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      1 /*
      2  *  Copyright 2012 The WebRTC Project Authors. All rights reserved.
      3  *
      4  *  Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license
      5  *  that can be found in the LICENSE file in the root of the source
      6  *  tree. An additional intellectual property rights grant can be found
      7  *  in the file PATENTS.  All contributing project authors may
      8  *  be found in the AUTHORS file in the root of the source tree.
      9  */
     10 #if defined(WEBRTC_POSIX)
     11 #include <dirent.h>
     12 #endif
     14 #include "webrtc/p2p/base/basicpacketsocketfactory.h"
     15 #include "webrtc/p2p/base/constants.h"
     16 #include "webrtc/p2p/base/portallocator.h"
     17 #include "webrtc/p2p/base/tcpport.h"
     18 #include "webrtc/p2p/base/testturnserver.h"
     19 #include "webrtc/p2p/base/turnport.h"
     20 #include "webrtc/p2p/base/udpport.h"
     21 #include "webrtc/base/asynctcpsocket.h"
     22 #include "webrtc/base/buffer.h"
     23 #include "webrtc/base/dscp.h"
     24 #include "webrtc/base/firewallsocketserver.h"
     25 #include "webrtc/base/gunit.h"
     26 #include "webrtc/base/helpers.h"
     27 #include "webrtc/base/logging.h"
     28 #include "webrtc/base/physicalsocketserver.h"
     29 #include "webrtc/base/scoped_ptr.h"
     30 #include "webrtc/base/socketaddress.h"
     31 #include "webrtc/base/ssladapter.h"
     32 #include "webrtc/base/thread.h"
     33 #include "webrtc/base/virtualsocketserver.h"
     35 using rtc::SocketAddress;
     36 using cricket::Connection;
     37 using cricket::Port;
     38 using cricket::PortInterface;
     39 using cricket::TurnPort;
     40 using cricket::UDPPort;
     42 static const SocketAddress kLocalAddr1("", 0);
     43 static const SocketAddress kLocalAddr2("", 0);
     44 static const SocketAddress kLocalIPv6Addr(
     45     "2401:fa00:4:1000:be30:5bff:fee5:c3", 0);
     46 static const SocketAddress kTurnUdpIntAddr("",
     47                                            cricket::TURN_SERVER_PORT);
     48 static const SocketAddress kTurnTcpIntAddr("",
     49                                            cricket::TURN_SERVER_PORT);
     50 static const SocketAddress kTurnUdpExtAddr("", 0);
     51 static const SocketAddress kTurnAlternateIntAddr("",
     52                                                  cricket::TURN_SERVER_PORT);
     53 static const SocketAddress kTurnIntAddr("",
     54                                         cricket::TURN_SERVER_PORT);
     55 static const SocketAddress kTurnIPv6IntAddr(
     56     "2400:4030:2:2c00:be30:abcd:efab:cdef",
     57     cricket::TURN_SERVER_PORT);
     58 static const SocketAddress kTurnUdpIPv6IntAddr(
     59     "2400:4030:1:2c00:be30:abcd:efab:cdef", cricket::TURN_SERVER_PORT);
     60 static const SocketAddress kTurnUdpIPv6ExtAddr(
     61   "2620:0:1000:1b03:2e41:38ff:fea6:f2a4", 0);
     63 static const char kIceUfrag1[] = "TESTICEUFRAG0001";
     64 static const char kIceUfrag2[] = "TESTICEUFRAG0002";
     65 static const char kIcePwd1[] = "TESTICEPWD00000000000001";
     66 static const char kIcePwd2[] = "TESTICEPWD00000000000002";
     67 static const char kTurnUsername[] = "test";
     68 static const char kTurnPassword[] = "test";
     69 static const char kTestOrigin[] = "http://example.com";
     70 static const unsigned int kTimeout = 1000;
     72 static const cricket::ProtocolAddress kTurnUdpProtoAddr(
     73     kTurnUdpIntAddr, cricket::PROTO_UDP);
     74 static const cricket::ProtocolAddress kTurnTcpProtoAddr(
     75     kTurnTcpIntAddr, cricket::PROTO_TCP);
     76 static const cricket::ProtocolAddress kTurnUdpIPv6ProtoAddr(
     77     kTurnUdpIPv6IntAddr, cricket::PROTO_UDP);
     79 static const unsigned int MSG_TESTFINISH = 0;
     81 #if defined(WEBRTC_LINUX) && !defined(WEBRTC_ANDROID)
     82 static int GetFDCount() {
     83   struct dirent *dp;
     84   int fd_count = 0;
     85   DIR *dir = opendir("/proc/self/fd/");
     86   while ((dp = readdir(dir)) != NULL) {
     87     if (dp->d_name[0] == '.')
     88       continue;
     89     ++fd_count;
     90   }
     91   closedir(dir);
     92   return fd_count;
     93 }
     94 #endif
     96 class TurnPortTestVirtualSocketServer : public rtc::VirtualSocketServer {
     97  public:
     98   explicit TurnPortTestVirtualSocketServer(SocketServer* ss)
     99       : VirtualSocketServer(ss) {}
    101   using rtc::VirtualSocketServer::LookupBinding;
    102 };
    104 class TestConnectionWrapper : public sigslot::has_slots<> {
    105  public:
    106   TestConnectionWrapper(Connection* conn) : connection_(conn) {
    107     conn->SignalDestroyed.connect(
    108         this, &TestConnectionWrapper::OnConnectionDestroyed);
    109   }
    111   Connection* connection() { return connection_; }
    113  private:
    114   void OnConnectionDestroyed(Connection* conn) {
    115     ASSERT_TRUE(conn == connection_);
    116     connection_ = nullptr;
    117   }
    119   Connection* connection_;
    120 };
    122 class TurnPortTest : public testing::Test,
    123                      public sigslot::has_slots<>,
    124                      public rtc::MessageHandler {
    125  public:
    126   TurnPortTest()
    127       : main_(rtc::Thread::Current()),
    128         pss_(new rtc::PhysicalSocketServer),
    129         ss_(new TurnPortTestVirtualSocketServer(pss_.get())),
    130         ss_scope_(ss_.get()),
    131         network_("unittest", "unittest", rtc::IPAddress(INADDR_ANY), 32),
    132         socket_factory_(rtc::Thread::Current()),
    133         turn_server_(main_, kTurnUdpIntAddr, kTurnUdpExtAddr),
    134         turn_ready_(false),
    135         turn_error_(false),
    136         turn_unknown_address_(false),
    137         turn_create_permission_success_(false),
    138         udp_ready_(false),
    139         test_finish_(false) {
    140     network_.AddIP(rtc::IPAddress(INADDR_ANY));
    141   }
    143   virtual void OnMessage(rtc::Message* msg) {
    144     ASSERT(msg->message_id == MSG_TESTFINISH);
    145     if (msg->message_id == MSG_TESTFINISH)
    146       test_finish_ = true;
    147   }
    149   void ConnectSignalAddressReadyToSetLocalhostAsAltenertativeLocalAddress() {
    150     rtc::AsyncPacketSocket* socket = turn_port_->socket();
    151     rtc::VirtualSocket* virtual_socket =
    152         ss_->LookupBinding(socket->GetLocalAddress());
    153     virtual_socket->SignalAddressReady.connect(
    154         this, &TurnPortTest::SetLocalhostAsAltenertativeLocalAddress);
    155   }
    157   void SetLocalhostAsAltenertativeLocalAddress(
    158       rtc::VirtualSocket* socket,
    159       const rtc::SocketAddress& address) {
    160     SocketAddress local_address("", 2000);
    161     socket->SetAlternativeLocalAddress(local_address);
    162   }
    164   void OnTurnPortComplete(Port* port) {
    165     turn_ready_ = true;
    166   }
    167   void OnTurnPortError(Port* port) {
    168     turn_error_ = true;
    169   }
    170   void OnTurnUnknownAddress(PortInterface* port, const SocketAddress& addr,
    171                             cricket::ProtocolType proto,
    172                             cricket::IceMessage* msg, const std::string& rf,
    173                             bool /*port_muxed*/) {
    174     turn_unknown_address_ = true;
    175   }
    176   void OnTurnCreatePermissionResult(TurnPort* port,
    177                                     const SocketAddress& addr,
    178                                     int code) {
    179     // Ignoring the address.
    180     turn_create_permission_success_ = (code == 0);
    181   }
    183   void OnTurnRefreshResult(TurnPort* port, int code) {
    184     turn_refresh_success_ = (code == 0);
    185   }
    186   void OnTurnReadPacket(Connection* conn, const char* data, size_t size,
    187                         const rtc::PacketTime& packet_time) {
    188     turn_packets_.push_back(rtc::Buffer(data, size));
    189   }
    190   void OnUdpPortComplete(Port* port) {
    191     udp_ready_ = true;
    192   }
    193   void OnUdpReadPacket(Connection* conn, const char* data, size_t size,
    194                        const rtc::PacketTime& packet_time) {
    195     udp_packets_.push_back(rtc::Buffer(data, size));
    196   }
    197   void OnConnectionDestroyed(Connection* conn) { connection_destroyed_ = true; }
    198   void OnSocketReadPacket(rtc::AsyncPacketSocket* socket,
    199                           const char* data, size_t size,
    200                           const rtc::SocketAddress& remote_addr,
    201                           const rtc::PacketTime& packet_time) {
    202     turn_port_->HandleIncomingPacket(socket, data, size, remote_addr,
    203                                      packet_time);
    204   }
    205   rtc::AsyncSocket* CreateServerSocket(const SocketAddress addr) {
    206     rtc::AsyncSocket* socket = ss_->CreateAsyncSocket(SOCK_STREAM);
    207     EXPECT_GE(socket->Bind(addr), 0);
    208     EXPECT_GE(socket->Listen(5), 0);
    209     return socket;
    210   }
    212   void CreateTurnPort(const std::string& username,
    213                       const std::string& password,
    214                       const cricket::ProtocolAddress& server_address) {
    215     CreateTurnPort(kLocalAddr1, username, password, server_address);
    216   }
    217   void CreateTurnPort(const rtc::SocketAddress& local_address,
    218                       const std::string& username,
    219                       const std::string& password,
    220                       const cricket::ProtocolAddress& server_address) {
    221     cricket::RelayCredentials credentials(username, password);
    222     turn_port_.reset(TurnPort::Create(main_, &socket_factory_, &network_,
    223                                  local_address.ipaddr(), 0, 0,
    224                                  kIceUfrag1, kIcePwd1,
    225                                  server_address, credentials, 0,
    226                                  std::string()));
    227     // This TURN port will be the controlling.
    228     turn_port_->SetIceRole(cricket::ICEROLE_CONTROLLING);
    229     ConnectSignals();
    230   }
    232   // Should be identical to CreateTurnPort but specifies an origin value
    233   // when creating the instance of TurnPort.
    234   void CreateTurnPortWithOrigin(const rtc::SocketAddress& local_address,
    235                                 const std::string& username,
    236                                 const std::string& password,
    237                                 const cricket::ProtocolAddress& server_address,
    238                                 const std::string& origin) {
    239     cricket::RelayCredentials credentials(username, password);
    240     turn_port_.reset(TurnPort::Create(main_, &socket_factory_, &network_,
    241                                  local_address.ipaddr(), 0, 0,
    242                                  kIceUfrag1, kIcePwd1,
    243                                  server_address, credentials, 0,
    244                                  origin));
    245     // This TURN port will be the controlling.
    246     turn_port_->SetIceRole(cricket::ICEROLE_CONTROLLING);
    247     ConnectSignals();
    248   }
    250   void CreateSharedTurnPort(const std::string& username,
    251                             const std::string& password,
    252                             const cricket::ProtocolAddress& server_address) {
    253     ASSERT(server_address.proto == cricket::PROTO_UDP);
    255     if (!socket_) {
    256       socket_.reset(socket_factory_.CreateUdpSocket(
    257           rtc::SocketAddress(kLocalAddr1.ipaddr(), 0), 0, 0));
    258       ASSERT_TRUE(socket_ != NULL);
    259       socket_->SignalReadPacket.connect(
    260           this, &TurnPortTest::OnSocketReadPacket);
    261     }
    263     cricket::RelayCredentials credentials(username, password);
    264     turn_port_.reset(cricket::TurnPort::Create(
    265         main_, &socket_factory_, &network_, socket_.get(),
    266         kIceUfrag1, kIcePwd1, server_address, credentials, 0, std::string()));
    267     // This TURN port will be the controlling.
    268     turn_port_->SetIceRole(cricket::ICEROLE_CONTROLLING);
    269     ConnectSignals();
    270   }
    272   void ConnectSignals() {
    273     turn_port_->SignalPortComplete.connect(this,
    274         &TurnPortTest::OnTurnPortComplete);
    275     turn_port_->SignalPortError.connect(this,
    276         &TurnPortTest::OnTurnPortError);
    277     turn_port_->SignalUnknownAddress.connect(this,
    278         &TurnPortTest::OnTurnUnknownAddress);
    279     turn_port_->SignalCreatePermissionResult.connect(this,
    280         &TurnPortTest::OnTurnCreatePermissionResult);
    281     turn_port_->SignalTurnRefreshResult.connect(
    282         this, &TurnPortTest::OnTurnRefreshResult);
    283   }
    284   void ConnectConnectionDestroyedSignal(Connection* conn) {
    285     conn->SignalDestroyed.connect(this, &TurnPortTest::OnConnectionDestroyed);
    286   }
    288   void CreateUdpPort() { CreateUdpPort(kLocalAddr2); }
    290   void CreateUdpPort(const SocketAddress& address) {
    291     udp_port_.reset(UDPPort::Create(main_, &socket_factory_, &network_,
    292                                     address.ipaddr(), 0, 0, kIceUfrag2,
    293                                     kIcePwd2, std::string(), false));
    294     // UDP port will be controlled.
    295     udp_port_->SetIceRole(cricket::ICEROLE_CONTROLLED);
    296     udp_port_->SignalPortComplete.connect(
    297         this, &TurnPortTest::OnUdpPortComplete);
    298   }
    300   void PrepareTurnAndUdpPorts() {
    301     // turn_port_ should have been created.
    302     ASSERT_TRUE(turn_port_ != nullptr);
    303     turn_port_->PrepareAddress();
    304     ASSERT_TRUE_WAIT(turn_ready_, kTimeout);
    306     CreateUdpPort();
    307     udp_port_->PrepareAddress();
    308     ASSERT_TRUE_WAIT(udp_ready_, kTimeout);
    309   }
    311   bool CheckConnectionDestroyed() {
    312     turn_port_->FlushRequests(cricket::kAllRequests);
    313     rtc::Thread::Current()->ProcessMessages(50);
    314     return connection_destroyed_;
    315   }
    317   void TestTurnAlternateServer(cricket::ProtocolType protocol_type) {
    318     std::vector<rtc::SocketAddress> redirect_addresses;
    319     redirect_addresses.push_back(kTurnAlternateIntAddr);
    321     cricket::TestTurnRedirector redirector(redirect_addresses);
    323     turn_server_.AddInternalSocket(kTurnIntAddr, protocol_type);
    324     turn_server_.AddInternalSocket(kTurnAlternateIntAddr, protocol_type);
    325     turn_server_.set_redirect_hook(&redirector);
    326     CreateTurnPort(kTurnUsername, kTurnPassword,
    327                    cricket::ProtocolAddress(kTurnIntAddr, protocol_type));
    329     // Retrieve the address before we run the state machine.
    330     const SocketAddress old_addr = turn_port_->server_address().address;
    332     turn_port_->PrepareAddress();
    333     EXPECT_TRUE_WAIT(turn_ready_, kTimeout * 100);
    334     // Retrieve the address again, the turn port's address should be
    335     // changed.
    336     const SocketAddress new_addr = turn_port_->server_address().address;
    337     EXPECT_NE(old_addr, new_addr);
    338     ASSERT_EQ(1U, turn_port_->Candidates().size());
    339     EXPECT_EQ(kTurnUdpExtAddr.ipaddr(),
    340               turn_port_->Candidates()[0].address().ipaddr());
    341     EXPECT_NE(0, turn_port_->Candidates()[0].address().port());
    342   }
    344   void TestTurnAlternateServerV4toV6(cricket::ProtocolType protocol_type) {
    345     std::vector<rtc::SocketAddress> redirect_addresses;
    346     redirect_addresses.push_back(kTurnIPv6IntAddr);
    348     cricket::TestTurnRedirector redirector(redirect_addresses);
    349     turn_server_.AddInternalSocket(kTurnIntAddr, protocol_type);
    350     turn_server_.set_redirect_hook(&redirector);
    351     CreateTurnPort(kTurnUsername, kTurnPassword,
    352                    cricket::ProtocolAddress(kTurnIntAddr, protocol_type));
    353     turn_port_->PrepareAddress();
    354     EXPECT_TRUE_WAIT(turn_error_, kTimeout);
    355   }
    357   void TestTurnAlternateServerPingPong(cricket::ProtocolType protocol_type) {
    358     std::vector<rtc::SocketAddress> redirect_addresses;
    359     redirect_addresses.push_back(kTurnAlternateIntAddr);
    360     redirect_addresses.push_back(kTurnIntAddr);
    362     cricket::TestTurnRedirector redirector(redirect_addresses);
    364     turn_server_.AddInternalSocket(kTurnIntAddr, protocol_type);
    365     turn_server_.AddInternalSocket(kTurnAlternateIntAddr, protocol_type);
    366     turn_server_.set_redirect_hook(&redirector);
    367     CreateTurnPort(kTurnUsername, kTurnPassword,
    368                    cricket::ProtocolAddress(kTurnIntAddr, protocol_type));
    370     turn_port_->PrepareAddress();
    371     EXPECT_TRUE_WAIT(turn_error_, kTimeout);
    372     ASSERT_EQ(0U, turn_port_->Candidates().size());
    373     rtc::SocketAddress address;
    374     // Verify that we have exhausted all alternate servers instead of
    375     // failure caused by other errors.
    376     EXPECT_FALSE(redirector.ShouldRedirect(address, &address));
    377   }
    379   void TestTurnAlternateServerDetectRepetition(
    380       cricket::ProtocolType protocol_type) {
    381     std::vector<rtc::SocketAddress> redirect_addresses;
    382     redirect_addresses.push_back(kTurnAlternateIntAddr);
    383     redirect_addresses.push_back(kTurnAlternateIntAddr);
    385     cricket::TestTurnRedirector redirector(redirect_addresses);
    387     turn_server_.AddInternalSocket(kTurnIntAddr, protocol_type);
    388     turn_server_.AddInternalSocket(kTurnAlternateIntAddr, protocol_type);
    389     turn_server_.set_redirect_hook(&redirector);
    390     CreateTurnPort(kTurnUsername, kTurnPassword,
    391                    cricket::ProtocolAddress(kTurnIntAddr, protocol_type));
    393     turn_port_->PrepareAddress();
    394     EXPECT_TRUE_WAIT(turn_error_, kTimeout);
    395     ASSERT_EQ(0U, turn_port_->Candidates().size());
    396   }
    398   void TestTurnConnection() {
    399     // Create ports and prepare addresses.
    400     PrepareTurnAndUdpPorts();
    402     // Send ping from UDP to TURN.
    403     Connection* conn1 = udp_port_->CreateConnection(
    404                     turn_port_->Candidates()[0], Port::ORIGIN_MESSAGE);
    405     ASSERT_TRUE(conn1 != NULL);
    406     conn1->Ping(0);
    407     WAIT(!turn_unknown_address_, kTimeout);
    408     EXPECT_FALSE(turn_unknown_address_);
    409     EXPECT_FALSE(conn1->receiving());
    410     EXPECT_EQ(Connection::STATE_WRITE_INIT, conn1->write_state());
    412     // Send ping from TURN to UDP.
    413     Connection* conn2 = turn_port_->CreateConnection(
    414                     udp_port_->Candidates()[0], Port::ORIGIN_MESSAGE);
    415     ASSERT_TRUE(conn2 != NULL);
    416     ASSERT_TRUE_WAIT(turn_create_permission_success_, kTimeout);
    417     conn2->Ping(0);
    419     EXPECT_EQ_WAIT(Connection::STATE_WRITABLE, conn2->write_state(), kTimeout);
    420     EXPECT_TRUE(conn1->receiving());
    421     EXPECT_TRUE(conn2->receiving());
    422     EXPECT_EQ(Connection::STATE_WRITE_INIT, conn1->write_state());
    424     // Send another ping from UDP to TURN.
    425     conn1->Ping(0);
    426     EXPECT_EQ_WAIT(Connection::STATE_WRITABLE, conn1->write_state(), kTimeout);
    427     EXPECT_TRUE(conn2->receiving());
    428   }
    430   void TestDestroyTurnConnection() {
    431     PrepareTurnAndUdpPorts();
    433     // Create connections on both ends.
    434     Connection* conn1 = udp_port_->CreateConnection(turn_port_->Candidates()[0],
    435                                                     Port::ORIGIN_MESSAGE);
    436     Connection* conn2 = turn_port_->CreateConnection(udp_port_->Candidates()[0],
    437                                                      Port::ORIGIN_MESSAGE);
    438     ASSERT_TRUE(conn2 != NULL);
    439     ASSERT_TRUE_WAIT(turn_create_permission_success_, kTimeout);
    440     // Make sure turn connection can receive.
    441     conn1->Ping(0);
    442     EXPECT_EQ_WAIT(Connection::STATE_WRITABLE, conn1->write_state(), kTimeout);
    443     EXPECT_FALSE(turn_unknown_address_);
    445     // Destroy the connection on the turn port. The TurnEntry is still
    446     // there. So the turn port gets ping from unknown address if it is pinged.
    447     conn2->Destroy();
    448     conn1->Ping(0);
    449     EXPECT_TRUE_WAIT(turn_unknown_address_, kTimeout);
    451     // Flush all requests in the invoker to destroy the TurnEntry.
    452     // Now the turn port cannot receive the ping.
    453     turn_unknown_address_ = false;
    454     turn_port_->invoker()->Flush(rtc::Thread::Current());
    455     conn1->Ping(0);
    456     rtc::Thread::Current()->ProcessMessages(500);
    457     EXPECT_FALSE(turn_unknown_address_);
    459     // If the connection is created again, it will start to receive pings.
    460     conn2 = turn_port_->CreateConnection(udp_port_->Candidates()[0],
    461                                          Port::ORIGIN_MESSAGE);
    462     conn1->Ping(0);
    463     EXPECT_TRUE_WAIT(conn2->receiving(), kTimeout);
    464     EXPECT_FALSE(turn_unknown_address_);
    465   }
    467   void TestTurnSendData() {
    468     PrepareTurnAndUdpPorts();
    470     // Create connections and send pings.
    471     Connection* conn1 = turn_port_->CreateConnection(
    472         udp_port_->Candidates()[0], Port::ORIGIN_MESSAGE);
    473     Connection* conn2 = udp_port_->CreateConnection(
    474         turn_port_->Candidates()[0], Port::ORIGIN_MESSAGE);
    475     ASSERT_TRUE(conn1 != NULL);
    476     ASSERT_TRUE(conn2 != NULL);
    477     conn1->SignalReadPacket.connect(static_cast<TurnPortTest*>(this),
    478                                     &TurnPortTest::OnTurnReadPacket);
    479     conn2->SignalReadPacket.connect(static_cast<TurnPortTest*>(this),
    480                                     &TurnPortTest::OnUdpReadPacket);
    481     conn1->Ping(0);
    482     EXPECT_EQ_WAIT(Connection::STATE_WRITABLE, conn1->write_state(), kTimeout);
    483     conn2->Ping(0);
    484     EXPECT_EQ_WAIT(Connection::STATE_WRITABLE, conn2->write_state(), kTimeout);
    486     // Send some data.
    487     size_t num_packets = 256;
    488     for (size_t i = 0; i < num_packets; ++i) {
    489       unsigned char buf[256] = { 0 };
    490       for (size_t j = 0; j < i + 1; ++j) {
    491         buf[j] = 0xFF - static_cast<unsigned char>(j);
    492       }
    493       conn1->Send(buf, i + 1, options);
    494       conn2->Send(buf, i + 1, options);
    495       main_->ProcessMessages(0);
    496     }
    498     // Check the data.
    499     ASSERT_EQ_WAIT(num_packets, turn_packets_.size(), kTimeout);
    500     ASSERT_EQ_WAIT(num_packets, udp_packets_.size(), kTimeout);
    501     for (size_t i = 0; i < num_packets; ++i) {
    502       EXPECT_EQ(i + 1, turn_packets_[i].size());
    503       EXPECT_EQ(i + 1, udp_packets_[i].size());
    504       EXPECT_EQ(turn_packets_[i], udp_packets_[i]);
    505     }
    506   }
    508  protected:
    509   rtc::Thread* main_;
    510   rtc::scoped_ptr<rtc::PhysicalSocketServer> pss_;
    511   rtc::scoped_ptr<TurnPortTestVirtualSocketServer> ss_;
    512   rtc::SocketServerScope ss_scope_;
    513   rtc::Network network_;
    514   rtc::BasicPacketSocketFactory socket_factory_;
    515   rtc::scoped_ptr<rtc::AsyncPacketSocket> socket_;
    516   cricket::TestTurnServer turn_server_;
    517   rtc::scoped_ptr<TurnPort> turn_port_;
    518   rtc::scoped_ptr<UDPPort> udp_port_;
    519   bool turn_ready_;
    520   bool turn_error_;
    521   bool turn_unknown_address_;
    522   bool turn_create_permission_success_;
    523   bool udp_ready_;
    524   bool test_finish_;
    525   bool turn_refresh_success_ = false;
    526   bool connection_destroyed_ = false;
    527   std::vector<rtc::Buffer> turn_packets_;
    528   std::vector<rtc::Buffer> udp_packets_;
    529   rtc::PacketOptions options;
    530 };
    532 // Do a normal TURN allocation.
    533 TEST_F(TurnPortTest, TestTurnAllocate) {
    534   CreateTurnPort(kTurnUsername, kTurnPassword, kTurnUdpProtoAddr);
    535   EXPECT_EQ(0, turn_port_->SetOption(rtc::Socket::OPT_SNDBUF, 10*1024));
    536   turn_port_->PrepareAddress();
    537   EXPECT_TRUE_WAIT(turn_ready_, kTimeout);
    538   ASSERT_EQ(1U, turn_port_->Candidates().size());
    539   EXPECT_EQ(kTurnUdpExtAddr.ipaddr(),
    540             turn_port_->Candidates()[0].address().ipaddr());
    541   EXPECT_NE(0, turn_port_->Candidates()[0].address().port());
    542 }
    544 // Testing a normal UDP allocation using TCP connection.
    545 TEST_F(TurnPortTest, TestTurnTcpAllocate) {
    546   turn_server_.AddInternalSocket(kTurnTcpIntAddr, cricket::PROTO_TCP);
    547   CreateTurnPort(kTurnUsername, kTurnPassword, kTurnTcpProtoAddr);
    548   EXPECT_EQ(0, turn_port_->SetOption(rtc::Socket::OPT_SNDBUF, 10*1024));
    549   turn_port_->PrepareAddress();
    550   EXPECT_TRUE_WAIT(turn_ready_, kTimeout);
    551   ASSERT_EQ(1U, turn_port_->Candidates().size());
    552   EXPECT_EQ(kTurnUdpExtAddr.ipaddr(),
    553             turn_port_->Candidates()[0].address().ipaddr());
    554   EXPECT_NE(0, turn_port_->Candidates()[0].address().port());
    555 }
    557 // Test case for WebRTC issue 3927 where a proxy binds to the local host address
    558 // instead the address that TurnPort originally bound to. The candidate pair
    559 // impacted by this behavior should still be used.
    560 TEST_F(TurnPortTest, TestTurnTcpAllocationWhenProxyChangesAddressToLocalHost) {
    561   turn_server_.AddInternalSocket(kTurnTcpIntAddr, cricket::PROTO_TCP);
    562   CreateTurnPort(kTurnUsername, kTurnPassword, kTurnTcpProtoAddr);
    563   EXPECT_EQ(0, turn_port_->SetOption(rtc::Socket::OPT_SNDBUF, 10 * 1024));
    564   turn_port_->PrepareAddress();
    565   ConnectSignalAddressReadyToSetLocalhostAsAltenertativeLocalAddress();
    566   EXPECT_TRUE_WAIT(turn_ready_, kTimeout);
    567   ASSERT_EQ(1U, turn_port_->Candidates().size());
    568   EXPECT_EQ(kTurnUdpExtAddr.ipaddr(),
    569             turn_port_->Candidates()[0].address().ipaddr());
    570   EXPECT_NE(0, turn_port_->Candidates()[0].address().port());
    571 }
    573 // Testing turn port will attempt to create TCP socket on address resolution
    574 // failure.
    575 TEST_F(TurnPortTest, DISABLED_TestTurnTcpOnAddressResolveFailure) {
    576   turn_server_.AddInternalSocket(kTurnTcpIntAddr, cricket::PROTO_TCP);
    577   CreateTurnPort(kTurnUsername, kTurnPassword, cricket::ProtocolAddress(
    578       rtc::SocketAddress("www.webrtc-blah-blah.com", 3478),
    579       cricket::PROTO_TCP));
    580   turn_port_->PrepareAddress();
    581   EXPECT_TRUE_WAIT(turn_error_, kTimeout);
    582   // As VSS doesn't provide a DNS resolution, name resolve will fail. TurnPort
    583   // will proceed in creating a TCP socket which will fail as there is no
    584   // server on the above domain and error will be set to SOCKET_ERROR.
    585   EXPECT_EQ(SOCKET_ERROR, turn_port_->error());
    586 }
    588 // In case of UDP on address resolve failure, TurnPort will not create socket
    589 // and return allocate failure.
    590 TEST_F(TurnPortTest, DISABLED_TestTurnUdpOnAdressResolveFailure) {
    591   CreateTurnPort(kTurnUsername, kTurnPassword, cricket::ProtocolAddress(
    592       rtc::SocketAddress("www.webrtc-blah-blah.com", 3478),
    593       cricket::PROTO_UDP));
    594   turn_port_->PrepareAddress();
    595   EXPECT_TRUE_WAIT(turn_error_, kTimeout);
    596   // Error from turn port will not be socket error.
    597   EXPECT_NE(SOCKET_ERROR, turn_port_->error());
    598 }
    600 // Try to do a TURN allocation with an invalid password.
    601 TEST_F(TurnPortTest, TestTurnAllocateBadPassword) {
    602   CreateTurnPort(kTurnUsername, "bad", kTurnUdpProtoAddr);
    603   turn_port_->PrepareAddress();
    604   EXPECT_TRUE_WAIT(turn_error_, kTimeout);
    605   ASSERT_EQ(0U, turn_port_->Candidates().size());
    606 }
    608 // Tests that a new local address is created after
    610 TEST_F(TurnPortTest, TestTurnAllocateMismatch) {
    611   // Do a normal allocation first.
    612   CreateTurnPort(kTurnUsername, kTurnPassword, kTurnUdpProtoAddr);
    613   turn_port_->PrepareAddress();
    614   EXPECT_TRUE_WAIT(turn_ready_, kTimeout);
    615   rtc::SocketAddress first_addr(turn_port_->socket()->GetLocalAddress());
    617   // Clear connected_ flag on turnport to suppress the release of
    618   // the allocation.
    619   turn_port_->OnSocketClose(turn_port_->socket(), 0);
    621   // Forces the socket server to assign the same port.
    622   ss_->SetNextPortForTesting(first_addr.port());
    624   turn_ready_ = false;
    625   CreateTurnPort(kTurnUsername, kTurnPassword, kTurnUdpProtoAddr);
    626   turn_port_->PrepareAddress();
    628   // Verifies that the new port has the same address.
    629   EXPECT_EQ(first_addr, turn_port_->socket()->GetLocalAddress());
    631   EXPECT_TRUE_WAIT(turn_ready_, kTimeout);
    633   // Verifies that the new port has a different address now.
    634   EXPECT_NE(first_addr, turn_port_->socket()->GetLocalAddress());
    635 }
    637 // Tests that a shared-socket-TurnPort creates its own socket after
    639 TEST_F(TurnPortTest, TestSharedSocketAllocateMismatch) {
    640   // Do a normal allocation first.
    641   CreateSharedTurnPort(kTurnUsername, kTurnPassword, kTurnUdpProtoAddr);
    642   turn_port_->PrepareAddress();
    643   EXPECT_TRUE_WAIT(turn_ready_, kTimeout);
    644   rtc::SocketAddress first_addr(turn_port_->socket()->GetLocalAddress());
    646   // Clear connected_ flag on turnport to suppress the release of
    647   // the allocation.
    648   turn_port_->OnSocketClose(turn_port_->socket(), 0);
    650   turn_ready_ = false;
    651   CreateSharedTurnPort(kTurnUsername, kTurnPassword, kTurnUdpProtoAddr);
    653   // Verifies that the new port has the same address.
    654   EXPECT_EQ(first_addr, turn_port_->socket()->GetLocalAddress());
    655   EXPECT_TRUE(turn_port_->SharedSocket());
    657   turn_port_->PrepareAddress();
    658   EXPECT_TRUE_WAIT(turn_ready_, kTimeout);
    660   // Verifies that the new port has a different address now.
    661   EXPECT_NE(first_addr, turn_port_->socket()->GetLocalAddress());
    662   EXPECT_FALSE(turn_port_->SharedSocket());
    663 }
    665 TEST_F(TurnPortTest, TestTurnTcpAllocateMismatch) {
    666   turn_server_.AddInternalSocket(kTurnTcpIntAddr, cricket::PROTO_TCP);
    667   CreateTurnPort(kTurnUsername, kTurnPassword, kTurnTcpProtoAddr);
    669   // Do a normal allocation first.
    670   turn_port_->PrepareAddress();
    671   EXPECT_TRUE_WAIT(turn_ready_, kTimeout);
    672   rtc::SocketAddress first_addr(turn_port_->socket()->GetLocalAddress());
    674   // Clear connected_ flag on turnport to suppress the release of
    675   // the allocation.
    676   turn_port_->OnSocketClose(turn_port_->socket(), 0);
    678   // Forces the socket server to assign the same port.
    679   ss_->SetNextPortForTesting(first_addr.port());
    681   turn_ready_ = false;
    682   CreateTurnPort(kTurnUsername, kTurnPassword, kTurnTcpProtoAddr);
    683   turn_port_->PrepareAddress();
    685   // Verifies that the new port has the same address.
    686   EXPECT_EQ(first_addr, turn_port_->socket()->GetLocalAddress());
    688   EXPECT_TRUE_WAIT(turn_ready_, kTimeout);
    690   // Verifies that the new port has a different address now.
    691   EXPECT_NE(first_addr, turn_port_->socket()->GetLocalAddress());
    692 }
    694 TEST_F(TurnPortTest, TestRefreshRequestGetsErrorResponse) {
    695   CreateTurnPort(kTurnUsername, kTurnPassword, kTurnUdpProtoAddr);
    696   PrepareTurnAndUdpPorts();
    697   turn_port_->CreateConnection(udp_port_->Candidates()[0],
    698                                Port::ORIGIN_MESSAGE);
    699   // Set bad credentials.
    700   cricket::RelayCredentials bad_credentials("bad_user", "bad_pwd");
    701   turn_port_->set_credentials(bad_credentials);
    702   turn_refresh_success_ = false;
    703   // This sends out the first RefreshRequest with correct credentials.
    704   // When this succeeds, it will schedule a new RefreshRequest with the bad
    705   // credential.
    706   turn_port_->FlushRequests(cricket::TURN_REFRESH_REQUEST);
    707   EXPECT_TRUE_WAIT(turn_refresh_success_, kTimeout);
    708   // Flush it again, it will receive a bad response.
    709   turn_port_->FlushRequests(cricket::TURN_REFRESH_REQUEST);
    710   EXPECT_TRUE_WAIT(!turn_refresh_success_, kTimeout);
    711   EXPECT_TRUE_WAIT(!turn_port_->connected(), kTimeout);
    712   EXPECT_TRUE_WAIT(turn_port_->connections().empty(), kTimeout);
    713   EXPECT_FALSE(turn_port_->HasRequests());
    714 }
    716 // Test that CreateConnection will return null if port becomes disconnected.
    717 TEST_F(TurnPortTest, TestCreateConnectionWhenSocketClosed) {
    718   turn_server_.AddInternalSocket(kTurnTcpIntAddr, cricket::PROTO_TCP);
    719   CreateTurnPort(kTurnUsername, kTurnPassword, kTurnTcpProtoAddr);
    720   PrepareTurnAndUdpPorts();
    721   // Create a connection.
    722   Connection* conn1 = turn_port_->CreateConnection(udp_port_->Candidates()[0],
    723                                                    Port::ORIGIN_MESSAGE);
    724   ASSERT_TRUE(conn1 != NULL);
    726   // Close the socket and create a connection again.
    727   turn_port_->OnSocketClose(turn_port_->socket(), 1);
    728   conn1 = turn_port_->CreateConnection(udp_port_->Candidates()[0],
    729                                        Port::ORIGIN_MESSAGE);
    730   ASSERT_TRUE(conn1 == NULL);
    731 }
    733 // Test try-alternate-server feature.
    734 TEST_F(TurnPortTest, TestTurnAlternateServerUDP) {
    735   TestTurnAlternateServer(cricket::PROTO_UDP);
    736 }
    738 TEST_F(TurnPortTest, TestTurnAlternateServerTCP) {
    739   TestTurnAlternateServer(cricket::PROTO_TCP);
    740 }
    742 // Test that we fail when we redirect to an address different from
    743 // current IP family.
    744 TEST_F(TurnPortTest, TestTurnAlternateServerV4toV6UDP) {
    745   TestTurnAlternateServerV4toV6(cricket::PROTO_UDP);
    746 }
    748 TEST_F(TurnPortTest, TestTurnAlternateServerV4toV6TCP) {
    749   TestTurnAlternateServerV4toV6(cricket::PROTO_TCP);
    750 }
    752 // Test try-alternate-server catches the case of pingpong.
    753 TEST_F(TurnPortTest, TestTurnAlternateServerPingPongUDP) {
    754   TestTurnAlternateServerPingPong(cricket::PROTO_UDP);
    755 }
    757 TEST_F(TurnPortTest, TestTurnAlternateServerPingPongTCP) {
    758   TestTurnAlternateServerPingPong(cricket::PROTO_TCP);
    759 }
    761 // Test try-alternate-server catch the case of repeated server.
    762 TEST_F(TurnPortTest, TestTurnAlternateServerDetectRepetitionUDP) {
    763   TestTurnAlternateServerDetectRepetition(cricket::PROTO_UDP);
    764 }
    766 TEST_F(TurnPortTest, TestTurnAlternateServerDetectRepetitionTCP) {
    767   TestTurnAlternateServerDetectRepetition(cricket::PROTO_TCP);
    768 }
    770 // Do a TURN allocation and try to send a packet to it from the outside.
    771 // The packet should be dropped. Then, try to send a packet from TURN to the
    772 // outside. It should reach its destination. Finally, try again from the
    773 // outside. It should now work as well.
    774 TEST_F(TurnPortTest, TestTurnConnection) {
    775   CreateTurnPort(kTurnUsername, kTurnPassword, kTurnUdpProtoAddr);
    776   TestTurnConnection();
    777 }
    779 // Similar to above, except that this test will use the shared socket.
    780 TEST_F(TurnPortTest, TestTurnConnectionUsingSharedSocket) {
    781   CreateSharedTurnPort(kTurnUsername, kTurnPassword, kTurnUdpProtoAddr);
    782   TestTurnConnection();
    783 }
    785 // Test that we can establish a TCP connection with TURN server.
    786 TEST_F(TurnPortTest, TestTurnTcpConnection) {
    787   turn_server_.AddInternalSocket(kTurnTcpIntAddr, cricket::PROTO_TCP);
    788   CreateTurnPort(kTurnUsername, kTurnPassword, kTurnTcpProtoAddr);
    789   TestTurnConnection();
    790 }
    792 // Test that if a connection on a TURN port is destroyed, the TURN port can
    793 // still receive ping on that connection as if it is from an unknown address.
    794 // If the connection is created again, it will be used to receive ping.
    795 TEST_F(TurnPortTest, TestDestroyTurnConnection) {
    796   CreateTurnPort(kTurnUsername, kTurnPassword, kTurnUdpProtoAddr);
    797   TestDestroyTurnConnection();
    798 }
    800 // Similar to above, except that this test will use the shared socket.
    801 TEST_F(TurnPortTest, TestDestroyTurnConnectionUsingSharedSocket) {
    802   CreateSharedTurnPort(kTurnUsername, kTurnPassword, kTurnUdpProtoAddr);
    803   TestDestroyTurnConnection();
    804 }
    806 // Test that we fail to create a connection when we want to use TLS over TCP.
    807 // This test should be removed once we have TLS support.
    808 TEST_F(TurnPortTest, TestTurnTlsTcpConnectionFails) {
    809   cricket::ProtocolAddress secure_addr(kTurnTcpProtoAddr.address,
    810                                        kTurnTcpProtoAddr.proto,
    811                                        true);
    812   CreateTurnPort(kTurnUsername, kTurnPassword, secure_addr);
    813   turn_port_->PrepareAddress();
    814   EXPECT_TRUE_WAIT(turn_error_, kTimeout);
    815   ASSERT_EQ(0U, turn_port_->Candidates().size());
    816 }
    818 // Run TurnConnectionTest with one-time-use nonce feature.
    819 // Here server will send a 438 STALE_NONCE error message for
    820 // every TURN transaction.
    821 TEST_F(TurnPortTest, TestTurnConnectionUsingOTUNonce) {
    822   turn_server_.set_enable_otu_nonce(true);
    823   CreateTurnPort(kTurnUsername, kTurnPassword, kTurnUdpProtoAddr);
    824   TestTurnConnection();
    825 }
    827 // Test that CreatePermissionRequest will be scheduled after the success
    828 // of the first create permission request and the request will get an
    829 // ErrorResponse if the ufrag and pwd are incorrect.
    830 TEST_F(TurnPortTest, TestRefreshCreatePermissionRequest) {
    831   CreateTurnPort(kTurnUsername, kTurnPassword, kTurnUdpProtoAddr);
    832   PrepareTurnAndUdpPorts();
    834   Connection* conn = turn_port_->CreateConnection(udp_port_->Candidates()[0],
    835                                                   Port::ORIGIN_MESSAGE);
    836   ConnectConnectionDestroyedSignal(conn);
    837   ASSERT_TRUE(conn != NULL);
    838   ASSERT_TRUE_WAIT(turn_create_permission_success_, kTimeout);
    839   turn_create_permission_success_ = false;
    840   // A create-permission-request should be pending.
    841   // After the next create-permission-response is received, it will schedule
    842   // another request with bad_ufrag and bad_pwd.
    843   cricket::RelayCredentials bad_credentials("bad_user", "bad_pwd");
    844   turn_port_->set_credentials(bad_credentials);
    845   turn_port_->FlushRequests(cricket::kAllRequests);
    846   ASSERT_TRUE_WAIT(turn_create_permission_success_, kTimeout);
    847   // Flush the requests again; the create-permission-request will fail.
    848   turn_port_->FlushRequests(cricket::kAllRequests);
    849   EXPECT_TRUE_WAIT(!turn_create_permission_success_, kTimeout);
    850   EXPECT_TRUE_WAIT(connection_destroyed_, kTimeout);
    851 }
    853 TEST_F(TurnPortTest, TestChannelBindGetErrorResponse) {
    854   CreateTurnPort(kTurnUsername, kTurnPassword, kTurnUdpProtoAddr);
    855   PrepareTurnAndUdpPorts();
    856   Connection* conn1 = turn_port_->CreateConnection(udp_port_->Candidates()[0],
    857                                                    Port::ORIGIN_MESSAGE);
    858   ASSERT_TRUE(conn1 != nullptr);
    859   Connection* conn2 = udp_port_->CreateConnection(turn_port_->Candidates()[0],
    860                                                   Port::ORIGIN_MESSAGE);
    861   ASSERT_TRUE(conn2 != nullptr);
    862   ConnectConnectionDestroyedSignal(conn1);
    863   conn1->Ping(0);
    864   ASSERT_TRUE_WAIT(conn1->writable(), kTimeout);
    866   std::string data = "ABC";
    867   conn1->Send(data.data(), data.length(), options);
    868   bool success =
    869       turn_port_->SetEntryChannelId(udp_port_->Candidates()[0].address(), -1);
    870   ASSERT_TRUE(success);
    871   // Next time when the binding request is sent, it will get an ErrorResponse.
    872   EXPECT_TRUE_WAIT(CheckConnectionDestroyed(), kTimeout);
    873 }
    875 // Do a TURN allocation, establish a UDP connection, and send some data.
    876 TEST_F(TurnPortTest, TestTurnSendDataTurnUdpToUdp) {
    877   // Create ports and prepare addresses.
    878   CreateTurnPort(kTurnUsername, kTurnPassword, kTurnUdpProtoAddr);
    879   TestTurnSendData();
    880   EXPECT_EQ(cricket::UDP_PROTOCOL_NAME,
    881             turn_port_->Candidates()[0].relay_protocol());
    882 }
    884 // Do a TURN allocation, establish a TCP connection, and send some data.
    885 TEST_F(TurnPortTest, TestTurnSendDataTurnTcpToUdp) {
    886   turn_server_.AddInternalSocket(kTurnTcpIntAddr, cricket::PROTO_TCP);
    887   // Create ports and prepare addresses.
    888   CreateTurnPort(kTurnUsername, kTurnPassword, kTurnTcpProtoAddr);
    889   TestTurnSendData();
    890   EXPECT_EQ(cricket::TCP_PROTOCOL_NAME,
    891             turn_port_->Candidates()[0].relay_protocol());
    892 }
    894 // Test TURN fails to make a connection from IPv6 address to a server which has
    895 // IPv4 address.
    896 TEST_F(TurnPortTest, TestTurnLocalIPv6AddressServerIPv4) {
    897   turn_server_.AddInternalSocket(kTurnUdpIPv6IntAddr, cricket::PROTO_UDP);
    898   CreateTurnPort(kLocalIPv6Addr, kTurnUsername, kTurnPassword,
    899                  kTurnUdpProtoAddr);
    900   turn_port_->PrepareAddress();
    901   ASSERT_TRUE_WAIT(turn_error_, kTimeout);
    902   EXPECT_TRUE(turn_port_->Candidates().empty());
    903 }
    905 // Test TURN make a connection from IPv6 address to a server which has
    906 // IPv6 intenal address. But in this test external address is a IPv4 address,
    907 // hence allocated address will be a IPv4 address.
    908 TEST_F(TurnPortTest, TestTurnLocalIPv6AddressServerIPv6ExtenalIPv4) {
    909   turn_server_.AddInternalSocket(kTurnUdpIPv6IntAddr, cricket::PROTO_UDP);
    910   CreateTurnPort(kLocalIPv6Addr, kTurnUsername, kTurnPassword,
    911                  kTurnUdpIPv6ProtoAddr);
    912   turn_port_->PrepareAddress();
    913   EXPECT_TRUE_WAIT(turn_ready_, kTimeout);
    914   ASSERT_EQ(1U, turn_port_->Candidates().size());
    915   EXPECT_EQ(kTurnUdpExtAddr.ipaddr(),
    916             turn_port_->Candidates()[0].address().ipaddr());
    917   EXPECT_NE(0, turn_port_->Candidates()[0].address().port());
    918 }
    920 TEST_F(TurnPortTest, TestOriginHeader) {
    921   CreateTurnPortWithOrigin(kLocalAddr1, kTurnUsername, kTurnPassword,
    922                            kTurnUdpProtoAddr, kTestOrigin);
    923   turn_port_->PrepareAddress();
    924   EXPECT_TRUE_WAIT(turn_ready_, kTimeout);
    925   ASSERT_GT(turn_server_.server()->allocations().size(), 0U);
    926   SocketAddress local_address = turn_port_->GetLocalAddress();
    927   ASSERT_TRUE(turn_server_.FindAllocation(local_address) != NULL);
    928   EXPECT_EQ(kTestOrigin, turn_server_.FindAllocation(local_address)->origin());
    929 }
    931 // Test that a CreatePermission failure will result in the connection being
    932 // destroyed.
    933 TEST_F(TurnPortTest, TestConnectionDestroyedOnCreatePermissionFailure) {
    934   turn_server_.AddInternalSocket(kTurnTcpIntAddr, cricket::PROTO_TCP);
    935   turn_server_.server()->set_reject_private_addresses(true);
    936   CreateTurnPort(kTurnUsername, kTurnPassword, kTurnTcpProtoAddr);
    937   turn_port_->PrepareAddress();
    938   ASSERT_TRUE_WAIT(turn_ready_, kTimeout);
    940   CreateUdpPort(SocketAddress("", 0));
    941   udp_port_->PrepareAddress();
    942   ASSERT_TRUE_WAIT(udp_ready_, kTimeout);
    943   // Create a connection.
    944   TestConnectionWrapper conn(turn_port_->CreateConnection(
    945       udp_port_->Candidates()[0], Port::ORIGIN_MESSAGE));
    946   ASSERT_TRUE(conn.connection() != nullptr);
    948   // Asynchronously, CreatePermission request should be sent and fail, closing
    949   // the connection.
    950   EXPECT_TRUE_WAIT(conn.connection() == nullptr, kTimeout);
    951   EXPECT_FALSE(turn_create_permission_success_);
    952 }
    954 // Test that a TURN allocation is released when the port is closed.
    955 TEST_F(TurnPortTest, TestTurnReleaseAllocation) {
    956   CreateTurnPort(kTurnUsername, kTurnPassword, kTurnUdpProtoAddr);
    957   turn_port_->PrepareAddress();
    958   EXPECT_TRUE_WAIT(turn_ready_, kTimeout);
    960   ASSERT_GT(turn_server_.server()->allocations().size(), 0U);
    961   turn_port_.reset();
    962   EXPECT_EQ_WAIT(0U, turn_server_.server()->allocations().size(), kTimeout);
    963 }
    965 // Test that a TURN TCP allocation is released when the port is closed.
    966 TEST_F(TurnPortTest, DISABLED_TestTurnTCPReleaseAllocation) {
    967   turn_server_.AddInternalSocket(kTurnTcpIntAddr, cricket::PROTO_TCP);
    968   CreateTurnPort(kTurnUsername, kTurnPassword, kTurnTcpProtoAddr);
    969   turn_port_->PrepareAddress();
    970   EXPECT_TRUE_WAIT(turn_ready_, kTimeout);
    972   ASSERT_GT(turn_server_.server()->allocations().size(), 0U);
    973   turn_port_.reset();
    974   EXPECT_EQ_WAIT(0U, turn_server_.server()->allocations().size(), kTimeout);
    975 }
    977 // This test verifies any FD's are not leaked after TurnPort is destroyed.
    978 // https://code.google.com/p/webrtc/issues/detail?id=2651
    979 #if defined(WEBRTC_LINUX) && !defined(WEBRTC_ANDROID)
    980 // 1 second is not always enough for getaddrinfo().
    981 // See: https://bugs.chromium.org/p/webrtc/issues/detail?id=5191
    982 static const unsigned int kResolverTimeout = 10000;
    984 TEST_F(TurnPortTest, TestResolverShutdown) {
    985   turn_server_.AddInternalSocket(kTurnUdpIPv6IntAddr, cricket::PROTO_UDP);
    986   int last_fd_count = GetFDCount();
    987   // Need to supply unresolved address to kick off resolver.
    988   CreateTurnPort(kLocalIPv6Addr, kTurnUsername, kTurnPassword,
    989                  cricket::ProtocolAddress(rtc::SocketAddress(
    990                     "www.google.invalid", 3478), cricket::PROTO_UDP));
    991   turn_port_->PrepareAddress();
    992   ASSERT_TRUE_WAIT(turn_error_, kResolverTimeout);
    993   EXPECT_TRUE(turn_port_->Candidates().empty());
    994   turn_port_.reset();
    995   rtc::Thread::Current()->Post(this, MSG_TESTFINISH);
    996   // Waiting for above message to be processed.
    997   ASSERT_TRUE_WAIT(test_finish_, kTimeout);
    998   EXPECT_EQ(last_fd_count, GetFDCount());
    999 }
   1000 #endif