     ComponentResult _rv;
   25866     TunePlayer tp;
   25867     TimeBase tb;
   25868 #ifndef TuneGetTimeBase
   25869     PyMac_PRECHECK(TuneGetTimeBase);
   25870 #endif
   25871     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&",
   25872                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &tp))
   25873         return NULL;
   25874     _rv = TuneGetTimeBase(tp,
   25875                           &tb);
   25876     _res = Py_BuildValue("lO&",
   25877                          _rv,
   25878                          TimeBaseObj_New, tb);
   25879     return _res;
   25880 }
   25882 static PyObject *Qt_TuneSetTimeScale(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   25883 {
   25884     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   25885     ComponentResult _rv;
   25886     TunePlayer tp;
   25887     TimeScale scale;
   25888 #ifndef TuneSetTimeScale
   25889     PyMac_PRECHECK(TuneSetTimeScale);
   25890 #endif
   25891     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&l",
   25892                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &tp,
   25893                           &scale))
   25894         return NULL;
   25895     _rv = TuneSetTimeScale(tp,
   25896                            scale);
   25897     _res = Py_BuildValue("l",
   25898                          _rv);
   25899     return _res;
   25900 }
   25902 static PyObject *Qt_TuneGetTimeScale(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   25903 {
   25904     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   25905     ComponentResult _rv;
   25906     TunePlayer tp;
   25907     TimeScale scale;
   25908 #ifndef TuneGetTimeScale
   25909     PyMac_PRECHECK(TuneGetTimeScale);
   25910 #endif
   25911     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&",
   25912                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &tp))
   25913         return NULL;
   25914     _rv = TuneGetTimeScale(tp,
   25915                            &scale);
   25916     _res = Py_BuildValue("ll",
   25917                          _rv,
   25918                          scale);
   25919     return _res;
   25920 }
   25922 static PyObject *Qt_TuneInstant(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   25923 {
   25924     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   25925     ComponentResult _rv;
   25926     TunePlayer tp;
   25927     unsigned long tune;
   25928     unsigned long tunePosition;
   25929 #ifndef TuneInstant
   25930     PyMac_PRECHECK(TuneInstant);
   25931 #endif
   25932     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&l",
   25933                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &tp,
   25934                           &tunePosition))
   25935         return NULL;
   25936     _rv = TuneInstant(tp,
   25937                       &tune,
   25938                       tunePosition);
   25939     _res = Py_BuildValue("ll",
   25940                          _rv,
   25941                          tune);
   25942     return _res;
   25943 }
   25945 static PyObject *Qt_TuneStop(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   25946 {
   25947     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   25948     ComponentResult _rv;
   25949     TunePlayer tp;
   25950     long stopFlags;
   25951 #ifndef TuneStop
   25952     PyMac_PRECHECK(TuneStop);
   25953 #endif
   25954     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&l",
   25955                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &tp,
   25956                           &stopFlags))
   25957         return NULL;
   25958     _rv = TuneStop(tp,
   25959                    stopFlags);
   25960     _res = Py_BuildValue("l",
   25961                          _rv);
   25962     return _res;
   25963 }
   25965 static PyObject *Qt_TuneSetVolume(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   25966 {
   25967     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   25968     ComponentResult _rv;
   25969     TunePlayer tp;
   25970     Fixed volume;
   25971 #ifndef TuneSetVolume
   25972     PyMac_PRECHECK(TuneSetVolume);
   25973 #endif
   25974     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&O&",
   25975                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &tp,
   25976                           PyMac_GetFixed, &volume))
   25977         return NULL;
   25978     _rv = TuneSetVolume(tp,
   25979                         volume);
   25980     _res = Py_BuildValue("l",
   25981                          _rv);
   25982     return _res;
   25983 }
   25985 static PyObject *Qt_TuneGetVolume(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   25986 {
   25987     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   25988     ComponentResult _rv;
   25989     TunePlayer tp;
   25990 #ifndef TuneGetVolume
   25991     PyMac_PRECHECK(TuneGetVolume);
   25992 #endif
   25993     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&",
   25994                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &tp))
   25995         return NULL;
   25996     _rv = TuneGetVolume(tp);
   25997     _res = Py_BuildValue("l",
   25998                          _rv);
   25999     return _res;
   26000 }
   26002 static PyObject *Qt_TunePreroll(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   26003 {
   26004     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   26005     ComponentResult _rv;
   26006     TunePlayer tp;
   26007 #ifndef TunePreroll
   26008     PyMac_PRECHECK(TunePreroll);
   26009 #endif
   26010     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&",
   26011                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &tp))
   26012         return NULL;
   26013     _rv = TunePreroll(tp);
   26014     _res = Py_BuildValue("l",
   26015                          _rv);
   26016     return _res;
   26017 }
   26019 static PyObject *Qt_TuneUnroll(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   26020 {
   26021     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   26022     ComponentResult _rv;
   26023     TunePlayer tp;
   26024 #ifndef TuneUnroll
   26025     PyMac_PRECHECK(TuneUnroll);
   26026 #endif
   26027     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&",
   26028                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &tp))
   26029         return NULL;
   26030     _rv = TuneUnroll(tp);
   26031     _res = Py_BuildValue("l",
   26032                          _rv);
   26033     return _res;
   26034 }
   26036 static PyObject *Qt_TuneSetPartTranspose(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   26037 {
   26038     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   26039     ComponentResult _rv;
   26040     TunePlayer tp;
   26041     unsigned long part;
   26042     long transpose;
   26043     long velocityShift;
   26044 #ifndef TuneSetPartTranspose
   26045     PyMac_PRECHECK(TuneSetPartTranspose);
   26046 #endif
   26047     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&lll",
   26048                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &tp,
   26049                           &part,
   26050                           &transpose,
   26051                           &velocityShift))
   26052         return NULL;
   26053     _rv = TuneSetPartTranspose(tp,
   26054                                part,
   26055                                transpose,
   26056                                velocityShift);
   26057     _res = Py_BuildValue("l",
   26058                          _rv);
   26059     return _res;
   26060 }
   26062 static PyObject *Qt_TuneGetNoteAllocator(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   26063 {
   26064     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   26065     NoteAllocator _rv;
   26066     TunePlayer tp;
   26067 #ifndef TuneGetNoteAllocator
   26068     PyMac_PRECHECK(TuneGetNoteAllocator);
   26069 #endif
   26070     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&",
   26071                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &tp))
   26072         return NULL;
   26073     _rv = TuneGetNoteAllocator(tp);
   26074     _res = Py_BuildValue("O&",
   26075                          CmpInstObj_New, _rv);
   26076     return _res;
   26077 }
   26079 static PyObject *Qt_TuneSetSofter(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   26080 {
   26081     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   26082     ComponentResult _rv;
   26083     TunePlayer tp;
   26084     long softer;
   26085 #ifndef TuneSetSofter
   26086     PyMac_PRECHECK(TuneSetSofter);
   26087 #endif
   26088     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&l",
   26089                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &tp,
   26090                           &softer))
   26091         return NULL;
   26092     _rv = TuneSetSofter(tp,
   26093                         softer);
   26094     _res = Py_BuildValue("l",
   26095                          _rv);
   26096     return _res;
   26097 }
   26099 static PyObject *Qt_TuneTask(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   26100 {
   26101     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   26102     ComponentResult _rv;
   26103     TunePlayer tp;
   26104 #ifndef TuneTask
   26105     PyMac_PRECHECK(TuneTask);
   26106 #endif
   26107     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&",
   26108                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &tp))
   26109         return NULL;
   26110     _rv = TuneTask(tp);
   26111     _res = Py_BuildValue("l",
   26112                          _rv);
   26113     return _res;
   26114 }
   26116 static PyObject *Qt_TuneSetBalance(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   26117 {
   26118     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   26119     ComponentResult _rv;
   26120     TunePlayer tp;
   26121     long balance;
   26122 #ifndef TuneSetBalance
   26123     PyMac_PRECHECK(TuneSetBalance);
   26124 #endif
   26125     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&l",
   26126                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &tp,
   26127                           &balance))
   26128         return NULL;
   26129     _rv = TuneSetBalance(tp,
   26130                          balance);
   26131     _res = Py_BuildValue("l",
   26132                          _rv);
   26133     return _res;
   26134 }
   26136 static PyObject *Qt_TuneSetSoundLocalization(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   26137 {
   26138     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   26139     ComponentResult _rv;
   26140     TunePlayer tp;
   26141     Handle data;
   26142 #ifndef TuneSetSoundLocalization
   26143     PyMac_PRECHECK(TuneSetSoundLocalization);
   26144 #endif
   26145     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&O&",
   26146                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &tp,
   26147                           ResObj_Convert, &data))
   26148         return NULL;
   26149     _rv = TuneSetSoundLocalization(tp,
   26150                                    data);
   26151     _res = Py_BuildValue("l",
   26152                          _rv);
   26153     return _res;
   26154 }
   26156 static PyObject *Qt_TuneSetHeaderWithSize(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   26157 {
   26158     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   26159     ComponentResult _rv;
   26160     TunePlayer tp;
   26161     unsigned long * header;
   26162     unsigned long size;
   26163 #ifndef TuneSetHeaderWithSize
   26164     PyMac_PRECHECK(TuneSetHeaderWithSize);
   26165 #endif
   26166     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&sl",
   26167                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &tp,
   26168                           &header,
   26169                           &size))
   26170         return NULL;
   26171     _rv = TuneSetHeaderWithSize(tp,
   26172                                 header,
   26173                                 size);
   26174     _res = Py_BuildValue("l",
   26175                          _rv);
   26176     return _res;
   26177 }
   26179 static PyObject *Qt_TuneSetPartMix(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   26180 {
   26181     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   26182     ComponentResult _rv;
   26183     TunePlayer tp;
   26184     unsigned long partNumber;
   26185     long volume;
   26186     long balance;
   26187     long mixFlags;
   26188 #ifndef TuneSetPartMix
   26189     PyMac_PRECHECK(TuneSetPartMix);
   26190 #endif
   26191     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&llll",
   26192                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &tp,
   26193                           &partNumber,
   26194                           &volume,
   26195                           &balance,
   26196                           &mixFlags))
   26197         return NULL;
   26198     _rv = TuneSetPartMix(tp,
   26199                          partNumber,
   26200                          volume,
   26201                          balance,
   26202                          mixFlags);
   26203     _res = Py_BuildValue("l",
   26204                          _rv);
   26205     return _res;
   26206 }
   26208 static PyObject *Qt_TuneGetPartMix(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   26209 {
   26210     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   26211     ComponentResult _rv;
   26212     TunePlayer tp;
   26213     unsigned long partNumber;
   26214     long volumeOut;
   26215     long balanceOut;
   26216     long mixFlagsOut;
   26217 #ifndef TuneGetPartMix
   26218     PyMac_PRECHECK(TuneGetPartMix);
   26219 #endif
   26220     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&l",
   26221                           CmpInstObj_Convert, &tp,
   26222                           &partNumber))
   26223         return NULL;
   26224     _rv = TuneGetPartMix(tp,
   26225                          partNumber,
   26226                          &volumeOut,
   26227                          &balanceOut,
   26228                          &mixFlagsOut);
   26229     _res = Py_BuildValue("llll",
   26230                          _rv,
   26231                          volumeOut,
   26232                          balanceOut,
   26233                          mixFlagsOut);
   26234     return _res;
   26235 }
   26237 static PyObject *Qt_AlignWindow(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   26238 {
   26239     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   26240     WindowPtr wp;
   26241     Boolean front;
   26242 #ifndef AlignWindow
   26243     PyMac_PRECHECK(AlignWindow);
   26244 #endif
   26245     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&b",
   26246                           WinObj_Convert, &wp,
   26247                           &front))
   26248         return NULL;
   26249     AlignWindow(wp,
   26250                 front,
   26251                 (Rect *)0,
   26252                 (ICMAlignmentProcRecordPtr)0);
   26253     Py_INCREF(Py_None);
   26254     _res = Py_None;
   26255     return _res;
   26256 }
   26258 static PyObject *Qt_DragAlignedWindow(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   26259 {
   26260     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   26261     WindowPtr wp;
   26262     Point startPt;
   26263     Rect boundsRect;
   26264 #ifndef DragAlignedWindow
   26265     PyMac_PRECHECK(DragAlignedWindow);
   26266 #endif
   26267     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&O&O&",
   26268                           WinObj_Convert, &wp,
   26269                           PyMac_GetPoint, &startPt,
   26270                           PyMac_GetRect, &boundsRect))
   26271         return NULL;
   26272     DragAlignedWindow(wp,
   26273                       startPt,
   26274                       &boundsRect,
   26275                       (Rect *)0,
   26276                       (ICMAlignmentProcRecordPtr)0);
   26277     Py_INCREF(Py_None);
   26278     _res = Py_None;
   26279     return _res;
   26280 }
   26282 static PyObject *Qt_MoviesTask(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
   26283 {
   26284     PyObject *_res = NULL;
   26285     long maxMilliSecToUse;
   26286 #ifndef MoviesTask
   26287     PyMac_PRECHECK(MoviesTask);
   26288 #endif
   26289     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "l",
   26290                           &maxMilliSecToUse))
   26291         return NULL;
   26292     MoviesTask((Movie)0,
   26293                maxMilliSecToUse);
   26294     Py_INCREF(Py_None);
   26295     _res = Py_None;
   26296     return _res;
   26297 }
   26298 #endif /* APPLE_SUPPORTS_QUICKTIME */
   26300 static PyMethodDef Qt_methods[] = {
   26302     {"EnterMovies", (PyCFunction)Qt_EnterMovies, 1,
   26303      PyDoc_STR("() -> None")},
   26304     {"ExitMovies", (PyCFunction)Qt_ExitMovies, 1,
   26305      PyDoc_STR("() -> None")},
   26306     {"GetMoviesError", (PyCFunction)Qt_GetMoviesError, 1,
   26307      PyDoc_STR("() -> None")},
   26308     {"ClearMoviesStickyError", (PyCFunction)Qt_ClearMoviesStickyError, 1,
   26309      PyDoc_STR("() -> None")},
   26310     {"GetMoviesStickyError", (PyCFunction)Qt_GetMoviesStickyError, 1,
   26311      PyDoc_STR("() -> None")},
   26312     {"QTGetWallClockTimeBase", (PyCFunction)Qt_QTGetWallClockTimeBase, 1,
   26313      PyDoc_STR("() -> (TimeBase wallClockTimeBase)")},
   26314     {"QTIdleManagerOpen", (PyCFunction)Qt_QTIdleManagerOpen, 1,
   26315      PyDoc_STR("() -> (IdleManager _rv)")},
   26316     {"CreateMovieControl", (PyCFunction)Qt_CreateMovieControl, 1,
   26317      PyDoc_STR("(WindowPtr theWindow, Movie theMovie, UInt32 options) -> (Rect localRect, ControlHandle returnedControl)")},
   26318     {"DisposeMatte", (PyCFunction)Qt_DisposeMatte, 1,
   26319      PyDoc_STR("(PixMapHandle theMatte) -> None")},
   26320     {"NewMovie", (PyCFunction)Qt_NewMovie, 1,
   26321      PyDoc_STR("(long flags) -> (Movie _rv)")},
   26322     {"QTGetTimeUntilNextTask", (PyCFunction)Qt_QTGetTimeUntilNextTask, 1,
   26323      PyDoc_STR("(long scale) -> (long duration)")},
   26324     {"GetDataHandler", (PyCFunction)Qt_GetDataHandler, 1,
   26325      PyDoc_STR("(Handle dataRef, OSType dataHandlerSubType, long flags) -> (Component _rv)")},
   26326     {"PasteHandleIntoMovie", (PyCFunction)Qt_PasteHandleIntoMovie, 1,
   26327      PyDoc_STR("(Handle h, OSType handleType, Movie theMovie, long flags, ComponentInstance userComp) -> None")},
   26328     {"GetMovieImporterForDataRef", (PyCFunction)Qt_GetMovieImporterForDataRef, 1,
   26329      PyDoc_STR("(OSType dataRefType, Handle dataRef, long flags) -> (Component importer)")},
   26330     {"QTGetMIMETypeInfo", (PyCFunction)Qt_QTGetMIMETypeInfo, 1,
   26331      PyDoc_STR("(char* mimeStringStart, short mimeStringLength, OSType infoSelector, void * infoDataPtr) -> (long infoDataSize)")},
   26332     {"TrackTimeToMediaTime", (PyCFunction)Qt_TrackTimeToMediaTime, 1,
   26333      PyDoc_STR("(TimeValue value, Track theTrack) -> (TimeValue _rv)")},
   26334     {"NewUserData", (PyCFunction)Qt_NewUserData, 1,
   26335      PyDoc_STR("() -> (UserData theUserData)")},
   26336     {"NewUserDataFromHandle", (PyCFunction)Qt_NewUserDataFromHandle, 1,
   26337      PyDoc_STR("(Handle h) -> (UserData theUserData)")},
   26338     {"CreateMovieFile", (PyCFunction)Qt_CreateMovieFile, 1,
   26339      PyDoc_STR("(FSSpec fileSpec, OSType creator, ScriptCode scriptTag, long createMovieFileFlags) -> (short resRefNum, Movie newmovie)")},
   26340     {"OpenMovieFile", (PyCFunction)Qt_OpenMovieFile, 1,
   26341      PyDoc_STR("(FSSpec fileSpec, SInt8 permission) -> (short resRefNum)")},
   26342     {"CloseMovieFile", (PyCFunction)Qt_CloseMovieFile, 1,
   26343      PyDoc_STR("(short resRefNum) -> None")},
   26344     {"DeleteMovieFile", (PyCFunction)Qt_DeleteMovieFile, 1,
   26345      PyDoc_STR("(FSSpec fileSpec) -> None")},
   26346     {"NewMovieFromFile", (PyCFunction)Qt_NewMovieFromFile, 1,
   26347      PyDoc_STR("(short resRefNum, short resId, short newMovieFlags) -> (Movie theMovie, short resId, Boolean dataRefWasChanged)")},
   26348     {"NewMovieFromHandle", (PyCFunction)Qt_NewMovieFromHandle, 1,
   26349      PyDoc_STR("(Handle h, short newMovieFlags) -> (Movie theMovie, Boolean dataRefWasChanged)")},
   26350     {"NewMovieFromDataFork", (PyCFunction)Qt_NewMovieFromDataFork, 1,
   26351      PyDoc_STR("(short fRefNum, long fileOffset, short newMovieFlags) -> (Movie theMovie, Boolean dataRefWasChanged)")},
   26352     {"NewMovieFromDataFork64", (PyCFunction)Qt_NewMovieFromDataFork64, 1,
   26353      PyDoc_STR("(long fRefNum, wide fileOffset, short newMovieFlags) -> (Movie theMovie, Boolean dataRefWasChanged)")},
   26354     {"NewMovieFromDataRef", (PyCFunction)Qt_NewMovieFromDataRef, 1,
   26355      PyDoc_STR("(short flags, Handle dataRef, OSType dtaRefType) -> (Movie m, short id)")},
   26356     {"NewMovieFromStorageOffset", (PyCFunction)Qt_NewMovieFromStorageOffset, 1,
   26357      PyDoc_STR("(DataHandler dh, wide fileOffset, short newMovieFlags) -> (Movie theMovie, Boolean dataRefWasCataRefType)")},
   26358     {"NewMovieForDataRefFromHandle", (PyCFunction)Qt_NewMovieForDataRefFromHandle, 1,
   26359      PyDoc_STR("(Handle h, short newMovieFlags, Handle dataRef, OSType dataRefType) -> (Movie theMovie, Boolean dataRefWasChanged)")},
   26360     {"RemoveMovieResource", (PyCFunction)Qt_RemoveMovieResource, 1,
   26361      PyDoc_STR("(short resRefNum, short resId) -> None")},
   26362     {"CreateMovieStorage", (PyCFunction)Qt_CreateMovieStorage, 1,
   26363      PyDoc_STR("(Handle dataRef, OSType dataRefType, OSType creator, ScriptCode scriptTag, long createMovieFileFlags) -> (DataHandler outDataHandler, Movie newmovie)")},
   26364     {"OpenMovieStorage", (PyCFunction)Qt_OpenMovieStorage, 1,
   26365      PyDoc_STR("(Handle dataRef, OSType dataRefType, long flags) -> (DataHandler outDataHandler)")},
   26366     {"CloseMovieStorage", (PyCFunction)Qt_CloseMovieStorage, 1,
   26367      PyDoc_STR("(DataHandler dh) -> None")},
   26368     {"DeleteMovieStorage", (PyCFunction)Qt_DeleteMovieStorage, 1,
   26369      PyDoc_STR("(Handle dataRef, OSType dataRefType) -> None")},
   26370     {"CreateShortcutMovieFile", (PyCFunction)Qt_CreateShortcutMovieFile, 1,
   26371      PyDoc_STR("(FSSpec fileSpec, OSType creator, ScriptCode scriptTag, long createMovieFileFlags, Handle targetDataRef, OSType targetDataRefType) -> None")},
   26372     {"CanQuickTimeOpenFile", (PyCFunction)Qt_CanQuickTimeOpenFile, 1,
   26373      PyDoc_STR("(FSSpec fileSpec, OSType fileType, OSType fileNameExtension, UInt32 inFlags) -> (Boolean outCanOpenWithGraphicsImporter, Boolean outCanOpenAsMovie, Boolean outPreferGraphicsImporter)")},
   26374     {"CanQuickTimeOpenDataRef", (PyCFunction)Qt_CanQuickTimeOpenDataRef, 1,
   26375      PyDoc_STR("(Handle dataRef, OSType dataRefType, UInt32 inFlags) -> (Boolean outCanOpenWithGraphicsImporter, Boolean outCanOpenAsMovie, Boolean outPreferGraphicsImporter)")},
   26376     {"NewMovieFromScrap", (PyCFunction)Qt_NewMovieFromScrap, 1,
   26377      PyDoc_STR("(long newMovieFlags) -> (Movie _rv)")},
   26378     {"QTNewAlias", (PyCFunction)Qt_QTNewAlias, 1,
   26379      PyDoc_STR("(FSSpec fss, Boolean minimal) -> (AliasHandle alias)")},
   26380     {"EndFullScreen", (PyCFunction)Qt_EndFullScreen, 1,
   26381      PyDoc_STR("(Ptr fullState, long flags) -> None")},
   26382     {"AddSoundDescriptionExtension", (PyCFunction)Qt_AddSoundDescriptionExtension, 1,
   26383      PyDoc_STR("(SoundDescriptionHandle desc, Handle extension, OSType idType) -> None")},
   26384     {"GetSoundDescriptionExtension", (PyCFunction)Qt_GetSoundDescriptionExtension, 1,
   26385      PyDoc_STR("(SoundDescriptionHandle desc, OSType idType) -> (Handle extension)")},
   26386     {"RemoveSoundDescriptionExtension", (PyCFunction)Qt_RemoveSoundDescriptionExtension, 1,
   26387      PyDoc_STR("(SoundDescriptionHandle desc, OSType idType) -> None")},
   26388     {"QTIsStandardParameterDialogEvent", (PyCFunction)Qt_QTIsStandardParameterDialogEvent, 1,
   26389      PyDoc_STR("(QTParameterDialog createdDialog) -> (EventRecord pEvent)")},
   26390     {"QTDismissStandardParameterDialog", (PyCFunction)Qt_QTDismissStandardParameterDialog, 1,
   26391      PyDoc_STR("(QTParameterDialog createdDialog) -> None")},
   26392     {"QTStandardParameterDialogDoAction", (PyCFunction)Qt_QTStandardParameterDialogDoAction, 1,
   26393      PyDoc_STR("(QTParameterDialog createdDialog, long action, void * params) -> None")},
   26394     {"QTRegisterAccessKey", (PyCFunction)Qt_QTRegisterAccessKey, 1,
   26395      PyDoc_STR("(Str255 accessKeyType, long flags, Handle accessKey) -> None")},
   26396     {"QTUnregisterAccessKey", (PyCFunction)Qt_QTUnregisterAccessKey, 1,
   26397      PyDoc_STR("(Str255 accessKeyType, long flags, Handle accessKey) -> None")},
   26398     {"QTGetSupportedRestrictions", (PyCFunction)Qt_QTGetSupportedRestrictions, 1,
   26399      PyDoc_STR("(OSType inRestrictionClass) -> (UInt32 outRestrictionIDs)")},
   26400     {"QTTextToNativeText", (PyCFunction)Qt_QTTextToNativeText, 1,
   26401      PyDoc_STR("(Handle theText, long encoding, long flags) -> None")},
   26402     {"VideoMediaResetStatistics", (PyCFunction)Qt_VideoMediaResetStatistics, 1,
   26403      PyDoc_STR("(MediaHandler mh) -> (ComponentResult _rv)")},
   26404     {"VideoMediaGetStatistics", (PyCFunction)Qt_VideoMediaGetStatistics, 1,
   26405      PyDoc_STR("(MediaHandler mh) -> (ComponentResult _rv)")},
   26406     {"VideoMediaGetStallCount", (PyCFunction)Qt_VideoMediaGetStallCount, 1,
   26407      PyDoc_STR("(MediaHandler mh) -> (ComponentResult _rv, unsigned long stalls)")},
   26408     {"VideoMediaSetCodecParameter", (PyCFunction)Qt_VideoMediaSetCodecParameter, 1,
   26409      PyDoc_STR("(MediaHandler mh, CodecType cType, OSType parameterID, long parameterChangeSeed, void * dataPtr, long dataSize) -> (ComponentResult _rv)")},
   26410     {"VideoMediaGetCodecParameter", (PyCFunction)Qt_VideoMediaGetCodecParameter, 1,
   26411      PyDoc_STR("(MediaHandler mh, CodecType cType, OSType parameterID, Handle outParameterData) -> (ComponentResult _rv)")},
   26412     {"TextMediaAddTextSample", (PyCFunction)Qt_TextMediaAddTextSample, 1,
   26413      PyDoc_STR("(MediaHandler mh, Ptr text, unsigned long size, short fontNumber, short fontSize, Style textFace, short textJustification, long displayFlags, TimeValue scrollDelay, short hiliteStart, short hiliteEnd, TimeValue duration) -> (ComponentResult _rv, RGBColor textColor, RGBColor backColor, Rect textBox, RGBColor rgbHiliteColor, TimeValue sampleTime)")},
   26414     {"TextMediaAddTESample", (PyCFunction)Qt_TextMediaAddTESample, 1,
   26415      PyDoc_STR("(MediaHandler mh, TEHandle hTE, short textJustification, long displayFlags, TimeValue scrollDelay, short hiliteStart, short hiliteEnd, TimeValue duration) -> (ComponentResult _rv, RGBColor backColor, Rect textBox, RGBColor rgbHiliteColor, TimeValue sampleTime)")},
   26416     {"TextMediaAddHiliteSample", (PyCFunction)Qt_TextMediaAddHiliteSample, 1,
   26417      PyDoc_STR("(MediaHandler mh, short hiliteStart, short hiliteEnd, TimeValue duration) -> (ComponentResult _rv, RGBColor rgbHiliteColor, TimeValue sampleTime)")},
   26418     {"TextMediaDrawRaw", (PyCFunction)Qt_TextMediaDrawRaw, 1,
   26419      PyDoc_STR("(MediaHandler mh, GWorldPtr gw, GDHandle gd, void * data, long dataSize, TextDescriptionHandle tdh) -> (ComponentResult _rv)")},
   26420     {"TextMediaSetTextProperty", (PyCFunction)Qt_TextMediaSetTextProperty, 1,
   26421      PyDoc_STR("(MediaHandler mh, TimeValue atMediaTime, long propertyType, void * data, long dataSize) -> (ComponentResult _rv)")},
   26422     {"TextMediaRawSetup", (PyCFunction)Qt_TextMediaRawSetup, 1,
   26423      PyDoc_STR("(MediaHandler mh, GWorldPtr gw, GDHandle gd, void * data, long dataSize, TextDescriptionHandle tdh, TimeValue sampleDuration) -> (ComponentResult _rv)")},
   26424     {"TextMediaRawIdle", (PyCFunction)Qt_TextMediaRawIdle, 1,
   26425      PyDoc_STR("(MediaHandler mh, GWorldPtr gw, GDHandle gd, TimeValue sampleTime, long flagsIn) -> (ComponentResult _rv, long flagsOut)")},
   26426     {"TextMediaGetTextProperty", (PyCFunction)Qt_TextMediaGetTextProperty, 1,
   26427      PyDoc_STR("(MediaHandler mh, TimeValue atMediaTime, long propertyType, void * data, long dataSize) -> (ComponentResult _rv)")},
   26428     {"TextMediaFindNextText", (PyCFunction)Qt_TextMediaFindNextText, 1,
   26429      PyDoc_STR("(MediaHandler mh, Ptr text, long size, short findFlags, TimeValue startTime) -> (ComponentResult _rv, TimeValue foundTime, TimeValue foundDuration, long offset)")},
   26430     {"TextMediaHiliteTextSample", (PyCFunction)Qt_TextMediaHiliteTextSample, 1,
   26431      PyDoc_STR("(MediaHandler mh, TimeValue sampleTime, short hiliteStart, short hiliteEnd) -> (ComponentResult _rv, RGBColor rgbHiliteColor)")},
   26432     {"TextMediaSetTextSampleData", (PyCFunction)Qt_TextMediaSetTextSampleData, 1,
   26433      PyDoc_STR("(MediaHandler mh, void * data, OSType dataType) -> (ComponentResult _rv)")},
   26434     {"SpriteMediaSetProperty", (PyCFunction)Qt_SpriteMediaSetProperty, 1,
   26435      PyDoc_STR("(MediaHandler mh, short spriteIndex, long propertyType, void * propertyValue) -> (ComponentResult _rv)")},
   26436     {"SpriteMediaGetProperty", (PyCFunction)Qt_SpriteMediaGetProperty, 1,
   26437      PyDoc_STR("(MediaHandler mh, short spriteIndex, long propertyType, void * propertyValue) -> (ComponentResult _rv)")},
   26438     {"SpriteMediaHitTestSprites", (PyCFunction)Qt_SpriteMediaHitTestSprites, 1,
   26439      PyDoc_STR("(MediaHandler mh, long flags, Point loc) -> (ComponentResult _rv, short spriteHitIndex)")},
   26440     {"SpriteMediaCountSprites", (PyCFunction)Qt_SpriteMediaCountSprites, 1,
   26441      PyDoc_STR("(MediaHandler mh) -> (ComponentResult _rv, short numSprites)")},
   26442     {"SpriteMediaCountImages", (PyCFunction)Qt_SpriteMediaCountImages, 1,
   26443      PyDoc_STR("(MediaHandler mh) -> (ComponentResult _rv, short numImages)")},
   26444     {"SpriteMediaGetIndImageDescription", (PyCFunction)Qt_SpriteMediaGetIndImageDescription, 1,
   26445      PyDoc_STR("(MediaHandler mh, short imageIndex, ImageDescriptionHandle imageDescription) -> (ComponentResult _rv)")},
   26446     {"SpriteMediaGetDisplayedSampleNumber", (PyCFunction)Qt_SpriteMediaGetDisplayedSampleNumber, 1,
   26447      PyDoc_STR("(MediaHandler mh) -> (ComponentResult _rv, long sampleNum)")},
   26448     {"SpriteMediaGetSpriteName", (PyCFunction)Qt_SpriteMediaGetSpriteName, 1,
   26449      PyDoc_STR("(MediaHandler mh, QTAtomID spriteID, Str255 spriteName) -> (ComponentResult _rv)")},
   26450     {"SpriteMediaGetImageName", (PyCFunction)Qt_SpriteMediaGetImageName, 1,
   26451      PyDoc_STR("(MediaHandler mh, short imageIndex, Str255 imageName) -> (ComponentResult _rv)")},
   26452     {"SpriteMediaSetSpriteProperty", (PyCFunction)Qt_SpriteMediaSetSpriteProperty, 1,
   26453      PyDoc_STR("(MediaHandler mh, QTAtomID spriteID, long propertyType, void * propertyValue) -> (ComponentResult _rv)")},
   26454     {"SpriteMediaGetSpriteProperty", (PyCFunction)Qt_SpriteMediaGetSpriteProperty, 1,
   26455      PyDoc_STR("(MediaHandler mh, QTAtomID spriteID, long propertyType, void * propertyValue) -> (ComponentResult _rv)")},
   26456     {"SpriteMediaHitTestAllSprites", (PyCFunction)Qt_SpriteMediaHitTestAllSprites, 1,
   26457      PyDoc_STR("(MediaHandler mh, long flags, Point loc) -> (ComponentResult _rv, QTAtomID spriteHitID)")},
   26458     {"SpriteMediaHitTestOneSprite", (PyCFunction)Qt_SpriteMediaHitTestOneSprite, 1,
   26459      PyDoc_STR("(MediaHandler mh, QTAtomID spriteID, long flags, Point loc) -> (ComponentResult _rv, Boolean wasHit)")},
   26460     {"SpriteMediaSpriteIndexToID", (PyCFunction)Qt_SpriteMediaSpriteIndexToID, 1,
   26461      PyDoc_STR("(MediaHandler mh, short spriteIndex) -> (ComponentResult _rv, QTAtomID spriteID)")},
   26462     {"SpriteMediaSpriteIDToIndex", (PyCFunction)Qt_SpriteMediaSpriteIDToIndex, 1,
   26463      PyDoc_STR("(MediaHandler mh, QTAtomID spriteID) -> (ComponentResult _rv, short spriteIndex)")},
   26464     {"SpriteMediaSetActionVariable", (PyCFunction)Qt_SpriteMediaSetActionVariable, 1,
   26465      PyDoc_STR("(MediaHandler mh, QTAtomID variableID, float value) -> (ComponentResult _rv)")},
   26466     {"SpriteMediaGetActionVariable", (PyCFunction)Qt_SpriteMediaGetActionVariable, 1,
   26467      PyDoc_STR("(MediaHandler mh, QTAtomID variableID) -> (ComponentResult _rv, float value)")},
   26468     {"SpriteMediaDisposeSprite", (PyCFunction)Qt_SpriteMediaDisposeSprite, 1,
   26469      PyDoc_STR("(MediaHandler mh, QTAtomID spriteID) -> (ComponentResult _rv)")},
   26470     {"SpriteMediaSetActionVariableToString", (PyCFunction)Qt_SpriteMediaSetActionVariableToString, 1,
   26471      PyDoc_STR("(MediaHandler mh, QTAtomID variableID, Ptr theCString) -> (ComponentResult _rv)")},
   26472     {"SpriteMediaGetActionVariableAsString", (PyCFunction)Qt_SpriteMediaGetActionVariableAsString, 1,
   26473      PyDoc_STR("(MediaHandler mh, QTAtomID variableID) -> (ComponentResult _rv, Handle theCString)")},
   26474     {"SpriteMediaNewImage", (PyCFunction)Qt_SpriteMediaNewImage, 1,
   26475      PyDoc_STR("(MediaHandler mh, Handle dataRef, OSType dataRefType, QTAtomID desiredID) -> (ComponentResult _rv)")},
   26476     {"SpriteMediaDisposeImage", (PyCFunction)Qt_SpriteMediaDisposeImage, 1,
   26477      PyDoc_STR("(MediaHandler mh, short imageIndex) -> (ComponentResult _rv)")},
   26478     {"SpriteMediaImageIndexToID", (PyCFunction)Qt_SpriteMediaImageIndexToID, 1,
   26479      PyDoc_STR("(MediaHandler mh, short imageIndex) -> (ComponentResult _rv, QTAtomID imageID)")},
   26480     {"SpriteMediaImageIDToIndex", (PyCFunction)Qt_SpriteMediaImageIDToIndex, 1,
   26481      PyDoc_STR("(MediaHandler mh, QTAtomID imageID) -> (ComponentResult _rv, short imageIndex)")},
   26482     {"FlashMediaSetPan", (PyCFunction)Qt_FlashMediaSetPan, 1,
   26483      PyDoc_STR("(MediaHandler mh, short xPercent, short yPercent) -> (ComponentResult _rv)")},
   26484     {"FlashMediaSetZoom", (PyCFunction)Qt_FlashMediaSetZoom, 1,
   26485      PyDoc_STR("(MediaHandler mh, short factor) -> (ComponentResult _rv)")},
   26486     {"FlashMediaSetZoomRect", (PyCFunction)Qt_FlashMediaSetZoomRect, 1,
   26487      PyDoc_STR("(MediaHandler mh, long left, long top, long right, long bottom) -> (ComponentResult _rv)")},
   26488     {"FlashMediaGetRefConBounds", (PyCFunction)Qt_FlashMediaGetRefConBounds, 1,
   26489      PyDoc_STR("(MediaHandler mh, long refCon) -> (ComponentResult _rv, long left, long top, long right, long bottom)")},
   26490     {"FlashMediaGetRefConID", (PyCFunction)Qt_FlashMediaGetRefConID, 1,
   26491      PyDoc_STR("(MediaHandler mh, long refCon) -> (ComponentResult _rv, long refConID)")},
   26492     {"FlashMediaIDToRefCon", (PyCFunction)Qt_FlashMediaIDToRefCon, 1,
   26493      PyDoc_STR("(MediaHandler mh, long refConID) -> (ComponentResult _rv, long refCon)")},
   26494     {"FlashMediaGetDisplayedFrameNumber", (PyCFunction)Qt_FlashMediaGetDisplayedFrameNumber, 1,
   26495      PyDoc_STR("(MediaHandler mh) -> (ComponentResult _rv, long flashFrameNumber)")},
   26496     {"FlashMediaFrameNumberToMovieTime", (PyCFunction)Qt_FlashMediaFrameNumberToMovieTime, 1,
   26497      PyDoc_STR("(MediaHandler mh, long flashFrameNumber) -> (ComponentResult _rv, TimeValue movieTime)")},
   26498     {"FlashMediaFrameLabelToMovieTime", (PyCFunction)Qt_FlashMediaFrameLabelToMovieTime, 1,
   26499      PyDoc_STR("(MediaHandler mh, Ptr theLabel) -> (ComponentResult _rv, TimeValue movieTime)")},
   26500     {"FlashMediaGetFlashVariable", (PyCFunction)Qt_FlashMediaGetFlashVariable, 1,
   26501      PyDoc_STR("(MediaHandler mh) -> (ComponentResult _rv, char path, char name, Handle theVariableCStringOut)")},
   26502     {"FlashMediaSetFlashVariable", (PyCFunction)Qt_FlashMediaSetFlashVariable, 1,
   26503      PyDoc_STR("(MediaHandler mh, Boolean updateFocus) -> (ComponentResult _rv, char path, char name, char value)")},
   26504     {"FlashMediaDoButtonActions", (PyCFunction)Qt_FlashMediaDoButtonActions, 1,
   26505      PyDoc_STR("(MediaHandler mh, long buttonID, long transition) -> (ComponentResult _rv, char path)")},
   26506     {"FlashMediaGetSupportedSwfVersion", (PyCFunction)Qt_FlashMediaGetSupportedSwfVersion, 1,
   26507      PyDoc_STR("(MediaHandler mh) -> (ComponentResult _rv, UInt8 swfVersion)")},
   26508     {"Media3DGetCurrentGroup", (PyCFunction)Qt_Media3DGetCurrentGroup, 1,
   26509      PyDoc_STR("(MediaHandler mh, void * group) -> (ComponentResult _rv)")},
   26510     {"Media3DTranslateNamedObjectTo", (PyCFunction)Qt_Media3DTranslateNamedObjectTo, 1,
   26511      PyDoc_STR("(MediaHandler mh, Fixed x, Fixed y, Fixed z) -> (ComponentResult _rv, char objectName)")},
   26512     {"Media3DScaleNamedObjectTo", (PyCFunction)Qt_Media3DScaleNamedObjectTo, 1,
   26513      PyDoc_STR("(MediaHandler mh, Fixed xScale, Fixed yScale, Fixed zScale) -> (ComponentResult _rv, char objectName)")},
   26514     {"Media3DRotateNamedObjectTo", (PyCFunction)Qt_Media3DRotateNamedObjectTo, 1,
   26515      PyDoc_STR("(MediaHandler mh, Fixed xDegrees, Fixed yDegrees, Fixed zDegrees) -> (ComponentResult _rv, char objectName)")},
   26516     {"Media3DSetCameraData", (PyCFunction)Qt_Media3DSetCameraData, 1,
   26517      PyDoc_STR("(MediaHandler mh, void * cameraData) -> (ComponentResult _rv)")},
   26518     {"Media3DGetCameraData", (PyCFunction)Qt_Media3DGetCameraData, 1,
   26519      PyDoc_STR("(MediaHandler mh, void * cameraData) -> (ComponentResult _rv)")},
   26520     {"Media3DSetCameraAngleAspect", (PyCFunction)Qt_Media3DSetCameraAngleAspect, 1,
   26521      PyDoc_STR("(MediaHandler mh, QTFloatSingle fov, QTFloatSingle aspectRatioXToY) -> (ComponentResult _rv)")},
   26522     {"Media3DGetCameraAngleAspect", (PyCFunction)Qt_Media3DGetCameraAngleAspect, 1,
   26523      PyDoc_STR("(MediaHandler mh) -> (ComponentResult _rv, QTFloatSingle fov, QTFloatSingle aspectRatioXToY)")},
   26524     {"Media3DSetCameraRange", (PyCFunction)Qt_Media3DSetCameraRange, 1,
   26525      PyDoc_STR("(MediaHandler mh, void * tQ3CameraRange) -> (ComponentResult _rv)")},
   26526     {"Media3DGetCameraRange", (PyCFunction)Qt_Media3DGetCameraRange, 1,
   26527      PyDoc_STR("(MediaHandler mh, void * tQ3CameraRange) -> (ComponentResult _rv)")},
   26528     {"NewTimeBase", (PyCFunction)Qt_NewTimeBase, 1,
   26529      PyDoc_STR("() -> (TimeBase _rv)")},
   26530     {"ConvertTime", (PyCFunction)Qt_ConvertTime, 1,
   26531      PyDoc_STR("(TimeRecord theTime, TimeBase newBase) -> (TimeRecord theTime)")},
   26532     {"ConvertTimeScale", (PyCFunction)Qt_ConvertTimeScale, 1,
   26533      PyDoc_STR("(TimeRecord theTime, TimeScale newScale) -> (TimeRecord theTime)")},
   26534     {"AddTime", (PyCFunction)Qt_AddTime, 1,
   26535      PyDoc_STR("(TimeRecord dst, TimeRecord src) -> (TimeRecord dst)")},
   26536     {"SubtractTime", (PyCFunction)Qt_SubtractTime, 1,
   26537      PyDoc_STR("(TimeRecord dst, TimeRecord src) -> (TimeRecord dst)")},
   26538     {"MusicMediaGetIndexedTunePlayer", (PyCFunction)Qt_MusicMediaGetIndexedTunePlayer, 1,
   26539      PyDoc_STR("(ComponentInstance ti, long sampleDescIndex) -> (ComponentResult _rv, ComponentInstance tp)")},
   26540     {"CodecManagerVersion", (PyCFunction)Qt_CodecManagerVersion, 1,
   26541      PyDoc_STR("() -> (long version)")},
   26542     {"GetMaxCompressionSize", (PyCFunction)Qt_GetMaxCompressionSize, 1,
   26543      PyDoc_STR("(PixMapHandle src, Rect srcRect, short colorDepth, CodecQ quality, CodecType cType, CompressorComponent codec) -> (long size)")},
   26544     {"GetCompressionTime", (PyCFunction)Qt_GetCompressionTime, 1,
   26545      PyDoc_STR("(PixMapHandle src, Rect srcRect, short colorDepth, CodecType cType, CompressorComponent codec) -> (CodecQ spatialQuality, CodecQ temporalQuality, unsigned long compressTime)")},
   26546     {"CompressImage", (PyCFunction)Qt_CompressImage, 1,
   26547      PyDoc_STR("(PixMapHandle src, Rect srcRect, CodecQ quality, CodecType cType, ImageDescriptionHandle desc, Ptr data) -> None")},
   26548     {"DecompressImage", (PyCFunction)Qt_DecompressImage, 1,
   26549      PyDoc_STR("(Ptr data, ImageDescriptionHandle desc, PixMapHandle dst, Rect srcRect, Rect dstRect, short mode, RgnHandle mask) -> None")},
   26550     {"GetSimilarity", (PyCFunction)Qt_GetSimilarity, 1,
   26551      PyDoc_STR("(PixMapHandle src, Rect srcRect, ImageDescriptionHandle desc, Ptr data) -> (Fixed similarity)")},
   26552     {"GetImageDescriptionCTable", (PyCFunction)Qt_GetImageDescriptionCTable, 1,
   26553      PyDoc_STR("(ImageDescriptionHandle desc) -> (CTabHandle ctable)")},
   26554     {"SetImageDescriptionCTable", (PyCFunction)Qt_SetImageDescriptionCTable, 1,
   26555      PyDoc_STR("(ImageDescriptionHandle desc, CTabHandle ctable) -> None")},
   26556     {"GetImageDescriptionExtension", (PyCFunction)Qt_GetImageDescriptionExtension, 1,
   26557      PyDoc_STR("(ImageDescriptionHandle desc, long idType, long index) -> (Handle extension)")},
   26558     {"AddImageDescriptionExtension", (PyCFunction)Qt_AddImageDescriptionExtension, 1,
   26559      PyDoc_STR("(ImageDescriptionHandle desc, Handle extension, long idType) -> None")},
   26560     {"RemoveImageDescriptionExtension", (PyCFunction)Qt_RemoveImageDescriptionExtension, 1,
   26561      PyDoc_STR("(ImageDescriptionHandle desc, long idType, long index) -> None")},
   26562     {"CountImageDescriptionExtensionType", (PyCFunction)Qt_CountImageDescriptionExtensionType, 1,
   26563      PyDoc_STR("(ImageDescriptionHandle desc, long idType) -> (long count)")},
   26564     {"GetNextImageDescriptionExtensionType", (PyCFunction)Qt_GetNextImageDescriptionExtensionType, 1,
   26565      PyDoc_STR("(ImageDescriptionHandle desc) -> (long idType)")},
   26566     {"FindCodec", (PyCFunction)Qt_FindCodec, 1,
   26567      PyDoc_STR("(CodecType cType, CodecComponent specCodec) -> (CompressorComponent compressor, DecompressorComponent decompressor)")},
   26568     {"CompressPicture", (PyCFunction)Qt_CompressPicture, 1,
   26569      PyDoc_STR("(PicHandle srcPicture, PicHandle dstPicture, CodecQ quality, CodecType cType) -> None")},
   26570     {"CompressPictureFile", (PyCFunction)Qt_CompressPictureFile, 1,
   26571      PyDoc_STR("(short srcRefNum, short dstRefNum, CodecQ quality, CodecType cType) -> None")},
   26572     {"ConvertImage", (PyCFunction)Qt_ConvertImage, 1,
   26573      PyDoc_STR("(ImageDescriptionHandle srcDD, Ptr srcData, short colorDepth, CTabHandle ctable, CodecQ accuracy, CodecQ quality, CodecType cType, CodecComponent codec, ImageDescriptionHandle dstDD, Ptr dstData) -> None")},
   26574     {"AddFilePreview", (PyCFunction)Qt_AddFilePreview, 1,
   26575      PyDoc_STR("(short resRefNum, OSType previewType, Handle previewData) -> None")},
   26576     {"GetBestDeviceRect", (PyCFunction)Qt_GetBestDeviceRect, 1,
   26577      PyDoc_STR("() -> (GDHandle gdh, Rect rp)")},
   26578     {"GDHasScale", (PyCFunction)Qt_GDHasScale, 1,
   26579      PyDoc_STR("(GDHandle gdh, short depth) -> (Fixed scale)")},
   26580     {"GDGetScale", (PyCFunction)Qt_GDGetScale, 1,
   26581      PyDoc_STR("(GDHandle gdh) -> (Fixed scale, short flags)")},
   26582     {"GDSetScale", (PyCFunction)Qt_GDSetScale, 1,
   26583      PyDoc_STR("(GDHandle gdh, Fixed scale, short flags) -> None")},
   26584     {"GetGraphicsImporterForFile", (PyCFunction)Qt_GetGraphicsImporterForFile, 1,
   26585      PyDoc_STR("(FSSpec theFile) -> (ComponentInstance gi)")},
   26586     {"GetGraphicsImporterForDataRef", (PyCFunction)Qt_GetGraphicsImporterForDataRef, 1,
   26587      PyDoc_STR("(Handle dataRef, OSType dataRefType) -> (ComponentInstance gi)")},
   26588     {"GetGraphicsImporterForFileWithFlags", (PyCFunction)Qt_GetGraphicsImporterForFileWithFlags, 1,
   26589      PyDoc_STR("(FSSpec theFile, long flags) -> (ComponentInstance gi)")},
   26590     {"GetGraphicsImporterForDataRefWithFlags", (PyCFunction)Qt_GetGraphicsImporterForDataRefWithFlags, 1,
   26591      PyDoc_STR("(Handle dataRef, OSType dataRefType, long flags) -> (ComponentInstance gi)")},
   26592     {"MakeImageDescriptionForPixMap", (PyCFunction)Qt_MakeImageDescriptionForPixMap, 1,
   26593      PyDoc_STR("(PixMapHandle pixmap) -> (ImageDescriptionHandle idh)")},
   26594     {"MakeImageDescriptionForEffect", (PyCFunction)Qt_MakeImageDescriptionForEffect, 1,
   26595      PyDoc_STR("(OSType effectType) -> (ImageDescriptionHandle idh)")},
   26596     {"QTGetPixelSize", (PyCFunction)Qt_QTGetPixelSize, 1,
   26597      PyDoc_STR("(OSType PixelFormat) -> (short _rv)")},
   26598     {"QTGetPixelFormatDepthForImageDescription", (PyCFunction)Qt_QTGetPixelFormatDepthForImageDescription, 1,
   26599      PyDoc_STR("(OSType PixelFormat) -> (short _rv)")},
   26600     {"QTGetPixMapHandleRowBytes", (PyCFunction)Qt_QTGetPixMapHandleRowBytes, 1,
   26601      PyDoc_STR("(PixMapHandle pm) -> (long _rv)")},
   26602     {"QTSetPixMapHandleRowBytes", (PyCFunction)Qt_QTSetPixMapHandleRowBytes, 1,
   26603      PyDoc_STR("(PixMapHandle pm, long rowBytes) -> None")},
   26604     {"QTGetPixMapHandleGammaLevel", (PyCFunction)Qt_QTGetPixMapHandleGammaLevel, 1,
   26605      PyDoc_STR("(PixMapHandle pm) -> (Fixed _rv)")},
   26606     {"QTSetPixMapHandleGammaLevel", (PyCFunction)Qt_QTSetPixMapHandleGammaLevel, 1,
   26607      PyDoc_STR("(PixMapHandle pm, Fixed gammaLevel) -> None")},
   26608     {"QTGetPixMapHandleRequestedGammaLevel", (PyCFunction)Qt_QTGetPixMapHandleRequestedGammaLevel, 1,
   26609      PyDoc_STR("(PixMapHandle pm) -> (Fixed _rv)")},
   26610     {"QTSetPixMapHandleRequestedGammaLevel", (PyCFunction)Qt_QTSetPixMapHandleRequestedGammaLevel, 1,
   26611      PyDoc_STR("(PixMapHandle pm, Fixed requestedGammaLevel) -> None")},
   26612     {"CompAdd", (PyCFunction)Qt_CompAdd, 1,
   26613      PyDoc_STR("() -> (wide src, wide dst)")},
   26614     {"CompSub", (PyCFunction)Qt_CompSub, 1,
   26615      PyDoc_STR("() -> (wide src, wide dst)")},
   26616     {"CompNeg", (PyCFunction)Qt_CompNeg, 1,
   26617      PyDoc_STR("() -> (wide dst)")},
   26618     {"CompShift", (PyCFunction)Qt_CompShift, 1,
   26619      PyDoc_STR("(short shift) -> (wide src)")},
   26620     {"CompMul", (PyCFunction)Qt_CompMul, 1,
   26621      PyDoc_STR("(long src1, long src2) -> (wide dst)")},
   26622     {"CompDiv", (PyCFunction)Qt_CompDiv, 1,
   26623      PyDoc_STR("(long denominator) -> (long _rv, wide numerator, long remainder)")},
   26624     {"CompFixMul", (PyCFunction)Qt_CompFixMul, 1,
   26625      PyDoc_STR("(Fixed fixSrc) -> (wide compSrc, wide compDst)")},
   26626     {"CompMulDiv", (PyCFunction)Qt_CompMulDiv, 1,
   26627      PyDoc_STR("(long mul, long divisor) -> (wide co)")},
   26628     {"CompMulDivTrunc", (PyCFunction)Qt_CompMulDivTrunc, 1,
   26629      PyDoc_STR("(long mul, long divisor) -> (wide co, long remainder)")},
   26630     {"CompCompare", (PyCFunction)Qt_CompCompare, 1,
   26631      PyDoc_STR("(wide a, wide minusb) -> (long _rv)")},
   26632     {"CompSquareRoot", (PyCFunction)Qt_CompSquareRoot, 1,
   26633      PyDoc_STR("(wide src) -> (unsigned long _rv)")},
   26634     {"FixMulDiv", (PyCFunction)Qt_FixMulDiv, 1,
   26635      PyDoc_STR("(Fixed src, Fixed mul, Fixed divisor) -> (Fixed _rv)")},
   26636     {"UnsignedFixMulDiv", (PyCFunction)Qt_UnsignedFixMulDiv, 1,
   26637      PyDoc_STR("(Fixed src, Fixed mul, Fixed divisor) -> (Fixed _rv)")},
   26638     {"FixExp2", (PyCFunction)Qt_FixExp2, 1,
   26639      PyDoc_STR("(Fixed src) -> (Fixed _rv)")},
   26640     {"FixLog2", (PyCFunction)Qt_FixLog2, 1,
   26641      PyDoc_STR("(Fixed src) -> (Fixed _rv)")},
   26642     {"FixPow", (PyCFunction)Qt_FixPow, 1,
   26643      PyDoc_STR("(Fixed base, Fixed exp) -> (Fixed _rv)")},
   26644     {"GraphicsImportSetDataReference", (PyCFunction)Qt_GraphicsImportSetDataReference, 1,
   26645      PyDoc_STR("(GraphicsImportComponent ci, Handle dataRef, OSType dataReType) -> (ComponentResult _rv)")},
   26646     {"GraphicsImportGetDataReference", (PyCFunction)Qt_GraphicsImportGetDataReference, 1,
   26647      PyDoc_STR("(GraphicsImportComponent ci) -> (ComponentResult _rv, Handle dataRef, OSType dataReType)")},
   26648     {"GraphicsImportSetDataFile", (PyCFunction)Qt_GraphicsImportSetDataFile, 1,
   26649      PyDoc_STR("(GraphicsImportComponent ci, FSSpec theFile) -> (ComponentResult _rv)")},
   26650     {"GraphicsImportGetDataFile", (PyCFunction)Qt_GraphicsImportGetDataFile, 1,
   26651      PyDoc_STR("(GraphicsImportComponent ci, FSSpec theFile) -> (ComponentResult _rv)")},
   26652     {"GraphicsImportSetDataHandle", (PyCFunction)Qt_GraphicsImportSetDataHandle, 1,
   26653      PyDoc_STR("(GraphicsImportComponent ci, Handle h) -> (ComponentResult _rv)")},
   26654     {"GraphicsImportGetDataHandle", (PyCFunction)Qt_GraphicsImportGetDataHandle, 1,
   26655      PyDoc_STR("(GraphicsImportComponent ci) -> (ComponentResult _rv, Handle h)")},
   26656     {"GraphicsImportGetImageDescription", (PyCFunction)Qt_GraphicsImportGetImageDescription, 1,
   26657      PyDoc_STR("(GraphicsImportComponent ci) -> (ComponentResult _rv, ImageDescriptionHandle desc)")},
   26658     {"GraphicsImportGetDataOffsetAndSize", (PyCFunction)Qt_GraphicsImportGetDataOffsetAndSize, 1,
   26659      PyDoc_STR("(GraphicsImportComponent ci) -> (ComponentResult _rv, unsigned long offset, unsigned long size)")},
   26660     {"GraphicsImportReadData", (PyCFunction)Qt_GraphicsImportReadData, 1,
   26661      PyDoc_STR("(GraphicsImportComponent ci, void * dataPtr, unsigned long dataOffset, unsigned long dataSize) -> (ComponentResult _rv)")},
   26662     {"GraphicsImportSetClip", (PyCFunction)Qt_GraphicsImportSetClip, 1,
   26663      PyDoc_STR("(GraphicsImportComponent ci, RgnHandle clipRgn) -> (ComponentResult _rv)")},
   26664     {"GraphicsImportGetClip", (PyCFunction)Qt_GraphicsImportGetClip, 1,
   26665      PyDoc_STR("(GraphicsImportComponent ci) -> (ComponentResult _rv, RgnHandle clipRgn)")},
   26666     {"GraphicsImportSetSourceRect", (PyCFunction)Qt_GraphicsImportSetSourceRect, 1,
   26667      PyDoc_STR("(GraphicsImportComponent ci, Rect sourceRect) -> (ComponentResult _rv)")},
   26668     {"GraphicsImportGetSourceRect", (PyCFunction)Qt_GraphicsImportGetSourceRect, 1,
   26669      PyDoc_STR("(GraphicsImportComponent ci) -> (ComponentResult _rv, Rect sourceRect)")},
   26670     {"GraphicsImportGetNaturalBounds", (PyCFunction)Qt_GraphicsImportGetNaturalBounds, 1,
   26671      PyDoc_STR("(GraphicsImportComponent ci) -> (ComponentResult _rv, Rect naturalBounds)")},
   26672     {"GraphicsImportDraw", (PyCFunction)Qt_GraphicsImportDraw, 1,
   26673      PyDoc_STR("(GraphicsImportComponent ci) -> (ComponentResult _rv)")},
   26674     {"GraphicsImportSetGWorld", (PyCFunction)Qt_GraphicsImportSetGWorld, 1,
   26675      PyDoc_STR("(GraphicsImportComponent ci, CGrafPtr port, GDHandle gd) -> (ComponentResult _rv)")},
   26676     {"GraphicsImportGetGWorld", (PyCFunction)Qt_GraphicsImportGetGWorld, 1,
   26677      PyDoc_STR("(GraphicsImportComponent ci) -> (ComponentResult _rv, CGrafPtr port, GDHandle gd)")},
   26678     {"GraphicsImportSetBoundsRect", (PyCFunction)Qt_GraphicsImportSetBoundsRect, 1,
   26679      PyDoc_STR("(GraphicsImportComponent ci, Rect bounds) -> (ComponentResult _rv)")},
   26680     {"GraphicsImportGetBoundsRect", (PyCFunction)Qt_GraphicsImportGetBoundsRect, 1,
   26681      PyDoc_STR("(GraphicsImportComponent ci) -> (ComponentResult _rv, Rect bounds)")},
   26682     {"GraphicsImportSaveAsPicture", (PyCFunction)Qt_GraphicsImportSaveAsPicture, 1,
   26683      PyDoc_STR("(GraphicsImportComponent ci, FSSpec fss, ScriptCode scriptTag) -> (ComponentResult _rv)")},
   26684     {"GraphicsImportSetGraphicsMode", (PyCFunction)Qt_GraphicsImportSetGraphicsMode, 1,
   26685      PyDoc_STR("(GraphicsImportComponent ci, long graphicsMode, RGBColor opColor) -> (ComponentResult _rv)")},
   26686     {"GraphicsImportGetGraphicsMode", (PyCFunction)Qt_GraphicsImportGetGraphicsMode, 1,
   26687      PyDoc_STR("(GraphicsImportComponent ci) -> (ComponentResult _rv, long graphicsMode, RGBColor opColor)")},
   26688     {"GraphicsImportSetQuality", (PyCFunction)Qt_GraphicsImportSetQuality, 1,
   26689      PyDoc_STR("(GraphicsImportComponent ci, CodecQ quality) -> (ComponentResult _rv)")},
   26690     {"GraphicsImportGetQuality", (PyCFunction)Qt_GraphicsImportGetQuality, 1,
   26691      PyDoc_STR("(GraphicsImportComponent ci) -> (ComponentResult _rv, CodecQ quality)")},
   26692     {"GraphicsImportSaveAsQuickTimeImageFile", (PyCFunction)Qt_GraphicsImportSaveAsQuickTimeImageFile, 1,
   26693      PyDoc_STR("(GraphicsImportComponent ci, FSSpec fss, ScriptCode scriptTag) -> (ComponentResult _rv)")},
   26694     {"GraphicsImportSetDataReferenceOffsetAndLimit", (PyCFunction)Qt_GraphicsImportSetDataReferenceOffsetAndLimit, 1,
   26695      PyDoc_STR("(GraphicsImportComponent ci, unsigned long offset, unsigned long limit) -> (ComponentResult _rv)")},
   26696     {"GraphicsImportGetDataReferenceOffsetAndLimit", (PyCFunction)Qt_GraphicsImportGetDataReferenceOffsetAndLimit, 1,
   26697      PyDoc_STR("(GraphicsImportComponent ci) -> (ComponentResult _rv, unsigned long offset, unsigned long limit)")},
   26698     {"GraphicsImportGetAliasedDataReference", (PyCFunction)Qt_GraphicsImportGetAliasedDataReference, 1,
   26699      PyDoc_STR("(GraphicsImportComponent ci) -> (ComponentResult _rv, Handle dataRef, OSType dataRefType)")},
   26700     {"GraphicsImportValidate", (PyCFunction)Qt_GraphicsImportValidate, 1,
   26701      PyDoc_STR("(GraphicsImportComponent ci) -> (ComponentResult _rv, Boolean valid)")},
   26702     {"GraphicsImportGetMetaData", (PyCFunction)Qt_GraphicsImportGetMetaData, 1,
   26703      PyDoc_STR("(GraphicsImportComponent ci, void * userData) -> (ComponentResult _rv)")},
   26704     {"GraphicsImportGetMIMETypeList", (PyCFunction)Qt_GraphicsImportGetMIMETypeList, 1,
   26705      PyDoc_STR("(GraphicsImportComponent ci, void * qtAtomContainerPtr) -> (ComponentResult _rv)")},
   26706     {"GraphicsImportDoesDrawAllPixels", (PyCFunction)Qt_GraphicsImportDoesDrawAllPixels, 1,
   26707      PyDoc_STR("(GraphicsImportComponent ci) -> (ComponentResult _rv, short drawsAllPixels)")},
   26708     {"GraphicsImportGetAsPicture", (PyCFunction)Qt_GraphicsImportGetAsPicture, 1,
   26709      PyDoc_STR("(GraphicsImportComponent ci) -> (ComponentResult _rv, PicHandle picture)")},
   26710     {"GraphicsImportExportImageFile", (PyCFunction)Qt_GraphicsImportExportImageFile, 1,
   26711      PyDoc_STR("(GraphicsImportComponent ci, OSType fileType, OSType fileCreator, FSSpec fss, ScriptCode scriptTag) -> (ComponentResult _rv)")},
   26712     {"GraphicsImportGetExportImageTypeList", (PyCFunction)Qt_GraphicsImportGetExportImageTypeList, 1,
   26713      PyDoc_STR("(GraphicsImportComponent ci, void * qtAtomContainerPtr) -> (ComponentResult _rv)")},
   26714     {"GraphicsImportGetExportSettingsAsAtomContainer", (PyCFunction)Qt_GraphicsImportGetExportSettingsAsAtomContainer, 1,
   26715      PyDoc_STR("(GraphicsImportComponent ci, void * qtAtomContainerPtr) -> (ComponentResult _rv)")},
   26716     {"GraphicsImportSetExportSettingsFromAtomContainer", (PyCFunction)Qt_GraphicsImportSetExportSettingsFromAtomContainer, 1,
   26717      PyDoc_STR("(GraphicsImportComponent ci, void * qtAtomContainer) -> (ComponentResult _rv)")},
   26718     {"GraphicsImportGetImageCount", (PyCFunction)Qt_GraphicsImportGetImageCount, 1,
   26719      PyDoc_STR("(GraphicsImportComponent ci) -> (ComponentResult _rv, unsigned long imageCount)")},
   26720     {"GraphicsImportSetImageIndex", (PyCFunction)Qt_GraphicsImportSetImageIndex, 1,
   26721      PyDoc_STR("(GraphicsImportComponent ci, unsigned long imageIndex) -> (ComponentResult _rv)")},
   26722     {"GraphicsImportGetImageIndex", (PyCFunction)Qt_GraphicsImportGetImageIndex, 1,
   26723      PyDoc_STR("(GraphicsImportComponent ci) -> (ComponentResult _rv, unsigned long imageIndex)")},
   26724     {"GraphicsImportGetDataOffsetAndSize64", (PyCFunction)Qt_GraphicsImportGetDataOffsetAndSize64, 1,
   26725      PyDoc_STR("(GraphicsImportComponent ci) -> (ComponentResult _rv, wide offset, wide size)")},
   26726     {"GraphicsImportReadData64", (PyCFunction)Qt_GraphicsImportReadData64, 1,
   26727      PyDoc_STR("(GraphicsImportComponent ci, void * dataPtr, wide dataOffset, unsigned long dataSize) -> (ComponentResult _rv)")},
   26728     {"GraphicsImportSetDataReferenceOffsetAndLimit64", (PyCFunction)Qt_GraphicsImportSetDataReferenceOffsetAndLimit64, 1,
   26729      PyDoc_STR("(GraphicsImportComponent ci, wide offset, wide limit) -> (ComponentResult _rv)")},
   26730     {"GraphicsImportGetDataReferenceOffsetAndLimit64", (PyCFunction)Qt_GraphicsImportGetDataReferenceOffsetAndLimit64, 1,
   26731      PyDoc_STR("(GraphicsImportComponent ci) -> (ComponentResult _rv, wide offset, wide limit)")},
   26732     {"GraphicsImportGetDefaultClip", (PyCFunction)Qt_GraphicsImportGetDefaultClip, 1,
   26733      PyDoc_STR("(GraphicsImportComponent ci) -> (ComponentResult _rv, RgnHandle defaultRgn)")},
   26734     {"GraphicsImportGetDefaultGraphicsMode", (PyCFunction)Qt_GraphicsImportGetDefaultGraphicsMode, 1,
   26735      PyDoc_STR("(GraphicsImportComponent ci) -> (ComponentResult _rv, long defaultGraphicsMode, RGBColor defaultOpColor)")},
   26736     {"GraphicsImportGetDefaultSourceRect", (PyCFunction)Qt_GraphicsImportGetDefaultSourceRect, 1,
   26737      PyDoc_STR("(GraphicsImportComponent ci) -> (ComponentResult _rv, Rect defaultSourceRect)")},
   26738     {"GraphicsImportGetColorSyncProfile", (PyCFunction)Qt_GraphicsImportGetColorSyncProfile, 1,
   26739      PyDoc_STR("(GraphicsImportComponent ci) -> (ComponentResult _rv, Handle profile)")},
   26740     {"GraphicsImportSetDestRect", (PyCFunction)Qt_GraphicsImportSetDestRect, 1,
   26741      PyDoc_STR("(GraphicsImportComponent ci, Rect destRect) -> (ComponentResult _rv)")},
   26742     {"GraphicsImportGetDestRect", (PyCFunction)Qt_GraphicsImportGetDestRect, 1,
   26743      PyDoc_STR("(GraphicsImportComponent ci) -> (ComponentResult _rv, Rect destRect)")},
   26744     {"GraphicsImportSetFlags", (PyCFunction)Qt_GraphicsImportSetFlags, 1,
   26745      PyDoc_STR("(GraphicsImportComponent ci, long flags) -> (ComponentResult _rv)")},
   26746     {"GraphicsImportGetFlags", (PyCFunction)Qt_GraphicsImportGetFlags, 1,
   26747      PyDoc_STR("(GraphicsImportComponent ci) -> (ComponentResult _rv, long flags)")},
   26748     {"GraphicsImportGetBaseDataOffsetAndSize64", (PyCFunction)Qt_GraphicsImportGetBaseDataOffsetAndSize64, 1,
   26749      PyDoc_STR("(GraphicsImportComponent ci) -> (ComponentResult _rv, wide offset, wide size)")},
   26750     {"GraphicsImportSetImageIndexToThumbnail", (PyCFunction)Qt_GraphicsImportSetImageIndexToThumbnail, 1,
   26751      PyDoc_STR("(GraphicsImportComponent ci) -> (ComponentResult _rv)")},
   26752     {"GraphicsExportDoExport", (PyCFunction)Qt_GraphicsExportDoExport, 1,
   26753      PyDoc_STR("(GraphicsExportComponent ci) -> (ComponentResult _rv, unsigned long actualSizeWritten)")},
   26754     {"GraphicsExportCanTranscode", (PyCFunction)Qt_GraphicsExportCanTranscode, 1,
   26755      PyDoc_STR("(GraphicsExportComponent ci) -> (ComponentResult _rv, Boolean canTranscode)")},
   26756     {"GraphicsExportDoTranscode", (PyCFunction)Qt_GraphicsExportDoTranscode, 1,
   26757      PyDoc_STR("(GraphicsExportComponent ci) -> (ComponentResult _rv)")},
   26758     {"GraphicsExportCanUseCompressor", (PyCFunction)Qt_GraphicsExportCanUseCompressor, 1,
   26759      PyDoc_STR("(GraphicsExportComponent ci, void * codecSettingsAtomContainerPtr) -> (ComponentResult _rv, Boolean canUseCompressor)")},
   26760     {"GraphicsExportDoUseCompressor", (PyCFunction)Qt_GraphicsExportDoUseCompressor, 1,
   26761      PyDoc_STR("(GraphicsExportComponent ci, void * codecSettingsAtomContainer) -> (ComponentResult _rv, ImageDescriptionHandle outDesc)")},
   26762     {"GraphicsExportDoStandaloneExport", (PyCFunction)Qt_GraphicsExportDoStandaloneExport, 1,
   26763      PyDoc_STR("(GraphicsExportComponent ci) -> (ComponentResult _rv)")},
   26764     {"GraphicsExportGetDefaultFileTypeAndCreator", (PyCFunction)Qt_GraphicsExportGetDefaultFileTypeAndCreator, 1,
   26765      PyDoc_STR("(GraphicsExportComponent ci) -> (ComponentResult _rv, OSType fileType, OSType fileCreator)")},
   26766     {"GraphicsExportGetDefaultFileNameExtension", (PyCFunction)Qt_GraphicsExportGetDefaultFileNameExtension, 1,
   26767      PyDoc_STR("(GraphicsExportComponent ci) -> (ComponentResult _rv, OSType fileNameExtension)")},
   26768     {"GraphicsExportGetMIMETypeList", (PyCFunction)Qt_GraphicsExportGetMIMETypeList, 1,
   26769      PyDoc_STR("(GraphicsExportComponent ci, void * qtAtomContainerPtr) -> (ComponentResult _rv)")},
   26770     {"GraphicsExportSetSettingsFromAtomContainer", (PyCFunction)Qt_GraphicsExportSetSettingsFromAtomContainer, 1,
   26771      PyDoc_STR("(GraphicsExportComponent ci, void * qtAtomContainer) -> (ComponentResult _rv)")},
   26772     {"GraphicsExportGetSettingsAsAtomContainer", (PyCFunction)Qt_GraphicsExportGetSettingsAsAtomContainer, 1,
   26773      PyDoc_STR("(GraphicsExportComponent ci, void * qtAtomContainerPtr) -> (ComponentResult _rv)")},
   26774     {"GraphicsExportGetSettingsAsText", (PyCFunction)Qt_GraphicsExportGetSettingsAsText, 1,
   26775      PyDoc_STR("(GraphicsExportComponent ci) -> (ComponentResult _rv, Handle theText)")},
   26776     {"GraphicsExportSetDontRecompress", (PyCFunction)Qt_GraphicsExportSetDontRecompress, 1,
   26777      PyDoc_STR("(GraphicsExportComponent ci, Boolean dontRecompress) -> (ComponentResult _rv)")},
   26778     {"GraphicsExportGetDontRecompress", (PyCFunction)Qt_GraphicsExportGetDontRecompress, 1,
   26779      PyDoc_STR("(GraphicsExportComponent ci) -> (ComponentResult _rv, Boolean dontRecompress)")},
   26780     {"GraphicsExportSetInterlaceStyle", (PyCFunction)Qt_GraphicsExportSetInterlaceStyle, 1,
   26781      PyDoc_STR("(GraphicsExportComponent ci, unsigned long interlaceStyle) -> (ComponentResult _rv)")},
   26782     {"GraphicsExportGetInterlaceStyle", (PyCFunction)Qt_GraphicsExportGetInterlaceStyle, 1,
   26783      PyDoc_STR("(GraphicsExportComponent ci) -> (ComponentResult _rv, unsigned long interlaceStyle)")},
   26784     {"GraphicsExportSetMetaData", (PyCFunction)Qt_GraphicsExportSetMetaData, 1,
   26785      PyDoc_STR("(GraphicsExportComponent ci, void * userData) -> (ComponentResult _rv)")},
   26786     {"GraphicsExportGetMetaData", (PyCFunction)Qt_GraphicsExportGetMetaData, 1,
   26787      PyDoc_STR("(GraphicsExportComponent ci, void * userData) -> (ComponentResult _rv)")},
   26788     {"GraphicsExportSetTargetDataSize", (PyCFunction)Qt_GraphicsExportSetTargetDataSize, 1,
   26789      PyDoc_STR("(GraphicsExportComponent ci, unsigned long targetDataSize) -> (ComponentResult _rv)")},
   26790     {"GraphicsExportGetTargetDataSize", (PyCFunction)Qt_GraphicsExportGetTargetDataSize, 1,
   26791      PyDoc_STR("(GraphicsExportComponent ci) -> (ComponentResult _rv, unsigned long targetDataSize)")},
   26792     {"GraphicsExportSetCompressionMethod", (PyCFunction)Qt_GraphicsExportSetCompressionMethod, 1,
   26793      PyDoc_STR("(GraphicsExportComponent ci, long compressionMethod) -> (ComponentResult _rv)")},
   26794     {"GraphicsExportGetCompressionMethod", (PyCFunction)Qt_GraphicsExportGetCompressionMethod, 1,
   26795      PyDoc_STR("(GraphicsExportComponent ci) -> (ComponentResult _rv, long compressionMethod)")},
   26796     {"GraphicsExportSetCompressionQuality", (PyCFunction)Qt_GraphicsExportSetCompressionQuality, 1,
   26797      PyDoc_STR("(GraphicsExportComponent ci, CodecQ spatialQuality) -> (ComponentResult _rv)")},
   26798     {"GraphicsExportGetCompressionQuality", (PyCFunction)Qt_GraphicsExportGetCompressionQuality, 1,
   26799      PyDoc_STR("(GraphicsExportComponent ci) -> (ComponentResult _rv, CodecQ spatialQuality)")},
   26800     {"GraphicsExportSetResolution", (PyCFunction)Qt_GraphicsExportSetResolution, 1,
   26801      PyDoc_STR("(GraphicsExportComponent ci, Fixed horizontalResolution, Fixed verticalResolution) -> (ComponentResult _rv)")},
   26802     {"GraphicsExportGetResolution", (PyCFunction)Qt_GraphicsExportGetResolution, 1,
   26803      PyDoc_STR("(GraphicsExportComponent ci) -> (ComponentResult _rv, Fixed horizontalResolution, Fixed verticalResolution)")},
   26804     {"GraphicsExportSetDepth", (PyCFunction)Qt_GraphicsExportSetDepth, 1,
   26805      PyDoc_STR("(GraphicsExportComponent ci, long depth) -> (ComponentResult _rv)")},
   26806     {"GraphicsExportGetDepth", (PyCFunction)Qt_GraphicsExportGetDepth, 1,
   26807      PyDoc_STR("(GraphicsExportComponent ci) -> (ComponentResult _rv, long depth)")},
   26808     {"GraphicsExportSetColorSyncProfile", (PyCFunction)Qt_GraphicsExportSetColorSyncProfile, 1,
   26809      PyDoc_STR("(GraphicsExportComponent ci, Handle colorSyncProfile) -> (ComponentResult _rv)")},
   26810     {"GraphicsExportGetColorSyncProfile", (PyCFunction)Qt_GraphicsExportGetColorSyncProfile, 1,
   26811      PyDoc_STR("(GraphicsExportComponent ci) -> (ComponentResult _rv, Handle colorSyncProfile)")},
   26812     {"GraphicsExportSetInputDataReference", (PyCFunction)Qt_GraphicsExportSetInputDataReference, 1,
   26813      PyDoc_STR("(GraphicsExportComponent ci, Handle dataRef, OSType dataRefType, ImageDescriptionHandle desc) -> (ComponentResult _rv)")},
   26814     {"GraphicsExportGetInputDataReference", (PyCFunction)Qt_GraphicsExportGetInputDataReference, 1,
   26815      PyDoc_STR("(GraphicsExportComponent ci) -> (ComponentResult _rv, Handle dataRef, OSType dataRefType)")},
   26816     {"GraphicsExportSetInputFile", (PyCFunction)Qt_GraphicsExportSetInputFile, 1,
   26817      PyDoc_STR("(GraphicsExportComponent ci, FSSpec theFile, ImageDescriptionHandle desc) -> (ComponentResult _rv)")},
   26818     {"GraphicsExportGetInputFile", (PyCFunction)Qt_GraphicsExportGetInputFile, 1,
   26819      PyDoc_STR("(GraphicsExportComponent ci, FSSpec theFile) -> (ComponentResult _rv)")},
   26820     {"GraphicsExportSetInputHandle", (PyCFunction)Qt_GraphicsExportSetInputHandle, 1,
   26821      PyDoc_STR("(GraphicsExportComponent ci, Handle h, ImageDescriptionHandle desc) -> (ComponentResult _rv)")},
   26822     {"GraphicsExportGetInputHandle", (PyCFunction)Qt_GraphicsExportGetInputHandle, 1,
   26823      PyDoc_STR("(GraphicsExportComponent ci) -> (ComponentResult _rv, Handle h)")},
   26824     {"GraphicsExportSetInputPtr", (PyCFunction)Qt_GraphicsExportSetInputPtr, 1,
   26825      PyDoc_STR("(GraphicsExportComponent ci, Ptr p, unsigned long size, ImageDescriptionHandle desc) -> (ComponentResult _rv)")},
   26826     {"GraphicsExportSetInputGraphicsImporter", (PyCFunction)Qt_GraphicsExportSetInputGraphicsImporter, 1,
   26827      PyDoc_STR("(GraphicsExportComponent ci, GraphicsImportComponent grip) -> (ComponentResult _rv)")},
   26828     {"GraphicsExportGetInputGraphicsImporter", (PyCFunction)Qt_GraphicsExportGetInputGraphicsImporter, 1,
   26829      PyDoc_STR("(GraphicsExportComponent ci) -> (ComponentResult _rv, GraphicsImportComponent grip)")},
   26830     {"GraphicsExportSetInputPicture", (PyCFunction)Qt_GraphicsExportSetInputPicture, 1,
   26831      PyDoc_STR("(GraphicsExportComponent ci, PicHandle picture) -> (ComponentResult _rv)")},
   26832     {"GraphicsExportGetInputPicture", (PyCFunction)Qt_GraphicsExportGetInputPicture, 1,
   26833      PyDoc_STR("(GraphicsExportComponent ci) -> (ComponentResult _rv, PicHandle picture)")},
   26834     {"GraphicsExportSetInputGWorld", (PyCFunction)Qt_GraphicsExportSetInputGWorld, 1,
   26835      PyDoc_STR("(GraphicsExportComponent ci, GWorldPtr gworld) -> (ComponentResult _rv)")},
   26836     {"GraphicsExportGetInputGWorld", (PyCFunction)Qt_GraphicsExportGetInputGWorld, 1,
   26837      PyDoc_STR("(GraphicsExportComponent ci) -> (ComponentResult _rv, GWorldPtr gworld)")},
   26838     {"GraphicsExportSetInputPixmap", (PyCFunction)Qt_GraphicsExportSetInputPixmap, 1,
   26839      PyDoc_STR("(GraphicsExportComponent ci, PixMapHandle pixmap) -> (ComponentResult _rv)")},
   26840     {"GraphicsExportGetInputPixmap", (PyCFunction)Qt_GraphicsExportGetInputPixmap, 1,
   26841      PyDoc_STR("(GraphicsExportComponent ci) -> (ComponentResult _rv, PixMapHandle pixmap)")},
   26842     {"GraphicsExportSetInputOffsetAndLimit", (PyCFunction)Qt_GraphicsExportSetInputOffsetAndLimit, 1,
   26843      PyDoc_STR("(GraphicsExportComponent ci, unsigned long offset, unsigned long limit) -> (ComponentResult _rv)")},
   26844     {"GraphicsExportGetInputOffsetAndLimit", (PyCFunction)Qt_GraphicsExportGetInputOffsetAndLimit, 1,
   26845      PyDoc_STR("(GraphicsExportComponent ci) -> (ComponentResult _rv, unsigned long offset, unsigned long limit)")},
   26846     {"GraphicsExportMayExporterReadInputData", (PyCFunction)Qt_GraphicsExportMayExporterReadInputData, 1,
   26847      PyDoc_STR("(GraphicsExportComponent ci) -> (ComponentResult _rv, Boolean mayReadInputData)")},
   26848     {"GraphicsExportGetInputDataSize", (PyCFunction)Qt_GraphicsExportGetInputDataSize, 1,
   26849      PyDoc_STR("(GraphicsExportComponent ci) -> (ComponentResult _rv, unsigned long size)")},
   26850     {"GraphicsExportReadInputData", (PyCFunction)Qt_GraphicsExportReadInputData, 1,
   26851      PyDoc_STR("(GraphicsExportComponent ci, void * dataPtr, unsigned long dataOffset, unsigned long dataSize) -> (ComponentResult _rv)")},
   26852     {"GraphicsExportGetInputImageDescription", (PyCFunction)Qt_GraphicsExportGetInputImageDescription, 1,
   26853      PyDoc_STR("(GraphicsExportComponent ci) -> (ComponentResult _rv, ImageDescriptionHandle desc)")},
   26854     {"GraphicsExportGetInputImageDimensions", (PyCFunction)Qt_GraphicsExportGetInputImageDimensions, 1,
   26855      PyDoc_STR("(GraphicsExportComponent ci) -> (ComponentResult _rv, Rect dimensions)")},
   26856     {"GraphicsExportGetInputImageDepth", (PyCFunction)Qt_GraphicsExportGetInputImageDepth, 1,
   26857      PyDoc_STR("(GraphicsExportComponent ci) -> (ComponentResult _rv, long inputDepth)")},
   26858     {"GraphicsExportDrawInputImage", (PyCFunction)Qt_GraphicsExportDrawInputImage, 1,
   26859      PyDoc_STR("(GraphicsExportComponent ci, CGrafPtr gw, GDHandle gd, Rect srcRect, Rect dstRect) -> (ComponentResult _rv)")},
   26860     {"GraphicsExportSetOutputDataReference", (PyCFunction)Qt_GraphicsExportSetOutputDataReference, 1,
   26861      PyDoc_STR("(GraphicsExportComponent ci, Handle dataRef, OSType dataRefType) -> (ComponentResult _rv)")},
   26862     {"GraphicsExportGetOutputDataReference", (PyCFunction)Qt_GraphicsExportGetOutputDataReference, 1,
   26863      PyDoc_STR("(GraphicsExportComponent ci) -> (ComponentResult _rv, Handle dataRef, OSType dataRefType)")},
   26864     {"GraphicsExportSetOutputFile", (PyCFunction)Qt_GraphicsExportSetOutputFile, 1,
   26865      PyDoc_STR("(GraphicsExportComponent ci, FSSpec theFile) -> (ComponentResult _rv)")},
   26866     {"GraphicsExportGetOutputFile", (PyCFunction)Qt_GraphicsExportGetOutputFile, 1,
   26867      PyDoc_STR("(GraphicsExportComponent ci, FSSpec theFile) -> (ComponentResult _rv)")},
   26868     {"GraphicsExportSetOutputHandle", (PyCFunction)Qt_GraphicsExportSetOutputHandle, 1,
   26869      PyDoc_STR("(GraphicsExportComponent ci, Handle h) -> (ComponentResult _rv)")},
   26870     {"GraphicsExportGetOutputHandle", (PyCFunction)Qt_GraphicsExportGetOutputHandle, 1,
   26871      PyDoc_STR("(GraphicsExportComponent ci) -> (ComponentResult _rv, Handle h)")},
   26872     {"GraphicsExportSetOutputOffsetAndMaxSize", (PyCFunction)Qt_GraphicsExportSetOutputOffsetAndMaxSize, 1,
   26873      PyDoc_STR("(GraphicsExportComponent ci, unsigned long offset, unsigned long maxSize, Boolean truncateFile) -> (ComponentResult _rv)")},
   26874     {"GraphicsExportGetOutputOffsetAndMaxSize", (PyCFunction)Qt_GraphicsExportGetOutputOffsetAndMaxSize, 1,
   26875      PyDoc_STR("(GraphicsExportComponent ci) -> (ComponentResult _rv, unsigned long offset, unsigned long maxSize, Boolean truncateFile)")},
   26876     {"GraphicsExportSetOutputFileTypeAndCreator", (PyCFunction)Qt_GraphicsExportSetOutputFileTypeAndCreator, 1,
   26877      PyDoc_STR("(GraphicsExportComponent ci, OSType fileType, OSType fileCreator) -> (ComponentResult _rv)")},
   26878     {"GraphicsExportGetOutputFileTypeAndCreator", (PyCFunction)Qt_GraphicsExportGetOutputFileTypeAndCreator, 1,
   26879      PyDoc_STR("(GraphicsExportComponent ci) -> (ComponentResult _rv, OSType fileType, OSType fileCreator)")},
   26880     {"GraphicsExportSetOutputMark", (PyCFunction)Qt_GraphicsExportSetOutputMark, 1,
   26881      PyDoc_STR("(GraphicsExportComponent ci, unsigned long mark) -> (ComponentResult _rv)")},
   26882     {"GraphicsExportGetOutputMark", (PyCFunction)Qt_GraphicsExportGetOutputMark, 1,
   26883      PyDoc_STR("(GraphicsExportComponent ci) -> (ComponentResult _rv, unsigned long mark)")},
   26884     {"GraphicsExportReadOutputData", (PyCFunction)Qt_GraphicsExportReadOutputData, 1,
   26885      PyDoc_STR("(GraphicsExportComponent ci, void * dataPtr, unsigned long dataOffset, unsigned long dataSize) -> (ComponentResult _rv)")},
   26886     {"GraphicsExportSetThumbnailEnabled", (PyCFunction)Qt_GraphicsExportSetThumbnailEnabled, 1,
   26887      PyDoc_STR("(GraphicsExportComponent ci, Boolean enableThumbnail, long maxThumbnailWidth, long maxThumbnailHeight) -> (ComponentResult _rv)")},
   26888     {"GraphicsExportGetThumbnailEnabled", (PyCFunction)Qt_GraphicsExportGetThumbnailEnabled, 1,
   26889      PyDoc_STR("(GraphicsExportComponent ci) -> (ComponentResult _rv, Boolean thumbnailEnabled, long maxThumbnailWidth, long maxThumbnailHeight)")},
   26890     {"GraphicsExportSetExifEnabled", (PyCFunction)Qt_GraphicsExportSetExifEnabled, 1,
   26891      PyDoc_STR("(GraphicsExportComponent ci, Boolean enableExif) -> (ComponentResult _rv)")},
   26892     {"GraphicsExportGetExifEnabled", (PyCFunction)Qt_GraphicsExportGetExifEnabled, 1,
   26893      PyDoc_STR("(GraphicsExportComponent ci) -> (ComponentResult _rv, Boolean exifEnabled)")},
   26894     {"ImageTranscoderBeginSequence", (PyCFunction)Qt_ImageTranscoderBeginSequence, 1,
   26895      PyDoc_STR("(ImageTranscoderComponent itc, ImageDescriptionHandle srcDesc, void * data, long dataSize) -> (ComponentResult _rv, ImageDescriptionHandle dstDesc)")},
   26896     {"ImageTranscoderDisposeData", (PyCFunction)Qt_ImageTranscoderDisposeData, 1,
   26897      PyDoc_STR("(ImageTranscoderComponent itc, void * dstData) -> (ComponentResult _rv)")},
   26898     {"ImageTranscoderEndSequence", (PyCFunction)Qt_ImageTranscoderEndSequence, 1,
   26899      PyDoc_STR("(ImageTranscoderComponent itc) -> (ComponentResult _rv)")},
   26900     {"ClockGetTime", (PyCFunction)Qt_ClockGetTime, 1,
   26901      PyDoc_STR("(ComponentInstance aClock) -> (ComponentResult _rv, TimeRecord out)")},
   26902     {"ClockSetTimeBase", (PyCFunction)Qt_ClockSetTimeBase, 1,
   26903      PyDoc_STR("(ComponentInstance aClock, TimeBase tb) -> (ComponentResult _rv)")},
   26904     {"ClockGetRate", (PyCFunction)Qt_ClockGetRate, 1,
   26905      PyDoc_STR("(ComponentInstance aClock) -> (ComponentResult _rv, Fixed rate)")},
   26906     {"SCPositionRect", (PyCFunction)Qt_SCPositionRect, 1,
   26907      PyDoc_STR("(ComponentInstance ci) -> (ComponentResult _rv, Rect rp, Point where)")},
   26908     {"SCPositionDialog", (PyCFunction)Qt_SCPositionDialog, 1,
   26909      PyDoc_STR("(ComponentInstance ci, short id) -> (ComponentResult _rv, Point where)")},
   26910     {"SCSetTestImagePictHandle", (PyCFunction)Qt_SCSetTestImagePictHandle, 1,
   26911      PyDoc_STR("(ComponentInstance ci, PicHandle testPict, short testFlags) -> (ComponentResult _rv, Rect testRect)")},
   26912     {"SCSetTestImagePictFile", (PyCFunction)Qt_SCSetTestImagePictFile, 1,
   26913      PyDoc_STR("(ComponentInstance ci, short testFileRef, short testFlags) -> (ComponentResult _rv, Rect testRect)")},
   26914     {"SCSetTestImagePixMap", (PyCFunction)Qt_SCSetTestImagePixMap, 1,
   26915      PyDoc_STR("(ComponentInstance ci, PixMapHandle testPixMap, short testFlags) -> (ComponentResult _rv, Rect testRect)")},
   26916     {"SCGetBestDeviceRect", (PyCFunction)Qt_SCGetBestDeviceRect, 1,
   26917      PyDoc_STR("(ComponentInstance ci) -> (ComponentResult _rv, Rect r)")},
   26918     {"SCRequestImageSettings", (PyCFunction)Qt_SCRequestImageSettings, 1,
   26919      PyDoc_STR("(ComponentInstance ci) -> (ComponentResult _rv)")},
   26920     {"SCCompressImage", (PyCFunction)Qt_SCCompressImage, 1,
   26921      PyDoc_STR("(ComponentInstance ci, PixMapHandle src, Rect srcRect) -> (ComponentResult _rv, ImageDescriptionHandle desc, Handle data)")},
   26922     {"SCCompressPicture", (PyCFunction)Qt_SCCompressPicture, 1,
   26923      PyDoc_STR("(ComponentInstance ci, PicHandle srcPicture, PicHandle dstPicture) -> (ComponentResult _rv)")},
   26924     {"SCCompressPictureFile", (PyCFunction)Qt_SCCompressPictureFile, 1,
   26925      PyDoc_STR("(ComponentInstance ci, short srcRefNum, short dstRefNum) -> (ComponentResult _rv)")},
   26926     {"SCRequestSequenceSettings", (PyCFunction)Qt_SCRequestSequenceSettings, 1,
   26927      PyDoc_STR("(ComponentInstance ci) -> (ComponentResult _rv)")},
   26928     {"SCCompressSequenceBegin", (PyCFunction)Qt_SCCompressSequenceBegin, 1,
   26929      PyDoc_STR("(ComponentInstance ci, PixMapHandle src, Rect srcRect) -> (ComponentResult _rv, ImageDescriptionHandle desc)")},
   26930     {"SCCompressSequenceFrame", (PyCFunction)Qt_SCCompressSequenceFrame, 1,
   26931      PyDoc_STR("(ComponentInstance ci, PixMapHandle src, Rect srcRect) -> (ComponentResult _rv, Handle data, long dataSize, short notSyncFlag)")},
   26932     {"SCCompressSequenceEnd", (PyCFunction)Qt_SCCompressSequenceEnd, 1,
   26933      PyDoc_STR("(ComponentInstance ci) -> (ComponentResult _rv)")},
   26934     {"SCDefaultPictHandleSettings", (PyCFunction)Qt_SCDefaultPictHandleSettings, 1,
   26935      PyDoc_STR("(ComponentInstance ci, PicHandle srcPicture, short motion) -> (ComponentResult _rv)")},
   26936     {"SCDefaultPictFileSettings", (PyCFunction)Qt_SCDefaultPictFileSettings, 1,
   26937      PyDoc_STR("(ComponentInstance ci, short srcRef, short motion) -> (ComponentResult _rv)")},
   26938     {"SCDefaultPixMapSettings", (PyCFunction)Qt_SCDefaultPixMapSettings, 1,
   26939      PyDoc_STR("(ComponentInstance ci, PixMapHandle src, short motion) -> (ComponentResult _rv)")},
   26940     {"SCGetInfo", (PyCFunction)Qt_SCGetInfo, 1,
   26941      PyDoc_STR("(ComponentInstance ci, OSType infoType, void * info) -> (ComponentResult _rv)")},
   26942     {"SCSetInfo", (PyCFunction)Qt_SCSetInfo, 1,
   26943      PyDoc_STR("(ComponentInstance ci, OSType infoType, void * info) -> (ComponentResult _rv)")},
   26944     {"SCSetCompressFlags", (PyCFunction)Qt_SCSetCompressFlags, 1,
   26945      PyDoc_STR("(ComponentInstance ci, long flags) -> (ComponentResult _rv)")},
   26946     {"SCGetCompressFlags", (PyCFunction)Qt_SCGetCompressFlags, 1,
   26947      PyDoc_STR("(ComponentInstance ci) -> (ComponentResult _rv, long flags)")},
   26948     {"SCGetSettingsAsText", (PyCFunction)Qt_SCGetSettingsAsText, 1,
   26949      PyDoc_STR("(ComponentInstance ci) -> (ComponentResult _rv, Handle text)")},
   26950     {"SCAsyncIdle", (PyCFunction)Qt_SCAsyncIdle, 1,
   26951      PyDoc_STR("(ComponentInstance ci) -> (ComponentResult _rv)")},
   26952     {"TweenerReset", (PyCFunction)Qt_TweenerReset, 1,
   26953      PyDoc_STR("(TweenerComponent tc) -> (ComponentResult _rv)")},
   26954     {"TCGetSourceRef", (PyCFunction)Qt_TCGetSourceRef, 1,
   26955      PyDoc_STR("(MediaHandler mh, TimeCodeDescriptionHandle tcdH) -> (HandlerError _rv, UserData srefH)")},
   26956     {"TCSetSourceRef", (PyCFunction)Qt_TCSetSourceRef, 1,
   26957      PyDoc_STR("(MediaHandler mh, TimeCodeDescriptionHandle tcdH, UserData srefH) -> (HandlerError _rv)")},
   26958     {"TCSetTimeCodeFlags", (PyCFunction)Qt_TCSetTimeCodeFlags, 1,
   26959      PyDoc_STR("(MediaHandler mh, long flags, long flagsMask) -> (HandlerError _rv)")},
   26960     {"TCGetTimeCodeFlags", (PyCFunction)Qt_TCGetTimeCodeFlags, 1,
   26961      PyDoc_STR("(MediaHandler mh) -> (HandlerError _rv, long flags)")},
   26962     {"MovieImportHandle", (PyCFunction)Qt_MovieImportHandle, 1,
   26963      PyDoc_STR("(MovieImportComponent ci, Handle dataH, Movie theMovie, Track targetTrack, TimeValue atTime, long inFlags) -> (ComponentResult _rv, Track usedTrack, TimeValue addedDuration, long outFlags)")},
   26964     {"MovieImportFile", (PyCFunction)Qt_MovieImportFile, 1,
   26965      PyDoc_STR("(MovieImportComponent ci, FSSpec theFile, Movie theMovie, Track targetTrack, TimeValue atTime, long inFlags) -> (ComponentResult _rv, Track usedTrack, TimeValue addedDuration, long outFlags)")},
   26966     {"MovieImportSetSampleDuration", (PyCFunction)Qt_MovieImportSetSampleDuration, 1,
   26967      PyDoc_STR("(MovieImportComponent ci, TimeValue duration, TimeScale scale) -> (ComponentResult _rv)")},
   26968     {"MovieImportSetSampleDescription", (PyCFunction)Qt_MovieImportSetSampleDescription, 1,
   26969      PyDoc_STR("(MovieImportComponent ci, SampleDescriptionHandle desc, OSType mediaType) -> (ComponentResult _rv)")},
   26970     {"MovieImportSetMediaFile", (PyCFunction)Qt_MovieImportSetMediaFile, 1,
   26971      PyDoc_STR("(MovieImportComponent ci, AliasHandle alias) -> (ComponentResult _rv)")},
   26972     {"MovieImportSetDimensions", (PyCFunction)Qt_MovieImportSetDimensions, 1,
   26973      PyDoc_STR("(MovieImportComponent ci, Fixed width, Fixed height) -> (ComponentResult _rv)")},
   26974     {"MovieImportSetChunkSize", (PyCFunction)Qt_MovieImportSetChunkSize, 1,
   26975      PyDoc_STR("(MovieImportComponent ci, long chunkSize) -> (ComponentResult _rv)")},
   26976     {"MovieImportSetAuxiliaryData", (PyCFunction)Qt_MovieImportSetAuxiliaryData, 1,
   26977      PyDoc_STR("(MovieImportComponent ci, Handle data, OSType handleType) -> (ComponentResult _rv)")},
   26978     {"MovieImportSetFromScrap", (PyCFunction)Qt_MovieImportSetFromScrap, 1,
   26979      PyDoc_STR("(MovieImportComponent ci, Boolean fromScrap) -> (ComponentResult _rv)")},
   26980     {"MovieImportDoUserDialog", (PyCFunction)Qt_MovieImportDoUserDialog, 1,
   26981      PyDoc_STR("(MovieImportComponent ci, FSSpec theFile, Handle theData) -> (ComponentResult _rv, Boolean canceled)")},
   26982     {"MovieImportSetDuration", (PyCFunction)Qt_MovieImportSetDuration, 1,
   26983      PyDoc_STR("(MovieImportComponent ci, TimeValue duration) -> (ComponentResult _rv)")},
   26984     {"MovieImportGetAuxiliaryDataType", (PyCFunction)Qt_MovieImportGetAuxiliaryDataType, 1,
   26985      PyDoc_STR("(MovieImportComponent ci) -> (ComponentResult _rv, OSType auxType)")},
   26986     {"MovieImportValidate", (PyCFunction)Qt_MovieImportValidate, 1,
   26987      PyDoc_STR("(MovieImportComponent ci, FSSpec theFile, Handle theData) -> (ComponentResult _rv, Boolean valid)")},
   26988     {"MovieImportGetFileType", (PyCFunction)Qt_MovieImportGetFileType, 1,
   26989      PyDoc_STR("(MovieImportComponent ci) -> (ComponentResult _rv, OSType fileType)")},
   26990     {"MovieImportDataRef", (PyCFunction)Qt_MovieImportDataRef, 1,
   26991      PyDoc_STR("(MovieImportComponent ci, Handle dataRef, OSType dataRefType, Movie theMovie, Track targetTrack, TimeValue atTime, long inFlags) -> (ComponentResult _rv, Track usedTrack, TimeValue addedDuration, long outFlags)")},
   26992     {"MovieImportGetSampleDescription", (PyCFunction)Qt_MovieImportGetSampleDescription, 1,
   26993      PyDoc_STR("(MovieImportComponent ci) -> (ComponentResult _rv, SampleDescriptionHandle desc, OSType mediaType)")},
   26994     {"MovieImportSetOffsetAndLimit", (PyCFunction)Qt_MovieImportSetOffsetAndLimit, 1,
   26995      PyDoc_STR("(MovieImportComponent ci, unsigned long offset, unsigned long limit) -> (ComponentResult _rv)")},
   26996     {"MovieImportSetOffsetAndLimit64", (PyCFunction)Qt_MovieImportSetOffsetAndLimit64, 1,
   26997      PyDoc_STR("(MovieImportComponent ci, wide offset, wide limit) -> (ComponentResult _rv)")},
   26998     {"MovieImportIdle", (PyCFunction)Qt_MovieImportIdle, 1,
   26999      PyDoc_STR("(MovieImportComponent ci, long inFlags) -> (ComponentResult _rv, long outFlags)")},
   27000     {"MovieImportValidateDataRef", (PyCFunction)Qt_MovieImportValidateDataRef, 1,
   27001      PyDoc_STR("(MovieImportComponent ci, Handle dataRef, OSType dataRefType) -> (ComponentResult _rv, UInt8 valid)")},
   27002     {"MovieImportGetLoadState", (PyCFunction)Qt_MovieImportGetLoadState, 1,
   27003      PyDoc_STR("(MovieImportComponent ci) -> (ComponentResult _rv, long importerLoadState)")},
   27004     {"MovieImportGetMaxLoadedTime", (PyCFunction)Qt_MovieImportGetMaxLoadedTime, 1,
   27005      PyDoc_STR("(MovieImportComponent ci) -> (ComponentResult _rv, TimeValue time)")},
   27006     {"MovieImportEstimateCompletionTime", (PyCFunction)Qt_MovieImportEstimateCompletionTime, 1,
   27007      PyDoc_STR("(MovieImportComponent ci) -> (ComponentResult _rv, TimeRecord time)")},
   27008     {"MovieImportSetDontBlock", (PyCFunction)Qt_MovieImportSetDontBlock, 1,
   27009      PyDoc_STR("(MovieImportComponent ci, Boolean dontBlock) -> (ComponentResult _rv)")},
   27010     {"MovieImportGetDontBlock", (PyCFunction)Qt_MovieImportGetDontBlock, 1,
   27011      PyDoc_STR("(MovieImportComponent ci) -> (ComponentResult _rv, Boolean willBlock)")},
   27012     {"MovieImportSetIdleManager", (PyCFunction)Qt_MovieImportSetIdleManager, 1,
   27013      PyDoc_STR("(MovieImportComponent ci, IdleManager im) -> (ComponentResult _rv)")},
   27014     {"MovieImportSetNewMovieFlags", (PyCFunction)Qt_MovieImportSetNewMovieFlags, 1,
   27015      PyDoc_STR("(MovieImportComponent ci, long newMovieFlags) -> (ComponentResult _rv)")},
   27016     {"MovieImportGetDestinationMediaType", (PyCFunction)Qt_MovieImportGetDestinationMediaType, 1,
   27017      PyDoc_STR("(MovieImportComponent ci) -> (ComponentResult _rv, OSType mediaType)")},
   27018     {"MovieExportToHandle", (PyCFunction)Qt_MovieExportToHandle, 1,
   27019      PyDoc_STR("(MovieExportComponent ci, Handle dataH, Movie theMovie, Track onlyThisTrack, TimeValue startTime, TimeValue duration) -> (ComponentResult _rv)")},
   27020     {"MovieExportToFile", (PyCFunction)Qt_MovieExportToFile, 1,
   27021      PyDoc_STR("(MovieExportComponent ci, FSSpec theFile, Movie theMovie, Track onlyThisTrack, TimeValue startTime, TimeValue duration) -> (ComponentResult _rv)")},
   27022     {"MovieExportGetAuxiliaryData", (PyCFunction)Qt_MovieExportGetAuxiliaryData, 1,
   27023      PyDoc_STR("(MovieExportComponent ci, Handle dataH) -> (ComponentResult _rv, OSType handleType)")},
   27024     {"MovieExportSetSampleDescription", (PyCFunction)Qt_MovieExportSetSampleDescription, 1,
   27025      PyDoc_STR("(MovieExportComponent ci, SampleDescriptionHandle desc, OSType mediaType) -> (ComponentResult _rv)")},
   27026     {"MovieExportDoUserDialog", (PyCFunction)Qt_MovieExportDoUserDialog, 1,
   27027      PyDoc_STR("(MovieExportComponent ci, Movie theMovie, Track onlyThisTrack, TimeValue startTime, TimeValue duration) -> (ComponentResult _rv, Boolean canceled)")},
   27028     {"MovieExportGetCreatorType", (PyCFunction)Qt_MovieExportGetCreatorType, 1,
   27029      PyDoc_STR("(MovieExportComponent ci) -> (ComponentResult _rv, OSType creator)")},
   27030     {"MovieExportToDataRef", (PyCFunction)Qt_MovieExportToDataRef, 1,
   27031      PyDoc_STR("(MovieExportComponent ci, Handle dataRef, OSType dataRefType, Movie theMovie, Track onlyThisTrack, TimeValue startTime, TimeValue duration) -> (ComponentResult _rv)")},
   27032     {"MovieExportFromProceduresToDataRef", (PyCFunction)Qt_MovieExportFromProceduresToDataRef, 1,
   27033      PyDoc_STR("(MovieExportComponent ci, Handle dataRef, OSType dataRefType) -> (ComponentResult _rv)")},
   27034     {"MovieExportValidate", (PyCFunction)Qt_MovieExportValidate, 1,
   27035      PyDoc_STR("(MovieExportComponent ci, Movie theMovie, Track onlyThisTrack) -> (ComponentResult _rv, Boolean valid)")},
   27036     {"MovieExportGetFileNameExtension", (PyCFunction)Qt_MovieExportGetFileNameExtension, 1,
   27037      PyDoc_STR("(MovieExportComponent ci) -> (ComponentResult _rv, OSType extension)")},
   27038     {"MovieExportGetShortFileTypeString", (PyCFunction)Qt_MovieExportGetShortFileTypeString, 1,
   27039      PyDoc_STR("(MovieExportComponent ci, Str255 typeString) -> (ComponentResult _rv)")},
   27040     {"MovieExportGetSourceMediaType", (PyCFunction)Qt_MovieExportGetSourceMediaType, 1,
   27041      PyDoc_STR("(MovieExportComponent ci) -> (ComponentResult _rv, OSType mediaType)")},
   27042     {"TextExportGetTimeFraction", (PyCFunction)Qt_TextExportGetTimeFraction, 1,
   27043      PyDoc_STR("(TextExportComponent ci) -> (ComponentResult _rv, long movieTimeFraction)")},
   27044     {"TextExportSetTimeFraction", (PyCFunction)Qt_TextExportSetTimeFraction, 1,
   27045      PyDoc_STR("(TextExportComponent ci, long movieTimeFraction) -> (ComponentResult _rv)")},
   27046     {"TextExportGetSettings", (PyCFunction)Qt_TextExportGetSettings, 1,
   27047      PyDoc_STR("(TextExportComponent ci) -> (ComponentResult _rv, long setting)")},
   27048     {"TextExportSetSettings", (PyCFunction)Qt_TextExportSetSettings, 1,
   27049      PyDoc_STR("(TextExportComponent ci, long setting) -> (ComponentResult _rv)")},
   27050     {"MIDIImportGetSettings", (PyCFunction)Qt_MIDIImportGetSettings, 1,
   27051      PyDoc_STR("(TextExportComponent ci) -> (ComponentResult _rv, long setting)")},
   27052     {"MIDIImportSetSettings", (PyCFunction)Qt_MIDIImportSetSettings, 1,
   27053      PyDoc_STR("(TextExportComponent ci, long setting) -> (ComponentResult _rv)")},
   27054     {"GraphicsImageImportSetSequenceEnabled", (PyCFunction)Qt_GraphicsImageImportSetSequenceEnabled, 1,
   27055      PyDoc_STR("(GraphicImageMovieImportComponent ci, Boolean enable) -> (ComponentResult _rv)")},
   27056     {"GraphicsImageImportGetSequenceEnabled", (PyCFunction)Qt_GraphicsImageImportGetSequenceEnabled, 1,
   27057      PyDoc_STR("(GraphicImageMovieImportComponent ci) -> (ComponentResult _rv, Boolean enable)")},
   27058     {"PreviewShowData", (PyCFunction)Qt_PreviewShowData, 1,
   27059      PyDoc_STR("(pnotComponent p, OSType dataType, Handle data, Rect inHere) -> (ComponentResult _rv)")},
   27060     {"PreviewMakePreviewReference", (PyCFunction)Qt_PreviewMakePreviewReference, 1,
   27061      PyDoc_STR("(pnotComponent p, FSSpec sourceFile) -> (ComponentResult _rv, OSType previewType, short resID)")},
   27062     {"PreviewEvent", (PyCFunction)Qt_PreviewEvent, 1,
   27063      PyDoc_STR("(pnotComponent p) -> (ComponentResult _rv, EventRecord e, Boolean handledEvent)")},
   27064     {"DataCodecDecompress", (PyCFunction)Qt_DataCodecDecompress, 1,
   27065      PyDoc_STR("(DataCodecComponent dc, void * srcData, UInt32 srcSize, void * dstData, UInt32 dstBufferSize) -> (ComponentResult _rv)")},
   27066     {"DataCodecGetCompressBufferSize", (PyCFunction)Qt_DataCodecGetCompressBufferSize, 1,
   27067      PyDoc_STR("(DataCodecComponent dc, UInt32 srcSize) -> (ComponentResult _rv, UInt32 dstSize)")},
   27068     {"DataCodecCompress", (PyCFunction)Qt_DataCodecCompress, 1,
   27069      PyDoc_STR("(DataCodecComponent dc, void * srcData, UInt32 srcSize, void * dstData, UInt32 dstBufferSize) -> (ComponentResult _rv, UInt32 actualDstSize, UInt32 decompressSlop)")},
   27070     {"DataCodecBeginInterruptSafe", (PyCFunction)Qt_DataCodecBeginInterruptSafe, 1,
   27071      PyDoc_STR("(DataCodecComponent dc, unsigned long maxSrcSize) -> (ComponentResult _rv)")},
   27072     {"DataCodecEndInterruptSafe", (PyCFunction)Qt_DataCodecEndInterruptSafe, 1,
   27073      PyDoc_STR("(DataCodecComponent dc) -> (ComponentResult _rv)")},
   27074     {"DataHGetData", (PyCFunction)Qt_DataHGetData, 1,
   27075      PyDoc_STR("(DataHandler dh, Handle h, long hOffset, long offset, long size) -> (ComponentResult _rv)")},
   27076     {"DataHPutData", (PyCFunction)Qt_DataHPutData, 1,
   27077      PyDoc_STR("(DataHandler dh, Handle h, long hOffset, long size) -> (ComponentResult _rv, long offset)")},
   27078     {"DataHFlushData", (PyCFunction)Qt_DataHFlushData, 1,
   27079      PyDoc_STR("(DataHandler dh) -> (ComponentResult _rv)")},
   27080     {"DataHOpenForWrite", (PyCFunction)Qt_DataHOpenForWrite, 1,
   27081      PyDoc_STR("(DataHandler dh) -> (ComponentResult _rv)")},
   27082     {"DataHCloseForWrite", (PyCFunction)Qt_DataHCloseForWrite, 1,
   27083      PyDoc_STR("(DataHandler dh) -> (ComponentResult _rv)")},
   27084     {"DataHOpenForRead", (PyCFunction)Qt_DataHOpenForRead, 1,
   27085      PyDoc_STR("(DataHandler dh) -> (ComponentResult _rv)")},
   27086     {"DataHCloseForRead", (PyCFunction)Qt_DataHCloseForRead, 1,
   27087      PyDoc_STR("(DataHandler dh) -> (ComponentResult _rv)")},
   27088     {"DataHSetDataRef", (PyCFunction)Qt_DataHSetDataRef, 1,
   27089      PyDoc_STR("(DataHandler dh, Handle dataRef) -> (ComponentResult _rv)")},
   27090     {"DataHGetDataRef", (PyCFunction)Qt_DataHGetDataRef, 1,
   27091      PyDoc_STR("(DataHandler dh) -> (ComponentResult _rv, Handle dataRef)")},
   27092     {"DataHCompareDataRef", (PyCFunction)Qt_DataHCompareDataRef, 1,
   27093      PyDoc_STR("(DataHandler dh, Handle dataRef) -> (ComponentResult _rv, Boolean equal)")},
   27094     {"DataHTask", (PyCFunction)Qt_DataHTask, 1,
   27095      PyDoc_STR("(DataHandler dh) -> (ComponentResult _rv)")},
   27096     {"DataHFinishData", (PyCFunction)Qt_DataHFinishData, 1,
   27097      PyDoc_STR("(DataHandler dh, Ptr PlaceToPutDataPtr, Boolean Cancel) -> (ComponentResult _rv)")},
   27098     {"DataHFlushCache", (PyCFunction)Qt_DataHFlushCache, 1,
   27099      PyDoc_STR("(DataHandler dh) -> (ComponentResult _rv)")},
   27100     {"DataHResolveDataRef", (PyCFunction)Qt_DataHResolveDataRef, 1,
   27101      PyDoc_STR("(DataHandler dh, Handle theDataRef, Boolean userInterfaceAllowed) -> (ComponentResult _rv, Boolean wasChanged)")},
   27102     {"DataHGetFileSize", (PyCFunction)Qt_DataHGetFileSize, 1,
   27103      PyDoc_STR("(DataHandler dh) -> (ComponentResult _rv, long fileSize)")},
   27104     {"DataHCanUseDataRef", (PyCFunction)Qt_DataHCanUseDataRef, 1,
   27105      PyDoc_STR("(DataHandler dh, Handle dataRef) -> (ComponentResult _rv, long useFlags)")},
   27106     {"DataHPreextend", (PyCFunction)Qt_DataHPreextend, 1,
   27107      PyDoc_STR("(DataHandler dh, unsigned long maxToAdd) -> (ComponentResult _rv, unsigned long spaceAdded)")},
   27108     {"DataHSetFileSize", (PyCFunction)Qt_DataHSetFileSize, 1,
   27109      PyDoc_STR("(DataHandler dh, long fileSize) -> (ComponentResult _rv)")},
   27110     {"DataHGetFreeSpace", (PyCFunction)Qt_DataHGetFreeSpace, 1,
   27111      PyDoc_STR("(DataHandler dh) -> (ComponentResult _rv, unsigned long freeSize)")},
   27112     {"DataHCreateFile", (PyCFunction)Qt_DataHCreateFile, 1,
   27113      PyDoc_STR("(DataHandler dh, OSType creator, Boolean deleteExisting) -> (ComponentResult _rv)")},
   27114     {"DataHGetPreferredBlockSize", (PyCFunction)Qt_DataHGetPreferredBlockSize, 1,
   27115      PyDoc_STR("(DataHandler dh) -> (ComponentResult _rv, long blockSize)")},
   27116     {"DataHGetDeviceIndex", (PyCFunction)Qt_DataHGetDeviceIndex, 1,
   27117      PyDoc_STR("(DataHandler dh) -> (ComponentResult _rv, long deviceIndex)")},
   27118     {"DataHIsStreamingDataHandler", (PyCFunction)Qt_DataHIsStreamingDataHandler, 1,
   27119      PyDoc_STR("(DataHandler dh) -> (ComponentResult _rv, Boolean yes)")},
   27120     {"DataHGetDataInBuffer", (PyCFunction)Qt_DataHGetDataInBuffer, 1,
   27121      PyDoc_STR("(DataHandler dh, long startOffset) -> (ComponentResult _rv, long size)")},
   27122     {"DataHGetScheduleAheadTime", (PyCFunction)Qt_DataHGetScheduleAheadTime, 1,
   27123      PyDoc_STR("(DataHandler dh) -> (ComponentResult _rv, long millisecs)")},
   27124     {"DataHSetCacheSizeLimit", (PyCFunction)Qt_DataHSetCacheSizeLimit, 1,
   27125      PyDoc_STR("(DataHandler dh, Size cacheSizeLimit) -> (ComponentResult _rv)")},
   27126     {"DataHGetCacheSizeLimit", (PyCFunction)Qt_DataHGetCacheSizeLimit, 1,
   27127      PyDoc_STR("(DataHandler dh) -> (ComponentResult _rv, Size cacheSizeLimit)")},
   27128     {"DataHGetMovie", (PyCFunction)Qt_DataHGetMovie, 1,
   27129      PyDoc_STR("(DataHandler dh) -> (ComponentResult _rv, Movie theMovie, short id)")},
   27130     {"DataHAddMovie", (PyCFunction)Qt_DataHAddMovie, 1,
   27131      PyDoc_STR("(DataHandler dh, Movie theMovie) -> (ComponentResult _rv, short id)")},
   27132     {"DataHUpdateMovie", (PyCFunction)Qt_DataHUpdateMovie, 1,
   27133      PyDoc_STR("(DataHandler dh, Movie theMovie, short id) -> (ComponentResult _rv)")},
   27134     {"DataHDoesBuffer", (PyCFunction)Qt_DataHDoesBuffer, 1,
   27135      PyDoc_STR("(DataHandler dh) -> (ComponentResult _rv, Boolean buffersReads, Boolean buffersWrites)")},
   27136     {"DataHGetFileName", (PyCFunction)Qt_DataHGetFileName, 1,
   27137      PyDoc_STR("(DataHandler dh, Str255 str) -> (ComponentResult _rv)")},
   27138     {"DataHGetAvailableFileSize", (PyCFunction)Qt_DataHGetAvailableFileSize, 1,
   27139      PyDoc_STR("(DataHandler dh) -> (ComponentResult _rv, long fileSize)")},
   27140     {"DataHGetMacOSFileType", (PyCFunction)Qt_DataHGetMacOSFileType, 1,
   27141      PyDoc_STR("(DataHandler dh) -> (ComponentResult _rv, OSType fileType)")},
   27142     {"DataHGetMIMEType", (PyCFunction)Qt_DataHGetMIMEType, 1,
   27143      PyDoc_STR("(DataHandler dh, Str255 mimeType) -> (ComponentResult _rv)")},
   27144     {"DataHSetDataRefWithAnchor", (PyCFunction)Qt_DataHSetDataRefWithAnchor, 1,
   27145      PyDoc_STR("(DataHandler dh, Handle anchorDataRef, OSType dataRefType, Handle dataRef) -> (ComponentResult _rv)")},
   27146     {"DataHGetDataRefWithAnchor", (PyCFunction)Qt_DataHGetDataRefWithAnchor, 1,
   27147      PyDoc_STR("(DataHandler dh, Handle anchorDataRef, OSType dataRefType) -> (ComponentResult _rv, Handle dataRef)")},
   27148     {"DataHSetMacOSFileType", (PyCFunction)Qt_DataHSetMacOSFileType, 1,
   27149      PyDoc_STR("(DataHandler dh, OSType fileType) -> (ComponentResult _rv)")},
   27150     {"DataHSetTimeBase", (PyCFunction)Qt_DataHSetTimeBase, 1,
   27151      PyDoc_STR("(DataHandler dh, TimeBase tb) -> (ComponentResult _rv)")},
   27152     {"DataHGetInfoFlags", (PyCFunction)Qt_DataHGetInfoFlags, 1,
   27153      PyDoc_STR("(DataHandler dh) -> (ComponentResult _rv, UInt32 flags)")},
   27154     {"DataHGetFileSize64", (PyCFunction)Qt_DataHGetFileSize64, 1,
   27155      PyDoc_STR("(DataHandler dh) -> (ComponentResult _rv, wide fileSize)")},
   27156     {"DataHPreextend64", (PyCFunction)Qt_DataHPreextend64, 1,
   27157      PyDoc_STR("(DataHandler dh, wide maxToAdd) -> (ComponentResult _rv, wide spaceAdded)")},
   27158     {"DataHSetFileSize64", (PyCFunction)Qt_DataHSetFileSize64, 1,
   27159      PyDoc_STR("(DataHandler dh, wide fileSize) -> (ComponentResult _rv)")},
   27160     {"DataHGetFreeSpace64", (PyCFunction)Qt_DataHGetFreeSpace64, 1,
   27161      PyDoc_STR("(DataHandler dh) -> (ComponentResult _rv, wide freeSize)")},
   27162     {"DataHAppend64", (PyCFunction)Qt_DataHAppend64, 1,
   27163      PyDoc_STR("(DataHandler dh, void * data, unsigned long size) -> (ComponentResult _rv, wide fileOffset)")},
   27164     {"DataHPollRead", (PyCFunction)Qt_DataHPollRead, 1,
   27165      PyDoc_STR("(DataHandler dh, void * dataPtr) -> (ComponentResult _rv, UInt32 dataSizeSoFar)")},
   27166     {"DataHGetDataAvailability", (PyCFunction)Qt_DataHGetDataAvailability, 1,
   27167      PyDoc_STR("(DataHandler dh, long offset, long len) -> (ComponentResult _rv, long missing_offset, long missing_len)")},
   27168     {"DataHGetDataRefAsType", (PyCFunction)Qt_DataHGetDataRefAsType, 1,
   27169      PyDoc_STR("(DataHandler dh, OSType requestedType) -> (ComponentResult _rv, Handle dataRef)")},
   27170     {"DataHSetDataRefExtension", (PyCFunction)Qt_DataHSetDataRefExtension, 1,
   27171      PyDoc_STR("(DataHandler dh, Handle extension, OSType idType) -> (ComponentResult _rv)")},
   27172     {"DataHGetDataRefExtension", (PyCFunction)Qt_DataHGetDataRefExtension, 1,
   27173      PyDoc_STR("(DataHandler dh, OSType idType) -> (ComponentResult _rv, Handle extension)")},
   27174     {"DataHGetMovieWithFlags", (PyCFunction)Qt_DataHGetMovieWithFlags, 1,
   27175      PyDoc_STR("(DataHandler dh, short flags) -> (ComponentResult _rv, Movie theMovie, short id)")},
   27176     {"DataHGetFileTypeOrdering", (PyCFunction)Qt_DataHGetFileTypeOrdering, 1,
   27177      PyDoc_STR("(DataHandler dh) -> (ComponentResult _rv, DataHFileTypeOrderingHandle orderingListHandle)")},
   27178     {"DataHCreateFileWithFlags", (PyCFunction)Qt_DataHCreateFileWithFlags, 1,
   27179      PyDoc_STR("(DataHandler dh, OSType creator, Boolean deleteExisting, UInt32 flags) -> (ComponentResult _rv)")},
   27180     {"DataHGetInfo", (PyCFunction)Qt_DataHGetInfo, 1,
   27181      PyDoc_STR("(DataHandler dh, OSType what, void * info) -> (ComponentResult _rv)")},
   27182     {"DataHSetIdleManager", (PyCFunction)Qt_DataHSetIdleManager, 1,
   27183      PyDoc_STR("(DataHandler dh, IdleManager im) -> (ComponentResult _rv)")},
   27184     {"DataHDeleteFile", (PyCFunction)Qt_DataHDeleteFile, 1,
   27185      PyDoc_STR("(DataHandler dh) -> (ComponentResult _rv)")},
   27186     {"DataHSetMovieUsageFlags", (PyCFunction)Qt_DataHSetMovieUsageFlags, 1,
   27187      PyDoc_STR("(DataHandler dh, long flags) -> (ComponentResult _rv)")},
   27188     {"DataHUseTemporaryDataRef", (PyCFunction)Qt_DataHUseTemporaryDataRef, 1,
   27189      PyDoc_STR("(DataHandler dh, long inFlags) -> (ComponentResult _rv)")},
   27190     {"DataHGetTemporaryDataRefCapabilities", (PyCFunction)Qt_DataHGetTemporaryDataRefCapabilities, 1,
   27191      PyDoc_STR("(DataHandler dh) -> (ComponentResult _rv, long outUnderstoodFlags)")},
   27192     {"DataHRenameFile", (PyCFunction)Qt_DataHRenameFile, 1,
   27193      PyDoc_STR("(DataHandler dh, Handle newDataRef) -> (ComponentResult _rv)")},
   27194     {"DataHPlaybackHints", (PyCFunction)Qt_DataHPlaybackHints, 1,
   27195      PyDoc_STR("(DataHandler dh, long flags, unsigned long minFileOffset, unsigned long maxFileOffset, long bytesPerSecond) -> (ComponentResult _rv)")},
   27196     {"DataHPlaybackHints64", (PyCFunction)Qt_DataHPlaybackHints64, 1,
   27197      PyDoc_STR("(DataHandler dh, long flags, wide minFileOffset, wide maxFileOffset, long bytesPerSecond) -> (ComponentResult _rv)")},
   27198     {"DataHGetDataRate", (PyCFunction)Qt_DataHGetDataRate, 1,
   27199      PyDoc_STR("(DataHandler dh, long flags) -> (ComponentResult _rv, long bytesPerSecond)")},
   27200     {"DataHSetTimeHints", (PyCFunction)Qt_DataHSetTimeHints, 1,
   27201      PyDoc_STR("(DataHandler dh, long flags, long bandwidthPriority, TimeScale scale, TimeValue minTime, TimeValue maxTime) -> (ComponentResult _rv)")},
   27202     {"VDGetMaxSrcRect", (PyCFunction)Qt_VDGetMaxSrcRect, 1,
   27203      PyDoc_STR("(VideoDigitizerComponent ci, short inputStd) -> (ComponentResult _rv, Rect maxSrcRect)")},
   27204     {"VDGetActiveSrcRect", (PyCFunction)Qt_VDGetActiveSrcRect, 1,
   27205      PyDoc_STR("(VideoDigitizerComponent ci, short inputStd) -> (ComponentResult _rv, Rect activeSrcRect)")},
   27206     {"VDSetDigitizerRect", (PyCFunction)Qt_VDSetDigitizerRect, 1,
   27207      PyDoc_STR("(VideoDigitizerComponent ci) -> (ComponentResult _rv, Rect digitizerRect)")},
   27208     {"VDGetDigitizerRect", (PyCFunction)Qt_VDGetDigitizerRect, 1,
   27209      PyDoc_STR("(VideoDigitizerComponent ci) -> (ComponentResult _rv, Rect digitizerRect)")},
   27210     {"VDGetVBlankRect", (PyCFunction)Qt_VDGetVBlankRect, 1,
   27211      PyDoc_STR("(VideoDigitizerComponent ci, short inputStd) -> (ComponentResult _rv, Rect vBlankRect)")},
   27212     {"VDGetMaskPixMap", (PyCFunction)Qt_VDGetMaskPixMap, 1,
   27213      PyDoc_STR("(VideoDigitizerComponent ci, PixMapHandle maskPixMap) -> (ComponentResult _rv)")},
   27214     {"VDUseThisCLUT", (PyCFunction)Qt_VDUseThisCLUT, 1,
   27215      PyDoc_STR("(VideoDigitizerComponent ci, CTabHandle colorTableHandle) -> (ComponentResult _rv)")},
   27216     {"VDSetInputGammaValue", (PyCFunction)Qt_VDSetInputGammaValue, 1,
   27217      PyDoc_STR("(VideoDigitizerComponent ci, Fixed channel1, Fixed channel2, Fixed channel3) -> (ComponentResult _rv)")},
   27218     {"VDGetInputGammaValue", (PyCFunction)Qt_VDGetInputGammaValue, 1,
   27219      PyDoc_STR("(VideoDigitizerComponent ci) -> (ComponentResult _rv, Fixed channel1, Fixed channel2, Fixed channel3)")},
   27220     {"VDSetBrightness", (PyCFunction)Qt_VDSetBrightness, 1,
   27221      PyDoc_STR("(VideoDigitizerComponent ci) -> (ComponentResult _rv, unsigned short brightness)")},
   27222     {"VDGetBrightness", (PyCFunction)Qt_VDGetBrightness, 1,
   27223      PyDoc_STR("(VideoDigitizerComponent ci) -> (ComponentResult _rv, unsigned short brightness)")},
   27224     {"VDSetContrast", (PyCFunction)Qt_VDSetContrast, 1,
   27225      PyDoc_STR("(VideoDigitizerComponent ci) -> (ComponentResult _rv, unsigned short contrast)")},
   27226     {"VDSetHue", (PyCFunction)Qt_VDSetHue, 1,
   27227      PyDoc_STR("(VideoDigitizerComponent ci) -> (ComponentResult _rv, unsigned short hue)")},
   27228     {"VDSetSharpness", (PyCFunction)Qt_VDSetSharpness, 1,
   27229      PyDoc_STR("(VideoDigitizerComponent ci) -> (ComponentResult _rv, unsigned short sharpness)")},
   27230     {"VDSetSaturation", (PyCFunction)Qt_VDSetSaturation, 1,
   27231      PyDoc_STR("(VideoDigitizerComponent ci) -> (ComponentResult _rv, unsigned short saturation)")},
   27232     {"VDGetContrast", (PyCFunction)Qt_VDGetContrast, 1,
   27233      PyDoc_STR("(VideoDigitizerComponent ci) -> (ComponentResult _rv, unsigned short contrast)")},
   27234     {"VDGetHue", (PyCFunction)Qt_VDGetHue, 1,
   27235      PyDoc_STR("(VideoDigitizerComponent ci) -> (ComponentResult _rv, unsigned short hue)")},
   27236     {"VDGetSharpness", (PyCFunction)Qt_VDGetSharpness, 1,
   27237      PyDoc_STR("(VideoDigitizerComponent ci) -> (ComponentResult _rv, unsigned short sharpness)")},
   27238     {"VDGetSaturation", (PyCFunction)Qt_VDGetSaturation, 1,
   27239      PyDoc_STR("(VideoDigitizerComponent ci) -> (ComponentResult _rv, unsigned short saturation)")},
   27240     {"VDGrabOneFrame", (PyCFunction)Qt_VDGrabOneFrame, 1,
   27241      PyDoc_STR("(VideoDigitizerComponent ci) -> (ComponentResult _rv)")},
   27242     {"VDGetMaxAuxBuffer", (PyCFunction)Qt_VDGetMaxAuxBuffer, 1,
   27243      PyDoc_STR("(VideoDigitizerComponent ci) -> (ComponentResult _rv, PixMapHandle pm, Rect r)")},
   27244     {"VDGetCurrentFlags", (PyCFunction)Qt_VDGetCurrentFlags, 1,
   27245      PyDoc_STR("(VideoDigitizerComponent ci) -> (ComponentResult _rv, long inputCurrentFlag, long outputCurrentFlag)")},
   27246     {"VDSetKeyColor", (PyCFunction)Qt_VDSetKeyColor, 1,
   27247      PyDoc_STR("(VideoDigitizerComponent ci, long index) -> (ComponentResult _rv)")},
   27248     {"VDGetKeyColor", (PyCFunction)Qt_VDGetKeyColor, 1,
   27249      PyDoc_STR("(VideoDigitizerComponent ci) -> (ComponentResult _rv, long index)")},
   27250     {"VDAddKeyColor", (PyCFunction)Qt_VDAddKeyColor, 1,
   27251      PyDoc_STR("(VideoDigitizerComponent ci) -> (ComponentResult _rv, long index)")},
   27252     {"VDGetNextKeyColor", (PyCFunction)Qt_VDGetNextKeyColor, 1,
   27253      PyDoc_STR("(VideoDigitizerComponent ci, long index) -> (ComponentResult _rv)")},
   27254     {"VDSetKeyColorRange", (PyCFunction)Qt_VDSetKeyColorRange, 1,
   27255      PyDoc_STR("(VideoDigitizerComponent ci) -> (ComponentResult _rv, RGBColor minRGB, RGBColor maxRGB)")},
   27256     {"VDGetKeyColorRange", (PyCFunction)Qt_VDGetKeyColorRange, 1,
   27257      PyDoc_STR("(VideoDigitizerComponent ci) -> (ComponentResult _rv, RGBColor minRGB, RGBColor maxRGB)")},
   27258     {"VDSetInputColorSpaceMode", (PyCFunction)Qt_VDSetInputColorSpaceMode, 1,
   27259      PyDoc_STR("(VideoDigitizerComponent ci, short colorSpaceMode) -> (ComponentResult _rv)")},
   27260     {"VDGetInputColorSpaceMode", (PyCFunction)Qt_VDGetInputColorSpaceMode, 1,
   27261      PyDoc_STR("(VideoDigitizerComponent ci) -> (ComponentResult _rv, short colorSpaceMode)")},
   27262     {"VDSetClipState", (PyCFunction)Qt_VDSetClipState, 1,
   27263      PyDoc_STR("(VideoDigitizerComponent ci, short clipEnable) -> (ComponentResult _rv)")},
   27264     {"VDGetClipState", (PyCFunction)Qt_VDGetClipState, 1,
   27265      PyDoc_STR("(VideoDigitizerComponent ci) -> (ComponentResult _rv, short clipEnable)")},
   27266     {"VDSetClipRgn", (PyCFunction)Qt_VDSetClipRgn, 1,
   27267      PyDoc_STR("(VideoDigitizerComponent ci, RgnHandle clipRegion) -> (ComponentResult _rv)")},
   27268     {"VDClearClipRgn", (PyCFunction)Qt_VDClearClipRgn, 1,
   27269      PyDoc_STR("(VideoDigitizerComponent ci, RgnHandle clipRegion) -> (ComponentResult _rv)")},
   27270     {"VDGetCLUTInUse", (PyCFunction)Qt_VDGetCLUTInUse, 1,
   27271      PyDoc_STR("(VideoDigitizerComponent ci) -> (ComponentResult _rv, CTabHandle colorTableHandle)")},
   27272     {"VDSetPLLFilterType", (PyCFunction)Qt_VDSetPLLFilterType, 1,
   27273      PyDoc_STR("(VideoDigitizerComponent ci, short pllType) -> (ComponentResult _rv)")},
   27274     {"VDGetPLLFilterType", (PyCFunction)Qt_VDGetPLLFilterType, 1,
   27275      PyDoc_STR("(VideoDigitizerComponent ci) -> (ComponentResult _rv, short pllType)")},
   27276     {"VDGetMaskandValue", (PyCFunction)Qt_VDGetMaskandValue, 1,
   27277      PyDoc_STR("(VideoDigitizerComponent ci, unsigned short blendLevel) -> (ComponentResult _rv, long mask, long value)")},
   27278     {"VDSetMasterBlendLevel", (PyCFunction)Qt_VDSetMasterBlendLevel, 1,
   27279      PyDoc_STR("(VideoDigitizerComponent ci) -> (ComponentResult _rv, unsigned short blendLevel)")},
   27280     {"VDSetPlayThruOnOff", (PyCFunction)Qt_VDSetPlayThruOnOff, 1,
   27281      PyDoc_STR("(VideoDigitizerComponent ci, short state) -> (ComponentResult _rv)")},
   27282     {"VDSetFieldPreference", (PyCFunction)Qt_VDSetFieldPreference, 1,
   27283      PyDoc_STR("(VideoDigitizerComponent ci, short fieldFlag) -> (ComponentResult _rv)")},
   27284     {"VDGetFieldPreference", (PyCFunction)Qt_VDGetFieldPreference, 1,
   27285      PyDoc_STR("(VideoDigitizerComponent ci) -> (ComponentResult _rv, short fieldFlag)")},
   27286     {"VDPreflightGlobalRect", (PyCFunction)Qt_VDPreflightGlobalRect, 1,
   27287      PyDoc_STR("(VideoDigitizerComponent ci, GrafPtr theWindow) -> (ComponentResult _rv, Rect globalRect)")},
   27288     {"VDSetPlayThruGlobalRect", (PyCFunction)Qt_VDSetPlayThruGlobalRect, 1,
   27289      PyDoc_STR("(VideoDigitizerComponent ci, GrafPtr theWindow) -> (ComponentResult _rv, Rect globalRect)")},
   27290     {"VDSetBlackLevelValue", (PyCFunction)Qt_VDSetBlackLevelValue, 1,
   27291      PyDoc_STR("(VideoDigitizerComponent ci) -> (ComponentResult _rv, unsigned short blackLevel)")},
   27292     {"VDGetBlackLevelValue", (PyCFunction)Qt_VDGetBlackLevelValue, 1,
   27293      PyDoc_STR("(VideoDigitizerComponent ci) -> (ComponentResult _rv, unsigned short blackLevel)")},
   27294     {"VDSetWhiteLevelValue", (PyCFunction)Qt_VDSetWhiteLevelValue, 1,
   27295      PyDoc_STR("(VideoDigitizerComponent ci) -> (ComponentResult _rv, unsigned short whiteLevel)")},
   27296     {"VDGetWhiteLevelValue", (PyCFunction)Qt_VDGetWhiteLevelValue, 1,
   27297      PyDoc_STR("(VideoDigitizerComponent ci) -> (ComponentResult _rv, unsigned short whiteLevel)")},
   27298     {"VDGetVideoDefaults", (PyCFunction)Qt_VDGetVideoDefaults, 1,
   27299      PyDoc_STR("(VideoDigitizerComponent ci) -> (ComponentResult _rv, unsigned short blackLevel, unsigned short whiteLevel, unsigned short brightness, unsigned short hue, unsigned short saturation, unsigned short contrast, unsigned short sharpness)")},
   27300     {"VDGetNumberOfInputs", (PyCFunction)Qt_VDGetNumberOfInputs, 1,
   27301      PyDoc_STR("(VideoDigitizerComponent ci) -> (ComponentResult _rv, short inputs)")},
   27302     {"VDGetInputFormat", (PyCFunction)Qt_VDGetInputFormat, 1,
   27303      PyDoc_STR("(VideoDigitizerComponent ci, short input) -> (ComponentResult _rv, short format)")},
   27304     {"VDSetInput", (PyCFunction)Qt_VDSetInput, 1,
   27305      PyDoc_STR("(VideoDigitizerComponent ci, short input) -> (ComponentResult _rv)")},
   27306     {"VDGetInput", (PyCFunction)Qt_VDGetInput, 1,
   27307      PyDoc_STR("(VideoDigitizerComponent ci) -> (ComponentResult _rv, short input)")},
   27308     {"VDSetInputStandard", (PyCFunction)Qt_VDSetInputStandard, 1,
   27309      PyDoc_STR("(VideoDigitizerComponent ci, short inputStandard) -> (ComponentResult _rv)")},
   27310     {"VDSetupBuffers", (PyCFunction)Qt_VDSetupBuffers, 1,
   27311      PyDoc_STR("(VideoDigitizerComponent ci, VdigBufferRecListHandle bufferList) -> (ComponentResult _rv)")},
   27312     {"VDGrabOneFrameAsync", (PyCFunction)Qt_VDGrabOneFrameAsync, 1,
   27313      PyDoc_STR("(VideoDigitizerComponent ci, short buffer) -> (ComponentResult _rv)")},
   27314     {"VDDone", (PyCFunction)Qt_VDDone, 1,
   27315      PyDoc_STR("(VideoDigitizerComponent ci, short buffer) -> (ComponentResult _rv)")},
   27316     {"VDSetCompression", (PyCFunction)Qt_VDSetCompression, 1,
   27317      PyDoc_STR("(VideoDigitizerComponent ci, OSType compressType, short depth, CodecQ spatialQuality, CodecQ temporalQuality, long keyFrameRate) -> (ComponentResult _rv, Rect bounds)")},
   27318     {"VDCompressOneFrameAsync", (PyCFunction)Qt_VDCompressOneFrameAsync, 1,
   27319      PyDoc_STR("(VideoDigitizerComponent ci) -> (ComponentResult _rv)")},
   27320     {"VDGetImageDescription", (PyCFunction)Qt_VDGetImageDescription, 1,
   27321      PyDoc_STR("(VideoDigitizerComponent ci, ImageDescriptionHandle desc) -> (ComponentResult _rv)")},
   27322     {"VDResetCompressSequence", (PyCFunction)Qt_VDResetCompressSequence, 1,
   27323      PyDoc_STR("(VideoDigitizerComponent ci) -> (ComponentResult _rv)")},
   27324     {"VDSetCompressionOnOff", (PyCFunction)Qt_VDSetCompressionOnOff, 1,
   27325      PyDoc_STR("(VideoDigitizerComponent ci, Boolean state) -> (ComponentResult _rv)")},
   27326     {"VDGetCompressionTypes", (PyCFunction)Qt_VDGetCompressionTypes, 1,
   27327      PyDoc_STR("(VideoDigitizerComponent ci, VDCompressionListHandle h) -> (ComponentResult _rv)")},
   27328     {"VDSetTimeBase", (PyCFunction)Qt_VDSetTimeBase, 1,
   27329      PyDoc_STR("(VideoDigitizerComponent ci, TimeBase t) -> (ComponentResult _rv)")},
   27330     {"VDSetFrameRate", (PyCFunction)Qt_VDSetFrameRate, 1,
   27331      PyDoc_STR("(VideoDigitizerComponent ci, Fixed framesPerSecond) -> (ComponentResult _rv)")},
   27332     {"VDGetDataRate", (PyCFunction)Qt_VDGetDataRate, 1,
   27333      PyDoc_STR("(VideoDigitizerComponent ci) -> (ComponentResult _rv, long milliSecPerFrame, Fixed framesPerSecond, long bytesPerSecond)")},
   27334     {"VDGetSoundInputDriver", (PyCFunction)Qt_VDGetSoundInputDriver, 1,
   27335      PyDoc_STR("(VideoDigitizerComponent ci, Str255 soundDriverName) -> (ComponentResult _rv)")},
   27336     {"VDGetDMADepths", (PyCFunction)Qt_VDGetDMADepths, 1,
   27337      PyDoc_STR("(VideoDigitizerComponent ci) -> (ComponentResult _rv, long depthArray, long preferredDepth)")},
   27338     {"VDGetPreferredTimeScale", (PyCFunction)Qt_VDGetPreferredTimeScale, 1,
   27339      PyDoc_STR("(VideoDigitizerComponent ci) -> (ComponentResult _rv, TimeScale preferred)")},
   27340     {"VDReleaseAsyncBuffers", (PyCFunction)Qt_VDReleaseAsyncBuffers, 1,
   27341      PyDoc_STR("(VideoDigitizerComponent ci) -> (ComponentResult _rv)")},
   27342     {"VDSetDataRate", (PyCFunction)Qt_VDSetDataRate, 1,
   27343      PyDoc_STR("(VideoDigitizerComponent ci, long bytesPerSecond) -> (ComponentResult _rv)")},
   27344     {"VDGetTimeCode", (PyCFunction)Qt_VDGetTimeCode, 1,
   27345      PyDoc_STR("(VideoDigitizerComponent ci, void * timeCodeFormat, void * timeCodeTime) -> (ComponentResult _rv, TimeRecord atTime)")},
   27346     {"VDUseSafeBuffers", (PyCFunction)Qt_VDUseSafeBuffers, 1,
   27347      PyDoc_STR("(VideoDigitizerComponent ci, Boolean useSafeBuffers) -> (ComponentResult _rv)")},
   27348     {"VDGetSoundInputSource", (PyCFunction)Qt_VDGetSoundInputSource, 1,
   27349      PyDoc_STR("(VideoDigitizerComponent ci, long videoInput) -> (ComponentResult _rv, long soundInput)")},
   27350     {"VDGetCompressionTime", (PyCFunction)Qt_VDGetCompressionTime, 1,
   27351      PyDoc_STR("(VideoDigitizerComponent ci, OSType compressionType, short depth) -> (ComponentResult _rv, Rect srcRect, CodecQ spatialQuality, CodecQ temporalQuality, unsigned long compressTime)")},
   27352     {"VDSetPreferredPacketSize", (PyCFunction)Qt_VDSetPreferredPacketSize, 1,
   27353      PyDoc_STR("(VideoDigitizerComponent ci, long preferredPacketSizeInBytes) -> (ComponentResult _rv)")},
   27354     {"VDSetPreferredImageDimensions", (PyCFunction)Qt_VDSetPreferredImageDimensions, 1,
   27355      PyDoc_STR("(VideoDigitizerComponent ci, long width, long height) -> (ComponentResult _rv)")},
   27356     {"VDGetPreferredImageDimensions", (PyCFunction)Qt_VDGetPreferredImageDimensions, 1,
   27357      PyDoc_STR("(VideoDigitizerComponent ci) -> (ComponentResult _rv, long width, long height)")},
   27358     {"VDGetInputName", (PyCFunction)Qt_VDGetInputName, 1,
   27359      PyDoc_STR("(VideoDigitizerComponent ci, long videoInput, Str255 name) -> (ComponentResult _rv)")},
   27360     {"VDSetDestinationPort", (PyCFunction)Qt_VDSetDestinationPort, 1,
   27361      PyDoc_STR("(VideoDigitizerComponent ci, CGrafPtr destPort) -> (ComponentResult _rv)")},
   27362     {"VDGetDeviceNameAndFlags", (PyCFunction)Qt_VDGetDeviceNameAndFlags, 1,
   27363      PyDoc_STR("(VideoDigitizerComponent ci, Str255 outName) -> (ComponentResult _rv, UInt32 outNameFlags)")},
   27364     {"VDCaptureStateChanging", (PyCFunction)Qt_VDCaptureStateChanging, 1,
   27365      PyDoc_STR("(VideoDigitizerComponent ci, UInt32 inStateFlags) -> (ComponentResult _rv)")},
   27366     {"XMLParseGetDetailedParseError", (PyCFunction)Qt_XMLParseGetDetailedParseError, 1,
   27367      PyDoc_STR("(ComponentInstance aParser, StringPtr errDesc) -> (ComponentResult _rv, long errorLine)")},
   27368     {"XMLParseAddElement", (PyCFunction)Qt_XMLParseAddElement, 1,
   27369      PyDoc_STR("(ComponentInstance aParser, UInt32 nameSpaceID, long elementFlags) -> (ComponentResult _rv, char elementName, UInt32 elementID)")},
   27370     {"XMLParseAddAttribute", (PyCFunction)Qt_XMLParseAddAttribute, 1,
   27371      PyDoc_STR("(ComponentInstance aParser, UInt32 elementID, UInt32 nameSpaceID) -> (ComponentResult _rv, char attributeName, UInt32 attributeID)")},
   27372     {"XMLParseAddMultipleAttributes", (PyCFunction)Qt_XMLParseAddMultipleAttributes, 1,
   27373      PyDoc_STR("(ComponentInstance aParser, UInt32 elementID) -> (ComponentResult _rv, UInt32 nameSpaceIDs, char attributeNames, UInt32 attributeIDs)")},
   27374     {"XMLParseAddAttributeAndValue", (PyCFunction)Qt_XMLParseAddAttributeAndValue, 1,
   27375      PyDoc_STR("(ComponentInstance aParser, UInt32 elementID, UInt32 nameSpaceID, UInt32 attributeValueKind, void * attributeValueKindInfo) -> (ComponentResult _rv, char attributeName, UInt32 attributeID)")},
   27376     {"XMLParseAddAttributeValueKind", (PyCFunction)Qt_XMLParseAddAttributeValueKind, 1,
   27377      PyDoc_STR("(ComponentInstance aParser, UInt32 elementID, UInt32 attributeID, UInt32 attributeValueKind, void * attributeValueKindInfo) -> (ComponentResult _rv)")},
   27378     {"XMLParseAddNameSpace", (PyCFunction)Qt_XMLParseAddNameSpace, 1,
   27379      PyDoc_STR("(ComponentInstance aParser) -> (ComponentResult _rv, char nameSpaceURL, UInt32 nameSpaceID)")},
   27380     {"XMLParseSetOffsetAndLimit", (PyCFunction)Qt_XMLParseSetOffsetAndLimit, 1,
   27381      PyDoc_STR("(ComponentInstance aParser, UInt32 offset, UInt32 limit) -> (ComponentResult _rv)")},
   27382     {"XMLParseSetEventParseRefCon", (PyCFunction)Qt_XMLParseSetEventParseRefCon, 1,
   27383      PyDoc_STR("(ComponentInstance aParser, long refcon) -> (ComponentResult _rv)")},
   27384     {"SGInitialize", (PyCFunction)Qt_SGInitialize, 1,
   27385      PyDoc_STR("(SeqGrabComponent s) -> (ComponentResult _rv)")},
   27386     {"SGSetDataOutput", (PyCFunction)Qt_SGSetDataOutput, 1,
   27387      PyDoc_STR("(SeqGrabComponent s, FSSpec movieFile, long whereFlags) -> (ComponentResult _rv)")},
   27388     {"SGGetDataOutput", (PyCFunction)Qt_SGGetDataOutput, 1,
   27389      PyDoc_STR("(SeqGrabComponent s, FSSpec movieFile) -> (ComponentResult _rv, long whereFlags)")},
   27390     {"SGSetGWorld", (PyCFunction)Qt_SGSetGWorld, 1,
   27391      PyDoc_STR("(SeqGrabComponent s, CGrafPtr gp, GDHandle gd) -> (ComponentResult _rv)")},
   27392     {"SGGetGWorld", (PyCFunction)Qt_SGGetGWorld, 1,
   27393      PyDoc_STR("(SeqGrabComponent s) -> (ComponentResult _rv, CGrafPtr gp, GDHandle gd)")},
   27394     {"SGNewChannel", (PyCFunction)Qt_SGNewChannel, 1,
   27395      PyDoc_STR("(SeqGrabComponent s, OSType channelType) -> (ComponentResult _rv, SGChannel ref)")},
   27396     {"SGDisposeChannel", (PyCFunction)Qt_SGDisposeChannel, 1,
   27397      PyDoc_STR("(SeqGrabComponent s, SGChannel c) -> (ComponentResult _rv)")},
   27398     {"SGStartPreview", (PyCFunction)Qt_SGStartPreview, 1,
   27399      PyDoc_STR("(SeqGrabComponent s) -> (ComponentResult _rv)")},
   27400     {"SGStartRecord", (PyCFunction)Qt_SGStartRecord, 1,
   27401      PyDoc_STR("(SeqGrabComponent s) -> (ComponentResult _rv)")},
   27402     {"SGIdle", (PyCFunction)Qt_SGIdle, 1,
   27403      PyDoc_STR("(SeqGrabComponent s) -> (ComponentResult _rv)")},
   27404     {"SGStop", (PyCFunction)Qt_SGStop, 1,
   27405      PyDoc_STR("(SeqGrabComponent s) -> (ComponentResult _rv)")},
   27406     {"SGPause", (PyCFunction)Qt_SGPause, 1,
   27407      PyDoc_STR("(SeqGrabComponent s, Boolean pause) -> (ComponentResult _rv)")},
   27408     {"SGPrepare", (PyCFunction)Qt_SGPrepare, 1,
   27409      PyDoc_STR("(SeqGrabComponent s, Boolean prepareForPreview, Boolean prepareForRecord) -> (ComponentResult _rv)")},
   27410     {"SGRelease", (PyCFunction)Qt_SGRelease, 1,
   27411      PyDoc_STR("(SeqGrabComponent s) -> (ComponentResult _rv)")},
   27412     {"SGGetMovie", (PyCFunction)Qt_SGGetMovie, 1,
   27413      PyDoc_STR("(SeqGrabComponent s) -> (Movie _rv)")},
   27414     {"SGSetMaximumRecordTime", (PyCFunction)Qt_SGSetMaximumRecordTime, 1,
   27415      PyDoc_STR("(SeqGrabComponent s, unsigned long ticks) -> (ComponentResult _rv)")},
   27416     {"SGGetMaximumRecordTime", (PyCFunction)Qt_SGGetMaximumRecordTime, 1,
   27417      PyDoc_STR("(SeqGrabComponent s) -> (ComponentResult _rv, unsigned long ticks)")},
   27418     {"SGGetStorageSpaceRemaining", (PyCFunction)Qt_SGGetStorageSpaceRemaining, 1,
   27419      PyDoc_STR("(SeqGrabComponent s) -> (ComponentResult _rv, unsigned long bytes)")},
   27420     {"SGGetTimeRemaining", (PyCFunction)Qt_SGGetTimeRemaining, 1,
   27421      PyDoc_STR("(SeqGrabComponent s) -> (ComponentResult _rv, long ticksLeft)")},
   27422     {"SGGrabPict", (PyCFunction)Qt_SGGrabPict, 1,
   27423      PyDoc_STR("(SeqGrabComponent s, Rect bounds, short offscreenDepth, long grabPictFlags) -> (ComponentResult _rv, PicHandle p)")},
   27424     {"SGGetLastMovieResID", (PyCFunction)Qt_SGGetLastMovieResID, 1,
   27425      PyDoc_STR("(SeqGrabComponent s) -> (ComponentResult _rv, short resID)")},
   27426     {"SGSetFlags", (PyCFunction)Qt_SGSetFlags, 1,
   27427      PyDoc_STR("(SeqGrabComponent s, long sgFlags) -> (ComponentResult _rv)")},
   27428     {"SGGetFlags", (PyCFunction)Qt_SGGetFlags, 1,
   27429      PyDoc_STR("(SeqGrabComponent s) -> (ComponentResult _rv, long sgFlags)")},
   27430     {"SGNewChannelFromComponent", (PyCFunction)Qt_SGNewChannelFromComponent, 1,
   27431      PyDoc_STR("(SeqGrabComponent s, Component sgChannelComponent) -> (ComponentResult _rv, SGChannel newChannel)")},
   27432     {"SGSetSettings", (PyCFunction)Qt_SGSetSettings, 1,
   27433      PyDoc_STR("(SeqGrabComponent s, UserData ud, long flags) -> (ComponentResult _rv)")},
   27434     {"SGGetSettings", (PyCFunction)Qt_SGGetSettings, 1,
   27435      PyDoc_STR("(SeqGrabComponent s, long flags) -> (ComponentResult _rv, UserData ud)")},
   27436     {"SGGetIndChannel", (PyCFunction)Qt_SGGetIndChannel, 1,
   27437      PyDoc_STR("(SeqGrabComponent s, short index) -> (ComponentResult _rv, SGChannel ref, OSType chanType)")},
   27438     {"SGUpdate", (PyCFunction)Qt_SGUpdate, 1,
   27439      PyDoc_STR("(SeqGrabComponent s, RgnHandle updateRgn) -> (ComponentResult _rv)")},
   27440     {"SGGetPause", (PyCFunction)Qt_SGGetPause, 1,
   27441      PyDoc_STR("(SeqGrabComponent s) -> (ComponentResult _rv, Boolean paused)")},
   27442     {"SGSetChannelSettings", (PyCFunction)Qt_SGSetChannelSettings, 1,
   27443      PyDoc_STR("(SeqGrabComponent s, SGChannel c, UserData ud, long flags) -> (ComponentResult _rv)")},
   27444     {"SGGetChannelSettings", (PyCFunction)Qt_SGGetChannelSettings, 1,
   27445      PyDoc_STR("(SeqGrabComponent s, SGChannel c, long flags) -> (ComponentResult _rv, UserData ud)")},
   27446     {"SGGetMode", (PyCFunction)Qt_SGGetMode, 1,
   27447      PyDoc_STR("(SeqGrabComponent s) -> (ComponentResult _rv, Boolean previewMode, Boolean recordMode)")},
   27448     {"SGSetDataRef", (PyCFunction)Qt_SGSetDataRef, 1,
   27449      PyDoc_STR("(SeqGrabComponent s, Handle dataRef, OSType dataRefType, long whereFlags) -> (ComponentResult _rv)")},
   27450     {"SGGetDataRef", (PyCFunction)Qt_SGGetDataRef, 1,
   27451      PyDoc_STR("(SeqGrabComponent s) -> (ComponentResult _rv, Handle dataRef, OSType dataRefType, long whereFlags)")},
   27452     {"SGNewOutput", (PyCFunction)Qt_SGNewOutput, 1,
   27453      PyDoc_STR("(SeqGrabComponent s, Handle dataRef, OSType dataRefType, long whereFlags) -> (ComponentResult _rv, SGOutput sgOut)")},
   27454     {"SGDisposeOutput", (PyCFunction)Qt_SGDisposeOutput, 1,
   27455      PyDoc_STR("(SeqGrabComponent s, SGOutput sgOut) -> (ComponentResult _rv)")},
   27456     {"SGSetOutputFlags", (PyCFunction)Qt_SGSetOutputFlags, 1,
   27457      PyDoc_STR("(SeqGrabComponent s, SGOutput sgOut, long whereFlags) -> (ComponentResult _rv)")},
   27458     {"SGSetChannelOutput", (PyCFunction)Qt_SGSetChannelOutput, 1,
   27459      PyDoc_STR("(SeqGrabComponent s, SGChannel c, SGOutput sgOut) -> (ComponentResult _rv)")},
   27460     {"SGGetDataOutputStorageSpaceRemaining", (PyCFunction)Qt_SGGetDataOutputStorageSpaceRemaining, 1,
   27461      PyDoc_STR("(SeqGrabComponent s, SGOutput sgOut) -> (ComponentResult _rv, unsigned long space)")},
   27462     {"SGHandleUpdateEvent", (PyCFunction)Qt_SGHandleUpdateEvent, 1,
   27463      PyDoc_STR("(SeqGrabComponent s, EventRecord event) -> (ComponentResult _rv, Boolean handled)")},
   27464     {"SGSetOutputNextOutput", (PyCFunction)Qt_SGSetOutputNextOutput, 1,
   27465      PyDoc_STR("(SeqGrabComponent s, SGOutput sgOut, SGOutput nextOut) -> (ComponentResult _rv)")},
   27466     {"SGGetOutputNextOutput", (PyCFunction)Qt_SGGetOutputNextOutput, 1,
   27467      PyDoc_STR("(SeqGrabComponent s, SGOutput sgOut) -> (ComponentResult _rv, SGOutput nextOut)")},
   27468     {"SGSetOutputMaximumOffset", (PyCFunction)Qt_SGSetOutputMaximumOffset, 1,
   27469      PyDoc_STR("(SeqGrabComponent s, SGOutput sgOut, wide maxOffset) -> (ComponentResult _rv)")},
   27470     {"SGGetOutputMaximumOffset", (PyCFunction)Qt_SGGetOutputMaximumOffset, 1,
   27471      PyDoc_STR("(SeqGrabComponent s, SGOutput sgOut) -> (ComponentResult _rv, wide maxOffset)")},
   27472     {"SGGetOutputDataReference", (PyCFunction)Qt_SGGetOutputDataReference, 1,
   27473      PyDoc_STR("(SeqGrabComponent s, SGOutput sgOut) -> (ComponentResult _rv, Handle dataRef, OSType dataRefType)")},
   27474     {"SGWriteExtendedMovieData", (PyCFunction)Qt_SGWriteExtendedMovieData, 1,
   27475      PyDoc_STR("(SeqGrabComponent s, SGChannel c, Ptr p, long len) -> (ComponentResult _rv, wide offset, SGOutput sgOut)")},
   27476     {"SGGetStorageSpaceRemaining64", (PyCFunction)Qt_SGGetStorageSpaceRemaining64, 1,
   27477      PyDoc_STR("(SeqGrabComponent s) -> (ComponentResult _rv, wide bytes)")},
   27478     {"SGGetDataOutputStorageSpaceRemaining64", (PyCFunction)Qt_SGGetDataOutputStorageSpaceRemaining64, 1,
   27479      PyDoc_STR("(SeqGrabComponent s, SGOutput sgOut) -> (ComponentResult _rv, wide space)")},
   27480     {"SGWriteMovieData", (PyCFunction)Qt_SGWriteMovieData, 1,
   27481      PyDoc_STR("(SeqGrabComponent s, SGChannel c, Ptr p, long len) -> (ComponentResult _rv, long offset)")},
   27482     {"SGGetTimeBase", (PyCFunction)Qt_SGGetTimeBase, 1,
   27483      PyDoc_STR("(SeqGrabComponent s) -> (ComponentResult _rv, TimeBase tb)")},
   27484     {"SGAddMovieData", (PyCFunction)Qt_SGAddMovieData, 1,
   27485      PyDoc_STR("(SeqGrabComponent s, SGChannel c, Ptr p, long len, long chRefCon, TimeValue time, short writeType) -> (ComponentResult _rv, long offset)")},
   27486     {"SGChangedSource", (PyCFunction)Qt_SGChangedSource, 1,
   27487      PyDoc_STR("(SeqGrabComponent s, SGChannel c) -> (ComponentResult _rv)")},
   27488     {"SGAddExtendedMovieData", (PyCFunction)Qt_SGAddExtendedMovieData, 1,
   27489      PyDoc_STR("(SeqGrabComponent s, SGChannel c, Ptr p, long len, long chRefCon, TimeValue time, short writeType) -> (ComponentResult _rv, wide offset, SGOutput whichOutput)")},
   27490     {"SGAddOutputDataRefToMedia", (PyCFunction)Qt_SGAddOutputDataRefToMedia, 1,
   27491      PyDoc_STR("(SeqGrabComponent s, SGOutput sgOut, Media theMedia, SampleDescriptionHandle desc) -> (ComponentResult _rv)")},
   27492     {"SGSetSettingsSummary", (PyCFunction)Qt_SGSetSettingsSummary, 1,
   27493      PyDoc_STR("(SeqGrabComponent s, Handle summaryText) -> (ComponentResult _rv)")},
   27494     {"SGSetChannelUsage", (PyCFunction)Qt_SGSetChannelUsage, 1,
   27495      PyDoc_STR("(SGChannel c, long usage) -> (ComponentResult _rv)")},
   27496     {"SGGetChannelUsage", (PyCFunction)Qt_SGGetChannelUsage, 1,
   27497      PyDoc_STR("(SGChannel c) -> (ComponentResult _rv, long usage)")},
   27498     {"SGSetChannelBounds", (PyCFunction)Qt_SGSetChannelBounds, 1,
   27499      PyDoc_STR("(SGChannel c, Rect bounds) -> (ComponentResult _rv)")},
   27500     {"SGGetChannelBounds", (PyCFunction)Qt_SGGetChannelBounds, 1,
   27501      PyDoc_STR("(SGChannel c) -> (ComponentResult _rv, Rect bounds)")},
   27502     {"SGSetChannelVolume", (PyCFunction)Qt_SGSetChannelVolume, 1,
   27503      PyDoc_STR("(SGChannel c, short volume) -> (ComponentResult _rv)")},
   27504     {"SGGetChannelVolume", (PyCFunction)Qt_SGGetChannelVolume, 1,
   27505      PyDoc_STR("(SGChannel c) -> (ComponentResult _rv, short volume)")},
   27506     {"SGGetChannelInfo", (PyCFunction)Qt_SGGetChannelInfo, 1,
   27507      PyDoc_STR("(SGChannel c) -> (ComponentResult _rv, long channelInfo)")},
   27508     {"SGSetChannelPlayFlags", (PyCFunction)Qt_SGSetChannelPlayFlags, 1,
   27509      PyDoc_STR("(SGChannel c, long playFlags) -> (ComponentResult _rv)")},
   27510     {"SGGetChannelPlayFlags", (PyCFunction)Qt_SGGetChannelPlayFlags, 1,
   27511      PyDoc_STR("(SGChannel c) -> (ComponentResult _rv, long playFlags)")},
   27512     {"SGSetChannelMaxFrames", (PyCFunction)Qt_SGSetChannelMaxFrames, 1,
   27513      PyDoc_STR("(SGChannel c, long frameCount) -> (ComponentResult _rv)")},
   27514     {"SGGetChannelMaxFrames", (PyCFunction)Qt_SGGetChannelMaxFrames, 1,
   27515      PyDoc_STR("(SGChannel c) -> (ComponentResult _rv, long frameCount)")},
   27516     {"SGSetChannelRefCon", (PyCFunction)Qt_SGSetChannelRefCon, 1,
   27517      PyDoc_STR("(SGChannel c, long refCon) -> (ComponentResult _rv)")},
   27518     {"SGSetChannelClip", (PyCFunction)Qt_SGSetChannelClip, 1,
   27519      PyDoc_STR("(SGChannel c, RgnHandle theClip) -> (ComponentResult _rv)")},
   27520     {"SGGetChannelClip", (PyCFunction)Qt_SGGetChannelClip, 1,
   27521      PyDoc_STR("(SGChannel c) -> (ComponentResult _rv, RgnHandle theClip)")},
   27522     {"SGGetChannelSampleDescription", (PyCFunction)Qt_SGGetChannelSampleDescription, 1,
   27523      PyDoc_STR("(SGChannel c, Handle sampleDesc) -> (ComponentResult _rv)")},
   27524     {"SGSetChannelDevice", (PyCFunction)Qt_SGSetChannelDevice, 1,
   27525      PyDoc_STR("(SGChannel c, StringPtr name) -> (ComponentResult _rv)")},
   27526     {"SGGetChannelTimeScale", (PyCFunction)Qt_SGGetChannelTimeScale, 1,
   27527      PyDoc_STR("(SGChannel c) -> (ComponentResult _rv, TimeScale scale)")},
   27528     {"SGChannelPutPicture", (PyCFunction)Qt_SGChannelPutPicture, 1,
   27529      PyDoc_STR("(SGChannel c) -> (ComponentResult _rv)")},
   27530     {"SGChannelSetRequestedDataRate", (PyCFunction)Qt_SGChannelSetRequestedDataRate, 1,
   27531      PyDoc_STR("(SGChannel c, long bytesPerSecond) -> (ComponentResult _rv)")},
   27532     {"SGChannelGetRequestedDataRate", (PyCFunction)Qt_SGChannelGetRequestedDataRate, 1,
   27533      PyDoc_STR("(SGChannel c) -> (ComponentResult _rv, long bytesPerSecond)")},
   27534     {"SGChannelSetDataSourceName", (PyCFunction)Qt_SGChannelSetDataSourceName, 1,
   27535      PyDoc_STR("(SGChannel c, Str255 name, ScriptCode scriptTag) -> (ComponentResult _rv)")},
   27536     {"SGChannelGetDataSourceName", (PyCFunction)Qt_SGChannelGetDataSourceName, 1,
   27537      PyDoc_STR("(SGChannel c, Str255 name) -> (ComponentResult _rv, ScriptCode scriptTag)")},
   27538     {"SGChannelSetCodecSettings", (PyCFunction)Qt_SGChannelSetCodecSettings, 1,
   27539      PyDoc_STR("(SGChannel c, Handle settings) -> (ComponentResult _rv)")},
   27540     {"SGChannelGetCodecSettings", (PyCFunction)Qt_SGChannelGetCodecSettings, 1,
   27541      PyDoc_STR("(SGChannel c) -> (ComponentResult _rv, Handle settings)")},
   27542     {"SGGetChannelTimeBase", (PyCFunction)Qt_SGGetChannelTimeBase, 1,
   27543      PyDoc_STR("(SGChannel c) -> (ComponentResult _rv, TimeBase tb)")},
   27544     {"SGGetChannelRefCon", (PyCFunction)Qt_SGGetChannelRefCon, 1,
   27545      PyDoc_STR("(SGChannel c) -> (ComponentResult _rv, long refCon)")},
   27546     {"SGGetChannelDeviceAndInputNames", (PyCFunction)Qt_SGGetChannelDeviceAndInputNames, 1,
   27547      PyDoc_STR("(SGChannel c, Str255 outDeviceName, Str255 outInputName) -> (ComponentResult _rv, short outInputNumber)")},
   27548     {"SGSetChannelDeviceInput", (PyCFunction)Qt_SGSetChannelDeviceInput, 1,
   27549      PyDoc_STR("(SGChannel c, short inInputNumber) -> (ComponentResult _rv)")},
   27550     {"SGSetChannelSettingsStateChanging", (PyCFunction)Qt_SGSetChannelSettingsStateChanging, 1,
   27551      PyDoc_STR("(SGChannel c, UInt32 inFlags) -> (ComponentResult _rv)")},
   27552     {"SGInitChannel", (PyCFunction)Qt_SGInitChannel, 1,
   27553      PyDoc_STR("(SGChannel c, SeqGrabComponent owner) -> (ComponentResult _rv)")},
   27554     {"SGWriteSamples", (PyCFunction)Qt_SGWriteSamples, 1,
   27555      PyDoc_STR("(SGChannel c, Movie m, AliasHandle theFile) -> (ComponentResult _rv)")},
   27556     {"SGGetDataRate", (PyCFunction)Qt_SGGetDataRate, 1,
   27557      PyDoc_STR("(SGChannel c) -> (ComponentResult _rv, long bytesPerSecond)")},
   27558     {"SGAlignChannelRect", (PyCFunction)Qt_SGAlignChannelRect, 1,
   27559      PyDoc_STR("(SGChannel c) -> (ComponentResult _rv, Rect r)")},
   27560     {"SGPanelGetDitl", (PyCFunction)Qt_SGPanelGetDitl, 1,
   27561      PyDoc_STR("(SeqGrabComponent s) -> (ComponentResult _rv, Handle ditl)")},
   27562     {"SGPanelGetTitle", (PyCFunction)Qt_SGPanelGetTitle, 1,
   27563      PyDoc_STR("(SeqGrabComponent s, Str255 title) -> (ComponentResult _rv)")},
   27564     {"SGPanelCanRun", (PyCFunction)Qt_SGPanelCanRun, 1,
   27565      PyDoc_STR("(SeqGrabComponent s, SGChannel c) -> (ComponentResult _rv)")},
   27566     {"SGPanelInstall", (PyCFunction)Qt_SGPanelInstall, 1,
   27567      PyDoc_STR("(SeqGrabComponent s, SGChannel c, DialogPtr d, short itemOffset) -> (ComponentResult _rv)")},
   27568     {"SGPanelEvent", (PyCFunction)Qt_SGPanelEvent, 1,
   27569      PyDoc_STR("(SeqGrabComponent s, SGChannel c, DialogPtr d, short itemOffset, EventRecord theEvent) -> (ComponentResult _rv, short itemHit, Boolean handled)")},
   27570     {"SGPanelItem", (PyCFunction)Qt_SGPanelItem, 1,
   27571      PyDoc_STR("(SeqGrabComponent s, SGChannel c, DialogPtr d, short itemOffset, short itemNum) -> (ComponentResult _rv)")},
   27572     {"SGPanelRemove", (PyCFunction)Qt_SGPanelRemove, 1,
   27573      PyDoc_STR("(SeqGrabComponent s, SGChannel c, DialogPtr d, short itemOffset) -> (ComponentResult _rv)")},
   27574     {"SGPanelSetGrabber", (PyCFunction)Qt_SGPanelSetGrabber, 1,
   27575      PyDoc_STR("(SeqGrabComponent s, SeqGrabComponent sg) -> (ComponentResult _rv)")},
   27576     {"SGPanelSetResFile", (PyCFunction)Qt_SGPanelSetResFile, 1,
   27577      PyDoc_STR("(SeqGrabComponent s, short resRef) -> (ComponentResult _rv)")},
   27578     {"SGPanelGetSettings", (PyCFunction)Qt_SGPanelGetSettings, 1,
   27579      PyDoc_STR("(SeqGrabComponent s, SGChannel c, long flags) -> (ComponentResult _rv, UserData ud)")},
   27580     {"SGPanelSetSettings", (PyCFunction)Qt_SGPanelSetSettings, 1,
   27581      PyDoc_STR("(SeqGrabComponent s, SGChannel c, UserData ud, long flags) -> (ComponentResult _rv)")},
   27582     {"SGPanelValidateInput", (PyCFunction)Qt_SGPanelValidateInput, 1,
   27583      PyDoc_STR("(SeqGrabComponent s) -> (ComponentResult _rv, Boolean ok)")},
   27584     {"SGPanelGetDITLForSize", (PyCFunction)Qt_SGPanelGetDITLForSize, 1,
   27585      PyDoc_STR("(SeqGrabComponent s) -> (ComponentResult _rv, Handle ditl, Point requestedSize)")},
   27586     {"SGGetSrcVideoBounds", (PyCFunction)Qt_SGGetSrcVideoBounds, 1,
   27587      PyDoc_STR("(SGChannel c) -> (ComponentResult _rv, Rect r)")},
   27588     {"SGSetVideoRect", (PyCFunction)Qt_SGSetVideoRect, 1,
   27589      PyDoc_STR("(SGChannel c, Rect r) -> (ComponentResult _rv)")},
   27590     {"SGGetVideoRect", (PyCFunction)Qt_SGGetVideoRect, 1,
   27591      PyDoc_STR("(SGChannel c) -> (ComponentResult _rv, Rect r)")},
   27592     {"SGGetVideoCompressorType", (PyCFunction)Qt_SGGetVideoCompressorType, 1,
   27593      PyDoc_STR("(SGChannel c) -> (ComponentResult _rv, OSType compressorType)")},
   27594     {"SGSetVideoCompressorType", (PyCFunction)Qt_SGSetVideoCompressorType, 1,
   27595      PyDoc_STR("(SGChannel c, OSType compressorType) -> (ComponentResult _rv)")},
   27596     {"SGSetVideoCompressor", (PyCFunction)Qt_SGSetVideoCompressor, 1,
   27597      PyDoc_STR("(SGChannel c, short depth, CompressorComponent compressor, CodecQ spatialQuality, CodecQ temporalQuality, long keyFrameRate) -> (ComponentResult _rv)")},
   27598     {"SGGetVideoCompressor", (PyCFunction)Qt_SGGetVideoCompressor, 1,
   27599      PyDoc_STR("(SGChannel c) -> (ComponentResult _rv, short depth, CompressorComponent compressor, CodecQ spatialQuality, CodecQ temporalQuality, long keyFrameRate)")},
   27600     {"SGGetVideoDigitizerComponent", (PyCFunction)Qt_SGGetVideoDigitizerComponent, 1,
   27601      PyDoc_STR("(SGChannel c) -> (ComponentInstance _rv)")},
   27602     {"SGSetVideoDigitizerComponent", (PyCFunction)Qt_SGSetVideoDigitizerComponent, 1,
   27603      PyDoc_STR("(SGChannel c, ComponentInstance vdig) -> (ComponentResult _rv)")},
   27604     {"SGVideoDigitizerChanged", (PyCFunction)Qt_SGVideoDigitizerChanged, 1,
   27605      PyDoc_STR("(SGChannel c) -> (ComponentResult _rv)")},
   27606     {"SGGrabFrame", (PyCFunction)Qt_SGGrabFrame, 1,
   27607      PyDoc_STR("(SGChannel c, short bufferNum) -> (ComponentResult _rv)")},
   27608     {"SGGrabFrameComplete", (PyCFunction)Qt_SGGrabFrameComplete, 1,
   27609      PyDoc_STR("(SGChannel c, short bufferNum) -> (ComponentResult _rv, Boolean done)")},
   27610     {"SGCompressFrame", (PyCFunction)Qt_SGCompressFrame, 1,
   27611      PyDoc_STR("(SGChannel c, short bufferNum) -> (ComponentResult _rv)")},
   27612     {"SGSetCompressBuffer", (PyCFunction)Qt_SGSetCompressBuffer, 1,
   27613      PyDoc_STR("(SGChannel c, short depth, Rect compressSize) -> (ComponentResult _rv)")},
   27614     {"SGGetCompressBuffer", (PyCFunction)Qt_SGGetCompressBuffer, 1,
   27615      PyDoc_STR("(SGChannel c) -> (ComponentResult _rv, short depth, Rect compressSize)")},
   27616     {"SGGetBufferInfo", (PyCFunction)Qt_SGGetBufferInfo, 1,
   27617      PyDoc_STR("(SGChannel c, short bufferNum) -> (ComponentResult _rv, PixMapHandle bufferPM, Rect bufferRect, GWorldPtr compressBuffer, Rect compressBufferRect)")},
   27618     {"SGSetUseScreenBuffer", (PyCFunction)Qt_SGSetUseScreenBuffer, 1,
   27619      PyDoc_STR("(SGChannel c, Boolean useScreenBuffer) -> (ComponentResult _rv)")},
   27620     {"SGGetUseScreenBuffer", (PyCFunction)Qt_SGGetUseScreenBuffer, 1,
   27621      PyDoc_STR("(SGChannel c) -> (ComponentResult _rv, Boolean useScreenBuffer)")},
   27622     {"SGSetFrameRate", (PyCFunction)Qt_SGSetFrameRate, 1,
   27623      PyDoc_STR("(SGChannel c, Fixed frameRate) -> (ComponentResult _rv)")},
   27624     {"SGGetFrameRate", (PyCFunction)Qt_SGGetFrameRate, 1,
   27625      PyDoc_STR("(SGChannel c) -> (ComponentResult _rv, Fixed frameRate)")},
   27626     {"SGSetPreferredPacketSize", (PyCFunction)Qt_SGSetPreferredPacketSize, 1,
   27627      PyDoc_STR("(SGChannel c, long preferredPacketSizeInBytes) -> (ComponentResult _rv)")},
   27628     {"SGGetPreferredPacketSize", (PyCFunction)Qt_SGGetPreferredPacketSize, 1,
   27629      PyDoc_STR("(SGChannel c) -> (ComponentResult _rv, long preferredPacketSizeInBytes)")},
   27630     {"SGSetUserVideoCompressorList", (PyCFunction)Qt_SGSetUserVideoCompressorList, 1,
   27631      PyDoc_STR("(SGChannel c, Handle compressorTypes) -> (ComponentResult _rv)")},
   27632     {"SGGetUserVideoCompressorList", (PyCFunction)Qt_SGGetUserVideoCompressorList, 1,
   27633      PyDoc_STR("(SGChannel c) -> (ComponentResult _rv, Handle compressorTypes)")},
   27634     {"SGSetSoundInputDriver", (PyCFunction)Qt_SGSetSoundInputDriver, 1,
   27635      PyDoc_STR("(SGChannel c, Str255 driverName) -> (ComponentResult _rv)")},
   27636     {"SGGetSoundInputDriver", (PyCFunction)Qt_SGGetSoundInputDriver, 1,
   27637      PyDoc_STR("(SGChannel c) -> (long _rv)")},
   27638     {"SGSoundInputDriverChanged", (PyCFunction)Qt_SGSoundInputDriverChanged, 1,
   27639      PyDoc_STR("(SGChannel c) -> (ComponentResult _rv)")},
   27640     {"SGSetSoundRecordChunkSize", (PyCFunction)Qt_SGSetSoundRecordChunkSize, 1,
   27641      PyDoc_STR("(SGChannel c, long seconds) -> (ComponentResult _rv)")},
   27642     {"SGGetSoundRecordChunkSize", (PyCFunction)Qt_SGGetSoundRecordChunkSize, 1,
   27643      PyDoc_STR("(SGChannel c) -> (long _rv)")},
   27644     {"SGSetSoundInputRate", (PyCFunction)Qt_SGSetSoundInputRate, 1,
   27645      PyDoc_STR("(SGChannel c, Fixed rate) -> (ComponentResult _rv)")},
   27646     {"SGGetSoundInputRate", (PyCFunction)Qt_SGGetSoundInputRate, 1,
   27647      PyDoc_STR("(SGChannel c) -> (Fixed _rv)")},
   27648     {"SGSetSoundInputParameters", (PyCFunction)Qt_SGSetSoundInputParameters, 1,
   27649      PyDoc_STR("(SGChannel c, short sampleSize, short numChannels, OSType compressionType) -> (ComponentResult _rv)")},
   27650     {"SGGetSoundInputParameters", (PyCFunction)Qt_SGGetSoundInputParameters, 1,
   27651      PyDoc_STR("(SGChannel c) -> (ComponentResult _rv, short sampleSize, short numChannels, OSType compressionType)")},
   27652     {"SGSetAdditionalSoundRates", (PyCFunction)Qt_SGSetAdditionalSoundRates, 1,
   27653      PyDoc_STR("(SGChannel c, Handle rates) -> (ComponentResult _rv)")},
   27654     {"SGGetAdditionalSoundRates", (PyCFunction)Qt_SGGetAdditionalSoundRates, 1,
   27655      PyDoc_STR("(SGChannel c) -> (ComponentResult _rv, Handle rates)")},
   27656     {"SGSetFontName", (PyCFunction)Qt_SGSetFontName, 1,
   27657      PyDoc_STR("(SGChannel c, StringPtr pstr) -> (ComponentResult _rv)")},
   27658     {"SGSetFontSize", (PyCFunction)Qt_SGSetFontSize, 1,
   27659      PyDoc_STR("(SGChannel c, short fontSize) -> (ComponentResult _rv)")},
   27660     {"SGSetTextForeColor", (PyCFunction)Qt_SGSetTextForeColor, 1,
   27661      PyDoc_STR("(SGChannel c) -> (ComponentResult _rv, RGBColor theColor)")},
   27662     {"SGSetTextBackColor", (PyCFunction)Qt_SGSetTextBackColor, 1,
   27663      PyDoc_STR("(SGChannel c) -> (ComponentResult _rv, RGBColor theColor)")},
   27664     {"SGSetJustification", (PyCFunction)Qt_SGSetJustification, 1,
   27665      PyDoc_STR("(SGChannel c, short just) -> (ComponentResult _rv)")},
   27666     {"SGGetTextReturnToSpaceValue", (PyCFunction)Qt_SGGetTextReturnToSpaceValue, 1,
   27667      PyDoc_STR("(SGChannel c) -> (ComponentResult _rv, short rettospace)")},
   27668     {"SGSetTextReturnToSpaceValue", (PyCFunction)Qt_SGSetTextReturnToSpaceValue, 1,
   27669      PyDoc_STR("(SGChannel c, short rettospace) -> (ComponentResult _rv)")},
   27670     {"QTVideoOutputGetCurrentClientName", (PyCFunction)Qt_QTVideoOutputGetCurrentClientName, 1,
   27671      PyDoc_STR("(QTVideoOutputComponent vo, Str255 str) -> (ComponentResult _rv)")},
   27672     {"QTVideoOutputSetClientName", (PyCFunction)Qt_QTVideoOutputSetClientName, 1,
   27673      PyDoc_STR("(QTVideoOutputComponent vo, Str255 str) -> (ComponentResult _rv)")},
   27674     {"QTVideoOutputGetClientName", (PyCFunction)Qt_QTVideoOutputGetClientName, 1,
   27675      PyDoc_STR("(QTVideoOutputComponent vo, Str255 str) -> (ComponentResult _rv)")},
   27676     {"QTVideoOutputBegin", (PyCFunction)Qt_QTVideoOutputBegin, 1,
   27677      PyDoc_STR("(QTVideoOutputComponent vo) -> (ComponentResult _rv)")},
   27678     {"QTVideoOutputEnd", (PyCFunction)Qt_QTVideoOutputEnd, 1,
   27679      PyDoc_STR("(QTVideoOutputComponent vo) -> (ComponentResult _rv)")},
   27680     {"QTVideoOutputSetDisplayMode", (PyCFunction)Qt_QTVideoOutputSetDisplayMode, 1,
   27681      PyDoc_STR("(QTVideoOutputComponent vo, long displayModeID) -> (ComponentResult _rv)")},
   27682     {"QTVideoOutputGetDisplayMode", (PyCFunction)Qt_QTVideoOutputGetDisplayMode, 1,
   27683      PyDoc_STR("(QTVideoOutputComponent vo) -> (ComponentResult _rv, long displayModeID)")},
   27684     {"QTVideoOutputGetGWorld", (PyCFunction)Qt_QTVideoOutputGetGWorld, 1,
   27685      PyDoc_STR("(QTVideoOutputComponent vo) -> (ComponentResult _rv, GWorldPtr gw)")},
   27686     {"QTVideoOutputGetIndSoundOutput", (PyCFunction)Qt_QTVideoOutputGetIndSoundOutput, 1,
   27687      PyDoc_STR("(QTVideoOutputComponent vo, long index) -> (ComponentResult _rv, Component outputComponent)")},
   27688     {"QTVideoOutputGetClock", (PyCFunction)Qt_QTVideoOutputGetClock, 1,
   27689      PyDoc_STR("(QTVideoOutputComponent vo) -> (ComponentResult _rv, ComponentInstance clock)")},
   27690     {"QTVideoOutputSetEchoPort", (PyCFunction)Qt_QTVideoOutputSetEchoPort, 1,
   27691      PyDoc_STR("(QTVideoOutputComponent vo, CGrafPtr echoPort) -> (ComponentResult _rv)")},
   27692     {"QTVideoOutputGetIndImageDecompressor", (PyCFunction)Qt_QTVideoOutputGetIndImageDecompressor, 1,
   27693      PyDoc_STR("(QTVideoOutputComponent vo, long index) -> (ComponentResult _rv, Component codec)")},
   27694     {"QTVideoOutputBaseSetEchoPort", (PyCFunction)Qt_QTVideoOutputBaseSetEchoPort, 1,
   27695      PyDoc_STR("(QTVideoOutputComponent vo, CGrafPtr echoPort) -> (ComponentResult _rv)")},
   27696     {"MediaSetChunkManagementFlags", (PyCFunction)Qt_MediaSetChunkManagementFlags, 1,
   27697      PyDoc_STR("(MediaHandler mh, UInt32 flags, UInt32 flagsMask) -> (ComponentResult _rv)")},
   27698     {"MediaGetChunkManagementFlags", (PyCFunction)Qt_MediaGetChunkManagementFlags, 1,
   27699      PyDoc_STR("(MediaHandler mh) -> (ComponentResult _rv, UInt32 flags)")},
   27700     {"MediaSetPurgeableChunkMemoryAllowance", (PyCFunction)Qt_MediaSetPurgeableChunkMemoryAllowance, 1,
   27701      PyDoc_STR("(MediaHandler mh, Size allowance) -> (ComponentResult _rv)")},
   27702     {"MediaGetPurgeableChunkMemoryAllowance", (PyCFunction)Qt_MediaGetPurgeableChunkMemoryAllowance, 1,
   27703      PyDoc_STR("(MediaHandler mh) -> (ComponentResult _rv, Size allowance)")},
   27704     {"MediaEmptyAllPurgeableChunks", (PyCFunction)Qt_MediaEmptyAllPurgeableChunks, 1,
   27705      PyDoc_STR("(MediaHandler mh) -> (ComponentResult _rv)")},
   27706     {"MediaSetHandlerCapabilities", (PyCFunction)Qt_MediaSetHandlerCapabilities, 1,
   27707      PyDoc_STR("(MediaHandler mh, long flags, long flagsMask) -> (ComponentResult _rv)")},
   27708     {"MediaIdle", (PyCFunction)Qt_MediaIdle, 1,
   27709      PyDoc_STR("(MediaHandler mh, TimeValue atMediaTime, long flagsIn, TimeRecord movieTime) -> (ComponentResult _rv, long flagsOut)")},
   27710     {"MediaGetMediaInfo", (PyCFunction)Qt_MediaGetMediaInfo, 1,
   27711      PyDoc_STR("(MediaHandler mh, Handle h) -> (ComponentResult _rv)")},
   27712     {"MediaPutMediaInfo", (PyCFunction)Qt_MediaPutMediaInfo, 1,
   27713      PyDoc_STR("(MediaHandler mh, Handle h) -> (ComponentResult _rv)")},
   27714     {"MediaSetActive", (PyCFunction)Qt_MediaSetActive, 1,
   27715      PyDoc_STR("(MediaHandler mh, Boolean enableMedia) -> (ComponentResult _rv)")},
   27716     {"MediaSetRate", (PyCFunction)Qt_MediaSetRate, 1,
   27717      PyDoc_STR("(MediaHandler mh, Fixed rate) -> (ComponentResult _rv)")},
   27718     {"MediaGGetStatus", (PyCFunction)Qt_MediaGGetStatus, 1,
   27719      PyDoc_STR("(MediaHandler mh) -> (ComponentResult _rv, ComponentResult statusErr)")},
   27720     {"MediaTrackEdited", (PyCFunction)Qt_MediaTrackEdited, 1,
   27721      PyDoc_STR("(MediaHandler mh) -> (ComponentResult _rv)")},
   27722     {"MediaSetMediaTimeScale", (PyCFunction)Qt_MediaSetMediaTimeScale, 1,
   27723      PyDoc_STR("(MediaHandler mh, TimeScale newTimeScale) -> (ComponentResult _rv)")},
   27724     {"MediaSetMovieTimeScale", (PyCFunction)Qt_MediaSetMovieTimeScale, 1,
   27725      PyDoc_STR("(MediaHandler mh, TimeScale newTimeScale) -> (ComponentResult _rv)")},
   27726     {"MediaSetGWorld", (PyCFunction)Qt_MediaSetGWorld, 1,
   27727      PyDoc_STR("(MediaHandler mh, CGrafPtr aPort, GDHandle aGD) -> (ComponentResult _rv)")},
   27728     {"MediaSetDimensions", (PyCFunction)Qt_MediaSetDimensions, 1,
   27729      PyDoc_STR("(MediaHandler mh, Fixed width, Fixed height) -> (ComponentResult _rv)")},
   27730     {"MediaSetClip", (PyCFunction)Qt_MediaSetClip, 1,
   27731      PyDoc_STR("(MediaHandler mh, RgnHandle theClip) -> (ComponentResult _rv)")},
   27732     {"MediaGetTrackOpaque", (PyCFunction)Qt_MediaGetTrackOpaque, 1,
   27733      PyDoc_STR("(MediaHandler mh) -> (ComponentResult _rv, Boolean trackIsOpaque)")},
   27734     {"MediaSetGraphicsMode", (PyCFunction)Qt_MediaSetGraphicsMode, 1,
   27735      PyDoc_STR("(MediaHandler mh, long mode, RGBColor opColor) -> (ComponentResult _rv)")},
   27736     {"MediaGetGraphicsMode", (PyCFunction)Qt_MediaGetGraphicsMode, 1,
   27737      PyDoc_STR("(MediaHandler mh) -> (ComponentResult _rv, long mode, RGBColor opColor)")},
   27738     {"MediaGSetVolume", (PyCFunction)Qt_MediaGSetVolume, 1,
   27739      PyDoc_STR("(MediaHandler mh, short volume) -> (ComponentResult _rv)")},
   27740     {"MediaSetSoundBalance", (PyCFunction)Qt_MediaSetSoundBalance, 1,
   27741      PyDoc_STR("(MediaHandler mh, short balance) -> (ComponentResult _rv)")},
   27742     {"MediaGetSoundBalance", (PyCFunction)Qt_MediaGetSoundBalance, 1,
   27743      PyDoc_STR("(MediaHandler mh) -> (ComponentResult _rv, short balance)")},
   27744     {"MediaGetNextBoundsChange", (PyCFunction)Qt_MediaGetNextBoundsChange, 1,
   27745      PyDoc_STR("(MediaHandler mh) -> (ComponentResult _rv, TimeValue when)")},
   27746     {"MediaGetSrcRgn", (PyCFunction)Qt_MediaGetSrcRgn, 1,
   27747      PyDoc_STR("(MediaHandler mh, RgnHandle rgn, TimeValue atMediaTime) -> (ComponentResult _rv)")},
   27748     {"MediaPreroll", (PyCFunction)Qt_MediaPreroll, 1,
   27749      PyDoc_STR("(MediaHandler mh, TimeValue time, Fixed rate) -> (ComponentResult _rv)")},
   27750     {"MediaSampleDescriptionChanged", (PyCFunction)Qt_MediaSampleDescriptionChanged, 1,
   27751      PyDoc_STR("(MediaHandler mh, long index) -> (ComponentResult _rv)")},
   27752     {"MediaHasCharacteristic", (PyCFunction)Qt_MediaHasCharacteristic, 1,
   27753      PyDoc_STR("(MediaHandler mh, OSType characteristic) -> (ComponentResult _rv, Boolean hasIt)")},
   27754     {"MediaGetOffscreenBufferSize", (PyCFunction)Qt_MediaGetOffscreenBufferSize, 1,
   27755      PyDoc_STR("(MediaHandler mh, short depth, CTabHandle ctab) -> (ComponentResult _rv, Rect bounds)")},
   27756     {"MediaSetHints", (PyCFunction)Qt_MediaSetHints, 1,
   27757      PyDoc_STR("(MediaHandler mh, long hints) -> (ComponentResult _rv)")},
   27758     {"MediaGetName", (PyCFunction)Qt_MediaGetName, 1,
   27759      PyDoc_STR("(MediaHandler mh, Str255 name, long requestedLanguage) -> (ComponentResult _rv, long actualLanguage)")},
   27760     {"MediaForceUpdate", (PyCFunction)Qt_MediaForceUpdate, 1,
   27761      PyDoc_STR("(MediaHandler mh, long forceUpdateFlags) -> (ComponentResult _rv)")},
   27762     {"MediaGetDrawingRgn", (PyCFunction)Qt_MediaGetDrawingRgn, 1,
   27763      PyDoc_STR("(MediaHandler mh) -> (ComponentResult _rv, RgnHandle partialRgn)")},
   27764     {"MediaGSetActiveSegment", (PyCFunction)Qt_MediaGSetActiveSegment, 1,
   27765      PyDoc_STR("(MediaHandler mh, TimeValue activeStart, TimeValue activeDuration) -> (ComponentResult _rv)")},
   27766     {"MediaInvalidateRegion", (PyCFunction)Qt_MediaInvalidateRegion, 1,
   27767      PyDoc_STR("(MediaHandler mh, RgnHandle invalRgn) -> (ComponentResult _rv)")},
   27768     {"MediaGetNextStepTime", (PyCFunction)Qt_MediaGetNextStepTime, 1,
   27769      PyDoc_STR("(MediaHandler mh, short flags, TimeValue mediaTimeIn, Fixed rate) -> (ComponentResult _rv, TimeValue mediaTimeOut)")},
   27770     {"MediaChangedNonPrimarySource", (PyCFunction)Qt_MediaChangedNonPrimarySource, 1,
   27771      PyDoc_STR("(MediaHandler mh, long inputIndex) -> (ComponentResult _rv)")},
   27772     {"MediaTrackReferencesChanged", (PyCFunction)Qt_MediaTrackReferencesChanged, 1,
   27773      PyDoc_STR("(MediaHandler mh) -> (ComponentResult _rv)")},
   27774     {"MediaReleaseSampleDataPointer", (PyCFunction)Qt_MediaReleaseSampleDataPointer, 1,
   27775      PyDoc_STR("(MediaHandler mh, long sampleNum) -> (ComponentResult _rv)")},
   27776     {"MediaTrackPropertyAtomChanged", (PyCFunction)Qt_MediaTrackPropertyAtomChanged, 1,
   27777      PyDoc_STR("(MediaHandler mh) -> (ComponentResult _rv)")},
   27778     {"MediaSetVideoParam", (PyCFunction)Qt_MediaSetVideoParam, 1,
   27779      PyDoc_STR("(MediaHandler mh, long whichParam) -> (ComponentResult _rv, unsigned short value)")},
   27780     {"MediaGetVideoParam", (PyCFunction)Qt_MediaGetVideoParam, 1,
   27781      PyDoc_STR("(MediaHandler mh, long whichParam) -> (ComponentResult _rv, unsigned short value)")},
   27782     {"MediaCompare", (PyCFunction)Qt_MediaCompare, 1,
   27783      PyDoc_STR("(MediaHandler mh, Media srcMedia, ComponentInstance srcMediaComponent) -> (ComponentResult _rv, Boolean isOK)")},
   27784     {"MediaGetClock", (PyCFunction)Qt_MediaGetClock, 1,
   27785      PyDoc_STR("(MediaHandler mh) -> (ComponentResult _rv, ComponentInstance clock)")},
   27786     {"MediaSetSoundOutputComponent", (PyCFunction)Qt_MediaSetSoundOutputComponent, 1,
   27787      PyDoc_STR("(MediaHandler mh, Component outputComponent) -> (ComponentResult _rv)")},
   27788     {"MediaGetSoundOutputComponent", (PyCFunction)Qt_MediaGetSoundOutputComponent, 1,
   27789      PyDoc_STR("(MediaHandler mh) -> (ComponentResult _rv, Component outputComponent)")},
   27790     {"MediaSetSoundLocalizationData", (PyCFunction)Qt_MediaSetSoundLocalizationData, 1,
   27791      PyDoc_STR("(MediaHandler mh, Handle data) -> (ComponentResult _rv)")},
   27792     {"MediaGetInvalidRegion", (PyCFunction)Qt_MediaGetInvalidRegion, 1,
   27793      PyDoc_STR("(MediaHandler mh, RgnHandle rgn) -> (ComponentResult _rv)")},
   27794     {"MediaSampleDescriptionB2N", (PyCFunction)Qt_MediaSampleDescriptionB2N, 1,
   27795      PyDoc_STR("(MediaHandler mh, SampleDescriptionHandle sampleDescriptionH) -> (ComponentResult _rv)")},
   27796     {"MediaSampleDescriptionN2B", (PyCFunction)Qt_MediaSampleDescriptionN2B, 1,
   27797      PyDoc_STR("(MediaHandler mh, SampleDescriptionHandle sampleDescriptionH) -> (ComponentResult _rv)")},
   27798     {"MediaFlushNonPrimarySourceData", (PyCFunction)Qt_MediaFlushNonPrimarySourceData, 1,
   27799      PyDoc_STR("(MediaHandler mh, long inputIndex) -> (ComponentResult _rv)")},
   27800     {"MediaGetURLLink", (PyCFunction)Qt_MediaGetURLLink, 1,
   27801      PyDoc_STR("(MediaHandler mh, Point displayWhere) -> (ComponentResult _rv, Handle urlLink)")},
   27802     {"MediaHitTestForTargetRefCon", (PyCFunction)Qt_MediaHitTestForTargetRefCon, 1,
   27803      PyDoc_STR("(MediaHandler mh, long flags, Point loc) -> (ComponentResult _rv, long targetRefCon)")},
   27804     {"MediaHitTestTargetRefCon", (PyCFunction)Qt_MediaHitTestTargetRefCon, 1,
   27805      PyDoc_STR("(MediaHandler mh, long targetRefCon, long flags, Point loc) -> (ComponentResult _rv, Boolean wasHit)")},
   27806     {"MediaDisposeTargetRefCon", (PyCFunction)Qt_MediaDisposeTargetRefCon, 1,
   27807      PyDoc_STR("(MediaHandler mh, long targetRefCon) -> (ComponentResult _rv)")},
   27808     {"MediaTargetRefConsEqual", (PyCFunction)Qt_MediaTargetRefConsEqual, 1,
   27809      PyDoc_STR("(MediaHandler mh, long firstRefCon, long secondRefCon) -> (ComponentResult _rv, Boolean equal)")},
   27810     {"MediaPrePrerollCancel", (PyCFunction)Qt_MediaPrePrerollCancel, 1,
   27811      PyDoc_STR("(MediaHandler mh, void * refcon) -> (ComponentResult _rv)")},
   27812     {"MediaEnterEmptyEdit", (PyCFunction)Qt_MediaEnterEmptyEdit, 1,
   27813      PyDoc_STR("(MediaHandler mh) -> (ComponentResult _rv)")},
   27814     {"MediaCurrentMediaQueuedData", (PyCFunction)Qt_MediaCurrentMediaQueuedData, 1,
   27815      PyDoc_STR("(MediaHandler mh) -> (ComponentResult _rv, long milliSecs)")},
   27816     {"MediaGetEffectiveVolume", (PyCFunction)Qt_MediaGetEffectiveVolume, 1,
   27817      PyDoc_STR("(MediaHandler mh) -> (ComponentResult _rv, short volume)")},
   27818     {"MediaGetSoundLevelMeteringEnabled", (PyCFunction)Qt_MediaGetSoundLevelMeteringEnabled, 1,
   27819      PyDoc_STR("(MediaHandler mh) -> (ComponentResult _rv, Boolean enabled)")},
   27820     {"MediaSetSoundLevelMeteringEnabled", (PyCFunction)Qt_MediaSetSoundLevelMeteringEnabled, 1,
   27821      PyDoc_STR("(MediaHandler mh, Boolean enable) -> (ComponentResult _rv)")},
   27822     {"MediaGetEffectiveSoundBalance", (PyCFunction)Qt_MediaGetEffectiveSoundBalance, 1,
   27823      PyDoc_STR("(MediaHandler mh) -> (ComponentResult _rv, short balance)")},
   27824     {"MediaSetScreenLock", (PyCFunction)Qt_MediaSetScreenLock, 1,
   27825      PyDoc_STR("(MediaHandler mh, Boolean lockIt) -> (ComponentResult _rv)")},
   27826     {"MediaGetErrorString", (PyCFunction)Qt_MediaGetErrorString, 1,
   27827      PyDoc_STR("(MediaHandler mh, ComponentResult theError, Str255 errorString) -> (ComponentResult _rv)")},
   27828     {"MediaGetSoundEqualizerBandLevels", (PyCFunction)Qt_MediaGetSoundEqualizerBandLevels, 1,
   27829      PyDoc_STR("(MediaHandler mh) -> (ComponentResult _rv, UInt8 bandLevels)")},
   27830     {"MediaDoIdleActions", (PyCFunction)Qt_MediaDoIdleActions, 1,
   27831      PyDoc_STR("(MediaHandler mh) -> (ComponentResult _rv)")},
   27832     {"MediaSetSoundBassAndTreble", (PyCFunction)Qt_MediaSetSoundBassAndTreble, 1,
   27833      PyDoc_STR("(MediaHandler mh, short bass, short treble) -> (ComponentResult _rv)")},
   27834     {"MediaGetSoundBassAndTreble", (PyCFunction)Qt_MediaGetSoundBassAndTreble, 1,
   27835      PyDoc_STR("(MediaHandler mh) -> (ComponentResult _rv, short bass, short treble)")},
   27836     {"MediaTimeBaseChanged", (PyCFunction)Qt_MediaTimeBaseChanged, 1,
   27837      PyDoc_STR("(MediaHandler mh) -> (ComponentResult _rv)")},
   27838     {"MediaMCIsPlayerEvent", (PyCFunction)Qt_MediaMCIsPlayerEvent, 1,
   27839      PyDoc_STR("(MediaHandler mh, EventRecord e) -> (ComponentResult _rv, Boolean handledIt)")},
   27840     {"MediaGetMediaLoadState", (PyCFunction)Qt_MediaGetMediaLoadState, 1,
   27841      PyDoc_STR("(MediaHandler mh) -> (ComponentResult _rv, long mediaLoadState)")},
   27842     {"MediaVideoOutputChanged", (PyCFunction)Qt_MediaVideoOutputChanged, 1,
   27843      PyDoc_STR("(MediaHandler mh, ComponentInstance vout) -> (ComponentResult _rv)")},
   27844     {"MediaEmptySampleCache", (PyCFunction)Qt_MediaEmptySampleCache, 1,
   27845      PyDoc_STR("(MediaHandler mh, long sampleNum, long sampleCount) -> (ComponentResult _rv)")},
   27846     {"MediaGetPublicInfo", (PyCFunction)Qt_MediaGetPublicInfo, 1,
   27847      PyDoc_STR("(MediaHandler mh, OSType infoSelector, void * infoDataPtr) -> (ComponentResult _rv, Size ioDataSize)")},
   27848     {"MediaSetPublicInfo", (PyCFunction)Qt_MediaSetPublicInfo, 1,
   27849      PyDoc_STR("(MediaHandler mh, OSType infoSelector, void * infoDataPtr, Size dataSize) -> (ComponentResult _rv)")},
   27850     {"MediaRefConSetProperty", (PyCFunction)Qt_MediaRefConSetProperty, 1,
   27851      PyDoc_STR("(MediaHandler mh, long refCon, long propertyType, void * propertyValue) -> (ComponentResult _rv)")},
   27852     {"MediaRefConGetProperty", (PyCFunction)Qt_MediaRefConGetProperty, 1,
   27853      PyDoc_STR("(MediaHandler mh, long refCon, long propertyType, void * propertyValue) -> (ComponentResult _rv)")},
   27854     {"MediaNavigateTargetRefCon", (PyCFunction)Qt_MediaNavigateTargetRefCon, 1,
   27855      PyDoc_STR("(MediaHandler mh, long navigation) -> (ComponentResult _rv, long refCon)")},
   27856     {"MediaGGetIdleManager", (PyCFunction)Qt_MediaGGetIdleManager, 1,
   27857      PyDoc_STR("(MediaHandler mh) -> (ComponentResult _rv, IdleManager pim)")},
   27858     {"MediaGSetIdleManager", (PyCFunction)Qt_MediaGSetIdleManager, 1,
   27859      PyDoc_STR("(MediaHandler mh, IdleManager im) -> (ComponentResult _rv)")},
   27860     {"QTMIDIGetMIDIPorts", (PyCFunction)Qt_QTMIDIGetMIDIPorts, 1,
   27861      PyDoc_STR("(QTMIDIComponent ci) -> (ComponentResult _rv, QTMIDIPortListHandle inputPorts, QTMIDIPortListHandle outputPorts)")},
   27862     {"QTMIDIUseSendPort", (PyCFunction)Qt_QTMIDIUseSendPort, 1,
   27863      PyDoc_STR("(QTMIDIComponent ci, long portIndex, long inUse) -> (ComponentResult _rv)")},
   27864     {"QTMIDISendMIDI", (PyCFunction)Qt_QTMIDISendMIDI, 1,
   27865      PyDoc_STR("(QTMIDIComponent ci, long portIndex, MusicMIDIPacket mp) -> (ComponentResult _rv)")},
   27866     {"MusicGetPart", (PyCFunction)Qt_MusicGetPart, 1,
   27867      PyDoc_STR("(MusicComponent mc, long part) -> (ComponentResult _rv, long midiChannel, long polyphony)")},
   27868     {"MusicSetPart", (PyCFunction)Qt_MusicSetPart, 1,
   27869      PyDoc_STR("(MusicComponent mc, long part, long midiChannel, long polyphony) -> (ComponentResult _rv)")},
   27870     {"MusicSetPartInstrumentNumber", (PyCFunction)Qt_MusicSetPartInstrumentNumber, 1,
   27871      PyDoc_STR("(MusicComponent mc, long part, long instrumentNumber) -> (ComponentResult _rv)")},
   27872     {"MusicGetPartInstrumentNumber", (PyCFunction)Qt_MusicGetPartInstrumentNumber, 1,
   27873      PyDoc_STR("(MusicComponent mc, long part) -> (ComponentResult _rv)")},
   27874     {"MusicStorePartInstrument", (PyCFunction)Qt_MusicStorePartInstrument, 1,
   27875      PyDoc_STR("(MusicComponent mc, long part, long instrumentNumber) -> (ComponentResult _rv)")},
   27876     {"MusicGetPartAtomicInstrument", (PyCFunction)Qt_MusicGetPartAtomicInstrument, 1,
   27877      PyDoc_STR("(MusicComponent mc, long part, long flags) -> (ComponentResult _rv, AtomicInstrument ai)")},
   27878     {"MusicSetPartAtomicInstrument", (PyCFunction)Qt_MusicSetPartAtomicInstrument, 1,
   27879      PyDoc_STR("(MusicComponent mc, long part, AtomicInstrumentPtr aiP, long flags) -> (ComponentResult _rv)")},
   27880     {"MusicGetPartKnob", (PyCFunction)Qt_MusicGetPartKnob, 1,
   27881      PyDoc_STR("(MusicComponent mc, long part, long knobID) -> (ComponentResult _rv)")},
   27882     {"MusicSetPartKnob", (PyCFunction)Qt_MusicSetPartKnob, 1,
   27883      PyDoc_STR("(MusicComponent mc, long part, long knobID, long knobValue) -> (ComponentResult _rv)")},
   27884     {"MusicGetKnob", (PyCFunction)Qt_MusicGetKnob, 1,
   27885      PyDoc_STR("(MusicComponent mc, long knobID) -> (ComponentResult _rv)")},
   27886     {"MusicSetKnob", (PyCFunction)Qt_MusicSetKnob, 1,
   27887      PyDoc_STR("(MusicComponent mc, long knobID, long knobValue) -> (ComponentResult _rv)")},
   27888     {"MusicGetPartName", (PyCFunction)Qt_MusicGetPartName, 1,
   27889      PyDoc_STR("(MusicComponent mc, long part, StringPtr name) -> (ComponentResult _rv)")},
   27890     {"MusicSetPartName", (PyCFunction)Qt_MusicSetPartName, 1,
   27891      PyDoc_STR("(MusicComponent mc, long part, StringPtr name) -> (ComponentResult _rv)")},
   27892     {"MusicPlayNote", (PyCFunction)Qt_MusicPlayNote, 1,
   27893      PyDoc_STR("(MusicComponent mc, long part, long pitch, long velocity) -> (ComponentResult _rv)")},
   27894     {"MusicResetPart", (PyCFunction)Qt_MusicResetPart, 1,
   27895      PyDoc_STR("(MusicComponent mc, long part) -> (ComponentResult _rv)")},
   27896     {"MusicSetPartController", (PyCFunction)Qt_MusicSetPartController, 1,
   27897      PyDoc_STR("(MusicComponent mc, long part, MusicController controllerNumber, long controllerValue) -> (ComponentResult _rv)")},
   27898     {"MusicGetPartController", (PyCFunction)Qt_MusicGetPartController, 1,
   27899      PyDoc_STR("(MusicComponent mc, long part, MusicController controllerNumber) -> (ComponentResult _rv)")},
   27900     {"MusicGetInstrumentNames", (PyCFunction)Qt_MusicGetInstrumentNames, 1,
   27901      PyDoc_STR("(MusicComponent mc, long modifiableInstruments) -> (ComponentResult _rv, Handle instrumentNames, Handle instrumentCategoryLasts, Handle instrumentCategoryNames)")},
   27902     {"MusicGetDrumNames", (PyCFunction)Qt_MusicGetDrumNames, 1,
   27903      PyDoc_STR("(MusicComponent mc, long modifiableInstruments) -> (ComponentResult _rv, Handle instrumentNumbers, Handle instrumentNames)")},
   27904     {"MusicGetMasterTune", (PyCFunction)Qt_MusicGetMasterTune, 1,
   27905      PyDoc_STR("(MusicComponent mc) -> (ComponentResult _rv)")},
   27906     {"MusicSetMasterTune", (PyCFunction)Qt_MusicSetMasterTune, 1,
   27907      PyDoc_STR("(MusicComponent mc, long masterTune) -> (ComponentResult _rv)")},
   27908     {"MusicGetDeviceConnection", (PyCFunction)Qt_MusicGetDeviceConnection, 1,
   27909      PyDoc_STR("(MusicComponent mc, long index) -> (ComponentResult _rv, long id1, long id2)")},
   27910     {"MusicUseDeviceConnection", (PyCFunction)Qt_MusicUseDeviceConnection, 1,
   27911      PyDoc_STR("(MusicComponent mc, long id1, long id2) -> (ComponentResult _rv)")},
   27912     {"MusicGetKnobSettingStrings", (PyCFunction)Qt_MusicGetKnobSettingStrings, 1,
   27913      PyDoc_STR("(MusicComponent mc, long knobIndex, long isGlobal) -> (ComponentResult _rv, Handle settingsNames, Handle settingsCategoryLasts, Handle settingsCategoryNames)")},
   27914     {"MusicGetMIDIPorts", (PyCFunction)Qt_MusicGetMIDIPorts, 1,
   27915      PyDoc_STR("(MusicComponent mc) -> (ComponentResult _rv, long inputPortCount, long outputPortCount)")},
   27916     {"MusicSendMIDI", (PyCFunction)Qt_MusicSendMIDI, 1,
   27917      PyDoc_STR("(MusicComponent mc, long portIndex, MusicMIDIPacket mp) -> (ComponentResult _rv)")},
   27918     {"MusicSetOfflineTimeTo", (PyCFunction)Qt_MusicSetOfflineTimeTo, 1,
   27919      PyDoc_STR("(MusicComponent mc, long newTimeStamp) -> (ComponentResult _rv)")},
   27920     {"MusicGetInfoText", (PyCFunction)Qt_MusicGetInfoText, 1,
   27921      PyDoc_STR("(MusicComponent mc, long selector) -> (ComponentResult _rv, Handle textH, Handle styleH)")},
   27922     {"MusicGetInstrumentInfo", (PyCFunction)Qt_MusicGetInstrumentInfo, 1,
   27923      PyDoc_STR("(MusicComponent mc, long getInstrumentInfoFlags) -> (ComponentResult _rv, InstrumentInfoListHandle infoListH)")},
   27924     {"MusicTask", (PyCFunction)Qt_MusicTask, 1,
   27925      PyDoc_STR("(MusicComponent mc) -> (ComponentResult _rv)")},
   27926     {"MusicSetPartInstrumentNumberInterruptSafe", (PyCFunction)Qt_MusicSetPartInstrumentNumberInterruptSafe, 1,
   27927      PyDoc_STR("(MusicComponent mc, long part, long instrumentNumber) -> (ComponentResult _rv)")},
   27928     {"MusicSetPartSoundLocalization", (PyCFunction)Qt_MusicSetPartSoundLocalization, 1,
   27929      PyDoc_STR("(MusicComponent mc, long part, Handle data) -> (ComponentResult _rv)")},
   27930     {"MusicGenericConfigure", (PyCFunction)Qt_MusicGenericConfigure, 1,
   27931      PyDoc_STR("(MusicComponent mc, long mode, long flags, long baseResID) -> (ComponentResult _rv)")},
   27932     {"MusicGenericGetKnobList", (PyCFunction)Qt_MusicGenericGetKnobList, 1,
   27933      PyDoc_STR("(MusicComponent mc, long knobType) -> (ComponentResult _rv, GenericKnobDescriptionListHandle gkdlH)")},
   27934     {"MusicGenericSetResourceNumbers", (PyCFunction)Qt_MusicGenericSetResourceNumbers, 1,
   27935      PyDoc_STR("(MusicComponent mc, Handle resourceIDH) -> (ComponentResult _rv)")},
   27936     {"MusicDerivedMIDISend", (PyCFunction)Qt_MusicDerivedMIDISend, 1,
   27937      PyDoc_STR("(MusicComponent mc, MusicMIDIPacket packet) -> (ComponentResult _rv)")},
   27938     {"MusicDerivedOpenResFile", (PyCFunction)Qt_MusicDerivedOpenResFile, 1,
   27939      PyDoc_STR("(MusicComponent mc) -> (ComponentResult _rv)")},
   27940     {"MusicDerivedCloseResFile", (PyCFunction)Qt_MusicDerivedCloseResFile, 1,
   27941      PyDoc_STR("(MusicComponent mc, short resRefNum) -> (ComponentResult _rv)")},
   27942     {"NAUnregisterMusicDevice", (PyCFunction)Qt_NAUnregisterMusicDevice, 1,
   27943      PyDoc_STR("(NoteAllocator na, long index) -> (ComponentResult _rv)")},
   27944     {"NASaveMusicConfiguration", (PyCFunction)Qt_NASaveMusicConfiguration, 1,
   27945      PyDoc_STR("(NoteAllocator na) -> (ComponentResult _rv)")},
   27946     {"NAGetMIDIPorts", (PyCFunction)Qt_NAGetMIDIPorts, 1,
   27947      PyDoc_STR("(NoteAllocator na) -> (ComponentResult _rv, QTMIDIPortListHandle inputPorts, QTMIDIPortListHandle outputPorts)")},
   27948     {"NATask", (PyCFunction)Qt_NATask, 1,
   27949      PyDoc_STR("(NoteAllocator na) -> (ComponentResult _rv)")},
   27950     {"TuneSetHeader", (PyCFunction)Qt_TuneSetHeader, 1,
   27951      PyDoc_STR("(TunePlayer tp, unsigned long * header) -> (ComponentResult _rv)")},
   27952     {"TuneGetTimeBase", (PyCFunction)Qt_TuneGetTimeBase, 1,
   27953      PyDoc_STR("(TunePlayer tp) -> (ComponentResult _rv, TimeBase tb)")},
   27954     {"TuneSetTimeScale", (PyCFunction)Qt_TuneSetTimeScale, 1,
   27955      PyDoc_STR("(TunePlayer tp, TimeScale scale) -> (ComponentResult _rv)")},
   27956     {"TuneGetTimeScale", (PyCFunction)Qt_TuneGetTimeScale, 1,
   27957      PyDoc_STR("(TunePlayer tp) -> (ComponentResult _rv, TimeScale scale)")},
   27958     {"TuneInstant", (PyCFunction)Qt_TuneInstant, 1,
   27959      PyDoc_STR("(TunePlayer tp, unsigned long tunePosition) -> (ComponentResult _rv, unsigned long tune)")},
   27960     {"TuneStop", (PyCFunction)Qt_TuneStop, 1,
   27961      PyDoc_STR("(TunePlayer tp, long stopFlags) -> (ComponentResult _rv)")},
   27962     {"TuneSetVolume", (PyCFunction)Qt_TuneSetVolume, 1,
   27963      PyDoc_STR("(TunePlayer tp, Fixed volume) -> (ComponentResult _rv)")},
   27964     {"TuneGetVolume", (PyCFunction)Qt_TuneGetVolume, 1,
   27965      PyDoc_STR("(TunePlayer tp) -> (ComponentResult _rv)")},
   27966     {"TunePreroll", (PyCFunction)Qt_TunePreroll, 1,
   27967      PyDoc_STR("(TunePlayer tp) -> (ComponentResult _rv)")},
   27968     {"TuneUnroll", (PyCFunction)Qt_TuneUnroll, 1,
   27969      PyDoc_STR("(TunePlayer tp) -> (ComponentResult _rv)")},
   27970     {"TuneSetPartTranspose", (PyCFunction)Qt_TuneSetPartTranspose, 1,
   27971      PyDoc_STR("(TunePlayer tp, unsigned long part, long transpose, long velocityShift) -> (ComponentResult _rv)")},
   27972     {"TuneGetNoteAllocator", (PyCFunction)Qt_TuneGetNoteAllocator, 1,
   27973      PyDoc_STR("(TunePlayer tp) -> (NoteAllocator _rv)")},
   27974     {"TuneSetSofter", (PyCFunction)Qt_TuneSetSofter, 1,
   27975      PyDoc_STR("(TunePlayer tp, long softer) -> (ComponentResult _rv)")},
   27976     {"TuneTask", (PyCFunction)Qt_TuneTask, 1,
   27977      PyDoc_STR("(TunePlayer tp) -> (ComponentResult _rv)")},
   27978     {"TuneSetBalance", (PyCFunction)Qt_TuneSetBalance, 1,
   27979      PyDoc_STR("(TunePlayer tp, long balance) -> (ComponentResult _rv)")},
   27980     {"TuneSetSoundLocalization", (PyCFunction)Qt_TuneSetSoundLocalization, 1,
   27981      PyDoc_STR("(TunePlayer tp, Handle data) -> (ComponentResult _rv)")},
   27982     {"TuneSetHeaderWithSize", (PyCFunction)Qt_TuneSetHeaderWithSize, 1,
   27983      PyDoc_STR("(TunePlayer tp, unsigned long * header, unsigned long size) -> (ComponentResult _rv)")},
   27984     {"TuneSetPartMix", (PyCFunction)Qt_TuneSetPartMix, 1,
   27985      PyDoc_STR("(TunePlayer tp, unsigned long partNumber, long volume, long balance, long mixFlags) -> (ComponentResult _rv)")},
   27986     {"TuneGetPartMix", (PyCFunction)Qt_TuneGetPartMix, 1,
   27987      PyDoc_STR("(TunePlayer tp, unsigned long partNumber) -> (ComponentResult _rv, long volumeOut, long balanceOut, long mixFlagsOut)")},
   27988     {"AlignWindow", (PyCFunction)Qt_AlignWindow, 1,
   27989      PyDoc_STR("(WindowPtr wp, Boolean front) -> None")},
   27990     {"DragAlignedWindow", (PyCFunction)Qt_DragAlignedWindow, 1,
   27991      PyDoc_STR("(WindowPtr wp, Point startPt, Rect boundsRect) -> None")},
   27992     {"MoviesTask", (PyCFunction)Qt_MoviesTask, 1,
   27993      PyDoc_STR("(long maxMilliSecToUse) -> None")},
   27994 #endif /* APPLE_SUPPORTS_QUICKTIME */
   27995     {NULL, NULL, 0}
   27996 };
   28001 void init_Qt(void)
   28002 {
   28003     PyObject *m;
   28005     PyObject *d;
   28009         PyMac_INIT_TOOLBOX_OBJECT_NEW(Track, TrackObj_New);
   28010         PyMac_INIT_TOOLBOX_OBJECT_CONVERT(Track, TrackObj_Convert);
   28011         PyMac_INIT_TOOLBOX_OBJECT_NEW(Movie, MovieObj_New);
   28012         PyMac_INIT_TOOLBOX_OBJECT_CONVERT(Movie, MovieObj_Convert);
   28013         PyMac_INIT_TOOLBOX_OBJECT_NEW(MovieController, MovieCtlObj_New);
   28014         PyMac_INIT_TOOLBOX_OBJECT_CONVERT(MovieController, MovieCtlObj_Convert);
   28015         PyMac_INIT_TOOLBOX_OBJECT_NEW(TimeBase, TimeBaseObj_New);
   28016         PyMac_INIT_TOOLBOX_OBJECT_CONVERT(TimeBase, TimeBaseObj_Convert);
   28017         PyMac_INIT_TOOLBOX_OBJECT_NEW(UserData, UserDataObj_New);
   28018         PyMac_INIT_TOOLBOX_OBJECT_CONVERT(UserData, UserDataObj_Convert);
   28019         PyMac_INIT_TOOLBOX_OBJECT_NEW(Media, MediaObj_New);
   28020         PyMac_INIT_TOOLBOX_OBJECT_CONVERT(Media, MediaObj_Convert);
   28021 #endif /* APPLE_SUPPORTS_QUICKTIME */
   28024     m = Py_InitModule("_Qt", Qt_methods);
   28026     d = PyModule_GetDict(m);
   28027     Qt_Error = PyMac_GetOSErrException();
   28028     if (Qt_Error == NULL ||
   28029         PyDict_SetItemString(d, "Error", Qt_Error) != 0)
   28030         return;
   28031     IdleManager_Type.ob_type = &PyType_Type;
   28032     if (PyType_Ready(&IdleManager_Type) < 0) return;
   28033     Py_INCREF(&IdleManager_Type);
   28034     PyModule_AddObject(m, "IdleManager", (PyObject *)&IdleManager_Type);
   28035     /* Backward-compatible name */
   28036     Py_INCREF(&IdleManager_Type);
   28037     PyModule_AddObject(m, "IdleManagerType", (PyObject *)&IdleManager_Type);
   28038     MovieController_Type.ob_type = &PyType_Type;
   28039     if (PyType_Ready(&MovieController_Type) < 0) return;
   28040     Py_INCREF(&MovieController_Type);
   28041     PyModule_AddObject(m, "MovieController", (PyObject *)&MovieController_Type);
   28042     /* Backward-compatible name */
   28043     Py_INCREF(&MovieController_Type);
   28044     PyModule_AddObject(m, "MovieControllerType", (PyObject *)&MovieController_Type);
   28045     TimeBase_Type.ob_type = &PyType_Type;
   28046     if (PyType_Ready(&TimeBase_Type) < 0) return;
   28047     Py_INCREF(&TimeBase_Type);
   28048     PyModule_AddObject(m, "TimeBase", (PyObject *)&TimeBase_Type);
   28049     /* Backward-compatible name */
   28050     Py_INCREF(&TimeBase_Type);
   28051     PyModule_AddObject(m, "TimeBaseType", (PyObject *)&TimeBase_Type);
   28052     UserData_Type.ob_type = &PyType_Type;
   28053     if (PyType_Ready(&UserData_Type) < 0) return;
   28054     Py_INCREF(&UserData_Type);
   28055     PyModule_AddObject(m, "UserData", (PyObject *)&UserData_Type);
   28056     /* Backward-compatible name */
   28057     Py_INCREF(&UserData_Type);
   28058     PyModule_AddObject(m, "UserDataType", (PyObject *)&UserData_Type);
   28059     Media_Type.ob_type = &PyType_Type;
   28060     if (PyType_Ready(&Media_Type) < 0) return;
   28061     Py_INCREF(&Media_Type);
   28062     PyModule_AddObject(m, "Media", (PyObject *)&Media_Type);
   28063     /* Backward-compatible name */
   28064     Py_INCREF(&Media_Type);
   28065     PyModule_AddObject(m, "MediaType", (PyObject *)&Media_Type);
   28066     Track_Type.ob_type = &PyType_Type;
   28067     if (PyType_Ready(&Track_Type) < 0) return;
   28068     Py_INCREF(&Track_Type);
   28069     PyModule_AddObject(m, "Track", (PyObject *)&Track_Type);
   28070     /* Backward-compatible name */
   28071     Py_INCREF(&Track_Type);
   28072     PyModule_AddObject(m, "TrackType", (PyObject *)&Track_Type);
   28073     Movie_Type.ob_type = &PyType_Type;
   28074     if (PyType_Ready(&Movie_Type) < 0) return;
   28075     Py_INCREF(&Movie_Type);
   28076     PyModule_AddObject(m, "Movie", (PyObject *)&Movie_Type);
   28077     /* Backward-compatible name */
   28078     Py_INCREF(&Movie_Type);
   28079     PyModule_AddObject(m, "MovieType", (PyObject *)&Movie_Type);
   28080     SGOutput_Type.ob_type = &PyType_Type;
   28081     if (PyType_Ready(&SGOutput_Type) < 0) return;
   28082     Py_INCREF(&SGOutput_Type);
   28083     PyModule_AddObject(m, "SGOutput", (PyObject *)&SGOutput_Type);
   28084     /* Backward-compatible name */
   28085     Py_INCREF(&SGOutput_Type);
   28086     PyModule_AddObject(m, "SGOutputType", (PyObject *)&SGOutput_Type);
   28087 #endif /* APPLE_SUPPORTS_QUICKTIME */
   28088 }
   28090 /* ========================= End module _Qt ========================= */