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      1 /*
      2  * libjingle
      3  * Copyright 2004 Google Inc.
      4  *
      5  * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
      6  * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
      7  *
      8  *  1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice,
      9  *     this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
     10  *  2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice,
     11  *     this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation
     12  *     and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
     13  *  3. The name of the author may not be used to endorse or promote products
     14  *     derived from this software without specific prior written permission.
     15  *
     26  */
     31 #include <string>
     32 #include <vector>
     34 #include "talk/media/base/codec.h"
     35 #include "talk/media/base/constants.h"
     36 #include "talk/media/base/streamparams.h"
     37 #include "webrtc/base/basictypes.h"
     38 #include "webrtc/base/buffer.h"
     39 #include "webrtc/base/dscp.h"
     40 #include "webrtc/base/logging.h"
     41 #include "webrtc/base/optional.h"
     42 #include "webrtc/base/sigslot.h"
     43 #include "webrtc/base/socket.h"
     44 #include "webrtc/base/window.h"
     45 // TODO(juberti): re-evaluate this include
     46 #include "talk/session/media/audiomonitor.h"
     48 namespace rtc {
     49 class Buffer;
     50 class RateLimiter;
     51 class Timing;
     52 }
     54 namespace webrtc {
     55 class AudioSinkInterface;
     56 }
     58 namespace cricket {
     60 class AudioRenderer;
     61 class ScreencastId;
     62 class VideoCapturer;
     63 class VideoRenderer;
     64 struct RtpHeader;
     65 struct VideoFormat;
     67 const int kMinRtpHeaderExtensionId = 1;
     68 const int kMaxRtpHeaderExtensionId = 255;
     69 const int kScreencastDefaultFps = 5;
     71 template <class T>
     72 static std::string ToStringIfSet(const char* key, const rtc::Optional<T>& val) {
     73   std::string str;
     74   if (val) {
     75     str = key;
     76     str += ": ";
     77     str += val ? rtc::ToString(*val) : "";
     78     str += ", ";
     79   }
     80   return str;
     81 }
     83 template <class T>
     84 static std::string VectorToString(const std::vector<T>& vals) {
     85     std::ostringstream ost;
     86     ost << "[";
     87     for (size_t i = 0; i < vals.size(); ++i) {
     88       if (i > 0) {
     89         ost << ", ";
     90       }
     91       ost << vals[i].ToString();
     92     }
     93     ost << "]";
     94     return ost.str();
     95 }
     97 // Options that can be applied to a VoiceMediaChannel or a VoiceMediaEngine.
     98 // Used to be flags, but that makes it hard to selectively apply options.
     99 // We are moving all of the setting of options to structs like this,
    100 // but some things currently still use flags.
    101 struct AudioOptions {
    102   void SetAll(const AudioOptions& change) {
    103     SetFrom(&echo_cancellation, change.echo_cancellation);
    104     SetFrom(&auto_gain_control, change.auto_gain_control);
    105     SetFrom(&noise_suppression, change.noise_suppression);
    106     SetFrom(&highpass_filter, change.highpass_filter);
    107     SetFrom(&stereo_swapping, change.stereo_swapping);
    108     SetFrom(&audio_jitter_buffer_max_packets,
    109             change.audio_jitter_buffer_max_packets);
    110     SetFrom(&audio_jitter_buffer_fast_accelerate,
    111             change.audio_jitter_buffer_fast_accelerate);
    112     SetFrom(&typing_detection, change.typing_detection);
    113     SetFrom(&aecm_generate_comfort_noise, change.aecm_generate_comfort_noise);
    114     SetFrom(&conference_mode, change.conference_mode);
    115     SetFrom(&adjust_agc_delta, change.adjust_agc_delta);
    116     SetFrom(&experimental_agc, change.experimental_agc);
    117     SetFrom(&extended_filter_aec, change.extended_filter_aec);
    118     SetFrom(&delay_agnostic_aec, change.delay_agnostic_aec);
    119     SetFrom(&experimental_ns, change.experimental_ns);
    120     SetFrom(&aec_dump, change.aec_dump);
    121     SetFrom(&tx_agc_target_dbov, change.tx_agc_target_dbov);
    122     SetFrom(&tx_agc_digital_compression_gain,
    123             change.tx_agc_digital_compression_gain);
    124     SetFrom(&tx_agc_limiter, change.tx_agc_limiter);
    125     SetFrom(&recording_sample_rate, change.recording_sample_rate);
    126     SetFrom(&playout_sample_rate, change.playout_sample_rate);
    127     SetFrom(&dscp, change.dscp);
    128     SetFrom(&combined_audio_video_bwe, change.combined_audio_video_bwe);
    129   }
    131   bool operator==(const AudioOptions& o) const {
    132     return echo_cancellation == o.echo_cancellation &&
    133         auto_gain_control == o.auto_gain_control &&
    134         noise_suppression == o.noise_suppression &&
    135         highpass_filter == o.highpass_filter &&
    136         stereo_swapping == o.stereo_swapping &&
    137         audio_jitter_buffer_max_packets == o.audio_jitter_buffer_max_packets &&
    138         audio_jitter_buffer_fast_accelerate ==
    139             o.audio_jitter_buffer_fast_accelerate &&
    140         typing_detection == o.typing_detection &&
    141         aecm_generate_comfort_noise == o.aecm_generate_comfort_noise &&
    142         conference_mode == o.conference_mode &&
    143         experimental_agc == o.experimental_agc &&
    144         extended_filter_aec == o.extended_filter_aec &&
    145         delay_agnostic_aec == o.delay_agnostic_aec &&
    146         experimental_ns == o.experimental_ns &&
    147         adjust_agc_delta == o.adjust_agc_delta &&
    148         aec_dump == o.aec_dump &&
    149         tx_agc_target_dbov == o.tx_agc_target_dbov &&
    150         tx_agc_digital_compression_gain == o.tx_agc_digital_compression_gain &&
    151         tx_agc_limiter == o.tx_agc_limiter &&
    152         recording_sample_rate == o.recording_sample_rate &&
    153         playout_sample_rate == o.playout_sample_rate &&
    154         dscp == o.dscp &&
    155         combined_audio_video_bwe == o.combined_audio_video_bwe;
    156   }
    158   std::string ToString() const {
    159     std::ostringstream ost;
    160     ost << "AudioOptions {";
    161     ost << ToStringIfSet("aec", echo_cancellation);
    162     ost << ToStringIfSet("agc", auto_gain_control);
    163     ost << ToStringIfSet("ns", noise_suppression);
    164     ost << ToStringIfSet("hf", highpass_filter);
    165     ost << ToStringIfSet("swap", stereo_swapping);
    166     ost << ToStringIfSet("audio_jitter_buffer_max_packets",
    167                          audio_jitter_buffer_max_packets);
    168     ost << ToStringIfSet("audio_jitter_buffer_fast_accelerate",
    169                          audio_jitter_buffer_fast_accelerate);
    170     ost << ToStringIfSet("typing", typing_detection);
    171     ost << ToStringIfSet("comfort_noise", aecm_generate_comfort_noise);
    172     ost << ToStringIfSet("conference", conference_mode);
    173     ost << ToStringIfSet("agc_delta", adjust_agc_delta);
    174     ost << ToStringIfSet("experimental_agc", experimental_agc);
    175     ost << ToStringIfSet("extended_filter_aec", extended_filter_aec);
    176     ost << ToStringIfSet("delay_agnostic_aec", delay_agnostic_aec);
    177     ost << ToStringIfSet("experimental_ns", experimental_ns);
    178     ost << ToStringIfSet("aec_dump", aec_dump);
    179     ost << ToStringIfSet("tx_agc_target_dbov", tx_agc_target_dbov);
    180     ost << ToStringIfSet("tx_agc_digital_compression_gain",
    181         tx_agc_digital_compression_gain);
    182     ost << ToStringIfSet("tx_agc_limiter", tx_agc_limiter);
    183     ost << ToStringIfSet("recording_sample_rate", recording_sample_rate);
    184     ost << ToStringIfSet("playout_sample_rate", playout_sample_rate);
    185     ost << ToStringIfSet("dscp", dscp);
    186     ost << ToStringIfSet("combined_audio_video_bwe", combined_audio_video_bwe);
    187     ost << "}";
    188     return ost.str();
    189   }
    191   // Audio processing that attempts to filter away the output signal from
    192   // later inbound pickup.
    193   rtc::Optional<bool> echo_cancellation;
    194   // Audio processing to adjust the sensitivity of the local mic dynamically.
    195   rtc::Optional<bool> auto_gain_control;
    196   // Audio processing to filter out background noise.
    197   rtc::Optional<bool> noise_suppression;
    198   // Audio processing to remove background noise of lower frequencies.
    199   rtc::Optional<bool> highpass_filter;
    200   // Audio processing to swap the left and right channels.
    201   rtc::Optional<bool> stereo_swapping;
    202   // Audio receiver jitter buffer (NetEq) max capacity in number of packets.
    203   rtc::Optional<int> audio_jitter_buffer_max_packets;
    204   // Audio receiver jitter buffer (NetEq) fast accelerate mode.
    205   rtc::Optional<bool> audio_jitter_buffer_fast_accelerate;
    206   // Audio processing to detect typing.
    207   rtc::Optional<bool> typing_detection;
    208   rtc::Optional<bool> aecm_generate_comfort_noise;
    209   rtc::Optional<bool> conference_mode;
    210   rtc::Optional<int> adjust_agc_delta;
    211   rtc::Optional<bool> experimental_agc;
    212   rtc::Optional<bool> extended_filter_aec;
    213   rtc::Optional<bool> delay_agnostic_aec;
    214   rtc::Optional<bool> experimental_ns;
    215   rtc::Optional<bool> aec_dump;
    216   // Note that tx_agc_* only applies to non-experimental AGC.
    217   rtc::Optional<uint16_t> tx_agc_target_dbov;
    218   rtc::Optional<uint16_t> tx_agc_digital_compression_gain;
    219   rtc::Optional<bool> tx_agc_limiter;
    220   rtc::Optional<uint32_t> recording_sample_rate;
    221   rtc::Optional<uint32_t> playout_sample_rate;
    222   // Set DSCP value for packet sent from audio channel.
    223   rtc::Optional<bool> dscp;
    224   // Enable combined audio+bandwidth BWE.
    225   rtc::Optional<bool> combined_audio_video_bwe;
    227  private:
    228   template <typename T>
    229   static void SetFrom(rtc::Optional<T>* s, const rtc::Optional<T>& o) {
    230     if (o) {
    231       *s = o;
    232     }
    233   }
    234 };
    236 // Options that can be applied to a VideoMediaChannel or a VideoMediaEngine.
    237 // Used to be flags, but that makes it hard to selectively apply options.
    238 // We are moving all of the setting of options to structs like this,
    239 // but some things currently still use flags.
    240 struct VideoOptions {
    241   VideoOptions()
    242       : process_adaptation_threshhold(kProcessCpuThreshold),
    243         system_low_adaptation_threshhold(kLowSystemCpuThreshold),
    244         system_high_adaptation_threshhold(kHighSystemCpuThreshold),
    245         unsignalled_recv_stream_limit(kNumDefaultUnsignalledVideoRecvStreams) {}
    247   void SetAll(const VideoOptions& change) {
    248     SetFrom(&adapt_input_to_cpu_usage, change.adapt_input_to_cpu_usage);
    249     SetFrom(&adapt_cpu_with_smoothing, change.adapt_cpu_with_smoothing);
    250     SetFrom(&video_adapt_third, change.video_adapt_third);
    251     SetFrom(&video_noise_reduction, change.video_noise_reduction);
    252     SetFrom(&video_start_bitrate, change.video_start_bitrate);
    253     SetFrom(&cpu_overuse_detection, change.cpu_overuse_detection);
    254     SetFrom(&cpu_underuse_threshold, change.cpu_underuse_threshold);
    255     SetFrom(&cpu_overuse_threshold, change.cpu_overuse_threshold);
    256     SetFrom(&cpu_underuse_encode_rsd_threshold,
    257             change.cpu_underuse_encode_rsd_threshold);
    258     SetFrom(&cpu_overuse_encode_rsd_threshold,
    259             change.cpu_overuse_encode_rsd_threshold);
    260     SetFrom(&cpu_overuse_encode_usage, change.cpu_overuse_encode_usage);
    261     SetFrom(&conference_mode, change.conference_mode);
    262     SetFrom(&process_adaptation_threshhold,
    263             change.process_adaptation_threshhold);
    264     SetFrom(&system_low_adaptation_threshhold,
    265             change.system_low_adaptation_threshhold);
    266     SetFrom(&system_high_adaptation_threshhold,
    267             change.system_high_adaptation_threshhold);
    268     SetFrom(&dscp, change.dscp);
    269     SetFrom(&suspend_below_min_bitrate, change.suspend_below_min_bitrate);
    270     SetFrom(&unsignalled_recv_stream_limit,
    271             change.unsignalled_recv_stream_limit);
    272     SetFrom(&use_simulcast_adapter, change.use_simulcast_adapter);
    273     SetFrom(&screencast_min_bitrate, change.screencast_min_bitrate);
    274     SetFrom(&disable_prerenderer_smoothing,
    275             change.disable_prerenderer_smoothing);
    276   }
    278   bool operator==(const VideoOptions& o) const {
    279     return adapt_input_to_cpu_usage == o.adapt_input_to_cpu_usage &&
    280            adapt_cpu_with_smoothing == o.adapt_cpu_with_smoothing &&
    281            video_adapt_third == o.video_adapt_third &&
    282            video_noise_reduction == o.video_noise_reduction &&
    283            video_start_bitrate == o.video_start_bitrate &&
    284            cpu_overuse_detection == o.cpu_overuse_detection &&
    285            cpu_underuse_threshold == o.cpu_underuse_threshold &&
    286            cpu_overuse_threshold == o.cpu_overuse_threshold &&
    287            cpu_underuse_encode_rsd_threshold ==
    288                o.cpu_underuse_encode_rsd_threshold &&
    289            cpu_overuse_encode_rsd_threshold ==
    290                o.cpu_overuse_encode_rsd_threshold &&
    291            cpu_overuse_encode_usage == o.cpu_overuse_encode_usage &&
    292            conference_mode == o.conference_mode &&
    293            process_adaptation_threshhold == o.process_adaptation_threshhold &&
    294            system_low_adaptation_threshhold ==
    295                o.system_low_adaptation_threshhold &&
    296            system_high_adaptation_threshhold ==
    297                o.system_high_adaptation_threshhold &&
    298            dscp == o.dscp &&
    299            suspend_below_min_bitrate == o.suspend_below_min_bitrate &&
    300            unsignalled_recv_stream_limit == o.unsignalled_recv_stream_limit &&
    301            use_simulcast_adapter == o.use_simulcast_adapter &&
    302            screencast_min_bitrate == o.screencast_min_bitrate &&
    303            disable_prerenderer_smoothing == o.disable_prerenderer_smoothing;
    304   }
    306   std::string ToString() const {
    307     std::ostringstream ost;
    308     ost << "VideoOptions {";
    309     ost << ToStringIfSet("cpu adaption", adapt_input_to_cpu_usage);
    310     ost << ToStringIfSet("cpu adaptation smoothing", adapt_cpu_with_smoothing);
    311     ost << ToStringIfSet("video adapt third", video_adapt_third);
    312     ost << ToStringIfSet("noise reduction", video_noise_reduction);
    313     ost << ToStringIfSet("start bitrate", video_start_bitrate);
    314     ost << ToStringIfSet("cpu overuse detection", cpu_overuse_detection);
    315     ost << ToStringIfSet("cpu underuse threshold", cpu_underuse_threshold);
    316     ost << ToStringIfSet("cpu overuse threshold", cpu_overuse_threshold);
    317     ost << ToStringIfSet("cpu underuse encode rsd threshold",
    318                          cpu_underuse_encode_rsd_threshold);
    319     ost << ToStringIfSet("cpu overuse encode rsd threshold",
    320                          cpu_overuse_encode_rsd_threshold);
    321     ost << ToStringIfSet("cpu overuse encode usage",
    322                          cpu_overuse_encode_usage);
    323     ost << ToStringIfSet("conference mode", conference_mode);
    324     ost << ToStringIfSet("process", process_adaptation_threshhold);
    325     ost << ToStringIfSet("low", system_low_adaptation_threshhold);
    326     ost << ToStringIfSet("high", system_high_adaptation_threshhold);
    327     ost << ToStringIfSet("dscp", dscp);
    328     ost << ToStringIfSet("suspend below min bitrate",
    329                          suspend_below_min_bitrate);
    330     ost << ToStringIfSet("num channels for early receive",
    331                          unsignalled_recv_stream_limit);
    332     ost << ToStringIfSet("use simulcast adapter", use_simulcast_adapter);
    333     ost << ToStringIfSet("screencast min bitrate", screencast_min_bitrate);
    334     ost << "}";
    335     return ost.str();
    336   }
    338   // Enable CPU adaptation?
    339   rtc::Optional<bool> adapt_input_to_cpu_usage;
    340   // Enable CPU adaptation smoothing?
    341   rtc::Optional<bool> adapt_cpu_with_smoothing;
    342   // Enable video adapt third?
    343   rtc::Optional<bool> video_adapt_third;
    344   // Enable denoising?
    345   rtc::Optional<bool> video_noise_reduction;
    346   // Experimental: Enable WebRtc higher start bitrate?
    347   rtc::Optional<int> video_start_bitrate;
    348   // Enable WebRTC Cpu Overuse Detection, which is a new version of the CPU
    349   // adaptation algorithm. So this option will override the
    350   // |adapt_input_to_cpu_usage|.
    351   rtc::Optional<bool> cpu_overuse_detection;
    352   // Low threshold (t1) for cpu overuse adaptation.  (Adapt up)
    353   // Metric: encode usage (m1). m1 < t1 => underuse.
    354   rtc::Optional<int> cpu_underuse_threshold;
    355   // High threshold (t1) for cpu overuse adaptation.  (Adapt down)
    356   // Metric: encode usage (m1). m1 > t1 => overuse.
    357   rtc::Optional<int> cpu_overuse_threshold;
    358   // Low threshold (t2) for cpu overuse adaptation. (Adapt up)
    359   // Metric: relative standard deviation of encode time (m2).
    360   // Optional threshold. If set, (m1 < t1 && m2 < t2) => underuse.
    361   // Note: t2 will have no effect if t1 is not set.
    362   rtc::Optional<int> cpu_underuse_encode_rsd_threshold;
    363   // High threshold (t2) for cpu overuse adaptation. (Adapt down)
    364   // Metric: relative standard deviation of encode time (m2).
    365   // Optional threshold. If set, (m1 > t1 || m2 > t2) => overuse.
    366   // Note: t2 will have no effect if t1 is not set.
    367   rtc::Optional<int> cpu_overuse_encode_rsd_threshold;
    368   // Use encode usage for cpu detection.
    369   rtc::Optional<bool> cpu_overuse_encode_usage;
    370   // Use conference mode?
    371   rtc::Optional<bool> conference_mode;
    372   // Threshhold for process cpu adaptation.  (Process limit)
    373   rtc::Optional<float> process_adaptation_threshhold;
    374   // Low threshhold for cpu adaptation.  (Adapt up)
    375   rtc::Optional<float> system_low_adaptation_threshhold;
    376   // High threshhold for cpu adaptation.  (Adapt down)
    377   rtc::Optional<float> system_high_adaptation_threshhold;
    378   // Set DSCP value for packet sent from video channel.
    379   rtc::Optional<bool> dscp;
    380   // Enable WebRTC suspension of video. No video frames will be sent when the
    381   // bitrate is below the configured minimum bitrate.
    382   rtc::Optional<bool> suspend_below_min_bitrate;
    383   // Limit on the number of early receive channels that can be created.
    384   rtc::Optional<int> unsignalled_recv_stream_limit;
    385   // Enable use of simulcast adapter.
    386   rtc::Optional<bool> use_simulcast_adapter;
    387   // Force screencast to use a minimum bitrate
    388   rtc::Optional<int> screencast_min_bitrate;
    389   // Set to true if the renderer has an algorithm of frame selection.
    390   // If the value is true, then WebRTC will hand over a frame as soon as
    391   // possible without delay, and rendering smoothness is completely the duty
    392   // of the renderer;
    393   // If the value is false, then WebRTC is responsible to delay frame release
    394   // in order to increase rendering smoothness.
    395   rtc::Optional<bool> disable_prerenderer_smoothing;
    397  private:
    398   template <typename T>
    399   static void SetFrom(rtc::Optional<T>* s, const rtc::Optional<T>& o) {
    400     if (o) {
    401       *s = o;
    402     }
    403   }
    404 };
    406 struct RtpHeaderExtension {
    407   RtpHeaderExtension() : id(0) {}
    408   RtpHeaderExtension(const std::string& u, int i) : uri(u), id(i) {}
    410   bool operator==(const RtpHeaderExtension& ext) const {
    411     // id is a reserved word in objective-c. Therefore the id attribute has to
    412     // be a fully qualified name in order to compile on IOS.
    413     return this->id == ext.id &&
    414         uri == ext.uri;
    415   }
    417   std::string ToString() const {
    418     std::ostringstream ost;
    419     ost << "{";
    420     ost << "uri: " << uri;
    421     ost << ", id: " << id;
    422     ost << "}";
    423     return ost.str();
    424   }
    426   std::string uri;
    427   int id;
    428   // TODO(juberti): SendRecv direction;
    429 };
    431 // Returns the named header extension if found among all extensions, NULL
    432 // otherwise.
    433 inline const RtpHeaderExtension* FindHeaderExtension(
    434     const std::vector<RtpHeaderExtension>& extensions,
    435     const std::string& name) {
    436   for (std::vector<RtpHeaderExtension>::const_iterator it = extensions.begin();
    437        it != extensions.end(); ++it) {
    438     if (it->uri == name)
    439       return &(*it);
    440   }
    441   return NULL;
    442 }
    444 enum MediaChannelOptions {
    445   // Tune the stream for conference mode.
    446   OPT_CONFERENCE = 0x0001
    447 };
    449 enum VoiceMediaChannelOptions {
    450   // Tune the audio stream for vcs with different target levels.
    451   OPT_AGC_MINUS_10DB = 0x80000000
    452 };
    454 class MediaChannel : public sigslot::has_slots<> {
    455  public:
    456   class NetworkInterface {
    457    public:
    458     enum SocketType { ST_RTP, ST_RTCP };
    459     virtual bool SendPacket(rtc::Buffer* packet,
    460                             const rtc::PacketOptions& options) = 0;
    461     virtual bool SendRtcp(rtc::Buffer* packet,
    462                           const rtc::PacketOptions& options) = 0;
    463     virtual int SetOption(SocketType type, rtc::Socket::Option opt,
    464                           int option) = 0;
    465     virtual ~NetworkInterface() {}
    466   };
    468   MediaChannel() : network_interface_(NULL) {}
    469   virtual ~MediaChannel() {}
    471   // Sets the abstract interface class for sending RTP/RTCP data.
    472   virtual void SetInterface(NetworkInterface *iface) {
    473     rtc::CritScope cs(&network_interface_crit_);
    474     network_interface_ = iface;
    475   }
    477   // Called when a RTP packet is received.
    478   virtual void OnPacketReceived(rtc::Buffer* packet,
    479                                 const rtc::PacketTime& packet_time) = 0;
    480   // Called when a RTCP packet is received.
    481   virtual void OnRtcpReceived(rtc::Buffer* packet,
    482                               const rtc::PacketTime& packet_time) = 0;
    483   // Called when the socket's ability to send has changed.
    484   virtual void OnReadyToSend(bool ready) = 0;
    485   // Creates a new outgoing media stream with SSRCs and CNAME as described
    486   // by sp.
    487   virtual bool AddSendStream(const StreamParams& sp) = 0;
    488   // Removes an outgoing media stream.
    489   // ssrc must be the first SSRC of the media stream if the stream uses
    490   // multiple SSRCs.
    491   virtual bool RemoveSendStream(uint32_t ssrc) = 0;
    492   // Creates a new incoming media stream with SSRCs and CNAME as described
    493   // by sp.
    494   virtual bool AddRecvStream(const StreamParams& sp) = 0;
    495   // Removes an incoming media stream.
    496   // ssrc must be the first SSRC of the media stream if the stream uses
    497   // multiple SSRCs.
    498   virtual bool RemoveRecvStream(uint32_t ssrc) = 0;
    500   // Returns the absoulte sendtime extension id value from media channel.
    501   virtual int GetRtpSendTimeExtnId() const {
    502     return -1;
    503   }
    505   // Base method to send packet using NetworkInterface.
    506   bool SendPacket(rtc::Buffer* packet, const rtc::PacketOptions& options) {
    507     return DoSendPacket(packet, false, options);
    508   }
    510   bool SendRtcp(rtc::Buffer* packet, const rtc::PacketOptions& options) {
    511     return DoSendPacket(packet, true, options);
    512   }
    514   int SetOption(NetworkInterface::SocketType type,
    515                 rtc::Socket::Option opt,
    516                 int option) {
    517     rtc::CritScope cs(&network_interface_crit_);
    518     if (!network_interface_)
    519       return -1;
    521     return network_interface_->SetOption(type, opt, option);
    522   }
    524  protected:
    525   // This method sets DSCP |value| on both RTP and RTCP channels.
    526   int SetDscp(rtc::DiffServCodePoint value) {
    527     int ret;
    528     ret = SetOption(NetworkInterface::ST_RTP,
    529                     rtc::Socket::OPT_DSCP,
    530                     value);
    531     if (ret == 0) {
    532       ret = SetOption(NetworkInterface::ST_RTCP,
    533                       rtc::Socket::OPT_DSCP,
    534                       value);
    535     }
    536     return ret;
    537   }
    539  private:
    540   bool DoSendPacket(rtc::Buffer* packet,
    541                     bool rtcp,
    542                     const rtc::PacketOptions& options) {
    543     rtc::CritScope cs(&network_interface_crit_);
    544     if (!network_interface_)
    545       return false;
    547     return (!rtcp) ? network_interface_->SendPacket(packet, options)
    548                    : network_interface_->SendRtcp(packet, options);
    549   }
    551   // |network_interface_| can be accessed from the worker_thread and
    552   // from any MediaEngine threads. This critical section is to protect accessing
    553   // of network_interface_ object.
    554   rtc::CriticalSection network_interface_crit_;
    555   NetworkInterface* network_interface_;
    556 };
    558 enum SendFlags {
    559   SEND_NOTHING,
    561 };
    563 // The stats information is structured as follows:
    564 // Media are represented by either MediaSenderInfo or MediaReceiverInfo.
    565 // Media contains a vector of SSRC infos that are exclusively used by this
    566 // media. (SSRCs shared between media streams can't be represented.)
    568 // Information about an SSRC.
    569 // This data may be locally recorded, or received in an RTCP SR or RR.
    570 struct SsrcSenderInfo {
    571   SsrcSenderInfo()
    572       : ssrc(0),
    573     timestamp(0) {
    574   }
    575   uint32_t ssrc;
    576   double timestamp;  // NTP timestamp, represented as seconds since epoch.
    577 };
    579 struct SsrcReceiverInfo {
    580   SsrcReceiverInfo()
    581       : ssrc(0),
    582         timestamp(0) {
    583   }
    584   uint32_t ssrc;
    585   double timestamp;
    586 };
    588 struct MediaSenderInfo {
    589   MediaSenderInfo()
    590       : bytes_sent(0),
    591         packets_sent(0),
    592         packets_lost(0),
    593         fraction_lost(0.0),
    594         rtt_ms(0) {
    595   }
    596   void add_ssrc(const SsrcSenderInfo& stat) {
    597     local_stats.push_back(stat);
    598   }
    599   // Temporary utility function for call sites that only provide SSRC.
    600   // As more info is added into SsrcSenderInfo, this function should go away.
    601   void add_ssrc(uint32_t ssrc) {
    602     SsrcSenderInfo stat;
    603     stat.ssrc = ssrc;
    604     add_ssrc(stat);
    605   }
    606   // Utility accessor for clients that are only interested in ssrc numbers.
    607   std::vector<uint32_t> ssrcs() const {
    608     std::vector<uint32_t> retval;
    609     for (std::vector<SsrcSenderInfo>::const_iterator it = local_stats.begin();
    610          it != local_stats.end(); ++it) {
    611       retval.push_back(it->ssrc);
    612     }
    613     return retval;
    614   }
    615   // Utility accessor for clients that make the assumption only one ssrc
    616   // exists per media.
    617   // This will eventually go away.
    618   uint32_t ssrc() const {
    619     if (local_stats.size() > 0) {
    620       return local_stats[0].ssrc;
    621     } else {
    622       return 0;
    623     }
    624   }
    625   int64_t bytes_sent;
    626   int packets_sent;
    627   int packets_lost;
    628   float fraction_lost;
    629   int64_t rtt_ms;
    630   std::string codec_name;
    631   std::vector<SsrcSenderInfo> local_stats;
    632   std::vector<SsrcReceiverInfo> remote_stats;
    633 };
    635 template<class T>
    636 struct VariableInfo {
    637   VariableInfo()
    638       : min_val(),
    639         mean(0.0),
    640         max_val(),
    641         variance(0.0) {
    642   }
    643   T min_val;
    644   double mean;
    645   T max_val;
    646   double variance;
    647 };
    649 struct MediaReceiverInfo {
    650   MediaReceiverInfo()
    651       : bytes_rcvd(0),
    652         packets_rcvd(0),
    653         packets_lost(0),
    654         fraction_lost(0.0) {
    655   }
    656   void add_ssrc(const SsrcReceiverInfo& stat) {
    657     local_stats.push_back(stat);
    658   }
    659   // Temporary utility function for call sites that only provide SSRC.
    660   // As more info is added into SsrcSenderInfo, this function should go away.
    661   void add_ssrc(uint32_t ssrc) {
    662     SsrcReceiverInfo stat;
    663     stat.ssrc = ssrc;
    664     add_ssrc(stat);
    665   }
    666   std::vector<uint32_t> ssrcs() const {
    667     std::vector<uint32_t> retval;
    668     for (std::vector<SsrcReceiverInfo>::const_iterator it = local_stats.begin();
    669          it != local_stats.end(); ++it) {
    670       retval.push_back(it->ssrc);
    671     }
    672     return retval;
    673   }
    674   // Utility accessor for clients that make the assumption only one ssrc
    675   // exists per media.
    676   // This will eventually go away.
    677   uint32_t ssrc() const {
    678     if (local_stats.size() > 0) {
    679       return local_stats[0].ssrc;
    680     } else {
    681       return 0;
    682     }
    683   }
    685   int64_t bytes_rcvd;
    686   int packets_rcvd;
    687   int packets_lost;
    688   float fraction_lost;
    689   std::string codec_name;
    690   std::vector<SsrcReceiverInfo> local_stats;
    691   std::vector<SsrcSenderInfo> remote_stats;
    692 };
    694 struct VoiceSenderInfo : public MediaSenderInfo {
    695   VoiceSenderInfo()
    696       : ext_seqnum(0),
    697         jitter_ms(0),
    698         audio_level(0),
    699         aec_quality_min(0.0),
    700         echo_delay_median_ms(0),
    701         echo_delay_std_ms(0),
    702         echo_return_loss(0),
    703         echo_return_loss_enhancement(0),
    704         typing_noise_detected(false) {
    705   }
    707   int ext_seqnum;
    708   int jitter_ms;
    709   int audio_level;
    710   float aec_quality_min;
    711   int echo_delay_median_ms;
    712   int echo_delay_std_ms;
    713   int echo_return_loss;
    714   int echo_return_loss_enhancement;
    715   bool typing_noise_detected;
    716 };
    718 struct VoiceReceiverInfo : public MediaReceiverInfo {
    719   VoiceReceiverInfo()
    720       : ext_seqnum(0),
    721         jitter_ms(0),
    722         jitter_buffer_ms(0),
    723         jitter_buffer_preferred_ms(0),
    724         delay_estimate_ms(0),
    725         audio_level(0),
    726         expand_rate(0),
    727         speech_expand_rate(0),
    728         secondary_decoded_rate(0),
    729         accelerate_rate(0),
    730         preemptive_expand_rate(0),
    731         decoding_calls_to_silence_generator(0),
    732         decoding_calls_to_neteq(0),
    733         decoding_normal(0),
    734         decoding_plc(0),
    735         decoding_cng(0),
    736         decoding_plc_cng(0),
    737         capture_start_ntp_time_ms(-1) {}
    739   int ext_seqnum;
    740   int jitter_ms;
    741   int jitter_buffer_ms;
    742   int jitter_buffer_preferred_ms;
    743   int delay_estimate_ms;
    744   int audio_level;
    745   // fraction of synthesized audio inserted through expansion.
    746   float expand_rate;
    747   // fraction of synthesized speech inserted through expansion.
    748   float speech_expand_rate;
    749   // fraction of data out of secondary decoding, including FEC and RED.
    750   float secondary_decoded_rate;
    751   // Fraction of data removed through time compression.
    752   float accelerate_rate;
    753   // Fraction of data inserted through time stretching.
    754   float preemptive_expand_rate;
    755   int decoding_calls_to_silence_generator;
    756   int decoding_calls_to_neteq;
    757   int decoding_normal;
    758   int decoding_plc;
    759   int decoding_cng;
    760   int decoding_plc_cng;
    761   // Estimated capture start time in NTP time in ms.
    762   int64_t capture_start_ntp_time_ms;
    763 };
    765 struct VideoSenderInfo : public MediaSenderInfo {
    766   VideoSenderInfo()
    767       : packets_cached(0),
    768         firs_rcvd(0),
    769         plis_rcvd(0),
    770         nacks_rcvd(0),
    771         input_frame_width(0),
    772         input_frame_height(0),
    773         send_frame_width(0),
    774         send_frame_height(0),
    775         framerate_input(0),
    776         framerate_sent(0),
    777         nominal_bitrate(0),
    778         preferred_bitrate(0),
    779         adapt_reason(0),
    780         adapt_changes(0),
    781         avg_encode_ms(0),
    782         encode_usage_percent(0) {
    783   }
    785   std::vector<SsrcGroup> ssrc_groups;
    786   std::string encoder_implementation_name;
    787   int packets_cached;
    788   int firs_rcvd;
    789   int plis_rcvd;
    790   int nacks_rcvd;
    791   int input_frame_width;
    792   int input_frame_height;
    793   int send_frame_width;
    794   int send_frame_height;
    795   int framerate_input;
    796   int framerate_sent;
    797   int nominal_bitrate;
    798   int preferred_bitrate;
    799   int adapt_reason;
    800   int adapt_changes;
    801   int avg_encode_ms;
    802   int encode_usage_percent;
    803   VariableInfo<int> adapt_frame_drops;
    804   VariableInfo<int> effects_frame_drops;
    805   VariableInfo<double> capturer_frame_time;
    806 };
    808 struct VideoReceiverInfo : public MediaReceiverInfo {
    809   VideoReceiverInfo()
    810       : packets_concealed(0),
    811         firs_sent(0),
    812         plis_sent(0),
    813         nacks_sent(0),
    814         frame_width(0),
    815         frame_height(0),
    816         framerate_rcvd(0),
    817         framerate_decoded(0),
    818         framerate_output(0),
    819         framerate_render_input(0),
    820         framerate_render_output(0),
    821         decode_ms(0),
    822         max_decode_ms(0),
    823         jitter_buffer_ms(0),
    824         min_playout_delay_ms(0),
    825         render_delay_ms(0),
    826         target_delay_ms(0),
    827         current_delay_ms(0),
    828         capture_start_ntp_time_ms(-1) {
    829   }
    831   std::vector<SsrcGroup> ssrc_groups;
    832   std::string decoder_implementation_name;
    833   int packets_concealed;
    834   int firs_sent;
    835   int plis_sent;
    836   int nacks_sent;
    837   int frame_width;
    838   int frame_height;
    839   int framerate_rcvd;
    840   int framerate_decoded;
    841   int framerate_output;
    842   // Framerate as sent to the renderer.
    843   int framerate_render_input;
    844   // Framerate that the renderer reports.
    845   int framerate_render_output;
    847   // All stats below are gathered per-VideoReceiver, but some will be correlated
    848   // across MediaStreamTracks.  NOTE(hta): when sinking stats into per-SSRC
    849   // structures, reflect this in the new layout.
    851   // Current frame decode latency.
    852   int decode_ms;
    853   // Maximum observed frame decode latency.
    854   int max_decode_ms;
    855   // Jitter (network-related) latency.
    856   int jitter_buffer_ms;
    857   // Requested minimum playout latency.
    858   int min_playout_delay_ms;
    859   // Requested latency to account for rendering delay.
    860   int render_delay_ms;
    861   // Target overall delay: network+decode+render, accounting for
    862   // min_playout_delay_ms.
    863   int target_delay_ms;
    864   // Current overall delay, possibly ramping towards target_delay_ms.
    865   int current_delay_ms;
    867   // Estimated capture start time in NTP time in ms.
    868   int64_t capture_start_ntp_time_ms;
    869 };
    871 struct DataSenderInfo : public MediaSenderInfo {
    872   DataSenderInfo()
    873       : ssrc(0) {
    874   }
    876   uint32_t ssrc;
    877 };
    879 struct DataReceiverInfo : public MediaReceiverInfo {
    880   DataReceiverInfo()
    881       : ssrc(0) {
    882   }
    884   uint32_t ssrc;
    885 };
    887 struct BandwidthEstimationInfo {
    888   BandwidthEstimationInfo()
    889       : available_send_bandwidth(0),
    890         available_recv_bandwidth(0),
    891         target_enc_bitrate(0),
    892         actual_enc_bitrate(0),
    893         retransmit_bitrate(0),
    894         transmit_bitrate(0),
    895         bucket_delay(0) {
    896   }
    898   int available_send_bandwidth;
    899   int available_recv_bandwidth;
    900   int target_enc_bitrate;
    901   int actual_enc_bitrate;
    902   int retransmit_bitrate;
    903   int transmit_bitrate;
    904   int64_t bucket_delay;
    905 };
    907 struct VoiceMediaInfo {
    908   void Clear() {
    909     senders.clear();
    910     receivers.clear();
    911   }
    912   std::vector<VoiceSenderInfo> senders;
    913   std::vector<VoiceReceiverInfo> receivers;
    914 };
    916 struct VideoMediaInfo {
    917   void Clear() {
    918     senders.clear();
    919     receivers.clear();
    920     bw_estimations.clear();
    921   }
    922   std::vector<VideoSenderInfo> senders;
    923   std::vector<VideoReceiverInfo> receivers;
    924   std::vector<BandwidthEstimationInfo> bw_estimations;
    925 };
    927 struct DataMediaInfo {
    928   void Clear() {
    929     senders.clear();
    930     receivers.clear();
    931   }
    932   std::vector<DataSenderInfo> senders;
    933   std::vector<DataReceiverInfo> receivers;
    934 };
    936 struct RtcpParameters {
    937   bool reduced_size = false;
    938 };
    940 template <class Codec>
    941 struct RtpParameters {
    942   virtual std::string ToString() const {
    943     std::ostringstream ost;
    944     ost << "{";
    945     ost << "codecs: " << VectorToString(codecs) << ", ";
    946     ost << "extensions: " << VectorToString(extensions);
    947     ost << "}";
    948     return ost.str();
    949   }
    951   std::vector<Codec> codecs;
    952   std::vector<RtpHeaderExtension> extensions;
    953   // TODO(pthatcher): Add streams.
    954   RtcpParameters rtcp;
    955 };
    957 template <class Codec, class Options>
    958 struct RtpSendParameters : RtpParameters<Codec> {
    959   std::string ToString() const override {
    960     std::ostringstream ost;
    961     ost << "{";
    962     ost << "codecs: " << VectorToString(this->codecs) << ", ";
    963     ost << "extensions: " << VectorToString(this->extensions) << ", ";
    964     ost << "max_bandiwidth_bps: " << max_bandwidth_bps << ", ";
    965     ost << "options: " << options.ToString();
    966     ost << "}";
    967     return ost.str();
    968   }
    970   int max_bandwidth_bps = -1;
    971   Options options;
    972 };
    974 struct AudioSendParameters : RtpSendParameters<AudioCodec, AudioOptions> {
    975 };
    977 struct AudioRecvParameters : RtpParameters<AudioCodec> {
    978 };
    980 class VoiceMediaChannel : public MediaChannel {
    981  public:
    982   enum Error {
    983     ERROR_NONE = 0,                       // No error.
    984     ERROR_OTHER,                          // Other errors.
    985     ERROR_REC_DEVICE_OPEN_FAILED = 100,   // Could not open mic.
    986     ERROR_REC_DEVICE_MUTED,               // Mic was muted by OS.
    987     ERROR_REC_DEVICE_SILENT,              // No background noise picked up.
    988     ERROR_REC_DEVICE_SATURATION,          // Mic input is clipping.
    989     ERROR_REC_DEVICE_REMOVED,             // Mic was removed while active.
    990     ERROR_REC_RUNTIME_ERROR,              // Processing is encountering errors.
    991     ERROR_REC_SRTP_ERROR,                 // Generic SRTP failure.
    992     ERROR_REC_SRTP_AUTH_FAILED,           // Failed to authenticate packets.
    993     ERROR_REC_TYPING_NOISE_DETECTED,      // Typing noise is detected.
    994     ERROR_PLAY_DEVICE_OPEN_FAILED = 200,  // Could not open playout.
    995     ERROR_PLAY_DEVICE_MUTED,              // Playout muted by OS.
    996     ERROR_PLAY_DEVICE_REMOVED,            // Playout removed while active.
    997     ERROR_PLAY_RUNTIME_ERROR,             // Errors in voice processing.
    998     ERROR_PLAY_SRTP_ERROR,                // Generic SRTP failure.
    999     ERROR_PLAY_SRTP_AUTH_FAILED,          // Failed to authenticate packets.
   1000     ERROR_PLAY_SRTP_REPLAY,               // Packet replay detected.
   1001   };
   1003   VoiceMediaChannel() {}
   1004   virtual ~VoiceMediaChannel() {}
   1005   virtual bool SetSendParameters(const AudioSendParameters& params) = 0;
   1006   virtual bool SetRecvParameters(const AudioRecvParameters& params) = 0;
   1007   // Starts or stops playout of received audio.
   1008   virtual bool SetPlayout(bool playout) = 0;
   1009   // Starts or stops sending (and potentially capture) of local audio.
   1010   virtual bool SetSend(SendFlags flag) = 0;
   1011   // Configure stream for sending.
   1012   virtual bool SetAudioSend(uint32_t ssrc,
   1013                             bool enable,
   1014                             const AudioOptions* options,
   1015                             AudioRenderer* renderer) = 0;
   1016   // Gets current energy levels for all incoming streams.
   1017   virtual bool GetActiveStreams(AudioInfo::StreamList* actives) = 0;
   1018   // Get the current energy level of the stream sent to the speaker.
   1019   virtual int GetOutputLevel() = 0;
   1020   // Get the time in milliseconds since last recorded keystroke, or negative.
   1021   virtual int GetTimeSinceLastTyping() = 0;
   1022   // Temporarily exposed field for tuning typing detect options.
   1023   virtual void SetTypingDetectionParameters(int time_window,
   1024     int cost_per_typing, int reporting_threshold, int penalty_decay,
   1025     int type_event_delay) = 0;
   1026   // Set speaker output volume of the specified ssrc.
   1027   virtual bool SetOutputVolume(uint32_t ssrc, double volume) = 0;
   1028   // Returns if the telephone-event has been negotiated.
   1029   virtual bool CanInsertDtmf() = 0;
   1030   // Send a DTMF |event|. The DTMF out-of-band signal will be used.
   1031   // The |ssrc| should be either 0 or a valid send stream ssrc.
   1032   // The valid value for the |event| are 0 to 15 which corresponding to
   1033   // DTMF event 0-9, *, #, A-D.
   1034   virtual bool InsertDtmf(uint32_t ssrc, int event, int duration) = 0;
   1035   // Gets quality stats for the channel.
   1036   virtual bool GetStats(VoiceMediaInfo* info) = 0;
   1038   virtual void SetRawAudioSink(
   1039       uint32_t ssrc,
   1040       rtc::scoped_ptr<webrtc::AudioSinkInterface> sink) = 0;
   1041 };
   1043 struct VideoSendParameters : RtpSendParameters<VideoCodec, VideoOptions> {
   1044 };
   1046 struct VideoRecvParameters : RtpParameters<VideoCodec> {
   1047 };
   1049 class VideoMediaChannel : public MediaChannel {
   1050  public:
   1051   enum Error {
   1052     ERROR_NONE = 0,                       // No error.
   1053     ERROR_OTHER,                          // Other errors.
   1054     ERROR_REC_DEVICE_OPEN_FAILED = 100,   // Could not open camera.
   1055     ERROR_REC_DEVICE_NO_DEVICE,           // No camera.
   1056     ERROR_REC_DEVICE_IN_USE,              // Device is in already use.
   1057     ERROR_REC_DEVICE_REMOVED,             // Device is removed.
   1058     ERROR_REC_SRTP_ERROR,                 // Generic sender SRTP failure.
   1059     ERROR_REC_SRTP_AUTH_FAILED,           // Failed to authenticate packets.
   1060     ERROR_REC_CPU_MAX_CANT_DOWNGRADE,     // Can't downgrade capture anymore.
   1061     ERROR_PLAY_SRTP_ERROR = 200,          // Generic receiver SRTP failure.
   1062     ERROR_PLAY_SRTP_AUTH_FAILED,          // Failed to authenticate packets.
   1063     ERROR_PLAY_SRTP_REPLAY,               // Packet replay detected.
   1064   };
   1066   VideoMediaChannel() : renderer_(NULL) {}
   1067   virtual ~VideoMediaChannel() {}
   1069   virtual bool SetSendParameters(const VideoSendParameters& params) = 0;
   1070   virtual bool SetRecvParameters(const VideoRecvParameters& params) = 0;
   1071   // Gets the currently set codecs/payload types to be used for outgoing media.
   1072   virtual bool GetSendCodec(VideoCodec* send_codec) = 0;
   1073   // Sets the format of a specified outgoing stream.
   1074   virtual bool SetSendStreamFormat(uint32_t ssrc,
   1075                                    const VideoFormat& format) = 0;
   1076   // Starts or stops transmission (and potentially capture) of local video.
   1077   virtual bool SetSend(bool send) = 0;
   1078   // Configure stream for sending.
   1079   virtual bool SetVideoSend(uint32_t ssrc,
   1080                             bool enable,
   1081                             const VideoOptions* options) = 0;
   1082   // Sets the renderer object to be used for the specified stream.
   1083   // If SSRC is 0, the renderer is used for the 'default' stream.
   1084   virtual bool SetRenderer(uint32_t ssrc, VideoRenderer* renderer) = 0;
   1085   // If |ssrc| is 0, replace the default capturer (engine capturer) with
   1086   // |capturer|. If |ssrc| is non zero create a new stream with |ssrc| as SSRC.
   1087   virtual bool SetCapturer(uint32_t ssrc, VideoCapturer* capturer) = 0;
   1088   // Gets quality stats for the channel.
   1089   virtual bool GetStats(VideoMediaInfo* info) = 0;
   1090   // Send an intra frame to the receivers.
   1091   virtual bool SendIntraFrame() = 0;
   1092   // Reuqest each of the remote senders to send an intra frame.
   1093   virtual bool RequestIntraFrame() = 0;
   1094   virtual void UpdateAspectRatio(int ratio_w, int ratio_h) = 0;
   1096  protected:
   1097   VideoRenderer *renderer_;
   1098 };
   1100 enum DataMessageType {
   1101   // Chrome-Internal use only.  See SctpDataMediaChannel for the actual PPID
   1102   // values.
   1103   DMT_NONE = 0,
   1104   DMT_CONTROL = 1,
   1105   DMT_BINARY = 2,
   1106   DMT_TEXT = 3,
   1107 };
   1109 // Info about data received in DataMediaChannel.  For use in
   1110 // DataMediaChannel::SignalDataReceived and in all of the signals that
   1111 // signal fires, on up the chain.
   1112 struct ReceiveDataParams {
   1113   // The in-packet stream indentifier.
   1114   // For SCTP, this is really SID, not SSRC.
   1115   uint32_t ssrc;
   1116   // The type of message (binary, text, or control).
   1117   DataMessageType type;
   1118   // A per-stream value incremented per packet in the stream.
   1119   int seq_num;
   1120   // A per-stream value monotonically increasing with time.
   1121   int timestamp;
   1123   ReceiveDataParams() :
   1124       ssrc(0),
   1125       type(DMT_TEXT),
   1126       seq_num(0),
   1127       timestamp(0) {
   1128   }
   1129 };
   1131 struct SendDataParams {
   1132   // The in-packet stream indentifier.
   1133   // For SCTP, this is really SID, not SSRC.
   1134   uint32_t ssrc;
   1135   // The type of message (binary, text, or control).
   1136   DataMessageType type;
   1138   // For SCTP, whether to send messages flagged as ordered or not.
   1139   // If false, messages can be received out of order.
   1140   bool ordered;
   1141   // For SCTP, whether the messages are sent reliably or not.
   1142   // If false, messages may be lost.
   1143   bool reliable;
   1144   // For SCTP, if reliable == false, provide partial reliability by
   1145   // resending up to this many times.  Either count or millis
   1146   // is supported, not both at the same time.
   1147   int max_rtx_count;
   1148   // For SCTP, if reliable == false, provide partial reliability by
   1149   // resending for up to this many milliseconds.  Either count or millis
   1150   // is supported, not both at the same time.
   1151   int max_rtx_ms;
   1153   SendDataParams() :
   1154       ssrc(0),
   1155       type(DMT_TEXT),
   1156       // TODO(pthatcher): Make these true by default?
   1157       ordered(false),
   1158       reliable(false),
   1159       max_rtx_count(0),
   1160       max_rtx_ms(0) {
   1161   }
   1162 };
   1164 enum SendDataResult { SDR_SUCCESS, SDR_ERROR, SDR_BLOCK };
   1166 struct DataOptions {
   1167   std::string ToString() const {
   1168     return "{}";
   1169   }
   1170 };
   1172 struct DataSendParameters : RtpSendParameters<DataCodec, DataOptions> {
   1173   std::string ToString() const {
   1174     std::ostringstream ost;
   1175     // Options and extensions aren't used.
   1176     ost << "{";
   1177     ost << "codecs: " << VectorToString(codecs) << ", ";
   1178     ost << "max_bandiwidth_bps: " << max_bandwidth_bps;
   1179     ost << "}";
   1180     return ost.str();
   1181   }
   1182 };
   1184 struct DataRecvParameters : RtpParameters<DataCodec> {
   1185 };
   1187 class DataMediaChannel : public MediaChannel {
   1188  public:
   1189   enum Error {
   1190     ERROR_NONE = 0,                       // No error.
   1191     ERROR_OTHER,                          // Other errors.
   1192     ERROR_SEND_SRTP_ERROR = 200,          // Generic SRTP failure.
   1193     ERROR_SEND_SRTP_AUTH_FAILED,          // Failed to authenticate packets.
   1194     ERROR_RECV_SRTP_ERROR,                // Generic SRTP failure.
   1195     ERROR_RECV_SRTP_AUTH_FAILED,          // Failed to authenticate packets.
   1196     ERROR_RECV_SRTP_REPLAY,               // Packet replay detected.
   1197   };
   1199   virtual ~DataMediaChannel() {}
   1201   virtual bool SetSendParameters(const DataSendParameters& params) = 0;
   1202   virtual bool SetRecvParameters(const DataRecvParameters& params) = 0;
   1204   // TODO(pthatcher): Implement this.
   1205   virtual bool GetStats(DataMediaInfo* info) { return true; }
   1207   virtual bool SetSend(bool send) = 0;
   1208   virtual bool SetReceive(bool receive) = 0;
   1210   virtual bool SendData(
   1211       const SendDataParams& params,
   1212       const rtc::Buffer& payload,
   1213       SendDataResult* result = NULL) = 0;
   1214   // Signals when data is received (params, data, len)
   1215   sigslot::signal3<const ReceiveDataParams&,
   1216                    const char*,
   1217                    size_t> SignalDataReceived;
   1218   // Signal when the media channel is ready to send the stream. Arguments are:
   1219   //     writable(bool)
   1220   sigslot::signal1<bool> SignalReadyToSend;
   1221   // Signal for notifying that the remote side has closed the DataChannel.
   1222   sigslot::signal1<uint32_t> SignalStreamClosedRemotely;
   1223 };
   1225 }  // namespace cricket