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      1 /*
      2  * Copyright (C) 2015 The Android Open Source Project
      3  *
      4  * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
      5  * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
      6  * You may obtain a copy of the License at
      7  *
      8  *      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
      9  *
     10  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
     11  * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
     12  * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
     13  * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
     14  * limitations under the License.
     15  */
     17 #include "unstarted_runtime.h"
     19 #include <ctype.h>
     20 #include <errno.h>
     21 #include <stdlib.h>
     23 #include <cmath>
     24 #include <initializer_list>
     25 #include <limits>
     26 #include <locale>
     27 #include <unordered_map>
     29 #include <android-base/logging.h>
     30 #include <android-base/stringprintf.h>
     32 #include "art_method-inl.h"
     33 #include "base/casts.h"
     34 #include "base/enums.h"
     35 #include "base/macros.h"
     36 #include "base/quasi_atomic.h"
     37 #include "class_linker.h"
     38 #include "common_throws.h"
     39 #include "dex/descriptors_names.h"
     40 #include "entrypoints/entrypoint_utils-inl.h"
     41 #include "gc/reference_processor.h"
     42 #include "handle_scope-inl.h"
     43 #include "hidden_api.h"
     44 #include "interpreter/interpreter_common.h"
     45 #include "jvalue-inl.h"
     46 #include "mirror/array-inl.h"
     47 #include "mirror/class.h"
     48 #include "mirror/field-inl.h"
     49 #include "mirror/method.h"
     50 #include "mirror/object-inl.h"
     51 #include "mirror/object_array-inl.h"
     52 #include "mirror/string-inl.h"
     53 #include "nativehelper/scoped_local_ref.h"
     54 #include "nth_caller_visitor.h"
     55 #include "reflection.h"
     56 #include "thread-inl.h"
     57 #include "transaction.h"
     58 #include "well_known_classes.h"
     59 #include "zip_archive.h"
     61 namespace art {
     62 namespace interpreter {
     64 using android::base::StringAppendV;
     65 using android::base::StringPrintf;
     67 static void AbortTransactionOrFail(Thread* self, const char* fmt, ...)
     68     __attribute__((__format__(__printf__, 2, 3)))
     69     REQUIRES_SHARED(Locks::mutator_lock_);
     71 static void AbortTransactionOrFail(Thread* self, const char* fmt, ...) {
     72   va_list args;
     73   if (Runtime::Current()->IsActiveTransaction()) {
     74     va_start(args, fmt);
     75     AbortTransactionV(self, fmt, args);
     76     va_end(args);
     77   } else {
     78     va_start(args, fmt);
     79     std::string msg;
     80     StringAppendV(&msg, fmt, args);
     81     va_end(args);
     82     LOG(FATAL) << "Trying to abort, but not in transaction mode: " << msg;
     83     UNREACHABLE();
     84   }
     85 }
     87 // Restricted support for character upper case / lower case. Only support ASCII, where
     88 // it's easy. Abort the transaction otherwise.
     89 static void CharacterLowerUpper(Thread* self,
     90                                 ShadowFrame* shadow_frame,
     91                                 JValue* result,
     92                                 size_t arg_offset,
     93                                 bool to_lower_case) REQUIRES_SHARED(Locks::mutator_lock_) {
     94   uint32_t int_value = static_cast<uint32_t>(shadow_frame->GetVReg(arg_offset));
     96   // Only ASCII (7-bit).
     97   if (!isascii(int_value)) {
     98     AbortTransactionOrFail(self,
     99                            "Only support ASCII characters for toLowerCase/toUpperCase: %u",
    100                            int_value);
    101     return;
    102   }
    104   std::locale c_locale("C");
    105   char char_value = static_cast<char>(int_value);
    107   if (to_lower_case) {
    108     result->SetI(std::tolower(char_value, c_locale));
    109   } else {
    110     result->SetI(std::toupper(char_value, c_locale));
    111   }
    112 }
    114 void UnstartedRuntime::UnstartedCharacterToLowerCase(
    115     Thread* self, ShadowFrame* shadow_frame, JValue* result, size_t arg_offset) {
    116   CharacterLowerUpper(self, shadow_frame, result, arg_offset, true);
    117 }
    119 void UnstartedRuntime::UnstartedCharacterToUpperCase(
    120     Thread* self, ShadowFrame* shadow_frame, JValue* result, size_t arg_offset) {
    121   CharacterLowerUpper(self, shadow_frame, result, arg_offset, false);
    122 }
    124 // Helper function to deal with class loading in an unstarted runtime.
    125 static void UnstartedRuntimeFindClass(Thread* self, Handle<mirror::String> className,
    126                                       Handle<mirror::ClassLoader> class_loader, JValue* result,
    127                                       const std::string& method_name, bool initialize_class,
    128                                       bool abort_if_not_found)
    129     REQUIRES_SHARED(Locks::mutator_lock_) {
    130   CHECK(className != nullptr);
    131   std::string descriptor(DotToDescriptor(className->ToModifiedUtf8().c_str()));
    132   ClassLinker* class_linker = Runtime::Current()->GetClassLinker();
    134   mirror::Class* found = class_linker->FindClass(self, descriptor.c_str(), class_loader);
    135   if (found == nullptr && abort_if_not_found) {
    136     if (!self->IsExceptionPending()) {
    137       AbortTransactionOrFail(self, "%s failed in un-started runtime for class: %s",
    138                              method_name.c_str(),
    139                              PrettyDescriptor(descriptor.c_str()).c_str());
    140     }
    141     return;
    142   }
    143   if (found != nullptr && initialize_class) {
    144     StackHandleScope<1> hs(self);
    145     Handle<mirror::Class> h_class(hs.NewHandle(found));
    146     if (!class_linker->EnsureInitialized(self, h_class, true, true)) {
    147       CHECK(self->IsExceptionPending());
    148       return;
    149     }
    150   }
    151   result->SetL(found);
    152 }
    154 // Common helper for class-loading cutouts in an unstarted runtime. We call Runtime methods that
    155 // rely on Java code to wrap errors in the correct exception class (i.e., NoClassDefFoundError into
    156 // ClassNotFoundException), so need to do the same. The only exception is if the exception is
    157 // actually the transaction abort exception. This must not be wrapped, as it signals an
    158 // initialization abort.
    159 static void CheckExceptionGenerateClassNotFound(Thread* self)
    160     REQUIRES_SHARED(Locks::mutator_lock_) {
    161   if (self->IsExceptionPending()) {
    162     // If it is not the transaction abort exception, wrap it.
    163     std::string type(mirror::Object::PrettyTypeOf(self->GetException()));
    164     if (type != Transaction::kAbortExceptionDescriptor) {
    165       self->ThrowNewWrappedException("Ljava/lang/ClassNotFoundException;",
    166                                      "ClassNotFoundException");
    167     }
    168   }
    169 }
    171 static mirror::String* GetClassName(Thread* self, ShadowFrame* shadow_frame, size_t arg_offset)
    172     REQUIRES_SHARED(Locks::mutator_lock_) {
    173   mirror::Object* param = shadow_frame->GetVRegReference(arg_offset);
    174   if (param == nullptr) {
    175     AbortTransactionOrFail(self, "Null-pointer in Class.forName.");
    176     return nullptr;
    177   }
    178   return param->AsString();
    179 }
    181 template<typename T>
    182 static ALWAYS_INLINE bool ShouldBlockAccessToMember(T* member, ShadowFrame* frame)
    183     REQUIRES_SHARED(Locks::mutator_lock_) {
    184   // All uses in this file are from reflection
    185   constexpr hiddenapi::AccessMethod access_method = hiddenapi::kReflection;
    186   return hiddenapi::GetMemberAction(
    187       member,
    188       frame->GetMethod()->GetDeclaringClass()->GetClassLoader(),
    189       frame->GetMethod()->GetDeclaringClass()->GetDexCache(),
    190       access_method) == hiddenapi::kDeny;
    191 }
    193 void UnstartedRuntime::UnstartedClassForNameCommon(Thread* self,
    194                                                    ShadowFrame* shadow_frame,
    195                                                    JValue* result,
    196                                                    size_t arg_offset,
    197                                                    bool long_form,
    198                                                    const char* caller) {
    199   mirror::String* class_name = GetClassName(self, shadow_frame, arg_offset);
    200   if (class_name == nullptr) {
    201     return;
    202   }
    203   bool initialize_class;
    204   mirror::ClassLoader* class_loader;
    205   if (long_form) {
    206     initialize_class = shadow_frame->GetVReg(arg_offset + 1) != 0;
    207     class_loader = down_cast<mirror::ClassLoader*>(shadow_frame->GetVRegReference(arg_offset + 2));
    208   } else {
    209     initialize_class = true;
    210     // TODO: This is really only correct for the boot classpath, and for robustness we should
    211     //       check the caller.
    212     class_loader = nullptr;
    213   }
    215   ScopedObjectAccessUnchecked soa(self);
    216   if (class_loader != nullptr && !ClassLinker::IsBootClassLoader(soa, class_loader)) {
    217     AbortTransactionOrFail(self,
    218                            "Only the boot classloader is supported: %s",
    219                            mirror::Object::PrettyTypeOf(class_loader).c_str());
    220     return;
    221   }
    223   StackHandleScope<1> hs(self);
    224   Handle<mirror::String> h_class_name(hs.NewHandle(class_name));
    225   UnstartedRuntimeFindClass(self,
    226                             h_class_name,
    227                             ScopedNullHandle<mirror::ClassLoader>(),
    228                             result,
    229                             caller,
    230                             initialize_class,
    231                             false);
    232   CheckExceptionGenerateClassNotFound(self);
    233 }
    235 void UnstartedRuntime::UnstartedClassForName(
    236     Thread* self, ShadowFrame* shadow_frame, JValue* result, size_t arg_offset) {
    237   UnstartedClassForNameCommon(self, shadow_frame, result, arg_offset, false, "Class.forName");
    238 }
    240 void UnstartedRuntime::UnstartedClassForNameLong(
    241     Thread* self, ShadowFrame* shadow_frame, JValue* result, size_t arg_offset) {
    242   UnstartedClassForNameCommon(self, shadow_frame, result, arg_offset, true, "Class.forName");
    243 }
    245 void UnstartedRuntime::UnstartedClassGetPrimitiveClass(
    246     Thread* self, ShadowFrame* shadow_frame, JValue* result, size_t arg_offset) {
    247   ObjPtr<mirror::String> class_name = GetClassName(self, shadow_frame, arg_offset);
    248   ObjPtr<mirror::Class> klass = mirror::Class::GetPrimitiveClass(class_name);
    249   if (UNLIKELY(klass == nullptr)) {
    250     DCHECK(self->IsExceptionPending());
    251     AbortTransactionOrFail(self,
    252                            "Class.getPrimitiveClass() failed: %s",
    253                            self->GetException()->GetDetailMessage()->ToModifiedUtf8().c_str());
    254     return;
    255   }
    256   result->SetL(klass);
    257 }
    259 void UnstartedRuntime::UnstartedClassClassForName(
    260     Thread* self, ShadowFrame* shadow_frame, JValue* result, size_t arg_offset) {
    261   UnstartedClassForNameCommon(self, shadow_frame, result, arg_offset, true, "Class.classForName");
    262 }
    264 void UnstartedRuntime::UnstartedClassNewInstance(
    265     Thread* self, ShadowFrame* shadow_frame, JValue* result, size_t arg_offset) {
    266   StackHandleScope<2> hs(self);  // Class, constructor, object.
    267   mirror::Object* param = shadow_frame->GetVRegReference(arg_offset);
    268   if (param == nullptr) {
    269     AbortTransactionOrFail(self, "Null-pointer in Class.newInstance.");
    270     return;
    271   }
    272   mirror::Class* klass = param->AsClass();
    273   Handle<mirror::Class> h_klass(hs.NewHandle(klass));
    275   // Check that it's not null.
    276   if (h_klass == nullptr) {
    277     AbortTransactionOrFail(self, "Class reference is null for newInstance");
    278     return;
    279   }
    281   // If we're in a transaction, class must not be finalizable (it or a superclass has a finalizer).
    282   if (Runtime::Current()->IsActiveTransaction()) {
    283     if (h_klass.Get()->IsFinalizable()) {
    284       AbortTransactionF(self, "Class for newInstance is finalizable: '%s'",
    285                         h_klass->PrettyClass().c_str());
    286       return;
    287     }
    288   }
    290   // There are two situations in which we'll abort this run.
    291   //  1) If the class isn't yet initialized and initialization fails.
    292   //  2) If we can't find the default constructor. We'll postpone the exception to runtime.
    293   // Note that 2) could likely be handled here, but for safety abort the transaction.
    294   bool ok = false;
    295   auto* cl = Runtime::Current()->GetClassLinker();
    296   if (cl->EnsureInitialized(self, h_klass, true, true)) {
    297     ArtMethod* cons = h_klass->FindConstructor("()V", cl->GetImagePointerSize());
    298     if (cons != nullptr && ShouldBlockAccessToMember(cons, shadow_frame)) {
    299       cons = nullptr;
    300     }
    301     if (cons != nullptr) {
    302       Handle<mirror::Object> h_obj(hs.NewHandle(klass->AllocObject(self)));
    303       CHECK(h_obj != nullptr);  // We don't expect OOM at compile-time.
    304       EnterInterpreterFromInvoke(self, cons, h_obj.Get(), nullptr, nullptr);
    305       if (!self->IsExceptionPending()) {
    306         result->SetL(h_obj.Get());
    307         ok = true;
    308       }
    309     } else {
    310       self->ThrowNewExceptionF("Ljava/lang/InternalError;",
    311                                "Could not find default constructor for '%s'",
    312                                h_klass->PrettyClass().c_str());
    313     }
    314   }
    315   if (!ok) {
    316     AbortTransactionOrFail(self, "Failed in Class.newInstance for '%s' with %s",
    317                            h_klass->PrettyClass().c_str(),
    318                            mirror::Object::PrettyTypeOf(self->GetException()).c_str());
    319   }
    320 }
    322 void UnstartedRuntime::UnstartedClassGetDeclaredField(
    323     Thread* self, ShadowFrame* shadow_frame, JValue* result, size_t arg_offset) {
    324   // Special managed code cut-out to allow field lookup in a un-started runtime that'd fail
    325   // going the reflective Dex way.
    326   mirror::Class* klass = shadow_frame->GetVRegReference(arg_offset)->AsClass();
    327   mirror::String* name2 = shadow_frame->GetVRegReference(arg_offset + 1)->AsString();
    328   ArtField* found = nullptr;
    329   for (ArtField& field : klass->GetIFields()) {
    330     if (name2->Equals(field.GetName())) {
    331       found = &field;
    332       break;
    333     }
    334   }
    335   if (found == nullptr) {
    336     for (ArtField& field : klass->GetSFields()) {
    337       if (name2->Equals(field.GetName())) {
    338         found = &field;
    339         break;
    340       }
    341     }
    342   }
    343   if (found != nullptr && ShouldBlockAccessToMember(found, shadow_frame)) {
    344     found = nullptr;
    345   }
    346   if (found == nullptr) {
    347     AbortTransactionOrFail(self, "Failed to find field in Class.getDeclaredField in un-started "
    348                            " runtime. name=%s class=%s", name2->ToModifiedUtf8().c_str(),
    349                            klass->PrettyDescriptor().c_str());
    350     return;
    351   }
    352   Runtime* runtime = Runtime::Current();
    353   PointerSize pointer_size = runtime->GetClassLinker()->GetImagePointerSize();
    354   mirror::Field* field;
    355   if (runtime->IsActiveTransaction()) {
    356     if (pointer_size == PointerSize::k64) {
    357       field = mirror::Field::CreateFromArtField<PointerSize::k64, true>(
    358           self, found, true);
    359     } else {
    360       field = mirror::Field::CreateFromArtField<PointerSize::k32, true>(
    361           self, found, true);
    362     }
    363   } else {
    364     if (pointer_size == PointerSize::k64) {
    365       field = mirror::Field::CreateFromArtField<PointerSize::k64, false>(
    366           self, found, true);
    367     } else {
    368       field = mirror::Field::CreateFromArtField<PointerSize::k32, false>(
    369           self, found, true);
    370     }
    371   }
    372   result->SetL(field);
    373 }
    375 // This is required for Enum(Set) code, as that uses reflection to inspect enum classes.
    376 void UnstartedRuntime::UnstartedClassGetDeclaredMethod(
    377     Thread* self, ShadowFrame* shadow_frame, JValue* result, size_t arg_offset) {
    378   // Special managed code cut-out to allow method lookup in a un-started runtime.
    379   mirror::Class* klass = shadow_frame->GetVRegReference(arg_offset)->AsClass();
    380   if (klass == nullptr) {
    381     ThrowNullPointerExceptionForMethodAccess(shadow_frame->GetMethod(), InvokeType::kVirtual);
    382     return;
    383   }
    384   mirror::String* name = shadow_frame->GetVRegReference(arg_offset + 1)->AsString();
    385   mirror::ObjectArray<mirror::Class>* args =
    386       shadow_frame->GetVRegReference(arg_offset + 2)->AsObjectArray<mirror::Class>();
    387   Runtime* runtime = Runtime::Current();
    388   bool transaction = runtime->IsActiveTransaction();
    389   PointerSize pointer_size = runtime->GetClassLinker()->GetImagePointerSize();
    390   ObjPtr<mirror::Method> method;
    391   if (transaction) {
    392     if (pointer_size == PointerSize::k64) {
    393       method = mirror::Class::GetDeclaredMethodInternal<PointerSize::k64, true>(
    394           self, klass, name, args);
    395     } else {
    396       method = mirror::Class::GetDeclaredMethodInternal<PointerSize::k32, true>(
    397           self, klass, name, args);
    398     }
    399   } else {
    400     if (pointer_size == PointerSize::k64) {
    401       method = mirror::Class::GetDeclaredMethodInternal<PointerSize::k64, false>(
    402           self, klass, name, args);
    403     } else {
    404       method = mirror::Class::GetDeclaredMethodInternal<PointerSize::k32, false>(
    405           self, klass, name, args);
    406     }
    407   }
    408   if (method != nullptr && ShouldBlockAccessToMember(method->GetArtMethod(), shadow_frame)) {
    409     method = nullptr;
    410   }
    411   result->SetL(method);
    412 }
    414 // Special managed code cut-out to allow constructor lookup in a un-started runtime.
    415 void UnstartedRuntime::UnstartedClassGetDeclaredConstructor(
    416     Thread* self, ShadowFrame* shadow_frame, JValue* result, size_t arg_offset) {
    417   mirror::Class* klass = shadow_frame->GetVRegReference(arg_offset)->AsClass();
    418   if (klass == nullptr) {
    419     ThrowNullPointerExceptionForMethodAccess(shadow_frame->GetMethod(), InvokeType::kVirtual);
    420     return;
    421   }
    422   mirror::ObjectArray<mirror::Class>* args =
    423       shadow_frame->GetVRegReference(arg_offset + 1)->AsObjectArray<mirror::Class>();
    424   Runtime* runtime = Runtime::Current();
    425   bool transaction = runtime->IsActiveTransaction();
    426   PointerSize pointer_size = runtime->GetClassLinker()->GetImagePointerSize();
    427   ObjPtr<mirror::Constructor> constructor;
    428   if (transaction) {
    429     if (pointer_size == PointerSize::k64) {
    430       constructor = mirror::Class::GetDeclaredConstructorInternal<PointerSize::k64,
    431                                                                   true>(self, klass, args);
    432     } else {
    433       constructor = mirror::Class::GetDeclaredConstructorInternal<PointerSize::k32,
    434                                                                   true>(self, klass, args);
    435     }
    436   } else {
    437     if (pointer_size == PointerSize::k64) {
    438       constructor = mirror::Class::GetDeclaredConstructorInternal<PointerSize::k64,
    439                                                                   false>(self, klass, args);
    440     } else {
    441       constructor = mirror::Class::GetDeclaredConstructorInternal<PointerSize::k32,
    442                                                                   false>(self, klass, args);
    443     }
    444   }
    445   if (constructor != nullptr &&
    446       ShouldBlockAccessToMember(constructor->GetArtMethod(), shadow_frame)) {
    447     constructor = nullptr;
    448   }
    449   result->SetL(constructor);
    450 }
    452 void UnstartedRuntime::UnstartedClassGetDeclaringClass(
    453     Thread* self, ShadowFrame* shadow_frame, JValue* result, size_t arg_offset) {
    454   StackHandleScope<1> hs(self);
    455   Handle<mirror::Class> klass(hs.NewHandle(
    456       reinterpret_cast<mirror::Class*>(shadow_frame->GetVRegReference(arg_offset))));
    457   if (klass->IsProxyClass() || klass->GetDexCache() == nullptr) {
    458     result->SetL(nullptr);
    459     return;
    460   }
    461   // Return null for anonymous classes.
    462   JValue is_anon_result;
    463   UnstartedClassIsAnonymousClass(self, shadow_frame, &is_anon_result, arg_offset);
    464   if (is_anon_result.GetZ() != 0) {
    465     result->SetL(nullptr);
    466     return;
    467   }
    468   result->SetL(annotations::GetDeclaringClass(klass));
    469 }
    471 void UnstartedRuntime::UnstartedClassGetEnclosingClass(
    472     Thread* self, ShadowFrame* shadow_frame, JValue* result, size_t arg_offset) {
    473   StackHandleScope<1> hs(self);
    474   Handle<mirror::Class> klass(hs.NewHandle(shadow_frame->GetVRegReference(arg_offset)->AsClass()));
    475   if (klass->IsProxyClass() || klass->GetDexCache() == nullptr) {
    476     result->SetL(nullptr);
    477   }
    478   result->SetL(annotations::GetEnclosingClass(klass));
    479 }
    481 void UnstartedRuntime::UnstartedClassGetInnerClassFlags(
    482     Thread* self, ShadowFrame* shadow_frame, JValue* result, size_t arg_offset) {
    483   StackHandleScope<1> hs(self);
    484   Handle<mirror::Class> klass(hs.NewHandle(
    485       reinterpret_cast<mirror::Class*>(shadow_frame->GetVRegReference(arg_offset))));
    486   const int32_t default_value = shadow_frame->GetVReg(arg_offset + 1);
    487   result->SetI(mirror::Class::GetInnerClassFlags(klass, default_value));
    488 }
    490 void UnstartedRuntime::UnstartedClassGetSignatureAnnotation(
    491     Thread* self, ShadowFrame* shadow_frame, JValue* result, size_t arg_offset) {
    492   StackHandleScope<1> hs(self);
    493   Handle<mirror::Class> klass(hs.NewHandle(
    494       reinterpret_cast<mirror::Class*>(shadow_frame->GetVRegReference(arg_offset))));
    496   if (klass->IsProxyClass() || klass->GetDexCache() == nullptr) {
    497     result->SetL(nullptr);
    498     return;
    499   }
    501   result->SetL(annotations::GetSignatureAnnotationForClass(klass));
    502 }
    504 void UnstartedRuntime::UnstartedClassIsAnonymousClass(
    505     Thread* self, ShadowFrame* shadow_frame, JValue* result, size_t arg_offset) {
    506   StackHandleScope<1> hs(self);
    507   Handle<mirror::Class> klass(hs.NewHandle(
    508       reinterpret_cast<mirror::Class*>(shadow_frame->GetVRegReference(arg_offset))));
    509   if (klass->IsProxyClass() || klass->GetDexCache() == nullptr) {
    510     result->SetZ(false);
    511     return;
    512   }
    513   mirror::String* class_name = nullptr;
    514   if (!annotations::GetInnerClass(klass, &class_name)) {
    515     result->SetZ(false);
    516     return;
    517   }
    518   result->SetZ(class_name == nullptr);
    519 }
    521 static std::unique_ptr<MemMap> FindAndExtractEntry(const std::string& jar_file,
    522                                                    const char* entry_name,
    523                                                    size_t* size,
    524                                                    std::string* error_msg) {
    525   CHECK(size != nullptr);
    527   std::unique_ptr<ZipArchive> zip_archive(ZipArchive::Open(jar_file.c_str(), error_msg));
    528   if (zip_archive == nullptr) {
    529     return nullptr;
    530   }
    531   std::unique_ptr<ZipEntry> zip_entry(zip_archive->Find(entry_name, error_msg));
    532   if (zip_entry == nullptr) {
    533     return nullptr;
    534   }
    535   std::unique_ptr<MemMap> tmp_map(
    536       zip_entry->ExtractToMemMap(jar_file.c_str(), entry_name, error_msg));
    537   if (tmp_map == nullptr) {
    538     return nullptr;
    539   }
    541   // OK, from here everything seems fine.
    542   *size = zip_entry->GetUncompressedLength();
    543   return tmp_map;
    544 }
    546 static void GetResourceAsStream(Thread* self,
    547                                 ShadowFrame* shadow_frame,
    548                                 JValue* result,
    549                                 size_t arg_offset) REQUIRES_SHARED(Locks::mutator_lock_) {
    550   mirror::Object* resource_obj = shadow_frame->GetVRegReference(arg_offset + 1);
    551   if (resource_obj == nullptr) {
    552     AbortTransactionOrFail(self, "null name for getResourceAsStream");
    553     return;
    554   }
    555   CHECK(resource_obj->IsString());
    556   mirror::String* resource_name = resource_obj->AsString();
    558   std::string resource_name_str = resource_name->ToModifiedUtf8();
    559   if (resource_name_str.empty() || resource_name_str == "/") {
    560     AbortTransactionOrFail(self,
    561                            "Unsupported name %s for getResourceAsStream",
    562                            resource_name_str.c_str());
    563     return;
    564   }
    565   const char* resource_cstr = resource_name_str.c_str();
    566   if (resource_cstr[0] == '/') {
    567     resource_cstr++;
    568   }
    570   Runtime* runtime = Runtime::Current();
    572   std::vector<std::string> split;
    573   Split(runtime->GetBootClassPathString(), ':', &split);
    574   if (split.empty()) {
    575     AbortTransactionOrFail(self,
    576                            "Boot classpath not set or split error:: %s",
    577                            runtime->GetBootClassPathString().c_str());
    578     return;
    579   }
    581   std::unique_ptr<MemMap> mem_map;
    582   size_t map_size;
    583   std::string last_error_msg;  // Only store the last message (we could concatenate).
    585   for (const std::string& jar_file : split) {
    586     mem_map = FindAndExtractEntry(jar_file, resource_cstr, &map_size, &last_error_msg);
    587     if (mem_map != nullptr) {
    588       break;
    589     }
    590   }
    592   if (mem_map == nullptr) {
    593     // Didn't find it. There's a good chance this will be the same at runtime, but still
    594     // conservatively abort the transaction here.
    595     AbortTransactionOrFail(self,
    596                            "Could not find resource %s. Last error was %s.",
    597                            resource_name_str.c_str(),
    598                            last_error_msg.c_str());
    599     return;
    600   }
    602   StackHandleScope<3> hs(self);
    604   // Create byte array for content.
    605   Handle<mirror::ByteArray> h_array(hs.NewHandle(mirror::ByteArray::Alloc(self, map_size)));
    606   if (h_array == nullptr) {
    607     AbortTransactionOrFail(self, "Could not find/create byte array class");
    608     return;
    609   }
    610   // Copy in content.
    611   memcpy(h_array->GetData(), mem_map->Begin(), map_size);
    612   // Be proactive releasing memory.
    613   mem_map.reset();
    615   // Create a ByteArrayInputStream.
    616   Handle<mirror::Class> h_class(hs.NewHandle(
    617       runtime->GetClassLinker()->FindClass(self,
    618                                            "Ljava/io/ByteArrayInputStream;",
    619                                            ScopedNullHandle<mirror::ClassLoader>())));
    620   if (h_class == nullptr) {
    621     AbortTransactionOrFail(self, "Could not find ByteArrayInputStream class");
    622     return;
    623   }
    624   if (!runtime->GetClassLinker()->EnsureInitialized(self, h_class, true, true)) {
    625     AbortTransactionOrFail(self, "Could not initialize ByteArrayInputStream class");
    626     return;
    627   }
    629   Handle<mirror::Object> h_obj(hs.NewHandle(h_class->AllocObject(self)));
    630   if (h_obj == nullptr) {
    631     AbortTransactionOrFail(self, "Could not allocate ByteArrayInputStream object");
    632     return;
    633   }
    635   auto* cl = Runtime::Current()->GetClassLinker();
    636   ArtMethod* constructor = h_class->FindConstructor("([B)V", cl->GetImagePointerSize());
    637   if (constructor == nullptr) {
    638     AbortTransactionOrFail(self, "Could not find ByteArrayInputStream constructor");
    639     return;
    640   }
    642   uint32_t args[1];
    643   args[0] = static_cast<uint32_t>(reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(h_array.Get()));
    644   EnterInterpreterFromInvoke(self, constructor, h_obj.Get(), args, nullptr);
    646   if (self->IsExceptionPending()) {
    647     AbortTransactionOrFail(self, "Could not run ByteArrayInputStream constructor");
    648     return;
    649   }
    651   result->SetL(h_obj.Get());
    652 }
    654 void UnstartedRuntime::UnstartedClassLoaderGetResourceAsStream(
    655     Thread* self, ShadowFrame* shadow_frame, JValue* result, size_t arg_offset) {
    656   {
    657     mirror::Object* this_obj = shadow_frame->GetVRegReference(arg_offset);
    658     CHECK(this_obj != nullptr);
    659     CHECK(this_obj->IsClassLoader());
    661     StackHandleScope<1> hs(self);
    662     Handle<mirror::Class> this_classloader_class(hs.NewHandle(this_obj->GetClass()));
    664     if (self->DecodeJObject(WellKnownClasses::java_lang_BootClassLoader) !=
    665             this_classloader_class.Get()) {
    666       AbortTransactionOrFail(self,
    667                              "Unsupported classloader type %s for getResourceAsStream",
    668                              mirror::Class::PrettyClass(this_classloader_class.Get()).c_str());
    669       return;
    670     }
    671   }
    673   GetResourceAsStream(self, shadow_frame, result, arg_offset);
    674 }
    676 void UnstartedRuntime::UnstartedConstructorNewInstance0(
    677     Thread* self, ShadowFrame* shadow_frame, JValue* result, size_t arg_offset) {
    678   // This is a cutdown version of java_lang_reflect_Constructor.cc's implementation.
    679   StackHandleScope<4> hs(self);
    680   Handle<mirror::Constructor> m = hs.NewHandle(
    681       reinterpret_cast<mirror::Constructor*>(shadow_frame->GetVRegReference(arg_offset)));
    682   Handle<mirror::ObjectArray<mirror::Object>> args = hs.NewHandle(
    683       reinterpret_cast<mirror::ObjectArray<mirror::Object>*>(
    684           shadow_frame->GetVRegReference(arg_offset + 1)));
    685   Handle<mirror::Class> c(hs.NewHandle(m->GetDeclaringClass()));
    686   if (UNLIKELY(c->IsAbstract())) {
    687     AbortTransactionOrFail(self, "Cannot handle abstract classes");
    688     return;
    689   }
    690   // Verify that we can access the class.
    691   if (!m->IsAccessible() && !c->IsPublic()) {
    692     // Go 2 frames back, this method is always called from newInstance0, which is called from
    693     // Constructor.newInstance(Object... args).
    694     ObjPtr<mirror::Class> caller = GetCallingClass(self, 2);
    695     // If caller is null, then we called from JNI, just avoid the check since JNI avoids most
    696     // access checks anyways. TODO: Investigate if this the correct behavior.
    697     if (caller != nullptr && !caller->CanAccess(c.Get())) {
    698       AbortTransactionOrFail(self, "Cannot access class");
    699       return;
    700     }
    701   }
    702   if (!Runtime::Current()->GetClassLinker()->EnsureInitialized(self, c, true, true)) {
    703     DCHECK(self->IsExceptionPending());
    704     return;
    705   }
    706   if (c->IsClassClass()) {
    707     AbortTransactionOrFail(self, "new Class() is not supported");
    708     return;
    709   }
    711   // String constructor is replaced by a StringFactory method in InvokeMethod.
    712   if (c->IsStringClass()) {
    713     // We don't support strings.
    714     AbortTransactionOrFail(self, "String construction is not supported");
    715     return;
    716   }
    718   Handle<mirror::Object> receiver = hs.NewHandle(c->AllocObject(self));
    719   if (receiver == nullptr) {
    720     AbortTransactionOrFail(self, "Could not allocate");
    721     return;
    722   }
    724   // It's easier to use reflection to make the call, than create the uint32_t array.
    725   {
    726     ScopedObjectAccessUnchecked soa(self);
    727     ScopedLocalRef<jobject> method_ref(self->GetJniEnv(),
    728                                        soa.AddLocalReference<jobject>(m.Get()));
    729     ScopedLocalRef<jobject> object_ref(self->GetJniEnv(),
    730                                        soa.AddLocalReference<jobject>(receiver.Get()));
    731     ScopedLocalRef<jobject> args_ref(self->GetJniEnv(),
    732                                      soa.AddLocalReference<jobject>(args.Get()));
    733     InvokeMethod(soa, method_ref.get(), object_ref.get(), args_ref.get(), 2);
    734   }
    735   if (self->IsExceptionPending()) {
    736     AbortTransactionOrFail(self, "Failed running constructor");
    737   } else {
    738     result->SetL(receiver.Get());
    739   }
    740 }
    742 void UnstartedRuntime::UnstartedVmClassLoaderFindLoadedClass(
    743     Thread* self, ShadowFrame* shadow_frame, JValue* result, size_t arg_offset) {
    744   mirror::String* class_name = shadow_frame->GetVRegReference(arg_offset + 1)->AsString();
    745   mirror::ClassLoader* class_loader =
    746       down_cast<mirror::ClassLoader*>(shadow_frame->GetVRegReference(arg_offset));
    747   StackHandleScope<2> hs(self);
    748   Handle<mirror::String> h_class_name(hs.NewHandle(class_name));
    749   Handle<mirror::ClassLoader> h_class_loader(hs.NewHandle(class_loader));
    750   UnstartedRuntimeFindClass(self, h_class_name, h_class_loader, result,
    751                             "VMClassLoader.findLoadedClass", false, false);
    752   // This might have an error pending. But semantics are to just return null.
    753   if (self->IsExceptionPending()) {
    754     // If it is an InternalError, keep it. See CheckExceptionGenerateClassNotFound.
    755     std::string type(mirror::Object::PrettyTypeOf(self->GetException()));
    756     if (type != "java.lang.InternalError") {
    757       self->ClearException();
    758     }
    759   }
    760 }
    762 // Arraycopy emulation.
    763 // Note: we can't use any fast copy functions, as they are not available under transaction.
    765 template <typename T>
    766 static void PrimitiveArrayCopy(Thread* self,
    767                                mirror::Array* src_array, int32_t src_pos,
    768                                mirror::Array* dst_array, int32_t dst_pos,
    769                                int32_t length)
    770     REQUIRES_SHARED(Locks::mutator_lock_) {
    771   if (src_array->GetClass()->GetComponentType() != dst_array->GetClass()->GetComponentType()) {
    772     AbortTransactionOrFail(self,
    773                            "Types mismatched in arraycopy: %s vs %s.",
    774                            mirror::Class::PrettyDescriptor(
    775                                src_array->GetClass()->GetComponentType()).c_str(),
    776                            mirror::Class::PrettyDescriptor(
    777                                dst_array->GetClass()->GetComponentType()).c_str());
    778     return;
    779   }
    780   mirror::PrimitiveArray<T>* src = down_cast<mirror::PrimitiveArray<T>*>(src_array);
    781   mirror::PrimitiveArray<T>* dst = down_cast<mirror::PrimitiveArray<T>*>(dst_array);
    782   const bool copy_forward = (dst_pos < src_pos) || (dst_pos - src_pos >= length);
    783   if (copy_forward) {
    784     for (int32_t i = 0; i < length; ++i) {
    785       dst->Set(dst_pos + i, src->Get(src_pos + i));
    786     }
    787   } else {
    788     for (int32_t i = 1; i <= length; ++i) {
    789       dst->Set(dst_pos + length - i, src->Get(src_pos + length - i));
    790     }
    791   }
    792 }
    794 void UnstartedRuntime::UnstartedSystemArraycopy(
    795     Thread* self, ShadowFrame* shadow_frame, JValue* result ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED, size_t arg_offset) {
    796   // Special case array copying without initializing System.
    797   jint src_pos = shadow_frame->GetVReg(arg_offset + 1);
    798   jint dst_pos = shadow_frame->GetVReg(arg_offset + 3);
    799   jint length = shadow_frame->GetVReg(arg_offset + 4);
    801   mirror::Object* src_obj = shadow_frame->GetVRegReference(arg_offset);
    802   mirror::Object* dst_obj = shadow_frame->GetVRegReference(arg_offset + 2);
    803   // Null checking. For simplicity, abort transaction.
    804   if (src_obj == nullptr) {
    805     AbortTransactionOrFail(self, "src is null in arraycopy.");
    806     return;
    807   }
    808   if (dst_obj == nullptr) {
    809     AbortTransactionOrFail(self, "dst is null in arraycopy.");
    810     return;
    811   }
    812   // Test for arrayness. Throw ArrayStoreException.
    813   if (!src_obj->IsArrayInstance() || !dst_obj->IsArrayInstance()) {
    814     self->ThrowNewException("Ljava/lang/ArrayStoreException;", "src or trg is not an array");
    815     return;
    816   }
    818   mirror::Array* src_array = src_obj->AsArray();
    819   mirror::Array* dst_array = dst_obj->AsArray();
    821   // Bounds checking. Throw IndexOutOfBoundsException.
    822   if (UNLIKELY(src_pos < 0) || UNLIKELY(dst_pos < 0) || UNLIKELY(length < 0) ||
    823       UNLIKELY(src_pos > src_array->GetLength() - length) ||
    824       UNLIKELY(dst_pos > dst_array->GetLength() - length)) {
    825     self->ThrowNewExceptionF("Ljava/lang/IndexOutOfBoundsException;",
    826                              "src.length=%d srcPos=%d dst.length=%d dstPos=%d length=%d",
    827                              src_array->GetLength(), src_pos, dst_array->GetLength(), dst_pos,
    828                              length);
    829     return;
    830   }
    832   // Type checking.
    833   mirror::Class* src_type = shadow_frame->GetVRegReference(arg_offset)->GetClass()->
    834       GetComponentType();
    836   if (!src_type->IsPrimitive()) {
    837     // Check that the second type is not primitive.
    838     mirror::Class* trg_type = shadow_frame->GetVRegReference(arg_offset + 2)->GetClass()->
    839         GetComponentType();
    840     if (trg_type->IsPrimitiveInt()) {
    841       AbortTransactionOrFail(self, "Type mismatch in arraycopy: %s vs %s",
    842                              mirror::Class::PrettyDescriptor(
    843                                  src_array->GetClass()->GetComponentType()).c_str(),
    844                              mirror::Class::PrettyDescriptor(
    845                                  dst_array->GetClass()->GetComponentType()).c_str());
    846       return;
    847     }
    849     mirror::ObjectArray<mirror::Object>* src = src_array->AsObjectArray<mirror::Object>();
    850     mirror::ObjectArray<mirror::Object>* dst = dst_array->AsObjectArray<mirror::Object>();
    851     if (src == dst) {
    852       // Can overlap, but not have type mismatches.
    853       // We cannot use ObjectArray::MemMove here, as it doesn't support transactions.
    854       const bool copy_forward = (dst_pos < src_pos) || (dst_pos - src_pos >= length);
    855       if (copy_forward) {
    856         for (int32_t i = 0; i < length; ++i) {
    857           dst->Set(dst_pos + i, src->Get(src_pos + i));
    858         }
    859       } else {
    860         for (int32_t i = 1; i <= length; ++i) {
    861           dst->Set(dst_pos + length - i, src->Get(src_pos + length - i));
    862         }
    863       }
    864     } else {
    865       // We're being lazy here. Optimally this could be a memcpy (if component types are
    866       // assignable), but the ObjectArray implementation doesn't support transactions. The
    867       // checking version, however, does.
    868       if (Runtime::Current()->IsActiveTransaction()) {
    869         dst->AssignableCheckingMemcpy<true>(
    870             dst_pos, src, src_pos, length, true /* throw_exception */);
    871       } else {
    872         dst->AssignableCheckingMemcpy<false>(
    873                     dst_pos, src, src_pos, length, true /* throw_exception */);
    874       }
    875     }
    876   } else if (src_type->IsPrimitiveByte()) {
    877     PrimitiveArrayCopy<uint8_t>(self, src_array, src_pos, dst_array, dst_pos, length);
    878   } else if (src_type->IsPrimitiveChar()) {
    879     PrimitiveArrayCopy<uint16_t>(self, src_array, src_pos, dst_array, dst_pos, length);
    880   } else if (src_type->IsPrimitiveInt()) {
    881     PrimitiveArrayCopy<int32_t>(self, src_array, src_pos, dst_array, dst_pos, length);
    882   } else {
    883     AbortTransactionOrFail(self, "Unimplemented System.arraycopy for type '%s'",
    884                            src_type->PrettyDescriptor().c_str());
    885   }
    886 }
    888 void UnstartedRuntime::UnstartedSystemArraycopyByte(
    889     Thread* self, ShadowFrame* shadow_frame, JValue* result, size_t arg_offset) {
    890   // Just forward.
    891   UnstartedRuntime::UnstartedSystemArraycopy(self, shadow_frame, result, arg_offset);
    892 }
    894 void UnstartedRuntime::UnstartedSystemArraycopyChar(
    895     Thread* self, ShadowFrame* shadow_frame, JValue* result, size_t arg_offset) {
    896   // Just forward.
    897   UnstartedRuntime::UnstartedSystemArraycopy(self, shadow_frame, result, arg_offset);
    898 }
    900 void UnstartedRuntime::UnstartedSystemArraycopyInt(
    901     Thread* self, ShadowFrame* shadow_frame, JValue* result, size_t arg_offset) {
    902   // Just forward.
    903   UnstartedRuntime::UnstartedSystemArraycopy(self, shadow_frame, result, arg_offset);
    904 }
    906 void UnstartedRuntime::UnstartedSystemGetSecurityManager(
    907     Thread* self ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED, ShadowFrame* shadow_frame ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED,
    908     JValue* result, size_t arg_offset ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED) {
    909   result->SetL(nullptr);
    910 }
    912 static constexpr const char* kAndroidHardcodedSystemPropertiesFieldName = "STATIC_PROPERTIES";
    914 static void GetSystemProperty(Thread* self,
    915                               ShadowFrame* shadow_frame,
    916                               JValue* result,
    917                               size_t arg_offset,
    918                               bool is_default_version)
    919     REQUIRES_SHARED(Locks::mutator_lock_) {
    920   StackHandleScope<4> hs(self);
    921   Handle<mirror::String> h_key(
    922       hs.NewHandle(reinterpret_cast<mirror::String*>(shadow_frame->GetVRegReference(arg_offset))));
    923   if (h_key == nullptr) {
    924     AbortTransactionOrFail(self, "getProperty key was null");
    925     return;
    926   }
    928   // This is overall inefficient, but reflecting the values here is not great, either. So
    929   // for simplicity, and with the assumption that the number of getProperty calls is not
    930   // too great, just iterate each time.
    932   // Get the storage class.
    933   ClassLinker* class_linker = Runtime::Current()->GetClassLinker();
    934   Handle<mirror::Class> h_props_class(hs.NewHandle(
    935       class_linker->FindClass(self,
    936                               "Ljava/lang/AndroidHardcodedSystemProperties;",
    937                               ScopedNullHandle<mirror::ClassLoader>())));
    938   if (h_props_class == nullptr) {
    939     AbortTransactionOrFail(self, "Could not find AndroidHardcodedSystemProperties");
    940     return;
    941   }
    942   if (!class_linker->EnsureInitialized(self, h_props_class, true, true)) {
    943     AbortTransactionOrFail(self, "Could not initialize AndroidHardcodedSystemProperties");
    944     return;
    945   }
    947   // Get the storage array.
    948   ArtField* static_properties =
    949       h_props_class->FindDeclaredStaticField(kAndroidHardcodedSystemPropertiesFieldName,
    950                                              "[[Ljava/lang/String;");
    951   if (static_properties == nullptr) {
    952     AbortTransactionOrFail(self,
    953                            "Could not find %s field",
    954                            kAndroidHardcodedSystemPropertiesFieldName);
    955     return;
    956   }
    957   ObjPtr<mirror::Object> props = static_properties->GetObject(h_props_class.Get());
    958   Handle<mirror::ObjectArray<mirror::ObjectArray<mirror::String>>> h_2string_array(hs.NewHandle(
    959       props->AsObjectArray<mirror::ObjectArray<mirror::String>>()));
    960   if (h_2string_array == nullptr) {
    961     AbortTransactionOrFail(self, "Field %s is null", kAndroidHardcodedSystemPropertiesFieldName);
    962     return;
    963   }
    965   // Iterate over it.
    966   const int32_t prop_count = h_2string_array->GetLength();
    967   // Use the third handle as mutable.
    968   MutableHandle<mirror::ObjectArray<mirror::String>> h_string_array(
    969       hs.NewHandle<mirror::ObjectArray<mirror::String>>(nullptr));
    970   for (int32_t i = 0; i < prop_count; ++i) {
    971     h_string_array.Assign(h_2string_array->Get(i));
    972     if (h_string_array == nullptr ||
    973         h_string_array->GetLength() != 2 ||
    974         h_string_array->Get(0) == nullptr) {
    975       AbortTransactionOrFail(self,
    976                              "Unexpected content of %s",
    977                              kAndroidHardcodedSystemPropertiesFieldName);
    978       return;
    979     }
    980     if (h_key->Equals(h_string_array->Get(0))) {
    981       // Found a value.
    982       if (h_string_array->Get(1) == nullptr && is_default_version) {
    983         // Null is being delegated to the default map, and then resolved to the given default value.
    984         // As there's no default map, return the given value.
    985         result->SetL(shadow_frame->GetVRegReference(arg_offset + 1));
    986       } else {
    987         result->SetL(h_string_array->Get(1));
    988       }
    989       return;
    990     }
    991   }
    993   // Key is not supported.
    994   AbortTransactionOrFail(self, "getProperty key %s not supported", h_key->ToModifiedUtf8().c_str());
    995 }
    997 void UnstartedRuntime::UnstartedSystemGetProperty(
    998     Thread* self, ShadowFrame* shadow_frame, JValue* result, size_t arg_offset) {
    999   GetSystemProperty(self, shadow_frame, result, arg_offset, false);
   1000 }
   1002 void UnstartedRuntime::UnstartedSystemGetPropertyWithDefault(
   1003     Thread* self, ShadowFrame* shadow_frame, JValue* result, size_t arg_offset) {
   1004   GetSystemProperty(self, shadow_frame, result, arg_offset, true);
   1005 }
   1007 static std::string GetImmediateCaller(ShadowFrame* shadow_frame)
   1008     REQUIRES_SHARED(Locks::mutator_lock_) {
   1009   if (shadow_frame->GetLink() == nullptr) {
   1010     return "<no caller>";
   1011   }
   1012   return ArtMethod::PrettyMethod(shadow_frame->GetLink()->GetMethod());
   1013 }
   1015 static bool CheckCallers(ShadowFrame* shadow_frame,
   1016                          std::initializer_list<std::string> allowed_call_stack)
   1017     REQUIRES_SHARED(Locks::mutator_lock_) {
   1018   for (const std::string& allowed_caller : allowed_call_stack) {
   1019     if (shadow_frame->GetLink() == nullptr) {
   1020       return false;
   1021     }
   1023     std::string found_caller = ArtMethod::PrettyMethod(shadow_frame->GetLink()->GetMethod());
   1024     if (allowed_caller != found_caller) {
   1025       return false;
   1026     }
   1028     shadow_frame = shadow_frame->GetLink();
   1029   }
   1030   return true;
   1031 }
   1033 static ObjPtr<mirror::Object> CreateInstanceOf(Thread* self, const char* class_descriptor)
   1034     REQUIRES_SHARED(Locks::mutator_lock_) {
   1035   // Find the requested class.
   1036   ClassLinker* class_linker = Runtime::Current()->GetClassLinker();
   1037   ObjPtr<mirror::Class> klass =
   1038       class_linker->FindClass(self, class_descriptor, ScopedNullHandle<mirror::ClassLoader>());
   1039   if (klass == nullptr) {
   1040     AbortTransactionOrFail(self, "Could not load class %s", class_descriptor);
   1041     return nullptr;
   1042   }
   1044   StackHandleScope<2> hs(self);
   1045   Handle<mirror::Class> h_class(hs.NewHandle(klass));
   1046   Handle<mirror::Object> h_obj(hs.NewHandle(h_class->AllocObject(self)));
   1047   if (h_obj != nullptr) {
   1048     ArtMethod* init_method = h_class->FindConstructor("()V", class_linker->GetImagePointerSize());
   1049     if (init_method == nullptr) {
   1050       AbortTransactionOrFail(self, "Could not find <init> for %s", class_descriptor);
   1051       return nullptr;
   1052     } else {
   1053       JValue invoke_result;
   1054       EnterInterpreterFromInvoke(self, init_method, h_obj.Get(), nullptr, nullptr);
   1055       if (!self->IsExceptionPending()) {
   1056         return h_obj.Get();
   1057       }
   1058       AbortTransactionOrFail(self, "Could not run <init> for %s", class_descriptor);
   1059     }
   1060   }
   1061   AbortTransactionOrFail(self, "Could not allocate instance of %s", class_descriptor);
   1062   return nullptr;
   1063 }
   1065 void UnstartedRuntime::UnstartedThreadLocalGet(
   1066     Thread* self, ShadowFrame* shadow_frame, JValue* result, size_t arg_offset ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED) {
   1067   if (CheckCallers(shadow_frame, { "sun.misc.FloatingDecimal$BinaryToASCIIBuffer "
   1068                                        "sun.misc.FloatingDecimal.getBinaryToASCIIBuffer()" })) {
   1069     result->SetL(CreateInstanceOf(self, "Lsun/misc/FloatingDecimal$BinaryToASCIIBuffer;"));
   1070   } else {
   1071     AbortTransactionOrFail(self,
   1072                            "ThreadLocal.get() does not support %s",
   1073                            GetImmediateCaller(shadow_frame).c_str());
   1074   }
   1075 }
   1077 void UnstartedRuntime::UnstartedThreadCurrentThread(
   1078     Thread* self, ShadowFrame* shadow_frame, JValue* result, size_t arg_offset ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED) {
   1079   if (CheckCallers(shadow_frame,
   1080                    { "void java.lang.Thread.init(java.lang.ThreadGroup, java.lang.Runnable, "
   1081                          "java.lang.String, long)",
   1082                      "void java.lang.Thread.<init>()",
   1083                      "void java.util.logging.LogManager$Cleaner.<init>("
   1084                          "java.util.logging.LogManager)" })) {
   1085     // Whitelist LogManager$Cleaner, which is an unstarted Thread (for a shutdown hook). The
   1086     // Thread constructor only asks for the current thread to set up defaults and add the
   1087     // thread as unstarted to the ThreadGroup. A faked-up main thread peer is good enough for
   1088     // these purposes.
   1089     Runtime::Current()->InitThreadGroups(self);
   1090     jobject main_peer =
   1091         self->CreateCompileTimePeer(self->GetJniEnv(),
   1092                                     "main",
   1093                                     false,
   1094                                     Runtime::Current()->GetMainThreadGroup());
   1095     if (main_peer == nullptr) {
   1096       AbortTransactionOrFail(self, "Failed allocating peer");
   1097       return;
   1098     }
   1100     result->SetL(self->DecodeJObject(main_peer));
   1101     self->GetJniEnv()->DeleteLocalRef(main_peer);
   1102   } else {
   1103     AbortTransactionOrFail(self,
   1104                            "Thread.currentThread() does not support %s",
   1105                            GetImmediateCaller(shadow_frame).c_str());
   1106   }
   1107 }
   1109 void UnstartedRuntime::UnstartedThreadGetNativeState(
   1110     Thread* self, ShadowFrame* shadow_frame, JValue* result, size_t arg_offset ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED) {
   1111   if (CheckCallers(shadow_frame,
   1112                    { "java.lang.Thread$State java.lang.Thread.getState()",
   1113                      "java.lang.ThreadGroup java.lang.Thread.getThreadGroup()",
   1114                      "void java.lang.Thread.init(java.lang.ThreadGroup, java.lang.Runnable, "
   1115                          "java.lang.String, long)",
   1116                      "void java.lang.Thread.<init>()",
   1117                      "void java.util.logging.LogManager$Cleaner.<init>("
   1118                          "java.util.logging.LogManager)" })) {
   1119     // Whitelist reading the state of the "main" thread when creating another (unstarted) thread
   1120     // for LogManager. Report the thread as "new" (it really only counts that it isn't terminated).
   1121     constexpr int32_t kJavaRunnable = 1;
   1122     result->SetI(kJavaRunnable);
   1123   } else {
   1124     AbortTransactionOrFail(self,
   1125                            "Thread.getNativeState() does not support %s",
   1126                            GetImmediateCaller(shadow_frame).c_str());
   1127   }
   1128 }
   1130 void UnstartedRuntime::UnstartedMathCeil(
   1131     Thread* self ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED, ShadowFrame* shadow_frame, JValue* result, size_t arg_offset) {
   1132   result->SetD(ceil(shadow_frame->GetVRegDouble(arg_offset)));
   1133 }
   1135 void UnstartedRuntime::UnstartedMathFloor(
   1136     Thread* self ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED, ShadowFrame* shadow_frame, JValue* result, size_t arg_offset) {
   1137   result->SetD(floor(shadow_frame->GetVRegDouble(arg_offset)));
   1138 }
   1140 void UnstartedRuntime::UnstartedMathSin(
   1141     Thread* self ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED, ShadowFrame* shadow_frame, JValue* result, size_t arg_offset) {
   1142   result->SetD(sin(shadow_frame->GetVRegDouble(arg_offset)));
   1143 }
   1145 void UnstartedRuntime::UnstartedMathCos(
   1146     Thread* self ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED, ShadowFrame* shadow_frame, JValue* result, size_t arg_offset) {
   1147   result->SetD(cos(shadow_frame->GetVRegDouble(arg_offset)));
   1148 }
   1150 void UnstartedRuntime::UnstartedMathPow(
   1151     Thread* self ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED, ShadowFrame* shadow_frame, JValue* result, size_t arg_offset) {
   1152   result->SetD(pow(shadow_frame->GetVRegDouble(arg_offset),
   1153                    shadow_frame->GetVRegDouble(arg_offset + 2)));
   1154 }
   1156 void UnstartedRuntime::UnstartedObjectHashCode(
   1157     Thread* self ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED, ShadowFrame* shadow_frame, JValue* result, size_t arg_offset) {
   1158   mirror::Object* obj = shadow_frame->GetVRegReference(arg_offset);
   1159   result->SetI(obj->IdentityHashCode());
   1160 }
   1162 void UnstartedRuntime::UnstartedDoubleDoubleToRawLongBits(
   1163     Thread* self ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED, ShadowFrame* shadow_frame, JValue* result, size_t arg_offset) {
   1164   double in = shadow_frame->GetVRegDouble(arg_offset);
   1165   result->SetJ(bit_cast<int64_t, double>(in));
   1166 }
   1168 static void UnstartedMemoryPeek(
   1169     Primitive::Type type, ShadowFrame* shadow_frame, JValue* result, size_t arg_offset) {
   1170   int64_t address = shadow_frame->GetVRegLong(arg_offset);
   1171   // TODO: Check that this is in the heap somewhere. Otherwise we will segfault instead of
   1172   //       aborting the transaction.
   1174   switch (type) {
   1175     case Primitive::kPrimByte: {
   1176       result->SetB(*reinterpret_cast<int8_t*>(static_cast<intptr_t>(address)));
   1177       return;
   1178     }
   1180     case Primitive::kPrimShort: {
   1181       typedef int16_t unaligned_short __attribute__ ((aligned (1)));
   1182       result->SetS(*reinterpret_cast<unaligned_short*>(static_cast<intptr_t>(address)));
   1183       return;
   1184     }
   1186     case Primitive::kPrimInt: {
   1187       typedef int32_t unaligned_int __attribute__ ((aligned (1)));
   1188       result->SetI(*reinterpret_cast<unaligned_int*>(static_cast<intptr_t>(address)));
   1189       return;
   1190     }
   1192     case Primitive::kPrimLong: {
   1193       typedef int64_t unaligned_long __attribute__ ((aligned (1)));
   1194       result->SetJ(*reinterpret_cast<unaligned_long*>(static_cast<intptr_t>(address)));
   1195       return;
   1196     }
   1198     case Primitive::kPrimBoolean:
   1199     case Primitive::kPrimChar:
   1200     case Primitive::kPrimFloat:
   1201     case Primitive::kPrimDouble:
   1202     case Primitive::kPrimVoid:
   1203     case Primitive::kPrimNot:
   1204       LOG(FATAL) << "Not in the Memory API: " << type;
   1205       UNREACHABLE();
   1206   }
   1207   LOG(FATAL) << "Should not reach here";
   1208   UNREACHABLE();
   1209 }
   1211 void UnstartedRuntime::UnstartedMemoryPeekByte(
   1212     Thread* self ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED, ShadowFrame* shadow_frame, JValue* result, size_t arg_offset) {
   1213   UnstartedMemoryPeek(Primitive::kPrimByte, shadow_frame, result, arg_offset);
   1214 }
   1216 void UnstartedRuntime::UnstartedMemoryPeekShort(
   1217     Thread* self ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED, ShadowFrame* shadow_frame, JValue* result, size_t arg_offset) {
   1218   UnstartedMemoryPeek(Primitive::kPrimShort, shadow_frame, result, arg_offset);
   1219 }
   1221 void UnstartedRuntime::UnstartedMemoryPeekInt(
   1222     Thread* self ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED, ShadowFrame* shadow_frame, JValue* result, size_t arg_offset) {
   1223   UnstartedMemoryPeek(Primitive::kPrimInt, shadow_frame, result, arg_offset);
   1224 }
   1226 void UnstartedRuntime::UnstartedMemoryPeekLong(
   1227     Thread* self ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED, ShadowFrame* shadow_frame, JValue* result, size_t arg_offset) {
   1228   UnstartedMemoryPeek(Primitive::kPrimLong, shadow_frame, result, arg_offset);
   1229 }
   1231 static void UnstartedMemoryPeekArray(
   1232     Primitive::Type type, Thread* self, ShadowFrame* shadow_frame, size_t arg_offset)
   1233     REQUIRES_SHARED(Locks::mutator_lock_) {
   1234   int64_t address_long = shadow_frame->GetVRegLong(arg_offset);
   1235   mirror::Object* obj = shadow_frame->GetVRegReference(arg_offset + 2);
   1236   if (obj == nullptr) {
   1237     Runtime::Current()->AbortTransactionAndThrowAbortError(self, "Null pointer in peekArray");
   1238     return;
   1239   }
   1240   mirror::Array* array = obj->AsArray();
   1242   int offset = shadow_frame->GetVReg(arg_offset + 3);
   1243   int count = shadow_frame->GetVReg(arg_offset + 4);
   1244   if (offset < 0 || offset + count > array->GetLength()) {
   1245     std::string error_msg(StringPrintf("Array out of bounds in peekArray: %d/%d vs %d",
   1246                                        offset, count, array->GetLength()));
   1247     Runtime::Current()->AbortTransactionAndThrowAbortError(self, error_msg.c_str());
   1248     return;
   1249   }
   1251   switch (type) {
   1252     case Primitive::kPrimByte: {
   1253       int8_t* address = reinterpret_cast<int8_t*>(static_cast<intptr_t>(address_long));
   1254       mirror::ByteArray* byte_array = array->AsByteArray();
   1255       for (int32_t i = 0; i < count; ++i, ++address) {
   1256         byte_array->SetWithoutChecks<true>(i + offset, *address);
   1257       }
   1258       return;
   1259     }
   1261     case Primitive::kPrimShort:
   1262     case Primitive::kPrimInt:
   1263     case Primitive::kPrimLong:
   1264       LOG(FATAL) << "Type unimplemented for Memory Array API, should not reach here: " << type;
   1265       UNREACHABLE();
   1267     case Primitive::kPrimBoolean:
   1268     case Primitive::kPrimChar:
   1269     case Primitive::kPrimFloat:
   1270     case Primitive::kPrimDouble:
   1271     case Primitive::kPrimVoid:
   1272     case Primitive::kPrimNot:
   1273       LOG(FATAL) << "Not in the Memory API: " << type;
   1274       UNREACHABLE();
   1275   }
   1276   LOG(FATAL) << "Should not reach here";
   1277   UNREACHABLE();
   1278 }
   1280 void UnstartedRuntime::UnstartedMemoryPeekByteArray(
   1281     Thread* self, ShadowFrame* shadow_frame, JValue* result ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED, size_t arg_offset) {
   1282   UnstartedMemoryPeekArray(Primitive::kPrimByte, self, shadow_frame, arg_offset);
   1283 }
   1285 // This allows reading the new style of String objects during compilation.
   1286 void UnstartedRuntime::UnstartedStringGetCharsNoCheck(
   1287     Thread* self, ShadowFrame* shadow_frame, JValue* result ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED, size_t arg_offset) {
   1288   jint start = shadow_frame->GetVReg(arg_offset + 1);
   1289   jint end = shadow_frame->GetVReg(arg_offset + 2);
   1290   jint index = shadow_frame->GetVReg(arg_offset + 4);
   1291   mirror::String* string = shadow_frame->GetVRegReference(arg_offset)->AsString();
   1292   if (string == nullptr) {
   1293     AbortTransactionOrFail(self, "String.getCharsNoCheck with null object");
   1294     return;
   1295   }
   1296   DCHECK_GE(start, 0);
   1297   DCHECK_LE(start, end);
   1298   DCHECK_LE(end, string->GetLength());
   1299   StackHandleScope<1> hs(self);
   1300   Handle<mirror::CharArray> h_char_array(
   1301       hs.NewHandle(shadow_frame->GetVRegReference(arg_offset + 3)->AsCharArray()));
   1302   DCHECK_GE(index, 0);
   1303   DCHECK_LE(index, h_char_array->GetLength());
   1304   DCHECK_LE(end - start, h_char_array->GetLength() - index);
   1305   string->GetChars(start, end, h_char_array, index);
   1306 }
   1308 // This allows reading chars from the new style of String objects during compilation.
   1309 void UnstartedRuntime::UnstartedStringCharAt(
   1310     Thread* self, ShadowFrame* shadow_frame, JValue* result, size_t arg_offset) {
   1311   jint index = shadow_frame->GetVReg(arg_offset + 1);
   1312   mirror::String* string = shadow_frame->GetVRegReference(arg_offset)->AsString();
   1313   if (string == nullptr) {
   1314     AbortTransactionOrFail(self, "String.charAt with null object");
   1315     return;
   1316   }
   1317   result->SetC(string->CharAt(index));
   1318 }
   1320 // This allows creating String objects with replaced characters during compilation.
   1321 // String.doReplace(char, char) is called from String.replace(char, char) when there is a match.
   1322 void UnstartedRuntime::UnstartedStringDoReplace(
   1323     Thread* self, ShadowFrame* shadow_frame, JValue* result, size_t arg_offset) {
   1324   jchar old_c = shadow_frame->GetVReg(arg_offset + 1);
   1325   jchar new_c = shadow_frame->GetVReg(arg_offset + 2);
   1326   StackHandleScope<1> hs(self);
   1327   Handle<mirror::String> string =
   1328       hs.NewHandle(shadow_frame->GetVRegReference(arg_offset)->AsString());
   1329   if (string == nullptr) {
   1330     AbortTransactionOrFail(self, "String.replaceWithMatch with null object");
   1331     return;
   1332   }
   1333   result->SetL(mirror::String::DoReplace(self, string, old_c, new_c));
   1334 }
   1336 // This allows creating the new style of String objects during compilation.
   1337 void UnstartedRuntime::UnstartedStringFactoryNewStringFromChars(
   1338     Thread* self, ShadowFrame* shadow_frame, JValue* result, size_t arg_offset) {
   1339   jint offset = shadow_frame->GetVReg(arg_offset);
   1340   jint char_count = shadow_frame->GetVReg(arg_offset + 1);
   1341   DCHECK_GE(char_count, 0);
   1342   StackHandleScope<1> hs(self);
   1343   Handle<mirror::CharArray> h_char_array(
   1344       hs.NewHandle(shadow_frame->GetVRegReference(arg_offset + 2)->AsCharArray()));
   1345   Runtime* runtime = Runtime::Current();
   1346   gc::AllocatorType allocator = runtime->GetHeap()->GetCurrentAllocator();
   1347   result->SetL(mirror::String::AllocFromCharArray<true>(self, char_count, h_char_array, offset, allocator));
   1348 }
   1350 // This allows creating the new style of String objects during compilation.
   1351 void UnstartedRuntime::UnstartedStringFactoryNewStringFromString(
   1352     Thread* self, ShadowFrame* shadow_frame, JValue* result, size_t arg_offset) {
   1353   mirror::String* to_copy = shadow_frame->GetVRegReference(arg_offset)->AsString();
   1354   if (to_copy == nullptr) {
   1355     AbortTransactionOrFail(self, "StringFactory.newStringFromString with null object");
   1356     return;
   1357   }
   1358   StackHandleScope<1> hs(self);
   1359   Handle<mirror::String> h_string(hs.NewHandle(to_copy));
   1360   Runtime* runtime = Runtime::Current();
   1361   gc::AllocatorType allocator = runtime->GetHeap()->GetCurrentAllocator();
   1362   result->SetL(mirror::String::AllocFromString<true>(self, h_string->GetLength(), h_string, 0,
   1363                                                      allocator));
   1364 }
   1366 void UnstartedRuntime::UnstartedStringFastSubstring(
   1367     Thread* self, ShadowFrame* shadow_frame, JValue* result, size_t arg_offset) {
   1368   jint start = shadow_frame->GetVReg(arg_offset + 1);
   1369   jint length = shadow_frame->GetVReg(arg_offset + 2);
   1370   DCHECK_GE(start, 0);
   1371   DCHECK_GE(length, 0);
   1372   StackHandleScope<1> hs(self);
   1373   Handle<mirror::String> h_string(
   1374       hs.NewHandle(shadow_frame->GetVRegReference(arg_offset)->AsString()));
   1375   DCHECK_LE(start, h_string->GetLength());
   1376   DCHECK_LE(start + length, h_string->GetLength());
   1377   Runtime* runtime = Runtime::Current();
   1378   gc::AllocatorType allocator = runtime->GetHeap()->GetCurrentAllocator();
   1379   result->SetL(mirror::String::AllocFromString<true>(self, length, h_string, start, allocator));
   1380 }
   1382 // This allows getting the char array for new style of String objects during compilation.
   1383 void UnstartedRuntime::UnstartedStringToCharArray(
   1384     Thread* self, ShadowFrame* shadow_frame, JValue* result, size_t arg_offset)
   1385     REQUIRES_SHARED(Locks::mutator_lock_) {
   1386   mirror::String* string = shadow_frame->GetVRegReference(arg_offset)->AsString();
   1387   if (string == nullptr) {
   1388     AbortTransactionOrFail(self, "String.charAt with null object");
   1389     return;
   1390   }
   1391   result->SetL(string->ToCharArray(self));
   1392 }
   1394 // This allows statically initializing ConcurrentHashMap and SynchronousQueue.
   1395 void UnstartedRuntime::UnstartedReferenceGetReferent(
   1396     Thread* self, ShadowFrame* shadow_frame, JValue* result, size_t arg_offset) {
   1397   ObjPtr<mirror::Reference> const ref = down_cast<mirror::Reference*>(
   1398       shadow_frame->GetVRegReference(arg_offset));
   1399   if (ref == nullptr) {
   1400     AbortTransactionOrFail(self, "Reference.getReferent() with null object");
   1401     return;
   1402   }
   1403   ObjPtr<mirror::Object> const referent =
   1404       Runtime::Current()->GetHeap()->GetReferenceProcessor()->GetReferent(self, ref);
   1405   result->SetL(referent);
   1406 }
   1408 // This allows statically initializing ConcurrentHashMap and SynchronousQueue. We use a somewhat
   1409 // conservative upper bound. We restrict the callers to SynchronousQueue and ConcurrentHashMap,
   1410 // where we can predict the behavior (somewhat).
   1411 // Note: this is required (instead of lazy initialization) as these classes are used in the static
   1412 //       initialization of other classes, so will *use* the value.
   1413 void UnstartedRuntime::UnstartedRuntimeAvailableProcessors(
   1414     Thread* self, ShadowFrame* shadow_frame, JValue* result, size_t arg_offset ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED) {
   1415   if (CheckCallers(shadow_frame, { "void java.util.concurrent.SynchronousQueue.<clinit>()" })) {
   1416     // SynchronousQueue really only separates between single- and multiprocessor case. Return
   1417     // 8 as a conservative upper approximation.
   1418     result->SetI(8);
   1419   } else if (CheckCallers(shadow_frame,
   1420                           { "void java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap.<clinit>()" })) {
   1421     // ConcurrentHashMap uses it for striding. 8 still seems an OK general value, as it's likely
   1422     // a good upper bound.
   1423     // TODO: Consider resetting in the zygote?
   1424     result->SetI(8);
   1425   } else {
   1426     // Not supported.
   1427     AbortTransactionOrFail(self, "Accessing availableProcessors not allowed");
   1428   }
   1429 }
   1431 // This allows accessing ConcurrentHashMap/SynchronousQueue.
   1433 void UnstartedRuntime::UnstartedUnsafeCompareAndSwapLong(
   1434     Thread* self, ShadowFrame* shadow_frame, JValue* result, size_t arg_offset) {
   1435   // Argument 0 is the Unsafe instance, skip.
   1436   mirror::Object* obj = shadow_frame->GetVRegReference(arg_offset + 1);
   1437   if (obj == nullptr) {
   1438     AbortTransactionOrFail(self, "Cannot access null object, retry at runtime.");
   1439     return;
   1440   }
   1441   int64_t offset = shadow_frame->GetVRegLong(arg_offset + 2);
   1442   int64_t expectedValue = shadow_frame->GetVRegLong(arg_offset + 4);
   1443   int64_t newValue = shadow_frame->GetVRegLong(arg_offset + 6);
   1444   bool success;
   1445   // Check whether we're in a transaction, call accordingly.
   1446   if (Runtime::Current()->IsActiveTransaction()) {
   1447     success = obj->CasFieldStrongSequentiallyConsistent64<true>(MemberOffset(offset),
   1448                                                                 expectedValue,
   1449                                                                 newValue);
   1450   } else {
   1451     success = obj->CasFieldStrongSequentiallyConsistent64<false>(MemberOffset(offset),
   1452                                                                  expectedValue,
   1453                                                                  newValue);
   1454   }
   1455   result->SetZ(success ? 1 : 0);
   1456 }
   1458 void UnstartedRuntime::UnstartedUnsafeCompareAndSwapObject(
   1459     Thread* self, ShadowFrame* shadow_frame, JValue* result, size_t arg_offset) {
   1460   // Argument 0 is the Unsafe instance, skip.
   1461   mirror::Object* obj = shadow_frame->GetVRegReference(arg_offset + 1);
   1462   if (obj == nullptr) {
   1463     AbortTransactionOrFail(self, "Cannot access null object, retry at runtime.");
   1464     return;
   1465   }
   1466   int64_t offset = shadow_frame->GetVRegLong(arg_offset + 2);
   1467   mirror::Object* expected_value = shadow_frame->GetVRegReference(arg_offset + 4);
   1468   mirror::Object* newValue = shadow_frame->GetVRegReference(arg_offset + 5);
   1470   // Must use non transactional mode.
   1471   if (kUseReadBarrier) {
   1472     // Need to make sure the reference stored in the field is a to-space one before attempting the
   1473     // CAS or the CAS could fail incorrectly.
   1474     mirror::HeapReference<mirror::Object>* field_addr =
   1475         reinterpret_cast<mirror::HeapReference<mirror::Object>*>(
   1476             reinterpret_cast<uint8_t*>(obj) + static_cast<size_t>(offset));
   1477     ReadBarrier::Barrier<
   1478         mirror::Object,
   1479         /* kIsVolatile */ false,
   1480         kWithReadBarrier,
   1481         /* kAlwaysUpdateField */ true>(
   1482         obj,
   1483         MemberOffset(offset),
   1484         field_addr);
   1485   }
   1486   bool success;
   1487   // Check whether we're in a transaction, call accordingly.
   1488   if (Runtime::Current()->IsActiveTransaction()) {
   1489     success = obj->CasFieldStrongSequentiallyConsistentObject<true>(MemberOffset(offset),
   1490                                                                     expected_value,
   1491                                                                     newValue);
   1492   } else {
   1493     success = obj->CasFieldStrongSequentiallyConsistentObject<false>(MemberOffset(offset),
   1494                                                                      expected_value,
   1495                                                                      newValue);
   1496   }
   1497   result->SetZ(success ? 1 : 0);
   1498 }
   1500 void UnstartedRuntime::UnstartedUnsafeGetObjectVolatile(
   1501     Thread* self, ShadowFrame* shadow_frame, JValue* result, size_t arg_offset)
   1502     REQUIRES_SHARED(Locks::mutator_lock_) {
   1503   // Argument 0 is the Unsafe instance, skip.
   1504   mirror::Object* obj = shadow_frame->GetVRegReference(arg_offset + 1);
   1505   if (obj == nullptr) {
   1506     AbortTransactionOrFail(self, "Cannot access null object, retry at runtime.");
   1507     return;
   1508   }
   1509   int64_t offset = shadow_frame->GetVRegLong(arg_offset + 2);
   1510   mirror::Object* value = obj->GetFieldObjectVolatile<mirror::Object>(MemberOffset(offset));
   1511   result->SetL(value);
   1512 }
   1514 void UnstartedRuntime::UnstartedUnsafePutObjectVolatile(
   1515     Thread* self, ShadowFrame* shadow_frame, JValue* result ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED, size_t arg_offset)
   1516     REQUIRES_SHARED(Locks::mutator_lock_) {
   1517   // Argument 0 is the Unsafe instance, skip.
   1518   mirror::Object* obj = shadow_frame->GetVRegReference(arg_offset + 1);
   1519   if (obj == nullptr) {
   1520     AbortTransactionOrFail(self, "Cannot access null object, retry at runtime.");
   1521     return;
   1522   }
   1523   int64_t offset = shadow_frame->GetVRegLong(arg_offset + 2);
   1524   mirror::Object* value = shadow_frame->GetVRegReference(arg_offset + 4);
   1525   if (Runtime::Current()->IsActiveTransaction()) {
   1526     obj->SetFieldObjectVolatile<true>(MemberOffset(offset), value);
   1527   } else {
   1528     obj->SetFieldObjectVolatile<false>(MemberOffset(offset), value);
   1529   }
   1530 }
   1532 void UnstartedRuntime::UnstartedUnsafePutOrderedObject(
   1533     Thread* self, ShadowFrame* shadow_frame, JValue* result ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED, size_t arg_offset)
   1534     REQUIRES_SHARED(Locks::mutator_lock_) {
   1535   // Argument 0 is the Unsafe instance, skip.
   1536   mirror::Object* obj = shadow_frame->GetVRegReference(arg_offset + 1);
   1537   if (obj == nullptr) {
   1538     AbortTransactionOrFail(self, "Cannot access null object, retry at runtime.");
   1539     return;
   1540   }
   1541   int64_t offset = shadow_frame->GetVRegLong(arg_offset + 2);
   1542   mirror::Object* newValue = shadow_frame->GetVRegReference(arg_offset + 4);
   1543   QuasiAtomic::ThreadFenceRelease();
   1544   if (Runtime::Current()->IsActiveTransaction()) {
   1545     obj->SetFieldObject<true>(MemberOffset(offset), newValue);
   1546   } else {
   1547     obj->SetFieldObject<false>(MemberOffset(offset), newValue);
   1548   }
   1549 }
   1551 // A cutout for Integer.parseInt(String). Note: this code is conservative and will bail instead
   1552 // of correctly handling the corner cases.
   1553 void UnstartedRuntime::UnstartedIntegerParseInt(
   1554     Thread* self, ShadowFrame* shadow_frame, JValue* result, size_t arg_offset)
   1555     REQUIRES_SHARED(Locks::mutator_lock_) {
   1556   mirror::Object* obj = shadow_frame->GetVRegReference(arg_offset);
   1557   if (obj == nullptr) {
   1558     AbortTransactionOrFail(self, "Cannot parse null string, retry at runtime.");
   1559     return;
   1560   }
   1562   std::string string_value = obj->AsString()->ToModifiedUtf8();
   1563   if (string_value.empty()) {
   1564     AbortTransactionOrFail(self, "Cannot parse empty string, retry at runtime.");
   1565     return;
   1566   }
   1568   const char* c_str = string_value.c_str();
   1569   char *end;
   1570   // Can we set errno to 0? Is this always a variable, and not a macro?
   1571   // Worst case, we'll incorrectly fail a transaction. Seems OK.
   1572   int64_t l = strtol(c_str, &end, 10);
   1574   if ((errno == ERANGE && l == LONG_MAX) || l > std::numeric_limits<int32_t>::max() ||
   1575       (errno == ERANGE && l == LONG_MIN) || l < std::numeric_limits<int32_t>::min()) {
   1576     AbortTransactionOrFail(self, "Cannot parse string %s, retry at runtime.", c_str);
   1577     return;
   1578   }
   1579   if (l == 0) {
   1580     // Check whether the string wasn't exactly zero.
   1581     if (string_value != "0") {
   1582       AbortTransactionOrFail(self, "Cannot parse string %s, retry at runtime.", c_str);
   1583       return;
   1584     }
   1585   } else if (*end != '\0') {
   1586     AbortTransactionOrFail(self, "Cannot parse string %s, retry at runtime.", c_str);
   1587     return;
   1588   }
   1590   result->SetI(static_cast<int32_t>(l));
   1591 }
   1593 // A cutout for Long.parseLong.
   1594 //
   1595 // Note: for now use code equivalent to Integer.parseInt, as the full range may not be supported
   1596 //       well.
   1597 void UnstartedRuntime::UnstartedLongParseLong(
   1598     Thread* self, ShadowFrame* shadow_frame, JValue* result, size_t arg_offset)
   1599     REQUIRES_SHARED(Locks::mutator_lock_) {
   1600   mirror::Object* obj = shadow_frame->GetVRegReference(arg_offset);
   1601   if (obj == nullptr) {
   1602     AbortTransactionOrFail(self, "Cannot parse null string, retry at runtime.");
   1603     return;
   1604   }
   1606   std::string string_value = obj->AsString()->ToModifiedUtf8();
   1607   if (string_value.empty()) {
   1608     AbortTransactionOrFail(self, "Cannot parse empty string, retry at runtime.");
   1609     return;
   1610   }
   1612   const char* c_str = string_value.c_str();
   1613   char *end;
   1614   // Can we set errno to 0? Is this always a variable, and not a macro?
   1615   // Worst case, we'll incorrectly fail a transaction. Seems OK.
   1616   int64_t l = strtol(c_str, &end, 10);
   1618   // Note: comparing against int32_t min/max is intentional here.
   1619   if ((errno == ERANGE && l == LONG_MAX) || l > std::numeric_limits<int32_t>::max() ||
   1620       (errno == ERANGE && l == LONG_MIN) || l < std::numeric_limits<int32_t>::min()) {
   1621     AbortTransactionOrFail(self, "Cannot parse string %s, retry at runtime.", c_str);
   1622     return;
   1623   }
   1624   if (l == 0) {
   1625     // Check whether the string wasn't exactly zero.
   1626     if (string_value != "0") {
   1627       AbortTransactionOrFail(self, "Cannot parse string %s, retry at runtime.", c_str);
   1628       return;
   1629     }
   1630   } else if (*end != '\0') {
   1631     AbortTransactionOrFail(self, "Cannot parse string %s, retry at runtime.", c_str);
   1632     return;
   1633   }
   1635   result->SetJ(l);
   1636 }
   1638 void UnstartedRuntime::UnstartedMethodInvoke(
   1639     Thread* self, ShadowFrame* shadow_frame, JValue* result, size_t arg_offset)
   1640     REQUIRES_SHARED(Locks::mutator_lock_) {
   1641   JNIEnvExt* env = self->GetJniEnv();
   1642   ScopedObjectAccessUnchecked soa(self);
   1644   ObjPtr<mirror::Object> java_method_obj = shadow_frame->GetVRegReference(arg_offset);
   1645   ScopedLocalRef<jobject> java_method(env,
   1646       java_method_obj == nullptr ? nullptr : env->AddLocalReference<jobject>(java_method_obj));
   1648   ObjPtr<mirror::Object> java_receiver_obj = shadow_frame->GetVRegReference(arg_offset + 1);
   1649   ScopedLocalRef<jobject> java_receiver(env,
   1650       java_receiver_obj == nullptr ? nullptr : env->AddLocalReference<jobject>(java_receiver_obj));
   1652   ObjPtr<mirror::Object> java_args_obj = shadow_frame->GetVRegReference(arg_offset + 2);
   1653   ScopedLocalRef<jobject> java_args(env,
   1654       java_args_obj == nullptr ? nullptr : env->AddLocalReference<jobject>(java_args_obj));
   1656   ScopedLocalRef<jobject> result_jobj(env,
   1657       InvokeMethod(soa, java_method.get(), java_receiver.get(), java_args.get()));
   1659   result->SetL(self->DecodeJObject(result_jobj.get()));
   1661   // Conservatively flag all exceptions as transaction aborts. This way we don't need to unwrap
   1662   // InvocationTargetExceptions.
   1663   if (self->IsExceptionPending()) {
   1664     AbortTransactionOrFail(self, "Failed Method.invoke");
   1665   }
   1666 }
   1668 void UnstartedRuntime::UnstartedSystemIdentityHashCode(
   1669     Thread* self ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED, ShadowFrame* shadow_frame, JValue* result, size_t arg_offset)
   1670     REQUIRES_SHARED(Locks::mutator_lock_) {
   1671   mirror::Object* obj = shadow_frame->GetVRegReference(arg_offset);
   1672   result->SetI((obj != nullptr) ? obj->IdentityHashCode() : 0);
   1673 }
   1675 // Checks whether the runtime is s64-bit. This is needed for the clinit of
   1676 // java.lang.invoke.VarHandle clinit. The clinit determines sets of
   1677 // available VarHandle accessors and these differ based on machine
   1678 // word size.
   1679 void UnstartedRuntime::UnstartedJNIVMRuntimeIs64Bit(
   1680     Thread* self ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED, ArtMethod* method ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED,
   1681     mirror::Object* receiver ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED, uint32_t* args ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED, JValue* result) {
   1682   PointerSize pointer_size = Runtime::Current()->GetClassLinker()->GetImagePointerSize();
   1683   jboolean is64bit = (pointer_size == PointerSize::k64) ? JNI_TRUE : JNI_FALSE;
   1684   result->SetZ(is64bit);
   1685 }
   1687 void UnstartedRuntime::UnstartedJNIVMRuntimeNewUnpaddedArray(
   1688     Thread* self, ArtMethod* method ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED, mirror::Object* receiver ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED,
   1689     uint32_t* args, JValue* result) {
   1690   int32_t length = args[1];
   1691   DCHECK_GE(length, 0);
   1692   ObjPtr<mirror::Class> element_class = reinterpret_cast<mirror::Object*>(args[0])->AsClass();
   1693   Runtime* runtime = Runtime::Current();
   1694   ObjPtr<mirror::Class> array_class =
   1695       runtime->GetClassLinker()->FindArrayClass(self, &element_class);
   1696   DCHECK(array_class != nullptr);
   1697   gc::AllocatorType allocator = runtime->GetHeap()->GetCurrentAllocator();
   1698   result->SetL(mirror::Array::Alloc<true, true>(self,
   1699                                                 array_class,
   1700                                                 length,
   1701                                                 array_class->GetComponentSizeShift(),
   1702                                                 allocator));
   1703 }
   1705 void UnstartedRuntime::UnstartedJNIVMStackGetCallingClassLoader(
   1706     Thread* self ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED, ArtMethod* method ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED,
   1707     mirror::Object* receiver ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED, uint32_t* args ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED, JValue* result) {
   1708   result->SetL(nullptr);
   1709 }
   1711 void UnstartedRuntime::UnstartedJNIVMStackGetStackClass2(
   1712     Thread* self, ArtMethod* method ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED, mirror::Object* receiver ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED,
   1713     uint32_t* args ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED, JValue* result) {
   1714   NthCallerVisitor visitor(self, 3);
   1715   visitor.WalkStack();
   1716   if (visitor.caller != nullptr) {
   1717     result->SetL(visitor.caller->GetDeclaringClass());
   1718   }
   1719 }
   1721 void UnstartedRuntime::UnstartedJNIMathLog(
   1722     Thread* self ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED, ArtMethod* method ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED,
   1723     mirror::Object* receiver ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED, uint32_t* args, JValue* result) {
   1724   JValue value;
   1725   value.SetJ((static_cast<uint64_t>(args[1]) << 32) | args[0]);
   1726   result->SetD(log(value.GetD()));
   1727 }
   1729 void UnstartedRuntime::UnstartedJNIMathExp(
   1730     Thread* self ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED, ArtMethod* method ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED,
   1731     mirror::Object* receiver ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED, uint32_t* args, JValue* result) {
   1732   JValue value;
   1733   value.SetJ((static_cast<uint64_t>(args[1]) << 32) | args[0]);
   1734   result->SetD(exp(value.GetD()));
   1735 }
   1737 void UnstartedRuntime::UnstartedJNIAtomicLongVMSupportsCS8(
   1738     Thread* self ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED,
   1739     ArtMethod* method ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED,
   1740     mirror::Object* receiver ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED,
   1741     uint32_t* args ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED,
   1742     JValue* result) {
   1743   result->SetZ(QuasiAtomic::LongAtomicsUseMutexes(Runtime::Current()->GetInstructionSet())
   1744                    ? 0
   1745                    : 1);
   1746 }
   1748 void UnstartedRuntime::UnstartedJNIClassGetNameNative(
   1749     Thread* self, ArtMethod* method ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED, mirror::Object* receiver,
   1750     uint32_t* args ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED, JValue* result) {
   1751   StackHandleScope<1> hs(self);
   1752   result->SetL(mirror::Class::ComputeName(hs.NewHandle(receiver->AsClass())));
   1753 }
   1755 void UnstartedRuntime::UnstartedJNIDoubleLongBitsToDouble(
   1756     Thread* self ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED, ArtMethod* method ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED,
   1757     mirror::Object* receiver ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED, uint32_t* args, JValue* result) {
   1758   uint64_t long_input = args[0] | (static_cast<uint64_t>(args[1]) << 32);
   1759   result->SetD(bit_cast<double>(long_input));
   1760 }
   1762 void UnstartedRuntime::UnstartedJNIFloatFloatToRawIntBits(
   1763     Thread* self ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED, ArtMethod* method ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED,
   1764     mirror::Object* receiver ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED, uint32_t* args, JValue* result) {
   1765   result->SetI(args[0]);
   1766 }
   1768 void UnstartedRuntime::UnstartedJNIFloatIntBitsToFloat(
   1769     Thread* self ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED, ArtMethod* method ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED,
   1770     mirror::Object* receiver ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED, uint32_t* args, JValue* result) {
   1771   result->SetI(args[0]);
   1772 }
   1774 void UnstartedRuntime::UnstartedJNIObjectInternalClone(
   1775     Thread* self, ArtMethod* method ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED, mirror::Object* receiver,
   1776     uint32_t* args ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED, JValue* result) {
   1777   result->SetL(receiver->Clone(self));
   1778 }
   1780 void UnstartedRuntime::UnstartedJNIObjectNotifyAll(
   1781     Thread* self, ArtMethod* method ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED, mirror::Object* receiver,
   1782     uint32_t* args ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED, JValue* result ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED) {
   1783   receiver->NotifyAll(self);
   1784 }
   1786 void UnstartedRuntime::UnstartedJNIStringCompareTo(
   1787     Thread* self, ArtMethod* method ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED, mirror::Object* receiver, uint32_t* args,
   1788     JValue* result) {
   1789   mirror::String* rhs = reinterpret_cast<mirror::Object*>(args[0])->AsString();
   1790   if (rhs == nullptr) {
   1791     AbortTransactionOrFail(self, "String.compareTo with null object");
   1792   }
   1793   result->SetI(receiver->AsString()->CompareTo(rhs));
   1794 }
   1796 void UnstartedRuntime::UnstartedJNIStringIntern(
   1797     Thread* self ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED, ArtMethod* method ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED, mirror::Object* receiver,
   1798     uint32_t* args ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED, JValue* result) {
   1799   result->SetL(receiver->AsString()->Intern());
   1800 }
   1802 void UnstartedRuntime::UnstartedJNIArrayCreateMultiArray(
   1803     Thread* self, ArtMethod* method ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED, mirror::Object* receiver ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED,
   1804     uint32_t* args, JValue* result) {
   1805   StackHandleScope<2> hs(self);
   1806   auto h_class(hs.NewHandle(reinterpret_cast<mirror::Class*>(args[0])->AsClass()));
   1807   auto h_dimensions(hs.NewHandle(reinterpret_cast<mirror::IntArray*>(args[1])->AsIntArray()));
   1808   result->SetL(mirror::Array::CreateMultiArray(self, h_class, h_dimensions));
   1809 }
   1811 void UnstartedRuntime::UnstartedJNIArrayCreateObjectArray(
   1812     Thread* self, ArtMethod* method ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED, mirror::Object* receiver ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED,
   1813     uint32_t* args, JValue* result) {
   1814   int32_t length = static_cast<int32_t>(args[1]);
   1815   if (length < 0) {
   1816     ThrowNegativeArraySizeException(length);
   1817     return;
   1818   }
   1819   ObjPtr<mirror::Class> element_class = reinterpret_cast<mirror::Class*>(args[0])->AsClass();
   1820   Runtime* runtime = Runtime::Current();
   1821   ClassLinker* class_linker = runtime->GetClassLinker();
   1822   ObjPtr<mirror::Class> array_class = class_linker->FindArrayClass(self, &element_class);
   1823   if (UNLIKELY(array_class == nullptr)) {
   1824     CHECK(self->IsExceptionPending());
   1825     return;
   1826   }
   1827   DCHECK(array_class->IsObjectArrayClass());
   1828   mirror::Array* new_array = mirror::ObjectArray<mirror::Object*>::Alloc(
   1829       self, array_class, length, runtime->GetHeap()->GetCurrentAllocator());
   1830   result->SetL(new_array);
   1831 }
   1833 void UnstartedRuntime::UnstartedJNIThrowableNativeFillInStackTrace(
   1834     Thread* self, ArtMethod* method ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED, mirror::Object* receiver ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED,
   1835     uint32_t* args ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED, JValue* result) {
   1836   ScopedObjectAccessUnchecked soa(self);
   1837   if (Runtime::Current()->IsActiveTransaction()) {
   1838     result->SetL(soa.Decode<mirror::Object>(self->CreateInternalStackTrace<true>(soa)));
   1839   } else {
   1840     result->SetL(soa.Decode<mirror::Object>(self->CreateInternalStackTrace<false>(soa)));
   1841   }
   1842 }
   1844 void UnstartedRuntime::UnstartedJNIByteOrderIsLittleEndian(
   1845     Thread* self ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED, ArtMethod* method ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED,
   1846     mirror::Object* receiver ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED, uint32_t* args ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED, JValue* result) {
   1847   result->SetZ(JNI_TRUE);
   1848 }
   1850 void UnstartedRuntime::UnstartedJNIUnsafeCompareAndSwapInt(
   1851     Thread* self ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED, ArtMethod* method ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED,
   1852     mirror::Object* receiver ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED, uint32_t* args, JValue* result) {
   1853   mirror::Object* obj = reinterpret_cast<mirror::Object*>(args[0]);
   1854   jlong offset = (static_cast<uint64_t>(args[2]) << 32) | args[1];
   1855   jint expectedValue = args[3];
   1856   jint newValue = args[4];
   1857   bool success;
   1858   if (Runtime::Current()->IsActiveTransaction()) {
   1859     success = obj->CasFieldStrongSequentiallyConsistent32<true>(MemberOffset(offset),
   1860                                                                 expectedValue, newValue);
   1861   } else {
   1862     success = obj->CasFieldStrongSequentiallyConsistent32<false>(MemberOffset(offset),
   1863                                                                  expectedValue, newValue);
   1864   }
   1865   result->SetZ(success ? JNI_TRUE : JNI_FALSE);
   1866 }
   1868 void UnstartedRuntime::UnstartedJNIUnsafeGetIntVolatile(
   1869     Thread* self, ArtMethod* method ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED, mirror::Object* receiver ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED,
   1870     uint32_t* args, JValue* result) {
   1871   mirror::Object* obj = reinterpret_cast<mirror::Object*>(args[0]);
   1872   if (obj == nullptr) {
   1873     AbortTransactionOrFail(self, "Cannot access null object, retry at runtime.");
   1874     return;
   1875   }
   1877   jlong offset = (static_cast<uint64_t>(args[2]) << 32) | args[1];
   1878   result->SetI(obj->GetField32Volatile(MemberOffset(offset)));
   1879 }
   1881 void UnstartedRuntime::UnstartedJNIUnsafePutObject(
   1882     Thread* self ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED, ArtMethod* method ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED,
   1883     mirror::Object* receiver ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED, uint32_t* args, JValue* result ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED) {
   1884   mirror::Object* obj = reinterpret_cast<mirror::Object*>(args[0]);
   1885   jlong offset = (static_cast<uint64_t>(args[2]) << 32) | args[1];
   1886   mirror::Object* newValue = reinterpret_cast<mirror::Object*>(args[3]);
   1887   if (Runtime::Current()->IsActiveTransaction()) {
   1888     obj->SetFieldObject<true>(MemberOffset(offset), newValue);
   1889   } else {
   1890     obj->SetFieldObject<false>(MemberOffset(offset), newValue);
   1891   }
   1892 }
   1894 void UnstartedRuntime::UnstartedJNIUnsafeGetArrayBaseOffsetForComponentType(
   1895     Thread* self ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED, ArtMethod* method ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED,
   1896     mirror::Object* receiver ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED, uint32_t* args, JValue* result) {
   1897   mirror::Class* component = reinterpret_cast<mirror::Object*>(args[0])->AsClass();
   1898   Primitive::Type primitive_type = component->GetPrimitiveType();
   1899   result->SetI(mirror::Array::DataOffset(Primitive::ComponentSize(primitive_type)).Int32Value());
   1900 }
   1902 void UnstartedRuntime::UnstartedJNIUnsafeGetArrayIndexScaleForComponentType(
   1903     Thread* self ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED, ArtMethod* method ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED,
   1904     mirror::Object* receiver ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED, uint32_t* args, JValue* result) {
   1905   mirror::Class* component = reinterpret_cast<mirror::Object*>(args[0])->AsClass();
   1906   Primitive::Type primitive_type = component->GetPrimitiveType();
   1907   result->SetI(Primitive::ComponentSize(primitive_type));
   1908 }
   1910 typedef void (*InvokeHandler)(Thread* self, ShadowFrame* shadow_frame, JValue* result,
   1911     size_t arg_size);
   1913 typedef void (*JNIHandler)(Thread* self, ArtMethod* method, mirror::Object* receiver,
   1914     uint32_t* args, JValue* result);
   1916 static bool tables_initialized_ = false;
   1917 static std::unordered_map<std::string, InvokeHandler> invoke_handlers_;
   1918 static std::unordered_map<std::string, JNIHandler> jni_handlers_;
   1920 void UnstartedRuntime::InitializeInvokeHandlers() {
   1921 #define UNSTARTED_DIRECT(ShortName, Sig) \
   1922   invoke_handlers_.insert(std::make_pair(Sig, & UnstartedRuntime::Unstarted ## ShortName));
   1923 #include "unstarted_runtime_list.h"
   1927 #undef UNSTARTED_DIRECT
   1928 }
   1930 void UnstartedRuntime::InitializeJNIHandlers() {
   1931 #define UNSTARTED_JNI(ShortName, Sig) \
   1932   jni_handlers_.insert(std::make_pair(Sig, & UnstartedRuntime::UnstartedJNI ## ShortName));
   1933 #include "unstarted_runtime_list.h"
   1937 #undef UNSTARTED_JNI
   1938 }
   1940 void UnstartedRuntime::Initialize() {
   1941   CHECK(!tables_initialized_);
   1943   InitializeInvokeHandlers();
   1944   InitializeJNIHandlers();
   1946   tables_initialized_ = true;
   1947 }
   1949 void UnstartedRuntime::Invoke(Thread* self, const CodeItemDataAccessor& accessor,
   1950                               ShadowFrame* shadow_frame, JValue* result, size_t arg_offset) {
   1951   // In a runtime that's not started we intercept certain methods to avoid complicated dependency
   1952   // problems in core libraries.
   1953   CHECK(tables_initialized_);
   1955   std::string name(ArtMethod::PrettyMethod(shadow_frame->GetMethod()));
   1956   const auto& iter = invoke_handlers_.find(name);
   1957   if (iter != invoke_handlers_.end()) {
   1958     // Clear out the result in case it's not zeroed out.
   1959     result->SetL(0);
   1961     // Push the shadow frame. This is so the failing method can be seen in abort dumps.
   1962     self->PushShadowFrame(shadow_frame);
   1964     (*iter->second)(self, shadow_frame, result, arg_offset);
   1966     self->PopShadowFrame();
   1967   } else {
   1968     // Not special, continue with regular interpreter execution.
   1969     ArtInterpreterToInterpreterBridge(self, accessor, shadow_frame, result);
   1970   }
   1971 }
   1973 // Hand select a number of methods to be run in a not yet started runtime without using JNI.
   1974 void UnstartedRuntime::Jni(Thread* self, ArtMethod* method, mirror::Object* receiver,
   1975                            uint32_t* args, JValue* result) {
   1976   std::string name(ArtMethod::PrettyMethod(method));
   1977   const auto& iter = jni_handlers_.find(name);
   1978   if (iter != jni_handlers_.end()) {
   1979     // Clear out the result in case it's not zeroed out.
   1980     result->SetL(0);
   1981     (*iter->second)(self, method, receiver, args, result);
   1982   } else if (Runtime::Current()->IsActiveTransaction()) {
   1983     AbortTransactionF(self, "Attempt to invoke native method in non-started runtime: %s",
   1984                       name.c_str());
   1985   } else {
   1986     LOG(FATAL) << "Calling native method " << ArtMethod::PrettyMethod(method) << " in an unstarted "
   1987         "non-transactional runtime";
   1988   }
   1989 }
   1991 }  // namespace interpreter
   1992 }  // namespace art