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      1 #!/bin/bash
      2 #
      3 # Copyright (C) 2017 The Android Open Source Project
      4 #
      5 # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
      6 # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
      7 # You may obtain a copy of the License at
      8 #
      9 #      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
     10 #
     11 # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
     12 # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
     13 # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
     14 # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
     15 # limitations under the License.
     17 if [[ ! -d art ]]; then
     18   echo "Script needs to be run at the root of the android tree"
     19   exit 1
     20 fi
     22 ALL_CONFIGS=(linux-ia32 linux-x64 linux-armv8 linux-armv7 android-armv8 android-armv7)
     24 usage() {
     25   local config
     26   local golem_target
     28   (cat << EOF
     29   Usage: $(basename "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}") [--golem=<target>] --machine-type=MACHINE_TYPE
     30                  [--tarball[=<target>.tar.gz]]
     32   Build minimal art binaries required to run golem benchmarks either
     33   locally or on the golem servers.
     35   Creates the \$MACHINE_TYPE binaries in your \$OUT_DIR, and if --tarball was specified,
     36   it also tars the results of the build together into your <target.tar.gz> file.
     37   --------------------------------------------------------
     38   Required Flags:
     39     --machine-type=MT   Specify the machine type that will be built.
     41   Optional Flags":
     42     --golem=<target>    Builds with identical commands that Golem servers use.
     43     --tarball[=o.tgz]   Tar/gz the results. File name defaults to <machine_type>.tar.gz
     44     -j<num>             Specify how many jobs to use for parallelism.
     45     --help              Print this help listing.
     46     --showcommands      Show commands as they are being executed.
     47     --simulate          Print commands only, don't execute commands.
     48 EOF
     49   ) | sed -e 's/^[[:space:]][[:space:]]//g' >&2 # Strip leading whitespace from heredoc.
     51   echo >&2 "Available machine types:"
     52   for config in "${ALL_CONFIGS[@]}"; do
     53     echo >&2 "  $config"
     54   done
     56   echo >&2
     57   echo >&2 "Available Golem targets:"
     58   while IFS='' read -r golem_target; do
     59     echo >&2 "  $golem_target"
     60   done < <("$(thisdir)/env" --list-targets)
     61 }
     63 # Check if $1 element is in array $2
     64 contains_element() {
     65   local e
     66   for e in "${@:2}"; do [[ "$e" == "$1" ]] && return 0; done
     67   return 1
     68 }
     70 # Display a command, but don't execute it, if --showcommands was set.
     71 show_command() {
     72   if [[ $showcommands == "showcommands" ]]; then
     73     echo "$@"
     74   fi
     75 }
     77 # Execute a command, displaying it if --showcommands was set.
     78 # If --simulate is used, command is not executed.
     79 execute() {
     80   show_command "$@"
     81   execute_noshow "$@"
     82 }
     84 # Execute a command unless --simulate was used.
     85 execute_noshow() {
     86   if [[ $simulate == "simulate" ]]; then
     87     return 0
     88   fi
     90   local prog="$1"
     91   shift
     92   "$prog" "$@"
     93 }
     95 # Export environment variable, echoing it to screen.
     96 setenv() {
     97   local name="$1"
     98   local value="$2"
    100   export $name="$value"
    101   echo export $name="$value"
    102 }
    104 # Export environment variable, echoing $3 to screen ($3 is meant to be unevaluated).
    105 setenv_escape() {
    106   local name="$1"
    107   local value="$2"
    108   local escaped_value="$3"
    110   export $name="$value"
    111   echo export $name="$escaped_value"
    112 }
    114 log_usage_error() {
    115   echo >&2 "ERROR: " "$@"
    116   echo >&2 "       See --help for the correct usage information."
    117   exit 1
    118 }
    120 log_fatal() {
    121   echo >&2 "FATAL: " "$@"
    122   exit 2
    123 }
    125 # Get the directory of this script.
    126 thisdir() {
    127   (\cd "$(dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}")" && pwd )
    128 }
    130 # Get the path to the top of the Android source tree.
    131 gettop() {
    132   if [[ "x$ANDROID_BUILD_TOP" != "x" ]]; then
    133     echo "$ANDROID_BUILD_TOP";
    134   else
    135     echo "$(thisdir)/../../.."
    136   fi
    137 }
    139 # Get a build variable from the Android build system.
    140 get_build_var() {
    141   local varname="$1"
    143   # include the desired target product/build-variant
    144   # which won't be set in our env if neither we nor the user first executed
    145   # source build/envsetup.sh (e.g. if simulating from a fresh shell).
    146   local extras
    147   [[ -n $target_product ]] && extras+=" TARGET_PRODUCT=$target_product"
    148   [[ -n $target_build_variant ]] && extras+=" TARGET_BUILD_VARIANT=$target_build_variant"
    150   # call dumpvar from the build system.
    151   (\cd "$(gettop)"; env $extras build/soong/soong_ui.bash --dumpvar-mode $varname)
    152 }
    154 # Defaults from command-line.
    156 mode=""  # blank or 'golem' if --golem was specified.
    157 golem_target="" # --golem=$golem_target
    158 config="" # --machine-type=$config
    159 j_arg=""
    160 showcommands=""
    161 simulate=""
    162 make_tarball=""
    163 tarball=""
    165 # Parse command line arguments
    167 while [[ "$1" != "" ]]; do
    168   case "$1" in
    169     --help)
    170       usage
    171       exit 1
    172       ;;
    173     --golem=*)
    174       mode="golem"
    175       golem_target="${1##--golem=}"
    177       if [[ "x$golem_target" == x ]]; then
    178         log_usage_error "Missing --golem target type."
    179       fi
    181       shift
    182       ;;
    183     --machine-type=*)
    184       config="${1##--machine-type=}"
    185       if ! contains_element "$config" "${ALL_CONFIGS[@]}"; then
    186         log_usage_error "Invalid --machine-type value '$config'"
    187       fi
    188       shift
    189       ;;
    190     --tarball)
    191       tarball="" # reuse the machine type name.
    192       make_tarball="make_tarball"
    193       shift
    194       ;;
    195     --tarball=*)
    196       tarball="${1##--tarball=}"
    197       make_tarball="make_tarball"
    198       shift
    199       ;;
    200     -j*)
    201       j_arg="$1"
    202       shift
    203       ;;
    204     --showcommands)
    205       showcommands="showcommands"
    206       shift
    207       ;;
    208     --simulate)
    209       simulate="simulate"
    210       shift
    211       ;;
    212     *)
    213       log_usage_error "Unknown options $1"
    214       ;;
    215   esac
    216 done
    218 ###################################
    219 ###################################
    220 ###################################
    222 if [[ -z $config ]]; then
    223   log_usage_error "--machine-type option is required."
    224 fi
    226 # --tarball defaults to the --machine-type value with .tar.gz.
    227 tarball="${tarball:-$config.tar.gz}"
    229 target_product="$TARGET_PRODUCT"
    230 target_build_variant="$TARGET_BUILD_VARIANT"
    232 # If not using --golem, use whatever the user had lunch'd prior to this script.
    233 if [[ $mode == "golem" ]]; then
    234   # This section is intended solely to be executed by a golem build server.
    236   target_build_variant=eng
    237   case "$config" in
    238     *-armv7)
    239       target_product="arm_krait"
    240       ;;
    241     *-armv8)
    242       target_product="armv8"
    243       ;;
    244     *)
    245       target_product="sdk"
    246       ;;
    247   esac
    249   if [[ $target_product = arm* ]]; then
    250     # If using the regular manifest, e.g. 'master'
    251     # The lunch command for arm will assuredly fail because we don't have device/generic/art.
    252     #
    253     # Print a human-readable error message instead of trying to lunch and failing there.
    254     if ! [[ -d "$(gettop)/device/generic/art" ]]; then
    255       log_fatal "Missing device/generic/art directory. Perhaps try master-art repo manifest?\n" \
    256                 "       Cannot build ARM targets (arm_krait, armv8) for Golem." >&2
    257     fi
    258     # We could try to keep on simulating but it seems brittle because we won't have the proper
    259     # build variables to output the right strings.
    260   fi
    262   # Get this particular target's environment variables (e.g. ART read barrier on/off).
    263   source "$(thisdir)"/env "$golem_target" || exit 1
    265   lunch_target="$target_product-$target_build_variant"
    267   execute 'source' build/envsetup.sh
    268   # Build generic targets (as opposed to something specific like aosp_angler-eng).
    269   execute lunch "$lunch_target"
    270   setenv JACK_SERVER false
    271   setenv_escape JACK_REPOSITORY "$PWD/prebuilts/sdk/tools/jacks" '$PWD/prebuilts/sdk/tools/jacks'
    272   # Golem uses master-art repository which is missing a lot of other libraries.
    274   # Golem may be missing tools such as javac from its path.
    275   setenv_escape PATH "/usr/lib/jvm/java-8-openjdk-amd64/bin/:$PATH" '/usr/lib/jvm/java-8-openjdk-amd64/bin/:$PATH'
    276 else
    277   # Look up the default variables from the build system if they weren't set already.
    278   [[ -z $target_product ]] && target_product="$(get_build_var TARGET_PRODUCT)"
    279   [[ -z $target_build_variant ]] && target_build_variant="$(get_build_var TARGET_BUILD_VARIANT)"
    280 fi
    282 # Defaults for all machine types.
    283 make_target="build-art-target-golem"
    284 out_dir="out/x86_64"
    285 root_dir_var="PRODUCT_OUT"
    286 strip_symbols=false
    287 bit64_suffix=""
    288 tar_directories=(system data/art-test)
    290 # Per-machine type overrides
    291 if [[ $config == linux-arm* ]]; then
    292     setenv ART_TARGET_LINUX true
    293 fi
    295 case "$config" in
    296   linux-ia32|linux-x64)
    297     root_dir_var="HOST_OUT"
    298     # Android strips target builds automatically, but not host builds.
    299     strip_symbols=true
    300     make_target="build-art-host-golem"
    302     if [[ $config == linux-ia32 ]]; then
    303       out_dir="out/x86"
    304       setenv HOST_PREFER_32_BIT true
    305     else
    306       bit64_suffix="64"
    307     fi
    309     tar_directories=(bin framework usr lib${bit64_suffix})
    310     ;;
    311   *-armv8)
    312     bit64_suffix="64"
    313     ;;
    314   *-armv7)
    315     ;;
    316   *)
    317     log_fatal "Unsupported machine-type '$config'"
    318 esac
    320 # Golem benchmark run commands expect a certain $OUT_DIR to be set,
    321 # so specify it here.
    322 #
    323 # Note: It is questionable if we want to customize this since users
    324 # could alternatively probably use their own build directly (and forgo this script).
    325 setenv OUT_DIR "$out_dir"
    326 root_dir="$(get_build_var "$root_dir_var")"
    328 if [[ $mode == "golem" ]]; then
    329   # For golem-style running only.
    330   # Sets the DT_INTERP to this path in every .so we can run the
    331   # non-system version of dalvikvm with our own copies of the dependencies (e.g. our own libc++).
    332   if [[ $config == android-* ]]; then
    333     # TODO: the linker can be relative to the binaries
    334     # (which is what we do for linux-armv8 and linux-armv7)
    335     golem_run_path="/data/local/tmp/runner/"
    336   else
    337     golem_run_path=""
    338   fi
    340   # Only do this for target builds. Host doesn't need this.
    341   if [[ $config == *-arm* ]]; then
    342     setenv CUSTOM_TARGET_LINKER "${golem_run_path}${root_dir}/system/bin/linker${bit64_suffix}"
    343   fi
    344 fi
    346 #
    347 # Main command execution below here.
    348 # (everything prior to this just sets up environment variables,
    349 #  and maybe calls lunch).
    350 #
    352 execute build/soong/soong_ui.bash --make-mode "${j_arg}" "${make_target}"
    354 if $strip_symbols; then
    355   # Further reduce size by stripping symbols.
    356   execute_noshow strip $root_dir/bin/* || true
    357   show_command strip $root_dir/bin/'*'  '|| true'
    358   execute_noshow strip $root_dir/lib${bit64_suffix}/'*'
    359   show_command strip $root_dir/lib${bit64_suffix}/'*'
    360 fi
    362 if [[ "$make_tarball" == "make_tarball" ]]; then
    363   # Create a tarball which is required for the golem build resource.
    364   # (In particular, each golem benchmark's run commands depend on a list of resource files
    365   #  in order to have all the files it needs to actually execute,
    366   #  and this tarball would satisfy that particular target+machine-type's requirements).
    367   dirs_rooted=()
    368   for tar_dir in "${tar_directories[@]}"; do
    369     dirs_rooted+=("$root_dir/$tar_dir")
    370   done
    372   execute tar -czf "${tarball}" "${dirs_rooted[@]}" --exclude .git --exclude .gitignore
    373   tar_result=$?
    374   if [[ $tar_result -ne 0 ]]; then
    375     [[ -f $tarball ]] && rm $tarball
    376   fi
    378   show_command '[[ $? -ne 0 ]] && rm' "$tarball"
    379 fi