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      1 /*
      2  * Copyright (C) 2008 The Android Open Source Project
      3  *
      4  * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
      5  * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
      6  * You may obtain a copy of the License at
      7  *
      8  *      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
      9  *
     10  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
     11  * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
     12  * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
     13  * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
     14  * limitations under the License.
     15  */
     17 #include "applypatch/applypatch.h"
     19 #include <errno.h>
     20 #include <fcntl.h>
     21 #include <libgen.h>
     22 #include <stdio.h>
     23 #include <stdlib.h>
     24 #include <string.h>
     25 #include <sys/stat.h>
     26 #include <sys/statfs.h>
     27 #include <sys/types.h>
     28 #include <unistd.h>
     30 #include <functional>
     31 #include <memory>
     32 #include <string>
     33 #include <utility>
     34 #include <vector>
     36 #include <android-base/logging.h>
     37 #include <android-base/parseint.h>
     38 #include <android-base/strings.h>
     39 #include <openssl/sha.h>
     41 #include "edify/expr.h"
     42 #include "otafault/ota_io.h"
     43 #include "otautil/cache_location.h"
     44 #include "otautil/print_sha1.h"
     46 static int LoadPartitionContents(const std::string& filename, FileContents* file);
     47 static size_t FileSink(const unsigned char* data, size_t len, int fd);
     48 static int GenerateTarget(const FileContents& source_file, const std::unique_ptr<Value>& patch,
     49                           const std::string& target_filename,
     50                           const uint8_t target_sha1[SHA_DIGEST_LENGTH], const Value* bonus_data);
     52 // Read a file into memory; store the file contents and associated metadata in *file.
     53 // Return 0 on success.
     54 int LoadFileContents(const char* filename, FileContents* file) {
     55   // A special 'filename' beginning with "EMMC:" means to load the contents of a partition.
     56   if (strncmp(filename, "EMMC:", 5) == 0) {
     57     return LoadPartitionContents(filename, file);
     58   }
     60   struct stat sb;
     61   if (stat(filename, &sb) == -1) {
     62     printf("failed to stat \"%s\": %s\n", filename, strerror(errno));
     63     return -1;
     64   }
     66   std::vector<unsigned char> data(sb.st_size);
     67   unique_file f(ota_fopen(filename, "rb"));
     68   if (!f) {
     69     printf("failed to open \"%s\": %s\n", filename, strerror(errno));
     70     return -1;
     71   }
     73   size_t bytes_read = ota_fread(data.data(), 1, data.size(), f.get());
     74   if (bytes_read != data.size()) {
     75     printf("short read of \"%s\" (%zu bytes of %zu)\n", filename, bytes_read, data.size());
     76     return -1;
     77   }
     78   file->data = std::move(data);
     79   SHA1(file->data.data(), file->data.size(), file->sha1);
     80   return 0;
     81 }
     83 // Load the contents of an EMMC partition into the provided
     84 // FileContents.  filename should be a string of the form
     85 // "EMMC:<partition_device>:...".  The smallest size_n bytes for
     86 // which that prefix of the partition contents has the corresponding
     87 // sha1 hash will be loaded.  It is acceptable for a size value to be
     88 // repeated with different sha1s.  Will return 0 on success.
     89 //
     90 // This complexity is needed because if an OTA installation is
     91 // interrupted, the partition might contain either the source or the
     92 // target data, which might be of different lengths.  We need to know
     93 // the length in order to read from a partition (there is no
     94 // "end-of-file" marker), so the caller must specify the possible
     95 // lengths and the hash of the data, and we'll do the load expecting
     96 // to find one of those hashes.
     97 static int LoadPartitionContents(const std::string& filename, FileContents* file) {
     98   std::vector<std::string> pieces = android::base::Split(filename, ":");
     99   if (pieces.size() < 4 || pieces.size() % 2 != 0 || pieces[0] != "EMMC") {
    100     printf("LoadPartitionContents called with bad filename \"%s\"\n", filename.c_str());
    101     return -1;
    102   }
    104   size_t pair_count = (pieces.size() - 2) / 2;  // # of (size, sha1) pairs in filename
    105   std::vector<std::pair<size_t, std::string>> pairs;
    106   for (size_t i = 0; i < pair_count; ++i) {
    107     size_t size;
    108     if (!android::base::ParseUint(pieces[i * 2 + 2], &size) || size == 0) {
    109       printf("LoadPartitionContents called with bad size \"%s\"\n", pieces[i * 2 + 2].c_str());
    110       return -1;
    111     }
    112     pairs.push_back({ size, pieces[i * 2 + 3] });
    113   }
    115   // Sort the pairs array so that they are in order of increasing size.
    116   std::sort(pairs.begin(), pairs.end());
    118   const char* partition = pieces[1].c_str();
    119   unique_file dev(ota_fopen(partition, "rb"));
    120   if (!dev) {
    121     printf("failed to open emmc partition \"%s\": %s\n", partition, strerror(errno));
    122     return -1;
    123   }
    125   SHA_CTX sha_ctx;
    126   SHA1_Init(&sha_ctx);
    128   // Allocate enough memory to hold the largest size.
    129   std::vector<unsigned char> buffer(pairs[pair_count - 1].first);
    130   unsigned char* buffer_ptr = buffer.data();
    131   size_t buffer_size = 0;  // # bytes read so far
    132   bool found = false;
    134   for (const auto& pair : pairs) {
    135     size_t current_size = pair.first;
    136     const std::string& current_sha1 = pair.second;
    138     // Read enough additional bytes to get us up to the next size. (Again,
    139     // we're trying the possibilities in order of increasing size).
    140     size_t next = current_size - buffer_size;
    141     if (next > 0) {
    142       size_t read = ota_fread(buffer_ptr, 1, next, dev.get());
    143       if (next != read) {
    144         printf("short read (%zu bytes of %zu) for partition \"%s\"\n", read, next, partition);
    145         return -1;
    146       }
    147       SHA1_Update(&sha_ctx, buffer_ptr, read);
    148       buffer_size += read;
    149       buffer_ptr += read;
    150     }
    152     // Duplicate the SHA context and finalize the duplicate so we can
    153     // check it against this pair's expected hash.
    154     SHA_CTX temp_ctx;
    155     memcpy(&temp_ctx, &sha_ctx, sizeof(SHA_CTX));
    156     uint8_t sha_so_far[SHA_DIGEST_LENGTH];
    157     SHA1_Final(sha_so_far, &temp_ctx);
    159     uint8_t parsed_sha[SHA_DIGEST_LENGTH];
    160     if (ParseSha1(current_sha1.c_str(), parsed_sha) != 0) {
    161       printf("failed to parse SHA-1 %s in %s\n", current_sha1.c_str(), filename.c_str());
    162       return -1;
    163     }
    165     if (memcmp(sha_so_far, parsed_sha, SHA_DIGEST_LENGTH) == 0) {
    166       // We have a match. Stop reading the partition; we'll return the data we've read so far.
    167       printf("partition read matched size %zu SHA-1 %s\n", current_size, current_sha1.c_str());
    168       found = true;
    169       break;
    170     }
    171   }
    173   if (!found) {
    174     // Ran off the end of the list of (size, sha1) pairs without finding a match.
    175     printf("contents of partition \"%s\" didn't match %s\n", partition, filename.c_str());
    176     return -1;
    177   }
    179   SHA1_Final(file->sha1, &sha_ctx);
    181   buffer.resize(buffer_size);
    182   file->data = std::move(buffer);
    184   return 0;
    185 }
    187 // Save the contents of the given FileContents object under the given
    188 // filename.  Return 0 on success.
    189 int SaveFileContents(const char* filename, const FileContents* file) {
    190   unique_fd fd(ota_open(filename, O_WRONLY | O_CREAT | O_TRUNC | O_SYNC, S_IRUSR | S_IWUSR));
    191   if (fd == -1) {
    192     printf("failed to open \"%s\" for write: %s\n", filename, strerror(errno));
    193     return -1;
    194   }
    196   size_t bytes_written = FileSink(file->data.data(), file->data.size(), fd);
    197   if (bytes_written != file->data.size()) {
    198     printf("short write of \"%s\" (%zd bytes of %zu): %s\n", filename, bytes_written,
    199            file->data.size(), strerror(errno));
    200     return -1;
    201   }
    202   if (ota_fsync(fd) != 0) {
    203     printf("fsync of \"%s\" failed: %s\n", filename, strerror(errno));
    204     return -1;
    205   }
    206   if (ota_close(fd) != 0) {
    207     printf("close of \"%s\" failed: %s\n", filename, strerror(errno));
    208     return -1;
    209   }
    211   return 0;
    212 }
    214 // Write a memory buffer to 'target' partition, a string of the form
    215 // "EMMC:<partition_device>[:...]". The target name
    216 // might contain multiple colons, but WriteToPartition() only uses the first
    217 // two and ignores the rest. Return 0 on success.
    218 int WriteToPartition(const unsigned char* data, size_t len, const std::string& target) {
    219   std::vector<std::string> pieces = android::base::Split(target, ":");
    220   if (pieces.size() < 2 || pieces[0] != "EMMC") {
    221     printf("WriteToPartition called with bad target (%s)\n", target.c_str());
    222     return -1;
    223   }
    225   const char* partition = pieces[1].c_str();
    226   unique_fd fd(ota_open(partition, O_RDWR));
    227   if (fd == -1) {
    228     printf("failed to open %s: %s\n", partition, strerror(errno));
    229     return -1;
    230   }
    232   size_t start = 0;
    233   bool success = false;
    234   for (size_t attempt = 0; attempt < 2; ++attempt) {
    235     if (TEMP_FAILURE_RETRY(lseek(fd, start, SEEK_SET)) == -1) {
    236       printf("failed seek on %s: %s\n", partition, strerror(errno));
    237       return -1;
    238     }
    239     while (start < len) {
    240       size_t to_write = len - start;
    241       if (to_write > 1 << 20) to_write = 1 << 20;
    243       ssize_t written = TEMP_FAILURE_RETRY(ota_write(fd, data + start, to_write));
    244       if (written == -1) {
    245         printf("failed write writing to %s: %s\n", partition, strerror(errno));
    246         return -1;
    247       }
    248       start += written;
    249     }
    251     if (ota_fsync(fd) != 0) {
    252       printf("failed to sync to %s: %s\n", partition, strerror(errno));
    253       return -1;
    254     }
    255     if (ota_close(fd) != 0) {
    256       printf("failed to close %s: %s\n", partition, strerror(errno));
    257       return -1;
    258     }
    260     fd.reset(ota_open(partition, O_RDONLY));
    261     if (fd == -1) {
    262       printf("failed to reopen %s for verify: %s\n", partition, strerror(errno));
    263       return -1;
    264     }
    266     // Drop caches so our subsequent verification read won't just be reading the cache.
    267     sync();
    268     unique_fd dc(ota_open("/proc/sys/vm/drop_caches", O_WRONLY));
    269     if (TEMP_FAILURE_RETRY(ota_write(dc, "3\n", 2)) == -1) {
    270       printf("write to /proc/sys/vm/drop_caches failed: %s\n", strerror(errno));
    271     } else {
    272       printf("  caches dropped\n");
    273     }
    274     ota_close(dc);
    275     sleep(1);
    277     // Verify.
    278     if (TEMP_FAILURE_RETRY(lseek(fd, 0, SEEK_SET)) == -1) {
    279       printf("failed to seek back to beginning of %s: %s\n", partition, strerror(errno));
    280       return -1;
    281     }
    283     unsigned char buffer[4096];
    284     start = len;
    285     for (size_t p = 0; p < len; p += sizeof(buffer)) {
    286       size_t to_read = len - p;
    287       if (to_read > sizeof(buffer)) {
    288         to_read = sizeof(buffer);
    289       }
    291       size_t so_far = 0;
    292       while (so_far < to_read) {
    293         ssize_t read_count = TEMP_FAILURE_RETRY(ota_read(fd, buffer + so_far, to_read - so_far));
    294         if (read_count == -1) {
    295           printf("verify read error %s at %zu: %s\n", partition, p, strerror(errno));
    296           return -1;
    297         } else if (read_count == 0) {
    298           printf("verify read reached unexpected EOF, %s at %zu\n", partition, p);
    299           return -1;
    300         }
    301         if (static_cast<size_t>(read_count) < to_read) {
    302           printf("short verify read %s at %zu: %zd %zu\n", partition, p, read_count, to_read);
    303         }
    304         so_far += read_count;
    305       }
    307       if (memcmp(buffer, data + p, to_read) != 0) {
    308         printf("verification failed starting at %zu\n", p);
    309         start = p;
    310         break;
    311       }
    312     }
    314     if (start == len) {
    315       printf("verification read succeeded (attempt %zu)\n", attempt + 1);
    316       success = true;
    317       break;
    318     }
    320     if (ota_close(fd) != 0) {
    321       printf("failed to close %s: %s\n", partition, strerror(errno));
    322       return -1;
    323     }
    325     fd.reset(ota_open(partition, O_RDWR));
    326     if (fd == -1) {
    327       printf("failed to reopen %s for retry write && verify: %s\n", partition, strerror(errno));
    328       return -1;
    329     }
    330   }
    332   if (!success) {
    333     printf("failed to verify after all attempts\n");
    334     return -1;
    335   }
    337   if (ota_close(fd) == -1) {
    338     printf("error closing %s: %s\n", partition, strerror(errno));
    339     return -1;
    340   }
    341   sync();
    343   return 0;
    344 }
    346 // Take a string 'str' of 40 hex digits and parse it into the 20
    347 // byte array 'digest'.  'str' may contain only the digest or be of
    348 // the form "<digest>:<anything>".  Return 0 on success, -1 on any
    349 // error.
    350 int ParseSha1(const char* str, uint8_t* digest) {
    351     const char* ps = str;
    352     uint8_t* pd = digest;
    353     for (int i = 0; i < SHA_DIGEST_LENGTH * 2; ++i, ++ps) {
    354         int digit;
    355         if (*ps >= '0' && *ps <= '9') {
    356             digit = *ps - '0';
    357         } else if (*ps >= 'a' && *ps <= 'f') {
    358             digit = *ps - 'a' + 10;
    359         } else if (*ps >= 'A' && *ps <= 'F') {
    360             digit = *ps - 'A' + 10;
    361         } else {
    362             return -1;
    363         }
    364         if (i % 2 == 0) {
    365             *pd = digit << 4;
    366         } else {
    367             *pd |= digit;
    368             ++pd;
    369         }
    370     }
    371     if (*ps != '\0') return -1;
    372     return 0;
    373 }
    375 // Search an array of sha1 strings for one matching the given sha1.
    376 // Return the index of the match on success, or -1 if no match is
    377 // found.
    378 static int FindMatchingPatch(uint8_t* sha1, const std::vector<std::string>& patch_sha1_str) {
    379   for (size_t i = 0; i < patch_sha1_str.size(); ++i) {
    380     uint8_t patch_sha1[SHA_DIGEST_LENGTH];
    381     if (ParseSha1(patch_sha1_str[i].c_str(), patch_sha1) == 0 &&
    382         memcmp(patch_sha1, sha1, SHA_DIGEST_LENGTH) == 0) {
    383       return i;
    384     }
    385   }
    386   return -1;
    387 }
    389 // Returns 0 if the contents of the file (argv[2]) or the cached file
    390 // match any of the sha1's on the command line (argv[3:]).  Returns
    391 // nonzero otherwise.
    392 int applypatch_check(const char* filename, const std::vector<std::string>& patch_sha1_str) {
    393   FileContents file;
    395   // It's okay to specify no sha1s; the check will pass if the
    396   // LoadFileContents is successful.  (Useful for reading
    397   // partitions, where the filename encodes the sha1s; no need to
    398   // check them twice.)
    399   if (LoadFileContents(filename, &file) != 0 ||
    400       (!patch_sha1_str.empty() && FindMatchingPatch(file.sha1, patch_sha1_str) < 0)) {
    401     printf("file \"%s\" doesn't have any of expected sha1 sums; checking cache\n", filename);
    403     // If the source file is missing or corrupted, it might be because we were killed in the middle
    404     // of patching it.  A copy of it should have been made in cache_temp_source.  If that file
    405     // exists and matches the sha1 we're looking for, the check still passes.
    406     if (LoadFileContents(CacheLocation::location().cache_temp_source().c_str(), &file) != 0) {
    407       printf("failed to load cache file\n");
    408       return 1;
    409     }
    411     if (FindMatchingPatch(file.sha1, patch_sha1_str) < 0) {
    412       printf("cache bits don't match any sha1 for \"%s\"\n", filename);
    413       return 1;
    414     }
    415   }
    416   return 0;
    417 }
    419 int ShowLicenses() {
    420     ShowBSDiffLicense();
    421     return 0;
    422 }
    424 static size_t FileSink(const unsigned char* data, size_t len, int fd) {
    425   size_t done = 0;
    426   while (done < len) {
    427     ssize_t wrote = TEMP_FAILURE_RETRY(ota_write(fd, data + done, len - done));
    428     if (wrote == -1) {
    429       printf("error writing %zd bytes: %s\n", (len - done), strerror(errno));
    430       return done;
    431     }
    432     done += wrote;
    433   }
    434   return done;
    435 }
    437 // Return the amount of free space (in bytes) on the filesystem
    438 // containing filename.  filename must exist.  Return -1 on error.
    439 size_t FreeSpaceForFile(const char* filename) {
    440     struct statfs sf;
    441     if (statfs(filename, &sf) != 0) {
    442         printf("failed to statfs %s: %s\n", filename, strerror(errno));
    443         return -1;
    444     }
    445     return sf.f_bsize * sf.f_bavail;
    446 }
    448 int CacheSizeCheck(size_t bytes) {
    449     if (MakeFreeSpaceOnCache(bytes) < 0) {
    450         printf("unable to make %zu bytes available on /cache\n", bytes);
    451         return 1;
    452     }
    453     return 0;
    454 }
    456 // This function applies binary patches to EMMC target files in a way that is safe (the original
    457 // file is not touched until we have the desired replacement for it) and idempotent (it's okay to
    458 // run this program multiple times).
    459 //
    460 // - If the SHA-1 hash of <target_filename> is <target_sha1_string>, does nothing and exits
    461 //   successfully.
    462 //
    463 // - Otherwise, if the SHA-1 hash of <source_filename> is one of the entries in <patch_sha1_str>,
    464 //   the corresponding patch from <patch_data> (which must be a VAL_BLOB) is applied to produce a
    465 //   new file (the type of patch is automatically detected from the blob data). If that new file
    466 //   has SHA-1 hash <target_sha1_str>, moves it to replace <target_filename>, and exits
    467 //   successfully. Note that if <source_filename> and <target_filename> are not the same,
    468 //   <source_filename> is NOT deleted on success. <target_filename> may be the string "-" to mean
    469 //   "the same as <source_filename>".
    470 //
    471 // - Otherwise, or if any error is encountered, exits with non-zero status.
    472 //
    473 // <source_filename> must refer to an EMMC partition to read the source data. See the comments for
    474 // the LoadPartitionContents() function above for the format of such a filename. <target_size> has
    475 // become obsolete since we have dropped the support for patching non-EMMC targets (EMMC targets
    476 // have the size embedded in the filename).
    477 int applypatch(const char* source_filename, const char* target_filename,
    478                const char* target_sha1_str, size_t /* target_size */,
    479                const std::vector<std::string>& patch_sha1_str,
    480                const std::vector<std::unique_ptr<Value>>& patch_data, const Value* bonus_data) {
    481   printf("patch %s: ", source_filename);
    483   if (target_filename[0] == '-' && target_filename[1] == '\0') {
    484     target_filename = source_filename;
    485   }
    487   if (strncmp(target_filename, "EMMC:", 5) != 0) {
    488     printf("Supporting patching EMMC targets only.\n");
    489     return 1;
    490   }
    492   uint8_t target_sha1[SHA_DIGEST_LENGTH];
    493   if (ParseSha1(target_sha1_str, target_sha1) != 0) {
    494     printf("failed to parse tgt-sha1 \"%s\"\n", target_sha1_str);
    495     return 1;
    496   }
    498   // We try to load the target file into the source_file object.
    499   FileContents source_file;
    500   if (LoadFileContents(target_filename, &source_file) == 0) {
    501     if (memcmp(source_file.sha1, target_sha1, SHA_DIGEST_LENGTH) == 0) {
    502       // The early-exit case: the patch was already applied, this file has the desired hash, nothing
    503       // for us to do.
    504       printf("already %s\n", short_sha1(target_sha1).c_str());
    505       return 0;
    506     }
    507   }
    509   if (source_file.data.empty() ||
    510       (target_filename != source_filename && strcmp(target_filename, source_filename) != 0)) {
    511     // Need to load the source file: either we failed to load the target file, or we did but it's
    512     // different from the expected.
    513     source_file.data.clear();
    514     LoadFileContents(source_filename, &source_file);
    515   }
    517   if (!source_file.data.empty()) {
    518     int to_use = FindMatchingPatch(source_file.sha1, patch_sha1_str);
    519     if (to_use != -1) {
    520       return GenerateTarget(source_file, patch_data[to_use], target_filename, target_sha1,
    521                             bonus_data);
    522     }
    523   }
    525   printf("source file is bad; trying copy\n");
    527   FileContents copy_file;
    528   if (LoadFileContents(CacheLocation::location().cache_temp_source().c_str(), &copy_file) < 0) {
    529     printf("failed to read copy file\n");
    530     return 1;
    531   }
    533   int to_use = FindMatchingPatch(copy_file.sha1, patch_sha1_str);
    534   if (to_use == -1) {
    535     printf("copy file doesn't match source SHA-1s either\n");
    536     return 1;
    537   }
    539   return GenerateTarget(copy_file, patch_data[to_use], target_filename, target_sha1, bonus_data);
    540 }
    542 /*
    543  * This function flashes a given image to the target partition. It verifies
    544  * the target cheksum first, and will return if target has the desired hash.
    545  * It checks the checksum of the given source image before flashing, and
    546  * verifies the target partition afterwards. The function is idempotent.
    547  * Returns zero on success.
    548  */
    549 int applypatch_flash(const char* source_filename, const char* target_filename,
    550                      const char* target_sha1_str, size_t target_size) {
    551   printf("flash %s: ", target_filename);
    553   uint8_t target_sha1[SHA_DIGEST_LENGTH];
    554   if (ParseSha1(target_sha1_str, target_sha1) != 0) {
    555     printf("failed to parse tgt-sha1 \"%s\"\n", target_sha1_str);
    556     return 1;
    557   }
    559   std::string target_str(target_filename);
    560   std::vector<std::string> pieces = android::base::Split(target_str, ":");
    561   if (pieces.size() != 2 || pieces[0] != "EMMC") {
    562     printf("invalid target name \"%s\"", target_filename);
    563     return 1;
    564   }
    566   // Load the target into the source_file object to see if already applied.
    567   pieces.push_back(std::to_string(target_size));
    568   pieces.push_back(target_sha1_str);
    569   std::string fullname = android::base::Join(pieces, ':');
    570   FileContents source_file;
    571   if (LoadPartitionContents(fullname, &source_file) == 0 &&
    572       memcmp(source_file.sha1, target_sha1, SHA_DIGEST_LENGTH) == 0) {
    573     // The early-exit case: the image was already applied, this partition
    574     // has the desired hash, nothing for us to do.
    575     printf("already %s\n", short_sha1(target_sha1).c_str());
    576     return 0;
    577   }
    579   if (LoadFileContents(source_filename, &source_file) == 0) {
    580     if (memcmp(source_file.sha1, target_sha1, SHA_DIGEST_LENGTH) != 0) {
    581       // The source doesn't have desired checksum.
    582       printf("source \"%s\" doesn't have expected sha1 sum\n", source_filename);
    583       printf("expected: %s, found: %s\n", short_sha1(target_sha1).c_str(),
    584              short_sha1(source_file.sha1).c_str());
    585       return 1;
    586     }
    587   }
    589   if (WriteToPartition(source_file.data.data(), target_size, target_filename) != 0) {
    590     printf("write of copied data to %s failed\n", target_filename);
    591     return 1;
    592   }
    593   return 0;
    594 }
    596 static int GenerateTarget(const FileContents& source_file, const std::unique_ptr<Value>& patch,
    597                           const std::string& target_filename,
    598                           const uint8_t target_sha1[SHA_DIGEST_LENGTH], const Value* bonus_data) {
    599   if (patch->type != VAL_BLOB) {
    600     printf("patch is not a blob\n");
    601     return 1;
    602   }
    604   const char* header = &patch->data[0];
    605   size_t header_bytes_read = patch->data.size();
    606   bool use_bsdiff = false;
    607   if (header_bytes_read >= 8 && memcmp(header, "BSDIFF40", 8) == 0) {
    608     use_bsdiff = true;
    609   } else if (header_bytes_read >= 8 && memcmp(header, "IMGDIFF2", 8) == 0) {
    610     use_bsdiff = false;
    611   } else {
    612     printf("Unknown patch file format\n");
    613     return 1;
    614   }
    616   CHECK(android::base::StartsWith(target_filename, "EMMC:"));
    618   // We still write the original source to cache, in case the partition write is interrupted.
    619   if (MakeFreeSpaceOnCache(source_file.data.size()) < 0) {
    620     printf("not enough free space on /cache\n");
    621     return 1;
    622   }
    623   if (SaveFileContents(CacheLocation::location().cache_temp_source().c_str(), &source_file) < 0) {
    624     printf("failed to back up source file\n");
    625     return 1;
    626   }
    628   // We store the decoded output in memory.
    629   std::string memory_sink_str;  // Don't need to reserve space.
    630   SinkFn sink = [&memory_sink_str](const unsigned char* data, size_t len) {
    631     memory_sink_str.append(reinterpret_cast<const char*>(data), len);
    632     return len;
    633   };
    635   SHA_CTX ctx;
    636   SHA1_Init(&ctx);
    638   int result;
    639   if (use_bsdiff) {
    640     result =
    641         ApplyBSDiffPatch(source_file.data.data(), source_file.data.size(), *patch, 0, sink, &ctx);
    642   } else {
    643     result = ApplyImagePatch(source_file.data.data(), source_file.data.size(), *patch, sink, &ctx,
    644                              bonus_data);
    645   }
    647   if (result != 0) {
    648     printf("applying patch failed\n");
    649     return 1;
    650   }
    652   uint8_t current_target_sha1[SHA_DIGEST_LENGTH];
    653   SHA1_Final(current_target_sha1, &ctx);
    654   if (memcmp(current_target_sha1, target_sha1, SHA_DIGEST_LENGTH) != 0) {
    655     printf("patch did not produce expected sha1\n");
    656     return 1;
    657   } else {
    658     printf("now %s\n", short_sha1(target_sha1).c_str());
    659   }
    661   // Write back the temp file to the partition.
    662   if (WriteToPartition(reinterpret_cast<const unsigned char*>(memory_sink_str.c_str()),
    663                        memory_sink_str.size(), target_filename) != 0) {
    664     printf("write of patched data to %s failed\n", target_filename.c_str());
    665     return 1;
    666   }
    668   // Delete the backup copy of the source.
    669   unlink(CacheLocation::location().cache_temp_source().c_str());
    671   // Success!
    672   return 0;
    673 }