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      1 /**
      2  * @example SDLvncviewer.c
      3  */
      5 #include <SDL.h>
      6 #include <signal.h>
      7 #include <rfb/rfbclient.h>
      8 #include "scrap.h"
     10 struct { int sdl; int rfb; } buttonMapping[]={
     11 	{1, rfbButton1Mask},
     12 	{2, rfbButton2Mask},
     13 	{3, rfbButton3Mask},
     14 	{4, rfbButton4Mask},
     15 	{5, rfbButton5Mask},
     16 	{0,0}
     17 };
     19 static int enableResizable = 1, viewOnly, listenLoop, buttonMask;
     20 #ifdef SDL_ASYNCBLIT
     22 #else
     23 	int sdlFlags = SDL_HWSURFACE | SDL_HWACCEL;
     24 #endif
     25 static int realWidth, realHeight, bytesPerPixel, rowStride;
     26 static char *sdlPixels;
     28 static int rightAltKeyDown, leftAltKeyDown;
     30 static rfbBool resize(rfbClient* client) {
     31 	int width=client->width,height=client->height,
     32 		depth=client->format.bitsPerPixel;
     34 	if (enableResizable)
     35 		sdlFlags |= SDL_RESIZABLE;
     37 	client->updateRect.x = client->updateRect.y = 0;
     38 	client->updateRect.w = width; client->updateRect.h = height;
     39 	rfbBool okay=SDL_VideoModeOK(width,height,depth,sdlFlags);
     40 	if(!okay)
     41 		for(depth=24;!okay && depth>4;depth/=2)
     42 			okay=SDL_VideoModeOK(width,height,depth,sdlFlags);
     43 	if(okay) {
     44 		SDL_Surface* sdl=SDL_SetVideoMode(width,height,depth,sdlFlags);
     45 		rfbClientSetClientData(client, SDL_Init, sdl);
     46 		client->width = sdl->pitch / (depth / 8);
     47 		if (sdlPixels) {
     48 			free(client->frameBuffer);
     49 			sdlPixels = NULL;
     50 		}
     51 		client->frameBuffer=sdl->pixels;
     53 		client->format.bitsPerPixel=depth;
     54 		client->format.redShift=sdl->format->Rshift;
     55 		client->format.greenShift=sdl->format->Gshift;
     56 		client->format.blueShift=sdl->format->Bshift;
     57 		client->format.redMax=sdl->format->Rmask>>client->format.redShift;
     58 		client->format.greenMax=sdl->format->Gmask>>client->format.greenShift;
     59 		client->format.blueMax=sdl->format->Bmask>>client->format.blueShift;
     60 		SetFormatAndEncodings(client);
     62 	} else {
     63 		SDL_Surface* sdl=rfbClientGetClientData(client, SDL_Init);
     64 		rfbClientLog("Could not set resolution %dx%d!\n",
     65 				client->width,client->height);
     66 		if(sdl) {
     67 			client->width=sdl->pitch / (depth / 8);
     68 			client->height=sdl->h;
     69 		} else {
     70 			client->width=0;
     71 			client->height=0;
     72 		}
     73 		return FALSE;
     74 	}
     75 	SDL_WM_SetCaption(client->desktopName, "SDL");
     76 	return TRUE;
     77 }
     79 static rfbKeySym SDL_key2rfbKeySym(SDL_KeyboardEvent* e) {
     80 	rfbKeySym k = 0;
     81 	SDLKey sym = e->keysym.sym;
     83 	switch (sym) {
     84 	case SDLK_BACKSPACE: k = XK_BackSpace; break;
     85 	case SDLK_TAB: k = XK_Tab; break;
     86 	case SDLK_CLEAR: k = XK_Clear; break;
     87 	case SDLK_RETURN: k = XK_Return; break;
     88 	case SDLK_PAUSE: k = XK_Pause; break;
     89 	case SDLK_ESCAPE: k = XK_Escape; break;
     90 	case SDLK_SPACE: k = XK_space; break;
     91 	case SDLK_DELETE: k = XK_Delete; break;
     92 	case SDLK_KP0: k = XK_KP_0; break;
     93 	case SDLK_KP1: k = XK_KP_1; break;
     94 	case SDLK_KP2: k = XK_KP_2; break;
     95 	case SDLK_KP3: k = XK_KP_3; break;
     96 	case SDLK_KP4: k = XK_KP_4; break;
     97 	case SDLK_KP5: k = XK_KP_5; break;
     98 	case SDLK_KP6: k = XK_KP_6; break;
     99 	case SDLK_KP7: k = XK_KP_7; break;
    100 	case SDLK_KP8: k = XK_KP_8; break;
    101 	case SDLK_KP9: k = XK_KP_9; break;
    102 	case SDLK_KP_PERIOD: k = XK_KP_Decimal; break;
    103 	case SDLK_KP_DIVIDE: k = XK_KP_Divide; break;
    104 	case SDLK_KP_MULTIPLY: k = XK_KP_Multiply; break;
    105 	case SDLK_KP_MINUS: k = XK_KP_Subtract; break;
    106 	case SDLK_KP_PLUS: k = XK_KP_Add; break;
    107 	case SDLK_KP_ENTER: k = XK_KP_Enter; break;
    108 	case SDLK_KP_EQUALS: k = XK_KP_Equal; break;
    109 	case SDLK_UP: k = XK_Up; break;
    110 	case SDLK_DOWN: k = XK_Down; break;
    111 	case SDLK_RIGHT: k = XK_Right; break;
    112 	case SDLK_LEFT: k = XK_Left; break;
    113 	case SDLK_INSERT: k = XK_Insert; break;
    114 	case SDLK_HOME: k = XK_Home; break;
    115 	case SDLK_END: k = XK_End; break;
    116 	case SDLK_PAGEUP: k = XK_Page_Up; break;
    117 	case SDLK_PAGEDOWN: k = XK_Page_Down; break;
    118 	case SDLK_F1: k = XK_F1; break;
    119 	case SDLK_F2: k = XK_F2; break;
    120 	case SDLK_F3: k = XK_F3; break;
    121 	case SDLK_F4: k = XK_F4; break;
    122 	case SDLK_F5: k = XK_F5; break;
    123 	case SDLK_F6: k = XK_F6; break;
    124 	case SDLK_F7: k = XK_F7; break;
    125 	case SDLK_F8: k = XK_F8; break;
    126 	case SDLK_F9: k = XK_F9; break;
    127 	case SDLK_F10: k = XK_F10; break;
    128 	case SDLK_F11: k = XK_F11; break;
    129 	case SDLK_F12: k = XK_F12; break;
    130 	case SDLK_F13: k = XK_F13; break;
    131 	case SDLK_F14: k = XK_F14; break;
    132 	case SDLK_F15: k = XK_F15; break;
    133 	case SDLK_NUMLOCK: k = XK_Num_Lock; break;
    134 	case SDLK_CAPSLOCK: k = XK_Caps_Lock; break;
    135 	case SDLK_SCROLLOCK: k = XK_Scroll_Lock; break;
    136 	case SDLK_RSHIFT: k = XK_Shift_R; break;
    137 	case SDLK_LSHIFT: k = XK_Shift_L; break;
    138 	case SDLK_RCTRL: k = XK_Control_R; break;
    139 	case SDLK_LCTRL: k = XK_Control_L; break;
    140 	case SDLK_RALT: k = XK_Alt_R; break;
    141 	case SDLK_LALT: k = XK_Alt_L; break;
    142 	case SDLK_RMETA: k = XK_Meta_R; break;
    143 	case SDLK_LMETA: k = XK_Meta_L; break;
    144 	case SDLK_LSUPER: k = XK_Super_L; break;
    145 	case SDLK_RSUPER: k = XK_Super_R; break;
    146 #if 0
    147 	case SDLK_COMPOSE: k = XK_Compose; break;
    148 #endif
    149 	case SDLK_MODE: k = XK_Mode_switch; break;
    150 	case SDLK_HELP: k = XK_Help; break;
    151 	case SDLK_PRINT: k = XK_Print; break;
    152 	case SDLK_SYSREQ: k = XK_Sys_Req; break;
    153 	case SDLK_BREAK: k = XK_Break; break;
    154 	default: break;
    155 	}
    156 	/* both SDL and X11 keysyms match ASCII in the range 0x01-0x7f */
    157 	if (k == 0 && sym > 0x0 && sym < 0x100) {
    158 		k = sym;
    159 		if (e->keysym.mod & (KMOD_LSHIFT | KMOD_RSHIFT)) {
    160 			if (k >= '1' && k <= '9')
    161 				k &= ~0x10;
    162 			else if (k >= 'a' && k <= 'f')
    163 				k &= ~0x20;
    164 		}
    165 	}
    166 	if (k == 0) {
    167 		if (e->keysym.unicode < 0x100)
    168 			k = e->keysym.unicode;
    169 		else
    170 			rfbClientLog("Unknown keysym: %d\n", sym);
    171 	}
    173 	return k;
    174 }
    176 static uint32_t get(rfbClient *cl, int x, int y)
    177 {
    178 	switch (bytesPerPixel) {
    179 	case 1: return ((uint8_t *)cl->frameBuffer)[x + y * cl->width];
    180 	case 2: return ((uint16_t *)cl->frameBuffer)[x + y * cl->width];
    181 	case 4: return ((uint32_t *)cl->frameBuffer)[x + y * cl->width];
    182 	default:
    183 		rfbClientErr("Unknown bytes/pixel: %d", bytesPerPixel);
    184 		exit(1);
    185 	}
    186 }
    188 static void put(int x, int y, uint32_t v)
    189 {
    190 	switch (bytesPerPixel) {
    191 	case 1: ((uint8_t *)sdlPixels)[x + y * rowStride] = v; break;
    192 	case 2: ((uint16_t *)sdlPixels)[x + y * rowStride] = v; break;
    193 	case 4: ((uint32_t *)sdlPixels)[x + y * rowStride] = v; break;
    194 	default:
    195 		rfbClientErr("Unknown bytes/pixel: %d", bytesPerPixel);
    196 		exit(1);
    197 	}
    198 }
    200 static void resizeRectangleToReal(rfbClient *cl, int x, int y, int w, int h)
    201 {
    202 	int i0 = x * realWidth / cl->width;
    203 	int i1 = ((x + w) * realWidth - 1) / cl->width + 1;
    204 	int j0 = y * realHeight / cl->height;
    205 	int j1 = ((y + h) * realHeight - 1) / cl->height + 1;
    206 	int i, j;
    208 	for (j = j0; j < j1; j++)
    209 		for (i = i0; i < i1; i++) {
    210 			int x0 = i * cl->width / realWidth;
    211 			int x1 = ((i + 1) * cl->width - 1) / realWidth + 1;
    212 			int y0 = j * cl->height / realHeight;
    213 			int y1 = ((j + 1) * cl->height - 1) / realHeight + 1;
    214 			uint32_t r = 0, g = 0, b = 0;
    216 			for (y = y0; y < y1; y++)
    217 				for (x = x0; x < x1; x++) {
    218 					uint32_t v = get(cl, x, y);
    219 #define REDSHIFT cl->format.redShift
    220 #define REDMAX cl->format.redMax
    221 #define GREENSHIFT cl->format.greenShift
    222 #define GREENMAX cl->format.greenMax
    223 #define BLUESHIFT cl->format.blueShift
    224 #define BLUEMAX cl->format.blueMax
    225 					r += (v >> REDSHIFT) & REDMAX;
    226 					g += (v >> GREENSHIFT) & GREENMAX;
    227 					b += (v >> BLUESHIFT) & BLUEMAX;
    228 				}
    229 			r /= (x1 - x0) * (y1 - y0);
    230 			g /= (x1 - x0) * (y1 - y0);
    231 			b /= (x1 - x0) * (y1 - y0);
    233 			put(i, j, (r << REDSHIFT) | (g << GREENSHIFT) |
    234 				(b << BLUESHIFT));
    235 		}
    236 }
    238 static void update(rfbClient* cl,int x,int y,int w,int h) {
    239 	if (sdlPixels) {
    240 		resizeRectangleToReal(cl, x, y, w, h);
    241 		w = ((x + w) * realWidth - 1) / cl->width + 1;
    242 		h = ((y + h) * realHeight - 1) / cl->height + 1;
    243 		x = x * realWidth / cl->width;
    244 		y = y * realHeight / cl->height;
    245 		w -= x;
    246 		h -= y;
    247 	}
    248 	SDL_UpdateRect(rfbClientGetClientData(cl, SDL_Init), x, y, w, h);
    249 }
    251 static void setRealDimension(rfbClient *client, int w, int h)
    252 {
    253 	SDL_Surface* sdl;
    255 	if (w < 0) {
    256 		const SDL_VideoInfo *info = SDL_GetVideoInfo();
    257 		w = info->current_h;
    258 		h = info->current_w;
    259 	}
    261 	if (w == realWidth && h == realHeight)
    262 		return;
    264 	if (!sdlPixels) {
    265 		int size;
    267 		sdlPixels = (char *)client->frameBuffer;
    268 		rowStride = client->width;
    270 		bytesPerPixel = client->format.bitsPerPixel / 8;
    271 		size = client->width * bytesPerPixel * client->height;
    272 		client->frameBuffer = malloc(size);
    273 		if (!client->frameBuffer) {
    274 			rfbClientErr("Could not allocate %d bytes", size);
    275 			exit(1);
    276 		}
    277 		memcpy(client->frameBuffer, sdlPixels, size);
    278 	}
    280 	sdl = rfbClientGetClientData(client, SDL_Init);
    281 	if (sdl->w != w || sdl->h != h) {
    282 		int depth = sdl->format->BitsPerPixel;
    283 		sdl = SDL_SetVideoMode(w, h, depth, sdlFlags);
    284 		rfbClientSetClientData(client, SDL_Init, sdl);
    285 		sdlPixels = sdl->pixels;
    286 		rowStride = sdl->pitch / (depth / 8);
    287 	}
    289 	realWidth = w;
    290 	realHeight = h;
    291 	update(client, 0, 0, client->width, client->height);
    292 }
    294 static void kbd_leds(rfbClient* cl, int value, int pad) {
    295 	/* note: pad is for future expansion 0=unused */
    296 	fprintf(stderr,"Led State= 0x%02X\n", value);
    297 	fflush(stderr);
    298 }
    300 /* trivial support for textchat */
    301 static void text_chat(rfbClient* cl, int value, char *text) {
    302 	switch(value) {
    303 	case rfbTextChatOpen:
    304 		fprintf(stderr,"TextChat: We should open a textchat window!\n");
    305 		TextChatOpen(cl);
    306 		break;
    307 	case rfbTextChatClose:
    308 		fprintf(stderr,"TextChat: We should close our window!\n");
    309 		break;
    310 	case rfbTextChatFinished:
    311 		fprintf(stderr,"TextChat: We should close our window!\n");
    312 		break;
    313 	default:
    314 		fprintf(stderr,"TextChat: Received \"%s\"\n", text);
    315 		break;
    316 	}
    317 	fflush(stderr);
    318 }
    320 #ifdef __MINGW32__
    321 #define LOG_TO_FILE
    322 #endif
    324 #ifdef LOG_TO_FILE
    325 #include <stdarg.h>
    326 static void
    327 log_to_file(const char *format, ...)
    328 {
    329     FILE* logfile;
    330     static char* logfile_str=0;
    331     va_list args;
    332     char buf[256];
    333     time_t log_clock;
    335     if(!rfbEnableClientLogging)
    336       return;
    338     if(logfile_str==0) {
    339 	logfile_str=getenv("VNCLOG");
    340 	if(logfile_str==0)
    341 	    logfile_str="vnc.log";
    342     }
    344     logfile=fopen(logfile_str,"a");
    346     va_start(args, format);
    348     time(&log_clock);
    349     strftime(buf, 255, "%d/%m/%Y %X ", localtime(&log_clock));
    350     fprintf(logfile,buf);
    352     vfprintf(logfile, format, args);
    353     fflush(logfile);
    355     va_end(args);
    356     fclose(logfile);
    357 }
    358 #endif
    361 static void cleanup(rfbClient* cl)
    362 {
    363   /*
    364     just in case we're running in listenLoop:
    365     close viewer window by restarting SDL video subsystem
    366   */
    367   SDL_QuitSubSystem(SDL_INIT_VIDEO);
    368   SDL_InitSubSystem(SDL_INIT_VIDEO);
    369   if(cl)
    370     rfbClientCleanup(cl);
    371 }
    374 static rfbBool handleSDLEvent(rfbClient *cl, SDL_Event *e)
    375 {
    376 	switch(e->type) {
    378 	case SDL_VIDEOEXPOSE:
    379 		SendFramebufferUpdateRequest(cl, 0, 0,
    380 					cl->width, cl->height, FALSE);
    381 		break;
    382 #endif
    383 	case SDL_MOUSEBUTTONUP:
    385 	case SDL_MOUSEMOTION:
    386 	{
    387 		int x, y, state, i;
    388 		if (viewOnly)
    389 			break;
    391 		if (e->type == SDL_MOUSEMOTION) {
    392 			x = e->motion.x;
    393 			y = e->motion.y;
    394 			state = e->motion.state;
    395 		}
    396 		else {
    397 			x = e->button.x;
    398 			y = e->button.y;
    399 			state = e->button.button;
    400 			for (i = 0; buttonMapping[i].sdl; i++)
    401 				if (state == buttonMapping[i].sdl) {
    402 					state = buttonMapping[i].rfb;
    403 					if (e->type == SDL_MOUSEBUTTONDOWN)
    404 						buttonMask |= state;
    405 					else
    406 						buttonMask &= ~state;
    407 					break;
    408 				}
    409 		}
    410 		if (sdlPixels) {
    411 			x = x * cl->width / realWidth;
    412 			y = y * cl->height / realHeight;
    413 		}
    414 		SendPointerEvent(cl, x, y, buttonMask);
    415 		buttonMask &= ~(rfbButton4Mask | rfbButton5Mask);
    416 		break;
    417 	}
    418 	case SDL_KEYUP:
    419 	case SDL_KEYDOWN:
    420 		if (viewOnly)
    421 			break;
    422 		SendKeyEvent(cl, SDL_key2rfbKeySym(&e->key),
    423 			e->type == SDL_KEYDOWN ? TRUE : FALSE);
    424 		if (e->key.keysym.sym == SDLK_RALT)
    425 			rightAltKeyDown = e->type == SDL_KEYDOWN;
    426 		if (e->key.keysym.sym == SDLK_LALT)
    427 			leftAltKeyDown = e->type == SDL_KEYDOWN;
    428 		break;
    429 	case SDL_QUIT:
    430                 if(listenLoop)
    431 		  {
    432 		    cleanup(cl);
    433 		    return FALSE;
    434 		  }
    435 		else
    436 		  {
    437 		    rfbClientCleanup(cl);
    438 		    exit(0);
    439 		  }
    440 	case SDL_ACTIVEEVENT:
    441 		if (!e->active.gain && rightAltKeyDown) {
    442 			SendKeyEvent(cl, XK_Alt_R, FALSE);
    443 			rightAltKeyDown = FALSE;
    444 			rfbClientLog("released right Alt key\n");
    445 		}
    446 		if (!e->active.gain && leftAltKeyDown) {
    447 			SendKeyEvent(cl, XK_Alt_L, FALSE);
    448 			leftAltKeyDown = FALSE;
    449 			rfbClientLog("released left Alt key\n");
    450 		}
    452 		if (e->active.gain && lost_scrap()) {
    453 			static char *data = NULL;
    454 			static int len = 0;
    455 			get_scrap(T('T', 'E', 'X', 'T'), &len, &data);
    456 			if (len)
    457 				SendClientCutText(cl, data, len);
    458 		}
    459 		break;
    460 	case SDL_SYSWMEVENT:
    461 		clipboard_filter(e);
    462 		break;
    463 	case SDL_VIDEORESIZE:
    464 		setRealDimension(cl, e->resize.w, e->resize.h);
    465 		break;
    466 	default:
    467 		rfbClientLog("ignore SDL event: 0x%x\n", e->type);
    468 	}
    469 	return TRUE;
    470 }
    472 static void got_selection(rfbClient *cl, const char *text, int len)
    473 {
    474 	put_scrap(T('T', 'E', 'X', 'T'), len, text);
    475 }
    478 #ifdef mac
    479 #define main SDLmain
    480 #endif
    482 int main(int argc,char** argv) {
    483 	rfbClient* cl;
    484 	int i, j;
    485 	SDL_Event e;
    487 #ifdef LOG_TO_FILE
    488 	rfbClientLog=rfbClientErr=log_to_file;
    489 #endif
    491 	for (i = 1, j = 1; i < argc; i++)
    492 		if (!strcmp(argv[i], "-viewonly"))
    493 			viewOnly = 1;
    494 		else if (!strcmp(argv[i], "-resizable"))
    495 			enableResizable = 1;
    496 		else if (!strcmp(argv[i], "-no-resizable"))
    497 			enableResizable = 0;
    498 		else if (!strcmp(argv[i], "-listen")) {
    499 		        listenLoop = 1;
    500 			argv[i] = "-listennofork";
    501                         ++j;
    502 		}
    503 		else {
    504 			if (i != j)
    505 				argv[j] = argv[i];
    506 			j++;
    507 		}
    508 	argc = j;
    511 	SDL_EnableUNICODE(1);
    512 	SDL_EnableKeyRepeat(SDL_DEFAULT_REPEAT_DELAY,
    514 	atexit(SDL_Quit);
    515 	signal(SIGINT, exit);
    517 	do {
    518 	  /* 16-bit: cl=rfbGetClient(5,3,2); */
    519 	  cl=rfbGetClient(8,3,4);
    520 	  cl->MallocFrameBuffer=resize;
    521 	  cl->canHandleNewFBSize = TRUE;
    522 	  cl->GotFrameBufferUpdate=update;
    523 	  cl->HandleKeyboardLedState=kbd_leds;
    524 	  cl->HandleTextChat=text_chat;
    525 	  cl->GotXCutText = got_selection;
    526 	  cl->listenPort = LISTEN_PORT_OFFSET;
    527 	  cl->listen6Port = LISTEN_PORT_OFFSET;
    528 	  if(!rfbInitClient(cl,&argc,argv))
    529 	    {
    530 	      cl = NULL; /* rfbInitClient has already freed the client struct */
    531 	      cleanup(cl);
    532 	      break;
    533 	    }
    535 	  init_scrap();
    537 	  while(1) {
    538 	    if(SDL_PollEvent(&e)) {
    539 	      /*
    540 		handleSDLEvent() return 0 if user requested window close.
    541 		In this case, handleSDLEvent() will have called cleanup().
    542 	      */
    543 	      if(!handleSDLEvent(cl, &e))
    544 		break;
    545 	    }
    546 	    else {
    547 	      i=WaitForMessage(cl,500);
    548 	      if(i<0)
    549 		{
    550 		  cleanup(cl);
    551 		  break;
    552 		}
    553 	      if(i)
    554 		if(!HandleRFBServerMessage(cl))
    555 		  {
    556 		    cleanup(cl);
    557 		    break;
    558 		  }
    559 	    }
    560 	  }
    561 	}
    562 	while(listenLoop);
    564 	return 0;
    565 }