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      1 /****************************************************************************
      2  ****************************************************************************
      3  ***
      4  ***   This header was automatically generated from a Linux kernel header
      5  ***   of the same name, to make information necessary for userspace to
      6  ***   call into the kernel available to libc.  It contains only constants,
      7  ***   structures, and macros generated from the original header, and thus,
      8  ***   contains no copyrightable information.
      9  ***
     10  ***   To edit the content of this header, modify the corresponding
     11  ***   source file (e.g. under external/kernel-headers/original/) then
     12  ***   run bionic/libc/kernel/tools/update_all.py
     13  ***
     14  ***   Any manual change here will be lost the next time this script will
     15  ***   be run. You've been warned!
     16  ***
     17  ****************************************************************************
     18  ****************************************************************************/
     19 #ifndef _UAPI_ASM_TERMIOS_H
     20 #define _UAPI_ASM_TERMIOS_H
     21 #include <linux/errno.h>
     22 #include <asm/termbits.h>
     23 #include <asm/ioctls.h>
     24 struct sgttyb {
     25   char sg_ispeed;
     26   char sg_ospeed;
     27   char sg_erase;
     28   char sg_kill;
     29   int sg_flags;
     30 };
     31 struct tchars {
     32   char t_intrc;
     33   char t_quitc;
     34   char t_startc;
     35   char t_stopc;
     36   char t_eofc;
     37   char t_brkc;
     38 };
     39 struct ltchars {
     40   char t_suspc;
     41   char t_dsuspc;
     42   char t_rprntc;
     43   char t_flushc;
     44   char t_werasc;
     45   char t_lnextc;
     46 };
     47 struct winsize {
     48   unsigned short ws_row;
     49   unsigned short ws_col;
     50   unsigned short ws_xpixel;
     51   unsigned short ws_ypixel;
     52 };
     53 #define NCC 8
     54 struct termio {
     55   unsigned short c_iflag;
     56   unsigned short c_oflag;
     57   unsigned short c_cflag;
     58   unsigned short c_lflag;
     59   char c_line;
     60   unsigned char c_cc[NCCS];
     61 };
     62 #define TIOCM_LE 0x001
     63 #define TIOCM_DTR 0x002
     64 #define TIOCM_RTS 0x004
     65 #define TIOCM_ST 0x010
     66 #define TIOCM_SR 0x020
     67 #define TIOCM_CTS 0x040
     68 #define TIOCM_CAR 0x100
     69 #define TIOCM_CD TIOCM_CAR
     70 #define TIOCM_RNG 0x200
     71 #define TIOCM_RI TIOCM_RNG
     72 #define TIOCM_DSR 0x400
     73 #define TIOCM_OUT1 0x2000
     74 #define TIOCM_OUT2 0x4000
     75 #define TIOCM_LOOP 0x8000
     76 #endif