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      1 #!/usr/bin/python3
      2 #
      3 # Copyright (C) 2016 The Android Open-Source Project
      4 #
      5 # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
      6 # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
      7 # You may obtain a copy of the License at
      8 #
      9 #      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
     10 #
     11 # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
     12 # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
     13 # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
     14 # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
     15 # limitations under the License.
     17 from __future__ import print_function
     19 import argparse
     20 import atexit
     21 import getpass
     22 import hashlib
     23 import itertools
     24 import logging
     25 import os
     26 import re
     27 import shutil
     28 import string
     29 import subprocess
     30 import sys
     31 import tempfile
     32 import time
     33 import xml.etree.cElementTree as ElementTree
     34 import zipfile
     36 import lib.build_artifact_fetcher
     37 import lib.util
     40 _SCRIPT_DIR = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))
     43     '^x86': ('cheets_x86', 'cheets_x86_64', 'bertha_x86', 'bertha_x86_64'),
     44     '^arm': ('cheets_arm', 'bertha_arm',),
     45     '^aarch64$': ('cheets_arm', 'bertha_arm',),
     46 }
     47 _ANDROID_ROOT = '/opt/google/containers/android'
     48 _ANDROID_ROOT_STATEFUL = os.path.join('/usr/local',
     49                                       os.path.relpath(_ANDROID_ROOT, '/'))
     50 _CONTAINER_INSTANCE_ROOT_WILDCARD = '/run/containers/android*'
     51 _CONTAINER_ROOT = os.path.join(_ANDROID_ROOT, 'rootfs', 'root')
     52 _RSYNC_COMMAND = ['rsync', '--inplace', '-v', '--progress']
     53 _SCP_COMMAND = ['scp']
     55 _BUILD_FILENAME = string.Template('${product}-img-${build_id}.zip')
     56 _BUILD_TARGET = string.Template('${product}-${build_variant}')
     60 _GENERIC_DEVICE = 'generic_%(arch)s_%(product)s'
     61 _RO_BUILD_TYPE = 'ro.build.type='
     62 _RO_BUILD_VERSION_SDK = 'ro.build.version.sdk='
     63 _RO_PRODUCT_DEVICE = 'ro.product.device='
     66     '55b390dd7fdb9418631895d5f759f30112687ff621410c069308a')
     67 _APK_KEY_DEBUG = 'debug-key'
     68 _APK_KEY_RELEASE = 'release-key'
     69 _APK_KEY_UNKNOWN = 'unknown'
     70 _GMS_CORE_PACKAGE_NAME = 'com.google.android.gms'
     73     23: "MNC (API 23)",
     74     24: "NYC (API 24)",
     75     25: "NYC_MR1 (API 25)",
     76     26: "OC (API 26)",
     77 }
     79 # Bytes per Megabyte.
     80 _MB = 1024**2
     83 class RemoteProxy(object):
     84   """Proxy class to run command line on the remote test device."""
     86   def __init__(self, remote, dryrun):
     87     self._remote = remote
     88     self._dryrun = dryrun
     89     self._sync_command = (
     90         _RSYNC_COMMAND if self._has_rsync_on_remote_device() else _SCP_COMMAND)
     92   def check_call(self, remote_command):
     93     """Runs |remote_command| on the remote test device via ssh."""
     94     command = self.get_ssh_commandline(remote_command)
     95     lib.util.check_call(dryrun=self._dryrun, *command)
     97   def check_output(self, remote_command):
     98     """Runs |remote_command| on the remote test device via ssh, and returns
     99        its output."""
    100     command = self.get_ssh_commandline(remote_command)
    101     return lib.util.check_output(dryrun=self._dryrun, *command)
    103   def sync(self, file_list, dest_dir):
    104     """Copies |file_list| to the |dest_dir| on the remote test device."""
    105     target = 'root@%s:%s' % (self._remote, dest_dir)
    106     command = self._sync_command + file_list + [target]
    107     lib.util.check_call(dryrun=self._dryrun, *command)
    109   def read(self, src_path):
    110     """Gets the contents of |src_path| from the remote test device."""
    111     return self.check_output('/bin/cat %s' % src_path)
    113   def write(self, contents, dest_path):
    114     """Writes |contents| into |dest_path| on the remote test device."""
    115     with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(mode='w') as f:
    116       f.write(contents)
    117       self.push(f.name, dest_path)
    119   def push(self, source_path, dest_path):
    120     """Pushes |source_path| on the host, to |dest_path| on the remote test
    121        device.
    123     Args:
    124         source_path: Host file path to be pushed.
    125         dest_path: Path to the destination location on the remote test device.
    126     """
    127     target = 'root@%s:%s' % (self._remote, dest_path)
    128     command = _SCP_COMMAND + [source_path, target]
    129     lib.util.check_call(dryrun=self._dryrun, *command)
    131   def pull(self, source_path, dest_path):
    132     """Pulls |source_path| from the remote test device, to |dest_path| on the
    133        host.
    135     Args:
    136         source_path: Remote test device file path to be pulled.
    137         dest_path: Path to the destination location on the host.
    138     """
    139     target = 'root@%s:%s' % (self._remote, source_path)
    140     command = _SCP_COMMAND + [target, dest_path]
    141     return lib.util.check_call(dryrun=self._dryrun, *command)
    143   def get_ssh_commandline(self, remote_command):
    144     return ['ssh', 'root@' + self._remote, remote_command]
    146   def _has_rsync_on_remote_device(self):
    147     command = self.get_ssh_commandline('which rsync')
    148     logging.debug('Calling: %s', lib.util.get_command_str(command))
    149     # Always return true for --dryrun.
    150     return self._dryrun or subprocess.call(command) == 0
    153 class TemporaryDirectory(object):
    154   """A context object that has a temporary directory with the same lifetime."""
    156   def __init__(self):
    157     self.name = None
    159   def __enter__(self):
    160     self.name = tempfile.mkdtemp()
    161     return self
    163   def __exit__(self, exception_type, exception_value, traceback):
    164     lib.util.check_call('rm', '-rf', self.name, sudo=True)
    167 class MountWrapper(object):
    168   """A context object that mounts an image during the lifetime."""
    170   def __init__(self, image_path, mountpoint):
    171     self._image_path = image_path
    172     self._mountpoint = mountpoint
    174   def __enter__(self):
    175     lib.util.check_call('/bin/mount', '-o', 'loop', self._image_path,
    176                         self._mountpoint, sudo=True)
    177     return self
    179   def __exit__(self, exception_type, exception_value, traceback):
    180     try:
    181       lib.util.check_call('/bin/umount', self._mountpoint, sudo=True)
    182     except Exception:
    183       if not exception_type:
    184         raise
    185       # Instead of propagate the exception, record the one from exit body.
    186       logging.exception('Failed to umount ' + self._mountpoint)
    189 class Simg2img(object):
    190   """Wrapper class of simg2img"""
    192   def __init__(self, simg2img_path, dryrun):
    193     self._path = simg2img_path
    194     self._dryrun = dryrun
    196   def convert(self, src, dest):
    197     """Converts the image to the raw image by simg2img command line.
    199     If |dryrun| is set, does not execute the commandline.
    200     """
    201     lib.util.check_call(self._path, src, dest, dryrun=self._dryrun)
    204 def _verify_machine_arch(remote_proxy, target_product, dryrun):
    205   """Verifies if the data being pushed is build for the target architecture.
    207   Args:
    208       remote_proxy: RemoteProxy instance for the remote test device.
    209       target_product: Target product name of the image being pushed. This is
    210           usually set by "lunch" command. E.g. "cheets_x86" or "cheets_arm".
    211       dryrun: If set, this function assumes the machine architectures match.
    213   Raises:
    214       AssertionError: If the pushing image does not match to the remote test
    215           device.
    216   """
    217   if dryrun:
    218     logging.debug('Pretending machine architectures match')
    219     return
    220   remote_arch = remote_proxy.check_output('uname -m')
    221   for arch_pattern, expected_set in _EXPECTED_TARGET_PRODUCTS.items():
    222     if re.search(arch_pattern, remote_arch):
    223       expected = itertools.chain.from_iterable(
    224           (expected, 'aosp_' + expected, 'sdk_google_' + expected)
    225           for expected in expected_set)
    226       assert target_product in expected, (
    227           ('Architecture mismatch: Deploying \'%s\' to \'%s\' seems incorrect.'
    228            % (target_product, remote_arch)))
    229       return
    230   logging.warning('Unknown remote machine type \'%s\'. Skipping '
    231                   'architecture sanity check.', remote_arch)
    234 def _convert_images(simg2img, out, product, push_vendor_image,
    235                     shift_ugids, mksquashfs_path, unsquashfs_path,
    236                     shift_uid_py_path, dryrun):
    237   """Converts the images being pushed to the raw images.
    239   Returns:
    240       A tuple of (large_file_list, file_list). Each list consists of paths of
    241       converted files.
    242   """
    243   result = []
    244   result_large = []
    246   system_raw_img = os.path.join(out, 'system.raw.img')
    247   simg2img.convert(os.path.join(out, 'system.img'), system_raw_img)
    248   file_contexts_path = None
    249   if not dryrun:
    250     with ContainerImageEditor(mksquashfs_path, unsquashfs_path, system_raw_img,
    251                               '/', out) as e:
    252       file_contexts_path = e.file_contexts_path
    253       if 'x86' in product:
    254         logging.debug('Creating \'system/lib/arm\' dir and houdini symlinks in '
    255                       'the system image')
    256         # Create system/lib/arm dir
    257         dir_name = os.path.join(e.tmp_dir_name, 'system/lib/arm')
    258         logging.debug('Creating directory: %s', dir_name)
    259         lib.util.check_call('mkdir', '-p', dir_name, sudo=True)
    260         # Create a symlink: system/bin/houdini --> /vendor/bin/houdini
    261         lib.util.check_call('ln', '-sf', '/vendor/bin/houdini',
    262                             os.path.join(e.tmp_dir_name, 'system/bin/houdini'),
    263                             sudo=True)
    264         # Create a symlink: system/lib/libhoudini.so --> /vendor/lib/libhoudini.so
    265         lib.util.check_call('ln', '-sf', '/vendor/lib/libhoudini.so',
    266                             os.path.join(e.tmp_dir_name,
    267                                          'system/lib/libhoudini.so'), sudo=True)
    268       # TODO(b/65117245): This needs to be part of the build.
    269       if shift_ugids:
    270         # Shift the UIDs/GIDs.
    271         lib.util.check_call(shift_uid_py_path, e.tmp_dir_name, sudo=True)
    273   result_large.append(system_raw_img)
    275   if push_vendor_image:
    276     vendor_raw_img = os.path.join(out, 'vendor.raw.img')
    277     simg2img.convert(os.path.join(out, 'vendor.img'), vendor_raw_img)
    278     # TODO(b/65117245): This needs to be part of the build.
    279     if shift_ugids and not dryrun:
    280       with ContainerImageEditor(mksquashfs_path, unsquashfs_path,
    281                                 vendor_raw_img, 'vendor', out,
    282                                 file_contexts_path=file_contexts_path) as e:
    283         # Shift the UIDs/GIDs.
    284         lib.util.check_call(shift_uid_py_path, e.tmp_dir_name,
    285                             sudo=True)
    286     result.append(vendor_raw_img)
    288   return (result_large, result)
    291 def _update_build_fingerprint(remote_proxy, build_fingerprint):
    292   """Updates CHROMEOS_ARC_VERSION in /etc/lsb-release.
    294   Args:
    295       remote_proxy: RemoteProxy instance connected to the test device.
    296       build_fingerprint: The version code which should be embedded into
    297           /etc/lsb-release.
    298   """
    299   if not build_fingerprint:
    300     logging.warning(
    301         'Skipping version update. ARC version will be reported incorrectly')
    302     return
    304   # Replace the ARC version on disk with what we're pushing there.
    305   logging.info('Updating CHROMEOS_ARC_VERSION...')
    306   remote_proxy.check_call(' '.join([
    307       '/bin/sed', '-i',
    308       # Note: we assume build_fingerprint does not contain any char which
    309       # needs to be escaped.
    310       r'"s/^\(CHROMEOS_ARC_VERSION=\).*/\1%(_BUILD_FINGERPRINT)s/"',
    311       '/etc/lsb-release'
    312   ]) % {'_BUILD_FINGERPRINT': build_fingerprint})
    315 def _get_remote_device_android_sdk_version(remote_proxy, dryrun):
    316   """ Returns the Android SDK version on the remote device.
    318   Args:
    319       remote_proxy: RemoteProxy instance for the remote test device.
    320       dryrun: If set, this function assumes Android SDK version is 1.
    321   """
    322   if dryrun:
    323     logging.debug('Pretending target device\'s Android SDK version is 1')
    324     return 1
    325   try:
    326     line = remote_proxy.check_output(
    327         'grep ^%s /etc/lsb-release' % _CHROMEOS_ARC_ANDROID_SDK_VERSION).strip()
    328   except subprocess.CalledProcessError:
    329     logging.exception('Failed to inspect /etc/lsb-release remotely')
    330     return None
    332   if not line.startswith(_CHROMEOS_ARC_ANDROID_SDK_VERSION):
    333     logging.warning('Failed to find the correct string format.\n'
    334                     'Expected format: "%s"\nActual string: "%s"',
    335                     _CHROMEOS_ARC_ANDROID_SDK_VERSION, line)
    336     return None
    338   android_sdk_version = int(
    339       line[len(_CHROMEOS_ARC_ANDROID_SDK_VERSION):].strip())
    340   logging.debug('Target device\'s Android SDK version: %d', android_sdk_version)
    341   return android_sdk_version
    344 def _verify_android_sdk_version(remote_proxy, provider, dryrun):
    345   """Verifies if the Android SDK versions of the pushing image and the test
    346   device are the same.
    348   Args:
    349       remote_proxy: RemoteProxy instance for the remote test device.
    350       provider: Android image provider.
    351       dryrun: If set, this function assumes Android SDK versions match.
    353   Raises:
    354       AssertionError: If the Android SDK version of pushing image does not match
    355           the Android SDK version on the remote test device.
    356   """
    357   if dryrun:
    358     logging.debug('Pretending Android SDK versions match')
    359     return
    360   logging.debug('New image\'s Android SDK version: %d',
    361                 provider.get_build_version_sdk())
    363   device_android_sdk_version = _get_remote_device_android_sdk_version(
    364       remote_proxy, dryrun)
    366   if device_android_sdk_version is None:
    367     if not boolean_prompt('Unable to determine the target device\'s Android '
    368                           'SDK version. Continue?', default=False):
    369       sys.exit(1)
    370   else:
    371     assert device_android_sdk_version == provider.get_build_version_sdk(), (
    372         'Android SDK versions do not match. The target device has {}, while '
    373         'the new image is {}'.format(
    374             _android_sdk_version_to_string(device_android_sdk_version),
    375             _android_sdk_version_to_string(provider.get_build_version_sdk())))
    378 def _android_sdk_version_to_string(android_sdk_version):
    379   """Converts the |android_sdk_version| to a human readable string
    381   Args:
    382     android_sdk_version: The Android SDK version number as a string
    383   """
    384   return _ANDROID_SDK_MAPPING.get(
    385       android_sdk_version,
    386       'Unknown SDK Version (API {})'.format(android_sdk_version))
    389 def _get_selinux_file_contexts_contents(out):
    390   """Returns the final contents of the SELinux file_contexts file."""
    391   contents = []
    392   for filename in ('file_contexts', 'plat_file_contexts',
    393                    'nonplat_file_contexts'):
    394     path = os.path.join(out, 'root', filename)
    395     # Some files are always expected to be missing due to not being present in
    396     # the branch.
    397     if not os.path.exists(path):
    398       logging.debug('Skipping %s since it is missing', path)
    399       continue
    400     with open(path, 'r') as f:
    401       contents.append(f.read())
    402   return '\n'.join(contents)
    405 def _is_selinux_file_contexts_updated(remote_proxy, out, dryrun):
    406   """Returns True if SELinux file_contexts is updated."""
    407   if dryrun:
    408     logging.debug('Pretending file_contexts is not updated in dryrun mode')
    409     return False
    410   remote_file_contexts_sha1, _ = remote_proxy.check_output(
    411       'sha1sum /etc/selinux/arc/contexts/files/android_file_contexts').split()
    412   file_contexts_contents = _get_selinux_file_contexts_contents(out)
    413   # hashlib expects bytes, not str.
    414   host_file_contexts_sha1 = hashlib.sha1(
    415       file_contexts_contents.encode('utf-8')).hexdigest()
    416   return remote_file_contexts_sha1 != host_file_contexts_sha1
    419 def _update_selinux_file_contexts(remote_proxy, out):
    420   """Updates the selinux file_contexts file."""
    421   android_file_contexts_contents = _get_selinux_file_contexts_contents(out)
    422   remote_proxy.write(android_file_contexts_contents,
    423                      '/etc/selinux/arc/contexts/files/android_file_contexts')
    424   file_contexts_contents = []
    425   for line in android_file_contexts_contents.split('\n'):
    426     line = line.strip()
    427     if not line or line.startswith('#'):
    428       continue
    429     file_contexts_contents.append(
    430         '%s/rootfs/root%s' % (_ANDROID_ROOT, line))
    431   remote_file_contexts_path = '/etc/selinux/arc/contexts/files/file_contexts'
    432   remote_file_contexts_contents = remote_proxy.read(remote_file_contexts_path)
    433   try:
    434     # This string comes from
    435     # private-overlays/project-cheets-private/chromeos-base/\
    436     #    android-container-<VERSION>/files/chromeos_file_contexts
    437     header_idx = remote_file_contexts_contents.index(
    438         '# Chrome OS file contexts')
    439   except ValueError:
    440     # The header was missing. Will concat the whole file.
    441     logging.warning('Could not find Chrome OS header in %s. '
    442                     'Will use the whole file', remote_file_contexts_path)
    443     header_idx = 0
    444   file_contexts_contents.append(remote_file_contexts_contents[header_idx:])
    445   remote_proxy.write('\n'.join(file_contexts_contents),
    446                      remote_file_contexts_path)
    449 def _is_selinux_policy_updated(remote_proxy, out, dryrun):
    450   """Returns True if SELinux policy is updated."""
    451   if dryrun:
    452     logging.debug('Pretending sepolicy is not updated in dryrun mode')
    453     return False
    454   remote_sepolicy_sha1, _ = remote_proxy.check_output(
    455       'sha1sum /etc/selinux/arc/policy/policy.30').split()
    456   with open(os.path.join(out, 'root', 'sepolicy'), 'rb') as f:
    457     host_sepolicy_sha1 = hashlib.sha1(f.read()).hexdigest()
    458   return remote_sepolicy_sha1 != host_sepolicy_sha1
    461 def _update_selinux_policy(remote_proxy, out):
    462   """Updates the selinux policy file."""
    463   remote_proxy.push(os.path.join(out, 'root', 'sepolicy'),
    464                     '/etc/selinux/arc/policy/policy.30')
    467 def _remount_rootfs_as_writable(remote_proxy):
    468   """Remounts root file system to make it writable."""
    469   remote_proxy.check_call('mount -o remount,rw /')
    472 def _get_free_space(remote_proxy):
    473   """Gets the number of free bytes in the root partition."""
    474   return int(remote_proxy.check_output(
    475       'echo $(( '
    476       '    $(df --output=avail --local --block-size 1 / | tail -n1) + '
    477       '    $(du --bytes /opt/google/containers/android/system.raw.img | '
    478       '      awk \'{print $1}\') '
    479       '))'))
    482 def boolean_prompt(prompt, default=True, true_value='yes', false_value='no',
    483                    prolog=None):
    484   """Helper function for processing boolean choice prompts.
    486   Args:
    487     prompt: The question to present to the user.
    488     default: Boolean to return if the user just presses enter.
    489     true_value: The text to display that represents a True returned.
    490     false_value: The text to display that represents a False returned.
    491     prolog: The text to display before prompt.
    493   Returns:
    494     True or False.
    495   """
    496   true_value, false_value = true_value.lower(), false_value.lower()
    497   true_text, false_text = true_value, false_value
    498   if true_value == false_value:
    499     raise ValueError('true_value and false_value must differ: got %r'
    500                      % true_value)
    502   if default:
    503     true_text = true_text[0].upper() + true_text[1:]
    504   else:
    505     false_text = false_text[0].upper() + false_text[1:]
    507   prompt = ('\n%s (%s/%s)? ' % (prompt, true_text, false_text))
    509   if prolog:
    510     prompt = ('\n%s\n%s' % (prolog, prompt))
    512   while True:
    513     try:
    514       response = input(prompt).lower()
    515     except EOFError:
    516       # If the user hits CTRL+D, or stdin is disabled, use the default.
    517       print(file=sys.stderr)
    518       response = None
    519     except KeyboardInterrupt:
    520       # If the user hits CTRL+C, just exit the process.
    521       print(file=sys.stderr)
    522       print('CTRL+C detected; exiting', file=sys.stderr)
    523       raise
    525     if not response:
    526       return default
    527     if true_value.startswith(response):
    528       if not false_value.startswith(response):
    529         return True
    530       # common prefix between the two...
    531     elif false_value.startswith(response):
    532       return False
    535 def _disable_rootfs_verification(force, remote_proxy):
    536   make_dev_ssd_path = \
    537       '/usr/libexec/debugd/helpers/dev_features_rootfs_verification'
    538   make_dev_ssd_command = remote_proxy.get_ssh_commandline(make_dev_ssd_path)
    539   logging.info('Detected that the device has rootfs verification enabled.')
    540   logging.info('This script can remove the rootfs verification using `%s`, '
    541                'which requires that the device is rebooted afterwards.',
    542                lib.util.get_command_str(make_dev_ssd_command))
    543   if not force:
    544     logging.info('Automatically remove rootfs verification and skip this '
    545                  'prompt by specifying --force.')
    546     if not boolean_prompt('Remove rootfs verification?', default=False):
    547       return False
    548   remote_proxy.check_call(make_dev_ssd_path)
    549   reboot_time = time.time()
    550   remote_proxy.check_call('reboot')
    551   logging.debug('Waiting up to 10 seconds for the machine to reboot')
    552   for _ in range(10):
    553     time.sleep(1)
    554     try:
    555       device_boot_time = remote_proxy.check_output('grep btime /proc/stat | ' +
    556                                                    'cut -d" " -f2')
    557       if int(device_boot_time) >= reboot_time:
    558         return True
    559     except subprocess.CalledProcessError:
    560       pass
    561   logging.error('Failed to detect whether the device had successfully rebooted')
    562   return False
    565 def _stop_ui(remote_proxy):
    566   remote_proxy.check_call('\n'.join([
    567       # Unmount the container root/vendor and root if necessary. This also stops
    568       # UI.
    569       'stop arc-system-mount || true',
    570   ]))
    573 class ImageUpdateMode(object):
    574   """Context object to manage remote host writable status."""
    576   def __init__(self, remote_proxy, is_selinux_policy_updated, push_to_stateful,
    577                clobber_data, force):
    578     self._remote_proxy = remote_proxy
    579     self._is_selinux_policy_updated = is_selinux_policy_updated
    580     self._push_to_stateful = push_to_stateful
    581     self._clobber_data = clobber_data
    582     self._force = force
    584   def __enter__(self):
    585     logging.info('Setting up ChromeOS device to image-writable...')
    587     if self._clobber_data:
    588       self._remote_proxy.check_call(
    589           'if [ -e %(ANDROID_ROOT_WILDCARD)s/root/data ]; then'
    590           '  kill -9 `cat %(ANDROID_ROOT_WILDCARD)s/container.pid`;'
    591           '  find %(ANDROID_ROOT_WILDCARD)s/root/data'
    592           '       %(ANDROID_ROOT_WILDCARD)s/root/cache -mindepth 1 -delete;'
    595     _stop_ui(self._remote_proxy)
    596     try:
    597       _remount_rootfs_as_writable(self._remote_proxy)
    598     except subprocess.CalledProcessError:
    599       if not _disable_rootfs_verification(self._force, self._remote_proxy):
    600         raise
    601       _stop_ui(self._remote_proxy)
    602       # Try to remount rootfs as writable. Bail out if it fails this time.
    603       _remount_rootfs_as_writable(self._remote_proxy)
    604     self._remote_proxy.check_call('\n'.join([
    605         # Delete the image file if it is a symlink.
    606         'if [ -L %(_ANDROID_ROOT)s/system.raw.img ]; then'
    607         '  rm %(_ANDROID_ROOT)s/system.raw.img;'
    608         'fi',
    609     ]) % {'_ANDROID_ROOT': _ANDROID_ROOT})
    610     if self._push_to_stateful:
    611       self._remote_proxy.check_call('\n'.join([
    612           # Create the destination directory in the stateful partition.
    613           'mkdir -p %(_ANDROID_ROOT_STATEFUL)s',
    616   def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_value, traceback):
    617     if self._push_to_stateful:
    618       # Push the image to _ANDROID_ROOT_STATEFUL instead of _ANDROID_ROOT.
    619       # Create a symlink so that arc-system-mount can handle it.
    620       self._remote_proxy.check_call('\n'.join([
    621           'ln -sf %(_ANDROID_ROOT_STATEFUL)s/system.raw.img '
    622           '  %(_ANDROID_ROOT)s/system.raw.img',
    623       ]) % {'_ANDROID_ROOT': _ANDROID_ROOT,
    626     if self._is_selinux_policy_updated:
    627       logging.info('*** SELinux policy updated. ***')
    628     else:
    629       logging.info('*** SELinux policy is not updated. Restarting ui. ***')
    630       try:
    631         self._remote_proxy.check_call('\n'.join([
    632             # Make the whole invocation fail if any individual command does.
    633             'set -e',
    635             # Remount the root file system to readonly.
    636             'mount -o remount,ro /',
    638             # Restart UI.
    639             'start ui',
    641             # Mount the updated {system,vendor}.raw.img. This will also trigger
    642             # android-ureadahead once it's done and should remove the packfile.
    643             'start arc-system-mount',
    644         ]))
    645         return
    646       except Exception:
    647         # The above commands are just an optimization to avoid having to reboot
    648         # every single time an image is pushed, which saves 6-10s. If any of
    649         # them fail, the only safe thing to do is reboot the device.
    650         logging.exception('Failed to cleanly restart ui, fall back to reboot')
    652     logging.info('*** Reboot required. ***')
    653     try:
    654       self._remote_proxy.check_call('reboot')
    655     except Exception:
    656       if exc_type is None:
    657         raise
    658       # If the body block of a with statement also raises an error, here we
    659       # just log the exception, so that the main exception will be propagated to
    660       # the caller properly.
    661       logging.exception('Failed to reboot the device')
    664 class PreserveTimestamps(object):
    665   """Context object to modify a file but preserve the original timestamp."""
    667   def __init__(self, path):
    668     self.path = path
    669     self._original_timestamp = None
    671   def __enter__(self):
    672     # Save the original timestamp
    673     self._original_timestamp = os.stat(self.path)
    674     return self
    676   def __exit__(self, exception_type, exception_value, traceback):
    677     # Apply the original timestamp
    678     os.utime(self.path, (self._original_timestamp.st_atime,
    679                          self._original_timestamp.st_mtime))
    682 def _download_artifact(out_dir, build_id, product, build_variant):
    683   mapping = dict(build_id=build_id, product=product)
    684   uploaded_filename = _BUILD_FILENAME.substitute(mapping)
    685   filename = os.path.join(out_dir, uploaded_filename)
    686   fetcher = lib.build_artifact_fetcher.BuildArtifactFetcher(
    687       lib.util.get_product_arch(product), build_variant, build_id)
    688   fetcher.fetch(uploaded_filename, filename)
    689   return filename
    692 def _extract_files(unsquashfs_path, out_dir, system_raw_img, paths):
    693   with TemporaryDirectory() as tmp_dir:
    694     if lib.util.get_image_type(system_raw_img) is 'squashfs':
    695       lib.util.check_call(
    696           unsquashfs_path, '-d', tmp_dir.name, '-no-progress', '-f',
    697           system_raw_img, '-no-xattrs', *[path[0] for path in paths], sudo=True)
    698       _extract_files_helper(tmp_dir.name, out_dir, paths)
    699     else:
    700       with MountWrapper(system_raw_img, tmp_dir.name):
    701         _extract_files_helper(tmp_dir.name, out_dir, paths)
    704 def _extract_files_helper(source_root, destination_root, paths):
    705   for source, destination in paths:
    706     source = os.path.join(source_root, source)
    707     # Some files are always expected to be missing due to not being
    708     # present in the branch.
    709     if not os.path.exists(source):
    710       logging.debug('Skipping %s since it is missing', source)
    711       continue
    712     destination = os.path.join(destination_root, destination)
    713     if not os.path.exists(os.path.dirname(destination)):
    714       os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(destination))
    715     # 'sudo' is needed due to b/65117245. Android P shifts ugids of extracted
    716     # files.
    717     lib.util.check_call('cp', source, destination, sudo=True)
    718     lib.util.check_call('chown', getpass.getuser(), destination, sudo=True)
    721 def _extract_artifact(simg2img, unsquashfs_path, out_dir, filename):
    722   with zipfile.ZipFile(filename, 'r') as z:
    723     z.extract('system.img', out_dir)
    724     z.extract('vendor.img', out_dir)
    725   # Note that the same simg2img conversion is performed again for system.img
    726   # later, but the extra run is acceptable (<2s).  If this is important, we
    727   # could try to change the program flow.
    728   simg2img.convert(os.path.join(out_dir, 'system.img'),
    729                    os.path.join(out_dir, 'system.raw.img'))
    730   _extract_files(unsquashfs_path, out_dir,
    731                  os.path.join(out_dir, 'system.raw.img'),
    732                  [('sepolicy', 'root/sepolicy'),
    733                   ('file_contexts', 'root/file_contexts'),
    734                   ('plat_file_contexts', 'root/plat_file_contexts'),
    735                   ('nonplat_file_contexts', 'root/nonplat_file_contexts'),
    736                   ('system/build.prop', 'build.prop')])
    739 def _make_tempdir_deleted_on_exit():
    740   d = tempfile.mkdtemp()
    741   atexit.register(shutil.rmtree, d, ignore_errors=True)
    742   return d
    745 def _detect_cert_inconsistency(force, remote_proxy, new_variant, dryrun):
    746   """Prompt to ask for deleting data based on detected situation (best effort).
    748   Detection is only accurate for active session, so it won't fix other profiles.
    750   As GMS apps are signed with different key between user and non-user build,
    751   the container won't run correctly if old key has been registered in /data.
    752   """
    753   if dryrun:
    754     return False
    756   # Get current build variant on device.
    757   cmd = 'grep %s %s' % (_RO_BUILD_TYPE,
    758                         os.path.join(_CONTAINER_ROOT, 'system/build.prop'))
    759   try:
    760     line = remote_proxy.check_output(cmd).strip()
    761   except subprocess.CalledProcessError:
    762     # Catch any error to avoid blocking the push.
    763     logging.exception('Failed to inspect build property remotely')
    764     return False
    765   device_variant = line[len(_RO_BUILD_TYPE):]
    767   device_apk_key = _APK_KEY_UNKNOWN
    768   try:
    769     device_apk_key = _get_remote_device_apk_key(remote_proxy)
    770   except Exception as e:
    771     logging.warning('There was an error getting the remote device APK '
    772                     'key signature %s. Assuming APK key signature is '
    773                     '\'unknown\'', e)
    775   logging.debug('device apk key: %s; build variant: %s -> %s', device_apk_key,
    776                 device_variant, new_variant)
    778   # GMS signature in /data is inconsistent with the new build.
    779   is_inconsistent = (
    780       (device_apk_key == _APK_KEY_RELEASE and new_variant != 'user') or
    781       (device_apk_key == _APK_KEY_DEBUG and new_variant == 'user'))
    783   if is_inconsistent:
    784     new_apk_key = _APK_KEY_RELEASE if new_variant == 'user' else _APK_KEY_DEBUG
    785     logging.info('Detected apk signature change (%s -> %s[%s]) on current user.'
    786                  % (device_apk_key, new_apk_key, new_variant))
    787     if force:
    788         logging.info('Deleting /data and /cache.')
    789         return True
    790     logging.info('Automatically delete and skip this prompt by specifying '
    791                  '--force.')
    792     return boolean_prompt('Delete /data and /cache?', default=True)
    794   # Switching from/to user build.
    795   if (device_variant == 'user') != (new_variant == 'user'):
    796     logging.warn('\n\n** You are switching build variant (%s -> %s).  If you '
    797                  'have ever run with the old image, make sure to wipe out '
    798                  '/data first before starting the container. **\n',
    799                  device_variant, new_variant)
    800   return False
    803 def _get_remote_device_apk_key(remote_proxy):
    804   """Retrieves the APK key signature of the remote test device.
    806     Args:
    807         remote_proxy: RemoteProxy instance for the remote test device.
    808   """
    809   remote_packages_xml = os.path.join(_CONTAINER_INSTANCE_ROOT_WILDCARD,
    810                                      'root/data/system/packages.xml')
    811   with TemporaryDirectory() as tmp_dir:
    812     host_packages_xml = os.path.join(tmp_dir.name, 'packages.xml')
    813     remote_proxy.pull(remote_packages_xml, host_packages_xml)
    814     return _get_apk_key_from_xml(host_packages_xml)
    817 def _get_apk_key_from_xml(xml_file):
    818   """Parses |xml_file| to determine the APK key signature.
    820     Args:
    821         xml_file: The XML file to parse.
    822   """
    823   if not os.path.exists(xml_file):
    824     logging.warning('XML file doesn\'t exist: %s' % xml_file)
    825     return _APK_KEY_UNKNOWN
    827   root = ElementTree.parse(xml_file).getroot()
    828   gms_core_elements = root.findall('package[@name=\'%s\']'
    829                                    % _GMS_CORE_PACKAGE_NAME)
    830   assert len(gms_core_elements) == 1, ('Invalid number of GmsCore package '
    831                                        'elements. Expected: 1 Actual: %d'
    832                                        % len(gms_core_elements))
    833   gms_core_element = gms_core_elements[0]
    834   sigs_element = gms_core_element.find('sigs')
    835   assert sigs_element, ('Unable to find the |sigs| tag under the GmsCore '
    836                         'package tag.')
    837   sigs_count_attribute = int(sigs_element.get('count'))
    838   assert sigs_count_attribute == 1, ('Invalid signature count. Expected: 1 '
    839                                      'Actual: %d' % sigs_count_attribute)
    840   cert_element = sigs_element.find('cert')
    841   gms_core_cert_index = int(cert_element.get('index', -1))
    842   logging.debug('GmsCore cert index: %d' % gms_core_cert_index)
    843   if gms_core_cert_index == -1:
    844     logging.warning('Invalid cert index (%d)' % gms_core_cert_index)
    845     return _APK_KEY_UNKNOWN
    847   cert_key = cert_element.get('key')
    848   if cert_key:
    849     return _get_android_key_type_from_cert_key(cert_key)
    851   # The GmsCore package element for |cert| contains the cert index, but not the
    852   # cert key. Find its the matching cert key.
    853   for cert_element in root.findall('package/sigs/cert'):
    854     cert_index = int(cert_element.get('index'))
    855     cert_key = cert_element.get('key')
    856     if cert_key and cert_index == gms_core_cert_index:
    857       return _get_android_key_type_from_cert_key(cert_key)
    858   logging.warning('Unable to find a cert key matching index %d' % cert_index)
    859   return _APK_KEY_UNKNOWN
    862 def _get_android_key_type_from_cert_key(cert_key):
    863   """Returns |_APK_KEY_RELEASE| if |cert_key| contains the Android release key
    864      signature substring, otherwise it returns |_APK_KEY_DEBUG|."""
    865   if _ANDROID_REL_KEY_SIGNATURE_SUBSTRING in cert_key:
    866     return _APK_KEY_RELEASE
    867   else:
    868     return _APK_KEY_DEBUG
    871 def _find_build_property(line, build_property_name):
    872   """Returns the value that matches |build_property_name| in |line|."""
    873   if line.startswith(build_property_name):
    874     return line[len(build_property_name):].strip()
    875   return None
    878 class ContainerImageEditor(object):
    879   """A context object that allows edits to the Android container image"""
    881   def __init__(self, mksquashfs_path, unsquashfs_path, image_path, mount_point,
    882                out_dir, file_contexts_path=None):
    883     self._mksquashfs_path = mksquashfs_path
    884     self._unsquashfs_path = unsquashfs_path
    885     self._image_path = image_path
    886     self._mount_point = mount_point
    887     self._out_dir = out_dir
    888     self.file_contexts_path = file_contexts_path
    889     # Since we shift UIDs/GIDs of all extracted files there, we are going to
    890     # need sudo permission to remove the temporary directory. shutil doesn't
    891     # have the ability to run as sudo, so not using TemporaryDirectory() here.
    892     self.tmp_dir_name = tempfile.mkdtemp()
    894   def __enter__(self):
    895     self._is_squashfs = lib.util.get_image_type(self._image_path) is 'squashfs'
    896     logging.debug('Is the file system squashfs? %s', self._is_squashfs)
    898     if self._is_squashfs:
    899       # Extract the files.
    900       lib.util.check_call(self._unsquashfs_path, '-force', '-d',
    901                           self.tmp_dir_name, self._image_path, sudo=True)
    903       self._update_file_context_path()
    904       if not os.path.exists(self.file_contexts_path):
    905         raise EnvironmentError('"%s" not found.' % self.file_contexts_path)
    906     else:
    907       self._mount_wrapper = MountWrapper(self._image_path, self.tmp_dir_name)
    908       self._mount_wrapper.__enter__()
    909       self._update_file_context_path()
    911     return self
    913   def __exit__(self, exception_type, exception_value, traceback):
    914     try:
    915       if self._is_squashfs:
    916         # Re-compress the files back to raw.img.
    917         lib.util.check_call(
    918             self._mksquashfs_path, self.tmp_dir_name, self._image_path,
    919             '-no-progress', '-comp', 'gzip', '-no-exports', '-noappend',
    920             '-mount-point', self._mount_point, '-product-out', self._out_dir,
    921             '-context-file', self.file_contexts_path, '-no-recovery',
    922             '-no-fragments', '-no-duplicates', '-b', '131072', '-t', '0',
    923             sudo=True)
    924       else:
    925         self._mount_wrapper.__exit__(exception_type, exception_value, traceback)
    926     finally:
    927         lib.util.check_call('rm', '-rf', self.tmp_dir_name, sudo=True)
    929   def _update_file_context_path(self):
    930     if self.file_contexts_path:
    931       logging.debug('file_contexts_path is already set')
    932       return
    933     self.file_contexts_path = os.path.join(_make_tempdir_deleted_on_exit(),
    934                                            'file_contexts')
    935     file_contexts_path = os.path.join(self.tmp_dir_name, 'file_contexts')
    936     if os.path.exists(file_contexts_path):
    937       logging.debug('Found file_contexts in image')
    938       lib.util.check_call('cp', file_contexts_path, self.file_contexts_path)
    939       return
    940     plat_file_contexts_path = os.path.join(self.tmp_dir_name,
    941                                            'plat_file_contexts')
    942     nonplat_file_contexts_path = os.path.join(self.tmp_dir_name,
    943                                               'nonplat_file_contexts')
    944     if (os.path.exists(plat_file_contexts_path) and
    945        os.path.exists(nonplat_file_contexts_path)):
    946       logging.debug('Combining \'plat_file_contexts\' and '
    947                     '\'nonplat_file_contexts\' files')
    948       with TemporaryDirectory() as tmp_dir:
    949         file_contexts_path = os.path.join(tmp_dir.name, 'file_contexts')
    950         with open(file_contexts_path, 'w') as outfile:
    951           if os.path.exists(plat_file_contexts_path):
    952             logging.debug('Writing plat_file_contexts to %s',
    953                           file_contexts_path)
    954           with open(plat_file_contexts_path) as infile:
    955             for line in infile:
    956               outfile.write(line)
    957           if os.path.exists(nonplat_file_contexts_path):
    958             logging.debug('Writing nonplat_file_contexts to %s',
    959                           file_contexts_path)
    960             with open(nonplat_file_contexts_path) as infile:
    961               for line in infile:
    962                 outfile.write(line)
    963         if not os.path.exists(file_contexts_path):
    964           raise EnvironmentError('%s not found.' % file_contexts_path)
    965         lib.util.check_call('cp', file_contexts_path, self.file_contexts_path)
    966       return
    967     raise EnvironmentError('Unable to find file_contexts or '
    968                            '[non]plat_file_contexts in the image')
    971 class BaseProvider(object):
    972   """Base class of image provider.
    974   Subclass should provide a directory with images in it.
    975   """
    977   def __init__(self):
    978     self._build_variant = None
    979     self._build_version_sdk = None
    981   def prepare(self):
    982     """Subclass should prepare image in its implementation.
    984     Subclass must return the (image directory, product, fingerprint) tuple.
    985     Product is a string like "cheets_arm".  Fingerprint is the string that
    986     will be updated to CHROMEOS_ARC_VERSION in /etc/lsb-release.
    987     """
    988     raise NotImplementedError()
    990   def get_build_variant(self):
    991     """ Returns the extracted build variant."""
    992     return self._build_variant
    994   def get_build_version_sdk(self):
    995     """ Returns the extracted Android SDK version."""
    996     return self._build_version_sdk
    998   def read_build_prop_file(self, build_prop_file, remove_file=True):
    999     """ Reads the specified build property file, and extracts the
   1000     "ro.build.variant" and "ro.build.version.sdk" fields. This method optionally
   1001     deletes |build_prop_file| when done
   1003     Args:
   1004         build_prop_file: The fully qualified path to the build.prop file.
   1005         remove_file: Removes the |build_prop_file| when done. (default=True)
   1006     """
   1007     logging.debug('Reading build prop file: %s', build_prop_file)
   1008     with open(build_prop_file, 'r') as f:
   1009       for line in f:
   1010         if self._build_version_sdk is None:
   1011           value = _find_build_property(line, _RO_BUILD_VERSION_SDK)
   1012           if value is not None:
   1013             self._build_version_sdk = int(value)
   1014         if self._build_variant is None:
   1015           value = _find_build_property(line, _RO_BUILD_TYPE)
   1016           if value is not None:
   1017             self._build_variant = value
   1018         if self._build_variant and self._build_version_sdk:
   1019           break
   1020     if remove_file:
   1021       logging.info('Deleting prop file: %s...', build_prop_file)
   1022       os.remove(build_prop_file)
   1025 class PrebuiltProvider(BaseProvider):
   1026   """A provider to provides prebuilt image from Android builder."""
   1028   def __init__(self, product, build_variant, build_id, simg2img,
   1029                unsquashfs_path):
   1030     super(PrebuiltProvider, self).__init__()
   1031     self._product = product
   1032     self._build_variant = build_variant
   1033     self._build_id = build_id
   1034     self._simg2img = simg2img
   1035     self._unsquashfs_path = unsquashfs_path
   1037   def prepare(self):
   1038     fingerprint = '_'.join([self._product, self._build_variant, self._build_id])
   1040     out_dir = _make_tempdir_deleted_on_exit()
   1041     filename = _download_artifact(out_dir, self._build_id, self._product,
   1042                                   self._build_variant)
   1043     _extract_artifact(self._simg2img, self._unsquashfs_path, out_dir, filename)
   1045     build_prop_file = os.path.join(out_dir, 'build.prop')
   1046     self.read_build_prop_file(build_prop_file)
   1047     return out_dir, self._product, fingerprint
   1050 class LocalPrebuiltProvider(BaseProvider):
   1051   """A provider that provides prebuilt image from a local file."""
   1053   def __init__(self, prebuilt_file, simg2img, unsquashfs_path):
   1054     super(LocalPrebuiltProvider, self).__init__()
   1055     self._prebuilt_file = prebuilt_file
   1056     self._simg2img = simg2img
   1057     self._unsquashfs_path = unsquashfs_path
   1059   def prepare(self):
   1060     out_dir = _make_tempdir_deleted_on_exit()
   1061     logging.debug('Extracting artifacts')
   1062     _extract_artifact(self._simg2img, self._unsquashfs_path, out_dir,
   1063                       self._prebuilt_file)
   1065     build_prop_file = os.path.join(out_dir, 'build.prop')
   1066     self.read_build_prop_file(build_prop_file)
   1067     if self._build_variant is None:
   1068       self._build_variant = 'user'  # default to non-eng
   1070     m = re.match(r'((?:bertha|cheets)_\w+)-img-P?\d+\.zip',
   1071                  os.path.basename(self._prebuilt_file))
   1072     if not m:
   1073       sys.exit('Unrecognized file name of prebuilt image archive.')
   1074     product = m.group(1)
   1076     fingerprint = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(self._prebuilt_file))[0]
   1077     return out_dir, product, fingerprint
   1080 class LocalBuildProvider(BaseProvider):
   1081   """A provider that provides local built image."""
   1083   def __init__(self, build_fingerprint, skip_build_prop_update,
   1084                added_build_properties, dryrun):
   1085     super(LocalBuildProvider, self).__init__()
   1086     self._build_fingerprint = build_fingerprint
   1087     self._skip_build_prop_update = skip_build_prop_update
   1088     self._added_build_properties = added_build_properties
   1089     self._dryrun = dryrun
   1090     expected_env = ('TARGET_BUILD_VARIANT', 'TARGET_PRODUCT', 'OUT')
   1091     if not all(var in os.environ for var in expected_env):
   1092       sys.exit('Did you run lunch?')
   1093     self._build_variant = os.environ.get('TARGET_BUILD_VARIANT')
   1094     self._target_product = os.environ.get('TARGET_PRODUCT')
   1095     self._out_dir = os.environ.get('OUT')
   1097     # Create the generic device name by extracting the architecture type
   1098     # from the target product.
   1099     generic_device = _GENERIC_DEVICE % dict(
   1100         arch=lib.util.get_product_arch(self._target_product),
   1101         product=lib.util.get_product_name(self._target_product))
   1102     new_prop_value = '%s%s' % (_RO_PRODUCT_DEVICE, generic_device)
   1103     if new_prop_value not in self._added_build_properties:
   1104       self._added_build_properties.append(new_prop_value)
   1106   def prepare(self):
   1107     # Use build fingerprint if set. Otherwise, read it from the text file.
   1108     build_fingerprint = self._build_fingerprint
   1109     if not build_fingerprint:
   1110       fingerprint_filepath = os.path.join(self._out_dir,
   1111                                           'build_fingerprint.txt')
   1112       if os.path.isfile(fingerprint_filepath):
   1113         with open(fingerprint_filepath) as f:
   1114           build_fingerprint = f.read().strip().replace('/', '_')
   1116     # Find the absolute path of build.prop.
   1117     build_prop_file = os.path.join(self._out_dir, 'system/build.prop')
   1118     if not self._skip_build_prop_update:
   1119       self._update_local_build_prop_file(build_prop_file)
   1120     self.read_build_prop_file(build_prop_file, False)
   1121     return self._out_dir, self._target_product, build_fingerprint
   1123   def _update_local_build_prop_file(self, build_prop_file):
   1124     """Updates build.prop of the local prebuilt image."""
   1126     if not build_prop_file:
   1127       logging.warning('Skipping. build_prop_file was not specified.')
   1128       return
   1130     file_updated = False
   1131     for prop in self._added_build_properties:
   1132       key_and_value = prop.split('=')
   1133       # Check whether the property is already in build.prop.
   1134       try:
   1135         current_prop_value = lib.util.check_output('grep',
   1136                                                    '%s=' % (key_and_value[0]),
   1137                                                    build_prop_file).strip()
   1138       except subprocess.CalledProcessError:
   1139         # grep did not find a match
   1140         current_prop_value = None
   1142       if not current_prop_value:
   1143         file_updated = True
   1144         logging.info('Appending "%s" to build.prop...', prop)
   1146         with PreserveTimestamps(build_prop_file) as f:
   1147           lib.util.check_call(
   1148               '/bin/sed', '-i',
   1149               r'$a%s' % prop,
   1150               f.path)
   1151       elif prop != current_prop_value:
   1152         file_updated = True
   1153         logging.info('Setting "%s" to "%s" in build.prop...',
   1154                      key_and_value[0], key_and_value[1])
   1155         with PreserveTimestamps(build_prop_file) as f:
   1156           # Make the changes to build.prop
   1157           lib.util.check_call(
   1158               '/bin/sed', '-i',
   1159               r's/^\(%(_KEY)s=\).*/\1%(_VALUE)s/'
   1160               % {'_KEY': key_and_value[0], '_VALUE': key_and_value[1]},
   1161               f.path)
   1163     if not file_updated:
   1164       logging.info('build.prop does not need to be updated.')
   1165       return
   1167     logging.info('Recreating the system image with the updated build.prop ' +
   1168                  'file...')
   1169     system_dir = os.path.join(self._out_dir, 'system')
   1170     system_image_info_file = os.path.join(
   1171         self._out_dir,
   1172         'obj/PACKAGING/systemimage_intermediates/system_image_info.txt')
   1173     system_image_file = os.path.join(self._out_dir, 'system.img')
   1174     if self._dryrun:
   1175       return
   1176     with PreserveTimestamps(system_image_file) as f:
   1177       # Recreate system.img
   1178       lib.util.check_call(
   1179           './build/tools/releasetools/build_image.py',
   1180           system_dir,
   1181           system_image_info_file,
   1182           f.path,
   1183           system_dir)
   1186 class NullProvider(BaseProvider):
   1187   """ Provider used for dry runs """
   1189   def __init__(self):
   1190     super(NullProvider, self).__init__()
   1191     self._build_variant = 'user'
   1192     self._build_version_sdk = 1
   1194   def prepare(self):
   1195     return ('<dir>', '<product>', '<fingerprint>')
   1198 def _parse_prebuilt(param):
   1199   m = re.search(
   1200       r'^((?:bertha|cheets)_(?:arm|x86|x86_64))/(user|userdebug|eng)/(P?\d+)$',
   1201       param)
   1202   if not m:
   1203     sys.exit('Invalid format of --use-prebuilt')
   1204   return m.group(1), m.group(2), m.group(3)
   1207 def _default_mksquashfs_path():
   1208   # Automatically resolve mksquashfs path if possible.
   1209   android_host_out_path = os.environ.get('ANDROID_HOST_OUT')
   1210   if android_host_out_path:
   1211     path = os.path.join(android_host_out_path, 'bin', 'mksquashfs')
   1212     if os.path.isfile(path):
   1213       return path
   1214   path = os.path.join(_SCRIPT_DIR, 'mksquashfs')
   1215   if os.path.isfile(path):
   1216     return path
   1217   return None
   1220 def _default_unsquashfs_path():
   1221   # Automatically resolve unsquashfs path if possible.
   1222   _UNSQUASHFS_PATH = '/usr/bin/unsquashfs'
   1223   if os.path.exists(_UNSQUASHFS_PATH):
   1224     return _UNSQUASHFS_PATH
   1225   return None
   1228 def _default_shift_uid_py_path():
   1229   # Automatically resolve shift_uid.py path if possible.
   1230   path = os.path.join(_SCRIPT_DIR, 'shift_uid.py')
   1231   if os.path.isfile(path):
   1232     return path
   1233   _SHIFT_UID_PATH = os.path.join(
   1234       lib.util.find_repo_root(),
   1235       'vendor/google_devices/bertha/scripts/shift_uid.py')
   1236   if os.path.exists(_SHIFT_UID_PATH):
   1237     return _SHIFT_UID_PATH
   1238   return None
   1241 def _default_simg2img_path():
   1242   # Automatically resolve simg2img path if possible.
   1243   dirs_to_find = []
   1244   if 'ANDROID_HOST_OUT' in os.environ:
   1245     dirs_to_find.append(os.path.join(os.environ.get('ANDROID_HOST_OUT'), 'bin'))
   1246   dirs_to_find.append(_SCRIPT_DIR)
   1247   if 'PATH' in os.environ:
   1248     dirs_to_find += os.environ['PATH'].split(os.pathsep)
   1250   for dir in dirs_to_find:
   1251     path = os.path.join(dir, 'simg2img')
   1252     if os.path.isfile(path) and os.access(path, os.X_OK):
   1253       return path
   1254   return None
   1257 def _resolve_args(args):
   1258   if not args.simg2img_path:
   1259     sys.exit('Cannot determine the path of simg2img')
   1260   if not args.mksquashfs_path:
   1261     sys.exit('Cannot determine the path of mksquashfs')
   1262   if not args.unsquashfs_path:
   1263     sys.exit('Cannot determine the path of unsquashfs. You may need to '
   1264              'install it with sudo apt install squashfs-tools.')
   1267 def _parse_args():
   1268   """Parses the arguments."""
   1269   parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
   1270       formatter_class=argparse.RawDescriptionHelpFormatter,
   1271       description='Push image to Chromebook',
   1272       epilog="""Examples:
   1274 To push from local build
   1275 $ %(prog)s <remote>
   1277 To push from Android build prebuilt
   1278 $ %(prog)s --use-prebuilt cheets_arm/eng/123456 <remote>
   1280 To push from local prebuilt
   1281 $ %(prog)s --use-prebuilt-file path/to/cheets_arm-img-123456.zip <remote>
   1282 """)
   1283   parser.add_argument(
   1284       '--push-vendor-image', action='store_true', help='Push vendor image')
   1285   parser.add_argument(
   1286       '--use-prebuilt', metavar='PRODUCT/BUILD_VARIANT/BUILD_ID',
   1287       type=_parse_prebuilt,
   1288       help='Push prebuilt image instead.  Example value: cheets_arm/eng/123456')
   1289   parser.add_argument(
   1290       '--use-prebuilt-file', dest='prebuilt_file', metavar='<path>',
   1291       help='The downloaded image path')
   1292   parser.add_argument(
   1293       '--build-fingerprint', default=os.environ.get('BUILD_FINGERPRINT'),
   1294       help='If set, embed this fingerprint data to the /etc/lsb-release '
   1295       'as CHROMEOS_ARC_VERSION value.')
   1296   parser.add_argument(
   1297       '--dryrun', action='store_true',
   1298       help='Do not execute subprocesses.')
   1299   parser.add_argument(
   1300       '--loglevel', default='INFO',
   1301       choices=('DEBUG', 'INFO', 'WARNING', 'ERROR', 'CRITICAL'),
   1302       help='Logging level.')
   1303   parser.add_argument(
   1304       '--simg2img-path', default=_default_simg2img_path(),
   1305       help='Executable path of simg2img')
   1306   parser.add_argument(
   1307       '--mksquashfs-path', default=_default_mksquashfs_path(),
   1308       help='Executable path of mksquashfs')
   1309   parser.add_argument(
   1310       '--unsquashfs-path', default=_default_unsquashfs_path(),
   1311       help='Executable path of unsquashfs')
   1312   parser.add_argument(
   1313       '--shift-uid-py-path', default=_default_shift_uid_py_path(),
   1314       help='Executable path of shift_uid.py')
   1315   parser.add_argument(
   1316       '--shift-ugids', action='store_true', help='Shift UIDs/GIDs recursively')
   1317   parser.add_argument(
   1318       '--force', action='store_true',
   1319       help=('Skip all prompts (i.e., for disabling of rootfs verification).  '
   1320             'This may result in the target machine being rebooted'))
   1321   parser.add_argument(
   1322       '--try-clobber-data', action='store_true',
   1323       help='If currently logged in, also clobber /data and /cache')
   1324   parser.add_argument(
   1325       '--skip_build_prop_update', action='store_true',
   1326       help=('Do not change ro.product.device to  "generic_cheets" for local '
   1327             'builds'))
   1328   parser.add_argument(
   1329       '--push-to-stateful-partition', action='store_true',
   1330       help=('Place the system.raw.img on the stateful partition instead of /. '
   1331             'This is always used for builds that do not fit on /.'))
   1332   parser.add_argument(
   1333       '--add-build-property', action='append', default=[],
   1334       dest='added_build_properties',
   1335       help=('Update build.prop with the given property e.g. some.property=true,'
   1336             'If the given property exists, it would update the property.'
   1337             'Otherwise it would append the given property to the end.'))
   1338   parser.add_argument(
   1339       '--enable-assistant-prop', action='store_true',
   1340       help=('Update build.prop with ro.opa.eligible_device=true, '
   1341             'this is required to run assistant on ChromeOS.'))
   1342   parser.add_argument(
   1343       'remote',
   1344       help=('The target test device. This is passed to ssh command etc., '
   1345             'so IP or the name registered in your .ssh/config file can be '
   1346             'accepted.'))
   1347   args = parser.parse_args()
   1349   _resolve_args(args)
   1350   return args
   1353 def main():
   1354   # Set up arguments.
   1355   args = _parse_args()
   1356   logging.basicConfig(level=getattr(logging, args.loglevel))
   1358   if args.enable_assistant_prop:
   1359     args.added_build_properties.append('ro.opa.eligible_device=true')
   1361   simg2img = Simg2img(args.simg2img_path, args.dryrun)
   1363   # Prepare local source.  A preparer is responsible to return an directory that
   1364   # contains necessary files to push.  It also needs to return metadata like
   1365   # product (e.g. cheets_arm) and a build fingerprint.
   1366   if args.dryrun:
   1367     provider = NullProvider()
   1368   elif args.use_prebuilt:
   1369     product, build_variant, build_id = args.use_prebuilt
   1370     provider = PrebuiltProvider(product, build_variant, build_id, simg2img,
   1371                                 args.unsquashfs_path)
   1372   elif args.prebuilt_file:
   1373     provider = LocalPrebuiltProvider(args.prebuilt_file, simg2img,
   1374                                      args.unsquashfs_path)
   1375   else:
   1376     provider = LocalBuildProvider(args.build_fingerprint,
   1377                                   args.skip_build_prop_update,
   1378                                   args.added_build_properties,
   1379                                   args.dryrun)
   1381   # Actually prepare the files to push.
   1382   out, product, fingerprint = provider.prepare()
   1384   # Update the image.
   1385   remote_proxy = RemoteProxy(args.remote, args.dryrun)
   1386   _verify_android_sdk_version(remote_proxy, provider, args.dryrun)
   1387   _verify_machine_arch(remote_proxy, product, args.dryrun)
   1389   if args.try_clobber_data:
   1390     clobber_data = True
   1391   else:
   1392     clobber_data = _detect_cert_inconsistency(
   1393         args.force, remote_proxy, provider.get_build_variant(), args.dryrun)
   1395   logging.info('Converting images to raw images...')
   1396   (large_image_list, image_list) = _convert_images(
   1397       simg2img, out, product, args.push_vendor_image, args.shift_ugids,
   1398       args.mksquashfs_path, args.unsquashfs_path, args.shift_uid_py_path, args.dryrun)
   1400   is_selinux_policy_updated = _is_selinux_policy_updated(remote_proxy, out,
   1401                                                          args.dryrun)
   1402   is_selinux_file_contexts_updated = _is_selinux_file_contexts_updated(
   1403       remote_proxy, out, args.dryrun)
   1404   total_bytes = sum(os.stat(filename).st_size for filename in large_image_list)
   1405   free_bytes = _get_free_space(remote_proxy)
   1406   push_to_stateful = (args.push_to_stateful_partition or
   1407                       total_bytes >= free_bytes)
   1409   if not args.push_to_stateful_partition and push_to_stateful:
   1410     logging.info('Pushing image to stateful partition '
   1411                  'since it does not fit on / (%.2f MiB, %.2f free MiB).',
   1412                  float(total_bytes) / _MB, float(free_bytes) / _MB)
   1414   with ImageUpdateMode(remote_proxy, is_selinux_policy_updated,
   1415                        push_to_stateful, clobber_data, args.force):
   1416     is_debuggable = 'user' != provider.get_build_variant()
   1417     try:
   1418       remote_proxy.check_call(' '.join([
   1419           '/bin/sed', '-i',
   1420           r'"s/^\(export ANDROID_DEBUGGABLE=\).*/\1%(_IS_DEBUGGABLE)d/"',
   1421           '/etc/init/arc-setup-env'
   1422       ]) % {'_IS_DEBUGGABLE': is_debuggable})
   1423       # Unconditionally disable font sharing so that 'adb sync' will always
   1424       # work. Disabling the feature is safe because locally built system
   1425       # image always has all fonts. Images from ab/ also have all fonts.
   1426       remote_proxy.check_call(' '.join([
   1427           '/bin/sed', '-i',
   1428           r'"s/^\(export SHARE_FONTS=\).*/\1%(_SHARE_FONTS)d/"',
   1429           '/etc/init/arc-setup-env'
   1430       ]) % {'_SHARE_FONTS': False})
   1431     except Exception:
   1432       # The device is old and doesn't have arc-setup-env. Fall back to the
   1433       # older method.
   1434       # TODO(yusukes): Remove the fallback code.
   1435       remote_proxy.check_call(' '.join([
   1436           '/bin/sed', '-i',
   1437           r'"s/^\(env ANDROID_DEBUGGABLE=\).*/\1%(_IS_DEBUGGABLE)d/"',
   1438           '/etc/init/arc-setup.conf'
   1439       ]) % {'_IS_DEBUGGABLE': is_debuggable})
   1440       remote_proxy.check_call(' '.join([
   1441           '/bin/sed', '-i',
   1442           r'"s/^\(env SHARE_FONTS=\).*/\1%(_SHARE_FONTS)d/"',
   1443           '/etc/init/arc-system-mount.conf'
   1444       ]) % {'_SHARE_FONTS': False})
   1446     logging.info('Syncing image files to ChromeOS...')
   1447     if large_image_list:
   1448       remote_proxy.sync(large_image_list,
   1449                         _ANDROID_ROOT_STATEFUL if push_to_stateful else
   1450                         _ANDROID_ROOT)
   1451     if image_list:
   1452       remote_proxy.sync(image_list, _ANDROID_ROOT)
   1453     _update_build_fingerprint(remote_proxy, fingerprint)
   1454     if is_selinux_file_contexts_updated:
   1455       _update_selinux_file_contexts(remote_proxy, out)
   1456     if is_selinux_policy_updated:
   1457       _update_selinux_policy(remote_proxy, out)
   1460 if __name__ == '__main__':
   1461   main()