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      1 // Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
      2 // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
      3 // found in the LICENSE file.
      5 #include "base/debug/activity_tracker.h"
      7 #include <algorithm>
      8 #include <limits>
      9 #include <utility>
     11 #include "base/atomic_sequence_num.h"
     12 #include "base/debug/stack_trace.h"
     13 #include "base/files/file.h"
     14 #include "base/files/file_path.h"
     15 #include "base/files/memory_mapped_file.h"
     16 #include "base/logging.h"
     17 #include "base/memory/ptr_util.h"
     18 #include "base/metrics/field_trial.h"
     19 #include "base/metrics/histogram_macros.h"
     20 #include "base/pending_task.h"
     21 #include "base/pickle.h"
     22 #include "base/process/process.h"
     23 #include "base/process/process_handle.h"
     24 #include "base/stl_util.h"
     25 #include "base/strings/string_util.h"
     26 #include "base/strings/utf_string_conversions.h"
     27 #include "base/threading/platform_thread.h"
     29 namespace base {
     30 namespace debug {
     32 namespace {
     34 // The minimum depth a stack should support.
     35 const int kMinStackDepth = 2;
     37 // The amount of memory set aside for holding arbitrary user data (key/value
     38 // pairs) globally or associated with ActivityData entries.
     39 const size_t kUserDataSize = 1 << 10;     // 1 KiB
     40 const size_t kProcessDataSize = 4 << 10;  // 4 KiB
     41 const size_t kGlobalDataSize = 16 << 10;  // 16 KiB
     42 const size_t kMaxUserDataNameLength =
     43     static_cast<size_t>(std::numeric_limits<uint8_t>::max());
     45 // A constant used to indicate that module information is changing.
     46 const uint32_t kModuleInformationChanging = 0x80000000;
     48 // The key used to record process information.
     49 const char kProcessPhaseDataKey[] = "process-phase";
     51 // An atomically incrementing number, used to check for recreations of objects
     52 // in the same memory space.
     53 StaticAtomicSequenceNumber g_next_id;
     55 union ThreadRef {
     56   int64_t as_id;
     57 #if defined(OS_WIN)
     58   // On Windows, the handle itself is often a pseudo-handle with a common
     59   // value meaning "this thread" and so the thread-id is used. The former
     60   // can be converted to a thread-id with a system call.
     61   PlatformThreadId as_tid;
     62 #elif defined(OS_POSIX)
     63   // On Posix, the handle is always a unique identifier so no conversion
     64   // needs to be done. However, it's value is officially opaque so there
     65   // is no one correct way to convert it to a numerical identifier.
     66   PlatformThreadHandle::Handle as_handle;
     67 #endif
     68 };
     70 // Gets the next non-zero identifier. It is only unique within a process.
     71 uint32_t GetNextDataId() {
     72   uint32_t id;
     73   while ((id = g_next_id.GetNext()) == 0)
     74     ;
     75   return id;
     76 }
     78 // Gets the current process-id, either from the GlobalActivityTracker if it
     79 // exists (where the PID can be defined for testing) or from the system if
     80 // there isn't such.
     81 int64_t GetProcessId() {
     82   GlobalActivityTracker* global = GlobalActivityTracker::Get();
     83   if (global)
     84     return global->process_id();
     85   return GetCurrentProcId();
     86 }
     88 // Finds and reuses a specific allocation or creates a new one.
     89 PersistentMemoryAllocator::Reference AllocateFrom(
     90     PersistentMemoryAllocator* allocator,
     91     uint32_t from_type,
     92     size_t size,
     93     uint32_t to_type) {
     94   PersistentMemoryAllocator::Iterator iter(allocator);
     95   PersistentMemoryAllocator::Reference ref;
     96   while ((ref = iter.GetNextOfType(from_type)) != 0) {
     97     DCHECK_LE(size, allocator->GetAllocSize(ref));
     98     // This can fail if a another thread has just taken it. It is assumed that
     99     // the memory is cleared during the "free" operation.
    100     if (allocator->ChangeType(ref, to_type, from_type, /*clear=*/false))
    101       return ref;
    102   }
    104   return allocator->Allocate(size, to_type);
    105 }
    107 // Determines the previous aligned index.
    108 size_t RoundDownToAlignment(size_t index, size_t alignment) {
    109   return index & (0 - alignment);
    110 }
    112 // Determines the next aligned index.
    113 size_t RoundUpToAlignment(size_t index, size_t alignment) {
    114   return (index + (alignment - 1)) & (0 - alignment);
    115 }
    117 // Converts "tick" timing into wall time.
    118 Time WallTimeFromTickTime(int64_t ticks_start, int64_t ticks, Time time_start) {
    119   return time_start + TimeDelta::FromInternalValue(ticks - ticks_start);
    120 }
    122 }  // namespace
    124 OwningProcess::OwningProcess() {}
    125 OwningProcess::~OwningProcess() {}
    127 void OwningProcess::Release_Initialize(int64_t pid) {
    128   uint32_t old_id = data_id.load(std::memory_order_acquire);
    129   DCHECK_EQ(0U, old_id);
    130   process_id = pid != 0 ? pid : GetProcessId();
    131   create_stamp = Time::Now().ToInternalValue();
    132   data_id.store(GetNextDataId(), std::memory_order_release);
    133 }
    135 void OwningProcess::SetOwningProcessIdForTesting(int64_t pid, int64_t stamp) {
    136   DCHECK_NE(0U, data_id);
    137   process_id = pid;
    138   create_stamp = stamp;
    139 }
    141 // static
    142 bool OwningProcess::GetOwningProcessId(const void* memory,
    143                                        int64_t* out_id,
    144                                        int64_t* out_stamp) {
    145   const OwningProcess* info = reinterpret_cast<const OwningProcess*>(memory);
    146   uint32_t id = info->data_id.load(std::memory_order_acquire);
    147   if (id == 0)
    148     return false;
    150   *out_id = info->process_id;
    151   *out_stamp = info->create_stamp;
    152   return id == info->data_id.load(std::memory_order_seq_cst);
    153 }
    155 // It doesn't matter what is contained in this (though it will be all zeros)
    156 // as only the address of it is important.
    157 const ActivityData kNullActivityData = {};
    159 ActivityData ActivityData::ForThread(const PlatformThreadHandle& handle) {
    160   ThreadRef thread_ref;
    161   thread_ref.as_id = 0;  // Zero the union in case other is smaller.
    162 #if defined(OS_WIN)
    163   thread_ref.as_tid = ::GetThreadId(handle.platform_handle());
    164 #elif defined(OS_POSIX)
    165   thread_ref.as_handle = handle.platform_handle();
    166 #endif
    167   return ForThread(thread_ref.as_id);
    168 }
    170 ActivityTrackerMemoryAllocator::ActivityTrackerMemoryAllocator(
    171     PersistentMemoryAllocator* allocator,
    172     uint32_t object_type,
    173     uint32_t object_free_type,
    174     size_t object_size,
    175     size_t cache_size,
    176     bool make_iterable)
    177     : allocator_(allocator),
    178       object_type_(object_type),
    179       object_free_type_(object_free_type),
    180       object_size_(object_size),
    181       cache_size_(cache_size),
    182       make_iterable_(make_iterable),
    183       iterator_(allocator),
    184       cache_values_(new Reference[cache_size]),
    185       cache_used_(0) {
    186   DCHECK(allocator);
    187 }
    189 ActivityTrackerMemoryAllocator::~ActivityTrackerMemoryAllocator() {}
    191 ActivityTrackerMemoryAllocator::Reference
    192 ActivityTrackerMemoryAllocator::GetObjectReference() {
    193   // First see if there is a cached value that can be returned. This is much
    194   // faster than searching the memory system for free blocks.
    195   while (cache_used_ > 0) {
    196     Reference cached = cache_values_[--cache_used_];
    197     // Change the type of the cached object to the proper type and return it.
    198     // If the type-change fails that means another thread has taken this from
    199     // under us (via the search below) so ignore it and keep trying. Don't
    200     // clear the memory because that was done when the type was made "free".
    201     if (allocator_->ChangeType(cached, object_type_, object_free_type_, false))
    202       return cached;
    203   }
    205   // Fetch the next "free" object from persistent memory. Rather than restart
    206   // the iterator at the head each time and likely waste time going again
    207   // through objects that aren't relevant, the iterator continues from where
    208   // it last left off and is only reset when the end is reached. If the
    209   // returned reference matches |last|, then it has wrapped without finding
    210   // anything.
    211   const Reference last = iterator_.GetLast();
    212   while (true) {
    213     uint32_t type;
    214     Reference found = iterator_.GetNext(&type);
    215     if (found && type == object_free_type_) {
    216       // Found a free object. Change it to the proper type and return it. If
    217       // the type-change fails that means another thread has taken this from
    218       // under us so ignore it and keep trying.
    219       if (allocator_->ChangeType(found, object_type_, object_free_type_, false))
    220         return found;
    221     }
    222     if (found == last) {
    223       // Wrapped. No desired object was found.
    224       break;
    225     }
    226     if (!found) {
    227       // Reached end; start over at the beginning.
    228       iterator_.Reset();
    229     }
    230   }
    232   // No free block was found so instead allocate a new one.
    233   Reference allocated = allocator_->Allocate(object_size_, object_type_);
    234   if (allocated && make_iterable_)
    235     allocator_->MakeIterable(allocated);
    236   return allocated;
    237 }
    239 void ActivityTrackerMemoryAllocator::ReleaseObjectReference(Reference ref) {
    240   // Mark object as free.
    241   bool success = allocator_->ChangeType(ref, object_free_type_, object_type_,
    242                                         /*clear=*/true);
    243   DCHECK(success);
    245   // Add this reference to our "free" cache if there is space. If not, the type
    246   // has still been changed to indicate that it is free so this (or another)
    247   // thread can find it, albeit more slowly, using the iteration method above.
    248   if (cache_used_ < cache_size_)
    249     cache_values_[cache_used_++] = ref;
    250 }
    252 // static
    253 void Activity::FillFrom(Activity* activity,
    254                         const void* program_counter,
    255                         const void* origin,
    256                         Type type,
    257                         const ActivityData& data) {
    258   activity->time_internal = base::TimeTicks::Now().ToInternalValue();
    259   activity->calling_address = reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(program_counter);
    260   activity->origin_address = reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(origin);
    261   activity->activity_type = type;
    262   activity->data = data;
    264 #if defined(SYZYASAN)
    265   // Create a stacktrace from the current location and get the addresses.
    266   StackTrace stack_trace;
    267   size_t stack_depth;
    268   const void* const* stack_addrs = stack_trace.Addresses(&stack_depth);
    269   // Copy the stack addresses, ignoring the first one (here).
    270   size_t i;
    271   for (i = 1; i < stack_depth && i < kActivityCallStackSize; ++i) {
    272     activity->call_stack[i - 1] = reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(stack_addrs[i]);
    273   }
    274   activity->call_stack[i - 1] = 0;
    275 #else
    276   activity->call_stack[0] = 0;
    277 #endif
    278 }
    280 ActivityUserData::TypedValue::TypedValue() {}
    281 ActivityUserData::TypedValue::TypedValue(const TypedValue& other) = default;
    282 ActivityUserData::TypedValue::~TypedValue() {}
    284 StringPiece ActivityUserData::TypedValue::Get() const {
    285   DCHECK_EQ(RAW_VALUE, type_);
    286   return long_value_;
    287 }
    289 StringPiece ActivityUserData::TypedValue::GetString() const {
    290   DCHECK_EQ(STRING_VALUE, type_);
    291   return long_value_;
    292 }
    294 bool ActivityUserData::TypedValue::GetBool() const {
    295   DCHECK_EQ(BOOL_VALUE, type_);
    296   return short_value_ != 0;
    297 }
    299 char ActivityUserData::TypedValue::GetChar() const {
    300   DCHECK_EQ(CHAR_VALUE, type_);
    301   return static_cast<char>(short_value_);
    302 }
    304 int64_t ActivityUserData::TypedValue::GetInt() const {
    305   DCHECK_EQ(SIGNED_VALUE, type_);
    306   return static_cast<int64_t>(short_value_);
    307 }
    309 uint64_t ActivityUserData::TypedValue::GetUint() const {
    310   DCHECK_EQ(UNSIGNED_VALUE, type_);
    311   return static_cast<uint64_t>(short_value_);
    312 }
    314 StringPiece ActivityUserData::TypedValue::GetReference() const {
    316   return ref_value_;
    317 }
    319 StringPiece ActivityUserData::TypedValue::GetStringReference() const {
    321   return ref_value_;
    322 }
    324 // These are required because std::atomic is (currently) not a POD type and
    325 // thus clang requires explicit out-of-line constructors and destructors even
    326 // when they do nothing.
    327 ActivityUserData::ValueInfo::ValueInfo() {}
    328 ActivityUserData::ValueInfo::ValueInfo(ValueInfo&&) = default;
    329 ActivityUserData::ValueInfo::~ValueInfo() {}
    330 ActivityUserData::MemoryHeader::MemoryHeader() {}
    331 ActivityUserData::MemoryHeader::~MemoryHeader() {}
    332 ActivityUserData::FieldHeader::FieldHeader() {}
    333 ActivityUserData::FieldHeader::~FieldHeader() {}
    335 ActivityUserData::ActivityUserData() : ActivityUserData(nullptr, 0, -1) {}
    337 ActivityUserData::ActivityUserData(void* memory, size_t size, int64_t pid)
    338     : memory_(reinterpret_cast<char*>(memory)),
    339       available_(RoundDownToAlignment(size, kMemoryAlignment)),
    340       header_(reinterpret_cast<MemoryHeader*>(memory)),
    341       orig_data_id(0),
    342       orig_process_id(0),
    343       orig_create_stamp(0) {
    344   // It's possible that no user data is being stored.
    345   if (!memory_)
    346     return;
    348   static_assert(0 == sizeof(MemoryHeader) % kMemoryAlignment, "invalid header");
    349   DCHECK_LT(sizeof(MemoryHeader), available_);
    350   if (header_->owner.data_id.load(std::memory_order_acquire) == 0)
    351     header_->owner.Release_Initialize(pid);
    352   memory_ += sizeof(MemoryHeader);
    353   available_ -= sizeof(MemoryHeader);
    355   // Make a copy of identifying information for later comparison.
    356   *const_cast<uint32_t*>(&orig_data_id) =
    357       header_->owner.data_id.load(std::memory_order_acquire);
    358   *const_cast<int64_t*>(&orig_process_id) = header_->owner.process_id;
    359   *const_cast<int64_t*>(&orig_create_stamp) = header_->owner.create_stamp;
    361   // If there is already data present, load that. This allows the same class
    362   // to be used for analysis through snapshots.
    363   ImportExistingData();
    364 }
    366 ActivityUserData::~ActivityUserData() {}
    368 bool ActivityUserData::CreateSnapshot(Snapshot* output_snapshot) const {
    369   DCHECK(output_snapshot);
    370   DCHECK(output_snapshot->empty());
    372   // Find any new data that may have been added by an active instance of this
    373   // class that is adding records.
    374   ImportExistingData();
    376   // Add all the values to the snapshot.
    377   for (const auto& entry : values_) {
    378     TypedValue value;
    379     const size_t size = entry.second.size_ptr->load(std::memory_order_acquire);
    380     value.type_ = entry.second.type;
    381     DCHECK_GE(entry.second.extent, size);
    383     switch (entry.second.type) {
    384       case RAW_VALUE:
    385       case STRING_VALUE:
    386         value.long_value_ =
    387             std::string(reinterpret_cast<char*>(entry.second.memory), size);
    388         break;
    389       case RAW_VALUE_REFERENCE:
    390       case STRING_VALUE_REFERENCE: {
    391         ReferenceRecord* ref =
    392             reinterpret_cast<ReferenceRecord*>(entry.second.memory);
    393         value.ref_value_ = StringPiece(
    394             reinterpret_cast<char*>(static_cast<uintptr_t>(ref->address)),
    395             static_cast<size_t>(ref->size));
    396       } break;
    397       case BOOL_VALUE:
    398       case CHAR_VALUE:
    399         value.short_value_ = *reinterpret_cast<char*>(entry.second.memory);
    400         break;
    401       case SIGNED_VALUE:
    402       case UNSIGNED_VALUE:
    403         value.short_value_ = *reinterpret_cast<uint64_t*>(entry.second.memory);
    404         break;
    405       case END_OF_VALUES:  // Included for completeness purposes.
    406         NOTREACHED();
    407     }
    408     auto inserted = output_snapshot->insert(
    409         std::make_pair(entry.second.name.as_string(), std::move(value)));
    410     DCHECK(inserted.second);  // True if inserted, false if existed.
    411   }
    413   // Another import attempt will validate that the underlying memory has not
    414   // been reused for another purpose. Entries added since the first import
    415   // will be ignored here but will be returned if another snapshot is created.
    416   ImportExistingData();
    417   if (!memory_) {
    418     output_snapshot->clear();
    419     return false;
    420   }
    422   // Successful snapshot.
    423   return true;
    424 }
    426 const void* ActivityUserData::GetBaseAddress() const {
    427   // The |memory_| pointer advances as elements are written but the |header_|
    428   // value is always at the start of the block so just return that.
    429   return header_;
    430 }
    432 void ActivityUserData::SetOwningProcessIdForTesting(int64_t pid,
    433                                                     int64_t stamp) {
    434   if (!header_)
    435     return;
    436   header_->owner.SetOwningProcessIdForTesting(pid, stamp);
    437 }
    439 // static
    440 bool ActivityUserData::GetOwningProcessId(const void* memory,
    441                                           int64_t* out_id,
    442                                           int64_t* out_stamp) {
    443   const MemoryHeader* header = reinterpret_cast<const MemoryHeader*>(memory);
    444   return OwningProcess::GetOwningProcessId(&header->owner, out_id, out_stamp);
    445 }
    447 void ActivityUserData::Set(StringPiece name,
    448                            ValueType type,
    449                            const void* memory,
    450                            size_t size) {
    451   DCHECK_GE(std::numeric_limits<uint8_t>::max(), name.length());
    452   size = std::min(std::numeric_limits<uint16_t>::max() - (kMemoryAlignment - 1),
    453                   size);
    455   // It's possible that no user data is being stored.
    456   if (!memory_)
    457     return;
    459   // The storage of a name is limited so use that limit during lookup.
    460   if (name.length() > kMaxUserDataNameLength)
    461     name.set(name.data(), kMaxUserDataNameLength);
    463   ValueInfo* info;
    464   auto existing = values_.find(name);
    465   if (existing != values_.end()) {
    466     info = &existing->second;
    467   } else {
    468     // The name size is limited to what can be held in a single byte but
    469     // because there are not alignment constraints on strings, it's set tight
    470     // against the header. Its extent (the reserved space, even if it's not
    471     // all used) is calculated so that, when pressed against the header, the
    472     // following field will be aligned properly.
    473     size_t name_size = name.length();
    474     size_t name_extent =
    475         RoundUpToAlignment(sizeof(FieldHeader) + name_size, kMemoryAlignment) -
    476         sizeof(FieldHeader);
    477     size_t value_extent = RoundUpToAlignment(size, kMemoryAlignment);
    479     // The "base size" is the size of the header and (padded) string key. Stop
    480     // now if there's not room enough for even this.
    481     size_t base_size = sizeof(FieldHeader) + name_extent;
    482     if (base_size > available_)
    483       return;
    485     // The "full size" is the size for storing the entire value.
    486     size_t full_size = std::min(base_size + value_extent, available_);
    488     // If the value is actually a single byte, see if it can be stuffed at the
    489     // end of the name extent rather than wasting kMemoryAlignment bytes.
    490     if (size == 1 && name_extent > name_size) {
    491       full_size = base_size;
    492       --name_extent;
    493       --base_size;
    494     }
    496     // Truncate the stored size to the amount of available memory. Stop now if
    497     // there's not any room for even part of the value.
    498     if (size != 0) {
    499       size = std::min(full_size - base_size, size);
    500       if (size == 0)
    501         return;
    502     }
    504     // Allocate a chunk of memory.
    505     FieldHeader* header = reinterpret_cast<FieldHeader*>(memory_);
    506     memory_ += full_size;
    507     available_ -= full_size;
    509     // Datafill the header and name records. Memory must be zeroed. The |type|
    510     // is written last, atomically, to release all the other values.
    511     DCHECK_EQ(END_OF_VALUES, header->type.load(std::memory_order_relaxed));
    512     DCHECK_EQ(0, header->value_size.load(std::memory_order_relaxed));
    513     header->name_size = static_cast<uint8_t>(name_size);
    514     header->record_size = full_size;
    515     char* name_memory = reinterpret_cast<char*>(header) + sizeof(FieldHeader);
    516     void* value_memory =
    517         reinterpret_cast<char*>(header) + sizeof(FieldHeader) + name_extent;
    518     memcpy(name_memory, name.data(), name_size);
    519     header->type.store(type, std::memory_order_release);
    521     // Create an entry in |values_| so that this field can be found and changed
    522     // later on without having to allocate new entries.
    523     StringPiece persistent_name(name_memory, name_size);
    524     auto inserted =
    525         values_.insert(std::make_pair(persistent_name, ValueInfo()));
    526     DCHECK(inserted.second);  // True if inserted, false if existed.
    527     info = &inserted.first->second;
    528     info->name = persistent_name;
    529     info->memory = value_memory;
    530     info->size_ptr = &header->value_size;
    531     info->extent = full_size - sizeof(FieldHeader) - name_extent;
    532     info->type = type;
    533   }
    535   // Copy the value data to storage. The |size| is written last, atomically, to
    536   // release the copied data. Until then, a parallel reader will just ignore
    537   // records with a zero size.
    538   DCHECK_EQ(type, info->type);
    539   size = std::min(size, info->extent);
    540   info->size_ptr->store(0, std::memory_order_seq_cst);
    541   memcpy(info->memory, memory, size);
    542   info->size_ptr->store(size, std::memory_order_release);
    543 }
    545 void ActivityUserData::SetReference(StringPiece name,
    546                                     ValueType type,
    547                                     const void* memory,
    548                                     size_t size) {
    549   ReferenceRecord rec;
    550   rec.address = reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(memory);
    551   rec.size = size;
    552   Set(name, type, &rec, sizeof(rec));
    553 }
    555 void ActivityUserData::ImportExistingData() const {
    556   // It's possible that no user data is being stored.
    557   if (!memory_)
    558     return;
    560   while (available_ > sizeof(FieldHeader)) {
    561     FieldHeader* header = reinterpret_cast<FieldHeader*>(memory_);
    562     ValueType type =
    563         static_cast<ValueType>(header->type.load(std::memory_order_acquire));
    564     if (type == END_OF_VALUES)
    565       return;
    566     if (header->record_size > available_)
    567       return;
    569     size_t value_offset = RoundUpToAlignment(
    570         sizeof(FieldHeader) + header->name_size, kMemoryAlignment);
    571     if (header->record_size == value_offset &&
    572         header->value_size.load(std::memory_order_relaxed) == 1) {
    573       value_offset -= 1;
    574     }
    575     if (value_offset + header->value_size > header->record_size)
    576       return;
    578     ValueInfo info;
    579     info.name = StringPiece(memory_ + sizeof(FieldHeader), header->name_size);
    580     info.type = type;
    581     info.memory = memory_ + value_offset;
    582     info.size_ptr = &header->value_size;
    583     info.extent = header->record_size - value_offset;
    585     StringPiece key(info.name);
    586     values_.insert(std::make_pair(key, std::move(info)));
    588     memory_ += header->record_size;
    589     available_ -= header->record_size;
    590   }
    592   // Check if memory has been completely reused.
    593   if (header_->owner.data_id.load(std::memory_order_acquire) != orig_data_id ||
    594       header_->owner.process_id != orig_process_id ||
    595       header_->owner.create_stamp != orig_create_stamp) {
    596     memory_ = nullptr;
    597     values_.clear();
    598   }
    599 }
    601 // This information is kept for every thread that is tracked. It is filled
    602 // the very first time the thread is seen. All fields must be of exact sizes
    603 // so there is no issue moving between 32 and 64-bit builds.
    604 struct ThreadActivityTracker::Header {
    605   // Defined in .h for analyzer access. Increment this if structure changes!
    606   static constexpr uint32_t kPersistentTypeId =
    607       GlobalActivityTracker::kTypeIdActivityTracker;
    609   // Expected size for 32/64-bit check.
    610   static constexpr size_t kExpectedInstanceSize =
    611       OwningProcess::kExpectedInstanceSize + Activity::kExpectedInstanceSize +
    612       72;
    614   // This information uniquely identifies a process.
    615   OwningProcess owner;
    617   // The thread-id (thread_ref.as_id) to which this data belongs. This number
    618   // is not guaranteed to mean anything but combined with the process-id from
    619   // OwningProcess is unique among all active trackers.
    620   ThreadRef thread_ref;
    622   // The start-time and start-ticks when the data was created. Each activity
    623   // record has a |time_internal| value that can be converted to a "wall time"
    624   // with these two values.
    625   int64_t start_time;
    626   int64_t start_ticks;
    628   // The number of Activity slots (spaces that can hold an Activity) that
    629   // immediately follow this structure in memory.
    630   uint32_t stack_slots;
    632   // Some padding to keep everything 64-bit aligned.
    633   uint32_t padding;
    635   // The current depth of the stack. This may be greater than the number of
    636   // slots. If the depth exceeds the number of slots, the newest entries
    637   // won't be recorded.
    638   std::atomic<uint32_t> current_depth;
    640   // A memory location used to indicate if changes have been made to the data
    641   // that would invalidate an in-progress read of its contents. The active
    642   // tracker will zero the value whenever something gets popped from the
    643   // stack. A monitoring tracker can write a non-zero value here, copy the
    644   // stack contents, and read the value to know, if it is still non-zero, that
    645   // the contents didn't change while being copied. This can handle concurrent
    646   // snapshot operations only if each snapshot writes a different bit (which
    647   // is not the current implementation so no parallel snapshots allowed).
    648   std::atomic<uint32_t> data_unchanged;
    650   // The last "exception" activity. This can't be stored on the stack because
    651   // that could get popped as things unwind.
    652   Activity last_exception;
    654   // The name of the thread (up to a maximum length). Dynamic-length names
    655   // are not practical since the memory has to come from the same persistent
    656   // allocator that holds this structure and to which this object has no
    657   // reference.
    658   char thread_name[32];
    659 };
    661 ThreadActivityTracker::Snapshot::Snapshot() {}
    662 ThreadActivityTracker::Snapshot::~Snapshot() {}
    664 ThreadActivityTracker::ScopedActivity::ScopedActivity(
    665     ThreadActivityTracker* tracker,
    666     const void* program_counter,
    667     const void* origin,
    668     Activity::Type type,
    669     const ActivityData& data)
    670     : tracker_(tracker) {
    671   if (tracker_)
    672     activity_id_ = tracker_->PushActivity(program_counter, origin, type, data);
    673 }
    675 ThreadActivityTracker::ScopedActivity::~ScopedActivity() {
    676   if (tracker_)
    677     tracker_->PopActivity(activity_id_);
    678 }
    680 void ThreadActivityTracker::ScopedActivity::ChangeTypeAndData(
    681     Activity::Type type,
    682     const ActivityData& data) {
    683   if (tracker_)
    684     tracker_->ChangeActivity(activity_id_, type, data);
    685 }
    687 ThreadActivityTracker::ThreadActivityTracker(void* base, size_t size)
    688     : header_(static_cast<Header*>(base)),
    689       stack_(reinterpret_cast<Activity*>(reinterpret_cast<char*>(base) +
    690                                          sizeof(Header))),
    691       stack_slots_(
    692           static_cast<uint32_t>((size - sizeof(Header)) / sizeof(Activity))) {
    693   DCHECK(thread_checker_.CalledOnValidThread());
    695   // Verify the parameters but fail gracefully if they're not valid so that
    696   // production code based on external inputs will not crash.  IsValid() will
    697   // return false in this case.
    698   if (!base ||
    699       // Ensure there is enough space for the header and at least a few records.
    700       size < sizeof(Header) + kMinStackDepth * sizeof(Activity) ||
    701       // Ensure that the |stack_slots_| calculation didn't overflow.
    702       (size - sizeof(Header)) / sizeof(Activity) >
    703           std::numeric_limits<uint32_t>::max()) {
    704     NOTREACHED();
    705     return;
    706   }
    708   // Ensure that the thread reference doesn't exceed the size of the ID number.
    709   // This won't compile at the global scope because Header is a private struct.
    710   static_assert(
    711       sizeof(header_->thread_ref) == sizeof(header_->thread_ref.as_id),
    712       "PlatformThreadHandle::Handle is too big to hold in 64-bit ID");
    714   // Ensure that the alignment of Activity.data is properly aligned to a
    715   // 64-bit boundary so there are no interoperability-issues across cpu
    716   // architectures.
    717   static_assert(offsetof(Activity, data) % sizeof(uint64_t) == 0,
    718                 "ActivityData.data is not 64-bit aligned");
    720   // Provided memory should either be completely initialized or all zeros.
    721   if (header_->owner.data_id.load(std::memory_order_relaxed) == 0) {
    722     // This is a new file. Double-check other fields and then initialize.
    723     DCHECK_EQ(0, header_->owner.process_id);
    724     DCHECK_EQ(0, header_->owner.create_stamp);
    725     DCHECK_EQ(0, header_->thread_ref.as_id);
    726     DCHECK_EQ(0, header_->start_time);
    727     DCHECK_EQ(0, header_->start_ticks);
    728     DCHECK_EQ(0U, header_->stack_slots);
    729     DCHECK_EQ(0U, header_->current_depth.load(std::memory_order_relaxed));
    730     DCHECK_EQ(0U, header_->data_unchanged.load(std::memory_order_relaxed));
    731     DCHECK_EQ(0, stack_[0].time_internal);
    732     DCHECK_EQ(0U, stack_[0].origin_address);
    733     DCHECK_EQ(0U, stack_[0].call_stack[0]);
    734     DCHECK_EQ(0U, stack_[0].data.task.sequence_id);
    736 #if defined(OS_WIN)
    737     header_->thread_ref.as_tid = PlatformThread::CurrentId();
    738 #elif defined(OS_POSIX)
    739     header_->thread_ref.as_handle =
    740         PlatformThread::CurrentHandle().platform_handle();
    741 #endif
    743     header_->start_time = base::Time::Now().ToInternalValue();
    744     header_->start_ticks = base::TimeTicks::Now().ToInternalValue();
    745     header_->stack_slots = stack_slots_;
    746     strlcpy(header_->thread_name, PlatformThread::GetName(),
    747             sizeof(header_->thread_name));
    749     // This is done last so as to guarantee that everything above is "released"
    750     // by the time this value gets written.
    751     header_->owner.Release_Initialize();
    753     valid_ = true;
    754     DCHECK(IsValid());
    755   } else {
    756     // This is a file with existing data. Perform basic consistency checks.
    757     valid_ = true;
    758     valid_ = IsValid();
    759   }
    760 }
    762 ThreadActivityTracker::~ThreadActivityTracker() {}
    764 ThreadActivityTracker::ActivityId ThreadActivityTracker::PushActivity(
    765     const void* program_counter,
    766     const void* origin,
    767     Activity::Type type,
    768     const ActivityData& data) {
    769   // A thread-checker creates a lock to check the thread-id which means
    770   // re-entry into this code if lock acquisitions are being tracked.
    771   DCHECK(type == Activity::ACT_LOCK_ACQUIRE ||
    772          thread_checker_.CalledOnValidThread());
    774   // Get the current depth of the stack. No access to other memory guarded
    775   // by this variable is done here so a "relaxed" load is acceptable.
    776   uint32_t depth = header_->current_depth.load(std::memory_order_relaxed);
    778   // Handle the case where the stack depth has exceeded the storage capacity.
    779   // Extra entries will be lost leaving only the base of the stack.
    780   if (depth >= stack_slots_) {
    781     // Since no other threads modify the data, no compare/exchange is needed.
    782     // Since no other memory is being modified, a "relaxed" store is acceptable.
    783     header_->current_depth.store(depth + 1, std::memory_order_relaxed);
    784     return depth;
    785   }
    787   // Get a pointer to the next activity and load it. No atomicity is required
    788   // here because the memory is known only to this thread. It will be made
    789   // known to other threads once the depth is incremented.
    790   Activity::FillFrom(&stack_[depth], program_counter, origin, type, data);
    792   // Save the incremented depth. Because this guards |activity| memory filled
    793   // above that may be read by another thread once the recorded depth changes,
    794   // a "release" store is required.
    795   header_->current_depth.store(depth + 1, std::memory_order_release);
    797   // The current depth is used as the activity ID because it simply identifies
    798   // an entry. Once an entry is pop'd, it's okay to reuse the ID.
    799   return depth;
    800 }
    802 void ThreadActivityTracker::ChangeActivity(ActivityId id,
    803                                            Activity::Type type,
    804                                            const ActivityData& data) {
    805   DCHECK(thread_checker_.CalledOnValidThread());
    806   DCHECK(type != Activity::ACT_NULL || &data != &kNullActivityData);
    807   DCHECK_LT(id, header_->current_depth.load(std::memory_order_acquire));
    809   // Update the information if it is being recorded (i.e. within slot limit).
    810   if (id < stack_slots_) {
    811     Activity* activity = &stack_[id];
    813     if (type != Activity::ACT_NULL) {
    814       DCHECK_EQ(activity->activity_type & Activity::ACT_CATEGORY_MASK,
    815                 type & Activity::ACT_CATEGORY_MASK);
    816       activity->activity_type = type;
    817     }
    819     if (&data != &kNullActivityData)
    820       activity->data = data;
    821   }
    822 }
    824 void ThreadActivityTracker::PopActivity(ActivityId id) {
    825   // Do an atomic decrement of the depth. No changes to stack entries guarded
    826   // by this variable are done here so a "relaxed" operation is acceptable.
    827   // |depth| will receive the value BEFORE it was modified which means the
    828   // return value must also be decremented. The slot will be "free" after
    829   // this call but since only a single thread can access this object, the
    830   // data will remain valid until this method returns or calls outside.
    831   uint32_t depth =
    832       header_->current_depth.fetch_sub(1, std::memory_order_relaxed) - 1;
    834   // Validate that everything is running correctly.
    835   DCHECK_EQ(id, depth);
    837   // A thread-checker creates a lock to check the thread-id which means
    838   // re-entry into this code if lock acquisitions are being tracked.
    839   DCHECK(stack_[depth].activity_type == Activity::ACT_LOCK_ACQUIRE ||
    840          thread_checker_.CalledOnValidThread());
    842   // The stack has shrunk meaning that some other thread trying to copy the
    843   // contents for reporting purposes could get bad data. That thread would
    844   // have written a non-zero value into |data_unchanged|; clearing it here
    845   // will let that thread detect that something did change. This needs to
    846   // happen after the atomic |depth| operation above so a "release" store
    847   // is required.
    848   header_->data_unchanged.store(0, std::memory_order_release);
    849 }
    851 std::unique_ptr<ActivityUserData> ThreadActivityTracker::GetUserData(
    852     ActivityId id,
    853     ActivityTrackerMemoryAllocator* allocator) {
    854   // Don't allow user data for lock acquisition as recursion may occur.
    855   if (stack_[id].activity_type == Activity::ACT_LOCK_ACQUIRE) {
    856     NOTREACHED();
    857     return MakeUnique<ActivityUserData>();
    858   }
    860   // User-data is only stored for activities actually held in the stack.
    861   if (id >= stack_slots_)
    862     return MakeUnique<ActivityUserData>();
    864   // Create and return a real UserData object.
    865   return CreateUserDataForActivity(&stack_[id], allocator);
    866 }
    868 bool ThreadActivityTracker::HasUserData(ActivityId id) {
    869   // User-data is only stored for activities actually held in the stack.
    870   return (id < stack_slots_ && stack_[id].user_data_ref);
    871 }
    873 void ThreadActivityTracker::ReleaseUserData(
    874     ActivityId id,
    875     ActivityTrackerMemoryAllocator* allocator) {
    876   // User-data is only stored for activities actually held in the stack.
    877   if (id < stack_slots_ && stack_[id].user_data_ref) {
    878     allocator->ReleaseObjectReference(stack_[id].user_data_ref);
    879     stack_[id].user_data_ref = 0;
    880   }
    881 }
    883 void ThreadActivityTracker::RecordExceptionActivity(const void* program_counter,
    884                                                     const void* origin,
    885                                                     Activity::Type type,
    886                                                     const ActivityData& data) {
    887   // A thread-checker creates a lock to check the thread-id which means
    888   // re-entry into this code if lock acquisitions are being tracked.
    889   DCHECK(thread_checker_.CalledOnValidThread());
    891   // Fill the reusable exception activity.
    892   Activity::FillFrom(&header_->last_exception, program_counter, origin, type,
    893                      data);
    895   // The data has changed meaning that some other thread trying to copy the
    896   // contents for reporting purposes could get bad data.
    897   header_->data_unchanged.store(0, std::memory_order_relaxed);
    898 }
    900 bool ThreadActivityTracker::IsValid() const {
    901   if (header_->owner.data_id.load(std::memory_order_acquire) == 0 ||
    902       header_->owner.process_id == 0 || header_->thread_ref.as_id == 0 ||
    903       header_->start_time == 0 || header_->start_ticks == 0 ||
    904       header_->stack_slots != stack_slots_ ||
    905       header_->thread_name[sizeof(header_->thread_name) - 1] != '\0') {
    906     return false;
    907   }
    909   return valid_;
    910 }
    912 bool ThreadActivityTracker::CreateSnapshot(Snapshot* output_snapshot) const {
    913   DCHECK(output_snapshot);
    915   // There is no "called on valid thread" check for this method as it can be
    916   // called from other threads or even other processes. It is also the reason
    917   // why atomic operations must be used in certain places above.
    919   // It's possible for the data to change while reading it in such a way that it
    920   // invalidates the read. Make several attempts but don't try forever.
    921   const int kMaxAttempts = 10;
    922   uint32_t depth;
    924   // Stop here if the data isn't valid.
    925   if (!IsValid())
    926     return false;
    928   // Allocate the maximum size for the stack so it doesn't have to be done
    929   // during the time-sensitive snapshot operation. It is shrunk once the
    930   // actual size is known.
    931   output_snapshot->activity_stack.reserve(stack_slots_);
    933   for (int attempt = 0; attempt < kMaxAttempts; ++attempt) {
    934     // Remember the data IDs to ensure nothing is replaced during the snapshot
    935     // operation. Use "acquire" so that all the non-atomic fields of the
    936     // structure are valid (at least at the current moment in time).
    937     const uint32_t starting_id =
    938         header_->owner.data_id.load(std::memory_order_acquire);
    939     const int64_t starting_create_stamp = header_->owner.create_stamp;
    940     const int64_t starting_process_id = header_->owner.process_id;
    941     const int64_t starting_thread_id = header_->thread_ref.as_id;
    943     // Write a non-zero value to |data_unchanged| so it's possible to detect
    944     // at the end that nothing has changed since copying the data began. A
    945     // "cst" operation is required to ensure it occurs before everything else.
    946     // Using "cst" memory ordering is relatively expensive but this is only
    947     // done during analysis so doesn't directly affect the worker threads.
    948     header_->data_unchanged.store(1, std::memory_order_seq_cst);
    950     // Fetching the current depth also "acquires" the contents of the stack.
    951     depth = header_->current_depth.load(std::memory_order_acquire);
    952     uint32_t count = std::min(depth, stack_slots_);
    953     output_snapshot->activity_stack.resize(count);
    954     if (count > 0) {
    955       // Copy the existing contents. Memcpy is used for speed.
    956       memcpy(&output_snapshot->activity_stack[0], stack_,
    957              count * sizeof(Activity));
    958     }
    960     // Capture the last exception.
    961     memcpy(&output_snapshot->last_exception, &header_->last_exception,
    962            sizeof(Activity));
    964     // TODO(bcwhite): Snapshot other things here.
    966     // Retry if something changed during the copy. A "cst" operation ensures
    967     // it must happen after all the above operations.
    968     if (!header_->data_unchanged.load(std::memory_order_seq_cst))
    969       continue;
    971     // Stack copied. Record it's full depth.
    972     output_snapshot->activity_stack_depth = depth;
    974     // Get the general thread information.
    975     output_snapshot->thread_name =
    976         std::string(header_->thread_name, sizeof(header_->thread_name) - 1);
    977     output_snapshot->create_stamp = header_->owner.create_stamp;
    978     output_snapshot->thread_id = header_->thread_ref.as_id;
    979     output_snapshot->process_id = header_->owner.process_id;
    981     // All characters of the thread-name buffer were copied so as to not break
    982     // if the trailing NUL were missing. Now limit the length if the actual
    983     // name is shorter.
    984     output_snapshot->thread_name.resize(
    985         strlen(output_snapshot->thread_name.c_str()));
    987     // If the data ID has changed then the tracker has exited and the memory
    988     // reused by a new one. Try again.
    989     if (header_->owner.data_id.load(std::memory_order_seq_cst) != starting_id ||
    990         output_snapshot->create_stamp != starting_create_stamp ||
    991         output_snapshot->process_id != starting_process_id ||
    992         output_snapshot->thread_id != starting_thread_id) {
    993       continue;
    994     }
    996     // Only successful if the data is still valid once everything is done since
    997     // it's possible for the thread to end somewhere in the middle and all its
    998     // values become garbage.
    999     if (!IsValid())
   1000       return false;
   1002     // Change all the timestamps in the activities from "ticks" to "wall" time.
   1003     const Time start_time = Time::FromInternalValue(header_->start_time);
   1004     const int64_t start_ticks = header_->start_ticks;
   1005     for (Activity& activity : output_snapshot->activity_stack) {
   1006       activity.time_internal =
   1007           WallTimeFromTickTime(start_ticks, activity.time_internal, start_time)
   1008               .ToInternalValue();
   1009     }
   1010     output_snapshot->last_exception.time_internal =
   1011         WallTimeFromTickTime(start_ticks,
   1012                              output_snapshot->last_exception.time_internal,
   1013                              start_time)
   1014             .ToInternalValue();
   1016     // Success!
   1017     return true;
   1018   }
   1020   // Too many attempts.
   1021   return false;
   1022 }
   1024 const void* ThreadActivityTracker::GetBaseAddress() {
   1025   return header_;
   1026 }
   1028 void ThreadActivityTracker::SetOwningProcessIdForTesting(int64_t pid,
   1029                                                          int64_t stamp) {
   1030   header_->owner.SetOwningProcessIdForTesting(pid, stamp);
   1031 }
   1033 // static
   1034 bool ThreadActivityTracker::GetOwningProcessId(const void* memory,
   1035                                                int64_t* out_id,
   1036                                                int64_t* out_stamp) {
   1037   const Header* header = reinterpret_cast<const Header*>(memory);
   1038   return OwningProcess::GetOwningProcessId(&header->owner, out_id, out_stamp);
   1039 }
   1041 // static
   1042 size_t ThreadActivityTracker::SizeForStackDepth(int stack_depth) {
   1043   return static_cast<size_t>(stack_depth) * sizeof(Activity) + sizeof(Header);
   1044 }
   1046 std::unique_ptr<ActivityUserData>
   1047 ThreadActivityTracker::CreateUserDataForActivity(
   1048     Activity* activity,
   1049     ActivityTrackerMemoryAllocator* allocator) {
   1050   DCHECK_EQ(0U, activity->user_data_ref);
   1052   PersistentMemoryAllocator::Reference ref = allocator->GetObjectReference();
   1053   void* memory = allocator->GetAsArray<char>(ref, kUserDataSize);
   1054   if (memory) {
   1055     std::unique_ptr<ActivityUserData> user_data =
   1056         MakeUnique<ActivityUserData>(memory, kUserDataSize);
   1057     activity->user_data_ref = ref;
   1058     activity->user_data_id = user_data->id();
   1059     return user_data;
   1060   }
   1062   // Return a dummy object that will still accept (but ignore) Set() calls.
   1063   return MakeUnique<ActivityUserData>();
   1064 }
   1066 // The instantiation of the GlobalActivityTracker object.
   1067 // The object held here will obviously not be destructed at process exit
   1068 // but that's best since PersistentMemoryAllocator objects (that underlie
   1069 // GlobalActivityTracker objects) are explicitly forbidden from doing anything
   1070 // essential at exit anyway due to the fact that they depend on data managed
   1071 // elsewhere and which could be destructed first. An AtomicWord is used instead
   1072 // of std::atomic because the latter can create global ctors and dtors.
   1073 subtle::AtomicWord GlobalActivityTracker::g_tracker_ = 0;
   1075 GlobalActivityTracker::ModuleInfo::ModuleInfo() {}
   1076 GlobalActivityTracker::ModuleInfo::ModuleInfo(ModuleInfo&& rhs) = default;
   1077 GlobalActivityTracker::ModuleInfo::ModuleInfo(const ModuleInfo& rhs) = default;
   1078 GlobalActivityTracker::ModuleInfo::~ModuleInfo() {}
   1080 GlobalActivityTracker::ModuleInfo& GlobalActivityTracker::ModuleInfo::operator=(
   1081     ModuleInfo&& rhs) = default;
   1082 GlobalActivityTracker::ModuleInfo& GlobalActivityTracker::ModuleInfo::operator=(
   1083     const ModuleInfo& rhs) = default;
   1085 GlobalActivityTracker::ModuleInfoRecord::ModuleInfoRecord() {}
   1086 GlobalActivityTracker::ModuleInfoRecord::~ModuleInfoRecord() {}
   1088 bool GlobalActivityTracker::ModuleInfoRecord::DecodeTo(
   1089     GlobalActivityTracker::ModuleInfo* info,
   1090     size_t record_size) const {
   1091   // Get the current "changes" indicator, acquiring all the other values.
   1092   uint32_t current_changes = changes.load(std::memory_order_acquire);
   1094   // Copy out the dynamic information.
   1095   info->is_loaded = loaded != 0;
   1096   info->address = static_cast<uintptr_t>(address);
   1097   info->load_time = load_time;
   1099   // Check to make sure no information changed while being read. A "seq-cst"
   1100   // operation is expensive but is only done during analysis and it's the only
   1101   // way to ensure this occurs after all the accesses above. If changes did
   1102   // occur then return a "not loaded" result so that |size| and |address|
   1103   // aren't expected to be accurate.
   1104   if ((current_changes & kModuleInformationChanging) != 0 ||
   1105       changes.load(std::memory_order_seq_cst) != current_changes) {
   1106     info->is_loaded = false;
   1107   }
   1109   // Copy out the static information. These never change so don't have to be
   1110   // protected by the atomic |current_changes| operations.
   1111   info->size = static_cast<size_t>(size);
   1112   info->timestamp = timestamp;
   1113   info->age = age;
   1114   memcpy(info->identifier, identifier, sizeof(info->identifier));
   1116   if (offsetof(ModuleInfoRecord, pickle) + pickle_size > record_size)
   1117     return false;
   1118   Pickle pickler(pickle, pickle_size);
   1119   PickleIterator iter(pickler);
   1120   return iter.ReadString(&info->file) && iter.ReadString(&info->debug_file);
   1121 }
   1123 bool GlobalActivityTracker::ModuleInfoRecord::EncodeFrom(
   1124     const GlobalActivityTracker::ModuleInfo& info,
   1125     size_t record_size) {
   1126   Pickle pickler;
   1127   bool okay =
   1128       pickler.WriteString(info.file) && pickler.WriteString(info.debug_file);
   1129   if (!okay) {
   1130     NOTREACHED();
   1131     return false;
   1132   }
   1133   if (offsetof(ModuleInfoRecord, pickle) + pickler.size() > record_size) {
   1134     NOTREACHED();
   1135     return false;
   1136   }
   1138   // These fields never changes and are done before the record is made
   1139   // iterable so no thread protection is necessary.
   1140   size = info.size;
   1141   timestamp = info.timestamp;
   1142   age = info.age;
   1143   memcpy(identifier, info.identifier, sizeof(identifier));
   1144   memcpy(pickle, pickler.data(), pickler.size());
   1145   pickle_size = pickler.size();
   1146   changes.store(0, std::memory_order_relaxed);
   1148   // Initialize the owner info.
   1149   owner.Release_Initialize();
   1151   // Now set those fields that can change.
   1152   return UpdateFrom(info);
   1153 }
   1155 bool GlobalActivityTracker::ModuleInfoRecord::UpdateFrom(
   1156     const GlobalActivityTracker::ModuleInfo& info) {
   1157   // Updates can occur after the record is made visible so make changes atomic.
   1158   // A "strong" exchange ensures no false failures.
   1159   uint32_t old_changes = changes.load(std::memory_order_relaxed);
   1160   uint32_t new_changes = old_changes | kModuleInformationChanging;
   1161   if ((old_changes & kModuleInformationChanging) != 0 ||
   1162       !changes.compare_exchange_strong(old_changes, new_changes,
   1163                                        std::memory_order_acquire,
   1164                                        std::memory_order_acquire)) {
   1165     NOTREACHED() << "Multiple sources are updating module information.";
   1166     return false;
   1167   }
   1169   loaded = info.is_loaded ? 1 : 0;
   1170   address = info.address;
   1171   load_time = Time::Now().ToInternalValue();
   1173   bool success = changes.compare_exchange_strong(new_changes, old_changes + 1,
   1174                                                  std::memory_order_release,
   1175                                                  std::memory_order_relaxed);
   1176   DCHECK(success);
   1177   return true;
   1178 }
   1180 // static
   1181 size_t GlobalActivityTracker::ModuleInfoRecord::EncodedSize(
   1182     const GlobalActivityTracker::ModuleInfo& info) {
   1183   PickleSizer sizer;
   1184   sizer.AddString(info.file);
   1185   sizer.AddString(info.debug_file);
   1187   return offsetof(ModuleInfoRecord, pickle) + sizeof(Pickle::Header) +
   1188          sizer.payload_size();
   1189 }
   1191 GlobalActivityTracker::ScopedThreadActivity::ScopedThreadActivity(
   1192     const void* program_counter,
   1193     const void* origin,
   1194     Activity::Type type,
   1195     const ActivityData& data,
   1196     bool lock_allowed)
   1197     : ThreadActivityTracker::ScopedActivity(GetOrCreateTracker(lock_allowed),
   1198                                             program_counter,
   1199                                             origin,
   1200                                             type,
   1201                                             data) {}
   1203 GlobalActivityTracker::ScopedThreadActivity::~ScopedThreadActivity() {
   1204   if (tracker_ && tracker_->HasUserData(activity_id_)) {
   1205     GlobalActivityTracker* global = GlobalActivityTracker::Get();
   1206     AutoLock lock(global->user_data_allocator_lock_);
   1207     tracker_->ReleaseUserData(activity_id_, &global->user_data_allocator_);
   1208   }
   1209 }
   1211 ActivityUserData& GlobalActivityTracker::ScopedThreadActivity::user_data() {
   1212   if (!user_data_) {
   1213     if (tracker_) {
   1214       GlobalActivityTracker* global = GlobalActivityTracker::Get();
   1215       AutoLock lock(global->user_data_allocator_lock_);
   1216       user_data_ =
   1217           tracker_->GetUserData(activity_id_, &global->user_data_allocator_);
   1218     } else {
   1219       user_data_ = MakeUnique<ActivityUserData>();
   1220     }
   1221   }
   1222   return *user_data_;
   1223 }
   1225 GlobalActivityTracker::ThreadSafeUserData::ThreadSafeUserData(void* memory,
   1226                                                               size_t size,
   1227                                                               int64_t pid)
   1228     : ActivityUserData(memory, size, pid) {}
   1230 GlobalActivityTracker::ThreadSafeUserData::~ThreadSafeUserData() {}
   1232 void GlobalActivityTracker::ThreadSafeUserData::Set(StringPiece name,
   1233                                                     ValueType type,
   1234                                                     const void* memory,
   1235                                                     size_t size) {
   1236   AutoLock lock(data_lock_);
   1237   ActivityUserData::Set(name, type, memory, size);
   1238 }
   1240 GlobalActivityTracker::ManagedActivityTracker::ManagedActivityTracker(
   1241     PersistentMemoryAllocator::Reference mem_reference,
   1242     void* base,
   1243     size_t size)
   1244     : ThreadActivityTracker(base, size),
   1245       mem_reference_(mem_reference),
   1246       mem_base_(base) {}
   1248 GlobalActivityTracker::ManagedActivityTracker::~ManagedActivityTracker() {
   1249   // The global |g_tracker_| must point to the owner of this class since all
   1250   // objects of this type must be destructed before |g_tracker_| can be changed
   1251   // (something that only occurs in tests).
   1252   DCHECK(g_tracker_);
   1253   GlobalActivityTracker::Get()->ReturnTrackerMemory(this);
   1254 }
   1256 void GlobalActivityTracker::CreateWithAllocator(
   1257     std::unique_ptr<PersistentMemoryAllocator> allocator,
   1258     int stack_depth,
   1259     int64_t process_id) {
   1260   // There's no need to do anything with the result. It is self-managing.
   1261   GlobalActivityTracker* global_tracker =
   1262       new GlobalActivityTracker(std::move(allocator), stack_depth, process_id);
   1263   // Create a tracker for this thread since it is known.
   1264   global_tracker->CreateTrackerForCurrentThread();
   1265 }
   1267 #if !defined(OS_NACL)
   1268 // static
   1269 void GlobalActivityTracker::CreateWithFile(const FilePath& file_path,
   1270                                            size_t size,
   1271                                            uint64_t id,
   1272                                            StringPiece name,
   1273                                            int stack_depth) {
   1274   DCHECK(!file_path.empty());
   1275   DCHECK_GE(static_cast<uint64_t>(std::numeric_limits<int64_t>::max()), size);
   1277   // Create and map the file into memory and make it globally available.
   1278   std::unique_ptr<MemoryMappedFile> mapped_file(new MemoryMappedFile());
   1279   bool success =
   1280       mapped_file->Initialize(File(file_path,
   1281                                    File::FLAG_CREATE_ALWAYS | File::FLAG_READ |
   1282                                    File::FLAG_WRITE | File::FLAG_SHARE_DELETE),
   1283                               {0, static_cast<int64_t>(size)},
   1284                               MemoryMappedFile::READ_WRITE_EXTEND);
   1285   DCHECK(success);
   1286   CreateWithAllocator(MakeUnique<FilePersistentMemoryAllocator>(
   1287                           std::move(mapped_file), size, id, name, false),
   1288                       stack_depth, 0);
   1289 }
   1290 #endif  // !defined(OS_NACL)
   1292 // static
   1293 void GlobalActivityTracker::CreateWithLocalMemory(size_t size,
   1294                                                   uint64_t id,
   1295                                                   StringPiece name,
   1296                                                   int stack_depth,
   1297                                                   int64_t process_id) {
   1298   CreateWithAllocator(
   1299       MakeUnique<LocalPersistentMemoryAllocator>(size, id, name), stack_depth,
   1300       process_id);
   1301 }
   1303 // static
   1304 void GlobalActivityTracker::SetForTesting(
   1305     std::unique_ptr<GlobalActivityTracker> tracker) {
   1306   CHECK(!subtle::NoBarrier_Load(&g_tracker_));
   1307   subtle::Release_Store(&g_tracker_,
   1308                         reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(tracker.release()));
   1309 }
   1311 // static
   1312 std::unique_ptr<GlobalActivityTracker>
   1313 GlobalActivityTracker::ReleaseForTesting() {
   1314   GlobalActivityTracker* tracker = Get();
   1315   if (!tracker)
   1316     return nullptr;
   1318   // Thread trackers assume that the global tracker is present for some
   1319   // operations so ensure that there aren't any.
   1320   tracker->ReleaseTrackerForCurrentThreadForTesting();
   1321   DCHECK_EQ(0, tracker->thread_tracker_count_.load(std::memory_order_relaxed));
   1323   subtle::Release_Store(&g_tracker_, 0);
   1324   return WrapUnique(tracker);
   1325 };
   1327 ThreadActivityTracker* GlobalActivityTracker::CreateTrackerForCurrentThread() {
   1328   DCHECK(!this_thread_tracker_.Get());
   1330   PersistentMemoryAllocator::Reference mem_reference;
   1332   {
   1333     base::AutoLock autolock(thread_tracker_allocator_lock_);
   1334     mem_reference = thread_tracker_allocator_.GetObjectReference();
   1335   }
   1337   if (!mem_reference) {
   1338     // Failure. This shouldn't happen. But be graceful if it does, probably
   1339     // because the underlying allocator wasn't given enough memory to satisfy
   1340     // to all possible requests.
   1341     NOTREACHED();
   1342     // Report the thread-count at which the allocator was full so that the
   1343     // failure can be seen and underlying memory resized appropriately.
   1344     UMA_HISTOGRAM_COUNTS_1000(
   1345         "ActivityTracker.ThreadTrackers.MemLimitTrackerCount",
   1346         thread_tracker_count_.load(std::memory_order_relaxed));
   1347     // Return null, just as if tracking wasn't enabled.
   1348     return nullptr;
   1349   }
   1351   // Convert the memory block found above into an actual memory address.
   1352   // Doing the conversion as a Header object enacts the 32/64-bit size
   1353   // consistency checks which would not otherwise be done. Unfortunately,
   1354   // some older compilers and MSVC don't have standard-conforming definitions
   1355   // of std::atomic which cause it not to be plain-old-data. Don't check on
   1356   // those platforms assuming that the checks on other platforms will be
   1357   // sufficient.
   1358   // TODO(bcwhite): Review this after major compiler releases.
   1359   DCHECK(mem_reference);
   1360   void* mem_base;
   1361   mem_base =
   1362       allocator_->GetAsObject<ThreadActivityTracker::Header>(mem_reference);
   1364   DCHECK(mem_base);
   1365   DCHECK_LE(stack_memory_size_, allocator_->GetAllocSize(mem_reference));
   1367   // Create a tracker with the acquired memory and set it as the tracker
   1368   // for this particular thread in thread-local-storage.
   1369   ManagedActivityTracker* tracker =
   1370       new ManagedActivityTracker(mem_reference, mem_base, stack_memory_size_);
   1371   DCHECK(tracker->IsValid());
   1372   this_thread_tracker_.Set(tracker);
   1373   int old_count = thread_tracker_count_.fetch_add(1, std::memory_order_relaxed);
   1375   UMA_HISTOGRAM_ENUMERATION("ActivityTracker.ThreadTrackers.Count",
   1376                             old_count + 1, kMaxThreadCount);
   1377   return tracker;
   1378 }
   1380 void GlobalActivityTracker::ReleaseTrackerForCurrentThreadForTesting() {
   1381   ThreadActivityTracker* tracker =
   1382       reinterpret_cast<ThreadActivityTracker*>(this_thread_tracker_.Get());
   1383   if (tracker) {
   1384     this_thread_tracker_.Set(nullptr);
   1385     delete tracker;
   1386   }
   1387 }
   1389 void GlobalActivityTracker::SetBackgroundTaskRunner(
   1390     const scoped_refptr<TaskRunner>& runner) {
   1391   AutoLock lock(global_tracker_lock_);
   1392   background_task_runner_ = runner;
   1393 }
   1395 void GlobalActivityTracker::SetProcessExitCallback(
   1396     ProcessExitCallback callback) {
   1397   AutoLock lock(global_tracker_lock_);
   1398   process_exit_callback_ = callback;
   1399 }
   1401 void GlobalActivityTracker::RecordProcessLaunch(
   1402     ProcessId process_id,
   1403     const FilePath::StringType& cmd) {
   1404   const int64_t pid = process_id;
   1405   DCHECK_NE(GetProcessId(), pid);
   1406   DCHECK_NE(0, pid);
   1408   base::AutoLock lock(global_tracker_lock_);
   1409   if (base::ContainsKey(known_processes_, pid)) {
   1410     // TODO(bcwhite): Measure this in UMA.
   1411     NOTREACHED() << "Process #" << process_id
   1412                  << " was previously recorded as \"launched\""
   1413                  << " with no corresponding exit.";
   1414     known_processes_.erase(pid);
   1415   }
   1417 #if defined(OS_WIN)
   1418   known_processes_.insert(std::make_pair(pid, UTF16ToUTF8(cmd)));
   1419 #else
   1420   known_processes_.insert(std::make_pair(pid, cmd));
   1421 #endif
   1422 }
   1424 void GlobalActivityTracker::RecordProcessLaunch(
   1425     ProcessId process_id,
   1426     const FilePath::StringType& exe,
   1427     const FilePath::StringType& args) {
   1428   const int64_t pid = process_id;
   1429   if (exe.find(FILE_PATH_LITERAL(" "))) {
   1430     RecordProcessLaunch(pid, FilePath::StringType(FILE_PATH_LITERAL("\"")) +
   1431                                  exe + FILE_PATH_LITERAL("\" ") + args);
   1432   } else {
   1433     RecordProcessLaunch(pid, exe + FILE_PATH_LITERAL(' ') + args);
   1434   }
   1435 }
   1437 void GlobalActivityTracker::RecordProcessExit(ProcessId process_id,
   1438                                               int exit_code) {
   1439   const int64_t pid = process_id;
   1440   DCHECK_NE(GetProcessId(), pid);
   1441   DCHECK_NE(0, pid);
   1443   scoped_refptr<TaskRunner> task_runner;
   1444   std::string command_line;
   1445   {
   1446     base::AutoLock lock(global_tracker_lock_);
   1447     task_runner = background_task_runner_;
   1448     auto found = known_processes_.find(pid);
   1449     if (found != known_processes_.end()) {
   1450       command_line = std::move(found->second);
   1451       known_processes_.erase(found);
   1452     } else {
   1453       DLOG(ERROR) << "Recording exit of unknown process #" << process_id;
   1454     }
   1455   }
   1457   // Use the current time to differentiate the process that just exited
   1458   // from any that might be created in the future with the same ID.
   1459   int64_t now_stamp = Time::Now().ToInternalValue();
   1461   // The persistent allocator is thread-safe so run the iteration and
   1462   // adjustments on a worker thread if one was provided.
   1463   if (task_runner && !task_runner->RunsTasksOnCurrentThread()) {
   1464     task_runner->PostTask(
   1465         FROM_HERE,
   1466         Bind(&GlobalActivityTracker::CleanupAfterProcess, Unretained(this), pid,
   1467              now_stamp, exit_code, Passed(&command_line)));
   1468     return;
   1469   }
   1471   CleanupAfterProcess(pid, now_stamp, exit_code, std::move(command_line));
   1472 }
   1474 void GlobalActivityTracker::SetProcessPhase(ProcessPhase phase) {
   1475   process_data().SetInt(kProcessPhaseDataKey, phase);
   1476 }
   1478 void GlobalActivityTracker::CleanupAfterProcess(int64_t process_id,
   1479                                                 int64_t exit_stamp,
   1480                                                 int exit_code,
   1481                                                 std::string&& command_line) {
   1482   // The process may not have exited cleanly so its necessary to go through
   1483   // all the data structures it may have allocated in the persistent memory
   1484   // segment and mark them as "released". This will allow them to be reused
   1485   // later on.
   1487   PersistentMemoryAllocator::Iterator iter(allocator_.get());
   1488   PersistentMemoryAllocator::Reference ref;
   1490   ProcessExitCallback process_exit_callback;
   1491   {
   1492     AutoLock lock(global_tracker_lock_);
   1493     process_exit_callback = process_exit_callback_;
   1494   }
   1495   if (process_exit_callback) {
   1496     // Find the processes user-data record so the process phase can be passed
   1497     // to the callback.
   1498     ActivityUserData::Snapshot process_data_snapshot;
   1499     while ((ref = iter.GetNextOfType(kTypeIdProcessDataRecord)) != 0) {
   1500       const void* memory = allocator_->GetAsArray<char>(
   1501           ref, kTypeIdProcessDataRecord, PersistentMemoryAllocator::kSizeAny);
   1502       int64_t found_id;
   1503       int64_t create_stamp;
   1504       if (ActivityUserData::GetOwningProcessId(memory, &found_id,
   1505                                                &create_stamp)) {
   1506         if (found_id == process_id && create_stamp < exit_stamp) {
   1507           const ActivityUserData process_data(const_cast<void*>(memory),
   1508                                               allocator_->GetAllocSize(ref));
   1509           process_data.CreateSnapshot(&process_data_snapshot);
   1510           break;  // No need to look for any others.
   1511         }
   1512       }
   1513     }
   1514     iter.Reset();  // So it starts anew when used below.
   1516     // Record the process's phase at exit so callback doesn't need to go
   1517     // searching based on a private key value.
   1518     ProcessPhase exit_phase = PROCESS_PHASE_UNKNOWN;
   1519     auto phase = process_data_snapshot.find(kProcessPhaseDataKey);
   1520     if (phase != process_data_snapshot.end())
   1521       exit_phase = static_cast<ProcessPhase>(phase->second.GetInt());
   1523     // Perform the callback.
   1524     process_exit_callback.Run(process_id, exit_stamp, exit_code, exit_phase,
   1525                               std::move(command_line),
   1526                               std::move(process_data_snapshot));
   1527   }
   1529   // Find all allocations associated with the exited process and free them.
   1530   uint32_t type;
   1531   while ((ref = iter.GetNext(&type)) != 0) {
   1532     switch (type) {
   1533       case kTypeIdActivityTracker:
   1534       case kTypeIdUserDataRecord:
   1535       case kTypeIdProcessDataRecord:
   1536       case ModuleInfoRecord::kPersistentTypeId: {
   1537         const void* memory = allocator_->GetAsArray<char>(
   1538             ref, type, PersistentMemoryAllocator::kSizeAny);
   1539         int64_t found_id;
   1540         int64_t create_stamp;
   1542         // By convention, the OwningProcess structure is always the first
   1543         // field of the structure so there's no need to handle all the
   1544         // cases separately.
   1545         if (OwningProcess::GetOwningProcessId(memory, &found_id,
   1546                                               &create_stamp)) {
   1547           // Only change the type to be "free" if the process ID matches and
   1548           // the creation time is before the exit time (so PID re-use doesn't
   1549           // cause the erasure of something that is in-use). Memory is cleared
   1550           // here, rather than when it's needed, so as to limit the impact at
   1551           // that critical time.
   1552           if (found_id == process_id && create_stamp < exit_stamp)
   1553             allocator_->ChangeType(ref, ~type, type, /*clear=*/true);
   1554         }
   1555       } break;
   1556     }
   1557   }
   1558 }
   1560 void GlobalActivityTracker::RecordLogMessage(StringPiece message) {
   1561   // Allocate at least one extra byte so the string is NUL terminated. All
   1562   // memory returned by the allocator is guaranteed to be zeroed.
   1563   PersistentMemoryAllocator::Reference ref =
   1564       allocator_->Allocate(message.size() + 1, kTypeIdGlobalLogMessage);
   1565   char* memory = allocator_->GetAsArray<char>(ref, kTypeIdGlobalLogMessage,
   1566                                               message.size() + 1);
   1567   if (memory) {
   1568     memcpy(memory, message.data(), message.size());
   1569     allocator_->MakeIterable(ref);
   1570   }
   1571 }
   1573 void GlobalActivityTracker::RecordModuleInfo(const ModuleInfo& info) {
   1574   AutoLock lock(modules_lock_);
   1575   auto found = modules_.find(info.file);
   1576   if (found != modules_.end()) {
   1577     ModuleInfoRecord* record = found->second;
   1578     DCHECK(record);
   1580     // Update the basic state of module information that has been already
   1581     // recorded. It is assumed that the string information (identifier,
   1582     // version, etc.) remain unchanged which means that there's no need
   1583     // to create a new record to accommodate a possibly longer length.
   1584     record->UpdateFrom(info);
   1585     return;
   1586   }
   1588   size_t required_size = ModuleInfoRecord::EncodedSize(info);
   1589   ModuleInfoRecord* record = allocator_->New<ModuleInfoRecord>(required_size);
   1590   if (!record)
   1591     return;
   1593   bool success = record->EncodeFrom(info, required_size);
   1594   DCHECK(success);
   1595   allocator_->MakeIterable(record);
   1596   modules_.insert(std::make_pair(info.file, record));
   1597 }
   1599 void GlobalActivityTracker::RecordFieldTrial(const std::string& trial_name,
   1600                                              StringPiece group_name) {
   1601   const std::string key = std::string("FieldTrial.") + trial_name;
   1602   global_data_.SetString(key, group_name);
   1603 }
   1605 GlobalActivityTracker::GlobalActivityTracker(
   1606     std::unique_ptr<PersistentMemoryAllocator> allocator,
   1607     int stack_depth,
   1608     int64_t process_id)
   1609     : allocator_(std::move(allocator)),
   1610       stack_memory_size_(ThreadActivityTracker::SizeForStackDepth(stack_depth)),
   1611       process_id_(process_id == 0 ? GetCurrentProcId() : process_id),
   1612       this_thread_tracker_(&OnTLSDestroy),
   1613       thread_tracker_count_(0),
   1614       thread_tracker_allocator_(allocator_.get(),
   1615                                 kTypeIdActivityTracker,
   1616                                 kTypeIdActivityTrackerFree,
   1617                                 stack_memory_size_,
   1618                                 kCachedThreadMemories,
   1619                                 /*make_iterable=*/true),
   1620       user_data_allocator_(allocator_.get(),
   1621                            kTypeIdUserDataRecord,
   1622                            kTypeIdUserDataRecordFree,
   1623                            kUserDataSize,
   1624                            kCachedUserDataMemories,
   1625                            /*make_iterable=*/true),
   1626       process_data_(allocator_->GetAsArray<char>(
   1627                         AllocateFrom(allocator_.get(),
   1628                                      kTypeIdProcessDataRecordFree,
   1629                                      kProcessDataSize,
   1630                                      kTypeIdProcessDataRecord),
   1631                         kTypeIdProcessDataRecord,
   1632                         kProcessDataSize),
   1633                     kProcessDataSize,
   1634                     process_id_),
   1635       global_data_(
   1636           allocator_->GetAsArray<char>(
   1637               allocator_->Allocate(kGlobalDataSize, kTypeIdGlobalDataRecord),
   1638               kTypeIdGlobalDataRecord,
   1639               kGlobalDataSize),
   1640           kGlobalDataSize,
   1641           process_id_) {
   1642   DCHECK_NE(0, process_id_);
   1644   // Ensure that there is no other global object and then make this one such.
   1645   DCHECK(!g_tracker_);
   1646   subtle::Release_Store(&g_tracker_, reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(this));
   1648   // The data records must be iterable in order to be found by an analyzer.
   1649   allocator_->MakeIterable(allocator_->GetAsReference(
   1650       process_data_.GetBaseAddress(), kTypeIdProcessDataRecord));
   1651   allocator_->MakeIterable(allocator_->GetAsReference(
   1652       global_data_.GetBaseAddress(), kTypeIdGlobalDataRecord));
   1654   // Note that this process has launched.
   1655   SetProcessPhase(PROCESS_LAUNCHED);
   1657   // Fetch and record all activated field trials.
   1658   FieldTrial::ActiveGroups active_groups;
   1659   FieldTrialList::GetActiveFieldTrialGroups(&active_groups);
   1660   for (auto& group : active_groups)
   1661     RecordFieldTrial(group.trial_name, group.group_name);
   1662 }
   1664 GlobalActivityTracker::~GlobalActivityTracker() {
   1665   DCHECK(Get() == nullptr || Get() == this);
   1666   DCHECK_EQ(0, thread_tracker_count_.load(std::memory_order_relaxed));
   1667   subtle::Release_Store(&g_tracker_, 0);
   1668 }
   1670 void GlobalActivityTracker::ReturnTrackerMemory(
   1671     ManagedActivityTracker* tracker) {
   1672   PersistentMemoryAllocator::Reference mem_reference = tracker->mem_reference_;
   1673   void* mem_base = tracker->mem_base_;
   1674   DCHECK(mem_reference);
   1675   DCHECK(mem_base);
   1677   // Remove the destructed tracker from the set of known ones.
   1678   DCHECK_LE(1, thread_tracker_count_.load(std::memory_order_relaxed));
   1679   thread_tracker_count_.fetch_sub(1, std::memory_order_relaxed);
   1681   // Release this memory for re-use at a later time.
   1682   base::AutoLock autolock(thread_tracker_allocator_lock_);
   1683   thread_tracker_allocator_.ReleaseObjectReference(mem_reference);
   1684 }
   1686 void GlobalActivityTracker::RecordExceptionImpl(const void* pc,
   1687                                                 const void* origin,
   1688                                                 uint32_t code) {
   1689   // Get an existing tracker for this thread. It's not possible to create
   1690   // one at this point because such would involve memory allocations and
   1691   // other potentially complex operations that can cause failures if done
   1692   // within an exception handler. In most cases various operations will
   1693   // have already created the tracker so this shouldn't generally be a
   1694   // problem.
   1695   ThreadActivityTracker* tracker = GetTrackerForCurrentThread();
   1696   if (!tracker)
   1697     return;
   1699   tracker->RecordExceptionActivity(pc, origin, Activity::ACT_EXCEPTION,
   1700                                    ActivityData::ForException(code));
   1701 }
   1703 // static
   1704 void GlobalActivityTracker::OnTLSDestroy(void* value) {
   1705   delete reinterpret_cast<ManagedActivityTracker*>(value);
   1706 }
   1708 ScopedActivity::ScopedActivity(const void* program_counter,
   1709                                uint8_t action,
   1710                                uint32_t id,
   1711                                int32_t info)
   1712     : GlobalActivityTracker::ScopedThreadActivity(
   1713           program_counter,
   1714           nullptr,
   1715           static_cast<Activity::Type>(Activity::ACT_GENERIC | action),
   1716           ActivityData::ForGeneric(id, info),
   1717           /*lock_allowed=*/true),
   1718       id_(id) {
   1719   // The action must not affect the category bits of the activity type.
   1720   DCHECK_EQ(0, action & Activity::ACT_CATEGORY_MASK);
   1721 }
   1723 void ScopedActivity::ChangeAction(uint8_t action) {
   1724   DCHECK_EQ(0, action & Activity::ACT_CATEGORY_MASK);
   1725   ChangeTypeAndData(static_cast<Activity::Type>(Activity::ACT_GENERIC | action),
   1726                     kNullActivityData);
   1727 }
   1729 void ScopedActivity::ChangeInfo(int32_t info) {
   1730   ChangeTypeAndData(Activity::ACT_NULL, ActivityData::ForGeneric(id_, info));
   1731 }
   1733 void ScopedActivity::ChangeActionAndInfo(uint8_t action, int32_t info) {
   1734   DCHECK_EQ(0, action & Activity::ACT_CATEGORY_MASK);
   1735   ChangeTypeAndData(static_cast<Activity::Type>(Activity::ACT_GENERIC | action),
   1736                     ActivityData::ForGeneric(id_, info));
   1737 }
   1739 ScopedTaskRunActivity::ScopedTaskRunActivity(
   1740     const void* program_counter,
   1741     const base::PendingTask& task)
   1742     : GlobalActivityTracker::ScopedThreadActivity(
   1743           program_counter,
   1744           task.posted_from.program_counter(),
   1745           Activity::ACT_TASK_RUN,
   1746           ActivityData::ForTask(task.sequence_num),
   1747           /*lock_allowed=*/true) {}
   1749 ScopedLockAcquireActivity::ScopedLockAcquireActivity(
   1750     const void* program_counter,
   1751     const base::internal::LockImpl* lock)
   1752     : GlobalActivityTracker::ScopedThreadActivity(
   1753           program_counter,
   1754           nullptr,
   1755           Activity::ACT_LOCK_ACQUIRE,
   1756           ActivityData::ForLock(lock),
   1757           /*lock_allowed=*/false) {}
   1759 ScopedEventWaitActivity::ScopedEventWaitActivity(
   1760     const void* program_counter,
   1761     const base::WaitableEvent* event)
   1762     : GlobalActivityTracker::ScopedThreadActivity(
   1763           program_counter,
   1764           nullptr,
   1765           Activity::ACT_EVENT_WAIT,
   1766           ActivityData::ForEvent(event),
   1767           /*lock_allowed=*/true) {}
   1769 ScopedThreadJoinActivity::ScopedThreadJoinActivity(
   1770     const void* program_counter,
   1771     const base::PlatformThreadHandle* thread)
   1772     : GlobalActivityTracker::ScopedThreadActivity(
   1773           program_counter,
   1774           nullptr,
   1775           Activity::ACT_THREAD_JOIN,
   1776           ActivityData::ForThread(*thread),
   1777           /*lock_allowed=*/true) {}
   1779 #if !defined(OS_NACL) && !defined(OS_IOS)
   1780 ScopedProcessWaitActivity::ScopedProcessWaitActivity(
   1781     const void* program_counter,
   1782     const base::Process* process)
   1783     : GlobalActivityTracker::ScopedThreadActivity(
   1784           program_counter,
   1785           nullptr,
   1786           Activity::ACT_PROCESS_WAIT,
   1787           ActivityData::ForProcess(process->Pid()),
   1788           /*lock_allowed=*/true) {}
   1789 #endif
   1791 }  // namespace debug
   1792 }  // namespace base