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      1 /*
      2  * Signed 64-bit integer multiply, 2-addr version
      3  *
      4  * We could definately use more free registers for
      5  * this code.  We must spill %edx (rIBASE) because it
      6  * is used by imul.  We'll also spill rINST (ebx),
      7  * giving us eax, ebc, ecx and rIBASE as computational
      8  * temps.  On top of that, we'll spill %esi (edi)
      9  * for use as the vA pointer and rFP (esi) for use
     10  * as the vB pointer.  Yuck.
     11  */
     12     /* mul-long/2addr vA, vB */
     13     movzbl  rINSTbl, %eax                   # eax <- BA
     14     andb    $$0xf, %al                      # eax <- A
     15     CLEAR_WIDE_REF %eax                     # clear refs in advance
     16     sarl    $$4, rINST                      # rINST <- B
     17     mov     rPC, LOCAL0(%esp)               # save Interpreter PC
     18     mov     rFP, LOCAL1(%esp)               # save FP
     19     mov     rIBASE, LOCAL2(%esp)            # save rIBASE
     20     leal    (rFP,%eax,4), %esi              # esi <- &v[A]
     21     leal    (rFP,rINST,4), rFP              # rFP <- &v[B]
     22     movl    4(%esi), %ecx                   # ecx <- Amsw
     23     imull   (rFP), %ecx                     # ecx <- (Amsw*Blsw)
     24     movl    4(rFP), %eax                    # eax <- Bmsw
     25     imull   (%esi), %eax                    # eax <- (Bmsw*Alsw)
     26     addl    %eax, %ecx                      # ecx <- (Amsw*Blsw)+(Bmsw*Alsw)
     27     movl    (rFP), %eax                     # eax <- Blsw
     28     mull    (%esi)                          # eax <- (Blsw*Alsw)
     29     leal    (%ecx,rIBASE), rIBASE           # full result now in %edx:%eax
     30     movl    rIBASE, 4(%esi)                 # v[A+1] <- rIBASE
     31     movl    %eax, (%esi)                    # v[A] <- %eax
     32     mov     LOCAL0(%esp), rPC               # restore Interpreter PC
     33     mov     LOCAL2(%esp), rIBASE            # restore IBASE
     34     mov     LOCAL1(%esp), rFP               # restore FP