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      1 // Copyright 2015 The Shaderc Authors. All rights reserved.
      2 //
      3 // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
      4 // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
      5 // You may obtain a copy of the License at
      6 //
      7 //     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
      8 //
      9 // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
     10 // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
     11 // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
     12 // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
     13 // limitations under the License.
     15 #include "libshaderc_util/compiler.h"
     17 #include <cstdint>
     18 #include <tuple>
     20 #include "libshaderc_util/format.h"
     21 #include "libshaderc_util/io.h"
     22 #include "libshaderc_util/message.h"
     23 #include "libshaderc_util/resources.h"
     24 #include "libshaderc_util/shader_stage.h"
     25 #include "libshaderc_util/spirv_tools_wrapper.h"
     26 #include "libshaderc_util/string_piece.h"
     27 #include "libshaderc_util/version_profile.h"
     29 #include "SPIRV/GlslangToSpv.h"
     31 namespace {
     32 using shaderc_util::string_piece;
     34 // For use with glslang parsing calls.
     35 const bool kNotForwardCompatible = false;
     37 // Returns true if #line directive sets the line number for the next line in the
     38 // given version and profile.
     39 inline bool LineDirectiveIsForNextLine(int version, EProfile profile) {
     40   return profile == EEsProfile || version >= 330;
     41 }
     43 // Returns a #line directive whose arguments are line and filename.
     44 inline std::string GetLineDirective(int line, const string_piece& filename) {
     45   return "#line " + std::to_string(line) + " \"" + filename.str() + "\"\n";
     46 }
     48 // Given a canonicalized #line directive (starting exactly with "#line", using
     49 // single spaces to separate different components, and having an optional
     50 // newline at the end), returns the line number and string name/number. If no
     51 // string name/number is provided, the second element in the returned pair is an
     52 // empty string_piece. Behavior is undefined if the directive parameter is not a
     53 // canonicalized #line directive.
     54 std::pair<int, string_piece> DecodeLineDirective(string_piece directive) {
     55   const string_piece kLineDirective = "#line ";
     56   assert(directive.starts_with(kLineDirective));
     57   directive = directive.substr(kLineDirective.size());
     59   const int line = std::atoi(directive.data());
     60   const size_t space_loc = directive.find_first_of(' ');
     61   if (space_loc == string_piece::npos) return std::make_pair(line, "");
     63   directive = directive.substr(space_loc);
     64   directive = directive.strip("\" \n");
     65   return std::make_pair(line, directive);
     66 }
     68 // Returns the Glslang message rules for the given target environment,
     69 // source language, and whether we want HLSL offset rules.  We assume
     70 // only valid combinations are used.
     71 EShMessages GetMessageRules(shaderc_util::Compiler::TargetEnv env,
     72                             shaderc_util::Compiler::SourceLanguage lang,
     73                             bool hlsl_offsets) {
     74   using shaderc_util::Compiler;
     75   EShMessages result = EShMsgCascadingErrors;
     76   if (lang == Compiler::SourceLanguage::HLSL) {
     77     result = static_cast<EShMessages>(result | EShMsgReadHlsl);
     78   }
     79   switch (env) {
     80     case Compiler::TargetEnv::OpenGLCompat:
     81       break;
     82     case Compiler::TargetEnv::OpenGL:
     83       result = static_cast<EShMessages>(result | EShMsgSpvRules);
     84       break;
     85     case Compiler::TargetEnv::Vulkan:
     86       result =
     87           static_cast<EShMessages>(result | EShMsgSpvRules | EShMsgVulkanRules);
     88       break;
     89   }
     90   if (hlsl_offsets) {
     91     result = static_cast<EShMessages>(result | EShMsgHlslOffsets);
     92   }
     93   return result;
     94 }
     96 }  // anonymous namespace
     98 namespace shaderc_util {
    100 void Compiler::SetLimit(Compiler::Limit limit, int value) {
    101   switch (limit) {
    102 #define RESOURCE(NAME, FIELD, CNAME) \
    103   case Limit::NAME:                  \
    104     limits_.FIELD = value;           \
    105     break;
    106 #include "libshaderc_util/resources.inc"
    107 #undef RESOURCE
    108   }
    109 }
    111 int Compiler::GetLimit(Compiler::Limit limit) const {
    112   switch (limit) {
    113 #define RESOURCE(NAME, FIELD, CNAME) \
    114   case Limit::NAME:                  \
    115     return limits_.FIELD;
    116 #include "libshaderc_util/resources.inc"
    117 #undef RESOURCE
    118   }
    119   return 0;  // Unreachable
    120 }
    122 std::tuple<bool, std::vector<uint32_t>, size_t> Compiler::Compile(
    123     const string_piece& input_source_string, EShLanguage forced_shader_stage,
    124     const std::string& error_tag, const char* entry_point_name,
    125     const std::function<EShLanguage(std::ostream* error_stream,
    126                                     const string_piece& error_tag)>&
    127         stage_callback,
    128     CountingIncluder& includer, OutputType output_type,
    129     std::ostream* error_stream, size_t* total_warnings, size_t* total_errors,
    130     GlslangInitializer* initializer) const {
    131   // Compilation results to be returned:
    132   // Initialize the result tuple as a failed compilation. In error cases, we
    133   // should return result_tuple directly without setting its members.
    134   auto result_tuple =
    135       std::make_tuple(false, std::vector<uint32_t>(), (size_t)0u);
    136   // Get the reference of the members of the result tuple. We should set their
    137   // values for succeeded compilation before returning the result tuple.
    138   bool& succeeded = std::get<0>(result_tuple);
    139   std::vector<uint32_t>& compilation_output_data = std::get<1>(result_tuple);
    140   size_t& compilation_output_data_size_in_bytes = std::get<2>(result_tuple);
    142   auto token = initializer->Acquire();
    143   EShLanguage used_shader_stage = forced_shader_stage;
    144   const std::string macro_definitions =
    145       shaderc_util::format(predefined_macros_, "#define ", " ", "\n");
    146   const std::string pound_extension =
    147       "#extension GL_GOOGLE_include_directive : enable\n";
    148   const std::string preamble = macro_definitions + pound_extension;
    150   std::string preprocessed_shader;
    152   // If only preprocessing, we definitely need to preprocess. Otherwise, if
    153   // we don't know the stage until now, we need the preprocessed shader to
    154   // deduce the shader stage.
    155   if (output_type == OutputType::PreprocessedText ||
    156       used_shader_stage == EShLangCount) {
    157     bool success;
    158     std::string glslang_errors;
    159     std::tie(success, preprocessed_shader, glslang_errors) =
    160         PreprocessShader(error_tag, input_source_string, preamble, includer);
    162     success &= PrintFilteredErrors(error_tag, error_stream, warnings_as_errors_,
    163                                    /* suppress_warnings = */ true,
    164                                    glslang_errors.c_str(), total_warnings,
    165                                    total_errors);
    166     if (!success) return result_tuple;
    167     // Because of the behavior change of the #line directive, the #line
    168     // directive introducing each file's content must use the syntax for the
    169     // specified version. So we need to probe this shader's version and
    170     // profile.
    171     int version;
    172     EProfile profile;
    173     std::tie(version, profile) = DeduceVersionProfile(preprocessed_shader);
    174     const bool is_for_next_line = LineDirectiveIsForNextLine(version, profile);
    176     preprocessed_shader =
    177         CleanupPreamble(preprocessed_shader, error_tag, pound_extension,
    178                         includer.num_include_directives(), is_for_next_line);
    180     if (output_type == OutputType::PreprocessedText) {
    181       // Set the values of the result tuple.
    182       succeeded = true;
    183       compilation_output_data = ConvertStringToVector(preprocessed_shader);
    184       compilation_output_data_size_in_bytes = preprocessed_shader.size();
    185       return result_tuple;
    186     } else if (used_shader_stage == EShLangCount) {
    187       std::string errors;
    188       std::tie(used_shader_stage, errors) =
    189           GetShaderStageFromSourceCode(error_tag, preprocessed_shader);
    190       if (!errors.empty()) {
    191         *error_stream << errors;
    192         return result_tuple;
    193       }
    194       if (used_shader_stage == EShLangCount) {
    195         if ((used_shader_stage = stage_callback(error_stream, error_tag)) ==
    196             EShLangCount) {
    197           return result_tuple;
    198         }
    199       }
    200     }
    201   }
    203   // Parsing requires its own Glslang symbol tables.
    204   glslang::TShader shader(used_shader_stage);
    205   const char* shader_strings = input_source_string.data();
    206   const int shader_lengths = static_cast<int>(input_source_string.size());
    207   const char* string_names = error_tag.c_str();
    208   shader.setStringsWithLengthsAndNames(&shader_strings, &shader_lengths,
    209                                        &string_names, 1);
    210   shader.setPreamble(preamble.c_str());
    211   shader.setEntryPoint(entry_point_name);
    212   shader.setAutoMapBindings(auto_bind_uniforms_);
    213   const auto& bases = auto_binding_base_[static_cast<int>(used_shader_stage)];
    214   shader.setShiftImageBinding(bases[static_cast<int>(UniformKind::Image)]);
    215   shader.setShiftSamplerBinding(bases[static_cast<int>(UniformKind::Sampler)]);
    216   shader.setShiftTextureBinding(bases[static_cast<int>(UniformKind::Texture)]);
    217   shader.setShiftUboBinding(bases[static_cast<int>(UniformKind::Buffer)]);
    218   shader.setShiftSsboBinding(bases[static_cast<int>(UniformKind::StorageBuffer)]);
    219   shader.setShiftUavBinding(bases[static_cast<int>(UniformKind::UnorderedAccessView)]);
    220   shader.setHlslIoMapping(hlsl_iomap_);
    221   shader.setResourceSetBinding(
    222       hlsl_explicit_bindings_[static_cast<int>(used_shader_stage)]);
    224   // TODO(dneto): Generate source-level debug info if requested.
    225   bool success = shader.parse(
    226       &limits_, default_version_, default_profile_, force_version_profile_,
    227       kNotForwardCompatible,
    228       GetMessageRules(target_env_, source_language_, hlsl_offsets_), includer);
    230   success &= PrintFilteredErrors(error_tag, error_stream, warnings_as_errors_,
    231                                  suppress_warnings_, shader.getInfoLog(),
    232                                  total_warnings, total_errors);
    233   if (!success) return result_tuple;
    235   glslang::TProgram program;
    236   program.addShader(&shader);
    237   success = program.link(EShMsgDefault) && program.mapIO();
    238   success &= PrintFilteredErrors(error_tag, error_stream, warnings_as_errors_,
    239                                  suppress_warnings_, program.getInfoLog(),
    240                                  total_warnings, total_errors);
    241   if (!success) return result_tuple;
    243   // 'spirv' is an alias for the compilation_output_data. This alias is added
    244   // to serve as an input for the call to DissassemblyBinary.
    245   std::vector<uint32_t>& spirv = compilation_output_data;
    246   // Note the call to GlslangToSpv also populates compilation_output_data.
    247   glslang::GlslangToSpv(*program.getIntermediate(used_shader_stage), spirv);
    249   // Set the tool field (the top 16-bits) in the generator word to
    250   // 'Shaderc over Glslang'.
    251   const uint32_t shaderc_generator_word = 13; // From SPIR-V XML Registry
    252   const uint32_t generator_word_index = 2; // SPIR-V 2.3: Physical layout
    253   assert(spirv.size() > generator_word_index);
    254   spirv[generator_word_index] =
    255       (spirv[generator_word_index] & 0xffff) | (shaderc_generator_word << 16);
    257   if (!enabled_opt_passes_.empty()) {
    258     std::string opt_errors;
    259     if (!SpirvToolsOptimize(target_env_, enabled_opt_passes_, &spirv,
    260                             &opt_errors)) {
    261       *error_stream << "shaderc: internal error: compilation succeeded but "
    262                        "failed to optimize: "
    263                     << opt_errors << "\n";
    264       return result_tuple;
    265     }
    266   }
    268   if (output_type == OutputType::SpirvAssemblyText) {
    269     std::string text_or_error;
    270     if (!SpirvToolsDisassemble(target_env_, spirv, &text_or_error)) {
    271       *error_stream << "shaderc: internal error: compilation succeeded but "
    272                        "failed to disassemble: "
    273                     << text_or_error << "\n";
    274       return result_tuple;
    275     }
    276     succeeded = true;
    277     compilation_output_data = ConvertStringToVector(text_or_error);
    278     compilation_output_data_size_in_bytes = text_or_error.size();
    279     return result_tuple;
    280   } else {
    281     succeeded = true;
    282     // Note compilation_output_data is already populated in GlslangToSpv().
    283     compilation_output_data_size_in_bytes = spirv.size() * sizeof(spirv[0]);
    284     return result_tuple;
    285   }
    286 }
    288 void Compiler::AddMacroDefinition(const char* macro, size_t macro_length,
    289                                   const char* definition,
    290                                   size_t definition_length) {
    291   predefined_macros_[std::string(macro, macro_length)] =
    292       definition ? std::string(definition, definition_length) : "";
    293 }
    295 void Compiler::SetTargetEnv(Compiler::TargetEnv env) { target_env_ = env; }
    297 void Compiler::SetSourceLanguage(Compiler::SourceLanguage lang) {
    298   source_language_ = lang;
    299 }
    301 void Compiler::SetForcedVersionProfile(int version, EProfile profile) {
    302   default_version_ = version;
    303   default_profile_ = profile;
    304   force_version_profile_ = true;
    305 }
    307 void Compiler::SetWarningsAsErrors() { warnings_as_errors_ = true; }
    309 void Compiler::SetGenerateDebugInfo() {
    310   generate_debug_info_ = true;
    311   for (size_t i = 0; i < enabled_opt_passes_.size(); ++i) {
    312     if (enabled_opt_passes_[i] == PassId::kStripDebugInfo) {
    313       enabled_opt_passes_[i] = PassId::kNullPass;
    314     }
    315   }
    316 }
    318 void Compiler::SetOptimizationLevel(Compiler::OptimizationLevel level) {
    319   // Clear previous settings first.
    320   enabled_opt_passes_.clear();
    322   switch (level) {
    323     case OptimizationLevel::Size:
    324       if (!generate_debug_info_) {
    325         enabled_opt_passes_.push_back(PassId::kStripDebugInfo);
    326       }
    327       enabled_opt_passes_.push_back(PassId::kUnifyConstant);
    328       break;
    329     default:
    330       break;
    331   }
    332 }
    334 void Compiler::SetSuppressWarnings() { suppress_warnings_ = true; }
    336 std::tuple<bool, std::string, std::string> Compiler::PreprocessShader(
    337     const std::string& error_tag, const string_piece& shader_source,
    338     const string_piece& shader_preamble, CountingIncluder& includer) const {
    339   // The stage does not matter for preprocessing.
    340   glslang::TShader shader(EShLangVertex);
    341   const char* shader_strings = shader_source.data();
    342   const int shader_lengths = static_cast<int>(shader_source.size());
    343   const char* string_names = error_tag.c_str();
    344   shader.setStringsWithLengthsAndNames(&shader_strings, &shader_lengths,
    345                                        &string_names, 1);
    346   shader.setPreamble(shader_preamble.data());
    348   // The preprocessor might be sensitive to the target environment.
    349   // So combine the existing rules with the just-give-me-preprocessor-output
    350   // flag.
    351   const auto rules = static_cast<EShMessages>(
    352       EShMsgOnlyPreprocessor |
    353       GetMessageRules(target_env_, source_language_, hlsl_offsets_));
    355   std::string preprocessed_shader;
    356   const bool success = shader.preprocess(
    357       &limits_, default_version_, default_profile_, force_version_profile_,
    358       kNotForwardCompatible, rules, &preprocessed_shader, includer);
    360   if (success) {
    361     return std::make_tuple(true, preprocessed_shader, shader.getInfoLog());
    362   }
    363   return std::make_tuple(false, "", shader.getInfoLog());
    364 }
    366 std::string Compiler::CleanupPreamble(const string_piece& preprocessed_shader,
    367                                       const string_piece& error_tag,
    368                                       const string_piece& pound_extension,
    369                                       int num_include_directives,
    370                                       bool is_for_next_line) const {
    371   // Those #define directives in preamble will become empty lines after
    372   // preprocessing. We also injected an #extension directive to turn on #include
    373   // directive support. In the original preprocessing output from glslang, it
    374   // appears before the user source string. We need to do proper adjustment:
    375   // * Remove empty lines generated from #define directives in preamble.
    376   // * If there is no #include directive in the source code, we do not need to
    377   //   output the injected #extension directive. Otherwise,
    378   // * If there exists a #version directive in the source code, it should be
    379   //   placed at the first line. Its original line will be filled with an empty
    380   //   line as placeholder to maintain the code structure.
    382   const std::vector<string_piece> lines =
    383       preprocessed_shader.get_fields('\n', /* keep_delimiter = */ true);
    385   std::ostringstream output_stream;
    387   size_t pound_extension_index = lines.size();
    388   size_t pound_version_index = lines.size();
    389   for (size_t i = 0; i < lines.size(); ++i) {
    390     if (lines[i] == pound_extension) {
    391       pound_extension_index = std::min(i, pound_extension_index);
    392     } else if (lines[i].starts_with("#version")) {
    393       // In a preprocessed shader, directives are in a canonical format, so we
    394       // can confidently compare to '#version' verbatim, without worrying about
    395       // whitespace.
    396       pound_version_index = i;
    397       if (num_include_directives > 0) output_stream << lines[i];
    398       break;
    399     }
    400   }
    401   // We know that #extension directive exists and appears before #version
    402   // directive (if any).
    403   assert(pound_extension_index < lines.size());
    405   for (size_t i = 0; i < pound_extension_index; ++i) {
    406     // All empty lines before the #line directive we injected are generated by
    407     // preprocessing preamble. Do not output them.
    408     if (lines[i].strip_whitespace().empty()) continue;
    409     output_stream << lines[i];
    410   }
    412   if (num_include_directives > 0) {
    413     output_stream << pound_extension;
    414     // Also output a #line directive for the main file.
    415     output_stream << GetLineDirective(is_for_next_line, error_tag);
    416   }
    418   for (size_t i = pound_extension_index + 1; i < lines.size(); ++i) {
    419     if (i == pound_version_index) {
    420       if (num_include_directives > 0) {
    421         output_stream << "\n";
    422       } else {
    423         output_stream << lines[i];
    424       }
    425     } else {
    426       output_stream << lines[i];
    427     }
    428   }
    430   return output_stream.str();
    431 }
    433 std::pair<EShLanguage, std::string> Compiler::GetShaderStageFromSourceCode(
    434     string_piece filename, const std::string& preprocessed_shader) const {
    435   const string_piece kPragmaShaderStageDirective = "#pragma shader_stage";
    436   const string_piece kLineDirective = "#line";
    438   int version;
    439   EProfile profile;
    440   std::tie(version, profile) = DeduceVersionProfile(preprocessed_shader);
    441   const bool is_for_next_line = LineDirectiveIsForNextLine(version, profile);
    443   std::vector<string_piece> lines =
    444       string_piece(preprocessed_shader).get_fields('\n');
    445   // The filename, logical line number (which starts from 1 and is sensitive to
    446   // #line directives), and stage value for #pragma shader_stage() directives.
    447   std::vector<std::tuple<string_piece, size_t, string_piece>> stages;
    448   // The physical line numbers of the first #pragma shader_stage() line and
    449   // first non-preprocessing line in the preprocessed shader text.
    450   size_t first_pragma_physical_line = lines.size() + 1;
    451   size_t first_non_pp_line = lines.size() + 1;
    453   for (size_t i = 0, logical_line_no = 1; i < lines.size(); ++i) {
    454     const string_piece current_line = lines[i].strip_whitespace();
    455     if (current_line.starts_with(kPragmaShaderStageDirective)) {
    456       const string_piece stage_value =
    457           current_line.substr(kPragmaShaderStageDirective.size()).strip("()");
    458       stages.emplace_back(filename, logical_line_no, stage_value);
    459       first_pragma_physical_line = std::min(first_pragma_physical_line, i + 1);
    460     } else if (!current_line.empty() && !current_line.starts_with("#")) {
    461       first_non_pp_line = std::min(first_non_pp_line, i + 1);
    462     }
    464     // Update logical line number for the next line.
    465     if (current_line.starts_with(kLineDirective)) {
    466       string_piece name;
    467       std::tie(logical_line_no, name) = DecodeLineDirective(current_line);
    468       if (!name.empty()) filename = name;
    469       // Note that for core profile, the meaning of #line changed since version
    470       // 330. The line number given by #line used to mean the logical line
    471       // number of the #line line. Now it means the logical line number of the
    472       // next line after the #line line.
    473       if (!is_for_next_line) ++logical_line_no;
    474     } else {
    475       ++logical_line_no;
    476     }
    477   }
    478   if (stages.empty()) return std::make_pair(EShLangCount, "");
    480   std::string error_message;
    482   const string_piece& first_pragma_filename = std::get<0>(stages[0]);
    483   const std::string first_pragma_line = std::to_string(std::get<1>(stages[0]));
    484   const string_piece& first_pragma_stage = std::get<2>(stages[0]);
    486   if (first_pragma_physical_line > first_non_pp_line) {
    487     error_message += first_pragma_filename.str() + ":" + first_pragma_line +
    488                      ": error: '#pragma': the first 'shader_stage' #pragma "
    489                      "must appear before any non-preprocessing code\n";
    490   }
    492   EShLanguage stage = MapStageNameToLanguage(first_pragma_stage);
    493   if (stage == EShLangCount) {
    494     error_message +=
    495         first_pragma_filename.str() + ":" + first_pragma_line +
    496         ": error: '#pragma': invalid stage for 'shader_stage' #pragma: '" +
    497         first_pragma_stage.str() + "'\n";
    498   }
    500   for (size_t i = 1; i < stages.size(); ++i) {
    501     const string_piece& current_stage = std::get<2>(stages[i]);
    502     if (current_stage != first_pragma_stage) {
    503       const string_piece& current_filename = std::get<0>(stages[i]);
    504       const std::string current_line = std::to_string(std::get<1>(stages[i]));
    505       error_message += current_filename.str() + ":" + current_line +
    506                        ": error: '#pragma': conflicting stages for "
    507                        "'shader_stage' #pragma: '" +
    508                        current_stage.str() + "' (was '" +
    509                        first_pragma_stage.str() + "' at " +
    510                        first_pragma_filename.str() + ":" + first_pragma_line +
    511                        ")\n";
    512     }
    513   }
    515   return std::make_pair(error_message.empty() ? stage : EShLangCount,
    516                         error_message);
    517 }
    519 std::pair<int, EProfile> Compiler::DeduceVersionProfile(
    520     const std::string& preprocessed_shader) const {
    521   int version = default_version_;
    522   EProfile profile = default_profile_;
    523   if (!force_version_profile_) {
    524     std::tie(version, profile) =
    525         GetVersionProfileFromSourceCode(preprocessed_shader);
    526     if (version == 0 && profile == ENoProfile) {
    527       version = default_version_;
    528       profile = default_profile_;
    529     }
    530   }
    531   return std::make_pair(version, profile);
    532 }
    534 std::pair<int, EProfile> Compiler::GetVersionProfileFromSourceCode(
    535     const std::string& preprocessed_shader) const {
    536   string_piece pound_version = preprocessed_shader;
    537   const size_t pound_version_loc = pound_version.find("#version");
    538   if (pound_version_loc == string_piece::npos) {
    539     return std::make_pair(0, ENoProfile);
    540   }
    541   pound_version =
    542       pound_version.substr(pound_version_loc + std::strlen("#version"));
    543   pound_version = pound_version.substr(0, pound_version.find_first_of("\n"));
    545   std::string version_profile;
    546   for (const auto character : pound_version) {
    547     if (character != ' ') version_profile += character;
    548   }
    550   int version;
    551   EProfile profile;
    552   if (!ParseVersionProfile(version_profile, &version, &profile)) {
    553     return std::make_pair(0, ENoProfile);
    554   }
    555   return std::make_pair(version, profile);
    556 }
    558 // Converts a string to a vector of uint32_t by copying the content of a given
    559 // string to a vector<uint32_t> and returns it. Appends '\0' at the end if extra
    560 // bytes are required to complete the last element.
    561 std::vector<uint32_t> ConvertStringToVector(const std::string& str) {
    562   size_t num_bytes_str = str.size() + 1u;
    563   size_t vector_length =
    564       (num_bytes_str + sizeof(uint32_t) - 1) / sizeof(uint32_t);
    565   std::vector<uint32_t> result_vec(vector_length, 0);
    566   std::strncpy(reinterpret_cast<char*>(result_vec.data()), str.c_str(),
    567                str.size());
    568   return result_vec;
    569 }
    571 }  // namesapce shaderc_util