1 #!/bin/bash 2 # 3 # Copyright (C) 2008 The Android Open Source Project 4 # 5 # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); 6 # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. 7 # You may obtain a copy of the License at 8 # 9 # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 10 # 11 # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software 12 # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, 13 # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. 14 # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and 15 # limitations under the License. 16 17 # Stop if something fails. 18 set -e 19 20 if [[ $# -le 0 ]]; then 21 echo 'Error:' '$0 should have the parameters from the "build" script forwarded to it' >&2 22 echo 'Error: An example of how do it correctly is ./default-build "$@"' 23 exit 1 24 fi 25 26 # Set default values for directories. 27 if [ -d smali ]; then 28 HAS_SMALI=true 29 else 30 HAS_SMALI=false 31 fi 32 33 # .j files in jasmin get compiled into classes.jar 34 if [ -d jasmin ]; then 35 HAS_JASMIN=true 36 else 37 HAS_JASMIN=false 38 fi 39 40 if [ -d src ]; then 41 HAS_SRC=true 42 else 43 HAS_SRC=false 44 fi 45 46 # .java files in src-art get compiled with libcore on the bootclasspath 47 if [ -d src-art ]; then 48 HAS_SRC_ART=true 49 else 50 HAS_SRC_ART=false 51 fi 52 53 if [ -d src2 ]; then 54 HAS_SRC2=true 55 else 56 HAS_SRC2=false 57 fi 58 59 if [ -d src-multidex ]; then 60 HAS_SRC_MULTIDEX=true 61 else 62 HAS_SRC_MULTIDEX=false 63 fi 64 65 if [ -d smali-multidex ]; then 66 HAS_SMALI_MULTIDEX=true 67 else 68 HAS_SMALI_MULTIDEX=false 69 fi 70 71 # .j files in jasmin-multidex get compiled into classes2.jar 72 if [ -d jasmin-multidex ]; then 73 HAS_JASMIN_MULTIDEX=true 74 else 75 HAS_JASMIN_MULTIDEX=false 76 fi 77 78 if [ -d src-ex ]; then 79 HAS_SRC_EX=true 80 else 81 HAS_SRC_EX=false 82 fi 83 84 if [ -d src-dex2oat-unresolved ]; then 85 HAS_SRC_DEX2OAT_UNRESOLVED=true 86 else 87 HAS_SRC_DEX2OAT_UNRESOLVED=false 88 fi 89 90 if [ -f api-light-greylist.txt -o -f api-dark-greylist.txt -o -f api-blacklist.txt ]; then 91 HAS_HIDDENAPI_SPEC=true 92 else 93 HAS_HIDDENAPI_SPEC=false 94 fi 95 96 # USE_HIDDENAPI=false run-test... will disable hiddenapi. 97 if [ -z "${USE_HIDDENAPI}" ]; then 98 USE_HIDDENAPI=true 99 fi 100 101 # DESUGAR=false run-test... will disable desugar. 102 if [[ "$DESUGAR" == false ]]; then 103 USE_DESUGAR=false 104 fi 105 106 # Allow overriding ZIP_COMPRESSION_METHOD with e.g. 'store' 107 ZIP_COMPRESSION_METHOD="deflate" 108 # Align every ZIP file made by calling $ZIPALIGN command? 109 WITH_ZIP_ALIGN=false 110 ZIP_ALIGN_BYTES="-1" 111 112 DX_FLAGS="--min-sdk-version=24" 113 DX_VM_FLAGS="" 114 EXPERIMENTAL="" 115 116 BUILD_MODE="target" 117 DEV_MODE="no" 118 119 # The key for default arguments if no experimental things are enabled. 120 DEFAULT_EXPERIMENT="no-experiment" 121 122 # Setup experimental flag mappings in a bash associative array. 123 declare -A JACK_EXPERIMENTAL_ARGS 124 JACK_EXPERIMENTAL_ARGS["agents"]="-D jack.java.source.version=1.8 -D jack.android.min-api-level=24" 125 JACK_EXPERIMENTAL_ARGS["default-methods"]="-D jack.java.source.version=1.8 -D jack.android.min-api-level=24" 126 JACK_EXPERIMENTAL_ARGS["lambdas"]="-D jack.java.source.version=1.8 -D jack.android.min-api-level=24" 127 JACK_EXPERIMENTAL_ARGS["method-handles"]="-D jack.java.source.version=1.7 -D jack.android.min-api-level=o-b1" 128 JACK_EXPERIMENTAL_ARGS[${DEFAULT_EXPERIMENT}]="-D jack.java.source.version=1.8 -D jack.android.min-api-level=24" 129 130 declare -A SMALI_EXPERIMENTAL_ARGS 131 SMALI_EXPERIMENTAL_ARGS["default-methods"]="--api 24" 132 SMALI_EXPERIMENTAL_ARGS["method-handles"]="--api 26" 133 SMALI_EXPERIMENTAL_ARGS["var-handles"]="--api 26" 134 SMALI_EXPERIMENTAL_ARGS["agents"]="--api 26" 135 136 declare -A JAVAC_EXPERIMENTAL_ARGS 137 JAVAC_EXPERIMENTAL_ARGS["default-methods"]="-source 1.8 -target 1.8" 138 JAVAC_EXPERIMENTAL_ARGS["lambdas"]="-source 1.8 -target 1.8" 139 JAVAC_EXPERIMENTAL_ARGS["method-handles"]="-source 1.8 -target 1.8" 140 JAVAC_EXPERIMENTAL_ARGS["parameter-annotations"]="-source 1.8 -target 1.8" 141 JAVAC_EXPERIMENTAL_ARGS["var-handles"]="-source 1.8 -target 1.8" 142 JAVAC_EXPERIMENTAL_ARGS[${DEFAULT_EXPERIMENT}]="-source 1.8 -target 1.8" 143 JAVAC_EXPERIMENTAL_ARGS["agents"]="-source 1.8 -target 1.8" 144 145 declare -A DX_EXPERIMENTAL_ARGS 146 DX_EXPERIMENTAL_ARGS["method-handles"]="--min-sdk-version=26" 147 DX_EXPERIMENTAL_ARGS["parameter-annotations"]="--min-sdk-version=25" 148 DX_EXPERIMENTAL_ARGS["var-handles"]="--min-sdk-version=26" 149 150 while true; do 151 if [ "x$1" = "x--dx-option" ]; then 152 shift 153 option="$1" 154 DX_FLAGS="${DX_FLAGS} $option" 155 shift 156 elif [ "x$1" = "x--dx-vm-option" ]; then 157 shift 158 option="$1" 159 DX_VM_FLAGS="${DX_VM_FLAGS} $option" 160 shift 161 elif [ "x$1" = "x--no-src" ]; then 162 HAS_SRC=false 163 shift 164 elif [ "x$1" = "x--no-src2" ]; then 165 HAS_SRC2=false 166 shift 167 elif [ "x$1" = "x--no-src-multidex" ]; then 168 HAS_SRC_MULTIDEX=false 169 shift 170 elif [ "x$1" = "x--no-smali-multidex" ]; then 171 HAS_SMALI_MULTIDEX=false 172 shift 173 elif [ "x$1" = "x--no-src-ex" ]; then 174 HAS_SRC_EX=false 175 shift 176 elif [ "x$1" = "x--no-smali" ]; then 177 HAS_SMALI=false 178 shift 179 elif [ "x$1" = "x--experimental" ]; then 180 shift 181 # We have a specific experimental configuration so don't use the default. 182 DEFAULT_EXPERIMENT="" 183 EXPERIMENTAL="${EXPERIMENTAL} $1" 184 shift 185 elif [ "x$1" = "x--zip-compression-method" ]; then 186 # Allow using different zip compression method, e.g. 'store' 187 shift 188 ZIP_COMPRESSION_METHOD="$1" 189 shift 190 elif [ "x$1" = "x--zip-align" ]; then 191 # Align ZIP entries to some # of bytes. 192 shift 193 WITH_ZIP_ALIGN=true 194 ZIP_ALIGN_BYTES="$1" 195 shift 196 elif [ "x$1" = "x--host" ]; then 197 BUILD_MODE="host" 198 shift 199 elif [ "x$1" = "x--target" ]; then 200 BUILD_MODE="target" 201 shift 202 elif [ "x$1" = "x--jvm" ]; then 203 BUILD_MODE="jvm" 204 shift 205 elif [ "x$1" = "x--dev" ]; then 206 DEV_MODE="yes" 207 shift 208 elif expr "x$1" : "x--" >/dev/null 2>&1; then 209 echo "unknown $0 option: $1" 1>&2 210 exit 1 211 else 212 break 213 fi 214 done 215 216 if [[ $BUILD_MODE == jvm ]]; then 217 # Does not need desugar on jvm because it supports the latest functionality. 218 USE_DESUGAR=false 219 # Do not attempt to build src-art directories on jvm, it would fail without libcore. 220 HAS_SRC_ART=false 221 fi 222 223 # Be sure to get any default arguments if not doing any experiments. 224 EXPERIMENTAL="${EXPERIMENTAL} ${DEFAULT_EXPERIMENT}" 225 226 if [ "${JACK_SERVER}" = "false" ]; then 227 # Run in single-threaded mode for the continuous buildbot. 228 JACK_ARGS="${JACK_ARGS} -D sched.runner=single-threaded" 229 else 230 # Run with 4 threads to reduce memory footprint and thread contention. 231 JACK_ARGS="${JACK_ARGS} -D sched.runner=multi-threaded" 232 JACK_ARGS="${JACK_ARGS} -D sched.runner.thread.kind=fixed" 233 JACK_ARGS="${JACK_ARGS} -D sched.runner.thread.fixed.count=4" 234 fi 235 236 # Add args from the experimental mappings. 237 for experiment in ${EXPERIMENTAL}; do 238 JACK_ARGS="${JACK_ARGS} ${JACK_EXPERIMENTAL_ARGS[${experiment}]}" 239 SMALI_ARGS="${SMALI_ARGS} ${SMALI_EXPERIMENTAL_ARGS[${experiment}]}" 240 JAVAC_ARGS="${JAVAC_ARGS} ${JAVAC_EXPERIMENTAL_ARGS[${experiment}]}" 241 DX_FLAGS="${DX_FLAGS} ${DX_EXPERIMENTAL_ARGS[${experiment}]}" 242 done 243 244 ######################################### 245 246 # Catch all commands to 'ZIP' and prepend extra flags. 247 # Optionally, zipalign results to some alignment. 248 function zip() { 249 local zip_target="$1" 250 local entry_src="$2" 251 shift 2 252 253 command zip --compression-method "$ZIP_COMPRESSION_METHOD" "$zip_target" "$entry_src" "$@" 254 255 if "$WITH_ZIP_ALIGN"; then 256 # zipalign does not operate in-place, so write results to a temp file. 257 local tmp_file="$(mktemp)" 258 "$ZIPALIGN" -f "$ZIP_ALIGN_BYTES" "$zip_target" "$tmp_file" 259 # replace original zip target with our temp file. 260 mv "$tmp_file" "$zip_target" 261 fi 262 } 263 264 function make_jasmin() { 265 local out_directory="$1" 266 shift 267 local jasmin_sources=("$@") 268 269 mkdir -p "$out_directory" 270 271 if [[ $DEV_MODE == yes ]]; then 272 echo ${JASMIN} -d "$out_directory" "${jasmin_sources[@]}" 273 ${JASMIN} -d "$out_directory" "${jasmin_sources[@]}" 274 else 275 ${JASMIN} -d "$out_directory" "${jasmin_sources[@]}" >/dev/null 276 fi 277 } 278 279 function desugar() { 280 local desugar_args="--mode=$BUILD_MODE" 281 282 if [[ $DEV_MODE == yes ]]; then 283 desugar_args="$desugar_args --show-commands" 284 fi 285 286 "$DESUGAR" --core-only $desugar_args "$@" 287 } 288 289 # Like regular javac but may include libcore on the bootclasspath. 290 function javac_with_bootclasspath { 291 local helper_args="--mode=$BUILD_MODE" 292 293 if [[ $DEV_MODE == yes ]]; then 294 helper_args="$helper_args --show-commands" 295 fi 296 297 # build with libcore for host and target, or openjdk for jvm 298 "$ANDROID_BUILD_TOP/art/tools/javac-helper.sh" --core-only $helper_args ${JAVAC_ARGS} "$@" 299 } 300 301 # Make a "dex" file given a directory of classes in $1. 302 # Also calls desugar on the classes first to convert lambdas. 303 function make_dex() { 304 local name="$1" 305 306 local dx_input 307 if [[ "$USE_DESUGAR" == "true" ]]; then 308 # Make a jar first so desugar doesn't need every .class file individually. 309 jar cf "$name.before-desugar.jar" -C "$name" . 310 311 dx_input="${name}.desugar.jar" 312 313 # Make desugared JAR. 314 desugar --input "$name.before-desugar.jar" --output "$dx_input" 315 else 316 dx_input="${name}" 317 fi 318 319 local dexer="${DX}" 320 if [ ${USE_D8} = "true" ]; then 321 dexer="${ANDROID_HOST_OUT}/bin/d8-compat-dx" 322 fi 323 324 # Make dex file from desugared JAR. 325 ${dexer} -JXmx256m ${DX_VM_FLAGS} --debug --dex --dump-to=${name}.lst --output=${name}.dex --dump-width=1000 ${DX_FLAGS} "${dx_input}" 326 } 327 328 # Merge all the dex files in $1..$N into $1. Skip non-existing files, but at least 1 file must exist. 329 function make_dexmerge() { 330 # Dex file that acts as the destination. 331 local dst_file="$1" 332 333 # Dex files that act as the source. 334 local dex_files_to_merge=() 335 336 # Skip any non-existing files. 337 while [[ $# -gt 0 ]]; do 338 if [[ -e "$1" ]]; then 339 dex_files_to_merge+=("$1") 340 fi 341 shift 342 done 343 344 # Should have at least 1 dex_files_to_merge here, otherwise dxmerger will print the help. 345 ${DXMERGER} "$dst_file" "${dex_files_to_merge[@]}" 346 } 347 348 function make_hiddenapi() { 349 local args=() 350 while [[ $# -gt 0 ]]; do 351 args+=("--dex=$1") 352 shift 353 done 354 if [ -f api-light-greylist.txt ]; then 355 args+=("--light-greylist=api-light-greylist.txt") 356 fi 357 if [ -f api-dark-greylist.txt ]; then 358 args+=("--dark-greylist=api-dark-greylist.txt") 359 fi 360 if [ -f api-blacklist.txt ]; then 361 args+=("--blacklist=api-blacklist.txt") 362 fi 363 ${HIDDENAPI} "${args[@]}" 364 } 365 366 # Print the directory name only if it exists. 367 function maybe_dir() { 368 local dirname="$1" 369 if [[ -d "$dirname" ]]; then 370 echo "$dirname" 371 fi 372 } 373 374 if [ -e classes.dex ]; then 375 zip $TEST_NAME.jar classes.dex 376 exit 0 377 fi 378 379 # Helper function for a common test. Evaluate with $(has_mutlidex). 380 function has_multidex() { 381 echo [ ${HAS_SRC_MULTIDEX} = "true" \ 382 -o ${HAS_JASMIN_MULTIDEX} = "true" \ 383 -o ${HAS_SMALI_MULTIDEX} = "true" ] 384 } 385 386 if [ ${HAS_SRC_DEX2OAT_UNRESOLVED} = "true" ]; then 387 mkdir -p classes 388 mkdir classes-ex 389 javac_with_bootclasspath -implicit:none -sourcepath src-dex2oat-unresolved -d classes `find src -name '*.java'` 390 javac_with_bootclasspath -implicit:none -sourcepath src -d classes-ex `find src-dex2oat-unresolved -name '*.java'` 391 if [ ${USE_JACK} = "true" ]; then 392 jar cf classes.jill.jar -C classes . 393 jar cf classes-ex.jill.jar -C classes-ex . 394 395 ${JACK} --import classes-ex.jill.jar --output-dex . 396 zip ${TEST_NAME}-ex.jar classes.dex 397 ${JACK} --import classes.jill.jar --output-dex . 398 else 399 if [ ${NEED_DEX} = "true" ]; then 400 make_dex classes-ex 401 mv classes-ex.dex classes.dex # rename it so it shows up as "classes.dex" in the zip file. 402 zip ${TEST_NAME}-ex.jar classes.dex 403 make_dex classes 404 fi 405 fi 406 else 407 if [ ${USE_JACK} = "true" ]; then 408 # Jack toolchain 409 if [[ "$HAS_SRC" == true || "$HAS_SRC_ART" == true ]]; then 410 if [ "${HAS_SRC_MULTIDEX}" = "true" ]; then 411 # Compile src and src-multidex in the same .jack file. We will apply multidex partitioning 412 # when creating the output .dex file. 413 ${JACK} ${JACK_ARGS} --output-jack src.jack $(maybe_dir src) src-multidex $(maybe_dir src-art) 414 jack_extra_args="${jack_extra_args} -D jack.dex.output.policy=minimal-multidex" 415 jack_extra_args="${jack_extra_args} -D jack.preprocessor=true" 416 jack_extra_args="${jack_extra_args} -D jack.preprocessor.file=multidex.jpp" 417 else 418 ${JACK} ${JACK_ARGS} --output-jack src.jack $(maybe_dir src) $(maybe_dir src-art) 419 fi 420 jack_extra_args="${jack_extra_args} --import src.jack" 421 fi 422 423 if [ "${HAS_SRC2}" = "true" ]; then 424 ${JACK} ${JACK_ARGS} --output-jack src2.jack src2 425 # In case of duplicate classes, we want to take into account the classes from src2. Therefore 426 # we apply the 'keep-first' policy and import src2.jack file *before* the src.jack file. 427 jack_extra_args="${jack_extra_args} -D jack.import.type.policy=keep-first" 428 jack_extra_args="--import src2.jack ${jack_extra_args}" 429 fi 430 431 # Compile jack files into a DEX file. 432 if [ "${HAS_SRC}" = "true" ] || [ "${HAS_SRC2}" = "true" ] || [ "${HAS_SRC_ART}" = "true" ]; then 433 ${JACK} ${JACK_ARGS} ${jack_extra_args} --output-dex . 434 fi 435 else 436 # Legacy toolchain with javac+dx 437 if [ "${HAS_SRC}" = "true" ]; then 438 mkdir -p classes 439 javac_with_bootclasspath -implicit:none -classpath src-multidex -d classes `find src -name '*.java'` 440 fi 441 442 if [ "${HAS_SRC_ART}" = "true" ]; then 443 mkdir -p classes 444 javac_with_bootclasspath -implicit:none -classpath src-multidex -d classes `find src-art -name '*.java'` 445 fi 446 447 if [ "${HAS_SRC_MULTIDEX}" = "true" ]; then 448 mkdir classes2 449 javac_with_bootclasspath -implicit:none -classpath src -d classes2 `find src-multidex -name '*.java'` 450 if [ ${NEED_DEX} = "true" ]; then 451 make_dex classes2 452 fi 453 fi 454 455 if [ "${HAS_SRC2}" = "true" ]; then 456 mkdir -p classes 457 javac_with_bootclasspath -classpath classes -d classes `find src2 -name '*.java'` 458 fi 459 460 if [[ "${HAS_SRC}" == "true" || "${HAS_SRC2}" == "true" || "${HAS_SRC_ART}" == "true" ]]; then 461 if [ ${NEED_DEX} = "true" ]; then 462 make_dex classes 463 fi 464 fi 465 fi 466 fi 467 468 if [[ "${HAS_JASMIN}" == true ]]; then 469 # Compile Jasmin classes as if they were part of the classes.dex file. 470 make_jasmin jasmin_classes $(find 'jasmin' -name '*.j') 471 if [[ "${NEED_DEX}" == "true" ]]; then 472 # Disable desugar because it won't handle intentional linkage errors. 473 USE_DESUGAR=false make_dex jasmin_classes 474 make_dexmerge classes.dex jasmin_classes.dex 475 else 476 # Move jasmin classes into classes directory so that they are picked up with -cp classes. 477 mkdir -p classes 478 mv jasmin_classes/* classes 479 fi 480 fi 481 482 if [ "${HAS_SMALI}" = "true" -a ${NEED_DEX} = "true" ]; then 483 # Compile Smali classes 484 ${SMALI} -JXmx512m assemble ${SMALI_ARGS} --output smali_classes.dex `find smali -name '*.smali'` 485 486 # Merge smali files into classes.dex, this takes priority over any jasmin files. 487 make_dexmerge classes.dex smali_classes.dex 488 fi 489 490 # Compile Jasmin classes in jasmin-multidex as if they were part of the classes2.jar 491 if [[ "$HAS_JASMIN_MULTIDEX" == true ]]; then 492 make_jasmin jasmin_classes2 $(find 'jasmin-multidex' -name '*.j') 493 494 if [[ "${NEED_DEX}" == "true" ]]; then 495 # Disable desugar because it won't handle intentional linkage errors. 496 USE_DESUGAR=false make_dex jasmin_classes2 497 498 # Merge jasmin_classes2.dex into classes2.dex 499 make_dexmerge classes2.dex jasmin_classes2.dex 500 else 501 # Move jasmin classes into classes2 directory so that they are picked up with -cp classes2. 502 mkdir -p classes2 503 mv jasmin_classes2/* classes2 504 fi 505 fi 506 507 if [ "${HAS_SMALI_MULTIDEX}" = "true" -a ${NEED_DEX} = "true" ]; then 508 # Compile Smali classes 509 ${SMALI} -JXmx512m assemble ${SMALI_ARGS} --output smali_classes2.dex `find smali-multidex -name '*.smali'` 510 511 # Merge smali_classes2.dex into classes2.dex 512 make_dexmerge classes2.dex smali_classes2.dex 513 fi 514 515 516 if [ ${HAS_SRC_EX} = "true" ]; then 517 if [ ${USE_JACK} = "true" ]; then 518 # Rename previous "classes.dex" so it is not overwritten. 519 mv classes.dex classes-1.dex 520 #TODO find another way to append src.jack to the jack classpath 521 ${JACK}:src.jack ${JACK_ARGS} --output-dex . src-ex 522 zip $TEST_NAME-ex.jar classes.dex 523 # Restore previous "classes.dex" so it can be zipped. 524 mv classes-1.dex classes.dex 525 else 526 # Build src-ex into classes-ex. 527 # Includes 'src', 'src-art' source when compiling classes-ex, but exclude their .class files. 528 if [[ "${HAS_SRC}" == "true" ]]; then 529 mkdir -p classes-tmp-for-ex 530 javac_with_bootclasspath -d classes-tmp-for-ex `find src -name '*.java'` 531 src_tmp_for_ex="-cp classes-tmp-for-ex" 532 fi 533 if [[ "${HAS_SRC_ART}" == "true" ]]; then 534 mkdir -p classes-tmp-for-ex 535 javac_with_bootclasspath -d classes-tmp-for-ex `find src-art -name '*.java'` 536 src_tmp_for_ex="-cp classes-tmp-for-ex" 537 fi 538 mkdir classes-ex 539 javac_with_bootclasspath -d classes-ex $src_tmp_for_ex `find src-ex -name '*.java'` 540 fi 541 fi 542 543 if [[ -d classes-ex ]] && [ ${NEED_DEX} = "true" ]; then 544 make_dex classes-ex 545 546 # Apply hiddenapi on the dex files if the test has API list file(s). 547 if [ ${USE_HIDDENAPI} = "true" -a ${HAS_HIDDENAPI_SPEC} = "true" ]; then 548 make_hiddenapi classes-ex.dex 549 fi 550 551 # quick shuffle so that the stored name is "classes.dex" 552 mv classes.dex classes-1.dex 553 mv classes-ex.dex classes.dex 554 zip $TEST_NAME-ex.jar classes.dex 555 mv classes.dex classes-ex.dex 556 mv classes-1.dex classes.dex 557 fi 558 559 # Apply hiddenapi on the dex files if the test has API list file(s). 560 if [ ${NEED_DEX} = "true" -a ${USE_HIDDENAPI} = "true" -a ${HAS_HIDDENAPI_SPEC} = "true" ]; then 561 if $(has_multidex); then 562 make_hiddenapi classes.dex classes2.dex 563 else 564 make_hiddenapi classes.dex 565 fi 566 fi 567 568 # Create a single dex jar with two dex files for multidex. 569 if [ ${NEED_DEX} = "true" ]; then 570 if $(has_multidex); then 571 zip $TEST_NAME.jar classes.dex classes2.dex 572 else 573 zip $TEST_NAME.jar classes.dex 574 fi 575 fi 576