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      1 /*
      2  * Copyright (C) 2014 The Android Open Source Project
      3  *
      4  * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
      5  * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
      6  * You may obtain a copy of the License at
      7  *
      8  *      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
      9  *
     10  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
     11  * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
     12  * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
     13  * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
     14  * limitations under the License.
     15  */
     20 #include "base/macros.h"
     21 #include "base/mutex.h"
     22 #include "space.h"
     23 #include "thread.h"
     25 namespace art {
     26 namespace gc {
     28 namespace accounting {
     29 class ReadBarrierTable;
     30 }  // namespace accounting
     32 namespace space {
     34 // A space that consists of equal-sized regions.
     35 class RegionSpace FINAL : public ContinuousMemMapAllocSpace {
     36  public:
     37   typedef void(*WalkCallback)(void *start, void *end, size_t num_bytes, void* callback_arg);
     39   SpaceType GetType() const OVERRIDE {
     40     return kSpaceTypeRegionSpace;
     41   }
     43   // Create a region space mem map with the requested sizes. The requested base address is not
     44   // guaranteed to be granted, if it is required, the caller should call Begin on the returned
     45   // space to confirm the request was granted.
     46   static MemMap* CreateMemMap(const std::string& name, size_t capacity, uint8_t* requested_begin);
     47   static RegionSpace* Create(const std::string& name, MemMap* mem_map);
     49   // Allocate `num_bytes`, returns null if the space is full.
     50   mirror::Object* Alloc(Thread* self,
     51                         size_t num_bytes,
     52                         /* out */ size_t* bytes_allocated,
     53                         /* out */ size_t* usable_size,
     54                         /* out */ size_t* bytes_tl_bulk_allocated)
     55       OVERRIDE REQUIRES(!region_lock_);
     56   // Thread-unsafe allocation for when mutators are suspended, used by the semispace collector.
     57   mirror::Object* AllocThreadUnsafe(Thread* self,
     58                                     size_t num_bytes,
     59                                     /* out */ size_t* bytes_allocated,
     60                                     /* out */ size_t* usable_size,
     61                                     /* out */ size_t* bytes_tl_bulk_allocated)
     62       OVERRIDE REQUIRES(Locks::mutator_lock_) REQUIRES(!region_lock_);
     63   // The main allocation routine.
     64   template<bool kForEvac>
     65   ALWAYS_INLINE mirror::Object* AllocNonvirtual(size_t num_bytes,
     66                                                 /* out */ size_t* bytes_allocated,
     67                                                 /* out */ size_t* usable_size,
     68                                                 /* out */ size_t* bytes_tl_bulk_allocated)
     69       REQUIRES(!region_lock_);
     70   // Allocate/free large objects (objects that are larger than the region size).
     71   template<bool kForEvac>
     72   mirror::Object* AllocLarge(size_t num_bytes,
     73                              /* out */ size_t* bytes_allocated,
     74                              /* out */ size_t* usable_size,
     75                              /* out */ size_t* bytes_tl_bulk_allocated) REQUIRES(!region_lock_);
     76   template<bool kForEvac>
     77   void FreeLarge(mirror::Object* large_obj, size_t bytes_allocated) REQUIRES(!region_lock_);
     79   // Return the storage space required by obj.
     80   size_t AllocationSize(mirror::Object* obj, size_t* usable_size) OVERRIDE
     81       REQUIRES_SHARED(Locks::mutator_lock_) REQUIRES(!region_lock_) {
     82     return AllocationSizeNonvirtual(obj, usable_size);
     83   }
     84   size_t AllocationSizeNonvirtual(mirror::Object* obj, size_t* usable_size)
     85       REQUIRES_SHARED(Locks::mutator_lock_) REQUIRES(!region_lock_);
     87   size_t Free(Thread*, mirror::Object*) OVERRIDE {
     89     return 0;
     90   }
     91   size_t FreeList(Thread*, size_t, mirror::Object**) OVERRIDE {
     93     return 0;
     94   }
     95   accounting::ContinuousSpaceBitmap* GetLiveBitmap() const OVERRIDE {
     96     return mark_bitmap_.get();
     97   }
     98   accounting::ContinuousSpaceBitmap* GetMarkBitmap() const OVERRIDE {
     99     return mark_bitmap_.get();
    100   }
    102   void Clear() OVERRIDE REQUIRES(!region_lock_);
    104   // Change the non growth limit capacity to new capacity by shrinking or expanding the map.
    105   // Currently, only shrinking is supported.
    106   // Unlike implementations of this function in other spaces, we need to pass
    107   // new capacity as argument here as region space doesn't have any notion of
    108   // growth limit.
    109   void ClampGrowthLimit(size_t new_capacity) REQUIRES(!region_lock_);
    111   void Dump(std::ostream& os) const;
    112   void DumpRegions(std::ostream& os) REQUIRES(!region_lock_);
    113   // Dump region containing object `obj`. Precondition: `obj` is in the region space.
    114   void DumpRegionForObject(std::ostream& os, mirror::Object* obj) REQUIRES(!region_lock_);
    115   void DumpNonFreeRegions(std::ostream& os) REQUIRES(!region_lock_);
    117   size_t RevokeThreadLocalBuffers(Thread* thread) REQUIRES(!region_lock_);
    118   void RevokeThreadLocalBuffersLocked(Thread* thread) REQUIRES(region_lock_);
    119   size_t RevokeAllThreadLocalBuffers()
    120       REQUIRES(!Locks::runtime_shutdown_lock_, !Locks::thread_list_lock_, !region_lock_);
    121   void AssertThreadLocalBuffersAreRevoked(Thread* thread) REQUIRES(!region_lock_);
    122   void AssertAllThreadLocalBuffersAreRevoked()
    123       REQUIRES(!Locks::runtime_shutdown_lock_, !Locks::thread_list_lock_, !region_lock_);
    125   enum class RegionType : uint8_t {
    126     kRegionTypeAll,              // All types.
    127     kRegionTypeFromSpace,        // From-space. To be evacuated.
    128     kRegionTypeUnevacFromSpace,  // Unevacuated from-space. Not to be evacuated.
    129     kRegionTypeToSpace,          // To-space.
    130     kRegionTypeNone,             // None.
    131   };
    133   enum class RegionState : uint8_t {
    134     kRegionStateFree,            // Free region.
    135     kRegionStateAllocated,       // Allocated region.
    136     kRegionStateLarge,           // Large allocated (allocation larger than the region size).
    137     kRegionStateLargeTail,       // Large tail (non-first regions of a large allocation).
    138   };
    140   template<RegionType kRegionType> uint64_t GetBytesAllocatedInternal() REQUIRES(!region_lock_);
    141   template<RegionType kRegionType> uint64_t GetObjectsAllocatedInternal() REQUIRES(!region_lock_);
    142   uint64_t GetBytesAllocated() REQUIRES(!region_lock_) {
    143     return GetBytesAllocatedInternal<RegionType::kRegionTypeAll>();
    144   }
    145   uint64_t GetObjectsAllocated() REQUIRES(!region_lock_) {
    146     return GetObjectsAllocatedInternal<RegionType::kRegionTypeAll>();
    147   }
    148   uint64_t GetBytesAllocatedInFromSpace() REQUIRES(!region_lock_) {
    149     return GetBytesAllocatedInternal<RegionType::kRegionTypeFromSpace>();
    150   }
    151   uint64_t GetObjectsAllocatedInFromSpace() REQUIRES(!region_lock_) {
    152     return GetObjectsAllocatedInternal<RegionType::kRegionTypeFromSpace>();
    153   }
    154   uint64_t GetBytesAllocatedInUnevacFromSpace() REQUIRES(!region_lock_) {
    155     return GetBytesAllocatedInternal<RegionType::kRegionTypeUnevacFromSpace>();
    156   }
    157   uint64_t GetObjectsAllocatedInUnevacFromSpace() REQUIRES(!region_lock_) {
    158     return GetObjectsAllocatedInternal<RegionType::kRegionTypeUnevacFromSpace>();
    159   }
    160   size_t GetMaxPeakNumNonFreeRegions() const {
    161     return max_peak_num_non_free_regions_;
    162   }
    163   size_t GetNumRegions() const {
    164     return num_regions_;
    165   }
    167   bool CanMoveObjects() const OVERRIDE {
    168     return true;
    169   }
    171   bool Contains(const mirror::Object* obj) const {
    172     const uint8_t* byte_obj = reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(obj);
    173     return byte_obj >= Begin() && byte_obj < Limit();
    174   }
    176   RegionSpace* AsRegionSpace() OVERRIDE {
    177     return this;
    178   }
    180   // Go through all of the blocks and visit the continuous objects.
    181   template <typename Visitor>
    182   ALWAYS_INLINE void Walk(Visitor&& visitor) REQUIRES(Locks::mutator_lock_) {
    183     WalkInternal<false /* kToSpaceOnly */>(visitor);
    184   }
    185   template <typename Visitor>
    186   ALWAYS_INLINE void WalkToSpace(Visitor&& visitor)
    187       REQUIRES(Locks::mutator_lock_) {
    188     WalkInternal<true /* kToSpaceOnly */>(visitor);
    189   }
    191   accounting::ContinuousSpaceBitmap::SweepCallback* GetSweepCallback() OVERRIDE {
    192     return nullptr;
    193   }
    194   void LogFragmentationAllocFailure(std::ostream& os, size_t failed_alloc_bytes) OVERRIDE
    195       REQUIRES_SHARED(Locks::mutator_lock_) REQUIRES(!region_lock_);
    197   // Object alignment within the space.
    198   static constexpr size_t kAlignment = kObjectAlignment;
    199   // The region size.
    200   static constexpr size_t kRegionSize = 256 * KB;
    202   bool IsInFromSpace(mirror::Object* ref) {
    203     if (HasAddress(ref)) {
    204       Region* r = RefToRegionUnlocked(ref);
    205       return r->IsInFromSpace();
    206     }
    207     return false;
    208   }
    210   bool IsInNewlyAllocatedRegion(mirror::Object* ref) {
    211     if (HasAddress(ref)) {
    212       Region* r = RefToRegionUnlocked(ref);
    213       return r->IsNewlyAllocated();
    214     }
    215     return false;
    216   }
    218   bool IsInUnevacFromSpace(mirror::Object* ref) {
    219     if (HasAddress(ref)) {
    220       Region* r = RefToRegionUnlocked(ref);
    221       return r->IsInUnevacFromSpace();
    222     }
    223     return false;
    224   }
    226   bool IsInToSpace(mirror::Object* ref) {
    227     if (HasAddress(ref)) {
    228       Region* r = RefToRegionUnlocked(ref);
    229       return r->IsInToSpace();
    230     }
    231     return false;
    232   }
    234   // If `ref` is in the region space, return the type of its region;
    235   // otherwise, return `RegionType::kRegionTypeNone`.
    236   RegionType GetRegionType(mirror::Object* ref) {
    237     if (HasAddress(ref)) {
    238       return GetRegionTypeUnsafe(ref);
    239     }
    240     return RegionType::kRegionTypeNone;
    241   }
    243   // Unsafe version of RegionSpace::GetRegionType.
    244   // Precondition: `ref` is in the region space.
    245   RegionType GetRegionTypeUnsafe(mirror::Object* ref) {
    246     DCHECK(HasAddress(ref)) << ref;
    247     Region* r = RefToRegionUnlocked(ref);
    248     return r->Type();
    249   }
    251   // Determine which regions to evacuate and tag them as
    252   // from-space. Tag the rest as unevacuated from-space.
    253   void SetFromSpace(accounting::ReadBarrierTable* rb_table, bool force_evacuate_all)
    254       REQUIRES(!region_lock_);
    256   size_t FromSpaceSize() REQUIRES(!region_lock_);
    257   size_t UnevacFromSpaceSize() REQUIRES(!region_lock_);
    258   size_t ToSpaceSize() REQUIRES(!region_lock_);
    259   void ClearFromSpace(/* out */ uint64_t* cleared_bytes, /* out */ uint64_t* cleared_objects)
    260       REQUIRES(!region_lock_);
    262   void AddLiveBytes(mirror::Object* ref, size_t alloc_size) {
    263     Region* reg = RefToRegionUnlocked(ref);
    264     reg->AddLiveBytes(alloc_size);
    265   }
    267   void AssertAllRegionLiveBytesZeroOrCleared() REQUIRES(!region_lock_) {
    268     if (kIsDebugBuild) {
    269       MutexLock mu(Thread::Current(), region_lock_);
    270       for (size_t i = 0; i < num_regions_; ++i) {
    271         Region* r = &regions_[i];
    272         size_t live_bytes = r->LiveBytes();
    273         CHECK(live_bytes == 0U || live_bytes == static_cast<size_t>(-1)) << live_bytes;
    274       }
    275     }
    276   }
    278   void RecordAlloc(mirror::Object* ref) REQUIRES(!region_lock_);
    279   bool AllocNewTlab(Thread* self, size_t min_bytes) REQUIRES(!region_lock_);
    281   uint32_t Time() {
    282     return time_;
    283   }
    285  private:
    286   RegionSpace(const std::string& name, MemMap* mem_map);
    288   template<bool kToSpaceOnly, typename Visitor>
    289   ALWAYS_INLINE void WalkInternal(Visitor&& visitor) NO_THREAD_SAFETY_ANALYSIS;
    291   class Region {
    292    public:
    293     Region()
    294         : idx_(static_cast<size_t>(-1)),
    295           begin_(nullptr), top_(nullptr), end_(nullptr),
    296           state_(RegionState::kRegionStateAllocated), type_(RegionType::kRegionTypeToSpace),
    297           objects_allocated_(0), alloc_time_(0), live_bytes_(static_cast<size_t>(-1)),
    298           is_newly_allocated_(false), is_a_tlab_(false), thread_(nullptr) {}
    300     void Init(size_t idx, uint8_t* begin, uint8_t* end) {
    301       idx_ = idx;
    302       begin_ = begin;
    303       top_.StoreRelaxed(begin);
    304       end_ = end;
    305       state_ = RegionState::kRegionStateFree;
    306       type_ = RegionType::kRegionTypeNone;
    307       objects_allocated_.StoreRelaxed(0);
    308       alloc_time_ = 0;
    309       live_bytes_ = static_cast<size_t>(-1);
    310       is_newly_allocated_ = false;
    311       is_a_tlab_ = false;
    312       thread_ = nullptr;
    313       DCHECK_LT(begin, end);
    314       DCHECK_EQ(static_cast<size_t>(end - begin), kRegionSize);
    315     }
    317     RegionState State() const {
    318       return state_;
    319     }
    321     RegionType Type() const {
    322       return type_;
    323     }
    325     void Clear(bool zero_and_release_pages);
    327     ALWAYS_INLINE mirror::Object* Alloc(size_t num_bytes,
    328                                         /* out */ size_t* bytes_allocated,
    329                                         /* out */ size_t* usable_size,
    330                                         /* out */ size_t* bytes_tl_bulk_allocated);
    332     bool IsFree() const {
    333       bool is_free = (state_ == RegionState::kRegionStateFree);
    334       if (is_free) {
    335         DCHECK(IsInNoSpace());
    336         DCHECK_EQ(begin_, Top());
    337         DCHECK_EQ(objects_allocated_.LoadRelaxed(), 0U);
    338       }
    339       return is_free;
    340     }
    342     // Given a free region, declare it non-free (allocated).
    343     void Unfree(RegionSpace* region_space, uint32_t alloc_time)
    344         REQUIRES(region_space->region_lock_);
    346     // Given a free region, declare it non-free (allocated) and large.
    347     void UnfreeLarge(RegionSpace* region_space, uint32_t alloc_time)
    348         REQUIRES(region_space->region_lock_);
    350     // Given a free region, declare it non-free (allocated) and large tail.
    351     void UnfreeLargeTail(RegionSpace* region_space, uint32_t alloc_time)
    352         REQUIRES(region_space->region_lock_);
    354     void MarkAsAllocated(RegionSpace* region_space, uint32_t alloc_time)
    355         REQUIRES(region_space->region_lock_);
    357     void SetNewlyAllocated() {
    358       is_newly_allocated_ = true;
    359     }
    361     // Non-large, non-large-tail allocated.
    362     bool IsAllocated() const {
    363       return state_ == RegionState::kRegionStateAllocated;
    364     }
    366     // Large allocated.
    367     bool IsLarge() const {
    368       bool is_large = (state_ == RegionState::kRegionStateLarge);
    369       if (is_large) {
    370         DCHECK_LT(begin_ + kRegionSize, Top());
    371       }
    372       return is_large;
    373     }
    375     // Large-tail allocated.
    376     bool IsLargeTail() const {
    377       bool is_large_tail = (state_ == RegionState::kRegionStateLargeTail);
    378       if (is_large_tail) {
    379         DCHECK_EQ(begin_, Top());
    380       }
    381       return is_large_tail;
    382     }
    384     size_t Idx() const {
    385       return idx_;
    386     }
    388     bool IsNewlyAllocated() const {
    389       return is_newly_allocated_;
    390     }
    392     bool IsInFromSpace() const {
    393       return type_ == RegionType::kRegionTypeFromSpace;
    394     }
    396     bool IsInToSpace() const {
    397       return type_ == RegionType::kRegionTypeToSpace;
    398     }
    400     bool IsInUnevacFromSpace() const {
    401       return type_ == RegionType::kRegionTypeUnevacFromSpace;
    402     }
    404     bool IsInNoSpace() const {
    405       return type_ == RegionType::kRegionTypeNone;
    406     }
    408     // Set this region as evacuated from-space. At the end of the
    409     // collection, RegionSpace::ClearFromSpace will clear and reclaim
    410     // the space used by this region, and tag it as unallocated/free.
    411     void SetAsFromSpace() {
    412       DCHECK(!IsFree() && IsInToSpace());
    413       type_ = RegionType::kRegionTypeFromSpace;
    414       live_bytes_ = static_cast<size_t>(-1);
    415     }
    417     // Set this region as unevacuated from-space. At the end of the
    418     // collection, RegionSpace::ClearFromSpace will preserve the space
    419     // used by this region, and tag it as to-space (see
    420     // Region::SetUnevacFromSpaceAsToSpace below).
    421     void SetAsUnevacFromSpace() {
    422       DCHECK(!IsFree() && IsInToSpace());
    423       type_ = RegionType::kRegionTypeUnevacFromSpace;
    424       live_bytes_ = 0U;
    425     }
    427     // Set this region as to-space. Used by RegionSpace::ClearFromSpace.
    428     // This is only valid if it is currently an unevac from-space region.
    429     void SetUnevacFromSpaceAsToSpace() {
    430       DCHECK(!IsFree() && IsInUnevacFromSpace());
    431       type_ = RegionType::kRegionTypeToSpace;
    432     }
    434     // Return whether this region should be evacuated. Used by RegionSpace::SetFromSpace.
    435     ALWAYS_INLINE bool ShouldBeEvacuated();
    437     void AddLiveBytes(size_t live_bytes) {
    438       DCHECK(IsInUnevacFromSpace());
    439       DCHECK(!IsLargeTail());
    440       DCHECK_NE(live_bytes_, static_cast<size_t>(-1));
    441       // For large allocations, we always consider all bytes in the
    442       // regions live.
    443       live_bytes_ += IsLarge() ? Top() - begin_ : live_bytes;
    444       DCHECK_LE(live_bytes_, BytesAllocated());
    445     }
    447     bool AllAllocatedBytesAreLive() const {
    448       return LiveBytes() == static_cast<size_t>(Top() - Begin());
    449     }
    451     size_t LiveBytes() const {
    452       return live_bytes_;
    453     }
    455     size_t BytesAllocated() const;
    457     size_t ObjectsAllocated() const;
    459     uint8_t* Begin() const {
    460       return begin_;
    461     }
    463     ALWAYS_INLINE uint8_t* Top() const {
    464       return top_.LoadRelaxed();
    465     }
    467     void SetTop(uint8_t* new_top) {
    468       top_.StoreRelaxed(new_top);
    469     }
    471     uint8_t* End() const {
    472       return end_;
    473     }
    475     bool Contains(mirror::Object* ref) const {
    476       return begin_ <= reinterpret_cast<uint8_t*>(ref) && reinterpret_cast<uint8_t*>(ref) < end_;
    477     }
    479     void Dump(std::ostream& os) const;
    481     void RecordThreadLocalAllocations(size_t num_objects, size_t num_bytes) {
    482       DCHECK(IsAllocated());
    483       DCHECK_EQ(objects_allocated_.LoadRelaxed(), 0U);
    484       DCHECK_EQ(Top(), end_);
    485       objects_allocated_.StoreRelaxed(num_objects);
    486       top_.StoreRelaxed(begin_ + num_bytes);
    487       DCHECK_LE(Top(), end_);
    488     }
    490    private:
    491     size_t idx_;                        // The region's index in the region space.
    492     uint8_t* begin_;                    // The begin address of the region.
    493     // Note that `top_` can be higher than `end_` in the case of a
    494     // large region, where an allocated object spans multiple regions
    495     // (large region + one or more large tail regions).
    496     Atomic<uint8_t*> top_;              // The current position of the allocation.
    497     uint8_t* end_;                      // The end address of the region.
    498     RegionState state_;                 // The region state (see RegionState).
    499     RegionType type_;                   // The region type (see RegionType).
    500     Atomic<size_t> objects_allocated_;  // The number of objects allocated.
    501     uint32_t alloc_time_;               // The allocation time of the region.
    502     // Note that newly allocated and evacuated regions use -1 as
    503     // special value for `live_bytes_`.
    504     size_t live_bytes_;                 // The live bytes. Used to compute the live percent.
    505     bool is_newly_allocated_;           // True if it's allocated after the last collection.
    506     bool is_a_tlab_;                    // True if it's a tlab.
    507     Thread* thread_;                    // The owning thread if it's a tlab.
    509     friend class RegionSpace;
    510   };
    512   Region* RefToRegion(mirror::Object* ref) REQUIRES(!region_lock_) {
    513     MutexLock mu(Thread::Current(), region_lock_);
    514     return RefToRegionLocked(ref);
    515   }
    517   Region* RefToRegionUnlocked(mirror::Object* ref) NO_THREAD_SAFETY_ANALYSIS {
    518     // For a performance reason (this is frequently called via
    519     // RegionSpace::IsInFromSpace, etc.) we avoid taking a lock here.
    520     // Note that since we only change a region from to-space to (evac)
    521     // from-space during a pause (in RegionSpace::SetFromSpace) and
    522     // from (evac) from-space to free (after GC is done), as long as
    523     // `ref` is a valid reference into an allocated region, it's safe
    524     // to access the region state without the lock.
    525     return RefToRegionLocked(ref);
    526   }
    528   Region* RefToRegionLocked(mirror::Object* ref) REQUIRES(region_lock_) {
    529     DCHECK(HasAddress(ref));
    530     uintptr_t offset = reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(ref) - reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(Begin());
    531     size_t reg_idx = offset / kRegionSize;
    532     DCHECK_LT(reg_idx, num_regions_);
    533     Region* reg = &regions_[reg_idx];
    534     DCHECK_EQ(reg->Idx(), reg_idx);
    535     DCHECK(reg->Contains(ref));
    536     return reg;
    537   }
    539   // Return the object location following `obj` in the region space
    540   // (i.e., the object location at `obj + obj->SizeOf()`).
    541   //
    542   // Note that unless
    543   // - the region containing `obj` is fully used; and
    544   // - `obj` is not the last object of that region;
    545   // the returned location is not guaranteed to be a valid object.
    546   mirror::Object* GetNextObject(mirror::Object* obj)
    547       REQUIRES_SHARED(Locks::mutator_lock_);
    549   void AdjustNonFreeRegionLimit(size_t new_non_free_region_index) REQUIRES(region_lock_) {
    550     DCHECK_LT(new_non_free_region_index, num_regions_);
    551     non_free_region_index_limit_ = std::max(non_free_region_index_limit_,
    552                                             new_non_free_region_index + 1);
    553     VerifyNonFreeRegionLimit();
    554   }
    556   void SetNonFreeRegionLimit(size_t new_non_free_region_index_limit) REQUIRES(region_lock_) {
    557     DCHECK_LE(new_non_free_region_index_limit, num_regions_);
    558     non_free_region_index_limit_ = new_non_free_region_index_limit;
    559     VerifyNonFreeRegionLimit();
    560   }
    562   // Implementation of this invariant:
    563   // for all `i >= non_free_region_index_limit_`, `regions_[i].IsFree()` is true.
    564   void VerifyNonFreeRegionLimit() REQUIRES(region_lock_) {
    565     if (kIsDebugBuild && non_free_region_index_limit_ < num_regions_) {
    566       for (size_t i = non_free_region_index_limit_; i < num_regions_; ++i) {
    567         CHECK(regions_[i].IsFree());
    568       }
    569     }
    570   }
    572   Region* AllocateRegion(bool for_evac) REQUIRES(region_lock_);
    574   Mutex region_lock_ DEFAULT_MUTEX_ACQUIRED_AFTER;
    576   uint32_t time_;                  // The time as the number of collections since the startup.
    577   size_t num_regions_;             // The number of regions in this space.
    578   // The number of non-free regions in this space.
    579   size_t num_non_free_regions_ GUARDED_BY(region_lock_);
    581   // The number of evac regions allocated during collection. 0 when GC not running.
    582   size_t num_evac_regions_ GUARDED_BY(region_lock_);
    584   // Maintain the maximum of number of non-free regions collected just before
    585   // reclaim in each GC cycle. At this moment in cycle, highest number of
    586   // regions are in non-free.
    587   size_t max_peak_num_non_free_regions_;
    589   // The pointer to the region array.
    590   std::unique_ptr<Region[]> regions_ GUARDED_BY(region_lock_);
    592   // The upper-bound index of the non-free regions. Used to avoid scanning all regions in
    593   // RegionSpace::SetFromSpace and RegionSpace::ClearFromSpace.
    594   //
    595   // Invariant (verified by RegionSpace::VerifyNonFreeRegionLimit):
    596   //   for all `i >= non_free_region_index_limit_`, `regions_[i].IsFree()` is true.
    597   size_t non_free_region_index_limit_ GUARDED_BY(region_lock_);
    599   Region* current_region_;         // The region currently used for allocation.
    600   Region* evac_region_;            // The region currently used for evacuation.
    601   Region full_region_;             // The dummy/sentinel region that looks full.
    603   // Mark bitmap used by the GC.
    604   std::unique_ptr<accounting::ContinuousSpaceBitmap> mark_bitmap_;
    606   DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(RegionSpace);
    607 };
    609 std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const RegionSpace::RegionState& value);
    610 std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const RegionSpace::RegionType& value);
    612 }  // namespace space
    613 }  // namespace gc
    614 }  // namespace art