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      1 #!/usr/bin/python3
      2 #
      3 # Copyright (C) 2015 The Android Open Source Project
      4 #
      5 # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
      6 # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
      7 # You may obtain a copy of the License at
      8 #
      9 #     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
     10 #
     11 # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
     12 # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
     13 # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
     14 # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
     15 # limitations under the License.
     17 """
     18 Generate java test files for test 964.
     19 """
     21 import os
     22 import sys
     23 from pathlib import Path
     25 BUILD_TOP = os.getenv("ANDROID_BUILD_TOP")
     26 if BUILD_TOP is None:
     27   print("ANDROID_BUILD_TOP not set. Please run build/envsetup.sh", file=sys.stderr)
     28   sys.exit(1)
     30 # Allow us to import utils and mixins.
     31 sys.path.append(str(Path(BUILD_TOP)/"art"/"test"/"utils"/"python"))
     33 from testgen.utils import get_copyright, subtree_sizes, gensym, filter_blanks
     34 import testgen.mixins as mixins
     36 from functools import total_ordering
     37 import itertools
     38 import string
     40 # The max depth the tree can have.
     41 MAX_IFACE_DEPTH = 3
     43 class MainClass(mixins.DumpMixin, mixins.Named, mixins.JavaFileMixin):
     44   """
     45   A Main.java file containing the Main class and the main function. It will run
     46   all the test functions we have.
     47   """
     49   MAIN_CLASS_TEMPLATE = """{copyright}
     50 class Main {{
     51 {test_groups}
     52 {main_func}
     53 }}
     54 """
     57   public static void main(String[] args) {{
     58     {test_group_invoke}
     59   }}
     60 """
     63     {test_name}();
     64 """
     66   def __init__(self):
     67     """
     68     Initialize this MainClass. We start out with no tests.
     69     """
     70     self.tests = set()
     72   def add_test(self, ty):
     73     """
     74     Add a test for the concrete type 'ty'
     75     """
     76     self.tests.add(Func(ty))
     78   def get_expected(self):
     79     """
     80     Get the expected output of this test.
     81     """
     82     all_tests = sorted(self.tests)
     83     return filter_blanks("\n".join(a.get_expected() for a in all_tests))
     85   def get_name(self):
     86     """
     87     Gets the name of this class
     88     """
     89     return "Main"
     91   def __str__(self):
     92     """
     93     Print the java code for this test.
     94     """
     95     all_tests = sorted(self.tests)
     96     test_invoke = ""
     97     test_groups = ""
     98     for t in all_tests:
     99       test_groups += str(t)
    100     for t in all_tests:
    101       test_invoke += self.TEST_GROUP_INVOKE_TEMPLATE.format(test_name=t.get_name())
    102     main_func = self.MAIN_FUNCTION_TEMPLATE.format(test_group_invoke=test_invoke)
    104     return self.MAIN_CLASS_TEMPLATE.format(copyright = get_copyright('java'),
    105                                            test_groups = test_groups,
    106                                            main_func = main_func)
    108 class Func(mixins.Named, mixins.NameComparableMixin):
    109   """
    110   A function that tests the functionality of a concrete type. Should only be
    111   constructed by MainClass.add_test.
    112   """
    115   public static void {fname}() {{
    116     try {{
    117       System.out.println("About to initialize {tree}");
    118       {farg} v = new {farg}();
    119       System.out.println("Initialized {tree}");
    120       v.touchAll();
    121       System.out.println("All of {tree} hierarchy initialized");
    122       return;
    123     }} catch (Error e) {{
    124       e.printStackTrace(System.out);
    125       return;
    126     }}
    127   }}
    128 """
    130   OUTPUT_FORMAT = """
    131 About to initialize {tree}
    132 {initialize_output}
    133 Initialized {tree}
    134 {touch_output}
    135 All of {tree} hierarchy initialized
    136 """.strip()
    138   def __init__(self, farg):
    139     """
    140     Initialize a test function for the given argument
    141     """
    142     self.farg = farg
    144   def __str__(self):
    145     """
    146     Print the java code for this test function.
    147     """
    148     return self.TEST_FUNCTION_TEMPLATE.format(fname=self.get_name(),
    149                                               farg=self.farg.get_name(),
    150                                               tree = self.farg.get_tree())
    152   def get_name(self):
    153     """
    154     Gets the name of this test function
    155     """
    156     return "TEST_FUNC_{}".format(self.farg.get_name())
    158   def get_expected(self):
    159     """
    160     Get the expected output of this function.
    161     """
    162     return self.OUTPUT_FORMAT.format(
    163         tree = self.farg.get_tree(),
    164         initialize_output = self.farg.get_initialize_output().strip(),
    165         touch_output = self.farg.get_touch_output().strip())
    167 class TestClass(mixins.DumpMixin, mixins.Named, mixins.NameComparableMixin, mixins.JavaFileMixin):
    168   """
    169   A class that will be instantiated to test interface initialization order.
    170   """
    172   TEST_CLASS_TEMPLATE = """{copyright}
    173 public class {class_name} implements {ifaces} {{
    174   public void marker() {{
    175     return;
    176   }}
    178   public void touchAll() {{
    179 {touch_calls}
    180   }}
    181 }}
    182 """
    184   TOUCH_CALL_TEMPLATE = """
    185     System.out.println("{class_name} touching {iface_name}");
    186     {iface_name}.field.touch();
    187 """
    190 {class_name} touching {iface_name}
    191 {touch_output}
    192 """.strip()
    194   def __init__(self, ifaces):
    195     """
    196     Initialize this test class which implements the given interfaces
    197     """
    198     self.ifaces = ifaces
    199     self.class_name = "CLASS_"+gensym()
    201   def get_name(self):
    202     """
    203     Gets the name of this interface
    204     """
    205     return self.class_name
    207   def get_tree(self):
    208     """
    209     Print out a representation of the type tree of this class
    210     """
    211     return "[{fname} {iftree}]".format(fname = self.get_name(), iftree = print_tree(self.ifaces))
    213   def get_initialize_output(self):
    214     return "\n".join(map(lambda i: i.get_initialize_output().strip(), dump_tree(self.ifaces)))
    216   def get_touch_output(self):
    217     return "\n".join(map(lambda a: self.TOUCH_OUTPUT_TEMPLATE.format(
    218                                       class_name = self.class_name,
    219                                       iface_name = a.get_name(),
    220                                       touch_output = a.get_touch_output()).strip(),
    221                          self.get_all_interfaces()))
    223   def get_all_interfaces(self):
    224     """
    225     Returns a set of all interfaces this class transitively implements
    226     """
    227     return sorted(set(dump_tree(self.ifaces)))
    229   def __str__(self):
    230     """
    231     Print the java code for this class.
    232     """
    233     j_ifaces = ', '.join(map(lambda a: a.get_name(), self.ifaces))
    234     touches  = '\n'.join(map(lambda a: self.TOUCH_CALL_TEMPLATE.format(class_name = self.class_name,
    235                                                                        iface_name = a.get_name()),
    236                              self.get_all_interfaces()))
    237     return self.TEST_CLASS_TEMPLATE.format(copyright = get_copyright('java'),
    238                                            ifaces = j_ifaces,
    239                                            class_name = self.class_name,
    240                                            touch_calls = touches)
    242 class TestInterface(mixins.DumpMixin, mixins.Named, mixins.NameComparableMixin, mixins.JavaFileMixin):
    243   """
    244   An interface that will be used to test default method resolution order.
    245   """
    247   TEST_INTERFACE_TEMPLATE = """{copyright}
    248 public interface {class_name} {extends} {ifaces} {{
    249   public static final Displayer field = new Displayer("{tree}");
    250   public void marker();
    251 {funcs}
    252 }}
    253 """
    256   public default void {class_name}_DEFAULT_FUNC() {{ return; }}
    257 """
    259   OUTPUT_TEMPLATE = "initialization of {tree}"
    261   def __init__(self, ifaces, default):
    262     """
    263     Initialize interface with the given super-interfaces
    264     """
    265     self.ifaces = ifaces
    266     self.default = default
    267     end = "_DEFAULT" if default else ""
    268     self.class_name = "INTERFACE_"+gensym()+end
    269     self.cloned = False
    270     self.initialized = False
    272   def clone(self):
    273     """
    274     Clones this interface, returning a new one with the same structure but
    275     different name.
    276     """
    277     return TestInterface(tuple(map(lambda a: a.clone(), self.ifaces)), self.default)
    279   def get_name(self):
    280     """
    281     Gets the name of this interface
    282     """
    283     return self.class_name
    285   def __iter__(self):
    286     """
    287     Performs depth-first traversal of the interface tree this interface is the
    288     root of. Does not filter out repeats.
    289     """
    290     for i in self.ifaces:
    291       yield i
    292       yield from i
    294   def get_tree(self):
    295     """
    296     Print out a representation of the type tree of this class
    297     """
    298     return "[{class_name} {iftree}]".format(class_name = self.get_name(),
    299                                             iftree = print_tree(self.ifaces))
    301   def get_initialize_output(self):
    302     """
    303     Returns the expected output upon the class that implements this interface being initialized.
    304     """
    305     if self.default and not self.initialized:
    306       self.initialized = True
    307       return self.OUTPUT_TEMPLATE.format(tree = self.get_tree())
    308     else:
    309       return ""
    311   def get_touch_output(self):
    312     """
    313     Returns the expected output upon this interface being touched.
    314     """
    315     if not self.default and not self.initialized:
    316       self.initialized = True
    317       return self.OUTPUT_TEMPLATE.format(tree = self.get_tree())
    318     else:
    319       return ""
    321   def __str__(self):
    322     """
    323     Print the java code for this interface.
    324     """
    325     j_ifaces = ', '.join(map(lambda a: a.get_name(), self.ifaces))
    326     if self.default:
    327       funcs = self.DEFAULT_FUNC_TEMPLATE.format(class_name = self.class_name)
    328     else:
    329       funcs = ""
    330     return self.TEST_INTERFACE_TEMPLATE.format(copyright = get_copyright('java'),
    331                                                extends = "extends" if len(self.ifaces) else "",
    332                                                ifaces = j_ifaces,
    333                                                funcs = funcs,
    334                                                tree = self.get_tree(),
    335                                                class_name = self.class_name)
    337 def dump_tree(ifaces):
    338   """
    339   Yields all the interfaces transitively implemented by the set in
    340   reverse-depth-first order
    341   """
    342   for i in ifaces:
    343     yield from dump_tree(i.ifaces)
    344     yield i
    346 def print_tree(ifaces):
    347   """
    348   Prints the tree for the given ifaces.
    349   """
    350   return " ".join(i.get_tree() for i in  ifaces)
    352 def clone_all(l):
    353   return tuple(a.clone() for a in l)
    355 # Cached output of subtree_sizes for speed of access.
    356 SUBTREES = [set(tuple(l) for l in subtree_sizes(i))
    357             for i in range(MAX_IFACE_DEPTH + 1)]
    359 def create_test_classes():
    360   """
    361   Yield all the test classes with the different interface trees
    362   """
    363   for num in range(1, MAX_IFACE_DEPTH + 1):
    364     for split in SUBTREES[num]:
    365       ifaces = []
    366       for sub in split:
    367         ifaces.append(list(create_interface_trees(sub)))
    368       for supers in itertools.product(*ifaces):
    369         yield TestClass(clone_all(supers))
    370         for i in range(len(set(dump_tree(supers)) - set(supers))):
    371           ns = clone_all(supers)
    372           selected = sorted(set(dump_tree(ns)) - set(ns))[i]
    373           yield TestClass(tuple([selected] + list(ns)))
    375 def create_interface_trees(num):
    376   """
    377   Yield all the interface trees up to 'num' depth.
    378   """
    379   if num == 0:
    380     yield TestInterface(tuple(), False)
    381     yield TestInterface(tuple(), True)
    382     return
    383   for split in SUBTREES[num]:
    384     ifaces = []
    385     for sub in split:
    386       ifaces.append(list(create_interface_trees(sub)))
    387     for supers in itertools.product(*ifaces):
    388       yield TestInterface(clone_all(supers), False)
    389       yield TestInterface(clone_all(supers), True)
    390       # TODO Should add on some from higher up the tree.
    392 def create_all_test_files():
    393   """
    394   Creates all the objects representing the files in this test. They just need to
    395   be dumped.
    396   """
    397   mc = MainClass()
    398   classes = {mc}
    399   for clazz in create_test_classes():
    400     classes.add(clazz)
    401     for i in dump_tree(clazz.ifaces):
    402       classes.add(i)
    403     mc.add_test(clazz)
    404   return mc, classes
    406 def main(argv):
    407   java_dir = Path(argv[1])
    408   if not java_dir.exists() or not java_dir.is_dir():
    409     print("{} is not a valid java dir".format(java_dir), file=sys.stderr)
    410     sys.exit(1)
    411   expected_txt = Path(argv[2])
    412   mainclass, all_files = create_all_test_files()
    413   with expected_txt.open('w') as out:
    414     print(mainclass.get_expected(), file=out)
    415   for f in all_files:
    416     f.dump(java_dir)
    418 if __name__ == '__main__':
    419   main(sys.argv)