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  /external/libmojo/mojo/public/cpp/bindings/tests/ 18 Pop();
30 void MessageQueue::Pop(Message* message) {
33 Pop();
36 void MessageQueue::Pop() {
39 queue_.pop();
message_queue.h 30 void Pop(Message* message);
35 void Pop();
cpdf_psengine.cpp 59 {"pop", PSOP_POP},
185 float CPDF_PSEngine::Pop() {
190 return static_cast<int>(Pop());
207 d1 = Pop();
208 d2 = Pop();
212 d2 = Pop();
213 d1 = Pop();
217 d1 = Pop();
218 d2 = Pop();
222 d2 = Pop();
StackList.cs 61 public object Pop()
stringbuffer.h 55 // Push and pop a null terminator. This is safe.
58 stack_.template Pop<Ch>(1);
61 void Pop(size_t count) { stack_.template Pop<Ch>(count); }
64 // Push and pop a null terminator. This is safe.
66 stack_.template Pop<Ch>(1);
memorybuffer.h 48 void Pop(size_t count) { stack_.template Pop<Ch>(count); }
StackExtensions.cs 57 public static T pop<T>( this Stack<T> stack ) method in class:Antlr.Runtime.JavaExtensions.StackExtensions
59 return stack.Pop();
81 stack.Pop();
_Pragma-in-macro-arg.c 4 #define A(desc) _Pragma("clang diagnostic push") _Pragma("clang diagnostic ignored \"-Wparentheses\"") _Pragma("clang diagnostic pop")
23 #define IGNORE_POPPUSH(Pop, Push, W, D) Push W D Pop
24 IGNORE_POPPUSH(_Pragma("clang diagnostic pop"), _Pragma("clang diagnostic push"),
timestamp_map.h 30 VCMFrameInformation* Pop(uint32_t timestamp); 58 frameInfo = _timestampMap.Pop(decodedImage.timestamp());
116 int32_t VCMDecodedFrameCallback::Pop(uint32_t timestamp) {
118 if (_timestampMap.Pop(timestamp) == NULL) {
160 _callback->Pop(frame.TimeStamp());
165 _callback->Pop(frame.TimeStamp());
  /external/libchrome/base/task_scheduler/ 107 EXPECT_FALSE(sequence->Pop());
111 EXPECT_FALSE(sequence->Pop());
115 EXPECT_FALSE(sequence->Pop());
123 EXPECT_FALSE(sequence->Pop());
127 EXPECT_TRUE(sequence->Pop());
160 // Pop task A. The highest priority is still USER_BLOCKING. The task in front
163 sequence->Pop();
168 // Pop task B. The highest priority is still USER_BLOCKING. The task in front
171 sequence->Pop();
176 // Pop task C. The highest priority is still USER_BLOCKING. The task in fron
sequence.h 53 // Pop(). Cannot be called on an empty Sequence or a Sequence whose front slot
64 bool Pop();
example_intheap_test.go 21 // Push and Pop use pointer receivers because they modify the slice's length,
26 func (h *IntHeap) Pop() interface{} {
42 fmt.Printf("%d ", heap.Pop(h))
heap.go 13 // ordering for the Less method, so Push adds items while Pop removes the
27 // Note that Push and Pop in this interface are for package heap's
29 // use heap.Push and heap.Pop.
33 Pop() interface{} // remove and return element Len() - 1.
57 // Pop removes the minimum element (according to Less) from the heap
61 func Pop(h Interface) interface{} {
65 return h.Pop()
79 return h.Pop()
heap_test.go 26 func (h *myHeap) Pop() (v interface{}) {
65 x := Pop(h).(int)
68 t.Errorf(" pop got %d; want %d", i, x, 0)
82 x := Pop(h).(int)
85 t.Errorf(" pop got %d; want %d", i, x, i)
106 x := Pop(h).(int)
112 t.Errorf(" pop got %d; want %d", i, x, i)
183 Pop(&h)
example_intheap_test.go 21 // Push and Pop use pointer receivers because they modify the slice's length,
26 func (h *IntHeap) Pop() interface{} {
42 fmt.Printf("%d ", heap.Pop(h))
heap.go 13 // ordering for the Less method, so Push adds items while Pop removes the
27 // Note that Push and Pop in this interface are for package heap's
29 // use heap.Push and heap.Pop.
33 Pop() interface{} // remove and return element Len() - 1.
57 // Pop removes the minimum element (according to Less) from the heap
61 func Pop(h Interface) interface{} {
65 return h.Pop()
79 return h.Pop()
heap_test.go 26 func (h *myHeap) Pop() (v interface{}) {
65 x := Pop(h).(int)
68 t.Errorf(" pop got %d; want %d", i, x, 0)
82 x := Pop(h).(int)
85 t.Errorf(" pop got %d; want %d", i, x, i)
106 x := Pop(h).(int)
112 t.Errorf(" pop got %d; want %d", i, x, i)
183 Pop(&h)
record_test.cpp 71 ASSERT_EQ(nullptr, cache.Pop());
77 // Pop r2.
78 std::unique_ptr<Record> popped_r = cache.Pop();
81 ASSERT_EQ(nullptr, cache.Pop());
87 ASSERT_EQ(nullptr, cache.Pop());
93 // Pop r1.
94 popped_r = cache.Pop();
97 // Pop r3.
98 popped_r = cache.Pop();
101 ASSERT_EQ(nullptr, cache.Pop());
  /external/google-breakpad/src/testing/gtest/scripts/ 476 def Pop(token_type=None):
483 Pop('$else')
484 Pop('[[')
486 Pop(']]')
489 Pop('$elif')
490 exp = Pop('code')
491 Pop('[[')
493 Pop(']]')
497 Pop('code')
504 def Pop(token_type=None)
  /external/googletest/googletest/scripts/ 476 def Pop(token_type=None):
483 Pop('$else')
484 Pop('[[')
486 Pop(']]')
489 Pop('$elif')
490 exp = Pop('code')
491 Pop('[[')
493 Pop(']]')
497 Pop('code')
504 def Pop(token_type=None)
  /external/protobuf/gtest/scripts/ 467 def Pop(token_type=None):
474 Pop('$else')
475 Pop('[[')
477 Pop(']]')
480 Pop('$elif')
481 exp = Pop('code')
482 Pop('[[')
484 Pop(']]')
488 Pop('code')
495 def Pop(token_type=None)
  /external/v8/testing/gtest/scripts/ 476 def Pop(token_type=None):
483 Pop('$else')
484 Pop('[[')
486 Pop(']]')
489 Pop('$elif')
490 exp = Pop('code')
491 Pop('[[')
493 Pop(']]')
497 Pop('code')
504 def Pop(token_type=None)
  /external/vulkan-validation-layers/tests/gtest-1.7.0/scripts/ 476 def Pop(token_type=None):
483 Pop('$else')
484 Pop('[[')
486 Pop(']]')
489 Pop('$elif')
490 exp = Pop('code')
491 Pop('[[')
493 Pop(']]')
497 Pop('code')
504 def Pop(token_type=None)
  /prebuilts/ndk/r16/sources/third_party/vulkan/src/tests/gtest-1.7.0/scripts/ 476 def Pop(token_type=None):
483 Pop('$else')
484 Pop('[[')
486 Pop(']]')
489 Pop('$elif')
490 exp = Pop('code')
491 Pop('[[')
493 Pop(']]')
497 Pop('code')
504 def Pop(token_type=None)

Completed in 500 milliseconds

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