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      1 #!/bin/bash
      2 #
      3 # Build the CDD HTML and PDF from the source files.
      4 # From the root directory run:
      5 #   ./cdd_gen.sh --version xx --branch xx
      6 #
      7 # where version is the version number and branch is the name of the AOSP branch.
      8 #
      9 # To run this script, you must install the jinja2 and wkhtmltopdf  packages
     10 # using the apt-get install command.
     11 #
     13 POSITIONAL=()
     14 while [[ $# -gt 0 ]]
     15 do
     16 key="$1"
     18 case $key in
     19     -v|--version)
     20     VERSION="$2"
     21     shift # past argument
     22     shift # past value
     23     ;;
     24     -b|--branch)
     25     BRANCH="$2"
     26     shift # past argument
     27     shift # past value
     28     ;;
     29     --default)
     30     DEFAULT=YES
     31     shift # past argument
     32     ;;
     33     *)    # unknown option
     34     POSITIONAL+=("$1") # save it in an array for later
     35     shift # past argument
     36     ;;
     37 esac
     38 done
     39 set -- "${POSITIONAL[@]}" # restore positional parameters
     41 echo "VERSION = ${VERSION}"
     42 echo "BRANCH = ${BRANCH}"
     44 current_time=$(date "+%m.%d-%H.%M")
     45 echo "Current Time : $current_time"
     47 filename="android-${VERSION}-cdd-${current_time}"
     48 echo "$filename"
     50 if [ -z "${VERSION+x}" ] || [ -z "${BRANCH+x}" ];
     51 then
     52   echo "No variables!"
     53   python make_cdd.py --output $filename;
     54 else
     55   echo "Variables!"
     56   python make_cdd.py --version $VERSION --branch $BRANCH --output $filename;
     57 fi
     59 wkhtmltopdf -B 1in -T 1in -L .75in -R .75in page $filename.html --footer-html source/android-cdd-footer.html /tmp/$filename-body.pdf
     60 wkhtmltopdf -s letter -B 0in -T 0in -L 0in -R 0in cover source/android-cdd-cover.html /tmp/$filename-cover.pdf