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      1 /*
      2  * Copyright (C) 2017 The Android Open Source Project
      3  *
      4  * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
      5  * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
      6  * You may obtain a copy of the License at
      7  *
      8  *      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
      9  *
     10  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
     11  * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
     12  * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
     13  * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
     14  * limitations under the License.
     15  */
     17 #include "subtype_check_info.h"
     19 #include "gtest/gtest.h"
     20 #include "android-base/logging.h"
     22 namespace art {
     24 constexpr size_t BitString::kBitSizeAtPosition[BitString::kCapacity];
     25 constexpr size_t BitString::kCapacity;
     27 };  // namespace art
     29 using namespace art;  // NOLINT
     31 // These helper functions are only used by the test,
     32 // so they are not in the main BitString class.
     33 std::string Stringify(BitString bit_string) {
     34   std::stringstream ss;
     35   ss << bit_string;
     36   return ss.str();
     37 }
     39 BitStringChar MakeBitStringChar(size_t idx, size_t val) {
     40   return BitStringChar(val, BitString::MaybeGetBitLengthAtPosition(idx));
     41 }
     43 BitStringChar MakeBitStringChar(size_t val) {
     44   return BitStringChar(val, MinimumBitsToStore(val));
     45 }
     47 BitString MakeBitString(std::initializer_list<size_t> values = {}) {
     48   CHECK_GE(BitString::kCapacity, values.size());
     50   BitString bs{};
     52   size_t i = 0;
     53   for (size_t val : values) {
     54     bs.SetAt(i, MakeBitStringChar(i, val));
     55     ++i;
     56   }
     58   return bs;
     59 }
     61 template <typename T>
     62 size_t AsUint(const T& value) {
     63   size_t uint_value = 0;
     64   memcpy(&uint_value, &value, sizeof(value));
     65   return uint_value;
     66 }
     68 // Make max bistring, e.g. BitString[4095,15,2047] for {12,4,11}
     69 template <size_t kCount = BitString::kCapacity>
     70 BitString MakeBitStringMax() {
     71   BitString bs{};
     73   for (size_t i = 0; i < kCount; ++i) {
     74     bs.SetAt(i,
     75              MakeBitStringChar(i, MaxInt<BitStringChar::StorageType>(BitString::kBitSizeAtPosition[i])));
     76   }
     78   return bs;
     79 }
     81 BitString SetBitStringCharAt(BitString bit_string, size_t i, size_t val) {
     82   BitString bs = bit_string;
     83   bs.SetAt(i, MakeBitStringChar(i, val));
     84   return bs;
     85 }
     87 struct SubtypeCheckInfoTest : public ::testing::Test {
     88  protected:
     89   virtual void SetUp() {
     90     android::base::InitLogging(/*argv*/nullptr);
     91   }
     93   virtual void TearDown() {
     94   }
     96   static SubtypeCheckInfo MakeSubtypeCheckInfo(BitString path_to_root = {},
     97                                                BitStringChar next = {},
     98                                                bool overflow = false,
     99                                                size_t depth = 1u) {
    100     // Depth=1 is good default because it will go through all state transitions,
    101     // and its children will also go through all state transitions.
    102     return SubtypeCheckInfo(path_to_root, next, overflow, depth);
    103   }
    105   static SubtypeCheckInfo MakeSubtypeCheckInfoInfused(BitString bs = {},
    106                                                       bool overflow = false,
    107                                                       size_t depth = 1u) {
    108     // Depth=1 is good default because it will go through all state transitions,
    109     // and its children will also go through all state transitions.
    110     SubtypeCheckBits iod;
    111     iod.bitstring_ = bs;
    112     iod.overflow_ = overflow;
    113     return SubtypeCheckInfo::Create(iod, depth);
    114   }
    116   static SubtypeCheckInfo MakeSubtypeCheckInfoUnchecked(BitString bs = {},
    117                                                         bool overflow = false,
    118                                                         size_t depth = 1u) {
    119     // Depth=1 is good default because it will go through all state transitions,
    120     // and its children will also go through all state transitions.
    121     return SubtypeCheckInfo::MakeUnchecked(bs, overflow, depth);
    122   }
    124   static bool HasNext(SubtypeCheckInfo io) {
    125     return io.HasNext();
    126   }
    128   static BitString GetPathToRoot(SubtypeCheckInfo io) {
    129     return io.GetPathToRoot();
    130   }
    132   // Create an SubtypeCheckInfo with the same depth, but with everything else reset.
    133   // Returns: SubtypeCheckInfo in the Uninitialized state.
    134   static SubtypeCheckInfo CopyCleared(SubtypeCheckInfo sc) {
    135     SubtypeCheckInfo cleared_copy{};
    136     cleared_copy.depth_ = sc.depth_;
    137     DCHECK_EQ(SubtypeCheckInfo::kUninitialized, cleared_copy.GetState());
    138     return cleared_copy;
    139   }
    140 };
    142 const char* GetExpectedMessageForDeathTest(const char* msg) {
    143 #ifdef ART_TARGET_ANDROID
    144   // On Android, dcheck failure messages go to logcat,
    145   // which gtest death tests does not check, and thus the tests would fail with
    146   // "unexpected message ''"
    147   UNUSED(msg);
    148   return "";  // Still ensures there was a bad return code, but match anything.
    149 #else
    150   return msg;
    151 #endif
    152 }
    154 TEST_F(SubtypeCheckInfoTest, IllegalValues) {
    155   // This test relies on BitString being at least 3 large.
    156   // It will need to be updated otherwise.
    157   ASSERT_LE(3u, BitString::kCapacity);
    159   // Illegal values during construction would cause a Dcheck failure and crash.
    160   ASSERT_DEATH(MakeSubtypeCheckInfo(MakeBitString({1u}),
    161                                     /*next*/MakeBitStringChar(0),
    162                                     /*overflow*/false,
    163                                     /*depth*/0u),
    164                GetExpectedMessageForDeathTest("Path was too long for the depth"));
    165   ASSERT_DEATH(MakeSubtypeCheckInfoInfused(MakeBitString({1u, 1u}),
    166                                            /*overflow*/false,
    167                                            /*depth*/0u),
    168                GetExpectedMessageForDeathTest("Bitstring too long for depth"));
    169   ASSERT_DEATH(MakeSubtypeCheckInfo(MakeBitString({1u}),
    170                                     /*next*/MakeBitStringChar(0),
    171                                     /*overflow*/false,
    172                                     /*depth*/1u),
    173                GetExpectedMessageForDeathTest("Expected \\(Assigned\\|Initialized\\) "
    174                                               "state to have >0 Next value"));
    175   ASSERT_DEATH(MakeSubtypeCheckInfoInfused(MakeBitString({0u, 2u, 1u}),
    176                                            /*overflow*/false,
    177                                            /*depth*/2u),
    178                GetExpectedMessageForDeathTest("Path to root had non-0s following 0s"));
    179   ASSERT_DEATH(MakeSubtypeCheckInfo(MakeBitString({0u, 2u}),
    180                                     /*next*/MakeBitStringChar(1u),
    181                                     /*overflow*/false,
    182                                     /*depth*/2u),
    183                GetExpectedMessageForDeathTest("Path to root had non-0s following 0s"));
    184   ASSERT_DEATH(MakeSubtypeCheckInfo(MakeBitString({0u, 1u, 1u}),
    185                                     /*next*/MakeBitStringChar(0),
    186                                     /*overflow*/false,
    187                                     /*depth*/3u),
    188                GetExpectedMessageForDeathTest("Path to root had non-0s following 0s"));
    190   // These are really slow (~1sec per death test on host),
    191   // keep them down to a minimum.
    192 }
    194 TEST_F(SubtypeCheckInfoTest, States) {
    195   EXPECT_EQ(SubtypeCheckInfo::kUninitialized, MakeSubtypeCheckInfo().GetState());
    196   EXPECT_EQ(SubtypeCheckInfo::kInitialized,
    197             MakeSubtypeCheckInfo(/*path*/{}, /*next*/MakeBitStringChar(1)).GetState());
    198   EXPECT_EQ(SubtypeCheckInfo::kOverflowed,
    199             MakeSubtypeCheckInfo(/*path*/{},
    200                                  /*next*/MakeBitStringChar(1),
    201                                  /*overflow*/true,
    202                                  /*depth*/1u).GetState());
    203   EXPECT_EQ(SubtypeCheckInfo::kAssigned,
    204             MakeSubtypeCheckInfo(/*path*/MakeBitString({1u}),
    205                                  /*next*/MakeBitStringChar(1),
    206                                  /*overflow*/false,
    207                                  /*depth*/1u).GetState());
    209   // Test edge conditions: depth == BitString::kCapacity (No Next value).
    210   EXPECT_EQ(SubtypeCheckInfo::kAssigned,
    211             MakeSubtypeCheckInfo(/*path*/MakeBitStringMax(),
    212                                  /*next*/MakeBitStringChar(0),
    213                                  /*overflow*/false,
    214                                  /*depth*/BitString::kCapacity).GetState());
    215   EXPECT_EQ(SubtypeCheckInfo::kInitialized,
    216             MakeSubtypeCheckInfo(/*path*/MakeBitStringMax<BitString::kCapacity - 1u>(),
    217                                  /*next*/MakeBitStringChar(0),
    218                                  /*overflow*/false,
    219                                  /*depth*/BitString::kCapacity).GetState());
    220   // Test edge conditions: depth > BitString::kCapacity (Must overflow).
    221   EXPECT_EQ(SubtypeCheckInfo::kOverflowed,
    222             MakeSubtypeCheckInfo(/*path*/MakeBitStringMax(),
    223                                  /*next*/MakeBitStringChar(0),
    224                                  /*overflow*/true,
    225                                  /*depth*/BitString::kCapacity + 1u).GetState());
    226 }
    228 TEST_F(SubtypeCheckInfoTest, NextValue) {
    229   // Validate "Next" is correctly aliased as the Bitstring[Depth] character.
    230   EXPECT_EQ(MakeBitStringChar(1u), MakeSubtypeCheckInfoUnchecked(MakeBitString({1u, 2u, 3u}),
    231                                                            /*overflow*/false,
    232                                                            /*depth*/0u).GetNext());
    233   EXPECT_EQ(MakeBitStringChar(2u), MakeSubtypeCheckInfoUnchecked(MakeBitString({1u, 2u, 3u}),
    234                                                            /*overflow*/false,
    235                                                            /*depth*/1u).GetNext());
    236   EXPECT_EQ(MakeBitStringChar(3u), MakeSubtypeCheckInfoUnchecked(MakeBitString({1u, 2u, 3u}),
    237                                                            /*overflow*/false,
    238                                                            /*depth*/2u).GetNext());
    239   EXPECT_EQ(MakeBitStringChar(1u), MakeSubtypeCheckInfoUnchecked(MakeBitString({0u, 2u, 1u}),
    240                                                            /*overflow*/false,
    241                                                            /*depth*/2u).GetNext());
    242   // Test edge conditions: depth == BitString::kCapacity (No Next value).
    243   EXPECT_FALSE(HasNext(MakeSubtypeCheckInfoUnchecked(MakeBitStringMax<BitString::kCapacity>(),
    244                                                      /*overflow*/false,
    245                                                      /*depth*/BitString::kCapacity)));
    246   // Anything with depth >= BitString::kCapacity has no next value.
    247   EXPECT_FALSE(HasNext(MakeSubtypeCheckInfoUnchecked(MakeBitStringMax<BitString::kCapacity>(),
    248                                                      /*overflow*/false,
    249                                                      /*depth*/BitString::kCapacity + 1u)));
    250   EXPECT_FALSE(HasNext(MakeSubtypeCheckInfoUnchecked(MakeBitStringMax(),
    251                                                      /*overflow*/false,
    252                                                      /*depth*/std::numeric_limits<size_t>::max())));
    253 }
    255 template <size_t kPos = BitString::kCapacity>
    256 size_t LenForPos() { return BitString::GetBitLengthTotalAtPosition(kPos); }
    258 TEST_F(SubtypeCheckInfoTest, EncodedPathToRoot) {
    259   using StorageType = BitString::StorageType;
    261   SubtypeCheckInfo sci =
    262       MakeSubtypeCheckInfo(/*path_to_root*/MakeBitStringMax(),
    263                            /*next*/BitStringChar{},
    264                            /*overflow*/false,
    265                            /*depth*/BitString::kCapacity);
    266   // 0b000...111 where LSB == 1, and trailing 1s = the maximum bitstring representation.
    267   EXPECT_EQ(MaxInt<StorageType>(LenForPos()), sci.GetEncodedPathToRoot());
    269   // The rest of this test is written assuming kCapacity == 3 for convenience.
    270   // Please update the test if this changes.
    271   ASSERT_EQ(3u, BitString::kCapacity);
    272   ASSERT_EQ(12u, BitString::kBitSizeAtPosition[0]);
    273   ASSERT_EQ(4u, BitString::kBitSizeAtPosition[1]);
    274   ASSERT_EQ(11u, BitString::kBitSizeAtPosition[2]);
    276   SubtypeCheckInfo sci2 =
    277       MakeSubtypeCheckInfoUnchecked(MakeBitStringMax<2u>(),
    278                                    /*overflow*/false,
    279                                    /*depth*/BitString::kCapacity);
    281 #define MAKE_ENCODED_PATH(pos0, pos1, pos2) \
    282     (((pos0) << 0) | \
    283      ((pos1) << BitString::kBitSizeAtPosition[0]) | \
    284      ((pos2) << (BitString::kBitSizeAtPosition[0] + BitString::kBitSizeAtPosition[1])))
    286   EXPECT_EQ(MAKE_ENCODED_PATH(MaxInt<BitString::StorageType>(12), 0b1111, 0b0),
    287             sci2.GetEncodedPathToRoot());
    288   EXPECT_EQ(MAKE_ENCODED_PATH(MaxInt<BitString::StorageType>(12), 0b1111, 0b11111111111),
    289             sci2.GetEncodedPathToRootMask());
    291   SubtypeCheckInfo sci3 =
    292       MakeSubtypeCheckInfoUnchecked(MakeBitStringMax<2u>(),
    293                                    /*overflow*/false,
    294                                    /*depth*/BitString::kCapacity - 1u);
    296   EXPECT_EQ(MAKE_ENCODED_PATH(MaxInt<BitString::StorageType>(12), 0b1111, 0b0),
    297             sci3.GetEncodedPathToRoot());
    298   EXPECT_EQ(MAKE_ENCODED_PATH(MaxInt<BitString::StorageType>(12), 0b1111, 0b0),
    299             sci3.GetEncodedPathToRootMask());
    301   SubtypeCheckInfo sci4 =
    302       MakeSubtypeCheckInfoUnchecked(MakeBitString({0b1010101u}),
    303                                    /*overflow*/false,
    304                                    /*depth*/BitString::kCapacity - 2u);
    306   EXPECT_EQ(MAKE_ENCODED_PATH(0b1010101u, 0b0000, 0b0), sci4.GetEncodedPathToRoot());
    307   EXPECT_EQ(MAKE_ENCODED_PATH(MaxInt<BitString::StorageType>(12), 0b0000, 0b0),
    308             sci4.GetEncodedPathToRootMask());
    309 }
    311 TEST_F(SubtypeCheckInfoTest, NewForRoot) {
    312   SubtypeCheckInfo sci = SubtypeCheckInfo::CreateRoot();
    313   EXPECT_EQ(SubtypeCheckInfo::kAssigned, sci.GetState());  // Root is always assigned.
    314   EXPECT_EQ(0u, GetPathToRoot(sci).Length());  // Root's path length is 0.
    315   EXPECT_TRUE(HasNext(sci));  // Root always has a "Next".
    316   EXPECT_EQ(MakeBitStringChar(1u), sci.GetNext());  // Next>=1 to disambiguate from Uninitialized.
    317 }
    319 TEST_F(SubtypeCheckInfoTest, CopyCleared) {
    320   SubtypeCheckInfo root = SubtypeCheckInfo::CreateRoot();
    321   EXPECT_EQ(MakeBitStringChar(1u), root.GetNext());
    323   SubtypeCheckInfo childC = root.CreateChild(/*assign*/true);
    324   EXPECT_EQ(SubtypeCheckInfo::kAssigned, childC.GetState());
    325   EXPECT_EQ(MakeBitStringChar(2u), root.GetNext());  // Next incremented for Assign.
    326   EXPECT_EQ(MakeBitString({1u}), GetPathToRoot(childC));
    328   SubtypeCheckInfo cleared_copy = CopyCleared(childC);
    329   EXPECT_EQ(SubtypeCheckInfo::kUninitialized, cleared_copy.GetState());
    330   EXPECT_EQ(MakeBitString({}), GetPathToRoot(cleared_copy));
    332   // CopyCleared is just a thin wrapper around value-init and providing the depth.
    333   SubtypeCheckInfo cleared_copy_value =
    334       SubtypeCheckInfo::Create(SubtypeCheckBits{}, /*depth*/1u);
    335   EXPECT_EQ(SubtypeCheckInfo::kUninitialized, cleared_copy_value.GetState());
    336   EXPECT_EQ(MakeBitString({}), GetPathToRoot(cleared_copy_value));
    337 }
    339 TEST_F(SubtypeCheckInfoTest, NewForChild2) {
    340   SubtypeCheckInfo root = SubtypeCheckInfo::CreateRoot();
    341   EXPECT_EQ(MakeBitStringChar(1u), root.GetNext());
    343   SubtypeCheckInfo childC = root.CreateChild(/*assign*/true);
    344   EXPECT_EQ(SubtypeCheckInfo::kAssigned, childC.GetState());
    345   EXPECT_EQ(MakeBitStringChar(2u), root.GetNext());  // Next incremented for Assign.
    346   EXPECT_EQ(MakeBitString({1u}), GetPathToRoot(childC));
    347 }
    349 TEST_F(SubtypeCheckInfoTest, NewForChild) {
    350   SubtypeCheckInfo root = SubtypeCheckInfo::CreateRoot();
    351   EXPECT_EQ(MakeBitStringChar(1u), root.GetNext());
    353   SubtypeCheckInfo childA = root.CreateChild(/*assign*/false);
    354   EXPECT_EQ(SubtypeCheckInfo::kInitialized, childA.GetState());
    355   EXPECT_EQ(MakeBitStringChar(1u), root.GetNext());  // Next unchanged for Initialize.
    356   EXPECT_EQ(MakeBitString({}), GetPathToRoot(childA));
    358   SubtypeCheckInfo childB = root.CreateChild(/*assign*/false);
    359   EXPECT_EQ(SubtypeCheckInfo::kInitialized, childB.GetState());
    360   EXPECT_EQ(MakeBitStringChar(1u), root.GetNext());  // Next unchanged for Initialize.
    361   EXPECT_EQ(MakeBitString({}), GetPathToRoot(childB));
    363   SubtypeCheckInfo childC = root.CreateChild(/*assign*/true);
    364   EXPECT_EQ(SubtypeCheckInfo::kAssigned, childC.GetState());
    365   EXPECT_EQ(MakeBitStringChar(2u), root.GetNext());  // Next incremented for Assign.
    366   EXPECT_EQ(MakeBitString({1u}), GetPathToRoot(childC));
    368   {
    369     size_t cur_depth = 1u;
    370     SubtypeCheckInfo latest_child = childC;
    371     while (cur_depth != BitString::kCapacity) {
    372       latest_child = latest_child.CreateChild(/*assign*/true);
    373       ASSERT_EQ(SubtypeCheckInfo::kAssigned, latest_child.GetState());
    374       ASSERT_EQ(cur_depth + 1u, GetPathToRoot(latest_child).Length());
    375       cur_depth++;
    376     }
    378     // Future assignments will result in a too-deep overflow.
    379     SubtypeCheckInfo child_of_deep = latest_child.CreateChild(/*assign*/true);
    380     EXPECT_EQ(SubtypeCheckInfo::kOverflowed, child_of_deep.GetState());
    381     EXPECT_EQ(GetPathToRoot(latest_child), GetPathToRoot(child_of_deep));
    383     // Assignment of too-deep overflow also causes overflow.
    384     SubtypeCheckInfo child_of_deep_2 = child_of_deep.CreateChild(/*assign*/true);
    385     EXPECT_EQ(SubtypeCheckInfo::kOverflowed, child_of_deep_2.GetState());
    386     EXPECT_EQ(GetPathToRoot(child_of_deep), GetPathToRoot(child_of_deep_2));
    387   }
    389   {
    390     size_t cur_next = 2u;
    391     while (true) {
    392       if (cur_next == MaxInt<BitString::StorageType>(BitString::kBitSizeAtPosition[0u])) {
    393         break;
    394       }
    396       SubtypeCheckInfo child = root.CreateChild(/*assign*/true);
    397       ASSERT_EQ(SubtypeCheckInfo::kAssigned, child.GetState());
    398       ASSERT_EQ(MakeBitStringChar(cur_next+1u), root.GetNext());
    399       ASSERT_EQ(MakeBitString({cur_next}), GetPathToRoot(child));
    401       cur_next++;
    402     }
    403     // Now the root will be in a state that further assigns will be too-wide overflow.
    405     // Initialization still succeeds.
    406     SubtypeCheckInfo child = root.CreateChild(/*assign*/false);
    407     EXPECT_EQ(SubtypeCheckInfo::kInitialized, child.GetState());
    408     EXPECT_EQ(MakeBitStringChar(cur_next), root.GetNext());
    409     EXPECT_EQ(MakeBitString({}), GetPathToRoot(child));
    411     // Assignment goes to too-wide Overflow.
    412     SubtypeCheckInfo child_of = root.CreateChild(/*assign*/true);
    413     EXPECT_EQ(SubtypeCheckInfo::kOverflowed, child_of.GetState());
    414     EXPECT_EQ(MakeBitStringChar(cur_next), root.GetNext());
    415     EXPECT_EQ(MakeBitString({}), GetPathToRoot(child_of));
    417     // Assignment of overflowed child still succeeds.
    418     // The path to root is the same.
    419     SubtypeCheckInfo child_of2 = child_of.CreateChild(/*assign*/true);
    420     EXPECT_EQ(SubtypeCheckInfo::kOverflowed, child_of2.GetState());
    421     EXPECT_EQ(GetPathToRoot(child_of), GetPathToRoot(child_of2));
    422   }
    423 }