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      1 # Copyright 2015 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
      2 # Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
      3 # found in the LICENSE file.
      5 """A code generator for TPM 2.0 structures.
      7 The structure generator provides classes to create various objects
      8 (structures, unions, constants, etc.) and then convert the set of generated
      9 objects into valid C files named tpm_generated.{h,c}.
     11 """
     13 from __future__ import print_function
     15 import datetime
     16 import re
     18 from subprocess import call
     20 _BASIC_TYPES = ['uint8_t', 'int8_t', 'uint16_t', 'int16_t', 'uint32_t',
     21                 'int32_t', 'uint64_t', 'int64_t']
     22 _OUTPUT_FILE_H = 'tpm_generated.h'
     23 _OUTPUT_FILE_CC = 'tpm_generated.c'
     25     '// Copyright %d The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.\n'
     26     '// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can '
     27     'be\n'
     28     '// found in the LICENSE file.\n'
     29     '\n'
     30     '// THIS CODE IS GENERATED - DO NOT MODIFY!\n' %
     31     datetime.datetime.now().year)
     33 #ifndef %(name)s
     34 #define %(name)s
     35 """
     37 #endif  // %(name)s
     38 """
     40 #include <endian.h>
     41 #include <string.h>
     43 #include "TPM_Types.h"
     44 #include "Tpm.h"
     45 """
     47 #include "tpm_generated.h"
     48 """
     49 # Function signatures for generated marshaling code are specified in TCG TPM2.0
     50 # Library Specification, Part 4: Supporting Routines, sections 4.2.2 and 4.2.3.
     51 _MARSHAL_BASIC_TYPE = """
     52 UINT16 %(type)s_Marshal(%(type)s *source, BYTE **buffer, INT32 *size) {
     53   %(type)s value_net = *source;
     54   if (!size || *size < sizeof(%(type)s)) {
     55     return 0;  // Nothing has been marshaled.
     56   }
     57   switch (sizeof(%(type)s)) {
     58     case 2:
     59       value_net = htobe16(*source);
     60       break;
     61     case 4:
     62       value_net = htobe32(*source);
     63       break;
     64     case 8:
     65       value_net = htobe64(*source);
     66       break;
     67     default:
     68       break;
     69   }
     70   memcpy(*buffer, &value_net, sizeof(%(type)s));
     71   *buffer += sizeof(%(type)s);
     72   *size -= sizeof(%(type)s);
     73   return sizeof(%(type)s);
     74 }
     76 TPM_RC %(type)s_Unmarshal(%(type)s *target, BYTE **buffer, INT32 *size) {
     77   %(type)s value_net = 0;
     78   if (!size || *size < sizeof(%(type)s)) {
     79     return TPM_RC_INSUFFICIENT;
     80   }
     81   memcpy(&value_net, *buffer, sizeof(%(type)s));
     82   switch (sizeof(%(type)s)) {
     83     case 2:
     84       *target = be16toh(value_net);
     85       break;
     86     case 4:
     87       *target = be32toh(value_net);
     88       break;
     89     case 8:
     90       *target = be64toh(value_net);
     91       break;
     92     default:
     93       *target = value_net;
     94   }
     95   *buffer += sizeof(%(type)s);
     96   *size -= sizeof(%(type)s);
     97   return TPM_RC_SUCCESS;
     98 }
     99 """
    101 UINT16 %(type)s_Marshal(
    102     %(type)s *source,
    103     BYTE **buffer,
    104     INT32 *size);
    106 TPM_RC %(type)s_Unmarshal(
    107     %(type)s *target,
    108     BYTE **buffer,
    109     INT32 *size);
    110 """
    113 def _IsTPM2B(name):
    114   return name.startswith('TPM2B_')
    117 class Field(object):
    118   """Represents a field in TPM structure or union.
    120   This object is used in several not fully overlapping cases, not all
    121   attributes apply to all use cases.
    123   The 'array_size' and 'run_time_size' attributes below are related to the
    124   following code example:
    126   struct {
    127     int size;
    128     byte array[MAX_SIZE]
    129   } object.
    131   In this structure the actual number of bytes in the array could be anything
    132   from zero to MAX_SIZE. The field 'size' denotes the actual number of
    133   elements at run time. So, when this object is constructed, array_size is
    134   'MAX_SIZE' and run_time_size is 'size'.
    136   The 'selector_value' attribute is used to associate union fields with
    137   certain object types. For instance
    139   typedef union {
    140     TPM2B_PUBLIC_KEY_RSA  rsa;
    141     TPMS_ECC_POINT        ecc;
    142   } TPMU_PUBLIC_ID;
    144   the field named 'rsa' will have its 'selector_value' set to 'TPM_ALG_RSA'.
    146   Attributes:
    147     field_type: a string, the type of field.
    148     field_name: a string, the name of the field.
    149     array_size: a string, see example above
    150     run_time_size: a string, see example above
    151     selector_value: a string, see example above
    152     conditional_value: a string, necessary for validation when unmarshaling.
    153                        Some types have a value that is allowed for some
    154                        commands but not others. E.g. 'TPM_RS_PW' is a
    155                        conditional value for the 'TPMI_SH_AUTH_SESSION' type
    156                        and TPM_ALG_NULL is a conditional value for the
    157                        TPMI_ALG_HASH type.
    158   """
    159   _MARSHAL_FIELD_ARRAY = """
    160   for (i = 0; i < source->%(array_length)s; ++i) {
    161     total_size += %(type)s_Marshal(&source->%(name)s[i], buffer, size);
    162   }"""
    163   _UNMARSHAL_FIELD_ARRAY = """
    164   for (i = 0; i < target->%(array_length)s; ++i) {
    165     result = %(type)s_Unmarshal(&target->%(name)s[i], buffer, size);
    166     if (result != TPM_RC_SUCCESS) {
    167       return result;
    168     }
    169   }"""
    171   def __init__(self, field_type, field_name,
    172                selector=None, array_size='',
    173                conditional_value='FALSE',
    174                run_time_size=None):
    175     """Initializes a Field instance.
    177     Args:
    178       field_type: Initial value for the field type attribute.
    179       field_name: Initial value for the field name attribute.
    180       selector: Initial value for the selector attribute.
    181       array_size: Initial value for the array_size attribute.
    182       conditional_value: Initial value of the conditional_value attribute.
    183       run_time_size: Initial value of the run_time_size attribute
    184     """
    185     if not field_type:
    186       # Some tables include rows without data type, for instance 'Table 70 -
    187       # Definition of TPMU_HA Union' in part 2. These rows are supposed to
    188       # cause another case added to the switch in the marshaling function
    189       # (processing of TPM_ALG_NULL in this example). Setting field name to ''
    190       # makes sure that the actual generated structure/union does not have an
    191       # entry for this field, setting type of such field to some value
    192       # simplifies functions generating the marshaling code.
    193       self.field_type = 'BYTE'
    194       self.field_name = ''
    195     else:
    196       self.field_type = field_type
    197       self.field_name = field_name
    198     self.array_size = array_size
    199     self.selector_value = selector
    200     self.conditional_value = conditional_value
    201     self.run_time_size = run_time_size
    203   def OutputMarshal(self, out_file, typemap):
    204     """Write a call to marshal the field this instance represents.
    206     Args:
    207       out_file: The output file.
    208       typemap: A dict mapping type names to the corresponding object.
    209     """
    210     if self.array_size:
    211       if self.run_time_size:
    212         real_size = self.run_time_size
    213       else:
    214         real_size = self.array_size
    215       out_file.write(
    216           self._MARSHAL_FIELD_ARRAY % {'type': self.field_type,
    217                                        'name': self.field_name,
    218                                        'array_length': real_size})
    219     else:
    220       typemap[self.field_type].OutputMarshalCall(out_file, self)
    222   def OutputUnmarshal(self, out_file, typemap):
    223     """Write a call to unmarshal the field this instance represents.
    225     Args:
    226       out_file: The output file.
    227       typemap: A dict mapping type names to the corresponding object.
    228     """
    229     if self.array_size:
    230       if self.run_time_size:
    231         real_size = self.run_time_size
    232       else:
    233         real_size = self.array_size
    234       out_file.write(
    235           self._UNMARSHAL_FIELD_ARRAY % {'type': self.field_type,
    236                                          'name': self.field_name,
    237                                          'array_length': real_size})
    238     else:
    239       typemap[self.field_type].OutputUnmarshalCall(out_file, self)
    242 class TPMType(object):
    243   """Base type for all TPMTypes.
    245      Contains functions and string literals common to all TPM types.
    247      Attributes:
    248       _base_type: a string, when set - the very basic type this type is
    249                   derived from (should be used for marshaling/unmarshaling to
    250                   shortcut multiple nested invocations).
    251   """
    252   # A function to marshal a TPM typedef.
    254 UINT16 %(new_type)s_Marshal(
    255     %(new_type)s *source,
    256     BYTE **buffer,
    257     INT32 *size) {
    258   return %(old_type)s_Marshal(source, buffer, size);
    259 }
    260 """
    261   # The function signature and unmarshaling call to the base type of a TPM
    262   # typedef. After the value is unmarshaled, additional validation code is
    263   # generated based on tables in TCG TPM2.0 Library Specification, Part 2:
    264   # Structures.
    266 TPM_RC %(new_type)s_Unmarshal(
    267     %(new_type)s *target,
    268     BYTE **buffer,
    269     INT32 *size) {
    270   TPM_RC result;
    271   result = %(old_type)s_Unmarshal(target, buffer, size);
    272   if (result != TPM_RC_SUCCESS) {
    273     return result;
    274   }"""
    275   _UNMARSHAL_END = '\n  return TPM_RC_SUCCESS;\n}\n'
    276   # Snippets of code for value validation.
    277   _VALUE_START_SWITCH = '\n  switch (%(name)s) {'
    278   _VALUE_CASE = '\n    case %(value)s:'
    279   _VALUE_CASE_IFDEF = '\n#ifdef %(value)s\n    case %(value)s:\n#endif'
    280   _VALUE_END_SWITCH = """
    281       break;
    282     default:
    283       return %(error_code)s;
    284   }"""
    285   # A declaration for marshaling and unmarshaling functions for a TPM type.
    287   # Snippets of code which make calls to marshaling functions. Marshals a value
    288   # of type 'type' into a field 'name' within a structure. This is used in
    289   # generation of structure and command marshaling code.
    290   _MARSHAL_CALL = """
    291   total_size += %(type)s_Marshal(
    292       &source->%(name)s, buffer, size);"""
    293   _UNMARSHAL_CALL = """
    294   result = %(type)s_Unmarshal(
    295       &target->%(name)s, buffer, size);
    296   if (result != TPM_RC_SUCCESS) {
    297     return result;
    298   }"""
    300   def __init__(self):
    301     self._base_type = None
    303   def SetBaseType(self, base_type):
    304     self._base_type = base_type
    306   def _GetBaseType(self, out_file, marshalled_types, typemap):
    307     '''Return base type for this object.
    309     The base type is used for shortcutting marshaling/unmarshaling code.
    311     If _base_type is not set, return the old_type value as the base type.
    313     If the base type's marshaling/unmarshaling code has not been generated
    314     yet, issue it before continuing processing.
    316     Args:
    317       out_file: The output file.
    318       marshalled_types: A set of types for which marshal and unmarshal functions
    319           have already been generated.
    320       typemap: A dict mapping type names to the corresponding object.
    322     Returns:
    323       A string, the name of the type to use for marshaling/unmarshaling.
    325     '''
    326     if self._base_type:
    327       base_type = self._base_type
    328     else:
    329       base_type = self.old_type
    330     if base_type not in marshalled_types:
    331       typemap[base_type].OutputMarshalImpl(
    332         out_file, marshalled_types, typemap)
    333     return base_type
    335   def HasConditional(self):
    336     """Returns true if TPMType has a conditional value."""
    337     return False
    339   def OutputMarshalCall(self, out_file, field):
    340     """Write a call to Marshal function for TPMType to |out_file|.
    342        Accumulates a variable 'total_size' with the result of marshaling
    343        field |field_name| in structure 'source'.
    345     Args:
    346       out_file: The output file.
    347       field: A Field object describing this type.
    348     """
    349     out_file.write(self._MARSHAL_CALL % {'type': field.field_type,
    350                                          'name': field.field_name})
    352   def OutputUnmarshalCall(self, out_file, field):
    353     """Write a call to Unmarshal function for TPMType to |out_file|.
    355        Assigns result of unmarshaling field |field_name| in structure 'source'
    356        to variable 'result'. Returns if the unmarshalling was unsuccessful.
    358     Args:
    359       out_file: The output file.
    360       field: A Field object describing this type.
    361     """
    362     obj_type = field.field_type
    363     if obj_type == 'TPM_CC':
    364       obj_type = 'UINT32'
    365     out_file.write(self._UNMARSHAL_CALL % {'type': obj_type,
    366                                            'name': field.field_name})
    368   def _OutputTypedefMarshalDecl(self, out_file, declared_types, typemap):
    369     """Write marshal declarations for TPM typedefs to |out_file|.
    371        Can only be called on Typedef, ConstantType, AttributeStruct, and
    372        Interface objects.
    374     Args:
    375       out_file: The output file.
    376       declared_types: A set of types for which marshal and unmarshal function
    377           declarations have already been generated.
    378       typemap: A dict mapping type names to the corresponding object.
    379     """
    380     if self.new_type in declared_types:
    381       return
    382     if self.old_type not in declared_types and self.old_type in typemap:
    383       typemap[self.old_type].OutputMarshalDecl(
    384           out_file, declared_types, typemap)
    385     out_file.write(self._MARSHAL_DECLARATION % {'type': self.new_type})
    386     declared_types.add(self.new_type)
    388   def _OutputStructOrUnionMarshalDecl(self, out_file, declared_types):
    389     """Write marshal declarations for a TPM Structure or Union.
    391        Can only be called on Structure and Union objects.
    393     Args:
    394       out_file: The output file.
    395       declared_types: A set of types for which marshal and unmarshal function
    396         declarations have already been generated.
    397     """
    398     # TPMU_NAME and TPMU_ENCRYPTED_SECRET type are never used across the
    399     # interface.
    400     if (self.name in declared_types or
    401         self.name == 'TPMU_NAME' or
    402         self.name == 'TPMU_ENCRYPTED_SECRET'):
    403       return
    404     out_file.write(self._MARSHAL_DECLARATION % {'type': self.name})
    405     declared_types.add(self.name)
    408 class Typedef(TPMType):
    409   """Represents a TPM typedef.
    411   Attributes:
    412     old_type: The existing type in a typedef statement.
    413     new_type: The new type in a typedef statement.
    414   """
    415   # A function to unmarshal a TPM typedef with no extra validation.
    417 TPM_RC %(new_type)s_Unmarshal(
    418     %(new_type)s *target,
    419     BYTE **buffer,
    420     INT32 *size) {
    421   return %(old_type)s_Unmarshal(target, buffer, size);
    422 }
    423 """
    425   def __init__(self, old_type, new_type):
    426     """Initializes a Typedef instance.
    428     Args:
    429       old_type: The base type of the attribute structure.
    430       new_type: The name of the type.
    431     """
    432     super(Typedef, self).__init__()
    433     self.old_type = old_type
    434     self.new_type = new_type
    436   def OutputMarshalImpl(self, out_file, marshalled_types, typemap):
    437     """Writes marshal implementations for Typedef to |out_file|.
    439     Args:
    440       out_file: The output file.
    441       marshalled_types: A set of types for which marshal and unmarshal functions
    442           have already been generated.
    443       typemap: A dict mapping type names to the corresponding object.
    444     """
    445     if self.new_type in marshalled_types:
    446       return
    447     base_type = self._GetBaseType(out_file, marshalled_types, typemap)
    448     out_file.write(self._TYPEDEF_MARSHAL_FUNCTION % {'old_type': base_type,
    449                                                      'new_type': self.new_type})
    450     out_file.write(
    451         self._TYPEDEF_UNMARSHAL_FUNCTION % {'old_type': base_type,
    452                                             'new_type': self.new_type})
    453     marshalled_types.add(self.new_type)
    455   def OutputMarshalDecl(self, out_file, declared_types, typemap):
    456     """Writes marshal declarations for Typedef to |out_file|.
    458     Args:
    459       out_file: The output file.
    460       declared_types: A set of types for which marshal and unmarshal function
    461           declarations have already been generated.
    462       typemap: A dict mapping type names to the corresponding object.
    463     """
    464     self._OutputTypedefMarshalDecl(out_file, declared_types, typemap)
    467 class ConstantType(TPMType):
    468   """Represents a TPM Constant type definition.
    470   Attributes:
    471      old_type: The base type of the constant (e.g. 'int').
    472      new_type: The name of the type (e.g. 'TPM_RC').
    473      valid_values: The list of valid values this type can take (e.g.
    474          'TPM_RC_SUCCESS').
    475      error_code: Error to be returned when unmarshalling is unsuccessful.
    476   """
    477   _CHECK_VALUE = """
    478   if (*target == %(value)s) {
    479     return TPM_RC_SUCCESS;
    480   }"""
    481   _CHECK_VALUE_IFDEF = """
    482 #ifdef %(value)s
    483   if (*target == %(value)s) {
    484     return TPM_RC_SUCCESS;
    485   }
    486 #endif"""
    487   _UNMARSHAL_END = """
    488   return %(error_code)s;
    489 }
    490 """
    491   _IFDEF_TYPE_RE = re.compile(r'^TPM_(ALG|CC).*')
    493   def __init__(self, old_type, new_type):
    494     """Initializes a ConstantType instance.
    496     Values are added to valid_values attribute during parsing.
    498     Args:
    499       old_type: The base type of the constant type.
    500       new_type: The name of the type.
    501     """
    502     super(ConstantType, self).__init__()
    503     self.old_type = old_type
    504     self.new_type = new_type
    505     self.valid_values = []
    506     self.error_code = 'TPM_RC_VALUE'
    508   def _NeedsIfdef(self):
    509     """Returns True if new_type is a type which needs ifdef enclosing."""
    510     return self._IFDEF_TYPE_RE.search(self.new_type)
    512   def OutputMarshalImpl(self, out_file, marshalled_types, typemap):
    513     """Writes marshal implementations for ConstantType to |out_file|.
    515     Args:
    516       out_file: The output file.
    517       marshalled_types: A set of types for which marshal and unmarshal functions
    518           have already been generated.
    519       typemap: A dict mapping type names to the corresponding object.
    520     """
    521     if self.new_type in marshalled_types:
    522       return
    523     base_type = self._GetBaseType(out_file, marshalled_types, typemap)
    524     out_file.write(self._TYPEDEF_MARSHAL_FUNCTION % {'old_type': base_type,
    525                                                      'new_type': self.new_type})
    526     out_file.write(self._TYPEDEF_UNMARSHAL_START % {'old_type': base_type,
    527                                                     'new_type': self.new_type})
    528     for value in self.valid_values:
    529       if self._NeedsIfdef():
    530         out_file.write(self._CHECK_VALUE_IFDEF % {'value': value})
    531       else:
    532         out_file.write(self._CHECK_VALUE % {'value': value})
    533     out_file.write(self._UNMARSHAL_END % {'error_code': self.error_code})
    534     marshalled_types.add(self.new_type)
    536   def OutputMarshalDecl(self, out_file, declared_types, typemap):
    537     """Writes marshal declarations for ConstantType to |out_file|.
    539     Args:
    540       out_file: The output file.
    541       declared_types: A set of types for which marshal and unmarshal function
    542           declarations have already been generated.
    543       typemap: A dict mapping type names to the corresponding object.
    544     """
    545     self._OutputTypedefMarshalDecl(out_file, declared_types, typemap)
    548 class AttributeStructure(TPMType):
    549   """Represents a TPM attribute structure type definition.
    551   Attributes:
    552      old_type: The base type of the constant (e.g. 'int').
    553      new_type: The name of the type (e.g. 'TPMA_OBJECT').
    554      reserved: The list of bit bounds where bits must be 0 (e.g. ['10_2','3']).
    555   """
    556   # Attribute structures need an explicit cast to the base type.
    558 UINT16 %(new_type)s_Marshal(
    559     %(new_type)s *source,
    560     BYTE **buffer,
    561     INT32 *size) {
    562   return %(old_type)s_Marshal((%(old_type)s*)source, buffer, size);
    563 }
    564 """
    566 TPM_RC %(new_type)s_Unmarshal(
    567     %(new_type)s *target,
    568     BYTE **buffer,
    569     INT32 *size) {
    570   TPM_RC result;
    571   result = %(old_type)s_Unmarshal((%(old_type)s*)target, buffer, size);
    572   if (result != TPM_RC_SUCCESS) {
    573     return result;
    574   }"""
    575   _CHECK_RESERVED = """
    576   if (target->reserved%(bits)s != 0) {
    577     return TPM_RC_RESERVED_BITS;
    578   }"""
    580   def __init__(self, old_type, new_type):
    581     """Initializes an AttributeStructure instance.
    583     Values may be added to reserved attribute during parsing.
    585     Args:
    586       old_type: The base type of the attribute structure.
    587       new_type: The name of the type.
    588     """
    589     super(AttributeStructure, self).__init__()
    590     self.old_type = old_type
    591     self.new_type = new_type
    592     self.reserved = []
    594   def OutputMarshalImpl(self, out_file, marshalled_types, typemap):
    595     """Writes marshal implementations for AttributStructure to |out_file|.
    597     Args:
    598       out_file: The output file.
    599       marshalled_types: A set of types for which marshal and unmarshal functions
    600           have already been generated.
    601       typemap: A dict mapping type names to the corresponding object.
    602     """
    603     if self.new_type in marshalled_types:
    604       return
    605     base_type = self._GetBaseType(out_file, marshalled_types, typemap)
    606     out_file.write(self._ATTRIBUTE_MARSHAL_FUNCTION %
    607                    {'old_type': base_type,
    608                     'new_type': self.new_type})
    609     out_file.write(self._ATTRIBUTE_UNMARSHAL_START %
    610                    {'old_type': base_type,
    611                     'new_type': self.new_type})
    612     for bits in self.reserved:
    613       out_file.write(self._CHECK_RESERVED % {'bits': bits})
    614     out_file.write(self._UNMARSHAL_END)
    615     marshalled_types.add(self.new_type)
    617   def OutputMarshalDecl(self, out_file, declared_types, typemap):
    618     """Writes marshal declarations for AttributeStructure to |out_file|.
    620     Args:
    621       out_file: The output file.
    622       declared_types: A set of types for which marshal and unmarshal function
    623           declarations have already been generated.
    624       typemap: A dict mapping type names to the corresponding object.
    625     """
    626     self._OutputTypedefMarshalDecl(out_file, declared_types, typemap)
    629 class Interface(TPMType):
    630   """Represents a TPM interface type definition.
    632   Attributes:
    633      old_type: The base type of the interface (e.g. 'TPM_HANDLE').
    634      new_type: The name of the type (e.g. 'TPMI_DH_OBJECT').
    635      valid_values: List of valid values for new_type. If this is not empty,
    636          valid values for new_type is explicitly defined in the spec.
    637      bounds: List of pairs representing bounds. If nonempty, target must fall
    638          between one of these bounds.
    639      conditional_value: Name of conditionally allowed value. If there is no
    640          such value, this variable will be None.
    641      supported_values: String literal indicating the name of a list of supported
    642          values to be substituted at compile time (e.g. 'AES_KEY_SIZES_BITS').
    643          If this is not None, valid values for new_type depends on the
    644          implementation.
    645      error_code: Return code when an unmarshalling error occurs.
    646   """
    648 TPM_RC %(new_type)s_Unmarshal(
    649     %(new_type)s *target,
    650     BYTE **buffer,
    651     INT32 *size,
    652     BOOL allow_conditional_value) {
    653   TPM_RC result;"""
    655 TPM_RC %(new_type)s_Unmarshal(
    656     %(new_type)s *target,
    657     BYTE **buffer,
    658     INT32 *size) {
    659   TPM_RC result;"""
    660   _UNMARSHAL_VALUE = """
    661   result = %(old_type)s_Unmarshal(target, buffer, size);
    662   if (result != TPM_RC_SUCCESS) {
    663     return result;
    664   }"""
    666   result = %(old_type)s_Unmarshal(target, buffer, size);
    667   if ((result != TPM_RC_VALUE) && (result != TPM_RC_SUCCESS)) {
    668     return result;
    669   }"""
    671   uint16_t supported_values[] = %(supported_values)s;
    672   size_t length = sizeof(supported_values)/sizeof(supported_values[0]);
    673   size_t i;
    674   BOOL is_supported_value = FALSE;"""
    676   for (i = 0; i < length; ++i) {
    677     if (*target == supported_values[i]) {
    678       is_supported_value = TRUE;
    679       break;
    680     }
    681   }
    682   if (!is_supported_value) {
    683     return %(error_code)s;
    684   }"""
    685   _CHECK_CONDITIONAL = """
    686   if (*target == %(name)s) {
    687     return allow_conditional_value ? TPM_RC_SUCCESS : %(error_code)s;
    688   }"""
    689   _SETUP_CHECK_VALUES = '\n  BOOL has_valid_value = FALSE;'
    690   _VALUE_END_SWITCH = """
    691       has_valid_value = TRUE;
    692       break;
    693   }"""
    694   _CHECK_BOUND = """
    695   if((*target >= %(lower)s) && (*target <= %(upper)s)) {
    696     has_valid_value = TRUE;
    697   }"""
    698   _CHECK_VALUES_END = """
    699   if (!has_valid_value) {
    700     return %(error_code)s;
    701   }"""
    703 UINT16 %(type)s_Marshal(
    704     %(type)s *source,
    705     BYTE **buffer,
    706     INT32 *size);
    708 TPM_RC %(type)s_Unmarshal(
    709     %(type)s *target,
    710     BYTE **buffer,
    711     INT32 *size,
    712     BOOL allow_conditioanl_value);
    713 """
    715   result = %(type)s_Unmarshal(
    716       &target->%(name)s, buffer, size, %(flag)s);
    717   if (result != TPM_RC_SUCCESS) {
    718     return result;
    719   }"""
    720   _IFDEF_TYPE_RE = re.compile(r'^TPMI_(ALG|ECC)_.*')
    722   def __init__(self, old_type, new_type):
    723     """Initializes an Interface instance.
    725     Values may be added/assigned to valid_values, bounds, conditional_value,
    726     supported_values, and error_code attributes new values during parsing.
    728     Args:
    729       old_type: The base type of the interface.
    730       new_type: The name of the type.
    731     """
    732     super(Interface, self).__init__()
    733     self.old_type = old_type
    734     self.new_type = new_type
    735     self.valid_values = []
    736     self.bounds = []
    737     self.conditional_value = None
    738     self.supported_values = None
    739     self.error_code = 'TPM_RC_VALUE'
    741   def HasConditional(self):
    742     """Returns true if Interface has a valid conditional_value."""
    743     return self.conditional_value is not None
    745   def _NeedsIfdef(self):
    746     """Returns True if new_type is a type which needs ifdef enclosing."""
    747     return self._IFDEF_TYPE_RE.search(self.new_type)
    749   def OutputMarshalImpl(self, out_file, marshalled_types, typemap):
    750     """Writes marshal implementation for Interface to |out_file|.
    752     Args:
    753       out_file: The output file.
    754       marshalled_types: A set of types for which marshal and unmarshal functions
    755           have already been generated.
    756       typemap: A dict mapping type names to the corresponding object.
    757     """
    758     if self.new_type in marshalled_types:
    759       return
    760     base_type = self._GetBaseType(out_file, marshalled_types, typemap)
    761     out_file.write(self._TYPEDEF_MARSHAL_FUNCTION % {'old_type': base_type,
    762                                                      'new_type': self.new_type})
    763     if self.conditional_value:
    764       out_file.write(self._INTERFACE_CONDITIONAL_UNMARSHAL_START %
    765                      {'old_type': base_type,
    766                       'new_type': self.new_type})
    767     else:
    768       out_file.write(
    769           self._INTERFACE_UNMARSHAL_START % {'old_type': base_type,
    770                                              'new_type': self.new_type})
    771     # Creating necessary local variables.
    772     if self.supported_values:
    773       out_file.write(self._SETUP_CHECK_SUPPORTED_VALUES %
    774                      {'supported_values': self.supported_values})
    775     if len(self.valid_values)+len(self.bounds) > 0:
    776       out_file.write(self._SETUP_CHECK_VALUES)
    777       out_file.write(self._UNMARSHAL_VALUE_ALLOW_RC_VALUE %
    778                      {'old_type': base_type})
    779     else:
    780       out_file.write(self._UNMARSHAL_VALUE % {'old_type': base_type})
    782     if self.supported_values:
    783       out_file.write(self._CHECK_SUPPORTED_VALUES %
    784                      {'supported_values': self.supported_values,
    785                       'error_code': self.error_code})
    786     if self.conditional_value:
    787       out_file.write(
    788           self._CHECK_CONDITIONAL % {'name': self.conditional_value,
    789                                      'error_code': self.error_code})
    790     # Checking for valid values.
    791     if len(self.valid_values)+len(self.bounds) > 0:
    792       if self.valid_values:
    793         out_file.write(self._VALUE_START_SWITCH % {'name': '*target'})
    794         for value in self.valid_values:
    795           if self._NeedsIfdef():
    796             out_file.write(self._VALUE_CASE_IFDEF % {'value': value})
    797           else:
    798             out_file.write(self._VALUE_CASE % {'value': value})
    799         out_file.write(self._VALUE_END_SWITCH)
    800       for (lower, upper) in self.bounds:
    801         out_file.write(
    802             self._CHECK_BOUND % {'lower': lower, 'upper': upper})
    803       out_file.write(self._CHECK_VALUES_END % {'error_code': self.error_code})
    805     out_file.write(self._UNMARSHAL_END)
    806     marshalled_types.add(self.new_type)
    808   def OutputMarshalDecl(self, out_file, declared_types, typemap):
    809     """Writes marshal declarations for Interface to |out_file|.
    811        Outputted declaration depends on whether Interface type has a
    812        conditionally valid value.
    814     Args:
    815       out_file: The output file.
    816       declared_types: A set of types for which marshal and unmarshal function
    817           declarations have already been generated.
    818       typemap: A dict mapping type names to the corresponding object.
    819     """
    820     if self.new_type in declared_types:
    821       return
    822     if self.old_type not in declared_types:
    823       typemap[self.old_type].OutputMarshalDecl(
    824           out_file, declared_types, typemap)
    825     if self.HasConditional():
    826       out_file.write(
    827           self._CONDITIONAL_MARSHAL_DECLARATION % {'type': self.new_type})
    828     else:
    829       out_file.write(self._MARSHAL_DECLARATION % {'type': self.new_type})
    830     declared_types.add(self.new_type)
    832   def OutputUnmarshalCall(
    833       self, out_file, field):
    834     """Write a call to Unmarshal function for Interface type to |out_file|.
    836        Override TPMType OutputUnmarshalCall because when an Interface type has
    837        a conditionally valid value, a BOOL value (|conditional_valid|) is passed
    838        as a parameter.
    840     Args:
    841       out_file: The output file.
    842       field: A Field object representing an element of this interface.
    843     """
    844     if self.conditional_value:
    845       out_file.write(
    846           self._CONDITIONAL_UNMARSHAL_CALL % {'type': field.field_type,
    847                                               'name': field.field_name,
    848                                               'flag': field.conditional_value})
    849     else:
    850       out_file.write(self._UNMARSHAL_CALL % {'type': field.field_type,
    851                                              'name': field.field_name})
    854 class Structure(TPMType):
    855   """Represents a TPM structure.
    857   Attributes:
    858     name: The name of the structure.
    859     fields: A list of Field objects representing struct fields.
    860     upper_bounds: A dictionary of (name, val) tuples mapping name to max val.
    861     lower_bounds: A dictionary of (name, val) tuples mapping name to min val.
    862     size_check: Set if TPM2B structure must be size checked (triggered by size=)
    863     valid_tag_values: A list of values field tag is allowed to take.
    864     error_code: The return code to be returned if an error occurs
    865   """
    867 UINT16 %(name)s_Marshal(
    868     %(name)s *source,
    869     BYTE **buffer,
    870     INT32 *size) {
    871   UINT16 total_size = 0;"""
    873 TPM_RC %(name)s_Unmarshal(
    874     %(name)s *target,
    875     BYTE **buffer,
    876     INT32 *size) {
    877   TPM_RC result;"""
    878   _MARSHAL_END = '\n  return total_size;\n}\n'
    879   _SETUP_ARRAY_FIELD = '\n  INT32 i;'
    880   _CHECK_SIZE_START = """
    881   UINT32 start_size = *size;
    882   UINT32 struct_size;"""
    883   _CHECK_SIZE_END = """
    884   struct_size = start_size - *size - sizeof(target->t.size);
    885   if (struct_size != target->t.size) {
    886     return TPM_RC_SIZE;
    887   }"""
    888   _TPM2B_ZERO_SIZE = """
    889   if (target->t.size == 0) {
    890     return %(return_value)s;
    891   }"""
    892   _CHECK_BOUND = """
    893   if (target->%(name)s %(operator)s %(bound_value)s) {
    894     return %(error_code)s;
    895   }"""
    896   _FIX_SIZE_FIELD = """
    897   {
    898     BYTE *size_location = *buffer - total_size;
    899     INT32 size_field_size = sizeof(%(size_field_type)s);
    900     UINT16 payload_size = total_size - (UINT16)size_field_size;
    901     %(size_field_type)s_Marshal(&payload_size,
    902       &size_location, &size_field_size);
    903   }"""
    905   def __init__(self, name):
    906     """Initializes a Structure instance.
    908     Initially the instance will have no fields, upper_bounds, lower_bounds, or
    909     valid_tag_values. Those can be added with AddField(), AddUpperBound(),
    910     AddLowerBound(), and AddTagVal() methods.
    912     Args:
    913       name: The name of the structure.
    914     """
    915     super(Structure, self).__init__()
    916     self.name = name
    917     self.fields = []
    918     self.upper_bounds = {}
    919     self.lower_bounds = {}
    920     self.size_check = False
    921     self.valid_tag_values = []
    922     self.error_code = 'TPM_RC_VALUE'
    924   def AddField(self, field):
    925     """Adds a field to fields attribute in Structure.
    927     Args:
    928       field: Instance of Field
    929     """
    930     self.fields.append(field)
    932   def AddUpperBound(self, field_name, value):
    933     """Adds an upper bound for a field.
    935     Args:
    936        field_name: Name of field with bound.
    937        value: Value of upper bound.
    938     """
    939     if _IsTPM2B(self.name):
    940       field_name = 't.' + field_name
    941     self.upper_bounds[field_name] = value
    943   def AddLowerBound(self, field_name, value):
    944     """Adds a lower bound for a field.
    946     Args:
    947        field_name: Name of field with bound.
    948        value: Value of lower bound.
    949     """
    950     if _IsTPM2B(self.name):
    951       field_name = 't.' + field_name
    952     self.lower_bounds[field_name] = value
    954   def _AddTagValue(self, value):
    955     """Adds a valid value for tag field.
    957     Args:
    958        value: Valid value for tag field.
    959     """
    960     self.valid_tag_values.append(value)
    962   def _GetFieldTypes(self):
    963     """Creates a set which holds all current field types.
    965     Returns:
    966       A set of field types.
    967     """
    968     return set([field.field_type for field in self.fields])
    970   def OutputMarshalImpl(self, out_file, marshalled_types, typemap):
    971     """Writes marshal implementations for Structure to |out_file|.
    973     Args:
    974       out_file: The output file.
    975       marshalled_types: A set of types for which marshal and unmarshal functions
    976           have already been generated.
    977       typemap: A dict mapping type names to the corresponding object.
    978     """
    979     if self.name in marshalled_types:
    980       return
    982     # Make sure any dependencies already have marshal functions defined.
    983     for field_type in self._GetFieldTypes():
    984       if field_type not in marshalled_types:
    985         typemap[field_type].OutputMarshalImpl(
    986             out_file, marshalled_types, typemap)
    987         marshalled_types.add(field_type)
    989     out_file.write(self._STRUCTURE_MARSHAL_START % {'name': self.name})
    990     # If any field is an array, create local variable INT32 i.
    991     for field in self.fields:
    992       if field.array_size:
    993         out_file.write(self._SETUP_ARRAY_FIELD)
    994         break
    995     for field in self.fields:
    996       # Each TPM2B is a union of two sized buffers, one which is type specific
    997       # (the 't' element) and the other is a generic value (the 'b' element).
    998       # For this reason a 't.' is prepended for fields in a TPM2B type. See
    999       # section 9.11.6 in TCG TPM2.0 Library Specification, Part 2: Structures
   1000       # for more details.
   1001       if _IsTPM2B(self.name):
   1002         field.field_name = 't.' + field.field_name
   1003         if field.run_time_size:
   1004           field.run_time_size = 't.' + field.run_time_size
   1005       field.OutputMarshal(out_file, typemap)
   1006     if self.size_check:
   1007       out_file.write(self._FIX_SIZE_FIELD % {'size_field_type': self.fields[0].field_type})
   1008     out_file.write(self._MARSHAL_END)
   1010     out_file.write(self._STRUCTURE_UNMARSHAL_START % {'name': self.name})
   1011     if self.size_check:
   1012       out_file.write(self._CHECK_SIZE_START)
   1013     # If any field is an array, create local variable INT32 i.
   1014     for field in self.fields:
   1015       if field.array_size:
   1016         out_file.write(self._SETUP_ARRAY_FIELD)
   1017         break
   1018     for field in self.fields:
   1019       field.OutputUnmarshal(out_file, typemap)
   1020       return_value = self.error_code
   1021       if field.field_name == 't.size' and self.size_check:
   1022         out_file.write(self._TPM2B_ZERO_SIZE % {'return_value': 'TPM_RC_SIZE'})
   1023       if field.field_name == 't.size' and not self.size_check:
   1024         out_file.write(
   1025             self._TPM2B_ZERO_SIZE % {'return_value': 'TPM_RC_SUCCESS'})
   1026       if field.field_name in self.upper_bounds:
   1027         if (field.field_name == 'count' or
   1028             field.field_name == 't.size' or
   1029             field.field_name == 'size'):
   1030           return_value = 'TPM_RC_SIZE'
   1031         out_file.write(self._CHECK_BOUND %
   1032                        {'name': field.field_name,
   1033                         'operator': '>',
   1034                         'bound_value': self.upper_bounds[field.field_name],
   1035                         'error_code': return_value})
   1036       if field.field_name in self.lower_bounds:
   1037         if (field.field_name == 'count' or
   1038             field.field_name == 't.size' or
   1039             field.field_name == 'size'):
   1040           return_value = 'TPM_RC_SIZE'
   1041         out_file.write(self._CHECK_BOUND %
   1042                        {'name': field.field_name,
   1043                         'operator': '<',
   1044                         'bound_value': self.lower_bounds[field.field_name],
   1045                         'error_code': return_value})
   1046       if field.field_name == 'tag' and self.valid_tag_values:
   1047         out_file.write(self._VALUE_START_SWITCH % {'name': 'target->tag'})
   1048         for value in self.valid_tag_values:
   1049           out_file.write(self._VALUE_CASE % {'value': value})
   1050         out_file.write(self._VALUE_END_SWITCH % {'error_code': 'TPM_RC_TAG'})
   1051     if self.size_check:
   1052       out_file.write(self._CHECK_SIZE_END)
   1053     if not self.fields:
   1054       # The spec includes a definition of an empty structure, as a side effect
   1055       # the marshaling/unmarshaling functions become empty, the compiler
   1056       # warning is suppressed by the below statement.
   1057       out_file.write('  (void)result;\n')
   1058     out_file.write(self._UNMARSHAL_END)
   1060     marshalled_types.add(self.name)
   1062   def OutputMarshalDecl(self, out_file, declared_types, _):
   1063     """Writes marshal declarations for Structure to |out_file|.
   1065     Args:
   1066       out_file: The output file.
   1067       declared_types: A set of types for which marshal and unmarshal function
   1068           declarations have already been generated.
   1069     """
   1070     self._OutputStructOrUnionMarshalDecl(out_file, declared_types)
   1073 class Union(TPMType):
   1074   """Represents a TPM union.
   1076   Attributes:
   1077     name: The name of the union.
   1078     fields: A list of Field objects representing union fields.
   1079   """
   1081   _UNION_MARSHAL_START = """
   1082 UINT16 %(name)s_Marshal(
   1083     %(name)s *source,
   1084     BYTE **buffer,
   1085     INT32 *size,
   1086     UINT32 selector) {
   1087   %(array_extras)s
   1088   switch(selector) {"""
   1089   _UNION_UNMARSHAL_START = """
   1090 TPM_RC %(name)s_Unmarshal(
   1091     %(name)s *target,
   1092     BYTE **buffer,
   1093     INT32 *size,
   1094     UINT32 selector) {
   1095   switch(selector) {"""
   1096   _MARSHAL_END = '\n  }\n  return 0;\n}\n'
   1097   _UNMARSHAL_END = '\n  }\n  return TPM_RC_SELECTOR;\n}\n'
   1098   _MARSHAL_DECLARATION = """
   1099 UINT16 %(type)s_Marshal(
   1100     %(type)s *source,
   1101     BYTE **buffer,
   1102     INT32 *size,
   1103     UINT32 selector);
   1105 TPM_RC %(type)s_Unmarshal(
   1106     %(type)s *target,
   1107     BYTE **buffer,
   1108     INT32 *size,
   1109     UINT32 selector);
   1110 """
   1111   _CASE_SELECTOR = """
   1112     case %(selector)s:"""
   1113   _MARSHAL_EMPTY = """
   1114       return 0;"""
   1115   _UNMARSHAL_EMPTY = """
   1116       return TPM_RC_SUCCESS;"""
   1117   _MARSHAL_FIELD = """
   1118       return %(type)s_Marshal(
   1119           (%(type)s*)&source->%(name)s, buffer, size);"""
   1120   _UNMARSHAL_FIELD = """
   1121       return %(type)s_Unmarshal(
   1122           (%(type)s*)&target->%(name)s, buffer, size);"""
   1124     INT32 i;
   1125     UINT16 total_size = 0;"""
   1127     INT32 i;
   1128     TPM_RC result = TPM_RC_SUCCESS;"""
   1129   _MARSHAL_FIELD_ARRAY = """
   1130     for (i = 0; i < %(array_length)s; ++i) {
   1131       total_size += %(type)s_Marshal(
   1132           &source->%(name)s[i], buffer, size);
   1133     }
   1134     return total_size;"""
   1135   _UNMARSHAL_FIELD_ARRAY = """
   1136     for (i = 0; i < %(array_length)s; ++i) {
   1137       result = %(type)s_Unmarshal(
   1138           &target->%(name)s[i], buffer, size);
   1139       if (result != TPM_RC_SUCCESS) {
   1140         return result;
   1141       }
   1142     }
   1143     return TPM_RC_SUCCESS;"""
   1145     return %(type)s_Unmarshal(
   1146         &target->%(name)s, buffer, size, FALSE);"""
   1147   _UNION_MARSHAL_CALL = """
   1148   total_size += %(type)s_Marshal(
   1149       &source->%(name)s, buffer, size, source->%(selector)s);"""
   1150   _UNION_UNMARSHAL_CALL = """
   1151   result = %(type)s_Unmarshal(
   1152       &target->%(name)s, buffer, size, target->%(selector)s);
   1153   if (result != TPM_RC_SUCCESS) {
   1154     return result;
   1155   }"""
   1156   _IFDEF = '\n#ifdef %(type)s'
   1157   _ENDIF = '\n#endif'
   1158   _IFDEF_TYPE_RE = re.compile(r'^TPM_(ALG|CC).*')
   1160   def __init__(self, name):
   1161     """Initializes a Union instance.
   1163     Initially the instance will have no fields. Fields are added with the
   1164     AddField() method.
   1166     Args:
   1167       name: The name of the structure.
   1168     """
   1169     super(Union, self).__init__()
   1170     self.name = name
   1171     self.fields = []
   1173   def _NeedsIfdef(self, selector):
   1174     """Returns True if selector is a type which needs ifdef enclosing."""
   1175     return self._IFDEF_TYPE_RE.search(selector)
   1177   def AddField(self, field):
   1178     """Adds a field to fields attribute in Union.
   1180     Args:
   1181       field: instance of Field
   1182     """
   1183     # xor is a C++ keyword and must be fixed.
   1184     if field.field_name == 'xor':
   1185       field.field_name = 'xor_'
   1186     self.fields.append(field)
   1188   def _OutputMarshalField(
   1189       self, out_file, field_type, field_name, array_length):
   1190     """Write a call to marshal a field in this union.
   1192     Args:
   1193       out_file: The output file.
   1194       field_type: The type of field.
   1195       field_name: The name of the field.
   1196       array_length: Variable indicating length of array, None if field is not
   1197           an array.
   1198     """
   1199     if array_length:
   1200       out_file.write(self._MARSHAL_FIELD_ARRAY % {'type': field_type,
   1201                                                   'name': field_name,
   1202                                                   'array_length': array_length})
   1203     else:
   1204       out_file.write(self._MARSHAL_FIELD % {'type': field_type,
   1205                                             'name': field_name})
   1207   def _OutputUnmarshalField(
   1208       self, out_file, field_type, field_name, array_length, typemap):
   1209     """Write a call to unmarshal a field in this union.
   1211     Args:
   1212       out_file: The output file object.
   1213       field_type: The type of field.
   1214       field_name: The name of the field.
   1215       array_length: Variable indicating length of array, None if field is not
   1216           an array.
   1217       typemap: A dict mapping type names to the corresponding object.
   1218     """
   1219     if array_length:
   1220       out_file.write(
   1221           self._UNMARSHAL_FIELD_ARRAY % {'type': field_type,
   1222                                          'name': field_name,
   1223                                          'array_length': array_length})
   1224     elif typemap[field_type].HasConditional():
   1225       out_file.write(
   1226           self._UNMARSHAL_FIELD_CONDITIONAL % {'type': field_type,
   1227                                                'name': field_name})
   1228     else:
   1229       out_file.write(self._UNMARSHAL_FIELD % {'type': field_type,
   1230                                               'name': field_name})
   1232   def OutputMarshalImpl(self, out_file, marshalled_types, typemap):
   1233     """Writes marshal implementations for Union to |out_file|.
   1235     Args:
   1236       out_file: The output file.
   1237       marshalled_types: A set of types for which marshal and unmarshal functions
   1238           have already been generated.
   1239       typemap: A dict mapping type names to the corresponding object.
   1240     """
   1241     if (self.name in marshalled_types or
   1242         self.name == 'TPMU_NAME' or
   1243         self.name == 'TPMU_ENCRYPTED_SECRET' or
   1244         not self.fields):
   1245       return
   1247     field_types = {f.field_name: f.field_type for f in self.fields}
   1248     array_lengths = {}
   1249     for f in self.fields:
   1250       if f.array_size:
   1251         array_lengths[f.field_name] = f.array_size
   1252       else:
   1253         array_lengths[f.field_name] = None
   1255     # Make sure any dependencies already have marshal functions defined.
   1256     for field_type in field_types.itervalues():
   1257       if field_type not in marshalled_types:
   1258         typemap[field_type].OutputMarshalImpl(
   1259             out_file, marshalled_types, typemap)
   1260         marshalled_types.add(field_type)
   1261     if self.fields[0].array_size:
   1262       array_extras = self._SETUP_MARSHAL_FIELD_ARRAY
   1263     else:
   1264       array_extras = ''
   1265     out_file.write(self._UNION_MARSHAL_START % {'name': self.name,
   1266                                                 'array_extras': array_extras})
   1267     # Set up variables if Union is an array type.
   1268     for field in self.fields:
   1269       selector = field.selector_value
   1270       if not selector:
   1271         continue
   1272       field_name = field.field_name
   1273       if self._NeedsIfdef(selector):
   1274         out_file.write(self._IFDEF % {'type': selector})
   1275       out_file.write(self._CASE_SELECTOR % {'selector': selector})
   1276       # Selector is not associated with a name, so no marshaling occurs.
   1277       if not field_name:
   1278         out_file.write(self._MARSHAL_EMPTY)
   1279         if self._NeedsIfdef(selector):
   1280           out_file.write(self._ENDIF)
   1281         continue
   1282       field_type = field_types[field_name]
   1283       array_length = array_lengths[field_name]
   1284       self._OutputMarshalField(out_file, field_type, field_name, array_length)
   1285       if self._NeedsIfdef(selector):
   1286         out_file.write(self._ENDIF)
   1287     out_file.write(self._MARSHAL_END)
   1288     out_file.write(self._UNION_UNMARSHAL_START % {'name': self.name})
   1289     # Set up variables if Union is an array type.
   1290     if self.fields[0].array_size:
   1291       out_file.write(self._SETUP_UNMARSHAL_FIELD_ARRAY)
   1292     for field in self.fields:
   1293       selector = field.selector_value
   1294       if not selector:
   1295         continue
   1296       field_name = field.field_name
   1297       if self._NeedsIfdef(selector):
   1298         out_file.write(self._IFDEF % {'type': selector})
   1299       out_file.write(self._CASE_SELECTOR % {'selector': selector})
   1300       # Selector is not associated with a name, so no unmarshaling occurs.
   1301       if not field_name:
   1302         out_file.write(self._UNMARSHAL_EMPTY)
   1303         if self._NeedsIfdef(selector):
   1304           out_file.write(self._ENDIF)
   1305         continue
   1306       field_type = field_types[field_name]
   1307       array_length = array_lengths[field_name]
   1308       self._OutputUnmarshalField(
   1309           out_file, field_type, field_name, array_length, typemap)
   1310       if self._NeedsIfdef(selector):
   1311         out_file.write(self._ENDIF)
   1312     out_file.write(self._UNMARSHAL_END)
   1313     marshalled_types.add(self.name)
   1315   def OutputMarshalDecl(self, out_file, declared_types, _):
   1316     """Writes marshal declarations for Union to |out_file|.
   1318     Args:
   1319       out_file: The output file.
   1320       declared_types: A set of types for which marshal and unmarshal function
   1321           declarations have already been generated.
   1322     """
   1323     self._OutputStructOrUnionMarshalDecl(out_file, declared_types)
   1325   def OutputMarshalCall(self, out_file, field):
   1326     """Write a call to marshal function for Union type to |out_file|.
   1328        Override TPMType OutputMarshalCall to pass in selector value.
   1330     Args:
   1331       out_file: The output file.
   1332       field: A Field object representing a member of this union
   1333     """
   1334     out_file.write(self._UNION_MARSHAL_CALL %
   1335                    {'type': field.field_type,
   1336                     'name': field.field_name,
   1337                     'selector': field.selector_value})
   1339   def OutputUnmarshalCall(self, out_file, field):
   1340     """Write a call to unmarshal function for Union type to |out_file|.
   1342        Override TPMType OutputUnmashalCall to pass in selector value.
   1344     Args:
   1345       out_file: The output file.
   1346       field: A Field object representing a member of this union
   1347     """
   1348     out_file.write(self._UNION_UNMARSHAL_CALL %
   1349                    {'type': field.field_type,
   1350                     'name': field.field_name,
   1351                     'selector': field.selector_value})
   1354 def GenerateHeader(typemap):
   1355   """Generates a header file with declarations for all given generator objects.
   1357   Args:
   1358     typemap: A dict mapping type names to the corresponding object.
   1359   """
   1360   out_file = open(_OUTPUT_FILE_H, 'w')
   1361   out_file.write(COPYRIGHT_HEADER)
   1362   guard_name = 'TPM2_%s_' % _OUTPUT_FILE_H.upper().replace('.', '_')
   1363   out_file.write(HEADER_FILE_GUARD_HEADER % {'name': guard_name})
   1364   out_file.write(_HEADER_FILE_INCLUDES)
   1365   # These types are built-in or defined by <stdint.h>; they serve as base cases
   1366   # when defining type dependencies.
   1367   declared_types = set(_BASIC_TYPES)
   1368   # Generate serialize / parse function declarations.
   1369   for basic_type in _BASIC_TYPES:
   1370     out_file.write(_STANDARD_MARSHAL_DECLARATION % {'type': basic_type})
   1371   for tpm_type in [typemap[x] for x in sorted(typemap.keys())]:
   1372     tpm_type.OutputMarshalDecl(out_file, declared_types, typemap)
   1373   out_file.write(HEADER_FILE_GUARD_FOOTER % {'name': guard_name})
   1374   out_file.close()
   1375   call(['clang-format', '-i', '-style=Chromium', 'tpm_generated.h'])
   1378 def GenerateImplementation(typemap):
   1379   """Generates implementation code for each type.
   1381   Args:
   1382     typemap: A dict mapping string type names to the corresponding object.
   1383   """
   1384   out_file = open(_OUTPUT_FILE_CC, 'w')
   1385   out_file.write(COPYRIGHT_HEADER)
   1386   out_file.write(_IMPLEMENTATION_FILE_INCLUDES)
   1387   marshalled_types = set(_BASIC_TYPES)
   1388   for basic_type in _BASIC_TYPES:
   1389     out_file.write(_MARSHAL_BASIC_TYPE % {'type': basic_type})
   1390   for tpm_type in [typemap[x] for x in sorted(typemap.keys())]:
   1391     tpm_type.OutputMarshalImpl(out_file, marshalled_types, typemap)
   1392   out_file.close()
   1393   call(['clang-format', '-i', '-style=Chromium', 'tpm_generated.c'])